Wenonah Yearbook - 1955

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Winona State Teachers College

Winona, Minnesota



From the beginning, education has been represented as a light destroying the darkness of ignoranee. In this, the 75th Anniversary of Light in the United States, we dedicate this book to the light of knowledge and choose as our theme the light of the past, the present, and the future.

Faculty 9 Classes 21 Organizations 37 Sports 59 Student Life 75 Page 3
Memorial Hall
Page 5
Left: Somsen Hall, main entrance

Dormitories and Lodges

Lucas Lodge Prentiss Lodge Shephard Hall
Maxwell Library Page 7
Morey Hall Left;
Page 8
Page 10
President Neis AAinne.

Evolution, rather than revolution, is the keynote of all administrative decisions aimed at helping the college better serve both the community and its students.

Basic in the aims of the college program is the helping of the prospective teachers to grow in understanding the physical and mental problems met in teaching. The college assists the future teacher in becoming a creative being, in understanding himself and his environment, in understanding others and their problems, and in instilling in him the urge to accept his place as a worthwhile, productive member of the society in which he lives.

Because the continued success of our way of life rests on the education of those who will be tomorrow’s citizens, the administration has established a recruiting program to help overcome today’s teacher shortage. To better help the student find his place in both the campus world and the competitive outside world, the administration also ineludes a placement service to help both graduates and students find positions.

In collaboration with the college deans and supervisers, this department also handles student counseling, housing and financial matters.

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M. Steffenson, Dean of Women; M. Mariner, Dean of Men; M. Raymond, Vice-president; President Minne; F. Van Alstine, Graduate Coordinator; G. Fishbaugher, Director of Teacher Training and Placement; M. Bartsch, Director of Rural Education; H. Pritchard, Registrar.

Education and Psychology

Central in any college of education is the Division of Education and Psychology. Courses in understanding both the physical and mental processes of their students are offered prospective teachers. Training in the fundamental skills of education are also presented and a particularly outstanding feature of the division is an observation-participation program.

J. Fuller, E. Rager, L. Earner, A. Aarestad. M. Peterson instructs a first grade reading class.
Page 12

Both physical and mental development are stressed in the field of physical education. Utilizing the new Memorial Hall building, the department promotes reasonable thinking and action as well as good sportsmanship and fair and democratic play. New and better services, meanwhile, are constantly being offered by the health office in the interest of the physical well being of the entire student body.

Health and Physical Education

M. Sholes, L. Beck and P. Yenco interpret modern dance.
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B. Grégoire, E. Brodhagen, M. Miller, J. Talbot, L. McCown, P. Roney, L. Arns.

Language and Literature

Courses in English, French and Spanish are offered by the college. Courses in humanities integrate the department with the art department by drawing together the five major branches—literature, painting, sculpture, music and architecture. Work in this field may center around speech fundamentals or around literature.

The courses of Mr. Behling, away on sabbatical this year, were taken by Miss Magda Talle, Mrs. E. D. Whiting and Edward Jacobsen.

Standing: H. Guthrie, H. Whiting, A. Nelson. Seated: M. Davis, /V\. boddy, U. Magnus. M. Czapiewski, H. Turton and D. Freeman rehearse a dramatic reading.
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Creation is a compelling word. To meet the needs of those so talented, programs of both industrial and fine arts are carried out on campus. The former offers courses in crafts, woodworking, metal working, printing, drawing and work with power equipment. The courses of the fine arts offer basic teaching skills to the prospective teacher as well as opportunity to develop genuine artistic ability. Specialized work is also offered for the more serious artist.

Fine and Applied Art

G. Acheff and C. Henthorne study still-life techniques.
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Page 15
Standing: H. Jackson, F. Murray, F. Heyer. Seated: A. Bard, W, Grimm.

Mathematics and Science

A promotion of understanding of the technological advances of the past century as well as the training of future teachers of science is the goal of the Science Department. It attains the goal through a three-fold program of research, lecture and field trips.

o. Anfinson, M. Raymond, L. Gulick, R. Lokensgard, J. Emanuel. Not shown: H. Capron.
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M. Carhart, R. Wacholz, R. Schmidt in the chem lab.

Why and how man acts in his society is the concern of the Social Studies Division. The institutions of the past are considered a constant source of practical ideas and a ready-made storehouse of interesting facts. Their study brings about an understanding and appreciation of our progress. The student interested in either business administration or the teaching of business subjects finds that the business department has brought an enriched and adequate program to the campus. Both the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Science degree are awarded in the business field.

Social Studies

S. Slaggie transcribes from the Gregg system.
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G. Finch, F. Jederman, E. Davis, W. Price.


The college is fortunate in having a large and valuable collection of books, pamphlets and periodicals at its disposal. Housed in the Maxwell Library building is a collection of more than 39,000 books covering all fields of study; 3,000 public documents, 4,775 bound periodicals and 290 current magazines of general and professional interest. Increased service to the student body is being constantly rendered, and constant effort is being made to improve facilities by the faculty-student staff.

E. Jacobsen, R. Payne.
Page I 8
D. Mosiman and D. Wohlert explore library facilities.

Phelps School

"Constant progress in methods and knowledge” might well be the slogan of Phelps Laboratory School.

In the school, where college and grammer students learn side by side, no effort is made to enroll either the exceptionally bright child, or the exceptionally slow. Rather, it is the aim to provide as normal a cross-section for the student teacher as possible.

Also serving as a laboratory for teaching methods and curriculum testing, it provides opportunity for student teachers to take part in co-curricular activities.

The school also provides opportunity for students, educators and laymen to observe modern teaching methods in order that greater understanding of the teaching situation may be obtained by all.

D. Hoyt, J. Guthrie. Seated: M. Talle, B. Cornelius, G. Garlid. M. Sweeney, K. Dunlay, D. Davis. Front row: O. Foster, B. Schneider, D. McVey, D. Heider.
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M. Wedul.


A genuine effort is constantly being made by dormitory and college office workers to make the student a real citizen of the campus world. The realization that dormitory life and contact with the college business office is a very real part of the campus world has placed special emphasis on the service offered by this division. The accent in these departments has been placed on student welfare.

Office and Dormitory

S. Ness, Bookstore Manager; F. Griffith, Dormitory Director; and W. Spetch; Business Manager.
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C. Peter, D. Diekrager, B. Safranek, H. Muhle, E. Donath, A. de Groot, M. Kratz.

Graduates Bachelor Of Arts

John Brose

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Physical Science

Minor: Mathematics

Frank Mertes

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Business

Gerald H. Domonoske

Morristown, Minnesota

Major: English

Minor: Speech Donald Schroeder

Geneva, Minnesota

Major: Business Administration

Minor: Social Studies

J. Emanuel, senior class adviser; R. Schmidt, class vice-president; /V\. Czapiewski, secretary-treasurer; D. Mahike, president.
1, 2, 3, 4;
1, 2, 3, 4;
4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Young Democrats 2, 3, 4.
Business Club
President, Business Club

Bachelor Of Science

Arthur Bianchi

Elkton, Minnesota

Major; History and Social Studies

Minor: Geography

Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Newman Club 1, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 1, 2,3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Public Relations 1; Young Democrats 2, 3, 4.

Carol Anhalt

St. Paul, Minnesota

Major: Physical Education

Minor: Social Studies

Y.W.C.A. 1, 2; L.S.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; W.A.A. 1,2,3,4; Womens' Phy. Ed. Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Orientation team 2, 3, 4; Kappa Delta Pi 3, 4; Wenonah 4; Representative Council 4; Who's Who 4; Purple Key.

Arnold A. Boese

Harmony, Minnesota

Majors: Physical Education, Social Studies

Football 2,3, 4; Basketball 2; Track 2; Representative Council 3; Student Association President 4; Who's Who 4; Football co-captain 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; Men's Physical Education Club 2, 3, 4.

Eugene Bartz

Plainview, Minnesota

Major: Math and Physical Science

Layne P. Buckingham

Plainview, Minnesota

Major: Math and Industrial Arts

Elaine Behnken

St. Charles, Minnesota

Major: Physical Education and Music

Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Mendelssohn Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Gamma Delta 1, 2, 3, 4; Wenonah Players 1, 2,3, 4; W.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; W.P.E. 2, 3, 4; Mason Music 3, 4.

Harold A. Burkard

Red Wing, Minnesota

Major: Physical Education and History

Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Newman Club 2; Men's P.E. 3; "W" Club 4.

Anne Carhart

Trempealeau, Wisconsin




David Christenson

Winona, Minnesota



Curtis Connaughty

Lydia Christenson Winona, Minnesota


Maxine Czapiewski

William Christopherson

Donna Daun Winona, Minnesota

Elementary and Speech Wesley Club 1, 2, 3, 4; W.A.A. 1; T.C. Twirlers 1; Y.W.C.A. 2, 3, 4; Wenonah Players 3, 4; Winonan 3; Radio Guild 4.
L. Cisewski
Minnesota City, Minnesota
Physical Science Science Club 3, 4; Swing Band 1; Wenonah 2.
History, Social
Charles, Minnesota Major: Industrial Arts Minor: Biology P.E. Football 1, 2, 3; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Phy. Ed. Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Industrial Arts Club 1, 2,3, 4; Student Council 2, 3.
Elementary Education
City, Wisconsin Major: English Minor: Speech A.C.E. 1; F.T.A. 2,3, 4; Newman Club 1, 2, 3, 4; English Club 2, 3, 4; Winonan 2, 3, 4; Radio Guild 2, 3; Wenonah 3; Who's Who 4; Class Officer 4.
Wykoff, Minnesota Major: Physical Education Minor: Social
Business Education Minor: Social Studies Gamma Delta 1, 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3; Business Club 3; Representative Council 2, 3; Kappa Delta Pi 3, 4; Wenonah 3; Purple Key.

Mary Fishbaugher

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Elementary and Kindergarten

Jacqueline Harbrecht

St. Paul, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Chorus 1, 2; Mendelssohn Club 1, 2; Young Republicans 2; Inter-Varsity 3, 4; English Club 3; Representative Council 4.

Donna May Freeman

Dexter, Minnesota

Major: Speech

Minor: English

Representative Council 1, 2; Wenonah Players 1, 2, 3, 4; Gamma Delta 1, 2; Winonan 2, 4; Orientation Team 3; Radio Guild 3, 4; Kappa Kelta Pi 3, 4; Who's Who 4; Purple Key.

Faye Hoffman

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Music

Minor: Typing, Shorthand, Romance


Mendelssohn Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2,3, 4; Representative Council 1, 2; Gamma Delta 2, 3, 4; Mason Music Club 3, 4.

Robert L. Goetting

Houston, Minnesota

Major: Spanish

Minor: English

Intervarsity Christian Fellowship 1, 2, 3, 4; Kappa Delta Pi 4.

Lee Krogh

Lake City, Minnesota

Major: English

Minor: Social Science

Apollo 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Newman Club 1; Winonan 1, 2, 3, 4; English Club 2,3, 4; Wenonah 4.

Jerome Grebin

Preston, Minnesota

Major: Physical Education

Minor: Biology

-Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2,3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Representative Council 2, 3; Athletic Committee 3, 4.

Curtis Legwold

Peterson, Minnesota

Major: Social Studies

Minor: Biology

L.S.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Apollo Club 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2; Science Club 2, 3, 4; Business Club 3; International Relations Club 1; Representative Council 3, 4; Orientation Team 3, 4; Class Officer 3, 4.

Henry Lewis

Pine Island, Minnesota

Major: Social Studies

Minor: Biology

Republican Club 1, 2, 3; Intramurals

Helen Nelson

Preston, Minnesota

Major: Elementary

Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Newman Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Wenonah Players 1, 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Kappa Delta Pi 3, 4; Mason Music Club 3, 4; Purple Key.

Marlene Majerus

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Music

Minor: English

Band 1, 2,3, 4; Newman Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Mason Music Club 2, 3, 4; Swing Band 3, 4; English Club 3, 4; Kappa Delta Pi 3, 4; Winonan 3, 4; Purple Key.

George O'Reilly

Goodhue, Minnesota

Major: Physical Education

Minor: Biology

Basketball 1, 2,3, 4; Newman Club 1, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 1, 2,3, 4; Science Club 2,3, 4; Young Democrats 3, 4; Men's Phy. Ed. Club 3, 4; Football 4.

Arlene Martinson

Winona, Minnesota

Major: English

Minor: Social Studies

Wenonah 1, 2, 3; English Club 2, 3, 4; L.S.A. 3, 4; Representative Council 4; Winonan 4; Homecoming Royalty 4; Who's Who 4.

Willa Owens

Eyota, Minnesota

Major: Elementary

Thomas Meulemans

Alma, Wisconsin

Minors: Physical Education, Math, Social Science

Baseball 1, 2, 3; Newman Club 1; Science Club 2.

Curtis Peterson

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Music

Minor: English Band 2, 3, 4; Westminster Club 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Swing band 2, 3, 4; Apollo Club 2, 3, 4; Orientation team 3, 4; Mason Music Club 3, 4; Kappa Delta Pi 4; Purple Key.

1 2

Merle J. Peterson

Blooming Prairie, Minnesota

Major: Industrial Arts

Minor: Math

Football 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; Industrial Arts Club 2, 3, 4; Track 2; Wrestling 3, 4; L.S.A. 3, 4; Representative Council 4.

Jon Henry Sontag

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Fine Arts

Minor: Social Studies

L.S.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Kappa Pi 1, 2, 3, 4; Kappa Delta Pi 3, 4; Orientation Team 2,3,4; Who's Who 4; Homecoming Chairman 3; Representative Council 3; Purple Key.

William Prinz

Rochester, Minnesota

Major: History—Social Studies

Minor: Biology

Wesley Club 2; Drama Club 2; Science Club 4.

Sondra Stephens

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Kindergarten Primary Chorus 1, 2, 3; Mendelssohn Club 1, 2, 3; W.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Gamma Delta 2,3, 4; Winonan 2,3, 4; English Club 3, 4; Kappa Pi 3, 4; Representative Council 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4.

Gene Renslow

Winona, Minnesota

Major: English

Minor: Social Studies

Wenonah 4; English Club 4; Kappa Delta Pi 4.

Marcia Veir

Winona, Minnesota

Major: English

Minor: Romance Languages

Radio Guild 3, 4; English Club 3, 4; Wenonah Players 3, 4; Winonan 3, 4; Wenonah 4.

Russell Schmidt

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Math and Physical Science

Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 2; Wesley Club 3; Kappa Delta Pi ^3, 4; Officer 4; Vice President, Senior Class; Representative Council 4; Who's Who 4; Purple Key.

Patricia Waas

Dakota, Minnesota

Major: Elementary and Speech

A.C.E. 1; F.T.A. 2, 3; Representative Council 3; Winonan 2, 3; Wenonah Players 3, 4; Kappa Delta Pi 3, 4; Radio Guild 4; I.C.R 4; Purple Key.

Dick Wood

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Industrial Arts

Minor: Physical Science

Young Republicans 1, 2, 3, 4; Industrial Arts Club 1, 2, 3, 4.


Stanley Barr

Bagley, Wisconsin

Major: Physical Education

Minor: Geography, Basic Business

Esther Buscho

Morristown, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education

Ruth Corcoran

Caledonia, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education

Richard Czaplewski

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education

Mary F. Wooden

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Newman Club 1, 2, 3; F.T.A. 1, 2, 3; Winonan 3; Wenonah 4.

J. Morgan d'Etienne

Winona, Minnesota

Major: English

Minor: Social Studies

Delores Gallagher

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Elementary

Roland Hill

Lanesboro, Minnesota

Major: Biology, Physical Education

Gerald Knatterud

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Social Studies

Minor: English

Cleo Lohse

John P. Wooden

Winona, Minnesota

Majors: History-Social Studies

Minors: Georgraphy, English Newman Club 1, 2; Winonan 2, 3; Wenonah 4; Kappa Delta Pi 4; Purple Key.

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Art

Minor: Biology, Social Studies

Edna Mahoney

LeRoy, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education

Effie Schmit

Zumbrota, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education, Kindergarten

Minor: Library

Ellen Schwark

Fountain City, Wisconsin

Major: Business Education, Spanish

Emma Steinke

Detroit Lakes, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education

Gerald Sweeney

Fountain City, Wisconsin

Major: Speech

Minor: English

Mary Washburn

Spring Valley, Minnesota

Major: English

Minor: Social Studies and

Music Page 28

Associate In Education

Helen Ehlers

AAazeppa, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education

Gamma Delta 1, 2, 3; W.A.A. 1, 2, 3; Officers 2, 3; Y.W.C.A. 2, 3; F.T.A. 2, 3; Kappa Delta Pi 3.

Anna Clark

Zumbrota, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education

Class officer 1; F.T.A. 1; Wenonah Players 1, 2; Bradford Club president 2.

Marlene Fernholz

Arcadia, Wisconsin

Major: Elementary Education Newman Club 1, 2, 3; Commerce Club 1; Winonan 1; Wenonah Players 2, 3; F.T.A. 2, 3; Kappa Delta Pi 2, 3; Homecoming Queen.

Velna Jean Clark

Zumbrota, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education

F.T.A. 1; Wenonah Players 1, 2; Bradford Club 2.

Joyce Dianne Griebenow

Harmony, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education Wesley Club 1; L.S.A. 2; F.T.A. 1, 2.

Janice Decker

Blooming Prairie, Minnesota

Major: Elementary

L.S.A. 1, 2; F.T.A. 1, 2; W.A.A. 1, 2; Y.W.C.A. 1, 2.

Marilyn June Heinen

Plainview, Minnesota

Major: Elementary F.T.A. 1, 2; L.S.A. 1, 2; W.A.A. 1, 2.

Hildegarde Hendrickson

Plainview, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education

Maxine Peterson

Preston, Minnesota

Major: Elementary

F.T.A. 1, 2; LS.A. 1, 2; Winonan 1, 2.

Lois Kramer

Pontiac, Michigan

Major: Elementary Newman Club 1, 2; Wenonah Players 1, 2; F.T.A. 1; English Club 1, 2.

Mayfield, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education

F.T.A. 1, 2; Newman Club 1, 2.

Opal Loretta Larson

Mantorville, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education

W.A.A. 1, 2; F.T.A. 2; Inter-Varsity 2; Y.W.C.A. 1, 2.

Lilymarie Safe

Red Wing, Minnesota

Major: Elementary

LS.A. 1, 2; Wenonah Players 1, 2; Band 1; F.T.A. 2.

Janice Lav/rence

Chester, Iowa

Major: Elementary Education

LS.A. 1, 2, 3; F.T.A. 1, 2, 3; Y.W.C.A. 2, 3; Chorus 2, 3; Mendelssohn Club 2, 3.

Plainview, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education

Sylvia Ann Renchin Charlotte Schwantz

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Young Republican 1; Gamma Delta 1, 2; F.T.A. 1, 2; Cheerleader 1; Homecoming Royalty 2; Wenonah Players 2.

Joanne Wisland

Houston, Minnesota

Major: Elementary

Charlotte Stiehl

Alma, Wisconsin

Major: Elementary Band 1, 2; Y.W.C.A. 1, 2; F.T.A. 1, 2; Westminster Club 1; L.S.A. 2.

Elkton, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Chorus 1; Mendelssohn Club 1; Wesley Club 1, 2; F.T.A. 1, 2; Wenonah Players 1, 2.

Elgin, Minnesota

Major: Elementary

F.T.A. 1, 2; Gamma Delta 1, 2; Band 1; Y.W.C.A. 1.

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education

Agnes Winkels

Adams, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education

Shirley Ann Senrick Betty Jane Wilson Lois Marie Stoehr Nancy Wondrow
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Big event of the average Junior’s life this year was admission to the upper division and the picking of major and minor subject fields. The class sponsored the annual Winter Formal at the New Oaks and participated in other school activities. Robert Ziebell was president of the class; Barbara Gaddis, vice president and Jean Thomforde, secretarytreasurer. Miss Murray was class adviser.

Back row: C. Hagedorn, W. Anderson, G. Hanson, H. Turton, M. Skroch, J. Antoff, G. McElmury, J. Threinen, J. Sonsallj. Fourth row: K. Bittner, J. Held,' B. Walker, B. Ziebell, D. Erding, J. Belden. Third row: Miss Murray, L. Beck, J. Thomforde, N. Gynild, E. Grass, R. Welty, O. Tubbs, K. Riska. Second row: D. Lowrie, P. Wilke, B. J. Anderson, R. Klossner, J. Tedrow, G. Steffes. First row: D. Bearson, B. Gaddis, N. Flom, I. Buhler, S. Haakenstad, B. Anderson, M. McNally.
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B. Gaddis, Vice-President; J. Thomforde, Secretary; Miss Murray, Adviser; R. Ziebell, President.

Dr. Raymond, Adviser; D. Lauchie, Vice-President; G. Ronnenberg. Secretary; R. Rubado, President.


The sophomore class sparked this year’s activities by sponsoring the freshman initiation, including the Kangaroo Court; the Queen’s Honor dance; the Homecoming bonfire and post-game dances. Ron Rubado was president; Dave Lauchie, vice president; and Gloria Ronnenberg, secretary-treasurer. Dr. Raymond was sophomore adviser.

Back row: R. Hovland, J. Gleason, M. Coulter, A. Nardiello, R. Rubado, C. Pasvogel, D. Lauchie, B. Wieczorek, C. Steinke, R. Papenfuss, S. Schneider, W. Hotson, T. O'Brien, Dr. Raymond. Fourth row: S. Ryan, J. Fuller, J. Snyder, G. Ronnenberg, J. Rompa, S. Marburger, B. Plourde, R. Shira, J. Krage, B. Leo, E. Drenckhahn, D. Johnson, M. Riggs, E. Neumann, N.MeGillivray, S. Siaggie, A. Seiler. Third row: M. Holmquist, M. Carhart, N. Dearmin, A. Ellison, J. Wunderlick, H. Lawson, M. Sholes, M. Tripp, P. Diethert, J. Hammann, K. Hammergren, J. Pagel, L. Oech, N. Grech, D. Rihs, S. Renchin, M. Baumann. Second row: N. Blaisdell, K. Hanson, D. Halverson, B. Bryan, N. Klein, G. Haack, M. Peterson, M. Schmuck, L. Devney, G. Riebe, C. Mahike, P. Yenco, J. Holmgren, M. Steigerwald. First row: B. Wilson, E. Seim, L. Tews, D. Heckmaster, K. Stevlingson, M. Roberts, R. Feuling, I. Skarstad, S. Hubbard, A. Hansen, D. Grovdahl, D. Holt, R. Borja, J. Nagle, F. Sebo, A. Luhmann, R. Hudriik.

Sporting their purple and white beanies the largest class of freshmen since World War II took State by storm this year. During initiation week they were kept busy catering to upperclassmen until their trial-by-service ended in the Kangaroo Kourt.


Soon recovering from their ordeal they assisted at the Homecoming bonfire and game and later sponsored a successful "Fall Frolic”.

Duane Olson was elected president; Jerry Seeman vice-president; Ann Berger secretary-treasurer. Dr. Guthrie was class adviser.

J. Seeman, Vice-President; D. Olson, President; Dr. Guthrie, Adviser.
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Back row: R. Beberg, F. Brueske, R. Bublitz, G. Bergsrud. Second row: A. Bening, K. Bjoroker, D. Conley, P. Bielenberg, H. Corrigan, D. Ambrosen. First row: K. Chamberlain, E. Buhler, L. Collins, K. Crimmins, E. Best, T. Ahrens, D. Blumentritt. Back row: D. Darling, D. Allen, W. L. Brace, B. Burmeister, R. Bateman, W. G. Eskelson, AA. Flaherty, P. Fockens, man, J. Gilsdorf. First row: J. Freitag, Diekrager, P. Evenson, F. Dalleska, P. Glynn, L. De France. Fourth row: W. Fiedler, Adank, R. Eskra, D. Drake, D. Fehrman. Third row: D. Greden, R. Flynn, J.De Haven, P. Drwall. Second row: C. Gilbertson, AA. Colness, J. Fend, E. De Witte, P. DuellE. Fuller, AA. Gallagher, C. Fuchs, S. Gildemeister, S. Deeren.
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Back row: D. Kirkland, L. Herman, L. Iverson, B. Keil, W. Haigh, F. Kelley, J. Kern, J. Landro, J. Koehler. Third row: P. Kelm, AA. Heberling, D. Larson, AA. Kowaleski, S. Huitgren, AA. Lawrence, AA. Lauer. Second row: AA. Landro, Jean Kreckow, A. Knowiton, F. Henniger, AA. Honer, L. Johnson, J. Johnson. First row: AA. Johnson, C. Jacobson, N. Hoon, Judy Hove, B. Krieger, AA. Lateham.




D. Ludwitzke, J. Palan, R. Mrachek, J. May, M. Matzke, L. Nelson. Third row: A. Pretzer, B. Peterson, D. Mertes, D. McBride, L. McMillen, D. Malewicki, D. McDonough, A. Mueske, R. McGovern. Second row: J. Mulvihill:, M. Miller, D. Meinzer, J. Meyer, A. Ogata, K. Morse, L. Osborn, J. Moon. First

D. Mosiman, N. Lindquist, M. McKay, M. Lewis, J. Powell, H. Long, J. Osborn.

Back row: F. Schloegel, R. Sass, D. Segermark, W. Ritter, G. Strand, D. Sanden. Third row: J. Seeman, R. Steuart, J. Smith, J. Quam, C. Sorensen, P. Streitz, F. Schurb. Second row: M. Siems, P. Severson, L. Schroeder, J. Reglin, J. Sackett, J. Ringen.

First row: C. Streed, D. Sheffer, C. Schroeder, V. Stroud, B. Rajtar.

Back row: Dr. Guthrie, K. Todd, D. Wright, W. Von Sien, R. Von Sien, H. Thiele, L. Thomforde. Third row: R. Turner, D. Wohlert, J. Thomas, S. Schant, P. Schulte. Second row: L. Witt, N. Van Allen, M. Wright, E. Tollefson, L. Swearingen, M. Suttie, J. Thompson. First row: B. Witt, S. Vathing, K. Weseman, D. Swanson, E. Ties, M. Sapp.

row: Olson, Pieper, row:
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Who's Who

Nine seniors were elected by the student body of the college to represent the college in the 1954-55 edition of Who's Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Selection was based on high attainment in scholarship, service, leadership, attitude, and character.

Kappa Delta Pi

Gamma Tau chapter represents Kappa Delta Pi, the national honorary education society, on the campus. This organization is designed primarily to encourage high professional standards and to recognize outstanding personal contributions to the field of education. Guests from other communities, Winona and from the college faculty addressed the monthly meetings.

This year’s officers were Donna Freeman, president; Russell Schmidt, vice-president; Mary Washburn, secretary and Donna Daun, treasurer. Counselor was Miss Murray.

Purple Key

The Purple Key is the highest academic honor for which a student at Winona State Teachers College is eligible. Selection is based upon scholarship, character and interest in college activities. There are no officers elected or meetings held, but all students strive for admittance to this select group.

Back row: D. Freeman, J. Sontag, J. Wooden, R. Schmidt, C. Peterson. Front row: M. Majerus, P. Waas, H. Nelson, C. Anhalt. Not pictured, D. Daun.
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Back row: C. Peterson, R. Schmidt, J. Sontag, A. Boese. Front row: AA. Czapiewski, C. Anhalt, D. Freeman, A. AAartinson. Back row: AAiss AAurray, J. Sontag, D. Freeman, P. Waas, C. Anhalt, D. Bearson. First row: AA. Kloss, N. Gynild, AA. AAajerus, D. Daun.

Women's Dorm Council

"Dorm meetings tonight. Attendance required,” was the invariable notice greeting dorm residents after dorm council meetings. The council consisted of Carol Anhalt and Jean Thomforde, dorm presidents; Mrs. Griffith and Miss Steffenson, dorm directors; and dorm officers. Beside managing routine affairs, the council engineered many gala events such as Sing For Your Supper, the Christmas banquet, and the annual Dorm Open House.

Representative Council

Under the leadership of Arnold Boese, Student Association president, the Council served the interests of both the students and the faculty, and regulated school activities. Other officers were: James Threinen, vice-president; Arlene Martinson, secretary; and Patricia Yenco, treasurer.

Men's Dorm Council

Organization of softball teams, Christmas parties, homecoming floats, tobaggan parties, and the preservation of law and order were just a few of the many duties executed by the Lucas Lodge cabinet and Prentiss Lodge counselors. Art Nardiello headed Lucas Lodge, with officers George Yamamotto and Deraid Madson. Ernie Buhler, Duane Thompson, and Chuck Elliot were co-counselors of Prentiss.

Back row: J. Threinen, J. Seeman, C. Legwold, D. Mertes, R. Rubado, B. Ziebell, A. Boese. Third row: D. Olson, M. Miller, C. Anhalt, S. Stephens, J. Wunderlich, M. Peterson, D. Mahike. Second row: J. Harbrecht, A. Martinson, F. Morsching, B. Gaddis, M. Schmuck, L. Beck. First row: N. Gynild, D. Daun, H. Long, P. Yenco, B. Bregen. B. Plourde, J. Thomforde, D. Bearson, S. Hubbard, C. Anhalt, B. Anderson. Seated: L. Beck, student dean.
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G. Yamamotto, D. Thompson, A. Nardiello, F. Buhler, D. Madson


Twice weekly the fifty members of the band met to gain experience in band work and to play for their own enjoyment under the direction of Mr. Heyer. The band marched in the Homecoming Parade, the Winter Carnival parade, performed at concerts in the college auditorium, and at football and basketball home games.

Band officers included Curt Peterson, Nancy Gynild, Jean Thomforde and Elaine Behnken.

Back row: F. Kelley, D. Ludwitzke, D. Hammergren, Mr. Heyer, K. Brungardt, W. Hotson, E. Marin. Fourth row: H. Schmidt, J. Landro, D. Malewicki, D. Lueck, K. Bittner, J. Gleason, M. Skroch, J. Woods, L. De France. Third row: D. Bearson, P. Kelm, P. Severson, S. Huitgren, H. Corrigan, N. Flom, E. Behnken, E. Tollefson, T. O'Brien, G. Steffes. Second row: C. Gilbertson, M. Sapp, D. Conley, L. Witt, M. Roberts, A. Knowiton, J. Ringen, D. Halverson, N. Hoon. First row: S. Deeren, G. Hudriik N. Gynild, E. Grass, D. Larson, L. Collins, J. Hove, G. Riebe. Kneeling: K. Hanson, D. Rihs.
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Mr. Heyer

Swing Band

The Swing Band, under the direction of Mr. Heyer, provides an opportunity for students who are interested in progressive jazz to play as well as listen. Group activitiesthis year included several concerts for the student body, music for dancing at school social functions and an extensive tour of the high schools of the surrounding area.

E. Marin, R. Hammargren and Mr. Heyer hold a jam session in theband room. Mr. Heyer, J. Woods, G. Gleason, G. Steffes, D. Malewicki, W. Hotson, C. Peterson, T. O'Brien, K. Brungradt, E. Marin, M. Skroch, D. Lueck, R. Hammargren, A. Johnson, M. Majerus.


While the band rehearsed vigorously in the lower regions of Sonasen Hall, another music organization prepared concerts of a slightly different nature in the tower. Musically inclined persons met regularly twice a week to combine their vocal abilities in forming a fine-toned, polished choir.

Performances given by the choir included the traditional Christmas concert, a spring concert, and an appearance at a Rotary Club luncheon.

Chorus oficers were: Faye Hoffman, president; Bruce Bauer, vice-president; Jan Lawrence, treasurer; Eleanor Seim, secretary. Apollo Club was headed by Lee Krogh, assisted by Gordon Schleder, vice president, and Burl Leo, secretary-treasurer. Elizabeth Neumann was Mendelssohn Club president with Janice Lawrence as secretary-treasurer. Choir director is Mr. Grimm. Accompanists were Miss Bard and Eleanor Seim.

Back row: L. Tews, J. Lawrence, M. Roberts, J. Thomforde, E. Behnken, J. Landro, D. Ludwitzke, C. Peterson, E. Neumann, M. Riggs. Third row: J. Powell, M. Heberling, P. Duellman, L. Osborn, K. Hanson, F. Hoffmann, J. Meyer, E. Tollefson. Second row: D. Halverson, R. Flynn, M. Miller, F. Kelley, W. Haigh, L. Krogh, D. Malewicki, B. Bauer, S. Hubbard. First row: N. Gynild, D. Meinzer, R. Steuart, L. De France, S. Huitgren, K. Chamberlain, E. Seim at piano.
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A. Bard and W. Grimm, Directors.

Mendelssohn and Apollo Clubs

Mendelssohn is the women’s glee club on campus, while Apollo is the men’s glee club. Both organizations frequently perform for the student body and for various civic functions under Miss Bard’s director. Eleanor Seim is accompanist.

Soloist, M. Miller Back row: E. Neumann, AA. AAiller, E. Behnken. Fourth row: J. Powell, J. Thomforde, S. Huitgren, AA. Roberts. Third row: AA. Heberling, K. Hanson, L. Osborn, AA. Riggs. Second row: D. AAeinzer, K. Chamberlain, S. Hubbard, J. Lawrence, J. AAeyer. First row: D. Halverson, N. Gynild, P. Duellman, R. Flynn, E. Tollefson, F. Hoffman, L. Tews, E. Seim at piano.
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Back row: B. Bauer. Third row: W. Haigh, D. Ludwitzke. Second row: F .Kelley, L. Krogh, J. Landro. First row: R. Steuart, C. Peterson, L. De France, D. AAalewicki.


"Remember, this is for POSTERITY,” was the watchword of this year’s Wenonah staff. Attempting to accurately mirror campus life, editor Marcia Veir picked a staff of ten section editors to help carry the project to completion. Finance and advertising were capably handled by Kenneth Bittner. John Wooden served as special adviser and copy editor. General adviser to the staff was Dr. Guthrie.

Back row: C. Anhalt, S. Stephens, L. Krogh, D. Mahike, G. Renslow, K. Bittner, First row: M. Baumann, A. Knowiton, M. Veir, P. Yenco, C. Mahike. Mr. Durfey and editor M. Veir plan picture schedule.
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M. Baumann, G. Renslow and C. Mahike check oroof. K. Bittner studies his ever-present accounts-due book.


Deadlines and printer’s ink were the hallmarks of this year’s Winonan staff. Under the capable direction of editor Maxine Czapiewski, interested students learned to write feature stories, news articles, and editorials, to make up pages and to read proof. Maxine’s staff included Patricia Yenco, assistant editor; Patricia Wilke, feature editor; James Belden, sports editor; and Jean Thomforde, circulation manager. Dr. Guthrie advised the staff.

K. Crimmins, P. Kelm, D. Bearson, E. Toliefson, J. Thomforde, M. Lawrence, N. Dearmin at work on circulation. Dr. Guthrie and editor M. read copy for the Winonan. Czapiewski Back row: L. Krogh, J. Belden, D. Gulbrandson. First row: P. Yenco, M. Czapiewski, M. Majerus. Second row: A. Martinson, D. Freeman, P. Wilke, B. Gaddis.

Wenonah Players

Squaring the Circle, a satire on Communism was the Wenonah Players’ hit show in arena style last spring. Outstanding on the list of this year’s activities was the Club’s sponsorship of Pygmalion and Juno and the Paycock by the touring Dublin Players. Officers for the year were; Donna Freeman, president; Elaine Behnken, vice president; Jean Thomforde, recording secretary; Pat Waas, treasurer; Hugh Turton, corresponding secretary; Gerald Sweeney, head technician; Don Gulbrandson, assistant technician. Miss Dorothy Magnus was adviser.

Back row: R. Steuart, G. Quiel, E. Drenckhahn, J. Palan, F. Kelley, H. Turton, L. Osborn, D. Gulbrandson. Fourth row: C. AAahIke, B. Wilson, M. Veir, J. Hammann, S. Ryan, M. Steigerwald, G. Bergsrud, Miss Magnus. Third row: F. Morselling, D. Ribs, A. Knowiton, P. Wilke, M. Kloss, E. Behnken, M. Suttie, D. Freeman. Second row: D. Halverson, A. Carhart, D. Holt, R. Flynn, H. Long, J. Holmgren, L. Kramer. First row: N. Gynild, M. Lewis, E. Tollefson, G. Hudriik, G. Riebe, M. Sapp. Top Picture: H. Turton, N. Gynild, D. Freeman and J. Johnson
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Bottom Picture: Dress rehearsal for "Squaring the Circle."

Radio Guild

One of the campus service organizations, Radio Guild weekly presented programs over station KWNO. Subjects varied from publicity of campus events to student opinions on items of general interest. Also presented were informational programs by members of the faculty. The scheduling and recording of programs were handled by Hugh Turton, president; Patricia Wilke, vice-president, Donald Gulbrandson, head technician. Miss Magnus advised the group.

Top Picture; P. Waas, E. Drenckhahn and D. Freeman time a recording. Bottom Picture: D. Gulbrandson at the recorder.
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Back row: P. Wilke, P. Yenco, Miss Magnus. First row: C. Peterson, D. Freeman, M. Vein, H. Turton (speaker), D. Gulbrandson (at mike), J. Quiel, A. Carhart, D. Halverson.

Orientation Team

The Orientation Team introduces incoming freshmen to facilities available to them at the college. Mixer-dances, picnics and a freshmanbreakfast are but a few of the opportunities provided by the team to introduce the freshmen to themselves and to upper classmen.

Young Democrats

Year’s activities for the Young Democrats ineluded a dance after the WSTC-St. Mary’s football game, a mock presidential election in November, and several "get-out-and-vote” campaigns during the school elections. Meetings were held twice each

quarter to discuss political issues.

President was James Threinen; vice-president, Gordon Hansen; secretary, James Held; treasurer, James Belden. Adviser was Miss Roney.

Back row; Mr. Mariner, J. Sontag, D. Lauchle, C. Peterson, C. Legwold. First row: F. Morsching, B. Ziebell, N. Blaisdell.
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Second row: D. Lowrie, J. Threinen, J. Beldon, G. Hanson, D. Schroeder, B. Leo. First row: J. Held, B. Walker, G. O'Reilly, A. Bianchi.

Kappa Pi

Again this year Kappa Pi, the national art fraternity, sponsored the Spring Prom, keeping its theme secret in every detail until the big night. The club also sponsored art exhibits during the year and designed scenes for the main bulletin board. By sponsoring the annual art bazaar the members earned enough money to finance a field trip to Chicago. Officers this year were Jon Sontag, president; Cleo Lohse, vice-president; Robert Jensen, secretary; and Donald Lowrie, treasurer. Miss Murray was club adviser.

Back row: Miss Murray, C. Henthorne, F. Kelley, G. Acheff. Second row: J. Sontag, R. Jensen, K. Riska, O. Tubbs. First row: P. Drwall, S. Stephens, M. Couldwell, D. Meinzer, M. Lauer.
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Top Picture: J. Holliday, D. Lowrie and B. Jensen display Kappa Pi products at the annual Art Bazaar. Bottom: N. Gresch, O. Tubbs, S. Stephens, D. Lowrie and J. Sontag.

English Club

English Club members this year presented a skit during homecoming, sponsored the Christmas dance, contributed original writings to the college quarterly "The Loom” and entertained with original monologues and dramatics in a spring production, "Pastiche”. Purpose of the organization is to present samples of the members’ creative writings to the students of the college. Maxine Czapiewski was this year’s president; Patricia Wilke, vice-president; and Regina Hudriik, secretary-treasurer. Dr. Nelson was adviser.

Back row: G. Renslow, T. O'Brien, J. Threinen, A. Martinson, L. Krogh, L. Beck. Third row: M. Veir, M. Czapiewski, M. Majerus, C. Mahike, M. Suttie, D. Halverson. Second row: G. Hudriik, M. Baumann, P. Kelm, K. Hanson, P. Wilke, H. Long, P. Yenco. First row: A. Ogata, R. Borja, B. Rajtar, L. Johnson, P. Severson, C. Streed.
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Top Picture: A. Martinson interprets "Julie Kenshaw". Bottom: R. Hudriik reads "The Loom."

Science Club

Field trips, the annual Science Fair and the promotion of interest in science to laymen and high school students occupied the members of the Science Club this year. In addition, the organization sponsored the Winter Party and the Homecoming festivities.

Club officers were president, Russ Schmidt; vicepresident, Russ Bundy; secretary-treasurer, Louise Oech. Mr. Emanuel was club adviser.

Top Picture: C. Christenson conducts a Science Day exhibit for visiting high school students. Bottom: F. Schurb conducts a chem lab experiment for Science Day. Back row: Dr. Gulick, G. McElmury, B. Bauer, R. Welty, R. Lueth, D. Madson, Mr. Emanuel. Second row: S. Deeren, M. Carhart, J. Hammann, K. Morse, R. Klossner, L. Oech, L. Cisewski. First row: R. Schmidt, K. Bittner, G. Bartz, G. Steffes, R. Buxrude.

Future Teachers of America

The Etta Hudson Howell chapter of the Future Teachers of America this year undertook the State’s annual Christmas Seal campaign, sponsored what has become its annual carnival and fun fest and enterrained at a record dance. Since its inception in 1951, the chapter has succeeded m uniting future elementary and secondary teachers on the campus into a single group. Officers this year were Dareld Madsen, president; Helen Nelson, vice-president; Nancy Blaisdell, secretary; Mary Tripp, treasurer. Advisers were Miss Aarestad and Mr. Hoyt.

Fourth row: P. Kelm, A. Knowiton, J. Kreckow, N. Hoon, J. Powell, M. Heberling, B. Gaddis, N. Flom, B. Anderson, J. Thomforde, B. Peterson, J. Meyer. Third row: L. Schroeder, N. McGillivray, S. Ryan, J. Fuller, N. Klein, P. Streitz, D. Meinzer, J. Guam, N. Blaisdell, O. Tovson. Second row: S. Marburger, B. Wilson, B. Plourde, K. Bjoraker, S. Vathing, L. Devney, K. Hanson, B. J. Anderson, J. Wilke. First row: L. Johnson, M. Siems, D. Sheffer, M. Gallagher, D. Heckmaster, E. Fuller, M. Peterson, M. Suttie, H. Long. Back row: K. Hammergren, M. Honer, S. Huitgren, M. Heinen, D. Conley, D. Madson, J. May, W. Anderson, J. Kern, E. Buhler, D. Riess, E. Grass. Third row: K. Crimmins, J. Freitag, A. Patzner, D. Swanson, S. Renchin, E. DeWitte, L. Stoehr, C. Schwantz, R. Flynn, M. Wooden, M. Kloss, D. Bearson. Second row: Miss Aarestad, P. Severson, G. Haack, L. Collins, D. Johnson, J. Nagle, L. Osborn, J. Lawrence, P. Duellman, M. Tripp. First row: R. Borja, S. Gildemeister, C. Fuchs, J. Wisland, G. Riebe, R. Klossner, I. Buhler, E. Seim, J. Queensland.
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Business Club

Highlights of the Business Club program this year were the annual organization tour to business establishments and the sponsoring of a spring dance for the student body. Commercial and business majors and minors are welcomed to this campus service organization, which is primarily interested in business and related fields. President was Donald Schroeder; vice-president, Burl Leo; secretary-treasurer, Faye Hoffman. Advisers were Miss Finch and Dr. Price.

Industrial Arts Club

Highlight of this year’s Industrial Arts Club activities was a field trip to Stillwater State Prison where members visited an inmate-run factory and saw prisoners’ handicrafts. Other activities included construction of the Homecoming Queen’s float; the printing of invitations; making toys for the orphanage and making of prom decorations. Merle Peterson was the year’s president; Gene Fahrman, vice-president; and Carl Christenson, secretary-treasurer. Dr. Jackson and Dr. Capron were club advisers.

Fourth row: C. Sheffer, H. Thiele, J. Zbylicki, E. Mundt, G. Williams, R. Von Sien, J. Antoff, D. Mahike, Dr. Price. Third row: B. Leo, L. Standstad, W. Wieczorek, E. Davies, D. McManus, C. Steinke, G. Eskelson, D. Riess, D. Schroeder. Second row: Miss Finch, J. Wunderlich, F. Henninger, J. DeHaven, A. Ellison, F. Sebo, R. Feuling, F. Hoffman, E. Neumann. First row: M. Sholes, D. Conley, J. Reglin, B. Witt, E. Grass, M. Suttie, L. Tews.
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Third row: G. McElmury, D. Segermark, R. Eskra, R. Wood, J. Morrison, W. Gesell. Second row: R. Larson, L. Buckingham, R. Hovland, D. Ollhoff, M. Skroch, H. Jackson. First row: M. Peterson, T. Toussaint, L. Nelson, B. Walker, A. Nardiello, R. Duncan.

Mason Music

High point of the year for the Mason Music Club, which includes all music majors and minors, was the sponsoring of the music contest for high schools in District Two. The task provided jobs for all members, as the campus swarmed with visiting high school musicians waiting to perform. Club activities also included recitals for the student body and area groups. Advisers were Mr. Heyer and Mr. Grimm.


A course in camp leadership for this year’s Girl Scout leaders was sponsored by the college YWCA group. Caroling at Christmas, selling bonbons at football games and fellowship meetings were among other activities led by president Darlyne Bearson, vice-president Barbara Plourde, secretary Charlotte Stiehl and treasurer Barbara Gaddis. Adviser was Miss Roney.

Back row: Mr. Heyer, E. Behnken, K. Hanson, E. Neumann, E. Ludwitzke, F. Kelley, M. Skroch, L. De France, E. Marin. Second row: E. Seim, G. Riebe, F. Hoffman, M. Majerus, M. Roberts, M. Riggs, J. Thomforde, G. Steffes. First row: R. Steuart, D. Hammergren, J. Gleason, K. Bittner, C. Peterson, J. Woods, Mr. Grimm.
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Back row: T. Ahrens, D. Larson, O. Larson, P. Diethert, B. Gaddis, P. Streitz, B. Plourde, B. Anderson, N. Blaisdeli. Third row: O. Tovson, N. Flom, B. Peterson, L. Swearingen, J. Lawrence, S. Hubbard, D. Bearson. Second row: D. Heckmaster, L. Schroeder, L. Collins, S. Marburger, B. Johnson, S. Vathing, H. Long. First row: V. Stroud, C. Gilbertson, E. Fuller, H. Lawson, D. Grovdahl, B. Krieger.

Church Organizations


A non-denominational fellowship organization, Inter-Varsity, meets for Bible study and prayer meetings balanced by social gatherings. Officers this year were president, Bruce Bauer; vice-president, Darlene Johnson; and secretary-treasurer, Jacqueline Harbrecht. Adviser was Dr. Price.

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Back row: E. Norman, D. Johnson, AA. Riggs, P. Streitz, E. Tollefson, B. Bauer. Second row: Dr. Price, K. Chamberlain, J. Harbrecht, P. Waas, G. McElmury. First row: S. Fuchs, A. McKeag, M. Brown, J. Nagle.

Wesley Club

The Wesley Club is an organization of Methodist students on campus for the promotion of Christian fellowship. This year the thirty members built a homecoming float, sponsored a dance and enjoyed Saturday suppers prepared by themselves. Betty Wilson was president; Irene Buhler, vice-president; Mary Tripp, secretary; and Don Lowrie, treasurer. Adviser was Mr. Guthrie.

Newman Club

Newman Club, the Catholic student organization on campus, promoted socio-religious activities for its members. Officers were: Dave Erding, president; Jane Schneider, vice president; Jean Thomforde, secretary; Art Nardiello, treasurer.

Back row: D. Sheffer, G. Riebe, C. Elliott, J. Fuller, M. Holmquist, V. Stroud, M. Latcham. Second row: L. Osborn, N. Blaisdell, AA. Johnson, AA. Sackett, E. Buhler, B. J. Anderson, D. Larson, C. Fuchs. Front row: I. Buhler, AAr. Guthrie, C. Sorenson, N. AAcGillivray, N. Hoon. Back row: D. Schroeder, W. Haigh, R. Claussen, F. Brueske, AA. Flaherty, L. Nelson, J. Antoff, T. O'Brien, D. Greden, G. O'Reilly. Fourth row: E. Grass, AA. Honer, S. Ryan, A. Seiler, J. AAay, B. Wieczorek, AA. Gallagher, AA. Steigerwold, N. Grech, E. DeWitt, R. AAcGovern, J. Thompson, S. Slaggie. Third row: AA. Kowaleski, S. Renchin, J. Hammann, AA. Roberts, L. Schroeder, P. Fockens, J. Fend, AA. Lauer, J. Holmgren, R. Flynn, K. Hanson. Second row: G. Hudriik, K. Crimmins, B. Rajtar, J. Rompa, B. Plourde, AA. Wright, L. Kramer, R. Borja. First row: J. Snyder, D. Erding, A. Nardiello.
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Gamma Delta

Thursday nights found members of Gamma Delta meeting in the student lounge. President of the local chapter, Gamma Lambda, was Donna Daun; vice president, Elaine Behnken; secretary, Audrey Luhmann; treasurer, Marlene Meyer. Miss Kratz and Mrs. Whiting were club advisers.


Fun and fellowship keynoted the meetings of the Lutheran Students Association with Dorothy Holt presiding. Darlyne Bearson, vice president; Merle Peterson, secretary; and Curt Legwold, treasurer, were cabinet members.

Back row: C. Hagedorn, E. Mundt, G. Bartz, D. Riess, AA. AAatzke, D. AAahIke, J. Pagel. Second row: L Stoehr, A. Bening, D. Daun, F. Hoffman, AA. Kratz, S. Stephens, P. Wilke, AA. Kloss, A. Luhmann. First row: J. Reglin, G. Haack, E. Behnken, S. Frahm, L. Tews, S. Gildemeister, E. Ties, C. AAahIke. Back row: AA. Peterson, G. Bergsrud, D. Sanden, L. Pieper, R. AArachek, C. Pasvogel, J. Landro, B. Bateman, P. Everson, D. Burreson, G. Eskelson, D. Wanek, D. Daugs, J. Held. Second row: B. Anderson, C. Anhalt, AA. Heinen, C. Schwantz, D. Grovdahl, K. Bjoraker, AA. Colness, C. Jacobson, J. Johnson, K. Chamberlain, AA. Suttie, J. AAeyer, D. Fehrman, H. Schmidt. Third row: S. Vathing, J. Lawrence, E. Neumann, AA. Blume, J. AAoon, D. Swanson, N. Gynild, D. Ambrosen, AA. Peterson, E. Tollefson, AA. AAcKay, P. Streitz, P. Diethert, P. Bielenberg. Second row: A. Ellison, S. Huitgren, J. Freitag, B. Krieger, T. Ahrens, D. Bearson, D. Heckmaster, B. Johnson, J. Hove, D. Holt, P. Severson. First row: E. Seim, C. Gilbertson, AA. Landro, AA. Baumann, N. Flom, H. Lawson, D. Blumentritt, AA. Siems, L. Johnson, B. Witt.

Canterbury Club

Canterbury, composed of Episcopalian and prospective Episcopalian students, met every first and third Thursday to discuss doctrines of the Anglican church. Sue Hubbard was president; Pat Kelm, vicepresident; and Dr. Van Alstine adviser.

Bradford Club

Back row: J. Threinen, Miss Steffenson, R. Welty, G. Hanson, H. Turton, G. Quiel. Second row: Dr. Van Alstine, M. Heberling, P. Kelm, B. Gaddis, S. Hubbard, Dr. Ragar. First row: S. Deeren, B. Bryan, E. Fuller.
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Back row: D. Johnson, F. Kelly, P. Roney. Front row: B. Gates, A. Deters, D. Connolly, A. Pretzer, L. Collins, B. Renslo.


WON: 5 LOST: 2


Winona 12 Stout

Winona 13 Mankato

Winona 13 Bemidji

Winona 8 Moorhead

Winona 25 Northland

Winona 0 St. Cloud

Winona 32 St. Mary's

Winona 13 Eau Claire

Back row: D. Segermark, J. Rodrick, K. Habeck, R. Haskins, D. Kirkland, J. Kern, L. Pieper, J. May, A. Boese, B. Christopherson, V. Meehl, Coach Brodhagen. Row two: A. Bianchi, G. Doty, J. Sonsolla, R. Eskra, D. Madson, R. Rubado, B. Ziebell, R. Hovland, R. Schmidt, B. Ziebell, D. Mertes, Coach Arns. Row one: J. Miner, B. McBride, N. Frets, J. Seeman, M. Peterson, D. Olson, D. Larson, J. Sullivan, T. Toussaint, J. Grebin, Asst. Coach McGill. Captains J. Grebin, A. Boese and Coach Brodhagen.
12 13
6 6 6 26 Page 60
Stopped cold Oh yeah? Touchdown!!! Grebin going through! Tough way to make a living!
Page 62 Big night for Brodhagen
J. Grebin and H. Burkard admirethe Galligan Trophy.
Basketball 1954-55 SEASON RECORD (6-14) Winona State 98 Stevens Point 78 Winona State 82 Platteville 87 Winona State 80 La Crosse State 85 Winona State 74 Eau Claire 105 Winona State 93 Stout 58 Winona State 76 Lincoln University 82 Winona State 62 Macalester 96 Winona State 67 St. Mary's 79 Winona State 72 Platteville 78 Winona State 55 Mankato 88 Winona State 72 River Falls 72 Winona State 69 St. Cloud 71 Winona State 76 Bemidji 72 Winona State 82 St. Mary's 75 Winona State 73 Bemidji 82 Winona State 83 Moorhead 75 Winona State 48 St. Cloud 84 Winona State 73 Moorhead (OT) 68 Winona State 89 Stout 93 Winona State 62 Mankato (OT) 67 Scoring: Winona State 1,486 Opponents 1,599
J. Grebin, D. Smith, J. Polus, L. Paul, G. Regnier, H. Regnier, J. Kern, R. Fredrickson, C. Currier, B. Christopherson, G. O'Reilly.
Page 63
Captain G. O'Reilly, Coach L. Arns and B-Team coach H. Burkard.
Up for twol! Set-up
Page 64
What you saidi
Worm's eye view WINONA STATE SCORING G FG FT PF TP Avg. Polus .20 107 111 71 325 16.2 Paul 20 77 81 25 235 11.7 G. Regnier 18 62 41 60 197 10.9 Smith 20 68 75 64 211 10.5 Grebin 19 40 32 49 112 5.9 O'Reilly 19 31 34 45 96 5 Fredrickson 19 26 10 20 62 3.2 Currier 19 12 27 29 51 2.6 H. Regnier 9 6 9 14 21 2.3 Kern 10 6 3 18 15 1.5 Christopherson 11 3 7 10 13 1.1
Page 65
Top to bottom: J. Polus, G. O'Reilly, J. Grebin.

Junior Varsity

N. Frets, R. Blankenfeld, D. Strand, L. Iverson, V. AAeehl, J. Miner, J. Seeman, L. McMillen, R. Schaeffer.
Page 66
Opening toss-up 1954-55.


The wrestling team lost to Mankato and placed third in a field of twelve at the Carlton Invitational Tourney after blanking Stevens Point 28-0.


The golf team ended in a second place position at the Bi-State Meet held at Westfield. The Warriors totaled 327 strokes as compared to the winning Mankato score of 310.

K. Habeck, E. Christenson, J. Strummer, M. Peterson, Coach Brodhagen, K. Selke, G. Selke, C. Pasvogel, P. Evenson, B. Burmiester.
Page 67
J. Ehlers, C. Currier, G. Elliot, B. Frazer, C. Anderson and Coach Arns.
S t ee r i i k e ! Steal Page 68
Back row: A. Kulig, Mr. McCown, T. Muelemans, L. Stadstad, J. Antoff, J. Sendelbach, D. Strand, J. Swanson, J. Miner, J. Polus, R. Kowles, J. Grebin, V. Grabau. Front row: F. Hoeft, G. Whipple, R. Lueth, B. Christopherson, G. Fehrman, R. Papenfuss, A. Nardiello, G. Selke, J. O'Brien.
Baseball WON: 12 LOST: 6 THE SCORES Winona State 3 Fort Leonard Wood 11 Winona State 8 Fort Leonard Wood 2 Winona State 8 Fort Leonard Wood 7 Winona State 9 Wartburg College 5 Winona State 1 St. Mary's 8 Winona State 4 La Crosse State 6 Winona State 3 Mankato State 10 Winona State 1 Mankato State 9 Winona State 12 St. Mary's 4 Winona State 4 St. Cloud State 1 Winona State 5 Stout 3 Winona State - 5 Stout 1 Winona State .11 Eau Claire 2 Winona State 8 Eau Claire 2 Winona State 8 River Falls 1 Winona State 7 River Falls 2 Winona State 22 Northwestern Schools 3 Winona State 2 La Crosse State 2
Page 69
The dug-out


Coach Brodhagen, J. Wachs, D. Erding, H. Reed, D. Fair, D. Thompson, K .Habeck, C. Hagedorn.
STATE MEET Mankato 108 Moorehead 29 St. Cloud 27 Winona 19 Bemidji 16 BI-STATE MEET Mankato 127 St. Cloud 38 Winona 17 River Falls 12 Eau Claire 9 CARLTON MEET Winona placed Seventh TRIANGULAR MEET Winona 56 River Falls 46 Eau Claire 42 On your mark get set Page 70

"W' Club Men's P.E.

Letter-winners in inter-collegiate sports competition form the membership of the "W” Club. This year the club members sponsored a successful "All Schools Dance” and participated in co-curricular activities. Advisers were Mr. McCown, Mr. Brodhagen and Mr. Arns.

The Men’s P.E. Club, physical education majors and minors, this year organized and sponsored intramural athletic events for men students. Jim Sonsolla was club president. Advisers were Mr. Brodhagen, Mr. Arns and Mr. McCown.

Back row: Mr. Arns, D. Madson, H. Burkard, W. Ziebell, Mr. Brodhagen. Second row: A. Boese, C. Connaughty, L. Pieper, B. Haskins, Mr. McGown. First row: J. Grebin, A. Nardiello, J. Sonsalla, G. O'Reilly. Back row: Mr. Arns, E. Davies, J. Seeman, J. Polus. Fourth row: Mr. Brodhagen, D. Mertes, R. Hovland, W. Ziebell, H. Burkard, R. Ziebell, Mr. McCown. Third row: D. Madson, L. Pieper, R. Lueth, D. Segermark, D. McBride, G. O'Reilly, J. Grebin.
Page 7 I
Second Row: R. Papenfuss, C. Connaughty, R. Rubado, J. Antoff, D. Erding, R. Haskins, A. Boese. First row: R. Larson, A. Nardiello, J. Sonsalla, G. Bartz, M. Peterson, A. Bianchi.

Women's Athletic Association

“Play for play’s sake” is the motto of the W.A.A. which offers all women of the college opportunity to participate in their favorite sports. Activities are planned and carried to completion by the W.A.A. Board consisting of the club’s three officers and five sports leaders. This year’s officers were: president, Darlyne Bearson, vice-president, Jean Thomforde, secretary-treasurer, Helen Ehlers. Advisers were Miss Roney and Miss Grégoire.

Back row: J. Snyder, M. Tripp, N. McGillivray, L. Swearingen, B. Gates, F. Morsching, B. Johnson, N. Blaisdell. Third row: G. Ronnenberg, E. Behnken, L Schroeder, D. Conley, AA. Heinen, AAiss Grégoire, C. Schwanti. Second row: J. Thomforde, D. Bearson, T. Ahrens, C. Anhalt, B. Plourde, B. Krieger, O. Tovson. First row: J. Rompa, AA. Holmquist, J. Freitag, K. Stevlengson, K. Weseman, C. Schroeder, AA. Sapp.
Page 72
W.A.A. Board: C. Anhalt, H. Ehlers, E. Tollefson, N. Blaisdell, B. Plourde, P. Sinnott, D. Bearson, J. Thomforde, B. Grégoire. Water Wheel by the Swim Club Touche'
Page 73
Swim Club members: R. Flynn, B. Peterson, D. Connolly, L. Swearingen, B. Plourde, M. Miller, M. Tripp, B. Rajtar. Back row: B. Krieger, P. Sinnot, E. Behnken, B. Gates, F. AAorsching, L. Swearingen, B. Plourde, S. Haakenstad, O. Tovson, Dr. Talbot. Second row: T. Ahrens, C. Wolfe, J. Mulvihill, E. Tollefson, C. Schroeder, G. Ronnenberg, C. Anhalt. First row: N. Blaisdell, AA. Holmquist, B. Johnson, K. Stevlingson, J. Rompa, J. Snyder.
Page 74
K. Weseman, M. Miller and B. Krieger on the trampoline. Freshman Registration
Coke Break Tired Feet Dancing At The Smog
Page 77
Fred Heyer and the Rhythm Masters
A. Martinson, Queen M. Fernholz, D. Rice and S. Senrick pose for the photographer during homecoming activities.
Page 78 Winning Slogan
Queen candidates. Clockwise from bottom; S. Senrick, M. Czapiewski, M. Fernholtz, S. Stephens, A. Martinson.
m ^ Rr■f --^ri
The Kappa Pi float
Hen session See you Dorm Life Woman's work is never Oooh, already? High, Low, Jack and the game

Maid's night out

Calorie Call


Supper, Ma Jackson style at 7:30
Curt plays it sweet
Page 82
Valentine Formal
Chow line Bridge, anyone? The Smog ifs new! Christmas Two to Tango Page 83

WORK... At School

Publications Teaching Bookstore Dorm Kitchen Page 84 if you can get it!
In The Community Hospital Selling Bank Newspaper Page 85
Page 86 Chorus Line
Doubles Higher education Page 87
F.T.A. Entert( Caroling 'No 'C< Page 88
Brnival ¡nment Page 89
Mail Call Lounge Assembly Page 90
Week-lti; Week-Out!

Time For A Breather

Skating Page 9]
The Insurance Policy Our Books! Page 92



Editor Marcia Veir

Business AAanager Kenneth Bittner

CoDV Editor John Wooden

Layout Don Gulbrandson

Faculty Mary Fishbauqher, Pat Wass

Classes AAariio Baumann. Joanne Wunderlich

Orqanizations Sondra Stephens

Student Life Carol Mahike


Mary Jane Kaehler

Art Charles Henthorne, Don Lowrie


Carol Anhalt

Pat Diethert

Jacqueline Fuller

Alice Knowiton

Daye AAahlke

Kathy AAorse

Gene Renslow

Florence Sebo

Shirley Slaqqie

Sharon Ryan

Clair Sheffer

Mary Tripp

Pat Wilke

Mary Wooden

Pat Yenco

Bob Ziebell

Adyiser Dr. Flarold Guthrie

Our appreciation to AAiss AAurray of the Art Department.

Page 93
In Appreciation
Winona Sítate Teachers College, 1916-1955

Abramson, Milton

Acheff, George 15, 49

Adank, Willard 35

Ahrens, Thelma 34, 54, 57, 72, 74

Albrecht, Ray Allen, David 35

Ambrosen, Donna 34, 57

Anderson, Bette 32, 39,52, 54, 57

Anderson, Betty Jean 32, 52, 56

Anderson, John

Anderson, Roger

Anderson, Wayne 32, 52

Anhalt, Carol 23,38,39, 44, 57,72, 74

Antoff, Jerome 32, 53, 56,68, 71, 82

Auseth, Clarence B

Backus, John

Bartz, Armin

Bartz, Gene 23, 51, 57, 71

Bateman, Robert 35, 57

Bauer, Bruce 42, 43, 51, 55

Baumann, Marijo 33, 44, 50, 57

Bearson, Darlyne 32, 38, 39, 40, 45, 52, 54,57, 72

Beberg, Dick 34

Beck, Lauray 13, 32, 39, 50

Behnken, Elaine 23, 40, 42,43,46, 54, 57, 72, 74

Belden, Jim 32, 45, 48

Bening, Ardyce 34, 57

Benning, Romelle

Benson, Donald

Bergsrud, Gilbert 34, 57

Best, Eleanor 34

Blanchi, Art 23, 48,60, 71

Bielenberg, Phyllis 34, 57

Bittner, Kenneth 32, 40, 44, 51, 54

Bjoraker, Kathryn 34,52, 57

Blaisdell, Nancy 33,48, 52,54, 72, 74

Blankenfeld, Russell 66

Blume, Myra 57

Blumentritt, Darlene 34, 57

Boese, Arnold 23, 38, 39, 60, 71

Borja, Rosalia 33, 50,52, 56, 86

Brace, Leonard 35

Brand, Roger

Briesath, Richard

Brose, John 22

Brown, Mary Ellen 55

Brown, Robert

Brueske, Franklin 34, 56

Brugger, Earl

Brungardt, Karl 40, 41

Brunnet, James

Bryan, Beverly 33, 39, 58

Bublitz, Robert 33

Buckingham, Layne 23, 53

Buhier, Ernest 39, 52

Buhier, Evelyne 34

Buhier, Irene 32, 52, 56

Bundy, Russell

Burkard, Harold 23, 62, 63, 71

Burmeister, Bruce 35, 67

Burreson, Dennis 57

Butterfield, Ron

Buxrude, Rodney 46, 51

Carhart, Marcia 16, 33, 51

Carhart, Anne 24, 46, 47

Cauldwell, Margaret 49

Cavanaugh, William

Callan, Virginia

Cerney, Paul J.

Chamberlain, Karen 34, 42, 43, 55, 57

Christensen, Earl 67

Christenson, Carl 51

Christenson, David 24

Christianson, James

Christenson, Lydia 24

Christopherson, William 24, 60, 63, 68

Cisewski, Leonard 24

Clark, Anna 29

Clark, Velna 29

Claussen, Roman 56

Collins, Lorraine 34,40, 52, 54, 58

Colness, Marolyn 35, 57

Conley, Darlene 34,40, 52, 53,58,72, 73

Conn, June

Connaughty, Curtis 24, 71

Cook, Benedict

Cook, Gerald

Cooper, Philip

Corrigan, Helen 34, 40 Coulter, Merle 33

Crimmins, Kathleen 34,45,52, 56 Currier, Craig 63, 67

Czapiewski, Maxine 14, 24,38, 45, 50, 78

Dalleska, Fred 35

Darling, Don 35

Daugs, Donald 57

Daun, Donna 24, 39, 57

Davies, Evan 53, 71

Dearmin, Nell 33, 45

Decker, Eldon

Decker, Janice 29

Deeren, Susan 35, 40, 51, 58

DeFrance, LaRoyce 35, 40, 42, 43, 54

DeHaven, Joanne 35, 53 Deters, Audrey 58

Devney, Elizabeth 33, 52

DeWitte, Ellen 35, 52, 56 DeYoung, Robert Diekrager, Wayne 35

Diethert, Patricia 33, 54, 57

Domonoske, Gerald 22

Dorn, Raymond Doty, Gus 60 Drake, David Drenckhahn, Earle 33, 46, 47 Drwall, Patricia 35, 49 Drysdale, Margaret Duellman, Patricia 35, 42, 43, 52 Duncan, Robert 53

Easton, John Eberhard, Philip Ebert, Wayne Edmunds, Betty Lou

Ehlers, Helen 29, 72

Elliott, Charles 67

Ellison, Anne 33, 53, 57

Ensrud, Rollyn

Erding, David 32, 56, 70, 71

Eskelson, Gerald 35, 53, 57

Eskra, Roger 35, 53, 60 Evenson, Raymond Evenson, Paul 35, 57, 67 Everson, Arlis

Fehrman, Doris 35, 57

Fehrman, Gene 68

Fend, Joan 35, 56

Fenne, Constance

Ferguson, Robert Fernholz, Marlene 29, 78

Feuling, Ruth 33, 53

Fiedler, Allen

Fiedler, William 35

Fishbaugher, Mary 25

Flom, Nannette 32, 40, 52, 54, 57 Flom, Roberta 35, 42, 43, 46, 52, 56, 73

Fockens, Patricia 35, 56 Frahm, Shirley 57

Frederickson, Richard 63

Freeman, Donna 14, 25, 38, 45, 46, 47

Frets, Nelson 66

Freitag, Jeaneen 35,52,57, 72, 74

Fuchs, Clarice 35, 52, 55

Fuller, Elaine 35, 52,54, 58

Fuller, Jacqueline 33, 52 G

Gaddis, Barbara 32, 39, 45, 52, 54, 58

Gallagher, Dolores

Gallagher, Marilyn 35, 52, 56

Gates, Barbara 58, 72, 74

Gesell, William 53

Gilbertson, Carol 35, 40, 54, 57

Gildemeister, Shirley 35, 52, 57

Gilsdorf, Judith 35

Ginther, George

Gleason, Gerald 33, 40, 41, 54

Glenna, Jerome

Glenzinski, Jerome

Glynn, Pat 35

Goetting, Robert 25

Goetzman, Gene

Grass, Elizabeth 32,40, 52, 53, 56

Grebin, Jerome 25, 60, 61,62, 63, 65, 68, 71

Gresch, Noel 33, 49, 56, 82

Greden, David 35, 56

Griebenow, Joyce 29

Grimes, Donald

Grosso, Anna Mae

Grothe, James

Grovdahl, Donna 33, 54, 57

Gulbrandson, Donald 45, 46, 47

Gynild, Nancy 32, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 46, 57


Haack, Gloria 33, 52, 57

Haakenstad, Shirley 32, 74

Habeck, Ken 60,67, 70

Hagedorn, Charles 32( 57, 70

Haigh, Willard 35, 42,43, 56'

Halverson, Delayne 33,40, 42,43, 46, 47, 50

Halverson, Duane

Hammann, Judith 33, 46,51, 56

Hammergren, Kathryn 33, 52

Hammergren, Richard 40, 41, 54

Hansen, Arlene 33

Hanson, Gordon 32,48, 58

Hanson, Karole 33, 40, 42, 43, 50, 52, 54, 56

Harbrecht, Jacqueline 25, 39, 55

Haskins, Robert 60, 71

Heberling, Marilou 35, 42, 43, 52, 58

Heckmaster, Donna 33, 52, 54, 57

Heinen, Marilyn 29, 52, 57, 72

Held, James 32, 48, 57

Hendrickson, Hildegard 30

Heniger, Faith 35, 53

Hennessy, Robert

Henthorne, Charles 15, 49

Hoeft, Fred 68

Herman, Leroy 35

Hoffmann, Faye 25, 42, 43, 53, 54, 57

Holliday, Joan 49

Holmgren, Joann 33, 46, 56

Holmquist, Mildred 33, 72, 74

Holst, Noel

Holt, Dorothy 33, 46, 57

Honer, Mary 35, 52, 56

Honigs, Earl

Hoon, Nancy 35, 40, 52

Hoppe, Jean

Hotson, Wayne 33, 40, 41

Hove, Judith 35, 40, 57

Hovland, Raymond 33, 53, 60, 71

Hubbard, Sue 33,39,42, 43, 54, 58

Hudriik, Regina 33, 40, 46, 50, 56

Huitgren, Sharon 35, 40, 42, 43, 52, 57


Ingram, Robert

Iverson, Lynn 35, 66

Jacobson, Corinne 57

Jasewski, Frank

Jensen, Robert 49

Johnson, Allen 41

Johnson, Barbara 54, 57, 72, 74

Johnson, Chester 35

Johnson, Darlene 33, 52, 55, 58

Johnson, Darrell

Johnson, Lorraine 35, 50, 52, 57

Johnson, Joan 35, 46, 57

Johnson, Marilyn 35

Johnson, Sally

Justin, Gerald

Kaehler, Mary Jane

Kaehler, William

Kauphusman, Donald

Keil, Bruce 35

Keller, Emmett

Kelley, Frank 35, 40, 42, 43, 46, 49, 54, 58

Kelm, Patricia 35, 40, 45, 50, 52, 58

Kern, James 35, 52, 60, 63

Kindt, Ronald

Kinnear, David

Kirkland, Dean 35, 60

Kittleson, Gerald

Klahr, James

Klein, Natalie 33, 52

KIoss, Margaret 38, 46, 52, 57

KIossner, Rose 32, 51, 52

Knopp, Charles

Knowiton, Alice 35, 40, 44, 46, 52

Kock, Gerald

Kochenderfer, Gary

Koehler, James 35

Kortsch, William

Kowaleski, Mary 35, 56

Krache, John

Krage, Jack 33

Kramer, Lois 30,46, 56

Kreckow, Jean 35, 52

Krieger, Beverly 35, 54,57, 72, 74

Krogh, Lee 25, 42, 43, 44, 45, 50

Kruse, Ronald

Lackore, Lucille

Landro, John 35, 40, 42, 43, 57

Landro, Mary 35, 57

Larson, Diane 35, 40, 54

Larson, Opal 30, 54

Larson, Richard 53, 60, 71

Latcham, Marilyn 35

Lauchie, David 33, 48

Lauer, Marilyn 35, 49, 56

Lawrence, Janice 30, 42,43, 52, 54, 57

Lawrence, Mary A. 35, 45

Lawscjn, Helen 33, 54, 57

Lee, Paul

Legwold, Curtis 25, 39, 48

Leo, Burl 33,48, 53

Lester, Terrence

Lewis, Henry 26

Lewis, Marilyn 36, 46

Lindquist, Nancy 36

Lohse, Ronald

Long, Harriet 36, 39, 46,50, 52, 54

Lowrie, Donald 32, 48

Ludwitzke, Dennis 36, 40, 42, 43, 54

Lueck, David 40, 41

Luehmann, Eugene

Lueth, Robert 51, 68, 71

Luhmann, Audrey 33, 57

Lund, Russell

McBride, Donald 36, 60, 71 McDonough, D. 36 McElmury, George 32, 51,53, 55 McGillivray, Nancy 33, 52, 72 McGovern, Rita 36, 56 McGrath, Jack McKay, Marlene 36, 57 McKeag, Alice 55 McKeeth, Richard McManus, Donald 53 McMillen, Larry 36, 66 McNally, Margaret 32 Maceman, Warren

Madson, Derald 39,51, 52, 60, 71 Mahike, Carol 33, 44,46,50, 57 Mahike, David 39, 44, 53, 57 Maierus, Marlene 26, 38, 45, 50, 54 Malewicki, Duayne 36, 40, 41,42, 43 Marburger, Shirlie 33,52, 54

Marin, Eugene 40, 41, 54 Martin, Carol

Martinson, Arlene 26, 38,39, 45, 50, 78 Masuda, Kiyoshi

Matzke, Merle 36, 57

May, John 36, 52, 56, 60 Mayou, Lillian

Meehl, Vern 60, 66

Meinzer, Dixie 36, 42, 43,49, 52 Mertes, Dave 36, 39, 60, 71 Mertes, Frank 22

Meulemans, Thomas 26, 68

Meyer, Janis 36, 42, 43, 52, 57 Meyer, Richard Michel, Janice

Miller, Marie 36, 39, 42, 43, 73, 74 Miner, James 60, 68 Mollet, Loren

Moon, Jean 36, 57 Morrison, John 53

Morsching, Fern 39, 46, 48, 72, 74 Morse, Katherine 36, 51 Mosiman, Dorothy 18, 36 Mrachek, Ronald 36, 57 Mueske, Arvin 36

Mundt, Elvin 53, 57

Mulvihill, JoAnn 36, 74

Nagle, Joanne 33,52, 55

Nardiello, Arthur 33, 39,53, 56, 68, 71 Nelson, Helen 26, 38 Nelson, LaVern 36, 53, 56

Neumann, Elizabeth 33, 42,43,53, 54, 57 Norman, Edgar 55

O'Brien, Thomas 33, 40, 41,50, 56

O'Connor, Michael Oech, Louise 33, 51 Ogata, Ann 36, 50 Ohnstad, Lea Ollhoff, Delmar 53

Oison, Dwayne 34,36, 39, 60

O'Reilly, George 26, 48,56, 63, 65, 71 Ormseth, Roger

Osborn, Joan 36

Osborn, Lloyd 46

Osborn, Lucille 36,42, 43, 52

Owen, Willa 26

Pagel, Janice 33, 57

Palan, John 36, 46

Palmer, David

Papenfuss, Roland 33, 68, 71

Pasvogel, Clyde 33, 57, 67 Paul, Lee 63

Pellowski, Aaron Peters, Leon

Peterson, Barbara 36, 52, 54, 73

Peterson, Curtis 26, 38, 41, 42, 43, 47, 48, 54

Peterson, Marlys 33, 52, 57

Peterson, Maxine 12, 30

Peterson, Merle 27, 39, 53, 57, 60, 67, 71

Peterson, Robert

Pieper, LaVerne 36, 57, 60, 71

Pietsch, Thomas

Plourde, Barbara 33, 39, 52, 54,56, 72, 73, 74

Polus, James 63, 65, 68, 71

Poole, William

Powell, Janet 36, 42, 43, 52

Pretzer, Annette 36, 52, 58

Prinz, William 27

Quam, Jo Ann 36, 52

Queensland, Jo Ann 52

Quiel, Gerond 46, 47, 58

Quinn, Ward R

Rajtar, Barbara 36, 50, 56, 73

Reed, Richard

Reglin, Joan 36, 53, 57

Regnier, Gilbert 63

Regnier, Harold

Rekstad, Joan

Renchin, Sylvia 30,33, 52, 56

Renslo, Barbara 58

Renslow, Gene 27, 44, 50

Richman, John

Richter, Daniel

Riebe, Grace 33, 40, 46, 52, 54

Riess, Donald 52, 53, 57

Riggs, Margaret 33, 42, 43, 54, 55

Rihs, Dolores 33, 40, 46

Ringen, Joan 36, 40

Ritter, William 36

Riska, Kenneth 32, 49

Roberts, Mary Anne 33, 40, 42, 43,54, 56

Rodrick, James 60

Rompa, Janet 33,56, 72, 74

Ronnenberg, Gloria 33, 72, 74

Roskam, Flynn

Rubado, Ronald 33, 39, 60, 71

Ryan, Edward

Ryan, Sharon 33, 46, 52, 56 S

Sackett, Joanne 36

Safe, Lilymarie 30

Sanden, Dean 36, 57

Sapp, Mary 36, 40, 46, 72, 86

Sass, Richard 36

Schaffer, Ronald 66,

Schurb, Stanley 36, 51

Schleder, Gordon

Schimmel, William

Schloegel, Frank 36

Schmidt, Helen 40, 57

Schmidt, Russell 16, 27, 38, 51, 60

Schmit, Effie

Schmuck, Marilyn 33, 39

Schneider, Samuel 33

Schoonover, Richard

Schroeder, Carole 36, 72, 74

Schroeder, Donald 22, 48, 53, 56

Schroeder, Louise 36, 52, 54, 56, 72

Schulte, Paul 36

Schulz, David

Schurb, Francis 36

Schwantz, Charlotte 30, 52, 57, 72

Schwark, Ellen

Sebo, Florence 33, 53

Seeman, Jerry 34, 36, 39, 60, 66, 71

Segermark, Don 36, 53, 60, 71

Seiler, Anita 33, 56

Seim, Eleanor 33, 42, 43, 52,54, 57


Selke, Gordon 67, 68

Selke, Kermit 67

Sendelbach, James 68

Senrick, Shirley 31, 78

Severson, Pat 36, 40, 50,52, 57

Sheffer, Clair 53

Sheffer, Diane 36, 52

Shira, Richard 33

Sholes, AAabel 13, 33, 53

Siems, Marian 36, 52, 57

Sikorski, James

Sinnott, Patricia 72, 74

Skarstad, lone 33

Skroch, Marcus 32,40, 41, 53, 54

Slaggie, Shirley 17, 33, 56

Smith, David 63

Smith, Juliana 36

Snidarsic, Joseph

Snyder, Jane 33,56, 72, 74

Sonsalla, Jim 32,60, 71

Sontag, Jon 27,38, 48, 49

Sorensen, Carol 36

Stadstad, Leroy 53, 68

Staricka, Edward

Steffes, Gene 32, 40,41, 51, 54

Stehn, David

Steigerwald, Mary 33, 46, 56

Steinke, Charles 33, 53

Stenberg, Leone

Stephens, Sondra 27,39, 44, 49, 57, 78

Steuart, Ronald 36, 42, 43, 46, 54

Stever, Frank

Steviingson, Karen 33,72, 74

Stiehl, Charlotte 31

Stoehr, Lois 31, 52, 57

Stone, Ronald

Strait, John

Strand, Gavin 36

Strand, Richcard 66, 68

Streed, Carol 36, 50

Streitz, Patricia 36, 52, 54, 55, 57

Strommer, Fred


Strommer, Jack 67

Stroud, Virginia 36, 54

Sullivan, James 60

Suttie, Muriel 36,46, 50, 52, 53, 57

Swanson, Dorothy 36, 52, 57

Swearingen, LaRue 36, 54, 72, 73, 74

Sweeney, Gerald

Szarmach, Eugene

Tedrow, Jerome 32

Tews, LaVonne 33, 42, 43, 53, 57

Thiede, Harlan

Thiele, Herbert 36, 53

Thomas, Jim 36

Thomforde, Jean 32, 39, 42,43,45,52, 54, 72

Thomforde, Larry 36

Thompson, Duane 39, 70

Thompson, Jacqueline 36, 56

Threinen, James 32, 39, 48, 50, 58

Ties, Eileen 36, 57

Todd, Keith 36

Tollefson, Elaine 36, 40,42,43, 45,46, 55, 57,72, 74

Toussaint, Tom 53, 60

Tovson, Olive 52, 54, 72, 74

Tripp, Mary 33, 52, 72, 73

Tubbs, Orrin 32, 49

Turner, Richard 36

Turner, Ronald

Turton, Hugh 14, 32, 46,47, 58

Tust, Rollie

Uhls, Harold

Van Allen, Nancy 36

Varner, Jerome

Vathing, Shirley 36, 52, 54, 57

Veir, Marcia 27, 44, 46, 47, 50

Von Sien, Robert 36, 53

Von Sien, William 36

Waas, Pat 27, 38, 47, 55

Wachs, Eugene 70

Wacholz, Rolf 16

Walch, John

Waldron, Duane

Walker, Bruce 32, 48, 53

Wanek, Donald 57

Warweg, Fred

Washburn, Mary

Weigel, Thomas

Weity, Ronald 32, 51, 58

Weseman, Kay 36, 72, 74

Whipple, George 68

Wieczorek, Bill 33, 53, 56

Wilke, Patricia 32, 45,46, 47, 50, 52, 57

Williams, Gary 53

Wilson, Betty 31, 33, 46, 52

Winkels, Agnes 31

Wisland, Joanne 31, 52

Witt, Berdonna 36, 53, 57

Witt, LaVonne 36, 40

Wohlert, Daryl 18, 36

Wolfe, Cleo 74

Wondrow, Nancy 31

Wood, Dick 28, 53

Woods, Jack 40, 41, 54

Wooden, John 28, 38

Wooden, Mary 28, 52

Wright, David 36

Wright, Mary 36, 56

Wunderlich, Joanne 33, 39, 53 Y

Yamamoto, George 39

Yatooma, Karl

Yenco, Patricia 13, 33, 39, 44, 45,47, 50 Z

Zyblicki, John 53

Zebergs, Valtrauta

Ziebell, Robert 32, 39, 48, 60, 71

Ziebell, William 60, 71


St. CUir-Gunderson
Page 96
COMPLIMENTS OF Edwin A. Brown PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST The REXÂLL Store 1 17 West 3rd. Street Phone 4932 SEIFERT BALDWIN Motor Company Compliments of RACKOW’S BARBER SHOP T. C. Students' Headquarters Clark & Clark, Stic. for Haircutting INSURANCE 1 57 Main Near the Post Office LEICHT PRESS PRINTERS PUBLISHERS DESIGNERS LITHOGRAPHERS 1869 179 E. Second Street WINONA, MINNESOTA Page 97
Compliments of E) ir* D SHOE STORE 57 WEST THIRD Winona^ Minnesota Winona Electric Rademachers Construction Co. PAINT GLASS "EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL" 119 West 3rd St. Telephone 5802 59 West Second Street COMPLIMENTS OF THE Williams Book & Stationery Store Light Lunches—Malts—Sundaes Howie^s Varsity Inn Business based on friendliness Booth Service Popcorn—Sodas—Lunches Fourth & Johnson Local Bus Transportation and Charter Service Winona Transit Co. YOUR CITY BUS LINE You'll Always Find. THE FINEST IN FASHIONS AT 71-73W. Third St. Page 98

The Royal Carpet is Always Out For You

At “The Old Store On The Corner”!

You’re always welcome at Choate’s where you’ll find complete selections of famousname women’s fashions, hats, accessories, children’s clothing, home furnishings and applianees, as well as greeting cards, gifts and records. Visit us soon—and often !

H. Choate & Company

The Oldest Department Store West of the Mississippi

Established 1861 Winona, Minnesota

COMPLIMENTS OF Gamble-Robinson Co. WINONA, MINNESOTA Compliments of Dairy Bar Winona Cab Co. For a Quick Snack, Try Our HOME MADE PIE, CAKE, ICE CREAM Phone 5004 or SANDWICHES and FRENCH FRIES 3354 114 East Third St. Phone 2646 R. D. CONE CO. ACE STORE HARDWARE Friendly Service Since 1855 Winona, Minnesota Phone 2304 Page 99
Page 100 Jones & Kroeger Company Printers and Stationers Winona, Minnesota PIctke’s FINE FOODS 1 13 East Third Street Mrs. Steven's Candy We carry a complete line of BIRDSEYE FROSTED FOOD Robb Brothers Store Vulcan Manufacturing Co. HYDRAULIC • MECHANICAL HARDWARE AUTOMOTIVE JACKS 578 East 4th St. Phone 4007 Winona, Minnesota IN 1640 STORES IN 48 STATES The J. C. Penny Company Is Teaching the Buying Public the True Meaning of STYLE VALUE THRIFT Supplement Your Education By Buying At Penney's COMPLIMENTS OF Peter Bub Brewery 2358 WINONA, MINN.

W. M. C INC. General


Page 101
Wm. S. L. Christensen
are extremely proud of our part in the renovation of Somsen Hall at Winona State Teachers College." Stop at the HURRY BACK For Kline Electric ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES BILLIARDS TOBACCO PIPES AND CONSTRUCTION BOX CANDY AND LUNCHES at our soda fountain 122W. 2ndSf. Phone 5512 HUB ZECHES, Prop. ENRICHED BAY STATE MILLING CO. WINONA, MINN.
Eat at the Steak Shop Complete Photography Service DURFEY STUDIOS 5th at Johnson Phone 5952 The Store For Men, Women and Boys Women's Shop Upper Level Fourth at Center Winona, Minnesota Chas. J. Olsen & Sons Plumbing & Heating Telephone 7010 109-111 Center St. Winona, Minn. Compliments oF STATE THEATRE Page 102


From Resident Director S. J. Kryzsko

And All Memebers of The Staff

"We've Enjoyed Having You Drop In The Latch String Is Always Out, So Come In Often"

all the business firms of Winona
to make
book possible.
would like
who have helped
Ford Sales & Service Owl Motor Company Fourth and Main Mostman Texaco Service Station 600 West 5th Street Phone 9835 Shorty’s Bar-Cafe We specialize in your favorite Beverages and Sandwiches Complete Dinners Steaks Chow Mein Chicken Orders to Take Out 528 CENTER PHONE 2622 Page 1 04
HOTEL WINONA Welcomes You for Banquets—Try our Flamingo Room or Sky Room for informal entertainment see our Coffee Shop Automatic Washerette When You Want REAL ENTERTAINMENT COMPLETE WASH AND DRY Go To IN 90 MINUTES Hardt*s Music Store “Do It Yourself or Let Us Do It" Records, Sheet Music, Special 24-Hour Shirt Service Radio Phonographs and Electrical 118 West 4th St. Phone 7500 Merchandise Compliments of Winona Milk Company “Winona's Home Owned Dairy" Distributors of Quality Dairy Products Manufacturers of “full flavored" Winona ice cream 759 East Broadway Phone 5016 Page 105
Warmington’s Jewelry Your Dependable Jewelers Corner Third and Main Streets Compliments of Arenz COMPLIMENTS OF THE "WINONA'S LARGEST SHOE STORE" Winona Clinic 75 West Third Street Cichanowski Jewelry Store Watches - Diamonds - Jewelry 58 E. 3rd. Phone 5788 COMPLIMENTS OF Winona Heating & Ventilating Company WINONA, MINNESOTA Steel Welded Rings Special Wire Shapes Peerless Chain Company Chain Manufacturers Complete Line of Tire Chains For Passenger Cars, Trucks and Tractors Complete Line of Industrial and Hardware Chain Office and Factory Winona, Minnesota Page 106

(Bob Schuh) (Fred Heyer)

Page 107 If You Have Insurance Questions Compliments of HENRY BURTON
And His Orchestra McVey*s Ice Cream Shop We hope we have done our part toward making your year a pleasant one 451 Huff Street Dial 9808 Stop In! WINONA INSURANCE AGENCY 174 CENTER PHONE 3366 Springdale Dairy Co. MILK & CREAM GOOD LUCK, WARRIORS Graham and McGuire of Superior Flavor COMPLETE SPORTING GOODS Winona ★ The Star Shoe Repair Shop WINONA FLORAL COMPANY Cleaning, Dying and FLOWER & PET SHOP EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING 129 East Third St. 1 14 Center St. Winona, Minnesota

Winona Fruit Market

Peterson & HIS ORCHESTRA WITH THE BAND“ CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS ART Pictures Wood Carvings Hummel Figures Statues Rosaries Prayer Books MissalsBibles Books Greeting Cards Karl F. Conrad 108 W. 3rd. ST. WINONA, MINN.
OUR FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES ARE BETTER 119 E. 3rd St. FREE DELIVERY The known name, the known quality since 1862 J EWELER “at the Sign of the Street Clock” STORE FOR MEN Ladies' Footwear Exclusively Slipper Shop 103 E. Third Phone 7198 The Tops in Dry Cleaning Haddad’s 3 Hour Cleaning (on Request) In By 10 A.M. Out By 5 P.M. Page 1 08
Page 1 09 THE CHURCHES OF THE FIRST IN WINONA WINONA COUNTY MINISTERIAL ASSN. Congratulations To INVITE THE STUDENTS OF Winona State Teachers College Students On Their Yearbook, THE WENONAH WINONA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE First National Bank TO JOIN THEM IN WORSHIP Member F.D.I.C. Compliments of Dorn's 1. G. A. Store Groceries Meats Vegetables Bill's Barber Shop “We Got It, We Can Get It—Or It’s Not Mode” "WE DELIVER" 368 Johnson St. Phone 7104 500 HUFF STREET WINONA, MINN. BUY DIRECT SAVE Compliments of Hanson's Direct Gas Gamble's ED BUNKE Hardware & Appliances On Hi-Ways 61,14 and 43 PHONE 9859 WINONA, MINN. 115 East Third Phone 4982


Page 110
of Hal-Leonara, Inc.
in Music
of The Paint Depot
Supplies Picture Framing Spread-Satin 64 E. 2nd Street WINONA WABASHA MINNESOTA
of The Merchants National Bank of WINONA
of Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Best Wishes to
City, Wisconsin
Compliments Of

• Badger Trenchers

• Hopto Diggers

Page 1 11
of Siebrecht Floral Co.
Badger Machine Co. 1124 W. Fifth Street Phone 2308 Winona, Minn.
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