Wenonah Yearbook - 1941

Page 1

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Winona State Teachers College Winona, Minn.
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THE We4ixuuilt 1941

Puiluited iUe QfusAiioiUuf, Qlaá4e¿>

Managing Editor John Kunelius

Editor - in - Chief Lewis Schoening

Business Manager Paul Adamson


The graduating classes present this annual for the enjoyment of those to whom it has a very meaningful interest. We depart with the thought that our places which we have considered so important will not be forgotten, and will be very capably filled by our successors. We feel therefore, that our absence will not be too keenly felt.

We trust that this Annual will so well record our activities that in the future we may recall with pleasure our college experiences. With the poet we deeply feel that "The web of life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together."

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Contents Administration Classes Activities Athletics School Life Patrons


We dedicate this annual with sincere appreciation to him who has been our constant friend and willing helper, who has given us a broader view of life, and who has encouraged us to attain the highest. It is with gratitude and respect that we inscribe this volume to one who has laughed with us and has made our college life truly delightful.

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Every organization has its President. We are fortunate in having as ours one who is very active in educational circles. A tireless worker for the college which has now become his life. Dr. Mehus exemplifies at his work the true administrator. Vast energy, ceaseless purpose, vital ambition— these are characteristics of a leader; Winona's president is a true leader.

He has demonstrated his tolerance of student opinion by his readiness and willingness to listen to our suggestions.

New and stimulating courses have beenadded to the curriculum, always with the thought that we may receive a more liberal education.

PnMldent Mekué.

Arts, Social Science, Physical Education, Administration

There is a quintessence to every song we learn to sing, every art object we are inspired to make, and and every dance we learn to do. This strange material is also found when we learn to speak our languages correctly, when we learn about the universe and how men adjust to one another. This quintessence which source is the ideals, thoughts, and knowledge of our instructors is given so unselfishly and so cheerfully to us. It serves as the basic ingredient which makes W. S. T. C. such a friendly college, such an intellectual college, and a college where happiness is the key.

Firet row: Mr. W. E. Boots, Miss Mildred Bartsch, Mr. R. R. Reed, Miss Gladys Lynch, Mr. H. Capron, Mr. A. H. Langunti, Miss Florence Richards. Second row: Dr. E. S. Selle, Miss Barbara Andrews, Dr. J. B. Biesanz, Miss Catherine Crossman, Mr. C. Fisk, Miss Virginia Robb, Miss Agnes Bard, Miss Marion Davis. Seated: Dr. N. Minne, Miss Etta Christenson, Mr. C. L. Simmers, Mr. A. T. French, Mr. W. A. Owens, Dr. G. E. Galligan. Standing: Dr. M. R. Raymond, Dr. Ella Murphy, Mr. F. A. Jederman, Mr. M. E. MacDonald, Mr. R.J. Scarborough, Mr. H. Jackson, Mr. W. Grimm.

Phelps Office

"Student teaching", perhaps we should call it "a course in the fine points of understanding children", because our instructors at Phelps teach us just that. These fine people will show you how to make a child happy where under less skillful hands he would be very sad. They will show you the technique of teaching facts so that children are eager to learn. The Phelps people teach, by example, the secrets to success, friendliness, and happiness.

Registrar, nurse, librarian, and office staff is another way of saying patience, cheerfulness, helpfulness, and efficiency at Winona State Teachers College. These people are the ones to go to if you: wish to pay your board bill, barter one class for another, get an excuse slip, pay a library fine, or see the president. They will always help you out.

Front row: Mr. G. E. Fishbaugher, Miss Jeanne Brouillette, Miss Leslie Gage, Miss Opal Foster, Miss Beverly Martin, Miss Alice Grannis, Miss Floretta Murray. Second row: Miss Cathryn Cramer, Miss Amanda Aarestad, Miss Verna Hoyman, Miss Valeta Jeffrey, Dr. Ella Clark, Miss Betty Schwable. Miss Dorothy Schlesselman, Miss Rosalie Voelker, Miss Hilda Muhle, Miss Corlyn Weimer, Miss Alice Hickey, Miss Anne Sielaff, Miss Helen Pritchard,| Miss Minnie Zimmerman.


Montevideo, Minn.

Majors: Science, Mathematics

Minors: Social Science

Die-No-Mo, Science Club, I. R. C., Wenonah, Winonan, Kappa Delta Pi, Assembly Committee


Waterville, Minn.

Majors: English, Social Science

Minor: Biological Science

Winonan, I. R. C.


Harmony, Minn.

Majors: Physical Education, Social Science

Minor: Mathematics

"W" Club, Die-No-Mo, Men's Club, Winonan, Wenonah, Physical Education Club, Intramural Board, Basketball, Baseball


Albert Lea, Minn.

Major: Elementary Education

Intermediate Grade Club


Winona, Minn.

Majors: Music, Social Science

Minor: History

Mendelssohn Club, Chorus, Orchestra. Mason Music Club, Apollo Club Accompanist


Winona, Minn.

Majors: Elementary Education, Music

Band, Mendelssohn Club, Newman Club, Mason Music Club, Mixed Chorus, Primary Club, Die-NoMo, Wenonah, Attendant to Homecoming Queen '39-'40


New Albin, Iowa

Major: Elementary Education

Minors: Art, History

Country Life Club, French Club, Wenonah Players, Kappa Delta Pi, Y. W. C. A.


Winona, Minn.

Major: English

Minors: Music, Social Science

Radio Workshop, Y. W. C. A., League of Women Voters, Winonan, Orchestra


Tracy, Minn.

Majors: English, Social Science

Minor: Music

Apollo Club, Mixed Chorus, Mason Music Club, Wenonah, Kappa Delta Pi


Cokato, Minn.

Majors: Elementary

Minors: Art, Geography

Primary Club, Art Club, L. S. A., Winonan, Wenonah, Kappa Delta Pi, Purple Key, I. R. C.


Marshall, Minn.

Majors: Science, Industrial Arts

Minor: Social Science

Football, Track, Science Club, "W" Club, All-College Play


Herron Loke, Minn.

Major: Science

Minors: English, Mathemotics

7 Apollo Club, Mason Music, Wenonah Players, Science Club, DieNo-Mo, Representative Council

Paul Adamson Cyril Allen LaVerne Arns Margaret Brightman Mildred Berthelson Eileen Brodin Dolores Busse Kenneth Campion Marie Deters Elizabeth Donath Arthur Drackley Henry Duel


Winona, Minn.

Majors: Science, Mathematics

Wenonah Players, "W” Club, Science Club, I. R. C., Men's Club, Spring Plays, Football, Track, Intra-Murals


Winona, Minn.

Major: English

Minors: History, French

Newman Club, French Club, Winonan, I. R. C., Y. W. C. A., Radio Workshop, English Club


Winona, Minn.

Majors: Physical Education, Social Science

Minor: History

Physical Education Club, Winonan, Y. W. C. A., W. A. A., Radio Workshop, I. R. C.


Winona, Minn.

Major: Elementary Education

Minors: History, English

Intermediate Grades Club, Primary Club, Y. W. C. A.


St. Charles, Minn.

Majors: Physicol Education, Industrial Arts

Minor: Mathematics

Intra-mural Board, "W" Club, Physical Education Club, Football, Basketball, Intra-murals, Student Athletic Manager, Men's Club


Winona, Minn.

Majors: English, Music

Minor: Speech

Mendelssohn Club, Mason Music Club, Mixed Chorus, Wenonah Players, Radio Workshop, Die-NoMo


St. James, Minn.

Major: Elementary Education

Minor: Sociology

Kindergarten Club, Winonan, Wenonah, Primary Club, L. S. A., Kappa Delta Pi


Holmen, Wise.

Majors: Music, History

Minor: Social Science

Mendelssohn Club, Mason Music Club, Die-No-Mo, Mixed Chorus, Band, Orchestra, L. S. A., I. R. C., Who's Who, Social Committee, Homecoming Queen 1940.


Buhl, Minn.

Major: Elementary Education

Minor: English

Rangers Club, Primary Club, Y. W. C. A., Intermediate Grades Club



Kinbrae, Minn.

Major: Elementary Education

Minors: Physical Education, Art

Art Club, Phy. Ed. Club, I. R. C., Intermediate Grades Club, Newman Club, Kappa Delta Pi, Die-NoMo, Primary Club, Wenonah, Winonan

Winono, Minn.

Majors: Music, English

Minor: Physical Education

Mendelssohn Club, Mixed Chorus. Mason Music Club, Die-No-Mo, Wenonah Players


Shafer, Minn.

Major: Science

Minors: Physical Education, Social Science

"W" Club, L. S. A., Men's Club, Baseball

Everett Einhorn Arlene Fahey Mary June Fischer Helen Flemming Elizabeth Green Ardella Grier Alvin Flint Darrel Johnson Lorraine Hadler Eunice Hansen Joyce Haug Margaret Isaacson


Minneapolis, Minn.

Mojor: Elementary Education

Minor: History

Intermediate Grades Club, Primary Club, Y. W. C. A.


Wobosho, Minn.

Majors: Physical Education, Industrial Arts

Minor: Social Science

Die-No-Mo, Football, Basketball, Track, "W" Club, Building and Grounds Committee, Alumni Relotions. Athletic Board, Physical Education Club, Intra-murals


Eveleth, Minn.

Major: Music

Minors: Social Science, Art Orchestra, Band, Art Club


Embarrass, Minn.

Majors: History, Mothematics

Minor: Social Science

Art Club, Wenonah, Managing

Editor '41, I. R. C., Rangers Club, Football, Winonan


Cochrane, Wise.

Major: Elementary Education

Minors: English, History

League of Women Voters, L. S. A., Primary Club, Y. W. C. A., W. A. A. Board, Physical Education Club


Spring Grove, Minn.

Major: Elementary Education

Minors: Physical Education, History

Intermediates Grades Club, Primary Club, I. R. C., Phy. Ed, Club, Winonan, Y. W. C. A., Representative Council


Winona, Minn.

Majors: Industrial Arts, Science

Representative Council, Die-NoMo, Student Association President, Science Club, Kappa Delta Pi, Men's Club, "W" Club, Football, Track


Winona, Minn.

Major: English

Minors: French, History

Band, Mendelssohn Club, L. S. A., French Club, Die-No-Mo, Mixed Chorus, League of Women Voters, Y. W. C. A.


Winona, Minn.

Majors: English, History

Minor: Speech

Die-No-Mo, Radio Workshop, Wenonah, Box Office Student Manager, Ass't. Director Spring Play '41


Virginia, Minn.

Majors: Industrial Arts, Social Science


Homer, Minn.

Majors: Social Science, Music Band, Orchestra


Lake City, Minn.

Majors: Science, Physical Education

Minor: Mathematics

Kappa Delta Pi, Die-No-Mo, Physical Education Club, W. A. A. Board, Science Club, Representative Council, L. S. A., Y. W. C. A., Wenonah

Willyan Jones Jock Kalbrener Edward Korpela John Kunelius Elsie Kurzweg Merton Larsen Naomi Lee John LeMay Charles Libby Donna Loughrey Frances Luth Ethel Meyer


Winona, Minn.

Majors: English, History

Y. W. C. A., Koppo Delta Pi, Spring Play, Die-No-Mo, I. R. C., Winonon, Wenonah


Blooming Prairie, Minn.

Mcrjor: Mathematics, Physical Education

Minor: Social Science

Men's Club, Band, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Intra-mural Basketball, Men's Advisory Counci I, Men's Physical Education Club, Representative Council


Dakota, Minn.

Major: Social Science

Minors: Mathematics, History

Apollo Club, Country Life Club



Winona, Minn.

Major: Elementary Education

Minor: English

Primary Club


Albert Leo, Minn.

Majors: History, English

Minor: Social Science

W. A. A., Art Club, Newman Club


Robsart, Sask., Canoda

Major: Sociol Science

Minors: History, English

Apollo Club, Mixed Chorus, Country Life Club, I. R. C.


So. St. Paul, Minn.

Majors: Industrial Arts, Physical Education

Minor: History

"W" Club, I. R. C., Die-No-Mo, Boxing Coach, Football, Aeronautical Instructor, Boy Scout, Track, Phy. Ed. Club. Intra-murals

Matie Register


Albert Lea, Minn.

Majors: Science, Mathematics

Minor: Social Science

I. R. C., Y. W. C. A., Winonan, Wenonah, Kappa Delta Pi, Finance Committee


Winona, Minn.

Major: Elementary Education

Country Life Club


Blooming Prairie, Minn.

Major: Elementary Education

Minors: Social Science, Physical Education

Art Club, Wenonah Players, I. R. C., Kappa Delta Pi, Purple Key, Phy. Ed. Club, Intermediate Grades Club, Wenonah


Harmony, Minn

Majors: Industriel Arts, Physical Education

Men's Club, "W" Club, Mixed Chorus, Basketball, Football, Baseball


Winona, Minn.

Majors: English, History

Minor: Speech

Wenonah Players, I. R. C., Winonan, Wenonah, Die-No-Mo, Radio Workshop, Band, Spring Plays

Domitilla Molloy Edgar Morrison Jock Ollom Dorothy Millar Gerda Petersen Fred Pfeil Gerald Jean Risser Ruth Rockne Milton Roelofs Howard Rosencranz


Houston, Minn.

Major: English

Minors: Speech, Music

Wenonoh Players, Winonan, DieNo-Mo, Y. W. C. A., L. S. A., Mason Music Club


Walker, Minn.

Major: Social Science

Minors: Geography, Science

L. S. A., Men's Club, I. R. C., Wenonah, Editor-in-Chief'41, DieNo-Mo, Debate Club


Mabel, Minn.

Majors: Music, Social Science

Minor: English

Band, Orchestra, L. S. A., Mason Music Club, Kappa Delta Pi, Mixed Chorus, Finance Committee


Farmington, Minn.

Majors: Science, Mathematics

Men's Club, "W" Club, Die-NoMo, Science Club


Wabasso, Minn.

Majors: Physical Education, Social Science

Minor: English

Phy. Ed. Club, W. A. A., W. A. A. Board, I. R. C., Art Club, Wenonah, Winonan, Newman Club


Owatonna, Minn.

Major: Elementary Education

Minor: Music

Intermediate Grades Club, Country Life Club, Kappa Delta Pi, Y. W. C. A., I. R. C., Wenonah, Primary Club, League of Women

Voters, Who's Who


Eveleth, Minn.

Majors: Music, History

Minor: English

Mason Music Club, Newman Club, Orchestra, Rangers Club, Die-No-Mo, Apollo Club Accompanist


Inver Grove, Minn.

Major: Physical Education

Minors: Social Science, Science

W. A. A. Board, Phy. Ed. Club, Y. W. C. A., Die-No-Mo, Wenonah

Edwin Spencer


Columbia Heights, Minn.

Majors: Physicol Education, Social Science

"W" Club, Phy. Ed. Club, DieNo-Mo, Football, Basketball, Baseball. Intra-mural Board, Who's Who, Athletic Committee

Irene Stransky


Minneapolis, Minn.

Mojors: Physical Education, Sociol Science

Minor: Elementary Education

Phy. Ed. Club, Intermediate Grades Club, Y. W. C. A., Country Life Club, W. A. A. Spring Plays


Harmony, Minn.

Majors: Physical Education, Industrial Arts

Newman Club, Men's Club, "W" Club, Phy. Ed. Club, Football, Intra-murals, Track, Boxing


Winona, Minn.

Majors: Music, Mathematics

Band, Orchestra, Mason Music Club, Apollo Club, Mixed Chorus, Track, "W" Club

Lylah Sonden Lewis Schoening Alice Selness Edward Siebold Shirley Snyder Virginia Towner Elide Varani Frances Walsh Lloyd Walsh Robert Walters


Elgin, Minn.

Majors: Music, History

Minor: English

Mixed Chorus, Apollo Club, DieNo-Mo, Mason Music Club, Band, Orchestra


Kellogg, Minn.

Major: Mathematics

Minors: Science, Music

Orchestra, Band, Science Club, Kappa Delta Pi, Orchestra


Spirit Lake, Iowa

Major: Industrial Arts

Minors: Music, Social Science

Band, Orchestra, Mason Music Club, Assistant Band Director


Red Wing, Minn.

Major: Elementary Education

Minors: Music, History

Newman Club, Intermediate Grades Club, Primary Club, Winonan, Wenonah, League of Women Voters, Mason Music Club, Accapella Choir, Kappa Delta Pi



Rochester, Minn.

Major: English

Minors: French, Physicol Education, History

Phy. Ed. Club, French Club, Y. W. C. A., Wenonah, English Club

Caledonia, Minn.

Major: History

Minors: Physical Educotion, Fine Arts

"W" Club, Track, Band, Orchestra, Apollo Club, Die-No-Mo

Seniors Whose Pictures Do Not Appear


Wobosho, Minn.

Majors: History, Sociol Science

Y. W. C. A., League of Women Voters

Glen Weber Stanley Wehrenberg Winston Wells Dorothy Wiler Dorothy Yennie Donald ZimmerhakI


Hayfield, Minn.



SteMjartville, Minn.


Kindergarten Club, Primary Club, Band Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club


Winona, Minn.



Houston, Minn.

Intermediate Grade Club, Country Life Club


Chatfield, Minn


Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club, League of Women



Rushford, Minn.


Intermediate Grade Club, Country Life Club, L. S. A.


Elgin, Minn.


RUBY BLUM Winona, Minn.


Country Life Club, Intermediate Club, Primary Club Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club


Elk River, Minn.



Winona, Minn.



Elgin, Minn.


Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club


St. Paul Minn.


Kindergarten Club, Primary Club

Martha Bakken Loretta Benike Bernadine Bernard Betty Adams Helen Bailey Ruby Blum Helen Brandt Carol Briggs Ellen Corrigan Joyce Chadbourne Edna Mae Cunningham Elizabeth A. Currer

MILDA DAHL Spring Grove, Minn.


RUTH E. DIXON Appleton, Minn. Kindergarten—Primary


Marshland, Wise.


Intermediate Grade Club, Coun- Kindergarten Club, Primary Club, Newman Club, Intermediate try Life Club, Y. W. C. A., League Y. W. C. A. Grade Club, Country Life Club of Women Voters, L. S. A.


Spring Grove, Minn. Kindergarten


Lake City, Minn.


Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club


LaMoille, Minn.


Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club



Cauntry Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club

JEANE MARY DUNCAN Winona, Minn. Intermediate

Winonan, Wenonah, Y. V/. C. A., Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club


Intermediate Band, Orchestra, Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club, Wenonah Players



Newman Club, League of Women Voters, Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club, Winonan Staff, Wenonah Staff

SADIE GREER Lanesboro, Minn. Intermediate

Intermediate Grade Club, L. S. A., French Club

PHYLLIS GUY Cochrane, Wise.

Y. W. C. A., Country Life Club, Primary Club, Winonan Staff, Art Club

Milda Dahl Margaret Dammann Lulu Davis Halcyon Dixon Ruth E. Dixon Jeane Mary Duncan Catherine Gappa Adeline Gilbertson Marcella Glasrud Mildred M. Goswitz Sadie Greer Phyllis Guy


LeRoy, Minn.


Intermediate Grade Club, League of Women Voters, Country Life Club


Utica, Minn.


Primary Club, Y. W. C. A., Country Life Club, L. S. A., Art Club

ARVELLA LANCE Plainview, Minn.

Primary Primary Club

LORRAINE MARTIG Rochester, Minn.


Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club, Band

Primory—Rural Country Life Club


Caledonia, Minn.


Wenonah Players, French Club, Intermediate Grade Club, L. S. A., Country Life Club


Lake City, Minn.


Country Life Club, Primary Club, Band


Lonesboro, Minn.


Intermediate Grade Club, L. S. A., French Club

Mary Melby



Country Life Club, Primary Club, Y. W. C. A., Intermediate Grade Club

MARY MELBY Rochester, Minn. Kindergarten—Primary Kindergarten Club, Primary Club


Lonesboro, Minn.


Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club

ERNA ORTLIP Carber, Minn.


Y. W. C. A., W. A. A., Intermediate Grade Club, Country Life Club, Physical Education Club

Frances Hamlin Martha Hesby Marcella Juliet Agnes Kjos Arvella Lance NORMA MUELLER Le'vis^-on, Minn. Erna Ortlip Norma Mueller Jewell Nelson Marion Olson Dorothy Matias Lorraine Martig



Stillwater, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn.

Intermediate Grade Club, Country Life Club, Y. W. C. A., W. A. A., Secretary of Representative Council, Wenonah Players, Radio Workshop Club


Stíllwater, Minn.


Intermediate Grade Club, Country Life Club, W. A. A., Y. W. C. A.

Country Life Club, Grade Club

Grade Club, Y. W. C. A.


Zumbrota, Minn. Primary

Mendelssohn, Primary Club, Mixed Chorus


Ellendole, Minn.


Kindernarten Club, Y. W. C. A., Primary Club

DEVOLA RICH Sioux City, lo. intermediate—Rural

Winonan Staff, Wenonah Staff, Wenonah Players, Intermediate Grade Club

RUTH SCHMIDT Minneapolis, Minn. Intermediate

League of Women Voters, Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club, L. S. A.

Stillwater, Minn.


HELEN C. SOLIE Spring Grove, Minn.


Primary Club, Art Club, W. A. A., Y. W. C. A., Physical Education Club, Country Life Club, L. S. A.

CLARA SOLIE Spring Grove, Minn. Primary

Primary Club, Y. W. C. A., Country Life Club

Harriett Palm Anita Pauley Miriam Paustian Devola Rich Lorraine Rivard JO ANN SJOBERG LUCILLE SIMPSON
Zumbrota, Minn. Northfield, Minn. Intermediate Intermediate Kindergarten Intermediate
Intermediate Intermediate
Ruth Schmidt Jo Ann Sjoberg ETHEL SCHOLLBERG Ethel Schollberg Lucille Simpson Evelyn Sohn Helen C. Solie Clara Solie


Lake City, Minn.


League of Women Voters, Kindergarten Club, Y. W. C. A., L. S. A., Country Life Club


LeRoy, Minn.


League of Women Voters, Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club


Lanesboro, Minn.


Primary Club, Country Life Club


Caledonia, Minn.


Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club, L. S. A.


Dakota, Minn.


Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club, Primary Club, W. A. A.


Arcadia, Wise.



Red Wing, Minn.



Eyota, Minn.



Minneapolis, Minn.


Kindergarten Club, Primary Club, Y. W. C. A., Winonan Staff, Radio Workshop


Caledona, Minn.



Plainview, Minn.


Country Lite Club, Intermediate Grade Club



W. A. A., Intermediate Grade Club, Y. W. C. A., Country Life Club, Secretary of Sophomore Class

Anna Sprick Jeanne Stedman Lucile Theurer Flora Thimijan Pearl Thompson Estella Titrington Frances Turner Janice Marion Warley Doris Westby Evelyn Westby Betty White Maryidine Windhorst


Spring Valley, Minn.


Country Life Club, Primary Club



Winona, Minn.


Y. W. C. A., Primary Club, Country Life Club


Harmony, Minn.

Whose Pictures Do


Dodge, Wise.



Winona, Minn.


Not Appear


St. Poul, Minn.



Hastings, Minn.


Country Life Club, Primary Club, Winonan Staff COLLEEN STARZ


Lewiston, Minn.



Winona, Minn.


Country Life Club, Intermediate Grade Club

Zumbrota, Minn.



Winona, Minn.


Mabel, Minn.



Webster, Minn.



Forest Lake, Minn.



Winona, Minn.



LaMoille, Minn.




Montevideo, Minn.


Pauline Maride Ava Schultz Dorothy Weidman

Junior Class

In the family, "juniors" are named after their dads. In Winona, juniors are hopeful patterns of their superiors, the seniors. (Academic superiors, of course!)

Talent in the junior class runs high, if we wish to judge from the officers only. The class is strongly athletic, we predict, for its president is Robert Eastin, its vice-president, Charles Duncanson, whose names and pictures are sure to be on any Winona sports page. Music, so fine a force at Winona, is represented among junior officers by two Mendelssohn girls, Irene Sacket, junior secretary and Carol Bard, representative council member; and by Fred Heyer, treasurer, an orchestral man in his own right. Sportsmanship and school spirit has its place among junior officers in a former cheerleader, Mary Jane Martin, also a representative council member for the juniors. Dr. Minne is adviser.

Front Row: M. Heaser, E. Anderson, L. Johnson, D. Ellingson, R. Eakier, P. Lang, E. Johnson, M. J. Martin, M. McNalIan. Second Row: F. Eden, G. Edstrom, G. Feda, C. Bard, B. Bowen, M. Morcomb, M. Hanson, D. Hendry, E. Haakenstad. Third Row: L. Halstenrud, S. Clarke, M. Hammervold, H. Dénison, M. Haugan, B. Kissling, M. Little, F. McKnight, R. Hassig. Fourth Row: R. Johnson, E. Brandt, L. King, R. Eastin, M. Burt, C. Balcer, D. Bredeson, R. Eoss, J. Carlson. Front Row: D. Speltz, V. Pederson, C. Spande, 1. Sackett, R. Story, E. Russell, M. Schlesselman. Second Row: M. Stanek, P. Nipp, H. Parker, A. Pfeiffer, BNash, L. Olson. Third Row: E. Scholberg, R. Stephenson, M. Waldo, J. Zimdars, T. Siirila, D. Rich. Fourth Row: B. Scott, F. Hatfield, H. Nipp, V. Wood, L. Streuber.

Sophomore Class

The Greeks had a word for it, and it was sophomore: sophos, meaning wise; mores, a fool, foolish ( !) This class at Winona (and everywhere else) doesn't care to be reminded of the name's origin. In fact, it is probable that they did not know!

Sophomores form a house divided. There are thosewho graduate as two-year students, and those who seek degrees. They are a hardy lot for they have withstood a rigorously new freshman year and bravely face two years more of light and dark school days.

But sophomores—take heart. The wisest men and women may be those who know that sometimes also they are the foolish ones!

Class officers are: president, William Raymond; vice-president, Doris Johnson; secretary, Maryidine Windhorst; treasurer, Ruth Kjos; representative council, William Raymond, Albert Posy; adviser, Mr. Boots.

Front Row: A. Fahey, L. Freemire, M. Bambenek, H. Anderson, A. Busse, B. Brown, S. Harris, R. Boler. Second Row: F. Deters, R. Kjos, M. Caldwell, E. De Rover, R. Bogue, M. Kelberer, E. Belgum, H. Brandt, M. Jellis. Third Row: J. Hoeppner, D. Blondell, A. Knatterud, E. Abel, R. Johnson, F. Kohlmeyer, M. Johnson, G. Hoesley. Fourth Row: J. Blondell, L. Engelein, H. Hanson, A. Briggs, W. Bakke, R. Arns, W. Bleifus, D. Delano, G. Hanson. Front Row: M. Zepp, G. Sanford, R. Wakefield, D. Nichols, J. Ostrom, R. Swendiman, C. Starz, D. Sherin, C. Lundquist. Second Row: V. Reed, B. Walch, D. Mehus, E. Theurer, M. Quigley, G. Reinhardt, G. Miller, N. Werner. Third Row: E. Tolleson, W. Raymond, L. Luchsinger, E. Solberg, R. Schwichtenberg, A. Posz, W. Murbach, E. Peterson, B. O’Brien. Fourth Row: G. Radke, D. Ramczyk, G. Radtke, R. Olson, L. Petersen, W. Stitch, A. McCutchan, A. Schwabe, D. McConochie.

Freshman Class

Freshmen—like the poor—"ye have always with you." Each year they come, from a wide variety of places, far and near. From distant homes, Saskatchewan, Oklahoma, Montana, New York, North and South Dakota—these have furnished freshmen. From almost every county in Minnesota, from Iowa, Wisconsin, from cities, towns, villages; from rural areas; from interestingly different homes, from fine families.

Always the freshman class is largest of all, for it is from this grain that the grist of graduates is finally ground in the college mill. Here is youth, hopeful, cheerful, a little undecided, but testing, in their first year at Winona, the thirst after knowledge.

For the hundreds of freshmen who annually register in Somsen Hall, the trails of experience are often first flayed. It is no joke—this homesickness, this strangeness, this scurrying to adjust to a new pattern— classes, library, chapel, activities, initiation, new companions.

Front Row: C. Colbcnson, H. Colbenson, L. Bartz, M. Doyle, T. Bergsgaard, M. Dodge, L. Farstad, W. Christianson. Second Row: M. Chester, H. Bungarden, J. Biirtness. M,. Dvoracek, M. Christison, D, Belter, B. Clements, J, Ashbuch. l^ird Row: J. Bohks, A.,E)oebbert, M, Einhorn, A. Boyum, G, Armstrong, B. Erwin, L. Crawford, E. Fuller. Fourth Row: D. Ashley, L. Carpenter, J. Brokken, S. Burrington, C. Benson, B. Bartel, J. Critchfield, H. Bergler. Front Row: B. Lchni r. M. Hagcrthy, R. Kragc, M. Johnson, D. Gardner, D. Knopp, M. Gunderson, M. Jackson, N. Grausnick. Second Row: M. Graskamp, E. Larson, D. Goss, B. llauglum, A. Hartman, 1. Hauglum, M. llalloran, D. Hanson. Third Row: M. Harens. D. Jenkins, H. Hanson, W. Glover, K. Horihan, W. Johnson, C. Lehman, F. Lindgren, M. Koscielski. Fourth Row; J. Hittner, M. Hanson, M. Gabrielson, W. Fox, R. Luhmann, W. Lang, A. Hungerford.

Freshman Glass

And, bitter as it may seem, many freshmen are destined to spend a year or less in Winona. Such is the price of an educational mill: that some must serve as husks and hulls, mostly through no fault of their own.

Yes, freshmen are looked down upon, but since all are at one time in that class it is a mild, pleasant sort of inferiority which these new people enjoy. Even the most "superior seniors" must admit the fine necessity of freshmen. They bring new blood, new life into a group that is vital and rich because it changes. And so—though they be terribly green, though they wear purple caps each fall, and do "double button to upper classmen—a salute to all good freshmen!

This year's officers were: president, Dick Ashley;vice - president, Ann Boyum; secretary - treasurer, Maynard Gabrielson; advisers. Miss Robb, Dr. Biesanz.

Front Bow: J. Mathi.son, H. Greiner, R. Flanigan, M. Relier, L. Knight, M. Klavittcr, H. Daskoski, A. Larson, E. Omodt. Second Row: M. O'Neil, D. Nordstrom, W. Rader, E, McKee, M. O’Donnell, T. Onstad, B. Nash, A. ConnifT. Third Row: O. Benston, R, Boyum, D. Jorgenson, H. Borger, J, Opdyke, J. Miller, A. Nelson, H. Heley, E. Knoll. Fourth Row: E. Roble, W. Marx, R. Novotny, G. Robb, I. Pederson, B, Ritsher, W. Altwegg, D. Nelson. FrontRow: J. Tompkins, E. Wood, E. Thedens, G. Stanek, N. Schroeder, H. Standinger, A. Winkel, M. Zierdt, M. Zaspel. Second Row: L. Starz, M. York T. Simon, F. Thimijan, E. Weier, G. Zenke, E. Smith, D. Skow, B. Snider, K. Sandberg. Third Row: J. Seifert, E. Strand, L. Sullivan, G. Sims, R. Yackel, T. Sandberg, R. Traxler, W. Seeling. R. Tews. Fourth Row: R. Schmidt, L. Tollefsrud, L. Schouweiler, F. Schmidt, G. Schellhas. R. Shira, J. Stahmann, A. Stensland, L. Schwark.

We’ll Be Back

Well, we've spent another year at school, And learned right many a thing; We've come on happiness and thrill

That new friends always bring; We've tramped in snow that banked the walks. We've hurried in the rain.

And bred a hope within ourselves

That we'll come back again.

We've made our friends in funny ways; They come by chance—or fate;

"I saw her in the chorus once. And then we had a date."

"And he and took history."

"And met him in the play"

"And he's the one that helped me with my science one Spring day."

We leaned against the lockers and We whistled in the halls.

We made sarcastic faces

At the pictures on the walls; We scoffed at chapel and at lunch.

Bad manners often plain

But all are hoping that next year We'll be back here again.

And then for those who won't be back. The ones who graduate. It always seems to me quite sad

To watch them sit and wait;

To see that lump come in their throat. Their heart and facial pain.

As way down deep they want to shout That they'll be back again.

—F. Foss.


Silence masterful silence intricately delicate flakes falling sadly to earth.

Silence stinging silence swish, swish of grass, footsteps walking away.

Silence peaceful silence pit—-pit splash of rain on a new-dug grave.

'liJitU the. Poet Ashes

I burned them last night. One by one I threw them on the blazing logs.

Long cherished dreams— My love and yours— Written so tenderly. So meaningly on bits of paper.

Your letters, picture, notes. Everyone of them A part of you.

In doing it—I burned my heart. Seared yours, too— But you never knew— You never felt the flame Leap up and lick your heart.

I wish I hadn't done it! The curling papers grinned at me. A spitful, taunting smile.

Ah, fool ! they seemed to say. You've lost him now. No part of him is left for you.

The fire died. And, soaring far beyond my reach And crisp—burnt love— And you.

Night Piece

Lovely silver night. Flecked with thousand twinkling stars And frothy cobweb filigree.

Ravelled clouds outspread. Revealing therethe frosty moon. So austere and so bright.

Softly weep, and wind

A scarf of silver round the throat Of Daphne leaning o'er the brook.

ígaam a P04^

Newman Club Y. W. C. A.

Deriving its name and inspiration from Cardinal Newman, the Newman Club functions as the organization for Catholic students of the college. Religious, educational, and social aims bring the members numbering about forty, to meetings held the third Sunday of each month, with Study Club Meetings twice monthly in addition. Father O'Day carries on discussions with members of the group.

ThreeCommunion Breakfasts, a tea for all Catholic students, and a Christmas party were among the group's activities this year.

For officers the Newman Club has: president, Dorothy Wiler; vice-president, Jerome Hoeppner; secretary, Deloris Busse; treasurer, Lloyd Walsh; adviser. Dr. Ella Clark.

If you girls have never had a "sticker" you had better join the Y. W. C. A. next year—for here you'll learn what they are and how much fun they are even if you have to guess who they are.

Each year every girl draws a name and during the rest of the year is remembered on birthdays, holidays etc. by her "sticker" or the girl who drew her name. At the end of the year the "sticker's" identity is revealed.

Besides being a social organization, the Y. W. C. A. is a work group; its purpose is one of service.

Miss Richards and Miss Cramer are advisers. Officers are: president, Irene Stransky; vice-president, Phyllis Guy; secretary, Margaret Little; treasurer, Ruth Swendiman.

Front Row: D. Wiler, D. Busse, L. Walsh, J. Hoeppner, M. Halloran, M. Zcpp, D, Belter. Second Row: A. Fahey, A. Fahey, M. Goswitz, M. O’Donnell, A' Busse, FÍ. Standinger. Third Row: Dr. Clark, M. McNallan, H. Bungarden, E. Green, J. Miller, M. Socha, D. Speltz. Fourth Row: M. Stanek, G. Stanek’ P. Nipp, W. Rader, M. Koscielski, D. Hendry. Fifth Row: C. Gappa, D. Ramczyk, J. Hittner, H. Nipp, K. Horihan, R. Kenney, R. Schmidt. Front Row: Miss Richards, H. Solie, V. Pederson, I. Stransky, R. Swendiman, M. Little, E. Donath, R. Hassig, H. Smith. Second Row: M. Dahl, C. Lundquist, D. Hanson, E. Wood, N, Werner, T. Onstad, B. Hauglum, M. Parker, D. Ellingson, E. Kurzweg. Third Row: M. Hanson, G. Sanford, J. Burtness, L. Freemire, M. Hagerthy, M. Isaacson, I. Hauglum, H. Bungarden, J. Warley, S. Skogen. FourthRow: D. Mehus, M, Schrank, T. Bergsgaard, M. Paustian, E. Fuller, M. Haugan, L. Simpson, R. Dixon, C. Briggs, D. Skow. Fifth Row: K. Sandberg, D, Jorgenson, M. Jellis, M. York, E. Omodt, M, Deters, J. Opdyke, B. Clements, B. Nash, M. Koseielski. Sixth Row: M. Hammervold, M, Hesby, L. Crawford, M. Doyle, H. Denison, M, Christison, E. Anderson, C. Shannon, A. Sprick.

Intermediate Grades Club

All of you students who plan on teaching in the intermediate grades should belong to the Intermediate Grade Club, for here you can pick up pointers which will help you "in the field" as well as participate in various festive gatherings.

The club is for both two year and degree students interested in thisfield.

Officers are: president, Lorraine Rivard; vice-president, Evelyn Westby; secretary-treasurer, Leona Holstenrud; program chairman. Pearl Thompson; adviser. Dr. Ella Clark.

Country Life Club

Do you realize what you may be up against the first time you go out to teach in a rural community?

One of the school organizations, the Country Life Club, helps you to find solutions for the problems you may have to face. The purpose of the club is to promote fellowship, good will and understanding, and interest in rural education.

'Officers for the past year have been: Frances Turner, president; Phyllis Guy, vice-president; Lorraine Rivard, secretary-treasurer; Miss Taylor, advisor.

First Row: Inez Hauglum, Betty Clements, Doris Westby, Leona Halstenrud, Lorraine Rivard, Pearl Thompson, Bernice Hauglum, Dorothy Gardiner, Evelyn Wood. Second Row: Anita Pauley, Dorothy Gardner, Harriet Palm, Halceyon Dixon, Dolores Hendry, Marian Heaser, Dorothy Wiler, Madella Hagerty, Marion Doyle, Milda Dahl. Third Row: Edna Cunningham, Dr. Clark. Erna Ortlip, Betty White, Martha Bakken, Mary Lou Martinson, Margaret Isaacson, Vivian Pederson. Colleen Slarz. Maribeth Halloran. Fourth Row: Bernadine Bernard, Irene Stransky, Loretta Benike, Elizabeth McKee, Marian McBeth, Evadien Smith, JoyceOpdyke, Maryidine Windhorst, Irene Anderson. Miss Aarestad. Fifth Row: Josephine Burtness, Lucille Simpson, Frances Hamlin. Mrs. Berthelson, Willyan Jones, Sadie Greer. Justine Miller. Joy Seifert, Mabel Hammewold, Evelyn Westby. Sixth Row: Devola Rich, Mildred Goswitz, Helene Bailey, Agnes Kjos, Ruth Bogue, Ruth Schmidt, Helen I’lemming, Adeline Gilbertson, Jewel Nelson, Sybil Skogen. Front Row: H. Solie, M. Goswitz, M. Windhorst, H. Palm, L. Rivard, E. Turner, E. Anderson, D. Gardner, J. Stedman. Second Row: M. Hesby, A. Pauley, A. Larson, J. Mathison, B. Bernard, B. Hauglum, I. Stransky, P. Thompson, P. Maride, L.Davis. Third Row: M. Zepp, L. Martig, H. Dixon, J. Burtness, D. Knopp, V. Reed, S. Skogen, A. Sprick, E. Kurzweg. Fourth Row: M. Hagerthy, M. Dahl, L. Starz, A. Hartman, M. O'Donnell, 1. Hauglum, L. Benike, N. Mueller, E. Cunningham. Fifth Row: M. York, E. Omodt, E. Thedens, M. Chnstison, D. Jorgenson, E. Smith, E. Euller, E. Wood, B. Clements, D. Westby. Sixth Row: H. Bungarden, D. Hanson, O. Benston, M. Schrank, E. McKee, R. Schmidt, I. Anderson, M. Bakken, E. Westby. Seventh Row: H. Greiner, R. Boyum, J. Opdyke, J. Miller, R. Bogue, T. Onstad, L. Crawford, T. Bergsgaard, T. Simons, B. White.

Kindergarten Club Primary Club

Chrysanthemums snowy white, bright yellow, rich bronze—worn on Homecoming Day last fail, are symbolic of the friendliness and service of the Kindergarten Club. Others will remember the group for the Christmas cards, or the candy sold by club members.

Activities of the organization are both business-like and social. Two of the year's important events apart from the continued interest in the way of little minds and hands of children, were the teas, one given in honor of Miss Louise Sutherland who retired last year from the faculty, the other given by Mr. Robert R. Reed to carry on the tradition began by the late Mrs. Reed's mother, an early kindergarten teacher here.

Officers of the club are: president, Eunice Hansen; first vice-president, Rosewayne Stephenson; second vice-president, Marcella Glasrud; third vice-president, Bonnie Nash; secretary, Janice Warly; treasurer, Helen Standinger.

The aims of the Primary Club are both professional and social. Part of the meetings are devoted to a study of problems encountered in teaching in the first three grades, while other meetings such as the "get acquainted party" in early fall, the dinner meeting, and the picnic at Bluffside are designed to promote friendship. Several fine lectures are presented each year. The club plans to entertain another educational club of the school, and this year, the Intermediate Grade Club was entertained. "Hi-Lights" of the program were an illustrated lecture on the "Wonders of New York" by Mr. Reed and songs by the Busse trio. Other activities were a banquet in the spring, a Book Week Program, a Christmas play, and a Valentine party.

Officers are: president, Vivian Pederson; first vice-president, Marie Deters; second vicepresident, Evelyn Anderson; secretary, Jean Risser; treasurer, Helen Dennison; sponsors: Miss Gage, Miss Foster, Miss Brouillette.

Front Row: Miss Schwable, E. Hansen, M. Shield, M. Glasrud, H. Standinger, B. Nash, J. Warley, M. Zepp, Miss Martin. Second Row: M. O'Neil, A. Wesf fall, H. Brandt, R. Stephenson, B. Adams, B. Lehner, C. Shannon, M. Graskamp. Third Row: M. Melby, N. Grausnick, R. Story, G. Stanek, H. Denison, AWinkel, E. Anderson, L. Farstad, B. McIntyre. Fourth Row: C. Colbenson, D. Skow, B. Irwin, R. Dixon, E. Weier, M. Johnson, L. Theurer, A. Doebbert, A. Sprick. Fifth Row: E. Larson, E. Currer, J. Sjoberg, C. Briggs, E. Theurer, A. Larson, B. Snider, M. Kelberer. Sixth Row: J. Tompkins, F. Thimijan, D. Nichols, M. Faustian, E. Belgum, M. McNallan, H. Colbenson. Front Row: Miss Brouillette, V. Pederson, J. Risser, H. Denison, M. Meyers, F. Deters, Miss Gage, E. Anderson, Miss Foster. Second Row: E. Hansen, A. Westfall, R. Hassig, M. Little, H. Solie, N. Hoffman, M. Isaacson, L. Halstenrud, M. Shield, E. Kurzweg. Third Row: J. Tompkins, M. Faustian, J. Warley, 1. Stransky, R. Dixon, M. Socha, V. Reed, E. Russell, D. Wiler. Fourth Row: E. Omodt, T. Bergsgaard, E. Sohn, T. Onstad, H. Stahmann, F. Bernhardt, C. Shannon, E. Haakenstad, D. Speltz. Fifth Row: L. Starz, M. York, M. Chester, J. Stedman, F. Turner, L. Crawford, B. Adams, M. McNallan, J. Chadbourne. Sixth Row: P. Maride, M. Hesby, E. Weier, G. Armstrong, C. Briggs, W. Jones, F. Thimijan, K. Sandberg, E. Currer.

International Relations CInb ScienceClub

International peace and brotherhood in 941 sound like a big and rather far-fetched order, but at least one organization in Winona Teachers College clings firmly to such ideas. This is the International Relations Club, one of a large number of similar units organized under the Carnegie Endowment for International peace.

Membership in the local group is limited to thirty-five students interested in the unbiased study of domestic and foreign affairs, and who meet once each month for discussion and reports. An unusual feature of this year's I. R. C. activities was the presentation before the entire student body of a panel of special reports on the present war. Regular meetings of the I. R. C. are pleasantly diversified with debates, panel discussions, guest speakers and reviews of books on vital problems sent to theclub by the Carnegie Endowment.

Officers of the club are: president, H. Rosencranz; vice-president, Cyril Allen; secretary, Irene Stransky; treasurer, Charles Balcer; adviser. Dr. Selle.

A wizard in his fantastic laboratory could produce no marvels more fascinating than the every-day wonders about which the interests of the Science Club center. Scientific hobbies of the student members find creative expression in the Science Night exhibit. May 6th this year, where the spirit of the times is revealed in the chemistry of industry, the miracle of the test tube, and the absorbing secrets—physical, chemical, geological, biological—of our life and world.

Senior members of the club undertook a new venture this year in the visit to major industrial and scientific plants of Milwaukee, Madison, and Chicago.

Dr. Raymond and Dr. Minne are club advisers. The officers are: president, Ethel Meyer; vicepresident, Paul Adamson; secretary-treasurer, Francis Hatfield; and program chairman, Henry Duel.

Front Row: E. Brodin, Dr. Selle, H. Rosencranz, C. Balcer, I. Stransky, M. J. Martin, E. Anderson. Second Row: A. Fahey, D. Millar, S. Synder, D. Ellingson, R. Swendiman, L. Halstenrud. Third Row: V. Pederson, G. Petersen, M. Fischer, J. Haug, M. Stanek, C. Spande, L. Schoening. Fourth Row: G. Sadowski, E. Einhorn, L. King, H. Nipp, D. Bredeson, E. Morrison. Fifth Row: V. Wood, J. Ollum, W. Bleifus, M. Burt, J. Kunelius, A. Knatterud. Front Row: E. Siebold, P. Nipp, F. Hatfield, P. Adamson, H. Duel, E. Meyer. Second Row: N. Werner, E. Einhorn, L. King, K. Campion, G. Petersen. Third Row: C. McVey, E. Coyle, S. Wehrenberg, A. McCutchan, D. Bredeson, J. Hoeppner. Fourth Row: G. Erickson, J. Zimdars, H. Nipp, W. Bleifus, G. Sadowski, Dr. Raymond.

Die No Mo Club ‘TClub

"Stuporman'' and ''everything that is right and just" triumphed at this year's Die-No-Mo Show, "Caught in the Draft", presented Feb. 26.

"Caught in the Draft" was a take-off on army life, opening with a radio broadcast from Station RVOK of "Drafts, the National Lottery," under the sponsorship of Smellsafter Soap. The plot thickened thereafter, with a villian trying to steal the proverbial "secret plans", and Stuporman very wittingly trapping the culprits. Several original Songs by Henry Duel and Fred Heyer and acts ranging from a clarinette quartette to KernelKorn and his Hobblers, were special features of the show.

Faculty sponsors of the Die-No-Mo Club are: Dr. Minne, Dr. Murphy, Mr. Reed, Dr. Selle. Officers are: president, Henry Duel; vice-president, Ethel Meyer; secretary-treasurer, Barbara Kissling.

Next fall when you attend the football games don't forget to buy "popcorn, peanuts, chewing gum" from the concession stand operated by "W" Club men. Proceeds go for senior blanket awards to those outstanding in athletics. All of the men of the college who have earned a letter in a major sport may become members of the "W" Club; the coach of any major sport is a member of the club at all times.

Officers are: president, LaVerne Arns; vice-president, Don McConachie; secretarytreasurer, Charles Duncanson; advisor. Dr. Galligan.

Frort Row: R. Fakler, E. Tolleson, B. Kissling, L. Schoening, Dr. Selle, H. Duel, E. Meyer, M. Martin. Second Row: E. Kurzweg, E. Varani, G. Edstrom, MBambenek, A. Busse, P. Lang, M. Martinson, 1. Sackett. Third Row: L. Halstenrud, D. Busse, D. Millar, E. Green, B. Nash, C. Bard, D. Loughery, F. Walsh* Fourth Row: F. Luth, L. Sanden, E. Siebold, L. Arns, H. Rosencranz, J. Hoeppner, J. Haug, C. Spande. Fifth Row: R. Foss, C. Duncanson, R. Eastin, A. Posz, C. Balcer, J. Flynn, P. Adamson. Front Row: L. Arns, !.. Walsh, C. Duncanson, M. Roelofs, E. Spencer. Second Row: D. Johnson. J. Flynn, R. Eastin, J. Clawson, V. Wood. Third Row: J* Kalbrencr, R. F'oss. E. Brandt, E. Einhorn, J. Carlson. Fourth Row: R. .lolinson, R. Walters, D. McConochie, G. Peterson. Fifth Row: E. Siebold, H. Hanson, W. Glover, D. Delano, A. Flint.

Wenonah Players

An old-fashioned melodrama, "He Ain't Done Right By Nell", with its cheers for the trueblue hero and hisses for the sly villain was the festive contribution to 1940's Homecoming made by the Wenonah Players, since 1916, the heart of work in dramatics at the college.

Long hours at rehearsals, painstaking work on "sets" and costumes brought at length the fall production of the players, Dan Totheron's "Moor Born", the haunting life story of the Bronte sisters.

To those members of the organization whose hard work and interest have made especially helpful contributions to the success of Wenonah Players, Guard memberships are awarded by means of a point system. To Dr. Gladys Lynch, Dr. Ella Murphy, advisors of Wenonah Players, must be given the award of those who serve well.

Officers of the organization are C. Balcer, president; A. Grier, vice-president; L. Sanden, secretary; H. Duel, treasurer; M. J. Martin, corresponding secretary.

Radio Workshop

In the studio a signal for silence is given. The sound effects man glances over his equipment. A musical theme fades out, and the announcer says, "The Winona State Teachers College Radio Workshop presents. The House of Seven Gables,' a dramatic adaptation of Hawthorne's famous novel." The half-hourthat follows such an announcement from seven to seven-thirty on Thursday evenings, over KWNO is typical of the activities of this alert student organization seriously interested in the production of radio programs. Announcing, acting, sound effects, and often the writing of the scripts used are done by members of the group, in cooperation with station KWNO.

Membership in the group is based upon cornpetitive tryouts. Dr. Lynch is the adviser. Officers are; president, N. Van Devanter; vicepresident, Elizabeth Donath; secretary, Ruth Story; treasurer, Ray Johnson; publicity director, Chârîes Balcer.

Front Row: J. Nelson, N. Werner, H. Palm, L. Sanden, L. Johnson, M. Martin, M. Shield. Second Row: D. Rich, V. Pederson, C. ^ande, C. Starz, C. Bard, O. Rue, M. Hanson. Third Row: E. Russell, M. Morcomb, B. Walsh, A. Boyum, M. Waldo, R. Rockne, E. Tolleson. Fourth Row: A. Gilbertson, M. Thompson, H. Duel, M. Burt, A. Posz, B. Kissling, B. Nash. Fifth Row: T. Sandburg, C. Balcer, R. Johnson, W. Laabs, H. Nipp, E. Einhorn, H. Rosencranz. Front Row: E. Tolleson, M. Morcomb, J. Warley, A. Fahey, E. Russell, M. Parker. Second Row: A. Grier, F. Luth, B. Walsh, M. Fischer, H. Palm, O. Rue* Third Row: M. Hanson, M. Wilson, C. Duncanson, N. Van Devanter, C. Balcer, E. Donath. Fourth Row: M. Johnson, R. Johnson, W. Laabs, F. Hatfield, H. Rosencranz.


Who works long and faithfully many evenings before a college play? 'Tis none other than the college orchestra, which accompanies plays staged by the Wenonah players and college groups. The orchestra gives chapel concerts several times each year, playing selections of several composers as Grieg, Tschaikowsky, Rubenstein, and Stephen Foster.

The orchestra, which meets twice weekly, is under the direction of Mr. Langum and officers of the club are: president, Robert Walters; vicepresident. Elide Varani; librarian, Ruth Flanigan; secretary-treasurer. Fern McKnight.


1-2-3-4, a familiar sound from the band regions of Somsen Hall, far down there the band meets three days each week. The band gives students who play instruments an opportunity for group work and also familiarizes them with music suitable for junior and senior high schools.

At football games the thirty members of the band, with cold and numbed fingers, chilled feet and red ears, play valiantly on helping to cheer the boys to victory. From one corner of the gym at basketball games you may hear the boom, boom, of the bass drum and the squeaking of the clarinets.

As a college tradition, the band gives a concert each year in chapel. One of the outstanding selections played this year was the “Poet and Peasant Overture" by Suppe.

Mr. Langum is director of the band and is assisted by Mr, Clyde High.

Officers are: president, Winston Wells; vice-president, John Flanigan; and librarian, Dorothy Speltz.

Left to Right - Seated: Elide Varani. First Row: P. Lang, D. Sherin, E. Donath, B. Adams, W. Wells, L. Kobmson, S. Harris, F. McKnight, O. Mehus* Second Row: Mr. Langum, J. Flanigan, R. Walters, S. Wehrenberg, G. Sanford, D. Speltz, R. Flanigan, D. Boyum. Back Row: L. Sullivan, M. Hanson, GWeber, L. Slreuber. Front Row: C. High, G. Sanford, D. Speltz, B. Adams, G. Sims, W. Wells, L. Knight, L. Martig, B. Lehner, Mr. Langum. Second Row: L. Streuber, J. Sjoberg* D. Boyum, W. Johnson, W. Marx, S. Wehrenberg, L. Sullivan, D. Nordstrom, L. Starz, M. Zepp. Third Row: R. Schwichtenberg, J. Flanigan, A. Selness, R. Flanigan, R. Walters, G. Miller, M. Hanson. Fourth Row: O. Renslo, G. Weber, A. Posz, J. LeMay.

Mason Music Club

If you've been fretting about the ASCAP National Association of Broadcasters struggle over music, sympathize with the Mason Music Club, an organization composed of majors and minors in music. Weekly radio programs sponsored and participated in by Mason Music Members were cancelled for a time owing to the difficulties about acceptable music.

Outside musical programs, however, such as the Winona Choral Club Concert, are still held under the sponsorship of the Mason Music organization. Social meetings are also a part of the yearly program in this group where "music is king."

Officers are: president, Carol Bard; vicepresident, Planetta Lang; secretary-treasurer, Jean Ostrom; adviser, Mr. Grimm.

Mendelssohn CInb

The Mendelssohn Club has for its purpose the stimulation of the musical life of the school and community through its high musical standards. Its activities include concert tours to various schools of Minnesota. The annual May recital has become an important event in the annals of the school. Officers: President, Lorraine Hadler; Vice-President, Delores Busse; Recording Secretary, Irene Sackett; Corresponding Secretary, Carol Bard; Treasurer, Helen Anderson; Director, Mr. Grimm.

Front Row: C. Shannon, D. Sp>eltz, I. Sackett, C. Bard, H. Anderson, A. Busse, P. Lang, E. Johnson, D. Sherin, E. Anderson. Second Row: M. Relier, M. Heaser, L. Freemire, M. Parker, M. Bambenek, B. Nash, J. Ostrom, R. Story, M. Brightman. Third Row: L. Sanden, R. Kjos, F. Deters, G. Feda, R. Stephenson, H. Denison, J. Seifert, A. Grier, F. McKnight, H. Brandt. Fourth Row: E. Varani, M. Martin, G. Miller, J. Haug, L. Hadler, A. Selness, D. Busse, A. Drackley, D. Blondell. Fifth Row: A. Posz, D. Boyum, L. Tollefsrud, O. Renslo, C. Balcer, W. Johnson, E. Morrison, R. Walters. Sixth Row: L. Sullivan, L. Streuber, R. Johnson, B. Weber. Left to Right: First Row, M. Gunderson. G. Sanford, F. Deters, E. Johnson, V. Courtier, P. Lang. Second Row: G. Feda, D. Busse, B. Nash, M.! Bambenek, 1. Sackett. Top to Bottom, First Row: M. Relier, J. Sjoberg, E. Sohn, G. Miller, L. Hadler, E. ToIIeson, G. Kahl, W. Christianson, M. Brightman, B. Kissling. Second Row: D. Loughrey, G. Edstrom, A. Grier, M. Martin, M. Rother, A. Busse. Third Row: H. Anderson, C. Bard, J. Haug.

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Sing! Sing! Sing! Thehearts are gay! And drop at any meeting of the Apollo Club, the Mendels

Mixed Chorus

The Mixed Chorus is made up of men and women of the college, who enjoy group-singing. This year the group prepared and broadcast a Christmas program. At present the club is practicing music which they plan to use in concerts both here and out of town. The Mixed Chorus presented a program at Stout Institute in return for the one which Stout presented here last year. President, Genevieve Edstrom; Vice-President, Alice Busse; Secretary-treasurer, Barbara Kissling; Librarian, Germaine Feda; Director, Mr. Grimm.

that's exactly what you would find should you eaves sohn Club, or the Mixed Chorus.

Apollo Club

The Apollo Club, the male choral organization, was organized eleven years ago having as its objective the fostering of good music and the training of the voice. This year the sixteen members limit was increased to twenty-four. Each spring theclub makes a tour to other schools and culminates its activities with a concert at the college auditorium.

Officers: President, Glen Weber; Vice-president, Eldon Coyle; Secretarytreasurer, Douglas Blondell; Business Manager, Albert Posz; Librarian, David Boyum; Director, Mr. Langum.

Front Row: M. Rother, M. Gunderson, Mr. Grimm, G. Edstrom, W. Christianson. Second Row: F. Deters, G. Relier, P. Lang, E. Johnson, B. Kissling, E. Tolleson, A. Grier, I. Sackett. Third Row: G. Sanford, M. Martin, G. Miller, H. Anderson, L. Hadler, D. Busse, B. Nash, G. Bard. Fourth Row: R. Walters, R. Foss, G. Balcer, W. Johnson, M. Burt, E. Morrison, G. Weber. Fifth Row: H. Hanson, H. Macemon, A. Posz. D. Boyum, F. Abel, L. Tollefsrud, A. Draekley. Front Row: Piani.st. E. Varani. J. Hittner. L. Sullivan. S. Persons, D. Blondell, E. Coyle, H. Macemon, A. Drackley, G. Weber. Second Row: E. Morrison, L. Tollesrud. C. Baicer, W. Johnson, R. Schwichtenberg, F. Abel, A. Posz, D. Boyum. Third Row: Mr. Langum, L. Petersen, W. Bakke, M. Burt, W. Marx, O. Renslo, M. Hanson, H. Hanson.

Kappa Delta Pi

Those worthy, students who have maintained a scholastic average of 1.70, participated in at least two extra-curricular activities, and have completed 28hours of college work, are eligible for Kappa Delta Pi, a national honor society in education.

The Gamma Tau Chapter of our college holds monthly meetings at which persons prominent in education address the club and at which student discussions are fostered. Because knowledge, duty and power are embodied in the Greek letters Kappa Delta Pi, those students elected strive to attain these aims and to promote a high esteem for teaching as a profession.

Readers, don't believe that these students are merely a "brain trust" and study all the time. They are human like the rest of us and have their share of good times too.

President, Eileen Brodin; vice-president, Charles Libby; secretary, Marie Deters; treasurer, Elizabeth Green; historian reporter, Dorothy Millar; adviser, Mr. Simmers.

Purple Key

Purple—color of royalty, symbolic of honor—signifies honor in the college for those students who offer the greatest promise of fulfilling the ideals of the teaching profession. Membership in Purple Key is awarded annually to a very few members of the student body upon the basis of excellent scholarship and helpful participation in extra-curricular activities. The organization is entirely honorary; there are no officers, no meetings. Yet membership in Purple Key is sought as the highest honor of Winona State Teachers College.

Front Row: E. Hanson, E. Brodin, E. Anderson, M. Deters, I. Stransky, L. Johnson, D. Wiler, C. Shannon. Second Row: F. McKnight, V. Pederson, E. Russell, D. Millar, A. Selness, P. Nipp, L. Halstenrud. Third Row: R. Rockne, E. Green, G. Petersen, B. Kissling, C. Bard. Fourth Row: P. Adamson, C. Balcer, L. King, M. Burt, Mr. Simmers, S. Wehrenberg, A. Drackley, Front Row: E. Brodin, V. Pederson. Back Row: L. Halstenrud, H. Duel, R. Rockne.

Representative Council

Away back in 1931 the represerntative council was organized and from that time up to the present all important matters have been taken up with the council before being presented to the student body.

Very interesting it is to sit in on a monthly meeting where subjects under discussion range from subscribing to the Greek war relief fund, and inclusion of the annual cost in the tuition fee, to locker segregation.

Being the medium through which the student body acts, the members of this governing body are elected from the four classes.

Officers for the year 1940-41 have been: president, Charles Libby; vice-president, Barbara Kissling; secretary, Harriet Palm; advisers. Miss Grannis and Mr. Boots.

Front Row: Miss Grannis, D. Johnson, C. Bard, H. Palm, M. Jellis, M. J. Martin. Second Row: W. Raymond. G. Peterson, H. Duel, R. Eastin, A. Posz* iJ. Kalbrener. Mr. Boots.

W. A. A. stands for Women's Athletic Association, but more than that, the letters stand for clean, health-giving sport for all women of the college who are members. Typical of the club's vigorous and vital program was the participation of twenty-three young women in the annual Play Day held this year at Mankato State T. C. Girls who like soccer, speedball, hockey, basketball, volleyball, softball, and other sports like the W. A. A.

The Association is governed by the elective Women's Athletic Board of nine members. Officers of the board are: president, Shirley Snyder; vice-president, Ruth Fakler, and secretary-treasurer, Doris Johnson; Advisers are Miss Andrews and Miss Robb.

'I he athletics activities carried out by the men vary from inter-collegiate activities to intramural games of volleyball, basketball, and activities of a lower organization.

Dr. Galligan Coach Jackson Volleyball Champions Basketball Champions
Cooch Fisk Coach Biesonz
A Noble Game

Women's Physical Education Club

"All women physical education majors and minors please report in room 134." The purpose of the club IS to promot a feeling of unity among the members of the group and to raise the standards and ideals in physical education. The year's program of work consisted of study meetings and play meetings in whichclub members engaged in seasonal sports.

The club has devoted twenty years of service to the promotion of professional interests among its members.

The officers are: President, Ann Martin; Vice-president, Virginia Towner; SecretaryTreasurer, Carmen Spande; Advisers are Miss Andrews and Miss Robb.

Intramural Board

You've heard of the board of governors? Well, the Intramural Board is like that. This group, consisting of the Captain or Co-Captains of the basketball team and a representative of each of the four classes, regulates and controls the boys' intramural athletic events. Through such activities a wider and more informal participation is secured in such sports as volleyball, basketball, and tennis.

This year's board was made up of; cocaptains, Charles Duncanson and Ed Spencer; senior, Alvin Flint; junior, Eldon Brandt; sophomore, Gordon Hansen; freshman, Gordon Schellhas.

û I
Front Row: A. Martin, V. Towner, Miss Robb, Miss Andrews, C. Spande, F. Walsh. Second Row: E. Kurzweg, E. Ortlip, S. Harris, S. Snyder, L. Halstenrud, C. Lundquist. Third Row: V. Schuh, I. Bates, M. Waldo, E. Green, D. Johnson, D. Yennie. Fourth Row: M. Morcomb, E. Bowen, D. Mehus, M. Fischer, H. Solie, M. Caldwell, E. Meyer. Left to Right: G. Schellhas, C. Duncanson, A. Flint, G. Hanson, E. Spencer, E. Brandt.


Coach Biesanz was faced with the problem of molding a tennis team from the few but interested aspirants. Those returning from last year's competition were E. Siebold, B. Raymond, and N. Van Deventer. The first game of the year was played against Luther College. Other games played were with La Crosse and Eau Claire in out of state competition. Mankato was the only other teachers college that tried its powers against the purple and white team. The season closed with an intra-city match played against St. Mary's College.

Left to Right: C. Balcer, W. Murbach, N. Van Deventer, Dr. Biesanz, E. Siebold, W. Raymond.


The loss of Captain James Davidson and Charles Libby of last season made quite a hole to fill this year. Although this was hard to do many newcomers and the veterans from last year did a very fine job. The veterans back were Captain Kalbrenner in the hurdles, Duncanson in high hurdles, DeLano in the discus and shot put, Bucky Walters and Clawson in distances, Carlson and Rich (letter winner of two years ago) low hurdles, Sulack in middle distances. Don ZimmerhakI, a tracj<. star of a few years ago, was back for non-conference competition and did very well.

Left to Right, First Row: R. Schmidt, B. Montgomery, T. Siirila, D. Rich, J. Critchfield, J. Kalbrenner, R. Novotny, R. Walters, J. Carlson. SeconJ Row: H. Nipp, D. ZimmerhakI, D. DeLano, F. Abel 1. Pederson, L. Carpenter, E. Einhorn, M. Conrad, Coach Galligan.


Although the percentage column of victories and losses leaned heavily towards the latter, the basketball team did display a lot of fight and courage before subduing. It was in that manner that the Peds overcame their tremendous height disadvantage to eke out victories over Bemidji and Duluth, conference leaders at that particular time. With the teams midgets, Arns and Spencer, as the only graduates, next year's team carries a lot of potentialities.

First Row: L. Arns, R. Eastin, R. Pederson, Co-Captain C. Duncanson, D. Calhoun, R. Foss. Second Row: Co-Captain E. Spencer, M. Gabrielson, B. Ritscher, L. Schwark, S. Breckner, Coach C. Fisk. 4VHOM/.


Mr. Fisk took over the reins as baseball coach vacated by Mr. Pawelek who is away at school studying for a doctor's degree. Coach Fisk was left with eight lettermen, including Brandt, catcher, Wood, third base, L. Arns, second base and outfield, Flynn, third base, Eastin, E. Spencer, R. Johnson, and G. Peterson, outfield. Bob Arns was the only regular pitcher who returned.

With the loss of such stars as Ralph Spencer, catcher and outfield, Kaczrowski, short stop, D. Johnson, last year's captain and first base, and John Jozwiak, pitcher, the team was weakened considerably but with the eight veterans back and many promising freshmen the team showed up very well.

Left to Right, First Row: A. Knatterud, B. Yackel, B. Matzke. E. Spencer, R. Eastin, D. Bolkum. Second Row: R. Arns, L. Luchsinger, R. Ritscher, C. Duncansón, D. McConochie. Third Row: W. Marx, E. Brandt, R. Luhmann, B. Bartel, V. Wood, L. Schwark. Fourth Row: R. Johnson, L. Arns, J. Flynn, G. Peterson, G. Hanson, Coach Fisk.

Captains of T. C. Eleven '40 ’41

Through the coaches' poll Milt Roelofs received first team recognition, Ted Siirila received second team recognition, and Joe Flynn and Joe Clawson received honorable mention.

Season's Statistics: Eau Claire T. C. 6 Winona 6 Bemidji T. C 7 Winona 13 Moorhead T. C. 33 Winona 19 Duluth T. C. 13 Winona 7 St. Cloud T. C. 13 Winona 7 St. Mary's 19 Winona 0


As was predicted last year it was found a very difficult task to build a new backfield comparable to Kaezrowski, Andrejek, and Ralph and Eddie Spencer. However the veteran line was a source of encouragement to Coach Jackson and the team.

From the standpoint of wins and losses the season was not too successful. The records show one win, one tie, and four losses. Evidence of the team's power was shown in the several close games and the third quarter drive in the Moorhead game when the Warriors scored 19 points.

Outstanding this year was the guard play of Siirila and Captain-elect Joe Flynn, center play of Libby and Eastin, newly discovered triple-threat backs.

In passing, a word of congratulation should be extended Mr. Jackson for the fine job of coaching and an expression of appreciation to the student body for their cooperation during the season. Mention should also be made of the reserve team coached by Mr. Fisk which won three games and lost its fourth by one touchdown.

Greatly missed next year due to graduation will be Captain Milt Roelofs, end; Campion and Walsh, tackles; Einhorn and Ollom, guard; Libby, center; Kalbrenner and Spencer, backs.

First Row: K. Campion, D. Delano, J. Flynn, E. Spencer, J. Clawson, C. Libby, M. Roelofs, T. Siirila, E. Einliorn, C. Sulack, L. Walsh. Second Row: IL Ritscher, M. Wilson, 1. Pederson, E. Brandt, R. Johnson, G. Hanson, S. Fritz, R. Eastin, D, McConochie, M. Larson, A. Nussloch. Third Row: D. Stiehm, J, Hungerford, R. Tews, R. Novotny, R. Solberg, L. Luchsinger, A. Briggs, W. Glover, J, Ollom, D. Johnson, R. Schmidt. Fourth Row: A. biint, G. Peterson, L. Schwark, D. Traxler, K. Witt, R. Foss, S. Brcckncr, B. Montgomery, D. Fairbanks, B. Bartel, D. Ashley. Fifth Kow: Assistant Coaeh Fisk, I,. Arns, K. McDaniels, L. Finniey, Coach Jackson, Student Manager H. Nipp.

Wenonah Staff

The Wenonah is published yearly by the graduating sophomore and senior classes. This year's staff consists of:

Managing editor

John E. Kunelius

Editor-in-chief Lewis Schoening

Associate editors Eileen Brodin, Charles Balcer, Dorothy Millar

Co-Literary editors Jeane Duncan, Arthur Drackley

Assistant literary editors Mildred Jeliis, Dorothy Yennie

Co-business managers Paul Adamson, Charles Libby

Assistant business managers Newton Van Deventer, Eunice Hanson, Harold Nipp

Feature editor Delores Busse

Assistant feature editors Maynard Burt, LeNore Johnson, Mary Jane Martin, Helen Parks

Art editor Elizabeth Green

Assistant art editors Olive Rue, Eva Lou Russell

Men's sports editor LaVerne Arns

Assistant sports editors Charles Duncanson, Robert Eastin, Leslie King

Women's sports editor Shirley Snyder

Assistant sport editor Carmen Spande

Characterization editor Frances Luth

Assistant characterization editors Gerda Petersen, Ruth Swendiman


General service

Vernon Hart, Ethel Meyer

Mildred Goswitz, Lorraine Hadler, Ruth Kjos, Devola Rich, Irene Stransky, Alden McCutchan, Dorothy Wi 1er

Seated: Mr. Boots, E. Green, D. Busse, D. Yennie, Miss Richards, L. Schoening, C. Balcer, J. Kunelius, S. Snyder, H. Nipp, P. Adamson, E. Hansen, Mr. Reed F. Luth. Standing: O. Rue, E. Russell, B. Kissling, M. J. Martin, L. Johnson, R. Eastin, R. Kios, H. Parker, B. Petersen, C. Spande, V. Hart, E. Brodin, L* King, D. Millar, M. Burt, A. McCutchan, I. Stransky, R. Swendiman, M. Goswitz, E. Meyer, D. Rich, M. Jeliis.

Winonan Staff

Deadline Friday 4:00—and then what? Hours and hours of work checking copy, seeing that it's typed, proof-read, placed on the make-up page, and headlined. Working late into the evenings, Saturdays and Sundays—do we give the Winona Staff the recognition due it in putting out our college paper?

The brunt of thework falls on the shoulders of: editor, Cyril Allen; make-up editors, Eileen Brodin, Dorothy Millar, Gerda Petersen; and business manager, Howard Rosencranz. Others on the staff who devote much of their time to the publication are:




LaVerne Arns, Bob Fifield, Romaine Foss, Bill Raymond, Mary June Fischer.

Dean Bredeson, Maynard Burt, Doris Ellingson, Elizabeth Green, Anita Hartman, Barbara Kissling, Mary Jane Martin, Dorothy Mehus, Helen Parker, Lylah Sanden, Phyllis Guy.

Evelyn Anderson, Charles Balcer, Eunice Hanson, Mildred Jellis, Devola Rich, Arlene Fahey.

Advertising Harold Nipp, Lorna Mae Olson

Exchange Nina Werner



Faculty Advisers

Leland Luchsinger, Elizabeth Donath, Mildred Goswitz, Marie Stanek.

Elizabeth Belgum, Pearl Nipp, Lila Belle Freemire, Helen Borger, Ruth Swendiman.

Dr. Murphy, Mr. Boots, Mr. Reed

Seated: L. Luchsinger, M. Stanek, M. Goswitz, L. Olson, H. Nipp, G. Petersen, D. Millar, Dr. Murphy, C. Allen, E. Brodin, L. Sanden, E. Hansen, R. Foss. Standing: C. Balcer, E. Donath, B. Kissling, H. Parker, D. Ellingson, H. Borger, M. J. Martin, E. Green, M. Windhorst, R. Swendiman, E. Anderson, A. Fahey, D. Bredeson, M. Jellis, M. Burt, N. Werner, D. Rich.

Art Club League of Women Voters

A veritable treasury of activities lie at hand for those who are members of the Art Club. Decorations glittering, frosty Christmas ones, peppy, spirited ones for Homecoming, lovely, festive ones for the Prom, become creative art for the club members.

Original murals painted on the walls of a new work-room are a genuine contribution to the college. There are work meetings where those of eager interest and tried ability concern themselves with puppetry, sculpture, weaving, and sketching. And there are study meetings where pottery, tapestry, famous paintings and other works of art are made real to the students.

The club's officers are: president, Elizabeth Green; vice-president, Eileen Bordin; secretary, Eva Lou Russell; treasurer, Vivian Pederson; adviser. Miss Crossman.

How can we as wheels in the great machine of democracy best do our part? This, in substance, is the question young women of the college must ask themselves and seek intelligently for its answer, if they are to be good members of the college League of Women Voters. The League, a non-partisan organization started at Winona in 1929, believes that political education is necessary to the success of a democratic form of government.

Seven delegates from the local group attended the annual League of Women Voters Convention held on October 18-19 at Mankato.

Officers are: president, Ruth Schmidt; vicepresident, Mildred Goswitz; secretary-treasurer, Anna Sprich; adviser. Miss Richards.

Front Row: M. Heaser, E. Russell, H. Solie, B. Green, Miss Crossman, A. Boyum, A. Pfeiffer, E. Brodin. Second Row: H. Stahmann, J. McMartin, M. Hesby, F. McKnight, V. Pederson, D. Mehus, R. Darrow, H. Hanson. Third Row: B. Brown, N. Werner, J. Kunelius, W. Bleifus, O. Rue, M. Hanson, M. Hammervoid. Seated: E. Kurzweg, Miss Richards, R. Schmidt, A. Sprick, M. McNallan, M. Dahl, H. Smith. Standing: D. Mehus, M. Goswitz, E. Donath, H. Parker, M. Stanek, R. Swendiman, I. Stransky, C. Lehman, E. Belgum, M. Martinson.

French Club Men’s Club

The French Club comes through the second year of its existence with fifty-four eager and active members, an all college party, a play, and many interesting meetings to its credit. Established to promote good-fellowship and interest in a foreign country, the club has also served to combine culture with fun right here in the Winona State Teachers College. Next year, with increasing finances, the club plans to attend University plays and out-of-town performances. So in the words of the French "bonne chance" and "au revoir," which mean good luck and we'll be seeing you, we hope!

"Today I am a man" might well be the cry of certain male college students following initiation ceremonies for the Men's Club. Not until the raw recruits nominated by club members have undergone the tricks played upon them by their superior fellows have they a right to be called "men."

As its purpose the Men's Club has the bringing together of a group of college men students for social functions, recreation, and entertainment. The manly ushers who assist you at baseball games are the proud wearers of the purpie and white insignia of the club. It costs you no dues to belong.

Officers are: president, Gerald Peterson; vice-president, Vier Wood; secretary-treasurer, Everett Einhorn; adviser, Mr. MacDonald.

Front Row: F. McKnight, M. Jackson, N. Schroeder, M. Einhorn, E. Bowen, H. Parker, L. Johnson. Second Row: A. Fahey, A. Fahey, B. Clements, O. Rue, Miss Davis, H. Bungarden, M. Rowekamp. Third Row: M. Parker, L. Bartz, L. Olson, M. Stanek, G. Stanek, G. Sanford, R. Swendiman. Fourth Row: M. Deters, G. Edstrom, D. MoIIoy, H. Anderson, S. Greer, A. Kjos, D. Yennie. Fifth Row: I. Sackett, D. Loughiey, H. Nipp, D. Ramczyk, C. Lehman, L. Spit- zack. Front Row: E. Siebold, H. Rosencranz, E. Einhorn. V. Wood, G. Peterson, J. Flynn, L. Arns. Second Row: E. Peterson, L. Luchsinger, C. Duncanson. Mr. MacDonald, L. Walsh, R. Eastin, V. Hart, A. Flint. Third Row: R. Johnson, E. Coyle, D. Delano, D. McConochie, E. Brandt, A. Posz, J. Carlson. Fourth Row: L. Carpenter, T. Siirila, D. Boyum, M. Roeloffs, A. Knatterud, L. Schoening. Fifth Row: J. Ollom, G. Hanson, W. Glover, R. Johnson, L. King.J. Clawson.
9filt4<fe*Ua 9*t

(Pome So-Called)

New car

Pretty girl

Sixty-five Cop behind Seventy-five Cop behind Eighty-five Cop ahead Cop stops

Girl stops

Cop: ^'^Ha! Ha!

M.y car Can go Faster iharn

Yours can”.

Modernism: Do as you please & aspirin

Jerk: A humerous antidote

Raid: A pretty color

Ride: Correct

Comb: To arrive

Hearse: That girl's

Hymns: That fellow's

Atom: The first man

Average: What a hen lays eggs on

Height of something or other; A dumb girl turning a deaf ear to a blind date.

Santy Claus: What a kitten gets if he goes in the desert on Xmas day

Tangerine: Looseleaf orange

Banana Peel: Food article that brings the weight down

Sandwich: A thing that if you carryyour lunch in wax paper is the stuff you wrap it in

Drizzlepuss: Kitty in the rain

Engraved: Something what's buried

Forum: Assuming a definite shape

Plateau: Famous Greek philosopher

Tension: Military command

Ironic: Alloy of iron

Column: Serene, peaceful

Guess: Motor fuel

Slip: To slumber

Sang: Was submerged

Lips: Jumps

Impotent: Big shot

Farce: Trained body (police farce)

Quip: A clasp for quipping (such as paper quip)

Purpose: A large fish

Pause: Belongs to father

Thirsty: Day after Wednesday ^

2>vh>^¿ ^oàxfet ta Hemamía/i

Stuporman's red tights.

That Jack and Darrel joined the Army Air Corps and the Naval Reserves, respectively, yeh, and in the spring, too!!

That besides a beautiful voice Jepson had a gorgeous white satin gown.

The Morivue.

The Lucas Lodge marshmallow roasts.

The Play production class making scenery for Moor Born.

That lockers are not for leaning.

That we cleavered the Beavers in the Homecoming game.

The plays by the Radio Workshop.

The Lucas-West basketball battle.

The YMCA and those who dwell therein.

Iphegenia in Aulus.

The piano duo.

Moonbeam Vale.

Girls' Play Day at Mankato when Carleton walked off the floor at the half trailing the Winona girls 30-0.

The debate between St. Mary's and Winona.

Bill Raymond's analysis of women in Public Speaking Class and Busse's discourse on hats.

Bowling at Keglers for a dime.

D. Schlessesman and Miss Martin knitting at the March Hare Party.

That love is still sweet in the springtime—as if you could.

The noise the fountain on second floor made when you'd imbibe and the shower you got.

James Melton's smile, or need I remind you, girls?

Spanton's Chapel Hour.

Stupor's super locker plan.

The deadly silence (?) of the study hall. Our three band directors.

The bell shaped curve.

The "field" that awaits you.

Miss Richard's chats.

The "big tent" and just little "side shows".

Jedy's complaint that he is 42nd assistant to the President.

That we have missed Stan. Pawelek's big smile this year.

The "name bands" we've had at school parties via the canning process.

How to come late to certain Psychology courses.

How to yawn in Mr. Jederman's classes.

How to whistle in the halls.

How well Morey and Shepard get along.

How the boys outnumber the girls at T. C.

How Daisy Mae Week comes but once a year and Leap Year only every four years.

How Sir Butts was "kidnapped" by the "Enemy" on November 1, 1940.

That Mr. Grimm is now "Grandpa"!

That you should develop your muscle by slamming your locker door shut.

That you should always keep your neighbor in chapel awake by talking to him.

Those "Chorus Girls" in the Spring Play.

1. We three.

2. Aw quit.

3. Here comes the queen.

4. Meet the auditors.

5. Pete.

6. Bolter's harem.

7. Our artist.

8. Another senior.

9. Hi Mary.

10. "Glut".

1 1. Picnic?

12. Farmington bound.

13. Our Almo Mater.


4. Ambition Plus.

15. Why the forlorn look?

16. Posing.

17. Bundles for Britain.

18. Miss Helen Jepson.

19. Meet "Doc" Golligon.

20. Taylor, as I live and breathe.

21. Hord at it.

22. Droft-ing.

23. You name it.

24. One of the best.

25. Woitin'?

26. As you would teach children.

27. Glover, you're out of line.


The following firms have contributed to the financial success of this issue of the Wenonah:

We appreciate your patronage.

Spurgeon's Mercantile Co.

S. & L. Department Stores

G. Fruetel Cleaning Works

Nevilles Clothing Store

J. C. Penney Co. Royal Taxi—Steak Shop

Aksel Anderson Furniture & Upholstering

Kinney Shoe Store

Winona Paint & Glass Co.

Rackow's Barber Shop

Salet's Department Store Pleasant Valley Dairy

W. F. Pelzer—Tailoring

Seifert Motor Co.

College Barber Shop Kratz Candy Shop

Shaler Beauty Shop

Nelson Tire Co.

The Charme Beauty Shoppe

Mickey’s Made A Lady Out of Lizzie

Has she plenty, has she much, She has the tin you love to touch, Since Mickey made a lady out of Lizzie!

There's everything inside her now except the kitchen sink, A mirror and a powder puff, a shower bath, think. Since Mickey made a lady out of Lizzie!

She once had rattles in her wheels But now she's full of sex appeals, Since Mickey made a lady out of Lizzie!

The girls on her they used to frown But now her chassi 's the best in town. Since Mickey made a lady out of Lizzie!

He used to park her in a lot. For that they charged 10c, But now they charge him nought at all to park by Morey's fence.

Since Mickey made a lady out of Lizzie! —An'-on-an'-on with us.

'If';-.; c'.,' LEICHT PRESS PRINTERS PUBLISHERS DESIGNERS LITHOGRAPHERS 1869 179 E. Second Street WINONA, MINNESOTA COMPLIMENTS OF B & D Shoe Store "Let us fit your feet" Haddads Cleaners & Hatters Winona Better Cleaning 4 hr. Service COMPLIMENTS Flash Through College With of A CAROLE KING FROCK Winona Theatre Co. Jordan*s Apparel state—W l NONA—AVON 60 West Third St.
★ —KNOWN FOR VALUES— TheStar Shoe Repair Shop Cleaning Dyeing and Repairing 174 Main St. Save at Grants W. T. Grant Co. 66 East Third St. s. s. Kresge Co. 5c to 25c Store—5c to $1.00 Store 51 West 3rd St.—52 East 3rd St When in Winona EAT AND SLEEP At The Williams Hotel & Cafe Frank and John Williams, Props. Excellent Food at New Low Prices GEORGE H. PLETKE Staple & Fancy Groceries Springdale Dairy Co. ^iiostc^^^^Tooo^ PASTEURIZED MILK, CREAM AND BUTTERMILK OF SUPERIOR We carry a complete line of FLAVOR FINEST FROSTED FOODS 529 Huff St. Dial 3982 YOU'LL
PLEASANT at H. Choate & Company Winona's Largest Leading Oldest Department Store Schaffer’s Gate City Laundry 167 West Third Phone 2888 Compliments Spanton’s Home of TAYLOR MADE ICE CREAM Complete Fountain Service Lunches 159 W. King St. Phone 4515 Edwin A. Brown Sherman & Sons PERSCRIPTION DRUGGIST The Rexall Store PLUMBING AND HEATING Kodaks—Kodak Supplies Stager Jewelry Store Kewpee Lunch W. J. Warmington 5c HAMBURGERS 5c & HOT DOGS Corner Third and Main Sts. Open All Night 151 East Third St. Phone 2237
COMPLIMENTS OF WINONA CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIATION THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WINONA THE MERCHANTS BANK OF WINONA THE WINONA NATIONAL AND SAVINGS BANK Compliments of the HOTEL WINONA and the PARK HOTEL THE GEORGE HILLYER FURNITURE CO. EstabI ished 1 870—I ncorporated 1910 ''The Store where you find the nationally advertised lines" 166-1 68 Center St. Winona, Minnesota 108 West Third Street Phone 2303 FINE FURS SINCE 1897 Bay State Milling Co. Winona, Minn.
Rademacher Drus COMPLIMENTS OF THE DRUGS—PAI NT—GLASS 59 West Second Street Winona Clinic Carl Wolff*s Flowers FOR ALL OCCASIONS COMPLIMENTS OF Morgans Jewelry Store 129 E. Third Dial 2221 "The Store Where Youth is Served" For Good Food Stop at Milwaukee Hotel SjeinhauerS Ice Cream and Confections Across From Milwaukee Depot "for Better Shoes** QUALITY PHOTOGRAPHS /ql Phone 2936 AT A SAVING Compare the Quality and Price Winona, Minn.
A FRIENDLY STORE TO SHOP FOR College Togs, Formols and Everything Smart for School and Campus “If it's new you'll find it here" COURTESY SERVICE R. D. Cone Company WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE 66-70 East Second Street Phone 4052 Since 1 855 Phone 4155 51-53 West Second St. Winona Furniture Co. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS NATIONALLY ADVERTISED LINES Whm&ammgîôoriâ DryEleaiiets.Dyers aH Hattas 201 East Third St. Phone 2175 WINONA, MINN. DEERWOOD—UBESEE— FOODCRAFT—Fine Food Products Distributed by Latsch & Son Company Winona, Minn. Great Sport—Fine Exercise—Swimming—Handball— Showers Friendship Companionship Fine Social Lobby. Membership $10 a year Good at any “Y" in the world M r* A Johnson ■ Streets y.
WILLIAMS Sportswear Slacks—Sweaters Blouses WILLIAM'S BOOK & STATIONERY Ford Hopkins Company 52-54-56 East Third Street Drugs—Toiletries—Tea Room Baker's LET JAY ROBB FAMILY SHOESTORE 77 E. Third Str. Winona, Minn. Shovel Your COAL COMPLIMENTS of BAILEY & BAILEY Siebrecht Floral Co, IT'S A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE McVcy^s Ice Cream Shop We hope we have done our part toward making your year a pleasant one. 451 Huff St. Dial 4808 Better Plumbing and Heating Since 1 868 E. W. Toye Supply Co. Dial 3072 170 Center St. Compliments of F. W. Woolworth Co. Winona, Minn. Henry G. Hanson JEWELER Winona, Minnesota RELIABLE INSURANCE Winona Insurance Agency Exchange Bldg. Phone 2875 Compliments of Mississisaippi Valley Public Service Co.


Established 1858 - - Graduates 9475

Oldest teacher training institution west of the Mississippi River.

Accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, and accredited by the American Association of Teachers Colleges. cOocOo

Graduates accepted in every state in the Union.

Four-Year Curriculum leads to the Bachelor of Science Degree. This year the Two-Year Kindergarten Course has been changed to a Four-Year Nursery School-Kindergarten-Primary Course.

Students may major in elementary education or prepare themselves for high school teaching in the academic subjects as well as in the Fine Arts, Music, Industrial Arts, and Physical Education.

The Two-Year Curriculum prepares teachers for the elementary grades or the rural schools.

"There is an atmosphere of maturity about the institution, a purposeful way of doing things, and an alertness on the part of the officers of administration and instruction that cannot fail to impress a thoughtful visitor." From NORTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION REPORT.

c<po c<po c<po c<po cOo C<Po C<pO c<po cOo
Science Trip Our Art
Tired Dogs Future Conductors Mary K.
1. "Fight Fellows Fight".
2. Time out for the Winonon. 3. Marjorie. 4. Dr. Toxier. 5. I love thee. 6. Louie and Lincoln. 7. Commencement 1940. 8. Dearie me. 9. The terrible trio. TO. Stupor. I i. Looking for someone? 1 2. See those smiles? 13. Thousand dollar smiles. 14. Con you find Eostin? 15. Why some flunk.
p a
16. From the Lucas Rose Room.

1. Let me

2. Wings over Winona.

3. J. Edgar and his men.

4. Greeks, all!

5. Woe to Hanson.

6. Such reading.

7. Where's the rest.

8. Ditto.

9. Lucas transportation.

1 0. Lewy's reach.

11. Woo! Woo!

12. The Esquire kids.

13. Gargontua and Toto.

14. Lucas shows off.

1 5. He-mon.

16. Doc and Gerda.

1 7. Army lad.

1 8. My worthy men.

1 9. Librory love.

20. Duck!

21. On the rail.

22. Now it's this woy.

23. Where's the teeth.

24. Pose.

25. Up against a tree.

26. Daisy Mae week's over.

show you.


Moàe4f, «JíaíL ^ltAC444fU (Íífe.

Jeepers Creepers, that Jeep sure got his peepers full when he peeped into Morey Hall. It wasn't any Jeep entertainment, either! It was 6:30 in the living room,—6:25 elsewhere. (Yes, the Grandfather clock was still fast!) Well, the Jeep was in the music cabinet looking through the keyhole. There was Elide all keyed up at the piano. Mary Martin was looking on with a dropped jaw and "how-does-she-do-it" expression. Fern was awaiting her chance to fiddle around a bit. And lo, (very low)who was that under the table? Oh, just a couple of the officers. No. they weren't searching for anybody; they were just trying to find out what it would be like to sleep in a bunk. (Yeh, they decided it was the bunk all right. ) Just off the living room—to the left as you enter—the inmates of No. 10 were going into competition with Elide with some "Boguey-Woogie" music.

Jeepers, what was that? Only the beginning of study hours. Scatter! Clear the living room! Quiet! Okey, okey, but can't a visiting Jeep even look around a little? In a flash he was out of the music cabinet and perched on the fireside davenport looking longingly up at that gorgeous vase of flowers. Could they be orchids? and so many of them! Yes, a little nourishment might help.Orange orchids. Oh, Boy! What? Only crepe paper, huh? Graft, corruption! Bah! Well, maybe something would turn up on second floor. (Usually does!) Vanish the Jeep. He next found himself up one flight. The first sign that met his eye was STUDY HALL AND PUBLICATION ROOM. The Morivue staff was at work. The furrowed-browed editress was lunching on a pencil while she resignedly rewrote the articles. Quote: "Morey Hall formal, eh? That's what you think. No date, no formal. Can't compete with the Off Campus Club. Say, where are all our typists?"

"They can't work on the paper tonight. Have to study."

"Oh, freshmen, eh?"

What happened? Inky darkness. Was it a blackout? Then a shriek, "Quiet ! Study hours," and in a lower tone, "Shut up you rats!" The

Jeep sat down to wait, and he waited—and he waited—eons passed. A half dozen doors along the hall opened. A row of creamed faces and curlered heads appeared. Horrors! What was them? Then came the light. The "things" withdrew behind the doors—most of which were slammed. Funny place!

The Jeep proceded. Here was a door that read GOOD HOUSKEEPING. So? Well, he'd see. But the door wouldn't open, so being a Jeep, he went in anyway. He found the door blocked with shoes, books, clothes, etc. and an empty box from the florists. Flowers? Orchids, maybe! Peering around through the conglomeration he spied a huge bouquet on the table. Making his way through the maze he found that the attached card read, "Happy Birthday, Eunice. Bob." Shucks, no orchids!

Why not try your luck on third? No sooner said than done. My, how cozy! "Tish" is the place for me (Don't be too hasty—you haven't heard Lehner yet! Nor will you.) Just then there was a great clanging of bells, tinkling bells, iron bells, muffled bells, timid bells. Was it a fire, an accident, a burglary?—"For whom were the Bells Tolling anyway?"

"House meeting! House meeting!" everybody was yelling.

What did they mean by that? How could the house be meeting anything? He hadn't felt the hall moving! Now he was down in the lobby again. From all sides more of the "things" came pouring into the room. They all squatted Indian fashion around the fireplace. Weren't they even going to try to escape this meeting? Then it was plain to him—the "things" were meeting. Someone found the Last Chord on the piano and struck it to get attention. It seemed the girls had been appropriating food again from the dining room and ringing in late as usual. But food —v/hy must everything remind him of food when he was dying for an orchid! He couldn't bear it any longer. He vanished from the scene. Pausing on the doorstep to reflect, he concluded that although :

They're dying to get into Morguey Hall, It ain't so "Morguey" after all!

Who am I to philosophize About a lot of other guys; I find myself a hard enough Gem to dig from out the rough.

One of the youngest clubs in the school, the Science Club has, in its four years of existence, steadily grown to be one of the most active and outstanding clubs in the school. This year, the Science Club undertook its second Science Night, an exhibition open to the public but designed mainly to be of value to the Science Club members in preparing them for future positions. The departments of physics, chemistry, geology, and biology all contributed to the outstanding success of the second Science Night.

1. What a capacity. 2. Chemist no doubt. 3. Men's Club sleigh ride party. 4. De feot. 5. Just restin'. 6. Soaking up sunshine. 7. Pres. Mehus. 8. Books for an impression. 9. Scenery makers. 10. T. C. skating party. 1 1. Double date? 12. Kal. 13. Tired Mik? 14. Flight Commander. 15. Miss Mortin. 16. Pat. 17. Ground school instructor. 18. A football for the queen. 19. Mr. Grimm. 20. Some of the cost. 21. Mike Bambenek. 22. Bruce at the hurdle. 23. Beth and Dave. 24. A friendly welcome. 25. Just posing. 26. Hi Doc. 27. Johnson's beloved postime. 28. Goony cousins. 29. Mr. Capron. 30. Graceful, eh?

1. A wicked wink.

2. Ah shore lak mellón.

3. Firsf and ten.

4. Shepard frolics.

5. Mon Killers.

6. Red Grange

7. Bobby.

8. Before breakfast.

9. Mert in a sane moment.

10. Miss Talbot.

1 1. More Shepard.

1 2. A padded cell.

13. Queen for a day.

14. Maudie.

15. Where's Stoop?

16. The banker and the farmer.

17. H. James Du-el.

18. Buck tooth Joe.

19. Just a sittin.

20. Clean up committee.

21. All tar'd out.

22. Gert the

23. You have a caller.

24. City series.

25. Hansom.

1. Quicher peekin. 2. How about you? 3. Miss Richards. 4. Hostellers on the roll. 5. Morey. 6. Dual personality. 7. Comeon purple. 8. Jitterbug Olson. 9. Mr. Boots. 10. Time out for a rest. 11. Ruth and Brunt. 12. Making believe he knows. 13. For the smile of becuty. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. 15. Little Napoleon. 1 6. What cha doin' Doc? 17. Pride ofthe county. 18. Dorothy. 19. More books. 20. Castle in the air. 21. Laming house. 22. Chadwick. 23. Joyce. 24. Evie and McGulp. 25. Camera shy. 26. Another freshman. 27. Always study outdoors? 28. Ready to start. 29. Ruthie. 30. Edward, Do you smoke? 3 1. Fence sitters. 32. Ploinview Betties. 33. Spick. 34. Those Rich kids. 35. Stockton lassies. 36. Mr. Simmers. 37. What short people. 38. The tinsmith. 39. A puff out the window. 40. South St. Paul. 41. Chem flasks.

1. Winterset.

2. Behind bars at last.

3. Dee.

4. Scramble.

5. Lovely Irene.

6. Always eating?

7. Capt. Roelofs.

8. How's your heortbeat?

9. Roast one for me.

1 0. Pretty snippy.

1 1. Dr. Clark.

12. Pastime?

1 3. Strolling alone?

1 4. Hold that line.

15. Don't prick him.

16. Just painting.

17. Sunday morning scene.

1 8. Attaboy Bob.

19. Oh gee.

20. Rest time.

21. I'm bigger'n you.

22. Irish.

23. Quit bummin rides.

24. Familiar sight.

25. Snow joke.

26. Phy. Ed. majors.

27. Swing out.

28. Who yo mad at?

29. Dolt.

30. Miss Talbot and Miss Andrews.

3 1. Built for two.

32. Thumbs up.

33. Double crossed.

34. Clem.

35. Maudie.

36. The quads.

37. Sax Fred.

38. Must be Sandberg.

39. Two lessons in safety.

40. Bottoms up.

41. As I was saying.

PeeJ¿¿H<f> tUe 94t SlteftxiAxl <JícúU

The Jeep was tired, and seeking quiet and refinement, he stumbled out of Morey Hall completely exhausted. He wandered into the tranquility of Shepard Hall and almost immediately spied Virginia Reed, Gerry Feda, Miss Richards, and Irene Anderson playing that profound game of games, that test of endurance, "Don't Get Mad"! In the other direction he heard some beautiful music. He hastened down the hall and slipped into the living room. There at the grand piano was seated Joan, pouring her heart into "Beat Me Daddy Eight to the Bar". He decided that he wanted to see more, so he peeked down stairs into the social room. The phonograph was playing but no one was dancing. He peered a little closer into the dusky room and saw several indistinct shapes of people huddled closely around the machine, intently listening to the music. He couldn't see who they were so he turned around an went up to second floor. He saw lots of people there. They were so busy they didn't notice him. He noticed them though. One girl had red hair, nice red hair, and they called her Adelaide. He'd like to know her. There was another almost as short as he. He'd like to know her too. He looked on the door of the room she went into and saw the names, Kurzweg and Schlesselman. She must be the first, because the name fit, being the "short way" auf Deutsch. About that time the lights wentout. He heard somebody say something about a "blackout", so he scurried for cover. When the lights finally went on, he found himself in a room that seemed to be deserted. Sure enough, it was Gunderson's and Beebe's. On the door he saw a sign stating: "Ladies (?) Rest Room, Inspected 2 times evry 7 Daze by the Helth Suspec-

WUai tUe jeefL Scua

We don't blame the Jeep for wondering when he looked in and saw Roger-the-Lodger— 6'4" in his S'lO" bed. How does he do it?

And will he ever forget the bedlam raised in the social room when "Twgg" (Wayne to you) starts playing his two favorite records—"The Grasshopper Polka" and "Beer Barrel Polka in Waltz Time".

The Jeep overheard Mickey giving his definition of the old saying "3 times and out"! It's when you call Shepard Hall, you hafta call 3 times before they'll go out!!!

And what resident of West Lodge goes in quite heavily for bird lore? We understand he's studying de Plover this quarter!!!

The Jeep stayed over-night in January in Room No. 6—there was plenty of room since

ter. Signed, Society for the Prevention of Lizards." That scared him, for he was a gentleman Jeep and it wouldn't do to take any chances in a place like that. As he came out of the room he received another shock when he saw a sign on the door across the hall. This one said "Boundary Game Refuge, No Hunting Allowed, State of Minnesota Department of Conservation, Division of Game and Fish" in big black bold letters. Dear, dear, who lives here? Currer and Feda were the names. The first sounded like some kind of animal but the second was no fish! Well, this was no place for Jeeps, and he hurried up the dark stairs to third floor. He crept along quietly and pretty soon he saw a fairy-like maiden come tripping down the hall. It was Lorraine Spitzack. "Look everyone," she caroled in her high, sweet soprano. "Look! I'm so proud of Joseph! He has his picture in the paper!" Then he pricked up his sharp little ears at the sound of some lovely violin music floating out of the study hall. He heard a girl in the adjoining room call to the girl across the hall, "Don't you think Sackett plays extremely well for a beginner? I just couldn't study without 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat' for accompaniment! Could you?" The music was so restful that he began to get sleepy. Just then a tall, motherly-looking girl noticed him and said, "You poor dear, you look so tired. I'd better put you to bed." She picked him up by the nape of the neck and carried him off to her room. She tucked him away in one of the numerous boxes stacked away in her closet and labelled R. L. S. He found himself being wafted off to slumberland by the soothing smell of moth balls. Thus ended the adventures of the Jeep in Shepard Hall.

in 'lOeái Jiodc^

Agnes and Gladys started sleeping together those cold nights ! ! !

The Jeep was aroused one morning with a terrible racket. It seems that Ski-Foot took his "Boogie-Woogie Bugle Boy" to heart and played reville with a boogie-beat.

Warning: All Jeeps get out of the way between Morey Hall Dining Roomand West Lodge every day after lunch and dinner. The reason is that there are 9 fellows to play cards (whist) and only 4 places.

All that Roger askes nowadays since he got his car here is that Chuck Baker DOESN'T ask him to use it. Seems to be a matter of a bent fender, 'er somethin'!!!

Well, good night. As the mule said as he slipped in his stall : "Here's where hit the hay ! !

"\ like a day off myself. Don't come to conference." Owens

"Put your chairs any old way. Just so you're comfortable." Scarborough

"Roosevelt fora fourth term or Me—I'm a 4th termer." Jederman

"We need brawn not brains in our department."

"Whistle while you work." Boots

"Do your work any time. Tomorrow, next week, any time."

"Let's swing it girls." Grimm

"Jitterbugging is good exercise."

"You're old enough to guide yourself."

"Bring your board money in, in pennies. I'll count it."

"Surround me with a bevy of beauties." Fisk

"Be a Phy. Ed. Major and have plenty of time to relax."

"Give me more to do to keep me busy."

"One suit of clothes is plenty for anyone." Reed

"Just take a guess at the answer." Minne

"Shepard would be a nice change."

JiucoA. Jlod(fe

We Jeeps are the most curious creatures. We know all and see all. Just the other day flited by the corner of Fifth and Huff and spied that fine brick edifice called Lucas Lodge. So I just ups a.nd glides through a window pane and lights on the radiator in a big tile floored room with chrome leather chairs. Not a bad joint says I. I slips up beside the two guys beside the fireplace. Kolmeyer and Jackson at chess again— their one reason for living. just got nicely settied in a crack in the bricks when beautiful music drifted in from the west according to my compass. So I ups and wades through the carpet into the living room. Ah, Strauss, Baesler's playing his records again and Boy! would you look at the angelic faces all around. I stayed for the entire concert and then set my altitude indicator for one floor up. whizzed through the ceiling molicules and came up through the floor boards in l-he front room. Gee! this floor is wet. Water fights again, mixed with Ollom and Johnson going at it hot and heavy about the merits and demerits of the army and navy.

I eased myself through the English imported wallpaper into the center room. Goody! Goody! give me a ring side. Another ink smear between Rich and Hanson (Schoening's kids). A most unique idea says I to my self—wrestling with inky hands.

Screeching of my hydraulics and behold the room with the full length mirror (Sullivan's delight). Stoop's getting ready to give the girl a treat. He's just putting the final touches on his coiffure. Then, of course, Boyum is sleep

ing on the super-ventilated sleeping porch. (So that's where all the extra blankets go)

Holy Smokes! some big mutt just smashed me down into the floor boards. What's the rush? Gosh! Burrington's cheese crackers are being raided. Stoop (the hero) found them. Good going Stoop. Ten hungry inmates present in onehalf minute.

Ah! what sudden ecstacy is this. The marriage room. Three in two years. Guess I'll spend the night and see if it works.

detoured through the closet wall and to behold Daisy Mae ( Evelyn's hand child ) Aren't those embroidered eyes pretty.

plowed through the drain and came up in the master bathroom just in time to see Hanson thrown in the tub again.

Boy! am tired and does Jackson's satin sofa look good. snooze awhile and awake when the phone rings. Another mystery call for Schwichtenberg. Five guys listening in on the phone upstairs. No fair.

Whish ! that banister sure slides nice. Oh ! Oh! the love seats being used again. Donitza just dropped by. Gee! they didn't Know was watching, but won't tell a soul.

I peeked through the keyhole of the lower sleeping porch to observe the art of removing Siirila from bed without removing him from the arms of Morpheus.

Hunger overtook me, so I, with several others raided Mrs. Jackson's cracker supply. She'll never miss a dozen crackers, will she?

it was an exceedingly pleasant evening, and so home to publish my adventures in the Jeep News.

^CUHJ044¿> ^GC44Ít4f. ^¿LoÁO'pJi¿e¿>
1. Good for the paper. 2. Where ore his girfs? 3. The soda pop kids. 4. Ski-foot. 5. Where ore the blankets? 6. Romeo on the loose. 7. Practice mokes perfect. 8. Ain't she cute? 9. Joy. 10. Mustn't wink. 11. O you kid. 12. The mod scientists. 13. The kitchen quints. 14. Solid comfort. 1 5. Guess who. 16. Miss Anderson. 17. Bulldog. 1 8. Whot? no gols. 19. That popular kid. 20. Some stuff, eh kid? 21. Believe it or not. 22. Do you see whot I see? 23. Westerners.

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