Wenonah Yearbook - 1969

Page 61

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The Scene This Year
2 Unique People and Experiences Put the “Life”

in College Life

1969 Wenonah

Winona State College

Winona, Minnesota

A look back to scenes of the year that was, to people and experiences that put the “life” in college life.

Each school year Has, admittedly, an essential Sameness about it— Classes, schedules, events Change little But people. And the things they do. Are never the same— Together they generate A certain enthusiasm. Create a certain Uniqueness

Place them in A campus, A community. And in a natural setting That are unlike any. Anywhere else.

And the scenes Of 1968-1969

At Winona State College

Becomes scenes That are of a time and A place

That will never happen Or be again.

The contents: Table of Experiences

4 Introduction

26 Participating in Campus Activities

86 Sharing Mutual Interests

112 Promoting Fellowship

128 Competing in Sports

156 Progressing Toward a Goal

The producers:

Diane Mager, Editor-in-chief; Roger Fischbach and Gary Anhalt. Assistant Sport Editors; Maureen R o d i c h Advertisements; Paul McNallan, Business Manager; Stajf: Linda Nelson, Linda Schild, and Gene Larrabee; Wally Schultz and Chris Grajczyk, Photography; Mr. Bremer, Advisor.

The book:
54 Cooperating With Faculty

Sets the Scene

The natural scene Is Lake Winona. Irresistible in Spring, it becomes A mass gathering place where We rub elbows while “Beachin’ it.”

Alluring in evening, it’s a place For quiet. Contemplation, and solitary walks.

It’s Sugar Loaf and high bluffs. Lush with greenery in Spring, Breathtaking In its array of color in Autumn. The place to hike, cave-crawl, or Simply admire a view. It’s the Mississippi River, awesome

In a sense, yet A place for recreation, skiing, Boating, partying A setting, ideal and unique. One that adds dimension to our College existence.


Winter or Summer

An Ideal Setting

Rae Ann Aker and Arlys Legler prepare to deepen their tans. Gary Colgan admires picks a hill. the view from lofty heights, then

Setting Provides Recreation

Winona is ideal for beachming'. In the winter months, it’s a skating rink or playing field for broomball.

Life in Winona—A Part of Our


ABOVE: The opening of another movie theatre, the “Cinema”, provided us with a wider selection of movies from which to choose. RIGHT: Winona’s public library, just one of the community resources frequently utilized by WSC students.

College Experience

The community scene

Is best viewed from the top of Garvin Heights. From that impressive height Can be seen all of Winona, which is, For most of us, not just another Town but the Place where we work, worship. Spend money. Get educated, have fun, and Become involved. Whether it be as a Y-team advisor, A disc-jockey At a local radio station. Or a clerk in a store. And because we live here, taking Karate at the YMCA, Curling up in a big leather chair At the public library And never getting a ro u nd to study, Having a good time At Shakey’s and the Pizza Hut, And going into debt With that charge account at Stevensons, are all Things that become a part of our College experience.

ABOVE: The “strip” familiar to all of Winona’s college students. It includes the Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, The Happy Chef, and Country Kitchen. ABOVE LEFT: An expansive view of Winona from the top of Garvin Heights.

ABOVE: The community YMCA is the place to go for instruction in self-defense. Winona State student John Amlaw is the instructor for several classes in karate there. The session begins with “rai”, a ceremonial bowing to the instructor. FAR ABOVE: Phi Sig pledges involve themselves in community service by chopping and gathering firewood for the lodges on Prarie Island.


We Work, Play, Get Involved

BELOW: Bob Junghans works at the Winona Daily as a sports editor. Bob is a Winona State student who also is associate editor of the Winonan.
ABOVE: A look into the new addition to the Student Union. ABOVE LEFT: A view of Somsen Hall, the main administrative building on campus. ABOVE RIGHT: Morey-Shepard Hall in the process of rebuilding. RIGHT: Sheehan Hall, Winona State’s only hi-rise building.

The Scene on Campus

The Campus scene

Is old in contrast to new, The traditional In contrast to progress. Somsen with those formidable Front steps, And Morey and Shepard, rebuilt To preserve tradition. Represent the impressiveness of Age and institution. Impressive too, the new And modern. Pride is taken in the new “Smog,” A hi-rise dorm, a modern library. And plans for further expansion. But it’s somethingpersonal too. A greeting from screaming kids Playing outside Phelps As you walk hurriedly to class. It’s socializing in the “Smog.” Stopping in at McVey’s for a between-snack snack. It’s saying “Hi” And meaning it because our Campus isn’t so big That we’re all strangers. It’s a feeling of belonging Because here We’re people in a familiar crowd Instead of being Mere crowded people


Campus Scenes Reflect Growth, Change.

LEFT: The campus bookstore, moved this year to more spacious quarters in Richards Hall, reflects response to the need for change and improvement. BELOW: The new library was in its second year of use—the old library being converted into a more spacious and better facilitated student health center. OPPOSITE PAGE: UPPER LEFT: An addition to Kryzsko Commons, newly completed fall quarter, provided the campus with expanded facilities for dining, recreation, and extracurricular activities.

LOWER LEFT: The sight of construetion is a familiar sight on our campus where growth and change are the order of the day.


Dormitory Living

Living on campus is an elbowrubbing sort of thing—you get to know people because existing is a community project it’s like having twenty-five roommates and a special kind of builtin telephone answering service it’s having an RA, screaming for quiet, or, lending a friendly ear to problems or gripes it’s having an audience while you say goodnight to your date in a fishbowl-type atmosphere it’s dining regularily (or not so regularity) at Slater’s and supplementing that with quick trips to the candy and pop machines in the basement if you live in Sheehan it’s cringing in your nightgown and hair rollers in the back part of the elevator as it slowly opens on first floor and complete strangers in the lobby stare back at you it’s fire-drills at four in the morning, all night gab sessions, floor meetings, and, if you’re a freshman, it’s keeping “hours” and the fear of being late. But, more importantly it’s living together forming attachments and a kind of bond so that you know your floor and dorm are best—whether it’s third floor Richards or eighth floor Sheehan.

SSï ABOVE: Paul Johnson, non-member of the wrestling squad, demonstrates the Prentiss-Lucas lobby version of a takedownhold to Judy Iten, struggling victim. LEFT: John Vogel and Frank Siebenaler (far right) supervise the building of the Prentiss dorm display for Homecoming.

Everyone’s Favorite Supper Club!


A Place to Eat, Work, Friends and Meet

BELOW: The salad counter is a first stop for those dining at Slaters’. LEFT: A flash of her ID card and the go-ahead signal from Mr. Davies sends Linda Strnad on her way through the line. ABOVE: Dick Metz and Ken Maddux love their work as part-time Slaters’ employees. LEFT: Ed Littlejohn demonstrates that the cafeteria is more than just a place to eat but a place to make new aquaintances. FAR LEFT: Susan Gieger, a student employee at the cafeteria, serves the main dish for the evening.

ABOVE: Off-campus apartments, like dormitory rooms, have a place set aside for more intellectual pursuits. ABOVE RIGHT: Apartment living means eating one’s own cooking regardless of what or how frugal the results might be.


Apartment Living

Living off-campus is a learning experience it’s learning to budget time and money because you need more of both. More time because there are added duties— housecleaning, grocery shopping, cooking. More money because there are always bills—rent, food, phone it’s freedom and independence but responsibility too —cooking your own meals (even if they don’t turn out quite like Mom’s), doing your own dishes, having your own phone (and your own phone bill too) it’s going grocery shopping and trying to decide whether a 12 ounce can at 69c is a better buy than two 7 ounce cans at 39c a piece it’s curling up on a couch to watch television in your own living room it’s privacy if you want it, a party if you don’t it’s a kind of satisfaction, because even if it’s not like home, it simulates home, and more importantly, it’s your place, and what it is is what you make it.

ABOVE: Eileen Gerber, Bonnie Dill, Pat Romanchuk, and Sonny Johnson demonstrate their get-along-ability. LEFT: Clarice Ridgeway begins the necessary business of housecleaning.

People Set the Scene

People with Special Talents


and Warm Qualities


the scene is participating becoming involved in activities and events being a leader during a soggy week of orientation activities campaigning for a favorite for homecoming queen, building a float, marching in a parade rehearsing for a play, painting scenery, designing costumes and sets, decorating for a dance, planning a ball, conducting an election attending a play a concert, a lecture a sound-off a reflection of concern and degrees of involvement.

participating in campus

Orientation Week ’68 was Getting drenched and Bemoaning the persistent rains.

Singing the rouser And challenging another team To do it worse.

It was mismatching names with All those new faces.

ItwasaproposedFreshmanMarch Up Garvin Heights. But most of all it was Freshmen

Beginning again, lonely And low.

Enduring that brightpurple beanie And wearing it

Even though it clashed with all The clothing they owned.

Freshmen bewildered and pretending They weren’t Swallowing the lump ofloneliness

Denying it ever was there.

ABOVE: Freshmen receive identification tags and team assignments from Gary Gartner. RIGHT; Moving into a new home and a new way of life

Frosh Are Welcomed

LEFT: With this beanie, I thee Jan Weist distributed the beanies that turned 859 young men and women into 859 lowly freshmen. BELOW: One last consultation with a concerned Dad before becoming immersed in college life.

ABOVE: Bruce Hittner and Sue Westlund represent the class of ’72 as Winona State’s Freshman king and queen. ABOVE RIGHT: Facing a sea of beanies The 1968 Orientation team leaders are introduced to their adoring (?) fans.
ABOVE: Arthur Van De Water and Charles Zane, advisors to the Orientation team, seem to have a bewildered freshman on their hands. LEFT: Gary McDowell, chairman of Orientation activities; Sue Critchfield, secretary; Kit Grier, treasurer; and Barb Stemmer, Gary’s co-chairman, take time out for some relaxation.

Homecoming ’68 was Participation by many. Campaigning

For a favorite queen candidate.

Selling mums, Working diligently on a float, Or Cheering Wholeheartedly at the pepfest And game.

It was a hushed crowd, suspense Broken by applause

As a new queen received Her crown.

It was standing room only when Big-name entertainers

Peaches and Herb performed “soul”.

It was “Valley of the Warriors.”

The Homecoming slogan Carried out with aid of paint. Crushed napkins, crepe paper, wire, cardboard And imagination.

Floats with ingenious slogans

“We’ll beat the Beaver’s by a Dam Site!”

It was a breathtakingly beautiful Autumn weekend

Perfect for the morning parade And afternoon game.

The crowd, a collage of color And spirited enthusiasm. Cheered the Warriors to victory

Bemidji, a Happy climax to an eventful week.

Jill Sackett receives her crown

Homecoming ’68

Queen candidates Jill Sackett, Carol Nessler, Dee Nelson, Judith Jones, Lynn Johnson, Christy Campbell, Lynn Huntoon, Cindy Jones, Judy Lee, Nancy Nelson, Kay Quinn and Jan Weist wait with suspense as Diane Baringer, last year’s queen, sits in her throne for the last time.

her royal robe and a standing ovation as she passes by on the arm of Dr. DuFresne
Homecoming ’68
ABOVE: Peaches and Herb in shadows sing a love ballad. ABOVE RIGHT: Later, they “sock it to ’em” with an up-tempo rock number. Herb gets to know some WSC students a little better. First Cindy Jones, homecoming queen candidate

Brings Peaches and Herb

BELOW: The homecoming crowd is stimulated to some “soul-clapping”. BELOW

35 «
RIGHT: Denny Brooks, guitarist-singer, demonstrates his engaging style. then Bill Niemczyk, who seems more inter- and then with Jim Hall with whom he exchanges banter, ested in Peaches

An Exciting Parade

FAR ABOVE; Rick Starzecki prepares his teammates for action against the Bemidji Beavers. ABOVE: Curt Palmer prepares to pass while Pat Boland covers.

And a Winning Effort

LEFT: The Prentiss dorm display accuratelypredicts that the Warriors will have a “better idea”. BELOW LEFT: Homecoming crowd enjoy themselves at the dance in the Student Union. BELOW: Intent football fans concentrate on proceedings as a WSC cheerleader instills spirit.

ABOVE: Lydia Languish, played by Jeanne Morrison, prepares to give instructions to her maid, played by June Cortean. RIGHT: Julia, played by Leslie Midkoff, cries sorrowfully over Faukland’s departure.

Wenonah Players Present “The Rivals’’

The Wenonah Players’ fall production opened Nov. 1 and ran through November 8 playing to appreciative audiences. The production was Richard Sheridan’s “The Rivals,” a restoration comedy that portrayed the 18th Century class system and the ridiculous conceptions of honor and righteousness practiced by the noblemen of that period. “The Rivals” was under the direction of Dorothy B. Magnus. A cast of both experienced Wenonah Players and talented incoming freshmen made the play one that was acclaimed by the Winona audience.

41 [I 1'^Êjjà «Sí i J s; 1I il
ABOVE: Captain Absolute (Mike Sheimo) and Sir O’Trigger (John Heddle) duel for Lydia’s love. Sir Anthony (center, played by Mark Orlowski) tries to prevent the duel as concerned bystanders look on squeamishly. FAR ABOVE: Sir O’Trigger (John Heddle) teaches Acres (Denny Bell) the rudiments of dueling.

December Brings Heavy Snows

FAR ABOVE: Connie Abbott, in the holiday mood, decorates her dormitory wall. ABOVE: Car-pushing was a common scene all winter long with the uncommon amount of snow, ice, slush, and more snow RIGHT: Patti King, an Alpha DeltaPi girl, puts the finishing touches on punchbowl decorations for the Christmas Dance.


Alpha Delta Pi Provides A “Winter Haven”

Winona State students, faculty, and their guests, had a chance to come in out of the cold into a warm, cheerful “Winter Haven” on December 6th. The annual Christmas Dance, traditionally sponsored by Alpha Delta Pi sorority, was quite in keeping with the old-fashioned Christmas spirit. A holiday mood was created with glittering ceiling ornaments, flocked greens, a small country church, snowmen, mistletoe and floodlights. Holiday spirits were enhanced by appropriate music provided by the Tom Lee Orchestra, and the evening was highlighted by a visit from Santa Claus.

and Christmas Spirits.


President’s Ball a Gala Affair

What began fall quarter as a casual conversation among Winona State students about the success of last year’s Inaugural Ball ended up as a major social event for students, faculty, and community. A student committee, headed by Tom Sage, formed and enlisted the aid of college and community members to generate support and do the actual work of sponsoring the President’s Ball, The results were gratifying. Lovely decorations and buffet dinner, a fine orchestra and the enthusiasm and assistance of hundreds of people, made the affair an honor worth bestowing upon the president of our college.

ABOVE: Enjoying the fun afterhard work Jim Gores, Sue Metzler, Rick Stricklin, and Jeri Madsen helped with the ball by serving as ushers and assisting with decorations and invitations. Jeri was chairman of a student punch party held at the college before the ball. FAR ABOVE: The Ball involved the community as well as the college. A pre-ball party for college and community ballgoers was held at the Jack Andresen home. Standing are F. L. Zeches, Mrs. S. J. Pettersen, and Mr. Andresen. Seated are Mrs. Zeches and Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Capron.

ABOVE: Cindy Jones, a senior from Fort Worth, Texas was one of the waitresses at the Banquet. Dr. Siemers and Dr. Frank Markus take advantage of her charming assistance.

LEFT: The central banquet table, dominated by an Indianhead sculpture and swags of green and gold, offered a magnificent array ofgourmet’s delights that were duly appredated by the 330 guests who dined at the Banquet.


February Brings “Queen of Hearts”

The Valentine’s Day Dance, sponsored annually by Delta Zeta Sorority, had as its theme this year “Queen of Hearts.’’ The soft, romantic mood created by the decorations was enchanced by the music provided by the Tom Lee Orchestra of La Crosse. The highlight of the dance is traditionally the announcement of Winona State’s Campus Cover girl. Despite various rule infractions in campaigning, the disqualification of one of the candidates, and the considération of invalidating the election, tradition was preserved and Barbara Steene, a junior from Albert Lea, was chosen to succeed Cindy Jones.

ABOVE; Poised and pretty Campus Cover girl candidates Nancy Bezdichek, Betty Eglinton, Cati Hingevald, Diane Heim, Barbara Steene, Rosie Marz, Diane Nelson, Nancy Olson, Terry Follman, and last year’s Cover girl. Cindy Jones. FAR ABOVE: Barb receives her royal robe, roses, and assistance from Pliny Smith and Steve Holubar.

And a TEKE “Playmate” Dance

Playboy came to W i n o n a State’s campus in February. Tau Kappa Epsilon, a men’s social fraternity on campus, sponsored the event setting up a “bar” and gambling casino. For those who didn’t care to “indulge”, there was a dance going on all the while. Playboy magazine provided the decorations and publicity for the event; Delta Zeta provided the “Bunnies” (compliments of the pledge class). Highlight of the evening was the selection of a Campus Playmate. DeeAnn Nelson was chosen from a group of twelve girls sponsored by various campus organizations. The Playboy Dance is sponsored by many TKE chapters throughout the country and there are plans to make it an annual TKE tradition on this campus.

BELOW: Candidates and their escorts await the selection of “Campus Playmate”. FAR BELOW: The selection is made DeeAnn Nelson, with escort Jim Brodie, displays the charm that won her her title.
48 Vincent Price lectures
A student’s work is appraised at the Student Art Festival by the judge while Mr. Zane looks on. Sir Andrew Augecheek is looked at rather disdainfully by Toby Belch in the National Shakespearean Company’s production of “Twelfth Night.” RIGHT: Miss Katherine Bacon, noted British concert pianist, presented a concert which included the works of Mozart, Liszt, and Chopin.

stimulates and then engages his audience.

Culture Abounds.

Those interested in the arts could easily avail themselves of the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and enjoyment of them this past year. Spring brought the National Shakespearean Company with its productions of “Twelfth Night” and “Volpone.” The Concert and Lectures Committee brought Miss Katherine Bacon, noted British concert pianist, Vincent Price, a famous actor, who gave a stimulating, authoritative, lecture on the appredation of art, and Pete Seeger, noted folk singer.

Winona State drew from its own resources of talent also. “Brigadoon”, an excellently done musical, was presented in the Spring and throughout the year there were plays, art shows, and lectures. The plays presented were “The Rivals” and “Playboy ofthe Western World”.

Art shows included an Art Festival, which was a display and sale of student work, and later a faculty art show, while lecturers ineluded Mr. Hull who, among other things, participated in “Fireside Chats” at Newman Center.


Denny Brooks and Fred Smoots Strictly for Fun

Having been so favorably well received by the Homecoming crowd, Denny Brooks was later engaged by the Campus Coordinating Committee for a return performance in January. Once again he, along with Fred Smoots, comedian-impressionist, gave his concert in a Student Union packed with enthusiastic, receptive students, faculty members, and members of the community.

ABOVE: “Wanna’ go for a horsey-back ride, Sweetie???” Fred Smoots tells about the cowboy who rides side-saddle and wears pink plastic cowboy boots. RIGHT: He describes the perils of shaving the morning-after-the-night-before.

A Goal Joyfully Reached

But Not an End, Rather, a Beginning

ABOVE: Congressman A1 Quie addresses an audience of soon-to-be-graduates and onlookers. LEFT: Betty Sawyer and Rae AnnAker are two of the happy graduates.

the scene is cooperation between student and administration, student and instructor, between student and student, inside the classroom and out we approach each other as people, not titles people who care and show concern by taking time to consult, advise,assist, and listen an instructor who does more than just lecture, a student who does more than just shuffle from class to class stimulating possibilities a climate for learning.

cooperating with faculty

Office of The President

During his first 18 months in the. presidency Dr. Robert A. DuFresne has brought new life to Winona State. Its curriculum has been intensified and broadened; its physical plant expanded; its faculty enlarged and elevated in attainment, and its students increased in numbers. More importantly, perhaps, there has been a noticeable increase in the vitality of the institution. Both faculty and students are more involved in the decision-making process and the college, in its second century of quality education, is enlarging its sphere of influence. For these achievements, both leadership and appreciation of the talentsof others have been required of the president. These others include the three vice-presidents and their staffs. These offices. Administrative Affairs, Academic Affairs, and Student Affairs, were newly formed last fall to clarify responsibility and facilitate leadership and communication.

Dr. DuFresne enjoys himself at a party before a Ball in his honor. The ladies are Mrs. Donald Warner, Kathy Stemmer, Mrs. James Doyle, and Mrs. Robert MeQueen.


BELOW: Dr. Dufresne, college president, and Dr. Warner, vice-president of academie affairs, contemplate the problems involved in administrating a modern-day college. FAR BELOW: Dr. DuFresne executes his duties as ceremonial head of the college at a banquet for honor students.

Academie Affairs

Heading the office of academic affairsfor the administration is Dr. Donald Warner, Vice-President ofAcademic Affairs. He is responsible for the administration of the academic program and all academic matters are referred to him and his deans; Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dr.Dan Willson; Dean of Education, Dr. Frank W. Markus; andDean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Frank L. Van Alstine.

RIGHT: Dr. Warner heads Academic Affairs as its vice-president. Robert Ethier Director of Admissions Charles Bentley Admissions Counselor Dr. Dan Willson Dean of Arts and Sciences Lois Simons Assistant to Academic vicepresident Daniel Hoyt Assistant to Graduate Dean Dr. Frank Van Alstine Gary Ferden Dean of Graduate Studies Program Counselor Dr. Frank Markus Dean of Education


The office of administrative affairs is headed by Mr. Norman Decker as its vice-p resident. This office handles the bulk of administrative functions such as campus development, financial matters, federal programs coordination, etc. It is also directly responsible for the administration of classified personnel and in varying degrees, with college faculty.

Jerry Varner Business Manager Angelyn DeGroot Cashier Clarence Currier Administrative Assistant James Wagner Publications Roy Wilsey Accountant Fae Griffith Adoph Bremer Dormitory Director Public Relations LEFT: Norman Decker at his desk as vice-president of administrative affairs.

Student Affairs

One of the newly created divisionsof the administration is the Office of Student Affairs. The office of Student Affairs is headed by Dr. Curtis Siemers and is the major coordinating body in the regulation and formulation of various student policies. Its functions include orientation, health service, housing, student discipline, community-college relationships, programs and convocations, relationships with the student government, counseling, financial aids, and student welfare.

ABOVE: Vice-President in charge of Student Affairs, Dr. Curtis Siemers, performs another task in a busy administrative day. Waynew Erickson Director of Student TeachGeorge Bolon ing Director of Student Union Paul Libera Maurice Mariner Assistant Financial Aids Housing Director Director
Marguerita Ritman Associate Dean Charles Zane Director of Student Activities Robert Lietzau Acting Director of Financial Aids Dr. Melvin Wedul Placement Director Dr. Warren Haesly, Winona State’s first full-time physician, tends to the needs of Jo Hageman, a Winona State student at the Health Center.

Dr. Richard Smith

Acting Head of Education Department

Dr. Leland McMillen Education

Dr. Robert Meinhard Education— History

Wayne Sanford Education

Dr. Wayne Kirk Education

Dr. Leslie Kloempken Education

Dr. Archie Beighley Education

Dr. George Grangaard Education

Dr. James Keill Education

Dr. Glenn Carlson Education

steve Holubar, Jim Winkler, and Rick Miller confer with Dr. Smith outside the classroom taking advantage of the new Student Union facilities.


Every student getting a teaching degree takes courses in education. The final goal of the series of classes is student teaching which this year was for the first time offered on a pass-fail basis instead of the regular grading. More college supervisors for student teachers and more classroom teachers were added to the faculty of the Education Department this year along with a full-time office secretary.

Inger Kristine Ogrey and Gunner Apeland, exchange students from Norway, pursued their educationhere at Winona State for a year.

Dr. Everett Walden Education Amanda Aarestad Education Edna Fuller Education Helen McGrath Education Thomas Healy Education Verlie Sather Education James Spear Head of Audio-Visual Thomas Hirsch Audio-Visual Rex Ingram Audio-Visual John Modjeski Education

Fine Arts

The Department of the Fine Arts ishoused in the Watkins building, a second home for most of the art majors at Winona State. Classes in pottery, oil painting, watercolor, commercial art, design, representatipn, and weaving are just some of the classes offered that stimulate and give vent to originality and creative expression. The department staged its first Art Festival this year, a festival that consisted of a lecture series, an impressive showing of student work, and subsequent sale.

Ann Boyum adds a final touch to one other oils. Floretta Murray Head of Art Depart- Donald Bendel ment Art William Peck Art Dr. James Wilson Art Wilfred McKenzie Art Anah Nelson Art

Industrial Arts

This year the Industrial Arts Department expanded the scope of its class offerings. Introduction to Industry was made a requirement. This class helped students make industry projects that resulted in an assembly line. More new classes were offered such as Art Metals and Electronics. To help teach the additional classes a new faculty member was added to the department staff.

Jim Rue prepares a press for printing. Dr. Hugh Capron Head of Department Anthony Gullickson Dr. Harry Jackson Industrial Arts Industrial Arts Stanley Jessop Industrial Arts Henry Long Industrial Arts Dr. Leo Morgan Gerald Tobin Industrial Arts Industrial Arts

Dorothy Magnus

Head of Speech

Jacque Reidelberger


Dr. Lyman Judson


Vivian Fusillo


Norbert Mills


Marion Davis French Spanish

Rhetta Speltz Spanish

Joan James German French

After the reorganization ofthe college programs during the summer of 1968 the Department of Foreign Languages came into being as its own department. The addition of a third member to the department faculty enabled the German major to be offered along with Spanish and French.


Mrs. Vivian Fusillo coaches students in preparation for a Speech Roundtable performance.

New faces and a new major in depth changed the English Department this year. Not only were instructors added to teach the freshman courses but also to teach the greater number of advanced English courses. Outside the classroom members of the English Department helped secure well-known speakers for lectures and organize student trips to the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis.

Carol Pedretti and Dr. Augusta Nelson, representatives of Winona State, schedule attractions for the 1968-1969 Tri-College Program with Joseph Fleischman, Rose Mary Curtin, Jeff Conway, and Sue Chuchna representatives from St. Mary’s and St. Theresa’s.
of English English English English English —Humanities
Dr. James Nichols Paul Grawe Joan Kuzma Dr. Harold Guthrie Dr. Augusta Nelson
English English English English English
John Moore Delores Auge Orval Lund
RothRonald Maurice Eleanore Sherman Leonard Jett Sarah Walter Janet Sill
English English English English Journalism
Adolph Bremer



Business Administration

The Master of Arts program in Business was approved for Winona State College by the State College Board in October. This was the first Master of Arts program approved for the college. In light of this the department expanded course offerings in many areas to strengthen the undergraduate and graduate programs. For the first time this year courses were offered in the use, operation, and programming of computers.

Getting down to business .Mr. Peterson in his office.

Duane McKay Business Administration

Kenneth Streeter Business Administration

William Sullivan Business Administration

Dr. Warren Marley Head of Business Administration Hood Business Administration Dr. James Browning Business Administration Peterson Business Administration Dr. Shirley Eiken Business Education Robert Ferris Business Administration Dr. Joseph Foegen Business Administration

Business Education

The Department of Business Education increased the number of courses and teachers this year. The department offered courses for students in three areas: business secretaries, medical secretaries, and business teachers. The graduate courses too were expanded and developed. Also this year new office instruction equipment was received and a Duplication, Voice Transcription, and Graded Dietation Speed Records Laboratory was set up for student use.

Dr. Stephen Turille Head of Business Education
Virginia Marston Business Education
Ruth Hopf Business Education
Ruby Richardson Business Education
Mr. Streeter and Mrs. Hopf assist a student in pre-registration and pulling of cards.


A vital part of the Music Department consists of the band and choir programs offered. Both organizations go on tour every year, and this year the choir went to Washington, D. C., where it climaxed its stay by singing in the Washington Cathedral on Palm Sunday. Music students also spend much time in the classroom and in private lessons making use of the instructors and instruments available.

Richmond McCluer Head of Department Milton Davenport Music Carlis Anderson Music Fred Heyer Music Agnes Bard Music Walter Hinds, Jr. Music Mr. McCluer puts choir members through the rigors of a practice session.
Robert Hungerford Music Richard Lindner Music Dr. Ivan Olson Music The concert band, conducted by Mr. Lindner, rehearses for an upcoming concert.

Maxwell Library was used more than ever this year and more classes were offered in the Library Science Department. Library courses were taught in the classrooms in the old section by six instructors. These librarians and more were available to help students looking for information in the library itself which is an all college service agency. This year for the first time the library added Sunday hours to its open schedule to be of greater service to the student body ofWinona State.

Edward Jacobsen Marlys Youngck Robert Garvey Robert Wilson Angelen Kirk Head Librarian Library Assistant Library Assistant Circulation Librarian Reference Librarian Ruth Payne Richard Hastings Joseph Richardson Dorothy Wheeler Almyra Baker Assistant Librarian Library Library Acquisitions Library Librarian Mr. Jacobsen, head librarian, discusses plans with librarians from St. Mary’s and St. Teresa.


The new nursing program at Winona State graduated its second class this year. Nursing graduates earn the baccalaureate degree in education in nursing and are eligible to give nursing care in public health and other community agencies as well as in the hospital.

In addition to attending classes at Winona State the nursing students have on-the-job training at various hospitals and agencies such as the Winona Clinic, Community Memorial Hospital, Rochester State Mental Hospital, and the city ofWinona public health nursing service.

Rosalie Burton Director of Nursing Adele Judson Nursing Program Lydia Markusen Nursing Program Delores Schiller Nursing Program Future nurses Barb Staples, Linda Shansberg, Sharon Grupa, Char Behnken, and Jean Dorsch report for duty.

Physical Education & Health

Winona State’s Health and Physical Education Department strives to integrate the courses and activities it provides into the total education of the college student. A wide variety of experience in these two fields are offered so that students will have the opportunity to develop and maintain physical, emotional, and social efficiency.

A physical education class has fun improvising with wands.

Dr. Luther McCown Head of Phy. Ed. & Health Department Robert Gunner Assistant Head of Physical Education Susan Day Assistant Head of Physical Education Dwight Marston Director of Athletics Margaret Browning Health Education Ronald Ekker Physical Education Gary Grob Physical Education
k ?
Robert Keister Physical Education Joyce Locks Physical Education

John Martin

Physical Education

Francis McCann

Physical Education

Madeo Molinari

Physical Education

Marjorie Moravec

Physical Education

Judy Retrum

Physical Education

Myron Smith

Physical Education

Joanne Sprenger

Physical Education

LeRoy Stadler

Physical Education

Jon Arnold prepares to strike as other members of his bowling class look on.

Dr. Dwight Anderson Biology

Dr. Melvin Doner Biology

Joseph Emanuel Biology

Dr. Calvin Fremling Biology

Gerald Nagel Biology

Richard O’Rourke Biology

Dr. M. R. Raymond Science


This year the most significant advance made in the Biology Department has been the increased emphasis placed upon undergraduate research in aquatic biology. Students were especially active in studies relating to pollution biology and river ecology. Winona State College and St. Mary’s College established a cooperative arrangement whereby they shared the Hydrobiology Laboratory on the river at Homer.

Dr. Opsahl and Dr. Fremling dredge mayfly tanks.

Dr. James Opsahl Head of Biology Department

Dr. Frederick Foss

Head of Chemistry Department

Dr. Ray Houtz Chemistry

Dr. David Rislove Chemistry

George Sprenger Chemistry

Jerry Witt Chemistry

Dr. Thomas Bayer

Head of Earth Science Department

Dr. John Donovan Geology

Kenneth Knoll Geology

Chemistry And Earth Science

A major feature of the Earth Science Department this year was the offering of geology field trips. One trip was the Northwestern United States Geological Field Tour to the Pacific Coast. In the classroom more instructors were available to teach courses, and graduate students were in charge of freshman earth science laboratories and materials.

The Chemistry Department, headed by Dr. Foss, offers a wide variety of courses. Preparationforprofessional careers in the field of chemistry and a total general education are both provided by courses that afford knowledge of a particular body of information and the opportunity to investigate and gain experience in laboratory situations.

Dr. and Mrs. Foss (far right) enjoy themselves at a faculty party preceding the President’s Ball.


William Emmons


Marceline Gratiaa


Frederick Olson


Sandra Olson


James Schmitz


Milton Underkoffler


Dr. Arthur Van De Water



The Department of Mathematics this year began offering classes in the late afternoon to make them available to working people. In this department, as in many others, new faculty members were added and more courses were scheduled. Several courses now are offered in computer analysis. Two members of the department were on leave this year to pursue graduate studies.

Dr. Rudolph Lokensgard Head of Mathematics Department Mr. Emmons prepares to feed data into a computer as Dick Nelson watches.
Maurice McCauley Charles Gill James Schmidt Dr. Neis Minne Acting Head of Physics Physics Science-Mathematics Physics Department Grad students David Anshus and Shyh-Ling Lee prepare to be instructed in numerical analysis by Mr. Underkoffler and Richard Rydman, computer programmer at Winona State.

Social Sciences

The departments in thesocial sciences offer a well-balanced, in-depth program of courses in history, political science, geography, and sociology. The courses are designed to prepare students to accept the duties and responsibilities that a citizen in a democratic society must face.

The political science program gives an understanding of international, national, state, and local problems. In geography knowledge of various regions of the world is integrated into a one-world view. The sociology program familiarizes students with social problems man must face in a changing society.

Robert Sheehan Dr. Arthur Barsky Dr. Brian Blakeley Dr. Clifton Hart Henry Hull History History History History History Raymond Thielen Richard Hopkins Norman Baron Roger Carlson James Sovereign History Head of Geography Geography Geography Geography Department Mr. Hull braves the cold weather and “hoofs it”.

Dr. Kent lectures to an attentive class in American National Government.

Larry Connell Head of Sociology Department

Ahmed El-Afandi Political Science

Dr. Arthur Glazer Sociology

William Christen Political Science

Dr. Atilla Horvath Sociology

James Eddy Head of Political Science Department

Dr. Harry Harmsworth Sociology

Dr. George Kent Political Science

Marvin Palecek Social Studios-History

Roderick Henry History

Student teacher Lynn Van Buskirk assists one of his fourth grade pupils. G. J. Rubash Phelps Principal Ray Brooks Mathematics Supervisor Louis Czarnowski 5th Grade Supervisor Kathryn Dunlay 2nd Grade Supervisor Lillian Spencer 3rd Grade Supervisor Cleo Reiter Kindergarten Supervisor Doris Pennell 1st and 2nd Grade Supervisor Estella Roen 1st Grade Supervisor

Phelps Faculty

Phelps is a four-year primary and fouryear middle school on our campus. It features semi-departmentalization, block scheduling, and team teaching in an effort to relate different subject areas to each other, A progressive school, it offers a fine training ground for Winona State students who observe and student teach there.

Ray Brooks explains a teaching technique to student teachers Roger Fischbach and Curt Conzett.

James Sabin Rose Sampson Charlotte Santleman Sixth Grade Super- Third and Fourth English and Social visor Grade Supervisor Studies Supervisor Shirley Bucher Anah Nelson Home Arts Supervisor Art Supervisor Judy Schlawin Art Supervisor


The Psychology Department is rapidly progressing in depth in the courses and programs which it has to offer. An undergraduate major in psychology was approved this last fall in addition to the already effective psychology minor. A Master of Science in appliedpsychology was also approved and there is a masters program for the preparation of high school counselors under the direction of Dr. Everett Eiken. The function of the program is to foster a scientific approach to the understanding and modification of behavior with emphasis on human behavior.


Father Olsen leads a group discusSion at Newman Center.






Eric Larson Psychology Monna Nutt Psychology Dr. Paul Rost Psychology John Lewis Psychology Father Martin Olsen Everett Eiken of Counseling Program Dr. James Mootz Psychology Harold Rogge Psychology Van Kirk Psychology

Psychological Services

The psychological services department is one of considerable depth and importance in the assistance that it offers. The counseling services offered to Winona State students include all aspects of educational, vocational, and personal adjustment problems, and staff members give generously of their time to assist students with such problems.

Services are extended also to some 30,000 students in schools of the surrounding ‘ area. Under the direction of Dr. George Christensen, the services center is in its third year of assisting these schools through the transitional per- iod of structuring and organizing their own counseling programs. Thirteen staff members—three social workers, five speech correctionists, one reading consultant, and four psychologists—are engaged in this assistance.

Dr. George Christensen Head of Psychology and Psychological Services Keith Larson Reading Consultant John Storck Assistant Director of Psychological Services Lynde Rasmussen Speech Pathologist Susan Friestad Speech Pathologist Paul Rekstad Psychological Services Lynn Groth Speech Pathologist Robert Tompkins Psychological Services Norman Doty Social Worker Ronald Fitch Psychologist Gayle Tompkins, speech pathologist, assists some of the Phelps children.

the scene is sharing what we have in common in experience, background, and in interests performing a symphony by beethoven, singing together in Washington cathedral. producing a play, speaking at roundtable working on satori, writing for the winonan practicing a warriorette routine, going on a ski trip working on the queen’s float, decorating for a dance going to a seminar, chatting at newman common bonds the basis for worthwhile experiences and lasting associations.

sharing mutual interests

Collegiate Club

Collegiate Club is an honorary service organization. It strives to expand the image and influence of Winona State College by serving the campus and community, encouraging participation in college activities and fostering cooperation with the faculty and administration.

The club sponsors the annual decorating of Somsen at Christmas time. In addition, they do extensive recruiting at surrounding high schools and junior colleges. Speaking and showing slides of Winona State and itsactivities on these recruiting trips hasbeen the club’s main field of concentration this year.

COLLEGIATE CLUB Warren LaCourse, Tom Gorman, Kris Krejei, James Brodie, Cynthia Jones, Barbara Stemmer, Jan Weist, Kit Grier, and Marlys Dickerman. MORE COLLEGIATE CLUBBER’S Barbara Steene, Tim Dalton, Nancy Olson, Gary McDowell, Susan Critchfield, Mr. Reidelberger, advisor; Phil Luhman, and Harold Davies.


ROW ONE: Mary Lenz, Jane Schultz, Mary Harty, Carol Reibel, Sandy Shima, Liz Siverson, Fran Fullerton, Sue HallStrom, Jay Youmans, Kay Will, Barb Winkel, Jeanne Nadreau, Ann Voight. ROW TWO: Kathy Meyer, Lynn Johnson, Kathy Kelley, Sharon Greenslade, Diane Heim, JoAnn Ostrem, Tim Shreiner, Richard Metz, William Evenson, Mary Cottengim, Edith Bierbaum, Patricia A. Tolmie, Julie Nickels, Claudia Halstead, Barbara Franklin, Gail Albee, Sandy Widing, Holly Brisbin. ROW THREE: Dan Anderson, Marlys Dickerman, Jane Bowen, Pat Fritz, Jan Wiest,

Linda Schild, Tom Sabotta, Joan Reuter, Karen Walter, Cindy Jones, Jean Stevens, Diane Ketchum, Judie Smith, Bev Christopherson, Joan Whitney, Connie Polkey, Marlene Thies, Pat Charest. ROW FOUR: John Phillipson, Richard W. Kirchner, LaVerne Paulson, Dan Becker, Lowell Heydt, Orin Holtan, Gary Gartner, David A. Kulas, Gary Anhalt, Roger Fischbach, John Wagner, Gary Berquist, Paul Johnson, Margot Johnson, Kay Marquardt, Barb Schifsky, Dianne Lewis, Avis Bierbaum, Bonnie Boysen, Nancy Monnens. Sue Natvig.


The Student National Education Association is in keeping with the tradition that Winona State holds—that of training people for the teaching profession. One of the larger organizations, it aids students specializing in a teaching career by attempting to give them insight into some aspects of the profession. Monthly meetings are held with occasional panel discussions and guest lecturers.

Gamma Tau Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi is Winona State’s honorary education society. Selective in membership, it is dedicated to achievement and high standards in education. AT LEFT: Kay Eiken receives her pin—part of the initiation ceremony of Kappa Delta Pi. Pinning her is Linda Minnie, historianrecorder, as Judith Strike, secretary, looks on.


Winona State Student Association

Campus Coordinating Committee

The Student Activities Coordinating Committee has expanded its functions in the past year at a tremendous rate. It now is responsible for almost all college Union activities and brings entertainment to the campus from all over America. The SACC’s main attraction for the year was the Peaches and Herb concert during Homecoming week.

Growth has been the key word in this year’s Student Senate. In this age of sprawling student power, the Senate hasmade advances undreamed of ten years ago. Under the leadership of President Tim Dalton, the Senate undertook increased responsibilities in virtually every area of college life. The expanded college committee structure now allows for student representation in more areas than ever before.

WINONA STATESTUDENT ASSOCIATION ROW ONE: Susan Drajeske, Diane Heim, Mary Harty. ROW TWO: Ray Gunderson, Tim McCarthy, Jan Wiest, Gary McDowell, Barb Broecker, Jim Vonderohe, Tom Sage. ROWTHREE: Stephen Joswick, Tim Dalton, Steve Lund, Steve Holubar, Tom Gorman, Jim Brodie.
Î % "1
CAMPUS COORDINATING COMMITTEE ROW ONE: Jan Wiest, Kris Bauman, Lori Polichnowski, Jeri Madsen. ROW TWO: Gary Gartner, David Kulas, Tom Sage.

The Task of Editing

BELOW: Dan McGuiness, associate editor of the Winonan, types a final draft of an editorial, preparing it for publication. RIGHT: Diane Mager, editor-in-chief of the Wenonah, makes a selection of photographs to be used in the yearbook.

The “Pub”

A Busy Place

Somsen 313—more familiarly, “The Pub”—the place where editors organize and reorganize, schedule and re-schedule pictures, appointments, interviews

A place where they make assignments, do layouts, write and rewrite A place where they bite fingernails, and slave drive staff members because there is always the constant pressure of deadlines The place that has one small corner office where sanity and calmness (in the person of Mr. Bremer, publications advisor) reside “The Pub”—the place where things get published.

Mr. Bremer, advisor to both publications and chairman of the publications committee, shares the worries of both editors.

’69 Wenonah: A Big Job for A Small Staff

RIGHT: Diane Mager, the yearbook’s editor-in-chief, consults with Maureen Rodich, who did the advertising layouts, and Linda Nelson, who assisted with the classes section.

Winonan, Satori Voice Student Thought

The Satori, staffed and financed by students, is in its second year of publication. The staff collects prose, poetry and^ artwork from the entire campus community for the literary magazine. Last year’s Satori is being used by two high schools in their poetry classes.

In keeping with journalistic tradition, the Winonan kept the WSC student body well-informed in the paper’s 50th year of publication. The leadership of the Editor Bob Junghans brought with it a uniqueness never before encountered on the Winona Campus, as the year was highlighted by the publication of the Winonan on a daily basis for the first time in history.

SATORI STAFF Larry Rippel, Diane Rippel, Linda Weaver, Steve Johnson, Carol Ryan, Miss Joan Kuzma, Advisor, Roger Lâcher. WINONAN STAFF ROW ONE: David Vickery, Betty Eglinton, Bob Junhgans. ROW TWO: Dan McGuiness, Ken Maddux, Carol Pedretti. ROW THREE: Mike Stiever, Chris Grajczyk, Sue Westlund, Richard J. Gora, Judy Schmitz.

CONCERT CHOIR ROW ONE: Theresa Zurek, Lorraine Haugland, Candy Simon, Le Anne Hansen, Ruby Oian, Nancy Novak, Susan Wollin, Linda Sveen, Becky Van Auken, Elaine Lea, Barbara Lea, Kathy Jahn, Genell Iverson, Wendy Thorson, Patricia Ferden, Charleen Wenninger, Susan McCrae, Judy Clark. ROW TWO: Rhonda Westman, Sandy Scovil, Lynn Loquai, Judy Durben, Katherine Burger, Margaret Hay, Genene Gordish, Chris Reisdorf, Karen Hadoff, Becky Ring, Mary Twite, Cheryl Pachkofsky, Kathryn Moe, Susan Boyum, Kathy Hansen. ROW

THREE: Larry Shea, Jon Arnold, Mark Houdek, Dennis Redwing, Ed Rauk, John Ott, Mike Klomp, Steve Prussing, Steve Lund, John Schoonmaker, Dan Sonju, Bruce O’Dell, Larry Watson, Tim Peterson, Chuck Sands, Don Johnson. ROW FOUR: James Dixon, David Crow, CJunner Apeland, Kurt VonMeyer, Doug Johnson, Charles Poppe, Gordan Rostwold, Dwight Weideman, Tim Hurley, David Dankwart, Byron Perrine, Glenn Piske, Wally Trouten, Wayne Kidd, Brian Olson, Ron Johnson, Scott Sandberg, Gary McDowell, Dick Metz. Richmond McCluer, director.

MADRIGAL SINGERS Ron Johnson, Gary McDowell, Don Johnson, Susan McCrae, Ed Rauk, Kathy Burger, David Danckwart, Nancy Novak, Jim Dixon, Chris Reisdorf, and Le Anne Hansen gather around Mr. McCluer at the piano for Madrigal rehearsal.

Concerts, Tours, and a Musical

One of the mainstays of the Winona State musical program is the ConcertChoir. In addition to their two annual concerts at Christmas and Parents’ Weekend, the year was highlighted by the Choir’s March tour of the Washington, D.C., area. The tour was capped off by a thrilling performance in Washington Cathedral on Palm Sunday. Chosen from within the ranks of the Concert Choir are the Madrigal Singers. The function oftheMadrigals is to perform at events such as Dr. DuFresne’s reception and before social organizations in the city of Winona.

LEFT: Tommy Albright, played by Gary McDowell, listens to the wisdom of Mr. Lindie, the village sage in “Brigadoon.” BELOW: The villagers of “Brigadoon” mourn the death of Harry, played by Dennis Kochta.

AT TOP: Kathy Moe and Dave Heyer at a Jazz Band rehearsal. ABOVE: Mr. Davenport conducts the Winona Symphony orchestra, a group comprised of students from all three colleges in Winona as well as talent from the community.

The Sounds of Music

WINONA STATE CONCERT BAND ROW ONE: Linda Strnad, Norene Stensgaard, Bonnie Nash, Jean Anne Nichols, Jean Johnson, Kathy Russett, Dorothy Pexton. ROW TWO: Patricia Ferden, Sue Ruehmann, Beatrice Bauer, Joan Hauble, Mary Grant, Wendy Thoreson, Kathy Schroeder, Sharon Olson, Linda Hemming, Mary Lou Robinson, Jeanne Hansen, Rhonda Englien, David Crow, Carmen Lina Conklin. ROW THREE: Edith Bierbaum, Nancy Wilma, JoAnn Daskam, Lois Adams, Kathy Lewison, Dwight Weideman, Susan Rapp, Adeline Claeys, Sheila Marschall, David Smelser, Barbara Lea, Donna Kube, Cheryl Bremseth, Susan McCrae, Beverly Goubold, Elaine Lea, Susan Wollin, Ronald Haugen, Ronald Sacia, Mr. Baron.ROW FOUR: Mr. Richard Linder, conductor, Francine Corcoran, Kevin Hammel, Margaret Eischen, Linda Vinje, Holly Brisbin, Kathy Wagner, Maynard Thompson, Richard Ruehmann, Michael Tentis, Gary McDowell, Thomas Tiedeman, Janèt Bonow, Francis Thicke, James Ruprecht, Darryl Smelser, Richard Husie, Bruce White, David Heyer, David Knight, John Gieschen, Richard Anderson, Lynn Huntoon, Bruce Wildes, Mary Lund.

The 65 members ofthe Winona State Concert Band, under the direction of Mr. Richard Linder, continued to perpetuate its philosophy of diversification and variety for the individual band member with numerous types of performances this year. As well as the traditional concerts the band plays throughout the year, 1969 found the band touring neighboring midwestern states, with trumpeter Mike Tentis as soloist. Subsidiaries of the band include the Jazz Ensemble, conducted by Mr. Fred Heyer, and the Pep Band, directed by Band President Richard Anderson.



Intercollegiate debate, which was reborn at Winona State four years ago, acquired a semblance of maturity this year as the Warrior debaters compiled a better then .500 record. Under the direction of Norbert Mills, the Winona debaters competed in various tournaments throughout the year on both the varsity and novice levels. Highlights of the debating season included an overall fifth place finish in the season standings in the Twin City DebateLeague. In addition, debaters Lee Turner and Gene Larrabee tied for second place at the Eau Claire Debate Tournament with a 4-1 performance there, and they also achieved a first place tie at St. Thomas with a 3-0 mark. With an expanded budget and all members returning next year, the debaters can look forward to more success.

Winona State Speech Association


ONE: Leslie Lee M i d k i f f, Patricia A. Tolmie, June L. Courteau, Daryl R. Bronniche, Edith Bierbaum, Barbara O’Reilly. ROW TWO: Dorothy B. Magnus, advisor, John R. Heddle, Pat Peltier, Susan Hoblit, Matilda Smalls, Carol

Membership in the Winona State Speech Association is open to all speech majors and minors interested in joining. Activities include speeches by people in the field of speech as well as discussions in the areas of drama, debate and teaching of speech.

Pedretti. ROW THREE: Mike Eischen, Mark Orlowski, Arthur G. Humphries, Sheila Gehling, Larry Shea. ROW FOUR: Mike O’Toole, Helen Rafferty, Dennis Roemer, Kathy Russett, Paul Skattum, Jeanne Morrison, Bruce Hittner, Bruce Danielson.

DEBATE TEAM Candy Kobler, Sue Waggoner, Bill Krause, Lee Turner, Mr. Mills, advisor; Gene Larrabee, Mark Nolan.

Wenonah Players

The Wenonah Players is Winona State’s dramatic organization that presents three annual productions. This year’s fall production was Sheridan’s “The Rivals” and the winter production was “Playboy of the Western World”. Members are selected by audition in the fall and have the opportunity to obtain experience both on and off the stage, as actors or as part of the stage crew.

National Collegiate Players

National Collegiate Players is an honorary theater arts fraternity that has been established on Winona State’s campus since 1962. Membership in the fraternity is achieved by meeting national requirements, high scholastic standards, and by being selected from theater arts majors by the active chapter. Winona State has two members, Jeanne Morrison and Mike Sheimo, representative to the national fraternity. Jeanne and Mike are shown below in scenes from the fall production of “The Rivals”.

WENONAH PLAYERS ROW ONE: Lorna Cooper, Carolyn Ebeling, Edith Bierbaum, Charleen Domaille, Leslie Lee Midkiff, Arthur Humphries, Cheryl Plank, Karen Hartley, Nancy Bjostad, Daryl Bronniche, Barbara O’Reilly, Cheryl Bremseth. ROW TWO: Luanne Steiner, Judy Halvorson, Rae Gainey, June Courteau, Norma Michael, Pat Peltier, Matilda Smalls, Cheri Henderson, Connie Kroege, Sandy Widing, Paula Erdmann, Sue Westlund. ROW THREE: Dorothy Magnus, advisor, Fran Corcoran, Nancy Bolegemann, Patricia Tolmie, John Wagner, Helen Rafferty, Peggy Brake, Susan Hoblit, Sheila Gehling, Carol Pedretti, Robert Buss. ROW FOUR: Mark Orlowski, Mike O’Toole, Mike Eischen, John Heddle, Larry Shea, Ken Rother, Jeanne Morrison, Kathy Russett, Bruce Hittner, Bruce Danielson, Sylvia Erpelding.
VARSITY A-TEAM CHEERLEADERS Chéri Palmer, Pat Browne, Cindy Cords, Catherine Hingeveld, Barbara Veldhuizen,
B-TEAM CHEERLEADERS Rene Dunn, Liz Tufte, Jill Schwartz.
Cheerleaders Bring Pep,
to Sports Events

Warriorettes Add Color and Spirited Enthusiasm


Nancy Olson, Linda Leslie, and Kathy Betcher.

WARRIORETTES ROW ONE: Barbara Grande, Sue Miller, Barbara Ree, Nancy Olson, Linda Leslie, Lita Wedul. ROW TWO: Kathy DeYoe, Mary Kuchenmeister, Pat Heiting, Kathy Betcher, Marty Marvin, Linda Herman, Wendy Johnson, Cindy Jones. ROW THREE: Carrie Nesset, Terry Hayes, Kris Olstad, Sue Bartl, Barb Jones, Leslie Carvell, Judy Rosengren, Pam Buck, Sue Godsey, Karen Queensland. CHOREOGRAPHERS

“W” Club

The “W” Club is open to all men who have gained a letter in a varsity sport. The club promotes sportsmanship both on and off the playing field and assists in the fulfillment of athletic progress. The men of the “W” also handle concessions at athletic contests and sponsor dances throughout the year.

Ski and Outing Club

The Ski and Outing Club of WSC promotes the activities of the invigorating outdoors by sponsoring and participating in many

outdoor activities. The highlight of the year was a ski outing in Canada over Christmas vacation.

“W” CLUB OFFICERS Rog Jehlicka, vice-president; Curt Palmer, president; Jerry Stejkal, Secretary-treasurer. SKI AND OUTING CLUB Barbara Thierman, Diane Suete, Rolland Grunz, Mike Chichanowski, Suzanne Stankiewicz, Jim Streeter, Ken Rother, Elaine Kalien, Steve Thrune.


ONE: Barb Christensen, Joanie Moyer, Linda Leary, Sally Landsman, Lynn Knudson, Debbie Millie, Joyce Paul, Cheri Palmer, Kathy Boelter, Jean Marie Sandvold, Jill Sackett, Linda Carlon, Gwenn Balzer, Carolyn Clementson, Pat Browne. ROW TWO: Kay Kiesner, Judy Lee, Cher Miller, Pegi Mullen, Gayle Smith, JoAnn Ostrem,

Women’s Physical Education Club

The Women’s Physical Education Club consists of women majoring or minoring in physical education. A regular schedule of activities centers around bowling, swimming, and a wide variety of sports-related activities.

Pat Fuller, Colleen O’Kane, Linda Blakely, Cate Hingeveld. Barb Husbyn, Pat O’Dea, Mary Stearns, Cyndy Cords, Cathy Gerths, Barb Peterson. ROW THREE: Jeanne Wilson, Dianne Huirás, Marilyn Nelson, Joan Culhane, Sharon Euerle, Rosie Marz, Lynette Grimm, Jude Stienessen, June Heuer, Mary Kurtz, Annette Nyseth, Sherry Zastrow, Joan Daniels, Marian Felland, Marsha Walters.

Women’s Intramural, Extramural Program

The Women’s Intramural, Extramural Program this year consisted ofintercollegiate women’s basketball, swimming, and volleyball as well as a full program of intramural league sports.

WOMEN’S INTRAMURAL, EXTRAMURAL PROGRAM ROW ONE: Carolyn Clementson, Cher Miller, Janet Dittrich, Debbie Millie, Linda Leary, Mary Stearns. ROW TWO: Barb Husbyn, Annette Nyseth, Pat Fuller, JoAnn Os- trem, Colleen O’Kane, Judy Lee, Pat O’Dea. ROW THREE: Sharon Euerle, Rosie Marz, Pegi Mullen, Suzie Summers, June Heuer, Marilyn Nelson, Linda Blakely.

Theta Kappa Iota

Theta Kappa Iota is affiliated with Kiwanis International. Its membership is open to Winona State men interested in participating in constructive social and service campaigns.

Accounting Club and SAM

Accounting Club and The Society for the Advancement of Management are organizations designed to aid students interested in making a career in business administration or education. The Accounting Club, just recently formed, is a local group while SAM is national. It is a professional society to further undergraduate experience in principles of modern management.

ACCOUNTING CLUB. .DickNelson, Jeffery Stoll, Irvin Nehring, Michael Ryan, Allen Jackson. THETA KAPPA IOTA ROW ONE: Glen Peterson, Charles Haggbloom, David Crow. ROW TWO: C. J. Duellman, advisor; Roy Wilsey, Dave Janssen, Dennis Aase. SOCIETY FOR ADVANCEMENT OF MANAGEMENT ROW ONE: Pat Ryan, Mike Spellacy, Judy Kehneman, Jeffrey Stoll, Jim Zeigeweid, Michael Ryan. ROW TWO: David Bauer, Ed Malone, Ronald Kovacik. Dale Walker, Tom Goodrich. ROW THREE: Dr. J. H. Foegen, advisor, Roy Androli, Rurick Carlson, Marvin Olson, Dennis Brom.

Veteran’s Club

The Veteran’s Club is open to all Veterans with a minimum of twenty-one months ofactive duty in any branch of the United States Armed Forces. It provides men with similar experiences to relax together and assists them on campus with veteran affairs.

Political Clubs

The Young Democrats and Young Republicans both encourage an active interest and participation in local and national affairs. Members need not be of voting age; the purpose of the groups is to develop leadership among young peopie. The Young Republicans’ season is highlighted by the annual Minnesota Federation College Republican Club Convention in Minneapolis.

VETERAN’S CLUB ROW ONE: Frank Siebenaler, Charles Schneider, Robert Hoffman, Ron Strub, David Bauer, Jerry Kanes. ROW TWO: Barry Brinkmeier, John Anderson, William Trouten, Clayton Larson, Jeffery Heider, Dwayne Hanson, Roy Wilsey advisor. YOUNG DEMOCRATS ROW ONE: David Hedgecock, Marlene Moore, Barb Broecker, John Heddle. ROW TWO: Duane Polansky, Greg Sieleman. YOUNG REPUBLICANS ROW ONE: Marcia Walders, Marcia Frederickson, Janice McCauley, Bonnie Runge, Karen Klauer, Diane Blackburn. ROW TWO: Walt Herron, Shirley Hodgson, Linda Trapp, visiting non-member. Gay Babelstein, Adrienne Bloche, Ann Frank. ROW THREE: Gene Fairchild, Ken Evans, Dwight Void, Terry Suneson, Scott Sprangers.

Kappa Pi

Alpha Upsilon chapter of Kappa Pi, the national art fraternity, welcomes all art majors and minors. This year’s projects included the usual constructionof the Queen’s float for the Homecoming parade, the painting of Somsen’s front windows for Christmas and the sponsoring of the Spring Prom.

Industrial Arts Club

The Industrial Arts Club helps in the development of conscientious contributions in this field. The club presents guest speakers at the meetings to demonstrate new methods and equipment.

KAPPA PI ROW ONE: Shirley Cook, Sue Critchfield, Sue Rodley. ROW TWO: John Ambuhl, John Phillipson, Don Elmblad, Douglas Standke. INDUSTRIAL ARTS ROW ONE: Dusty Bertel, Charles Haggbloom, Glenn Miller, Ronald Black, Orin Holtan. ROW TWO: Tim Schreiner, Carl Soderstrom, Mike Cichanowski, Rolland Grunz, Ralph Nordstrom.

WOMEN’S J-BOARD ROW ONE: Kathy Polkey, Marilyn Johnson, Pamela Nelson, Joanie Moyer, Amy Nofsinger, Bev Christopherson. ROW TWO: Gayle Smalls, Becky Roberts, Ann Geppert, Kathie Burger, Karen Walter, Bonnie Fitzgerald, Mary Christen. ROW THREE: Susan Hoblit,

Judgement by Peers

MEN’SJ-BOARD ROW ONE: James Fehrman, LaVern Paulson, Richard Kirchner, Greg Angsten, Darrell Greenslade. ROW TWO: Gene Van Buskirk, Jon Amlaw, Bruce

Joyce Smith, Bárb Leiferman, Marie Ciokiewicz, supervisor; Margo Johnson, Sharon Greenslade, Carmene Sens, supervisor. ROW FOUR: Joan Deters, advisor; Sue Natvig, Dot Pexton, Carol Johns, Dawn Bien, Sue Summers, Shari Albers.

The J-Boards, newly initiated this year, act as judicial committees of peers in all disciplinary violations within the dormitories. Members are chosen in each dormitory (one from each floor). Though the board carries out any punitive action necessary, the attempt and spirit of the board is to correct rather than to punish.

Anderson, Pete Miller, Ronald Helminiak, Paul Wilson, Dave Boss.


WOMEN RESIDENTASSISTANTS Jean Woodsend, Residence Hall Director; Kris Olson, Judy Iten, Linda CarIon, Ann Voight, Sandy Shima, Cindy Coughlos, Holly Brisbin. ROW TWO: Carmene Sens, supervisor; Mary Christen, supervisor; Cindy Jones, Kay Swayze, Judy Lee, Mary Ann

The resident assistants are upperclassmen who are chosen to provide guidance and counseling in the dormitory. The assistants are on duty at all times and are responsible for the smooth operation of their respective floors. They have special dormitory duty about twice a week, RA meetings every week, in-service meetings, and conduct their own floor meetings. They strive to provide a pleasant, friendly atmosphere in the dormitories yet one that is conducive to study.


RA’s Assist in Dorm Living

Hall, Pegi Mullen, CathyBruggeman, Colleen O’Kane. ROW Kathryn Moe, Jean Stevens, Marie Ciokiewicz, supervisor; Linda Hemming, Cher Miller, Rosie Marz, Joan Deters, supervisor; Linda Hermanson, Kay Marquardt, Diane Ketchum, Betty Eglinton. MEN RESIDENT ASSISTANTS. James Ernster, Richard Pietsch, Ron Johnson, David Kavitz. ROW TWO: Frank Siebenaler, supervisor; Tim Schreiner, Ken Maddux, Roger Fischbach, Ron Amdahl, supervisor. ROW THREE: Doug Standke, Mike Klomp, Bruce White, Ed Stern, Tom Sabotta.

The Dormitory Councils are composed ofrepresentatives elected by each floor. As spokemen for on-campus students the councils meet weekly to discuss the views, complaints, and desires of their floor r e s idents. The council further decides on any programs for the dormitory residents such as open houses, movies and luncheons.

Dorm Councils Aid On-Campus Students

WOMEN’S DORM COUNCIL ROW ONE: Jean Woodsend, Carolyn Ebeling, Cheryl Bremseth, Patricia A. Tolmie. ROW TWO: Linda Blakely, Mary Ann Hall, Jan Edwards, Ruth Heine. MEN’S DORM COUNCIL ROW ONE: Mark Brostrom, Steve Darkow, Jim Trahan, Dave Ogren, Bill Hume, Joe Dennis Aase, Steve D. Johnson, Bob Barnacle, Steve Schuldt, Dolan. Patrick Gerber. ROW TWO; Ron Amdahl, Bruce Stege,

The Lutheran Student Association is open to all WSC students and provides discussions, fun, and fellowship on the college level.

The Newman Club, which sponsors community, campus, and club activities such as folk Masses and dances, makes available to all students literature, discussion and classes on the Catholic Faith.

Religious Clubs Provide

NEWMAN CLUB ROW ONE: Father Martin Olsen, Chaplain, Rowe Alt, Raymond Kiral, Pat Ryan, Joanie Moyer, Carolyn Ebeling, Cathie Roddy, Joanie Hittner, Lorna Hefei, Valerie Sanders. ROW TWO: Mike Eischen, Nancy Nipp, Marie Ciokiewicz, Sheila Gehling, Shari Abbers, Pat Meyer, Marilynn Feuling, Faye Krudirmacher, David

Vickery, Pat McDaniel. ROW THREE: Miss Betty McCormick, lay advisor. Sister Sarto, Bruce Danielson, Colleen Frank, Diane Polarsky, Helen Rafferty, Peter Hartón, Joanne Nipp, William Shafer, Maureen Rodich, Therese Raker, Rose Marie Mahoney.

LSA ROW ONE: Ann Prudoehl, Ann Spelhaug, Lorna Cooper, Joan Anderson, Sandra Widing. ROW TWO: Pastor John A. Anderson, Julie Nickels, Dennis Aase, Vickie Eling, Diane Ketchum, Jon Schoonmaker.

Fun, Faith, Fellowship

INTER-VARSITY. .ROW ONE:Karen Hartley, Joan Anderson, Barbara O’Reilly, Carol Lunz. ROW TWO: Linda Wendt, Janice Bostrom, Ruth Buckbee, Beatrice Bauer, Carol Herrmann, BeverlyDeForth, Dianne Bastin. ROW THREE: Dennis Redwing, Gene Van Buskirk, Rurich Carlson, Dennis Aase, David Crow.

Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship is nondenominational and is open to all students. It is a nationally recognized organization. Inter-varsity sponsors prayer and Bible study meetings, films, speakers, and social activities.

Gamma Delta is affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Its program is composed of guest speakers, discussions, recreation, Bible readings and informal get-togethers at Gamma Delta House.

GAMMA DELTA ROW ONE: Adrienne Block, Fran Fullerton, Sue Hallstrom, Linda Christensen, Deloria Shavinsky. ROW TWO: Cher Miller, Ann Franks, Marilyn Funk, Karen Fischer, Lynda Trapp, Liz Siverson, Ruth Buckbee. ROW THREE: Leslie Wille, Don Zimmerman, treasurer, Wally Schultz, Bonnie Runge, Marylin Maki, John Ehlen, Darrel Zietlow.

the greek scene is fellowship it’s the excitement of going through rush, the endurance, but more often, the fun of pledgeship— a growing, learning, experience it’s service and involvement, on campus: in student government, sponsoring social events, instilling enthusiasm; in the community: painting a steamboat, sponsoring an orphan, clearing a trail.

it’s social—fundamentally, importantly, bringing and reflecting the unity of fellowship, within and between each person in each group.

promoting fellowship

First We Pledge

BELOW; A Phi Sig active supervises while Rollie Austin and Dave Anderson do pledge chores. RIGHT: Jim Brodie, “Delta Zeta sweetheart”, assists Sue Critchfield with preparations for a rush party. ABOVE; What brother will do to brother. .Bill McNary has his brother, Dick, at his mercy at the Sig Tau Spring Carnival. ABOVE; Marti Marvin (center) entertains rushees Marie Tolstead and Cathy Hernlem at a rush party. RIGHT; Don Crilly, a Sig Tau pledge at carnival time, prepares for a cool dip as Ann Roberton winds up for a throw.

LEFT: Marge Sinner, Marilyn Bothum, Carolyn Satren, and Jean Kremer do a dance routine to open the talent show that their sorority, Alpha Delta Pi, sponsored. BELOW: John Corso and John Rost work on their homecoming float entry.

Then We Work

BELOW: Connie Menden and Sue Sundry put finishing touches on the Wilke steamboat. Alpha Delta Pi undertook the painting of the entire boat as a service project to the community.

BELOW LEFT: The TEKE’S give out root beer to the crowd during half time at a WSC game.


And Then, We Party!

BELOW: A “Hippie Party” Fred Storti, Shelia Homola, and Tom Sage are among the happier hippies at the party. RIGHT: Jim McArthur is disguised as a hip Hell’s Angel. Don Emblad gives vent to his creative energies by The life of any party, he spreads his charm body-painting his date around

The Social Aspect.

at a

The Phi Sigs prepare refreshments for their thirsty ball-playing brothers. ABOVE: The enthusiastic cheering section Phi Sig softball game. LEFT: Chuck Heiser is one who does believe in sleeping at pajama parties.

A Week of Fellowship

Greek Week ’69 was. making unworkable snow work so that a rabbit, a lion, and other snow r creatures could be molded It was participating in an all-sing— if you were an Alpha Delta Pi you won first place, if you were a Phi Sig you had more fun than anyone else It was a talent show with star attractions—Gypsey Rose Standke, El Spazo, and Granny McFaggott It was a banquet in LaCrosse with good food, music, and company but most important it was doing things together the Greek way, the way the theme, “United We Stand’’, suggested things should be done. Doug

The Greek
Standke was the hit ofthe talent show A Phi Sig turned into Gypsey Rose Lee

Way—“United We Stand”

ma, and Kathy Stemmer, of Alpha Xi Delta, were dess. BELOW: The Alpha Delta Pi Lion won section.

BELOW: Phi Sigma Epsilon captured first place in the snow sculpture competition with its red-coated rabbit. FAR BELOW: El Spazo (Dave Anderson) makes his silent debut as a clairvoyant juggler in the talent show sponsored by Alpha Delta Pi sorority.

Doug gives in to the audience’s demands that he “take it all off ”... well, almost.


Alpha Phi Omega

Extends Service

Alpha Phi Omega is a national service fraternity, the only one on Winona State’s campus. It is small on our campus but it has the largest undergraduate Greek fraternity in the world. Though former membership in the Boy Scouts of America is no longer a prerequisite for membership in the organization, the group is still affiliated with the boy scouts. Actually the only prerequisite for belonging is the desire to do a little more than the average student would in the way of service to campus and community. The group’s projects this year included clearing trails on Bluff Side Park, making campus pack distributions, and sponsoring a “Ugly Man On Campus’’ Contest. Though they don’t have formal social functions as do the other Greek organizations, they do cultivate brotherhood within their group with numerous informal social activities for their members.

ALPHA PHI OMEGA ROW ONE: Dusty Bertel, David Rodewold, Craig Holmstrom, Steve Thrune. ROW TWO: Dick Losinski, Richard Pietsch, LaVerne Paulson. ROWTHREE: Curt Johnson, Bob Noreen, Mike Cichanowski. Alpha Phi Omega assisted the Park-Recreation Board in the establishment and maintenance of hiking trails in the bluffside areas in the vicinity of Hozinger Lodge. Larry Underkoffler, Bob Noreen, Mike Cichanowski, and Curt Johnson.

Alpha Xi Delta Spirit of Friendship

Sisterhood in Alpha Xi Delta means sharing, service, honor, trust and above all friendship and sisterhood. The Alpha Xi’s stress scholarship and activity in the college community. This year the Alpha Xi’s involvement started Orientation week with many of the sisters as team leaders. Student Senate, Faculty-Student Committees, and other campus organizations also include Alpha Xi girls. This year the sorority also had the honor of having three fraternity sweethearts, Greek Goddess, and the TEKE playmate chosen from the sisterhood. Putting up Santa’s House for the chamber of commerce, working with handicapped children, old folks and the Red Cross were some of this year’s service projects. Such things as exchanges with fraternities, the Spring style show and social functions help round out the college lives of members of this sorority.

ALPHA XI DELTA ROW ONE: Linda Eyler, Peggy Jo Kropp, Carol Reibel, Diane Heim, Sue Williams, Kris Olson, Sandy Shima, Laura Schottmuller, Lynn Johnson, Brenda Reindal, Cindy Coughlos, Sue Drajeske. ROW TWO: Jane Schultz, Kathy Kelley, Nancy Bezdichek, Pat Browne, Jane Bowen, Betty Eglinton, DeeAnn Nelson, Linda Leslie, Sharon Reindal, Kathy Meyer, Sheila Homola. ROW THREE: MaryHarty, Ruth Wegman, Kathryn Ochs, Barb Quinn, Sue Cihak, Nancy Hitchcock, Kay Quinn, Linda Boyum, Pat Fritz, Brenda Jungerberg, Jeri Madsen, Kathy Stemmer. Sue Drajeske, Jeri Madsen, and Pat Browne take care of some last finishing touches in preparation for a rush party.

A Third National Sorority on Campus

Alpha Delta Pi

Belonging to Alpha Delta Pi in ’69 started out by not belonging to Alpha Delta Pi at all but to Kappa Theta Chi, a local and independent sorority—in the middle offall quarter acceptance as an affiliate pledge chapter of the national Alpha Delta Pi came ecstatic celebrationfollowed then, a formal initiation that turned thirtyfive actives into thirty-five lowly pledges again then a period of adjustment—a new name, a new pin, a new outlook Belonging was working together, whether it was in campaigning for a queen candidate, repainting the Wilke steamboat, going on a cerebral palsy drive, having a car wash, or creating a “Winter Haven” for the annual Christmas Dance it was having fun together, whether it was on a campout, a picnic, or at a dinner dance It was going all out for Greek Week—molding the Alpha Delta Pi lion into a prize-winning snow creature, winning the all-sing trophy, and sponsoring a Greek talent show But most typically, it was caring for, and liking each other as the Alpha Delta Pi motto suggests “We Live for Each Other.”

ALPHA DELTA PI SORORITY ROW ONE: Linda Hogstad, Linda Thompson, Diane Mager, Sonja Saari, Patti King, Dolores Connoy, Jo Hageman, Sue Sundry, Marge Dinner. ROW TWO: Jean Kremer, Linda Nelson, Marti Marvin, Linda Hemming, Mary Jane Vucinovich, Kathryn Moe, Linda Gronholz, Linda Manders, Evonne Brown, Faye Froehlich, Carolyn Satren, Lynn Seitz, Connie Menden, Karen Donehower, Linda Sveen, Nancy Nelson, Shirley Cook, Jeanne Heller, Diane Nelson, Chris Johnston. Faye Froehlich is given her pledge pin by Mrs. Orval Lund, alumni advisor for Alpha Delta Pi. Watching are Mrs. Gilbert Roberson and Mrs. Raymond Rice, province president.

Delta Zeta

It was an active and suecessful year for DZ sorority at WSC. The year began with DZ sponsoring its annual fall style show for the campus homecoming. Homecoming meant campaigning for queen candidate Christy Campbell and Valentine’s Day meant a formal dance with the theme, “Queen of Hearts” and a DZ, Barb Steene, becoming WSC’s Campus Cover Girl. Winter quarter brought rush when many new pledges added to the fun and excitement. Every quarter many of the girls found living together an enjoyable experience in a large offcampus house. DZ also won the Greek scholarship trophy during the year and continued sponsoring its Korean orphan.

DELTA ZETA ROW ONE: Cathy Cliff, Sharon Greenslade, Alice Green, Cheryl Hanson, Linda Handt, Pat Kennedy, Cheryl Bremseth, Marlys Dickerman, Candy Simon. ROW TWO: JoAnn Ostrem, Carol Pretzel, Terry Follmann, Joanne Karsten, Kay Everson, Sue Critchfield, Christy Campbell, Diane Roffler, Mary Zimmerman, Mary Landoff, Barbara Steene. ROW THREE: Nadine Gravenish, Joan Pretzel, Linda Knippenberg, Lori Polichnowski, Linda Behrens, Ruth Wisdorf, Jan Wiest, Char Behnken, Linda Schild, Susan Ivers, Hallie Russell, Janet Jozwick, Janet Edwards. Making friends in Disneyland Jan Johnson, a Delta Zeta sister, was an absent member this year. Reigning as the Aquatennial Queen of the Lakes took Jan on tour throughout the United States and abroad.

Sigma Tau Gamma Instills Leadership

Belonging to Sigma Tau Gamma in ’69 was starting the year off right by building a first-place float for Homecoming it was giving their address as “252 Franklin” because, whether a member lived there officially or unofficially, it was the address of his fraternity house it was getting a color television for their house—dedication to television watching fall quarter brought about the subsequent (and necessary) rededication t o gradewatching winter quarter it was selling (and sometimes not being able to sell) lightbulbs to raise money for the orphanage it was making a pledge push a tennis ball from the fraternity house up Garvin Heights with his nose it was having a Greek god (in the person of Tom Stover) in their midst it was presenting a Spring Carnival and Talent Show,—dunking pledges, pie-in-theface, and getting put in jail was the order of the day it was instilling leadership in their members so that they served in student government, as class officers and orientation leaders as important as anything, it was having fun,—living together and liking it.

SIGMA TAU GAMMA ROW ONE: Hank Zacharias, Curt Conzett, Donald Pressnall, Dan Bohan, Richard Knapp, Denny Murray, Dick Wagner, Jim Bagniewski. ROW TWO: Greg Williams, Kenneth Menzel, Howard Bicher, Kit Grier, Jim Dubsky, Harold Davies, Thomas J. Hoffman, Bruce Gabnay, Richard Horst, Gary Colgan, Ray Gunderson. ROW THREE: Robert Buckingham, Bill Niemcyzk, Kevin Kreger, Thomas R. Stover, Don Crilly, John Haas, David Kleis, Ken Mogren, Jim Brodie, Art Normandin, Paul M. Porvaznik. ROW FOUR: Bob Sawyer, Rowen Kurimay, Jerry Schmitz, Bill Martin, Bruce White. Hands in pockets the way to build a winning float???

Phi Sigma Epsilon Enthusiasm, Involvement

Belonging to Phi Sigma EpsiIon in ’69 was participating actively in Homecoming activities —campaigning vigorously for their sweetheart, Jill Sackett, made her Homecoming Queen, the second year in a row a Phi Sig candidate was chosen. It was building a float with a clever slogan, “We’ll Beat the Beavers By a Dam Site!”, and cheering the football team on to victory

It was serving the community by sponsoring a picnic and games for children from the orphanage it was being part of the Phi Sig cheering section, giving avid and loyal support to WSC teams it was participation in Greek Week—flrst place in the snow sculpture competition, improvisation at the allsing, and the debut of “LBJ” Harr, Gypsey Rose Standke, and “El Spazo” Anderson at the talent show it was, essentially, involvement and enthusiasm for what they were a part of.

PHI SIGMA EPSILON ROW ONE: David L. Anderson, Bruce Blixt, Greg Staples, Tom Seigert, Chuck Sklader, Jill Sackett, Sweetheart, Dennis Konkel, Paul Johnson, John Marnach, Cyril Schnell, Brian L. Williams. ROW TWO: Pete Cole, Tom Gorman, Dan Anderson, Dan McClellan, Wayne Berger, Bob Andrewsen, Phil Welti, Richard Sorom, Roy Herrera, Dave Boss, David A. Kavitz, Doug Standke, Bruce Johnson, Dennis Holtegaard, Morrie Hanson. ROW THREE: Darrell May, Jim Dalton, Mike Schneider, Mike Sullivan, Roger Halstead, Tim Dalton, Bob White, Joe Dolan, Bob Routhe, Tom Brase, Dennis Kreafsky, Ron Gipp, Philip Luhmann, Lee Buck, William Emmons, Ray Luelen. ROW FOUR: Ron White, Andy Ross, Dick McNary, Thomas Burgeson, Rollie Austin, Bill McNary, Bob Koranda, Sid Bishop, Burl Haar, Dick Behling, Wayne N. Chains, Jerry A. Schwengels, Mike Alexander. Chuck Sklader ends his term as president of Phi Sig and welcomes the new president, Bruce Blixt.

Tau Kappa Epsilon

Tau Kappa Epsilon, Winona’s youngest social fraternity, this year introduced the TEKE Playboy Dance in February which was highlighted by the crowning of a TEKE “playmate”. Dennis Brom, elected President in January, succeeded Gary Gartner. TEKE’s annual Public Service Weekend, in April, was dedicated to planting five hundred trees and a general clean-up at Camp Winebago, a summer camp for the mentally retarded in Wisconsin.

TAU KAPPA EPSILON ROW ONE: Orin Holtan, Lowell Heydt, David Russell, Wayne Albrecht, Ken Maddux, Scott Van Gundy, Jerry Benish, Mack Berg. ROW TWO: Gary Gartner, Bill Gludt, Dennis Brom, Mike Mikrut, Louis Bardel, Roger Borchert, Dan Becker, Ron Marchionda, John Mattison. ROW THREE: Jim Vonderohe, Neil Grummons, David Jansen, Steve Dublin, Gale Johnson, David Kulas, Nobert Wood, Steve Erdmanezyk, John Corso, Roger Gaustad, Kenneth Evans, Norm Semling. Gary Gartner, TKE’s president, prepares to sound the TEKE bell at the Homecoming game.

Phi Delta Rho Good Times, Real Brotherhood

Belonging to Phi Delta Rho is possessing a feeling of independence—being local and autonomous makes it so it’s asserting one’s individualism and accepting a brother for what he is it was having parties—a “hippie” party complete with body painting sessions, a pajama party, or, an ordinary party-party that was never ordinary but original and fun it was campaigning vigorously for Carol Nessler, their candidate for Homecoming Queen, and, for many of the members, working hard to make the President’s Ball a success it was getting a house and, typically, having a good time.

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PHI DELTA RHO ROW ONE: Mike Blanski, Kevin Senn, Jim Gores, Shawn (mascot), Bob Hatton, Jim Rue, A1 Carlsten, Don Elmblad. ROW TWO: Rick Miller, Dave Lutzwick, Terry Vogt, Chuck Heiser, Wayne Bergen, Tom Sage, Dick Merwin, Larry Anderson. ROW THREE: Randy Gronert, John J. Zwolinski, Paul Buscovick, Jim McArthur, Terry Skaar, Jay Greenberg, Darrell Metcalf, Steve Holubar. Larry Brady, Eric Madsen, Jake Dahl, Paul Buscovick, and Les Bohnen pose in their Halloween outfits.

the scene is competing in sports on the field, mat, court, or on the green determination, enthusiasm, and striving make championship teams and spark individual performance. team spirit but spectator spirit too— crowds cheering, groaning, anticipating, with each basket, foul, and goal, sharing the hurt of defeat along with the glory of victory.


competing in sports

• •

’68 Track: Improvement

The Winona State trackmen showed definite signs of improvement over the previous year even though they again suffered from lack of depth. The Warriors were especially strong in the middle distances and relays with outstanding performance from Tom Ochs, a senior from Bloomington, who won the NIC half mile and represented Winona State at the NAIA nationals in Hayward, California.

Coach Kiester discusses future plans with several of his trackmen. ROW ONE: Tom Ochs, Rick Lantz, Howie Cook, Mike Greenlass, Dave Oland, Bill Ochs, Larry Webinger, Lee Timmerman. ROW TWO: Bob Meimbresse, Gary Nemczyk, Tim Gerenz, A1 Gillman, Denny Murry, Terry Sunneson, Russ Jacobson, Mike Rose, Curt Palmer. ROW THREE: Jeff Engen, Arlyn Wendlandt, Don Rahman, Tom Glover, Mike Erdmanczyk, Tom Anderson.
Captain Tom Ochs, a senior from Bloomington, set a new school record of 1:51.5 for the half-mile run. Russ Jacobson receives the baton in a relay race against Stout State.

’68 Baseball: Powerful Again

ROW ONE: Bill Harlos, Charles Goerish, Pat Boland, Gene Schultz, Hank Zacharias, Mike Percuoco, Jack MacNamara, Steve Lathrop. ROW TWO: Coach Gary Grob, Manager Maurice Anderson, Mark Raas, Rick Smith, Mike DeWyre, John Almquist, Bill Kroschel, Jim Hakes, Carl Strom. THIRD ROW: Greg Stezenski, Bob Goldstrand, Rich Decker, Sam Shea, Chip Schwartz, Marvin Berg, Bob Eckles, Gary Connolly, Manager A1 Carlson. Mike DeWyre, a senior from Rogers City, Michigan, led the team in hitting with a .369 average.

The Warrior baseball team completed another very successful season with a 22-9 record. By finishing second in the NIC conference and second in NAIA regionals at Storm Lake, Iowa, the Warriors established themselves as one of the best teams in the Upper Midwest.

Leading the hitters were Mike DeWyre and Bob Goldstrand, while Chip Schwartz and Greg Stezenski led in the pitching department. Named to the AllConference roster were Mike DeWyre, Bill Harlos, Rich Decker, Bob Goldstrand, Chuck Goerish, and Chip Schwartz.

Season’s Record

WSC Opponent WSC Opponent 8 St. Louis U. -4 2 Bemidji 7 8 St. Louis U. 3 4 Morris 5 6 St. Louis U. 1 3 Morris 7 3 Upper Iowa 4 2 Morris 8 1 Upper Iowa 6 4 Moorhead 7 9 Upper Iowa 11 0 Moorhead 4 1 Milwaukee 8 2 Moorhead 6 2 Milwaukee 1 3 LaCrosse 5 2 Milwaukee 5 3 St. Cloud 2 0 Stevens 11 St. Cloud 0 Point 1 3 St. Cloud 4 3 Stevens 1 Mankato -12 Point 8 6 Mankato 7 Bemidji 5 4 Mankato % 3 Bemidji 4 Coach Grob intently watches his players during a workout. Coach Grob has a record 40 wins against 19 losses in his two years as head coach at WSC.
Coach Grob gives a few pointers to several of his big hitters. Mike Percuoco, Hank Zacharias and Bob Goldstrand are all ears.

’68 Tennis Shows Promise

Dave Kennedy, Manager; Tom Stoffel, Bob Berger, Craig Thornton, A1 Von Bargen, Dick Nelson, Roger Hartwich, Larry Erpelding, Bob Rank, Tom Wagner.
Season’s Record WSC 2 La Crosse Opponent 7 2 Stevens Point 7 0 Northern Iowa 9 6 Eau Claire 3 9 St. Mary’s 0 9 Rochester J.C. 0 9 Stout 0 2 Hamiine 7 0 Loras 9
Dick Nelson backhands a return during practice. Dick, from Bloomington, was top performer for this year’s squad.

The golfers completed a successful dual meet season with a fine 6-1-3 record. However, Coach Molinari’s boys ñnished a disappointing fifth place in the conference meet at Fergus Falls. The leading scorers for the season were John Walski, a junior from Winona, and Roger Fischbach, a senior from Paynesville, Minn.

’68 Golf: Disappointment Season’s Record ,

Coach Molinari, Tim Rath, Terry Nelson, Dave Henke, Larry Libersky, Roger Fischbach, John Walski.
6 - 1-2 Conference Meet (27-hole stroke play) Roger Pishbach 116 John Walski 119 Tim Rath 121 Dave Henke 122 Terry Nelson 131 609 (5th place) Rog
on practice green at
Westfield course.
Fischbach strokes a putt

ROW ONE: Larry Ofstedal, mgr., Rick Boyum, mgr., Jerry Eichman, Ron Moen, Don Pressnal, Dean Hathaway, Stan Scott, man, Don Rajtora, Harry Mitchell, George Moore, Jerry Stejskal, Mike Erdmanczyk, Jim Rolling, Tim Paske, mgr., Joe Dolan, Asst, coach, Robert Keister, Asst, coach, Ron Summy, Dave Maroo, Harlan Brandt, Pat Riley, John Lindsay, Rich Erdman, zechi, Tom Riley, Bruce Reeck, Steve Krob, Leo Fragapano, Maurice Anderson, mgr., Paul Engen, Asst, coach, Madeo Molinari, White, Mike Holzer, Roger Franson, John Buchner, Dick McNary, Burl Haar, Tom VonFeldt, Larry Mott, Bill McNary, Clem Boland, Lew Sweep, Mike Loetchler, Terry Anderson, Robb McDonough, Jeff Middeorf, Steve Erdmanczyk, Don Wistrcill, Jim Russ Jacobson, Dennis Barry, Clayton Seeland, Jerry Urness, Mike Groerner.

Determination, Enthusiasm Spur Warriors

LEFT: Coach Keister is engrossed with play on the field while Coach Molinari discusses strategy with his players in the background. ABOVE: Tom VonFeldt in hopeful determination.

Marlin Carrier, Ron Fuglestad, Ed Littlejohn, Steve Wildmgr. ROW TWO: Myron Smith, Asst, coach. Bob Urness, Keith Comeford, Roger Jehlicka, Curt Palmer, Rick StarHead coach. ROW THREE: Jim Madsen, Jim Baker, Ron Darkenwald, Tom Johnson, Doug Billison. ROW FOUR: Pat Dybevik, Dave Franko, Lee Timmerman, Randy Gronert,

Football ’68: Triumph

The 1968 football team overcame a poor start and a number of injuries to tie for the N.S.C. championship. Although Coach Molinari’s boys posted an unimpressive 5-4 win-loss record, they played superb football during the important games. Highlights of the season were the convincing win over St. Cloud in the first conference game, and the upset victory over Moorhead to tie for the championship. Although many players stood out throughout the season. Bill McNary, Ron Moen, Clem Darkenwald, Don Rajtora, and Rick Starzecki were selected to the All-Conference Team. Coach Molinari was voted the Coach of the Year in the N.S.C.

on to Victory

Tom Riley is pulling for his teammates all the way.
Record wsc OPPONENT Upper Iowa Morris St. Cloud Mankato Bemidji iigilBgiMiiiii Michigan Tech Moorhead Hillsdale
Don Rajtora calls the signals against Bemidji for a Homecoming win. LEFT: Don Rajtora is the only one left standing after this play but Warrior Pat Boland maintains a tight grip on the ball. ABOVE: Ed Littlejohn gets caught in the middle of converging Bemidji players.

Season Sparked by Individual Achievement

Bill McNary watches intently from the sidelines. Bill received the Glen Galligan Award which is given annually to the outstanding senior ballplayer in the N.S.C. Rick Starzechi battles his way past blocker to cover a Warrior punt. Rick was named to the all-conference berth.
Disappointment was often encountered
But Team Effort Too but the season ended joyously.

Season’s Record

Cross-Country Track: Tough Competition

Although the cross country team again found the competition to be tough, the Warriors managed a respectable 4-8 record. Winona was paced by the outstanding performance of A1 Gilman who placed high in most every meet. Other runners who placed consistently were Steve Rose, Jon Arnold, and Don Rahman. The Warriors finished fourth in the NIC meet with A1 Gilman leading WSC by placing 16th.

CROSS-COUNTRY TRACK TEAM FRONT ROW: Jon Arnold, Bruce Lodgard, Don Rahman, Steve Rose, Mike Rose. ROW TWO: Coach Gary Grob, Bob Hempy, A1 Gilman, Spencer Yohe, Jerry Olson, Manager.
OPP. ^ WSC University of Northern Iowa 16 42 Wartburg 15 50 Upper Iowa 31 26 River Falls State University 37 20 Eau Claire State University 39 20 Carleton College 19 37 ^ Macalester College 17 41 Mankato State 15 50 Stevens Point 18 42 Loras College 15 49 Luther College 39 18 La Crosse State University 16 41
Steve Protsman, consistent scorer against St. John’s in the games determining the NAIA championship, isabout to sink one as two Johnies look on. VARSITY TEAM ROW ONE; Gary Protsman, Jim Jabrosky, Andy Ross, Je Schultz, Rick Starzecki, Steve Bay, Bruce “B” SQUAD TEAM FRONT; Gary Paul Jungblut, Tom Bernstorf. BACK; A1 Miller, Don Wistrcill, Lee Boettcher, Paul

’69 Basketball: NIC Champions!

After a very slow start, the Warrior basketball team played inspired basketball and won a share of the NIC championship with St. Cloud. Coach Ekker’s boys ñnished with a 10-2 conference record and a 14-12 overall record. The Warriors missed a trip to the NAIA nationals by the narrowest of margins in losing two very close games to St. Johns. Gene Schultz and Steve Protsman provided consistent scoring while Rick Starzecki led the defense, which finished in the top ten in the nation’s small colleges.

Season’s Record

Gartner, manager; Mark Wilke, Don Besonen, Arlyn Wendlandt, Jacques Gibbs, Steve me Beckely. ROW TWO: Al Carlson, manager; Coach J. D. Barnette, Bill Ochs, Gene Carrier, Bob Walker, Coach Lietzau. Head Coach Ronald Ekker. Prescher, Jerome Beckely, Tony Bowden, Jeff Evert, Jimm Mott, Carlson, Assistant Coach; Brian Nystven, Jerry Matter, John Wagner, J. D. Barnette, Coach.
WSC OPP La Crosse 46 51 Stevens Point 51 78 Eastern Michigan University 51 81 Wayne State 42 62 Wartburg 47 50 Loras College 67 52 Southwest State College 78 64 Hamline 65 49 Moorhead 54 55 Bemidji 67 65 Michigan Tech 79 56 Bemidji 64 38 Bethel 87 53 Mankato 77 57 St. Thomas 61 69 Moorhead 48 45 St. Cloud 49 45 Minn-Morris 57 52 Minn-Morris 61 60 Mankato 76 49 St. Cloud 26 60 Michigan Tech 74 64 St. Johns University 50 53 St. Johns University 61 66
144 1 » j U' r- /
ABOVE: Steve Protsman desperately tries to block shot against Wartburg, but to no avail. ABOVE RIGHT: Steve Protsman (54) and Jim Jabrosky (40) engage in a rebounding battle. RIGHT: Bruce Carrier and Jim Jabrosky (40) appear startled by the sight of the ball going out of bounds.

Action on The Courts

LEFT: Jerome Beckley climbs an opponent’s back to get rebound against Bethel. BELOW: Don Besonen is about to let go with another two points for the Warrior cause.



’ 69 :

The ’69 wrestling squad started the season as one of the top five teams in the nation. However, through a series of unfortunate occurrences, such as disciplinary and scholastic difficulties as well as many injuries. Coach Gunner and his assistant, Fran Me Cann, lost several of their best wrestiers. From the high national ranking, the Warriors fell to a lowly 5th place finish in the NIC meet at Houghton, Michigan. The brightest point of the season was Jim Taniehill’s third NIC championship in the 160-pound class. Others who were impressive throughout the season were Dave Oland, Ron Oglesby, and freshman Bill Hitesman.

WRESTLING TEAM. .ROW ONE: Pat Ryan, Bob Barnacle, Jeff Nelson, Rick Noer, Eckerman, Phil Luhman, Ken Hunze, John Fody, Steino Meletio, Tuny Strozewski, Hutchinson, Bob Nelson, A1 Billings, Reg Sampson, Scott Sandburg, Steve Barknow, THREE: Coach Me Cann, Larry Cyrus, Ron Oglesby, Dave Oland, Pete Edwards, Rog Gary Anhalt, Ron Moen, Gordy Hintz, Lee Wiegrefe.

Jon Arnold, Herb Darner, Jim Hall, Mike Alexander, Leo Larry Sowden, Tom Grothe. ROW TWO: Mike Doody, Rom John Bedtke, Jim Meyer, George Moore, Dave Olsen. ROW Jehlicka, Pete Sandburg, Jim Tanniehill, Bill Heitsman,

Seasons Record t/ '-O-J.'' V'wsc ; > OPP Luther 25 Marquette Western Illinois University of Missouri Stout State Stevens Point Moorhead State North Dakota State University Mankato South Dakota State University 20 St. Cloud Bemidji Gustavus Adolphus Wartburg
Elusive Ron Oglesby Oglesby is just about to complete an escape from the hold of his opponent.
Ron Moen starts his winning move Jim Hall is only inches away from a sure pin.

Wrestling an Individual Effort

administers a crunching pin to a Marquette heavyweight. Dave Oland gains riding time in a match against Bemidji State. Jim Tanniehill demonstrates one of his many holds as he takesdown an opponent.
SWIMMING TEAM ROW ONE: Gary Gross, Roger Braaten, Terry Weekly, Stan Hammer, Ron Calvert, Brian Rudel, Paul Hilke. ROW TWO: Bill Braun, Rick Kruger, Bob Ball, Terry Vogt, Jim Dubsky, Don Leon, Jon Schoonmaker. ROW THREE: Coach John Martin, George Kazika, Larry Calvert, Peter Kopercinski, Rick Miller, Manager. Brian Rudel churns his way to a third place ñnish against Bemidji.

Season’s Record

’69 Swimming: Excellence

The ’69 Swim team returned to the excellence which has characterized Winona State swimming under Coach John Martin. With All-Americans Larry Calvert and George Kazika, and outstanding freshmen Roger Braaten and Ron Calvert leading the way, the swimmers lost only to national powers Macalester and Bemidji during the dull season. Although Winona came up with outstanding individual performances, the Warriors had to settle for the runner-up position to Bemidji in the NIC meet. Roger Braaten, George Kazika, and Larry Calvert each won at least one championship in the meet.

Co-Captains George Kazika and Peter Kopercinski have just been clocked by Coach Martin.

Titan Relays Oshkosh, Wisconsin 2nd Place wsc OPP Mankato State 64 49 Hamline 70 33 Luther 66 38 Augustana 57 47 St. Thomas 60 44 St. Cloud 65 41 Stevens Point 65 39 Macalester 36 61 LaCrosse 63 41 Bemidji 44 60 Michigan Tech 64 39 NIC Championships 1. Bemidji 504 2. Winona 447 3. St. Cloud 339 4. Mankato 317 5. Michigan Tech 116
ABOVE: Terry Anderson is ready to get a rebound. ABOVE RIGHT: INTRAMURAL FOOTBALL CHAMPS, THE FILTHY FIFTEEN FRONT ROW: Gary Hirshler, Dave Rahkamp, Bill Harlos, Steve Tessum. SECOND ROW: Jim McConaghy, Daryl Severson, Rick Smith, Steve Schnarr. BACK ROW: Bob Meimbresse, Mike McEnany, Jim Matzke, Jim Winkler, A1 Melin, Warren LaCourse.

A Recreational Outlet—

Something for Everyone

The intramural sports program provides competition and physical activity for those unable to compete in varsity sports. The year-around program consists of all sports which attract the interest of college men. Supervised leagues are organized in football, bowling, basketball, volleyball, and softball, while tournaments are held in cross country, billiards, wrestling, swimming, tennis, golf, and track. With the goal of something for everyone, the intramural program provides a recreational outlet and athletic rivalry with an emphasis on sportsmanship.

ABOVE: A pass is caught in a game of flag football for good gain. LEFT: Joe Hahn is about to sink a two-pointer. ABOVE RIGHT: Tom Campbell leads the way for Mike Ryan in an intramural flag-football game.


receives the pitch in an extramural softball game.

Bjorklund swats this rather unusual version of a puck in a fast and furious game of broomball, an activity newly initiated this winter.

BELOW: Huntoon RIGHT: Carol ABOVE: EXTRAMURAL SOFTBALL FRONT: Mary Kurtz, Joan Culhane, Chris Reisdorf, Jude Stienessen, June Cortean, Barb Hill. BACK: Mrs. Sprenger, Linda Briske, Muriel Schwerzler, Rosie Frenette, Lynn Huntoon, Annette Nyseth, Linda Leary. RIGHT: INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALL BACK: Sharon Euerle, Cheri Mueller, Pegi Mullen. FRONT: Connie Van Gundy, Judy Duffy, Linda Carlon are the members of a championship team.

Women’s Intramural— Extramural Program

The program is open to all college women and provides opportunities to participate in a wide range of intramural sports activities. It provides opportunities for participants to increase their sports skills in a friendly competitive atmosphere. It provides, also social contacts with other students and develops the spirit of cooperation and fair play. The extramural aspect of the program has undergraduate women students representing the college in various competitive sports such as softball, swimming, and basketball. Those participating compete with area colleges and universities.

ABOVE: EXTRAMURAL BASKETBALL TEAM BACK: Miss Moravec, Marsha Walters, Sharon Euerle, Judy Peroutka, June Cortean, Debby Millie, Susan Hemling. FRONT: Jude Stienesson, Lynn Huntoon, Lynnette Grimm. FAR ABOVE: Pitching the tent is one of the first orders of business onan outing at Perrot State Park in Wisconsin.

the scene is progression starting as a freshman, lonely and low. progressing to the middle years. the period of adjustment over, past experience brings ease and familiarity. busy, active days with work, classes, extra-curricular activities each experience bringing the final year closer and the direction toward some hope, ideal, or goal, more sure and meaningful.

progressing toward a goal

C. Abbot

G. Abitz

M. Abitz

C. Abts

L. Adams

R. Adams

R. Afseth

S. Albers

L. Almo

R. Altermatt

N. Althoff

S. Amann

J. Amdahl

C. Andersen

K. Anderson

T. Anderson

W. Anderson

E. Anttila

R. Armstrong

R. Austad

M. Austin

C. Bailey

M. Bakker

G. Balzer

P. Bambenek

R. Barnacle

M. Barth

M. Barton

M. Bathel

D. Batzler

K. Beaulieu

J. Bedtke

K. Beoeter

J. Benda

D. Benson

B. Benz

D. Berg

M. Berg

J. Bergmark

S. Bergrud

R. Berndt

T. Bernstorf

D. Bicknese

D. Bien

A. Bierbaum

A. Billings

A. Bisek

N. Bjostad

D. Blackburn

P. Blasko

B. Blay

A. Bloch

D. Blum

L. Boettcher

V. Bolton

P. Bostrack

A. Bowden

158 «Si

R. Braaten

T. Braatz


A. Brioschi

M. Brostrom

L. Brown

M. Brown

D. Brus

R. Rubbers

L. Buck

R. Buckbee

C. Bunge

J. Bunke

V. Bunke

K. Burger

S. Burleigh

J. Burmeister

H. Burnham

G. Burreson

J. Buscovick

R. Buss

D. Butterfass

V. Butterwick

T. Callaghan

T. Campbell

P. Capistrant

L. Carlson

J. Carr

Where’s our president? Freshman class officers are President Tim McCarthy (missing), Vice-president Bruce Stege, Secretary Connie Ryan, and Treasurer Libby Rockwell.

P. Carter

P. Charest

J. Christensen

L. Christensen

T. Christensen

G. Christenson

L. Christenson

G. Christie

H. Christison

M. Christofferson

S. Clark

C. Colvin

M. Congdon

K. Coolidge

J. Corbett

C. Cords

J. Corso

M. Cruden

L. Cyrus

G. Dabelstein

K. Daggit

J. Dahl

J. Dahlen

J. Dahling

J. Dalton

C. Danner

S. Darkow

G. Darling

J. Daskam

R. Dauffenbach

P. Denmàn

L. DeWall

K. De Yoe

T. Dickinson

M. Dillon

L. Doner

P. Dohrmann

N. Duellman

R. Duellman

J. Duffy

J. Durben

L. Eckhardt

S. Edel

D. Edge

J. Eggenberger

G. Eichhorst

D. Emery

B. Erdman

L. Erickson

L. Ernst

S. Erpelding

L. Ess


J. Evert

S. Fahy

D. Fink

K. Fishbaugher

B. Fitzgerald

M. Ford

J. Forster

J. Foster

D. Franko

J. Frydenlund


F. Fullerton

D. Gabbert

J. Galchutt

E. Gaustad

S. Gehling

A. Geler

M. Geraets

T. Gerden

B. German

G. Gerten

C. Gerths

J. Gieschen

D. Giese

L. Gilbertson

J. Gish

B. Glasrud


S. Goers

C. Goodenough

D. Gorham

C. Gorman

G. Goveronski

B. Grande

J. Graner

G. Grant

M. Gravenish

J. Green

D. Greenlace

J. Grindland

G. Gross

B. Grosse

S. Goven

N. Grunz


J. Grupa

D. Haack

D. Hager

J. Hahn

S. Hallstrom

R. Halstead

L. Halverson

D. Halvorson

B. Hanenberger

S. Hanlon

C. Hansen

C. Hansen

K. Hanson

J. Harlos

S. Harper

W. Harris

D. Harty

K. Hathaway

S. Hawley

T. Heaser

L. Hedbom

J. Hedglin

L. Helgeson

K. Helland

R. Helminiak

K. Henke

K. Henry

L. Herman

C. Hernlem

K. Herrig

B. Herzog

P. Hilke


B. Hittner

M. Hittner

E. Hodgon

B. Hoesley

B. Hoesley

D. Hofschulte

J. Hogue

K. Holm

C. Holmgren

Ron Sacia entertains us with his own special rendition of “King of the Road”.

P. Holzer

D. Horst

C. Hovey

C. Hubbard

S. Huber

J. Huelskamp

P. Hughes

D. Huirás


K. Hunze

B. Hurlbutt

R. Husie

T. Hutchinson

G. Ingvalson

C. Jacobson

J. Jacobson

L. Jamnick

M. Jaszewski

K. Jensen


B. Johnson

B. Johnson

B. Johnson

D. Johnson

D. Johnson

J. Johnson

J. Johnson

L. Johnson


T. Johnson

W. Johnson

S. Joy

C. Judd

T. Judd

C. Kaehler

J. Kaehler

E. Kajer

S. Kammerer

K. Kath

A. Kaufman

M. Kelly

H. Kennedy

K. Kenney

K. Kepp


J. King

S. King

K. Klauer

L. Klawitter

T. Klayamorn

K. Klemz

C. Kobler

D. Koehler

M. Kohler

C. Korba

R. Kordosky

S. Kowalski

P. Kragthorpe

C. Kramer

G. Kramer

D. Kruse

P. Kuchenmeister

D. Kutz


s. Landsman


R. Lange

D. Lanik

J. Larpenteur

J. Larson

J. Larson

K. Larson

B. Latterell

M. Latterman

D. Laumeyer

C. Lawstuen

J. Leckie

R. Lee

R. Leffert

H. Leifeld

B. Leininger

C. Lewis

S. Lindholm

J. Lindsay

S. Long

C. Longbehn

K. Loomis

J. Loucks

L. Loutzenhiser

M. Lowe

S. Lowenhagen

F. Ludwig

S. Lysne

T. McCarthy

P. McCleary

M. McCormick

P. McDaniel

K. McDougall

P. McHenry

C. McKenney

D. McNally

G. McQuinn


M. Madden

R. Mahoney

P. Majeski

M. Manion

J. Marcou

J. Mariska

G. Markham

R. Marquardt

C. Marsh

P. Martin

M. Mateka

T. Mauer

D. May

J. Meyer

R. Michel

J. Middendorf

K. Mierau

L. Mikkelson

B. Miller

J. Miller

N. Miller

P. Miller

S. Miller

K. Mills

L. Miner

B. Minnie

J. Moen

J. Moenck

M. Moore

T. Morgan

R. Morris

A. Mortensen

J. Mott

K. Mowry

M. Myhre

E. Nania

C. Nanoff

B. Nash

B. Nelson

M. Nelson

P. Nelson

B. Nessler

P. Newcomb

P. Nicklawske

C. Niebur

L. Niebur

R. Niebur

R. Noer

A. Nofsinger

D. Norbeck

R. Novak

B. Nystuen

D. Ogren

B. Olinger

B. Olson

D. Olson

G. Olson

K. Olson

S. Olson

K. O’Reilly

C. Pachkofsky

C. Pagel

N. Palumbo


A. Papenfuss

J. Paul

D. Pedersen

C. Pelach

B. Peterson

C. Peterson

J. Peterson

S. Peterson

T. Peterson

T. Peterson

W. Peterson

S. Phillips

L. Pieper

L. Pink

P. Pink

M. Pluim

B. Podruch

C. Polkey

T. Preiner

G. Prescher

J. Prudoehl

N. Puchleitner

N. Putnam

K. Queensland

C. Quillin

C. Quinn

A. Rahn

C. Randall

N. Renti Cruz

K. Rian

M. Riches

P. Riley

R. Ring

L. Rishavy

L. Rivers

C. Robinson

E. Rockwell

J. Roling

L. Root

J. Rosaaen

S. Rose

J. Rosengren

B. Ross

M. Rossi

G. Rostvold

L. Rueber

S. Ruehmann

D. Ruffridge

K. Ruh

S. Runkle

R. Runningen

D. Ruppert

J. Rupprecht

C. Rusert

C. Ryan

P. Ryan

E. Sacehler

R. Sacia

R. Sampson

J. Sather

L. Sbiral

N. Scarborough

K. Schad


s. Schick

J. Schlee

G. Schmidt

C. Schneider

M. Schneider

P. Schoch

M. Scholl

J. Schouweiler

K. Schreiner

J. Schultz

K. Schulz

S. Schumacher

A. Schuweiler

A. Schwandt

J. Schwartz

G. Scott

J. Scrabeck

J. Scrabeck

K. Seeland

D. Seete

S. Selly

P. Senjem

P. Senrick

L. Servais

D. Shavinsky

E. Shaw

J. Shidla

G. Sieleman

P. Sinnen

E. Siverson

M. Smalls

D. Smelzer

G. Smith

K. Snell

G. Snesrud

W. Snyder

R. Solberg

D. Sonju

S. Sova

J. Spath

B. Stahl

S. Stankiewicz

Cycling enthusiasts take advantage of a warm spring day.

M. Stark

R. Staupe

B. Stege

N. Stensgard

C. Stoltman

L. Stowell

J. Streeter

T. Strezewski

L. Stuedemann

M. Sullivan

W. Sullivan

S. Summers

M. Suto

C. Sweeney

L. Sweep

P. Tallman

L. Teitge

C. Terbeest

S. Thesing

M. Thielbar

B. Thierman

K. Thitacharee

E. Thue

K. Thue

M. Tolstad

R. Topic

M. Topping

J. Trahan

F. Tselekis

M. Tushner

P. Unger

R. VanAuken

E. Vanzo

L. Vig

J. Vogel

T. Voiovich

K. Von Meyer

S. Wade

S. Waggoner


K. Wagner

P. Wagner

T. Wagner

S. Waldo

E. Wallace

J. Wallski

C. Walske

J. Walther

L. Weaver

J. Webb

L. Wedul

S. Werner

R. West

S. Westlund

J. Whalen

D. Wheeler

D. White

J. Whitlock

B. Whitney

M. Wick

T. Wieczorek

D. Wilhelm

M. Williams

G. Wilmes

J. Wilson

P. Wilson

M. Winkels

Winner Wolfgram Wood

L. Worden

J. Woychik

C. Wronski

R. Wurl

B. Yaedke

S. Yohse

R. Young

R. Zeien

R. Zweber

169 ^td>
^ é*
Warriorette Kathy Hart steps high for the Homecoming pre-game show.

C. Amundson

D. Anderson

J. Anderson

G. Angsten

G. Ask

K. Barrett

C. Barron

B. Bartholomew

E. Bierbaum

J. Bostrom

B. Boyle

B. Boysen

P. Brake

B. Brand

H. Brandt

T. Brase

K. Bredshall

C. Bremseth

D. Britz

M. Butter

J. Carlson

L. Carvell

C. Christie

J. Clark

R. Collins


H. Cook

D. Crow

B. Danielson

M. Davis

M. Delfs

C. Domaille

C. Domino

K. Donehower

S. Drajeske

S. Druley

T. Dunlap

C. Ebeling

J. Edwards

V. Eling

J. Engen

P. Erdmann

D. Erpelding

S. Euerle

P. Fandrey

L. Foran

C. Frank

N. Frick

P. Gerber

B. Gifford

N. Glover

D. Gordon

P. Gross

P. Guiher

K. Hadoff

J. Hageman

J. Hahn


J. Halvorson

K. Hammel

L. Handt

K. Hartley

J. Hauble

J. Heddle

C. Hedren

C. Henderson

W. Herron

B. Hill

S. Hoblit

L. Hollowell

S. Holubar

A. Humphries

G. Ihrke

J. Ives

A. Jacobson

A. Johnson

C. Johns

K. Johnson

L. Johnson

E. Joynes

B. Jungerberg

J. Kehneman

K. Kellett

P. Kennedy

A. Kerr

R. Kinas

L. Kosek

K. Krejci

C. Kroeger

D. Kube

R. Lâcher

C. Larson

Sophomore class officers are Carol Pretzel, treasurer; Nancy Olson, secretary; Jan Edwards, vice-president; Steve Holubar, president.

H. Laumb

J. Laursen

L. Leary

T. Lenartz

J. Lewanski

C. Literski

L. Loquai

V. McCluske

J. McLeod

G. Madigan

T. Malone

L. Manders

S. Marggraff

S. Marschall

C. Meier

S. Metzler

P. Meyer

N. Michael

V. Michel

L. Midkiff

M. Mielke

V. Miller

T. Moriarty

K. Mortenson

J. Moyer

K. Mulcahy

D. Murray

M. Nelson

R. Nelson

J. Nipp


B. Ohm

D. Oland

N. Oison

J. Ornston

L. Owens

Y. Passe

L. Pearson

M. Pellowski


B. Peterson

D. Pexton

D. Pinkston

C. Plank

K. Polkey

L. Possehl

B. Prentis

A. Prudoehl

J. Putzier

T. Raker

M. Rasmussen

B. Ree

L. Reynolds

D. Richie

C. Roddy

S. Rosacher

C. Rosenfelt

K. Rother

J. Ruby

P. Ryan

V. Sanders

L. Sasse

P. Schafer

K. Schieche

S. Schieche

J. Schmitz

C. Schneider

D. Schrankler

K. Schroeder

S. Schroeder

D. Schumann

M. Schwerzler

R. Seyba

P. Shattuck

L. Shelander

M. Shurson

M. Sieben

C. Simon

P. Smith

A. Spelhaug

M. Stenzel

K. Strapko

L. Strnad

T. Suneson

T. Theis

M. Thies

T. Thome

D. Thompson

T. Tiedemann

L. Trapp

M. Tucker

J. Urbach

G. Van Buskirk

B. Veldhuizen

M. Vernon

J. Voight

M. Wagner

M. Walters

M. Webbies

J. Welch

L. Wendt

S. Widing

M. Wiebke


D. Aase

G. Albee

M. Alexander

R. Alt


R. Andrewsen

K. Bakken

N. Barney

B. Bauer

D. Bastin

C. Behnken

J. Benson

M. Benson

B. Berg

G. Bergquist

D. Bertel

N. Bezdichek

M. Bicknese

L. Blakely

B. Blixt

G. Blongi

R. Boomgaarden

M. Bothum

K. Bowen

L. Brady

D. Brom

P. Browne

C. Bruggeman

S. Bublitz

T. Burgeson

B. Burke

R. Capan

L. Carlon

B. Christenson

B. Christopherson

J. Chubik

G. Colgan

D. Conrad

S. Cook

M. Cottengim

J. Courteau

J. Crapps

S. Critchfield

J. Daniels

J. Davis

L. Delbow

J. DeLong

S. Denn

N. Diersen

B. Eglinton

K. Eiken

R. Erdman

L. Eyler

K. Fanslow

P. Ferden

M. Feuling

K. Fischer

R. Fonteine


R. Ganser

D. Gernes

S. Giger

M. Grant

M. Greenless

S. Greenslade

B. Gronvold

G. Hall

J. Hall

L. Hall

R. Hamsund

C. Hanson

D. Heim

R. Heine

M. Heins

L. Hemming

R. Hendricks

C. Hingeveld

E. Hodgson

S. Hodgson

L. Hogstad

C. Holthe

R. Hoskin


B. Husbyn

B. Ivers

K. Jahn

B. Johnson

B. Johnson

C. Johnson

C. Johnson

D. Johnson

G. Johnson

R. Johnson

J. Kafer

G. Kamesch

D. Ketchum

P. King

J. Kingsbury

L. Koskovich

D. Krogman

175 Hi jfy y y m 11 .'j ■ 1 1 ^ ^ B S ■ I 1- ■ iB 1 1 IB
Junior class officers: Jim Dubsky, president; Pliny Smith, vice-president; Linda Nelson, secretary; Bill Nemzyk, treasurer.

M. Kuchenmeister

D. Kulas

R. Larson

D. Lichte

P. Luhmann

M. Lund

S. McCrae

M. McEnany

E. McGovern

M. McHugh

D. Mack

J. MacNamara

K. Maddux

S. Magnuson

J. Mallander

M. Maki

J. Mann

R. Marz

D. May

J. Mehrkens

S. Milito

N. Miller

R. Miller

J. Milton

K. Moe

N. Monnens

L. Mueller

M. Mueller

P. Mullen

T. Mullner

M. Nagle

S. Natvig

S. Nemitz

R. Nordstrom

K. Ochs

C. O’Kane

B. Olson

K. Olson

B. O’Reilly

B. Ostern

J. Ostrem

J. Packer

J. Paukner

E. Pederson

R. Pietsch

S. Poferl

A. Pohlman

D. Polansky

D. Pressnall

B. Quinn

B. Ratigan

C. Reibel

J. Reuter

S. Rodley


D. Roemer

P. Romanchuk

B. Runge

K. Russett

M. Ryan

P. Ryan

S. Saari

G. Sagan

T. Sage

J. Sandvold

B. Schifsky

S. Schnarr

P. Schniepp

P. Schoen

L. Schottmuller

M. Schulze

B. Schwantz

A. Schwartzhoff Sens Shafer Sheehan

S. Shima

D. Siems

J. Smith

P. Smith

S. Sprangers

M. Stearns

K. Stemmer

D. Standke

R. Stark

J. Stork

B. Stucky

S. Sundry

S. Thrune

S. Trandem

R. Tri

C. Urbanski

B. Vanderpol

L. Virnig

T. Vogt

M. Wachtel

R. Wachtel

S. Wagner

K. Walter

P. Wesely

J. Whitney

M. Wilke

C. Will

S. Williams

J. Wilson

B. Winkel

M. Yaeger

S. Zastrow

T. Zurek



Barbara Abrahamson Bloomington English Robert Anderson Mabel Biology Mary Anderson Houston English &- Library Roy Androli Kilkenny Business Administration Maurice Anderson RedWing Physical Education & Industrial Arts Gary Anhalt South St. Paul Elementary









Janet Arns Harmony Elementary Richard Behling Winona Chemistry Mary Bailey Zumbrota Elementary Charlotte Behnken Viola Nursing Marvin Berg Rushford Social Science Binger Willmar Nursing Nancy Baker Lake City Nursing Susan Bender St. Paul Elementary Berger Westby, Wisconsin Accounting Binner Elementary Karen Barker Medford Math Gwen Benson Lake City Elementary Jeanne Berndt Winona Physical Education & Health Carol Bjorklund West St. Paul Physical Education Lowell Bartel Kasson Social Science Benson Business Education Bettcher Richfield Elementary Blumentritt Winona Elementary Chuck Sklader takes time out for some socializing with friends in the Smog.
Dianne Boileau St. Paul Elementary Suzanne Bemseth Rushford Business Education Wayne Borgen Chatfield English James Brodie Miami, Elorida History Darold Bothum Rochester Elementary Patricia Boyum Peterson Business Education Yvonne Bradford Kingstree, South Carolina Psychology Evonne Brown St. Paul Elementary Dana Burns St. Charles Industrial Arts Bonita Burton Minneapolis Business Education Christy Campbell Savage Elementary Dan Chicos West Concord English Barbara Carlson Winona Elementary Phil Christensen Minneapolis Industrial Arts Mary Carter Benton, Wisconsin Health & Physical Education Barbara Christensen Pine City Physical Education & Health Vaughn Nagahashi develops a critical eye for art.
Susan Cieminski Winona Elementary Sue Cihak St. Charles, Illinois Biology Perry Clifford Albert Lea History Rim Dalton Hauburg, New York Social Science Charles Deutschmann Windom Social Science Rita Devine New Brighton English Duane Doering Caledonia Business Administration Jane Dorn Winona Social Science Jean Dorsch Winona Nursing Peter Erickson La Moille Math Janice Erie Dexter Elementary Kathy Estes Hastings Elementary A moment of anguish for Lydia Languish in the fall production of “The Rivals”. Lydia is Jeanne Morrison in real life. Keith Comeforo Staten Island, New York Elementary Marlys Dickerman Elgin Elementary Kathy Czaplewski Winona Business Education & Math Daniel Dittrich Alma, Wisconsin Elementary
Kay Everson Gene Fairchild Timothy Famham Joyce Fenske Roger Fischbach Rochester Chester, Iowa Minneapolis Winona Paynesville Social Science Math Elementary Physical Education Math Janice Fossum Patricia Fritz Faye Froehlich Patricia Gabrielson Rita Gainey St. Paul Rochester St. Clair Austin History Nursing Elementary English Elementary Rochester Senior class officers Jim Brodie, president; Tom Hoffman, vice-president; Kathy Bettcher, secretary; Robert Buckingham, treasurer.

Lynette Grimm Linda

Winona Le Center





Rockford, Illinois

Health & Physical Education Elementary Speech Nursing Elementary

Mary Ann Hall

Rosemary Hamilton

Marietta Haberman Plainview St. Paul

Judith Hanley Mary Hartley

Minnetonka Montgomery

Heron Lake Elementary Chemistry & Math English Social Science Sociology

James Hatlevig

Dean Hathaway Peterson

Lorraine Haugland

Spring Grove

Anita Henderson

Lowell Heydt

Houston Hayfield

Math &■ Business AdminBiology Elementary Elementary Industrial Arts istration

Grand Meadow

Gary Gartner Richard George Eileen Gerber James Getshow James Goke LaCrescent St. Paul Minneapolis Waseca Winona Elementary Social Science Elementary Industrial Arts Industrial Arts Gronholz Grover Grupa Ray Gunderson




Dawn Higgs Earlene Himlie Gary Hirschler Rochester, New York Robert Hofhnan Thomas Hofñnan Farmington St. Paul Albert Lea St. Paul Elementary Social Science Elementary Elementary Business Administration Orin Holtan Dennis Holtegaard Michael Holzer Sheila Homola Gayle Hudak Hayfield Lanesboro Stewartville Stockton Minneapolis History & Industrial Arts Industrial Arts Industrial Arts Sociology Elementary Lvnn Huntoon Judith Iten Susan Ivers Gennell Iverson Allen Jackson Elgin St. Paul Whitehall, Wisconsin Hayward Rhinelander, Wisconsin Music Elementary Elementary Biology Jackson Linda Jacobson Marilyn Jahr Janssen Ellendale Waseca Minneapolis Rushford Rochester Physical Education & Business Education & Industrial Arts Elementary Business Education Business Administration Health
Strategy is planned for another Warrior victory. Lynn Johnson Madison, New Jersey Speech Margot Johnson St. Paul Elementary Paul Johnson Bloomington Elementary Ronald Johnson St. Paul Industrial Arts Cynthia Jones Fort Worth, Texas Elementary Judith Jones Rochester Elementary Janet Jozwick Stockton Elementary Naomi Julsrud Rushford Elementary Carolyn Kalmes Rollingstone Elementary JoAnn Karsten Winona German & Sociology

Rosemount Social Science

James Kuehn LaCrosse, Wisconsin Math

Mary Landoff Corning, New York Elementary

Joan Leibfried Ivanhoe Health & Physical Education


Calumet City, Illinois Social Science & Health & Physical Education

Susan Kurth Utica Art

Barbara Leavitt Trempeleau, Wisconsin Music

John Leisen Kellogg Physical Education & Health


Worthington Social Science

Judy Kuzniar Richfield Physical Education & Health

Judith Lee Houston Health & Physical Education

Mary Lenz Austin Elementary

Ruth Kesson Rochester, New York Elementary Allyn Kratz Stockton Biology Raymond Kiral Lewiston Business Administration Kevin Kreger Hastings Social Science Richard Kirchner Kopercinski Alfonso Pagliarello in his familiar serenading role. Koranda


Savanna, Illinois Biology

Waneta McCracken

Marquette, Iowa Math

Dianne Mader

LaCrescent Business Education

Kay Marquardt

Albert Lea Elementary

Dianne Ling Worington Elementary

Robert McDonough St. Paul Elementary

Ed Malone

Wabasha Math

Rose Martinek Lawler, Iowa English

Carol Lunz Worthington Elementary

Paul McNallan

Kellogg Business Administration

Ronald Marchionda Williamsville, New Jersey Math

Jean Masters Mabel Elementary

William McNary St. Paul Physical Education, Health, & Speech

Mary Mack Stillwater Elementary

Carolyn Kalmesintroduces the next act in Kappa Theta Chi’s talent show. Lidgerding James McConaghy Collingswood, New Jersey Social Science David Lutzwick Ivanhoe Industrial Arts
Queen candidates, Lynn Johnson and Christy Campbell, and Dr.DuFresne look on as Queen Jill Sackett assumes her royal throne. John Matson Winona Chemistry Sharon Matson Bloomington Elementary Gary McDowell Cedar Rapids, Iowa Music Robert Meimbresse Oakland, New Jersey Industrial Arts Janeen Melmer Cochrane, Wisconsin English Kenneth Menzel Oakland, New Jersey Industrial Arts Robert Merwin Minneapolis Business Administration Kathleen Meyer Wabasha Elementary Rita Meyer Arco Business Education Judy Michel Harmony Math


Vaughn Nagahashi St. Paul


Nancy Novak Prior Lake Music

Robert Page St. Charles Business Administration

Dee Ann Nelson Albert Lea Sociology

Dennis Onstad Spring Grove Accounting

Mary Jo Pagel Winona Social Science

Diana Nelson Wabasha Elementary

Kathleen Onstad Spring Grove Elementary

LaVerne Paulson Peterson Elementary


John Opfer Byron Social Science

Esther Pechacek Blooming Prairie English



Nancy Nipp Mahtomedi Psychology

Lynn Orphan Winona History & Political Science

Carol Pedretti LaCrescent English

Diane Mickow Elgin Elementary Cheryl Miller Plato Physical Education & Health Miller Morristown Industrial Arts Linda Minnie Winona Elementary Nickels Bayport Elementary Modlin Eldora, Iowa
Trudy Perry New Richland Elementary Ruth Peterson Minneapolis Elementary John Phillipson Whitehall, Wisconsin Art Gerald Pieper Caledonia History Larry Plank Rochester Math & Physics Charles Polesky Rochester Social Science Judith Pope Minneapolis Elemental^ Sharon Poppe Nursing Houston David Prescott Adams Elementary Joan Pretzel Minneapolis Nursing William Putnam Winona Math Kay Quinn St. Paul Park Elementary Helen RaRérty St. Paul Speech Don Rahman Elgin Math Diane Randall Kenyon Elementary Rober Randall Wanamingo Accounting Joe Rank Winona Elementary Linda Reed Spring Grove Elementary Annette Richardson Cedar Rapids, Iowa Health & Physical Educa- Vickie Rinehart Des Moines, Iowa Elementary tion
David Rodewald Lake City Math & Physics Diane Roffler Winona Elementary Gary Romstad Winona Elementary Ronald Rumper Arcadia, Wisconsin Art Mary Ryan St. Paul Elemental^ Thomas Sabotta Cedar Rapids, Iowa Elementary Jelaine Sackett Dodge Center Elementary Thomas Sage Cedar Rapids, Iowa Physical Education & Health Le Roy Scharmer Buffalo Lake Carolyn Satren Wanamingo Elementary Linda Schansberg Whitehall, Wisconsin Nursing JoDeen Scharlau Arcadia, Wisconsin Art Gary Scharmer Buffalo Lake Math Linda Schild LaCrescent English Cyril Schnell Millville Industrial Arts Industrial Arts Pat Peltier and Linda Behrens register for another quarter of classes at Winona State.
Injured Pat Boland offers moral support from the sidelines as his teammates make a touchdown against Moorhead. Sharon Schossow Houston Business Education Timothy Shreiner Lakeville Industrial Arts Jane Schultz St. Charles Elementary Sandra Scovil Winona Elementary Elaine Seavey Winona Art Linda Sebo Winona English Patricia Sepin Dodge Center English Carol Severson Minneapolis Nursing Janice Siegel Winona Elementary Thomas Siegert Pompo Beach, Florida Business Administration
Loretta Siepelmeyer Joan Simon Martha Skibbe Charles Sklader Robert Skroch Redwing Altura Stewartville St. Louis Park Arcadia, Wisconsin Business Education Elementary English Business Administration Industrial Arts Sandra Slifka Margaret Smith Richard Smith Roy Smith Cari Soderstrom Mabel Buchanan, North Fitchburg, New Egypt, New Jersey Franklin Lakes, Elementary Dakota Massachusetts Social Science New Jersey Elementary Elementary Industrial Arts Charles Speed Gregory Staples Winona Beverly Stahr Barbara Staples Winona Barbara Stemmer Business Administration Winona Winona Biology Shakopee Elementary Nursing Elementai'y Susan Stender Judy Steyer LaMoille Jean Stevens Tremeleau, Wisconsin Judy Strike Elementary St. Paul Marcia Stevens Elementary Lime Springs, Iowa Business Education Minneapolis Business Education Nursing



Mabel Business Education Physical Education & Health Nursing


James Vonderohe Biology

John Wagner Elementary

Bruce Wallace

Ann Voight

Dwight Void Houston

Caledonia Woodlynne, New Jersey Mayer Business Education Kenyon Business Administration Business Administration English Business Administration

Jude Stienessen JoAnne Swanson Elaine Swedin Maxine Swenson Kathy Tait Richfield Plainview Hastings Hopkins Lake City Health & Physical Education Psychology .Business Education Elementary History Theis Glen Tointon Patricia Tolmie Barbara Vang Michael Tentis Rollingstone Rochester St. Charles Mabel La Crescent Music Elementary English & Industrial Arts Speech Elementa}^ VanGundy Margaret Vatland V etsch Evelyn Vick Donald Vang Houston Winona Caledonia Caledonia

Karen Williamson

Winona Math & Business Administration

Robert Witherow

Winona Accounting

Hank Zacharias

Winnipeg, Canada Social Science

Phil Welti Plainview Math

Ruth Wisdorf

Springfield Business Education

Susan Wollin

Winona Music & Elementary

Judith Ziegeweid St. Charles Elementary

Gerald Wegman St. Charles Industrial Arts Bruce White Cedar Rapids, Iowa Math & Social Science Jodee Waldo Math Math Patricia Wiemerslag LaCrescent Elementary Thomas Stover Winona Business Education Jan Wiest Fort Atkinson, Iowa Art
Linda Sveen Lanesboro Elementary

Seniors Not Pictured

Majorie Adams

Lee Albert

John Allen

Robert Ambuhl

Stephen Andersen

Danny Anderson

Larry Anderson

Michael Anderson

Richard Anderson

Richard D. Anderson

Ronald Anderson

Robert Andrewsen

Gerald Arens

Bernard Arenz

Robert Armstrong

Don Arnold

Jon Arnold

Richard Ascheman

Steven Baird

Linda Behrens

Lawrence Bengtsen

Robert Berger

Joseph Berktold

Beth Bernard

Richard Bernatz

Bruce Bigelow

Ronald Black

Martha Blank

Nancy Blaylock

Patrick Boland

Barbara Boone

Roger Borchert

Jane Bowen

Richard Boyum

Kathryn Brandt

Thomas Breza

Holly Brisbin

John Briscoe

Sandra Burt

Diane Campbell

David Campbell

Mary Kay Campbell

Alan Carlson

Rurick Carlson

Pete Chafos

Paul Chick

Gene Churchill

Marie Ciokiewicz

Robert Clark

William Clark

Edward Connor

Charles Connors

Curtis Conzett

Nancy Coolidge

Jacob Dahl

Harold Davies

Joyce Davis

Trixie Delaney

Robert Denny

Joan Dibbern

Jimmy Dickson

Kenneth Dickson

David Dostal

David Duell

James Duffy

Judith Eckert

Carole Eidem

LeRoy Ekstrand

Donald Elmblad

Thomas Enerson

Joseph Engelhart

Jay Epstein

Bruce Erickson

James Ernster

Duane Evans

Kenneth Evans

William Evenson

Duane Fakler

Jane Findlay

Gary Finstuen

David Fix

Eva Marie Flotterud

Anthony Floyd

Oren Fogelsanger

Thomas Ford

Patricia Forschler

Judith Fort

Leigh Fossen

Leo Fragapano

Sally Freer

Charles French

Janice Fruechte

Michael Fruen

Lester Funk

Ronald Gainey

Tomothy Gerenz

Gregory Gerlach

Mary Kay Glukka

Charles Goerish

George Gonnion

Kae Goodwin

Jay Greenberg

Charles Gritzner

John Gross

Sandra Gruszynski

Stanley Gudmundson

Charles Haggbloom

Barbara Hankey

Keith Harris

Frederick Hauck

Joseph Hawley

Marie Heins

Ralph Heins

Glen Hines

Bonnie Hoesley

Lawrence Hogden

Peter Horton

Elizabeth Houck

Gary Husmann

Gary Ihrke

Robert Isbell

Kent Jacobson

Karen Jansen

Barbara Jenson

Patricia Jerzak

Betty Johnson

Curtiss Johnson

Lyla Johnson

Myrna Johnson

Robert Johnson

David Jones

Robert Judge

Jon Juehrs

Robert Junghans

John Kannel

Charles Karau

James Kauphusman

Kiroko Kawakatsu

Helen Keiper

Kathleen Kelley

John King

Diane Klassen

Jo Anne Kleist

Gerald Kluzik

Richard Knapp

James Knopick

Richard Koski

Richard Koutski

Ronald Kovacik

William Krause


Seniors Not Pictured

Dennis Landers

Adeline Larson

Donald Laufenburger

Gary Lawrynk

Elaine Lea

Duane Lee

James Lightfoot

Lorraine Losinski

Walter Lottig

David Lundak

Eugene Lundak

Maghsoudi Masoud

Glenda Maidl

Sumie Makino

Thomas Maloy

William Martin

Mary Masyga

James Matzke

Charlotte Maulé

Michael Me Gammon

Mildred Me Cown

Rickey Me Daniel

John Me Leod

Wayne Medcraft

Richard Merwin

Candace Meyer

Harry Mitchell

Roger Moe

Michael Moon

Jeanne Morrison

Leon Mortland

David Moses

Lawrence Mott

William Mullen

Janice Munson

Stephan Muras

Robert Murphy

Curtis Murray

Nicholas Mydra

Richard Myhre

Mary Nelson

Nancy Nelson

Carol Nessler

De Ann Neumann

Kathryn Nevling

Helen Newell

Jay Newman

Kenneth Ng

Robert Nichols

Eugene O’Brien

Thomas Ochs

Gary Oeltjen

Ralph Olsen

Marvin Olson

Stanley Olson

John Ott

Alfonso Pagliarello

Judith Palke

Jon Paske

Barbara Peck

Peter Pelofske

Richard Pett

Jarl Pettersen

Patricia Placek

Robert Poblocki

Barbara Pontinen

Paul Porvaznik

Pauline Prondzinski

Donald Rajtora

Larry Rasmussen

Rebecca Reinarts

Brenda Reindel

Donna Rekstad

Harold Remme

Mary Ellen Robinson

Joan Roessler

Florence Ronnenberg

Roderick Roopchand

Donald Rumpet

Larry Rupprecht

Fredric Rydstrand

Richard Sadler

Lowell Salo

Owen Satrum

Carolyn Satren

Judith Scanlan

Janet Schaer

Kathryn Scheevel

Mary Kay Schieber

Linda Schild

La Vonne Schneider

Gene Schultz

Michael Schuth

Anne Marie Scott

Roger Seabright

Lawrence Shea

John Sheimo

Frederick Sherman

Lance Sikkink

Hugh Skjeveland

Theodore Smarzyk

Richard Snow

Bernice Stadtherr

Robert Stanislawski

Dolores Steber

William Steffen

Janet Steussy

Joyce Stevenson

Edward Stice

Jeffrey Stoll

Jo Anne Storandt

Carl Strom

Darryl Syverson

Michael Thesing

John Thilmany

Kathleen Ties

Robert Timmons

Gerald Trocinski

Gerald Turner

Lynn Van Buskirk

Mary Jane Vucinovich

Carl Wacholz

Margaret Walsh

Richard Walters

Eileen Warthesen

Dwight Weideman

John Weimerskirch

Carole Wendlandt

James Westberg

John Wharton

Robert White

Steven Wildman

Don Winslow

Janice Winter

Nora Winter

Frederick Wolf

Sadie Wuertz

Michael Wunderlich

Pearl Yamasaki

Fred Yarolimek

George Zender

John Zwolinski


Index to Students and Faculty

In the following index; Boldface identifies a senior All CAPITALS identifies a faculty member or administra tive official.

Allen, Frank

AAllen, John S.

Allen, Lana M.

Almo, Leigh W. 158

Almquist, John M. 132


Aase, Dennis A. 104,109,110,111, 174

Abbott, Constance E. 42,158

Abitz, Gary B. 158

Abitz, Michael A.

Abraham, James H.

Abraham, Joanne L.

Abraham, Lee A.

Abraham, Mary

Abrahamson, Kurt P.

Abrahim, Aftabadeen

Abrams, Donald B.

Abrahamson, Barbara A. 178

Abts, Carolyn G. 158

Abts, Frankie J.

Abts, John J.

Abts, Mary A.

Abts, Richard J.

Achter, Sharon M.

Adams, Joseph L.

Adams, Lois A. 97,158

Adams, Marjorie

Adams, Robert C.

Adkins, David A.

Adkins, Donna M.

Afseth, Roxye L. 158

Agrimson, Donna M.

Ahrens, John R.

Ahrens, Richard E.

Albee, Gail M. 89,174

Albers, Sharon F. 107,110,158

Albert, Jon L.

Albert, Lee E.

Albertson, Libbie M.

Albrecht, Wayne L. 126

Alexander, Michael J. 174,146,125

Alfonso, Charles J.

Allaman, Mark W.

Alleman, Margaret M.

Alt, Rowe B. 110,176

Altermatt, Rhonda K. 158

Althoff, Melinda L.

Althoff, Noel M. 158

Amann, Steven W. 158

Ambuhl, John R. 106

Ambuhl, Sandra K.

Amdahl, James A. 158

Ames, Nancy L.

Ames, Sally J.

Amlaw, JonT. 107,11


Amundson, Charles R. 170

Amundson, Marlin H.

Amundson, Merlin B.

Andersen, Stephen F.

Anderson, Bruce S. 107,170

Andersen, Charles R. 158

Anderson, Danny A. 89,125

Anderson, David L. 110,114,125

Anderson, Donald K.


Anderson, Joan L. 110,111

Anderson, John R. 105

Anderson, Joyce E. 170

Anderson, Karen I. 158

Anderson, Katherine E.

Anderson, Larry D. 127

Anderson, Lawrence J.

Anderson, Margaret J.

Anderson, Michael W.

Anderson, Mary A. 178

Anderson, Maurice E. 132,136,178

Anderson, Richard A. 97

Anderson, Richard D.

Anderson, Robert C.

Anderson, Robert D. 178

Anderson, Ronald N.

Anderson, Terry Q. 136,158,152

Anderson, Thomas J. Ill 130 Junction

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Anderson, Trudy M.

Anderson, Wayne S. 158

Andrews, Muriel A.

Andrewsen, Richard L. 174

Andrewsen, Robert F. 125

Andrist, Dale F.

Androli, Roy G. 104,178

Angsten, Gregory S. 107,170

Anhalt, Gary L. 89,178,92,146

Anttila, Elaine R. 158

Apeland, Gunner 63,94

Applegate, Christopher C.

Arens, Gerald M.

Arenz, Bernard W.

Arenz, Barry J.

Arenz, Beverly A.

Arenz, Frances J.

Armstrong, Robert J.

Armstrong, Robert L. 158

Arndt, Carol M.

Arneberg, Linda S.

Arneson, Craig T.

Arns, Janet E. 179

Arnett, Lynne C.

Arnold, Bonnie J.

Arnold, Don L.

Arnold, JonW. 75,94,141,146

Arnold, Vincent D.

Ascheman, Richard A.

Arsenault, Raymond R.

Ask,Jon H.

Ask, Virginia L.

Auckland, Dale L.


Auge, Kathryn M.

Aulick, Peter K.

Austad, Ruth A. 158

Austin, Mary E. 158

Austin, Roland C. 114,125

Babler, Edward W.

Babler, Richard S.

Backowski, William J.

Backus, James L.

Bagniewski, James J. 124

Bailey, Curt A. 158

Bailey, Mary L. 179

Bailey, Samuel P.

Baird, Steven L.


Baker, James T. 136

Baker, Muriel M.

Baker, Nancy C. 179

Bakker, Marlene E. 158,174

Baldwin, William F.

Balfanz, Donald L.

Bail, Robert A. 150

Balzer, Gwenn A. 103,158

Bambanek, Laura L. 122

Bambenek, Paul H. 158

Banks, Gerald E.

Bannister, Joanne R.


Bardel, Louis C. 126

Barenthin, Kurt G.

Baringer, Richard G.

Barker, Karen K. 179

Barnacle, Robert T. 109,158,146

Bamey, Nancy 174


Barrett, Julie A.

Barrett, Kathryn E. 170

Barrett, Warren R.

Barron, Constance A. 170

Barrone, Carol A.

Barry, Dennis J. 136


Bartel, Lowell E. 179

Barth, Margaret J. 158

Barth, Thomas W.

Bartholomew, Bernard R. 170

BBartl, Susan K. 101

Barton, Mary D. 158

Bartz, Harry L.

Bastin, Diann G. 111,174

Bateman, James L.

Babbitt, Dana H.

Bathel, Marlene P. 158

Batzler, Douglas F. 158

Batzler, Linda M.

Bauer, Beatrice S. 97,111,174

Bauer, David L. 104,105

Bauer, Stephen P.

Baures, Joan M.

Bauman, Kristin L. 90

Baures, Michael L.

Bay, Sharon M.

Bay, Stephen L. 142


Bean, Robert A.

Beardmore, Romaine L.

Beaulieu, Kathryn J. 158

Becker, Patrick L.

Becker, Patricia A.

Becker, Daniel W. 89,126

Becker, Linda M.

Becker, Thomas M.

Beckley, Jerome Jr. 145,142

Bedtke, John R. 158,146

Beeman, James G. Jr.

Beeman, Thomas A.

Behling, David R.

Behling, Richard J. 179,125

Behnken, Charlotte D. 73,123

Behnken, Charlotte L. 174,179,191

Behrens, Linda L. 123


Beito, David L.

Bell, Dennis G. 41

Belongie, Ronald E.

Benda, Joy A. 158


Bender, Susan M. 179

Bengtsen, Lawrence A.

Benish, Jerry D. 126

Bennett, Dagrun R.

Benson, Claude H.

Benson, David W.

Benson, Dawn J. 158

Benson, Douglas B.

Benson, Joan M. 174

Benson, Kristie L.

Benson, Linda K. 179

Benson, Marjorie C. 174

Benson, William P.


Benusa, Dennis

Benz, Becky J. 158

Benz, Loren H.

Berg, Barbara 1. 174

Berg, Danette K. 158

Berg, Kirby J.

Berg, Mark N. 126

Berg, Marvin A. 132,158,179

Bergaus, Irene A.

Bergdale, Garlyn N.

Berger, Robert L. 134

Berger, Roy D.

Bergquist, Gary D. 174

Berger, Elsie N.

Bergevin, Craig M.

Berger, James A.

Berger, Wayne L. 179,125

Bergler, Donald B.

Bergmark, Jerome A. 158

Bergrud, Steven S. 158

Berktold, Joseph A.

Bernard, Beth M.

Bematz, Kathleen H.

Bernatz, Patricia A.

Berndt, Diane C.

Bemdt, Jeanne E. 179

Bemdt, Robert 158

Bematz, Richard E.

Bernatz, Thomas J.

Bernstorf, Thomas W. 158,142

Bertel, Dusten J. 106,174,120

Berzinski, Robert

Besonen, Donald H. 145,142

Bettcher, Kathryn L. 101,179

Beyer, Richard E.

Beyers, Roger D.

Bezdichek, Nancy 46,174,121

Bicker, Howard J. 124

Bicknese, Dianne L. 158

Bicknese, Marilyn A. 174

Bielefeldt, Donald L.

Bien, Dawn M. 107,158

Bierbaum, Avis L. 89,158

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Bohan, Daniel M. 124

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Bierbaum, Edith C. 89,97,98,99,170

Bigelow, James

Bigelow, Bruce B.

Bigelow, Jerome A.

Billings, Allan R. 158,146

Billison, Douglas E. 136


Biltgen, Cherie

Binger, Doris L. 179

Binner, Marjorie E. 179,115,122

Bisek, Angeline 158

Bishop, Sidney R. 125

Bjorklund, Carol L. 179,154

Bjortomt, Richard L.

Bjostad, Nancy J. 99,158

Black, Ronald D. 106

Blackburn, Diana J. 105,158


Blakely, Linda J. 103,109,174

Blakstad, Ronnie S.

Blanchard, David K.

Blank, Martha R.

Blanski, Michael D. 127

Blaser, Randy L.

Blasko, James

Blasko, Philip V. 158

Blaylock, Nancy J.

Blixt, Bruce A. 174,125

Bloch, Adrienne Y. 105,111,158

Block, Kenneth A.

Blau, William J.

Blongi, Glenn F. 174

Blum, David J. 158

Blumentritt, Mary J. 179

Boberg, Susan K.

Bockenhauer, Douglas A.

Bockenhauer, William J.

Bodelson, Mary F.

Boeck, Bruce Alan

Boegemann, Nancy F.

Boelter, Kathleen M. 103

Boeser, Stephen C.

Boettcher, Angela K.

Boettcher, Lee H. 158,142

Boettcher, Marlon C.

Bohmbach, Thomas A.

Bohnen, Byron G.

Bohnen,Joyce E.

Bohnen, Leslie W.

Boileau, Dianne L. 180

Boland, Patrick P. 38,132,136,139, 192


Bolton, Victoria R. 158

Bond, David A.

Bonnerup, Mary C.

Bonow, Janet M. 97

Bonow, Wesley P.

Bonow, William W.

Boomgaarden, Randall A. 174

Boone, Barbara A.

Borchert, Roger N. 126

Borgen, Wayne L. 180,127

Boss, David L. 107,125

Bostrack, Philip J. 158

Bostrom, Janice L. 111,170

Botcher, Jennifer J.

Bothun, Darald N. 180

Bothun, John E.

Boulware, Robert B.

Bowden, Anthony 158,142

Bowen, Jane F. 89,121

Bowen, Kathleen 174

Bowman, William J.

Boyle, Bobbe L. 170

Boysen, Bonnie J. 89,170

Boyum, Ann M. 64

Boyum, Murtón K.

Boyum, Linda L. 121

Boyum, Patricia O. 180

Boyum, Richard C. 136

Boyum, Susan E. 94

Braaten, Roger H. 150,159

Braatz, Donald

Braatz, Theodore R. 159

Bradford, Arlonial Y. 180

Brady, Larry L. 174

Brakke, Marcia R. 159

Brake, Margaret A. 99

Nash's Men's Shop Exclusive Gant Shirt Headquarters Corner of 4th and Center Winona, Minn. Stereos ALL AT HARDT’S MUSIC 116 E. 3rd Street

Brand, Bette J.

Brand, Gregory J.

Brand, Robert M. 170

Brandt, James F.

Brandt, Bonnie L.

Brandt, Harlan D. 136,170

Brandt, Kathryn A.

Brase, Thomas 170,125

Braun, Thomas J.

Braun, William P. 150

Bredshall, Kathleen J. 170

Breitenfeldt, Chester R.

Breitsprecher, Thomas M.


Bremseth, Steven

Bremseth, Cheryl L. 99,97,109,123 170

Bremseth, Suzanne R. 180

Brennan, Sheila M.

Breza, Thomas G.

Brinkmeier, Barry A. 105

Brioschi, Ann E. 159

Brisbin, Holly 89,97,108

Briscoe, John B.

Britz, Darlys M. 170

Brodie, James K. 88,90,180,114,47, 124

Broecker, Barbara J. 90,105

Brogan, Charlene M.

Brom, Dennis J. 104,126,174

Bronk, Catherine C.

Bronk, Edward C.

Bronniche, Daryl R. 98,99


Brostrom, Mark E. 109,159

Brostrom, Phyllis F.

Brostrom, Van M.

Brown, Evonne R. 180,122

Brown, Lucinda E. 159

Brown, Lynn M.

Brown, Mary K. 158

Browne, Patricia A. 100,103,174, 121



Bruegger, Judith K.

Bruggeman, Catherine L. 108,174

Brummer, Gerald W.

Brus, David J. 159

Bubbers, Richard W.

Rubbers, Robert C. 159

Bublitz, Sandra J. 174

Buchanan, Thomas H.


Buchner, John M. 136

Buck, Lee H. 159,125

Buck, Mary A.

Buck, Pamela S. 101

Buckbee, Ruth A. 111,159

Buckingham, Robert J. 124

Buege, Roger K.

Buggs, Louis C.

Buhler, Willard D.

Bullemer, Susan M.

Bunge, Connie L. 159

Bunke, Jeffrey B. 159

Bunke, Vickie L. 159

Burcalow, Janet A.

Buresh, Steven L.

Burgdorf, Curtis E.

Burger, Katherine A. 94,107,159

Burgeson, Thomas B. 174,125

Burke, Barbara 174

Burke, Jeanne M.

Burleigh, David

Burleigh, John S. 159

Burmeister, Fredrick D. 159

Burmeister, Susan M.

Burnham, Kerry S. 159

Burns, Dana R. 180

Burr, Gene J.

Burreson, Garry W. 159

Burt, Sandra K.

Burton, Bonita F. 180


Busch, Alan P.

Busch, Ronald L.

Buscovick, John R. 159

Buscovick, Paul J. 127

Bushman, Carole K.

Buss, Robert G. 99,159

Butter, Margaret J. 170

Butterfass, Doris V. 159


Butterwick, Valerie K. 159

Carter, Terry A.

Carvell, Leslie K. 101,170

Castner, Sharon M.

Chafos, Pete A.

Chains, Wayne N. 125

Charest, Patricia A. 89,160

Charlton, Blaine F.

Chick, Paul E.

cChicos, Daniel L. 180

Christen, Mary S. 107


Christensen, Barbara K. 103,174, 180

Cada, Judith A.

Cadwell, Jeffery N.

Callaghan, Thomas L. 159

Calvert, Bonnie

Calvert, Larry R. 150

Calvert, Ronald J. 150

Campbell, Christy A. 33,123,180, 188

Campbell, Diane M.

Campbell, David D.

Campbell, Mary K.

Campbell, Thomas H. 159,153

Capan, Richard J. 174

Capistrant, Pamela L. 159


Carlon, Linda M. 103,108,174,154

Carlson, Alan R. 132,142

Carlson, Barbara J. 180


Carlson, Jerome D. 170

Carlson, Leonard D.

Carlson, Lucy M. 159


Carlsten, Alan D. 127

Carlson, Rurick D. 104,111

Camel, Karen A.

Carr, Jerrold T.

Carr, Julie N. 159

Carrier, Bruce H. 144,142

Carrier, Marlin C. 136

Carter, Mary J. 180

Carter, Patricia A. 160

Carter, Robert C.

Christensen, Gail L. 160


Christensen, Judith M. 160

Christensen, Linda J. 111,160

Christensen, Toby L. 160

Christensen, Philip L. 180

Christenson, Bronwen K. 122

Christenson, Gerald E.

Christenson, Linda L.

Christie, Carol L. 170

Christie, Constance L.

Christie, Gary L. 160

Christie, Judith E.

Christison, Hjordy J. 160

Christopherson, Beverly 89,107

Christofferson, William 160,174

Chubik, JoAnn M. 174

Chuchna, Clarence A.

Churchill, Gene L.

Cichanowski, Michael F. 102,106, 120

Cieminski, Lorraine N.

Cieminski, Susan B. 181

Cihak, Susan M. 181,121

Ciokiewicz, Marie 107,108,110

Ciszak, Charles F.

Claeys, Adeline M. 97

Clark, Judith A. 94,170

Clark, Peter C.

Clark, Robert W.

Clark, Susan E. 160

Clark, William J.

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Clausen, Charles M.

Clausen, Willie M.

Clay, David J.

Clements, Ronald B.

Clementson, Carolyn A. 103

Cliff, Catherine A. 123

Cliff, Robert J.

Clifford, Perry K. 181

Cole, Peter M. 125

Cole, Susan M.

Cole, Sherman M.

Colgan, Gary J. 174,6,7,124

Collins, Robert D. 170

Colvin, Cheryl M. 160

Comeforo, Keith J. 136,181

Comstock, Susan L.

Congdon, Marion F.

Congdon, Michael D. 160,170


Connolly, Dale J. 132

Connolly, Michael H.

Connor, Edward A.

Connors, Charles P.

Connors, James M.

Connoy, Dolores A. 122

Conrad, Dianne M. 174

Coiiway, Jane

Conway, Margaret J.

Conway, Marian B.

Conzett, Curtis C. 83,124

Cook, Howard J. 130,170

Cook, Shirley L. 106,174,122

Coolidge, Kathleen M. 160

Coolidge, Nancy E.

Cooper, James M.

Cooper, Lorna L. 99,110

Corbett, James M. 160

Corcoran, Francine M. 99,97

Cords, Cynthia S. 100,103,160

Corey, Frank L.

Corey, Darrel L.

Corrigan, Agnes C.

Corso, John M. 126,160,115

Cottengim, Mary L. 89,174

Coughlos, Cynthia L. 121

Coughlin,Stanley M.

Courteau, June L. 40,98,99,174,155, 154

Craig, Margaret A.

Crapps, Joan M. 174

Crilly, Donald D. 114,124

Critchfield, Susan 31,88,106,123, 174,114

Crow, David H. 94,97,104,111,170

Cruden, Mary M. 160

Crum, Daniel F.

Culhane, Joan T. 103,154

Culhane, Rose M.

Cullen, Robert J.

Cunningham, Paul F.

Curran, Frances M.

Curran, Patrick G.

Curran, Roger J.


Curtin, Mary

Cyrus, Larry G. 160,146

Czaplewski, Kathleen A. 181


DDabelstein, Gay B. 160

Daffinson, Steven L.

Daggitt, Kathleen M. 160

Dahl, Jacob M. 160

Dahl, Jean M.

Dahle, John L.

Dahle, Francis A.

Dahle, Gary H.

Dahlen, Jeffrey J. 160

Dahling, Janice L. 160

Dahling, Ronald F.

Dahlstrom, Mark W.

Daleiden, James N.

Daley, David D.

Dalton, James A. 160,125

Dalton, Timothy J. 88,90,181,125

Dammann, Darroel V.

Dammer, Herbert A. 146

Danckwart, David J. 94

Daniel, Joanne F. 103,174

Daniels, Steven M.

Danielson, Bruce J. 98,99,110,170

Danneker, John R.

Danner, Carolyn J. 160

Darkenwald, Clement B. 136,137

Darkow, Steven W. 109,160

Darling, Gerald N. 160

Daskam, Joann K. 97,160

Dauffenbach, Rosalie C. 160

Daugherty, Mary P.


Davies, Harold E. 88,19,124

Davis, Joyce H. 174

Davis, Larry M.

Davis, Lavonne E.

Davis, Margaret H. 170


Davis, Richard G.

Day, Carolyn M.

Day, Richard H.


De Bree, Mary M.


Decker, Sharon K.

De Forth, Beverly A. Ill

De Forth, Marilyn M.

De Grood, Terrie A.

Delaney, John F.

Delaney, Trixie L.

Delbow, Linda A. 174

Delfs, Marlene 170

Delong, Jacquelyn 174

Den Bleyker, Gregory

Denman, Patricia K. 160

Denman, Ruth L.

Denn, Stanley C. 174

Dennison, Bruce D.

Denny, Robert J.

Denzer, Raymond D.

Desantis, Mark P.

Desjarlait, Stuart E.

Deters, Dale A.

Deters, Dennis L.


Deters, Joan A. 107,108

Deufel, Joseph R.

Deutschmann, Charles 181

Devine, Esther R.

Devine, Michael J.

Devine, Rita C. 181

De Wall, Larry K. 160

De Yoe, Kathleen A. 101,160

Deziel, Fred T.

Dibbern, Joan C.

Dickerman, Marlys J. 88,89,123,181

Dickinson, Terry R. 160

Dickson, Jimmy J. 94

Dickson, Kenneth D.

Diersen, Neil O. 174

Dill, Bonnie R.

Dillon, Maureen E. 160

Dingfelder, Carlus S.

Dingfelder, Otto G.

Dissmore, Edith A.

Dittman, Richard D.

Dittrich, Daniel W. 181

Dittrich, Janet J. 103

Dobberphul, June M.

Doering, Duane C. 181

Doely, John O.

Dohmen, Cyril V.

Dohrmann, Peggy M. 160

Dolalie, David A.

Dolan, Joseph T. 109,136,125

Domaille, Charleen R. 99,170

Domino, Colleen A. 170

Donehower, Ann K. 170,122

Doner, Linda J. 160



Donovan, Susan M.

Doody, Michael 146

Dorn, Judith A.

Dorsch, Jean F. 73,181

Dostal, David


Downey, Patrick L.

Drajeske, Susan 1. 90,170,121

Drazkowski, Keith D.

Drazkowski, Frank W.

Druley, Steven L. 170

Drury, Michele M.

Dublin, Richard J.

Dublin, Steven A. 126

Dubsky, James J. 150,175,124

Duell, David J.

Duellman, Nancy 160

Duellman, Richard J.

Duellman, Robert A.

Duffy, James J.

Duffy, Judith A. 160,154

DuFRESNE, ROBERT 33,56,57,188

Dunlap, Thomas M. 170


Dunn, Marie B.

Dunn, Rene A. 100

Dunning, David B.

Duran, Denis B.

Durben, Judith K. 94,160

Durham, Nada I.

Durst, Philip W.

Dybevik, James M. 136


Edwards, Jan K. 109,123,170,159

Edwards, Peter T. 146

Eggenberger, James I. 160

Eglinton, Betty J. 46,93,108,174,121

Ehlen, John D. Ill

Ehlers, Betty L.

Eichenlaub, William C.

Eichorn, Terry

Eichhorst, Gary A. 160

Eichman, Gerald A. 136

Eidem, Carole S.

Eiffler, Duane R.


Eiken, Kay M. 89,174


Einhorn, David W.

Einsman, Mario W.

Eischen, Margaret M. 97

Eischen, Michael F. 98,99,110


Ekstrand, Leroy M.


Eldridge, Larry L.

Elias, John

EEling, Vickie L. 110,170

Ellingson, Marsha B.

Elmblad, Donald R. 106,116,127

Elton, Anthony B.

Engler, John F.

Epstein, Jay

Erdman, Bonnie J. 160

Erdman, Richard

Erdmanczyk, Mike J.

Erdmanczyk, Steven J.

Erdmann, Paula J. 170

Erickson, Bruce E.

Erickson, Craig R.

Erickson, Larry A. 160

Erickson, Paul H.

Erickson, Peter H. 181


Erie, Janice I. 181

Erie, Sharon L.

Ernst, Larry A. 160

Ernster, James A. 108

Ernster, Larry J.

Erpelding, David G. 170

Erpelding, Larry J. 134

Erpelding, Sylvia R. 99

Erpelding, Sylvester E. 160

Ess, Lynn M. 160

Estes, Kathleen M. 181

Etherton, Wendy J. 160


Eue, Richard C.

Euerle, Sharon R. 103,170,155,154

Evans, DuaneA.

Eagan, Merry J.

Earley, Thomas P.

Eaton, Judith A.

Eaton, Kenneth C.

Eberling, Carolyn M. 99,109,110,170

Ebert, Janice C.

Eckerman, Leo F. 146

Eckert, Judith K.

Eckhardt, Larry D. 160

Eckles, Robert M. 132

Eddy, Eugene E.

Eddy, Gary L.


Edel, Mary J.

Edel, Steven L. 160

Edge, Danny L.160

Eltrtch, Thomas E.


Emery, Richard L. 160

Emmons, Mary A.

Emmons, Michael R.


Enerson, Thomas R.

Engen, Jeffrey A. 130,170

Engel, Allen D.

Engel, Susan J.

Engelhart, Joseph D.

Engelien, Theodore R.

Engelien, Rhonda J. 97

Engelson, Earl

Engh, Ronald J.

Engler, David A.

Evans, Duane R.

Evans, Kenneth J. 105,126

Evenson, William R. 89

Evert, Jeffrey D. 160,142

Everson, Kay B. 123,182

Eyler, Linda E. 174,121

Fabian, Rebecca A.

Fahy, Scott C. 160

Fairchild, Gene A. 105,182

Fairclough, Richard K.

MiJIimi Hotel Invites You To The Captain's Quarters and The Safari Room Home Beverage Service 533 Huff St. Phone 2572 Winona, Minnesota George & Betty Hahn, Prop. Ray Meyer —Innkeeper

Fakler, Duane J.

Fakler, Thomas L.

Fandrey, Paula K. 170

Fanslow, Krissie L. 174

Farnham, Timothy J. 182

Farringer, Jerald E.

Faurot, Patrick A.

Fay, Paul B.

Feine, Jerry V.

Felland, Marian E. 103

Felstead, Ramona A.

Felstead, Ravenna C.

Fenske, Joyce E. 182

Fenton, Maureen J.


Ferden, Patricia A. 94,97,174

Ferguson, Gordon J.

Fernholz, James J.

Ferris, Anne C.


Fetting, John W.

Feuling, Marilyn F. 110,174

Fick, Gwen A.

Fiedler, Gerald A.

Fielder, James W.

Fielder, Kathleen L.

Findlay, Jane W.

Fink, Dana M. 160

Finstuen, Gary H.

Fischbach, Roger A. 83,89,108,135, 182,92

Fischer, Gordon W.

Fischer, Karen M. 111,160,174

Fischer, Michael T.

Fishbaugher, Kathleen K.

Fishbaugher, Marilyn A. 174,115

Fisher, Arthur W.


Fitzgerald, Bonita L. 107,160

Fix, David M.

Fix, Linda P.

Flanary, Elizabeth J.

Flemming, Duane A.

Flesland, Bruce M.


Flikka, Kent A.

Flom, Loren K.

Flotterud, Eva M.

Floyd, Anthony C.

Foegen, Dennis J.


Fogelsanger, Oren W.

Fokema, Marvin P.

Foley, Jeanne E.

Follmann, Theresa K. 46,111

Fonteine, Robert 174

Foran, Leslie D. 170

Ford, Mary C. 160

Ford, Thomas A.

Forde, Allan W.


Forschler, Patricia C.

Forster, Jeanne M. 160

Fort, Judith K.


Foss, Marilyn M.

Fossen, Leigh G.

Fossum, Harvey R.

Fossum, James D.

Fossum, Janice L. 182

Foster, John T. 160

Foster, John W.

Foty, John V.

Fountain, Paul A.

Fox,John N.

Fox,Jon D.

Fragapano, Leo A. 136

Frahm, Gary L.

Frank, Allen J.

Frank, Ann 105,111

Frank, Colleen A. 110,170

Frank, Judith L.

Frank, Kristin A.

Franklin, Barbara S. 89

Franko, David L. 136,160

Frankson, James S. 136

Franson, Roger T.

Fratzke, Beth S.

Frederick, Kerry N.

Fredericks, Erwin J.

Phone: 3626

529 Huff St.

Frederickson, Marcia A. 105

Freer, Sally A.

Fremling, Arlayne


French, Charles E.

Frick, Naomi J. 170

Friemann, Gary


Frisby, Donald L.

Frisch, Carol J.

Frisby, Pattilee P.

Fritz, Patricia F. 89,182,121

Froehlich, Faye 182,122

Fron, Ann I.

Frosch, Dianne L.

Fruechte, Janice A.

Fruen, Michael B.

Frydenlund, John E. 160

Fuglestad, Ronald N. 136

Fulkerson, Nancy C.


Fuller, Patricia A. 103

Fullerton, Frances A. 89,111,161

Funk, Lester J.

Funk, Marlyn J. Ill


GGabbert, David R. 161

Gabnay, Bruce 124

Gabriel, Dan R.

Gabrilson, Patricia A. 182

Gainey, Mary K.

Gainey, Rita R. 99,182

Gainey, Ronald J.

Galchutt, Jan C. 161

Ganser, Robert T. 175

Gantzer, James L.

Garland, William H.

Garry, Arlene

"Home Owned" Dairy Products of Superior
%Â\ Momii Skof Exclusive Headquarters for Garland Skirts and Sweaters 4th and Center St. Winona, Minn. Winona Printing Company Creative Art Service Printing & Lithographing Wedding Invitations Phone 8-5138 BOLAND MANUFACTURING COMPANY

Gartner, Gary L- 28,89,90,126,183, 142


Gaustad, Garland S.

Gaustad, Evelyn S. 161

Gaustad, Roger L. 126


Gebhart, Douglas J.

Gehling, Sheila J. 98,99,110,161

Gehring, Patricia R.

Geier, Ann M. 160

George, Richard L. 183

Geppert, Ann M. 107

Geraets, Monica A. 161

Gerber, Eileen L. 183

Gerber, Patrick W. 109,170

Gerden, Thomas B.

Gerenz, Timothy F. 161,130

Gergen, David P.

Gerlach, Gregory C.

Gerlach, Gordon C.

Gerlach, J. Stephen

Gerlach, Paul J.

Gerling, Vincent C.

Gernes, David E.

Gernes, Thomas O.

Gerten, Gloria J. 161

Gerths, Cathy L. 103,161

Gertzen, Duane E.

Getskow, James F. 183

Geurink, Jerry F.

Geurink, Gordon L.

Gibbs, William J. 142

Giefer, Rosemary C.

Gieschen, John P. 97,161

Giese, David E. 161

Gifford, Bonnie J. 170

Giger, Susan L. 175,19

Gilbertson, Les A. 161

Gilbertson, William C.


Gillund, Norman L.

Gilman, Allen 130,141

Gilman, Sharon L.

Gimble, Gary E.

Giovanni, Lucia A.

Gipp, Ronald W. 125

Girtler, Carl S.

Gish, Janet A. 161

Glasrud, Barbara A. 161

Glauner, Gary L.


Glidden, Warren B.

Glover, Nancy K. 170

Glover, Thomas D. 130

Glubka, Mary K.

Glubka, Nancy J.

Gludt, William M. 126,161

Gludt, Susan D.

Godsey, Susan L. 101

Goers, Sandra L. 161

Gofrish, Charles A. 133,120,132,183

Goke, James B.

Golbom, Barry S.

Goldstrand, Robert C. 132,133

Gonnion, George

Good, Earl M.

Goodenough, Cheryll A. 161

Goodman, Judy

Goodrich, Michael J.

Goodrich, Thomas M. 104

Googins, John B.

Goodwin, Kae K.

Goodwin, Robert G.

Gora, Richard F. 93

Goral, Thomas A.

Gordon, Robert C.

Gordish, Genene P.94

Gordon, Diane M. 170

Gores, James D. 44,127

Gorges, Martha E.

Gorham, Darrell L. 161

Gorman, Barbara A. 161

Gorman, Charles W. 161

Gorman, Thomas E. 88,90,125

Gott, Jo Dell A.

Goutcher, Jean E.

Goveronski, Gail R. 161

Grabau, Robert G.

Graff, Bruce L.

Graff, Richard L.

Grajczyk, Chris J. 93

Grande, Barbara L. 101,161

Graner, Janis A. 161

Graner, Sharon M.


Gransee, Leslie W.

Grant, Allan G.

Grant, Gloria A. 161

Grant, James W.

Grant, Mary S. 97,171


Gravenish, Mary A. 161

Gravenish, Nadine M. 123

Gravenish, Thomas C.


Gray, Dorothy S.

Greden, Robert M.

Green, Alice L. 123

Green, Judith A. 161

Greenberg, Jay M. 127

Greenless, Michael P. 130,175

Greenslade, Darrell R. 107,161

Greenslade, Sharon K. 89,107,123, 175

Grier, Dennis K. 31,88,124

Grier, Jock K.

Griffith, Peter E.

Grim, Robert S.

Grimm, Lynette M. 103,183,155

Grindland, Judith A. 161

Grippen, Lee E.

Gritzner, Charles W.

GROB, GARY 74,132,133,141

Groebner, Michael A. 136

Groh, Gregory J.

Gromek, James S.

Gronert, Randy H. 136,127

Gronholz, Linda M. 183,122

Gronvold, Beverly A. 175

Gross, Gary D. 150,161

Gross, John A.

Gross, Pamela 170

Grosse, Beverly A. 161

Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Franklin St. Phone 2760 / "TV Signal" Gives You The Best TV Viewing in the World 20 E. 3rd St. Phone 3306 Division of American Cablevision Cc Compliments of THE WARNER AND SWASEY COMPANY BADGER DIVISION HOPTO DIGGERS Phone 8-1 563 Airport Industrial Park


Grothe, Thomas P. 146

Groven, Sandra M. 161

Grover, Corrine A. 183

Grutzmacher, Kenneth C.

Grummons, Neil E. 126

Grunz, Nancy J. 161

Grunz, Rolland H. 102,106

Grupa, James M. 162

Grupa, Sharon A. 73,183

Gruszynski, Sandra K.

Gudmundson, Stanley J.

Gudmundson, Shirley A.

Guenther, Kathleen L.

Guenther, Gretchen A.

Guenther, Mary D.

Guiher, Paul L. 170


Gunderson, Gerald R.

Gunderson, James L.

Gunderson, Raymond E. 90,183,124



Hammond, Robert J.

Hamsund, Robert D. 175

Handt, Linda L. 123

Hanenberger, Barbara L. 162

Hankey, Barbara J. 183

Hanley, Judith E.

Hanlon, Susan M. 162

Hannon, Scott M.

Hansen, Cheryl J.

Hansen, Clifford M.

Hansen, Connie L. 162

Hansen, Kathy A. 94

Hansen, Kathleen M. 162

Hansen, Leann K. 94

Hansen, Phillip P.

Hansen, Rodney L.

Hanson, Cheryl L. 123,175

Hanson, Dianne M.

Hanson, James H.

Hanson, Morris D. 125

Hanson, Peggy J.

Hanson, Rudy D.

Harlos, John S. 132,162

Harlos, William R. 133,152

Harms, Daniel R.


Harper, Joanne N. 162

Harris, Keith A.

Harris, William D. 162


Hedren, Carolyn K. 171

Heefner, John R.

Hefei, Lorna A. 110

Hefte, David B.

Hegland, Paul S.

Hegstrom, Theodore W.

Heider, Jeffrey J. 105

Heim, Diane M. 46,89,90,175,121

Hein, Alwin H.

Heine, Ruth E. 109,175

Heins, Mary W. 175

Heins, Ralph M.

Heise, Robert N.

Heiser, Charles S. 117,127

Heiting, Patricia A. 101

Helgefson, Joseph M.

Helgeson, Cheryl D.

Helgeson, Linda M. 162

Helland, Kathleen A. 162

Heller, Jeanne M. 122

Helmich, Dale D.

Helmer, Eldon

Helminiak, Ronald L. 107,162

Hemming, Jack V.

Hemming, Linda K. 97,108,175,122

Hempy, Robert E. 141

Henderson, Cheri J. 99,171

Henderson, Linda J.

Henderson, Richard G.

Henderson, Thomas W. Jr.

Hendricks, Robert G. 175

Henke, Kathleen F. 162

Henning, Steven J.

Henry, Kathy M. 162

Henry, Loren F.


Herman, Linda M. 101,162

Hermanson, Linda R. 108

Hernlem, Cathay M. 162,114

Herold, Lee W.

Herr, Patricia L.

Herrera, Roy A. 125

Haack, Donald F. 162

Haar, Burl W. 136,125

Haas, David P.

Haas, John W. 124

Haase, John H.

Haberman, Marietta 183

Habibi, Mehran

Hackenmiller, Stanley G.

Hadley, James R.

Hadoff, Karen J. 94,170


Haeuser, Betty J.

Hageman, Mary J. 61,170,122

Hagen, Adrian O.

Hagen, Gregory E.

Hager, Dennis J. 162

Haggbloom, Charles H. 104,106

Haglund, Lee E.

Hahn, George M.

Hahn,Joanne D. 170

Hahn, Joseph P. 162,153

Hakes, James W. 132

Hall, Byron W.

Hall, Gary A. 175

Hall, James 35,148,146

Hall, Larry G. 175

Hall, Mary A. 108,109,183

Hall, Steven M.

Hallstrom, Susan L. 89,111,162

Halstead, Claudia F. 89

Halstead, Roger 162,125

Halverson, Leslie R. 162

Halvorson, Daniel J. 162

Halvorson, John D. 171

Halvorson, Judy A. 99


Hamilton, Rosemary A. 183

Hammel, Kevin L. 97,171

Hammer, Stanley A. 150

Hartert, Alice M.

Hartley, Karen L. 99,111

Hartley, Mary B. 183

Hartmann, Glenn A.

Hartung, Mitchell A.

Harty, Donald J. 162

Harty,Mary J. 89,90,121

Harwood, Valerie P.

Haskett, Thomas E.

Hasselblad, Elaine

Hassinger, Brian V.

Hastings, Karen M.


Hathaway, Dean F. 136,183

Hathaway, Katherine M. 162

Hatlevig, James N. 183

Hatton, Robert A. 127

Hauble, Joan M. 97,171

Hauck, Frederick L.

Haugan,John D.

Haugen, Karen M.

Haugen, Ronald S. 97

Haugland, Lorraine S. 94,183

Haugstad, Richard D.

Hauschildt, Dale F.

Hauenstein, June F.

Havumaki, Britta

Hawley, Joseph W.

Hawley, Susan A. 162

Hay, Margaret A. 94

Hayes, Teresa A. 101

Haynes, Allan L.

Hazelton, David C.


Heaser, Thomas G. 162

Hedbom, Louann 162

Heddle, John R. 41,98,99,105,171

Hedgecock, David L. 105

Hedglin, Jill R. 162

of TOUSLEY FORD CO. FORD—MERCURY—LINCOLN Highway 61, Winona Phone 8-5171 Your Country Style Dealer

Herrig, Charles J.

Herrig, Katherine A. 162

Herrmann, Carol L. Ill

Herron, Kay G.

Herron, Walter E. 105,171

Herzberg, Michael R.

Herzog, Barbara A. 162

Hess, Michael J.

Heuer, June A. 103

Heusinkveld, Ross L.

Heydt, Lowell 89,126,183

Heyer, David B. 96,97


Higgin, Dianne L.

Higgins, Timothy J.

Higgs, Dawn R. 184

Higgs, Donald R.

Hildebrand, Mary L.

Hilke,PaulE. 150,162

Hill, Barbara L. 171,154

Himlie, Earlene A. 184


Hines, Glen L.

Hines, Marjorie C.

Hingeveld, Catherine J. 46,100,103, 175

Hinna, Diane M.

Hintz, Fordon L. 146


Hirschler, Gary L. 184,152

Hitchcock, Gregory E.

Hitchcock, Nancy B. 121

Hitesman, William 162

Hittner, Bruce E. 30,98,99,162

Hittner, Carol A.

Hittner, Joan M. 110

Hittner, Joy A.

Hittner, Mary M. 162

Hoblit, Susan Z. 98,99,107,171

Hodgdon, Ellen L. 162


Hodgson, Shirley 105,175

Hoenk, Dale K.

Hoesley, Bettit J. 162

Hoesley, Bonnie J. 162

Hoesley, Bonnie N.

Hoff, James L.

Hoffer, Gerald A.

Hoffman, Michael G.

Hoffmann, Alice S.

Hoffman, Marilyn

Hoffman, Robert H. 105

Hoffman, Thomas J. 184,124

Hofmeister, Mark A. 184

Hofschulte, Duane H. 162

Hofschulte, Kenneth F.

Hogden, Lawrence A.

Hogstad, Linda M. 175,122

Hogue, Julie A. 162

Hohenthaner, Lewis G.

Hoiland, Phillip S.

Hoiness, James E.

Holán, Bruce A.

Holden, Martha A.

Holien, David A.

Hollingsworth, Renanne R.

Hollon, Linda I.

Hollowell, Linda M. 171

Holm, Kathryn J. 162

Holm, Roger A.

Holmes, Allen C.

Holmgren, Carol D. 162

Holmgren, Diane L.

Holmstrom, Craig V. 120

Holthe, Charles D. 175

Holtan, Grin H. 89,106,126,184

Holtegaard, Dennis I. 184,125

Holubar, Steven P. 46,90,171,127

Holz, Lester E.

Holzer, Michael P. 136,184

Holzer, Patricia J. 163

Homola, Sheila A. 116,121

Homuth, Melvin E. 184




Hoppe, Phyllis A.

Horihan, Fredrick M.

Horst, Richard A. 162,124

Horton, Peter E.

More People Ride On GOODYEAR TIRES Than on any other kind Bargain Center Retread Plant 1004 West 5th Street West on Highway 61 8-3808 8-3605 Howie Says "Take your car to where the tire experts are!" Nelson Tire Service, Inc. Dopke-Hill The Home of America’s Most Beautiful Furniture VALLEY AGENCY Ethan Allen Heritage DayStrom King Koil Bassett Lazy Boy Statfora Selig Dependable Complete Insurance Service Auto—Home—Business—Life Accident—Health—Bonds Call 5830 165 Walnut, Winona ART HILL WALT DOPKE KeUtf'i Westgate Shopping Center Open Mon.-Wed.-Fri. 9 to 9 4th & Main Phone 8-5181


Phone 4353

Horton, Timothy L.


Hoseck, Bruce R.

Hoskins, Michael J.

Hoskin, Rillmon E. 175

Houck, Elizabeth L.

Houdek, Marc H. 94

Housker, David B.


Hove, Bruce T.

Hovey, Carol S. 163

Howard, Elizabeth M.

Howe, Kënneth L.


Hubbard, Carol L. 163

Hubbard, Ralph D.

Huber, Stephen E. 163

Hudak, Gayle A. 184

Huelskamp, John R. 163

Hughes, Daniel R.

Hughes, Gary C.

Hughes, Patricia A. 163

Huirás, Dianne R. 103,163

Huling, Roger R.

Hull, Bernice S.


Hull, William M. 163

Humble, Leroy G.

Humble, Sharon K.

Hume, William R. 109,175

Humfeld, Shirley A.

Humphries, Arthur A. 98,99,171


Huntoon, Lynn 1. 33,97,184,155,154, 184

Hunze, Kenneth E. 163,146

Hurlburt, Becky L. 163

Hurley, Timothy F. 94

Husbyn, Barbara G. 103,175

Husie, Richard L. 97,163

Husmann, Gary M.

Hutchinson, Timothy E. 163

Jabrosky, James J. 144,142

Jackson, Allen L. 104,184


Jackson, Robert D. 184


Jacobsen, Theodore H.

Jacobson, Audrey J. 171

Jacobson, Cynthia J. 163

Jacobson, Kent L.

Jacobson,John B. 163

Jacobson, Linda G. 184

Jacobson, Robert L.

Jacobson, Ross L.

Jacobson, Russell L. 130,131,136, 171

Jahn, Kathie L. 94

Jahr, Marilyn B. 184

James, Daniel K.

James, Deeann C.


Jamnick, Laura Louise 163

Janka, Timothy P.

Janikowski, Rosann K.

Jansen, Karen B.

Jansen, David P. 104,126

Janssen, David J. 184

Janzen, Sandra K.

Jarvis, Terry L.

Jaskola, Janice L.

Jaszewski, Marian 163

Jaszewski, Prank J.

Jazayeri, Nasser C.

Jehlicka, Rodger L. 102,136,146

Jenkinson, Marcia L.

Jensen, Kathleen L. 163

Jensen, Mike J. 163

Jensen, Susan G.

Jenson, Barbara J.

Jeresek, John D.

Jerndal, Ralph W.

Jerzak, Patricia M.



Jilk, Susan H.

Joesting, Edwin W.

IIhrke, Gary H. 171

Ihrke, Grant W.

Ingeman, Gerald W.


Ingvalson, Gary O. 163

Isbell, Robert C.

Issendorf, Janet L.

Iten, Judith A. 108,184,17

Ivers, Bradly P. 175,17

Ivers, Susan B. 123,184

Iverson, Dennis D.

Iverson, Gennell M. 94,184

Iverson, Richard C.

Iverson, Richard D.

Ives, James R. 171

Ives, Joseph J.

Johanson, Susan L.

Johns, Carol A. 107,171

Johnson, Allen E.

Johnson, Barbara A.

Johnson, Barbara B. 175

Johnson, Barry L. 163,175

Johnson, Betty A. 163

Johnson, Bruce D. 163,125

Johnson, Bruce A.

Johnson, Bruce L.

Johnson, Bruce L.

Johnson, Carol L. 175

Johnson, Carol J. 175

Johnson, Connie J. 184

Johnson, Craig L.

Johnson, Curtiss J. 120

for 66 E. 3rd St. Values”
Huff and 10th

Johnson, Cordelia K.

Johnson, Cynthia D.

Johnson, Diane C. 163

Johnson, David A. 175

Johnson, Denise E. 163

Johnson, Darrel R.

Johnson, De B.

Johnson, Donald A. 94

Johnson, Douglas R. 94

Johnson, Gayle 175

Johnson, Gale C. 126

Johnson, Garry G.

Johnson, Jean M. 97,163

Johnson, Janice M. 163

Johnson, Joanne A.

Johnson, Karen L. 171

Johnson, Kathryn J.

Johnson, Laurie G.

Johnson, Linda A.

Johnson, Linda D. 163,171

Johnson, Lynn M. 33,89,185,188,121

Johnson, Lyla O.

Johnson, Marilyn J. 107,163

Johnson, Margot B. 89,107,185

Johnson, Myma J.

Johnson, Nancy L.

Johnson, Patricia L.

Johnson, Paul T. 89,185,171

Johnson, Paul L.

Johnson, Robert J.

Johnson, Robert H. 175

Johnson, Ronald L. 94,108,185

Johnson, Steven D. 93,109

Johnson, Sonneva M.

Johnson, Steven G.

Johnson, 1 Steven P.

Johnson, 2 Steven P.

Johnson, Susan L. 163

Johnson, Therese E.

Johnson, Thomas J. 136

Johnson, Wendy M. 101,163

Johnston, Mary C. 122

Johnstone, Robert T.

Johnstone,Joyce A.

Jones, Barbara K. 101

Jones, Cynthia L. 33,34,46,88,89, 103,108,185,45

Jones, Dale D.

Jones, David E.

Jones, Jennifer E.

Jones, Judith A. 33,185

Jordan, Gerard M.

Jostad, Karen

Joswick, Stephen J. 90

Joy, Sheryl K. 163

Joynes, Elizabeth M. 171

Jozwick, Janet L. 123,185

Judd, Carol A. 163

Judd, Theresa M. 163

Judge, Robert F.



Juehrs, Jon T.

Julsrud, Naomi L. 185

Junek, Sandra A.

Jungblut, Paul W. 142

Jungerberg, Brenda J. 171,121

Junghans, Robert W. 93

Kannel, John J.

Kanthack, Dennis H.

Kanthack, Linda I.

Kappler, Joanne

Karau, Charles R.

Karels, Gerald J.

Karnath, Susan D.

Karsina, Joseph P.

Karsten, JoanneK. 123

Kasid, John E. 185

Kaske, Robert J.

Kaster, Jerry L.

Kath, Karen A. 163

Kaufman, Annette D. 163

Kauphusman, James A.

Kauphusman, Patrick J.

Kavitz, David A. 108,125

Kawakatsu, Hiroko

Kazika, George E. 150,151

Kehnemann, Judith M. 104,171


Keilholtz, Ardys S.

Keiper, Helen J.

Keiper, James L.

Keiper, Robert A.

KEISTER, ROBERT 74,130,136

Keller, Peter S.

Keller, Thomas F.

Kellett, Karen S. 171

Kelley, Kathleen E. 89,121

Kelly, Michael F. 163

Kelly, William J.

Kendall, Keith D.

Kendrick, Fred H.

Kennedy, David M. 134

Kennedy, Harold O. 163

Kennedy, John J.

Kennedy, Patricia A. 123,171

Kenney, Kathleen A. 163


Kent, William J.

Kepp, Kay N. 163

KKaehler, Christine A. 163

Kaehler, John R. 163

Kafer, Joseph A. 175

Kahl, Jane E.

Kajer, Edward F. 163

Kalien, Elaine M. 102

Kallevang, Jens J.

Kallestad, Michael W.

Kalmes, Carolyn A. 185,187

Kamesch, Gerald R. 175

Kammerer, Shirley A. 163

Clothing for Men and Boys

KWNO 1230 KC Full-Time Radio in Winona

Vi/illiâms Book and Stationery

Kerkenbush, James J.

Kerkow, Douglas B.

Kerr, Anne M. 171

Kesson, Ruth M. 186

Kessler, Calvin J.

Ketchum, Diane K. 89,108,110,175

Kidd, Wayne 94,163

Kiekbusch, Kurt R.

Kiehne, Anna M.

Kiesner, Kathleen L. 103

Kilen, Milo L.

Kinas, Roxan J. 171

King, Dean W.

King, James O. 163

King, John H.

King, Linda M.

King, Patricia A. 42,175,122

King, Susan J. 163

King, William P.

Kingsbury, Judy A. 175

Kinlund, Bruce J.

Kinstler, Larry E.

Kinstler, Paul A.

Kiral, Raymond G. 110,186

Kirby, John F.

Kirchner, Richard W. 89,107,186

Kirchner, Virginia M.


Kirk, George


Kirkeby, Ronald D.

Kirking, Alan D.

Kistler, Frank J.

Kistler, James P.

Kittle, Lynne A.

Kjos, Clifton C.

Kjos, Marianne J.

Fine Foods

113 E. 3rd St.

Spice Island Spices Jones Pork Sausages

Usinger’s Sausage Birdseye Frozen Foods

Richelieu Canned Foods Bauer’s Chocolates

Emil’s Menswear—

Klages, George J.

Klagge, Michael R.

Klas, Peter J.

Klassen, Diane M.

Klauer, Karen A. 105,163

Klawitter, Lynn M. 163

Klayamorn, Thira 163

Kleis, David J. 124

Kleis, Trudi J.

Kleist, Joanne E.

Klemz, Keith K. 163


Klinger, WiUiam F.

Klomp, Michael D. 94,108

Klug, James W.

Kluzik, Gerald M.

Knapp, Richard L. 124

Knight, David J. 97

Knippenberg, Linda C. 123


Knopick, James L.

Knopick, David T.

Knopick, Stephanie A.

Knouft, Gary S.

Knudson, Linda C. 103

Knudtson, Margaret E.

Knutson, Steven N.

Kobler, Candance K. 98,163

Kocon, Craig

Koehler, Duane H. 163

Koenig, Susan M.

Koffron, Mary

Kohler, Margaret M. 163

Kohn, Richard P.

Kolling, Jeffrey W.

Konkel, Dennis D. 125

Konop, David L.

Koopman, Cora L.

Kopercinski, Peter A. 150,186,151

Kopperud, Glen N.

Korba, Catherine J. 163

Koranda, Robert R. 186,125

Korder, Mary H.

Kordosky, Robert J. 163

Korupp, John P.

Koscianski, Joseph M.

Kosek, Valeria J.

Koski, Richard D.

Koskovich, Linda A. 175

Kotlarz, Denis J.

Kothe, Richard W.

Kouba, Mary R.

Koutsky, Richard P.

Kovacik, Ronald E. 104

Kowalski, Susan A. 163

Kowalsky, Michael J.

Krage, Wayne R.

Kragthorpe, Paul M. 163

Krahn, Kenneth D.

Kramer, Charles J.

Kramer, Connie 163

Kramer, Gordon J. 163

Kramer, Jerome R.

Kramer, Linda E.

Kratz, Allyn J. 186

Kratz, Wayne C.

Krause, Frederick J.

Krause, Margaret M.

Krause, William R. 98,186

Kreger, Kevin J. 124

Kreibich, Phyllis K.

Kreidermacher, Ann M.

Kreidermacher, Faye A.

Kriedermacher, Richard L.

Kreidermacher, Patrick A.

Krejei, Kristi J. 88,171

Kremer, JeanA. 115,122

Kreofsky, Dennis B.

Kreuzer, Anthony J.

Krob, Steve T. 136

Kroeger, Constance M. 99,171

Krogh, Linda D.

Krogman, Dennis A. 175

Kroll, Dennis A.

Kropp, Peggy J. 121

Kroschel, William A. 132

Kroupa, Kent J.

Krueger, Richard A.

Krump, Martha L.

Kruse, Diane L.

Kryzer, David J.

Kryzer, Richard A.

Kube, Donna J. 97,171

Kuchenmeister, Mary L. 101,176

Kuchenmeister, Paul E. 163

Kuehn, James A. 186

Kuehner, Marvin V.

Kuhlmann, Donna J.

Kuhlmann, Ronald J.

Kujak, Janine M.

Kukowski, Barbara A.

Dr. Max L. De Bolt

Dr. C. R. Kollofski

Dr. R. C. McMahon

Optométrie Offices
Shopping Center for WSC Contact Lenses Phone 5338 122 E. 3rd St. Winona, Minn. 117 West Third Street

Kukowski, Dale B.

Kukowski, Donald R.

Kulack, Roger A.

Kulas, Ellen B.

Kulas, Michael G.

Kulas, David A. 89,90,126,176,117

Kulas, Teresa M.

Kulzer, James J.

Kumm, Denise J.

Kurimay, Rowen G. 124

Kurth, Susan R. 186

Kurtz, Mary M. 103,154

Kustelski, Monica J.

Kutz, Doris 163


Kuzma, Joan M.

Kuzniar, Judith L. 186

Larsen, Diane A.

Larsen, Robert M.

Larson, Adeline

Larson, Charlene 171

Larson, Clayton R. 105

Larson, David A.


Larson, Joann V. 164

Larson, John F. 164

Larson, Karen A. 164


Larson, Larry L.

Larson, Ronald L. 176

Laska, Barbara M.

Lathrop, Steve H. 132

Latterell, Barbara E. 164

Laufenburger, Carolyn J.

Laufenburger, Donald E.

Laughlin, Michael D.

Laugtug, Stephen B.

LLaumb, Helen L. 172

Laumeyer, Douglas J. 164

Laurel, Linda A.

Laursen, James A. 172

Lavell, Ronald J.

Leifeld, Helen D. 164

Leifeld, Virginia M.

Leiferman, Barbara A. 107

Leininger, Lynda L. 164

Leisen, Susan L.

Leisen, John M. 186

Lemmer, Barbara J.

Lenartz, Timothy J. 172

Lenz, Mary M. 89,186

Lervison, Kathy 97

Leslie, Linda A. 101,121

Lewanski, Jeanne M. 172

Lewis, Catherine R. 164

Lewis, Dianne A. 89



Lichte, Duane W. 176,187

Lidgerding, Sandra B.

Lidke, Audrey L.

Lierman, Terry L.


Lifto, Jeanne K.

Lightfoot, James F.

Limpert, Deloris K.

Linahan, Todd A.

Linander, Wayne R.

Lincoln, James M.

Lind, Peter H.

Lindholm, Sara L. 164


Lindsay, John M. 136,164

Lindsay, Samuel H.

Ling, Dianne E. 187

Literski, Claire L. 172

Litschke, Henry J.

Littlejohn, Edward 136,139,14

Lobland, Terry W.


Lodgaard, Bruce G. 141

Loechler, Michael S. 136

Loer, Jaclyn J.

Loerch, Mark P.

Loerch, Richard J.

Loesel, Dennis R.

Laak, Patricia F.

Lâcher, Roger F. 93,171

La Course, Susan Diane

Lacourse, Warren M. 88,152

Lager, Donna M.

Landers, Dennis A.

Landers, Sandra L.

Landherr, Ronald E.

Landolf, Mary C. 123,186

Landsman, Sally A. 103,164

Landsverk, Karen A.

Lange, Mary A. 163

Lange, Michael J.

Lange, Richard F. 164

Langenfeld, Thomas W.

Lanik, Donald J.

Lanners, Charles P. 164

Lantz, Richard E. 130,131

Larpenteur, Jane A.

Larrabee, Gene R. 98

Larsen, Debra L.

Law, Douglas J.

Lawrynk, Gary L.

Lawstuen, Catherine J. 164

Lea, Barbara J. 94,97

Lea, Elaine C. 94,97

Leaf, Donavan J.

League, Joan E.

Leaon, Donald S.

Leary, Linda L. 103,172,154

Leavitt, Barbara J. 186

Leckie, Janette B. 164

Ledebuhr, Robert A.

Lee, Duane A.

Lee, Gary R.

Lee, Gary D.

Lee, Judith K. 33,103,108,186

Lee, Richard E. 164

Leffert, Bette R. 164

Legreid, Marita H.

Lehnert, Jerald W.

Leibfried, Joan L. 186

Jones & Kroeger

Co. Office Products School and Drafting Supplies 108-110 E. 3rd St. Winona
Steel Welded Rings Special Wire Shapes PEERLESS CHAIN CO. Chain Manufacturers Complete Line of Tire Chains For Passenger Cars, Trucks, and Tractors Complete Line of Industrial and Hardware Chain Office and Factory Winona, Minnesota

Lohmann, Judith A.



Long,Shauna V. 164

Longbehn, Cheryl L. 164

Loomis, Kathleen M. 164

Loouai, Lynn M. 94,172

Lorbiecki, Richard T.

Loshek, Stephen P.

Losinski, James C.

Losinski, Lorraine S.

Losinski, Robert J. II

Losinski, Richard A. 120

Lottig, Walter F.

Loucks, Julianne 164

Loucks, Richard W.

Loutzenhiser, Lora L. 164

Lowe, Milo G. 164

Lowenhagen, Sharon L. 164

Ludwig, Frances M. 164

Luedtke, Kenneth

Luehmann, Lyle R.

Luhmann, Kathleen A.

Luhmann, Philip A. 88,176,46,125

Luinstra, Dennis G.

Lund, Mary M. 176

Lund, Mary S. 97


Lund, Steven L. 90,94

Lundak, David R.

Lundak, Eugene R.

Lunz, Carol A. 111,187

Lutes, Richard P.

Lutterman, Melanie J.

Lutz, Theres

Lutzwick, Dave W. 187,127

Lynch, Kathleen E.

Lyngklip, Roger W.

Lysne, Steven 164


MMarvin, Martha E. 101,114,122

Marz, Rosemary 46,103,108,176

Masche, Kathy A.

Mason, Randall K.

Masters, Jean A. 187

Mack, David Leo 176

Mack, Mary F. 187

Mack, Wendie L.

MacLennen, Douglas C.

MacNamara, John 132,176

Madden, Molly C. 165

Maddux, Kenneth E. 93,108,126, 176,14

Mader, Dianne R. 187

Madigan, Gayl E. 172

Madsen, Erik J.

Madsen, James C. 136

Madsen, Jeri A. 90,44,121

Maenke, Carol J.

Mager, H. Diane 92,91,122

Maghsoudi, Masoud


Magnuson, Shelby J. 176

Mahlke, Carl E.

Mahoney, Gordon L.

Mahoney, Rose M. 110,165

Maidl, Glenda D.

Maier, Dennis E.

Majerus, Steven J.

Majeski, Peter J. 165

Maki, Marylin A. 111,176

Makino, Sumie T.

Mallander, John F. 176

Malmin, Larry C.


Malone, Edward J. 104,187

Malone, Timothy M. 172

Maloy, Thomas

Manders, Linda K. 172,122

Manion, Margaret C. 165

Manguson, Marlys A.

Mann, Dale F.

Mann, Judith L. 176

Marchionda, A. Ronald 126187

Marcou, JoAnn 165

Marggraff, Sharon A. 172


Mariska, Jerry P. 165

Markham, Gregory A.




Maroo, David J. 136

Mamach, John M. 125

Marquardt, Kay A. 89,108,187

Marquardt, Ronald R. 165

Marschall, Sheila A. 97,172

Marsh, Crisan L. 165

Marso, Harry J.



Martens, Robert C.

Martin, Gregory J.

MARTIN, JOHN 75,150,151

Martin, John M.

Martin, John R.

Martin, Patricia L. 165

Martin. William W. 124

Martinek, Rosemarie A. 187

Masyga, Mary C.

Masyga, Peter D.

Masyga, Robert F.

Mateka, Mollie J. 165

Mathews, Janet L.

Matson, John W. 188

Matson, Sharon 188

Matter, Jerrol D. 142

Mattison, John M. 126

Mattson, Lawrence W.

Matzke, James Bernard 152

Matzke, Carol J.

Matzke, Carolyn B.

Mauer, James N.

Mauer, Thomas R. 165

Maulé, Charlotte M.


May, Darrell E. 165

May, Dean R. 176,125

Mayer, Catherine A.

Mayzek, Sheelah A.

McAllister, Alan G.

McAndrew, Michael P.

MeAndrew, Timothy M.

McArthur, James E. 116,127

McCabe, Lindsay E.

McCallum, Dennis K.

McCammon, Michael J.


McCarthy, Richard W.

McCarthy, Timothy M. 90,164,159

McCauley, Janet M. 105

McCauley, maruice 79

McCauley, Rita M.

McCleary, Patricia A. 164

McClellan, Daniel 125


McCluske, Victoria M. 172

McConaghy, James J. 152


McCormick, M. 164


McCown, Mildred A.

McCracken, Waneta A. 187

McCrae, Susan B. 94,97,176

McCready, James K.

McDaniel, Patricia A. 164

McDaniel, Rickey D. 110,164

McDonald, John E.

McDonald, John H.

McDonough, James P.

McDonough, Robert L. 136,187

McDougall, Duane E.

McDowell, Gary I. 31,88,90,94,95, 97,188

McElmury, Patricia F.

McEnany, Michael J. 176,152

McGhie, Steve M.

McGonagle, Marilyn

McGovern, Elaine 176


McGuiness, Daniel W. 93,91

McHenry, Mary P. 164

A Place of Fine Refreshments Sandwiches and Enjoyment and Fun Too 123 Main St. Winona For insurance—see Winona Insurance Agency 174 Center 3366 Jim Schain Fred Naas Dick Horst A1 Nelson Dick Theurer the Remembrance Shop Featuring; Hallmark cards, stationery, party goods, and gifts. Downtown Winona

McHugh, M. Maureen 176


McKenna, Thomas P.

McKenney, Christine T. 164

McKenzie, Wilfred 64

McKey, Thomas K.

McLeod, Jan M. 172

McLeod, John L.

McManimon, Bonnie J.

McMillan, Mary K.

McMillen, Cleo L.


McNallan, Paul T. 187

McNally, Diane L.

McNally, Donald B. 164

McNamara, Ronald W.

McNary, Richard J. 136,114,125

McNary, William M. 136,137,140, 114,187,125

McNeil, Thomas L.

McQuinn, Gregory P. 164

McRae, Brenda L.

McVay, Richard G.

Medcraft, Wayne R.

Mehaffey, Kenneth B.

Mehrkens, Jane L. 176

Meier, Christine A. 172

Meier, Hans P.

Meinke, John D.

Meimbresse, Robert L. 130,188,152

Meiners, Gordon G.


Meisch, Gregory J.

Melin, Alan B. 152

Melmer, Janeen S. 188

Menden, Anthony J.

Menden, Connie R. 115,122

Menzel, Kenneth B. 188,124

Merrick, Cynthia A.

Merwin, Richard L. 127

Merwin, Robert E. 188

Meska, Patricia K.

Meska, Shirley L.

Metcalf, Darrell K. 127

Metcalf, Jean R.

Metz, Richard A. 89,94,19

Metzler, Ronald L.

Metzler, Suzanne M. 172,44

Meyer, Candace T.

Meyer, James M. 146

Meyer, Kathleen J. 89,188,121

Meyer, Pamela J. 172

Meyer, Rita R. 188

Meyer, Milton Meyer, Patricia A. 110

Meyer, Terry R.

Meyers, Eugene K.

Michael, Norma J. 99,172

Michel, Judith L. 188

Michel, Ruth A. 165

Michel, Vicki J. 172

Michels, Anna L.

Mickow, Diane J. 189

Middendorf, Jeffrey W. 136,165

Midkiff, Leslie L. 40,98,99,172

Mielke, Merlin H. 172

Mierau, Kathlene L.

Mikkelson, Larry A.

Mikkelson, Laurie J.

Mikrut, Michael E. 126

MOLINARI, MADEO 135,136,137, 138

Milito, Stino O. 176

Milko, Leonard

Miller, Barbara A. 165

Miller, Cheryl L. 103,108,111,189

Miller, Gary T.

Miller, Glenn 106,189

Miller, John R. 165,142


Miller, Kathleen M.

Miller, Kenneth G.

Miller, Norman G. 165,176

Miller, Lynn M.

Miller, Nancy A.

Miller, Norman 1.

Miller, Peter M. 107,165

Miller, Richard J. 62

Miller, Rick D. 150,176,142

Miller, Robert B.

Miller, Stephen S. 165

Miller, SusanM. 101

Miller, Virginia A. 172

Miller, William J. I

Miller, William J. II

Millie, Deborah K. 103,155

Mills, Kim M. 165


Milion, John A. 176

Miner, Linda L. 165

Minnie, Bonnie L. 165

Minnie, Linda E. 89


Mirr, Susan E. MISHARK, JOHN

Mitchell, Harry 136


Modlin, Dick E. 189

Moe, Kathryn R. 94,96,108,176,122

Moe, Roger A.

Moen, Douglas K. 165

Moen, James D.

Moen, Ronald J. 136,137,141,146

Moenck, James R. 165

Mogen, James R.

Mogren, Kenneth J. 124

Molde, Susan K.

Mollenhauer, Teresa L.

Monnens, Nancy J. 89,176

Moon, Michael D.

Moor, Paul H.

Moore, George E. 136,146


Moore, Marlene T. 105,165

Moore, Richard L.



Morehead, Scott E.


Morgan, Thomas M. 165

Moriarty, Thomas M. 172

Morken, Kathleen M.

Morley, Thomas V.

Morris, Charles D.

Morris, Rick A. 165

Morrison, Jeanne K. 40,98,99

Morrissette, Judy A.

Mortensen, Arvid L. 165


George D. Lipinski, Owner

Mortenson, Anna

Mortland, Leon J.

Moser, James R.

Moses, David R.

Mosher, David C.

Mott, James 165,142

Mott, Lawrence L. 136

Mowry, Kathryn A. 165

Moyer, Joan R. 103,107,110,172

Mrachek, Anne M.

Mueller, Alice A.

Mueller, David D.

Mueller, Judith S.

Mueller, Larry A. 176

Mueller, Mary M. 176

Mueller, Kenneth N.

Mulcahy, Kevin F. 172

Mullen, Lorraine C.

Mullen, Margaret J. 103,108,154

Mullen, Dolores H.

Mullen, William F.

Mullen, William P. 176

Mullner, Thomas J. 176

Multhaup, Darrell D.

Munson, Colleen K.

Munson, Janice I.

Muras, Stephan J.

Murck, James M.

Murphy, Richard W.

Murphy, Robert R.

Murphy, Shirley J.

Murray, Curtis L.


Murry, Dennis J. 130,172,124

Murphy, John S.

Murray, Thomas C.

Mussell, Diane M.

Mydra, Nicholas F.

Myhre, Mary A. 165

Myhre, Richard A.


Naas, Eloise

Nadreau, Jeanne M. 89

Nagahashi, Vaughn 180,189


Nagel, Stephen M. 176

Nagle, Mary L.

Nahrgang, Roger P.

Nania, Eugenia J. 165

Nankivil, Mary M.

Nanoff, Carl L. 165

Naas, Nora L.

Nash, Bonnie M. 97,165

Natvig, Sue A. 89,107,176

Nehring, Irvin L. 104

Nehring, James A.



Nelson, Bonnie L. 165

Nelson, Dee A. 47,121

Nelson, Diana L. 33,46,189

Nelson, Diane K. 189,122

Nelson, Duane L.

Nelson, Glenys W.

Nelson, Jeffrey A. 146

Nelson, Linda K. 175,92,122

Nelson, Margaret A. 165

Nelson, Mary A. 172

Nelson, Marion C.

Nelson, Marilyn L. 103

Nelson, Nancy M. 33,46,122

Nelson, Pamela J. 107,165

Nelson, Richard D. 104,134

Nelson, Robert A. 172,146

Nelson, Richard J. 78

Nemitz, Susan L. 176

Nesset, Carrie M. 101

Nessler, Carol J. 33

Nessler, William R. 164,165

Neuman, Jerry F.

Newman, Nancy L.

Neumann, Deann L.

Nevling, Kathryn O.

Newcomb, Margaret E. 165

Newell, Helen P.

Newell, John W.

Newlun, J. Wayne

Newman, Jay A.

Newman, Lee P.

Newman, Lon H.

Newton, Eugene W.

Ng, Kenneth F.


Nichols, Jean A. 97

Nickels, Julee A. 89,110,189

Nicklawske, Patricia L. 165

Niebur, Constance A. 165

Niebur, Larry J. 165

Neibur, Robert J. 165

Niebur, Thomas

Niemczyk, William G. 35,36,175,124

Nipp,Joanne L. 110,172

Nipp, Nancy J. 110,189

Noer, Richard L. 165,146

Noeska, Gary D.

Nofsinger, Any A. 107,165

Nogosek, William J.

Nolan, Mark J. 98

Norbeck, Douglas C. 165

Nordstrom, Ralph W. 106,176

Noreen, Robert P. 120

Normandin, Arthur E. 124

Northam, Robert C.

Nottleman, Bruce E.

Novak, Nancy C. 94,189

Novak, Ronald J. 165

Novotny, John W.

Nunstedt, Laurel M.


Nutter, Larry

Nyseth, Annette L. 103,154

Nystuen, Brian H. 142

Oakland, Gene C.

O’Berry, Rita H.

O’Brien, Eugene P.

O’Brien, Teresa M.

oOchs, Kathryn M. 176,121

Ochs, Thomas R. 130,131

Ochs, William H. 130,172,142

O’Dea, James D.

O’Dea, Patricia S. 103

O’Donnell, Mary J.

Oegrey, Inger K. 63

Oelkers, Gary L.

Oeltjen, Gary E.

Oevering, Bonny L.

Ofstedal, Larry D. 136

Oglesby, Ronald G. 147,146

O’Gren, David A. 109,165

O’Hearn, Thomas T.

Ohm, Barbara 1. 172

Ohman, Gregory L.

Oian, Ruby R. 94

O’Kane, Colleen P. 103,108,176

Okland, Gerald A.

Oland, David J. 130,149,172,146

Olinger, Bonnie A. 165


Olsen, Ralph M.

Olson, Brian W. 94,165

Olson, Bruce A. 165,176

Olson, Cheryl L.

Olson, David L. 165146

Olson, Dianne M.


Olson, Gary G. 165

Olson, Helen T.


Olson, Jerry L.

Olson, Jerry R. 141

Olson, Karen E. 165,176

Olson, Kimberly R.

Olson, Kristine C. 108,121

Olson, Marvin J. 104

Olson, Nancy K. 88,101,171,172


Olson, Stanley C.

Olson, Sharon L. 97,165

214 Valley Press 278 East 3rd Phone 8-4000
159 Main St. Next to First National Bank
Kodak Yashica
Bell & Howell Minolta
Zeiss Mamiya/Sekor Photofinishing Tape Recorders Winona's Complete Photographic Store
THE MERCHANT’S NATIONAL BANK OF WINONA Winona’s Largest and Fully Independent Bank ‘‘The Bank That Service Built” Third and Lafayette Streets Phone 8-5161

Olstad, Kristin L. 101

O’Neel, Kenneth E.

Onstad, Dennis C. 189

Opfer, Bonnie J.

Opfer, John E. 189


O’Reilly, Barbara J. 98,99,111,176

O’Reilly, Kathryn A. 165

O’Reilly, Patrick L.

O’Reilly, Zerita M.

Orloswki, Mark T. 41,98,99

Ormston, Jane H. 172


Orphan, Lynn L. 189

Orphan, Royal C.

Osmundson, Joy N.

Osterberg, Deborah L.

Ostern, Ronald L.

Ostern, Bruce M. 176

Ostrem,JoAnn 89,103,123,176

O’Toole, Michael R. 98,99

Ott, Diane H.

Ott, John D. 94

Overcott, Arthur M.

Owens, Linda S. 172

Pachkofsky, Cheryl L. 94,165

Packer, James F. 176

Paffrath, Barbara L.

Pagel, Charlotte A. 165

Pagel, Mary J. 189

Pagliarello, Alfonso 186

Pahnke,Joyce A.

Palecek, Lois M.


Palke, Judith W.

Palmer, Cheryl C. 100

Palmer, Curtis L. 38,102,130,136, 137

Palmer, Jeffrey T. 103

Palmer, Leslie J.

Palumbo, Nancy A. 165

Panaro, Nicholas G.

Papenfuss, Ann E. 166

Parpart, Rosemary

Parsons, Glen C.

Paske, Jon W.

Paske, Timothy J. 136

Passe, Yvonne M. 172

Patterson, Brian A.

Patterson, Daniel J.

Patterson, Michael J.

Patzner, Jean M.

Paukner, Jennifer J. 176

Paul, Joyce M. 103,166

Paul, Michael L.

Paulos, Janette L.

Paulson, Laverne C. 89,107,189,120

Paulson, Russell D.

Paulzine, Roger R.

Payne, James W.


Pearson, Elsie

Pearson, James R.

Pearson, Linda L. 172

Pechacek, Esther A. 189

Peck, Barbara J.


Pedersen, Dale C. 166

Pederson, Deborah S. 166

Pederson, Elizabeth F. 176

Pedretti, Carol J. 67,93,98,99,189

Pelach, Cynthia B. 166

Pellowski, Brian E.

Pellowski, Edmund R.

Pellowski, Mary L. 172

Pelofske, Peter J.

Peltier, Patricia L. 98,99,191

Penne, Carol L.


Penshorn, John E.

Peplinski, Patricia A.

Perez, Mark A.

Peroutka, Judy K. 155

Perkins, Gregory J.

Perrine, Byron K. 94

Perry, Merrilee J.

Perry,Trudy L. 190

Peterman, Linda K.

Petersen, Gayle L.

PPeterson, Barbara J. 103,166

Perterson, Bonnie J.

Peterson, Carolyn R. 166

Peterson, Charles D.

Peterson, Cheryl R.


Petersen, Fredric D.

Peterson, Glen O. 104

Peterson, Henry G.

Peterson, Jonathan G. 166

Peterson,Joseph P.

Peterson, Lon

Peterson, Par G.

Peterson, Richard A.

Peterson, Ruth K. 190

Peterson, Susan B. 166

Peterson, Teresa A. 166

Peterson, Timothy D. 94,166

Peterson, Wayne C. 166

Petet, Janet R.

Pett, Richard T.

Pettersen, Jarl

Pettersen, Paula K.

Petz, Beatrice L.

Pexton, Dorothy M. 97,107

Pfremmer, David T.

Philo, John F.

Phillips, Richard A.

Phillips, Susan M. 166

Phillipson, John R. 89,106,190

Pickavance, Curtis W.

Pieper, Gerald A. 190

Pieper, Leonard C. 166

Pietsch, Richard E. 108,166,120

Pike, Ronald L.

Pink, Lynn M. 166

Pink, Patricia L. 166

Pinke, David A.

Pinkston, Diana L.

Pint, Mark A.

Placek, Patricia A.

Plank, Cheryl C. 99

Odk Swpfia CM Dancing Saturday Nights Closed Mondays Minnesota City Tempo Miracle Mall Watkins your personal store at your door since 1868

Plank, Larry K. 190

Pluim, Mark S. 166

Foblocki, Robert L.

Podjaski, Sandra

Podruch, Barbara J. 166

Poferl, Susan T. 176

Pohlman, Arlyn D. 176

Polansky, Duane L. 105,176

Polasik, Mary J.

Polesky, Charles A. 190

Poliachik, Leon D.

Polichnowski, Lorelie A. 90,123

Polkey, Constance 89,166

Polkey, Kathleen M. 107

Poison, Gerald W.

Pomeroy, Lawrence L.

Pomeroy, Robert J.

Pontinen, Barbara G.

Pope, Judith C. 190

Poppe, Charles W. 94

Poppe, Sharon J. 190

Porvaznik, Paul M. 124

Possehl, Louise M.

Powers, Cynthia L.

Preble, Donald D.

Precious, Thomas A.

Preiner, Theresa M. 166

Prentis, Rebecca J.

Prescher, Gary L. 166,142

Prescott, David M. 190

Pressnall, Donald R. 136,176,124

Prettner, Joseph B.

Pretzel, Carol L. 123,171

Pretzel, Joan M. 123,190

Pritchard, Sandra K.

Prondzinski, Jean R.

Prondzinski, Mary E.

Prondzinski, Pauline B.

Pronschinske, Daniel A.

Protsman, Stephen W. 144,142

Prudoehl, Ann E. 110

Prudoehl, Jane M. 166

Pruett, Jerry B.

Prussing, Steven C. 94

Przybylski, Therese A.

Przytarski, Steven M.

Puchleitner, Nancy M. 166

Putnam, Nancy J. 166

Putnam, William A. 190

Putzier, Judith A.

Pyzik, Jan M.

Quade, Guy R.

Quam, Vivian B.

Queensland, Karen C. 101,166

Quest, Barbara J.

Quillin, Carol J. 166

Quinn, Barbara S. 176,121

Quinn, Cindy J. 166

Quinn, Kay L. 33,190,121

Quinn, Maureen A.

Quirin, Roland J.

Rasmussen, Allen D.

Rasmussen, Larry A.


Rasmussen, Mark R.

Ratsch, Dennis H.

Ratcliff, George W.

Rathbone, Janis L.

Ratigan, Robert D. 176

QRau, Marie K.

Raub, Joseph J. 190

Rank, Edward E. 94

Raymond, Janet E.


Re, James S.

Redwing, Charles R.

Redwing, Dennis J. 94,111

Ree, Barbara J. 101

Reeck, Bruce M. 136

Reed, Linda A. 190

Reed, Milon Y.

Regan, Gary E.

Rehkamp, David J. 152

Reibel, Carol J. 89,176,121


Reider, Maza R.

Reincke, Michael J.

Reinarts, Rebecca J.

Reindel, Brenda M. 121

Reindal, Sharon 121

Rian, Patrick A.

Richards, Janice

Richardson, Annette L. 190


Richardson, Lon D.


Richer, Leroy L.

Riches, Marilyn F. 166

Riches, Maureen R.

Richie, Diane S. 173

Ricks, Drew S.

Ridgeway, Clarice A. 21

Riemersma, Gary A.

Riley, Patrick J. 136,166

Riley, Thomas M. 136,137

Rinehart, Vicki J. 190

Ring, Rebecca L. 94,166

Rinowski, Donald L. Jr.

Rinowski, Patricia B.

Rippel, Diane K. 93

Rippel, Larry J. 93

Riska, Carol

Riska, Roy C.

Risdahl, Diane J.


Raas, Mark A. 132

RRaddatz, Kathleen F.

Raffenbeul, Duane F.

Rafferty, Helen J. 98,99,110,190

Rogatz, Kathryn G.

Ragbir, Davida R.

Rahilly, M.

Rahman, Donald P. 130,141,190

Rahman, Robert D.

Rahn, Allen B. 166

Rajtora, Donald R. 136,137,139

Raker, Mary T. 110

Rand, Thomas W.

Randall, Catherine J. 166

Randall, Diane T. 190

Randall, Roger G. 190

Reis, Barbara J.

Reisdorf, Christine C. 94,154


Rekstad, Donna S.


Remme, Harold B.

Rendahl, Merle G.

Renti, Cruz S. 166

Reshetar, Harry A.


Reuter, Elizabeth A.

Reuter, Joan M. 89

Reuter, Judith A. 176

Reynolds, Leslie J.


Rian, Karen L. 166

Linda L. 166 Riske,
77 Rislove,
K. Rislow,
A. Rivers, Linda S. 166 Rivers, Michael J. Roach, Jean 1. Roberts, Jack L. Roberts, Rebecca S. 107 ROBINSON, JUDITH Robinson, Lucinda G. Robinson, Mary E. Robinson, Mary L. 97 Rockwell, Elizabeth K. 159,166 Roddy, Catherine A. 110,173 Rodewald, David R. 191,120 Rodgers, James P. Rodich, Maureen K. 110,92 We Are Pleased to Add Our Best Wishes for Winona State Students and Graduates LAKE CENTER INDUSTRIES Offices and Plants in Winona, Rushford and Lewiston, Minn.; Decorah, Iowa; and Galesville, Wisconsin

Rodley, Susan 106,176

Roemer, Dennis D. 98,177


Roessler, Joan R.

Roff, Susan D.

Roffler, Diane M. 123,191

Rogacki, Ignatius J.


Rolbiecki, Michael R.

Rolbiecki, Richard

Roling, James L. 136,166

Rollins, Louise A.

Romanchuk, Patricia K. 177

Romstad, Gary C. 191

Ronnenberg, Florence

Ronnenberg, Susan K.

Roopchand, Roderick

Root, Linda M. 166

Ropp, Susan L.

Rosaaen, Donald F.

Rosacher, Susan L. 173

Rosaaen, Judith M. 166

Rose, Donald R.

Rose, John B.

Rose, Judith A.

Rose, Michael F. 130,141

Rose, Stephen L. 141,166

Rosenfelt, Carol J. 173

Rosengren, Judith C. 101

Ross, Andrew D. 142,125

Ross, Edward L.

Ross, Michael J.

Ross, Robert M.

Rossi, Betty H.

Rossi, Mark R. 166

Rost, John A. 115


Rostvold, Gordon J. 94,166


Roth, William P.

Rother, Kenneth E. 99,102,173

Routhe, Robert R. 125

Rowe, Richard T.

RUBASH, G. J. 82

Rubash, John G.

Ruby, Jeanette 173

Rudel, Brian W. 150

Rudnik, William J.

Rue, James R. 65,127

Rueber, Lynn M. 166

Ruehmann, Richard A. 97

Ruehmann, Susan K. 97,166

Ruesink, Arlyn K.

Ruffridge, Dean A. 166

Ruh, Kathleen A. 166

Ruhoff, Ronald D.

Rumpel, Donald J.

Rumpel, Ronald J. 191

Rumstick, Suzanne D.

Runge, Bonnie M. 105,111,177

Runkel, Francis J.

Runkle, Steven P. 166

Runningen, Roger D. 166

Ruppeert, David M.

Ruppert, Dorothy B. 166

Rupprecht, James C. 97,166

Rupprecht, Larry C.

Rusert, Carol A. 166

Russett, Kathleen D. 97,98,99,177

Russell, David A. 126

Russell, Hallie A. 123

Rutter, Susan J.

Ryan, Carol L. 93

Ryan, Constance J. 166,159

Ryan, Mary L. 177,191

Ryan, Michael J. 104,153

Ryan, Patricia A. 110,166,173,177

Ryan, Patricia L. 104

Ryan, Patrick L. 146

Rydman, Robert

Rydstrand, Fredric H.

Sadler, Richard J.

Saecker, Fredric K.

Saehler, Edward W.

Sagan, Guenther W. 177

Sage, Thomas R. 90,177,191,116

Salo, Franklin J.

Salo, Lowell T.

Sames, Roger W.

Sampsel, Hope N.

Sampson, Reginald D. 166,146


Sand, Charles M. 94

Sand, Richard A.

Sandberg, Peter C. 146

Sandberg, Scott D. 94,146

Sanders, Diana H.

Sanders, Valerie K. 110,173

Sanden, Cheryl A.

Sandvold, James E. 177

Sandvold, Jean M. 103

Sanford, Evelyn J.



Santelman, Karen J.

Sasse, Lynn R. 173

Sasser, Sammy W.

Sather, Judy C. 166


Satrum, Owen W.

Satren, Carolyn L. 191,115,122

Sauter, Ronald D.

Sawyer, Robert F. 124

Sbiral, Lynn M. 166

Scanlan, Judith A.

Scanlan, Terrence R.

Scarborough, William C.

Schacht, Martha E.

Schad, Kathryn A. 166

Schallenkamp, Donald H.

Schaer, Janet H.

Schafer, Paula L. 173

Schams, Edward C.

Schammel, Thomas E.

Scharf, Marian B.

Scharlau, JoDeen M. 191

Scharmota, Ruth S.

Schansberg, Linda M. 191

Scharver, Gary L. 191

Scharmer, Leroy L. 191

Scharmer, Diane L.

Scharpen, Myron V.

Scheevel, Kathryn M.

Schick, Sally A. 167

Schieber, Mary K.

Schieche, Karen K. 173

Schieche, Sharon F. 173

Schifsky, Barbara J. 89,177

Schild, Linda M. 89,123,191,42



Schlee, Jeff K. 167

Schlesser, James M.

Schleich, Judy M.

Schlosser, Judith R.

Schmid, Kathleen A.

Schmidt, Gail J. 166

Schmidt, Gary R.


Schmidt, Jeanne E.

Schmidt, Robert J.

Schmit, Wendy L.

Schmith, Michael J.

Schmitt, Sylvia M.

Schmit, Laurence W.

Schmitz, Jerome J. 173,124

Schmitz, Judith A. 93

Schmitt, Mark S.

Schmitt, Terrance A.

Schmitt, Thomas M.

Schmitz, Elizabeth A.


Schnarr, Steven M. 177,152

Schneider, Cheryl S. 166,173

Schneider, Charles F. 105

Schneider, Lavonne L.

Schneider, Michael G. 167,125

Schneider, Sharon M.

Schneider, Steven G.

Saari, Candy R.

sSaari, Sonja S. 177,122

Saari, William J.


Sabotta, Thomas A. 89,191

Sacia, Ronald J. 97,166

Sackett, Jelaine A. 32,33,36,103, 188,191,125

Schnell, Cyril R. 191,125

Schniepp, Pamela R. 177

Schnorr, Thomas W.

Schoch, Margaret M.

Schoen, Peggy A. 177

Schoenfelder, Kenneth

Schoening, Gary L.

Specializing in Wedding Invitations and Announcements

Napkins Matches


T^o/wátf MaUuuj S&wm 477 East Sanborn Phone: 4977 Winona, Minn.
Boxed Stationery Open Mon. thur Fri. 8 to 5 p.m. Sat. by appointment Free gifts for the bride that orders with us. BRX Quality Eyeware 63 W. 3rd St. Tel. 8-2942
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Scholl, Mark S. 167

Schomburg, Mary J.

Schoonmaker, Jon A. 94,110,150

Schossow, Gary R.

Schossow, Sharon M. 192

Schottmuller, Laura M. 177,121

Schouweiler, Joseph A. 167

Schouweiler, Paul H.

Schrankler, Daniel E. 173

Schreiber, David L.

Schreiner, Katherine T. 167

Schreiner, Timothy O. 89,106,108

Schroeder, Kathryn J. 97,173

Schroeder, Susan 1. 173

Schroeder, Jeanne C.

Schroth, Florence R.

Schuette, Lawrence R.

Schuldt, Steve W.

Schultz, Gene E. 109,142

Schultz, Glenn E.

Schultz, James H.

Schultz, JaneA. 89,192,121

Schultz, Jenelle J. 167

Schultz, Roy A.

Schultz, Walter R. Ill

Schulz, Karen M. 167

Schulze, Marlene E. 177

Schumacher, Sharon R. 167

Schumann, DeanA. 173

Schurhammer, John P.

Schutte, Stephen L.

Schuth, Matthew N.

Schuth, Michael C.

Schuttemeier, Nance

Schütz, Janet E. 131

Schuweiler, Alan R. 167

Schwanbeck, Eugene R. Jr.

Schwandt, Audrey A. 167

Schwantz, Bertha S. 177

Schwager, Lester J.

Schwartz, Jill C. 100,166

Schwartz, Sylvester A. 131,133

Schwartzhoff, Alice A. 177

Schwarzhoff, Charles A.

Schwengels, Gerald A. 125

Schwerzler, Muriel K. 173

Scott, Anne M.

Scott, Gail L.

Scott, Geraldine A. 166

Scott, John C.

Scott, Stanley M. 136

Scovil, Sandra S. 94,192

Scrabeck, Arlyn R.

Scrabeck, Jeanette E. 167

Scrabeck, Jeanine M. 167

Seabright, Roger W.

Seavey, Elaine I. 192

Sebo, Linda M. 192

Seeland, Klayton J. 136,167

Seemann, Sandra K.

Selly, Sharon M. 167

Seitz, Lynn M. 122

Semling, Norman R. 126

Sender, Shirley K.

Senjem, Paul G. 167

Senn, Kevin J. 127

Senn, Patricia C.

Senrick, Patricia A. 167

Sens, Linda B. 177

Sepin, Patricia K. 192

Servais, Kathleen M.

Servais, Lynn 167

Severson, Carol M. 192

Sexton, Margaret M.

Seyba, Roger O. 173

Seyba, Ruth A.

Shafer, William W. 177

Shanahan, James P.

Shattuck, Peggy L. 173

Shavinsky, Deloria F. 111,167

Shaw, Eileen G. 167

Shaw, Maridare

Shaw, Mark E.

Shaw, Orin W.

Shea, Lawrence E. 94,98,99

Shea, Samuel P. 131

Sheehan, James A. 177


Sheehan, Thomas J.

Sheffer, Marcia L.

Sheimo, John D.

Shelander, Linda L. 173

Sherer, Elizabeth M.


Sherman, Frederick D.

Sherman, Timothy P.

Sherwood, Janet R.

Shibley, Carolinn M.

Shidla, Judith C. 167

Shima, Sandra M. 89,108,177,121

Shortall, John T.

Shurson, Mary A. 173

Sieben, Margaret A. 173

Siebenaler, Frank 105,17

Siebenaler, Patricia S.

Siegel, Janice V. 192

Siegert, Thomas E. 192

Sieleman, Gregory S. 105,167


Siems, Diane M. 177

Siepelmeyer, Loretta A. 193

Sievers, Cynthia A.

Sikkink, Lance D.


Silsbee, Charles B. 173

Simon, Candace A. 94,123

Simon, Joan F. 193

Simon, Grace P.


Simons, Michael F.

Simpson, Dennis L.

Sinnen, Pamela J. 167

Sister, M. Karl P.

Sister, Salome D.

Sitts, Jeneyene R.

Siverson, Elizabeth S. 89,111,167

Sizemore, Patricia A.

Skaar, Terrance C. 127

Skattum, Paul O. 98

Skibbe, Martha L. 193

Skjeveland, Hugh A.

Sklader, Charles A. 179,125

Skroch, Robert J. 193

Slezak, Kenneth A. 193

Slifka, Sandra K. 193

Sloop, DennisNeal

Compliments of
119 E. Second St.—^Winona,
Trainor, Sr. Dan Trainor,
Minn.—Phone 2658 Dan
and do it at MORGAN’S where you will see the inner values of the DIAMOND as well as the obviously fresh styling of the many new ring styles for Spring ’69.
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Smalls, Matilda G. 98,99,107,167

Smarzyk, Theodore J.

Smelzer, Daryl V. 97

Smelzer, David G. 97,167

Smit, Linda C.

Smith, Bernard W.

Smith, Charles J.

Smith, Douglas W.

Smith, Gary E.

Smith, Gary R. 167

Smith, Gayle K. 103

Smith, Joyce M. 107,177

Smith, Judith A. 89

Smith, Margaret M.


Smith, Nancy

Smith, Nelsen P. 175

Smith, Patricia E.

Smith, Patricia S. 177,173


Smith, Richard C. 132,193,152

Smith, Roy C. 193

Smith, Scott J.

Smith, Steven A.

Smith, Steven C.

Snell, Kathleen G. 167

Snell, Sandra L.

Snesrud, Glen R. 167

Snow, Richard E.

Snustad, Charles E.

Snyder, Kerry L.

Snyder, Richard A.

Snyder, Wendy J. 167

Soboleski, Allan J.

Soderstrom, Carl G. 106,193

Soete, Diane S.

Solberg, Donald L.

Solberg, Robert D. 167

Solie, Gary L.

Sonju, Daniel W. 94,1,67

Sonsalla, Darrell J.

Sorom, Richard M. 125

Sorg, Carol A.

Sova, Sue A. 167


Sowden, Larry D. 146

Spande, Beverly H.

Spangler, William D.

Spath, Janet L. 167


Speck, Mary A.

Speed, Charles E. 193

Spelhaug, Ann M. 110,173

Spellacy, Michael I. 104


Speltz, Robert L.

Speltz, William F.

Spencer, Edwin T.

Spencer, Gary L.


Spengler, Donald W.

Sperbeck, Linda S.

Sprangers, Scott C. 105,177



Springborn, David L.

Thiele, Diane C.


Stadtherr, Bernice

Stafford, Michael L.

Stahl, Rebecca L. 167

Stahr, Beverly A. 193

Staloch, Michael E.

Standke, Douglas D. 106,108,177, 118,119,125

Stanek, Loralee J.

Stanich, Joseph E.

Stanislawski, Robert E.

Stankiewicz, Suzanne M. 102,167

Stansbury, Olin M. Jr.

Staples, Gregory A. 193

Stark, Mary J. 168

Stark, Richard L. 177

Starzecki, Richard A. 38,136,137, 140,142

Staudacher, Gary F.

Staupe, Robert L. 168

Steadman, Alvin A.

Steadman, David A.

Stearns, Mary C. 103,177

Stearns, Terry L. 108

Steber, Dolores S.

Steberg, Marvin D.

Steele, Stephen J.

Steene, Barbara J. 46,88,123

Steffen, Kathleen M.

Steffen, Robert F.

Steffen, William J,

Stege, Bruce R. 109,168,159

Steigerwald, Ane C.

Steinbauer, Ronald M.

Steiner, Luanne S. 99

Stejskal, Jerry L. 102,136

Stemmer, Barbara A. 31,88,193,31

Stemmer, Kathy J. 56,177,118,121

Stender, Art P.

Stender, Mary L.

Stender, Susan G. 193

Stensgard, Norine K. 97,168

Stenzel, Mark W. 173

Stephenson, Gary L.

Stermer, Carol A.

Stern, Edward A.

Stern, Linus L.

Steussy, Janet D.

Stevens, Jean M. 89,108,193

Stevens, Marcia S. 193,122

Stevens, Richard


Stevenson, Joyce W.

Steyer, Judy A. 193

Steyer, Lois M.

Stezenski, Gregory A. 131,133

Stice, Edward L.

Stienessen, Jude A. 103,194,155,154

Stiever, Michael W. 93

Stiff, Sandra K.

Stiller, James H.

Stinocher, Charles E.

Stirn, Mildred L.

Stoffel, Thomas P. 134

Stoll, Jeffrey B. 104

Stolpa, Renee A.

Stoltman, David J.

Stoltman, Kathleen J.

Stoltman, Susan L.

Stoos, David M.

Storandt, Joanne E.

Storti, Paul F. 116


Stork, Julie A. 177

Stout, Thomas E.

Stover, Thomas R. 195,118,124

Stowell, Linda R. 168

Stowell, Warraen T.

Strapko, Kraig F. 173

Strate, Linda M.


Streeter, James D. 102,168

Strehlo, Dale A.

Strelow, Nancy L.

Strike, Judy A. 89,193

Strnad, Linda S. 97,173,19

Strom, Carl R. 132

Strozewski, Tunney J. 168,146

Strub, Ronald D. 105

Stry, Vernon E.

Stucky, Barbara A. 177

Stuedemann, Linda J. 168

Suchanek, Dana E.

Suddendorf, Ronald

Sula, James D.

Sullivan, Michael B. 168,125


Sullivan, William J. 168

Summers, Suzanne J. 103,107,168

Sundry, Susan K. 177,115,122

Suneson, Terry C. 105,130,173

Sunne, Ronald K. 136

Supalla, Donald D.

Suto, Michiko 168

Sveen, Linda F. 94,195,122

Swanson, Joanne M. 194

Swanson, Paticia J.

Swanson, Richard J.

Swanson, Richard T.

Swayze, Karene A. 108

Swedin, Elaine H. 194

Swedin, Gerald H.

Sweeney, Cynthia J. 168

Super Selected Meets Fresh Fruits, Vegetables In-Store Bakery Frozen Foods Jet Stamps Free Parking Top Quality Merchandise for Less Albrecht’s Fairway Miracle Mall Winona, Minn.

Sweep, Luverne D. 136,168

Swenson, Maxine A. 194

Swenson, Randall F.

Switzer, Donovon B.

Syverson, Darryl R.

Szarmach, Eugene W.

Compliments of Fiberite Corporation

Tait, Kathleen A. 194

Talandis, Helen V.

Tallman, Patricia L. 168

Tanniehill, James O. 149,146

Tarras, Connie R.

Tegmeier, Brenda K.

Teitge, Lynda R. 168

Temp, Donald D.

Tentis, Michael J. 97,194

Terbeest, Charlene P. 168

Terry, Donald R.

Tesch, David C.

Teslow, Jay C.

Tessum, Steven D. 152

Theis, Theresa A. 173,194

Theis, Thomas J.

Thesing, Michael J.

Thesing, Richard M.

Thesing, Sue E. 168

Thicke, Francis E. 97

Thielbar, Michelle E. 168

Thielbar, Rickie N.


Thierman, Barbara A. 102,168


Thies, Marlene L. 89,173

Thilmany, John H.

Thitacharee, Keasorn 168

Thome, Terese K. 173

Thompson, Allan R.

Thompson, Benny D. Jr.

Thompson, Dan J. 173

Thompson, Doulas G.

Thompson, Janice L.

Thompson, Judith K.

Thompson, Linda L. 122

Thompson, Maynard O. 97

Thompson, Saralyn K.

Thoreson, Wendy W. 94,97

Thomton, Craig M. 134

Thrune, Stephen V. 102,177,120

Thue, Elizabeth A. 168

Thue, Kathleen A. 168

Tiedemann, Thomas A. 97,173

Ties, Kathleen A.

Tikal, Linda A.

Timm, Rudolph B.

Timmerman, Lee M. 130,136

Timmons, Robert J.


Tobin, James F.

Todd, Catherine J.

Todd, Gary L.

Tointon, Glenn R. 194

Tolmie, Barbara J.

Tolmie, Patricia A. 89,98,99,109, 194

Tolstad, Marie A. 168,114

Tomashek, Howard C.



Tomton, Larry M.

Topic, Robyn M. 168

TTopping, Jane E.

Topping, Margery A. 168

Torgerson, Linda R.

Torgerson, Anita M.

Toye, Cindy L.

Trahan, James J. 109,168

Trandem, Susan V. 177

Trapp, Lynda D. 105,111,173

Traxler, Lynda A.

Trehus, Lowell A.

Tremain, Charles S.

Tri, Ronald O. 177

Tripp, Charlotte H.

Trocinski, Gerald W.

Trowbridge, Robert L.

Trouten, William W. 94,105

Truax, Shari L.

Tschumper, Kenneth P.

Tselekis, Fotenie N. 168

Tucker, Lynda W.

Tucker, Marilyn L. 173

Tufte, Elizabeth S. 100

Tuftin, Steven E.

Tulare, Laura J.


Turner, Gerald A.

Turner, John C.

Turner, Lee J. 98

Turner, Patricia A.

Tushner, Marilyn A. 168

Tutewohl, Jeane A.

Tweito, Kathleen M.

Tweten, Larry D.

Twite, Mary E. 94


Unger, Peggy A. 168

Urbach, James D. 173


Urbanski, Curtis G. 177

Urness, Gerald A. 136

Urness, Linez, S.

Urness, Robert J. 136

Usset, Albert I.


Van Alstine, James B.

Van Auken, Rebecca A. 94,168

Van Buskirk, Gene E. 107,111,173 Suite 207, Professional Building Winona, Minnesota

Phone: 5548


Van Buskirk, L3mn E. 82

Van Den Berg, Jeffrey

Vanderpol, Barbara E. 177


Vang, Barbara G. 194

Vang, Donald D. 194

Van Gundy, Connie L. 194,154

Van Gundy, Scott W. 126

Van Hoff, Jerome M.

Van Hoof, Thomas C.



Vannatter, Kathleen A.

Van Slooten, Steven D.

Van Thomma, Nancy K.

Vanzo, Elizabeth L. 168

Vatland, Margaret G. 194

Veldhuizen, Barbara A. 100,173

Vemon, Marilyn L. 173

Vetsch, Donald W.

Vetsch, Stanley R. 194

Vick, Evelyn R. 194

Vickery, David 93,110

Victorine, Frances A.

Vieths, David A.

Vig, Lavaun G. 168

Vincent, Lois M.

Vinje, Linda R. 97

Vimig, Larry A. 177

Voelker, Michael J.

Vogel, Carl C.

Vogel, Catherine M.

Vogel, John C. 168,17

Vogt, Terry E. 150,177,116,127

Voight, Ann K. 89,194

Voight, Eugene L.

Voight, Jacqueline A. 108,173

Voiovich, Thomas J. 168

Void, Dwight A. 105,194

Volkart, Gregory A.

Volkman, Betty L.

Von Arx, John W.

Von Bargen, Linda A.

Von Bargen, Allen J. 134

Vonderohe, Bruce D.

Vonderohe, James L. 90,126,194

Von Feldt, Thomas D. 136

Von Helmst, Michael S.

Von Meyer, Kurt W. 94,168

Voss, Barbara L.

Vucinovich, Mary J. 122

Wacholz, Carl C.

Wachtel, Mary F. 177

Wachtel, Robert M. 177

Wachtler, Barbara M.

Wade, Joel F.

Waggoner, Sue A. 98,168

Wagner, Anthony C.


Wagner, John R. 89,99,194

Wagner, Kathleen M. 97,169

Wagner, Mary L. 173

Wagner, Paul N. 169,142

Wagner, Richard M. 124

Wagner, Sandra K. 177

Walburn, Richard D.


Waldo, JoAnn 195

Waldo, Lyle Jay

Waldo, Sue A. 169

Waldron, Arnold D.

Walgrave, Rodney P.

Walker, Dale A. 104

Walker, Robert A. 142

Wall, James S.

Wall, Kathleen E.

Wallace, Bruce A. 194

Wallace, Edna H. 169

Wallace, Terry L.

Wallerich, Bernard T.

Wally, James J.

Walsh, Margaret M.

Walske, Caron C. 169

Walski, JoAnne P. 169

Walski, John P. 135

Walter, Karen D. 89,107,177


Walters, Marsha L. 103,173,155,105

Walters, Richard B.

Walther, Jane L. 169

Waltzer, Steven J.

Ward, Patricia A.


Warnke, Darrell

Warthesen, Eileen M.

Watkowski, Joseph P.

Watson, Larry D. 94

Wayne, Charles A.

Wayne, Richard S.

Weakley, Terry J.

Weaver, Linda K. 93,169

Webb, John L. 169,

Webbies, Margy B. 173

Weber, Catherine A.

Webster, Ann

Wedul, LitaK. 101,169


Wegman, Gerald A. 195

Wegman, Ruth A. 121

Wehrs, Paul M.

Weideman, Dwight 94,97

Weimerskirch, John P.

Weimerskirch, Joseph J.

Weinman, Francis X.

Weis, Garth E.

wWelch, James M. 173

Wells, Bernice L.

Welsch, Dennis G.

Welti, PhUip J. 195,125

Wendlandt, Carole T.

Wendlandt, Arlyn H. 130,142

Wendler, Kathy L.

Wendt, David J.

Wendt, Linda R. 111,173

Wera, Judy A.

Wereszczak, Jaroslaw

Werner, Peter W.

Werner, Sherri L.

Wera, Richard L. Cameras,

Wertz, Kristin M.

Weseley, Patricia A. 177

West, Rockne S. 169

Westberg, James A.

Westlund, Susan A. 30,93,99,169

Westman, Rhonda 94

Westphal, Gregory F.

Wetzel, Susan L.

Whalen, Janice M. 169

Wharton, John D.

Wheeler, Dorothea L. 169


Whingelby, Alice A.

White, Bruce A. 97,108,195,124

White, Donna J. 169

White, Robert G. 125

White, Ronald L. 136,125

Whitlock, Janice A. 169

Whitney, Joan C. 89,177

Whitney, Rebecca A. 169

Wick, Marlys A. 169

Widing, Sandra A. 89,99,110,173

Wiebke, Mary L. 173

Wiech, Marilyn 1.

Wieczorek, Thomas J. 169

Wiederholt, Jan M.

Wiegrefe, LeRoy A. 146

Wieme, Gerald F.

Wieme, James

Wiemerslage, Patricia A. 195

Wierzba, James M.

Wieser, Aloys Jr.

Wieser, Kathleen M.

Wiest, Janice K. 29,33,88,89,90,123, 195

Wilbur, Wanda R.

Wilcox, Grover W.

Wildenborg, Joseph P.

Wildes, Bruce T. 97

Wildes, Paul J.

Wildman, Steven J. 136

Wilhelm, Diane M. 169

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Wilke, Mark T. 177,142

Will, Carolyn K. 89,177

Williams, Brian L. 125

Williams, Delvin J.

Williams, Gregory P. 124

Williams, Mary M. 169

Williams, Susan C. 177,121

Williamson, James G.

Willaimson, Karen S. 195

Willis, Sandra S.

Willis, Waldean M.


Wilma, Nancy A. 97

Wilmes, Gregory J. 169

Wilson, Don L.


Wilson, Janis J. 169

Wilson, Jeanne 103

Wilson, Keith A.

Wilson, Nicholas R.

Wilson, Paul F. 107


Wilson, Susan J.

Wing, Nancy J.

Winkel, Barbara M. 89,177

Winkels, Mildred D. 169

Winkler, James F. 62,152

Winner, Ann M. 169

Winslow, Don R.

Winter, Janice V.

Winter, Nora A.

Winter, Virginia M.

Wintheiser, Philip J.

Wirth, James T.

Wisdorf, Ruth E. 123,195

Wissman, William H.

Wistrcill, Donald J. 136,142

Witherow, Robert M. 195


Witzel, Diane C.

Wobig, Terrence R.

Woestman, Lois A.

Wogan, Ann M.

Wold, Karen D.

Wolf, Frederick S.

Wolfe, Joan L.

Wolfert, Roger A.

Wolfgram, Bruce L. 169

Wollin, Susan E. 94,195,97

Wong, Nathaniel H.

Wood, John D.

Wood, Joseph L.

Wood, Mary J.

Wood, Robert F. 126

Wood, Wayne K. 169

Worden, Lynn K. 169

Wos, Bonnie J.

Woychek, Dennis M.

Woychik, James S. 169

Wozny, Donna M.

Wright, Regis A.

Wright, Robin D.

Wronski, Craig S. 169

Wuertz, Sadie G.

Wunderlich, Michael J.

Wurl, Ronald A. 169

Wurm, Geraldine G.

Wurm, Robert J.


Zacharias, Henry 132,133,195,124

ZANE, CHARLES 31,48,61

Zastrow, Sherry L. 103,177

Zehm, John A.

Zehm, Stephen D.

Zeien, Ronald J. 169

Zender, George W.

Zetah, Gregory S.

Ziegeweid, Bernard

Ziegeweid, James L. 104

Zietlow, Darrell J. Ill

Zimmer, Daryl K.

Zimmerman, Donald J. Ill

Zimmerman, Mary C. 123

Zurek, Therese M. 94,177

Zweber, Richard L. 169

Zwolinski, John J. 127

YYaedke, David H. 169

Yaeger, Mary A. 177

Yakish, Frank

Yakish, Thomas G.

Yamasaki, Pearl K.

Yarolimek, Fred A.

Yeadke, Bette J.

Yohe, Spencer L. 141,169

Yokiel Arthur P.

Yoost, Dean A.

Youmans, Jay H. 89

Young, Ronald E. 169

Young, William B.


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