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The right lubricants can improve profitability, productivity and sustainability. Procurement decisions in almost any market you can imagine are driven primarily by one or more of the following three factors: profitability, productivity and sustainability. In the rapidly evolving world of hydraulic equipment, hardware is changing quickly to meet demands for more throughput on both mobile and stationary equipment. This requires each system component to operate under ever more challenging circumstances. But it is not just the hardware that is changing — hydraulic lubricants must also change in lockstep with the hardware. After all, the evolving equipment is operating at higher operational speeds and pressures, increasing use of electronic control, greater precision and accuracy, and more compact systems that demand smaller lubricant sump capacity. In light of the rapidly changing equipment requirements, one thing remains constant: Facilities cannot afford the effects on profitability of unplanned downtime. To prevent that from happening, lubricants also must not fail. Lubrizol’s research has focused on creating a total hydraulic solution by combining industry-known, durable additive chemistry with shear-stable, energyefficient polymers. This combination of chemistries improves profitability through reduced fuel and energy costs; productivity by keeping equipment in working order more consistently; and sustainability by reducing energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions—all while maximizing lubricant durability.

Figure 1. As a result of its distinct molecular structure, Lucant lowers the number of parasitic losses that occur when fluid flows around bends, twists and turns, or through valves, filters and other nonlinear hardware flow paths. This image illustrates a secondary flow field (denoted by the arrows) as a fluid navigates a 90° bend in a pipe. www.fluidpowerworld.com

8 • 2021



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