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Audiovisual Communications
Business Education and Office Administration
Business Administration
*Mary Rieder (Head), G. Howard Clark, *Joseph Foegen, *Judy Gemander, Michael Gieske, Donald Hunter, Duane Petersen, ShirleyPolejewski, Richard Schneider, Marvin Wolfmeyer, Pamela Wolfmeyer. Ruth Hopf (Head), *Warren Marley, *Shirley Eiken, Ruby Richardson. ^Frederick W. Foss (Head), *Jerry Witt, Donald Fick, *David J. Rislove, Mary Dressel.Communication and Theatre Arts
*Otto Frank (Head), Amanda Aarestad, *Archie Beighley, Raymond Brooks, Glenn Carlson, *Wayne Erickson, *George Grangaard, *James Keill, *Wayne Kirk, *Eldon Koplin, Helen McGrath, Norma McGeoch, *Leland McMillen, *Howard Munson, Doris Pennell, *Frank Rocco, *Wayne Sanford.
Educational Administration
*Brice Wilkinson, (Head), *Jacque Reidelberger, Walter McCormick, Vivian Fusillo, Emalou Roth, *Curtis B. Siemers.Foreign Languages
Educational Psychology and Counseling
Health, Physical Education and Recreation
Susan J. Day (Dept. Head & Dir. HPER Women), *Richard Behnke, LaVonne Fiereck, Gary Grob, Joyce O. Locks (Dir. Women’s Athletics), Marjorie A. Moravec, Sue Ann Kuchenmeister, Robert W. Gunner, Robert Keister, * Dwight H. Marston (Dir. Men’s Athletics), *John L. Martin, Francis J. McCann, *Randolph Miller (Dir. Intramurals), Madeo Molinari, Myron E. Smith (Dir. HPER Men), Leslie Wothke.
Geology and Earth Science
Individualized Study Program
*Robert Meinhard (Head), *Arthur Barsky, George Bates, *SeymourByman, *Clifton Hart, Roderick Henry, Henry Hull, *John Mishark, * Marvin Palecek, * Eugene Ridings, Norman Sobiesk.
Industrial Education
*J. H. Capron (Head), Mathew E. Barry (Safety Education) Richard Beck, Donald W. Cramer, * Glenn F. Dukes, *Leo D. Morgan, * Wayne Purtzer, * Gerald W. Tobin
Library Science
Mathematical Science
Medical Technology
* Richmond McCluer(Head), Gene Anderson, Carlis Anderson, Agnes Bard, Milton Davenport, *Walter R. Hinds, Jr., Robert Hungerford, *Richard J. Lindner,*Ivan Olson, Richard Sovinec.
Grace Deloughery (Head), Carol Beeston, Betty Darby, Joan Ediger, Karen Gleason, Eleanor O’Meara, Frances Rowan, Dolores Schiller, Carol Spaag, Lynn Theurer, Charlotte Tripp, Lorene Wedeking, Margaret Welch.
Political Science
Physical Therapy
*John Lewis (Head),
The general function of the department is to foster a scientific approach to the understanding and modification of behavior with emphasis on human behavior. The department offers two majors and a minor for students enrolled in the B. A. program, and a B.S. minor.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship: A New Beginning
Although W.S.U. Christian Fellowship has had, in the past, an established history on campus, this year the group became an officially recognized chapter of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. The group consists of about 100 students who are devoted to serving the Lord and carrying out the primary purposes of IV which are discipleship, evangelism, fellowship, and missions.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship is open to all students and faculty who are interested in its purposes. The bond unifying the group is the love of Jesus Christ and is integrated into their lives through Bible studies, prayer meetings, rallies, workshops, and retreats.
TOP; Enjoying Christian fellowship at a retreat in Caledonia, Mn. are several students from W.S.U. CENTER LEFT: Studying God’s Word in an on-campus Bible study are N. Jensen, B. Eggen, A. Falkenberg, K. Arndt and M. Nelson. CENTER RIGHT: Organizing IVCF activities is the responsibility of the executive steering committee; K. Polus, J. Weins, M. Frasczak, D. Lyngstad. BOTTOM; Praising the Lord in song is the Gospel singing group Lamb.
NORWAY ‘News’ Rocks
EXAMINING a rock is V. Agbe-Davies. Others interested are; FRONT ROWR. Paulzine (V.P.), A. Scheer (Treas.), C. Hokanson (Sec.), R. Wilkes, S. Hopper, Dr. Donovan. Row Two-K. McCullough, B. B. Shoup, C. Leuders, S. Loftin, J. Schmitz, J. Horner, P. Squillace. Row three-T. Taylor, J. Eifealdt, K. Johnson, M. Cady. The remaining 2/3 of the Club were watching this picture being taken!
Oslo Exchange Committee (left to right): Front Row-Miss Amanda Aarestad, D. Aspenson, H. Magnus (’76-77 USA Exchange), A. Baker (Sec-treas). SECOND
ROW: S. Fors (’75-76 Norweigen Exchange), J. Hongerholt (’74-75 USA Exchange), B. Skrukrud, Dr. M. Wedul (’75-76 Chairperson). Not pictured, but going to Norway ’76-77 are: Michele Amble and Rob Morrison. Ivar Gogstad will be coming to WSU next fall from Norway.
This was the first year for the GEOLOGY CLUB. We went on field trips in Southern Minnesota to look at local geology and collect samples; in Northern Minnesota, we studied the Iron Range. In Ontario’s Sudbury basin, we saw the mining industry from “mines to mill”. We also had two guest lecturers. Mr. Bennick shared his experiences as a geologist in the Iron Range; Dr. Lee Gerhardt from North Dakota State University gave us presentations on coral reefs and carbonate rocks.
THE WSU OSLO EXCHANGE COMMITTEE is concerned with providing living accommodations and books for the Norweigen students who attend USE, and selecting good representatives to spend a year at the Oslo “LAERERSKOLE” (teacher’s college). Since the program began functioning in 1959, more than 40 Norweigen and American students have participated.
“The pen is mightier than the sword.” Winonan Staff Our newspaper Staff, the Winonan’s (left to right); “BUZZ”, S. Levin (News Editor), D. Galchutt (Bus. Mgr.), C. Homji (Ass’t. Bus. Mgr.), J. Fleming (reporter), L. Frost (Sports Editor), T. Tademe (Editor-in-Chief), W. Andres. NOT PICTURED: J. Christenson, A. Morris, C. Judd, M. Murck, S. Kaplan, K. Haugh, B. Wagnon, J. Fuchs, T. Feehan, M. Olson, P. Lother, F. Larson, J. Wanner, K. Burnett, M. McEnany, J. Eifeadlt, J. Rogge, M. Sippel, S. Sogla.
Governing Bodies Initiate Unity
Panhellenic Council is the governing body of thethree sororities on campus. The purposes of this council include establishing and regulating rush activities, unifying sorority interests and carrying out mutual sorority activities. Delta Zeta, Alpha Xi Delta and Alpha Delta Pi sororities make up Panhellenic Council. Activities for 1975-76 included a Tri-Sorority Banquet, a Progressive Dinner and rush functions activities that provide an opportunity for WSU women to learn more about sorority life.
THE STUDENT SENATE works for the students of WSU in many ways. In regards to general student affairs, the Senate is working to improve registration, securing a sports announcer, conducting a housing survey, supervising a study hall for finals in the cafeteria, and running a profit-free book exchange.
The legislative affairs branch of the Senate works with MSUSA (the unifying body of the six state universities) on the state level to change laws affecting thestudents at our State Universities.
Another sub-committee of the Senate, the Academic Affairs Committee, studies the course requirements and programs, conducts the faculty-course evaluation, publishes The Outline, and reviews academic policies.
The Student Senate is working with the City Council to improve relations between the students and residents of Winona. Housing, keggers, and parking have been the topics of prime concern. The Senate has various functions; some are mentioned above—all are geared to help the students of Winona State University.
This group is the over-all governing body for all Residence Halls.
It consists of executive officers elected in the Spring by all residents, and Hall Presidents and Vice-Presidents elected in each individual dorm.
The INTERRESIDENCE HALL COUNCIL coordinates activities within the Halls and initiates or sanctions policy changes to be made.
Greeks: Care .Share .Flare!!
DELTA ZETA national social sorority is always busy on campus. Besides their social events, DZs are also service-oriented. This year the DZs ushered for WSU’s dance theatre performances, volunteered their time each month working for the mentally retarded in the Winona community, worked for the Heart Fund Association, sold and delivered their traditional Val-o-grams, held a Style Show for the local Winona merchants in the new Student Lounge, participated in Freshmen Orientation Week and, this year, they won the Inter-Greek Scholarship!
And the girls enjoy evenings working with and enjoying EACH OTHER. Surprize parties, raids, singing, ’kidnapping,’ progressive dinners with other Greeks, the Winter and Spring Formal Banquets, the annual DZ Getaway these are all part of the fun that each Delta Zeta experiences.
The members of ALPHA XI DELTA have also been busy the past year on numerous activities. Philanthropic services have included aiding the Y-Teen Program, providing leadership for various Girl Scout Troops, and collecting for the Heart Fund. Social activities this year included fraternity exchanges. Alumnae Teas, and a Christmas DinnerDance. Scholarship has been promoted throughout the year by a Study Program and Awards Banquets.
Alpha Delta Pi Sorority had a very suecessful year, increasing its membership from 16 to 27. Highlights include: Spring Banquet, which was held at the Holiday Inn in Rochester; Parents’ Picnic, Alumni Tea, and visits from Alpha Delta Pi’s national Vice President, Mrs. Virginia Stafford and their ProVince President, Mrs. David Unruh, throughout the year.
ALPHA DELTA PI: Row 1 (1-r): D. SonsaUa, B. Cashin, V. Greeder, J. Leekness. 2nd Row: M. Harrell, H. Pelobski, C. Moe, S. Hogan, D. Miller. 3rd Row: M. Tackaberry, J. Pehl, R. Rediske, K. Roby, D. Sandberg, R. Anderson. 4th Row: M. Kopel, J. Redman, K. Evans, L. BothweU, L. Irke.
DELTA ZETA: ‘Delta’ formation (from top, counterclockwise): L. Bettcher, M. Erickson, A. Kryzer, L. Hacker, B. Doffing, A. Kramer, J. Lillebo, L. Snelten. ‘Zeta’ (start top left): D. Marciniak, D. Sabotta, P. Muellen, C. Wittmer, J. Brown, D. Nowak, L. Monk, J. Kramer. Not pictured: C. Dahlberg. ALPHA XI DELTA: 1st Row: J. Marxen, M. Barton-Miller, M. Maze, L. Newman, P. Schultz, 2nd Row: J. Wermer, C. Hennemen, B. Larsen, K. Cadwell, D. Dullum, M. Lund. 3rd Row: L. Johnson, T. Friedrich, M.J. Pudgeon, D. Walch. 4th Row: J. Glasrud, J. Putman, M. Perron, D. Thelan, M. Kiedrowski. 5th Row: G. Herbst, J. Nichol.PHI SIGMA EPSILON: 1st Row: S. Abrahamson, K. Ohnesorge, D. Galchutt, G. Gaudette, S. Nelson, J. Karnick. Back Row: W. Jansen, F. Larson, J. Hargarten, P. Smith, H. Brehm, G. Rother, Not Pictured: D. Miller, K. Michaels, J. Schumann, C. Haag, M. McEnany, Pam Schultz (Phi Sig’s Sweetheart), Pat Sokoloski (WSU’s 1975-76 Homecoming Queen).
PHI SIGMA EPSILON has had a growing year in ’75-76. Starting out with four pledges, they have now doubled that number. They started off the year with a bang when their candidate was crowned Homecoming Queen. They remsined busy throughout the year with Intramurals, Winterfest, and Greek Day, a trip to Oshkosh, the Spring Frolic Kegger, and the Spring Banquet in Rochester. Phi Sig’s motto was getting back to brotherhood in 1975-76.
SIGMA TAU GAMMA has something to give! Sig Tau’s are involved in a variety of social and cultural events during the year. They include parties, fund raising drives, formal banquets, and outdoor activities. But most of all, Sig Tau offers the opportunity to gain experience in the roles and responsibilities of leadership.
TAU KAPPA EPSILON at WSU is the largest frat on campus. Besides working with Dr. Fremling on his Winona Lake project, the Tekes participated in many social events, both at WSU and at other schools. New this year is the “Teke Little Sisters” who help in the social planning. College life is socializing ing and that’s what the TEKES do.
SIGMA TAU GAMMA-Front Row (left to right): J. Johnson, P. Watkins, S. Godfrey, T. Laing, B. Evens, K. Payne, M. Lund. Back Row: K. Potts, L. Mertz, S. Wegman. TKE, 1st ROW (1-r): T. Herb, M. Anderson, P. Clemensen, D. Siehndel, J. Wilson, D. Pfíffner, S. Adams. 2: B. Brandt, T. Haase, S. Brecker, J. Smith, Ken Burk, R. Robertus, K. Burk. 3: J. Dullard, S. EUingson, R. Lundeen, H. Wolke, G. Lissick, K. Johnson.VANGUARD is a non-denominational group that meets weekly to study the Bible. Membership is open to anyone. The Bible is the only text used in study, and each meeting is open for discussion of the passage under current consideration. Fellowship is also an integral part of group goals. Left to Right: D. Kelly, V. Wood, B. Logue, B. Keipen
Love GOD and dance!
Winona State University’s WARRIORETTES placed Fourth and Second respectively in this year’s St. Paul Winter Carnival (they participate in it each year). At the beginning of each school year. Warriorette’s hold tryouts for those interested. WSU’s ‘danceline’ entertains before games and at half-time during football and basketball seasons. LEFT TO RIGHT, Front row—T. Brechwald, B. Grieme. Second row—C. Goodrich, A. Wilkening, D. McColley, L. Landeblom. Third row—L. Snelton, B. Card. Fourth row—L. Bettcher (Choreographer), P. Mueller (Treas.), J. Fleming (Sec.), and C. Straining.
LUTHERAN COLLEGIATES is a national association of Lutheran college and university students whose purpose on the Winona State University campus is to stimulate greater Christian growth which helps students meet their responsibilities in church and society. They also purpose to win others for Christ by fostering a thorough study of the Scriptures. FRONT ROW (left to right): C. Frank, J. Rupprecht, B. Ubl, L. Schrimpf. Second row: P. Meek, S. Schuppenhauer, L. Pieper (Pres.), K. Ties, Vicar Richard Lehmann.
BLACK CULTURAL AWARENESS ORGANIZATION: Sitting, left to right, T. Tamrat, C. Purnell, J. Hardy, F. McCann, J. Surrency, Sammy. StandingJ. Washington, D. Anderson, E, Middleton, L. Wright, L.
LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRY happens at our Center, 303 Winona St.—“Shalomen” (place of peace) is located in the basement and is the locus of all manner of student activity—T.V.; study; rapping; games; snacks etc.—upstairs you’ll find Pastor Sortland’s office, worship and seminar area, library and kitchen. Activities : student worship, seminars retreats— counselling—Komallia (singers)— hospital C & R visitation-conferenees.... come and see us!
The BLACK CULTURAL AWARENESS Organization has been active this year. We attended affairs in St. Cloud and Gustavus Adolphus, and had our own presentation in honor of Black History
Week at which the “Sounds of Blackness Choir” (Minneapolis) sang, and Dr. Val Woodward, (U of M) guest speaker, spoke to us on genetics. It was a nice year! We now have 30 members and officers E. Middleton (Pres), F. McCann (VP), D. Whitmore (Treas), D. Harris (Sec).
KOINONIA: FRONT ROW (left to right)—!. Schoewe, B. Voigt, D. Risius, C. Tlougan, M. Gre-
P. Zakariasen, D. Schroeder, D. Thorn. 2nd ROW-S. Hoffman, D. Abrath, V. Green, C. Becker,
Sponsored by UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY, Koinonia is a singing and liturgical group of about 20 WSU students. They have sung in many local and area churches and have led services on campus. UCM Programs havealso included students dinners. Fireside Chats with faculty people, and the Celebration Road Show Concert. Rev. Pat Russell, UCM’s new Campus Minister, came to WSU in the fall of 1975. UCM is supported by churches of seven denominations.
Working Together
We, top picture, are the Student Minnesota Education Association/Student National Education Association. SMEA/SNEA is the professional organization open to all students majoring in Education.
Our group’s functions on Winona State University’s Campus include the following:
—sponsoring educational programs and speakers,
—sponsoring social activities for its members, and
—financing SMEA/SNEA students, enabling them to go to conventions and workshops. We are your professional organization: helping YOU! Advisor: Mr. Carlson.
KAPPA DELTA PI is an honor society in Education open to anyone entering the teaching profession in ANY field. Members are Juniors and Seniors and hold a gradepoint average of 3.05 or better. Kappa Delta Pi and SMEA/SNEA have met jointly to become ’educated’ together.
The POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION is comprised of students interested in political activities and Political Science. Annual activities include participation in the Minnesota State University Legislative Day and the Midwest Political Science Association convention in Chicago, Illinois. Additionally, a scholarship, established through alumni donations and fund raising activities on Campus, is awarded to deserving students of Political Science.
SMEA/SNEA: FRONT (l-r)-M. Oynes, J. Fuchs, M. Condon, L. Gibbs. 2ND-D. Schroeder, M. Feine, L. Shima, K. Cadwell, K. Shetka. 3RD-R. Trusión, M. Shield, D. Deer. KAPPA DELTA PI: FRONT ROW (1. to r.), 1976-77 Officers-J. Brooks, L. Rester, B. Reisenauer (Pres.), C. Goodrich, C. Boyer. SECOND ROW—T. McComus, L. Gibbs, S. Schwirtz, G. Morin, N. Burke, G. Goyer. THIRD ROW-C. Kryzer, T. Haase, L. Shima, J. Rupprecht, L. Adelmann, D. Peters, D. Aspenson, D. Swenson.s, J. Kryzsko, originally lacking Minnesota Legislative support, devised a plan making today’s State University systern’s college union construction possible. Phase I: Kryzsko Commons, WSU, completed Summer of ’65; Phase II—the Fall of ’68. Completion of Kryzsko’s final phase was ob-
III: Completed!
served Sept. 29, and the building was dedicated as KRYZSKO COMMONS to recognize his role in this development and others past. Mr. Kryzsko is shown cutting the ribbon (to right). Others (1-r): Pres. DuFresne, Mayor N. Indall, Chancellor Mitau, Bill Marx, and Mr. C. Zane.
December 3,1975 marked the first day of broadcasting for KQAL-
KQAL: 89.5 FM
KQAL is a student operated station with an emphasis on experimental programming, and offers many opportunities for student participation. A constantly revolving staff maintains a 19-hour seven-day weekbroadcast schedule.
At the 51st Annual Meeting of the National Association of Schools of Music, Richmond McCluer, on behalf of WSU’s Music Department, accepted national recognition from the President of N.A.S.M., Everett Timm (left, below).
Membership in N.A.S.M. carries the prestige accrued during over forty years of leadership in music in higher education. The N.A.S.M. is recognized by the National Commission on Accrediting as the accrediting agency for music in higher education.
The State University Board elected its first student member, Timothy Penny, in 1975. On May 11,1976, his brother, Mitch, was voted in by 592 of 1120 students as Student Senate President for 1976-77. Barb Larson will serve as Vice President; Gayle Gehrke as Treasurer.
EIGHT MEMBERS of the Winona State University Faculty, retiring this year, will be designated Professors of Emeritus for WSU, and will be presented their awards at Commencement Exercises, May 22, 1976. The retirees, in order of length of service to the University, are: Floretta Murray (Art Dept.), Agnes Bard (Music), Dr. Augusta Nelson (English), Dr. Margaret Boddy (English), Dr. Harold Guthrie (English), Dr. Harold Rogge (Psychology Counselling), Dr. Arthur Barsky (History), and Dr. Melvin Doner, Biology).
FM WSU. L to R are: Dr. Brice Wilkinson, CTA Dept. Head; Bruce Hittner, Student Director; Chancellor C. T. Mitau; Tom Kelly, Vice Pres, for Public Information and Jacque Reidelberger, Faculty Station Advisor.NO EXIT-pic tured. THE NEW BAD JO JO, WE’RE DUE IN EASTBOURNEthe 4 student directed one-acts
OTHELLO; Famous tragedy directed by Vivian Fusillo opened Wenonah Players’ 1975-1976 season.
Wenonah Players Presents
THE MIND; AND NICOLEDreams provided TTE; over 4,000 the theme, for children & adults Winter Qtr.’s an- attended this nual theatrical ex- yearly chüdren’s
f y ^^gÉjffÉm perience.
I 1 / show.
The WSU lettermen belong to an exelusive organization-the “W” Club. The “W” Club represents the TOP men in all athletics at Winona State University. Lettermen from thevarious sports at the University and representing the “W” Club are: L-R, Row 1-J. Radke, R. Lenock, J. Fleck, S. Nowariak, H. Strey, R. Marchand. Row 2-B. Lee, D. Perkins, P. Rader, D. Anderson, R. Esser, V. Augustine, P. Sir.
Kappa Pi, Art Fraternity
The ALPHA UPSILON CHAPTER of KAPPA PI, The International Honorary Art Fraternity, is made up of students with a major or minor in art who show high scholastic ability and outstanding professional and personal qualities. The purpose of the fraternity is to promote art on university and college campuses.
The Alpha Upsilon Chapter does this by annually sponsoring the All-Campus Art Show. This year it was December 10-16 in Watkins Gallery. The Fraternity introduced itself to potential members by sponsoring an experimental art experience during February. Initiation of these members followed in May.
1975-76 was a re-building year for S.A.M., kindled through a joint effort by WilHard Rick, Robert Strauss and Dr. Foegen. Programs ineluded such speakers as Robert Bone (Ex. V.P. of Chamber of Commerce), Herb Peter (Merchant Nat’l Bank), Rod Hurd (KWNO), Dr. Mary Reider (Head of Bus. Ad Dept.) Paul Brewer (Attorney), and Robert Hahn (CPA). Social tours were to Warner and Swasey Corp. and Winona Knitting Mills. On a tour to Mpls., sites of interest were the Federal Reserve Bank Grey Advertising Agency, and the Olympia Brewery.
S.A.M.—A Building Year
The WINONA STATE KARATE CLUB has grown to approximately 30 regular members. The students are taught the art through ’kata’ (forms), basics, and ‘kumite’ (free style sparring). Students learn to defend against attacks with blocks, punches, and kicks. Karate Club demonstrated at half time during a basket ball game in Jan.; did a 14hour show on Ch. 12—TV in April. Karate can be taken for credit at WSU and St. Mary’s.
the Remembrance Shop
Bringing to Winona the Finest in Halmark Cards, Gifts, and Candies
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Top And Bottom Shop
Featuring: Farah, Haggar, and Arrow
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Griders and Harriers
Winona State’s WARRIORS had a winning season this fall. Football fans watched as the team worked its way to a 54 record. The coaches are looking forward to an even better season next year, as much of the team is returning.
For a young and slightly inexperienced group, WSU’s Cross Country Team fared well. Junior Bob Eiselt took fifty-second out of 400 in National Competition and second in the Conference Meet. Two members, Daryl Henderson and Larry Oglesby, were out with injuries at the end of the season. The team placed last at the Conference Meet. Moorhead State placed first.
Volleyballs and Balance Beams
The VOLLEY SQUAD plays whomever they can be scheduled with—small and large colleges. Their record this year was 18-19, placing 4th in State MAIAW and 2nd in Small Colleges in Minnesota. Coach Fiereck recognizes graduating seniors: Lynn Spence —Most Valuable Player; Merg Schmidt—4yrVarsity member, ’75-76 Captain, and highest scorer this year—246 points; Jeanne Pingree —setter; and Michaeleen Bellows—MGR. since the Team began four years ago.
WSU’s GYM SQUAD won one and lost three, and placed third in a Triangular Meet. Qualified for regionals this year were Mary Mugrich on the balance beam and Monica Phillips as All-Around. The Squad only loses one senior this year. Deb Harkness. Stephen Juaire coaches the Squad.
1975-76 WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL TEAM (1-r), Front Row-L. Hungerford, B. Walker, L. Spence, M. Dunlap, J. Bailey, 2nd Row-R. Holzinger, G. Hare, J. Pingree, M. Aymond, M. Schmidt, N. Lund. 3rd Row-L. Faldet,M. Bellows, S. Patterson, J. Kronebusch, B. Palcich, C. Bakalyar, M. Bartley, T. HaU, Fiereck “Gym Squad” (l-r). Front Row-A. Greenslit, M. Phillips, D. Harkness, M. Munvich. Back-T. Larson, K. Rolseth, J. Shepard, 1. Kaler, S. Juaire (COACH).Ball Bouncers
The 1975-76 WARRIOR’S Basketball Record, 6-19, clearly revealed the team’s lack of experieiice and height. Paul Sir, injured and out of the season after ten games, had been the only returning Varsity player. Warrior’s Coach Hicks calls the year a frustrating one, but all on the team are returning next year, and he’s also going to be doing lots of recruiting.
The record of WSU’S WOMEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM was 5-8. Coach Moravec is looking for a better season in ’76-77. Since all the team is returning next year, the women will have more experience and still be a young team.
WOMEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM (1-r), Front Row—L. Hungerford, B. Walker, K. Kuchenbecker, D. Brenner, C. Berkner, M. Johns. Row 2-T. Kruger (MGR), J. Madelko (MGR), K. Chiglo, B. Linder, J. Grobe, M. Smyth, J. O’Brien, S. Klippenstein, Coach Moravec.Pinners and Poolers
WARRIOR WRESTLERS came into the season with much potential for a winning year. Throughout the season, individual talents were shown. Marlow Burton was the pride of WSU’s Team, placing 2nd Nationally. Melva took third nationally-
Individually, the WOMEN’S SWIM TEAM did well in state competition: Duffy (freshman) set a state record—100-yd-breast-stroke in 1:13.78; Hasselbring won a 4th and two-5th place finishes. The Team finished with a 1-4 record, and placed 8th of 13. Two men of five on the MEN’S SWIM TEAM advanced to National competition: Picha (diver) and Youngvorst (100,200-yd backstroke). The entire team entered NIC competition and took home a 0-7 record due to small team size. They have recruited six men for the 1976-77 season, brightening their efforts for a better win next year.
Baseball season at WSU was exceptionally successful, with a record of31-9 going into championship competition. Ahrens had a batting average of 405. The team beat St. Olaf in NIC District competition, putting them in championship position. Coach Gary Grob is looking forward to another winning season in 1976-77.
The 1975-76 WOMEN’S SOFTBALL TEAM won six and lost eleven, having a ‘team’ batting average of 380 and strong pitchers who are returning next year. Paula Ernst, one of three senior players, was awarded Most Valuable Player. Captains for the 1976-77 season will be Kim McCollough and Kari Torgerson. They look forward to a good year, with a more experienced, but still young, team for the coming year.
BASEBALL TEAM (1-r), Front Row-D. Ogren, J. Wright, B. Horner, B. Boeltes, M. Huettl, G. Ahrens, B. Lee, 2ND-S. Nowariak (MGR), J. Bannon (Ass’t. MGR), J. Radke, T. Blakemore, R. Schoeneman, R. Steinhoff, J. Fleck, R. Lenoch, 3RD-G. Grob (Head Coach), Tri-captains-D. Anderson, H. Strey, J. Kraschel; P. Rader, J. Riles, C. Miller, R. Marchand, J. Hughes, C. Kjos.Fleet Feet
Myron Smith’s proud of the MEN’S TRACK TEAM. The men set new records INDOORS (the sprint relayl:14.4;300-yd dash-32.4, Washington; Most Valuable Trackster—based on long, high, and triplejump—Wright) AND OUT(100-yd-dashin :9.8, Wright; 1-mile-run in 4:16.3, Henderson; 800-ydrelay in 1:31.1; sprint medly in 3:32.8). Additionally, Barber, Anderson, and Clark set new records. Any record set since 1928 has been broken exceptjavelin. Last year, one woman wentto State.This year, three qualified for Regional Meet Gosselin, Patterson, and Valinski. Terry Valinski is the first WSU student placing nation-wide (16th in the Pentathaïon; the-5-event-toumament)! Coach Moravec is proud! Patterson was 5th regionally, and Gosselin was 15 of 35 in 2-mile-run.
Our MEN’S TENNIS TEAM placed third out of five teams that had entered the NIC Conference Meet. BiU Colclough came in with a second place finish in single’s competition at this meet also. The WOMEN’S TENNIS RACKETEERS fared well individually. The ‘doubles’ team of Nancy Pearson and Joan Brunjes had an over-all record of 12-8, with 94 in tournament action. Mary Bartley turned in 10 wins and eight losses. Coach Fiereck is hoping for a good season next year, as many of the women will be returning.
Winona State had a WOMEN’S GOLF TEAM for the first time ever. The Team consisted of five women, all of whom will be returning next year. Their record for 1975-76 was 2-0. Ruth Baukol was a medalist in each of the Meets. The Women’s Golf Program is off to a good start; we hope they will continue to do as well.
The WSU MEN’S GOLF TEAM participated in several tournaments. Overall, they finished in the middle of the field against strong competítion. In the Northern Intercollegiate Conference Meet, the team finished fourth in a -field of seven teams. In the Northern Iowa Classics, Winona placed 8th out of 14 teams. Tom Berg led the squad with the lowest average, 76. Tom Fischbach was a close second with an average of 77. The third lowest average was held by Bill Ward (80). Other team averages: Ted Kennedy (83), and Steve Cox (86).
Cartoons really come in handy when teams don’t show for a picture! Here’s another one this in place of the WSU MEN’S GOLF TEAM. WOMEN’S GOLF TEAM (left to right)-E. Anne Herman, Patricia McGuire, Kathy Leuendusky, Ruth Baukol, Mary Blagsuedt, Madeo Molinari (COACH).h e e r e r $
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does provide residence accommodations for approximately 1100 students presently taking classes at ^ W the “U”. The remaining r 3400 are recognized and represented here North, South, East, or West of the University.
This Page Sponsored by McVey’s Ice Cream Shop
OFF-CAMPUS RESIDENTS, Above (1-r)—living East of the “U” are k M. Becker and C.Harpel. South À ^ of the “U” is C. Forsyth. Æ West of the “U” are P. Kluzikand J.Schoewe. North of the University represented in photo.MOREY-SHEPARD HALL; (Left to right): J. Sullivan, C. Linde, S. Rucker. Not Pictured: P. Schneider, T. Vraspir, B. Brecke, K. Rowe, D. Siems, G. Dehlin, M. KenneUy, J. Mundt, P. Smith, K. Ohnesorge, S. Abrahamson, D. Landsom, T. Kieffer (R.A.), A. Zehabkar, L. Mitchel, B. Bassam, F. Faraq, D. Welch, M. Hawthorne, E. Hruska, B. Bendinelli, T. Bahr, L. Valdez, S. Moe, C. O’Connell, R. Marchand.
MOREY-SHEPHARD HALL; Floor Two; (Left to Right): B. Madlin, S. Shad, R. Hass, J. Bierschbach, G. Mower, B. 01son; Row 2: M. Sloan, K. Sabbann, A. Seechi; Row 3: C. McKenzie, L. Gielmaiui, J. Gillman, J. Marzen, P. Adelmann, M. Hebert, G. Kinney; Row 4: M. Mieland, B. Johnson, R. Menden, B. Foelier, D. Pennington, M. Balzer, J. Burke, B. Barber, R. Light, J. Paul, J. Nell; Row 5: D. Plank, J. May, L. House, R. Marlow, G. Hoben, D. Shrum. Not Pictured: M. Lueck, D. Panek, G. Lamb, F. Kotaula, P. Squülace, B. Voigt, G. Andrew, B. Breyers, T. Bruan, J. Wheeler, S. Carien, D. Harer, J. Brandenburg, P. Beirne, J. Gillman.
MOREY-SHEPHARD HALL: Floor Three (Identification was not possible, listed are the floor members.) J. Shehryar, S. Hines, R. Shirsrhon, B. Ward, R. Rinaelsen, R. Mayfield, D. Johnson, M. Schlink, R. Storing, D. Jewfield, G. Fahey, M. Avalow, A. Kidinae, K. Herrdegen, J. Hopper, B. LongviUe, B. Osborn, S. Stensgard, B. Cartarion, R. Pritchard, N. Grams, R. Cooper, D. Mussell, J. Schiltz, B. Bloomquist, T. Madegan, P. Nathan, C. Cromer, R. Krause, F. Greelee, J. McShea, M. Scott, P. Peterson, G. Walters, M. Wilson, J. Wanner (R.A.), S. Seeberg, T. Staley, W. Purdun, V. Moore, M. Pennington, W. Taft, A. Mason, T. James, D. Schooky, T. Blackmore, R. Hobgood, G. Booth, J. Smith, S. McCullaugh, V. Chehok, J. Schruaer, J. Hald, J. Gunderson, J. Washington, R. Gibbs, C. Kenyon, K. West, J. Rassmussen, M. Reed, E. Kaiser, S. Broeck, J. Valentine, K. Burk, K. Burk, B. Brandt, C. Groth, J. Horner, S. Ngubck, B. Bushlack (R.A.), W. Weiper, N. Mi, J. Jackson, D. Jackson, T. Liskey, J. Wolfe.
MOREY-SHEPHARD HALL: Floor Four, Row 1 (Left to Right): S. Johnson, C. Frank, J. Lueken, G. Anderson; Row 2: J. Robertson, K. Navara, J. Williamson, R. Relowski (R.A.); Row 3: T. Ogel, A. Arte, H. Vanaki, B. Traxl, G. Kluthe, L. Miller, H. Vanaki, B. Brewster; Row 4: S. Mahaney, P. McWilliams, B. Gabrielson, T. Cepican, J. Dickey, R. Kasper. Not Pictured: S. Keene, M. Fellows, F. Countryman, C. Judd, B. Carey, J. Noll, S. Choi, J. Surrency, L. Wright, J. Petreikis, S. Mousa, H. Rezale, T. Starkey, N. Ishikawa, R. Trendwell, B. Marshall, W. Kingsbury, D. Martenson, K. Wills, J. Danko, T. Bach, M. Stevens, D. Hardy, P. Szymanski, C. Benson, K. Dacil, P. Schneider, J. Redding, S. Grant, B. Kohn, M. Kappas, R. Marzban, S. Yavara.
C. Haugen, S. Nichols. Not Pictured: J. Johnson, M. Ferguson, L. Pieper, S. Meisel, B. Swanson, D. Siehndel, S. Ellingson, D. McKinley, C. Baine, S. Levin, F. Khaladji, B. Kablovi, D. Webber, J. Plaman, C. Purnell, M. Peterson, H. Dirks, T. Kunz, B. Spitzack, B. Ramsdell, J. Severson, M. Feverhelm, R. Kraft. PRENTISS HALL; Floor Two (Left to Right): Row 1: B. Haffar, C. Bencker, N. Bockwinkle, L. Oglesby, J. Wessah-Wollo, B. Carlson, T. Elliott, P. Haller, S. Holmseth; Row 2: D. Denn, S. Berry, B. Bien, R. McClanahan, B. Holmseth, W. Jentz; Row 3: T. Greseth, B. Magna, B. Dixon, G. Rhoades, T. Rendall, K. Potts, W. Anderson, D. Gehrke, G. Dicke, C. Hansen, M. Shields, D. Nagel.
PRENTIS HALL; Floor Three (Left to Right): Row 1: D. Wilson, D. Jeske, M. Burnett, P. Hauge, L. Romans, B. Moore, B. Pfohl; Row Two: K. Roberts, M, Bachmann, D. Brostrom, B. Aarsvold, B. Christ, D. Wilder, R. Harrison, J. Hoey, D. Ries, M. Schaefer, B. Raehsler, M. Killeen, J. Jonabowski, M. Johnston, Bryan Boelter; Not Pictured: R. Stienhoff, G. Pingry, J. Bannon, N. Burg, G. Erelman, S. Throne, R. Unruh, R. Zopfi, M. Diko, T. Harens, S. Hedberg, R. BuUent, M. Caldwell, R. Gabel, J. Ray, K. Johnson, J. Ansam, N. Amoozgar, R. Graf, B. Major, B. Adams, R. Willoughby, N. Mundahl. PRENTISS
HALL; Floor Four (Left to Right): Row 1 : A. Smith, S. Olson, H. McKalaster, M. Battner (R.A.); Row 2: R. Purinsky, D. Stensland, B. Thomas, S. Peak, D. Monkey, D. Quinn; Row 3: T. Smith, C. Black, M. Jorgenson, D. Ray, S. Kendell, B. Wilson, B. Undem, B. Grimes; Row 4: W. Bell, C. Boyman, T. Killgore, B. Hansen, K. Nelson, P. Larrison, A. Mondrey, S. Level; Row 5: F. Billitnecough, T. Icinger, J. Reko, B. Schmitz, A. O’Keif.
C'ÜNWAY; l'loor 3, (Seated, Left to right); C. Graves, J. Reid, C. Wenner, E. Wiley, K. l-lynn, L. Sehniitz, B. Noel, S. Ohs, L. Lindeblom, J. Workman; Row 2: P. Kirkham, P. Pinski, A. Thompson, C. Johnson, D. Meyer, J. ITiehs, A. Polachek; Row 3: K. Casbon, L. Westberg, B. Gudorf; Not Pictured: T. Blaha, D. Eraneis, J. Bergmark
CONWAY; Moor 4, (Kneeling, left to right): D. Tries, V. Vatland, K. Coulson, R. Paulton, S. Rehm, R. Goldsmith; Row 2: D. Porter, K. Veek (R.A.), S. Lemmage, J. ITeming, l^. Brandt, S. Bristol; Not Pictured: B. Eggen, M. Smyth, J. Mandekow, C. Bakalyar, L. Johnson, M. Condom, L. Thos, C. Lenders, J. Lemm, N. Oeltjesbruns
LUCAS; Floor 1, (Seated, left to right): K. Befort, M. Voshell, M. Aymond, D. Dunstone, C. Bauch; Row 2: S. EUiott, C. Kostan, J. Hunt, A. Ellsworth, M. Nolting, B. Furlong, L. Monk; Row 3: L. Mountin, J. Peterson, S. Fillmor, S. Bell, K. Lorenson, J. Oelfke, L. Schrarnon, P. Nystuen, N. Hildebrandt, J. Brown, G. Slivinski; Not Pictured: S. Hoase, J. Hruby, J. Flannery, M. Stenson, D. Sorenson, A. Wilson, B. Ward, R. M. Burgett, K. Costanzo, K. Chiglo, D., L. Cuntee, “J.P.”, D. Walker, S. Loftus, “O.B.”
LUCAS; Floor 2, (Seated, left to right): K. Elmer, J. Cronin, K. Neitge, T. Thomas, M. Wolf, R. Darr, W. Riebert, C. Godfrey, D. Heffernan, K. Fennie; Row 2: M. Andrewson, L. Hacker, C. Swota, S. Gibson, L. Hasselbring, T. Duffy, M. Harrel,K. Oehlke, B. Ubl; Row 3: K. Moline, S. Kaplan, H. Brakke, D. Alexander, B. Severson, B. Cedar.
LUCAS; Floor 3, (Seated left to right): M. Lunde, A. Kryzer, M. Erickson; Row 2; T. Gerten, R. Herman, R. Pfluger, B. Bickford, D. Nowack, J. Putnam, A. Schlinger; Row 3: K. Caldwell, C. Lyons, S. Boss, R.A. J. Kieffer, G. Schick, M. Dunlap, K. Rolseth; Row 4: M. Lund, B. Brennan, D. DuUum, B. Doffing, M. Grebin; Row 5 : B. Linder, B. Majeski, P. Chapel, C. Dahlberg; Not Pictured: A. Catlin, S. Frauenshuh, R. Holzinger, H. Johnson, K. Soli, L. Hawk, T. Larson, S. Frussell, K. Riseberg, D. Williams, D. Walch, J. Ecklen, D. Goyer, J. Wiens, K. Adamson, M. Murphy, N. Pappenberg, M. Piepho, K. Koski, D. Kilbery.
LUCAS; Floor 4, (Left to right): D. Theilen, D. Ferris, M. Olson, K. Burnett (R.A.), M. Burnett, S. Klippenstein, S. Hansen, J. Lindberg, C. Homji, J. Kieffer; Row 2:D. Kunz, P. Grove, M. Hayes, P. Kjos, K. Burns, D. Shepersky, D. Dittberner, K. Jacobson, L. Juers, J. Ludwig, L. Altman, S. Kodadek, D. Wiggins, J. Moquist, D. Snodgrass, R. Szczepanski, L. Langer, M. McGavoch; Not Pictured: S. Standish, M. Tackaberry, D. McConnel, B. Grieme, K. Elton, S. Weydert, G. Bush, J. Wittmer, T. Valinski, M. Larson, B. Canale, G. Goyer, J. Befort, A. Brown, M. Roudenbush, C. Mortenson, R. Esser, C. Wannous, J. Woker. L u c A s
Floor 3
Floor 4
RICHARDS HALL, Floor Three (Left to Right); Row 1 ; F. Hosseni; Row 2: L. Yantes, P. Knopp, P. Tschida, P. Boley; Row 3: T. Okafor, C. Ochiagho, T. Tam, J. Gillman, A. Stinchfield, M. Bartsch, D. Grove, B. Anderson, A. Olson, J. Christensen, and R. Boekman. RICHARDS HALL, Floor Four (Left to Right); Row 1: B. Assefa; Row 2: J. Liu; Row 3: N. Dubbel, P. O’Neill, M. Faine.
2nd & 3rd 4th & 5th
SHEEHAN; 2ND & 3RD, Seated (left to right); S. Sowatzki, C. Backer, M. Frasczak, K. McCullough (R.A.), S. Skrip, S. Anderson, K. Brant, P. Kalton; Row 2: R. Reindal, J. Emery, M. Benson, J. Cagnon, D. McColley, D. Sloan, L. Ordemann, V. Ford, D. Sonsalla, C. Fahlin; Row 3: D. LaPointe, J. Bailey, M. Jensen, M. Wild, B. Card, E. Polachek, L. Herrick, K. Young, D. Stevens, P. Byers; Not Pictured: M. Casey, S. Lambrecht, J. Sanders, J. Spurlin, C. McDonald, J. Linn, N. Weidenfeller, D. Bisek, K. Johnson, J. Atchison, G. Atchison, C. Wittmer, K. Boyum, M. Phillips, A. Muschler, N. Gulick, A. Knox, K. Kellett, D. Anderson, P. Paulson, D. Chase, N. Shand, M. Gorman, L. Askelson, H. Matchan, M. Mathis, B. Rolfing, B. Crail, J. Matheson, S. Holm.
SHEEHAN; 4TH & 5TH, Bottom Left; Seated: M. McQuillan, J. Lovett, L. Sanchez, G. Eggenburger, C. Gould, P. Geerdes; Row 2: M. Hayek, C. Dammon, L. Kleaver, J. Follmer (R.A.); Row 3: J. LaScotte, K. Buch, K. Hafner, C. Kittelson, D. Wisnewski, S. Patterson, P. Wennes, M. Adams, M. Balow, K. Dehlin, L. Anderson. Bottom Right (Step to step. Left to right): T. Hansen, D. Connor, S. Hoffman, J. Kalmes, J. Follmer (R.A.), D. Moore, L. Reis, P. Weil, B. Leegard, K. Perkins, J. Beckman, L. Hungerford, D. Wisnewski, E. Castro, S. Miller, N. McClure, P. Sieben, K. Lubben, P. Giffon, R. Drolsum, C. Bourquin, K. Kaul, L. Skoglund. Not Pictured: L. Kolben, S. Cassidy, J. Chatelain, K. Teder, G. Zook, P. Danks, T. Kruger, J. Bastain, K. Torgerson, C. Osuski, S. Larsen, J. Hager, S. Dellwo, D. Wenner, S. Murayama, C. Murphy, L. Halse, R. Randolf, B. Ross.
6th & 7th
8th & 9th
SHEEHAN; 6TH & 7TH, Laying down (Left to right): M. Brockshus, A. Blough, J. Murray, M. Hall; Row 2: M. Bolstad, M. Vazquez, M. Johns, C. Buhman, S. Frana, J. Haugan; Row 3: C. Rickerd, C. Stiles, K. Hufford, S. Valiant, A. Domagull, L. Wietzke, V. Zurn; Row 4: M. Norton, W. Solberg, K. Arndt, C. Levendusky, N. Nelson, L. Thorson, M. Heifitz, D. Fremouw, K. Krych; Not Pictured: L. Malecha, R. Larson, S. Lauer, P. Thai Hoang, S. Lexvold, S. Freiling, S. Delieck, S. Hoffman, D. Geske, J. Thaenert, L. Sir, N. Zadach, J. Floeder, P. Thompson, M. Drealan, J. Smith, D. Dison, Z. Gerleman, J. Karwoski, M. Lathem, K. Watson, N. Rohwer, C. Ryan, M. Schultz, D. Schanafelt, C. Smith, P. Strom, A. Chisholm, S. Hurley, D. Aanas, J. Clarke.
SHEEHAN; 8TH & 9TH, Bottom Left, (Step to step, left to right): L. Newhouse, M. Kjome, V. Stewart, M. Tauber, J. Atkinson, E. Delaney, C. Goodrich, S. Lewis (R.A.), L. Munson, D. Lexvold, N. Nyberg, C. Kutensky, D. Thompson, T. Brechwald, L. Burris, C. Loftus, K. Veerkamp, J. Weaver, L. Strom, A. Sobieski, P. Ruesink, G. Hare, L. Lidtke; Bottom Right (Step to step, left to right): B. Ebert, T. Roach, C. Earney, V. Laverty, R. Masters, R. Rust, R. Kuth, G. VanRossum, J. Spencer, K. LaForce, L. Zachmann, M. Land, L. Snelton, M. Neeson, D. Quandt, K. Straining, J. Scholtes, P. Hanscom, L. Willson, A. Goushegir, D. Herbert; Not Pictured P. Hoffman, L. VanDyke, C. Wild, L. Newman, C. Collins, J. Jensen, L. Madsen, B. Walker, N. Sandino, K. Luther, B. KoU, M. Tauber, T. Schiller, S. Pugh, B. Majerus, C. Kiehm, K. Walter.
lOth & llth
12th & 13th
SHEEHAN; lOTH & IITH, Seated (left to right): D. Priebe, B. Bullock, S. Larsen; Row 2: K. Klinkerfues, J. Camp, M. Amble, J. Raimer, N. Brunn, K. Carrabine, D. Raimer, J. Lutz, P. Chapman; Row 3: M. Tufte, N. Wagner, B. Kernkamp, B. Moe, K. Wieklinski, K. Francis, S. Greeninger, P. Leisen, B. Brownell, N. Padros, J. Pace, J. Weld, J. Gartzke; Row 4: C. Cerrato, E. Andrews, C. Aschfort, L. Clark, C. Boyer, R. Esser, N. Fernholz, L. Olsen, G. Morin, P. Hayes, L. Zurawski, K. Berger; Not Pictured: J. McCormick, N. Wilkening, M. O’Brien, B. Kutzke, D. Morrissey, J. Roberts, K. Barnes, M. Nelson, P. Eickman, R. Olsen, D. Richter, S. Sheehan, R. Salzman, K. Holmes, B. Crist, M. Shultz, D. Skaalrud, S. Feine, D. Bouma, L. Feuton, S. Jensen, J. Johnson.
SHEEHAN, 12TH & 13TH, Seated: P. Yost (Hall Director), L. Peterson, S. Meemaroshrefi, J. McNamara, K. Kaiser, N. Meller, S. Wick, N. Olson, S. Policy, D. Catt; Row 2: C. Edwards, K. Sheehan, M. Walton, J. Rude, M. Hoff, L. Tracy, L. Christenson, P. Lonnee, J. Gipple; Row 3: A. Delaney, T. Walsh, V. Bates, B. Cashin, J. Hince, S. Jacobson, L. Schmidtke, D. Rosentrater, E. Holmgren, K. Allemani, V. Greeder, D. Marciniak, Z. Hermanson; Row 4: J. Brunjes, T. Henwood, P. Aussem, K. Mariska, P. Himlie, R. Stenseth, B. Fenske, J. Anfang, S. Krause, R. Schumacher; Not Pictured: J. Leckness, S. Hamid, B. Wright, A. Puent, H. Doering, C. Sjebenaler, T. Kiefer, K. Johnson, P. Griffith, C. Scheffler, M. Zimmerman.
Graduates Emerge
BRRNDAMAE ROSE; Nursing; Spring 1976
SANDRA K. RICUTHR STELLA SEXTON; Rec & Leisure; LEONA HOFFMAN SIIIMA; Elein Spring 1976 Ed; Spring 1976 JANE ELIZABETH SCHOEWE; Psych; Fall 1975 SANDY MAE SCHWIRTZ MARY C. SIPPliL; Psych; Spring LORNA SMITH; Nursing; Spring 1976 1976 DEBRA KAY SRSEN CATHY A. STROBEL; Soc/Psych; Spring 1976 DEAN CLARK SWENSON; Art/ Spcech/Tlieatre; Suninier 1976 COLEEEN MARY SUTTON; Rcc & Eeisiire/Soc; Spring 1976 CHARLOTTE KAY THEISTilomas Dose
David Dow
Debra Dow
Donna Drazkowski
Robert Durall
Susan Dusbabek
Julie Edwards
Tilomas Eggenberger
Karen Eichhorn
Richard Ellefson
Anne Ellsworth
Jacquelyn Emery
Eric Engbrecht
Lynnette Engbrecht
Mary Englund
Gregory Erickson
Deborah Gougli
Mary Gowan
Judith Graner
Robert Gratton
Jerry Greenleaf
Merry Jo Greer
Mary Groth
Connie Grotjahn
Darrell Grove
Susan Grupa
Terence Grupa
Cynthia Gudvangen
Richard Guenther
Jean Guilleniette
Gary Gulbrandson
Kristie Gulbrandson
Sandra Gustafson
Richard Ernest Thomas Haase
Jane Estes Bahman Habibi
Robert Evens
Sherwin Hager
Charlotte Evjen Peter Hahn
(Vaig Faldet
Linda Faldet
Julia Fasching
Thomas Ferguson
Curtis Hall
Leroy Hall
Stanley Hammer
Sharon Handzus
Kathleen Hansen
Karen Feye Thomas Hanson
Dennis Fiala
Deborah Harkness
Joyce Fischer Richard Hatlevig
Mary Fitzsimmons
Kathlee Haugli
Ramona F'laby Charles Hauwiller
Sondra Forstrom
Susan Foss
laîslie Francisco
Deborah Frank
Ellen Heacock
Mary Hedglin
Terry Helbig
John Heller
Richard Frank Richard Hencier
Janies Freeman Jean Heppelnian
('hristine Frieburg
Martha FViedrich
Michael Fritze
Cunger Herbst
Helen Hermann
Lynn Herrick
Mary Fuchsel Jack Hickethier
l.arry (iabrick
Valencia Gaddis
Mary (iaedy
David Galchutt
Jeffery Higgins
Nicola Hildebrandt
Kathleen Hilden
Robert Hillman
Editor-in-Chief: Jane Elizabeth Schoewe
ADVISOR: Mrs. Janet B. Sill
Business Manager: Ervin E. Neumann
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Larry Oglesby, James Rutz, Bemie McGuire Artwork: Mary Wolf, Larry Oglesby
Informed, dedicated EDUCATORS Larry Oglesby
Social Life with OTHERS
Division Pages
Bemie McGuire, Larry Oglesby
Tammy Hansen, Rosemary Kuth
Joan Haugan
Mary Wolf
CONTRIBUTORS: A. Bremer, K. Burnett, J. Eifealdt, T. Hirsch, M. Land, P. Meek, T. Schwartz, B. Tarras, D. Turk, E. Zantow.
enjoyed putting this book together, and feel sure you will detect that as you study what little we were able to include adding here some words of Rainer Maria Rilke, appropriate to each of our lives “Be patient (.. .) toward ALL that is unsolved in your heart.. TRY to lovethe questions themselves. DO NOT seek the answers, which cannot be given because you would not be able to LIVE THEM. And the point is, TO LIVE EVERYTHING^ LIVE THE QUESTIONS NOW. Perhaps you will then gradually without noticing i live along some distant day.. into the answers
—Thanks God!
WENONAH ’76 adds to the continuing celebration of our nation’s 200th birthday ; Winona State College’s change to Winona State University (August ’75); Kryzsko Common’s completion (September ’75); KQAL: our own new FM radio station 89.5 (December ’75); Baccalaureate ’76: 1st time in years!
This year’s WENONAH Staff functioned expediently during its five-month-existence December 12,1975 through May 21, 1976 yet, so much more would have been ineluded (color shots, more Bicentennial mention, and quite a few more pages, to say the least) had we not had a limit of 104 pages... THAT MUCH needed to be sacrificed in order to
‘patch-up’ the committment broken by last year’s WENONAl Staff, leaving the 1976 Staff with a big bill and 290 ‘bookless buyers. Additionally, a hardback WENONAH had not been published since 1971 5 years ago!
We do wish to deeply thank those ‘bookless’ buyers of last year who bought this year, giving us (the new Staff) our chance to prove we could finish what we began independent of previous downfalls! We trust, that what you now hold in your hand(s) will brighten WENONAH’s future in all of your hearts; and thus, increase the funds designated by WSU for Yearbook Projects in the future. Bicentennially, ’76 STAFF