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24 Ayrshire News | 7th February - 21st February 2014

Star Signs


Reiki Healing

Joan Charles

I am delighted to be delivering your stars although; I won’t be doing them in the traditional way, as I am not an astrologer. For many years I have provided the stars using Tarot cards and that is what I will be doing here, so I guess in a sense they should be called, Taroscopes. Anyway, I do hope you enjoy what the cards have to say.


Over the week ahead it feels like home is where the heart is and perhaps you won’t want to be too far from it or the family. You need to trust that perhaps this is just what’s called for and go with it until you feel like getting back into the “ Norm”


I sense that you will be weighing up your options where work or career is concerned and looking ultimately to improve on things in this area. The other point to keep an eye on is the work life balance, as things seem to have been top heavy in favour of work.


Emotionally you could be feeling that your wearing a mask to suit others and this is not allowing your true feelings to come to the surface. Normally you are in control of things in this area but at this present time it appears to be difficult.


Issues of the past could be challenging you and keeping you from getting a rested sleep – you could change this by facing it head on and off loading it once and for all. It is time you took hold of the reins and became the driver of your own destiny.


It could feel as if everyone wants a piece of you and that you only have enough energy to do so much but you don’t want to let anyone down. If you look after yourself first others will benefit and that way you have a win – win situation.


In today’s world where alternative therapies commonly work alongside traditional medicine Reiki is one of many. But, people often wonder - what is Reiki? Many have heard of it but are not sure quite what it is or more importantly what it is not? Reiki is a form of natural healing which works with energy, encouraging the body to heal itself at all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It is not a religion, massage, dangerous or difficult nor does it conflict with or replace traditional medicine, on the contrary, even the most sceptical of critics have found nothing that suggests it is unsafe. It is suitable for all ages, from very young babies to the elderly as it’s non -invasive and requires no specialist equipment. Originating in Japan, Reiki travelled to the West in the 1930s and its popularity has continued to grow with many people now choosing to learn Reiki to self heal as well as receiving regular treatments. During a Reiki treatment your comfort is top of the agenda. Staying fully clothed you can lie or sit, it is very common to fall asleep during a treatment so choose what will suit you best. With your eyes closed and music playing the therapist will work through a series

By Susan Hamilton

of hand positions; hands being placed very lightly on or inches above key points along the length of your body, for anything from up to a few seconds to several minutes, starting at the head and finishing at the feet. At no time will the touch be invasive nor at any time will there be pressure or manipulation. Experiences during a Reiki treatment vary from person to person. The most common experience is the feeling of heat coming from the therapist hands, whether physically touching or not. Sometimes there is coolness or tingling whilst others people experience nothing at all. Whether you feel anything, believe or don’t believe in Reiki, if needed or wanted, the healing energy will be received.

Once the energy starts to flow it will go where it is needed to bring healing and balance by releasing blocked energies, clearing toxins and working to create a state of balance. Reiki calms thoughts and emotions and the body will only accept the energy it needs. It is important to know that a Reiki practitioner should never promise that Reiki will do anything other benefit everyone that experiences it. Many choose to attend one of the many Reiki teaching groups available,

ensuring this wonderful therapy is on tap to use 24/7 – a Reiki Master through an attunement transfers it to the student, which is a way of connecting the student to the energy source so they will physically experience and attract energy themselves. The body’s energy channels are opened and cleared of obstructions by the attunement and flow with Reiki energy, it’s like flicking on a light switch.

Reiki is something everyone has the ability to use, it is within us all and all a Reiki Master is doing is turning on that switch. Reiki I is passed from Master to Student over several teaching levels and attunements; and is primarily for self healing, Reiki II takes you one step further and teaches the healing of others and distance healing, while Advanced Reiki is for those who wish to attain Masters level but do not wish to teach and Masters is for the serious healer who wants to teach. The term Master is simply a term for teacher, someone who has mastered a discipline. Susan offers Reiki classes from Reiki1 to Masters For more information Email: hamilton748@btinternet.com or call Mob: 07779 329762.

All work and no play is just no fun, you could do with a bit more time to let your hair down and relax. Being a Virgo your really practical minded so in order for you to allow yourself this luxury you might need a to do list to help you get through the other things.


Now, when you want to speak your mind others sit up and take notice and it is at this point things happen. You have an air of authority if needs be although; it’s not your preferred way of dealing with situations.


I feel a new phase where learning or expanding your horizons could be on the cards. Maybe this is something you have been thinking about for a while now but have just not got round to doing – watch for opportunities presenting themselves.


You could find yourself spoilt for choice when invitations come your way. It’s the same old story, nothing happens for ages then all of a sudden everything comes at once. I sense you will enjoy the chance to get out and do some socialising.

Joan Charles

Clairvoyant, Columnist & Author





You might be watching your hard earned cash and trying to make it work for you instead of it going out as fast as it came in. it seems like you are going to have your canny Scots head on for the time being until things turn the corner. Whoopi do, some nice new cash could be making its way to you but it comes after a period of sewing new seeds and watching them grow so, whatever you have put effort into may be about to pay off for you.


I’m sensing that you are in a place of stability and security and that is just the way you like it. You like to know that there are no surprises coming out of the woodwork that you had not anticipated and that’s why you plan ahead.

Introduction to the Tarot Course – a two-day course starting on 22nd of February. Oracle cards one-day workshop – 1st March Psychic development course in State of the Art Wigwams under a canopy of stars on 21st - 23rd March at Strathfillan.


Tarot, Angel, Spiritual, Chakra and Tarumenology [a combination of tarot and numerology]

For details of any of the above contact Joan on Mob: 07930-697-229 Email: joan.charles@btopenworld.com

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