Campus Hi - Lites
It took one’s breath away, it was so sudden. Jim McCarthy was not just another WSC student; he was part of our lives. And with his untimely departure, in a railroad crossing accident during homecoming weekend, a little of us went too.
He had come to Winona but one year ago, yet he was what we all admire: fun-loving, exciting, out-going, a little boy one minute and a dedicated young man the next. It is difficult now to think of theweekend parties, late hour discussions about girls, school, God, and the little hit of tomorrow but mostly today.
The things that were so important then were forgotten in that dark-colored hour. We only hope and pray that he felt andfeels none ofthe pain that absorbed us all.
There are countless ""what ifs” and ""but supposes,” but deep inside us there will always be the ever present gnaw ofdisbeliefand confusion.
We questioned ourselves seriously, some of us for thefirst time in our lives.
Vtai^ollege is a microscope: We focus, on the seif and examine it, dispassionately; indeed, our ultimate mojor is ** our §ëlf.
Coll«ige is a pedscope: A ehallen^ing'bôôk, à pro- i %"“ vocative teacher, the light •from o, heated argument, a warm friend, a rigorou| examination, the test of the will ^ ^ on the|»gridircmp.the cruel fact, of the unpaid bill. With. these we begin to see beyond.
♦ ¡s
College is a telescope: We lo^k to tl^e distat|t future; » if rushes, up on us^;'it is reality. #f College ^ a kaleidoscope: Tjhose difficult and exc^ ing ddl|p#when trçshméfi are’assimilatec^ the mums, fíté unexpectedly empty «hairs in a classroom; the glow oTthe dcy^c^ the sculptured steel of a vastly latger Hbraryl Yes, Ijié^campus and th'e facés change; but we change fast||f than th^y. We are the kaleidosdbpe. College is an eye. It is a unique two-way eye. We see* through if; it seediH. ^
Spring Flood Flash Backs
Spring quarter brought forth the forewarned flood, hitting Winona with extreme force. Students, both male and female, aided in the battle to save the city. Men were released from classes by the college and spent from 12 to 18 hours a day piling sandbags along the Mississippi and other troubled areas. Many of the women students worked with the Salvation Army and the Red Cross feeding the exhausted dike workers. The picture at the bottom of the page shows some of the students being fed by the Red Cross. They include Jay Greenberg, Steve Wildman, Bob Groom, Bruce Wallace, Hal Rossiter, Kenny Bloomquist and Greg Richardson.
Chorus Goes on Tour in 1965
Sigma Tau Fraternity 1965
I DON’T EVEN LIKE PIE, FELLOWS Richie Mancuso is the center of attention at Sigma Tau Gamma’s pie throwing booth. Someone with a good arm had various opportunities through the night to show his talents.
Gamma Sponsors Spring Night
JUST ONE MORE TIME, PLEASE? Another main event was wrecking an old car. Arlyn Scrabeck seems to be determined to leave his mark while Danny Scrabeck and Steve Wildman wait for their chance.
I’D RATHER DO IT MYSELF Jack Benedict and others turn over the car after everyone has wrecked it.
As we begin college, we begin with orientating newcomers to our campus. The aim of Orientation Week is to help people relieve pressures and enjoy themselves before classes start the next week.
First there is registration and campus tours. Another highlighting event came back to the campus this year: wearing of freshman beanies.
Orientation Week is many things. It’s intended to relieve the inevitable shock of the introduction to college life, a phenomenon occurring in various degrees.
The week is filled with such unsavory events as testing, but there’s the thrill of solving strange geography and penetrating circular corridors; there’s the excitement of checking out the comforts of a new home and the labryinth of Maxwell Library, of identifying the “big time operators” on campus and the favorite and flamboyant professors, but most of all there’s the joy of making new friends who’ll be sharing the college experiences.
Autumn Leaves Must Fall
There’s an old song about the excitement of seeing your true love across the room. That’s the way it is now when you’re dancing. There she is, and you’re way over here. You’re doing the “monkey” and she’s doing what appears to be the “jerk,” or something yet unnamed.No danger now of that age-old social problem: Stepping on your partner’s shoes. As a matter of fact, she may not even be wearing shoes. Poor kid. Anyhow, it’s fun and relaxing. And look all the nice kids you meet —from a distance, that is.
What is College Without Dancing?
ONE ENDLESS LINE Waiting in line to eat often is annoying, but students have learned to use this time to find out what their friends did during the day.
SMILE PRETTY Barb Beeman poses in the cafeteria after the dinner hour.
WHERE’D MY SLEEVE GO? Rodney Phipps puts his jacket back on before taking his tray back and returning to the bitter cold.
DO I DARE? Sue Loeffler dehates whether she should take a salad as she walks toward the variety table.
YOU THINK IT’S FUN THROWING IT AWAY. YOU SHOULD SEE THEM COOK IT Gary Brone, Bob Miller, Clyde Doepner, John Rue, Kenny Blomquist, Randy Sinke, Paul Parvaznik bid goodbye as students drop off their trays. I WILL NOT
WHERE THE ACTION IS Prentiss-Lucas lounjíe is a very conticsted stop on campus. Students spend time in the lounge to relieve tensions of studying and just to talk over the day’s activities.
Leisure Hours iu New Prentiss-Lucas Lounge
GAME POINT Robert Meimbress and Karen Biel spend some of their free time in the Prentiss-Lucas rec room playing ping-pong. The basement also bas two TV rooms, one has a color television, study rooms, and a snack area.
READ IN THIS MESS? Kathy Hoiness finds an empty spot on the table to work on a unit. Smokers are handy for studying, playing cards, cigarette breaks, and intellectual discussions.
The Dorm a New Way of Living
IF HE ONLY KNEW That is, if he only knew he was my first customer. Bruce Closway hands Charles Smoley the scissors for the final touches on Hank Zacharias.
in Men’s Dorms
BATMAN, NO DOUBT Men students in Morey Hall take a break and relax in the TV lounge. It’s obviously informal.
OH MY That little piece of paper Richard Becker has just opened bears one of those jokes around double bubble gum. Dick’s obviously a neat fellow.
YOU This seems to be the expression of the ushers who introduced the show. They are LEFT: Sue Ivans, Ruth Nesbit, Kathy Schmitz, Coreen Shefveland and Penny Mack.
Play Boy A-Go-Go Heads 1965
Homecoming Variety Show
WHAT’S THIS-A FOLK SINGING GROUP? This seems to be the latest fad around college campuses. The Concord singers do an excellent job, however.
ONE MORE TIME This is just one of the many songs sung by the campus favorites. The Wild Ones, Tom Oswald, Bill Gray, Dennis Rislove and drummer Ted Roberton.
Cindy Packard walked in beauty as she was crowned 1965 Homecoming Queen. She was well aceepted by the other members of her court and the audience.
Also highlighted was the annual Homecoming Parade featuring fifty units from surrounding areas. First prize in the float division was awarded to Sigma Tau Gamma’s “Trojan Horse” signifying “Stomp the Indians.”
It was just one of the many floats which added to the beautiful color of the day.
October is such a Red Leaf Month
RIDING HIGH John Rue waits patiently for Walt Strode so he can swing a little for Sig Tau’s candidate. NATURALLY.... This was Phi Sig’s queen campaign headquarters.
The week of vigorous campaigning began. Each organization went all out to introduce its candidate. Some of the various techniques included Phi Sig’s famous outhouse, Sig Tau’s swing, a tremendous pastel sketch of Kappi Pi’s candidate and many other clever ideas.
Another highlight on the schedule was the annual bonfire which was held at the driving range this year.
Everyone got into the spirit of Saturday’s game by cheering and singing.
To bring to a close the fun filled weekend of events was thedance “Autumn Leaves.”
This was a Homecoming which will long be remembered by all.
RONDOLIERS A program of art songs, operatic selections, show tunes, folk songs, and Negro spirituals were presented by the Rondoliers Male Trio to the summer session audience on June 27. The trio consists of Max Mendenhall, baritone, Paul Solem, tenor, Edmond Karlsrud, bass-baritone, and accompanist Marshall Williamson.
There Were Cultural Times
Entertaining Times
LIKE THE PHILHARMONIC Handel’s “Messiah” was presented singers. These singers were joined by the newly formed Winona Civic to the Winona public by a combined choir from Winona’s three colleges. Orchestra. Stout State of Menomonie, Wis.. a children’s choir and other local
Tri-College Christmas Concert
CUEST CONDUCTOR for the concert was Harold Cooke, former conductor of the Rochester Symphony Orchestra.
PLEDGES ARE NOW SMILING SISTERS Members pose after installation. First row: Mrs. Martin, Diane Klassen, Kathy Heiller, Sally Wiczek, Sandy Man, Susie Rudeen, Jane Sofia, Linda Cameron, Sharon Boschulte, Kathy Schmitz, and Gayle Christofferson. Second row: Miss De Groot, Linda Sirek, Mary Paape, Joyce Evans, Doris Shaw. Kathy Underwood, Sandy Bidro, Peggy Walsh, Judy Malmin, Lynn Johnson,
and Lynn Johnson. Third row: Joneele Millam, Sue Peterson. Ginny O'Neill, Karen Mortenson, Jeanette Gravenish, Marne Schwanke. Candy Connaughty, Karen Myers, Mavis Piiike, Sharon Sobraski. Judy Bailey. Fourth row: Mrs. Peterson. Gretchen Anderson. Mary Kay Modjeski. Judy Haukom, Joan Kangel. Dee Me Laughlin. Ann Duncanson, Heather Byrne. Pat Burke. Ann Williams, Diane Erickson. Mrs. Judson.
W-Keys Installed
FACES LOOK ON Kathy Keller and one of the advisers. Miss Angelyn De Groot, await the beginning of the initiation ceremony.
A memorable week-end for Alpha Xi Delta began on the evening of Friday, November 5 when a Black Ceremony was held at Kryzsko Commons.
With Saturday afternoon came the moment they had been waiting for; the installation program at Central Methodist Church. A dinner dance at the Holiday Inn of LaCrosse climaxed th(‘ day.
Sunday morning, the 41 coeds and four associate initiates made their first public appearance as a newly established national sorority by attending church as a group. The weekend was rounded out with a tea at Kryzsko Commons in the afternoon.
Alpha Xi’s were honored to have several national officers and sorority sister from other chapters as their week-end guests.
Alpha Xi Delta Sorority
WHAT A COVER UP 1965 was a year to remember for the pledge class of Phi Sigma Epsilon. One brisk Friday afternoon in Decernher, pledge Tim Dalton, led by pledge trainer Dick Sadler and Frank Doyle, was taken for a shortwalk which he will hardly forget.
Pledge Flies Into Phi Sigma Epsilon’s Fraternity In 1965
SOMETHING’S NOT RIGHT seems to be the hesitant reaction of Tim as he is helped up the steps to a North Central plane.
YOU MUST BE KIDDING seems to be Tim’s reaction as he waits to begin his journey to Chicago’s O’Hare Airport with 75 cents in his pocket. He was home again quickly, via the thumb.
Formal Dance
INO ARGUMENT Two of the students attending the annual Christmas dance were Judy Jones and John Rahman who seem to be wondering whether to dance or just to listen to the heavenly music.
It Adds Something to the Yuletide Spirit
WHAT IS IN THAT PUNCH! Getting refreshments between dances are, left to right, Bonnie Feuling, Rog Wistrcill, a guest and Carl Burk.
NOW, WHAT DANCE IS THAT? Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Behling, chaperons, enjoy watching other dancers while they sit this one out.
Everyone Hustles Into Winter Quarter
DO YOU REALLY THINK I SHOULD BRING IT IN NOW? Two coeds carry their lugjtage into Lucas Hall alter (iliristmas break.
WHAT’S THIS, A BOY WITH THREE LEGS? The boy at the to|) of the stairs has an unusual third leg. He and the other students are diligently filling out registration forms.
THIS IS HARDER THAN GOING TO CLASS Students sit at a table in Somsen filling out I.B.M. cards.
Registration Days
COME ON - NO ONE WILL CATCH US Sylvia Behrens and friend bring in all their belongings they took home for Christmas vacation.
STUDIES —AN ENDLESS TASK A typical scene at Maxwell Library includes a table piled with books, students concentrating on their work, and a coed examining her finished assignment.
Our Place of Study
SHOULD I CUT CLASS? Jack Benedict seems to be contemplâting something very serious and important.
INTERLUDE A free hour, a good magazine and a soft comfortable chair —that’s all a person needs to relax at the library.
Grows Capacity to Triple, Stacks to Expand (Carpeting, too.)
HOW DO YOU REVERSE THIS? A “cat” clears the way for the new library addition which is to be completed by January 1967.
WHAT IS IT? An interesting view of the library construetion revealssteel domes which are being laid in preparation for pouring of concrete. This view shows the construction of the second floor. Phelps is in background.
DIRT MAKES WAY FOR EDUCATION Every day stu dents watch the continuing progress in the construction of the new addition to Maxwell Library.
Valentine’s Dance
Dance Highlighted By The 1966 CAMPUS COVER GIRL
1966 CAMPUS COVER GIRL CROWNED Miss Jane Price, Richfield, Minn., left, a junior in business education at Winona State college, receivedthe title of Campus Cover Girl of 1966 at the annual Valentine Dance. She is being congratulated by Miss Susan Rudeen, Lake Elmo, Minn., a junior, who was last year’s Cover Girl. Jane is now in the running for a national Campus Cover Girl contest. OUR CAMPUS COVER GIRL Jane Price loves to dance and she takes every opportunity to do so.Wenonah Players Present
ALL IN COSTUME Dress rehearsal is a very important element in making a production complete. Here Richard Armstrong, as Cromwell, consults Victor Borgeson as Master Ricks.
LEADING CHARACTERS Diane Thaldorf, Susan Lofquist and Michael Sheimo rehearse one of their scenes.‘‘A Man For All Seasons”
JUST LIKE HOME Phil Silvers doesn’t seem too happy that it’s his turn to do dishes again.
TEXTBOOK OR “PLAYBOY” Deep in concentration over his homework, Rick Knapp enjoys having a cup of coffee in his own kitchen one of those small benefits of apartment life.
Apartment Living
“THAT YOU ABEY?” Phil Silvers takes a few minutes from studying to use one of the most important utilities of our age —the telephone.
Associate Professor of Psychology E. L. Ragar, 67, died of a heart attack at 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 5.
Although he had had periods of illness, he was still active. He had taught his Saturday morning class as usual. However, Professor Ragar had planned to retire in June.
Professor Ragar received his bachelor of arts degree at William Jewell College, Liberty, Mo., a master of arts
A Stimulating Psychology Professor Dies— the Faculty and Students Mourn
degree at the University of Missouri, and had done graduate work at the Universities of Michigan and Missouri.
Professor Regar was well known to most of the student body,’especially those in Psychology. His death is a great loss to Winona State College. He was provocative, stimulating.
RANDY SPARKS PRESENTS The Back Porch Majority. In an to The New Christy Minstrels is an uproarious sense of humor combined unanticipated appearance between bookings, the BPM found an audience with a musical style all their own. that fell in love with them. The trademark of the seven young understudies
Back Porch Majority
Folk Singers Given Standing Ovation
“MIGHTY MISSISSIPPI” Many will forget the date Feb. 15, 1966, «‘asm of this dedicated group, nor the three standing ovations they (the but not the performance of the BPM. Neither will they forget the enthu- audience) gave them.
Winter Beauty Means
Snow & Cold
That Changes To Those Lazy,
Carefree Spring Days.
THE BLOOMING OF SPRING? Dee McLaughlin, Ann Williams and Donna DeGise show what spring does to Winona State students as warm days and sunshine bring on that certain fever known to all. WHOSE BICYCLE IS THAT? Dee McLaughlin rides a bicycle between classes to get in shape for the beach. WAITING to Donna DeGise, a Warriorette, it means sitting on the curb in the warm sunlight. Here, Donna waits for the arrival of the others so they can practice.This Is Not TheEnd But A New Beginning
NOW SAY CHEESE As the 1966 senior class officers prepare to pose for their picture. Cene Horton decided on a profile shot. The officers are Sarah Paul, secretary, Mike Kirsche, president. Gene Horton, treasurer, and Douglas Furst, vice-president.
Joseph Alfonso David Anderson Joanne Anderson Steve Andrus St. Paul Westby, Wis. Houston Winona Physical Education Elementary Physical Education Art David Anshus Minneapolis Mathematics Dean Bailey Little Ealls Mathematics Physical Education Joseph Barnette Chillicothe, Mo. Physical EducationEducation Just Begun
& 'K
Colleen Anderson, Winona
Stephen Arnold, F’ountain
Judith Bailey, St. Francis, Wis.
Elsie Ballanger, Rochester
Frederick Baranski, Joliet, Ill.
Judith Bartz, West St. Paul
Daniel Becker, Dundas
John Benedict, Kenosha, Wis.
James Benson, Houston
Thomas Bouquet, Wabasha
Diane Broad, Lakeville
David Broker, Winona
Kenneth Brueske, Plainview
Carl Burk, Pipestone
Patricia Burke, St. Charles
Raymond Bush, Rochester
Alan Carlson, Winona
Candy Connaughty, Winona
Richard Dahl, Peterson
Frank Daniels, Rushford
Harold Dean, Winona
Frank Deters, Caldonia
LeRoy Deters, Eitzen
Judith Dittrich, Plainview
Rosemary Dohrn, Lake City
Sharon Drwall, St. Paul
Jill Einhorn, St. Paul
Barry Engrav, Rushford
Joyce Evens, Minnesota City
Joan Farrington, St. Paul Park
Ann Penney, Rushford
Cheryl Pick, Lake City
Steven Forster, Winona
Adrian Gaard, Oakland
Philip Cernes, Winona
Jerry Grade, Denosha, Wis.
Joan Graham, Albert Lea
KJerome Grossman, Arcadia, Wis.
David Haines, Marion, la.
Margaret Hankes, Hastings
Carol Hanson, Brook Park
Francis Hayes, Williamsport, Pa.
Grace Henry, Winona
Paul Hodge, St. Paul
Barbara Horihan, Hokah
Kirk Horswill, LaCrosse, Wis.
Dennis Houselog, Pipestone
Henry Huettl, Lake City
Mary Iten, St. Paul
Eunice Iverson, Dakota
Janice Jensen, Kenyon
Kathryn Johnson, Plainview
Kathleen Kackman, Lake City
Jane Kaczrowski, Ivanhoe
Richard Kalbrener, Winona
Joan Kangel, Winona
William Keenan, Winona
Henry Kleis, Hastings
Phil Koprowski, Winona
Ronald Kovacik, Minneapolis
Nancy Kratch, Winona
Shirley Kress, Stillwater
Donald Kropp, Pipestone
Susan Kuchenmeister, South St. Paul
Gary Lauden, Chicago, Ill.
Peter LaVelle, St. Augustine, Fla.
Steven Lewis, St. Paul
Sheryl Loeding, Winona
Susan Loeffler, LeCenter
Jeanneen Loerch, Rushford
Ronald Luloff, Jesup, la.
Gene Lund, White Bear Lake
Pennie Mack, St. Paul
Walton Madland, North St. Paul
Walter Maeser, Barrington, N.J.
Judith Malmin, Savage
Kenneth Meyer, Lakeville
Marilyn Mikulewicz, Farmington
LaVonne Molde, Kasson
Dennis Morgan, Dodgeville, Wis.
Andrew Neville, Mills, Wyo.
LaVern Nickelson, Elgin
Gary Nissalke, Winona
Joanne Ohuchi, Kauai, Hawaii
Dennis Orphan, Winona
Thomas Oswald, Westhury, N.Y.
Dale Owens, Rochester
Veronica Pellowski, Winona
Darlene Peters, Plainview
Dale Phillipson, Whitehall, Wis.
Gene Phillipson, Whitehall, Wis.
Bernard Pittman, Durand, Wis.
Rudy Possehl, Elkader, la.
Mary Pottratz, New Alhin, la.
James Price, Winona
Rachel Price, Richfield
Leonard Purrington, Alma, Wis.
Sandra Quam, Kenyon
John Rahman, Elgin
Dana Reps, Lewiston
James Reynolds, Minneapolis
Hubert Ripple,
Michael Rowan, Winona
Heather Roxburgh, Honolulu, Hawaii
John Rue, St. Paul
Patricia Runningen, Houston
Karen Sather, Houston
Barbara Schmauss, Lake City
Kathleen Schmitz, Caledonia
Linda Shanahan, Lanesboro
Bruce Smith, Coon Rapids
Sharon Sobraske, Richfield
Ronald Spong, Rochester
James Stoll, Rice Lake, Wis.
James Stout, Pipestone
Vernon Suchla, Arcadia, Wis.
Diane Thaldorf, Winona
Gary Thorson, Blooming Prairie
Susan Thorson, Robbinsdale
Lynne Tiegs, Luck, Wis.
James Trochta, Winona
Inger Vevik, Trondheim, Norway
James Vigness, Lanesboro
Virgil Walker, Winona
Margaret Walsh, Winona
Gloria Welch, Stewartville
Joan Whorton, Winona
Sally Wiczek, Winona
Gordon Wiebke, Caledonia
James Wieczorek, Winona
Roy Wilsey, Houston
Joel Worra, Peterson
Hermione Zientek, St. Paul
Roger Ader, St. Paul
Joan Ahearn, Winona
Joan Allen, Caledonia
Rowe Alt, Edina
Randall Anderson, Red Wing
Thomas Anderson, Minneapolis
Carol Bacon, Minneapolis
Diane Baringer, Red Wing
Richard Behling, Winona
Sylvia Behrens, Marshall
Sandra Bidro, Addison
Karen Biel, Harmony
Patricia Bisel, Butterfield
Claudia Bishop, St. Paul
Mary Bissen, Hokah
James Braje, Minneapolis
Bryon Bremer, Lake City
Terry Brosh, Cedar Rapids, la.
Gloria Bublitz, Winona
Diane Bunge, Caledonia
Alvarez Burnap, Chatfield
Betty Burrows, St. Paul
Sandra Burt, Winona
David Butterfield, Lamiradia, Calif.
Carol Calvey, Weaver
Gayle Christoffersen, Stillwater
Bruce Closway, Wausau, Wis.
Dennis Cook, Hastings
Donna Courtier, Winona
Barbara Davidson, St. Paul
Bud Davies, Medford Lakes, N.J.
Donna DeGise, Wyckoff, N.J.
Rita Devine, New Brighton
Kenneth Dickson, Postville, la.
Robert Eastin, Medford Lakes, N.J.
John Elder, Bloomington
Paul Engrav, Rushford
James Evenson, Winona
Lowell Faa, Mabel
Kathleen Feely, Stillwater
WORKING TOGETHER to represent the junior and sophomore classes are: ROW ONE, LEFT: Patsy Fischbach, sophomore secretary; Bonnie Feuhng, sophomore treasurer; Sharon Drwall, junior treasurer; andDana Reps, junior secretary. ROW TWO, LEFT: Mike Specht, sophomore vice president; Roger Wistricill, sophomore president; Curt Lindahl, junior vice president; and Louis Kanavati,junior president.
James Fehrman, St. Paul
Carole Feldmann, Excelsior
Lyle Felsch, Minnesota City
James Fernholz, Arcadia, Wis.
Bonnita Feuling, Arcadia, Wis.
Patricia Fischbach, Paynesville
Thomas Fishbaugher, Preston
Thomas Ford, Winona
Thomas Frederick, St. Charles
Michael Fruen, St. Paul
Loren Gallagher, Minnesota City
Eileen Gerber, Minneapolis
Wayne Gergen, Randolph
Gregory Gerlach, Winona
James Getskow, Waseca
Richard Glaunert, Winona
Patricia Gludt, Rochester
Reggie Gregory, Bangor, Mich.
Mary Gronvall, Red Wing
Sharon Groth, Winona
John Haessig, Winona
Gerald Hager, Wabasha
Charles Haggbloom, Minneapolis
Edna Hall, Hastings
Carol Halverson, Spring Grove
Jeanette Harmon, Utica
Roger Hartwich, Winona
Frederick Hauck, Westbury, N.Y.
Kathleen Heiller, Brownswille
Nancy Helmueller, Eau Galle, Wis.
Elizabeth Heron, St. Paul
Gordon Hess, Kenosha, Wis.
Donald Higgs, St. Paul
Tanya Hildebrandt, New Brighton
Jane Hilke, Winona
Glen Hines, Winona
Reuben Hjermstad, Wanamingo
Marabeth Holsapple, Red Wing
Terry Holston, Robbinsdale
Sheila Homola, Stockton
Colene Huseby, Caledonia
Gary Ihrke, Eyota
Robert Isbell, Genoa, Wis.
Barbara Iverson, Viroqua, Wis.
Susan Ivins, Feasterville, Pa.
Kenneth Jacobson, Grand Meadow
Carol Jeche, Spring Valley
Micheál Jefferis, Chatfield
David Johnson, Staten Island, N.Y.
Joyce Johnson, Cloquet
James Johnson, Winona
Lynn Johnson, Madison, N.J.
James Kasten, Winona
Hiroko Kawakatsu, Kamakura, Japan
Kathy Keller, St. Peter
Larry Kendrick, Hartland
Micheál Kingsbury, Harmony
Diane Klassen, Adams
Richard Knapp, Minneapolis
Susan Kniebel, Stillwater
Julianne Knopick, Winona
Janice Knott, Loves Park, Ill.
Linda Kreisel, Mora
Shirley Kress, Stillwater
Alice Kronebusch, Altura
Paula Kruger, Roscoe, Ill.
Joyce Kuster, Des Moines, la.
Richard Lager, Caledonia
Gary Lawrynk, LaMoille
Elaine Lea, Whalan
Caroline Lee, Holualoa, Kona, Hawaii
Duane Lee, Melrose, Wis.
Arlis Legler, Woodstock
Thomas Lewers, Cedar Rapids, la.
David Liebert, Rochester, N.Y.
Duane Luinstra, Winona
Marcia Lutz, Winona
Kathleen Macioch, St. Paul
Richard Mancuso, Staten Island, N.Y.
Robert Mann, Plainview
Donna Marcuson, Bayport
Robert Martin, Prior Lake
Michael Mattson, Shafer
Wayne Medcraft, St. Paul
Karen Meistad, Arcadia, Wis.
Richard Merwin, Minneapolis
Robert Merwin, Minneapolis
Judith Meschke, Morristown
Larry Mikkelson, Harmony
Donna Miller, Burnsville
Karen Miller, Red Wing
Dolores McLaughlin, Westmont, N.J.
Roger Moe, Arcadia, Wis.
Arland Moger, Rushford
Gloria Mogren, Winona
Louis Molander, Rockford, Ill.
Cheryl Mundell, Chatfield
Sally Myska, Winona
Gary Neal, Arlington Heights, Ill.
Janet Nelson, Kenyon
Ruth Nesbitt, Bloomington
Dale Newcomb, Dakota
Mary Ellen Nicholsen, Minneapolis
Paul Norrie, Rochester
Judith Nygaard, LaCrosse, Wis.
Kathy Ohrman, Claremont
Carol Ollhoff, Rochester
Wanita Olness, Whalan
Phylis Olson, Detroit, Mich.
Virginia O’Neill, South St. Paul
Jacqueline Opsahl, Winona
Sandra Otis, Jlouston
Mary Paape, South St. Paul
Ronald Paul, Faribault
Judith Paulson, Winona
Jerome Pesch, Minneapolis
Alice Peterson, South St. Paul
Charles Peterson, Onalaska, Wis.
Harlan Peterson, Houston
Susan Pettis,Farmington
John Poore, Wabasha
Paul Porvaznik, Hastings
Charles Prigge, Lewiston
Beverly Rathbone, Hastings
Marie Rau, St. Paul
Roger Ready, LaCrescent
Jeanne Reck, Wabasha
Richard Ries, Rollingstone
Ted Roberton, Rushford
Rosemary Roberts, East Longmeadow, Mass.
Jolene Rollins, Winona
John Ross, Red Wing
Diane Ruprecht, White Bear Lake
Gerald Saaby, St. Paul
Richard Sadler, Wilmington, Del.
LaVern Scharmer, Winona
Sandra Schley, Foley
Lawence Schmit, Wabasha
Jerome Schmitz, Hastings
Cynthia Schoenecker, St. Paul Park
Lynn Schumann, Eyota
Sharon Scrabeck, Preston
Richard Seib,. Haubstadt, Ind.
Sharon Sennes, Hokah
Mary Sheehan, Hokah
Francis Siebenaler, Lewiston
Virginia Siegel, Winona
Linda Sirek, St. Paul
Jean Strueber, Winona
Robert Suchanek, Medford
Judith Swigart, Redwood Falls
Sharon Teply, Cedar Rapids, la.
Marilyn Thom, Farmington
Joan Thompson, Stillwater
Judith Thompson, Morristown
Ronald Tobias, Pipestone
Miriam Towata, Holualoa, Hawaii
Barbara Vang, Mabel
Ronald Varnum, Collingswood, N.J.
Terry Vatland, Mabel
Cindy Viken, Edina
Peter Wade, Minneapolis
Susan Walch, Altura
Patricia Walter, Hobart, Ind.
Catherine Walters, Bloomington
Carol Weaver, Springfield, Va.
Judith Wegman, St. Charles
Paul Weichert, Caledonia
Diane Weir, Cedar Rapids, la.
Peter Weisbrod, Elgin
Margaret Wengert, Granite Falls
James Westberg, Cedar Rapids, la.
Raymond Wicks, Decorah, la.
Joan Wierzba, St. Paul
Richard Wild, Winona
Arthur Yagow, Red Wing
Charlene Yamanaka, Kealakekua, Hawaii
Pearl Yamasaki, Kealakekua, Hawaii
Fred Yarolimek, Presbach
Richard Yeske, Winona
Dodie Yoraway, Minneapolis
Jay Youmans, Winona
Arlene Zabel, Medford
WAITING PATIENTLY These two choir members relax before starting their trip to Washington, D.C.
Dennis Aase, Faribault
Barbara Abrahamson, Bloomington
Donald Abrams, Winona
Joan Adamson, Edina
Alice Alcott, Stewartville
Mary Allen, Rochester
Alfred Alton, Minneapolis
Sandra Ambuhl, Winona
Danny Anderson, Mabel
David Anderson, Westby, Wis.
David Anderson, Watertown, So. Dak.
Judy Anderson, Minneapolis
Kathleen Anderson, Stillwater
Lois Anderson, Red Wing
Mary Anderson, Houston
Maurice Anderson, Winona
Richard Anderson, Northfield
Robert Anderson, Mabel
Ronald Anderson, Minneapolis
Sandra Anderson, Spring Valley
Muriel Andrews, Stillwater
Robert Anfinson, Whalan
Leonard Anglewitz, Winona
Terrence Angst, Winona
Gary Anhalt, South St. Paul
Judith Armstrong, Winona
Janet Arns, Harmony
James Atkinson, Minneapolis
Thomas Atsatt, Edina
Eugene Bagniewski, Fountain City, Wis.
Georgiana Baich, Emerson, N.J.
Sandra Bailey, Savanna, Rl.
Bonita Balkenal, St. Paul
Karen Barker, Medford
Judith Barrows, Albert Lea
James Bartsch, St. Charles
Robert Baures, Fountain City, Wis.
Daniel Becker, Dundas
Thomas Becker, Minneapolis
Charlotte Behnken, Viola
James Bell, Winona
John Bell, Winona
Mary Bell, Galesville, Wis.
Gary Beltz, Morgan
Linda Benjamin, Wabasha
FRESHMAN RULING BODY Aiming to give the freshman class a strong voice in the student senate are
Sue Bremseth, secretary; Cheryl Miller, vice president;
Linda Benson, Houston
Wayne Berger, Westby, Wis.
Larry Berggren, Rochester
Joseph Berktold, Lake City
Frances Berland, Lanesboro
Jeanne Berndt, Winona
Kathryn Bettcher, Richfield
Sanford Bettcher, Richfield
Sharon Beyer, Utica
Jacqueline Benson, treasurer and Robert Grim, president.
Doris Binger, Willmar
Marjorie Binner, Wabasha
Annette Birkholz, Wilton, Wis.
Sidney Bishop, Freeborn
William Bixby, Metlakatla, Alaska
Carol Bjorklund, West St. Paul
Jerry Black, Welch
Carol Blank, Winona
Linda Blexrud, Spring Grove
Bradley Bloss, Wayzata
Mary Jo Blumentritt, Winona
Connie Board, St. Paul Park
William Bockenhauer, Galesville, Wis.
John Boesen, St. Paul
Stephen Boeser, Mt. Carroll, Ill.
Marlon Boettcher, LaCrescent
Dianne Boileau, St. Paul
Barbara Boone, Racine
Roger Borchert, Faribault
Wayne Borgen, Chatfield
Darald Bothun, Lanesboro
Duayne Bothun, Lanesboro
John Bothun, Lanesboro
Jane Bowen, Plainview
Linda Boyden, Hopkins
Karen Boyer, Savage
Murtón Boyum, Utica
Patricia Boyum, Peterson
Richard Boyum, Adams
Arlonial Bradford, Kingstree, So. Car.
Elaine Brahms, Medford
Susan Bremseth, Preston
Suzanne Bremseth, Rushford
Patricia Breuer, Lake City
James Brodie, Miami, Fla.
Evonne Brown, St. Paul
Carla Budde, Ontario, Wis.
Jean Buermann, Winona
Kenneth Bullard, Lindstrom
Charles Burfeind, Lake City
Susan Burns, Minneapolis
Leroy Burt, Winona
Bonita Burton, Minneapolis
Patrick Cabalan, Castle Rock
Larry Calvert, Fort Dodge, la.
Christy Campbell, Savage
Bette Caquette, Minneapolis
Barbara Carlson, Winona
Russell Carney, Winona
Kathleen Carr, West St. Paul
Daniel Cartier, White Bear
Ellen Casper, Winona
Sharon Castner, Kasson
Mary Chadwick, Bloomington
Janet Cherrier, Cloquet
Daniel Chicos, West Concord
Norma Christianson, Austin
Susan Cieminski, Winona
Susan Cihak, Wheaton, Ill.
Robert Cliff, Lake City
Jane Coates, St. Paul
Judith Cocker, Winona
James Connolly, Newport
Steven Cordes, St. Paul
Cynthia Coughlos, Elgin
Lawrence Craig, Westbury, N.Y.
Leonard Cross, St. Paul Park
Susan Crowley, Stillwater
James Daleiden, Owatonna
Timothy Dalton, Hamburg, N.Y.
Carol Davies, Hastings
Thomas Davis, Canton
Trixie Delaney, Trempealeau
Roger Delano, Dodge Center
Vernon Delkoski, St. Paul
Ruth Denman, Bayport
Mark DeSantis, Minneapolis
Thomas Deters, Caledonia
Michael DeYoe, Minneapolis
Marlys Dickerman, Eyota
Daniel Dittrich, Alma, Wis.
John Domonkos, St. Paul
Virginia Donahue, Winona
James Donald, Canton
Glenn Donharl, Medford Lakes, N.J.
Dianne Donner, Osage, la.
Jean Dorsch, Winona
Jeffrey Doyle, Red Wing
Linda Doyle, Red Wing
Judith Drugan, Winona
Dianne Drury, Winona
David Duell, Trempealeau
Barry Duellman, Winona
James Duffy, Winona
David Dumon, Kevin, Mont.
Louise Duncan, Faribault
Susan Duncanson, Lewiston
Mary Dunne, Galesville, Wis.
John Durfey, Winona
Adeline Dvorak, Hokah
Kenneth Eaton, Houston
Linda Echternach, New Richland
Julia Eisentrager, Blooming Prairie
Norman Ellingson, Spring Grove
Lauralee Elnes, Hopkins
Keith Elwood, St. Paul
Alexina Endrizzi, Winona
Wayne Engelen, Shakopee
Mike Erickson, Preston
James Ernster, Caledonia
Kathleen Estes, Hastings
Richard Eue, Bloomington
Thomas Evancho, Turtle Creek, Pa.
Eileen Evans, Owatonna
Kenneth Evans, Plainview
William Evenson, Spring Grove
Kay Everson, Winona
Melanie Ewings, Fridley
Joyce Fenske, Winona
Anita Fick, Lake City
Gwen Fick, Lake City
Roger Fischbach, Paynesville
Willis Fitting, Rochester
David Fix, St. Charles
Gary Flann, Albert Lea
Eva Flotterud, Zumbrota
Oren Fogelsanger, Hamburg, N.Y.
Kathleen Foley, St. Paul
Janice Fossum, Winona
Sally Freer, Hopkins
Linda French, Hastings
Barbara Frisch, Minneapolis
Patricia Fritz, Blooming Prairie
Faye Froehlich, Janesville
Harold Fruechte, Dorchester, la.
Sue Galvin, Red Wing
Gerald Gaudette, Chisago City
Gary Gavie, Decorah, la.
Maureen Gergen, Farmington
Gordon Gerlach, Hastings
Rosaleen Gibbons, Boone, la.
Norman Gillund, Winona
Lucia Giovanni, Wind Gap, Pa.
Ronald Gipp, Decorah, la.
Gary Glauner, St. Paul
Larry Gleason, Fort Dodge, la.
Douglas Glynn, Grand Meadow
James Goforth, Cedar Rapids, la.
Eileen Goihl, Lake City
Thomas Goodrich, Bloomington
John Googins, St. Paul
Barbara Gordon, Rochester
Bruce Graff, Lamberton
Thomas Gravenish, Pine Island
Jerry Green, Winona
Susan Greenwood, LaMoille
Thomas Greer, Zumbro Falls
Elinor Grier, Northfield
Robert Grim, Beecher, Ill.
Lynette Grimm, Winona
Patricia Grochowski, Winona
Linda Gronholz, LeCenter
Carol Gross, St. Paul
John Gross, St. Paul
Corrine Grover, Preston
Sharon Grupa, Winona
Jerome Gudmundson, Whalan
Wayne Gulbranson, Winona
Raymond Gunderson, Rockford, Ill.
Milton Gustavson, Mabel
John Haas, Hastings
Stanley Hackenmiller, Austin
lone Hagen, New Richland
Julene Haglund, Butterfield
Elaine Hagman, Long Lake
Gary Hall, Riceville, la.
Mary Ann Hall, Plainview
Nancy Halvorson, Hopkins
Donald Hamilton, Hastings
William Hamman, Hastings
Steve Hanks, Hastings
Patricia Hanner, St. Paul Park
Ellen Hansen, Wabasha
Duane Hanson,Decorah, la.
Mark Hanson, St. Paul Park
Glenn Hartley, Waukon, la.
Mary Harty, Blooming Prairie
Robert Haeussinger, Winona
Michel Harvey, Hopkins
David Hakanson, St. Paul Park
Robert Hatton, Battle Creek, Mich.
DiAnn Haugan, LaCrescent
Steven Hauge, Winona
Lorraine Haugland, Spring Grove
Theresa Hayes, Wheaton, Ill.
Allan Haynes, Cresco, la.
Sandra Hayter, Trempealeau, Wis.
Elaine Heaser, Winona
Vaughn Heeter, LaCrescent
Lorna Ann Hefei, Holy Cross, la.
Janet Hegtvedt, Rochester
Carol Helgemoe, Winona
Robert Hempy, So. St. Paul
Loren Henry, Richfield
Lee Herold, Winona
Lana Herrick, Stewartville
Pamela Hervey, Minneapolis
Kay Marie Hicks, Rochester
Earlene Himlie, St. Paul
Gary Hirschier, Rochester, N.Y.
Jeannie Hittner, Winona
Andrew Holmaas, Falls Church, Va.
Dennis Holtegaard, Lanesboro
Nancy Holubar, Winona
Michael Holzer, Stewartville
Melvin Homuth, Spring Grove
Wayne Honda, Makaweli, Hawaii
Ann Hongerholt, Whalan
Thomas Honsa, St. Paul
Larry Hoppe, Winona
Gayle Hudak, Minneapolis
Roger Huling, Winona
Sharon Humble, Rushford
Lynn Huntoon, Plainview
Charles Ingvalson, St. Paul Park
Susan Ivers, Whitehall, Wis.
Gennell Iverson, Hayward
Julie Iverson, Rushford
Paul Jacobs, Winona
Trude Jacobs, Hopkins
Graham Jacobsen, Winona
Rodger Jehlicka, St. Paul Park
Alan Jensen, Clements
Barbara Jenson, Springfield
Patricia Jerzak, Ivanhoe
Judy Jewell, Rochester
Bruce Johnson, Savage
Connie Johnson, Hartland
Dale Johnson, Houston
Garry Johnson, LaCrescent
James Johnson, Winona
Kirk Johnson, Golden Valley
Michael Johnson, Forest Lake
Paul Johnson, Bloomington
Richard Johnson, Rockford, Ill.
Sonneva Johnson, Hopkins
Steven Johnson, So. St. Paul
Albert Jones, Staten Island, N.Y.
Cynthia Jones, Fort Worth, Tex.
Judy Jones, Lake City
Janet Joswick, Stockton
Stephen Joswick, Rochester
Damon Junge, Winona
Carolyn Kalmes, Rollingstone
John Kannel, Cochrane, Wis.
Dennis Kanthack, Winona
Mary Kapustik, Winona
Marie Karasch, Winona
Joanne Karsten, Winona
Mary Kaul, Faribault
Gary Kautz, Rochester
James Keiper, Winona
Kathleen Kelley, Minneapolis
Anne Kelly, Westmont, N.J.
David Kennedy, Dodge Center
John Kennedy, Wabasha
Scott Kennedy, Fort Dodge, la.
Milo Kilen, Westby, Wis.
Timothy Kimler, North St. Paul
Jean King, Red Wing
John Kinneberg, Rushford
Raymond Kiral, Lewisford
Richard Kirchner, Rosemount
Peter Kirkham, Winona
Gretchen Kleis, Hastings
Tom Klonecki, Winona
Joseph Koelfgen, Minneapolis
Rebecca Kohner, Garden Grove, Calif.
Thomas Kohner, Winona
Dennis Konkel, Winona
Karen Krage, Dakota
Mary Kragnass, Caledonia
Sharon Kranz, Hastings
Allyn Kratz, Stockton
Frederick Krause, Faribault
William Krause, New York City
Larry Kreckow, Redwood Falls
Kevin Kreger, Hastings
Karen Krick, Rollingstone
Judy Kronebusch, Altura
Paula Kruger, Roscoe, Ill.
Judy Kugler, Minneapolis
Robert Kuhlman, Winona
Ronald Kuhlmann, Winona
Roger Kulack, Lewiston
Kent Kulawski, Plainview
James Kulzer, Winona
John Kunst, Owatonna
Susan Kurth, Utica
Judith Kuzniar, Richfield
Mary Kvaas, Stillwater
Cheryl Lachecki, LaCrescent
Warren LaCourse, Shakopee
William Laehn, Mondovi
Thomas Langenfeld, Hastings
Kenneth Lanik, Winona
Thomas Lanik, Winona
Clayton Larson, Spring Valley
Judith Larson, Rochester
Patricia Larson, LaCrosse, Wis.
Carolyn Laufenburger, Lewiston
Douglas Law, White Bear Lake
Randall Lawler, Clinton, Wis.
James Lawstuen, Lanesboro
Joan League, St. Paul
Barbara Leavitt, Trempealeau, Wis.
Terry Lebens, Shakopee
Judith Lee, Houston
Michael Lee, Winona
Joan Leibfried, Ivanhoe
Marlene Leibner, Lewiston
Virginia Lembke, Milwaukee, Wis.
Jacqueline Lentsch, St. Paul
Delores Lerol, Whalan
Thomas Lewis, Lindstrom
Jeanne Lifto, Red Wing
Samuel Lindsay, Spring Valley
Patricia Lloyd, Hastings
Suzanne Lofquist, Winona
Ruth Love, Smithville, Tenn.
Jon Ludwig, Stillwater
Dale Lund, Red Wing
David Lundak, Cresco, la.
Eugene Lundak, Cresco, la.
Bruce Lundeen, Stillwater
Dave Lutzwick, Ivanhoe
Mary Mack, Stillwater
Dianne Mader, LaCrescent
Masoud Maghsoudi, Abadan, Iran
Garry Mahlke, Winona
Alfred Marchionda, Williamsville, N.Y.
Robert Martin, Prior Lake
Rose Marie Martinek, Lawler, la.
Janis Matsch, Hastings
John Matson, Harmony
Laird Matti, Pine Island
James Matzke, Lewiston
John Mattison, Spring Valley
James McArthur, Cedar Rapids, la.
James McConaghy, Collingswood, N.J.
Katherine McCoy, Hastings
Waneta McCracken, Marquette, la.
Robert McDonough, St. Paul
Gary McDowell, Winona
John McLeod, Lewiston
Mary McMillan, Stillwater
William McNary, St. Paul
Alan Melin, Newport
Kenneth Menzel, Oaklyn, N.J.
Richard Metz, Hopkins
Suzanne Metzler, Red Wing
Kathleen Meyer, Wabasha
Rita Meyer, Arco
Judith Michel, Harmony
Diane Mickow, Elgin
Carole Millam, Winona
Cheryl Miller, Plato
Patricia Miller, Waseca
Linda Minnie, Mabel
Linda Mitchell, Waseca
Wesley Moechnig, Lake City
Ronald Moen, Cresco, la.
Beneah Mohnk, Cochrane, Wis.
Constance Molenda, Downers Grove, Ill.
Linda Morken, Spring Grove
Julie Morse, Dakota
David Mortensen, Alden
Jan Mosser, Winona
Lawrence Mott, Madrid, la.
Diane Mrachek, Winona
Kenneth Mueller, Winona
LeeAnn Mueller, Rollingstone
Delores Mullen, Denison, la.
Patricia Mullen, Minneapolis
Darrell Multhaup, Fountain City
Richard Murphy, Winona
Charles Nagle, Winona
Gary Narducci, St. Paul
Mary Nason, St. Paul
Jimmy Narum, Mabel
Carole Nelson, Circle Pines
Charles Nelson, Red Wing
Diana Nelson, Wabasha
Nancy Nelson, St. Paul
Richard Nelson, Bloomington
William Nelson, Wells
Carol Nessler, St. Charles
Thoman Neumann, Minneapolis
Jay Newman, Winona
Eugene Newton, Minneapolis
Kenneth Ng, Honolulu, Hawaii
Julee Nickels, Bayport
LaVern Nickelson, Elgin
Cheryl Nienow, Stewartville
Nancy Nipp, Mahtomedi
Mary Noe, St. Paul
Thomas Noland, St. Paul
Mary Noll, Wabasha
Dianne Nordlund, Minneapolis
Robert Noreen, North St. Paul
Suzette Norelius, Lindstrom
Judith Nottleman, LaMoille
Nancy Novak, Shakopee
Jerry O’Brien, Lake City
Linda O’Brien, Hastings
Bruce O’Dell, Winona
Gary Oeltjen, Stewartville
Bonnie Olness, Winona
Jerry Olson, Lanesboro
Marvin Olson, Clearwater
Dale Olstad, Rushford
Betty Olszewski, St. Paul
Lynn Orphan, Winona
Jolean Orzechowski, Winona
Yvonne Overbee, St. Paul
Peter Palmer, Chisago City
Leonard Palubicki, LaCrescent
Diane Paulson, Waseca
LaVerne Paulson, Utica
Richard Payette, Chicago, Ill.
Marcia Pearson, Rochester
Barbara Peck, Dover
Cheryl Pederson, Excelsior
Carol Pedretti, LaCrescent
Lester Peoples, Newport
Thomas Perrizo, Delavan
Trudy Perry, New Richland
Linda Petersen, Edina
Glen Peterson, St. Paul
Lynn Peterson, Houston
Pamela Peterson, Rochelle, Ill.
Danny Pettit, Winona
Thomas Pfeilsticker, Wabasha
John Phillipson, Whitehall, Wis.
Gerald Pieper, Caledonia
Charlene Plan, St. Paul
Bruce Podewils, St. Paul
James Politis, Winona
Gerald Poison, MillviUe
Lawrence Pomeroy, Winona
Judith Pope, Minneapolis
Sharon Poppe, Houston
Cozette Potter, Stillwater
Carolyn Prenot, Winona
Michael Prescher, New Richland
Joan Pretzel, Minneapolis
William Putnam, Winona
Barbara Quest, Minneapolis
Kay Quinn, St. Paul Park
Linda Rackow, Savage
Judith Rader, Minneapolis
Donald Rahman, Elgin
Gerald Redwing, Mabel
David Rehkamp, St. Paul Park
Barbara Reis, Lime Springs, la.
Dawn Reisinger, Lakeville
Annette Richardson, Cedar Rapids, la.
Patricia Ries, Shakopee
Jeanne Riester, Wabasha
Vicki Rinehart, Minnetonka
Michael Riska, Winona
Douglas Rislove, Rushford
Carol Roberts, Lake Crystal
David Rodewald, Red Wing
Susan Roff, Bloomington
Diane Roffler, Winona
David Rosaaen, Spring Grove
Judith Rose, St. Charles
Paul Rosenow, Cashton
William Roth, Winona
Beverly Roy, Adams
John Rudeen, Lake Elmo
David Rue, St. Paul
Gayle Ruh, Chicago, Ill.
Donald Rumpel, Arcadia, Wis.
Ronald Rumpel, Arcadia, Wis.
Daniel Runkel, Trempealeau, Wis.
Larry Rupprecht, Lewiston
Bonnie Rusert, Caledonia
Hallie Russell, Canton
Mary Ryan, St. Paul
Thomas Sabotta, Cedar Rapids, la.
Jelaine Sackett, Dodge Center
Sue Sadler, Wilmington, Del.
Carolyn Satren, Wanamingo
Mary Scarborough, Edina
Robert Schacherer, South St. Paul
Karen Schall, Minneapolis
Gary Scharmer, Buffalo Lake
Rosalie Scheidler, Minneapolis
Ruth Schellhammer, St. Charles
Mary Schieber, Caledonia
Linda Schild, LaCrescent
Kathleen Schloegl, St. Paul
Paul Schmauss, Lake City
Michael Schmith, Lanesboro
Patricia Schmitt, St. Paul
Cyril Schnell, Millville
Frank Schoffman, Redwood Falls
Marge Schroeder, Cashton
Jane Schultz, St. Charles
Mary Schultz, Houston
Walter Schultz, St. Paul
Joel Schulze, Caledonia
Matthew Schuth, Wabasha
Michael Schuth, Wabasha
Alan Schwantz, Elgin
Sylvester Schwartz, St. Paul
Jerry Schwengels, Clinton, Wis.
Mary Scott, Chatfield
Sandra Seaquist, North Bend, Wis.
Robert Seeling, Winona
Norman Semling, Fountain City, Wis.
Carol Severson, Minneapolis
Margaret Sexton, Mankato
James Shanahan, Preston
Elizabeth Shanda, St. Paul
Janis Siegel, Winona
Thomas Siegert, Minneapolis
John Silvis, St. Paul
Vojko Simonie, Winona
Douglas Sires, New Albin, la.
Judith Skarp, Virginia
Martha Skibbe, Stewartville
Charles Sklader, Minnetonka
Robert Skroch, Arcadia, Wis.
Joan Sleizer, Minneapolis
Carol Slezak, Hope
Sandra Slifka, Mabel
Gary Smith, Winona
Jill Smith, Austin
Richard Smith, Fitchburg, Mass.
Roy Smith, New Egypt, N.J.
Richard Snow, Houston
Carl Soderstrom, Dumont, N.J.
Darrell Sonsalla, Arcadia, Wis.
Carole Spanton, Ivanhoe
Charles Speed, Winona
Richard Speltz, Minneiska
Sandra Speltz, Rollingstone
Jacqueline Spence, Minneapolis
Beverly Stahr, Winona
Gregory Staples, St. Paul
Philip Staples, Spring Valley
Richard Starzecki, Winona
Cynthia Stauhlin, Fountain City, Wis.
Terry Stearns, Winona
Barbara Stemmer, Shakopee
Wayne Stender, Winona
Patricia Stetzer, Melrose, Wis.
Marcia Stevens, Minneapolis
Judy Steyer, Trempealeau, Wis.
Jude Stienessen, Plainview
Blake Stinson, Dakota
David Stoddard, Northfield
Joanne Storandt, LaCrescent
Paul Storti, St. Paul
Harold Strassener, St. Paul
Dale Strehlo, Minnesota Lake
Darlene Strelow, Winona
Yohlan Stroebel, Chatfield
Larry Strom, Lanesboro
Kenneth Stroud, Owatonna
James Sula, Winona
Stephen Sula, Winona
Mary Sutkowski, White Bear Lake
Peter Swanlund, Newport
Joanne Swanson, Hastings
Karen Swanson, Stillwater
Patricia Swanson, White Bear Lake
Gary Sween, Grand Meadow
Robert Swygman, Racine
Darryl Syverson, Decorah, la.
James Tanniehill, St. Paul
Michael Tentis, Lanesboro
Theresa Theis, Rollingstone
Michael Thesing, Lewiston
Leon Thicke, LaCrescent
Susan Thomas, Cedar Rapids, la.
Kathleen Thompson, Winona
Jane Thurley, Winona
Glenn Tointon, Rochester
Diane Tollefson, Kenyon
Tamara Toye, Winona
Lynda Traxler, St. Charles
Gerald Trocinski, LaMoille
Michael Trok, Winona
Sharon Tschida, St. Paul
Bruce Tunell, St. Paul
Lee Turner, Winona
Kathleen Tweito, Spring Grove
Hossein Vahhaji, Tehran, Iran
Barbara Vail, Minneapolis
Lynn VanBuskirk, Brownsdale
Mary Sue VanHoof, Winona
John Vaughn, Fort Dodge, la.
Stanley Vetsch, Caledonia
Ann Voight, Mayer
Judy Voight, Preston
Allen VonBargen, Red Wing
James Vonderohe, Houston
Thomas VonFeldt, Austin
Mike VonHelmst, Lake City
Mary Vucinovich, Lakeville
John Wagner, Caledonia
Michelle Wanek, Zumbro
Lloyd Walburn, Morristown
JoAnn Waldo, Winona
Jean Walsh, Fountain
Robert Walsh, Red Wing
Sharon Wanous, Minneapolis
Eileen Warthesen, Theilman
Ann Watkowski, Winona
Linda Watson, Lake City
Gerald Wegman, St. Charles
Thomas Weichert, Caledonia
Stuart Weitzman, St. Paul
Ruth Westby, Rushford
Robert Wetter, Mt. Morris, Ill.
Bruce White, Cedar Rapids, la.
Steven Wieczorek, Winona
James Wiegrefe, Caledonia
Patricia Wiemerslage, LaCrescent
Janice Wiest, Fort Atkinson, la.
Michael Wilder, Spring Valley
Leo Willems, Cologne
Brian Williams, Bloomington
Gregory Williams, Cannon Falls
Karen Williamson, Winona
Jean Wilmes, St. Paul
Robert Wilson, Red Wing
Janice Winter, Hopkins
Nora Winter, Bloomington
Ruth Wisdorf, Springfield
Judy Wiskow, St. Charles
Robert Witherow, Winona
Richard Witt, Minnesota City
Robert Witte, Lewiston
Karen Wold, Spring Grove
Roger Wolfert, Woodbury, N.J.
Susan Wollin, Winona
Douglas Wood, Winona
Mary Jo Wood, Winona
Robin Wright, Grand Meadow
Diane Young, Minneapolis
James Young, Hastings
William Young, Mound
Garry Christopherson, Preston
Charles Eidem, Hendricks
Dean King, Caledonia
Michael Rivers, Winona
Joan Simon, Altura
Linda Strapko, Red Wing
THE DEAN As dean and vice president of the college, Dr. M. R. Raymond is responsible for the entire instructional program of the college. His many duties include scheduling of classes and teaching assignments, serving as chairman of the faculty senate, being an academic and personal counselor for students, and aiding in the planning of new buildings.
The Administrators
ASSISTANT Dr. F. L. Van Alstine is the assistant dean of the college. Dr. Van Alstine is also director of the graduate school and off-campus classes.
M. L. Mariner, director of student personnel, coordinates the programs of the following services: housing, food services, financial aids, disciplinary functions, health service, student activities and orientation. Mr. Mariner serves as chairman of the personnel and guidanee committee and the student citizenship committee.
Mrs. Marguerita S. Ritman, assistant director of student personnel anddean of women, is an extremely busy person. Her numerous responsibilities include teaching a sociology class, approving and supervising off-campushousing for women, and interviewing and counseling.
LeRoy J. Stadler is a new member of the student personnel services.
assistant registrar, and Lois A. Simons, registrar and A NEW OFFICE John Kane, directorof the new student union, is located in the Kryzsko Commons College Center.
Increasing Enrollment
Brings Increasing Responsibilities
GRADUATE ASSISTANTS Gary M. Olson, Robert J. Scott, Nancy M. Rick, David R. Harris, Judith Langowski, Clarence Crum, Jean Woodsend, John Enger, Jean Waterman, John Crandall, Don Hemming, Virginia Harris, Michael Suchomel and Matthew Mistek.
The Expanding Realm of Business
The Art of Communication
IN HIS OFFICE English, humanities, hbrary service, the foreign languages, and speech all come under the realm of Dr. Harold Guthrie, chairman of the division of language and literature.
English Encourages Thought...
BETWEEN CLASSES Mrs. Jacque Reidelberger, Gerry Laffin and Richard Carrari pause for a moment between classes.
MAY WE INTERRUPT Dr. Margaret Roddy looks up a moment from her reading.
Mrs. Muriel Palechek descends the steps of Gildemeister Hali.
DEADLINES Adolph Bremer smiles as the last Wenonah deadline is met.
DISCUSSION Ralph Behhng, Janet Sherran, Dr. Augusta Nelson, Irving Wallace and Robert Gleissner talk over the progress of the freshman English classes.
Learning Through
Words and Thoughts of Others
Producers of Physical Fitness
Education and Health—Essential to Each Other
WRA BIGGER THAN EVER Miss Marjorie Moravec, THE NURSES Mrs. Margaret M. Browning and Mrs. Miss Susan Day and Miss Joyce Locks discuss with plea- Ruby Clark work on health records, sure the increasing popularity of WRA.
WINTER WINDS BLOW This girls physical education class is doing warm-up exercises before they begin to play soccer. No, that isn’t snow.
Creativeness and Skill Developed in Fine and Applied Arts
Music for Every Interest
Social Science Studies People and Places
And Prepares Students As Citizens of Our World
Exploring Of Life
That Govern
The Mysteries And Science The Earth
An earth science student explores to the fullest the Mystery Caves.
Studying Ages Of The Past
And The Health Of The Present
ROCKS Ben Drake and Dr. Thomas Bayer examine rock specimen in the earth science lab. THE NURSES Dorothy Hagerty, Rosalie Burton, nursing supervisor, and Dolores Schiller look over a nursing pamphlet for the school of nursing. tNMfSOT*The Ancient But Yet Modern Science Of Mathematics
OUTSIDE Duane Wolfe and William H. Emmons stand on the front steps of Pasteur Hall. CONFERENCE Dr. F. W. Foss, Dr. R. L. Lokensgard, chairman of the department of mathematics, Milton Underkoffler, and Donald Fick discuss the scheduling of tinals. EXTRA HELP Mrs. Sandra Olson reviews an assignment with a student. IN CLASS Frederick Olson lectures to his first hour math class.Education
And Psychology
Wayne Sanford, Magda Talle, Dr. W. C. Gemeinhardt, Amanda Aarestad, and Mrs. Edna Fuller.
Mold The Minds
as a Fulbright lecturer.
Of Tomorrow
PHELPS TEACHERS FROM BACK ROW: Rex C. Ingram, Raymond Brooks,Judy Wilsey, Vernon Almlie, Mrs. Clarence Krenz, and Cleo Reiter,
Our Model School on Campus.
PHELPS TEACHERS FROM BACK ROW: Gary Grob, James E, Sabin, Esler Schmidt, Mrs. Lillian Spencer, Kathryn Dunlay, Carlis M. Anderson, and Doris Pennell.
HALLOWEEN Kindergarten students, with the help of their student teacher, prepare to celebrate Halloween.
PRINCIPAL Dr. Howard Munson, principal of Phelps School, looks over a demonstration device.
Season^s Record
Warriors Finish With 6-2 Record
THERE IT GOES Archie Skemp (82) waits for pass from quarterback Dave Usgaard. WHOOPS WRONG WAY Archie Skemp (82) cuts down field for long yardage.RAH,RAH, SIS BOOM BA Warrior cheerleaders give their wares during a foothall timeout.
1965-66 Warrior Cheerleaders
EIGHT AND ONE ROW ONE: Pam Johnson. Sue Rudeen and Linda Sirek. ROW TWO: Sue Kniehel, Joan Kangel and Doris Shaw. ROW THREE: Cindy Packard, Dennis Cook and Suzette Norelius.
WHAT NOW seems to be the thought of Linda Sirek (right) and the other cheerleaders, as well as the crowd, as they patiently wait to see what action is coming up.
After taking first place at the NAIA district race held in St. Paul, the Winona State cross-country team concluded an otherwise successful season by placing only 19th in a field of 25 at the NAIA national meet in Omaha, Nebraska.
The harriers were runner-up in the NIC conference meet this year and completed their dual-meet competition with a 9-2 record.
WAIT! I SAW HER FIRST Verdón Hasleiet of WSC leads Wartburg around lake course.
SWIMMERS ROW ONE: Peter Kopercinski. Robert Hatton. Tom Lewers, Glen Donharl. Tazewell Sumner. Robert Easton. Terry Holston.
ROW TWO: Jerry Grade. Larry Olson. Graham Jacobsen. George Nash.
LOOKING LIKE A FISH Ronald Amdahl (top) demonstrates the breaststroke.
SPREAD THOSE WINGS Peter Kopercinski (bottom) glides through the water like a butterily through the air.
VIC CHAMPS ROW ONE; Coach Robert Gunner, Glenn Tointon, Darold Andrist, Rodger Jehlicka, Perry King, Leo Simon, James Tanniehill, Ray Wicks, Danny Scrabeck, Steven Drange, John Zwolinski, Roger Pilith. ROW TWO: Gene Horton, Richard Myhre, Fred Arbanella, Ken
Season’s Record
Knutson, Ronald Stoskopf, Russ Spotts, Steven Baird, William Roth. Larry Pomeroy, Thomas Westberg, James Price, Gary Anlialt, Patrick Nelson, James Goforth, Larry Wedemeier, Ronald Moen. John Silvis, Gary Wellner, Thomas Smith.
Wrestling 1965-66
VICTORY seemed to be the word for this year’s wrestling team. Coach Gunner and Larry Marchionda, assistant coach, don’t look too worried about this match.
“IF IT WERE ONLY LEGAL” As Rick Starzecki drives for a hasket, St. Cloud’s 51 seems to be thinking of an illegal way to stop him.
“I’LL TAKE IT’’ Gary Petersen (30) seems to he putting in his bid for the ball as he tries to tie it up.
“I’M A ‘PIONEER’, TOO” Dave Meisner, known as “Mouse” to his teammates, is one of the few cagers at WSC to have reached the 1,000 mark in three years of play.
998 + 2 I MADE IT! After adding 25 points towards his 1,000 mark, in the game against St. Cloud State, Dave Meisner needed only 22 points more to reach a “grand” for his first three years at WSC. In the game against Bemidji State, Dave dumped in 28 points putting him over his goal with 1,006.
34 WARRIORS ALL IN A ROW 1965 track team members are; ROWONE; Paul Hodge, Gary Ihrke, Jerry Grade, Pete Lavelle, Bruce Smith, John Rahman, Bob Safe, Pete Wade, Mel Stensrude and Terry Wooley. ROW TWO; John Jones, Bill Anderson, Dan Scharmer, Dave Dillie, Bruce Husbyn, Ron Stevenson, Bob Pitts, Don Kropp, Chuck White
and Dick Seib. ROW THREE;Herbert Hellend, George Ollcott, A1 Thompson, Chuck Alman, Bob Miras, Bob Stone, Larry Olson, Larry Kendrick andRod Phipps. ROW FOUR; Stan Dankous, head coach Robert Keister, Dave Haines, Kirt Horswill, and George Waterman.
Season^s Record
1965 Track
In a practice session (fortunately) a throw from third basç gets by George Benedict as Roger Roepke speeds to first base. The scene is Loughrey Eield.
CO-LEADERS OF NIC RACE ROW ONE: Jim Stout, Roger Roepke, Dave Wendlaudt, Bill Allaire, A1 Connors, Dick Peters, Dennis Morgan, Tom Schmalfelt, Larry Anderson and student manager Paul Engen. ROW TWO: assistant coach Gary Grob, Larry Senrick, Dean Bailey, J.D. Barnett, Davis Usgaard, Ernie Chalaban, Ted Kelly, Jack Benedict, Tom Nast, George Benedict, head coach Dr. Luther McCown.WHERE NEXT? Assist ant Coach Gary Grob has made the put-out at first base. He hesitates an instant, deciding wherethe ball goes next.
The 1965 baseball team won its 14th NIC conference championship since 1947. The Warriors then met and defeated St. Thomas 3 to 2 in 13 innings for the NAIA District 13 (Minnesota) title. The Warriors were eliminated in the Region IV NAIA Tournament at Storm Lake, Iowa.
1965 Golf
The 1965 Winona State golf team won the Northern Intercollegiate conference championship, the second such win. The previous success was 1958.
It was on the wind-swept 6,800-yard St. Cloud Country Club layout that the Warriors, coached by Madeo “Moon” Molinari, fashioned their triumph.
On that cool day in May the Warriors’ Dick Jones had a hot putter. On the last green he needed a 24-footer to win the medalist honors. He made it to give- him his second successive medalist honors. He carded a 112 for 27 holes.
With him on the team were Jim Huettl, 120; Jim Ulrich, 120; John Winston, 121, and Jerry Van Hoof, 122. The low four-man total was 473. Next was St. Cloud with 476.
A week later they were in Rockford, Ill., for the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics tournament for the top 32 teams in the nation.
The Warriors placed 21st.
Despite the cold weather, the Warriorettes gave football fans a warm greeting during their annual, homecoming halftime show.
WHO’S GOT IT? (top, left) Women from St. Cloud and Mankato jump for the ball in one of the games held in ivfemorial Hall gym on Sports Day, Feb. 19. The day ended with Luther College taking first followed by Mankato, Winona and St. Cloud.
The Women’s Recreation Association sponsored a variety of recreational activities for the women’s intramural program this year. Some of the sports included volleyball with teams representing the dorm floors, clubs, sororities and other groups; swimming; speed-a-way; basketball; bowling and others.
I WANT IT! Karen
to see who
or Luther.
NINE, EIGHT, SERVING During the fall quarter, 12 teams of college women participated in the volleyball program.
Women’s Intramural
keep their eye on the ball that a teammate just hit over.
THAT NET should be higher. Miss Joyce Locks helps supervise the wornen’s intramural program.
This year, contrary to the past, a large intramural league has been organized consisting of three divisions: Red, White and Blue with five teams each. A YMCA league consisting of 10 teams also has been set up for “Y” members. Many men play in both leagues.
Men’s Intramural
WHO’S GOT IT? Tom Becker, Packers, and Charley Neal, Falcons, struggle for a rebound in a YMCA adult league game.
FOUL An aggressive player commits a foul by touching the net in an attempt to hit the volleyball over as Tom Johnson tries to return the volley.
The Warriors Attract Crowds
The last, but certainly not the least, element of all our sports events is the crowd. The football fan tries to ignore the cold by putting on several extra sweaters and toting a blanket along to keep his feet warm. Winter finds wrestling, basketball and swimming fans shoveling their driveways and braving the icy roads so they can see that game. Baseball supporters are lucky to enjoy the spring sunshine. These are the people who support our teams.
Student Senate Aets as Governing Body
As the student governing body on campus, the Student Senate is comprised of twelve elected officers plus the presidents of eachclass. As senators, the representatives serve the student body in relation to all campus clubs. Meetings are held every Tuesday evening in the Smog wherethe problems discussed and acted upon included tbis past year a procedure for checking admission to college mixers, an ID card showing the student’s photo, a resolution on cheating, the parking situation on campus, and the election of freshman class officers.
Orientation team leaders Roland Wussow and Kathleen Brock pause on their guided tour to point out Lucas Hall, the new girls dormitory. Both freshmen and transfer students became acquainted with the campus through tours conducted during Orientation Week.
Dormitory Councils Represent Residents
The Women’s Dormitory Council consists of elected representatives and counselors from Richards, Conway and Lucas 'residence halls. In cooperation with the Men’s Dorm Council, it holds meetings to discuss special problems. Establishing rules for the women residents, the council enforces them through the resident assistants. The RA’s are responsible for order on their respective floors. Taking room checks, initialing signout cards, enforcing (luiet hours, giving demerits, and working at the desk keep them busy. As RA's, the girls receive one-half of their room and board fees, and each has a private room for convenience in counseling "her" girls. Mrs. Le Roy Stadler is the adviser.
Representing the men from Morey, Shepard and Prentiss residence halls, the Men’s Dormitory Council governs these residences. The men counselors have duties similar to the women RA’s; however, they do not follow such a strict set of rules. And the doors of themen’s residence halls are never locked. Both the Women’s and' Men’s Dorm councils plan open house dates for the five residence halls. The joint council also make suggestions for the counselors and RA’s to follow on their floors.
WOMEÎN’S DORMITORY COUNCIL Elizabeth Walters. Rosemary Roberts. Ann Williams, Kay Seheevel. Patricia Swansim, Judith Rose. Janet Arns. MEN’S DORMITORY COUNCIL Hershel Fields, Richard Pett, Harold Davies, Stephen Saltzman, John Enger, adviser, Lawrence Mott, Bernard Overby, David Majerus, Orrin Stevens, Joseph Shafer. ANOTHER SLEEPLESS NIGHT Glancing over her scribbled theme, a resident of Lucas contemplates what still needs completion before sleep can come. She can type her theme and set her hair while enjoying the complete silence of “quiet” hours so early in the morning.YD’S & YR’S Promote Political Positions
The Young Democratic Farmer-Labor Club on campus provides a basis for political education. Fostering the ideals of the Democratic Party, its guest speakers were U. S. Senator Walter Mondale and George Farr, state chairman of DFL. Meetings are held with St. Mary’s and St. Teresa’s YD clubs to promote unity. The highlight of the year was the YDFL State Convention which members attended in February.
Ralph Carter, YD president, shows George Farr, chairman of the State Central DFL Committee, a statement backing the Johnson administration’s position on Viet Nam. Mr. Farr spoke at a YD meeting in February.
Through films, lectures and discussions, the Young Republican Club promotes interest in political affairs. Members attempt to make themselves informed, conscientious citizens by supporting the national Republican Party.
YOUNG DEMOCRATS Rosemary Hamilton, Marilyn Mikulewicz, Helen Gorman, Sanford Bettcher, Ralph Carter. YOUNG REPUBLICANS ROW ONE: Patricia Walter, Arlys Vorhees, Caro! Bjorklund, Sandra Burt, Carol Roberts, Anita Fick, Lee Albert, Gene Lund, Dennis Aase, Shirley Kress, Joan Thompson, Jay Youmans. ROW TWO: Judith Swigart, Lynn Schumann, Richard Wong, Lynne Tiegs, Mark Shrake, Kenneth Brueske, Franklin Kottschade, Kenneth Evans, Roy Wilsey, Brian Brinkmeier.“I AIN’T GOT NO SATISFACTION Through the planning of the Collegiate Club, weekly dances provide entertainment for the WSC ’in crowd’. Students dance to music supplied by live bands.
As an honorary service club, Collegiate Club promotes school spirit and preserves college traditions. Fostering public relations on and off campus, the club co-ordinates student activities. Its members are selected as representatives from campus clubs. By working in conjunction with the student social committee, it attempts to schedule social events and sponsors for them. Through their efforts, numerous soc hops are held in the Smog.
WSC’S Gamma Tau Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi is an honor society in education. Its purpose is to encourage high professional, intellectual and personal standards among educators and to recognize outstanding contributions to education. Those who display commendable personal qualities, worthy educational ideals, and sound scholarship are invited to join. A member must rank academically in the upper one-fifth of his class and be a junior or senior.
Collegiate Club, Kappa Delta Pi Honor and Service
Circle K and Academy of Science Serve Stndent Interests
Circle K is an organization composed of male members interested in doing a little more for the college and community than the average student. It is affiliated with the Winona Kiwanis Club and Circle K International.
Activities this year were the planning of club night, assisting in Red Cross blood drives, Christmas decorating on campus, participating in the bicycle safety program, and holding a cribbage tournament. A special project was a drive to collect sweaters and sweatshirts for Tanzania, East Africa, where a former club member is serving in the Peace Corps. Members attended the International Circle K convention in Wahpeton, N.D.
The Winona State College chapter of the Minnesota Academy of Science is, at present, the largest college chapter in Minnesota. At biweekly meetings, informative programs are presented by area scientists and those from other colleges and universities. Students are encouraged to present research results at meetings.
This organization provides future teachers and scientists with an early opportunity to be active in a professional scientific society. It exists for those interested in the field of science —biology, chemistry, mathematics.
“THEY’RE MINE-ALL 14 OF ’EM” Masoud Maghsoudi hoards a plentiful supply of popcorn balls for later, while Kathy Schloegel is satisfied with just one. Circle K sponsored the Popcorn Ball prior to fall final week.
(JRCCE K Donald Bilse. adviser. Thomas (fale. Donald Hijijis. Donald (ilovcr. Kiiy Wilscy, Eilwanl Rost. I.arry Olson. Paul Hodjie. ACADEMY OF SCIEINCE ROW ONE: Elizabeth Hecon. Carmene Sens. Dianne Donner. Beverly Stahr, Janet Haack, Cozette Potter. Judith Nottleman, Sandra Schley, Jacqueline Benson. Jeanne Reck. Barbara Carlson. Nancy Kralch. Barbara Watkins, Natalie Litschke. ROW TW O: Dwijiht Boyum, Norman Semling. Joel Schulze. Hubert Ripple. William Young, Bruce Pederson, Dennis Fletcher, Jerry Langseth. Todd Erickson, Lloyd Smrkovski, Nicholas Vlajerus, Robert Shubstad, Lance Sbiral. Michael Kingsbury, Richard Dahl. Patrick Emmons. Gill Sorg, Calvin Fremling, adviser. Dr. Ray Houtz. adviser. Maurice McCauley, adviser. ROW THREE: .\lfred Marchionda, Thomas Fishbaugher. John McLeod, John Silvis, Gary Kautz, Ronald Spong, John Wharton. Lynn Berry. Wayne (/ergen. Donald Kropp. Paul Watkins. Burton Lidgerding. Norman Morrison. Donald Hemming. Douglas Ott. David .\nshus.WPE and WRA Coordinate
Physical Activities for Women
Working closely with the physical education department, the WPE club is a professional organization. Homecoming buttons are sold to finance the Jean Talbot Scholarship that is awarded each year to an incoming junior girl. Also a loan fund is available to WPE members and money is borrowed without interest charged. Representatives attend the annual national AAHPER convention in Chicago. TheWPE club sponsors a high school “Play Day” each year.
Governing the recreational activities of women, the WRA board represents the women physical education majors and minors. A wide program allowing increased participation is now in effect. In addition to swimming, badminton and archery; orchesis, a modern dance group, is strengthening the program. WRA sponsors teams in track and field, swimming, volleyball, basketball and tennis for competition with other colleges. It is the aim of the WRA to meet all the recreational needs of WSC women on campus.
RICHARDS’ VOLLETTES TRIUMPH WRA volleyball cham pions won their title with an 8-0 record. Headed by Judith Kuzniar, captain, the freshman team ended the volleyball season over the eleven other teams. Members are ROW ONE: Susan Crowley, Patricia Mullen, Jelaine Sackett, Christy Campbell. ROW TWO: Linda Doyle, Lynn Peterson, Julene Hagland, Judith Kuzniar, Gayle Rush, Madeline Litschke. ROW THREE: Judith Knutson, Kathleen Hoiness.
Vt RA ROW ONE: Kathleen Hoiness, Jane Price, Barbara Iverson, Jane Kaczrowski. (^indy Packard. Barbara Knutson. Phyllis Matsch. Mary Iten. ROW TWO: Carol Hanson, Rosemary Frenette. Patricia Laska. Juan Spanton, Sandra Quant, Marquerite Senn. Sue Kuehenmeister, Madeline Litschke, Judith Knut.son.
REPRESENTING EDUCATION STUDENTS Mavis Pinke rides in one of the fourteen convertibles used for the homecoming candidates. Wearing the traditional mum. Mavis, an elementary major, was sponsored by SNEA.
The largest organization on campus, SNEA exists for the benefit of those interested in entering the teaching profession. Designed to develop an understanding of the field of education, its members have chosen teaching as a career. Monthly meetings consist of panel diseussions, interviews and speeches by prominent educators.
Walter Larson, executive secretary of the Academy of Science, and Edward Leipold, MEA consultant, presented their ideas and experiences in the education field. The club sponsored a ETA workshop, tours of the campus, the SNEA state convention, and assisted with the SMEA workshop. Members subscribe to both the NEA and MEA journals; and some attend the state and national conventions.
Student National Education
SNEA ROW ONE: Mary Jd (Irulkowski, Jean Cieminski. Janis Culls. Mary Kaczniwski. Cindy Packard, Kathleen Kenney. Barbara Peterson. Susan Frisch. Cheryl Kick, (ihiria Welch. Jill Einhorn, Phyllis Malsch. Ann Duncanson. Carmene Sens, juclilh Hauknm. Bnnnie Johnson. Diane Christianson, Sally Freer. ROW TWO: Susan Rudeen. Diane Ehert. Suzanne Petersen. Joanne Anderson, Judy Malmin. Judith Knutson, Kathleen O'Connor, Sharon Sobraske, Natalie Litschke. Diane Martenson, Bonnie Rusert. Joan Timm, Elizabeth Walters, Dolores Patzner, Sharon Iverson, Carol Hanson, Maria Warren. Sharon Leininger, Nancy Barski. ROW THREE: Bruce Smith. Roger Fischbach, Norman Semling, Bergie Lang, Leroy Deters. Peter Connor. Franklin Heatwole, David Haines, Clyde Doepner, Michael Williams, Charles Earp. John Raiman.
Donna Miller, Marilyn
Joan Simon, (irace Henry, Jacqueline Opsahl, Evelyn Horton, Ruth Klenke. Judith Dittrich, Jane Kaczrowski. Judith Pope, Janis Winter, Kathleen Kackmann, Barbara Schmauss. ROW TWO: (¡loria Letourneau. Marcia Daily, Kathryn Torvick, Judith Scarp, Mavis Pinke, Lorraine Overhaug. Patricia Yetzer, Virginia Lorenson. Karen Sather, Patricia
Kathryn Johnson, Darlene Peters, Joanne Obuchi, Nancy Kratch. ROW THREE: Dwight Boyum, James Reynolds, Dennis Morgan, Jack Tibbetts, Lawrence Olson, Joseph Barnette, Donald Glover, Peter Weisbrod, James Vigness, Eugene Plein, David Haack, Andrew Neville, Kenneth Knutson, David Anshus.
Association Furthers Teaching Incentive
Alice Peterson, Mary Sheehan, Cheryl Mundell, Earlene Finn, Jeanette Harmon, Sandra Quam, Virginia Siegel, LaVonne Molde, Ann Fenney, Susan Loeffler, Judith Bartz, Patricia Fischbach, Diane Weir, Barbara Egge, Dana Reps. ROW TWO: Patricia Bisel, Mary Anderson, Marilyn Mikulewicz, Shirley Kress, Kathleen Feely, Karen Miller, Elsie Ballanger, Susan Pettis, Stella Happel, Judith Thompson, Susan Kniebel, Wanita Olness, Ruth Nesbitt, Arlis Legler. ROW THREE: Karen Mortensen, Carol Roberts, Rosaleen Gibbons, Arland Moger, Michael Wagner, Howard Okland, Janet Haack, Janis Jensen, Sheryl Loeding.
EDITOR WORKS DILIGENTLY Marilyn Mikulewicz, editor, heads the Winonan that is now a weekly edition —on Thursdays.
Winonan Published Weekly
THOSE NEWS HOUNDS SEATED: James Evenson, editorial editor, and Dulcie Berkman. STANDING: Karen Mortenson, copy editor; Kathleen Keller, news editor; Joan Wierzba, and Marjorie Johnson, copy editor. BACK ROW: Roger Severson, Frank Hayes, business manager, and Lynn Tiegs, cartoonist. Evenson became business manager in February. The Winonan is popular with local and national advertisers.
WRITERS John Ross, columnist, Genelle Iverson, feature editor, and Mary Anderson, reporter pose for a
PHOTO STAFF Sharon Tschida, Sharon Wanous, Shirley Kress, Joan Thompson, John Domonkos, FACINÍi PAGE: Andrew Neville, William Krause, Karen Biel, Paul Hodge and Bonnie Bal- photo in the PUB.kenol compose the photo staff for both the newspaper and yearbook. Gene Lund, Head of photography, is camera shy.!
“CHEER UP, KIDS we’ll make that deadline yet.” Editor Sandy Schley checks layouts and copy for the lastfew pages to meet the final deadline.
Wenonah Grows to 200-Page 9 x 12 Book
SECTION EDITORS Claudia Bishop, faculty section, glances at photos of teachers, Barbara Davidson, classes, anticipates the final product after finishing typing names. Sarah Seufert, organizations, pages through another yearbook for new ideas of layouts and photos (or maybe what to avoid).
A BUSY ADVISOR Adolph Bremer, adviser for both publications, takes a break during his busy schedule. Not pictured are Marianne Gabnay, who is both the assistant editor and the student life editor, and Sandy Bettcher, sports editor.Tri-College Choir, Civie Orehestra Present
CHOIR CUTS CLASSES During their sightseeing tour, choir members stop to visit one of the numerous places of interest. Their sevenday trip to Washington, D.C., was highlighted by their concert at the Washington Cathedral.
“MESSIAH” PRACTICE And He shall reign, and He shall reign forever and ever,” sing Elaine Lea and Karen Sather, sopranos. The eighty-voice concert choir spent weeks rehearsing daily for the Christmas program.
The concert orchestra and concert choir offer programs for music lovers at WSC. A combined choir from Winona’s three colleges. Stout State (Menomonie, Wis.) and local church choirs in 1965 presented a concert before Christmas. Singing selections from Handel’s famous “Messiah,” the mass choir was accompanied by the newly-formed Winona Civic Orchestra. Several WSC choir and orchestra members then traveled to Menomonie to present an exchange concert of the “Messiah” at Stout State. Both the choir and orchestra present a varied program of music in the spring.
Directing the concert choir is one of Richmond McCluer’s many duties as head of the music department.
WSC has several bands for the interest and enjoyment of students. The concert band, directed by William Schmid, marches in the Homecoming parade and presents concerts. The Jazz band presents several Sunday evening concerts for the enjoyment of students, faculty and the public. Under the direction of Fred Heyer, the band plays modern jazz music. The pep band accompanies the cheerleaders and furthers school spirit at football and basketball games.
SCHOOL SPIRIT ENLIVENED Using his horn case as a music stand, Leonard Purrington blows out the notes on his trumpet. Vernon Suchla and Gary McDowell accompany the few fans who sing the college song, “Hail Winona.”
William Schmid conductsthe concert hand as it rehearses for the Novemher performance. A fortypiece group, its president is Arlyn Knudsen.
Musicians Perform in the Orchestra and Bands
HARMONY, RHYTHM, RESPITE Counting out her fifteen measures rest, Susan Wollin, saxophonist, relaxes while enjoying the music played hy her fellow band members.
TUNING UP The concert orchestra gets ready for rehearsal with Richmond McCluer, conductor. Members also perform in the newlyformed Winona Civic Orchestra for public concerts. ROOM, BOOM, BOOM Dennis Aase waits for his cue to beat his bass drum whileother pep band members provide the background music for the cheerleaders’ yells. Supporting the Warriors, the twenty-five piece pep band plays at home basketball games.WSC lettermen heloufi to an exclusive or<ianization (no females allowed) —the ‘W’ (dub. Besides sponsoring an athlete of the month, the members enter a homecoming float and also sell reireshrnents at the home games. 'W’ Club re[)resents the TOP men in football, wrestling, swimming, basketball, baseball and track.
‘W’ Club Represents Varsity Lettermen
Ski Club, Alpha Phi Omega Offer Jaunts
A newly organized club this year, the SkiClub sponsored several weekend ski trips to both Minnesota and Wisconsin ski lodges. Experienced as well as novice skiers enjoyed the fun in the snow on these trips.
An outgrowth of the National Boy Scouts of America, Alpha Phi Omega sponsored a book rental service. Students who rented books and those who sold textbooks benefited. Through the initiative of Jack Tibbetts, president, APO worked for the group to become nationalized as a fraternity. A tobogganing party was held in February.
“ISN’T THIS FUN?’’ Gordon Wiebke dances with Judy Wegman as they both seem solemnly unaware of ‘where the action is.’
Gamma Delta is an international organization affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. With Fredric Baranski, president, the club meets Thursday evenings at the Gamma Delta house. Guest speakers, discussions, recreation, Bible readings and informal get-togethers comprise its program.
Newman, Gamma Delta
The Newman Center offers a wide range of weekly activities for Catholic students interested in sharing their ideas or learning new opinions. One of the many weekly gatherings is the Fireside Chat every Friday night or Sunday evening. Throughout the year, studies on current topics of interest are held with guest speakers. Members also sponsor hayrides, hootenannies, tobogganing parties and boat cruises. The 5:1.5 Mass at the Cathedral is offered daily especially for Newman members.
NEWMAN CLUB ROW ONE: Carolyn Redlund, Carol Weaver. Charlene Yamanaka, Sharon Drwall, Margaret Hankes, Joan Simon, Mary McMillan, Kathleen Feely, Nancy Helmueller, ('hristy Campbell, Rosalie Scheidler, Patricia Miller, Earlene Himlie, Cynthia Schoenecker, Kathryn Koetli, Nancy Kratch. ROW TWO; Judith Bartz, Eileen Goihl, Kathleen Meyer. Patricia Wiemerslage. Mary Francel. Mary Ryan. Katherine Lauer, Carol Pedretti. Helen Gorman. Natalie Lit- schke, Barbara Jenson, Lorna Hefei, Kathleen Kenney, Dianne Mader, Patricia Fritz, Kathleen Keller, Rosemary Hamilton, Joan Wierzba, Linda Shanahan, Sue Kuchenmeister, Sarah Seufert. ROW THREE: Ronald Marchionda, James Stoll, Ronald Thiewes, Kenneth Rogalski, Thomas Merrion, James Wieczorek. William Lambert. Eugene Plein. Kenneth Brueske, Joseph Weimerskirch, Thomas Casey, James Price, Franklin Bilder. CONVERSATION WITH GOD Janet Prudoehl contemplates the words from the Bible in the private chapel in the Gamma Delta House.VOCATIONS Sister Melissa, on the Serra Club panel, discusses the sisterhood as a vocation at a Newman Club meeting.
WHO’LL CLEAN? Fredric Baranski, (left) president of Gamma Delta, asks club members David Hoppe and Janet Prudoehl.
Provide Religious, Educational Meetings
Lutheran Collegians is a national association of Lutheran college and university students sponsored by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Its purpose is to help students meet life’s duties and responsibilities in the church and society. It also exists to stimulate greater Christian growth and to maintain and increase local and inter-campus fellowship among Lutheran students. The Collegians look forward to Bible study, guest speakers and the National Collegian Conference in the spring.
LENT MEANS PREPARATION V¡car John Miller, at the Lutheran Collegians meeting, presents his lecture on the spiritual and physical readiness necessary for Christ’s redemption.
“MY FAITH LOOKS UP TO THEE” sings MariaWarren while Dennis Aase accompanies her on the organ at LSA.
Lutheran Collegians, Wesley Foundation,
LUTHERAN COLLEtilANS ROW ONE: Linda Vt alsnn. Joan Pagel, Nancy Johnson, Elaine Ronald Kovaeik, Janies Bell, (ierald Pie|)er, SanlordBettcher, Larry Moiipe. ROW TIIREE: Dale Lea, Judith Mahike, Jeanneen I-oen-h, Shanui (rrotii. KOW TWO: (iloria Biililitz. W ayne Stender, Newcoml), l,ee Herold. John Haenig.“IS THERE A GOD?”
Pastor R. T. Day, Central Lutheran Church, answers questions submitted by members of LSA.
Instill Christian Principles
The Wesley Foundation, a student organization partially supported by the Methodist Church, is open to all who seek fellowship and spiritual guidance. Meetings are held Sunday evenings with a supper and program followed by a discussion period. Activities include retreats, hayrides, boat rides and meetings with other Wesley clubs. The Wesley House also serves as an informal gathering place.
Lutheran Students Association (LSA), affiliated with the American Lutheran Church, welcomes students to attend Thursday night vesper services held with Pastor R. T. Day. Because spiritual welfare is of primary importance, members conduct prayer services to strengthen their beliefs and concepts.
IN PREPARATION FOR EASTER Dennis Cook, president of LSA, conducts a vesper service during Lent for fellow Lutherans in the chapel at Central Lutheran Church.
WESLEY FOUNDATION ROW ONE; Judith Thompson. Cheryl Kratz, Anita Fick. Judy Dana, Judith Armstrong, Ruth Klenke, Judy Jewell. ROW TWO: .Michael Jefferis, Roy Wilsey, Richard Armstrong, Eugene Pflaum. Ralph Carter. James Wiegrefe, Karen Krage. ROW THREE: .Arlys \ oorliees. Gene I.und. Clark Dobbs, JoAnne Waldo. Sharon Leininger. LSA ROW ONE: Diane Christianson, Maria Warren, Lorraine Overhang. Barbara Egge, Judith Larson, Mary Ann Collins. ROW TWO: Roger Borchert, Dennis Aase, Dennis Cook, BergieLang, Kathryn Torvick.NO HORSEPLAY ALLOWED Sig Tau’s winning float, a gigantic tissue paper horse, hovered high over fans during the Homecoming game. Its “Stomp the Indians” slogan was almost fulfilled; however, the Warriors were defeated hy the Mankato Indians 13-12.
Sigma Tau Gamma and
Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity is in its sixth year as the Beta Xi Chapter on WSC’s campus. The fraternity house at 113 E. Sarnia St. was the scene for completing the winning entry in the float division lor the homecoming parade. Sig Tau also sponsored a Halloween candy drive for local underprivileged children, several social banquets, a blood drive, theatre ticket sales. “Jingle Ball,” the Christmas dance, and the Spring Carnival.
NEW SWEETHEART SELECTED Roland Wussow, Sig Tau president, presents a bouquet of roses to Susan Zimmerman, fraternity sweetheart. She was named at the Christmas dance that is sponsored annually by the fraternity.
SIGMA TAU GAMMA ROW ONE: Walter Strode. Francis Hayes, Randolph Sinke, David Haines, Tazewell Sumner. Richard Childers, John Rue, Duane Murray, Theodore Roberton, Richard Clare, Michael Kirsche. Richard Mancuso. ROW TWO: William Caturia. William Silver, Ronald Luloff, Gerald Curran. Gary Brone, Gary Lauden. David Clare. Roland Wussow, GregoryPhi Sigma Epsilon Fraternities Foster Brotherhood
Second place winner, Phi Sig's “Bottle the Indians” float is pulled by frat brothers. Oren Fogelsanger and Chuck Sklader tugged their entry, one of the 55 units in the parade, down 3rd Street over a three mile route.
Phi Xi Chapter of the Phi Sigma Epsilon has for its major concern brotherhood and scholarship. As a social fraternity Phi Sig sponsors a fall street dance along with sock hops. Other activities include ushering at college events, assisting with the annual homecoming alumni steak fry, sponsoring a spring banquet and competing in intramural softball games with the rival Sig Tau’s. Thomas Smith is president.
PHI SIGMA EPSILON KOW ONE: (derm Toint()n, Charles Sklader, Neal Lindeman, I homas I* ishbaugher, Thomas Tweeten. Richard Sadler, Michael Kingsbury, Thomas Casey, riioriias Sicgcrt, Dennis Hollegaard. Timothy Dalton, Sanford Bettcher. ROW TWO: Richard Ihurow. Bruce Pederson. John Ross, Terry \atland, Ronald Spong, Nicholas Majerus. Todd Erickson, Randall Anderson, Ralph Fifield, Richard Wong, Paul Johnson. ROW THREE: Louis Kanavali, Thomas Smith. Frank Doyle, Oren Fogelsanger, Jerome Czarnowski, Robert Arm* strong, L(*roy Deters. READYING FOR SURPRISE FLIGHT Timothy Dalton, Phi Sig pledge, gets help with his coat from Richard Sadler. Blindfolded and with his “big brother” paddle in hand, Dalton prepares for an unexpected Jaunt via jet to Chicago. He returned 12 1/4 hours after his departure.The largest national social sorority in the United States, Delta Zeta has been at WSC since 1962. Mary Kaczrowski is the president of Zeta Upsilon, the local chapter.
Two formal and one informal rushes are held each year for initiating new DZ sisters.
Sponsoring the Valentine Dance, presenting a fall style show, adopting a Korean orphan, assisting with Homecoming, theGreek Weekend, the Spring Carnival, and assisting big-little sis activities, are tbeir annual activities.
Delta Zeta, Alpha
Alice Peterson, DZ sister, seems surprised at an intruding eavesdropper (the photographer) during a rush party. Delta Zeta sponsors two informal and one lormal rush parties every (|uarter ior the initiation of new sorority sisters.
The Delta Omega (Chapter of the Alpha Xi Delta Sorority is WSii’s newest sorority. It was formally installed into the national organization on Nov. 6. 1965.
With Diane Erickson as president, the Alpha Xi’s promote the principles of sisterhood. They sponsor the annual bridal style show (the only one in the (Jty), type the student directory, and sponsor a homecoming tiueen candidate. In addition, they also sponsor and act as hostesses for other social events. Formerly the Winona Keys servic:e group. Alpha Xi Delta holds a bancjuet to honor parents.
IT’S TEA TIME AGAIN And time for new DZ pledges, too. Bonnita Feuling distributes name tag flowers as Jacqueline Lentsch and Gwen Fick sign their names in the register.
Xi Delta Sponsor Social Activities
AFTER SCULPTURE Phi Sig’s and Alpha Xi’s pose for a photo: Susan Rudeen, Marianne Gabnay, Patricia Burke, front; Kathleen Schmitz, Paul Johnson, Lynn Johnson, middle; Tom Fischbaugher, Terry Vatland, Sanford Bettcher, back row.
NEW OUTFITS Kathleen Schmitz sews her new Alpha Xi suit: A heather blue dress with matching jacket.
Society for the Advancement of Management
Encourages Business
Society for the Advancement of Management, a national organization at WSC, exists for the benefit of business management and economic majors. Once again SAM had a successful yearbook sales campaign; over 1000 copies were sold to students and faculty. Cindy Packard, SAM’s candidate, reigned as WSC’s Homecoming Queen of 1965. Activities for the year include a trip to IBM in Rochester, visits to various businesses in downtown Winona, and businessmen as guest speakers.
Mrs. Marcia Engen, 1964 Homecoming Queen, crowns Cindy Packard to reign over the weekend festivities. Candidates Mavis Pinke and Elizabeth Gunhus display their approval of the student body selection. Winning over thirteen others. Queen Cindy was sponsored by SAM.
Industrial Arts, Kappa Pi Reveal Creative Abilities
The Industrial Arts club helps toward the development of conscientious contributors in this field. Guest speakers demonstrate new methods and equipment.
Kappa Pi, the national art fraternity, welcomes all art majors and minors. Decorating the Homecoming Queen’s float and planning the decorations for the Spring Prom are the major projects. New members are initiated into Alpha Upsilon, the local chapter, at a spring dinner.
Aesculapians, MENC Interest Medieine,
Musie Majors
In its second year on campus, Aesculpians promote interest in medicine careers. Students majoring in nursing, pre-medicine or related fields are invited to become members. Closed circuit television programs entitled “Grand Rounds” are shown at meetings in Pasteur Auditorium. These Upjohn educational films are narrated by prominent doctors from every phase of medicine.
RING AROUND A ROSY? Maybe that’s the latest dance craze; however, these WSC students are square dancing (in a circle?). Sponsored by the choir, it was a welcome break from the usual soc hop.
The Music Educators National Conference (MENC) is an organization for music majors and minors. Members sponsor and publicize upcoming concerts presented by the orchestra, concert choir, band and jazz baml. As actual musicians in one or more of these groups, the members of MENC welcome talented musicians to join.
Wenonah Players, Rangers Perform, Serve
Presenting three plays annually, the members of the Wenonah Players obtain experience both on and off stage. Actors as well as backstage crews work as a whole to achieve a successful production. Both creative and technical skills are stressed, providing a complete program in play production. The plays are performed in the open arena form, with a minimum of stage scenery. Wenonah Players also participate in tri-college drama meets with the college of St. Teresa and St. Mary’s.
Revived last year after two years of inactivity, the Rangers Club is a service organization on campus. With a small membership, the purpose of the group is to attract more students from the Iron Range areas in Northern Minnesota to attend WSC. Members encourage students from Itasca, Aitkin, Lake, Crow Wing and Lake counties to complete their education at Winona State.
WENONAH PLAYERS ROW ONE: Karen Schall, Joan Vanderau, judee Fuglestad, Sarah Paul. Suzanne Lofquist, Joan Tushner, Judith Stenbeck, Catherine Lindsay, Diane Ruprecht, Mary Francel.ROW TWO: Jeanne Morrison, Carole Nelson. Diane Thaldrof, Carolee Johnson, Helen Petersen. Dennis Kochta, Lee Turner, Betty Olszewski. Linda Petersen, Judith Thompson, Susan Kniebel, Dorothy Mangus, adviser. ROW THREE: Richard Wild. John Perry. Ralpli (larler, Steven Lewis. James Neeck. Russell Lehakken. Thomas Lichanowski. Michael Shcimo. Robert Grim, Alfonso Pegliarello. George (iaitas. Thomas Tweeten. (iary McDowell. RANGERS Charles Smoley, William Lambert, Peter Connor, Bruce Smith, Jack Dzubnar, Joseph Emmanuel, adviser. FERRARIS FEATURED ENTERTAINMENTAmateur Radío, WSSA Provide Speaking Experience
The Amateur Radio Club maintains an amateur radio station which sends messages free of charge to anyone in the U.S. Affiliated with the Minnesota Civil Defense Department, the group assists it in times of natural, state or national emergencies.
The Winona State Speech Association contributes valuable experience to speech majors and minors. Through guest speakers and their own efforts, members gainpoise, ease and self-confidence before their audiences. The Round Table Speech Contests provide competition in various types of public speaking; Oral interpretation in poetry, debate, extemporaneous speaking, eulogies, after-dinner speaking, radio reading, persuasive speaking, and reading of original poetry.
AMATEUR RADIO CLUB Sharon Leininger, Thomas Goodrich, James Ersig, Elizabeth Gunhus, Robert Mann, Kenneth Evans, Patrick Emmons, Howard Okland, Maria Warren. David Anshus, Maurice McCauley, adviser. WSSA ROW ONE: Jeanne Morrison, Judee Fuglestad, Sarah Paul, Suzanne Lofquist, Joan Tuschner, Catherine Lindsay, Diane Reprecht, Judith Stenbeck. ROW TWO: Mary Francel, Betty Olszewski, Linda Petersen, Carolee Johnson, Diane Thaldorf, James Neeck, Lee Turner, Carole LOVING CUPS AWARDED CHAMPIONS Judee Fuglestad and Harry Sieben were winners of the traveling trophies in the inter-sororityinter-fraternity speech contest held last spring. Anne Nelson, Susan Kniebel, Joan Vanderall, Dorothy Magnus, adviser. ROW THREE: John Perry, Dennis Kochta, George Gaitas, jay Wescott, Michael Sheimo, Thomas Cichanowski. Roland Wussow, Alfonso Pagliarello, Gary McDowell, Ralph Carter.‘Who’s Who’ Chosen on Basis of Academic, Social Life
Thirty-three WSC students, chosen hy the Student Senate, are listed in “Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities” for this year. To qualify, a student must actively participate in campus organizations, maintain a 2.0 GPA and he a senior who will graduate by July. Names are submitted to the national board for acceptance. The nineteen women and fourteen men elected to represent WSC have proven their abilities academically and socially. Those not pictured are Dean Bailey, David Klassen, Jonelle Millam and Thomas Stallings.
"iiooi toomno Sto/u,”
Student & Faeulty “A”
Androli. Roy II
Andrus, Stephen IV 60
Anfinson, Robert I 80
Aakre, Mary II
Aakre, Roliert II
Aase. Dennis 1
-Abrams, Donald I 80
Abraliamson, Barbara II 9,80
Abramson, Milton IV Rice bake, Wis., music
Abts, Lawrence IV
Adams. Dairy 11 72
Adamson, Joan I 80
Addinjiton, ('arol II
Ader, Roger II 76
•Miearn.Joan 76
Ahrens. William II
Allien. l,ee II 148
Alfaro, Richard
Al(ons<». Joseph IV 60
Alcolt, Alice I 80
Allaire. Sandra IV
Albm. James l\
Allen. Laura 11
Allen. Mary 80
Allen. R<Fger II
Alongi.Jane II
Alt. Rowe 76
-Alton. Alfred I 80
-Ambuhl. John
-Ambuhl. Sandra I 80
Amdahl. Ri.nahl II 124.161.171
-Ames, Jac(|uelyn I
Amt‘s. Julie II
Ames. Richard II
Andersen, Stephen II
Andcrs<‘n. Steven II
Anders, 111. Onlleen III 74
Anderson, Danny 1 80
■Anderson. David I 60,80
Anderson. David l\ 80
Anderson, David R.
Anderson, (iary III
Anderson, James IV W(“lls. Bus. Adn
Anderson. Joanne IV 60,151.152
Anderson. Judy I 80.161
Anderson. Kathleen 80
Anderson. I.arry 111 140
Anderson. Lois I 80
Anderson.Michael 11 122.128
Anderson. Mary I
Anderson. Mauric(‘
Anderson. Patricia
■Anderson, Randall
■Anderson. Richard
Anderson. Robert I
Anderson. Ronald
Anderson. Sandra
80.L53.154 80 II II 76.167
Anderson. Timothy III 130,160
Anderson, Thomas I 76
Anderson, William IV Minneapolis, math, art 138,139
Andrews, Muriel I 80
Andrewsen, Robert II
Anglewitz, Leonard I 80
Angst, Terrence I 80
Anhalt, (iary I 80.127
Annis, Darrell IV Winona, chemistry, math
Anshus, David IV 60,150,153,174
Arbanella, Fred II 127
Arens, (herald II
Arenz, Bernard II
Art‘iiz, Barry I
Armstrong, Harold
Armstrong, Judith I 80,165
■Armstrong, Neal II
Armstrong, Richard 111 46,47,165
Armstrong, Robert II 167
Arneson, David HI
Arns, Janet 80,147
Arnold, Stephen 11 74
Arnoldt, Charles IV
Arones. Connie 11
■Atkinson, James II 80
Atstalt, Thomas I 23,80
Ause, Bruce III Auseth, Ricky I
Bacon, Carol II 76
Baechler, Lester I
Baglino, Michael III
Bagniewski, Eugene I 80
Baich, (Georgiana 80
Bailey, Dean IV 60,140
Bailey. Dennis II
Bailey, Gary IV Savanna, III., English
Bailey, Judith 111 ,35,72,74,169
Bailey, Sandra I 80
Baird, Steven II 127
Baker, Bruce IV
Balkenal, Bonita I 80,154
Ballanoer. Elsie 111 74,153
Bailer, John III 171
Bambenek, James III
Banicki, Barbara II
Baran, Dennis IV Winona, English
Baranski, Frederic III 74,162,163,170
Barbaris, Cheryl II
Baringer. Diane II 76
Barker, Karen I 80
Barnette, Joseph IV 60,130,133,140,141.
Barrigar, Michae I
Barrows, Judith I 80
Barski, Nancy IV 60,152
Bartsch, James I 80
Bartz, Judith 111 74,153,162
Bass, Charles III
Bauer, Gene III
Baures, Robert I 80
Beaman, Merritt 1
Beardsley, Robert
Beck, Fredrick III
Beck, John II
Beck, Sharon IV 61
Beck, Terry III
Becker, Charles IV Caledonia, English
Becker, Daniel I 74,80
Becker, Richard 111 22
Becker, Rose II
Becker, Thomas 1 80,142
Beeman, Barbara 11
Behling, Richard 11 76
Behnken, Charlotte 1 72,80
Behrens, Sylvia II 41,76
Beksel, Robert III
Bell, Florence I
Bell, James I 80,164
Bell, John I 80
Bell, Mary I 80
Bellman, William II
Belter, David 1
Beltz, Cary 1 80
Benedict, John III 8,13,74,140
Benedict, George 118,140
Bening, Robert II
Benjamin, Linda I 80,151
Benning, F'rederick H
Benson, Jacqueline I 80,150
Benson, James III 74
Benson, Linda I 80
Bentley, Jonathon II
Berg, Gary III
Berg, Karen IV Zumbrota, art
Berg, Marvin II
Bergaus, Andrew I
Bergaus, Marie I
Berger, James I
Berger, Wayne I 80
Berggren. Larry II 80
Berkman, Dulcie III 154
Berktold, Joseph I 80
Berland, Frances I 80
Bernard, Glen II
Berndt, Jeanne I 80
Berning, Arlys IV 61
Berry, Lynn IV 61,150
Besek, Darlene Ill
Bess, Owen 11
Best. James II
Besse, Lyle III
Best, John 11
Bettcher, Kathryn 1 80,139
Bettcher, Sanford I 80,148,164,167,169
Betts, Lois IV
Beyer, Sharon I 80
Bidro, Sandra II 76
Biel, Karen II 72,76,140,155
Bilder, Franklyn IV 162,170
BILSE, DONALD 104,150,161
Bina, Albert II
Binger, Doris I 81
Binner, Marjorie I 81
Birkholz, Annette I 81
Bisel, Patricia 11 44,76,149,153,168
Bishop, Claudia II 76,155
Bishop, Sidney I 81
Bissen, Dolores III
Bissen, Mary II 76
Bixby, William I 81
Bjorklund, Carol 1 81,148
Black, Jerry I 81
Black, Ruth IV
Blahnik, Richard II
Blahnik, Robert III
Blake, Diane IV 61
Blanchard, Dennis III 41,124,126,160
Blank, Carol 1 81
Blexrud, Linda I 81
Blihovde, John IV Westby, Wis.,
Phy. Ed. 175
Block, William II
Blomquist, Kenneth III 8,19,166
Bloss, Bradley I 81
Blumentritt, Gary III
Blumentritt, Mary I 81
Board, Connie I 81
Bockenhauer, William I 81
Boesen, John I 81
Boeser, Stephen I 81
Boettcher, Marlon I 81
Bohn, Marcus I
Bohnen, Byron II
Bohnen, Larry IV Winona, Bus. Adm.
Boileau, Dianne I 81
Boland, Patrick I
Boland, Thomas III
Boland, Wayne II
Boland, Gerald I
Bondeson, Lennert III
Boone, Barbara I 81
Boone, Melvin II
Borchert. Roger I 81,165
Borgen, Wayne I 81
Borgeson, Victor II 46,47,49
Boschulte, Sharon III 34
Bothun, Darald I 81
Bothun, Duayne I 81
Bothun, John I 81
Bouquet, Thomas III 74,170
Bowen, Jane I 81
Bowman, Leon I
Bowman, William
Boyden, Linda I 81
Boyer, Karen I 81
Boyum, David IV Adams, Ind. Arts
Boyum, Dwight IV 61,150,153
Boyum, Murtón I 8,81
Boyum, Patricia I 81
Boyum, Richard I 81,161
Boyum, Stan
Bradford, Arlonial 1 81
Brahms, Elaine I 81
Braje, James II 76
Brand, Franklin III
Brandhorst, Karen III
Brandt, Cecilia III
Braun, Frank IV 61
Breidel, Herbert III
Breitenfeldt, Chester
Bremer, Byron II 76
Bremseth, Susan I 8,80,81
Bremseth, Suzanne I 81
Brenna, John IV Mabel, Phy. Sci.
Breuer, Patricia I 81
Briese, Charles Rochester, Social Sci.
Brinkman, Margaret III
Brinkmeier, Brian III 61,170
Briscoe, John I
Broad, Diane III 74
Brock, Kathleen IV 27,35,61,146
Brockway, Pamela II
Brodie, James I 81
Broich, Leonard
Broker, David III 74
Brokken, Bingham II
Brone, Gary IV 19,61,166,175
Brosh, Terry II 76
Brown, Dennis I
Brown, Evonne I 81
Brueske, Kenneth III 74,162,170
Brunberg, James II
Brunner. Albert IV
Bublitz, Ervin IV
Bublitz. Gloria II 76.164
Bublitz, Marilyn III
Budde, Carla I 81
Buege, Roger I
Buehler, Donald IV Kasson, Social Sci.
Buell, Marlene IV Rochester, Elem.
Buermann, Jean I 81
Buhler, Willard II
Bullard, Kenneth I 81
Bunge, Diane 11 76
Burcum, Robert
Burfeind, Charles I 81
Burk, Carl H 39,74
Burke, Patricia III 21,34,35,74,169
Burkhardt, Irvin
Burnap, Alvarez III 76
Burns, Dana II
Burns, Susan I 81
Burros, Lee IV Winona, Bus. Adm.
Burrows, Elizabeth II 76
Burt, Leroy I 81
Burt, Kay H
Burt, Sandra H 76,148
Burton, Bonita I 81
Busch, Karen II 139
Busch, Rebecca 11
Buscovick, Paul II
Bush, Raymond III 74
Buswell, Warner I
Butchart, Ina
Butenhoff, Gerald III
Butterfield, David II 76
Bynum, Valeri H
Byom, Richard IV 61
Byrne, James III 166 66^ 9!)
Cabalan, Patrick I 81,161
Calvert, Larry 1 81,124
Calvey, Carol H 76
Cameron, Linda III 21,34,37
Campbell, Christy I 81,151,162
CAMPBELL, ROBERT 102,130,131
Campbell. Peter II
Campbell, Thomas I
Canfield, William
Caouette, Bette I 81
Carbone, Carl I
Carlson, Alan I 74
Carlson, Barbara I 81,150
Carolan, Neil I
Carney, Russell I 81
Carr, Kathleen I 81
Carr, Nadine III
Carr, Robert HI
Carter, Ralph HI 148,165,173,174
Cartier, Daniel I 81
Case, Arlo I
Case, Douglas IV St. Charles, Art
Casey, Thomas IV Hayfield, Bus. Adm.
Casper, Ellen I 81
Casserly. Thomas II 161
Castner, Sharon I 81
Caturia, William IV 166
Cavanaugh, Daniel IV 61
Cayou, Mary H
Chadbourn, Lee III
Chadwick, Mary I 9,81
Chamberlain, Sharon IV 61
Chapin, David II
Charlton, Blaine H
Cherrier, Janet I 81
Chick, Paul I
Chicos, Daniel I 81
Childers, Richard HI 38.41,124,126,146,166
Christen, William IV Virginia, Speech
Christensen, Lois III
Christenson, Dorothy IV Winona, Eng.
Christianson, Diane III 152,165
Christianson, Francel III
Christianson, Norma III 81
Christopherson, Garry I 91
Christoffersen, Gayle II 34
Christopherson, Wayne I
Church, Charles II
Churchill, Daniel III
Cichanowski, Michael I
Cichanowski, Thomas HI 173,174
Cieminski, Jean IV 62,152
Cieminski, Susan I 81
Cihak, Susan 1 81,139
Ciszak, Charles I
Clare, David IV 166
Clare, Richard 11 166
Clark, Bennie IV 23
Clark, Robert I
Ciasen, Robert II
Clements, Joan 11
Cleveland, Linda II
Cliff, Robert I 81
Closway, Bruce II 22
Clow, Cherry IV 62
Coates, Jane I 81
Cocker, Judith I 81,151
Cole, Douglas HI
Cole, Thomas III
Coleman, Judith
Collins, Mary H 165
Comeforo, Keith II
Comer, John IV St. Paul, Elem.
Connaughty, Candy III 34,74
Connelly, Mary III
Connolly, James I 81
Connor, A1 130
Connor, Edward III
Connor, Peter IV 62,152,173
Connors, Charles II
Conroy, Franklin IV 146
Conti, Barbara II
Conway, Anthony IV
Conway, William IV Chatfield, Math.
Cook, Dennis H 76,121,165
Cook, (iordon III 171
Cook, Judith H
Cook, Thomas II 166
Coolidge, Nancy II
Cordes, Steven I 81
Corso, James II
Coughlos, Cynthia I 81
Coulson, Ellen IV Dover
Courtier, Donna II 76
Craig, Lawrence I 81
Crandall, John IV 97
Crandall, Sharon III
Cross, Leonard I 82
Crowley, Susan I 82,151
Crum, Clarence IV 97
Culhane, Thomas II
Curran, Gary I
Curran, Gerald IV Staten Island, N.Y.
Ind. Arts 166
Curtin, John H
Curtin, Roger HI
Cutts.Janis IV 62,152,168,171,175
Cysewski, Gary I
Czaplewski, Kathleen I
Czarnowski, Jerome IV Winona, Elem. 62,167
Dacken, Jonathan H
Dahl, Hubert II
Dahl, Jacob II
Dahl, Richard HI 74,150
Dahling, Gerald II
Daily, Marcia IV 62,153
Daleiden, James I 82
Daley, Leo IV Lewiston, Chem., Biol.
Dalleska. Jerry I
Dallmann, Donna III
Dalton, Timothy I 36,82,167
Daniel, Ralph III
Daniels, Frank III 74
Danielson, Dennis 11
Danukos, George I
Danukos, Stan II 122,138
Danzeisen. Marilyn I
David, Brother
Davidson, Barbara H 76.155
Davies, Carol I 82,161
Davies, Harold II 76,147,149,166
Davis, Dwayne II 130
Davis, Michael HI
Davis, Sandra I
Davis, Thomas I 82
DAY, SUSAN 103,151
Dean, Harold HI 74
DeGise, Anthony IV Wyckofi. N.J.,
Bus. Adm. 166
DeGise, Donna II 16,55,76,139
Delaney, Barry IV Trempealeau, Wis., Math.
Delaney, Trixie I 82
Delano, Roger I 82
Delkoski, Vernon I 82
Demeyers, George III
Denman, Ruth I 82
Desantis, Mark I 82
Deters, Franklin III 74
Deters, Thomas I 82
Deters, Leroy III 74,152.167
Dettle, Barbara IV Winona, Elem.
Devine, Rita II 76
Deyoe, Michael I 82
Dickerman, Marlys 1 82
Dickson, Jimmy II Dickson, Kenneth II 76
Diercks, Dallas III Dillie, David II 138
Dittrich, Daniel I 82 Dittrich, James 11
Dittrich, Judith III 74,153
Dittrich, Mary III Dobbs, Clark HI 165
Doepner, Clyde IV 12.19,62,152,166,175
Doerr, Donald 11
Dohrn, Rosemary III 74,153
Dolny, Elizabeth IV 62,151,168,175
Domonkos, John I 154
Donahue, Virginia 82
Donald, James 82
Donharl, Glenn I 82,124
Donner, Diane I 82,150
Donovan, Thomas III
Dorsch, Jean I 82
Doty, Roger IV (darion. la. Bus. Adm. 166
Dotzenrod, Meridith II
Douglas, (iuy II
Doyle, Frank IV 35,36.62.167
Doyle, Jeffrey I 82
Doyle, Linda I 82,140.147,151
Drange, Steven 11 127
Drazkowski, Francis I
Drazkowski, Shirley IV 62
Dressel, Peder II 163.171
Drewianka. (iary IV
Drugan, Judith 82
Drury, Candace II
Drwall, Sharon HI 153,162
Dubhs. Donna III
Dublin, Sandra II
Duell, David II 82
Duellman, Barry I 82
Duellman, Merlin IV Winona. Eng.
Duellman, Richard I
Duffy. James I 82
Duffy, Peter I
Dugan. John II
Dumon, David I 82
Duncan, Louise I 82
Duncanson. .Ann IV ,34,37,62,
Duncanson, Susan I 82,151
Dunne, Mary I 82
Duran. Denis 1
Durand. Eugene II 160.171
Durfey. John I 82
Dvorak, Adeline I 82
Dvorak, Donna III
Dwyer. John II
Dzubnar, Jack HI 173
Earp, Charles IV 62.152
Eastin. Robert H 76.124.125,166
Eaton, Kenneth I 82
Ebert, Diane IV 63.152
Echternach, Linda I 82
Eckenrod, Diane HI
Eckenrod, Jerry III
Ecker, Peter II 171
Ecker, Sandra IV
Edel. Mary 11
Edwards, Helen 1
Egan, Michael I
Egge, Barbara III 153,165
Eggenberger. Dale IV 63,170
Eglinton, Allen II
Eglinton, William IV Hohston. Ind. Arts.
Ehle, James II
Eiden, Charles I 91
Einhorn, Jill II 74.152
Einhorn, Steven II
Eisentrager, Julia I 82
Elder, John 11 76
Ellingson, Kenneth II 19
Ellingson, Norman I 82
68 W. 3rd St. Winona
Evenson, James II 76,154
Evenson, William I 82
Everson, Kay I 82
Ewings, Melanie I 9,82
Faa, l.owell II 76
Fakler. Duane II
Farley, Patricia II
Farrington, Joan II 74
Faurot, Patrick II
Feely, Kathleen II 76,153,162
Eehrman, James II 77,161
Feindl, Kathleen III
Feldinann, Carole II 77,151
Felsch, Lyle III 77
Fenney, Ann III 74,153,168
Fenske, Joyce 1 82,151
l'erden, Martha III
Ferdinandren, Donna III 149
Ferguson, Barbara II
Fernholz. Edwin II 171
Fernholz, James II 77,171
Ferry. Thomas
Feuerhelm, David I
Feuling, Bonnita II 39.44.76,77,168,169
Kick. Anita I 82,148,165
Fick, Cheryl III 74.146,149,152,168
Fick. (iwen I 82,169
Fiedler, Jean II
Fields, Hershel II 122.147
Fifield. Ralph II 167
Findlay, Jane II
Finn, Earlene III 153
Finney, Michael IV Lake City, Biol.
Finstuen, Gary II
Fischbach, Patricia II 44,76,77,153,168
Fischbach, R()ger I 82,152
Fishbaugher, Thomas 72,77,150,167,169
Fitting, Willis IV 82
Fix, David I 82
Flanagan, Susanne II
Flann, Gary I 82
Flattum, Lewellyn IV 63
Fletcher, Dennis IV 63,150
Flotterud, Eva 1 82
Floyd, Anthony I
Fockens, Robert IV Alma., Wis.. Bus.
Fogelsanger, Oren I 83,167
Foley, Kathleen I 83
Follet, Ralph 49
Forbes, William III
Ford.John I
Ford, Patrick III
Ford, Thomas H 77
Forster, Steven III 72,74
Fossum, James I
Fossum, Janice I 83
Foster, Darrell III
Foster, Jerry HI
foster, l. opal
Fournier, Carol II
Fragapano, Leo II
Francel, Mary IV 64,162,173,174
Francis, Delwin II
Fratzke, Carl III
Frederick, Thomas II 77
Fredrickson, Theodore III
Freer, Sally I 83,152
Freimark, Kenneth HI
French, Linda I 83,139
Frenette, Rosemary H 140,151
Frettem, Judith I
Frettem, Steven II
Frisby, Donald I 47
Frisch. Barbara I 72,83
Frisch, Susan HI 146,149,152,168
Fritz, Patricia I 83,162
Froehlich, Faye I 83
Fruechte, Harold I 83
Fruen, Michael H 77
Fuglestad, Judee IV 27,47,63,139,168,173,
Funk, Lester II
Furst, Douglas IV 60,63,175
Gaard, Adrian HI 74
Gabnay, Marianne III 169
Cades, Ruth II
(rainey, Ronald II
Gaitas, George II 173,174
Gajecky, Thor I
(iale, Thomas II 150,160
Gallagher, Loren II 77
Galvin, Anne IV 64
Galvin, Sue I 83
Ganzkow, Steven I
(jappa, Paula II
Garnels, Roger
(Garrison, James III
Garvey, Sharyl HI
(iatewood, David III
(jaudette, Gerald I 83
(iayle, Gary I 83
Gawlik, Rudolph III
Gerber, Eileen II 77
Gerdes, (iary III
Gergen, Maureen I 83
Gergen, Wayne II 77,150
Gerkewicz, Kent I
(ierlach, (Gregory II 77 (ierlach. (íordon I 83
(iernes, Philip III 74,170
(iernes, Thomas 1
(iestkow. James II 77 (daquinto, Robert III
Gibbish, (iary II
(ribbons, Rosaleen III 83,153
Giesler, Robert IV 64 (iilbertson, Dave 35
Gilbertson, Naomi IV Winona, Elem.
Gillund, Norman I 83
Giovanni, Lucia I 83
Gipp, Ronald I 83
Gislason, Jon III
Gittens, Joseph IV LaCrescent, Math.
Glasrud, Gary II
Glauner, Gary I 83
Glauner, Michael II 35
Glaunert, Mary I
Glaunert, Richard IÍ 77
Gleason, Larry I 8,83
Glende, Janice II
Glover, Donald III 150,153
Glubka, Mary II
Gludt, Patricia H 77
Glynn. Douglas I 83
(ioerish, Charles II
Goerish, Roger HI
Goetzman, Gregory I
Goforth, James I 83,127
Goihl, Eileen I 83,162
Goke, James I
Gonnion, George III
Goodrich, Thomas I 83,174
Googins, John I 83
Goodwin, Gary III
Gordon, Barbara I 83
Gorman, Helen I 148,162,168
Gossman, Garen II
Gossman, Rosalie H
Grade, Jerry I 74,124,138,160
Graff, Bruce I 83
Graham, Joan II 74
Grams, Cherre III
Grande, John IV 64
Grandt, Alan II
Grausnick, Susan I
Gravenish, Jon II
Gravenish, Jeanette III 34,64,72,83
Dr. C. R. Kollofski
Third and Main
Dr. M. L. DeBolt
Contact Lenses Box 605
The Hot Fish Shop
14 61 & 43
(iravenish, Thomas I
Graves. Roland III
Gravos, Barbara III
Gray, Donald III
Gray, William IV 27,64,166,175
Green,Jerry I 83
(Greenberg, Jay II 8
Greenwood, Susan I 83
Greer, Thomas I 83
Gregory. Reggie II 77
Greseth, Dennis II
Grier, Elinor I 83
Griesel, Jane II
Griffith, Peter I
Grim, Robert 80,83,146,173
Grimm, Lynette I 83,140,151
Gritzner, Charles III
GROB, GARY 115,122,140
Grochowski, Patricia I 83
Gronholz, Linda I 83
Gronvall, Mary II 77
Gropel, Gregg III
Gross, Carol I 83
Gross, John II 83
Grossbach, Alvin IV Mazeppa, Math.
Grossman, Jerome III 74
Groth, Donald IV 64
Groth, Sharon II 77,164
Grover, Corrine I 83
Grover, Peter IV Spring Valley, Elem.
Groves, Sharon I
(irulkowski, Mary IV 27,64.152
(lirupa, Sharon I 83
(fudmundson, Jerome I 83
(iuenther, John II
(mll)ranson. Wayne I 83
Gullickson, Bernard IV Peterson. Chem.
Guiso, Floyd II Gunderson, Raymond II 83
Gunhus, Elizabeth IV 72.174 (iUNNER, ROBERT 102.127 (iustavson, Milton I 83 Gustavson, Orville II (iUTHRIE. HAROLD 100
Haack, Betty II
Haack, David IV 64,153,163
Hack. Herbert IV
Haaek, Janet IV 64,150,1.53,163
Haas. John I 83
Habibli, Bahman IV Iran, Hist.
Hackenmiller, Stanley I 83
Haenggi. Jane I
Haessig, John H 77,164
Haeussinger, Robert I 84
Haffely, Donna I
Hagen, Donald
Hagen, Charles IV 64
Hagen, David II
Hagen, Diane IV 64
Hagen, lone I 83
Hager, Gerald H 77
Hager, Orrin IV Silver Lake, Music 72
Haggl)loom, Charles H 77
Haggen, Annette I
Haglund. Julene I 83.140,151
Hagman. Elaine I 83
Hahn, Elaine I
Haines, David III 74,138,152,166
Hakanson, David I 84
Hall, Edna II 72,77
Hall, Edward III
Hall, Gary I 83
Hall, Mary I 83
Halverson, Carol II 77
Halverson, Donald II
Halvorson, Nancy I 83
Hamilton, Donald I 83
Hamilton, Rosemary H 148,162
Hamman, William I 83
Handyside. Jane H
Hankes, Margaret HI 74,153,162
Hanks, Steve I 83
Hanner, Patricia I 83,161
Hansen, Daniel II
Hansen, Donald IV SpringValley, Elem.
Hansen, Ellen III 83
Hansen. Marilyn II
Hanson, Rodney IV
Hanson, Carol III 74,151,152
Hanson, Duane I 83
Hanson, Judy II
Hanson, Mark I 83
Hanson, Ronald IV Kasson, Elem.
Happel, Stella IV 64,153
Harem, Bruce II
Harjçesheimer, William IV Winona,
Phy. Ed.
Harmon, Jeanette II 77,153
Harms, Donna III
Harris, David IV 97
Harris, Keith II
Harris, Virginia 97
Hart, John II
Hartley, (denn I 83
Hartwich, Roger II 77
Harty, Mary I 84
Harvey, Michel I 84
Hasleiet, Verdón HI 122,123
Hassett, David III Winona, Chem.
Hassinger, Linda I
Hatieli, Jon II
Hatton. Robert 1 84,124
HaiK'k, Frederick II 77
Haugan, Diann I 84
Hauge, Cortien II
Hauge, Steven 84
Haugiand, Lorraine I 84
Hauknm, Judith IV 34,65,152
Haukoos, James IV 65,166
Hautala, Walter III
Hawkenson. Bonnie I
Hayes, Francis HI 74,154,166
Hayes, Theresa I 84
Haynes, Allan I 47,84
Hayter. Sandra I 84
Healy, (diaries H
Healy, Thomas IV Spring Valley, Elem.
Heaser, Elaine I 84
Heatwole, Franklin IV 65,152
Hebig. Lynn 1
Heeter, Vaughn I 84
Hefei, Lorna 84.162
Heglund, Susan I
Hegstrom, Theodiire II
Hegtvedt, Janet II 84
Heiller, Kathleen 11 34,77
Heins. Ralph 11
Helse, Emma IV
Heiting, Steven I
Helgemoe, Larol I 84
Helland, Hubert III 138
Helmueller. Naney II 77,162
Hemming, Dnn II 97
Hempy, Robert 84
Hendrickson, Naney HI
Hennessy, John H 126
Henry, (iraee HI 74.153,168
Henry, Loren I 84
HENRY. RODERICK 107.146.161
Hermanson. Erma
Heroff, Donald IV (ihatlield, Phy. Ed.
Hernld. 1 84,164
Heron. Elizahelh !l 77.1,50.153
Herrick, l.ana I 84
Herrig, Charles I
llervey, Pamela 1 84
Hess.Ciordon 11 77
Hess. John IV 65
H(“yer. David
Hicks. Kay 1 84
Higgs, Donald 11 77,1.50
Hilde. (iregory I
Hi!d(*lnant, Tanya II 44,77.168
Hilke, Jane II 72.77
Himlie. Earlene I 84.162
Hines. Cien II 77
Hint, Lan»l Hi
Hirsr hier. Cary 84
Hittner, Jeannie I 84
Hittner, Leslie IV Winona, Phy. Sci.
Hjermstad, Reuben III 77
Hodge, Paul HI 74,122,139,138,150,155
Hoff, Joan III
Hoffer, Gerald 11
Hoffman, Mary III
Hogan, John I
Hogden, Lawrence HI
Hohmann, Daniel II
Hoialmen, Dennis IV
Hoiness, Kathleen HI 21,151
Holán, Bruce I
Holden, John HI
Holien, Barbara
Holien, David II
Holloway, Sandra IV
Holmaas, Andrew I 84
Holsapple, Marabeth H 77,151
Holston, Terry 11 77,124
Holstad, Larry HI
Holtegaard, Dennis I 84,167
Holubar, Nancy I 84
Holz, Shirlene III
Holzer, Michael I 84
Homola, Sheila H 77
Homuth, Melvin I 84,130
Honda, Wayne 1 84
Hongerholt, Ann I 84
Honsa, Thomas I84
Hoopman, Terrel H 72
Hoppe, David 11 163
Hoppe, Larry I 84,164
Horihan, Barbara HI 74
Horswill, Kirk H 13,74,138,139
Horton, Eugene IV 60,65,127,160
Horton, Evelyn IV Plainview, Music
Houselog, Dennis III
Housker, Gary HI
HOUTZ, RAY 109,150
Howe, James HI
Hudak, Gayle I 84
Huettl, Henry HI 74,160,171
Hughes, Daniel
Hugbes, Gary I
Huling, Roger I 84
Hull, Henry IV
Humble, Sharon I84
Huntoon, Lynn I 84
Husbyn, Bruce H 138
Huseby, Colene H 77
Husmann, (iary II
Ihrke, Gary II 77,138,139
Ingvalson, (Charles I 84
Ingvalson, Dean H
Inman, Judy
Isbell, Robert 11 77
Iten, Mary H 74,151
Ivers, Susan I 84
Iverson. Barbara 11 77,151
Iverson, Eunice HI 74
Iverson, (iennell I 84,154
Iverson, Julie I 84
Iverson, Sharon IV 65,152
Ives, Roberta III 65,149
Ivins, Susan H 77,139,151
Iwasaki, Verna 11 153
JACKSON, H. R. 104
Jackson, Karen I
Jackson, Robert 11
Jacobs, Dennis I
Jacobs, Paul I 84
Jacobs, Trude I 84
Jacobsen, Edward I Jacobsen, Graham I 84,124
Jacobson, Allen II Jacobson, Kenneth I 77
Jazayeri, Nasser I Jeche, Carol HI 72,77,153
Jefferis, Michael H 77,165
Jehlicka, Rodger I 84,127
Jensen, Alan I 84
Jensen, Gary III 161
Jensen, Frederick II
Jensen, Janis HI 74,153,168
Jenson, Barbara I 84,162
Jeresek, Michael I 130,133
Jerzak, Patricia I 84
Jessen, Wayne I
Jewell, Judy I 84,165
Jewell, Michael HI
Jick, Kenneth IV Galesville, Wis., elem.
Johansen, Howard IV Ivanhoe, Ind. Arts
Johnson, Bonnis IV 65,149,152
Johnson, Bernice IV St. Charles, elem.
Johnson, Bruce H 84
Johnson, Carolee IV 21,49,65,173,174
Johnson, Connie I 84
Johnson, Craig II
Johnson, Curtiss H 161
Johnson, Dale I 84
Johnson, David H 77
Johnson, Diane IV 65
Johnson, Dorothy IV Rochester, elem.
Johnson, Douglas 72
Johnson, (»ary I LeRoy, elem. 84
Johnson, Garry IV
Johnson, Gerald IV Lancsboro, elem.
Johnson, (iary H
Johnson, James H 77,84
Johnson, James E. H
Johnson, James I
Johnson,Jay II
Johnson, Jerry II
Johnson, Joyce H 77,151
Johnson, Judith H
Johnson, Janet IV Kasson, elem.
Johnson, Kathryn HI 74,1.53
Johnson. Kirk 84
Johnson, Laurel IV Red Wing, elem.
Johnson, I.ouise 11
Johnson, Lynn H 34,77,169
Johnson, Maijorie IV 65,154
Johnson, Michael I 84
Johnson, Nancy 164
Johnson, Patricia III
Johnson, Pamela II 121
Johnson, Paul I 84,167,169
Johnson, Richard I 84
Johnson, Robert HI
Johnson, Ronald I
Johnson, Robert L. IV
Johnson, Sonneva I 84
Johnson,Stephen HI
Johnson, Steven I 84
Johnson, Thomas 11
Jones, Albert I 84
Jones, Cynthia I 84
Jones, Judy I 84
Jostad, Harvey IV
Joswick, Stephen H 84
Jozwick, Henry HI
Jozwick, Janet I 84
Judge, Robert II
JUDSON.FLORETTA 34,35,104,149
Juebrs.Jon I
Junge, Damon I 85
Jungers.John HI
Kackman, Kathleen ÏV 74,153
Kacrowski, Jane III 74,151,153
Kaczrowski, Mary IV 27,146,149,152,168
Kahl, David H
Kahl, James II
Kaiser, Mary HI 168
Kaisersatt, Thomas IV
Kalbrener, Richard HI 74
Kalmes, Carolyn I 85
Kammerer, Anthony II
Kanavati, Louis III 72,76,146,161,167
Kangel.Joan III 9,21,27,34,121
Kanthack, Dennis I 85
Kannel.John I 85
Kapustik, Mary I 85
Karasch, Marie I 85
Karnath.Jean II
Karr, Gregory I
Karsten, Joanne I 85
Kasten,James II 77,130,170
Kathan, Elizabeth
Kaul.Mary I 85
Kauphusman, James H
Kauphusman, Patrick I 170
Kautz.Gary III 85,150
Kawakatsu, Hiroko II 77
Keelan, Robert I
Keenan, John III 74
Keenan, William 124
Keiper, James I 85
Keller, Kathleen II 77,85,154,162
Keller, Neil III
Keller, Peter I
Kelley, Kathleen I 34
Kelly, Anne I 8,85
Kelly, Paul IV
Kelly, Richard III
Kelly, Sharon IV
Kelz, William II
Kendrick, Fred II
Kendrick, Larry H 77,138
Kenitz, Fredrick IV
Kennebeck, Douglass I
Kennedy, Bernard IV Lewiston
Kennedy, David I 85
Kennedy,John I 85
Kennedy, Scott I 8,85
Kenney, Kathleen HI 44,146,151,152,162,168
Kenny, Edward H
Kerrigan, Richard III
Kesler, David IV 65,171
Kesler, Ronald IV
Kiehnbaum, William II
Kiekbusch, Alfred 11
Kilen, Milo I 85
Kimler, Timothy I 85
King, Bruce I
King, Dean 1 91
King, Jean I 85
King, John II
King, Perry IV 127
King, Richard I
Kingsbury, Michael II 77,150,167
Kingsley, Allen ÏI
Kinneberg, John I 85
Kiral, Raymond I 85
Kirchner, Richard I 85
Kirkham, Peter I 85
Kirsche, Michael IV 19,60,66,146,149,166, 175
Kjosa, Kenneth IV
Klassen, Diane II 34,77
Klassen, David IV 66
Kleis, Henry IV 74,166
Kleis, Gretchen I 8,85
Kleist, Joanne II
Klenke, Ruth IV 66,153,165
Klonecki, Tom I 85
Klotz, Kenneth III
Klug, Michael II
Kluzik, Gerald I
Knapp, Richard I 50,77
Kniebel, Susan II 77,121,153,173,174
Knopick, David I
Knopick, Julianne I 78
Knopick, James II
Knott, Janice II 78
Knudsen, Arlyn III 72
Knutsen, James III
Knutson, Barbara IV 66,151,168,175
Knutson, Judith IV 66,151,152,168,175
Knutson, Kenneth IV 66,127,153,160
Koch, Robert IV
Kochta, Dennis I 49,173,174
Koelfgen, Joseph I 85,161
Koepsell, Judith II
Koester, Carol III 66
Koeth, Kathryn IV 66,162,171
Koetke, Gayle III
Kohn, Jerome II 66
Kohner, Rebecca I 85
Kohner, Steven II
Kohner, Thomas I 85
Kopercinski, Peter 124
Killofski, Gary II
Koll, Gary IV 66
Konkel, Dennis I 85
Konkel, Gerald IV
Konop, David II
Koopman, David I
Kopercinski, Peter I 125
Koprowski, Loran III
Koprowski, Philip III 74
Kosidowski, Jon IV
Kottschade, Franklin III 146,148,170
Koutsky, Richard I
Kovacik, Ronald I 74,164,170
Koval, David II
Kowalczyk, Myron IV
Kraika, David III
Krage, Karen I 85,165
Krage, Michael I
Kragness, Mary I 85
Kramer, Joan II
Kranz, Nichols IV
Kranz, Sharon I 85,139,165
Kratch, Nancy IV 150,153,162
Kratz, Allyn I 85
Krause, Frederick 1 85
Krause, William I 85,154
Kraiit, Jeanne I
Kreckow, Larry I 85
Kreger, Kevin I 85
Kreisel, Linda II 78
Kremer, Lynn I
Kress, Shirley II 74,78,148,153,155
Kreuzer, Anthony I
Krick, KarenI 85
Krier, Michael III
Krohse, Ralph
Kronebusch, Judy I 85
Kronebusch, Alice II 78
Kropp, Donald III 74,138.139,150,160
Krueger, Jacqueline II
Krueger, Margaret I
Kruger, Paula II 78,85
Kruse, Barbara I
Kuchenmeister, Sue III 74,156,162
Kugler, Judy I 85
Kuhiman, Robert I 85
Kuhlmann, Ronald I 85
Kulack, Roger I 85
Kulas, Delores I
Kulawske, Kent I 85
Kulzer, James I 85
Kunst, John I 85
Kurth, Susan I 85
Kuster, Joyce II 78
Kuzniar. Judith I 85,140,151
Kvaas, Mary I 85
Lachecki, Cheryl I 85
Lâcher, Michael
Lacourse, Warren I 8,85
Ladewig, Leslie II
Lafhn, William I 85
Laffin, Sally III
Lager, Richard II 78
Lambert, William 11 162.173
Lambrecht, Michael II
Lamey, Ronald II
Lamp, Jacob III 66,170
Landers, Dennis II
Lang, Bergie IV 149,152,160,165,175
Lang, Jon II
Lange, Daniel I
Langenberg, William IV
Langenfeld, Thomas 1 85
Langowski, Judith IV 97
Langseth, Jerry III 72,150
Lanik, Kenneth I 85
Lanik, Thomas I 85
Larson, Clayton I 85
Larson, John II
Larson, Judith I 85,165
Larson, Kenneth II
Larson, Patricia I 85
Larson, Roger III
Larson, Shirley II
Laska, Patricia II 140,151
Lauden, Gary II 19,74,166
Lauer, Cassandra
Lauer, Katherine 1 162
Laufenburger, Carolyn I 85
Laufenburger, Donald II
Laugtug, Stephen I
Laumb, Donald I
Lavelle, Peter III 74,138
Law, Douglas I 85
Law, Steven III
Lawler, Randall I 85
Lawrynk, Gary II 78
Lawstuen, James I 85
Lea, Elaine II 72,78^57,164
Leach, Richard League,Joan I 85
Leavitt, Barbara I 85
Leavitt, Daniel I
Lebakken Russell IV 171,173
Lebens, Terry I 85 Lee, Caroline II 78
Lee, Donald III Lee, Duane II 78
Lee, Judith I 85,151
Lee, Michael I 86
Lee, Robert III
Lee, Rose IV 66,149,153
Lefevre, Ulysses II
Legler, Arlis II 78,153
Legreid, Marita II
Lehmeier, Jerry Leibfried, Joan I 86
Leihner, Marlene I 86
Leininger, Sharon IV 66,152,165,174
Leisen, Gerald I
Leisen, John II
Lembke, Virginia I 86
Lemmer, Roger I
Lennon, Thomas II
Lentsch, Jacqueline 1 86,169
Leonhardt, Roger IV
Lerol, Delores 1 86
Letourneau, Gloria IV 67,149,153
Leuchtenberg, Thomas III 49,67
Leuthner, Nola III
Levad, Steven II
Lewers, Thomas I 78,124
Lewis, Steven II 75.161,173 Lewis, Thomas I 86
Lidgerding, Burton IV 150
Liebert, David II 78 Liebsch, Barbara I Lifgren, James II
Lifto, Jeanne I86
Lightfoot, Helen Lightfoot, James II
Lilia, Katherine I Lindahl, Curt 76
Lindeman, Neale III 167
Lindsay, Catherine IV 67,173,174
Lindsay, Samuel I 86
Litschke, Madeline IV 67,151,168,175 Litschke, Natalie IV 27,67,150,151,155,162, 168 Lloyd, Patricia I 86,151 LOCKS, JOYCE 103.141
Loecke, John Loeding, Sheryl III 75,153
Loeffler, Susan III 75,153,168
Loerch, Jeanneen III 75,164
Lofquist, Suzanne II 48,86,173,174
Lorenson, Vir^nia IV 67,153
Losinski, Richard 1 Losinski, Robert IV
Lottig, Walter II Loucks, Donald 11 Love, Ruth III 86,153 Lowe, Regis IV Ludwig, Jon I 86 Ludwitzke, Dennis Luegge, Neil III Luinstra, Duane II 78.163 Luloff, Ronald III 12,75,166 Lund, Dale I 86 Lund, Gene II 75.148,155,161,165 Lund, Susan II Lundak, David I 86 Lundak, Eugene I86 Lundeen, Bruce I 86,163 Lutz, Marcia II 78 Lutzwick, Dave I86 Lynch, Helen IV Lyndahl, Margaret III 67,168,175
Lyons, Michael IV 67
Macioch, Kathleen II 78,168
Mack, Mary I 86
Mack. Pennie III 27,75.139,168
Mader, Dianne I 86,162
Madison, Bonnita IV 68
Madland. Walton III 23.75
Madson, John II
Maeser, Walter III 75,166
Maghsoudi, Masoud II 86
MAIiNUS, DOROTHY 47,99,174
Mahike, (iarry I 86
Mahlke, Judith II 164
Majerus. David III 147
Majerus, Nicholas 11 150,167
Malizia, Jean IV
Malmin, Judy III 34.75,152
Malone, Edward II
Maioy, Patrick IV 68
Maloy, Thomas I
Mancuso, Richard II 12,78,166
Mann, Robert II 78.174
Manz, Donald IV
Marchionda, Alfred I 86,150
Marchionda, Lawrence IV 127.162
Marcolini. Stephen III
Marcuson, Donna II 78,151
Markegard. Beverly II
Marr. Ethan IV
Marshall, David II
Martenson. Diane IV 27,68,151,152,171
Martin, Jack II
MARTIN, JOHN 102,120,124
Martin, Robert I 78,86
Martin. William IV
Martin, William W. II
Martinek, Rosemarie I 86
Marx, Charles II
Masyga, Mary I
Mathison, Lyle II
Matsch, Janis I 86
Matsch, Michael II 166
Matsch, Phyllis IV 68,151,152
Matson, Gary IV 68
Matson, John I 86
Matti, Laird I 86
Mattson, Michael I 78
Matzke, James I 86
Mattison, John II 86
Mau, Sandra IV 34,175
Maus. Robert II
McArthur. James I 86
McCarl, Pamela II
McCarthy, James HI 6
McCauley, maurice 109,150,174
McClung, Vernon HI
McConaghy, James I 86
McCourtney, Mary II
McCown, Mildred III
McCoy, Katherine I 86
McCracken, Waneta I 86
McCune, Margo III
McDonald, Paula IV
McDonaugh, Robert I 86
McDowell, Gary I 47,72,86,158,173,174
McGann, Dennis I
McLaughlin, Bernard III
McLaughlin, Dolores H 16.34,55,78
Manufacturers of
McLeod, John I 86,150
McMillan, Mary I 86,91,162
McNary, William 1 86
McQueen, Kenneth IV
McQueen, Mary
Medcrafl, Wayne II 78
Meimbresse, Robert I
Meisner, David III 130,132,160
Meistad, Karen II 78,168
Melin, Alan I 86
Menzel, Kenneth I 87
Merwin, Richard II 78
Merwin, Robert II 78
Meschke, Judith II 78,168
Metcalf, Darrell I
Metcalf, Kathryn I
Metz, Richard I 8,87
Metzler, Suzanne I 87
Meyer, James II
Meyer, Donald IV
Meyer, Kathleen I 87,162
Meyer, Kenneth II 75
Meyer, Rita I 87
Meyers, Karen IV 27,34,68.139
Michaels, Robert IV
Michel, Judith I 87
Mickow, Diane I 87
Mierau, Larry II
Mihm, John II
Mikkelson, Larry ÏI 78
Mikulewicz, Marilyn IV 68,75,148,153,154
Miles, Robert IV
Millam, Carole I 87
Millam, Jonelle IV 27,34,72,73,149
Miller, Arthur IV
Miller, Cheryl I 80,87,151,163
Miller, Donna II 78,153
Miller, Eugene II
Miller, Eugene R. I
Miller, James IV
Miller, Karen II 78,153
Miller, Patricia I 87,162
Miller, Robert III 19,166
Milne, David IV
Milton, John I
MINNE, NELS 9,34,94
Minnie, Linda I 87
Mistek, Mat IV 97
Mitchell, Harry II
Mitchell, Linda I
Mitchell, Martine II Mitchell, Robert IV
Modjeski. Mary III 34
Moe, George I
Moe, Roger II 78
Moechnig, Wesley I 87
Moen, Gary II
Moen, Ronald I 87,127
Moger, Arland III 78,153,170
Mogren, Gloria IÏ 78
Mohnk, Beneah I 87
Molander, Louis II 78
Molenda, Constance I 87
Moline, Carol IV
Molde, Lavonne III 75,153
Moon, Michael II
Morgan, Dennis III 75,130,140,153,160
Morgan, Russell IV 68
Morken, Beverly
Morken, Gary II
Morken, Linda I 87
Morrison, Jeanne il 47,49,173,174
Morrison, Norman II 150
Morse, Julie I 87
Mortensen, David I 87
Mortensen, Karen IV 34,67.68,153,154
Moses, David II
Moshier, Victoria II
Mosser, Jan I 87
Mott, Lawrence II 87,147
Mrachek, Diane I 87
Mrachek, Stephen IV
Mueller, Allan III
Mueller, Cheryl I
Mueller, Janet IV
Mueller, Judy I
Mueller, Kenneth I 87
Mueller, Leann I 87
Mulder, Lorna
Mullen, Colleen 1
Mullen, Delores I 87,151
Mullen, Patricia ÏI 87,151
Multhaup, Darrell I 87
Mundell, Cheryl II 78,153
Munson, Janice I
Muras, Robert IV
Murphy, Joseph II Murphy, Richard I 87
Murray, Curtis I Murray, Duane 11 166
Murray, Helen Murray, Thomas II Mydra, Nicholas IV Myers, Lyman I Myhre, Richard- II 127
Myron, Irwin IV Myska, Sally II 78
Nagahashi, Gerald III Nagle, Charles I 87
Narducci, Gary I 87
Narum, Jimmy I 87
Nash, George III 124
Nason, Mary I 87,161
Nast, Thomas I 140
Neal, Charles I 142
Neal, Gary II 78
Neal, Roger I Nedoba, Judith IV Winona, Bus. Ed.
Neeck, James I 163,173,174
Neesen, Robert I NELSON, ANAH 104 NELSON, AUGUSTA 100
Nessler, Carol I 87,139
Neumann, Deann I
Neumann, Thomas I 87
Neville, Andrew IV 75,153,154,171
Nevils, Carl IV
Newcomb, Dale 11 78,164
Newman, Jay I87
Newton, Eugene I
Ng, Kenneth I 87
Nicholson, Maryellen II 78
Nickels, Julee I 87
Nickelson, Lavern III 75,87,163
Nienow, Cheryl I 87
Nienow, James I
Nienow, Lyle II
Nieuwboer, Delbert I
Nipp, Nancy I 87
Nisbit, Darlene II 168
Nissalke, Gary III 75
Nixon, Charles I
Noa, Louis I
Noe. Mary I 87
Noeska, Gary I
Noland. Thomas I 87
Noll, James 111 13
Noll, Mary I 87
Nordell, Walter IV Rochester, Bus. Ad.
Nordlund, Dianne I 87
Noreen, Robert I 87
Norelius, Suzette I 8,87,121
Norrie, Paul III 78
Vip, Fury Belvidere
Valiant Barracuda
164 W. 2nd
83588 //
‘We Specialize in Colleg'e Haircuts”
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Winona, Minn.
O’Grady, Marvin II
Ogura, William I
Ohr, Joyce IV
Ohr, Oliver
Ohrmann, Kathryn II 78
O’Keeffe, David IV
Okland, Gerald I
Okland, Howard IV 153,174
Olcott, George IV 68,138,139,149,166
Ollhoif, Carol II 78
Olness, Bonnie I 87
Olness, Pearl
Olness, Wanita II 78,153
Olson, Delos II
Olson, Gary 97
Olson, jerry I 88
Olson, Karen II
Olson, Larry III 124,138,150
Olson, Michael II
Olson, Lawrence II 153,161
Olson, Marvin I 88
Olson, Phyllis II 78
Olson, Richard I
Olson, Sharon II
Olstad, Dale I 88
Olszewski, Betty I 88,173,174
Omdahl, John IV 69
O'Neill, Virginia II 34,78
Opsahl, Jacqueline II 78,139,153,168
Orphan, Dennis IV 75
Orphan, Lynn I 88
Orphan, Royal I
Orvis, Jennie
Orzechowski, Jolean I 88
Oswald, Thomas II 27,75
Osweiler, David IV 69
Otis, Sandra II 72,78
Ott, Douglas II 150
Overbee, Yvonne I 88
Overby, Bernard III 147
Overhaug, Lorraine IV 69,70,153,165
Owens, Dale III 75
Owens, David I
Paape, Mary II 34,35,78
Packard, Cindy IV 24,26,27,69,121,146,151, 152,168,171,175
Paffrath, Albert I
Page, Robert II
Pagel, Joan 164
Pagel, Mary II
Pagliarello, Alfonso II 47,174
Palmer, Peter I 88
Palubicki, Leonard I 88
Pape, Sherry I
Papenfuss, Glen II
Papenfuss, Marvin IV
Parrish, George II 161
Parsons, Vern III
Partington, Sharon IV
Paswalk, Clifford
Patterson, Dean III
Patterson, Pattilee I
Patzner, Delores IV 152
Paul, Ronald I 78
Paul, Sarah IV 60,69,173,174,175
Paulson, Diane I 88
Paulson, Judith II 78
Paulson, Laverne I 88
Paulson, Peter III
Payette, Richard III 88
Payne, James I
Pearson, Elsie
Pearson, Jeanne IV
Pearson, Marcia I 88
Peck, Barbara I 88,153
Pederson, Bruce IV 69,150,167
Pederson, Charles III
Pederson, Cheryl I 88
Pederson, Sharyl III
Pedretti, Carol I 88,162
Pelofske, Peter II
Pellowski, Veronica III 75,149,168
Pence, William I
Peoples, Lester I 88
Peper, William III
Percuoco, Michael II
Perrizo, Thomas I 88
Perry, John II 173,174
Perry, Trudy I 88
Pesch, Jerome II 78
Peter, Richard IV
Peters, Darlene III 75,153
Peters, Bonnie
Peters, Richard II, 140
Petersen, Dennis IV
Petersen, Gary III 13,130,132
Petersen, Helen II 173
Petersen, Linda I 49,88,174
Petersen, Suzanne IV Winona, Elem. 34, 67,69,152
Petersen, Michael I
Petersen, Marlin III
Peterson, Alice II 78,153,168
Peterson, Barbara IV 27,69,139,146,152
Peterson, Carrol II
Peterson, Charles III 78
Peterson, Dennis II
Peterson, Glen I 88
Peterson, Harlan IV 69,78,170
Peterson, Henry II
Peterson, June I
Peterson, Lynn I 88,151,173
Peterson, Pamela I 88
Peterson, Shirley 168
Peterson, Robert IV 69,170
Peterson, Ruth I
Peterson, Yvonne I
Petit, Charles IV 69
Pett. Richard 11 147
Pettis, Susan II 78,153
Pettit, Richard III
Pettit, Danny I 88
Pfeil, Ruth IV
Pfeilsticker, Thomas I 88
Pflaum, Eugene III 165
Phillipson, Dale II 75
Phillipson, Gene II 75
Phillipson, John I 88
Phipps, Rodney II 122,138
Pieper, Gerald I 88,164
Pietrzak, Mary IV 69,151,175
Pilith, Roger 127
Pinke, Mavis IV 27,69,149,153
Pistel, John II
Pittman, Bernard III 75,170
Plan, Charles I 88
Plank, Larry II
Plein, Eugene IV 153,162,170
Ploetz, Margaret
Poblocki, Robert II
Podewils, Bruce I 88
Poehling, Henry IV
Politis, James I 88
Poison, Gerald I 88,163
Pomeroy, Lawrence I 88,127
Ponto, Nancy II
Poore, John II 79
Pope, Judith I 88,153
Poppe, Sharon I 88,139
Porvaznik, Paul H 19,79,166
Possehl, Rudy III 75
Potter, Cozette I 72,88,150
Potter, Wayne III
Pottratz, Mary HI 75,168
Precious, Thomas II
Prenot, Carolyn I 88
Prentis, John II
Prescher, Michael I 88
Pretzel, Joan I 72,88
Price, James III 75,127,162
Price, Rachel ÏI 44,45,75,151
Price, William I
Prigge, Charles II 79
Prondzinski, Pauline II
Prudoehl, Fred IV Winona, Bus. Ad.
Prudoehl, Janet II 162,163
Przybylski, Roger II
Przybylski, Mary II
Przytarski, James II
Puetz, Robert IV St. Charles. Phy. Ed., 122,160,171
Purrington, Leonard III 75,158
Putnam, William I 88
Quam, Sandra III 75,151,153,168
Quarve, Leon III
Quest, Barbara I 88,151
Quinn, Kay I 88,151
Rackow, Linda I 88
Rader, John IV
Rader, Judith 1 88
RAGAR, E. L. 41,51,114
Rahilly, Donald I
Rahman, Donald I 88
Rahman, John III 75,122,123,138,152,160, 172
Ramio, Judith III
Ramio, Nancy IV 70
Randall, Roger II
Randall, Rose III
Ratajczyk, Nancy I
Rathbone, Beverly II 79
Rau, Marie II 79
Ravnholdt, Douglas IV
Rayfield, Michael IV
Raymond, Anthony II
Raymond, Janet I
Reynolds, James I 75
Ready, Roger II 79
Reck, Jeanne II 79,150
Redig, Mary IV 171
Redlund, Carolyn II 162
Redwing, Gerald I 88
Reed, David III
Reglin, Mary III
Rehkamp, David I 88
Reis, Barbara I 88
Reisinger, Dawn I 88
Rekstad, Patricia III
Remme, Harold I
Remmert, William II
Reps, Dana III 75,76,153
Reynolds, James III 153
Rian, Randee I
Richardson, Annette I 88,151
Richardson, Gregory IV 8,70,166
Richer, Leroy I
Richer, Sandra III
Riches, Gene II
Richtman, James IV 70
Rick, Nancy 97
Rider, Larry H
Ries, Patricia I 88
Ries, Richard II 79
Riester, Jeanne I 88
Riggle, Virgil II
Riha, Stanley IV 70
Riles, John I
Rinehart, Vicki I 88
Rinn, Ann I
Ripple, Hubert III 75,150
Riska, Michael I 88
Rislove, Dennis III
Rislove, Douglas I 88
Rislow, Jackie I
Ritter, Robert III
Rivers, Michael III 91
Rivers, Michael J. I
Robb, Beth III
Roberton, Theodore II 27,79,166
Roberts, Carol I 88,148,153
Roberts, Rosemary II 21,79,147
Robinson, Mary I
Robinson, Regina
Robson, Daniel I
Rodewald, David I 88
Rodgers, John I
Roeder, Richard I
Roemer, Carol III
Roepke, Roger IV 70,140
Roff, Susan I 88
Roffler, Diane I 88
Rogalski, Kenneth II 162
Rogers, Carole IV 70
Rolsiecki, James IV 70
Rollins, Leonard IV 70
Rollins, Jolene III 79
Romstad, Gary II
Rosaaen, David I 88
Rose, Judith I 88,147
Rosenau, David IV 71
Rosenow, Douglas IV
Rosenow, Paul I 88
Ross, Edward I
Ross, John II 35,79,154,167,170
Rossiter, Harold II 8,166
Rost, Edward II 150
Roth, William I 88,127
Rother, David I
Rowan, Anne I
Rowan, Michael III 75
Roxburgh, Heather III 34,75,151
Roy, Berverly I 88
Rudeen, John I 88
Rudeen, Susan III 34,44,45,146,151,152,160, 169
Rue, David I
Rue, John II 19,28,75,166
Ruen, Lee I
Ruh, Gayle I 88,151
Rumpel, Donald I 89
Rumpel, Ronald I 89
Rumstick, Roger III
Runkel, Daniel I 89
Runningen, Patricia III 75,153
Ruprecht, Diane II 79,173,174
Rupprecht, Larry I 89
Rusert, Bonnie I 89,151,152
Russell, Hallie I 89
Ruzek, David IV 71 Ryan, Christopher II 12 Ryan, Mary I 89.162 Rydman. Richard III
Saabye. Gerald H 79
SABIN, JAMES 115 Sabotta, Thomas I 89 Sacia, Sandra II Sackett, Jelaine I 89.140,141.151
Sadler, Sue 89 Sadler, Kathryn I Sadler, Richard II 36,79.161.167
Sadowski, Daniel I Sadowski, William II Safe, Robert III 138,139.160 Sage, Thomas II 124,160 Saltzman, Stephen H 147 Samuels, Dolores IV 71 Sande, Dolores II Sanden, Gary II Sandeno, Robert HI Sanford, Sharon 11 SANFORD. WAYNE 113 Sather, Karen HI 75,153,157
SATHER, VERLIE Sathra, James III Satrum, Owen IV Satren, Carolyn I 89 Satter, Mathew I 161 Sauer, Lois III Sbiral, Lance III 150 Scanlon, Gale II Scarborough, Mary I 89 Schacherer. Robert I 89 Schall, Karen I 89,173 Schansberg, Linda I Scharmer, Daniel III 138,139.160,171 Scharmer, Gary I 89
Scharmer, Lavern II 79 Scharmer, Leroy II Schaub, James IV
Scheidler. Rosalie I 89,162
Scheevel, Kathryn II 147 Scheimo, Michael 46.47,48
Schellhammer, Ruth I 89 Schieber, Mary I 89
Schild. Linda I 89
Schley, Sandra II
Schloegl. Kathleen I 89,151
Schmalfeldt. Thomas II 140.141
Schrnauss. Barbara III 75,153
Schmauss. Paul I 89
Schmidt. Charlotte IV
Schmidt, Joan III
Schmidt. Ronald II
Schmith. Michael I 89
Schmit, Laurence II 79
Schmitz, Jerome 1 79
Schmitt. Patricia I 89
Schmitz. Jose[)h III
Schmitz. Kathleen Ill
Schneider, Lavonne II
Schneider, Lawrence II
Schnell, Cyril I 89
Schoening, (^ary I
Schoenecker, Cynthia H 79.162
Schoewe, Jane II 163
Schoening. Donald I
Schoffman. Frank I 89
Schossow. Sharon il
Schott. Thomas III 170
Schroeder. Marge I 89
Schuh, Rebecca II
Schultz, Calista I
Schultz. Dennis I
Schultz, Jane I 89
Schultz, Mary I 89
Schultz. Walter 1 89.122.163
Schulze. Joel I 89,150
Schumann. Lynn II 79.148
Schuster, Henry II
Schuth, Matthew I 89
Schuth.Michael I 89
Schütz. Elizabeth I
Schwantz, Alan I 89
Schwartz, Sylvester I 89,130,131
Schwengels, Gerald 1 89,163
Scott. Mary 1 89
Scott. Robert 97
Scovil, Sandra I
Scrabeck. Arlyn II 13
Scrabeck. Danny II 13.127
Scrabeck, Sharon H 79
Seaquist, Sandra I 89
Seavey, Elaine I
Sebo, Linda I
Seeling, Robert I 89
Seeman, Clark III
Seib, Richard II 79,138
Seiler, Robert I
Seidel, Michael Sell, Larry II
Semling, Norman I 89,150,152
Seniuk, John II
Senn, Marquerite IV 151
Senrick, Larry III 140
Sens, Carmene IV 71,149,150,152
Sennes, Sharon II 79
Sepin. Patricia I
Seufert, Sarah III 155,162
Severson, Carol I 89
Severson, Mark II
Severson, Roger III 154
Severson, Virginia II
Sexton, Margaret I 89
Shafer, Joseph II 147
Shanahan, James I 89
Shanahan, Linda III 162
Shanda, Elizabeth I 89
Shaw, Doris II 34,35,121
Shaw, Miriam IV 71,151
Sheehan, Mary II 72,79,153
Sheffield, Edward IV Clarion. Iowa, Eng.
Shefveland, Coreen II 27,139
Sheimo, Michael IV 173,174
Sheldon, Allen II
Sherman, Frederick I
Shira, Kathryn 11
Shorter, Gerald II
Shorter, James IV
Shrake, Mark IV 148
Shulstad, Robert II 150
Siebenaler, Francis II 79
Siegel, Eleanor III
Siegel, Janice I 89
Siegel, Virginia III 79,153
Siegert, Thomas I 89,167
Sifferath, Gloria II
Sikkink, Lance II
Silgen, Shirley
Sillman, Frederic IV Winona, Speech
Sillman, William IV
Silver, William III 50,166
Silvis, John I 89,127,150
Simon, Joan I 91,153,162
Simon, John IV
114 E. 3rd St. PHONE 6646
Spanton, Clark II
Spanton, Joan III 151
Speed, Charles I 89
Speltz, Richard I 89
Speltz, Sandra I 89
Spence, Jacqueline I 8,38,90
Sperbeck, Nancy
Splittstoesser, Vernon I
Spong, Ronald III 35,72,75.150,161,167
Spotts, Russ 127
Spurbeck, William III
Stahr, Beverly I 90,150
Stallings, Thomas IV
Stanek, Dale II
Standing, Joseph II
Stanislawski, Robert II
Stankiewicz, Meredith IV
Staples, Gregory 1 90
Staples, Philip I 90
Specht, Michael II 76
Starling, Dolores IV 71
Starzecki, RichardI 90,131
Staublin, Cynthia I 90
Stearns, Terry I 90
Steele, Richard IV 71
Steffen, Robert I
Simon, Leo IV St. Charles, Phy. Ed. 127, 129
Simonie, Vojko I 89
Sinke, Randolph III 19,125,166
Sirek, Linda II 34,79,121,151
Sires, Douglas I 89
David, Mary (Sister)
Sjogran, Donna III
Skarp, Judith III 89,153
Skemp, Archie IV 118,119,160
Skemp, Valerie
Skibbe, Martha I 89,163
Sklader, Charles I 89,167
Skorlinski, Nancy IV
Skroch, Robert I 89
Skustad, Mark II
Slack, Ronald II
Slatoski, Dolores II
Sleizer, Joan I 89
Slezak, Carol I 89
Slifka, Sandra I 89
Smarzyk, Theodore II
Smith, Bruce III 75,122,123,138,139,152,160,
Smith, Gary I 89
Smith, Janet I
Smith, Jill III 89,151
Smith, Larry
Smith, Richard I 89
Smith, Richard L. II
Smith, Ronald II 171
Smith, Roy I 89
Smith, Thomas IV 71,127,167
Smith, Thomas K. H
Smoley, Charles III 22,173
Smrkovski, Lloyd IV 150
Snow, Richard 1 89
Snustad, Charles Snyder, Gene III
Sobraska, Sharon III 75,152
Soderstrom, Carl I 89
Soffa, Jane IV 34,71,151
Soli, James IV
Sommer, Arlene
Sonsalla, Darrell I 89
Sorg, Gill II 150
Soule, Roger I
Sovereign, Merle III 128
Spande, Albert I
Spanton, Carole I 89
Steffen, William II
Steinle, Donald IV 71,170
Stemmer, Barbara I 90
Stenbeck, Judith IV 21.48,49,173,174
Slender, Wayne I 90.164
Stenehjem, Kendra I
Stettler, Ruth IV
Stetzer, Patricia I 90
Stevens, Marcia I 90,161
Stevens, Orrin 111 147
Stevenson, Ronald II 12,138
Steyer, Judy I 90
Stienessen, Jude I 151
Stinson, Blake I 90
Stirn, Robert IV
St. John, Beulah
Stockton. William IV
Stoddard. David I 90
Stoll, James III 75,162,170
Stoll. Leonard III
Stone, Philip II
Stone, Robert IV Richfield, Phy. Ed. 138, 160,175
Storandt, Joanne I 90
Storslee, Richard I
Storti, Paul I 90
Stoskopf, Ronald 11 127
Stout, James HI 75,140
Stover, Thomas II 124,125,166
Strand, Theodore Ill
Strapko, Linda 1 91
Strassener, Harold I 90
Streater, Scott III
Strehlo, Dale I 90
Strelow, Darlene I 90
Streuber, Jean II 79
Stried, Richard II
Strode, Walter HI 28,166
Stroebel, Yohlan I 90
Strom, Larry I 90
Strong, David I
Stroud, Kenneth I 90
Strusz, Harry IV 71
Stuber, Sandra II
Stueve, Susan II
Stuhr, Allan IV
Styba, Jerome II
Styba, John II
Suchanek, Robert II 79
Suchla, Vernon III 75,158
Suchomel, Michael 97
Sugawara, Lyndei II 163
Sula, James I 90
Sula. Stephen I 90
Sulack, David IV 171
Sulack, John II 171
Sullivan, Edwin 1
Sumner, Tazewell II 124.166
Sutkowski. Mary I 90
Sveum, Darryl I
Swanlund. Peter I 90
Swanson, Donna IV
Swanson. Joanne I 90
Swansoit. Karen I 90
Swanson, Patricia I 90.147
Sween, (iary I 90
Sweet. Dale I
Swensied. Benhard II
Swenson. Randall I
Swigart. Judith II 79,148
Swiggum, Gordon IV
Swygman, Robert III
Syverson, Darryl I 90.161
Tanniehill, James I 90,127.128
Taverna, Steven I
Taylor, (ieraldine IV
Taylor. Linda I
Teegarden, William III
Temp, Donald II
Tentis, Michael I 90
Teply, Sharon II 79
Teufert. Gene II
Thacher, .Ann II 171
Thaldorf, Diane III
Theis, Theresa I 90
Thesing, Michael I 90
Theurer, Diane II
Thicke, Leon I 90
Thiele, Ted IV 71,72
Thilmany. John III
Thiele. Steven I
Thoen. Merlin IV
Thoftne. John II
Thom. Marilyn II 79,153
Thom. Robert II
Thomas, Gary IV 71
Thomas, Gloria II
Thomas. Susan I 90
Thompson, Albert II 138.139
Thompson, George I
Th(»mpson, James I
Thompson. Joan II 79,148,154
Thompson, Judith IV 72,79,153.165.171,173
Thompson, Kathleen I 90
Thompson. Maynard
Thorp, Douglas I
Thorson. Gary III 75,161
Thorson, Susan III 75,151
Thorson, Thomas III
Thrond, Dale IV 149
Thurley. Jane I 90
Thurow, Richard II 167
Thurston, John II
Tibbetts, Jack IV 72.153,161
Tibesar. Leo
Tiegs. Lynne III 75.148,154,161
Ties, Kathleen II
Timm, Joan IV 72,152
Timmers, Ernest I
Tobias, Ronald I 12,79
Tointon, Glenn 1 127.167
Tollefson, Diane I 90
Tolmie, Virginia II
Tolzmann, Gene I
Torgrimson, Robert II
Torvick, Kathryn IV 72,153,165
Towata, Miriam II 79
Towey, Richard IV
Toye, Tamara I 90
Trautmann, Norman
Traxler, Lynda I 90
Trochta, James III 75
Trocinski, Gerald I 90
Trok, Michael I 90
Trubl, Penelope IV 72
Tschida, Sharon I 90,154
Tuin, Kathleen II
Tunell, Bruce I 90
Turner, (lerald II
Turner, Lee I 90,173,174
Turner, Nancy IV 72
Tuschner, Jerome II
Tuschner, Joan I 173,174
Tweedy, Thomas IV Winona, Bus. Ad. 170
Tweeten, Thomas II 149,167,173
Tweito, Kathleen 1 90
Tweten, Robert II
Tye, Harold II
Underwood. Kathryn IV 34,35,72
Urness, Oary III
Urness. Robert I
Usgaard, Davis III 118,119,140
Usjiaard, Dennis II
Usjiaard, Jerome III
Vajits, (fcrald III
Vahhaji, H<»ssein I 90
Vail, Barbara I 90
Van Buskirk, Lynn 1 90
Vanderau, Joan IV 72,173,174
Van Epps, Bernice 111 151
Vang, Barbara 1 79
Vang, Donald I
Van Hoof, Jemme III 142
Van Hoof, Dennis II
Van H<M»f. Thomas II
Van Hoof, Mary 1 90
Vannatter, Kathleen III
Van Thomma, Carole II
Van Winkle. Kathryn I
Varnum. Ronald II 79
Vatland, Terry II 72,79,167.169
Vauiihn. John I 90
Vaughn. Kenneth
Veglahn, John II
Vermilya, Thersa
Vetsch, Donald II
Vetsch, Stanley I 90
Vevik. Inger I 75
Vickery. James II
Kelly's Furniture Westgate
Victor, Thomas III
Vigness, James 75,122,153,160,161
Viken, Cindy II 79
Voerding, Gary III
Voight, Ann I 90
Voight. Judy I 90
Volkman, Bruce I
Volkman, John III
Von Bargen, Allen I 90
Vonderohe, James I 90
Von Feldt. Thomas I 90
Vonfisher, Ardis IV 149
Von Helmst, Michael I 90
Voorhees, Arlys III 148.165
Vucinovich, Mary I 90,151
Wade, Peter II 79.122,138,139,160,161
Wagner, Faye IV 72
Wagner, James III
Wagner, John I 90
Wagner, Michael IV 72,153,175
Wagner. Thomas II
Wainwright. Michael II
Walburn, Lloyd 1 91
Walch, Susan II 79
Waldo, Jo Ann 1 91,165
Waldo, Nancy IV 72,149
Walker, Michael I
Walker, Virgil II 75
Wallace, Bruce II 8
Walsh, Jean I 91
Walsh, Margaret III 13,34,75
Walsh, Raymond III
Walski, Henry IV Trempealeau, Wis., Math.
Walsh, Robert I 91
Walter, Patricia II 79,148
Walters, Catherine II 72,79
Walters, Elizabeth IV 72,147.152.168,175
Walters. Richard II
Walz, Betty III
Walz. Donald IV
Wanek, Michelle I 90
Wanous, Sharon 1 91,154
Warren, Maria IV 72,152,164,165,174
Warthesen, Eileen I 91
Wassing. Janet IV 72,
Waterman, Jean 97
Watkins, Barbara IV 73,1,50
Watkins, Paul 150
Watknwski, Ann I 91
Watson. Judd III
Watson, Linda I 91,164
Weatherly, Robert IV Pipestone, Ind. Arts, 171
Weaver, Carol II 79,162,168
Webb, Karl III
Wedemeier, Larry III 127
WEDUL, M. O. 114
Wedul. Patricia III
Wedul, Strand II
Wegman, (íerald I 91
Wegman, Judith II 79.161
Weichert, Paul II 79
Weichert, Thomas I 91
Weiland, Ervin IV
Weimerskirch, Joseph I 162
Weir, Dianne II 79,153
Weisbrod, Peter II 79,153
Weiss, David I
Weitzman, Stuart I 91
Welch, Gloria III 72,75,152
Wellck, Nancy IV St. Paul, Elem.
Wellner.Gary II 127
W^endland, Donald IV 73
Wendlandt, David
Wendt, Mary IV
Wengert, Margaret Wenzel. Allan II
Wepler, Dennis I
Werner. William III
Wera, Richard I
IV 73.140 Winona, Art, 171 I 79 130
Wescott.Jay Ill 73,174
Westberg, Barbara IV
Westberg, James II 79,124
Westberg, Thomas III 127
Westby, Ruth I 91
Westby, Terrence I
Wetter, Robert II 91
Wharton, John III 150
Wheeler, Ahna III
Wheeler, Charles IV
Wheeler, Dorothy
Whillock. Paul III
White, Bruce I 91
White, Charles IV 138,139
Whorton, Joan III 75
Wicks, Raymond II 79,127,128,129
Wiczek, Sally III 34,75
Wiebke, Carol
Wiebke, Gordon III 75,161,170
Wieczorek, Steven I 91
Wieczorek, Jan II
Wieczorek, James III 75,162
Wiegrefe, James I 91,165
Wiemerslage. Patricia I 91,162,168
Wierzba, Joan II 79,154,162
Wiest, Janice 1 91
Wilbur, Cleon IV
Wild, Richard II 79.173
Wilder, Donald
Wilder, Michael I 91
Wildman, Steven II 8,13
Wilharm, Jerald IV Waterl Iowa, Bus. Ad.
Wilharm, Marjory II
Willems, Leo I 91
Williams, Brian I 91
Williams, Delvin
Williams, (Gregory I 91
Williams, Kathleen III 16,34,35,55,147
Williams, Michael IV 17,19,73,146,149,152, 166,175 Williams, Ronald I Williams, Wesley I Williamson, Karen I 91
Willmarth, Robert IV
Wilmes.Jean I 91
WILSEY.JUDY 115 Wilsey, Roy III 75,148,150,165
Wilson, Robert I 91
Winter, Janice I 91,153
Winter, Nora I 91,151,163
Wisdorf, Ruth I 91
Wise, Richard III
Wiskow.Judy I 91
Wistrcill, Roger II 39,76.119,146,149,160
Witherow, Robert I 91
Witt, Nancy II
Witt, Richard I 91
Witt, Terry I
Witte, Robert I 91
Wodele, Dennis II
Wodele, Gary IV
Wold, Karen I 91
Wolf, Frederick I
Wolfe, Edwina III
Wolfert, Roger I 91
Wollin, Susan I 91,159
Wondrasch, Loren IV 73
Wong, Richard IV 73.148,161,167
Wood, Calmer III
Wood, John I
Wood, Mary I 91
Wooden, David II
Woodford, Roland HI
Woodsend, Jean 97
Worra,Joel III 75
Woxiand, Wayne I
Woychek, Dennis I
Wright, Robin 1 91
Wunderlich, Michael II
Wussow, Roland IV 26,73,149,166,170,174, 175
Yagow, Arthur H 79,161
Ymamoto, Bert IV 73
Yamanaka, Charlene II 79,162
Yamasaki, Pearl II 79
Yarolimek. Fred II 79
Yeoman, Lyle I
Yeske, Richard II 79
Yetzer, Patricia IV 73,153
Yoraway, Dodie II 79
Youmans, Jay I 79,148,170
Young, James I 91,161
Young, Diane I 91
Young, William I 91,150
Young, William L. Ill
Zabel, Arlene II 79,163
Zacharias, Henry 1 22
Zack, Jane
Zahorik, Thomas II
Zeise, Diane I
Zientek, Hermione III 75
ZimmerhakI, Donald HI
Zimmerman, Orrint IV 73
Zimmerman, Susan III 168
Zuch, Harold III
Zwart, Robert III
Zwolinski, John II 127,129
Campus Hi-Lites
1966 Wenonah Staff
Sandra Schley
Editor Marianne Gabnay
Editor Barbara Davidson
Rosemary Dohrn
Kathleen Kackman
Editor Claudia Bishop
Elizabeth Burrows
Editor Sanford Bettcher
Editor Sarah Seufert
Rosemary Roberts
Judith Johnson
Patricia Bisel
Janis Jensen
Gene Lund
John Perry
Paul Hodge
Business Manager Philip Gernes
Adolph Bremer
And so another yeanjends at Winona State College. From the most troublesome.,çourses, the many hours of study, the weekly gatherings at sports eve'nfs, dances, and club meetings, to the capdid dorm life and the daily commuting —we hope the WEN.ONAH has touched |tjpPq^some of the events we all^want to remember.
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