Wenonah Yearbook - 1948

Page 1


Winona State Teachers College

Winona, Minnesota

Dr.Glendon E. Galligan


To help his students to become good teachers is the primary purpose of a faculty member in a teacher training institution. A teacher having such an ideal is Dr. Glendon E. Gal ligan, to whom we dedicate this thirty-seventh edition of the "Wenonah." We know him as a teacher who gave us practical information as well as a technical background; as a coach and athletic director who helped us to realize the principles of good sportsmanship in which he so firmly believed; and as an individual and friend who always had a word of greeting and encouragement for everyone.

As a member ofthe Administrative Council, Dr. Galligan has evidenced his administrative ability. As Director of Health and Physical Education, he has done much to advance intercollegiate and intra-mural athletics, not only in the game, but also in its spirit. Through his work on the Personnel Committee and on the Public Relations Committee, he has fostered good teacher-student-public relationships.

Dr. Galligan, by his vital manner of teaching and by his qualities as an individual, has endeared himself to us as a person who believes firmly in what he teaches and yet is always willing to listen to student views; who has high professional ideals, a wealth of technical knowledge, and the ability to lead others to discover the richness he has found in life.

It Is in appreciation of his sound judgment, his loyalty to the advancement of the college, and his sincere interest in the welfare of students that we dedicate the 1948 "Wenonah'' to Dr. Glendon E. Galligan.


The college freshman looking forward from high school thinks of the four-year collegeperiod as a long time. The senior looking backward over four years of college is amazed to think that the time passed so quickly. The freshman thinks he has plenty of time to take courses he would like, to engage in a wide choice of activities. The senior thinks of courses he missed, of opportunities passed over, of books he did not read, or of partieipation sacrificed because there did not seem to be time.

If this is true of the microcosm called college life, it is equally true of active adult life in a community. Here similar choices of opportunity for study, professional improvement, community participation and leadership are to be found as they are in college. The difference is that they are not so ready at hand, must be sought out through one's interest and carried by one's drive in the face of obstacles or indifference. But the need for judicious choice is there in adult life as it is in college.

The charge is often made that a college by providing a multiple choice of activities, courses, and social opportunities succeeds mainly in distracting the student mind from the principal business of getting an education. The answer of the college is that the student should be given a chance to decide for himself how to divide his time between study, work, and extra-curricular activities offered. That the system is not without merit is shown by the record of graduates. Those who exhibit leadership qualities in college are to be found among the active, resourceful, and effective leaders in professional and community affairs in later years.

This "Wenonah" edition preserves conveniently the record of the passing year in college life. While it serves as a historical record of good times and good friends, it is also a prophecy of future achievement by those who have shown leadership potentialities during the year now ending.

We are indebted to the "Wenonah" stafffor a carefully compiled and effectively arranged publication.

Table of Contents Administration page 8 Classes pase 20 Activities pase 44 Sporb pase 76 Advertising pase 90


"'It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and in knowledge." These words, written by Albert Einstein, are a statement of a purpose and an ideal of every teacher. But our instructors have done much more than that. They have, by their friendly leadership, vast energy, and vital ambition, made us aware of the need of education in a democracy and have challenged every student to prepare himself so that he can fulfill his place in the postwar world.

Dr. Neis Minné, president. Dr. Minné, president; Evelyn Stephan, editor of the "Wenonah.”


Mr. Maurice Mariner Dean of Men

Dr. John Fuller Dean of the College

Miss Stella Pederson Dean of Women


Mr. M. O. Wedul Principal of Junior High School

Mr. William A. Owens Psychology

Mr. Glenn E. Fishbaugher Director of Training, Placement

Miss Mildred Bartsch Rural Education

M. Mariner, J. Fuller, S. Pederson. M. Wedul, W. Owens, G. Fishbaugher, M. Bartsch.

Social Studies

Mr. E. Frederic Bailey

Business Administration ,Economics

Mr. Frederick Jederman History

Mr. Edward M. Davis Social Studies

Mr. R. J. Scarborough Geography

Mr. Fred J. Raniele Social Studies


Miss Magda Talle

Supervisor, Junior High School

Mr. Mathew Barry Supervisor, Junior High School

Miss Virginia Richter .Art Supervisor, Phelps

Miss Marjorie Monroe

Music Supervisor, Phelps

E. F. Bailey, F. Jederman, E. Davis, R. Scarborough, F. Raniele.

Hans Freudenthal

Willis E. Boots

SS Dorothy B. Magnus

SS Marion Davis

Language, Literature





Miss Grace Hiler


Dr. Augusta Nelson .English, Journalism

Dr. Ella Murphy


H. Freudenthal, W. Boots, D. Magnus, M. Davis.

Mathematics, Science

Mrs. Patricia Giddings Mathematics

Dr. R. L. Lokensgard Mathematics

Mr. Harold Anderson .Science, Mathematics

Mr. L. A. Arnold Science

Dr. M. R. Raymond Science

H. Anderson, L. Arnold, M. R. Raymond.

Physical Education

Miss Ruth Richards

Physical Education for Women

Dr. Jean Talbot

Physical Education for Women

Dr. G. E. Galligan Physical Education

Mr. Eugene Brodhagen

Physical Education

Mr. Luther McCown Physical Education

G. Galligan, E. Brodhagen, L. McCown.

Phelps Faculty

Miss Mae Sweeney .Fourth Grade Supervisor

Miss Amanda Aarestad

Fifth Grade Supervisor

Miss Lillian Hammer .Sixth Grade Supervisor

Miss Leslie Gage .Third Grade Supervisor

Miss Mary Murray ..First Grade Supervisor

Miss Elsie Henning .Second Grade Supervisor

Mrs. Mary K. Hiedmann Kindergarten

M iss Bertha Schwable Kindergarten

M. Sweeney, A. Aarestad, L. Hammer.

Office Staff

Mrs. Elizabeth Donath Secretary to Mr. Fishbaugher

M iss Hilda Muhle .Secretary to Dr. Minne

Miss Helen B. Pritchard Registrar

Miss Loraine Conaughty Secretary to Miss Pritchard

Mrs. Fae Griffith Dormitory Manager

Miss Rosalie Voelker Accountant

Miss Angelyn deGroot .Assistant Accountant

Miss Bernice Safranek Office Assistant

Miss Mildred Moroushek .Office Assistant

E. Donath, H. Muhle, H. Pritchard, L. Conaughty.


Moline, Illinois

Major: Kindergarten-Primary

Minor; Music

Activities : Elementary Grade Club


Mixed Chorus W.A.A.



Winona, Minnesota

Majors; English Social Studies

Minor: Speech

Activities: Pres., Student Association

Rodio Guild Representative Council

Wenonah Players Who's Who


Chatfield, Minnesota

Majors: Mathematics Science



Kappa Delta Pi

Miss-Mister Club Science Club

Wenonah Wesley Club Y W.C.A.

SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS: M. Hoffman (Trees.); S. Zimdars (See.); Q. Sabotta (Pres.); L. Dickman (V. Pres.)


Minneapolis, Minnesota

Majors: Physical Education

Social Science Activities :


Phy. Ed. Club




Wenonah Players


Eyota, Minnesota

Majors: Physical Education Science


Homecoming Queen

Kappa Delta Pi


Phy. Ed. Club

Pres., A.W.S.

Representative Council Science Club

W.A.A. Who's Who


Winona, Minnesota

Major: Physical Education

Minors: SocialScience History

Activities: Baseball Football


Winona, Minnesota

Majar: English

Minors: Speech

Social Science


Congo Club



Mixed Chorus

Radio Guild

Vets' Club

Wenonah Ployers


Winona, Minnesota

Majors: Industrial Arts

Physical Education Activities:

Apollo Club




Industrial Arts Club

Intramural Board

Kappa Delta Pi

Radio Guild

Representative Council Track

W. Club

Wenonah Who's Who


Brainerd, Minnesota

Major: Physical Science

Minor: Biological Science

Activities : Die-No-Mo Representative Council Science Club Wenonah


DOUGHERTY Swatara, Minnesota

Major: Mathematics

Minors: Science

Social Science

Activities: Science Club Vets' Club

Red Wing, Minnesota

Majors: English

Social Studies

Activities : Homecoming Attendant Winonan

Winona, Minnesota

Major: Science

Minors: Mathematics

Social Science

Activities : Science Club Vets' Club

Mazeppa, Minnesota

Majors: English

History Activities




Winona, Minnesota

Major: Industrial Arts

Minors: Science

Mathematics Activities: Industrial Arts Club Science Club


Dodge, Wisconsin

Majors: Social Studies

Industrial Arts Activities :

Congo Club


Industrial Arts Club


Student Exchange Board Track Vets' Club


Byron, Minnesota

Major: Social Science

Minors: History

Geography Activities:


Wenonah Players


Winona, Minnesota

Majors: Science

Mathematics Activities:


Kappa Delta Pi


Representative Council Science Club

Vets' Club

Wenonah Winonan


Rochester, Minnesota

Major: Social Studies

Minor: English Activities: (Colorado State College of Education)

Phi Alpha Theta

Pi Kappa Delta


Winona, Minnesota

Major: English

Minors: Biological Science



Apollo Club

Newman Club

Science Club

Wenonah Winonan


Winona, Minnesota

Majors: Physical Education

Social Studies


Custodian, Athletic Equipment

Kappa Delta Pi

Men's P.E. Club

Publication Board

Vets' Club

Winona, Minnesota

Majors: History

Social Science



Wenonah Players Winonan


Austin, Minnesota

Major: History

Minors: Art

Social Science




Kappa Delta Pi


Wenonah Players



Lewiston, Minnesota

Majors: Industrial Arts

^cial Studies



Commerce Club

Industrial Arts Club


Radio Workshop



Winona, Minnesota

Majors: Industrial Arts

Social Studies Activities:

Industrial Arts Club


Peterson, Minnesota

Major: Social Studies

Minors: History

Speech Activities:

Die-No-Mo Publication Board

Radio Guild

Vets' Club

Wenonah Players


Buffalo, Minnesota

Majors: Social Studies

Mathematics Activities:


I.R.C. Newman Club Vets' Club


Lake City, Minnesota

Majors: Social Studies


Minor: Music Activities:



Mason Music Club






Winona, Minnesota

Major: Music

Minors: Mathematics

SocialScience Activities: Band



Galesville, Wisconsin

Majors: Music

Social Studies Activities:

Apollo Club Band


Kappa Delta Pi

Mason Music Club Orchestra

Vets' Club


Winona, Minnesota

Majors: Music Social Studies

Activities: Band

Mason Music Club

Newman Club Radio Guild Representative Council


Winona, Minnesota

Major: Music

Minors: Art



Apollo Club (accompanist)

Homecoming Attendant



Student Exchange Board

Swing Band

Who's Who


Winona. Minnesota Majors: Science Mathematics Activities: Basketball Science Club Tennis W. Club


Houston, Minnesota

Majors: Physical Education

History Activities; Men's P.E. Club

Vets' Club W. Club


Winona, Minnesota

Major: Art

Minors: Social Science

Spanish Activities:


Kappa Delta Pi

Kappa Pi

Representative Council


Wenonah Players

Wesley Club



Lewiston, Minnesota

Majors: Mathematics




L.S.A. Science Club

W. Club


Plainview, Minnesota

Majors: Mathematics

Social Science

Minor: Art




Kappa Delta Pi

Kappa Pi

Newman Club

Representative Council

Science Club

W.A.A. Board




Mabel, Minnesota

Major: Mathematics

Minors: English

Spanish Activities: Science Club

Wenonah Players




Dexter, Minnesota

Major: Kindergarten-Primary Activities:

Elementary Grade Club


Marcell, Minnesota

Majors: History

Physical Education



Men's Club

Vets' Club

W. Club

Who's Who


Bremerton, Washington

Majors; Music



Apollo Club

Mason Music Club



Swing Band


Winona, Minnesota

Majors: Industrial Arts

Physical Education Activities:




Industrial Arts Club

Phy. Ed. Club

W. Club


Owatonna, Minnesota

Major: Art

Minors: English

Speech Activities:


Kappa Delta Pi

Kappa Pi


Newman Club

Radio Guild

Representative Council

Wenonah Players

Who's Who


Moline, Illinois

Major: Physical Education

Minors: Biological Science

Social Science Activities:



Phy. Ed. Club

Representative Council Science Club


W.A.A. Board


Seniors Whose Pictures Do Not Appear


Winona, Minnesota

Major: Physical Science

Minor: Mathematics

Activities: Science Club


Lewiston, Minnesota

Majors: Biological Science Social Studies


Mountain Lake, Minnesota

Majors: Science ^cial Science

Activities: Science Club


Two Harbors, Minnesota

Majors: Art



Congo Club

Kappa Delta Pi Kappa Pi Winonan


Winona, Minnesota

Major: Art

Minors: English Social Science


Minneapolis, Minnesota

Majors: Social Studies History


Waseca, Minnesota

Majors: English Social Studies

Activities: I.R.C. Radio Guild Wenonah Players




Graduating Sophomores

Activities: Elementary Grade Club Newman Club W.A.A. Winonan

EDITH BOYUM Utica, Minnesota Elementary Grade Club L.S.A. Y.W.C.A. VIOLA MAE BUNDY Lewiston, Minnesota Elementary Grade Club DORINE DANIELS Minneapolis, Minnesota Elementary Grade Club W.A.A. LEOLA DeGROSS Farmington, Minnesota

Eyota, Minnesota


Elementary Grade Club Winonan


Albert Lea, Minnesota


Elementary Grade Club I.R.C.


Wykoff, Minnesota


Elementary Grade Club Wenonah


Farmington, Minnesota


Elementary Grade Club

Homecoming Queen Attendant Newman Club Wenonah Players



Plainview, Minnesota


Elementary Grade Club

L.S.A. Y.W.C.A.


Elgin, Minnesota


Elementary Grade Club Wesley Club Y.W.C.A.


Stillwater, Minnesota


Elementary Grade Club

I.R.C. Newman Club


Dexter, Minnesota


Elementary Grade Club Y.W.C.A.


Lewiston, Minnesota


Elementary Grade Club


Wenonah Players


Lake City, Minnesota


Elementary Grade Club


Wykoff, Minnesota


Band Elementary Grade Club


Altura, Minnesota


Elementary Grade Club L.S.A.

Wabasha, Minnesota

Activities: Elementary Grade Club

Mabel, Minnesota

Activities: Elementary Grade Club


Preston, Minnesota

Activities: Elementary Grade Club


Winona, Minnesota

Activities: Elementary Grade Club


Rushford, Minnesota

Activities: Elementary Grade Club L.S.A.



Bloorning Prairie, Minnesota



Elementary Grade Club

Homecoming Queen Attendant L.S.A.



Rochester, Minnesota


Elementary Grade Club L.S.A.


Alma, Wisconsin


Elementary Grade Club

Newman Club

Vets' Club


Nibbing, Minnesota


Elementary Grade Club L.S.A.

Radio Guild


Wenonah Players Winonan

Top: Queen and attendants Above: The goat Left: Homecoming bonfire Right: The ^'dummy"


First' Row; P. Pellowski, D. Austin, W. Williams, D. Gernes, D. Bartholomew, V. Kroeger, W. Marker. Second Row: P. Schwob, J. Hendrickson, D. Kindschy, C. Monson, W. McCormack, R. Sherin.

Junior Class

The junior class of 63 students is ready to take over as seniors. They were led this year by Bill Marker, president; Bob Anderson, vice president; Jean Jederman, Secretary-treasurer; and Miss Floretta Murray, faculty adviser. Jean Darling, David Malcolm, Bob Anderson, and Bernice Wadekamper were elected to the representative council.

The class helped to make the annual all-college spring picnic a success by handling food arrangements.


First Row: W. Marker (Pres.), J. Jederman (Sec.Treos.), R. Anderson (V. Pres.).


First row: J. Jederman, D. Hanson, B. Wadekamper, C. Dressen, A. Goss, B. Peterson, M. Gilbertson. Second Row: B. Utley, S. Buckingham, L. Erickson, L. Just, V. Smith, F. Longmo, A. Schulz. Third Row: P. Freeman, D. Malcolm, C. Dahl, R. Yantes, L. Iverson, H. McLean. Fourth Row: J. Lafky, R. Jahimiak, H. Borger, D. Spear, C. Larson, R. Harders.


First Row: C. Keith, E. Baird, S. Lanning, F. Kvam, C. Holliday, G. Blohm, E. Wegner, D. Monroe, R. McGrew. Second Row: L. Larson, J. Swenson, L. Boelter, G. Freese, L. Ammon, H. Knoll, G. Harris, J. Kirby, E. Desantis. Third Row: S. Ledebuhr, E. Glubko, G. Larson, J. Herzog, N. Johns, D. Grobou, E. Hovlond, J. Fennie, C. Lee. Fourth Row: W. Nosh, R. Anderson, E. Mueller, R. Blogsvedt, A. McKusick, J. Teorse, J. Welty R. LeMoy, L. Logeson. Fifth Row: W. Bicknese, E. Boe, D. King, R. Goldstein, J. Lake, G. Sondstede.


First Row: M. Stevens, J. Sobotto, B. Waldron, E. Sonden, M. Nelson, M. McQueen, W. Ronnenberg, J. White, J. Reed. Second Row: D. Wontock, W. Wilkinson, C. Nokomoto, D. Sweeney, M. Jereczek, B. Murtough, J. Wilson, W. Winblod. Third Row: G. Smelser, J. Tews, G. Nissen, R. Verchoto, J. Smoby, R. Sershen, R. Smith. Fourth Row: D. Judd, J. Nelson, D. O'Neil, A. Peterson, D. Schmidt, R. Mundohl, H. Neumann, J. Summers, R. Patterson, M. Weber.


First Row: J. Hein, M. Beil, A. Johansen, E. Frischer, R. Critchfield, M. Gainey, L. Denning, B. Ludtke, M. Haugen. Second Row: M. Hoseltine, M. Bublitz, B. Fosburgh, M. Brustuen, S. Lewis, J. Knopp, V. Bittner, V. Christensen. Third Row: R. Aorsvold, R. Bailey, M. Hicks, R. Cloussen, R. Cloyton, R. Hengel, J. Gohde, R. Johnson, C. Hanson, E. Johnson. Fourth Row: R. Colwell, M. Beyer, V. Anderson, 0. Knipfer, G. Deering, H. Bartel, K. Harstad, V. Haugerud, W. Hohenstein, D. Balkcom.


First Row: R. Clayton (Pres.), G. Blohm (Sec.Treos.), J. Fennie (V. Pres.).

Freshmen Class

The freshman class, which had an enrollment of about 275 students, was headed this year by Arthur Vadnais, president; William Ferguson, vice-president; and Earl Schnell, secretary-treasurer. Representative Council members were Marion Colstrup, James La Chapelle, Robert Sheehan, and William Hamre.

Under the supervision of its adviser, Mr. Fred Raniele, the class sponsored a Sadie Hawkins Day party in November.

Sophomore Class

Presided over by Robert Clayton, president, the sophomore class sponsored a number of informal dances during the year. Although this class will be somewhat depleted in number by the loss of two-year graduates and preprofessional students, the remainder will continue to participate in social activities and to earn scholastic honors. The vice president was Joe Fennie and Grace Blohm was secretary-treasurer. Mary Gainey, Robert McGrew, Jack Lake, and Rosalie Critchfield were elected as members of the Representative Council. Class adviser was Miss Stella Pedersen.

I, M. Kerkow, R. Wendt, I. Doering, P. Wondrow. Second Row: S. Ammon, M. Kling, S. Moore, L. Horbo, E. Nosh. Third Row: W. Ferguson, W. Tsotsos, J. Robinson, A. Vodnois, R. Anderson. Fourth Row: A. O'Neil, G. Richards, B. Sorflouen, M. Witt, R. Sheehan.

i?; ''^SJ ^e// '■es 1 O/S

The Scraggs

Freshmen Sponsored

Dean of Women


First Row: E. Holmstadt, C. Sonden, G. Asleson, L. Whipple, E. Keese, M. Leonard, B. Schofield, B. Sorensen. Second Row: M. Groskomp, F. Thiele, A. Nunemocher, M. Baker, D. Kloudo, C. Thompson, H. Peterson. Third Row: J. Anderson, B. Gowllond, G. Lee, C. Anderson, M. Wolch, J. Voorhees, J. Romsdell, E. Schnell. Fourth Row: W. Turek, J. Kertzmon, W. Schumacher, K. Brandt, P. Sagal, P. Schroeder, D. Enright, D. Manthei. Fifth Row: G. Newman, W. Kruger, H. Radtke, M. Anding, E. Harvey, J. Raphael, W. Erickson, J. Casby, C. Johnson.


First Row: J. Peterson, D. Sorenson, P. Currier, P. Almeter, P. Petersdorf, S. Butler, S. Hall, M. Casey.

Second Row: E. Martinson, M. Murray, A. Gorder, M. Moen, D. Holland, A. Richards, E. Boehmke, M. Marshall.

Third Row: M. Rose, C. Eakens, A. Sandager, C. Elton, B. Lowry, M. Neubauer, B. Oppedahl, H. Stippich, N. Buck. Fourth Row: D. Borgen, E. Speltz, A. Buggs, L. Lee, R. Frisby, R. Knudson, L. Catlin, N. Robinson.

Fifth Row: E. Van Gilder, L. Beilke, W. Bray, R. Weik, J. Muskat, G. Peterson, A. Wurst, J. LaChapelle.

Sadie Hawicins Party

Lu Sabo's Orchestra


First Row: P. Ullom, D. Olson, D. Droivold, I. Jacobson, M. Pfeilsticker, E. Zeitler, V. Schmidt. Second Row: J. Currier,* N. Hilden, M. Wesenberg, R. Rodsek, G. Peterson, A. Klovitter, M. Eskor. Third Row: N. McKeeth, R. Berg, P. Donecker, E. Moore, B. Boerst, M. Person, A. Rodechel. Fourth Row: S. Peterson, D. Brandt, R. Nochtscheim, F. Luchou, R. Stark, V. Stensrud, D. Chodbourn, F. Ludtke. Fifth Row: V. Amundson, R. Crumb, W. Gulbrondsen, F. Percouco, J. Hill, M. Martin, J. Eggen.


First Row: J. Risser, L. Mueller, E. Schumann, J. Stoltz, E. McGrath, K. Swanson, L. Dusbabek, M. Ullom.

Second Row: C. Hall, I. Holien, R. Blagsvedt, J. Buskovick, J. Urban, J. McKee, J. Howland, P. Schroeder. Third

Row: B. Torrens, C. Thompson, M. Colstrup, M. Nelson, E. Krueger, R. Vaux, J. Wempner, D. Pretzer. Fourth

Row: P. Hoekstra, G. Truman, L. Kirkland, M. Evenson, J. Thedens, M. Schmit, L. Serfling, R. Dick. Fifth

Row: D. Thorson, G. Kemmer, B. Winters, H. Schuchard, J. Kortz, W. Hamre, W. Claussen, M. Hart, G. Bunn.


First Row: J. Zamboni, B. Wadekamper, R. Critchfield, L. Dickman, M. Gainey. Second Row: W. Marker, D. Malcolm, M. Colstrup, S. Zimdars, N. Staley, R. McGrew. Third Row: R. Clayton, W. Corliss, A. Vadnais, R. Sheehan, W. Ferguson, Q. Sabotta. Fourth Row: J. Fennie, R. Anderson, T. Baab, J. Lake, J. LaChapelle.

Representative Council

The Representative Council is the student governing body of the college. The president was Tom Baab; vice president, Jean Zamboni; and secretary, Bernice Wadekamper. Miss Stella Pedersen and Mr, L, A. Arnold were advisers.

^^Who’s Who"

Eight seniors represent W.S.T.C. in the annual "Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges." They were elected by the student body on the basis of character, scholarship, leadership, and possibilities of future success.

Tom Baab, president of the Student Association. WHO'S WHO J. Zamboni, R. Traxler, W. Corliss, W. uQickstad, J. Lafky, R. Bierbaum, T. Baab, J. Schenck.


First Row: J. Jederman, M. Holliday, E. Pell, J. Schenck, J. Zamboni, R. Bierbaum. Second Row: E. Nienow, N. Staley, R. Baker, Miss Murray, E. Stephan, L. Just. Third Row: G. Ostrom, E. Johnson, T. Baab, R, Schenck, W. Corliss.

Kappa Delta Pi

President of Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary education fraternity, was Jean Zamboni. Ronald Schenck was vice president; Ruth Bierbaum, secretary; Reta Baker, treasurer; Evelyn Stephan, historian-recorder; and Miss Floretta Murray, adviser.

Purple Key

The Purple Key, one of the highest honors a student may receive, is awarded on the basis of excellent scholarship, character, participation in extra-curricular activities, and leadership in the field of education.


First Row: G. Ostrom, E. Pell, R. Bierbaum, M. Holliday, J. Schenck, J. Zamboni. Second Row: D. Malcolm, N. Staley, Miss Murray, E. Stephan, T. Baab, R. Schenck, W. Corliss, R. Clayton.

KAPPA DELTA PI (left) : First Row: A. Goss, D. Malcolm, A. Schulz, D. Austin, B. Utley. Second Row: R. Clayton, V. Smith, Miss Murray, E. Steuernagel, C. Monson, H. Anderson.

MIXED CHORUS; First Row; B. Peterson, J. Schenck, S. Buckingham, S. Hall, H. Helleck, H. Wold, J. Zomboni. Second Row: S. Lonning, N. Hilden, J. Stoltz, L. Serfling, A. Richards, M. Nelson. Third Row: E. Krueger, M. Kling, L. Harbo, E. Boehmke, A. Bailey, E. Moore, G. Blohm, E. Nienow. Fourth Row: R. Anderson, N. Robinson, W. CorMss, G. Radtke, D. Malcolm, W. Marker, L. Wood. Fifth Row: J. Ramsdell, F. Luchau, R. Colwell, W. Hamre, J. Raphael, D. Wilson, J. Tearse, J. Welty.

Mixed Chorus

The Mixed Chorus, composed of members of the Apollo Club and the Mendelssohn club, is directed by Mr. Walter Grimm and accompanied by Miss Agnes Bard. Exhibiting proficiency in singing classical, religious, and light music in chapel programs, the chorus highlighted the Christmas program sponsored by the music department by a rendition of Handel's "Hallelluia Chorus" fro mthe "Messiah."

Mendelssohn Club

In addition to presenting their annual concert in May, members of Mendelssohn Club, women's vocal group directed by Mr. Walter Grimm, participated in the traditional candle lighting ceremony in "Why the Chimes Rang" and gave concerts on a tour through western Minnesota this spring.

Judy Schenck was president; Grace Blohm, secretary; Jean Darling, corresponding secretary; Jean Zamboni, treasurer; and Miss Agnes Bard, accompanist.

MENDELSSOHN CLUB: First Row: S. Lanning, B. Peterson, E. Sonden, S. Hall, E. Moore, H. Helleck, M. Nelson, H. Wold, J. Zamboni. Second Row: J. Darling, J. Schenck, J. Stoitz, S. Buckingham, E. Boehmke, A. Richards, G. Blohm, L. Harbo, M. Anderson, E. Nienow. Third Row: M. Kling, E. Kruger, N. Hilden, L. Serfling.

MASON MUSIC CLUB: First Row: S. Lanning, E. Sonden, E. Boehmke, E. Nienow, J. Schenck. Second

Row: E. Schumonn, J. Rolondt, L. Just, M. Kling, L. Serfling, S. Holl. Third Row: J. Romsdell, C. Lee, G. Bunn, Q. Sobotto, R. Schenck, G. Rodtke, D. Monthei. Fourth Row: R. Aorsvold, R. Colwell, D. Guidinger, J. Cronin, D. Wilson, J. Rophoel.

Mason Music Club

All music students may become members of the Mason Music Club. For the monthly meetings, students, assisted by Miss Agnes Bard and Mr. Walter Grimm, prepared programs of talks, readings, and musical performanees. These programs foster increased knowledge and appreciation of music. James Cronen was president; Grace Blohm, vice president; and Bette Waldron, secretary-treasurer.

Apollo Club

This year the Apollo Club, under the direction of Miss Agnes Bard, produced good music combined with good taste, as was shown in the college Christmas program and the club's radio broadcast. James Welty served as president; Darle Wilson, vice president; and James Werner, secretarytreasurer. Mrs. Ronald Schenck was accompanist for the group.

#3 f
APOLLO CLUB: First Row: R. Anderson, F. Luchau, G. Rodtke, J. Schenck, accom., D. Molcolm, W. Marker, J. Ramsdell. Second Row: N. Robinson, W. Corliss, J. Raphael, R. Colwell, J. Tearse, L. Wood. Third Row: j. Welty, D. Wilson, W. Hamre.


Industrial Arts Club

Membership in the Industrial Arts Club, a new college organization this year, is open to all industrial arts majors. Speakers who were featured at the monthly meetings presented topics to acquaint members with problems that they will meet in the field. The club sponsored excursion trips to places of special interest to industrial arts majors.

President of the organization was William Corliss; vice president, Donald Heaney; and secretary-treasurer, Douglas Kindschy. Advisers were Mr. Harry Jackson, Mr. Hugh Capron, and Mr. John Gunderson.


Musically apparent during fifth hours was the band, with its spirited arrangements of marches, rousers, and overtures. In spite of the fact that the new purple and gray uniforms arrived too late for homecoming, the band was active in rousing pep during football games. A band within a band, the pep band, "'drummed" by Joe Fennie, was featured at many pre-game pepfests. The band was directed by Mr. Fred Heyer andhad the following officers: Elaine Nienow, president; Darle Wilson, secretary-treasurer; andJames Cronen, sergeant-at-arms.

First Row: L. Raymond, V. Amundson, V. Christensen, R. Wallace, S. Ledebuhr, C. Moorhaus, C. Keith. Second Row: Mr. Jackson, D. Brandt, L. Wieczorek, L. Schwark, K. Cummings, M. Kirkland, R. Clappier, Mr. Gunderson. Third Row: H, Anderson, D. Heaney, V. Kroeger, H. Radtke, L. Wright. Fourth Row: G. Hilliard, S. Persons, J. Nelson, H. Neumann, R. Frisby, W. Corliss. Fifth Row: R. Patterson, M. Beyer, H. Hoesley, L. Woger. BAND First Row: E. Nienow, J. Currier, M. Marshall, N. Buck, B. Waldron, J. Rolandt, C. Lee, J. Cronen. Second Row: P. Currier, A. Richards, D. Manthei, J. Hendrickson, F. Luchau, P. Almeter, C. Elton, B. Marker, D. Sweeriey, J. Ramsdell. Third, Row: D. Guidinger, A. Gorder, L. Mueske, D. Wilson, B. Gulbrandsen, J. Fennie, D. Kendscher, H. Neuman, R. Arsvold, J. Raphael, Mr. Heyer, j. Borgen, O. Lee, G. Bunn, B. Smelser, E. Nash.


First Row: B. Peterson, J. Zamboni, M. Holliday, S. Lewis, A. Johansen, B. Ludtke. Second Row: B. Fosburgh, N. Staley, Miss Murray, E. Stephan, M. Bublitz, A. Goss. Third Row: S. Ledebuhr, J. Norton, R. Anderson, R. Sherin, D. Redlich, R. Crumb.

Kappa Pi

Alpha Upsilon chapter of Kappa Pi, national honorary art fraternity, sponsors several art exhibits during the year. This organization plans the annual spring prom. Each Christmas the members hold a bazaar to sell hand decorated articles. Another project is the painting of the Christmas window, done this year by Marilyn Bublitz and Shirley Lewis.

Nancy Staley was president; Mildred Hoiliday, vice president; Adeline Johansen, secretary; Robert Anderson, treasurer; Marilyn Bublitz, social chairman; and Miss Floretta Murray, faculty adviser.

Rythm Masters

The Rythm Masters, one of the most popular college organizations, was formed in the fall by Mr. Fred Heyer, faculty band instructor. This sixteen-piece musical group provided danceable music for many school parties and was noted for its special arrangements of popular pieces. Appearing at several assembly programs and pep tests, the Rythm Masters also gave a radio broadcast on the weekly college program. This spring, the group was enthusiastkally received during several recruiting tours to high schools in neighboring towns.


First Row: D. Austin, Don Guidinger, Mr. Heyer, D. Manthei, J. Hendrickson. Second Row: J. Schenck (standing), B. Bunn, L. Cronen, G. Smelser, E. Nash, O. Lee. Third Row: K. Cronen (at piano), S. Persons, F. Hawker (standing) J. Cronen, C. Lee.


Die-No-Mo, “pep booster" organization of the college, is made up of representative students of all other college groups. Headed this year by president Joe Fennie; vice-president, Clyda Dressen; secretary, Lauretta Dickman; and treasurer, Ronald Schenck; Die-NoMo sponsored the cheerleaders, organized the pep fests, and presented "Strictly F.M." as the annual Die-No-Mo show. This production, written and directed by Charlotte Bierce and James Lafky, featured student talent in a parody of current radio programs and was presented in March. Faculty advisers were Mr. F. A. Jederman and Mr. E. F. Bailey, the latter serving as coach of the cheerleaders.


DIE-NO-MO First Row: J. Jedermon, D. Hanson, L. Dickman, P. Currier, B. Wadekamper, J. Zamboni, M. Gilbertson. Second Row: H. Helleck, C. Hall, C. Sanden, M. Kling, S. Zimdars, P. Almeter. Third Row: M. Brustuen, B. Fosburgh, N. Staley, C. Bierce, E. Stephan, M. Bublitz, R. Baker. Fourth Row: D. Malcolm, W. Quickstad, L. Wagner, J. Enstad, W. Erickson, R. Schenck, R. Anderson, D. Redlich. Fifth Row: W. Corliss, P. Schwab, H. Hoesley, E. Johnson, R. Jahimiak, R. Goldstein, E. Steuernagel, J. Fennie. "F.M." Planners—J. Lafky and C. Bierce. First Raw: P. Almeter, L. Mueske, P. Currier, Kling. Second Row: Crumb, D. Redlich, Bailey, J. Fennie, W. Brown.

Radio Guild

To gain experience in radio broadcasting is the main objective of the Radio Guild, campus organization of students interested in such work. Each Wednesday afternoon at 4:1 5 the club presents Quarter Hour on the Campus, a radio program over station KWNO. Interviews, plays, musical programs, round table discussions, and original skits were featured this year. The program helped to acquaint radio listeners with the college. Officers of the Guild were James Lafky, president; Dorothy Hanson, secretary-treasurer; Robert Goldstein, head technician; and Miss Dorothy Magnus, adviser. Jean Zamboni was announcer and Judy Schenck, organist, for the programs.

RADIO GUILD First Row: J. Zamboni, B. Lippin, C. Bierce, Miss Magnus, D. Hanson, M. Gilbertson. Second Row: J. Kirby, R. Anderson, W. Hohenstein, G. Rodtke, C. Keith. Third Row: R. Crumb, W. Turek, T. Frowley, R. Goldstein, W. Corliss. Technician Goldstein Quarter Hour on the Campus
J. Zamboni, announcer; J. Welty, R. Kukowski, J. Kirby.

Wenonah Players

T. C.'s thespians are primarily interested in presenting worthwhile drama to students, faculty, and the public. The actors in Wenonah Players, supported by technicians and stage hands, have given the organization a reputation for outstanding productions.

In addition to presenting the traditional Christmas play, "Why the Chimes Rang," and thç annual spring production, the group sponsored a Homecoming luncheon for alumni members, conducted a formal candlelight initiation ceremony for new active members, and presented a one-act play, "The Strangest Feeling."

Officers were lean Zamboni,president; Jean Carlston, vice president; Marilyn Gilbertson, recording secretary; Bonnie Utley, corresponding secretary; Edna Pell, treasurer; William Mahike, head technician; and Miss Dorothy B. Magnus, adviser.

WENONAH PLAYERS (ACTORS) First Row: E. Sonden, D. Hanson, J. Zomboni, M. Gilbertson, L. Denning. Second Row: E. McGrath, M. Leonard, C. Bierce, Miss Magnus, J. Howland. Third Row: R. Critchfield, J. Wintervold, M. Schmit, F. Langmo, B. Lippin. Fourth Row: W. Turek, R. Clayton, J. Tearse, W. Wilkinson, D. Sweeney. Fifth Row: R. Crumb, R. Kukowski, J. Tolleson, R. Sheehan, J. Kirby, T. Frawley. WENONAH PLAYERS (TECHNICIANS) First Row: E. Holmstadt, L. Mueller, E. Pell, B. Nuszloch, J. Buskovick, B. Newell. Second Row: J. Jederman, N. Staley, B. Utley, Miss Magnus, M. Bublitz, R. Street, A. Goss. Third Row: D. Redlich, A. Vadnais, D. Austin, R. Goldstein, W. Mahike, C. Keith.

^Xady Precious Stream

A Chinese comedy romance, ''Lady Precious Stream," by S. I. Hsiung, was presented by the Wenonah Players as their spring production.

Staging was in Chinese style with the audience imagining that the bare stage was a garden, a pavilion, or a cave; that Hsieh rode his horse on the stage; and that the property men were invisible. According to Chinese presentation, the property men were on stage throughout the play to catch Wang when he fainted, to place cushions for those about to kneel, and to provide chairs and properties at the right moment.

Miss Dorothy B. Magnus directed the play. Dorothy Hanson was student director and Charles Keith, head technician. Rosalie Critchfield appeared as Lady Precious Stream and Keith Harstad as her husband, Hsieh Ping Kuei.

Scene from "Lady Precious Stream" R. Kukowski, D. Redlich, J. Tearse, J. Kirby (in foreground), N. Robinson. Harstad, Hsieh; Rosalie Critchfield, Ladv Precious Stream.

I. R. C. Science Club

For any student interested in world affairs, ideologies, or the establishment of a third party, the International Relations Club will provide an outlet for his views. This organization, which meets bi-monthly, sponsored speakers on vital subjects and organized round table discussions dealing with current topics. Laurence Rancour was secretary-general; Walter Hohenstein, assistant secretary-general; Marion Rose, secretary-treasurer; Alice Schulz, publicity manager; and Mr. Fred Raniele, adviser.

Students who have had two quarters of college science or mathematics are eligible for membership in the Science Club. Headed by Gerald Hilliard, president; Ruth Bierbaum, vice president; and Reta Baker, secretarytreasurer; the club sponsored the all-college winter party featuring tobogganing, sleighriding, and skating, and restored Science Night as an annual college event. Senior members of theclub toured places of scientifie interest in Chicago. Advisers were Dr. M.A. Raymond and Mr. L. A. Arnold.

First Row: B. Wadekamper, H. Néison, M. Bell, C. Jackson. Second Row; L. Rancour, A. Schulz, E. Stephan, M. Rase. Third Row; V. Kroeger, R. Clayton, R. Clausen, R. Staehlin, J. Nelson. Fourth Row: L. Wagner, W. Erickson, H. Hoesley, M. Anding, W. Hohenstein, A. Vadnais, A. Ensberg. SCIENCE CLUB First Row: J. Sabotta, I. Doering, R. Critchfield, L. Dickman, M. Ullom, P. Ullom, R. Bierbaum, M. Haugen. Second Row: F. Schofield, E. Keese, P. Almeter, S. Zimdars, R. Street, D. Armstrong, W. Ronnenberg, R. Baker, J. Knopp. Third Row: Mr. Anderson, G. Hilliard, D. Malcolm, J. Swenson, C. Monson, J. Nelson, V. Bublitz, V. Christenson, W. Marker. Fourth Row: Dr. Raymond, R. Clausen, D. Chadbourn, L. Rancour, N. Johns, D. Kindschy, L. Derkson, Mr. Arnold. Fifth Row; E. Hovland, H. Bartel, A. Petersen, R. Jahimiak, E. Steuernagel, G. Nissen, C. Simon, E. Johnson.


First Row: E. Holst, R. LeMoy, W. Wilkinson, G. Smelser. Second Row: C. Nokomoto, A. Vodnois, V. Hougerud, G. Nissen, R. Hengel. Third Row: W. McCormack, W. Clausen, W. Williams, J. Herzog.

Commerce Club

The purpose of the Commerce Club, begun last year, is to organize students interested in business as a profession and to stimulate interest in the opportunities in that field. The program of the club included speeches and discussions; assistance was given to those desiring to secure business experience through part time employment. Richard Kulcowski was president of the club; John Herzog, vice president; Gene Pelowski, secretary-treasurer; and James Tearse, contact man. Mr. E. F. Bailey was faculty adviser.

Vets’ Club

The Veterans' Club, organized in 1946 to acquaint veterans with the rights and privileges due them, is composed of former members of all branches of the armed services. This group sponsored the homecoming dance. Officers were James Lafky, president; Robert Field, vice president; Charlotte Bierce, secretary; Laurence Rancour, treasurer; Wilmar Grossbach, social chairman; Mr. Fred Raniele and Vernon Kroeger, curriculum committee; Robert Anderson, liaison; and Mr. F. A. Jederman, adviser.

Vets who were pre-war students at WSTC. VETS' CLUB First Row: J. O'Brien, R. Clayton, J. Robinson, R. Staehlin, W. Grossbach, J. Cook. Second Row: J. Tearse, J. Enstod, L. Wagner, C. Bierce, H. Nelson, J. Kirby, R. McGrew. Third Row: C. Moline, C. Larson, J. Lofky, R. Kukowski, W. Erickson, M. Kirkland, R. Traxler, R. Aarsvold. Fourth Row: R. Bailey, R. Anderson, W. Nash, M. Beyer, P. Pellowski, D. Kindschy, W. Winblad, R. Hengel, W.McCormack. Fifth Row: H. Hoesley, V. Kroeger, E. Johnson, F. Koonce, R. Jahimiak, D. King, T. Baab, D. Guidinger, R. Grabko.

The ^^Winonan^^

Managing Editor W. H. Grossbach

Make-up Editor .Bernice Wadekamper

Sports Editor Phil Schwab

Page Editors—Tom Frawley, Bill Turek, Bernice Wadekamper, Alice Schulz, Phil Schwab

Copy Editor Rosalie Critchfield

Copy Reader Bette Waldron

Art Editor Nancy Staley

Business Manager Paul Sagal

Advertising Manager Paul Sagal

Photography Edwin Johnson Typists—Betty Fosburgh, Bette Waldron Reporters—Bill Turek, Mary Gainey, Jean Reed, James Lafky, Joe Fennie, Beverly Newell, Don Bolkcom, Jack Tolleson, Mildred Holliday Circulation Manager

Margaret Jane Murray

Assistants—Jean Rolandt, Ruth Street, Marion Rose, Carolyn Hall, Lorraine Erickson, Verda Smith, Lorraine Snyder, Evelyn Holmstadt, Ida Mae Doering, Elaine Graskamp, Marilyn Graskamp, Joyce Johnson, Barbara Sorenson

Adviser Dr. Augusta Nelson

WINONAN: First Row: B. Sorensen, E. Holmstadt, K. Swanson, B. Wadekamper, M. Gainey, R. Critchfield. Second Row: C. Sanden, J. Howland, L. De Gross, A. Schulz, C. Dressen, B. Waldron, M. Holliday. Third Row: A. Richards, N. Staley, J. Rolandt, L. Just, J. Carlston, E. Stephan, M. Bublitz, M. McQueen, J. Reed. Fourth Row: Dr. Nelson, W. Turek, E. Johnson, D. Bolkcom, P. Schwab, P. Sagal.

The "Wenonah"

Editor-in-chief Evelyn Stephan

Assistant Editor Jean Jederman

Business Manager Ray Jahimiak Assistant Lauretta Dickman

Advertising Manager ....Philip Pellowski Assistants—Bill Corliss, Bill McCormack, Marion Rose, Jeanne Kletzke, Bob Clausen.

Art Editor Edward Glubka

Make-up—Dorothy Hanson, Marilyn Bublitz, Mary McQueen, Anah Goss, Melda Person, Clyda Dressen, Josephine Howland

Copy Editor Marilyn Gilbertson Assistants—Jean Reed, Robert Clayton, Lucille Just, James Werner, Ruth Wendt, Leland Larson

Snap Shot Editor Frances Langmo Assistants—Reta Baker, Alice Schulz, Nancy Staley, Jean Rolandt, Charlotte Thompson, Mary Schmit

Boy's Sports Phil Schwab, Don Bolkcom

Girl's Sports Jean Carlston, Kathryn Swanson

Head Typist Bette Waldron Assistants—Barbara Nuszloch, Ray Colwell, Rueben Lervick, Barbara Sorenson, Marjorie Evenson

Photography Edstrom's Studio (Dick Mueller) Edwin Johnson, Bill Turek, Walter Hohenstein Adviser Dr.


Ella WENONÁH: First Row: Dr. Murphy, B. Sorensen, J. Jederman, K. Swanson, L. Dickman, M. Pfeilsticker, D. Hanson, J. Howland, M. Gilbertson. Second Row: R. Baker, M. Rose, C. Thompson, J. Carlston, A. Schulz, A. Goss, B. Waldron, J. Reed, M. Evenson. Third Row: N. Staley, J. Rolandt, F. Langmo, L. Just, E. Stephan, M. Bublitz, M. McQueen, M. Schmit, C. Dressen. Fourth Row: R. Clausen, E. Johnson, R. Colwell, R. Jahimiak, W. Hohenstein, P. Pellowski, R. Clayton.

Newman Club

An organization for all Catholic students on the campus is the Newman Club. &imonthly discussions of subjects pertintent to Catholics, communion breakfasts, and open house at the Catholic Reâreational Center one Sunday evening each month were highlights of the club's activities. This year the club began a reference shelf of Catholic books, to be available to students in Maxwell Library.

William Ferguson served as president; Mary Leonard, vice president; Mary Walch, secretary; and Lester Wagner, treasurer. Miss Dorothy Magnus and Dr. Augusta Nelson were faculty advisers of the club. The Rev. William Curtis served as spiritual adviser.

L S. A.

All Lutheran church members who attend WSTC are eligible to belong to the Lutheran Students' Association, a club which strives for spiritual enrichment of its members and provides an ample social program as well. Regular meetings, social hours, the annual homecoming breakfast, sunset vesper services, a sunrise breakfast, and a Christmas party were some of the club's activities this year.

Leading the way were Robert Aarsvold, president; Alice Schulz, vice president; Elaine Nienow, secretary; Robert Clausen, treasurer; and ean Rolandt, historian. Club advisers were Miss Amanda Aarestad, Mr. Melvin Wedul, and the Rev. L. E. Brynestad.

NEWMAN CLUB First Row: L. DeGross, H. Nelson, P. Almeter, M. Schmit, J. Zomboni. Second Row; D. Wantock, P. Pellowski, E. Stephan, J. LaChapelle, W. Ferguson. Third Row: R. Johnson, E. Glubka, J. O'Brien, R. Hengel, A. Vadnais, L. Wagner. Fourth Row: W. Williams, J. Herzog, F. Percuco, D. Redlich, P. Schroeder, Q. Sabotta. Fifth Row: J. Kirby, J. Hendrickson, V. Enright. L.S.A. First Row: D. Klouda, V. Schmidt, E. Holmstadt, A. Johansen, P. Currier, B. Wadekamper, K. Swanson, R. Bierbaum. Second Row: E. Sonden, E. Boehmke, E. Nienow, D. Sorenson, B. Fosburgh, A. Gorder, M. Moen, B. Torrens, H. Wold. Third Row: G. Peterson, R. Radsek, J. Rolandt, A. Klavitter, M. Eskar, C. Hall, C. Sonden, G. Asleson, A. Schulz. Fourth Row: R. Arsvold, A. Nunemacker, D. Droivold, B. Oppedahl, L. Just, J. Ramsdell, W. Turek. Fifth Row: R. Clausen, D. Malcolm, S. Ledebuhr, E. Johnson, E. Steuernagel, W. Hohenstein, V. Christensen, L. Larson, G. Smelser.

Congo Club Methodist Club

Many young people of college age who attend the Congregational Church in Winona are members of the Congo Club, which was organized to offer them a profitable way in which to spend a few hours each Sunday evening. The meetings feature guest speakers, panel discussions, and book reviews, and are usually precededby an informal supper. This year the Congo Club sponsored a project of sending food and clothing to needy people in Europe.

Robert Clayton served as president; Willard Erickson, vice president; Charlotte Bierce, secretary; and Marvin Wass, treasurer.

Methodist students on campus compose two separate and distinct clubs—Wesley Club of Central Methodist Church and Miss-Mr. Club of McKinley Methodist Church. Membership in both clubs totals about sixty-five students.

The purpose of Wesley Club is three-fold: religious, educational, and social. Officers were Glenys Wandsnider, president; Mary McQueen, vice president; and Lois Kirkland, secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mariner were club advisers.

Miss-Mr! Club has a duo objective— church service and recreation. Mr. and Mrs. William acobs were advisers of this group, and Vernon Weinman was chief representative.


First Row: W. Erickson, M. VVass, C. Bierce, R. Clayton, W. Wilkinson. Second Row: R. Stoehlin, H. Hoesley, F. Longmo, R. Anderson, M. Hoseltine. First Row: J. Jedermon, F. Schofield, M. Neubouer, Mrs. Mariner, Mr. Mariner, I. Doering, !. Nolte. Second Row: L. Whipple, R. Baker, M. Baker, J. Voorhees, N. Staley, P. Mullin, M. McQueen. Third Row: N. Robinson, V. Smith, S. Moore, M. Nelson, E. Moore, L. Kirkland. Rev. Teska. Fourth Row: F. Luchau, D. Wilson, G. Nissen, H. Borger, M. Kirkland, R. Anderson.

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Elementary Grade Club

Two-year and four-year students taking courses in rural or elementary work are eligible for membership in the Elementaray Grade Club. Monthly educational andsocial meetings are held; they feature music and guest speakers, ineluding Miss Pederson, Miss Mary Murray, and Miss Monroe, who gave helpful points on various phases of teaching. In December the club sponsored an all-college "Hat Party." A weiner roast was held in late spring. Officers this year were president, Luella Sukow; vice president, Leola DeGross; secretary. Hazel Helleck; treasurer, Carol Quinn; and adviser. Miss Mildred Bartsch.


First Row: B. Nuszloch, Miss Bartsch, L. Sukow, E. Thompson, M. Lenton, P. Currier, I. Nolte, M. Leonard, B. Smith. Second Row: D. Rosenberg, C. Sonden, A. Nunemocher, G. Asleson, F. Thiele, D. Sorenson, J. Wempner, S. Zimmerman, D. Pretzer. Third Row: H. Helleck, H. Wold, M. Pfeilsticker, S. Butler, M. Groskomp, D. Kloudo, P. Mullin, M. Eskor, G. Haas. Fourth Row: D. Droivold, A. Sondoger, D. Hellond, C. Thompson, G. Peterson, G. Truman, I. Holien, G. Lee, J. Keefe, C. Hall. Fifth Row: C. Eokens, E. Martinson, R. Rodsek, E. Moore, J. Sorenson, J. Thedens, A. Klovitter, C. Anderson, J. Voorhees, M. Baker, M. Wolch.

A. w. s. y. w. c. A.

All women upon entrance into the college become members of the AssociatedWomen Students, a service organization which was formed last year. This year committees of the group gave several morning snacks. Miss Smart was adviser; president of the cabinet was Ruth Bierbaum; vice president, Elaine Nienow; secretary-treasurer, Dorothy Hanson. Two representatives from each class except the freshman class form the council, whose members were Mildred Hoffman, Shirley Zimdars, Mary McQueen, Lucille Just, Carol Quinn, and Rosalie Critchfield.

This year the college branch of the Y.W.C.A. again planned the Big-Little Sister Hike up Garvin Heights. Besides holding several interesting business meetings, the group also sponsored a class in textile painting held at the local Y.W.C.A. building. Four of the meetings were devoted to lessons in "charm" given By guest speakers. One of the meetings was transcribed and broadcast over KWNO. Officers for the year were Edna Pell, president; Reta Baker, vice-president; Patricia Mullin, secretary-treasurer; and Miss Stella Pederson, adviser.

A. W. S. First Row: R. Critchfield, R.- Bierbaum. Second Row: M. Hoffman, S. Zimdars, E. Nienow, D. Hanson, L. Just. Y.W.C.A.: First Row: E. Holmstadt, S. Lanning, I. Nolte, S. Butler, E. Boyum, D. Sorenson. Second Row: M. Baker, E. Pell, H. Stippich, R. Baker, A. Richards, A. Manzow, M. Haseltine. Third Row: j. Voorhees, B. Lowry, C. Elton, D. Helland, F. Langmo, J. Rolandt, P. Mullin.

Morey Hall

President: Marjorie Anderson

Vice-President: Clyde Dressen

Secretary-Treasurer: Grace Blohm

Shepard Hall

President: Edna Pell

Vice-President: Harriet Wold

Secretary-Treasurer: Marion Brustuen

MOREY HALL First Row: M. Anderson, M. Hoffman, E. Nienow. Second Row: M. Schmit, B. Wodekomper, S. Zimdors, B. Waldron, R. Dick. SHEPARD HALL First Row: R. Baker, M. Evenson, J. Murray, C. Thompson. Second Row: S. Hall, R. Street, A. Sandager. M. Haseltine, Mrs. Griffith, L. Just, D. Mielke.

Lucas Lodge

President: Vernon Kroeger

Vice-President: James Swenson

Secretary-Treasurer: Peter Freeman

Prentiss Lodge

President: Robert Clayton

Secretary-Treasurer: Walter Hohenstein

LUCAS LODGE V. Kroeger, W. Erickson, D. Malcolm, J. Swenson. Mrs. H. Jackson, Mr. H. Jackson, Mrs. M. Mariner, Mr. M. Mariner. PRENTISS LODGE G. Kemmer, J. Kirby, B. Hamre. 1. Inspecting equipment 2. Sleigh-ride 3. Homecoming queens
1 2 3 Splinterville kids Morey quartette Christmas window
1. X out La X 2. Winter queens 3. Card game
1. At the exchange 2. The newlyweds 3. Morning snack
Breakfast at Garvin Art Major "Y" picnic Um-m !
Boy from Spooner Contented chefs Shop talk
Billy Boys Sunshine
Gibson girl Director Corny, huh? Miss Bell Valentine formal Winona girl Shorty Pepsodent od
Spring athlete Oh, yeah! Prentiss Lou
old gang Wenonah Smile for the birdy Snow fooling Town girl Three musketeers Irish Just loafing
9. Hi, Art! 10. Gilmore Valley
11. Taint necessarily Moe
12. Overlooking—Winona
convertible? Cheesecake Big Herb At home More cheesecake Shepardites
13. Waddy Whose


Lazy day

Cheer up, Eddie Twinkle toes Smiling Don Sure smokes Soul mates Happy? Dimples

"Shepard lambs' "On the air" On the run Herr Lafky Double-jointed
Time out Come on, team Big joke Picking them young Resting Some
Les Darling, isn't she? Must be athletic Back at track
j [_


Pretty good pals More athletes On the rail Just posing Rooters
no ! Moving? Van Mow'd she get in I" Let's go! Out at the ballpark
Teacher Who are they? Repose Coming through
Note notebook Morning, kid
Librarian Dash of Phelps Duet




The football team gained a share of the conference title with Bemidji T.C. as its record was three wins and one loss in conference play. The team did not have a high scoring offense, but made up for it with a stellar defensive record.

Dick Traxier, who was elected honorary captain of the team, and Bill Corchran, who was chosen outstanding player by his teammates, were also voted positions on the all-conference team.

Lettermen who graduate this year are Dick Traxier and Laurel Wager. They will be missed next year by Coach Brodhagen and Assistant Coach McCown.

Row: G. Sandstede, E. Boe, D. King, J. Corchran, V. Clausen, W. Nash, R. Traxier, M. Schaefer, L. Wager, W. Winblad. Second Row: Mr. Brodhagen (coach), R. Yantes, J. Tews, C. Maxham, G. Backlund, M. Lee, J. Hedman, E. Harvey, H. Radtke, R. Stark, Mr. McCown (assistant coach) Third Row: W. Ferguson, W. Schumacher, L. Anderson, R. Verchota, R. Cook, E. Bennett, S. Prokopowicz, H. Borger, R. Bailey, F. Percuoco. Fourth Row: R. Hill, V. Stensrud, S. Peterson, H. McLean, V. Christensen, O. Knipfer, D. Bartholamew, R. Boeckman, F. Warweg, M. Baures. Fifth Row: R. Johnson (manager), D. Besser, L. ScanIon, J. LaChapelle, E. Schnell, B. Larson, R. Templin, A. VonKamen, G. Ostrom (manager). Winblad about to be downed.
Traxler away for a gain around end. Season’s Statistics Stout Institute 7 Eau Claire 6 Bemidji 6 Duluth 0 St. Cloud 6 Mankato 7 La Crosse 27 Loras College 32 W. S. T. C 7 W. S. T. C 8 W. S. T. C 0 W. S. T. C 7 W. S. T. C 7 W. S. T. C 12 W. S. T. C 0 W. S. T. C 7
Clausen stopped at center.


Although the percentage column of vietories and defeats leaned heavily toward the latter, the basketball team displayed a lot of courage and fighting spirit before subduing. The team was handicapped in every encounter by lack of height. Prospects for next year are somewhat brighter as Coach McCown will have a majority of lettermen back as a nucleus around which to build next year's aggregation.

Sonny Dahl, three-year basketball letterman, was chosen for the all-conference second team.

Captain Winblad BASKETBALL; First Row: L. Iverson, E. Mueller, F. Koonce, J. Moynihan, W. Winblad, C. Dahl, D. King, V. Clausen. Second Row: J. Tews, W. Drugan, W. Tsatsos, C. Zaborowski, R. Smith, R. Stark, D. Judd, Coach McCown. Third Row: M. Beyers, V. Stensrud, E. Van Gilder, R. Cook.

Swish—no rebound. Soup.

•1. Dahl

2. Clausen

3. Zaborowski

4. Tsatsos

5. King

6. Iverson


Coach McCown has several lettermen back as a nucleus around which to build this year's squad. Returning outfielders are Henry Karle, Jim Tews, and John Mahike. Other veteran players who bolster hopes for a suecessful season this year are Stan Prokopowicz, catcher, and John Drugan, Ev Mueller, and Don Bolkcom, pitchers.

Wayne Kannel, Don McConochie, and Bob Arns will be missed, but there are many promising newcomers who are ready to fill these vacancies, which should make for a good record this spring.

J. Drugan, E. Mueller, D. Bolkcom, Coach McCown. BASEBALL: E. Mueller, S. Prokopowicz, D. Bolkcom, H. Karle, J. Mahike, J. Tews, J Drupon. M. Weber, third base coach


First Row: J. Ramsdell, J. Myers, B. Murtaugh, R. Frisby. Second Row: C. Simon, W. Tsotsos, R. Johimiak, J. Kertzman, D. Besser.

Goli, Tennis, Track

Coach Bailey's golf team has many fine prospects including Captain Gene Pelowski, letter winner from last year's championship team. Althoug Coach Brodhagen has no lettermen back for his tennis team, some of the promising new mçn are Bill Tsatsos, Jack Myers, Curt Simon, and Ray Jahimiak. Dr. Galligan has a large number of potential track men out this year to aid the returning lettermen who include Merb Borger, Bob Verchota. Bob Clausen, Bob Anderson, and Bill Corliss. The teams show quite a lotof promise and should have a successful season.

TRACK: W. Hamre, C. Mettille, J. LaChapelle, R. Clausen, V. Amundson, D. Johnson.

GOLF: Mr. Bailey (coach), P. Freeman, L. Iverson, J. Wilson, P. Pellowski, J. Tearse, G. Pelowski, R. LeMoy, J. Koehler.

Men’s P. E. Club Qub

All men who are majoring or minoring in physical education are eligible for membership in the Men's P. E. Club. This organization fosters and encourages interest in the profession. Through the club all members are informed of new developments and techniques in the field of coaching and teaching health and physical education. Gerald Ostrom was president; Howard McLean, vice president; and Elert Boe, secretary-treasurer. Advisers were Mr. Eugene Brodhagen, Dr. G. E. Galligan, and Mr. Luther McCown.

The "W" emblems worn by members of this organization signify that the wearers have participated in a major sport and have adhered to the requirements of good sportsmanship. The intramural board, which governs all intramural sports and arranges schedules in various sports for non-varsity squads, is sponsored by the "W" Club. Officers this year were Dic.k Traxler, president; Robert Anderson, vice president; Wilbur Winblad, secretary-treasurer; and Herbert Borger, historian. Dr. G. E. Galligan was club adviser.

,i\B- L P.. Srt''^'^'çoortV» ..c P t. CVVJ® Q5^rom, sH. VAonso^' 'i-.«. «reâ :or\f, ScV-«oe^®Aue"e'’' Afogef- W. CLUB: First Row: H. McLean, P. Freeman, J. Tews, D. Bolkcom, W. Winblad, R. Stark, L. Iverson. Second Row: W. Corliss, E. Boe, R. Traxler, G. Backlund, V. Clausen, R. Cook, J. Mahike. Third Row: P. Schwab, W. Nash, J. Enstad, R. Yantes, H. Radtke, R. Bailey, R. Harders. Fourth Row; R. Verchota, R. Anderson, E. Mueller, F. Harvey, H. Borger, D. King, L. Wager. INTRA-MURAL BOARD: First Row: W. Corliss, W. Brown, F. Koonce, P. Freemon. Winners in volley ball tournament. Intra-mural playoff game.

P. E. Club

This year, under the direction of Ruth Bierbaum, pres^Jent, the Physical Education Club fostered interest in the field of physical education. Activities were centered around the professional interests of the group. The calendar included work meetings, discussion meetings, and social activities. Other officers were Hazel Helleck, vice president; Janice Sabotta, secretary-treasurer; and Dr. Jean Talbot and Miss Ruth Richards, advisers.

At work; Jean and Georgie

Seated: E. Stephan, Dr. Talbot, M. Brustuen, C. Dressen, H. Helleck, Miss Richards. Standing: J. Peterson, K. Swanson, J. Sabotta, R. Bierbaum.

P.E. CLUB: First Row: L. Mueske, J. Peterson, J. Sabotta, H. Helleck, R. Bierbaum, L. Dusbabek, K. Swanson. Second Row: Miss Richards, P. Donecker, M. Casey, M. Bell, B. Waldron, B. Wadekamper, L. Denning, Dr. Talbot. Third Row:J. Jederman, L. Snyder, M. Schmit, M. Brustuen, D. Mielke, J. Carlston, S. Zimdars, C. Dressen. W.A.A. BOARD

Soccer. Tournaments in this popular fall sport provide activity for members of W. A. A. until snow settles on the ground.

W. A. A.

All girls have an opportunity to participate in the activities of the Women's Athletic Association. Highlight of this year was the trip to the annual Play Day at St. Cloud. Officers were Clyda Dressen, president; Ruth Bierbaum, vice president; Marion Brustuen, secretary-treasurer; and Dr. Jean Talbot and Miss Ruth Richards, advisers. These officers, with Hazel Helleck, Joyce Peterson, Lorraine Snyder, Janice Sabotta, Evelyn Stephan, and Kathryn Swanson, make up the W.A.A. board which supervises the activities.

Softball. With the coming of spring, the diamond is laid out for another series of softball games.

Volleyball. This is the "between season" team sport because it provides activity during the lull between basketball games and the softball tournament.



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We Congratulate The Winona State



On Its Yearbook And We Want to Advertise Not a Material Product But AMERICANISM

The WINONA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE instructs our youth, and there is no better time than now, no better place than this annual, to impress upon parents and others who read this book that we AMERICANS must be on the alert to stamp out COMMUNISM. America must have ONE SYSTEM, not two.



The people of AMERICA must decide whether the dictates of the Kremlin are more important than constitutional liberty and freedom and whether the voice of ONE MAN is invincible.

Does Communism give the people more LIBERTY AND FREEDOM than we have under our Constitution and Bill of Rights, or does it abolish such things?

Does Communism give man the right to ACHIEVE HIS OWN SECURITY, or does it take that right away?

Does Communism give FREEDOM OF RELIGION or does it abolish churches?

Does Communism give the right to TRIAL BY JURY, or does it abolish justice?



Winona Sand and Gravel Company Winona, Minn.




When You Want REAL ENTERTAINMENT Kalmes Tire Service Go To Hardt*s Music Store VULCAN 1Z1NG REPAIR1NG Where You Can Hear the Finest RECAPPING Reproducing Instruments CAPEHART, MAGNOVOX, PHILCO, 116 W. Second Phone 2847 BENDIX, RCA EAT at the
OF Steak Shop Robb Brothers Store GOOD FOOD

Rademacher Drug Co.


59 West Second Street




Red Owl Coffee Bar

Springdale Dairy Co.

MILK & CREAM of Superior Flavor

Compliments of Winona Transit Co.


Morgan's 86th Year

The Store Where Youth Is Served

"At the Sign of the Street Clock"

- r.
McVey’s Ice Cream Shop Winona Insurance Agency
hope we have done our part toward making your year FOR DEPENDABLE INSURANCE a pleasant one 451 Huff Street Dial 9808 Exchange Building Phone 3366 BAILEY & BAILEY F, A. Krause Company —A Good Place to Trade— DESOTO-PLYMOUTH ALLIS-CHALMERS Phone 2876 FEEDS and SEEDS LADIES FOOTWEAR EXCLUSIVELY River's Super Market Slipper Shop meats VEGETABLES FROZEN FOODS 103 E. Third Phone 2551
They're off
2. Trio
3. Dorothy, olios "Mouse"
4. Bockyord 5. Peek-o-boo

National Tea Co.


Compliments of Winona Theatre Co.


COMPLIMENTS of Siebrecht Floral Co.

Center Street WINONA MINN.
Baker's Shoes 165
Winona Cab Co. “A
1. Stadium boots 2. Jeans and saddles 3. Our drummer boy 4. One, two, three! 5. Faculty fun
Henry N. Schuh Wholesale Disfribul'or BEVERAGES CANDY 71-73 E. Second Phone 5252 COMPLIMENTS OF Winona Tool Mfg. Co. Winona Goodrich Corp. Cold Storage and Commercial Storage WILLIAMS Compliments of the WILLIAMS BOOK & STATIONERY PIctkc’s TOPS IN WINONA FINE FOODS 1 13 East Third Street > > We carry a complete line of FINEST FROSTED FOOD MICKEY’S GRILL OPEN ALL NIGHT 126 East 3rd St. Winona, Minn.
to meeting"
and Jeon 3.
4. The "new look"
The Hurry Back ''Where Good Fellows Get Together" 103-105 W. Third Phone 3686 Spend where you save” Everything to Wear for Every Member of the Family 63 W. Third 20Ç7 APPETITE FICKLE THERE'S PEP IN PICKLES Pepin Pickling Co. Winona Minn. Watches Diamonds Jewelry J. Milton Dahm Jeweler 112 E. Third St. Winona Minnesota Safranek Brothers QUALITY MEATS HOMEMADE SAUSAGE 601 E. 8th St. Dial 2851 Haddads Cleaners & Hatters Winona Better Cleaning 4 hr. Service 1 2 3. 4. Happy foursome Water, water everywhere Hello, Dave! Tumbling?
Compliments oí Winona Coal Co. ★ The Star Shoe Repair Shop Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing 1 14 Center St. YOU'LL FIND SHOPPING ALWAYS PLEASANT at H. Choate & Company Winona's Largest Leading Oldest Department Store COMPLIMENTS OF WINONA CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIATION THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WINONA MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF WINONA THE WINONA NATIONAL AND SAVINGS BANK All Members of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


The Miracle Wall Finish Wallpaper Pictures— Gifts Artist Materials Linoleum 167 Center Phone 5025
Williams Paints KEM-TONE
& Feed
Winona, Minn. LARRY SANTELMAN Owner Ride A Royal Cab DIAL * 3331 ■ 24 Hour Service Fully Insured Nelson Tire Service Goodyear Distributor PHILCO RADIOS AND REFRIGERATORS 4th and Johnson Phone 2700 COMPLIMENTS OF WkmSknaingWSflA DiydeaneiiDvBiawl Hatten 201 East Third St. Phone 2175 WINONA, MINN.
Winona Flour
Corner Third and Main DOWNY FLAKE DOUGHNUTS Soda Fountain Waffles Lunches Phone 9823
Archie’s Snack Shop
1. Piggy-back ride 2. Scientific souls 3. Ogden Hall 4. Happy, Don?
Compliments of Winona Hotels, Inc. HOTEL WINONA PARK HOTEL EVERYONEGOES ACROSS THE STREET to LEE & EDDIE'S for Good Food Delicious Ice Cream and Friendship WE SPECIALIZE IN PARTY ICE CREAM 159 WEST KING STREET PHONE 4515 ENRICHED Bay State Milling Co. Winona, Minn. 1. We four 2. Out for the evening 3. Homecoming dance 4. On the steps
BROWN’S DRUGS CAMERAS 1 17 W. Third St. Special Rates on GRADUATION PHOTOS Harold’s Studio Retraits ofDistinction 111 W. Third Phone 4455 FINE FURNITURE FOSTORIA 1 SYRACUSE GLASSWARE 1 CHINA HIIdIdTERS INC. 166 Center St. Winona Minn. Brandt’sFood Market Fresh Meats Vegetables Groceries FROZEN FOODS DIAL 2884
1. The
2. Have a coke?
FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS West End Greenhouse We Telegraph Flowers Everywhere 802 W. King Phone 4182 For BUILDING MATERIAL and FUEL See Botsford Lumber Company COMPLIMENTS OF THE Winona Clinic Compliments of Badger Machine Co. Manufacturer of BADGER TRENCH EXCAVATOR Aksel Andersen Furniture and Interior Decorating Drapery Material 103-105-107 Center Street Winona Minnesota Compliments of Upland Products Co. 64 East 2nd Street Winona Minnesota
It Pays to Go Out of Your Way to Buy C&D Jewelry at the SHOE COMPANY Cichanowski Jewelry Store 57 WEST THtRD USE YOUR CREDIT Winona, Minnesota 313 Mankato Ave. Winona COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF Fruetel's Coast to Coast Store Williams Hotel & Coffee Shop FINE FOOD and BEVERAGES Winona SATISFACTION GUARANTEED millers SMART APPAREL Ladies & Children's Ready to Wear Vernon Sjodin 54 East 3rd Phone 5511 1. Let's go for o ride !
EAT AT THE Milwaukee Hotel Also Fountain Service Winona Milk Co., Inc. Distributors of SCIENTIFICALLY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS 759-61 E. Broadway Phone 5016 Stager Jewelry Store Nash Clothing Store "Walk a block and save" W. J. Warmington Complete line of Corner Third and Main Streets QUALITY CLOTHING For Dress and Sports Wear COMPLIMENTS OF Goltz Pharmacy Winona Fruit Market 274 E. Third Phone 2547 ENSTAD NASH MOTORS The Candy Box SALES SERVICE and Phone 4841 Garden Gate 164 Walnut Street DELIGHTFULLY Winona, Minn. DIFFERENT DINING

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