Wenonah Yearbook - 1911

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HOR the firSt time in the history of the Winona Normal School the senior class is publishing an annual, and it has christened it the “Wenonah.”

Altho we, as a committee, have tried to make it a success, we feel that it is not so much the result of our labors as the outgrowth of the splendid spirit which has been shown by the school.

We wish to thank all those who have helped us in getting out the paper: the faculty for their aid and criticism, the contributors for consuming the midnight oil, the Student body for the interest which they have shown in the plan, and especially Miss Van Vliet, who was compelled to leave before her duties as editor were completed.

And now as the “Wenonah” is issued for the firSt time, we hope that it will be received with a welcome which will insure its success and give it a permanent place in the life of our school.

“Deltona!)” i&taff




Athletics -

Business Manager



Faculty Committee

Flora Boell

Manila Sessions

Marilla Connell

Clara Me Cune

Alta White

Goldie Goodman

Dorothy Fittle -

Cecil Smith

Karl Holzinger

Olivia ForSter

Mary Daniel [ Helen Birdlebough

Mr. John M. Holzinger

Mr. J. S. Gaylord

\ Mr. J. F. Stockton

Mr. C. C. Colby

#up €. ifflaxtoell

QHjat be map knoto boto toe honor btnt as a present anb lobe btnt as a frienb, tbtss book ts bebtcateb bp tbe Class of 1911


IJregtbent #up €. Jflaxtoell

QRESIDENT GUY E. MAXWELL, to whom we respectfully and lovingly dedicate this annual, was born in Mason County, Illinois, in 1870. Nine years later his family moved to a farm in western Minnesota, where he lived for three years. He then attended the Appleton public school and later prepared for college in the academy of Hamline University.

Upon graduating from that institution in 1893, he was elected principal of the village school of Herman, Minn. After holding that position for two years, he took up a similar position in the high school of Marinette, Wis., remaining there three years.

In 1896 he was married to Jeannette R. Evans of St. Paul, a former classmate in college.

Desiring to prepare for special work in educational supervision, Mr. Maxwell entered Teachers College at Columbia University in 1898, earning the master’s degree the firSt year and Studying for the doCtorate the following year. At the close of the second year he was appointed principal of the training department of the Winona State Normal School and came to take up the work in 1900. After four years in this position he was elected president of the school.

Since coming to Winona Mr. Maxwell has done much for the advancement of educational interests, both of the Winona Normal School and of the State. New departments and new courses have been added, the buildings have been improved and enlarged, and the work of the school has been Strengthened and developed along many lines. Not only the school as a whole has been benefited throughout his administration, but each Student has been helped by the loyalty, the cordial sympathy, and kind interest of his friend, our president.


H parting l^orb

To the Class of 1911:

If you have come to share in full measure the spirit of your Alma Mater, whom you are about to leave behind, your tongue will not utter the words of the ancient guild who said of their goddess, “Great is Diana of the Ephesians, for by this craft we have our living;’’ but your ears will catch the call to service which came to a great teacher in a night vision, “Come over into Macedonia and help us.”

A senior class such as yours once gave consideration to “Ich dien,” I serve, as a class motto. The majority of the members rejected this motto thru the fear that it might seem submissive and servile. They had forgotten that as teachers they had been specially prepared and set apart for a great mission. For the one profound purpose of the state normal school from which you are about to be graduated is expressed in that rejected motto, “Ich dien,’’ which summarizes the deepest meaning of life in a democracy. It is primarily your mission as teachers to inculcate the spirit of service and brotherhood until it shall not only become a part of the intellectual tore of growing boys and girls, but animate as well their habits of conduct, and inspire and exalt their character.

All your school associates heartily appreciate the helpfulness and loyalty of the Class of 191 1. In bidding you farewell, we express the earnet hope that your lives may continue to be useful and happy.


J|atl ^ttiona

Lo in Mississippi’s waters Blue, the eternal sky; In our hearts, O Alma Mater, Clear, thy spirit high!


Lift the chorus, Send it ringing Far o’er hill and vale!

Hail to thee, O Alma Mater! Hail, Winona, hail!

Noble hills watch o’er the valley Where thy dwelling lies; Steadfast hearts, O Alma Mater, Guard thy destinies.

Ever shall tomorrow better What today has won; Lead thy children, Alma Mater, On, forever on!



Zoology and Physical Science.

State Normal School, Michigan. Olivet College; University of Michigan. Teacher in Public Schools of Indiana and Michigan, Olivet College, Hillsdale College, Summer Sessions, Michigan University. “Help make another’s life worth while.


Dean of Women.

Ferry Hall, Lake Forest College; Radchffe College, Cambridge, Mass. Taught Kankakee, Ill.; Oak Park, River Forest Township High School, Oak Park, Illinois.


Elementary Science, Botany and Latin.

Olivet College, Mich. Yale Seminary. “Cheer up!”


Pedagogy and Supervisor of Training. Normal University, Ill.; Chicago University; Columbia University. Teacher in Illinois High Schools and in Normal School, Carbondale, Ill.

“A fault known is a fault cured to the Strong, but is a fetter riveted to the weak."


Student at Boston Normal Art School, and with Elliot Dangerfield, Henry Snell, and Birge Harrison. Teacher at Brooklyn, Mass.; Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y.

"Oh, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, Or what’s a heaven for?"

JOSEPH S. GAYLORD. A. M„ Psychology and History of Education. Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois; Graduate work, Yale, Harvard and Berlin Universities; Oratory at Emerson College. Teacher in Knox and Oberlin Colleges.

"Loyalty to Ideals."

CAROLINE FROST SAUNDERS, Teacher in Elementary School. River Falls Normal School, Wisconsin. Taught in the grades and in the Teachers Training School, St. Paul, Minn., Supervisor of Intermediate Grades and Principal of City Schools, St. Paul.

"Be cheerful and pass it on.”

”lch dien.”

LOUISE M. KUEHN, Secretary. Graduate of the Winona State Normal School.


Slate Normal School, Winona; Massachusetts School of Technology; Normal Art School, Boston; Supervisor of drawing, Stillwater, Minnesota.

‘The line of beauty is the result of perfedt economy.

CHARLES C. COLBY, B. PD„ S. B„ Geography.

Ypsilanti Normal School; University of Chicago. Teacher in Ypsilanti Normal School; assistant in University of Chicago.

“For Wenonah, I will.”

KATE L. SPRAGUE, B. S„ Mathematics.

State Normal College of Michigan; Ann Arbor University. Taught High School, Jabros, Michigan. “Not failure but low aim is crime.”

JOHN HERMAN SANDT, Manual Training.

Ea$t Stroudsburg State Normal School, Pa.; Summer School, Teachers College, Columbia University; Supervisor of Manual Training and Drawing, Public Schools, N. J.

“Diligence is the mother of good luck."

CAROLINE V. SMITH, Vocal Music and Penmanship.

Winona State Normal School. Wm. F. Phelps, President.

“The situation that has not its duty its ideal, was never yet occupied by man.”

ETHEL M. GREEN, Teacher in Elementary School.

Illinois Normal University; Teachers College; Primary Supervisor, Madison, Wis.; Model Teacher, Ellensburg, State Normal, Wash.

HARRIET CARTER, B. S„ Teacher in Elementary School.

Buffalo State Normal; Cornell University; Teachers College, Columbia. Taught at Lancaster, New York; Principal of Elementary School and Training teacher at Hornell, New York.

“Serve God and be cheerful.”

FRANCES W. BARROWS, A. B. Home Economics.

Ohio State University. Poft Graduate course, Ohio State University. Summer School, University of Wisconsin.

J. L. STOCKTON, A. M„ Principal of Elementary School and Pedagogy.

Colorado State Normal School; Columbia University. Teacher in Colorado Public Schools; High School, Greely, Colo.; Principal, Greely, Colo.; Supervisor, Passaic, New Jersey, Extension Ledturer, Columbia University.

“Man is his own Star.”

MABEL L. MARVIN, Teacher Elementary School. Winona Normal School. Teacher in Farmington, Chatfield, and Winona Public Schools.

"To know one’s self is truth.

To Strive with one’s self is good. To conquer one’s self is beautiful.”

ALMA L. B1NZEL, B. S„ Director of Kindergarten Department.

Kindergarten Course, Milwaukee Normal School; Teachers College. Associate in the kindergarten department, Milwaukee Normal Schools; diredtor of the kindergarten department, Stout Institute; supervisor of the elementary school, Normal School of the University of Provo, Utah.

To thine own self be true.”

MARY GRANT, Librarian.

Great reading, without applying it, is like corn heaped that is not Stirred; it groweth muSty.”

AGNES GROVES STORIE, Ph. B„ Teacher in Elementary School. State Normal School, Oshkosh, Wis.; University of Wisconsin. Teacher in Cambria and Kilbourn, Wis. and in Indianapolis Schools.

“To finish the moment, to find the journey’s end in every Step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours, is wisdom.’

CLYDE O. RUGGLES, A. M„ History and Social Science.

Cedar Falls Normal School; University of Iowa; Harvard Graduate School.

BERTHA BARBARA SCHWABLE, Associate in Kindergarten Department. Ypsilanti Normal School; Pratt Institute; Teachers College, Columbia University. Director, Greenville Public Schools; Teacher in Horace Mann Kindergarten.

"It is comely fashion to be glad."

HELEN FORD STAPLES, Teacher in Elementary School.

Winona State Normal School; two courses Boston Correspondence Society; two courses Chicago University Correspondence Society; Columbia School of Oratory, Chicago; Teachers College, Columbia University. Taught in Winona Public Schools.

“The sense of healthy and natural effort for a purpose and of lending your strength, be it great or small, to the united Struggle of mankind, this is success all the success that anybody meets with.”

FRANCES S. MOREY, A. B., Latin and English.

Winona State Normal School; Wisconsin University; Vassar College.

“A merry heart goeth all day long; Your sad but a mile-a.”

CHARLOTTE B. CHORPENNING, A. B„ English and Literature.

Iowa State College; Cornell University, New York; Taught in Springfield, Ohio; Denver, Colorado. "Follow the Gleam.”

JOSEPHINE A. ANDREWS, A. M„ Director of Physical Education.

Cornell University; Teachers College, Columbia University. Teacher in South Bend High School, Ind.

Emerson College of Oratory.

JANE KEELER, Reading. Teacher of expression, Edinboro Normal School, Pa.

RAYMOND A. KENT, A. B„ Mathematics.

Cornell University; graduate work at Drew Seminary and Columbia University. Public Schools. Teacher in Minnesota


jflore J^eponi)

More beyond of laughter and weeping; More beyond of sorrow and pain.

TruSt the Father’s holding and helping; He has power to keep and sustain.

More beyond of burdens and Striving; More beyond of lessons to learn.

TruSt the Father, loving and faithful; Pain and care to rejoicing will turn.

More beyond, but light floods the future; More beyond, with happy hearts pray.

TruSt the message, “Come faithful servant; 1 am the Light, the Truth and the Way.”


Mentor Class (Officers

OLIVIA A. FORSTER, Winona, Minnesota.

Academic-Professional. (Latin.)

"Born for success she seemed. With grace to win, With heart to hold.”

MARILLA SESSIONS, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

"Young in appearance, in mental capacity old.

FLORA I. BOELL, Winona, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“Her power has not one-half the might of her gentleness.

KARL J. HOLZINGER, Winona, Minnesota.

Academic-Professional. (Latin.)

"When duty calls him, enjoyment fades away."

GOLDIE GOODMAN, Winona, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“From the crown of her head to the sole of her foot, she is all mirth."

DOROTHY BUCK, Winona, Minnesota.

Kindergarten Course.

You would take her for an angel, ju$t looking at her face; But we, who know, can tell you she’s a case.”

Mentor Class

INA D. WHIPPLE, Elgin, Minnesota.

Elementary Graduate.

“Cheerfulness and good will make labor light.”

BERTHA HOSSFELD, Lewiston, Minnesota.

Three Year Elementary.

"Physics, my girl, physics; Make it your life work.”

BERNICE McKEOWN, Chatfield, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

"Her vital feelings of delight shall rear her form to Stately height.”

INEZ V. MONTGOMERY, Weaver, Minnesota.

Academic-Professional. (Latin.)

"She moves a goddess, And she looks a queen.”

KATHRYN G. BUCK, Lanesboro, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

"When Katie has the basket ball, There’s sunshine in her soul; She doesn’t mind the guard at all, But quickly makes a goal."

HAZEL M. CHRISTIAN, Witoka, Minnesota.

Three Year Elementary.

"A frank, open countenance.”

PEARL SHEARER, Chatfield, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“Her heart and hand both open and both free, For what she has she gives, what she thinks she shows.

NATALIE FLADAGER, Spring Grove, Minnesota.

Elementary Graduate.

"Her countenance betrayeth a peaceful mind.’

FLORENCE KAMMERER, Winona, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“Let no man accoSt me unless he hath a mighty reason.’

NORMA C. REUSS. Winona, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

"Short, sweet, silent and smiling.”

GERTRUDE A. LAIRD, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

Too charming to be a teacher."

MINNIE CLARK, South Park, Minnesota, Advanced Graduate.

“What sweet delight a quiet life affords.”

ALICE M. MELGARD, Rushford, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

"She doeth little kindnesses which others leave undone.

LUELLA MORIARTY, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance."

ETHEL M. VAN VLIET, Northfield, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“She was a Student and a very good one, Exceedingly wise and persuading.

MABEL V. MILLER, St. Charles, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“She wears the rose of youth upon her.”

BESSIE ANDERSON, Hopkins, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“Our Bessie tall and Straight Never lingers to enter late.”

NORA BOCKLER, Winona, Minnesota.

Three Year Elementary.

"When mischief prevails she is always there."

AGATHA C. HOVORKA, New Prague, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

‘‘A sweet, attraiftive kind of grace, Continual comfort in her face.”

SELMA SAAM, Lansing, Iowa.

Advanced Graduate.

“Your face is honest, frank and true; You carry happiness with you.

ALICE M. JONES, Havana, Minnesota.

Elementary Graduate.

"Ble£l with a good reason and a sober sense.”

CHARLOTTE TORRANCE, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Kindergarten Course.

“Her voice was ever soft, gentle and low, An excellent thing in woman.”

RHODA THOMPSON, Lyle, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“She does her work with a resolute will."

Frances McCarthy, Miles City, Montana.

Advanced Graduate.

"The mildest manners and the gentled heart.”

RUTH MUNGER. Winona, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

"She hath been faithful over a few things; she shall be ruler over many.’’

MARY E. DONEGAN, Winona, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

Her hair is no sunnier than her heart.

LILLIAN KOBLAS, Hopkins, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

"I am not in the roll of common men."

CARRIE SCOBLIC, Winona, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“We expert great things of you even though you’re small.

MALIA FOSSUM, Mabel, Minnesota.

Abvanced Graduate.

"Ability wins us the esteem of true friends."

GENEVIEVE FELZER, Winona, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“Her loveliness I never knew until she smiled on me."

MABEL A. BRIGGS, Dodge Center, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

I want what I want when I want it.”

SADIE SNYDER, Winona, Minnesota. Advanced Course.

"No matter what the discussion be I always find room to disagree.

CHRISTINE KUKEL, Lynch, Nebraska.

Advanced Graduate.

“Alack, alas, there lies more peril in thine eye, than twenty of their swords."

ROMELLE COMRIE, Winona, Minnesota.

“My lady hath a smile for all, A kindly word for each."

WILLABELLE PEARSON, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“She that was ever fair and never proud, Had tongue at will, and yet was never loud.”

FLORENCE PETERSON, Elbow Lake, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“As busy as a bee, and evidently enjoying life.”

LUCINDA H. GOLTZ, Winona, Minnesota.

Three Year Elementary. As sober as a judge.”

MARILLA CONNELL, Claremont, Minnesota.

Kindergarten Course.

Do you know Marilla?

Her eyes are so bright; She’s brimful of laught»r From morning till night."

HARRIET REID, CaStlewood, South Dakota.

Kindergarten Course.

"Oh! if I could only grow."

MABEL A. BAUER, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

"Maiden with the dreamy eyes, A riddle many fain would prize."

ELEANOR E. BUSH, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Kindergarten Course.

"Her heart is not in her work; where is it?”

BETH E. KING, Pipeftone, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

"Deep in heart a passion for fun grows, In spite of troubles, Storms and woes."

GRACE E. SCOTT, Winona, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

"Her Studious mind is ever evident.

NETTIE M. BERTHE, Winona, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

"Slow but sure; says little, but knows what she’s talking about."

NETTIE FORD, Witoka, Minnesota.

Three Year Elementary.

"So firm, yet soft; so Strong, yet so refined."

MABEL E. NOEL, Buffalo, Minnesota.

Kindergarten Course.

"Her eye betrays her outbursts of wit.”

MABEL FIFIELD, Winona, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“A kind and gentle heart she has, to comfort friends and foes.”

MARY C. MORGAN, Winona, Minnesota.

Academic-Professional. (English.)

“A modeSt maid, yet self-possessed withal."

EDITH MORRISON, Yankton, South Dakota.

Kindergarten Course.

"Diredt me in some goodly walk, That leads away from bookish strife.”

ANNA ROSE, Lake City, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“A nature so modest and rare, That you hardly at first see the strength that is there.

MARGUERITE WILLIAMS, L.ake City, Minnesota, Advanced Graduate.

“When joy and duty clash, Let duty go to smash.'

ETTA H. HOWELL, Winona, Minnesota.

Academic-Professional. (Latin.)

“None but herself can be her parallel.”

CECIL A. SMITH, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“Like unto a rose, giving her fragrance freely to all."

MYRTLE FOSSUM, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Advanced Graduate.

"All the world loves a looking glass, and Myrtle does see a pleasant reflection."

FRANCES PEART, Flandreau, South Dakota. Kindergarten Course.

"Happy am I; from care I am free; Why aren’t they all content like me?”

ELSIE M. POLZIN, Winona, Minnesota. Advanced Graduate.

I he dullness of her eye does not betray the condition of her mind.”

PEARL M. FRICK, Yankton, South Dakota. Kindergarten Course.

"The power of gentleness is irresistible."

ANNA I. KNUTSON, Ely, Minnesota. Kindergarten Course. Her speech is graced with sweet sounds.”

JENNIE J. MILLER, Minneiska, Minnesota. Advanced Graduate. She does her own thinking and needs but little advice.”

ESTHER ONSTINE, Chatfield, Minnesota.

Elementary Graduate.

“Full of fun and mischief too, Doing things she shouldn’t do.”

CLARA M. FOSHAY, Bloomington, Wisconsin.

Advanced Gradate.

“Her very frowns are fairer far Than smiles of other maidens are.’

EVELYN A. BROWN, LaMoille, Minnesota.

Academic-Professional. (Latin.)

“Co-education is the thief of time.

HELEN M. ROBB, Winona, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“One who can and sometimes does.”

LUCY F. CLARK, Lamberton, Minnesota.

Kindergarten Course.

"Her modeftv is a candle to her merit."

ELIZABETH Y. WILLSON, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

"Her merry heart goes all the day."

CORA A. WEDGE, Zumbrota, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

'What her heart thinks, her tongue speaks."

LORAINE FOWLDS, Russell, Minnesota

Three Year Elementary.

“Brevity of expression is the proof of wisdom."

MARY DANIEL, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Kindergarten Course.

"She was, but words would fail to tell the what Think what a woman should be, and she was that.”

VERNA G. KECK, Spring Valley, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“Who never gets caught in mischief.”

RUBY MASON, Lake City, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

How doth this black-haired shark delight To sit and £tudy all the night, And to exhibit all the day The wisdom that she gains that way.”

MAYE DRINKWALTER, Zumbro Falls, Minnesota.

Elementary Graduate.

Very quiet but of a sunny disposition.”

LUELLA DRESBACK, Pine Island, Minnesota.

Elementary Graduate.

"True as a diamond, modest and utterly unselfish.

ALICE C. GUNDERSON, Rushford, Minnesota.

Elementary Graduate.

"A little nonsense now and then is good for even Gunderson.”

JESSAMIME SULLIVAN, Shakopee, Minnesota.

Elementary Graduate.

“Who never troubles trouble, till irouble tsoubles her."

GENEVIEVE PETERSON, Stillwater. Minnesota.

Elementary Graduate.

"Of manners gentle; of affections mild."

ANNA BRESNAHAN, Lanesboro, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

"A maiden never bold; her spirit very till and quiet.”

HAZEL JUNKIN, Kellogg, Minnesota.

Three Year Elementary.

"A demure little maid with a bewitching glance."

NELLIE H. RASMUSSON, Willmar, Minnesota.

Elementary Graduate.

"If ever you get tuck in your music lesson, jut go to little Miss Rasmusson."

JANE CALAHAN, Elk Point, South Dakota.

Kindergarten Course.

"She reasoned without plodding long, nor ever gave her judgment wrong."

DOROTHY KECKEFOTH, Winona, Minnesota.

Three Year Elementary.

All the pleasure that she may find, is to maintain a quiet mind.”

RUBY TIERNEY, Winona, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

"A glow in her eyes; a ring in her voice and on her finger.”

LYDIA C. HERRMANN, Winona, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“One who says little, but takes in everything."

GLADYS D. KELLEY, Wabasha, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

"Mindful not of herself.”

ELLA F. WINTER, Owatonna, Minnesota.

Elementary Graduate.

‘Thou ha£t no sorrow in thy song, no winter in thy year.”

GERTRUDE ALLEY, Buffalo, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“Small, but determined, in her way, That she a woman will be some day.”

ELSIE HULTCRANTZ, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Advanced Graduate.

“Her frankness will ever be admired.”

HELEN LUHMANN, Stillwater, Minnesota.

Elementary Graduate.

“She is tall, and growing taller.”

ANNABEL BLOWERS, Winona, Minnesota.

Elementary Graduate.

“As merry as the day is long."

Spirit of 1911

HAST year the class of 1910 graduated in a blaze of glory. And why not? Had they not rounded out fifty full years of work for our institution? It is with pride that we, the class of 1911, complete the firSt year of a new half century. We have “run the race that was set before us,” and small wonder that we ran it well. Fifty years of undiminished progress behind and a life time of honor to come!

And now our special achievements and difficulties will soon be blended by the hand of time into the hiStory of the school. To this hiStory, these are our contributions: our class play, our annual, and our spirit.

Every great country has its ancient hiStory founded in myths. Legends are a part of the firSt food for thought in the primary rooms of our schools. So, true to all good beginnings, we come into our new half century with a legend. Like eager primary children we dramatize it, and we love it because we can all take part. The whole community is interested in the myth of Wenonah because it is their very own.

We publish an annual. Fifty years from now our descendants can turn to our “Baby Book. What a God-send it will be to the “Ruggles” who shall write the centennial history in another half century. He can refer to it and find with readiness and ease when our firSt tooth appeared and that dreadful day we bumped our heads.

One balmy spring evening a group of men were sitting around a camp fire, boasting in a friendly way of their native lands. “If you vas not English, John, vat vould you be?” said a Sturdy German. "Oh,” said John, “I think I’d be a German. What would you be?” “Veil, dot English nation vas pretty good,” drawled the German, then turning to an Irishman he said, “Say, Pat, if you vere not Irish, vot vould you be?” “It’s ashamed of mesilf I’d be,” replied Pat. It is this spirit of undaunted loyalty that per- vades the class. It makes us true to all with whom we are connected.

To the present we give our class play. Future generations may claim the annual as a bit of their history. But the spirit we have gained is ours! The loyalty which we boaSt is not born of prejudice, for loyalty does not consist of degrading other things to make one’s cause appear better. It is born of a love so deep that we are able to see good in everything, and we are even willing to bear both juSt and unjuSt criticisms so that what we love may become more nearly perfedt. We have realized the value of this spirit here. Let us take it into our life work. Let it be our watchword. Loyalty, the spirit of the class of 191 1!

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£$enonafj—&n 3nbtan itipl

Senior Class has chosen for the class play an Indian theme to be given in ■ 6 j the form of a pageant.

The Book of the Pageant has been written by Miss Christine H. Boyson of the class of 1906. The music has been selected from the beSt sources, and the coStumes are to be typical.

The Sun Dance, Virgin’s Dance, and Warrior Dance are included in an Indian Festival to be presented.

There will be one hundred characters in coStume, including Father Manard, DuFuth and his French trappers, Wenonah, Chief Wapasha, Tomdoka, Indian maids and braves. Special scenery and drop curtains will be used throughout the pageant.


1. The Early Mission Fife of Minnesota.

The French explorers and the Jesuit Fathers contributed largely to the early history of the state. Father Rene Menard (1650) was among the firSt to labor among the red men of the North.

2. DuFuth at St. Anthony Falls.

The Falls of St. Anthony, or Minnehaha Falls, have long been famous in Story and song because of the Indians who made their home in that region. Father Hennepin discovered and named St. Anthony Falls. DuFuth and his men were received in a friendly manner by the Indians.

3. The Fegend of the Peace Pipe.

Chief Wapasha and his braves appear in this scene.


1. Indian Festival.

The Indian is known because of the tribute he pays Nature. The Festival begins with the “Sunrise Call” and concludes with the games and ceremonies which form a part of such an event.


2. Departure of DuLuth.

DuLuth and his men set out to find the head waters of the Mississippi.

3. Indian Idyl.

Among the Indians the wooing was done by the father of the young brave or some member of his family. If the overtures, made not to the young girl but to her father or some representative of her family, were satisfactory, the gifts, often some valuable skins, were accepted, the time for the marriage was set, and the brave’s father returned home. When the young brave came to claim his bride a valuable skin was placed in front of the wigwam. The attitude of Wenonah at this moment decides the fate of Tomdoka, her Indian lover.


1. The Dakotas leave St. Anthony Falls for Wapasha Prairie,the present site of the City of Winona.

They have passed through a season of famine, and upon arriving in a fertile country they observe a beautiful Indian custom. Their women go out on the corn fields and sing together in the light of the full moon.

2. Wenonah at Maiden Rock.


©EING cognizant of the facft that all brilliant objedts display their scintillations to a greater advantage when thrown upon a murky back-ground, the Juniors, seventy-five strong, have patriotically choked back every manifestation of genius, (no one knows at what personal pain) in order to become a proper “foil’ for their brilliant and success-deserving fellow-Students, the Seniors. As an illustration of this patriotism of the class, witness the noble spirit with which they have allowed the Seniors to usurp the honor and space of this, the maiden effort of the school in publishing a Students’ annual. Nor do they mourn the plaudits they have loSt; instead, they feel this to be but a Stepping-Stone by which they will climb to Still higher achievements and honor.

Occasionally, it is true, genius has found it impossible to hide itself, as when Miss Arloine Forbes gives the school a rare musical treat, or when Miss Clara McCune, their witty President, feeling that patience is not always a virtue, reveals a glimpse of the latent brilliancy of the class.

Having spent the year as a refledtor, as it were, of these brilliantly radiating lights, the Juniors feel that the time has now come for their self-abnegation to give place to a display of their capability. As a final tribute to their fore-runners, the Juniors will tender them a reception, at which, for the laSt time, the Seniors will have the benefit of a sympathetic back-ground. In the future, without their accustomed inspiration, they muSt vie individually with the lights which are already brightening the world.

Then the J umor Stars will emerge from their regions of obscurity to make Still more splendid the musical, mtelledtual and social illumination which the Seniors have this year made. As they in turn take their place as Seniors, they will have raised the Standard a little higher and have made it more difficult for the next Junior class to surpass.

[35] 3BE 3BE JUNIORS 30E 30E

JWenbelsteofjtt Club

First Row—-Viola Knapp, Helena Horovitz, Elsie Hultcrantz, Eleanor Bush.

Second Row—Leona Wolfe, Helen Birdlebough, Arloine Forbes, Ruby Peterson, Marilla Connell, Goldie Goodman, Olga Grabow, Ruth Munger.

Third Row Marilla Sessions, Agatha Havorka, Marion Burton, Willabelle Pearson, Marguerite Williams, Charlotte Torrance, Minna Anstett, Ruby Mason.


HE Normal Chorus has been as adtive as usual. At present it is rehearsing the Indian folk music for the class play to be given in June. Some of the programs which have been given during the year are:


June 8, 1810—July 29, 1856

Reading. Robert Schumann

Miss Elizabeth Foote

Selection. Scenes from "FauSt Part III, 'Woods crown, with trembling hold."

Mr. Charles C. Colby Normal Chorus

Piano. Whims Miss Mona Riley

Songs, a) Die Lotus blume

b) Volks liedchen Miss Hazel Straus

Selection. To the Sunshine Mendelssohn Club

Piano. Novellette in F Miss Rita Rowan

Violin. Traumerei, and Romance Miss Marguerite Williams

Selection. The Song of Blondel Normal Chorus


March 3, 191 1

The Story: Der Freischutz

Carl Maria von Weber

Miss Theda Gildemei&er

The Overture: Der Freischutz, (German)

Mr. Karl Holzinger at the Metro&yle

The Solo: Hubicka, (Bohemian) "Vandulka’s Cradle Song"

Bedrich Smetana

Miss Viola Knapp

I he Duet: Pique Dame, (Russian) ”Tis Evening’

Peter Tschaikowsky

Miss Charlotte Torrance

Miss Eleanor Bush

I he Quartette: Samson and Delilah, (French) My Heart at the Sweet Voice

C. Saint-Saens

Mendelssohn Club

The Chorus: Tannhauser, (German) "Pilgrim’s Chorus" Richard Wagner

Normal Chorus

[39] I * * « * i i ) * -v*r. + «|»»f>»-^.** ^i»«»^«»^>»^*»^t»^i«»^«»^«»^i »»^ «4* ) ) i iSormal
- &2 & ^ ji»^ «»|» «|m|»» »»-^ «»-^ t»^ «»^ «»-^i «» ^1 )»^I »»^I ^1 ««t» 4 + ««*^ »» "^1
Cfjorus; i

HIS is a band of workers that forms a close bond of fellowship among the M « j Students. One hundred girls are banded together with one aim, that of leading a more spiritual life. Each week there is a devotional meeting led either by one of the Students or by a member of the faculty. The girls freely express themselves, and many are helped by the reStful service. Solos are often rendered by different members.

The work of the society is practical. The members try to welcome new girls and interest them in the society’s work. At the beginning of the year a reception is given for the “freshies.” The sale of sandwiches (my, but aren’t they good at eleven o’clock!) has enriched the treasury of the society. Isn't the corner of our reSt room enticing to you, O ye healthy? How much more so it muSt be to the feeble and weary. It is opposite the main Study hall and is furnished with inviting and reStful furniture. Soft tones of brown predominate and lend much to the peace and quiet of the room.

Through the efforts of our retiring president, we were represented at the Territorial Convention held at Cedar Falls, Iowa, in March of this year. The new president and vice-president were the delegates.

The various committees have done good work; the social committee has shown itself especially efficient and has often given an added charm to the meetings by providing a social hour after the devotional exercises.

[41 ] * * * * * * * *

JfirSt Cxpebition of tlje Hsitronomiral i&orietp of Winona ©

ING! bang! crash! the screaming of many people and then a whizzing sound as down, down the airships fell, held together as one by the terrible crash. The Americans, screaming and calling for aid, were faSt becoming panic Stricken, while the captain of the Winona (the distinguished name of the American airship) rushed here and there, giving orders to his crew as they swiftly descended. Suddenly a sad, sweet note, like that of the nightingale, came to their ears from the pitchy darkness. The moon, the wanderers’ friend of a few hours before, seemed, like themselves, to have become a wanderer in the orbit of some other planet.

Soon after the note had been uttered, the airships descended more slowly, and were finally suspended in the air. The inhabitants of the floating masses now had an opportunity to view their fellow passengers and wonder at their sudden Stop. The captain and the flyers of the Winona lit the gas jets and began to investigate the particulars of the accident. Far above them was a great canopy of oiled skin, extending far beyond both ships, but fastened only to the second of the colliding ships. This ship was peculiarly different from the Winona, having a Structure of bamboo with sails that seemed at firSt to be oiled skin but which, upon closer observation, proved to be as thin as paper and yet Stronger than any skin known to the world.

The long tapers which were extinguished by the accident had been again lighted. Their brilliant light and their heat were very comforting to the earth people. The lighted ship was populated by Strange, unearthly beings, who were short and very slender, with large oblong heads almost without hair. Their features were small and drawn together in such a way that each seemed to have lived as long as his neighbor, while no one seemed young. Small unwavering eyes looked through oblong eye glasses fastened about their heads by red metal chains. Their scant clothing was made of the skins of birds.

The Astronomical Society of the Winona State Normal School, (in search of the tail of Holzinger’s comet under the leadership of a friendly science professor) was at firSt greatly amazed, but wasted little time in reaching the abode of their fellow sufferers. Captain Munson firSt gained this destination, followed by the less timid of the party.


Each language that he tried was met by a Stare from the unearthly being. As a laSt resort Latin was used by the fainting captain.

‘‘Vos cognoscimus,” responded the unearthly being. “We are from Mars and were planning a visit to the earth. I have often watched you earth beings through these telescopic eyeglasses of mine. I put up the canopy when we met this accident and by it we are suspended in air. I shall immediately put my men to work to repair the damage. Therefore prepare for a few days Stop.”

Preparations were made for the evening meal, after which both Winonans and Martians gathered about the central torch for the evening.

“Will you not sing for us?” asked one of the Winonans. Then a volume of undifferentiated notes having a nasal twang gushed forth upon the silent air. The director of music at the Normal was horrified. Gasping as she clung to the arm of her chair, she exclaimed, “They are dear, sweet people, but they can’t sing. No, they can’t; that is the truth, sweet people.”

“This is atrocious, abominable and ludicrous, ladies and gentlemen, to waSte such valuable time when we might hear of the wonderful phenomena of the universe,” said the leader of the expedition, a kind hearted scientific German and the discoverer of the comet of whose tail they were then in search. “Think of the vaSt information about the Pleides, Aldebaran and the Twins which they might impart to us.” Then as a laSt thought he exclaimed, “They may have birds upon their planet with two toes, hind toe elevated.”

A lady passenger at this moment called the worthy leader aside and said, “RequeSt them to speak briefly. Their speech is so unorganized and undifferentiated, as it were. I wonder what they mean by truth and goodness.’ Did you perceive that they do not apprehend when their second term of the judgment is identical with the firSt? It is fortunate that they met us instead of the Mexicans who could not underStand them. What an idea! Oh, yes! I have it! A theme for a short Story! I shall have the Martians and Mexicans meet in a desert and through lack of other companionship become great friends.” She hurriedly went to the other side of the deck and began writing.

Meanwhile a member of the Martian party had been chosen to speak briefly.

“A league of time ago, or fifty years, as you would say,” he began, “I visited the city, Winona. I observed a huge red Structure where earth beings came and went. MoSt of them wore upon their heads round, flat objects which doubtless prevented gravity from devouring them into the bowels of the earth. Inside this Structure the beings passed from box to box, in each of which they Stayed a short time while an older being in fluent tones seemingly reprimanded them. In one box they talked of aim, preparation, development, presentation, and generalization in lofty terms. Do you Still have this course of Study?”

A short, cheerful man of the party, seeing that no one was about to answer, spoke: “Yes. We used to hit the high places. Our course for teachers now consists of five

[43 ]

years of work. We have introduced classes in philosophy, ethics, biology, and sociology which have vastly improved our system of schools. That is to say, in the laSt analysis, since socialism has been introduced the high coSt of living, monopolies and high tariffs have been abandoned, causing education to receive a higher standard.

The psychologist was rather offended by this speech since the great reawakening in education had been credited to change in politics rather than to the new Gaylord psychology which had swept over the educational world like wild fire. Calmly he said, “Please ask the Martian to express his laSt Statement in another way, as the method of their learning is not quite clear to me. I wish to see if their psycho-physical process is identical with ours, and if they believe in the recapitulation of the race.”

By the time the educational discussion had ceased, it was long paSt time for retiring. “Before this meeting is broken up, I would like to ask one question,” said a blonde young gentleman. Having been granted his wish, he rubbed his hands several times and asked in kind tones, “Why are we so suspended in air and not so drawn by gravitation to some planet?”

The sad, sweet voice rather Startled the Martian, and he answered, “We are at a point between the earth and Mars where there would be perfect equilibrium if we were over the North Pole of the earth, but being over the equator we are slightly drawn to the earth. The canopy above us remedies this and we are held up by the resistance that carbonic gas offers to the covering.” The earth being went to smooth his hair at this scientific discovery but in his haSte pulled his nose instead.

After two very pleasant days, the repairs having been completed, the canopy was taken down and the two ships Started on their journey to the earth, having decided to leave the discovery of the comet’s tail for another expedition. When they reached a distance of about five miles from the earth the torches of the Martians began to flicker; the unsubstantial gas by which their motor was run gave one puff when it came in contacSt with the oxygen of the air, and up they went into the unknown regions once more, leaving the bewildered Winonans to seek the inferior earth where they could teach the hundreds of Students the Story of Mars. F. Me.


^w^HEN 1, in the hope of becoming a teacher, entered the opening of the way, rl I my friends all cried, “Be sure to get a graft.” I promised I would try. How \ J / the gods muSt have laughed at me!

How was I to obtain this illusive thing? was the next question that confronted me. I made eager inquiries as to what graft was. “Oh, getting in right,” was


the universal answer. Now what did that mean? (Dear people, you muft remember that the word “graft,” which until a short time ago was itself slang, has juft graduated from that lower class, and I ask you to pardon slang in my explanation).

“Getting in right.’ “Getting in right.” The meaning of the above gradually became clear when I realized that I had not got in rightly. I could plainly see that I had not, but how to do it I knew not.

A few days passed, and one unhappy moment I had the ill fate to be called upon to recite. It was after one of the Normal receptions, and my brilliancy was exhaufted. I rose, took a weak, uncertain aim and missed the mark. The teacher looked bored and called on my next neighbor. She, with a look of positive assurance which made me want to shake her, rose and in a finished way made a brilliant, polished recitation. The teacher beamed, and my breaft burned within me. All at once it flashed over me. She had a graft!

“Grafts, grafts, everywhere, Nor any graft for me.”

1 openly joined the rank of graft haters. Meeting the girl who had acquitted herself so creditably in the morning class room, I said, “Will you please tell me how you get a graft?”

She looked at me calmly and replied, “I don’t believe in them.

This verified my conclusions. “Of course you don t,” I cried; “You have one!” and went away to think again on the subject. I was determined to get to the end of the trail. No learned scientift was more anxious to reach his goal than was I to find what these ridiculous five letters meant in a school. The air was literally alive with them.

Finally I determined to watch the suspicious characters who were the proud possessors of grafts. Oh, disgruntled Sherlock Holmes! Each one trudged wearily home at a quarter to six with four heavy books in her arms and a careworn expression on her face. Dorothy L.

®fie Putterflp

ONE beautiful day in the long ago, a lovely butterfly was flitting over a field of exquisite flowers. As might be expected, perhaps, the butterfly was perfectly contented with himself and his surroundings. He had juft alighted upon a daisy and was comparing his parti-colored wings with its pure simplicity. “O thou common flower!” he cried “Is not thy heart sad to think how plain thou art when compared with me?” The daisy nodded, but gave no answer.


Juft then a sweet Strain of music was wafted across the glen. "1 muft see whether the creature that utters such notes is as beautiful as its song,’ murmured the butterfly; and away he flew.

When he reached what he thought to be the source of the music, the sounds had ceased, and he could see nothing. He was about to give up the search when, with a great whir, something dropped upon him, its dinner.

A little later the song was resumed.


RIENDS are not loft

ESince laft our souls

and carried him away. The robin had found The daisy heard and smiled.

Millard Blair. JfrtenbSh'P

when silence spans the years in sweet communion met;

Not all the burden of earth s cares and tears Can break the magic chain which binds us yet.

Those are not loft who meet the call of death, Though silence only answers to our cry; For love is ftronger than our mortal breath And spans with faith the space beyond the sky.

They only lose, whose heart has learned miftruft, Quenching the faith that lighted early youth; The desert sands of selfishness and heat Shall never choke the way of love in truth.

We only lose that which we cease to prize; Those friends are loft and those are loft alone Who learn to meet us with averted eyes Or speak the name of friend in bitter tone.

We shall be friends and faithful classmates yet, However far our paths may lead apart; We shall not lose for we shall not forget; Our friendships live in every loyal heart!


Beat!) before lUfe

Read at the Semi-Centennial Exercises, June, 1910. HA TE’ER there is of beauty in this life, ■ I ■ Whate’er of comfort, service, joy or hope, \ § / Is budded on some sacrifice or strife. In yearning and bewilderment, we grope For light but dawn comes only after night. The blissful breath of spring would be less sweet Had winter’s cold not come before. The bright Flow’rs fade, and fruit appears. Today our feet Avoid the worm. Tomorrow soars in air

A radiant butterfly. The cliff where now The coral glows, would £till be bleak and bare Had not the mite resigned its life. See how All gain ariseth. E’en our Lord’s laft breath

Was giv'n, that we might live in Him, thru death. Martha M. Wick.



Mr. Holzinger’s Statement that the Normal is an old maids' factory, has been disproved. Read and be convinced.

Katherine Hennessy, 09, is engaged to Roy Crowley of St. James.

Catherine Hauge, 10, Alma Michaelson, 08, and Edith Morrison, 10, are all engaged.

The following are married:

Mabelle Sammons, 05, now Mrs. Fred DeGuire.

Bessie McNickle, 04, now Mrs. F. Borland.

Emma Wheeler, now Mrs. George Fifield.

Marcelle Didier, 10, now Mrs. Milton Floyd, living at Chicago, 111.

Then there is Miss Frances Morey, 05, who is still with us as a teacher, but

Florence Rounds, 10, who has been attending the University of Minnesota for the paSt year, is going to have the kindergarten at St. James next year.

Alice McLaughlin, 10, has also been doing University work.

Ethel Wakefield, 10, has primary work at Wayzetta.

Miss Van Vliet, our ex-editor, has accepted the eighth grade at Sandstone for the remainder of the year.

Dora Sell, 09, a former Sandstone teacher, will be at New Ulm next year.

Frieda Reichert, 08, teaches at Watertown, S. D.

Myrtle Carter, 10, will remain at St. James, where she has been teaching in the fifth grade.

Hattie Josephson, 10, has the seventh grade at Luverne.

Clara Boell, 09, is at Rushford.

Grace, 10, "Cards” the youngsters at Dresbach.

Eva, 10, is Still “Holden" her job at Luverne.

"O-’tis” Eleanor, 10, at Luverne.

Jessie, 10, is doing the "Wright” thing at Lakefield, and Paul, "Hardt” work at Deephaven.

Watertown keeps Eileen, 10, "Boylan.”

Helen, 10, on account of her "Strong work, has been re-eletted at Lake City.

Linnie, 10, is many "Miles" away at South St. Paul.

Martha Wick, 10, her light Still shineth at Everett, Washington.

Marian Ryan, 09, will teach at Faribault next year.

Ray Le May, 08, is Manual Training Supervisor at Tacoma, Washington.

Mable Wheeler, 09, is at Bemidji.

Elsie Hess and Florence Dilliard, 10, have both been re-elerted, the former at Eyota and the latter at Gilbert.

Harriet Kinne, 08, has accepted a sixth grade position at Duluth for the year of 1911-12.

Minnie Howell, 08, will teach at Wells for the coming year.

Addie Johnson, 10, is Kindergarten and Music Supervisor at St. James.

Some secret magnet has kept Miss Genevieve Felzer, 10, among our ranks. Ask Karl.

Helen Bibbins, 10, is at Renville and experts to Slay there for the coming year.

Ella Fifield, 02, is at home, assisting Miss Mabel through the Normal.

Elmer Brown, 08, is married and living at RocheSter.

Jeanette Ronan, 09, who has been teaching at Chisholm, will remain at home next year.

N. E. Schwartz, 06, is Principal at Morgan.

Marie Brown, 10, is teaching at Hopkins.


®fje House farming at jtlorep Hall

ON the evening of April twelfth gay groups of prettily dressed girls were to be seen trolling arm in arm up the corridors of Morey Hall, bevies of them chatting together in little knots and corners. There seemed to be some excitement in the air and as the hour of six drew near, this increased.

One by one the honored guests arrived Mrs. Maxwell, Mrs. Morey and Miss Inglis, all of whom have been interested in Morey Hall. AlmoSt hidden from view by a group of gay girls could be caught glimpses of a tall young man, another gueSt. Upon being asked whether he had met any of the young women, our resident direiftor, Mr. Somsen, answered, “Yes, forty-one by adtual count.”

Occasionally the hostesses caSt anxious glances toward the door, plainly in expertancy, for the dinner hour was near. We wondered who was yet to come. Suddenly the door opened and President Maxwell entered.

Dinner was announced. Descending the Stairway, the gueSts entered a brilliantly lighted room. In the center Stood a table about which were grouped six other tables, covered with snowy napery, glistening silver, and pretty china, very pleasing parts of the new equipment. Places were assigned the gueSts, and a delicious dinner was served.

After dessert, with President Maxwell as toaSt master, the following toaSts were proposed: “LeSt We Forget,” responded to by Miss Brown; “The New Girls,” by Miss Mathis; “The Nondescripts,” by Miss Davies; “Our Faculty Boarders,” by Miss Saunders; and “The Powers That Be,” by Mr. Somsen.

Then followed something which filled the hearts of all with great joy. This was the announcement by President Maxwell that Miss Katharine Kenaga had accepted the position of dean for the coming year.

After this the girls gathered about the center table and sang lustily a Morey Hall song set to the tune of "Die Wacht am Rhein,” and expressive of their loyalty to the Normal School and of their deep appreciation to President Maxwell for his enthusiastic and sincere interest in the equipment of their beautiful home.

With this song ringing in their ears all dispersed, glad that they had had a part in this happy occasion and feeling that this, the firSt dinner, but presaged many happy days for the girls of Morey Hall.

[51 ]



jflorep J^all Hesteon ipau

A. Subject Matter.

1. Morey Hall Aim:

a. To make inmates realize ideals of a perfect dormitory.

2. Organization of Material.

a. Hall.

b. Preceptress.

c. Matron.

d. Undifferentiated group of girls

e. Rules and regulations.

f. Bells.

g. Cats.

B. Method.

1. Inmates’ Aim:

a. To change the present ideals of the perfect dormitory.

1. Break the rules.

2. Whistle after Study hours.

3. Play cards and meow.

2. Preparation.

a. House meetings! !

b. Conferences in the President’s private office.

c. Written notices.

d. Bells ringing at all hours.

e. Meowing after lights go out.

3. Presentation.

a. Do not put nails in walls. Do_not use both lights. Do not negled: keeping room in good condition.

b. Obey, honor, and revere her.

c. Enjoy her meals, and do not knock.

d. Be on dress parade. Keep Study hours 2:00 to 3:00 and 7:30 to 10:00 Saturdays inclusive. Do not have feaSts without permission. Walk slowly up the Stairs.

e. Too numerous to mention.

4. Conclusion: Resolved: To send out into the world each year a group of girls thus trained to better and elevate the social Standing of their communities.

[ 53 ]


II H the new movement toward physical education, athletics have found a place in almost every school. Our institution has excellent equipment along this line the gymnasium located in the new building being one of the finest of its size in the State.

Athletics have risen into prominence swiftly in our school. During the laSt two years, under the capable leadership of Miss Andrews, this phase of the school-life has developed from a few Struggling efforts into a syStem of physical education.

The work of the year falls into several lines: talks on hygiene, freehand movements, marching, rhythmic work thru folk-dances, outdoor plays, and the organization of a number of basket-ball teams.

Soon after the return of the Students in the fall, outdoor work was begun. We were given our choice of volley-ball, outdoor basket-ball, cross country walks, and tennis. Everybody set about working up team spirit, and the tennis players nerved themselves to double effort in preparation for a tournament to be held late in the spring.

When cold weather came we settled down to the muscle-producing exercises of the formal gymnasium; and oh the groans as we wearily toiled up the Stairs after our firSt day of indoor work!

A number of basket-ball teams were organized immediately, and the squads have worked faithfully and well. Inter-class games have been held, which have shown the efficient coaching given by Miss Andrews, and the individual effort and loyal teamwork of the girls.

Now again the campus is filled with merry groups of players; but all too soon we seniors will leave these games, carrying with us the memory of the happy days of our life in the Winona Normal School.

Mentor packet Pall ^>quab

Back Row Kathryn Buck, Cecil Smith, Goldie Goodman, Cora Wedge, Ruth Munger. Front Row Anna Bresnahan, Flora Boell, Jessamine Sullivan, Jennie Miller, Sadie Snyder, Etta Howell. Captain Cecil Smith. LIBRARY, KINDERGARTEN, AND GYMNASIUM

15. “I got a zero in Algebra today.’

14.—“That’s nothing.’

1 5.—“What’s nothing?

1 4.—“Zero.”


Miss W.—"I don’t mean that. Well, I can’t remember that.’’

Mr. C. C. C. “That recitation reminds me of Bhndman’s Buff.”

* * *

H. D. (translating)—“The island is smaller in the middle.

Prof. H.— “It muit be like a fashionable lady.

* =t=

M. F. (in Hi&. of Ed.)—“Man is the moft important thing.’

* * *

H. C. (in History)—“I don’t know what you want.”

Mr. C. C. C.—“I don't want anything, I simply desire an answer.

^ ^ ^

Mr. W. H. M. (in Physiology)

“Miss Whomes, what would a frog do if put in a kettle of hot water?”

Irma (innocently) “Please Mr. Munson, I I think it would croak.”

* * *

New Student (after a Civics book)—

“I want a copy of Dr. Pritchard’s “Government of Minnesota.’

K. H. (in class meeting) “I beg to decline.”

Class President—“Who will make a motion to the effedt that Karl be dedined?”

E. B.—“Oh, I guess not! * * *

Mr. C. C. C. (in committee meeting)

“Well, the point is that we want all we can get, and then can pick out the beSt.’

Mr. J. L. S.—“Is that your general philosophy of life?”

* *

Prof. H. (complimenting Latin class)

“Harry H. is the worSt one in the class, and Maurice is worser yet.”

* * *

Mr. J. S. G. to Miss Howell “If you and I don’t know anything, who does?’

* * Wanted:

Some one to chase insedts for Mr. W. H. M. during Physics class.

Some one to take care of Fritze Borncamp’s buttonhook during Geometry class.

* * *

Prof. H. (to student in Botany)— “To what family does the skunk-cabbage belong?”

Student “To the cabbage family.

Prof. H. "Yes, and so do you.’


Queries of the Inquisitive in Morning Ex.

Why do Miss F. B. and Miss J. A. talk during the hymn?

Why does Mrs. C. B. C. hold the hymnbook so tightly against her and then sing without looking at it?

Miss Goltz (in Physics) “Were you saying something we should be listening to, Prof. Munson?”

Mr. W. H. M. “Oh no. I was juft talking.”


Miss F. S. M. to Miss Howell ( scanning Virgil) “Pick up your feet.”

* * N=

Prof. H.—“Miss Whomes, you look good, but you are not.”

* * *

Miss F. S. M. (in Virgil) "Karl and Evelyn, do you think that you could prepare your lesson while walking?”

* * White—“May I see my Geometry mark?”

MissK.S.—“Have you a microscope?”

* *

You 11 Have to Get Up Early If You dress foxier than Echo.

You get to your firft hour recitation on time.

You h ave any more announcements than Prof. Gaylord.

You get as high marks as Willie C. You beat Miss K. S. in Mathematics. You speak more correctly than Miss Gildemeifter.

You get “A” from Billy. You get more offers of jobs than Etta. You beat the Virgil Class.

You find a better school than Winona.

Elsie S. (in Sewing) “This needle is so crooked that I can’t thread it ftraight.


Mr. J. S. G. (in Hift. of Ed.)—“Miss Forfter, what have you in mind now? O. F.—“I’m thinking of a particular man.

* * *

Mr. J. L. S. (reading notice) “Anyone desiring to buy peanuts (pennants) should sign her name on the paper pofted on the south wall.”

* * *

Ann Z. (in Physics) “I can’t do it, for I don’t see any sense in it.”

Mr. W. H. M.—“You mean you don’t see any connection. It’s something like the ftreet jokes: If a hat cofts $4.00, how far can a boy run in five minutes?’

* * *

Daily Calendar (Guess Whose)

7:45 a. m.—Arises.

7:45 to 7:47—Prayer.

7:47 to 7:58- Deciding which suit to wear.

8:00 to 1 2:30—Recitations.

1:00 p. m. Dinner.

2:00 to 4:00—Occupied with nail polishmg, book on etiquette, delsarte exercises, practicing “Prunes and Prisms before the mirror, brain culture, etc.

4:00 to 5:00—Coaching (?).

5:00 to 6:00—Adjuftment of that selfsatisfied air.

7:00 to 8:00 Evening nap.

8:00 to 1 1:49 p. m.—Calling on lady friends.



“Twice Told rales”—Mr. Holzinger.

“Little Minister”—Harry White.

“The Tempest Echo Wells.

“Innocence Abroad Harriet Christian.

“Around the World in Eighty Days Botany Class.

“Guardian Angel” Louise Kuehn.

“Literary Love Letters”—Evelyn Brown.

Mr. Maxwell says:


A free afternoon.

Lucinda Goltz without a smile. A trip to Kratz’s with the President. Lummie with black hair. No “spreads” at Morey Hall.

“Our Dean’ with a grouch. Being out of debt.

Etta Howell “flunking. A non-cntical critic-teacher.

Mr. Streiff working. Owning a “sheep-skin. A Botany trip without girls.

Mr. Colby serving "historical hash. A member of the faculty over-sleeping. * *

“Measles are a bad disease; Symptoms are a tear and sneeze. The beauties of the school they mar. Oh, they am they is it are.

Miss Sprague says:

“Nay, nay, man, but thou art wrong, For rules are learned juSt like a song. When the measles you have caught, The law-giving grammar muSt be sought.”

“The Siamese Twins.


A journey short, and then before a fire shining bright, They see a busy lady dressed in linen clean and white. The pilgrims beg on bended knees for some sustaining food; With cornmeal mush and doughnuts she doth cure their pensive mood.

But hark! Upon the Stillness burSts a melody divine; The “Mendelssohn is singing, “O My Darling Caroline.’ The woodland echoes carry far the sound of silver song; An entire front row chorus rolls the harmony along.

They sing the “Rigoletto with an equal poise and vim; There’s nothing daunts the singers, not a single public whim. The tune has changed, the pageant now to yonder dell doth roam, And joins the special chorus singing “Home, Sweet Home.

(D is for Mixture of itch, smart and ache; is for Eyes that become each a lake;

fjj is for Artistic sprinkling of rash;

@1 is for Sneeze that reports with a crash;

H is for Light that’s a torture to sight;

e is for Echo of dry cough at night; is for Symptoms displayed here and there; If you have all of these things, prithee beware.

* *

®!ie Junior Alphabet

ipj for Arnell, who doesn’t like pie;

© is for Buck, who is scarcely knee-high;

G is for Chatleain with temper so mild;

£> is for Davenport, sweet, knowing child;

G no excuse for such an omission;

E is for Farrell of noted ambition;

G is for Grams, so earnest and wise;

B is for Harris, above petty lies;

X is f°r Innocence Juniors possess;

U is for Jensen. Who calls her Bess?

X? Kinne and Klein, a popular pair;

U is for Little, a walker for fair; Mathis, Meginess, McCune and McGee;

Q is for Norheim, whose smiles are so free;

O for O’Brien, another gay lass;

G is for Patchin O well, let it pass;

Q is for queer, not applied to this crowd; is for Rowlee, before whom the A s bowed; Smith and Seidel, both from Sparta so fair;

© is for Thompson, a Pearl which is rare;

© is for Wolf, the life of the team;

X.9,3 we re all what we seem.

i 165

Senior p. JP. ®eam

Here’s to our Basket Ball team of 11, All of us number juSt five plus a seven. Here’s to our tried and trustworthy coach, FirSt in our school and paSt any reproach; “Queen of the Kitchen’’ next winter she’ll beam, Here she is duly dubbed “Queen of the Team.’ Here’s to our captain dear, Schmittie by name; Here’s to our guards mighty swift in the game; Here’s to our forwards, (excuse me, I’m one) Down near the baskets where shooting is fun. Here’s to our centers, the laSt but not leaSt, FirSt in a game but not laSt in a feaSt. s.

3Tce;t ’Jfore #rabuattou

Faculty call us Seniors, Juniors call us digs, Children call us teachers, but we call each other prigs. Mighty glad we ain’t the Juniors, ruther be so meek and mild, Without them ruffles, puffs and rats, what’s worn by every child.

Love to bluff in classes, thus to make a lengthy speech; Hate to have the trick revealed, till we re out of reach.

MoSt all the time, the whole course through, our frauds they plainly see, But jeSt fore graduation, we re as good as we can be.

For graduation, with its play and honors twenty-fold, Was made, they say, for teachers Staid, and not for bluffers bold; So we Study very, very hard, and let our ponies reSt, For each of us muSt Strive and Strive, and show the side that’s beSt. For we’re nearing graduation, and our life will soon be lent To the parents of some little child cut out for president.

1 hat great and glorious longed-for day we now can plainly see, So jeSt fore graduation, we re as good as we can be.

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Designed and Printed by JONES & KROEGER COMPANY Winona, Minnesota
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