The 1944 issueof theWenonah is a pictorial review of our pastyear at WinonaStateTeachersCollege. The fact that it is more like an album than an annual will bring back to mind what kind of a year 1944 was. Manythings in our every day life haveundergone a change. Weourselves are changed. And so, thisannual too haschanged. As we look at it, we are aware thattherehas been a simplification of the formerannual. It is smaller;there are no write-ups, no individualpicturesof seniors and graduatingsophomores, no advertisements, no men's athletics (infact,few men at all), no fancy or elaboratecover, and fewer pages. These are evidences of the influence of the year 1944—a war year. With the handicaps and restrictions this year has brought us, we havetried to do our best to give a cross section of life at Winona State Teachers' College in 1944. We hope it meets with yourapproval.
Respect for his instructors is an important attitude for a college student. Very often this respect turns into admiration and gratitude because of the many things the instructor does for the student. These things may be in the forms of a friendly chat, a bit of advice on a better way to do something, or a willingness to cooperate with the student at any time regardless of how busv the instructor may be.
Such an instructor is Dr. Minne 7 He has displayed the same friendliness, understanding, and cooperative spirit in the classroom as he has as adviser for extra-curricular activities.
Whether we have taken physics or calculus from him, or only physical science, we know that as a favorite instructor Dr. Minne 7 ranked high. Because he is interested in everything that interests us, because he displays impartiality, because he believes in the teaching profession as we believe in it, and because of his all-round school spirit, we dedicate this yearbook to DR. NELS MINNE 7
Mr. Simmers was known for nearly twenty-five years to the students of our college as one who loved children with a deep and abiding passion. This was the unifying and explanatory principle in all his professional life.
It was at the basis of the confidence reposed in him by childhood. It underlay his leadership in scouting. It was the clue to his long hours in his office. It was the justification of his insistence upon adequate preparation of all who passed through his training school on their way to the larger responsibilities of the teaching service. It was the motivation for the collection and distribution of baskets for the needy at holiday time, and for uncounted ministrations to children known to be in want. It bound him to the unfinishedtask until late in the evening of his last day of service to the college.
No picture in memory's store seems better to represent his happy mutuality with children, and the influences he would make impressive than that which shows him reading at Christmas-time the story of the Nativity against a background of children's faces, uplifted, sunny and trusting, toward one whose staunch loyalty to their well-being was as unquestioned as the next breath.
It is a picture one loves to remember.
A school without a faculty would seen at times a Utopia to us students. The times we are talking about are times when we slave over history outlines, diagrams of the mind, preparation for "the Doctor's tests," Minnesota history, and many more seemingly outrageous assignments. But now we take back all the mean things we muttered under our breath about the faculty and administration. We have a pretty well-planted idea in our minds that all that went on during the school year was for our benefit. All kidding aside, we students of 1944 think the faculty and administration are a "pretty swell bunch of fellas."
A. T. French
Amanda Aarestad
Jose B. Acuna
Agnes Bard
Mildred Bartsch
Willis E. Boots
Jeanne Brouillette
Hugh Capron
Olive Christiansen
Etta O. Christensen
Ella C. Clark
Cathryn Cramer
Catherine Crossman
Marion Davis
Mildred Engstrom
Glenn E. Fishbauger
Charles Fisk
Opal Foster
Leslie Gage
Glendon E. Galligan
Alice Grannis Murdock
Frieda A. Grieder
Walter Grimm
Verna Hoyman
Harry R. Jackson
F. A. Jederman
Jessie Knann
Fifth Grade Supervisor
Social Science
Piano and Organ
Rural Education
English, Biology
Second Grade Supervisor
‘Industrial Education
(On leave for duration) College Nurse
Rural Education
Middle Grades Supervisor
Fourth Grade Supervisor Fine Arts
(On leave for duration)
French and Spanish Librarian
J. H. S. Supervisor
Physical Education
(On leave for duration)
First Grade Supervisor
Primary Grades Supervisor
Physical Education
Jr. H. S. Supervisor (Resigned)
Dean of Women Music
Jr. H. S. Supervisor
Industrial Education History
Jr. H. S. Supervisor
Florence Kroeger Jr. H. S. Home Ec. Supervisor
A. H. Langum Music, Band
Manley E. MacDonald Dean of Men, Director of Personnel
Dorothy B. Magnus Speech
Margaret B. Miller College Nurse (On leave for duration)
Nels Minne’ Science
Ella M. Murphy English
W. A. Owens Psychology
M. R. Raymond Science (On leave for duration)
Robert R. Reed English
Ruth Richards
Physical Education
Mabel Sampson Kindergarten Supervisor
R. J. Scarborough Geography
Bertha Schwable Nursery School Supervisor
Charles Simmers Director Phelps Laboratory School (Deceased)
L. G. Stone Director Phelps Laboratory School
Jean Talbot
Physical Education
Mady Metzer Ziegler Voice
Minnie Zimmerman Librarian (Assistant)
Mabel Marvin Secretary Phelps School
Helen Pritchard Registrar
Angelyn de Groot Assistant Accountant
Hilda M. Muhle Secretary
Helene Schroeder Secretary
Rosalie Voelker Accountant
Fae Griffith
Dormitory Manager
Mildred Moeroushek Office Assistant
Miss Murray, Miss Zimmerman, Miss Engstrom, Mr. Jackson, Miss Grieder.
Dr. G a 11 i g a n, Mrs. Christianson, Miss Richards, Dr. Talbot. MUSIC MASTERS OF T. C. Standing—Mr. Grimm, Madame Ziegler, Mr. Langum. Seated—Miss Bard. Dr. Murphy, Mr. Boots, Miss Magnus, Mr. Owens, Mr. Reed.PHELPS FACULTY SHOW US HOW.
Row One—Dr. Stone, Miss Schwable, Miss Foster, Miss Aarestad, Miss Sampson, Miss Gage. Row Two—Mr. Fishbauger, Dr. Clark, Miss Cramer, Miss Knapp, Miss Brouillette.
Row One—Miss de Groot, Mrs. Griffith, Miss Muhle. Row Two—Miss Moroushek, Miss Voelker, Miss Pritchard, Miss Schroeder.
TeeCee's little family is like any other family—there is the eldest, wise as owls (The question is whooo! whoo!) we're speaking now of the Senior class led by Chuckie Leman and her able assistants—Grace Stanek, Elaine Strand, Mary Rowekamp, Helen Borger, while Dr. Minne' stands by—just in case.
Next in line are our jolly Juniors and to keep to the family line, it's always been said that "Junior is the member of the family who was always on the go"— dates and stuff. Who are we to deny this when our Junior class officers are Florence Walch, president, plus just as able a group, namely, Jean LeMay, Erna (Shield) Roth (aha! daughter gets married), Dottie Engel, and Clara Larson. Bob Pagel was treasurer until he heard he could handle more money thru the Merchant Marines. Dr. Murphy has kept Junior in hand'—it required a doctor too, with Engie and Flo taking turns being on the sick call.
Ah! but now we come to the CHARMING sophomore group (—must be a prejudice here). The dear Sophomores are working on a debate with Webster as they definitely don't like the definition of sophomore (meaning "foolish") which can be found in the gigantic Webster dictionary of all places! The debate should be a good one if the class officers have anything to do with it. Angie Clarke's wit will certainly throw the opponents off guard. Then her fellow officers, Mary Lou Grant, Shirley Tschumper, Choice Duxbury, Ruth Pagel, and Lois Butenhoff can step in with a good rebuttal. To make the winning complete, Dr. Galligan, class adviser, should be one of the judges.
Now, we come to the baby of our TeeCee family the frosh! Seriously though, I've heard the saying "last is best of all"—not being Freshies, we can't go too far in praising an underdog, but it must be admitted the Freshman class have "it"—the glamor girl of the family. Wally Harmer headed the class before tacking up his blue star. Things are running smoothly again with Gerry Ryberg in the lead and the good supporting cast including right-hand standin, Lorraine Brislance as vice-president and Eleanor Kugler as secretary-treasurer. Mr. MacDonald is the godfather of our baby class.
As all happy families do—we, the upper and lower classmen, work together. A lot of fun can be had and it has been "had" in this past year. The family reunion was a great success because so many older brothers and sisters came back. Our parties have been few-but-fun, sailor dances, student association dances, the social hour featuring the Campus Coed orchestra, mass moviegoing—all will be carefully tucked in the family memory album until we're old. Until then, when we can relive the present—store up some sweet memories.
Three may be a crowd in some people's language and not desired, but in the T. C. family the more the merrier's very nice, and the number of organizations present in our alma mater shows quite clearly that man is a social being. Without further ado, may we present the various activities in which the family shows definitely that a crowd can be fun.
People with the world on their shoulders, the International Relations Club has settled the fate of the world at least three times and certainly illustrates "The Thinkers" multiplied by some twenty.
"Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast," so why not the troubled student? Music, as represented by the Mendelssohn Club, Apollo Club, Mason Music Club, and Band cooperates with the Art Club in fulfilling these artistic yearnings, and gives the beauty seeker an outlet for what ever frustrations may be dashing about in his gray matter.
"Good things come in small packages," or so the Kindergarten Club, Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club, and Primary Club testify. With plenty of soothing hands to smooth small knowledge fevered brows, these lasses are an integral part of Phelps and Ogden—model grade teachers for supposedly model students.
Ardent fans of Vimmies for vitamins and energy, that Die-No-Mo Club has that rugged vitality of a strictly pep ration. The Die-No-Mo show amply represents this display of energy, and so as pep organization deluxe, we salute you, Die-No-Mo!
Stern world-wearied body of government, the Representative Council desides affairs of momentus weight, such as committees' membership and matters of discussion for the student association. Cares of state and burning the midnight oil has weighted them down, yet they still function efficiently as T. C.'s body of government.
Brains Incorporated, Kappa-Delta-Pi, Purple Key, and Who's Who represent the acme of scholarship, leadership, and service to T. C. A four-gun salute to the students who constitute the three bodies.
Congratulations on achievement!
"Three strikes and out" in fine form are the athletic aspirants of the college portrayed by the members of the Women's Physical Education Club, W. A. A. and the "little but oh my" Men's Physical Education Club.
At holding up their end in the social limelight, the Men's Club is adept although outnumbered by their feminine counter parts as represented by the Y. W. C. A. with a dash of the League of Women Voters to add to a bit of seriousness to the social whirl.
The Lutheran Student's Association and Newman Club gives the students a chance to participate in church affairs though away from home, and gives them an opportunity to meet other young people of their faith.
The honor of the theater and drama is upheld by the Wenonah Players and Radio Workshop. Both are enthusiastically participated in, and fine plays and plenty of hidden talent are perennial products of these two organizations.
Thoughtfully meditating about the relative merits of H20 and H2S04, the Science Club is quite an active element in school life. Its members are occasionally explosive (both literally and figuratively) and vary to a degree the routine of school life.
The WINONAN or official news sheet of the establishment provides news, discreet scandal, and facts of genuine interest to the family, as well as being a cause of perspiration and hilarious levity (the forerunner of hyteria) to staff members. The WINONAN is worthy of praise for it has been rated as first class excellent by the Associated Collegiate Press.
Last, but not least, comes the family album, or WENONAH in polite society, revised annually, and containing a record of all the leaders and members of the family, what they do in their saner moments, and the capers they cut after class.
Seated—E. Marsh, E. Ask, M. Meier, L. Bredeson, A. Posz. Row
Two—M. Grant, C. Lehman, S. Olson, Miss D. Magnus, E. Ulwelling. Row Three—R. Clay, D. Wesenberg, E. Harper, M. Schammel, A TWkpr. J. Smitl\. M K Becke
Seated R. Gernes. Row Two—D. French, I. Pearson, L. Berry, N. Grausnick, M. Hein, D. Chellberg, J. Thomp- kins, L. Flatten, G. Anderson, B. Huntley. Row Three —E. Harper, B. Acheff, L. Butenhoff, D. Skow, C. DeWald, L. Sykes, C. Larson, Miss Murray, J. Kruger.
Row One—L. Flatten, E. Ask, K. Roth, K. Grimm, L. Bredeson, R. Kottschade. Row Two—S. Darrow, C. Erwin, E. Strand, C. Lehman, M. Meier, S. Olson. Row Three—G. Ryberg, M. Schammel, S. Vaaler, E. Turner, A. Clarke, E. Harper. Miss D. Magnus.
Seated—E. Marsh, E. Roth, L. Bfedeson, M. Collins. Row Two—C. Simpson, G. Ryberg, K. Grimm, M. Fox, C. Larson. Row Three—A. Posz, M. Meier, C. Lehman, L. Sykes, M. Croonquist, Dr. Minne’. ft'/
Seated—L. Flatten, A. Becker, A. Clarke, A. Sprick, H. Borger, S. Olson. Row Two— R. Kottschade, E. Ulwelling, M. Grant, D. Chellberg, M. Schammel, G. Ryberg. Row Three—C. Simpson, C. Erwin, E. Zimdars, D. DeWald, M. Meier. Row Four N. Starz, H. Bungarden, E. Carlson, M. Smart, Dr. Murphy, N. Grausnick.
Seated—E. Carlson, P. Anderson, R. Clay, J. LeMay, G. Ryberg, M. Petersen, M. Kruse. Standing—Dr. Minne’, E. Quast, E. Ulwelling, A. Sprick. Not Pictured A. Clarke, M. Grant, M. Smart, H. Borger, V. Fehrman, K. Seeling, S. Darrow, M. Borger, L. Greer.
Seated—G. Stanek, K. Seeling, L. Brislance, M. Grant, A. Posz, M. Rowekamp. Row
Two—G. Ryberg, Miss C. Cramer, A. Clarke, L. Butenhoff, M. Croonquist. Row
Three—R. Pagel, E. Strand Miss F. Murray, C. Lehman, H. Borger, C. Larson.
Seated—E. Marsh, E. Strand, M. Croonquist. Standing—G. Stanek, K. Seeling, H. Borger. Not Pictured—B. Erwin, D. Engel, D. Payne, R. Gernes, B. Clement, R. Gast, H. Rollins.
Row One—M. Sallet, B. Elwood, E. Quast, E. Kugler. Row Two—G. Brokken, S. Sheehan, L. Greer, H. Romness, H. Schmidt. Row Three—G. Ryberg, M. Neil, A. Sprick. H. Borger, A. Clarke, L. Brislance.
Kennedy Rowekamp,H. Schanvmek w Three—E 5. Stanek, Elwelling,
Seated—R. Kennedy, R. Pagel, M. Smart, J. Buehler, M. Lenton. Row Two—E. Zimdars, M. Meitrodt, J. Graner, S. Root, R. Doering, M. Thill. Row Three^M. Beach, M. Schammel, F. Bernhardt, L. Brislance, J. Evans, Dr. E. Clark.
t T^uehler, M- Mei-
R. Kottschade. R°« ance> A Funke, a M: Kjos, N. Nolte, I. Macha.
and discuss rural PROBLEMS.
ited—M. Smart, Schammel^ Tw0 nine- E. Carlson, J- g g Root, "Grant M. Ferguson Leaner R»d™anf - Bernhard
Seated B. Huntley, Miss Schwable, G. Stanek, Miss Sampson, N. Grausnick. Row Two—M. Collins, J. Tompkins, M. Croonquist, D. French, C. Larson, C. Matzke. Row Three—J. Pulver,yL. Sykes, J. Hovden, E. Harppr, D. Skow'.
Row One C. Larson, N. Tainter, E. Marsh, J. Tompkins, T. Brauer. Row Two— S. Tschumper, M. Stippich, B. Benson, S. Sheehan, G. Brokken.
Seated—A. Becker, J. Thompkins. Standing—H. Borger, P. Anderson, H. Bungarden.
Seated—A. Prudoehl, E. Carlson, A. Becker, C. Munch, P. Thompson, J. Kruger. Back Row—N. Nolte, I. Macha, R. Kjos, A.
Seated—N. Grausnick, M. Grant, D. Chellberg, D. Skow.Row Two—A. Anfinson, Miss Brouillette, M. Croonquist, Miss Gage, E. Kugler. Row Three—M. Collins, J. Pulver, G. Stanek, L. Sykes, E. Rodman.
Seated—D. Wesenberg, Mr. Langum. Standing—S. Hueseman, J. Smith, A. Posz, G. Matchan.
Directing—Madeline Reller. Clarinets—H. Brand, R. Flanigan, G. Anderson, M. Sallett. Trumpets— J. LeMay, L. Brislance, B. Dugan; Trombone, G. Brokken. X-Manager—G. Ryberg; Pinaist, M. Rowerijms, K. Qrimm.
Row One M. Rowekamp, Mr. W. Grimm, M. Reller. Row Two— G. Anderson, B. Fladger, D. Wildgrube, M. Smart, K. Grimm. Row Three—G. Brokken, D. Mindrum, J. Buehler, M. Meier, E. Turner, M. Collins. Row Four— H. Wadewitz, H. Brand, L. Brislance, R. Flanigan, P. Anderson, S. I Vaaler, J. Le May.
Seated—M. Sallet, G. Anderson, R. Flanigan, Mr. W. Grimm. Row Two—E. Turner, M. Rowekamp, K. Grimm, M. Reller, M. Collins. Row
Three—J. Le May, H. Brand, D. Wesenberg, S. Vaaler.
Row One—Mr. Langum, H. Romness, D. Wesenberg, J. LeMay, L. Brislance. Row
Two D. Wildgrube, J. Smith, M. Sallet, M. Beach, M. Stippich. Row Three—P. Thompson, B. Thompson, G. Brokken, R. Flanigan, H. Brand, G. Anderson.
Seated—E. Zimdars, Miss R. Richards, F. Lindgren, Dr. J. Talbot, C. DeWald. Back Row —M. Sallet, B. Francis, G. Ryberg, E. Strand, A. Carothers, H. Borger, M. Fox, L. Flatten, K. Seeling, M. Kruse.
Seated—K. Seeling, J. Smith. Standing—R. Clay, M. Kruse.
Ken Seeling
The college, along with Lucky Strike Green and numerous other people and things, has gone to war. Complications have set in. Photographitis, due to scarcity of film, has been slightly overcome, and the following pages bear testimony to that fact. Because all the pictures were not taken by the photography class, they may not be TOO per cent perfect, (She said as she looked at Dr. Minne'.) But it's a well established fact that they represent a fair cross-section of life at T. C., where men and quiet hours are scarce, sleep is unheard of, and the meatballs keep on haunting us. (P. S. YouVe read of these meatballs in previous publications and seen personifications of them on the stage, no doubt.)
But to get back to my subject, the darkroom dynamos have come through fairly well. Occasionally the D-72 mixed with D-76 ran riot as they fought over the emulsion on some hitherto perfectly good film, but the developing tank (Du Pont Bakelite, we presume) halted all this folly by merely falling on the floor and breaking. When the fumes cleared and the lights were turned on, any resemblance to good film and usable printing paper was purely accidental. The printing paper, sensitive as it is, decided that it had no busniess staying there virtually alone, and so it too disappeared. Few pictures survived. So any snapshots that may appear on the following pages are purely accidental. They are the rugged but right, the sturdy, the valiant. They escaped all darkroom difficulties only to live a public life in the /,44 // Wenonah.
So you will see TeeCee's family as they look, as they would like to look, and (in some cases) as they don't look. TeeCee boards most of her family in Shepard and Morey halls, and Lucas Lodge. Nightly parties, Sunday dress-ups, Saturday hikes, and anything not related to studying are in vogue there, as these snaps will verify.
Also if you are very observant, you will soon discover how greatly the boys are outnumbered in TeeCee's family. You see, many of them are off to the seven seas, so the girls carry on at TeeCee, waitina for the big family reunion in the near future. So now we present TeeCee's family.
Man about town.
Where’s Fred?
Peg again.
Up a tree
Lady in Waiting.
How did Cleo gfet in here?
Romness Stan Wolf, Wolf. ‘Joe’ Baking bread Alice Moe MelbaWho taught her how? Let’s you and she fight!
Kinky knees.