Wenonah Yearbook - 1964

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Left and end sheets: Somsen Hall


This is your copy of the 1964 WENONAH. Inside its covers you will find a pictorial history of your year at Winona State College. You will find coverage of every aspect of your collegiate life, including pictures of your old and new friends, your campus and its surroundings, its scenes of culture, activities, and sports. Specifically, you will retrace your steps to many events. Among these are the Wenonah Players’ history-making production of Ibsen’s “Ghosts,” the music department’s version of Handel’s “Messiah,” and the entertainment of the Four Freshmen. Dance steps can be re-traced at Homecoming, the Christmas Ball, and the Spring Prom. The review of your participation and spectatorship in and at athletic events will bring smiles. We, the staff of the 1964 WENONAH, hope you will find this book more dynamic, more exciting than any other yearbook you have seen.



The faculty of Winona State College rank with the best of the state-college faculties in the nation. Of our 101 faculty members, thirty per cent have doctor’s degrees. This figure approximates the national average. Of those without the doctorate, eighty-five per cent hold master’s degrees, and many of the instructors and professors in this group have done considerable work toward a more advanced degree.

With the program that Winona State offers—including majors appropriate for the B.S. in Elementary or Secondary Education, the B.A. sequence, and the M.S. in Education as well— our faculty have to be versatile, and they are. Statistics show that our graduates are placed appropriately and that they succeed in their positions. This record reflects the excellence of our faculty.



M. R. Raymond College Dean, Vice-President PRESIDENT NEES MINNE F. L. Van Alstine Graduate Coordinator Marguerita Ritman M- R- Mariner Dean of Women Dean of Men, Personnel Services
Milford Ulven and Lois Simons, Registrars. Amelia Tribell, Secretary; Bernice Safranek, Accountant; and Angelyn De Groot, Office Manager. ROW 1: Joanne Gough, Elizabeth Donath, Arlys Severson. ROW 2: Jean Safranek, Meta Harris, and Hilda Muhle, Secretaries.
Joseph Foegen and Ruth Hopf, Business. Warren Marley, Division Chairman. Glynna Morse, Chester Egner, and Gertrude Finch, Business Education.


H. R. Jackson, Division Chairman. Agnes Bard, Richmond McCluer, and Fred Heyer, Music. Glen Fuglsby, J. Hugh Capron, and Donald Bilse, Industrial Arts. James Wilson, William Hopkins, and Floretta Murray, Art.
Mildred Bartsch, George Grangaard, and Amanda Aarestad, Elementary Education.
M. O. Wedul, William Gemeinhardt,Ralph Erickson, and John J. Fuller, Education. James Spear, Visual Aids. Harold Rogge and E. L. Ragar, Psychology.


Luther McCown, Division Chairman. Margaret Browning and Ruby Clark, Nurses. Joyce Locks, Marjorie Moravec, and Susan J. Day, Physical Education. Madeo Molinari, Robert Gunner, John L. Martin, Robert Keister, and Robert Campbell, Physical Education.



J. P. Emanuel, Division Chairman. James Opsahl, Calvin Fremling, and Francis Uecker, Biology. Fred Foss, Roger Schoen, and Donaid Fick, Physical Science. Milton Underkoffler, Marceline Gratiaa, William Emmons, and R. L. Lokensgard, Mathematics.


Dorothy Magnus and Lyman Judson, Speech. Ruth Mary Payne, Ellen Judson, Librarians; Edward Jacobsen, Chief Librarian; and Alice Thurston, Cataloger. Nancy Todd, Isabel Foster and Jeanne Shaw, Librarians.
Douglas Stenerson, Margaret Boddy, English; and Adolph Bremer, Journalism. Marion Davis, Language; James Richards and Ralph Behling, English. Augusta Nelson, Gerry Laffin, and Haukur English. Bodvarsson,


Roderick Henry, A. B. Villanueva, and Walter Graessle, Political Science. Marvin Lichtenberg, Zoe Swecker, Larry Connell, and Henry Hull, History. Richard Hopkins and Ilyas Ba-Yunus, Geography.



Howard Munson, Principal
Rex Ingram, Mathematics and Science; John Kane,. Mathematics and Social Studies. Cleo Reiter, Kindergarten; Doris Pennell, First Grade; Kathryn Dunlay, Second Grade; L. Opal Foster, Third Grade ; and Lillian Spencer, First, Second and Third Grades. Martha Caulkins, Art ; Magda Talle, English; and Marie Stratig, Homemaking. Helen McGrath, Fifth Grade; James Sabin, Sixth Grade; Verlie Sather, Fourth Grade; Carlis Anderson, Music.

Since time immemorial, human beings have been wanting to learn. Thousands of years ago men were attempting to find ways to clothe themselves, feed themselves, and find a better way of life. Hundreds of years ago, men were lusting for power, seeking to conquer more lands—to find a new world. Today is much dififerent than the time of Caesar, Peter the Great, and Napoleon. Today men are trying to conquer something far greater than landed areas. Outer space is today’s destination.

Sixteen hundred undergraduate students at Winona State College are benefitting from the modern educa-

tional methods used here and are preparing themselves for today’s modern world.

Today’s students possess many qualities, among which courage stands forth. It takes courage for the college student—be he freshman or senior—to gather his college memoirs into a chapter of life’s history and set out on a new pathway into an uncertain yet challenging future.






The first week in September the freshmen arrived with great expectations of their first year in college. They were eager to enter this new way of life, but at the same time were a little anxious about the future. Coming to college was a big step—a step from a small island of their own into a wide new world with many new people, interests and opportunities.

After surviving the first busy week of orientation activity, forms to complete and tests to finish, the registration weary freshmen settled down to a normal collegiate existence—hectic. The city tours, team meetings, and finally the freshman talent show, provided opportunities for the incoming students to get acquainted with one another and with upperclassmen as well.

Newly organized, thefreshman class foundtime to jump into the upheaval of college activities. A dance to sponsor, homecoming responsibilities to assume, and Christmas hall decorations to complete provided many of the frosh with time consuming fun.

As their first year at WSC draws to a close, the freshmen realize that this new world they entered in September provided many opportunities for greater independence and broadened interests. They can look back on the good times, the new friends and the knowledge gained; and they can also look forward to three more wonderful years of college life.

Setting the stage for the freshman class are Jewell Jones, treasurer; Ron WilHams, vice president; Carol Weber, secretary; Jim Noll, |)resident.

Colleen Anderson

Larry Anderson

Timothy Anderson

Lynne Arns

Dennis Ashbach

Helen Atkinson

Judy Bailey

Joseph Baisley

John Bailer

Mary Bambenek

Kathleen Bartkey

Judith Bartz

John Beck

Gary Beneke

Jonathan Bentley

Darlene Besek

Albert Bina

Kenneth Blomquist

Karl Bohn

John Borden


Barbara Balzart

Ann Bartz

Richard Becker

Judy Beckman

Dulcie Berkman

David Bernadot

Fred Benning

Gary Berg

Charles Berning

Teri Binge

Marleen Blietz

Micki Bradfield

Dennis Bronner

Mary Brombach

Gretchen Bratrud

Frank Braun

David Breza

Brian Brinkmeier

Kenneth Brueske

James Bruton

Roger Buerge

Patricia Burke

Phillip Burnett

Gerald Butenhoff

James Butterwick

James Byrne

Clarence Byram

Michael Cada

Michael Cabalan

Linda Cameron

Kathleen Carroll

Mary Carter

Ralph Carter

Thomas Casey

Thomas Cichanowski

Robert Cieminski

Frank Condon

Candy Connaughty

Mary Connelly

Jimmilee Corson


Sharon Crandall

Kathleen Crouse

Richard Dahl

Peggy Dahlberg

Michael Dean

Franklin Deters


LeRoy Deters

William Dewey

Judith Dittrich

Charles Doedrick

Barbara Doely

Susanne Doerge

Donald Doerr

Rosemary Dohrn

Margaret Donaldson

Byron Downs

Donna Dvorak

Peder Dressel

Sharon Drwall

John Dwyer

Diane Ebert

Peter Ecker

Normagene Edel

Richard Effertz

Barbara Egge

Karen Ellefson

Diane Emerson

Bruce Emond

Barry Engrav

Burnell Engrav

James Ersig

Mark Esch

Joyce Evens

Fay Fanslow

Kathleen Feindt

Thomas Fennessey

Ann Fenney

Cheryl Fick

Richard Fisk

Michael Ferrin

Patrick Ford

Steven Forster

Darrell Foster

Susan Frisch


Larry Fruechte

Thor Gajecky

Roger Gieske

Gary Gimble

Jon Gislason

Richard Glaunert

Michael Glende

Shirley Glende

Cherre Grams

Kathleen Gravelle

Jeanette Gravenish

Joan Greethurst

Marie Griffin

Darliss Grobe

Vicki Gronert

Gregg Gropel

Jerome Grossman

Steve Gushikuma

Joseph Guzzardo

Susanne Hageman

Edward Hall

Elizabeth Hames

Margaret Hankes

Darlene Hannon

Carol Hanson

Russell Hanson

Jim Harrington

Verdón Hasleiet

Russ Hassinger

Judith Hazelton

Phyllis Herschberger

Carol Hint

Gary Hitzeman

Paul Hodge

Joan Hoff

Susan Hohenhaus

Charles Hoiness

Karen Holland

Diana Holzer

Barbara Horihan

James Howe

Kenneth Howe

Jim Huetti

Bill Hurd


John Hustad

Henry Klis

Mary Iten

Eunice Iverson

Roberta Ives

Carol Jeche

Gary Jensen

Janis Jensen

Catherine Jilk

Gregory Johansen

Bruce Johnson

Kathryn Johnson

Marjorie Johnson

Stephen Johnson

Susan Johnson


Kenneth Klotz

Richard Knapp

Carol Koester

LeRoy Kohlmeyer

James Kopetzki

Jewell Jones

Richard Jones

Donald Julifs

Kathleen Kackman

Jane Kaczrowski

Louis Kanavati

Joan Kangel

Joyce Kehren

Terrence Keller

Michelle Kelly

Kathleen Kenney

Fred Kiehn

Young Kim

Carol Klippert

Mary Klas

Nancy Kopperud

Loran Koprowski

Philip Koprowski

Judith Kressin

Leonard Kreuger


Mike Krier

Ralph Krohse

Faye Krough

Donald Kropp

Sue Kuchenmeister

Linda Lewis

Steven Lewis

Burton Lidgerding

David Lilia

Gloria Linbo

Mary Kambertz

Joan Larson

Michael Leibfried

Linda Lennon

Gary Lenz

Gurtis Lindahl

Neale Lindeman

William Lindig

Sheryl Loeding

Susan Loeffler

Jeanneen Loerch

Virginia Lorenson

Gina Lovett

Anne Lukaszewski

Marcia Lundberg

Stephen Lupie

William Luthin

Pennie Mack

Walter Maesen

David Majerus

Judy Malmin

Daniel Martin

James Martin

Gordon Matson

Margo McCune

Kenneth Meyer

Larry Mierau

Marilyn Mikulewiez

Ann Miller

Robert Miller


Mary Modjeski

Linda Monis

Arthur Moriarty

John Morken

Karen Mortensen

Jake Mowrey

Karen Mullane

Jerry Nagahashi

Dale Nelson

Lynelle Nelson

Richard Nelson

Loren Nerby

Ingrid Newton

Gary Nissalke

James Noll

Joanne Obuchi

Larry Olson

Sharon Olson

Elaine O’Rourke

Kathleen O’Rourke


Albert Paffrath


James Palbicki

Janet Palmquist

Glen Papenfuss

Marvin Papenfuss

Vern Parsons

Noel Paulson

Veronica Pellowski

Darlene Peters

Barbara Peterson

Jack Piehn

Eugene Phlaum

David Pistorius

William Poppenberger

Mary Pottratz

Rachel Price

Leonard Purrington

Karen Qualset

Sandra Quam

Robert Quinn

Mary Redig

Robert Reihsen

Judy Reiter


Dana Reps

James Reynolds

Robert Ritter

Paula Roberts

Gerry Rode

Jolene Roe

Douglas Rosendahl

Michael Rowan

Heather Roxburgh

Thomas Rudquist

Patricia Runningen

John Ryan

Nancy Rydlund

Nancy Stevenson

Daniel Sadowski

Thomas Sandstrom

Karen Sather

David Satka

Lance Sbiral

Barbara Schmauss

Kathleen Schmitz

Mary Schott

Eugene Schreiber

Thomas Schroeder

Danny Scrabeck

Clark Seeman

Robert Shulstad

William Silver

Randolph Sinke

Judith Smith

Karen Smith

Richard Smith

Sharon Sebraske

Lois Solberg

Roberta Spahn

William Spurbeck

Judith Steinbeck

Sara Stencel

John Storey

Jerome Styba

Carole Syverson

Alvin Takaki

George Thomforde

Albert Thompson


Patrick Thompson

Eugene Thrune

Lynne Tiegs

James Trochta

William Trouten

Leslie Trowbridge

Sofia Turczmanowycz

Kathryn Underwood

Gary Urness

Gerald Vagts

Donald Vang

Michael Vigesaa

James Vigness

Gharles Volin

Lesy Vorbeck


Thomas Wildenborg

Virgil Walker

Marian Warmack

Valerie Waters

Carol Weber

Larry Wedemier

Gloria Welch

Bernice Wells

Eileen Whitaker

Joan Whorton

Sally Wiczek

Gordon Wiebke

Karen Wilbur

Thomas Wildenborg

Kathleen Williams

Paul Williams

Ronald Williams

Barbara Wilson

David Wobbrock

Calmer Wood

Joel Worra

Hermione Zientek

Mary Zierdt



The sophomore returned to the campus welcorned by the familiar faces of many friends he made in this freshman year, and was anxious to take part in the coming year’s activities. Pre-registration in his freshman year enabled him to carry out the first day of school with comparative ease. Having decided on which course of study to pursue, the sophomore reviewed his schedule, wondering if he would ever complete the long road of required courses and hard study involved before gradnation.

The gruelling activity schedule greeted the sophomore at homecoming. Floats to construct, meetings to attend and studies to complete all added up to a welcomed Thanksgiving vacation. Other vacations provided relaxation after strength-sapping assignments like Christmas concerts and decorations, spring carnival activity and, of course, athletic events.

Cheryl Anderson

Judith Anderson

Pamela Anderson

Esfandiar Azad

Dean Bailey

Nancy Barski

Marge Bebermeyer

Charles Becker

Kent Bergum

Arlys Berning

Lyle Besse

Diane Borgen

Diane Botcher

David Boyum

The sophomore class officers, Madeline Litschke, secretary; Greg Richardson, vice president; Bert Yamamoto, president; and Carroll Ruedy, treasurer, manipulate the lighting. Joseph Alfonso

Dwight Boyum

Ervin Callahan

Sharon Chamberlain

Franklin Conray

Nancy Cotton

Jean Creminski

Terri Cutting

Marcia Daily

Lola Dingemans

Clyde Doepner

Elizabeth Dolney

Frank Doyle


Ann Duncanson

Paula Ellinghuysen

John Enger

Diane Erickson

Phyllis Ernster

Kaye Esselman

Elizabeth Fletcher

Douglas Furst

Gary Curtis Saundra Gulbranson

Elizabeth Gunhus

Ronald Hanson

James Harrington

Judith Haukom

Gene Hemme

John Hess

Richard Holst

Henry Hull

Margaret Iverson

Bonnie Johnson

Laurel Johnson

Mari Kaczrowski


Ronald Kesler

David Klassen

Barbara Knutson

Judy Knutson

John Kokkonen

Sharyl Kozak

Jacob Lamp

Gloria LeTourneau

Thomas Leuchtenberg

Madeline Litschke

Nathalie Litschke

Margaret Lyndahl


Diane Martenson

Marlene Moechnig

Mary Moechnig

Janelle Millam

David Milne

Judith Ness

Lorraine Overhang

Gary Peterson

Kathleen Peterson

Susan Peterson

Marvis Pinke

Patricia Rader

Kenneth Ratasczyk

Rickey Ravnholdt

Gregory Richardson

Roger Roepke

Leonard Rollins

Carroll Ruedy

Sandra Rumstick

Thomas Schott

Marilyn Schwanke


Jane Sofía

Delores Starling

Janet Steinmetz

Karen Stinson

Mary Stocker


William Stockton

Harry Strusz

Ted Thiele

Judy Thompson

Joan Timm

Kathryn Torvick

Penelope Truble

Nancy Turner

Sharon Tyler

Michael Wagner

Elizabeth Walters

Jan Wassing

Donna Wayne

Sandra Wehrenberg

Marian Welch

Nancy Wellck

David Wendlandt

Jay Wescott

Cleon Wilbur

Michael Williams

Mary Witt

Roland Wussow

Loren Wondrasch

Bert Yamamoto

Patricia Yetzer







The junior class officers—Ted Kelly, president; Sandy Mau, vice-president; and JackGetskow, secretary-treasurer —prepare for the show.

The end of the journey is in sight for the juniors as they compíete their third year at Winona State. The road has been rough at times, but they feel a sense of achievement as they enter their senior year. Academically, the class has become very serious about their education as they realize the value of it. They are not the same carefree freshmen that entered the campus three years ago, but serious students who work hard and plan to get the type of education they desire. As the year draws to a close, the junior class looks forward to their journey’s end next year, eventhough they realize the responsibilities they must face one day soon.


Thomas Blaisdell Ted Boehlke Earl Branum Braun Barbara Anderson Anderson Austin Baer Beatty Sharon Benson Judith Bell Mary Ann Berti

Kristine Karlsen

Edward Kelley

Charles Briese

Edith Brown

Gerald Curran


Robert Kiral

Sharon Klebs

Judith Knapik

Mary Landino

Janice Lee

Janis Cutts

Ronald Dadetta

Nicholas DeMartino

Betty Engel

Richard Droyen

Joan Gates

John Getskow

Naomi Gilbertson

Robert Ginn

Roger Goerish

Janet Haack

Karen Hartley

Gail Heller

Janet Johnson

Mary Kaiser

Richard Lietzan Stanley Maass Lawrence Madland Rory Mattson Robert Mauszycki Jerry Mensink Wayne Menzel Arthur Miller Cynthia Orrill Suzanne Parsley Martha Paulson John Petronek Bonnie Ramsdell Mary Reuter Regina Robinson David Rosenau Elaine Rotty Richard Schnorenberg Joe Seufert Robert Seyba Harry Sieben James Starkman Kathryn Turner Mary Weichert Alfred Wolfram


As the senior lives through his last days of campus life, he cannot help but review the four active years that have passed before him. In addition to his memories of classes, research papers, and professors, he recalls the major formais, picnics and parties, mixers, athletic events, concerts, dramatic productions, and homecomings. He remembers with an odd mixture of sadness and joy the people he met and the friends he made. It is with growing nostalgia that herealizes he will be leaving acquaintances whom he may never see again. In a few short minutes, four years of the senior’s life becomes past tense—he is a beginner again. Just a few steps, perhaps a few tears, a diploma, congratulations, and goodbyes, and then the big step to a new way of life—a career, graduate school, the armed services, or marriage.

In their last performance are the senior officers Bonnie Corcoran, treasurer; Darlene Wilson, secretary; Joanne Bergsgaard, vice-president; Bob Chapek, president. JOANNE DAVID ASSUM AADAHL Elementary Physical Education Education RICHARD A ADANK Elementary Education KATHLEEN ALBERS Elementary Education
GARY ANDERSON Elementary Education MARY LOU ANDERSON English MARY LOU ARNESON Elementary Education GARY BAILEY English STEVAN BAILEY English Speech JANICE BAKKEDAHL Business Education English EARL BEHRENS Elementary Education BARBARA BENIKE Physical Education Art


DAVID BESS Business Administration MARY BLAHNIK Elementary Education KAREN CAFOUREK Elementary Education ROBERT CHAPEK Business Administration Social Science JOANNE BERGSGAARD Elementary Education GEORGEANNE MAYTHM BERKMAN Elementary Education JANICE BESKE Elementary Education STEPHEN BOLDER Mathematics Industrial Arts RONALD BUCK Art PHILLIP CHOFFIN Elementary Education KENNETH CHUPITA Business Administration
KATHLEEN CODY Mathematics Physical Education DOUGLAS COFFEY Business Administration BONNIE CORCORAN Physical Education HARRY DAVIS Biology MONICA DVORAK Elementary Education LEVERN DEVRIES Social Studies MARK DILLEY Physical Education ROBERT EBERT Biology DALE EGLAND Business Administration MYRON ELIAS Biology CALVIN ELLESTAD Speech


CAROL FENSKE Elementary Education GARY FERDEN Elementary Education GEORGE FERRATA Biology Physical Education WAYNE FLATEN Elementary SHEILA FLEMING Elementary Education JILL FLORIN Elementary Education Art DAVID FRANK Physical Education Industrial Arts WILLIAM FRASE History Social Studies ALICE FRATZKE Elementary Education WILLIAM FULTON Industrial Arts BRENDA ANDERSEN GABRYCH Business Education
JUDITH GERKEN Business Education KAREN GLUDT Elementary Education Mathematics DONALD GRAMS Business Administration GERALDINE GRIFFITH Elementary Education GAVEN GROB CHARLES HAGER Elementary Education Art DARLENE HAESSIG Elementary Education ROBERT HALASKA Business Administration ALFRED HANSON Elementary Education

ROGER HANSON Business Administration



RICK HEYER Social Science

ARTHUR HITT Mathematics


GLEN HOUGHTON Elementary Education


MARY ROHR IHRKE Elementary Education

Physical Education

ROBERT HILL Business Administration


Physical Education

INGE HOFER Elementary Education


CAROL JOHNSON Elementary Education

MARILYN THEIS JACKSON Elementary Education

ALFRED JOHNSON Business Administration

CAROL JACOBSEN Elementary Education

RUTH JURRIES Physical Education

CAROL JAHR Elementary Education

MARLENE JAMES Elementary Education

GRETTA JOHNSON Physical Education


BRUCE KIESER Physical Education

RAYMOND KELBERER Business Administration



CAROL KJOS Social Studies KENNETH KLAWITER Industrial Arts Mathematics NORMAN ROSS KING KELLER Mathematics Mathematics English MICHAEL KITTLESON Elementary GERALD KLEMENT Business Administration GERRIT KLOEK Biology CAROLYN MAERTENS KOSIDOWSKI English GORDON KAROLE LANNING KRAMER DWALA KRIE Physical Education Elementary English Biology
RICHARD LAPATKA Business Administration RALPH LEISTIKOW Physical Education KAREN LENTZ Elementary Education JOHN LITCHER Elementary Education RAY LOCKHART Social Science MAXINE LORANG Mathematics Science MAUREEN JUDITH LYNN MANION Elementary Elementary Education Art COLLEEN BOTCH MAUSSNER Elementary Education GAREY LUNN Industrial Arts DIANA LUTZ Elementary Education

SPENCER MAUSSNER Business Administration

GERALD McCaffrey Business Education

MICHAEL MRACHEK Elementary Education


DUANE MUTSCHLER Physical Education Biology

LOYAL MENSINK Elementary Education

DONNA MYRAN Elementary Education

MAURICE MILLER Industrial Arts




JERRY NELSON Industrial Arts



Physical Education Business Education

KENNETH O’BRIEN Business Administration MARY O’CONNOR Art Elementary Education DENNIS O’REILLY English MICHAEL O’REILLY Indsutrial Arts SHIRLEY OTT Biology LYLE PAPENFUSS Business Administration DENIELE SCHRODER PAHL Elementary Education Physical Education SHIRLEY PAPENFUSS English SUZANNE PARSLEY Elementary Education MARTHA PAULSON Elementary Education ROBERT PETERSON Social Studies



JOY PLOOSTER Physical Education

ALICIA PRICE Elementary Education

SYDNE RABIDEAU Elementary Education


Business Administration


Elementary Education


Elementary Education


Elementary Education


Business Administration


Elementary Education


Elementary Education



LOIS RUSSELL Elementary Education

ANN ROSE English Physical Education


KAREN REED Elementary Education Art


CAROLINE RUDOLF Elementary Education

SYLVIA RUPP Elementary Education

SHARON SANNESS Elementary Education

BETTY SCHULZE Business Education

PATRICIA SHERMAN Physical Education

SHARON SIMON Elementary Education



ROGER SKATTUM Business Administration DOROTHY SKIBBE Elementary THELMA HAGEN START Elementary Education BETTY STENDALL Mathematics KATHRYN STORK Physical Education JIM STRANDE Business Administration MARY STREMCHO Elementary Education ALMA TASHIRO Elementary Education DOUGLAS THOMPSON Business Administration GENECE THORESEN Elementary Education GENE TILLMAN General Science
PATRICIA TIMMERS Elementary Education RONALD TROK Business Administration DAVID VAIL Mathematics JEAN GOIHL WATERMAN Elementary Education CURTIS WILBUR Elementary Education KAY WILSHUSEN Business JEFFRY WOLFERT Social Science Business Administration CHARLES E. ZANE Business Administration BRUCE ZELLMER Mathematics DARLENE WILSON Elementary Education JOSEPH WISE Business Administration


AADAHL, JOANNE Northfield; Minor; Biology

Homecoming Committee 3,4; Orientation Team

3; S.N.E.A. 1,4; L.S.A. 1; W.R.A. 2,4; W.P.E.


ADANK, RICHARD Spring Valley, Wisconsin S.N.E.A. 4; Vets Club 1,2,3,4.

ALBERS, KATHLEEN Northfield Student Commission Officer 3,4; Homecoming Committee

2,3,4; Orientation Team 4; Wenonah 3; Who’s Who 4; L.S.A. 2.

ALLEN, LOWELL Winona; Minor: Social Science Orientation Team 4; S.N.E.A. 2,3,4; Who’s Who 4; Sigma Tau Gamma 2,3,4; Business Club

2,3; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4; Collegiate Club 3,4.

ALLEN, WILLIAM St. Paul; Minor; Social Science S.N.E.A.

ANDERSON, GARY Winona S.N.E.A. 2, 3,4; L.S.A. 2; Circle K 2.

ANDERSON, MARY LOU Kenyon; Minor; Social Science S.N.E.A. 4; L.S.A. 1,2,3,4; Young Republicans 3; Circle K-Dettes 3.

ARNESON, MARY LOU Dorchester, Iowa

Dormitory Counselor 3,4; S.N.E.A. 2,3,4; Wesley Foundation 1,2,3,4; Student Dean 3; Policy Commission for Admission and Retention to Teacher Education 4.

BAILEY, STEVAN Chatfield; Minor

Speech WSSA 3,4; Orientation Team 4; Dormitory Council 4; Dormitory Counselor 4; S.N.E.A. 1,2,3,4; Winonan 4; Wenonah 3,4; Sigma Tau Gamma 2,3,4; English Club 1.

BEHRENS, EARL Waltham; Minor: Geography Student Commission Committee 2,3; Winonan 2,3; Wenonah 2,3,4; L.S.A. 1,2,3,4; Circle K 1,2,3.

BENIKE, BARBARA Lewiston Class Officer 3; Student Commission Officer 3,4; Orientation Team 3,4; S.N.E.A. 2,3,4; Who’s Who 4; L.S.A. 1; Chorus 1; Dolphin Club 1; W.R.A. 1,2,3,4; W.P.A. 1,2,3,4; Delta Zeta 2,3,4; Warriorettes 1,2,3,4; Homecoming Queen Candidate 4 ; Campus Cover Girl Candidate 3.

BERGAUS, MARY Winona; Minor: Sociology Newman Club 1,2 ; Wenonah Players 1,2; Young Republicans 1,2.

BERGSGAARD, JOANNE Spring Grove Class Officer 4; Dormitory Counselor 3,4; S.N.E.A. 3,4; Wenonah 3; Kappa Delta Pi 4; L.S.A. 1,2,3,4.

BESKE, JANICE St. Paul S.N.E.A. 3,4.

BESS, DAVID Fountain City, Wisconsin; Minor: Economics Gamma Delta 1,2; Academy of Science 1 ; Business Club 2,3 ; Rifle Club 3 ; Society for Advancement of Management 4.

BOLDER, STEPHEN Winona S.N.E.A. 3,4; Gamma Delta 1,2,3,4; Amateur Radio Club 1,2,3,4.

BUCK, RONALD Minnesota City; Minor: Biology Kappa Pi 3,4; Summer Social Committee.

CAFOUREK, KAREN Austin S.N.E.A. 3,4; L.S.A. 3; W.R.A. 3.

CHAPEK, ROBERT Hinsdale, Illinois Class Officer 3,4; Student Commission Officer 4; Homecoming Committee 3; Orientation Team 4; Who’s Who 4; Academy of Science 2; Sigma Tau Gamma 2,3,4; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4.


S.N.E.A. 3,4, Sigma Tau Gamma 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2.

CHUPITA, KENNETH Winona; Minors: Mathematics. Economics Winonan 2,3,4; Pi Delta Epsilon 2,3,4, Business Club 2,3; S.A.M. 4.

COFFEY, DOUGLAS Winona; Minor: Sociology Class Officer 2; Dolphin Club 1,2; Swimming 2,3.

CODY, KATHLEEN Worthington S.N.E.A.

3,4; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; Newman Club 3,4; W.R.A. 3,4 W.P.E. 3,4.

COLBENSON, GEORGE Rushford; Minor English W.S.S.A. 1,2,3,4; Wenonah Players 2, 3,4.

CORCORAN, BONNIE Pine Island Minor: Biology Class Officer 4; Student Commission Committee 4; Orientation Team 4; S.N.E.A. 4; Newman Club 1,2,3; W.R.A. 2,3,4; W.P.E. 1,2,3,4; Warriorettes 3.

DARIS, HARRY Oakford, Pennsylvania; Minor: Social Science S.N.E.A. 4; Who’s Who 4; Academy of Science 1,2,3,4; “W” Club 1,2,3,4; Sigma Tau Gamma 2,3,4; Cross Country 1 ; Track 1,2,3,4; Intramural Sports 1,2.

DILLEY, MARK Soldiers Grove, Wisconsin; Minor: Mathematics S.N.E.A. 4; “W” Club 2,3, 4; Basketball 3,4; Baseball 2,3.

DVORAK, MONICA Caledonia S.N.E.A. 1,3,4; Winonan 1 ; Newman Club 1,2,3,4.

EBERT, ROBERT Winona; Minor: Physical Education Gamma Delta 1 ; Academy of Science 4; Dolphin Club 1,2,3; Wenonah Players 2; Business Club 1 ; Swimming 2 ; Intramural Sports 3,4 ; “Twelfth Night.”

EGLAND, DALE Houston; Minor: Mathematics S.A.M. 4; Business Club 1,2,3; Intramural Sports 3,4.

ELLIAS, MYRON Virginia; Minor: Chemistry —Band 1,2; S.N.E.A. 3,4; Wesley Foundation 3; Chorus 1,2,3,4; Male Ensemble 2.

ELDESTAD, CALVIN Spring Grove; Minor: Sociology Wenonah Players, Radio Guild, W.S.S.A. L.S.A.

FERDEN, GARY Rushford S.N.E.A. 2,3,4; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4.


FRANK, DAVID Winona “W” Club 2,3,4; Dolphin Club 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 2,3; Swimming 1,2,3,4; Track 1 ; Intramural Sports 2.

FRASE, WILLIAM Minneapolis; Minor: English Dormitory Counselor 4; Winonan 3; Wesley Foundation 2,3; Academy of Science 2,3,4; Circle K 4; English Club 3,4; Young Republicans 2; Young Democrats 3.

FRATZKE, ALICE Winona S.N.E.A. 1,2,3, 4; Newman Club 1,2,3,4; Young Democrats 1.

FERRATA, GEORGE Rochester, New York Student Commission Officer 4; Wenonah 3; Who’s Who 4; Newman Club 1,2; Academy of Science

3,4; “W” Club 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2; Track 1 ; Intramural Sports 4.

FINLEY, MICHAEL Chatfield; Minor: Mathematics S.N.E.A. 1 ; Wenonah 1 ; Wenonah 1 ; Cantebury Club 1,2,3,4; Academy of Science 2,3,4; Phi Sigma Epsilon 2,3,4; Wenona Players 1,2; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4.

FLATEN, WAYNE Kenyon S.N.E.A. 3,4; L.S.A. 1; Academy of Science 3; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4.

FLORIN, JILL Winona Orientation Team

4; S.N.E.A. 1,2,4; Who’s Who 4; Kappa Delta Pi

3,4; Newman Club 1,2,3,4; Delta Zeta 2,3,4.

GABRYCH, BRENDA ANDERSEN Red Wing; Minor: Library Service Homecoming Gommittee 3; Orientation Team 3,4; Dormitory Council

3; S.N.E.A. 3; Who’s Who 4; Newman Club 1,2; Wenonah Players 1,2; Business Club 2,3,4; W.R.A.

1; W.P.E.E. 1; Cheerleader 1; Collegiate Club 3,4; Delta Zeta 3,4.

GERKEN, JUDITH Zumbrota; Minor: Spanish S.N.E.A. 3,4; Gamma Delta 1,2,3,4; Business Club 3,4; K-dettes 3,4.

GEPPERT, RONALD Lake Gity; Minor: Physics S.N.E.A. 4; Radio Club 1,2,3,4.

GLUDT, KAREN Lake City S.N.E.A. 4; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; Newman Club 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2.

GOETZMAN, BARBARA Winona Wenona Players 3.

GRAMS, DONALD Grand Meadow; Minor: Economics.

GROENEWOLD, ROGER Rushmore; Minor: French Student Commission Officer 3,4; Homecoming Committee 3,4; Orientation Team 3,4; S.N.E.A. 1,2,3,4; Who’s Who 4; L.S.A. 1,2; Sigma Tau Gamma 2,3,4; Young Republicans 1; Collegiate Club 3,4.

HAESSIG, DARLENE Winona; Minor: Physical Education S.N.E.A. 2,3,4; Gamma Delta 1,2,3; Band 1,2; W.R.A. 1,2,3; W.P.E. 2,3,4.

HANSON, ROGER Lake Benton; Minor: Geography Orientation Team 4; Sigma Tau Gamma 3,4; Business Club 2,3; Track 1; S.A.M. 4.

HASSOS, DEMETRA Athens, Greece; Minor: Physical Science S.N.E.A. 2,3,4; Gamma Delta 1,2,3,4; Academy of Science 1,2,3,4; I.R.C. 3,4.

HENRY, MIKE Harmony; Minors: Economics, Sociology W Club 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; S.A.M. 4.

HEYER, FRED Winona; Minor: History

Swing Band 1,2,3,4; Orchestra 1.

HILL, ROBERT Minneapolis; Minors: Sociology. Music Homecoming Committee 3; Dormitory council 1; L.S.A. 1,2,3; Chorus 1,2,3,4; Academy of Science 1; Circle K 4; Business Club

1,2,3,4; Young Republicans 2; Intramural Sports

1 2

HITT, ARTHUR Alma, Wisconsin; Minor: Social Studies.

HOFER, INGE Jamestown, North Dakota; Minor : Physical Education Student Commission Officer 4; Orientation Team 3,4; S.N.E.A. 3,4;

Who’s Who 4; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; L.S.A. 1,2,3,4; W.R.A. 1,2,3; W.P.E. 1,2,3,4; Delta Zeta 3,4.

HOLSAPPLE, LARRY Wyfoflf; Minor: Speech Wesley Foundation 1,2; Intramural Sports 1,2; Academy of Science 1,2; Industrial Arts Club 2,3,4.

HOUGHTON, GLENN Elgin; Minor: Music Student Commission Officer 4; Orientation Team 3,4; Dormitory Counselor 2,3,4; S.N.E.A. 4; Who’s Who 4; L.S.A. 2,3; Band 2,3; N.E.N.C. 3; Chorus 2,3,4; Circle K 3,4; Vets Club 4; Winona Concert Choir Presentation 3; Spring Musical 2; Variety Show 4.

INMAN, JUDY Winona L.S.A. 1,2,3; Dolphin Club 3; Warriorettes 2.

ISSENDORF, MARY Lake City; Minor, Music Student Commission Committee 4; S.N.E.A 1,2, —3,4; Band 3; Y.W.C.A. 1,2; W.P.E. 1,2,3,4; W.R.A 1,2,3,4.

JACOBSEN, CAROL Hanley Falls; Minor: Music S.N.E.A. 3; Wenonah 1,2; Gamma Delta 3; L.S.A. 1,2; M.E.N.C. 3; Young Republicans 2,3.

JAHR, CAROL Rushford S.N.E.A. 2,3,4; LS.A. 1.

JAMES, MARLENE Trempealeau, Wisconsin S.N.E.A. 4; Newman Club 3,4.

JOHNSON, ALFRED Houston; Minor: Social Science.

JOHNSON, GRETTA Hayfield; Minor: Geography Dormitory^ Council 4; S.N.E.A. 2,3,4;

L.S.A. 1,2; W.R.A. 1,2,3,4; W.P.E. 1,2,3,4; Co-eds 2; A.A.H. PER.R. 1,2,3,4.


S.N.E.A. 3,4; Wenonah 1; Kappa Delta Pi 4;

L.S.A. 1,2; Business Club 2,3.

JONES, HARLA Hopkins; Minor: Music Wenonah 1,2,3; Chorus 2,3,4; English Club 3,4; W.R.A. 1 ; Circle K-Dettes 2,3,4.


tana; Minor: Social Studies.

KELLER, NORMAN Richland Center, Wisconsin; Minor: Physical Science Class officer

2; S.N.E.A. 2,3,4; L.S.A. 2; Academy of Science

2,3,4; Sigma Tau Gamma 1,2,4; Young Republicans 1,2; Wrestling 1,2,3; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4.

KIESER, BRUCE Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin; Minors Social Science, Driver Education “W” Club 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3; Intramural Sports 1,2,3.

KING, ROSS Stevvartville S.N.E.A. 1,2,3,4; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; Wesley Foundation 1,2,3; English Club 3,4.

KJOS, CAROL Minnesota City; Minor; History Intramural Sports 3,4; International Relations Club 3.

KLAWITER, KENNETH Winona Industrial Arts Club 3,4.

KLEMENT, GERALD Farmington; Minor; Mathematics Business Club 3; S.A.M. 4.

KLOEK, GERRIT Minneapolis; Minor: Chemistry Class Officer 4; Academy of Science 2,3,4,5; Dolphin Club 1,2,3,4,5; Swimming 3,4,5.

KRIE, DWALA Red Wing; Minor: Social Studies Student Commission Committee 4; S.N. E.A. 1,2,3,4; Wenonah 2,3; L.S.A. 1; Band 1,2; Delta Zeta 3,4; Collegiate Club 3,4.

KRAMER, KAROLE Adrian Homecoming Committee 3,4; Orientation Team 4; S.N.E.A. 3,4; Who’s Who 4; Newman Club 3,4; W.R.A. 3; Delta Zeta 3,4; K-dettes 3; Homecoming Queen Candidate 4.

FANNING, GORDON Winona Dolphin Club 2,3; Swimming 2,3; Track 4; Intramural Sports 2,4.

LARSON, ROBERT Spring Valley; Minor: Sociology “W” Club 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3; Intramural Sports 1,2,3.

LENTZ, KAREN Rock Island, Illinois; Minors: Speech, Music S.N.E.A. 1,2,3,4; Wenonah 2,3; Newman Club 1,2; K-dettes 2,3; Wenonah Players 3,4; W.S.S.A. 3,4; Pi Delta Epsilon 3,4.

LIGHTFOOT, FRANKLYN Winona; Minor: Geography S.N.E.A. 3; Academy of Science 4; I.R.G. 4.

LITCHER, JOHN Winona S.N.E.A. 4; Band 1; Chorus 1; Dolphin Club 1; Vets Club 4; Swimming 1 ; Bradford Club 1.

LIVINGSTON, DAVID Winona, Minnesota; Minor: Physical Education “W” Club 1,2,3; Football 1,3; Track 1,2.

LORANG, MAXINE Lake Benton Dormitory Council 3,4; Dormitory Counselor 3,4; Newman Club 1,2,4; Academy of Science 2,3,4; W.R.A. 1 ; K-dettes 3.

LUKASZEWSKI, CHARLES Winona; Minor: Economics Newman Club 1,2,3,4; Phi Sigma Epsilon 2,3,4; Society for Advancement of Manage-

ment 4.

LUNN, GAREY Sioux Valley; Minor: Social Science S.N.E.A. 3,4; Industrial Arts Club 3,4.

LUTZ, DIANA Trempealeau, Wisconsin; Minors: French, Library Science S.N.E.A. 4; Kappa Delta Pi 4; Newman Club 4.

LYNN, JUDITH Owatonna Student Commission Committee 3,4; S.N.E.A. 1,2,3,4; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; Cantebury Club 1,2,3,4.

MANION, MAUREEN Lewiston Wenonah

3; Kappa Pi 1,2,3,4.

McCOFFREY, GERARD Winona; Minor: Sociology Band 1 ; Intramural Sports 1,2.


S.N.E.A. 3,4.

MENSINK, LOYAL Preston Homecoming Committee 3; S.N.E.A. 4; L.S.A. 2; Phi Sigma Epsilon 1,2,3,4; Industrial Arts Club 1.

MILLER, MAURICE Winona; Minor: Speech S.N.E.A. 4; W.S.S.A. 1,2,3,4; Industrial Arts Club 2,3,4; M.E.A. 4.

MITSCH, CAROLE GREENWALD Elysian Student Commission Officer 3; Student Commission Committee 3; Who’s Who 4; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; L.S.A. 1,2,3,4; Swing Band 2; N.E.N.C. 3,4; Chorus 1,2,3; Circle K-dettes 1,2,3.

MUTSCHLER, DUANE S.N.E.A. 3,4; Wesley Foundation 1,2. “W” Club 2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4.

MYRAN, DONNA Wanamingo Minor: Physical Education Class Officer 2; Student Commission Officer 3,4; Student Commission Committee 3; Orientation Team 2,3,4; S.N.E.A. 4; Who’s Who 4; W.P.E. 2,3,4; Cheerleader 1,2,3,4; Collegiate Club 2,3,4.

NILSEN, HENRY Winona; Minor: Mathematics L.S.A. 2; Academy of Science 4; Circle K 1,2.

OBELE, GARY Lismore; Minor: BookkeepingTyping Newman Club 1 ; Business Club 3.

O’BRIEN, KENNETH Wabasha; Minors; Mathematics, Economics Football 1 ; Intramural Sports 1,2,3; S.A.M. 4.

O’CONNOR, MARY ANN Hastings Homecoming Committee 3,4; S.N.E.A. 3,4; Newman Club 1,2,3; Kappa Pi 4.

OTT, SHIRLEY Mahtomedi; Minor: Physical Education S.N.E.A. 1,3,4; Wenonah 1,2,3; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; L.S.A. 1; Academy of Science 3,4; Pi Delta Epsilon 4; W.R.A. 1,2,3,4; W.P.E. 1,2,3,4.

PAHL, DENIELE SCHRODER Faribault Class Officer 2; Student Commission Committee 3; Homecoming Committee 3; Orientation 3,4; S.N.

E.A. 2,3; Wenonah 1,2; Who’s Who 4; Gamma Delta 1,2; Band 1,2; Wenona Players 1; W.R.A. 1,2,3; W.P.E. 1,2,3,4; Delta Zeta 2,3,4; Collegiate Club 2,3,4.

PAPENFUSS, LYLE La Crescent; Minor: Mathematics Who’s Who 4; “W” Club 1,2,3,4;

Basketball 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; S.A.M. 4.

PARSLEY, SUZANNE Austin; Minor: Art

S.N.E.A. 3,4.

PAULSON, MARTHA Austin S.N.E.A. 3,4; L.S.A. 3,4; W.R.A. 3.

PILGER, GERALD Hokah S.N.E.A. 3,4; Sigma Tau Gamma 2,3; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4.

PINSONNEAULT, JUDITH Wabasha; Minor: Mathematics S.N.E.A. 4; Newman Club 3,4; English Club 3,4.

PLOOSTER, JOY Hopkins; Minor: Speech

S.N.E.A. 1,2; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; Wesley Foundation 1,2; W.S.S.A. 3,4; W.R.A. 1,2,3,4; W.P.E. 1,2, 3,4.

POTTRATZ, PATRICIA Eitzen; Minor: French Dormitory Counselor 3,4; S.N.E.A. 1,2, 3,4; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; Who’s Who 4; Wesley Foundation 1,2,3; Warriorettes 2,3,4; Delta Zeta 3.4.

PRICE, A. ANNETTE Richfield; Minor: Art S.N.E.A. 3,4; Wenonah 1,2,3; Gamma Delta Gamma 1,2,3,4; Pi Delta Epsilon 4; International Club 3.

RANGITSCH, KATHLEEN St. Paul Homecoming Committee 2,3,4; Dormitory Counselor 3,4; Who’s Who 4; Newman Club 1,2,3,4; Kappa Pi 4; Delta Zeta 3,4; Collegiate Club 3,4.

RAVNHOLDT, DOUGLAS Hopkins; Minor: Social Science L.S.A. 3; Business Club 2,3; S.A.M. 4; Football 3.

REINHARD, DOUGLAS Winona; Minor: Sociology Gamma Delta 1,2,3,4; Young Democrats 1,2,3,4; Rifle Club; Baseball 1; Intramural Sports

RICABAUGH, GEORGE Spring Valley; Minor: Library Service Dormitory Council 2; S.N. E.A. 2,3,4; Wenonah 4; Phi Sigma Epsilon 1,2,3,4; Vets Club 4.

RICE, HARRIET Canton; Minor: Spanish S.N.E.A. 2,3,4.

RUDOLF, CAROLINE St. Paul; Minor; Music

S.N.E.A. 4; Wesley Foundation 4; Band 3;

M.E.N.C. 3,4; Chorus 2,3,4; Orchestra 3,4; Dolphin Club 2,3,4; Phi Sigma Epsilon Sweetheart 3; Madrigal Singers 3,4; Sno-Queen Attendant 3; Homecoming Queen Candidate 4; Campus Cover Girl Candidate 2.

RUPP, SYLVIA Caledonia Student Commission Committee 4; Dormitory Counselor 4; S.N.E.A. 2,3,4; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; Wesley Foundation 1,2; Band 1,2,3; Orchestra 1,2,3,4; Warriorettes 1,2,3,4.

RUD, KAREN Byron Class Officer 3; Homecoming Committee 2,3,4; S.N.E.A. 2,3,4; L.S.A. 1, 2,3; Delta Zeta 3,4; Collegiate Club 3,4; Co-chairmen of Orientation 4.

SHERMAN, PATRICIA Winona; Minor: Biology Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; Newman Club 1 ; Orchestra 1; W.R.A. 1,2,3,4; W.P.E. 1,2,3,4; Intra

mural Sports 1,2; Tennis Team 1,2,3,4; Girls’ Swimming Team 3,4.

SCHMITZ, JAMES Caledonia; Minor: Physical Science S.N.E.A. 4; Newman Club 1,2; Academy of Science 1,2,3; Phi Sigma Epsilon 2,3,4; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4.

SCHULZE, BETTY Caledonia; Minor: Spanish Dormitory Counselor 4; S.N.E.A. 2,4; L.S.A. 2,4; Business Club 2; Co-eds 2; Exchange Student to Norway 3.

SEELING, SHARRON Winona S.N.E.A. Kappa Pi 3,4; Young Democrats 1.

SKIBBE, DOROTHY Stewartville S.N.E.A. 1,2,3,4; Gamma Delta 3,4.

SIMON, SHARON Altura S.N.E.A. 2,3,4; Newman Club 1,2,3.

STORK, KATHRYN Harmony; Minor: Biology Student Commission Committee 4; S.N.E.A. 3,4; Who’s Who 4; Kappa Delta Pi 3,4; L.S.A. 1; W.R.A. 2,3,4; W.P.E. 2,3,4; Cheerleader 1,2,3,4.

STRANDE, JIM Chatfield; Minor: Economics —Newman Club 3,4.

STREHLOW, ROSELLA Hastings; Minor: Music S.N.E.A. 3,4; Wenonah 3; Gamma Delta 1,2,3.

STREMCHO, MARY Minnesota City; Minor: Sociology S.N.E.A. 2,3,4; L.S.A. 2,3; International Relations Club 3,4; K-dettes 2,3.

TILLMAN, GENE Rochester; Minor: Social Science Chorus 4; Academy of Science 4; Intramural Sports 4.


S.N.E.A. 3,4.

TROK, RONALD Winona; Minor: Economics

Homecoming Committee 4; Orientation Team 4; Who’s Who 4; Phi Sigma Epsilon 2,3,4; S.A.M. 4.

VAN FLEET, ROD Trempealean; Minor: Mathematics.

VAIL, DAVE Winona; Minor: Physical Science Newman Club 1; Chorus 2,3; Golf 1,2,3; International Relations Club 3,4.

WILBUR, CURTIS Mabel S.N.E.A. 4; Wenonah 4; Wesley Foundation 4.

WILSON, DARLENE Hayfield Class Officer 4; S.N.E.A. 2,3,4; L.S.A. 1,2; Academy of Science 3,4; Sno-Queen Attendant 3; Homecoming Queen Candidate 4.

ZANE, CHARLES Haddonfield, New Jersey; Minor: Physical Education S.N.E.A. 1,2,3; “W” Club 1,2,3,4; Business Club 2,3; Vets Club 1,2,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 3; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Intramural Sports 1,2,3; Collegiate Club 3,4.

ZELLMER, BRUCE Romah, Wisconsin; Minor: Mathematics Who’s Who 4; “W” Club 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 2; Baseball 1; Intramural Sports 1,4.


During the course of every college year there are many happenings and events which add up to make our days at Winona State the different, fun-filled moments they prove to be. The first days of school opened with Orientation Week and Club Nite. Football season came, passed. The Delta Zeta Style Show provided activity for the fashion-minded. Winter brought snow and activities like skating and skiing to many club members. The winter drama productions, offiered by Winona State, The College of St. Teresa and St. Mary’s College, provided further activity. The Christmas

Dance and the Winter Fun Fest were seasonal highlights. Spring brought sunbathing at Lake Park, poor study habits, and graduation.

At Winona State, you become part of a new world, a world filled with four years of hardwork and study, highlighted by the fun and laughter of the many activities that make ours an outstanding college. Yet, as you know, even these student life activities are not performed without hours of planning and hard work.




Watermelon feasts, a water-ski show, the annual “Staff Stomp,” and co-rec night were among the orientation festivities for freshmen the first week of September. Thanks can be directed to twentyfive upperclassmen who organized and planned the previous spring for the record numberof freshmen. Bob Keller and Karen Rud served as co-chairmen for the Orientation Team. In return for the good deeds the upperclassmen did for them, the freshmen produced a talent show for the student body.

Orientation Team: KNEELING: D. Myron, R. Dadetta, M. Kirsche, J. Petronek, R. Skattum, B. Keller, I. Hofer, D. Turner. STANDING: G. Houghton, D. Schroeder, B. Chapek, K. Rud, M. Lyons, B. Cocoran, C. Orrill, B. Gabryich, E. Bailey, L. Johnson, K. Kramer, K. Albers, S. Rotty, T. Smith, L. Allen, J. Johnson, G. Griffith, R. Hanson, K. Rangitsch, R. Groenewold, P. Powell. Judy Hazelton belts out a song during the frosh talent show.
Typical scene during Club Night: Jan Keever, George Colbensen, Carl Fratzke and Bob Carr hunt for new Wenonah Players members. All smiles are evident from freshmen King and Queen Louis Kanavat, and Heather Roxburgh. Students-to-be during registration.

The Homecoming queen candidates were Inge Holer, Bobbi Benike, Caroline Rudolf, Donna Myran, Patty Pottratz, Jean Goihl Waterman, Jean Iwata, Kathy Stork, Dennie Schroder, Darlene Wilson, Carole Kramer, and Jill Florin.


Jean Goihl Waterman was selected on October 17, 1963 to reign over all Winona State Homecoming subjects. Jean was chosen from a bevy of WSC beauties—all nominated for candidacy by clubs and organizations. Voting was held the afternoon of the 17th, and Queen Jean was presented formally at an evening convocation in Somsen Hall. Nick DeMartino and Ann Duncanson served as master and mistress of ceremonies at the coronation ceremonies.

Queen Jean Goihl Waterman radiates her warm beauty to her subjects.

Male, female or neuter? A reasonable question to ask, wouldn’t you say? Actually, the would-be ballerinas are Tom Smith, Nick DeMartino, Bob Stone, George Ferrata and Bob Gray.


The night before the big game with Mankato State, a talent show with a vaudeville theme was presented in Somsen Auditorium. Ron Dadetta was director of the show and Tom Luechtenberg was master of ceremonies. The audience was extremely responsive to the variety of skits, musical selections, and dance routines. Homecoming royalty reigned at this and all other related events.

“Come on up and see me sometime .’’Ann Rose seems to be saying as Jan ’Wassing gestures “Aw, cut it out .” All this was seen in the Vaudeville Varsity Show, October 18 1963

“Give me back my purse,” says Pam Anderson to Bob Gray prior to the Homecoming talent show.


The 1963 Homecoming Parade was bigger and better than any previous parade. There were fifty-three units, including eighteen bands, compared to the thirtysix units in last year’s Parade. Phi Sigma Epsilon took top honors in the float division, with an independent organization, T.K.D., taking second place. The awards were presented at the halftime of the game. Mike Lyons and Sal Rotty were cochairmen for parade organizing and routing.

Two of W.S.C.’s lovliest gaze at the Phi Sig’s winning float. The Warriorettes are Sylvia Rupp and Mary Gates. A proud Phi Sig looks on. Queen Jean is protected by two gallant Warriors as she rides her float in the parade. The Queen’s Float was designed by Kappa Pi.


Denny Morrison headed the committee that prepared for the annual Homecoming Dance. Even though the Warriors were bumped 14—6 by Mankato in the afternoon football game, the 250 couples that attended thedance agreed that this year’s dance was the best ever, and proceeded to enjoy themselves. Two bands, the Henry Burton Band and the Rick Heyer Band, sent music flowing throughout Room 200 and the Smog. Punch tables were set up both on the stage and in the hall.

Couples swing out to the beat at the Homecoming Dance. One of the bands that provided themusic was the Henry Burton Band.


An audience of 2,100 welcomed the delightfully entertaining “Four Freshmen” to Winona State and filled Memorial Hall with enthusiastic applause for a group well deserving of it. The program was sprinkled with moods of thought, comedy, and beat provoking songs sung in their own individual style. Twenty-two numbers in all were presented by the jazz group ranging from their million sellers “Day by Day” and “Poinciana” to satirical renditions of modern teenage styles. The Student Commission arranged for the Four Freshmen program.

The Four Freshmen in action-exhibiting vocal and instrumental talent. The world-famous jazz quartet poses for a quick shot prior to their concert at Winona State.


“A Splash Into Space” was the theme for the 1963 Dolphin Club swim show. The show ran for a week— May 12-19—in the Memorial Hall pool. Much of the planning was handled by Dolphin Club president, Dave Frank, and his committee heads, John Petronek, Bill Kohler, Jay Wescott, Bob Stone, Dana Bluhm, Patti Rowan and Bergie Lang. James Davies, then the varsity swimming coach, served as adviser.

Precision swimming is another phase of the swim show which requires a lot of preparation. Here a girls’ ensemble rehearses.

Mr. Davies and Mr. Reidelberger talk over plans for the show with Cathy Lindsay, Dave Frank, John Petronek and Gary Kloek. Taking a “splash into space” of his own is Tom Baer. If he doesn’t receive some assistance from Jim Deets, he will end up in the water instead.


Phi Sigma Epsilon, Phi Xi chapter of Winona State, sponsored the fall street dance near the girls’ dormitories. The entire block of Winona Street between Sanborn and King Streets was blocked off for the occasion. Table settings, recorded music, and prize drawings provided the background setting for tbe several hundred persons attending from Winona State, College of St. Teresa, and St. Mary’s College.

Bill Anderson, Dave Aasum, Jerry Mensink, Jim Morton, Ron Trok, Mike Jacobsen and Steve Lund pose for a quickie.


“Magnolia Time in the Deep South” was the theme for the 1963 Spring Prom. The Smog was transformed into a courtyard of a large southern mansion. Potted palms were placed throughout the halls and on the dance floor. The Dick Chaffee Orchestra played near a large Cyprus tree with entangled moss hanging from its branches. Winona State’s own “Bluewater Trio” entertained in the refreshments room where white pillars with large pediments were located among the tables. Kappa Pi was in charge of the successful occasion, with Joan Modjeski and Harold Ferkingstad acting as the general chairmen.

Refreshments served southern style.

Sitting a spell under the ole Cyprus tree. Thinking about the bugs in the moss, Dr. Fremling?


The 1963 Spring Carnival was sponsored by Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity. The Carnival was held in the dormitory courtyard last April. A stage show was held in Richards Hall cafeteria, and those who didn’t want to sit all evening could participate in games of “Dunk the Pledge,” “Jail,” and a fair-handed game of “21” or basketball. Profits from the event went toward the Russell Miller Scholarship Fund.

Bob Chapek, emcee for the stage show, interviews Jerry Wilharm. (Crazy). Gary Pahl, Sig Tau member, waits for his chance to “dunk the pledge.” Swinging out with a folk song is theBlue Water Trio. Phi Sig members do their rendition of the hula in a skit with a “South Pacific” theme.

In the courtyard Sig Tau members sell refreshments to the hungry and thirsty.

Delta Zeta girls Becky Gerlach, Bobbie Benike, Madeline Litschke, Karole Kramer, Pat Powell and Barbara Anderson take a break from the highland fling.

Sal Rotty and Leon Nesbitt join Bob Beatty in a “sing along with Bob.”

The Freshman Girls, a singing group, seem to be having problems keeping their act together.

of Christ.”


The religious committee of the Student Commission sponsored the first annual Christmas Pageant in Somsen Hall on December 17. The theme of the pageant centered upon the Nativity scene and the birth of Christ. Its title was “The Coming of Christ.” Bob Carr, Nick DeMartino and Jill Miller almost single-handedly promoted this successful affair. Some thirty W.S.C. students participated in the production. Elizabeth Gunhus and Bill Howard presented vocal solos of Christmas music.

A scene from “The Coming Pageant officials preparing for the performance. Kathy Rangitsch and Babs Goetzman decorate the Somsen windows for Christmas.


Christmas activities at Winona State this year were wide and varied. Students hurried and scurried to complete Somsen Hall decorations in a contest between classes (the class of 1966 won the trophy) ; Kappa Pi again did a marvelous job on the Somsen Hall windows and also decorated the huge trees at the head of Johnson Street. The lights on the trees this year were formally dedicated to our late President John F. Kennedy, in ceremonies conducted by President Minné. A new face in Christmas zeal was added this year as a pageant, scheduled to be an annual program, was presented by the students. Other activities included the performance of the orchestra and choir in Handel’s “Messiah.”

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The Halls of Ivy at Christmas time. Christmas spirit reflected in student apartment. Mr. McCluer directs the orchestra and chorus in Handel’s “Messiah.”


Sigma Tau Gamma sponsored the annual Christmas Ball—this year labeled “Sno-Bound” —that was held December 14, 1963, in the Smog. The dance area was appropriately decorated with Christmas trees, papier-maché snow banks and a tinseled ceiling. The Henry Burton Orchestra performed for the 300 coupies patronizing the affair. Norm Keller and Jeb Griffith were the general chairmen for the event.

Diane Botcher and Gerry Blake accept punch from Jerry Wilharm and Kathy Brock during an intermission at the dance. Kathy Albers, Lowell Allen, Peggy Lindahl and Roger Groenewold enjoy sitting one out in Room 200. Rollie Wussow (left, background) seems to be looking for something, or maybe it’s someone. Lowell Allen, president of the Beta Xi Chapter of Sigma Tau Fraternity, presents Kathy Brock, fraternity sweetheart, with a bouquet of white roses.


The foreign students from Winona State College, the College of St. Teresa and St. Mary’s College presented the annual “International Night.” It was held in the auditorium of the College of St. Teresa. The program included songs and dances from many countries, an exhibition of the art of Karate and a demonstrationof the ancient Japanese Tea Ceremony. The International Relations Clubs of the three colleges sponsored the event.

Peggy Anderson, Vivienne Seow, Eleanor Kawasowski, Gladys Chin Choy, Mary Louise Ehrhardt, Sonia Anderson and Shirley Lyn presented a skit representing Jamaica. Maria Hogetveit, Norway, gave the audience a sample of Norwegian folk music.


Monday, April 1, 1963, marked the opening of a three-night run of Leonard Bernstein’s “West Side Story” in Somsen Auditorium. It was Winona State’s annual spring production. The musical, based on the book by Arthur Laurents, is a modem day version of Romeo and Juliet set among warring juvenile ethnic groups in the less than fashionable west side of New York City.

A cast and crew of 100 Winona State students worked on the production. The casting was begun before Christmas by musical director Richmond McCluer and stage director Jacque Reidelberger, who is now on sabbatical leave. Ann Viel arranged the choreography while John Fluegel worked as production coordinator and assistant director. Leads were held by Jack Stephen as Tony; Elizabeth Gunhus as Maria; Mike Jacobsen as Riff; Ron Appel as Bernardo; and Linda Johnson as Anita.

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The Jets look on mournfully in the finale. The midnight drugstore scene at Doc’s. Tony serenading Maria in the balcony scene.


Ibsen’s powerful domestic drama, “Ghosts,” was the fall selection of the Wenonah Players. Presented under the experienced and capable direction of speech and drama head Dorothy Magnus, “Ghosts” played to a full house an entire week in the Somsen Arena and to some 1200 people in the Tyrone Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis. The Players were the first collegiate acting company in the nation to play the Guthrie.

The Players were extremely fortunate in obtaining the talented Miss Judith Evelyn to portray the demanding role of Mrs. Alving. Miss Evelyn gave a complete performance each night and made her audience feel there were not two people—Miss Evelyn and Mrs. Alving—but only the latter. Two casts performed the play—three nights each in the Somsen Arena and a selected group for the Guthrie performance. Those in the casts were: Mrs. Alving, Judith Evelyn; Pastor Manders, Joe Coburn and Calvin Ellestad; Oswald, Robert Carr and Bill Zenker; Jacob Engstrand, Thomas Leuchtenberg and Richard Timm; Regina, Mary Stocker and Maria Hogetveit.

Opening night cast shown in a third-act scene from “Ghosts.” Miss Magnus looks on as Guthrie cast rehearses lines.

With friends like him, who needs enemies?

a fireside chat.

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Jim Majerus shows that chivalry is not dead by helping Sue Zimmer with her skates. Students help themselves to hot chocolate and donuts in the Lake Park Lodge. Just


This year Winter Fun Days, Sponsored by the “W” Club, replaced the annual Snodays. Thursday, January 23, at the Lake Park Lodge, refreshments andmusic were provided. Those who dared went skating. On Friday evening the Fun Days Dance was held in the Smog. The Swing Band provided the music for dancing. Co-chairmen for the event were Jerry Curran and Jerry Kohn.

Students enjoy



“United we stand Mr. Heyer leads out with the flute solo in “Moon River.” the and in the Smog.


Meetings to attend, programs to plan, a set of minutes to be typed, deadlines to be met; sometimes it gets to be too much, and you are ready to quit. And yet, you never do. The costurnes get made, the posters are painted, theP.O.’s are stuffed, and the dance decorations are finally in place.

Each working group, each organization at Winona State, provides a place for someone’s interests. The student commission offers students the chance to discuss and work out problems of campus life. The religious groups meet to learn more of their denomination


and of others as well. Wenonah Players provides a challenge to the actors and entertainment to their audience. The departmental clubs give their members the chance to meet leaders in their fields and to discuss happenings in the area.

As Winona State has grown, the student organizations have increased in size, number, and variety. The multitude of organizations on campus help give students the educational and recreational background that is so vital for a complete college life.


Pi Delta Epsilon is the national journalism fraternity on campus. Members of the organization either serve devotedly on campus publication staffs, or have a desirable interest in journalism. Mr. Adolph Bremer is the adviser to the journalistic Greeks.


The Collegiate Club cooperates with the Student Commission in coordinating campus events with a special emphasis on promoting public relations at Winona State. Sponsoring Smog openings and arranging the spring Parents’ Day offered nearly full-time employment for many of the members.

Nick De Martino was the Club’s president.

Karen Lentz, Ken Chupita, Diana Erickson, Mr. Bremer, adviser. ROIV 1: L. Allen, M. Kirsche, N. DeMartino, D. Myran, H. Sieben. ROW 2: K. Rud, B. Keller, J. Florin, D. Gebhard, L. Johnson. ROW 3: Dr. Hoyt, G. Houghton, J. Johnson, K. Hartley, J. Wassing, K. Rangitsch, R. Groenewold.


The purpose of the Winona State College Amateur Radio Club is to maintain an active radio station which sends messages free of charge to anyone in the United States. The group also maintains a close affiliation with the Minnesota Civil Defense Department in order to help in times of natural or national emergencies.


Knowledge, duty, and power are the three meanings which are synonymous with Kappa Delta Pi. Members of this organization include juniors and seniors who academically rank in the upper one-fifth in the educational sequence at Winona State. Joy Plooster served as president of the Gamma Tau chapter.

Ascending: Dave Anshus, Howard Okland, Steve Boiler, Ronald Geppert, Roger Wise. ROIV 1: S. Rupp, I. Hofer, J. Florin, J. Lynn. P. Sherman, H. Stone. ROW 4: S. Munkel, J. ROW 2: S. Corey, K. Stork, K. Cody, K. Belt- Plooster, S. Ott, G. Ferden. er. ROW 3: P. Pottratz, P. Powell, J. Bergsgaard,

Delta Zeta, Winona State’s only social sorority, stresses scholarship, responsibility, loyalty, service, fun, and vision. The sorority’s activities are embodied in service and social functions. The sorority sponsors a style show, a Homecoming queen candidate and float, and dances. The sisters also serve as usherettes and hostesses for school functions. Karole Kramer is President of the group.




Lowell Allen served as President of the Beta Xi Chapter of Sigma Tau Gamma, a national social fraternity, during the past year. The brothers sponsored several worthwhile projects, ineluding a Homecoming queen candidate, Deniele Schroder; a float for the parade; and also the pepfest. Other activities were the Christmas Ball, “Sno-Bound”; a Winter Carnival team;


and the Campus Carnival. Other officers were Jerry Curran, Vice-President; Jack Getskow, Treasurer; Dave Rosenau, Secretary; Bob Chapek, pledge trainer; and Roger Groenewold, member-at-large. Miss Gertrude Finch was the patroness, and Mr. Milfred Ulven was theadviser.

ROW 1: T. Cutting, J. Florin, K. Kramer, B. Dolny, N. Schmauss, I. Hofer. 2: C. Wenger, D. Krie, S. Sebo, P. Lyndahl, J. Johnson, K. Hartley. 3: P. Pottratz, L. Russell, J. Knapik, P. Timmers, M. Litschke, S. Corey, B. Benike. ROW 4: S. Rotty, N. Litschke, P. Powell, J. Wassing, K. Rud, K. Rangitsch, J. Fuglestad.
1: W. Menzel, P. Choffin, R. Hanson, D. Clare, J. Getskow, Miss Finch, Patroness. ROW 2: J. Wilharm, P. Blum, D. Schnorenberg, T. Hall, L. Allen. ROW 3: B. White, R. Ginn, G. Griffith, H. Davis,' Mr. Ulven, Adviser. ROW 4: H. Sieben, T. Boehlke, B. Luthin, W. Maeser. ROW 5: J. Curran, R. Groenewold, H. Johansen, R. Wussow, L. Abbot. ROW 6: D. Clare, J. Haukoos, B. Chapek, B. Koh1er, G. Richardson, D. Rosenau.

ROW 1: E. Austin, G. Matson, D. Davies, J. Majerus. ROW 2: C. Leeson, J. Mensink, B. Andersen, G. Ricabaugh. ROW 3: S. Munkel, J. Stuber, R. Trok, S. Lund. ROW 4: T. Stendall, M. Davis, J. Schmitz.

All students interested in art are eligible to join Kappa Pi, the national art fraternity on campus. The Winona State chapter is Alpha Upsilon. Projects included the preparation of the Homecoming Queen’s float for the annual parade and the Spring Prom Decorations.


The Phi Xi Chapter of Phi Sigma Epsilon social fraternity is one of two national fraternities on campus. Phi Sig members propose to promote friendship, brotherhood, and a closer bond among men. Ron Trok was the chapter president.

ROÎV 1: M. O’Connor, K. Belter, J. Lubinski. ROW 2: G. Anderson, K. Rangitsch, S. Rumstick, J. Wilsey. ROW 3: R. Lebakken, B. Goetzman, R. Buck, P. Dressel.



The Student Commission is Winona State’s governmental council. The organization consists of elected members who serve the student body on all campus activities. The commission each year sets up an appropriate budget and a social calendar and operates within its limits.

Homecoming, along with activities such as boosting school spirit and selection of the Campus Cover Girl, are sponsored by the Commission. This year the Commission was instrumental in arranging and promoting the Four Freshmen concert on campus.

Roger Groenewold was the Commission president prior to the February elections. Jan Johnson served as secretary. The various committee sections are pictured.

ROW 1 : K. Albers, I. Hofer, J. Johnson, B. Benike, G. Houghton, G. Ferrata, R. Groenewold, B. Chapek, S. Rotty, D. Myron, G. Anderson. ROW 2: B. Keller, T. Kelly, J. Noll, B. Yamamoto. FINANCE COMMITTEE; John Petronek, Mike Kirsche, Donna Myron, Karen Rud COMMITTEE: Jan Wassing, Sally Rotty

ATHLETIC COMMITTEE: Kathy Stork, George Ferrata


1 : Karen Hartley, Peggy Lyndahl, Bob Keller, Joann Mealey. ROW 2: Gary Hitzeman, Larry Johnson, Nick DeMartino, Don Turner.

SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Ascending: Bob Beatty, Pat Powell, Bobbie Benike, Sylvia Rupp.

PUBLICITY COMMITTEE: Madeline Litschke, Gretchen Anderson, Barry Downs



Twenty-five senior students have been elected to Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. This is the largest number ever elected to this honor at Winona State. Students elected to Who’s Who must have a 1.0 average or better academically, must be a senior, and must actively participate in extra-curricular activities.

SEATED: B. Anderson, D. Myron, P. Pottratz, STANDING: D. Schroeder, B. Zellmer, L. PapK. Stork, K. Rud, K. Rangitsch, J. Florin. enfuss, R. Trok, G. Houghton, P. Powell. SEATED: I. Hofer, B. Benike, A. Fishbaugher, G. Anderson, K. Kramer, K. Albers, STANDING: H. Davis, L. Allen, R. Groenewold, G. Ferrata, Chapek.


English majors and minors and anyone else interested in creative writing and literary activities make up the English Club. Within the past year, the club reinstated an old practice here at W.S.C.—that of publishing THE LOOM, a student literary magazine. Mr. Bodvarssen was their adviser.


The objectives of this club are threefold: professional growth, service, and social life. These phases serve as an integral binding

tie among these men. Dr. Harry Jackson serves as the organization adviser. The club meets once a month.

ROIV I : J. Conway, J. Birch, C. Ruedy. ROW 2: B. Frase, R. Carter, B. Conway. ROW 3: Mr. Bodvarssen, M. Sheimo. ROW 1: D. Bilse, D. Manz, G. Lann, E. Austin. ROW 2: R. Stolley, D. Schnorenberg, R. Ginn, H. Johansen, M. O’Reilly. ROW 3: D. Kesler, J. Stuber, G. Gerdes, J. Curran. ROW 4: J. Nel- son, D. Boyum, K. Klawiter, M. Miller. ROW 5: G. Severson, R. Marzke, W. Maeser, K. Gilbertson. ROW 6: Mr. G. Fuglsby, T. Stendall, D. Heroff, J. O’Hanlon.


marked the first year that the college chorus performed concerts as a sharp looking, blazer-dressed unit. Members individually purchased blue choir blazers at the beginning of the school year. The chorus performed with theorchestra for the annual “Messiah" pi'ogram at Christmas time. The choir departed in April for tht'ir annual concert tour. This year, the tour included concerts at bc'loit, ^\’isconsin, and at St. Louis and Jefferson City, Missouri. The beloit (k)llege Singers also performed at Winona State as a part of an e.xchange program.

ROW 1: T. Cutting, A. Hanson, S. Wehrenliorg, L. \"orbeck, M. Daily, F. Felder, M. Stocker, E. Cunhus. /iOM’ 2: D. Broker, R. Rustad, G. Houghton, B. Howard, J. Stephen, L. Johnson, E. Brown, M. Weichert, K. Turn- er, J. Ellenl)erg. ROM' 3: Mr. McCluer, D. Furst, R. Schmidt. J. Saecker, D. Turner, G. Jensen, O. Haught, W. Rustad, J. Fluegel, A. Steege, G. Rudolf.

ROW 1: N. Turner, P. Waugh, G. Welch, J. Steinmetz, C. Anderson, S. Gulbranson, J. Millam, C. Greenwald.

ROW 2: C. Anderson, S. Corey, T. Binge, H. Jones, C. Anderson, T. Thiele, T. Trouten, R. Hill, M. Hanke, R.

The Madrigal Singers are a selected group of Concert Choir members. They have sung for several occasions when it was inconvenient for the entire choir to appear. The Madrigal Singers appeared at luncheon meetings and other gatherings in Wisconsin as well as in Minnesota.


Ravnholdt, T. Zitnak. ROW 3: B. Johnson, K. Wollin, G. Anderson, P. Powell, M. Van Auken, S. Forster, J. Majerus. G. Tillman, M. Elias, C. Lindahl, D. Gebhard, L. Adams. ROW 1: E. Gunhus, C. Rudolf, S. Wehrenberg, K. Turner, P. Powell, M. Stocker, S. Gulbranson, C. Greenwald. ROW 2: D. Gebhard, J. Saeker, J. Johnson, B. Howard, J. Stephen, T. Eggerichs, R. Ravnholdt, B. Hill, M. Hanke. Mr. McCluer is at the piano.


The college band participated in the following events for the 1963-64 school year: football and basketball games, the Homecoming parade, two concerts, and the 1963 Spring musical, “West Side Story.” Mr. Fred Heyer is the band director.


The M.E.N.C. on campus is the local chapter of the national Music Educators National Conference. Music majors and minors compose this organization. Their program of activities includes sponsoring and publicizing campus musical events.

ROW I: A. Hanson, A. Knutson, A. Berning, S. Wehrenberg, L. Lewis, S. Gulbranson, K. Johnson, S. Harnack. ROW 2: T. Cutting, T. Thiele, C. Anderson, D. Holst, M. Daily, K. Wollin, B. Spurbeck, C. Jeche, M. Van Auk- en, O. Hager, E. Ryan, R. Ravnholdt, S. Kuekenmeister, G. LeTourneau. ROW 3: H. Okland, D. Heyer, T. Leuchtenberg, G. Schreiber, G. Urness, C. Anderson, J. Ness, L. Farrington. D. Broker, T. Thiele, J. Fluegel, T. Kitnak, M. Hanke, R. Ravnholdt. ROW 2: P. Waugh, C. Rudolf, K. Lentz, T. Cutting, S. Wehrenberg, F. Felder, N. Turner, G. Anderson, C. Anderson. ROW 3: K. Wollin, J. Ness, K. Turner, A. Hanson, G. Welch, A. Steege, E. Gunhus, L. Johnson, E. Brwon, S. Gulbranson, K. Hanke, J. Podany, J. Millam, Mr. McCluer.


The Rhythm Masters, Winona State’s swing band, held several concerts this year at which jazz renditions were offered by the group. Many of the selections were arranged by Mr. Fred Heyer, the director and originator of the Rhythm Masters.

ROW 1: G. Laffin, T. Cutting, F. Heyer, T. Thiele, A. Knutson. ROW 2: S. Ostrom, O. Hager, M.Van Auken. ROW 3: J. Ness, C. Anderson, G. Urness, T. Zitnak, K. Wollin, G. Durfey, R. Heyer. The group consists of twenty musicians, many from the W.S.C. student body. Fred Heyer belts out the blues.


Students living in campus dormitories elect representatives to the two dormitory councils, which are responsible for establishing regulations and disciplinary standards for dorm residents. The members of thecouncils also organize and assist in the social and recreational activities for the dormitories. Members of the councils are pictured.

Mrs. Griffith, G. Johnson, M. Witt, A. Duncansen, D. Botcher, R. Nelson, K. Bonnen. ROW 1: S. Overby, M. McHenry, B. Yamamoto, B. Sebo, J. Petronek. ROW 2: J. Curran, S. Bailey, R. Froyen, M. Kittleson, B. Frase, A. Smith, S. Ostrom.


Mrs. Fae Griffith is the over-all dormitory director. She is assisted by Miss Olive Tovson in the girls’ dormitories and by Mr. Tom Vail in Richards Hall. Counselors are selected by a committee which screens potential floor counselors on the basis of character, scholarship, maturity, and responsibility. The counselors are pictured above andbelow.

ROW 1: D. Myron, S. Corey, M. Lorang, S. Rupp, J. Bergsgaard, Miss Tovson. ROW 2: B. Schulze, K. Rangitsch, B. Engel, M. Arneson, P. Pottratz, P. Powell, Mrs. Griffith. SEATED: S. Bailey, R. Froyen, S. Ostrom, J. Curran. STANDING: B. Frase, M. Kittleson, J. Petronek.

ROW 1: J. Petronek, K. Rockwell, G. Ricabaugh, W. McDonald, S. Streater. ROW 2: J. Littens, R. Rogen, B. Brunkmeier, B. Anderson, R. Duellman. ROW 3: J. Stearns, F. Kottschade, D. Osweiler, S. Ostrom, G. Houghton. ROW 4: C. Hagen, G. Severson, B. Fulton, R. Adank, R. Kerrigan, A. Skemp. ROW 5: D. Lee, D. Houselog, D. Stanek, M. Kowalczyk, J. Skorlinski, D. Boardman.


The Vets’ Club is one of two new clubs on campus this year. It is composed of veterans of the United States armed forces now attending college. Its purpose is to promote school spirit as well as serve as a fraternal organization for veterans. The club drew up a constitution and by-laws and elected officers in January.


W.S.S.A. is a professional organizations for speech majors and minors. Guest speakers from college and high school speech departments provided lecture spots during the scheduled meetings. Each spring, the group sponsors the Minnesota District 3 Speech Festival. Club members also serve as speech judges for area high school speech contests. Bob Turner was the W.S.S.A. president.

ROW 1: J. Stenbeck, S. Rotty, E. Ryan, S. Paul. ROW 2: J. Keever, K. Lentz, J. Bambenek, M. Stocker. ROW 3: R. Timm, G. Colbenson, Miss Magnus, Dr. Judson. ROW 4: T. Leuchtenberg, R. Wussow, K. Fratzke, R. Schmidt. ROW 5: B. Zenker, B. Carr, S. Bailey, J. Hess.


ROW 1: K. Wilder, S. Rotty, J. Stenbeck, E. Ryan, M. Hogetveit, S. Paul. ROW 2: J. Keever, S. Zimmer, J. Jones, J. Bambenek, Miss Magnus. ROW 3: S. Wedul, M. Siebenaler, J. Thompson, K. Belter, K. Lentz, M. Stocker. ROW 4: R. Matson, D. Furst, T. Leuchtenberg, M. Calaban, G. Colbenson. ROW 5: B. Spurbeck, R. Wussow, J. Hess, C. Fratzke, R. Schmidt, L. Rollins. ROW 6: B. Carr, B. Zenker, T. Cickanowski, S. Lewis.


This year, the Wenonah Players presented an arena stage production of the domestic drama, Ibsen’s “Ghosts.” The Players made headlines in the newspapers by being the first college theatrical group in the nation to perform in the Tyrone GuthrieTheatre in Minneapolis. Officers were George Colbenson, President; Bob Carr, Vice-President; Kathy Belter, Recording Secretary; Jan Keever, Corresponding Secretary; and Alfred Wolfram, Treasurer.


Another national organization which found its way to the W.S.C. campus this year is the Society for the Advancement of Management. This organization replaces the now defunct Business Club. Members of S.A.M. are enrolled in the B.A. curriculum in business administration and economics. Ken O’Brien served as the chapter president.

1: C. Lukaszewski, R. Trok, K. O’Brien, D. Thompson, J. Lee, J. Gerken, J. Keever, D. Konop, J. C. Pfeiffer. ROW 2: D. Ferren, J. Bentson, D. Egland, D. Ravnholdt, J. Cavanaugh, S. Maass, F. Bonofiglio, R. Hanson, D. Bess. ROW 3: J. Rogers,


R. Miller, B. Brunkmeier, J. Majerus, D. Doherty, F. Bilder, G. Mayer, P. Abts, J. Harrington. ROW

4: Dr. Foegen, J. Miller, H. Kleis, D. Osweiler, K. Brueske, B. Nystrom, R. Lapatka, T. W. Tweedy, K. Chupita, R. Wussow.

For having been in existence only two years now, the I.R.G. is undoubtedly one of the most active organizations on campus. During the course of the year, the International Relations Club, advised by Dr. Villanueva, has provided this campus and the community with outstanding speakers on controversial subjects and events. Its purpose, to promote a better understanding of the life and customs of other countries, is quickly being realized. Dave Vail served as the club’s president.


As W.S.C. students know, an active student exchange program exists between Winona State College and an Oslo, Norway, Teachers Training College. This year, two students from Winona State, Karen Van Auken and Kathy Lindsay, attended school in Norway. In exchange, at W.S.C. we have Olar Kjustad, Inger Karlsen, Maria Hogetveit and Olar Houge—all from Norway.

ROW 1: S. Papenfuss, M. Stremcha, M. Jazaeri, M. Hogetveit, M. Siebenaler, G. Gonides, S. Wedul, Dr. Villanueva, Mr. Bayunus. ROW 2: A. Goldsmith, K. Wilder, P. Boiler, M. Daily, D. Evens, D. McLaughlin, B. Habibi, R. Williams. ROW 3: J. Kokkonen, B. Beatty, A. Biederman, J. Floyd, M. Vogland, O. Kjustad, A. Fenney, A. Esfandiar, D. Vail. Olar Houge, Maria Hogetveit, Olar Kjustad and Inger Karlsen pose for a snapshot.


The Gamma Lambda Chapter of Gamma Delta is a religious organization for synodical Lutheran college students on campus. Besides promoting Lutheran fellowship, Gamma Delta also provides Christian service and Christian knowledge. Loren Wondrasch served as president.

The Lutheran Student Association meets for weekly fellowship at Central Lutheran Church. LSA offers Bible study, speakers, discussion groups, and social events to students who wish for an active church life in a church away from home. All students who are members of the National Lutheran Council of Churches are welcome to join. Inge Hofer was theclub president.

ROW I: J. Haack, D. Kiese, M. Pagel, C. Beil, S. Maass, C. Finske. ROW 2: D. Fischer, D. Haack, J. Nelson, P. Dressel, B. Stendall, S. Boiler. ROW 3: Rev. A. L Mennicke, A. Denzer, A. Price, L. Wondrasch, J. Timm, J. Harrington.
ROW 1: Pastor W. C. Friesth, S. Sanness, S. Iverson, D. Samuels. ROW 2: Martha Paulson, I. Hofer, P. Berg, B. Egge. ROW 3: G. Anderson, L. Lewis, K. Towick, L. Overhaug. ROW 4: R. Ravnholdt, O. Hauge, K. Mortensen, S. Wedul.


The purpose of the Newman Club is to provide a connection between the Catholic Church and the Catholic student on as ecular campus. Throughout the year, religious, educational, and social activities are combined in the program. They hold their weekly meetings at the Newman Center. The officers were President, John Przytarski; Vice-President, Richard Schleich; Treasurer, Leo Daley; Recording Secretary, Karen Gludt; Corresponding Secretary, Rose Marie O’Neill.

ROW 1: S. Kuchenmeister, M. Siebenaler, J. Fletcher, J. Bartz, J. Schultz, M. James. ROW 2: P. Thompson, D. Peters, K. Johnson, M. Hankes, S. Hageman, S. Drwall. ROW 3: M. O’Connor, K. Rangitsch, M. Lorang, K. O’Rourke, M. Johnson, J. Huett. ROW 4: T. Keller, P. Koprowski, B. Kohler, B. Puetz, J. Kokkonen, T. Casey. ROW 5: N. Kratch, K. Brueske, J. Grossman, V. Siegel, K. Kenney. ROW I: K. Gludt, P. Boiler, M. Weichert, S. Hohenhous, M. Verchota, R. O’Neill. ROW 2: L. Tiegs, S. Johnston, J. Goetzman, P. Ern- ster, M. Cabalan, Mrs. J. Orlowske. ROW 3. T. Eggerichs, D. Janikowski, L. Daley, J. Przytarski. Rev. J. LaPlante.

The Canterbury Club is the Episcopal students’ organization on campjas. The group meet weekly for discussions and lectures. This is also one of the many newly organized clubs on campus this year. There is no definite group of officers, only a loosely-knit council that meets once a month with parish representatives and Episcopal faculty to coordinate activity. Their adviser is Mr. Jacobsen, and their parish leader is Rev. Mr. Ellingson.



Wesley Foundation is the Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren student organization on campus. Its purpose is to promote understanding of the Christian faith, and to stimulate meditation and social action out of personal religious convictions. Its meetings consist of Sunday suppers and Thursday informal discussions. The yearly activities include retreats and river excursions.

ROW 1: N. McLaughlin, C. Wood, B. Schmauss, M. Broadfield. ROW 2: Rev. Mr. Ellingson, J. Prentis, D Fruen, J. Hess, W. Sillman. ROW 1: N. Rydlund, J. Carney, C. Hanson, C. Anderson. ROW 3: C. Wilbur, R. Carter, D. Anderson, M. Daily. ROW 2: A. Berning, J. Gebhard, E. Horton, L. Rollins. Johnson, S. Sebo, C. Rudolf, J. Thompson, C.



I. Hofer, D. Myran, K. Torvick, D. Palmquist, M. Stremcha, M. Issendorf. ROW 4: S. Parsely, C. Anderson, C. Olson, J. Olson, K. Olson, B. Schulze, D. Haessig. ROW 5: J. Podany, C. Anderson, G. Ricabaugh, M. Daily, L. Holubar, G. Johnson. ROW 6: R. Jurries, W. Platen, L. Russell, D. Wilson, E. Brown, D. Ebert.

Johnson, S. Zimmer, M. Vogland, S. Harnack, Betty Engel. ROW

All students who plan to enter the teaching profession are urged to join the Student National Education Association. The monthly meetings covered panel discussions, model interviews, films, and talks by guest educator-lecturers.

Waterman, J. Petronek, B. Walters, N. Turner, S. Rupp, H. Rice. ROW

S. Wehrenberg, P. Boiler, D. Rosendahl, D. Wayne, E. Horton. ROW 3: Mary Ann O’Connor, G. Anderson, J. Haukom, M. Iverson, S. Wedul, J. Jones. ROW 4: K. Lentz, A. Price, L. R. Deters, J. Kokkonen, C. Wilbur. ROW 5: S. Boiler, Rog Groenewold, S. Bailey, J. Enger, G. Anderson, M. O. Wedul, adviser.

ROW 1: K. Brock, J. Johnson, S. Rotty, B. Benike, K. Rangitsch, Robinson. ROW 2: L. 3: ROW 1: J. 2:


The Circle K organization is primarily interested in service to the school and community. It is comprised of male members interested in doing a little more for their college than the average college student. The Circle K organization is affiliated with the Winona Downtown Kiwanis Club, and both groups work closely together. The group also manages to have time for social affairs, such as an annual dinner party held in the spring. Business meetings are held every Monday evening at 7:30. Officers for the year included Robert Hill, President; Glenn Houghton, Vice-President; Ray Wilsey. Secretary; and Richard Martzke, Treasurer. Dennis Gebhard, Robert Hung and Douglas Furst served on the board of directors.


The Circle K-Dettes, a sister club of Circle K, is organized to give service to various activities on campus. The club has sponsored dances, ushered on numerous occasions for college functions, and served in other capacities. The main function of the club is to publish the student directory.

SEATED: Dennis Gebhard, Gary Goodwin, William Frase. STANDING: Bob Hill, Roy Wilsey, Donald Bilse. Ascending: J. Miller, S. Benson, R. Robinson, H. Jones.

Under the persistent driveof the co-editors, Mary Stocker and Arlys Berning, theWenonah staff worked industriously to meet its deadlines. The aim of the staff is to reveal to WSC students fond memories of the school year 1963-64. The yearbook this year has more pages, a bigger selection of pictures of interesting events, and other extras to make the project a successful one.

SEATED: J. Seufert, J. Miller, T. Smith. STANDING: C. Wilbur, A. Berning, R. Wussow, S. Benson, S. Bailey, M. Stocker, C. Ruedy.
ROW 1: S. Hageman, N. Stevenson, S. Zimmer, A. Steege, N. Barski. ROW 2: J. Ness, R. Wussow, J. Seufert, A. Hanson, R. Kesler. ROW 3: T. Smith, M. Bebermeyer, W. Menzel, G. LeTourneau, T. Baer. ROW 4: C. Ruedy, K. Turner, C. Wilbur, Marcia Daily, S. Bailey.


The Winonan, our campus newspaper, provides coverage of all college events. Interested students learn to write feature stories, news articles, and editorials, and to make up pages for layout work. The editions are published 15 times a year 'at intervals of 3 weeks. Copies are distributed to the student body via post office boxes, and copies are also sent to alumni and to other colleges and universities. Managing editor for the 1963-64 school term was Fran DeGrood. She was assisted by Peg Siebenaler, feature editor; Tom Baer, news editor; Rollie Wussow, sports editor; and Diane Erickson, copy editor. Ron Kesler was the photographer, and the adviser was Mr. Bremer.

Ascending: R. Wussow, N. Stevenson, T. Baer, N. McLaughlin, R. Kesler, M. Reuter. Section editors: F. DeGrood, P. Siebenaler, D. Erickson, M. Jazaeri, R. Wussow. Photographers at work: R. Kesler and J. Seufert.


The Dolphin Club is a co-educational organization for students who enjoy swimming. The activities for the year included sponsoring a homecoming candidate— Darlene Wilson; the freshmanupperclassman swim meet; and several co-rec swims. Officers are Dave Frank, President; Dennis Blanchard, Vice-President; Darlene Wilson, Secretary; Bob Stone, Treasurer; Sal Rotty, Historian.


The Pep Club is a newly organized club on campus. The main purpose is to provide support for athletic events. All students are invited to join to promote better school spirit.

ROW 1: P. Rader, D. Wilson, C. Rudolf, A. Steege. ROW 2: T. Erickson, J. Petronek, T. Baer. ROW 3: D. Blanchard, B. Kohler, G. Kloek, S. Andrus. ROW I: H. Atkinson, N. Rydlund, M. Brombuck, S. Zimmer. ROW 2: P. Rader, S. Hageman, P. Roberts, J. Jones, E. Whitaker. ROW 3: R. Groenewold, E. Gransee, D. Bailey, B. Johnson, E. Branum, D. Haack.


ROW 1: I. Hofer, S. Rotty, K. Olson, J. Olson, D. Sanders, K. Grimm.

ROW 2: H. Roxburgh, M. Bromback, M. Ihrke, M. Issendorf, C. Hanson.

ROW 3: B. Voss, J. Lubinski, J. Hoff, R. Robinson, D. Haessig, M. Litschke.

ROW 4: J. Plooster, J. Knutson, N. Litschke, L. Betts, J. Kidd. ROW 5: B. Benike, R. Jurries, S. Sebo, J. Bell, R. Dahling, G. Johnson.


As the name indicates, the Academy of Science Club is an organization for students interested in the field of science. The group had notable lecturers in the field of science for their meetings. Dr. Calvin Fremling served as the club’s adviser.

LEFT ROW: G. Tillman, L. Benish, E. Azad, R. Keller, L. Deters, L. Berry. RIGHT ROW: B. Frase, J. Haack, B. Ebert, D. Wilson, G. Kloek, H. Davis, P. Watkins.

The Women’s Physical Education Club, consisting of physical eduqation majors and minors, is designed to promote physical education at this college and to foster cooperation with the department in general. Each year, this organization provides a loan fund and a Jean Talbot Scholarship Fund for women in physical education. It is able to provide this scholarship through selling Homecoming buttons and operating the coat checkroom at basketball games.


The following is a brief chronological sketch of a year of sports at Winona State College: In the fall, Saturday becomes a panorama of the sounds and color and movement of a crowd watching the game. Football is precision and skill, excitement and spirit. The crisp weather of winter sends the athletes and spectators indoors. Cheering fans, intent on the precise actions of five men on a basketball court, fill the Memorial Hall complex. Wrestling and swimming also bring excitement to the winter sports focus. Then it is spring, and the emphasis shifts to the outdoors again as track.

baseball, tennis, and golf take the spotlight. Sweat suits become a familiar sight on the campus, the golfer takes to the green links, the sounds of baseball echo across Loughrey Field, and spikes soar over hurdles at Jefferson Field. Throughout the year, Winona State’s athletic department does its share to add excitement and spirit to the campus.



Fight! Fight! Fight! These are familiar words to all those whoattend the athletic events at WSC. The girls leading the crowd in these wordsand other yells are the six cheerleaders for the-school. As the word “cheerleader” suggests, the purpose of the cheerleader is to lead the spectators in yells giving support to the athletic teams and showing their school spirit.

Ascending: Donna Myran, Sherrie Kozak, Phyllis Herschberger, Mitzi Iverson, Joanie Kangel, Kathy Stork, captain. Cheerleaders lead students in the “Fight Yell” at a football game.


The Winona State College Warriorettes, this school’s precision drill squad, performed successfully during the past year. The Warriorettes opened their marching schedule by winning first place in the La Crosse, Wisconsin, Octoberfest parade on October 5. The girls also marched at the Homecoming football game, several basketball games, the St. Paul Winter Carnival, and the Winona Winter Carnival. The administrative council consists of Bobbie Benike, Judee Fuglestad and Karen Hartley as choreographers; Sylvia Rupp, publicity; Patty Pottratz, secretary-treasurer; Mary Gates, wardrobe; and Jeff Kremer, business manager. Their adviser is Miss Locks.

Warriorette choreographers are Judee Fuglestad, Bobbie Benike, and Karen Hartley.

Why aren’t we all bowing?

Left to right: M. Modjeski, J. Evens, P. Lyndahl, D. Borgen, P. Rader, P. Frubl, S. Warmack, M. Klas, S. Harnack, K. Schmitz, B. Dolny, K. Brock, D. Gislason, K. Mullane, K. Hartley, S. Wiezek, M. Litschke, B. Benike, S. Rupp, J. Fuglested, B. Doely, M. Gates, M. Schwanke, N. McLaughlin, N. Litschke, P. Pottratz.


The Women’s Recreational Association is an active organization open to all college women. Volleyball, basketball, bowling, and softball made a season of successful sports activities. Individual clubs formed in W.R.A. are tennis, badminton, turnbling, swimming, golf, and modern dance. W.R.A. sponsors a fun night for freshman women, co-rec volleyball, and a college Sports Day.

Officers: Judy Bell, President; Joy Plooster, Vice-President; Judy Knutson, Secretary-Treasurer; Miss Moravec, adviser. W.R.A. members participate in athletic activities. W.R.A. Board. ROW I: R. Robinson, J. Plooster, R. Jur- B. Knutson, J. Knutson, K. Olsen, J. Olsen, M. Witt, J. ries, J. Bell, K. Grimm, Miss Moravec, adviser. ROW 2: Lubinski.


Tom Vail’s cross-country team wound up its dual-meet season with a 7—3 record. This is one of the best records ever compiled in WSC history. Coach Vail was quoted as saying, “We had many tough opponents on our schedule and I’m happy with the results.”

Lining up for practice start are cross-country runners D. Lietzau, T. Gale, B. Smith, D. Wodele, R. Belongie, B. Stone. Captain Dick Lietzau prepares for the next meet. ROW 1: V. Haseit, R. Belongie, D. Lietzau. ROW 2: Coach Tom Vail, D. Wodele, B. Anderson, T. Gale, B. Smith.
Season’s Record
State College of Iowa
River Falls
U. of Dubuque
Bethel College 28 29 La Crosse 23 34 Loras
19 Mankato 30 27 Wartburg 27 30 Luther
WE THEY 35 20
27 28
19 35
24 31
21 34


Season’s Record WE THEY 8 27 Eau Claire 0 60 Northern Illinois U. 14 16 Michigan Tech 0 3 Moorhead 8 20 St. Cloud 6 14 Mankato 0 41 Bemidji 16 8 Platteville
Line: T. Hall, G. Ferrata, B. White, J. Curran, B. Johnson, B. Gray, D. Rauen. Backfield: M. Henry, R. Leistikow, D. Konop, D. Mutschler.
Warrior defense zeroes in on Platteville ball carrier on the way to victory in final effort of the

ROW 1: P. Engen, C. Zane, D. Vagts, J. Kremer, B. Zellmer, Doug Konop, Dave Konop, P. King, T. Brostrom, B. Lieberman, H. Walski. ROW 2: J. Benedict, T. Hall, F. Berning, R. Goersch, D. Usgard, T. Finseth, M. Henry, B. Engrav, J. Ryan, L. Anderson, B. Pyka.

ROW 3: C. Berning, E. Hall, B. Fermann, B. Grey, 6. Ferrata, G. Waterman, B. Kennedy, P. Koprowski, J. Cur-

ran, J. O’Brien. ROW 4: F. Conroy, B. White, R. Leistikow, J. Simon, B. Johnson, D. Ruaen, L. Burros, J. Haukoos, D. Mutschler, J. Jungers, J. Byrne. ROW 5: D. Furst, C. Byrom, A. Skemp, F. Deters, L. Olsen, B. Lang, R. Leonhardt, L. Wedemeier, D. HerofF, G. Horton, D. Boyum, D. Williams.

Moon and his stars Coach Moon Molinari checks the day’s practice schedule with Rog Goerisch, RalphLeistikow, Duane Ruaenand Bruce Zellmer. Zellmer was drafted by the Detroit Lions of the N.F.L.

“Get that schnook Halfback Rog Leonhardt yells to quarterback Bob Leiberman. Leonhardt carried for a six yard gain against the Michigan Tech Huskies.

“Drive for five ...” Rog Leonhardtdid more than that on this carry. After hurdling a Platteville tackle, he carried the ball to the Pioneer 3 yard line. The Warriors subsequently scored.

Mike Henry slams through the Northern Illinois line for a Warrior gain.


During the 1963-64 campaign, the Winona State basketball team was backed with the type of spirit that this school has seldom seen. The gymnasium was packed for nearly every home game by cheering, fanatical basketball fans. This is one of the reasons why the team performed admirably at home in posting a winning record on the Memorial Hall hardwood. The team coached by Dr. Robert Campbell, won the Lakeland, Wis. Holiday Tournament by posting victories over Northland and Lakeland. Prior to the Lakeland classic, they won the consolation Championship in the Beloit Holiday Tourney. Mainstays on the Warrior personnel included Lyle Papenfuss, Gary Petersen, Dave Meisner and Darrell Schuster. Captain Papenfuss is the only senior on the squad.

Winning Warriors From top left—following the “W” pattern; C. Gardner, D. Rosenau, T. Anderson, J. Kelley, G. Peterson, M. Leahy, M. Dilley, Assistant Coach D. Klagge, D. Goede, Coach Campbell, D. Meisner, T. Stallings, C. Enger, D. Schuster, D. Milne, L. Papenfuss, R. Kjome. Really now, Dr. Bob Campbell is a nice guy. It’s just that he has to illustrate mental pictures to his basketball team during timeouts. He is speaking Middle English to his charges in an attempt to tell them how well they are doing

Warrior war dance Perhaps Gary Peterson would like to try and dance—but not with River Falls’ Ken Lee. Peterson scored 27 points in this game.

“Looks good” Tom Stallings adds a point to the Warrior cause against ‘Kato. WSC dropped this one 63—56.

Peterson takes time out from his scoring racket to impose a little tomfoolery on Mankato’s Les Sonnabend. Peterson slapped the ball away from Sonnabend’s grasp.

Season’s Record WE THEY 66 80 Stevens Point 75 86 State College of 100 91 Platteville 77 81 River Falls 99 89 Northland 75 83 Loras 94 92 Superior 66 102 Stout Holiday Tourney—Beliot, Wisconsin 79 85 Beloit 71 70 Carroll Holiday Tourney—Sheboygan, Wisconsin 83 74 Northland 82 71 Lakeland 81 62 River Falls 70 67 Mankato 67 68 La Crosse 59 92 St. Cloud 74 61 Moorhead 56 63 Mankato 71 85 Bemidji 71 78 Moorhead 62 82 St. Cloud 98 72 Bemidji 86 71 Michigan Tech 85 69 Michigan Tech
“Fudd” Goede scores against Mankato.
-4 mm
“Big Kjome” Rog Kjome goes up for two points as Dave Meisner looks on. Lyle Papenfuss grimaces as he drives for the basket against NIC rival Mankato. Tom Stallings moves in for a possible rebound and Dave Goede is in the background.

The Little Warriors were coached by Tom Vail for the 1963-64 season. The junior varsity was composed primarily of freshmen athletes but some sophomores, in the likes of Mike Wagner and Craig Gardner did play on the squad. Three of the freshmen, Tim Anderson, Noel Paulson and Dennis Morgan, did suit up for varsity games. The “B” squad played twelve games during the year. They posted wins over La Crosse, Mankato and Standard Oil of the Winona City League, but lost to St. Mary’s, St. Cloud and River Falls in other games.

ROW 1: D. Morgan, S. Lupie, T. Anderson, L. Kanavati, B. Lee. ROW 2: R. Gieske, M. Wagner, D. Glover, N. Paulson, J. Benedict. ROW 3: Coach Vail, J. Vigness, G. Gropel, J. Alfonso, C. Wilbur. Steve Lupie displays his jumpshot form against the Mankato “B’s.”

TRACK 1963

The 1963 track team was relatively young, but posted many fine showings for Coach Bob Keister. Outstanding freshmen talent piled up the majority of the points, but seniors Larry Pontinen, D. C. Dahl and John Lautigar added class. Pontinen set a few records in the two-mile event before injuring himself. Dahl and Pontinen provided continual personal duels in their events and Lautigar looked good in the weight events. Bob Stone was the outstanding freshman performer. Stone won three firsts and a second in the Carleton meet last spring, piling up 17 points.

Bob Peterson hefts theshot—looks as though he was kissed by a Winter Carnival Vulcan?? Coach and aces Coach Bob Keister discusses times with his star cindermen, Larry Pontinen and D. C. Dahl. ROW 1: P. LaVelle, D. Williams, D. Drizan, D. Leitzau, D. Haines, G. Olcott. ROW 2: T. Oswald, H. Davis, M. Leahy, J. Simon, D. Dahl, C. Wilbur, B. Anderson. ROW 3: D. Stegen, B. Pederson, J. Lautigar, B. Peterson, B. Kennedy, B. Stone, B. Pitts.

ROW I: G. Matson, K. Knutson, P. King, L. Marchionda. ROW 2: Assistant Coach G. Johnson, P. Flaherty, M. Sovereign, L. Wedemeier, M. Cavanaugh, J. Price, K. Blomquist, D. Haines, C. Haines, J. Wolfert, Manager D. Furst, D. Scrabeck, Coach Gunner.

“Cut it out, you’re tickling my foot.” Larry Marchionda works for a win.


The Warrior wrestler were caught in a rebuilding year during the 1963-64 season. Coach Bob Gunner’s team developed slowly at the start of the year but always put up a strong fight in the matches. The Warriors picked up their first win against Michigan Tech 25—8 after losing to Luther College and participating in the State College of Iowa and low’a State quadrangulars. Outstanding performers on the mat team included Perry King, Buzz Mattsen, Larry Wedemeier, Pat Flaherty, and Dan Scrabeck. Season’s

Luther College


Mankato 15


South Dakota State

Larry Wedemeier, State’s heavyweight wrestler, gains an early advantage over Mike Gaydeski from Superior State. Advancing his position by turning his opponent Larry proceeds to get a pinning hold as the referee keeps a close watch. After a successful match Larry displays his winning smile.

25 8
Michigan Tech. 10
St. Cloud 14
19 23
Superior 21
La Crosse 8
Morehead 22
River Falls 0


Coach Luther McCown’s baseball Warriors were one of the top teams in the nation again last year. The Warriors posted a 22—6 won-lost record in gaining the N.A.I.A. finals in Kansas City, Missouri for the third year in a row. Outstanding performers on the squad which also won the Northern Intercollegiate Conference Championship, included Jon Kosidowski, Charlie Weisbrod, Mark Dilley, Roger Leonhardt, Bob Lietzau, and Dick and Lyle Papenfuss.

122 1
Dr. McCown discusses the theory of winning ball games to his star pitchers, Jon Kosidowski, Chuck Weisbrod and Mark Dilley.

Murderers’ Row Dilley, Gunderson, Leitzau, Kosidowski, Papenfuss and Leonhardt proved troublesome to opposing pitch-

Season’s Record


St. Louis U.



U of Wis. at Milwaukee

River Falls

State College ofIowa

La Crosse


St. Cloud


N.A.I.A. Playoflf :



Mayville, N.D.

California (Pa.) State

Lewis College (Ill.)

Eastern Carolina

Fourth in NAIA iîOW 1 : M. Dilley, D. Papenfuss, A. Klinder, R. Leonhardt, B. Leitzau, B. Allaire. ROW

2: K. Barker, D. Usgaard, C. Zane, D. Wendlandt, J.

The first baseman stretches for the throw to first to end the inning.

Kohn, J. Stephan. ROW 3: G. Grob, M. Gunderson, C Doepner, L. Papenfuss, R. Roepke, T. Kelly. ROW 4: L. Olson, J. Kosidowski, C. Weisbrod, Coach McCown.

WON 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 LOST 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0


Coach John Martin developed a strong swimming team in his first year as head coach at Winona State. The Warriors lost to Macalester by a close score andthen won seven straight dual meets and posted additional victories before the season was over. Coach Martin credited his success to the “attitude of his team.” There was a definite desire to swim, and his boys went out and literally overpowered their foes. During the year Rich Childers broke the school record for the 500 yard freestyle, and the 400 yard medley relay squad smashed the school and pool records in that department.

Randy Sinke displays his winning diving form. ROW 1: H. Seiben, B. Lang, J. Dwyer, R. Knapp, G. Rode, A. Takaki. ROW 2: J. Wescott, R. Childers, B. Miller, F. Braun, P. Ford, D. Frank, G. Nash. ROW 3: Mr. Martin, R. Rydman, B. Kohler, D. Blanchard, R, Sinke, L. Olson, B. Downs.


Season’s Record


School spirit is evident from the poster as swimmers are about to splash.

Rich Childers on his way to a new record.

Coach Martin talks with ace freestylist Dennis Blanchard.
Platteville 42
Macalaster 70
Platteville 51
Carletón 67
Bemidji 73
23 Oshkosh 82 13 Mankato
23 St. Thomas
20 Mankato
34 Hamline
Gustavus Adolphi
Buzzy Braun calls out the number of lengths to Dick Knapp in the 500 meter event.
Dave Frank displays his backstroke form.

GOLF 1963

The 1963 golfers had an excellent schedule of meets but didn’t fare too well in most of them. Coach Madeo Molinari’s golf squad won its first match of the season in a triangular meet with River Falls State College and Stout State College. The Warriors gained a win over River Falls and a tie with Stout in the match play meet. The remainder of the season included losses to Eau Claire State, La Crosse State, St. Mary’s and Mankato, and a win over Luther College in the final match. Low W.S.C. shooter for the season was Mike Kowalczyk with an average of 77.


The “W” Club is composed of major letterwinners in intercollegiate athletics at Winona State. The athletes utilize their off seasons by promoting “W” Club activities and campaigns, such as the Fun Days event this year; serving refreshments at athletic events; and selecting and promoting the Athlete of the Month and the Quarter Sports Queen. George Ferrata served as president of the club.

ROW 1: D. Vail, R. Hogenson, T. Thaldorf, ROW 2: Coach Molinari, M. Kowalczyk, D. Olson, L. Mayer. ROW 1: R. Seyba, D. Haines, R. Roepke, T. Finseth, T. Gale, P. Engen, D. Mutschler, M. Dilley. ROW 2: G. Waterman, G. Ferrata, D. Usgaard, D. Boyum, J. Haukoos, H. Davis, Dr. Campbell. ROW 3: G. Goodwin, M. Rouse, R. Rustad, L. Papenfuss, R. Puetz, R. Stone, W. Anderson, B. White.


The intramural program this year was headed by Mr. Austin Loeffler, replacing Mr. Molinari, who was on sabbatical leave at the University of Minnesota. Mr. Loeffler arranged intramural basketball leagues in the winter and softball activities in the spring. Approximately 200 male students participated in the programs. Female intramural activities are arranged through the women’s physical education department.

Dave Usgaard scores two points for the Leftovers in a game against the Celtics. Gretchen Koehler scores two points in a game between the Dribblers and the Hustlers. Karen Grimm and Kathy Cody jump to gain control of the ball.
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Aadahl, Joanne 36


Aasum, David 36,66

Abbot, Eynn 82

Abts, Lawerance 95

Adams, Lee 89

Adank, Richard 36,94

Albers, Kathleen 36,58,72,84,86

Alfonso, Joseph 29,118

Allaire, William 123

Allen, Lowell 37,58,72,80,82,86

Allen, William 37

Anderson, Barbara 33,36

Anderson, Billy 83,94,111


Anderson, Carolyn 89,100

Anderson, Cheryl 29,89,90,91,99, 100

Anderson, Colleen 20,89,90,99,100

Anderson, Dale 37

Anderson, Gary 37

Anderson, Gretchen 33,83,84,85, 86,88,90,97,100

Anderson, Judith 29

Anderson, Larry 20,113

Anderson, Mary Lou 37

Anderson, Pamela 29,61

Anderson, Timothy 20,114,118

Anderson, William 66,119,126

Andrus, Steve 104

Anshus, David 81

Arneson, Mary Lou 37,93

Arns, Lynne 20

Ashbach, Dennis 20

Atkinson, Helen 20,104

Austin, Everett 33,83,87

Azad, Esfandmar 29,96,105

Baer, Thomas 33,63,102,103,104

Bailey, Dean 29,104

Bailey, Gary 37

Bailey, Judy 20

Bailey, Stevan 37,58,92,93,94, 100,102,140

Baisley, Joseph 20

Bakkendahl, Janice 37

Bailer, John 20

Balzart, Barbara 21

Bambenek, Mary 20


Barker, Kermeth 123

Barski, Nancy 29,102

Bartkey, Kathleen 20


Bartz, Ann 21

Bartz, Judith 20,98


Beatty, Robert 33,69,85,96

Bebermeyer, Marge 29,102

Beck, John 20

Becker, Charles 29

Becker, Richard 21

Beckman, Judy 21


Behrens, Earl 37

Bell, Judith 33,105,110

BeLongie, Ronald 111

Benedict, John 113,118

Beneke, Gary 20

Benike, Barbara 37,60,69,82,84,85, 86,100,105,109

Benish, Lawrence 105

Benning, Fred 21

Benson, Sharon 33,101,102

Bentley, Jonathan 20

Bentson, Gerald 95

Berg, Gary 21

Berg, Peggy 97

Bergsgaard, Joanne 36,38,81,93

Bergum, Kent 29

Berkman, Dulcie 21

Berkman, George arme Maythm 38

Bernadot, David 21

Berning, Arlys 29,90,99,102,140

Berning, Charles 21,113

Berry, Lynn 105

Berti, Mary Ann 33

Besek, Darlene 20

Beske, Janice 38

Bess, David 38,95

Besse, Lyle 29

Betts, Lois 105

Biederman, Anna 96

Bilder, Franklin 95

BILSE, DONALD 9,87,101

Bina, Albert 20

Binge, Teri 21,89

Birch, Janet 87

Blahnik, Mary 38

Blaisdell, Thomas 33

Blake, Gerald 72

Blanchard, Dennis 104,124,125

Blietz, Marleen 21

Blomquist, Kenneth 20,120

Blum, Peter 82

Boardman, Dennis 94


Boehlke, William 33,82


Bohn, Karl 20

Boiler, Patricia 96,98,100

Boiler, Stephen 38,81,97,100

Bonofiglio, Frank 95

Borden, John 20

Borgen, Diane 29,109

Botcher, Diane 29,72,92

Boyum, David 29,87,113

Boyum, Dwight 30,126

Bradfield, Micki 21

Branum, Earl 33,104

Bratrud, Gretchen 21

Braun, Frank 21,124,125

Braun, Thomas 33


Breza, David 21

Briese, Charles 34

Brinkmeier, Brian 21,95

Brock, Kathleen 72,100,109

Broker, David 88,90

Brombach, Mary 21,104,105

Bronner, Dennis 21

Brostrom, Terrance 113

Brown, Edith 34,88,90,100


Brueske, Kenneth 21,95,98

Bruton, James 21

Buck, Ronald 38,83

Buerge, Roger 21

Burke, Patricia 21

Burnett, Phillip 21

Burros, Lee113

Butenhoff, Gerald 21

Butterwick, James 21

Byom, Richard 113

Byram, Clarence 21

Byrne, James 21,113

Cada, Michael 21

Cafourek, Karen 38

Cabalan, Michael 21,95,98

Callahan, Ervin 30

Cameron, Linda 21



Carney, Jean 99

Carr, Robert 59,94,95

Carroll, Kathleen 21

Carter, Mary 21

Carter, Ralph 21,87,99

Casey, Thomas 21,98


Cavanaugh, James 95,120

Chamberlain, Sharon 30

Chapek, Robert 38,36,58,68,82, 84,86

Childers, Richard 124,125

Choffin, Phillip 38,82


Chupita, Kenneth 38,80,95

Cichanowski, Thomas 21,95

Cieminski, Robert 21

Clare, David 82

Clare, Richard 82

Clark, Ruby 12

Cody, Kathleen 39,81,127

Coffey, Douglas 39

Colbenson, George 59,94,95

Condon, Frank 21

Connaughty, Candy 21


Connelly, Mary 21

Conray, Franklin 30,113

Corcoran, Bonnie 36,39,58

Corey, Sandra 81,83,89,93

Corson, Jimmilee 21

Cotton, Nancy 30

Crandall, Sharon 22

Creminski, Jean 30

Crouse, Kathleen 22

Curran, Gerald 34,82,87,92,93, 112,113

Cutting, Terri 30,82,88,90,91

Cutts, Janis 34

Dadetta, Ronald 34,58

Dahl, Richard 22

Dahlberg, Peggy 22

Daily, Marcin 30,88,90,96,99,100, 102

DaLey, Leo 98

Davies, David 83


Davis, Harry 39


Davis, Michael 83


Dean, Michael 22

Deets, James 65

DeGrood, Fran 103

DeGroot, Angelyn 7

De Martino, Nicholas 34,61,80,85

Deters, Franklin 22

Deters, LeRoy22,100,105,113

Devries, Lavern 39

Dewey, William 22

Dilley, Mark 39,115,122,123,126

Dingemans, Lola 30

Dittrich, Judith 22

Doekrick, Charles 22

Doely, Barbara 22,108

Doepner, Clyde 30,123

Doely, Barbara 22

Doerge, Susanne 22

Doerr, Donald 22

Doherty, Richard 95

Dohrn, Rosemary 22

Dolney, Elizabeth 30,82,108

Donaldson, Margaret 22

Donath, Elizabeth 7

Downs, Byron 22,85,124

Doyle, Frank 30

Droyen, Richard 34

Drussel, Peder 22,83,97

Drwall, Sharon 22,98

Due liman. Merlin 94

Duncanson, Ann 30,92


Durfey, Robert 91

Dvorak, Donna 22

Dvorak, Monica 39

Dwyer, John 22,124

Ebert, Diane 22,100

Ebert, Robert 39,105

Ecker, Peter 22

Edel, Normagene 22,96

Eggerichs, Terrence 89,98

Effertz, Richard 22,95

Egge, Barbara 22

Egland, Dale 39,89


Elias,Myron 39

Ellefson, Karen 22

Ellenberg, Janet 88

Ellestad, Calvin 39

Ellinghuysen, Paula 30


Emerson, Diane 22


Emond, Bruce 22

Engel, Betty 24,93,100

Engen, Paul 113,126

Enger, John 30,100

Engrav, Barry 22,113

Engrav, Biurnell 22

Erickson, Diane 30,80,103


Erickson, Todd 104

Ernster, Phyllis 30,98

Ersig, James 22

Esch, Mark 22

Esselman, Kaye 30

Evens, Delores 96

Evens, Joyce 22,108

Fanslow, Fay 22

Feindt, Kathleen 22

Felder, Frances 88,90

Fetmessey, Thomas 22

Fenney, Ann 22,96

Fenske, Carol 40

EMIL’S MENSWEAR WINONA ELECTRIC Shopping Center for WSC Students CONSTRUCTION COMPANY “Everything Electrical’’ 122 East Third Street 119 West 3rd St. Telephone 5802 Get Pizzacated Compliments By Sam the Pizza Man of SAMMY’S PIZZA PALACE Open Daily 4 P.M.—2 A.M. J. C. PENNEY CO. INC. Sundays 4 P.M.—12:30 A.M. 8-3403 116 Main 69 East 3rd When You Want PLETKE’S REAL ENTERTAINMENT Go To Fine Foods 113 E. Third HARDT’S MUSIC STORE Spice Island Spices Jones Pork Sausages Records, Sheet Music, Radio Phonographs and Electrical US1 f ^ S UsoDllJsC.yC' ^ 11 ^uOcis Merchandise Richelieu Canned Foods Bauer’s Chocolates Compliments of The Tops in Dry Cleaning HADDAD’S 3 Hour Cleaning (on Request) In By 10 A.M. Out By 5 P.M. QUALITY CHEVROLET CO. STATE THEATRE A Friendly Place To Save Johnson at Second Winona, Minn. Winona 2396

Ferden, Gary 40,81

Ferrata, George 40,61,84,85,86, 112,113,126

Ferrin, Michael 22

Fick, Cheryl 22



Finseth, Thomas 113,126

Fishbauger, Arm 86


Fisher, Barbara 97

Fisk, Richard 22

Flaherty, Patrick 120

Flaten, Wayne 40,100

Fleming, Sheila 40

Fletcher, Elizabeth 30,98

Florin, Jill 40,60,80,81,82,86

Floyd, Jennifer 96

Fluegel, James 88,90


Ford, Patrick 22,124

Forster, Steven 22,89


Foster, Darrell 22

Foster, Irene 14


Frank, David 40,65,124,125

Frase, William 40,87,92,93,101, 105

Fratzke, Alice 40

Fratzke, Carl 59,94,95


Frisch, Susan 22

Froyen, Rick 92,93

Fruechte, Larry 23

Fruen, Richard 99

Fuglestad, Judee 82,109



Fulton, William 40,94

Furst, Douglas 30,88,95,113,120

Gabrych, Brenda Anderson 40,58, 84

Gajecky, Thor 23

Gale, Tom 111,126

Gardner, Craig 115

Gates, Joan 34,62

Gates, Mary 109

Gebhard, Dennis 80,89,99,101

Geppert, Ronald 81


Gerdes, Gary 87

Gerken, Judith 41,95

Gerlach, J. Becky 69

Getskow, John 33,34,82

Gieske, Roger 23,118

Gilbertson, Naomi 34

Gimble, Gary 23

Ginn, Robert 34,82,87

Gislason, Diann 109

Gislason, Jon 23

Glaunert, Richard 23

Glende, Michael 23

Glende, Shirley 23

Glover, Donald 118

Gludt, Karen 41,98

Goede, David 115,116,117

Goerish, Roger 34,113

Goetzman, Barbara 41,70,83

Goetzman, Janice 98

Goldsmith, Arm 96

Gonides, George 96

Goodwin, Gary 101,126

Gough, Joanne 7


Grams, Cherre 23

Grams, Donald 41



Grave lie, Kathleen 23

Gravenish, Jeanette 23

Gray, Robert 61,112,113

Greethurst, Joan 23

Griffin, Marie 23

Griffith, Fae 92,93

Griffith, George 82

Griffith, Geraldine 41,58

Grimm, Karen 105,110,127

Grob, Gaven 41

Grobe, Darliss 23

Groenewold, Roger 41,58,72,80,


Gronert, Vicki 23

Gropel, Gregg 23,118

Grossman, Jerome 23,98

Grulkowski, Rose Ann 34

Gulbranson, Saundra 30,89,90

Gunhus, Elizabeth 30,88,89,90


Gurtis, Gary 30

Gushikuma, Steve 23


Guzzardo, Joseph 23

Haack, David 104

Haack, Janet 34,97,105

Habibi, Bahman 96

Haessig, Darlene 41,100,105

Hageman, Susanne 41,98,102,104

Hagen, Charles 41,94

Hager, Orrin 90,91

Haines, Dave 119,120,126

Halaska, Robert 41

Hall, Edward 23,113

Hall, Thomas 82,112,113

Hames, Elizabeth 23

Hanke, Mary 89,90

Hankes, Margaret 23,98

Hannon, Darlene 23

Hanson, Alfred 41

Hanson, Audrey 88,90,102

Hanson, Carol 23,99,105

Hanson, Roger 42,58,82,95

Hanson, Ronald 30

Hanson, Russell 23

Harnack, Sharon 90,100,109

Harrington, James 30,95,97

Harris, Meta 7

Hartley, Karen 34,80,82,85,109

Hasleiet, Verdón 23

Hassinger, Russ 23

Hassos, Demetra 42

Hauge, Olar 88,96,97

Haukom, Judith 30,100

Haukoos, James 82,113,126

Hazelton, Judith 23,58

Heller, Gail 34

Hellerud, Michael 42

Hemme, Gene 30

Henry, Mike 112,113,114


Heroff, Donald 87,113

Herschberger, Phyllis 23,108

Hess, John 30,95,99

HEYER, FRED 9,77,90,91

Heyer, Rick 42,91

Hill, Robert 42,89,101

Hint, Carol 23

Hitt, Arthur 42

Hitzeman, Gary 23,85

Hodge, Paul 23

Hofer, Inge 42,58,60,81,82,84,86, 97,100,105

Hoff, Joan 23,105

Hogenson, Robert 126

Hogetveit, Maria 73,95,96

Hohenhaus, Susan 23,98

Hoiness, Charles 23

Holland, Karen 23

Holsapple, Larry 42

Holst, Richard 30,90

Holzer, Diana 23

Hopf, Ruth 8



Horihan, Barbara 23

Horton, Eugene 99,100,113

Houghton, Glen 42,58,80,84,88,94

Houselog, Dennis 94

Howard, William 88,89

Howe, James 23

Howe, Keimeth 23


Huetti, Jim 23,98


Hull, Henry 30

Hurd, Bill 23

Hustad, John 24

Ihrke, Mary Rohr 42,105


Issendorf, Mary 42,100,105

Iten, Mary 24

Iverson, Eunice 24

Iverson, Margaret 30,100,108

Iverson, Sharon 97

Ives, Roberta 24

Iwata, Jean 60


Jackson, Marilyn Theis 43

Jacobsen, Carol 43


Jacobsen, Edward 66

Jahr, Carol 43

James, Marlene 43

Janikowski, Daniel 98

Jazaeri, Mohsen 96,103

Jeche, Carol 24,90

Jensen, Gary 24,88

Jensen, Janis 24

Jilk, Catherine 24

Johansen, Howard 82,87

Johanson, Gregory 24

Johnson, Alfred 43

Johnson, Ben 112,113

Johnson, Bonnie 30

Johnson, Bruce 24

Johnson, Carol 43


Johnson, Gretta 43

Johnson, Janet 34,58,80,82,84,99, 100

Johnson, Jerry 89

Johnson, Kathryn 24,90,98

Johnson, Larry 58,80,85,100

Johnson, Laurel 30,88,90

Johnson, Marjorie 24,98

Johnson, Stephen 24

Johnson, Susan 24

Johnston, Sharon 98

Jones, Haría 43,89,101

Jones, Jewell 20,24,95,100,104

Jones, Richard 24

Judson, Ellen 14


Julifs, Donald 24

Junger, John 113

Jurries, Ruth 43,100,105,110

Kackman, Kathleen 24

Kaczrowski, Jane 24

Kaczrowski, Mari 30

Kaiser, Mary 34

Kanavati, Louis 24,59,118


Kangel, Joan 24,108

Karlsen, Kristine 34,96

Keever, Janette 59,94,95

Kehren,Joyce 24


Kelberer, Raymond 43

Keller, Norman 44

Keller, Robert 58,80,84,85,105

Keller, Terrance 24,98

Kelley, Edward 33,34,84,123

Kelley, Johm 115

Kelley, Michelle 24

Kennedy, Bernard 113,119

Kenney, Kathleen 24,98

Kerrigan, Richard 94

Kesler, David 87

Kesler, Ronald 31,102,103,140

Kidd, Joan 105

Kiehn, Fred 24

Kiese, Don 97

Kieser, Bruce 43

Kim, Young 24

King, Perry 113,120

King, Ross 44

Kiral, Robert 34

Kirsche, Michael 58,80,84

Kittleson, Michael 44,92,93

Kjome, Roger 115,117

Kjos, Carol 44


Klas, Mary 24,109

Klassen, David 31

Klawiter, Kenneth 44,87

Klebs, Sharon 34

Kleis, Henry 24,95

Klement, Gerald 44

Clippert, Carol 24

Kloek, Gerritt 44,65,104,105

Klotz, Kenneth 24

Knapik, Judith 34,82

Knapp, Richard 24,124,125

PIZZA Class Rings
Rings ALLYN S. MORGAN, Jeweler
West Third Street
Tires RCA Victor Compliments of HOTEL WINONA Mississippi Room—Coffee Shop 151 Johnson
Clothing for Men and Boys Winona, Minnesota 4th at Johnson Winona Good Luck, Warriors GRAHAM AND McGUIRE CompleteSporting Goods Winona CASH ON HAND! WINONA NATIONAL AND SAVINGS BANK WINONA, MINNESOTA Your Deposit Insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Knudsen, Arlyn 90,91

Knutson, Barb 31,110

Knutson, Judy 31,105,110

Knutson, Ken 120

Koehler, Gretchen 127

Koester, Carol 24

Kohler, William 82,98,104,124

Kohlmeyer, LeRoy 24

Kohn, Jerome 123

Kokkonen, John 31,98,100

Konop, David 112,113

Konop, Douglas 95,113

Kopetzki, James 24

Kopperud, Nancy 24

Koprowski, Loran 24

Koprowski, Philip 24,98,113

Kosidowski, Carolyn Maetens 44

Kosidowski, Jon 122,123

Kowalczyk, Mike 126

Kozak, Sharyl 31,108

Kramer, Karole 44,58,60,69,82,86

Kratch, Nancy 98

Kremer, Jaffrey 113

Kressin, Judith 24

Kreuger, Leonard 24

Krie, Dwala 44,82

Krier, Mike 25

Krizan, Dennis 119

Krogh, Faye 25

Krohse, Ralph 25

Kropp, Donald 25

Kuchenmeister, Sue 25,90,98


Lambertz, Mary 25

Lamp, Jacob 31

Landino, Mary 34

Lang, Bergie 113,124

Lanning, Gordon 44

LaPatka, Richard 45,95

Larson, Joan 25

Leahy, Michael 115,119

Lebakken, Russell 83

Lee, Donald 94

Lee, Janice 34,95

Lee, Robert 118

Leeson, Clark 83

Leibfried, Michael 25

Leistikow, Ralph 45,112,113

Lennon, Linda 25

Lentz, Karen 45,90,94,95,100

Lenz, Gary 25

Leonhardt, Roger 113,114,123

LeTourneau, Gloria 31,90,102

Leuchtenberg, Thomas 31,90,94,95


Lewis, Linda 25,90,97

Lewis, Steven 25,95


Lidgerding, Burton 25

Lieberman, Robert 113

Lietzan, Richard 35,111

Lilia, David 25

Linbo, Gloria 25

Lindahl, Curtis 25,89

Lindeman, Neale 25

Lindsay, Catherine 65

Litcher, John 45

Litschke, Madeline 29,31,69,82, 85,105

Litschke, Nathaline 31,82,105, 109

Lockhart, Ray 45


Loeding, Sheryl 25

Loeffler, Susan 25

Loerch, Jeanneen 25


Lorang, Maxine 45,93,98

Lorenson, Virginia 25

Lovett, Gina 25

Lubinski, Janet 83,105,110

Lukaszewski, Anne 25

Lukaszewski, Charles 95

Lund, Stephan 66,83

Lundberg, Marcia 25

Lunn, Garey 45

Lupie, Stephen 25,118

Luthin, William 25,82

Lutz, Diana 45

Lyndahl, Margaret 31,72,82,85,109

Lynn, Judith 45,81

Lyons, Michael 58

McCaffrey, Gerald 46

McCLUER, RICHMOND 9,88,89, 90

McCOWN, LUTHER 12,122,123

McCune, Margo 25

McDonald, William 94


McLaughlin, Dorothy 96

McLaughlin, Nancie 99,103,109

McNally, Judith 31

Maass, Stanley 35,95,97

Mack, Pennie 25

Madland, Lawerence 35

MAGNUS, DOROTHY 14,75,94,95

Maesen, Walter 25,82,87

Majerus, David 25

Majerus, James 76,83,89,95

Malmin, Judy 25

Manion, Maureen 45

Manz, Donald 87

Marchionda, Lawrence 120



Martenson, Diane 31

Martin, James 25

MARTIN, JOHN L. 12,124,125

Martzke, Richard 87

Matson, Gary 83,120

Matson, Gordon 25

Mattson, Rory 35,95

Mau, Sandy 33

Maussner, Collen Botch 45

Maussner, Spencer 46

Mauszycki, Robert 35

Mayer, Gary 95

Mayer, Len 126

Mealey, Joanne 85

Meisner, David 115,117

Mensink, Jerry 35,66,83

Mensink, Loyal 46

Menzel, Wayne 35,82,102

Meyer, Kenneth 25

Mierau, Larry 25

Mikulewiez, Marilyn 25

Millam, Janelle 31,89,90

Miller, Ann 25

Miller, Arthur 35

Miller, James 95

Miller, Jill 101,102

Miller, Maurice 46,87

Miller, Robert 25,95

Milne, David 31,115


Mitsch, Carole Greenwald 46,89

Modjeski, Mary 25,109

Moechnig, Marlene 31

Moechnig, Mary 31

MOLINARI, MADEO 12,113,126

Monis, Linda 26


Morgan, Dennis 118

Moriarty, Arthur 26

Morken, John 26


Morton, Jimmie 66

Mortenson, Karen 26,97

Mowrey, Jake 26

Mrachek, Michael 46

Muhle, Hilda 7

Mullane, Karen 26,109

Munkel, Spencer 81,83



Mutschler, Duane 46,112,113,126

Myran, Donna 46,58,60,80,84,86, 93,100,108

Nagahashi, Jerry 26

Nash, George 124


Nelson, Dale 26

Nelson, Jerry 46,87,97

Nelson, Lynelle 26

Nelson, Richard 26,92

Nerby, Loreri 26

Nesbitt, Leon 69

Ness, Judith 31,90,91,102

Newton, Ingrid 26

Nilsen, Henry 46

Nissalke, Gary 36

Noll, James 20,26,84

NyStrom, Harold 95

Obele, Gary 46

O'Brian, James 113

O'Brien, Kenneth 47

Obuchi, Joanne 26

O'Connor, Mary 47,83,98,100

Okland, Howard 81,90

Olson, Clifford 100

Olson, Dale 126

Olson, Judy 100,105,110

Olson, Kaye 100,105,110

Olson, Larry26,113,124

Olson, Sharon 26

O'Neill, Rose 98


O'Reilly, Dennis 47

O'Reilly, Michael 47,87

O’Rourke, Elaine 26

O'Rourke, Kathleen 26,98

Orrill, Cynthia 35,58

Ostrom, Myles 91,92,93,94

Oswald, Thomas 26,119

Osweiler, David 94,95

Ott, Shirley 47,81

Overby, Bernie 92

Overhang, Lorraine 31,97

Paffrath, Albert 26

Pahl, Deniele Schroeder 47,58,60, 86

Pahl, Gary 68

Palbicki, James 26

Palmquist, Dianne 100

Palmquist, Janet 26

Papenfuss, Glen 26

Papenfuss, Lyle 47,86,115,117,123, 126

Papenfuss, Marvin 26

Papenfuss, Shirley 47,96

Parsley, Suzanne 35,47

Parsons, Vern 26

Paul, Sarah 94,95

Paulson, Martha 235,47

Paulson, Noel 26

Payne, Ruth Mary 14

Pederson, Bruce 119

Pellowski, Veronica 26


Peters, Darlene 26

Peters, Donald 98

Peterson, Barbara 26

Peterson, Gary 31,115,116

Peterson, Kathleen 31

Peterson, Robert 47,119

Peterson, Susan 31

Petronek, John 35,58,65,84,92,93, 94,100,104

Pfeiffer, J. C. 95

Pflaum, Eugene 26

Piehn, Jack 26

Pinke, Mavis 31

Pinsonneault, Judith 48

Pistorius, David 26

Plooster, Joy 48,81,105,110

Podany, Joan 90

Poppenberger, William 26

Pottratz, Mary 26

Pottratz, Patricia 48,60,81,82,86, 93,109

Powell, Patricia 35,58,69,81,82 85,86,89,93

Prentis, John 99

Price, Alicia 48,97,100

Price, Rachel 26

Prazytarski, John 98

Puetz, Robert 98,119,126

Purrington, Leonard 26

Pyka, Robert 113

Qualset, Karen 26

Quam, Le Roy 48

Quam, Sandra 26

Quinn, Robert 26

Rabideau, Sydne 48

Rader, Patricia 31,104,109

RAGAR, E. L. 11

Ramsdell, Bonnie 35

Rangitsch, Kathleen 48,58,70,80, 82,83,86,93,98,100

Ratajczyk, Kenneth 31

Winona’s Largest Bank THE MERCHANTS’ NATIONAL BANK of Winona Your Local, Independent, “Full Service’’ Bank “The Bank That Service Built’’ Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation SPRINGDALE DAIRY CO. Dairy Products of Superior Flavor “Home-Owned” Phone 3626 529 Huff Street Winona, Minn. R. D. CONE CO. Ace Store Hardware Friendly Service Since 1855 Winona, Minn. COUNTRY KITCHEN Restaurant & Drive-in Home of the Country Boy Hi-way 61 and Orrin St. Phone 4396 Men's, Women's, and Boys' Clothing Corner of 4th and Center Winona WESTGATE BOWL Open Daily from 10 A.M. Special Student Rates Monday-Friday Westgate Shopping Center Local Bus Transportation and Charter Service WINONA TRANSIT CO. Your City Bus Line

Rauen, Du Wayne 112,113

Ravnholdt, Douglas 48,95

Ravnholdt, Rickey 31,89,90,97


Redig, Mary 26


Reihsen, Robert 26

Reinhard, Douglas 48


Reiter, Judy 26

Reps, Dana 27

Reuter, Mary 35,103

Reynolds, James 27

Ricabaugh, George 48,83,94,100

Rice, Harriet 48,100


Richardson, Gregory 29,31,82


Ritter, Robert 27

Roberts, Paula 27,104

Robinson, Regina 35,100,101,105, no

Rode, Gerry 27,124

Roe, Jolene 27

Roepke, Roger 31,123,126

Rogers, Jerome 95


Rollins, Leonard 31,95,99

Rose, Ann 49,61

Rosenau, David 35,82,115

Rosendahl,Douglas 27

Rotty, Elaine 35,58,69,82,84,94, 95,100,105

Rowan, Michael 27

Roxburgh, Heather 27,59,105

Rudd, Karen 49,58,80,82,84,86

Rudolf, Caroline 49,60,88,89,90, 99,104

Rudquist, Thomas 27

Ruedy, Carroll 29,31,87,102,140

Rumstick, Sandra 31,83

Runningen, Patricia

Rupp, Sylvia 49,62,81,85,93,100, 109

Russell, Lois 49,82,100

Rustad, Richard 88,126

Rustad, Wayne 88

Ryan, Eileen 90,94,95

Ryan, John 27,113

Rydlund, Nancy 27,99,104

Rydman, Richard 124


Sadowski, Daniel 27

Saecker, Jon 88,89

Safranek, Bernice 7

Safranek, Jean 7

Samuels, Delores 97

Sanders, Donna 105

Sandstrom, Thomas 27

Sanness, Sharon 49,97

Sather, Karen 27


Satka, David 27

Sbiral, Lance 27

Schmauss, Barbara 27

Schmauss, Nancy 82

Schmidt, Ronald 88,94,95

Schmitz, James 49,83

Schmitz, Kathleen 27,109

Schnorenberg, Richard 35,82,87


Schott, Mary 27

Schott, Thomas 31

Schreiber, Eugene 27,90

Schroeder, Thomas 27

Schultz, James 98

Schulze, Betty 49,93,100

Schuster, Darrell 115

Schwanke, Marilyn 31,109

Scrabeck,Danny 27,120

Sebo, Sheryl 92,99,105

Sebraske, Sharon 27

Seeman, Clark 27

Seufert, Joe 35,102,103,140

Severson, Arlys 7

Severson, Gaylen 49,87,94

Seyba, Robert 35,126

Shaw, Jeanne 14

Sherman, Patricia 49

Shulstad, Robert 27

Sieban, Harry 35,80,82,96,103,113

Siebenaler, Margaret 95,98

Sillman, William 99

Silver, William 27

Simon, John 113,119

Simon, Sharon 49

Simons, Lois 7

Sinke, Randolph 27,124

Skattum, Roger 50,58

Skemp, Archie 94,113

Skibbe, Dorothy 50

Skorlinski, James 94

Smith, Bruce 111

Smith, Judith 27

Smith, Karen 27

Smith, Richard 27

Smith, Thomas 58,61,102

Sofia, Jane 32

Solberg, Lois 27

Sovereign, Merle 120

Spahn, Roberta 27



Spurbeck, William 27,90,95

Stallings, Thomas 115,116,117

Stanek, David 94

Starkman, James 35

Starling, Delores 32

Start, Thelma Hagen 50

Stearns, James 94

Steege, Ann 88,90,102,104

Steinbeck, Judith 27

Steinmetz, Janet 32,89

Stencel, Sara 27

Stendall, Betty 50,97

Stendall, Thomas 83,87


Stephen, John 88,89,123

Stevenson, Nancy 27,102,103

Stinson, Karen 32

Stocker, Mary 32,88,89,94,95,102, 140

Stockton, William 32

Stolley, Ronald 87

Stone, Robert 61,119,126

Storey, John 27

Stork, Kathryn 50,60,81,86,108

Strande, Jim 50


Streater, Scott 94

Stremcha, Mary 50,96,100

Strusz, Harry 32

Stuber, John 83,87

Styba, Jerome 27


Syverson, Carole 27

Takaki, Alvin 27


Tashiro, Alma 50

Thaldorf, Thomas 126

Thiele, Ted 32,89,90,91

Thomforde, George 27

Thompson, Albert 27

Thompson, Douglas 50,95

Thompson, Judy 32,95,99

Thompson, Patrick 28,98

Thoresen, Gene ce 50

Thrune, Eugene 28

Thurston, Alice 14

Teigs, Lynne 28

Tillman, Gene 50,89,105

Timm, Joan 32

Timm, Richard 94

Timmers, Patricia 51,82

Todd, Nancy 14

Tribell, Amelia 7

Torvick, Kathryn 32,100

Touson, Olive 93

Trochta, James 28

Trok, Ronald 51,66,83,86

Trouten, William 28,89

Troiybridge, Leslie 28

Truble, Penelope 32

Turczmanowycz, Sofia 28

Turner, Donald 58,85,88

Turner, Kathryn 35,88,89,90

Turner, Nancy 32,89,90,100

Tweedy, Tom 95

Tyler, Sharon 32


Ulven, Milford 7,82


Underwood, Kathryn 28

Urness, Gary 28,90,91

Usgaard, Davis 113,123,126,127

Vagts, Dale 113

Vagts, Gerald 28

Vail, David 51,96,126

VAIL, TOM 111,118


Van Auken, Michael 89,90,91

Vang, Donald 28

Vigesaa, Michael 28

Vigness, James 28,118


Vogland, Meredith 96,100

Volin, Charles 28

Vorbeck, Lesy 28,88

Voss, Betty 105

Vucinovich, Thomas 28

Wagner, Michael 32,118

Walker, Virgil 28

Walski, Henri 113

Walters, Elizabeth 32,100

Warmack, Marian 28,109

Wassing, Jan 32,61,80

Waterman, George 113,126

Waterman, Jean Goihl 51,60,62, 100

Waters, Valerie 28

Watkins, Paul 105

Waugh, Phyllis 89,90

Wayne, Donna 32,100

Weber, Carol 20,28

Wedemier, Larry 28,113,120,121

WŒDUL, M. O. 11,100

Wedul, Sylvia 95,97,100

Wehrenberg, Sandra 32,88,89,90, 100

Weichert, Mary 35,88,98

Welch, Gloria 28,89,90

Welch, Marian 32

Wellck, Nancy 32

Wells, Bernice 28

Wenger, Carol 82

Wendlandt, David 32,123

Wescott, Jay 32,124

Whitaker, Eileen 28,104

White, Barry 82,112,113,126

Whorton, Joan 28

Wiczek, Sally 28,109

Wiebke, Gordon 28

Wilbur, Cleon 32,118,119

Wilbur, Curtis 51,99,100,102,140

Wilbur, Karen 28

Wildenborg, Thomas 28

Wilder, Karen 95,96

Wilharm, Jerry 68,72,82

Williams, Kathleen 28

Williams, Michael 32

Williams, Paul 28

Williams, Ronald 20,28,96

Wilsey, Judy 83

Wilsey, Roy 101

Wilshusen, Kay 51

Wilson, Barbara 28,105

Wilson, Darlene 36,51,60,100,1


Wise, Joseph 51

Wise, Roger 81

Witt, Mary 32,92,110

Wobbrock, David 28

Wodele, Dennis 111

Wolfert, Jeffry 51,120

Wolfram, Alfred 35

Wollin, Kathryn 89,90,91

Wondrasch, Loren 32,97

Wood, Calmer 28

Worja, Joel 28,99

Wussow, Roland 32,72,82,94,95, 102,103,140

Yamamoto, Bert 29,32,84,92

Yetzer, Patricia 32

Zane, Charles E. 51,113,123

Zellmer, Bruce 51,86,113

Zenker, William 94,95

Zientek, Hermione 28

Zierdt, Mary 28

Zimmer, Susan 76,95,100,102,104

Zitnak, Thomas 89,90,91

CALLAHAN’S LIQUOR Compliments WINONA TV SIGNAL CO. 120 East Third Street “TV Signal’’ Gives You The Most and Best TV Viewing in the World Leonard J. Tschumper 119 Main St. Winona, Minn. Phone 4970 Compliments of RICHARD ALF AND EDSTROM STUDIO 69 E. 4th Phone 2936 RUTH’S RESTAURANT Good Food Is Our Business Open 24 Hours a Day Except Mondays 126 East 3rd St. Phone 9955 Compliments of the WILLIAMS BOOK & STATIONERY STORE S walls and Newwood rounded by a host. ds. mea ■ Whether It’s a Bite or a Banquet Our friends are becoming more and more enthusiastic every day about the quality and quantity of fine foods we serve here at Shorty’s. In our HIAWATHA ROOMS you will find dining a «pleasure amidst soft, comfortable, relaxing Sandalwood paneling, surr Winona : LOW' PRIcis YOU! ght in offering everythi steaks luncheo| :s> and ure for: vedf lg low; THAT WluikMAZE
Compliments of ^eâtcuc%<Mt & HAL LEONARD MUSIC, INC. 176 W. Third St. Winona, Minn. Phone 2643 64 East Second Street ASCO, INCORPORATED 102 Walnut St. DORN’S I.G.A. STORE Su^tplUnA 0^ Shakers Groceries Meats Vegetables Buttons Sweatshirts We Give Gold Chips. Pennants Other Fund-Raising Items 500 Huff St. Winona, Minn. Complete Photography Service MONTGOMERY WARD AND CO. DURFEY STUDIOS 109 E. 3rd St. Winona Corner of Washington and Wabasha
Doors North of Maxwell Library Brentshire fashions for women Phone 5952 Brent fashions for men DAIRY BAR For a Quick Snack, Try Our Home Made Pie, Cake, Ice Cream Compliments of or Sandwiches and French Fries 114 East Third St. Phone 2646 FIRST NATIONAL BANK
BARBER SHOP OF WINONA Winona’s Finest Barbers
Appointments Phone 3104 177 Center 103 W. 3rd St.
Compliments of THE WARNER & SWASEY CO. BADGER DIVISION Hopto Diggers Phone 8-1563 Airport Industrial Park Winona, Minn. Look Compliments of at your steps— STAGER JEWELRY Corner 3rd and Center Streets Everyone else does! HOMEWARD STEP CO. Winona, Minnesota TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT OR SALE Compliments of LUND TYPEWRITER COMPANY BOLAND MANUFACTURING CO. 119 Center Winona, Minn. When you wish for the taste of good OPTOMETRIC OFFICES home-cooked food, eat at the— SNACK SHOP 100 W. 3rd Third and Main Box 605 Winona, Minn. DR. C. R. KOLLOFSKI DR. M. L. DEBOLT Steel Welded Rings Special Wire Shapes PEERLESS CHAIN COMPANY Chain Manufacturers Complete Line of Tire Chains for Passenger Cars, Trucks and Tractors Complete Line of Industrial and Hardware Chain Office and Factory Winona, Minnesota
Compliments of BAY STATE MILLING
Manufacturers of ENRICHED WINGOLD FLOUR ED BUCK’S CAMERA SHOP Compliments of Winona’s Complete Photographic Shop HOT FISH SHOP One Day Photofinishing South Mankato Ave. Complete Stock of Tape Recorders 159 Main Winona Compliments of SIEBRECHT FLORAL
Meet Your Friends at The WENONAH staff would like to thank those firms who have HAL-ROD LANES contributed to this year’s book. 403 West Third McVEY’S ICE CREAM SHOP We hope we have done our part toward making your year a pleasant one. 451 Huff Street Dial 9808


There are many people to whom we should extend “thank you’s.” However, a few deserve special recognition. In the past few months these few have worked long hours on the WENONAH. They took the first steps, hesitated, then climbed onward and upward toward the completion of the book. At times their steps faltered but they kept climbing. Joe Seufert has been a constant driving force and source of ideas. He worked on all levels from taking and printing pictures to completing the final layouts. To Rollie Wussow, whose wit kept us going when we were slowing down; Curt Wilbur, whose persistence was unmatched; Steve Bailey, who took time out from his busy schedule to complete his section; Ron Kesler, who worked with Joe on our photography; and Dr. Stenerson, who had the tedious job of correcting the many mistakes, we extend our appreciation. The Editors

Frame 23: Curt Wilbur, Frame 24: Ron Kesler, Frame 10: Steve Bailey, Frame 17: Rollie Wussow, Frame 18: Carroll Ruedy, Frame 20: Joe Seufert. Arlys Berning and Mary Stocker
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