World Travel Awards Latin America Ceremony 2016

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Celebrating Travel Excellence Since 1993


1st July 2016 SwissĂ´tel Lima, Peru



WORLD TRAVEL AWARDS LATIN AMERICA GALA CEREMONY 2016 On behalf of World Travel Awards, I warmly welcome you all to our Latin America Gala Ceremony 2016, this year hosted here in the stunning Peruvian capital of Lima. With so much to see in the city, I hope you’ve had a chance to visit some of the sights before joining us as we celebrate excellence in the tourism industry this evening here at Swissôtel Lima.

Tonight is the second stop on our annual Grand Tour. In April we were welcomed to Diamonds La Gemma dell’Est in Zanzibar, Tanzania, as hundreds of industry leaders joined us for the Africa & Indian Ocean Gala Ceremony 2016. Next we visit Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa in Antalya, Turkey, for one of the biggest events on our tour, the Europe Gala Ceremony 2016.

It is a pleasure for us to return to Lima for the second time. Our first visit in 2013 was a huge success and I offer our thanks to our partners PromPeru for offering their support to us again as we return this evening.

In this, our 23rd year, we also have stops planned in Jamaica, where Sandals Ochi Beach Resort will welcome the Caribbean & North America Gala Ceremony 2016 in September, and Dubai, which will host the spectacular Middle East Gala Ceremony 2016 in the same month. The InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort, Vietnam, will complete the regional events, hosting the Asia & Australasia Gala Ceremony 2016 in October.

Led by the world-famous Machu Picchu, Peru is one of the most sought-after destinations on earth, and it has seen its reputation enhanced in recent years as a booming economy allows for unprecedented investment.


Following the regional events, winners from each will proceed to the Grand Fi-


nal, this year hosted by the Maldives. Set to take place in December, the event will be a red letter day in international hospitality and will crown our world winners. Each year our locations, categories, nominees and, most importantly, the number of voting travel professionals increases exponentially, revealing the tremendous public demand for the recommendation a World Travel Award signifies. The recognition we offer is one of a kind, as no other organisation has the experience, the gravitas, or the loyal following of more than half of a million travel, tourism and hospitality professionals we possess. I wish to thank our hosts this evening, Swissôtel Lima, and to thank you all for joining us on this special evening. Finally, congratulations to all our nominees on your endeavours and achievements this year – and the very best luck!


INTRODUCCION CEREMONIA DE GALA DE AMÉRICA LATINA 2016 En nombre de los World Travel Awards, les doy la bienvenida a todos a nuestra ceremonia de América Latina 2016, este año alojada aquí en la impresionante capital Peruana, la cuidad de Lima. Una ciudad con mucho que ver. Espero que hayan tenido la oportunidad de visitar algunos de sus lugares antes de unirse a nosotros para celebrar la excelencia en la industria del turismo esta noche aquí, en el Swissôtel Lima. Es un placer para nosotros volver a Lima por segunda vez. Nuestra primera visita en 2013 fue un gran éxito y les doy nuestro agradecimiento a nuestros socios PromPerú por ofrecernos su apoyo una vez mas en esta noche. Desde el famoso Machu Picchu, Perú es uno de los destinos más codiciados del planeta, y su reputacion se ha visto mejorada en los últimos años como una economía en auge que permite la inversión sin precedentes. Esta noche es la segunda parada de nuestro magnífico viaje anual. En Abril nos dio la bienvenida el resort Diamonds La Gemma dell’Est en Zanzíbar, Tanzania, donde cientos de líderes de la industria se unieron a nosotros para la ceremonia de África y del Océano Índico 2016. Despues vsitaremos el resort Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa en Antalya, Turquía, en uno de los eventos más importantes en nuestro recorrido, la ceremonia de Europa 2016. Esta temporada, que es nuestro 23 aniversario, tambien tenemos paradas planificadas en Jamaica, donde el resort Sadals Ochi Beach acogerá la ceremonia

del Caribe y América del Norte 2016 en Septiembre, y Dubai, que será sede de la espectacular ceremonia de Oriente Medio 2016 en el mismo mes . El Resort InterContinental Danang Sun Península, en Vietnam, completará los eventos regionales, donde tendrá lugar la Gala de Asia y Australia 2016 en Octubre. Después de los eventos regionales, los ganadores de cada region pasarán a la gran final, este año acojida por las Maldivas. El evento será un día señalado en la industria de turismo internacional y coronará a nuestros ganadores mundiales en Diciembre.

El reconocimiento que ofrecemos es único en su clase, ya que ninguna otra organización tiene la experiencia, la seriedad, o el fiel seguimiento de más de medio millón de profesionales de la industria del viaje, turismo y hospitalidad. Me gustaría dar las gracias a nuestros anfitriones de esta noche, el Swissôtel Lima, y gracias a todos por acompañarnos en esta noche tan especial. Por último, felicidades a todos nuestros candidatos en sus esfuerzos y logros de este año - y buena suerte! achievements.

Cada año nuestras ubicaciones, categorías, nominados y, lo más importante, el número de profesionales de la industria votantes aumenta exponencialmente, demostrando el enorme reconocimiento público que significa ganar un premio World Travel Award.

World Travel Awards President & Founder Graham Cooke




WELCOME TO PERU, WORLD TRAVEL AWARDS LATIN AMERICA Leaders of the tourism industry in the region, this twenty-third edition of the World Travel Awards in Latin America, Peru greets you with open arms. We are proud to be, once again, hosts of this important recognition ceremony.

BIENVENIDOS AL PERÚ, WORLD TRAVEL AWARDS LATIN AMERICA Líderes de la industria turística de la región, en esta vigésima tercera edición de la premiación de los World Travel Awards de América Latina, el Perú los recibe con los brazos abiertos. Nos sentimos orgullosos de ser una vez más los anfitriones de esta ceremonia tan importante de reconocimiento. Hacemos un alto en nuestras labores para agradecer la importante tarea de reconocer y premiar la cultura de servicio a los mejores del turismo en distintos segmentos como el transporte aéreo, terrestre y acuático; los destinos turísticos; los hoteles y resorts; las agencias de viaje y operadores turísti-

cos; los comunicadores y otros; en una industria que crea empleos dignos y genera una cultura de paz y entendimiento para la prosperidad de nuestros pueblos. Los invitamos a descubrir el Perú, su riqueza histórica, su biodiversidad, su variada oferta cultural y su exquisita gastronomía; y, especialmente, los invitamos a recorrer Lima, nuestra capital bañada por las aguas del Pacífico, una ciudad cosmopolita que se va posicionando como un destino ideal para congresos y eventos internacionales. Estamos seguros que se sentirán como en casa, que gozarán de la calidez y la sencillez de nuestra gente, que celebrarán con nosotros esta importante cita del turismo. Bienvenidos.

We take time to acknowledge the important task of recognizing and rewarding the culture of service to the best of tourism in different segments such as air, terrestrial and nautical transport; tourist destinations; hotels and resorts; travel agencies and tour operators; communicators and others; in an industry that creates decent jobs and generates a culture of peace and understanding for the prosperity of our people. We invite you to discover Peru, its rich history, its biodiversity, its varied cultural offers and exquisite cuisine; and we specially invite you to explore Lima, our capital bathed by the waters of the Pacific, a cosmopolitan city that is positioning itself as an ideal location for international congresses and events destination. We are sure you will feel like home, you will enjoy the warmth and humbleness of our people, who will celebrate with us this important tourism event. Welcome. Magali Silva Velarde-Álvarez Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism





BIENVENIDO Es para nosotros un honor ser los anfitriones de la ceremonia de gala del World Travel Awards (WTA) América Latina 2016, tendremos el placer de tener reunidos a todos quienes representan a la industria del turismo de la región. ¡Reciban nuestra más cálida bienvenida y esperamos pasen momentos inolvidables durante su visita por Lima, nuestra capital!

It is an honour for us to host the World Travel Awards Latin America 2016 Gala Ceremony; we have the pleasure of having all those who represent the tourism industry in the region. Receive our warmest welcome and we hope that you will have memorable moments during your visit to Lima! Frank Spielvogel Gerente General Regional Regional General Manager Swissôtel Lima & Quito



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World Travel Awards Proudly celebrating its 22nd anniversary, World Travel Awards has grown into the most prestigious travel industry awards programme in the world.

World Travel Awards continues to build its reputation by seeking out and rewarding those organisations that have made the greatest contribution to the global travel and tourism industry. Launched in 1993, the awards programme features the winners from six regional ceremonies progressing to the Grand Final at the end of the year.







Graham E. Cooke, Founder & President, World Travel Awards, says: “World Travel Awards is a unique benchmark for industry quality and business excellence in every region and sector.” For the tourism trade, winning a World Travel Award is more than an award – it is an endorsement from the thousands of professionals from around the globe, as well as a gold seal to the public of travel excellence guaranteed.






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Breaking Travel News spotlight on:


New research from the Latin America Travel Association has revealed the region is set for a tourism boom in 2016. With the Rio Olympics also just around the corner, Breaking Travel News here takes a look at the latest developments. New research from the Latin America Travel Association has cast a positive light over the region as a whole, with an air of optimism characterising tourism in 2016. Tour operators questioned as part of a recent survey, including specialists, revealed bookings are overwhelmingly up and that operators expect Latin America to continue to do well throughout the rest of 2016. Chile and Argentina were of particular interest, being driven by an uptick in the development and marketing of local wine tourism. At the same time, Brazil and

Peru have helped to underpin a regional tourism boom with their unique cuisine. A recent explosion in the number of fine dining restaurants in both destinations has been a particular boon, with Lima, and ceviche in particular, becoming a global favourite. In a positive sign, some 95 per cent of consumers questioned by LATA said they had a positive view of travel to Latin America, with many planning to visit in the next one to five years. History, culture and adventure were all segments of particular interest to potential travellers.



Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

Guest Editorial BRAZIL Of course, Brazil is set to become the star in the coming months, with the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games set to debut on August 5th. Embratur, the Brazilian tourist board, expects to receive an additional half a million tourists during the course of the event, sending figures toward new highs. With seven million guests arriving in 2015, the destination is expecting a tourism bonanza over the next few months.

ARGENTINA Following the recent election of president Mauricio Macri, Argentina has also been making waves in the tourism arena. Alongside new minister of tourism, Gustavo Santos, president Macri has presented a Tourism National Plan for the next four years, aiming to drive an increase of up to 50 per cent in international tourists to Argentina until 2020. It is hoped to reach a figure of nine millions foreign tourists a year.



This would mean an income of almost $1 US dollars per year, and would allow Argentina to strengthen tourism as the main service of exportation of the country. The National Government has set a main goal to double the United States and Canada market, increase the European sector, and develop long distance markets, emphasising China, Russia and India. At regional level, the purpose is to recover the Brazilian market and make the Andean and Mexican markets grow. The Argentina Tourism National Plan will allow Argentina to “generate 300,000 new job positions during the four years across the whole value chain of the touristic industry, innovating, applying new technologies, endorsing entrepreneurs and promoting the training and quality in every Argentinian destination,” explained minister Santos. The minister highlighted the importance of this plan, by which: “Argentina will reinsert itself through tourism in the world. “We have set achievable goals over the global prediction of growth, because we are convinced that if the nation, provinces and municipalities and the whole tourist sector work together, we will make it,” he concluded.

MORE INFORMATION For more on visiting Latin America head over to the official Latin American Travel Association website at




Los peruanos nos sentimos orgullosos de nuestro legado histórico: sabemos que descendemos de una civilización, los Incas, que dominó esta parte del planeta, anteponiéndose a adversidades como fenómenos climáticos y una accidentada geografía. Somos un pueblo luchador, que sale adelante con alegría y creatividad. Desde el Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo - MINCETUR, a través de su entidad ejecutora Plan Copesco Nacional, y la Comisión de Promoción del Perú para la Exportación y el Turismo - PROMPERÚ, hemos asumido el reto de que el Perú tiene enormes riquezas que mostrarle al mundo, y que la manera de lograrlo es por medio del desarrollo de infraestructura, una mayor conectividad aérea y la diversificación de productos turísticos.


La “Obra de Mejoramiento del Servicio Cultural del Museo de Sitio de Túcume”, uno de los recintos culturales más llamativos de la Ruta Moche, que alberga los tesoros de esta cultura preinca de la costa norte, fue una de las primeras apuestas en ese sentido. Gracias a una inversión de once millones de soles realizada en el 2014, se exhibe hoy en día en un área de 23 mil metros cuadrados, una colección de mil quinien-


tas ofrendas de cobre plateado de la cultura Lampallec. Un esfuerzo que ha sido reconocido incluso por the British Guild of Travel Writers - BGTW, que calificó al Museo de Sitio de Túcume como “Mejor Proyecto Mundial de Turismo” en el 2015. En Lima, la puerta de entrada al Perú, el Museo de Arte de Lima - MALI, curador del arte precolombino, colonial, republicano y moderno, también cuenta con un área totalmente renovada luego de una

inversión de más de dieciocho millones de soles. Y, en la selva, se viene culminando el proyecto de acondicionamiento de un malecón, puentes y embarcaderos en la impresionante laguna de Yarinacocha, en la ciudad de Pucallpa, y que se estima generará un impacto económico de doscientos veintiún millones de soles en una década.

KUÉLAP, LA FORTALEZA Pero si tenemos que destacar una gran obra en infraestructura turística que se viene trabajando es el teleférico de Kuélap, un complejo arqueológico de cuatrocientos sesenta hectáreas en la provincia de Luya (Amazonas). Veintiséis telecabinas serán parte de este nuevo medio de transporte, que reducirá a veinte minutos el tiempo de llegada al complejo, en un recorrido de cuatro kilómetros. Actualmente, el acceso por carretera desde el distrito de Nuevo Tingo, provincia de Luya, tarda noventa minutos y se extiende treinta y dos kilómetros, aunque quienes visitan la Fortaleza de Kuélap, conocida como la “Ciudad de las nubes” y quedan conmovidos por la belleza de sus edificios circulares de piedra saben que el esfuerzo tuvo su recompensa.

ABRIENDO LAS PUERTAS Washington D.C y Londres, dos de las capitales más importantes del planeta, tuvieron su vuelo inaugural non-stop a Lima el pasado mes de mayo. Lo propio hizo la aerolínea mexicana Interjet, abriendo una nueva opción desde Ciudad de México y, en las próximas semanas, se iniciarán los vuelos de las otras dos capitales más conectadas de América

Latina con ciudades peruanas de variados atractivos turísticos: Panamá-Chiclayo y Bogotá-Cusco. Síntomas de tener una de las economías más sólidas de la región, lo que se consolida además con el liderazgo continental de Lima en la organización de reuniones internacionales según el ranking 2015 del International Congress and Convention Association - ICCA. En los últimos cinco años hemos aumentado un 138% en el cual se ha pasado de organizar cuarenta y cuatro eventos (categoría ICCA) en el año 2010 a ciento cinco en el 2015. Perú pasó de ochenta y cuatro eventos en el 2014 a 105 en el 2015 y con ello se mantiene en el puesto treinta y nueve del ranking por países. La descentralización posa ahora los ojos en Arequipa, la segunda ciudad más poblada del Perú, y Paracas que junto con la construcción de su embarcadero turístico y servicios complementarios, además de una cada vez mayor instalación de hoteles y resorts, brinda una alternativa a solo cuatro horas en auto desde Lima. Perú, el “país de los tesoros escondidos”, como resalta la exitosa campaña publicitaria internacional de promoción turística de PROMPERÚ que invita a descubrirse a sí mismo en la costa, sierra y selva peruana (“discover the you you never knew, discover yourself in Peru”) se abre paso como líder indiscutible en América Latina de la mano de sus esfuerzos públicos y privados. Renace un grande.




Peruvians are proud of their heritage, we know that we descended from a civilization, the Incas, who dominated this part of the planet, struggling adversity such as extreme weather and a rough geography. We are fighters, who keep going with joy and creativity.

From the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism - MINCETUR, through its Implementing Agency, Plan Copesco Nacional and the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Export and Tourism – PROMPERÚ, we have assumed the challenge that Peru has enormous richness to show the world, and that the way to achieve this is through the development of infrastructure, increase air connectivity and diversification of tourism products. Museum of Tucume Cultural Service Improvement is one of the most out-


standing cultural sites of the Moche Route, and it is home for the treasures of this pre-Inca culture located in the north coast. This project was one of the first bets in this direction. Thanks to an investment of eleven million soles made in 2014, a collection of 15,000 plated copper offerings from Lampallec culture are exhibited today in an area of 23 thousand square meters. In Lima, the gateway to Peru, the Art Museum of Lima - MALI, curator of pre-Columbian, colonial, republican and


modern art, also features a fully renovated area after an investment of more than eighteen million soles. And in the rainforest, the project for upgrading a boardwalk, bridges and wharfs in the stunning Yarinacocha lagoon, in the city of Pucallpa, is almost ready and it is expected to generate an economic impact of two hundred twenty-one million soles in a decade.

KUELAP FORTRESS But if we must emphasize a great work in tourism infrastructure we must mention

the new Kuelap’s cable car, an archaeological complex of four hundred sixty hectares located in the province of Luya (Amazonas). Twenty-six cable cars will be part of this new transportation system which will reduce the time to twenty minutes to reach the resort, a distance of four kilometres. Currently the access is by road from the district of Nuevo Tingo, province of Luya, and it takes ninety minutes and thirty two kilometres, but visitors to the fortress of Kuelap, known as the "City of the clouds" are motivated by the beauty of its circular stone buildings and they know that it worth the effort.

OPENING THE DOORS Washington DC and London, two of the most important capitals of the world, had its inaugural non-stop flight to Lima last May. The Mexican airline Interjet, also opened a new option from Mexico City and in the coming weeks, the flights of the other two most connected capitals in Latin America will begin with Peruvian cities of major attractions: Panama-Chiclayo and Bogota-Cusco. One of the symptoms of having one of the strongest economies in the region is consolidated with the continental leadership of Lima in organizing international meetings as ranked in the 2015 International Congress and Convention Association - ICCA. In the last five years we have increased 138 per cent in which forty four events (category ICCA) has been organized in 2010 to one hundred and five in 2015. Peru went from eighty-four events in 2014 to 105 in 2015 and thus remains at the 39 position in the ranking by country. Decentralization now stares to Arequipa, the second largest city in Peru, and Paracas along with the construction of its tourist wharf and complementary services, in addition to the increasing construction of hotels and resorts, offers an alternative just four hour drive from Lima. Peru, the "Land of hidden treasures" highlights PROMPERÚ’s successful international advertising campaign, promoting tourism, invites guests to discover yourself on the coast, mountains and jungle of Peru. At the same time, “Discover the you never knew, discover yourself in Peru” makes its way as the undisputed leader in Latin America in the hands of its public and private efforts. The rebirth of a giant.



Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

Guest Editorial Breaking Travel News spotlight on:


With so much happening in regional tourism it can be difficult to keep up. Here Breaking Travel News brings you the latest from World Travel Awards winners in Central America. In Panama, Copa Airlines - considered Mexico & Central America's Leading Airline by World Travel Awards - recently announced new service between Panama City and the historic city of Chiclayo, Peru. The airline’s two weekly flights will increase connectivity between northern Peru and the rest of the American continent. “For the past 17 years, Copa Airlines has offered Peru the best connectivity with North and Central America and the Caribbean through our Hub of the Americas in Panama City, Panama. Today we are pleased to announce our newest Peruvian


destination, Chiclayo,” said Pedro Heilbron, chief executive of Copa Airlines. “Copa’s new flight will increase opportunities for tourism and business in the northern part of the country, especially in Chiclayo and nearby cities.” Located 770 Km (approximately 479 miles) from the Peruvian capital in the northeast part of the country, Chiclayo is Peru’s fourth-largest city and is known as the “Capital of Friendship” because of its hospitable inhabitants. Chiclayo offers a wealth of tourist attractions, from histor-


ical, cultural, and religious sites, to delicious cuisine, to nearby beaches and spas.

CANCUN In Mexico, Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau and Smart Group have joined forces to promote Cancun and the treasures of the Caribbean with the new Smart Map Cancun mobile app. The application, which offers an interactive travel guide, was designed to make a visit to Cancun easier and stress-free. The app, available on both Google Play and the Apple Store, will allow visitors to

access maps of Cancun and the Treasures of the Caribbean including Puerto Morelos, Isla Mujeres and Holbox, as well as access to a GPS system without the need of an internet connection.

According to Smart Group, developer of the Smart Map Cancun app, the application reached 40,000 downloads by April 1st, 2016, as well as 25,000 subscribers and 10,000 followers on social media. The popular mobile application is one of the top searched items in Google, Apple Store and Google Play Store.

"The new app will allow the destination to showcase its attractions, services and activities in a more user-friendly and direct way. Visitors will benefit from this new tech option as it increases their choices of activities to choose from during their stay in the destination," said Jesus Almaguer, chief executive, Cancun CVB. “Through the use of this mobile app, tourists will be exposed to places of interest such as shopping malls, beach clubs, museums, nature reserves, and other experiences that they would have not been aware of otherwise.”

This summer, Smart Group plans to host two events to celebrate its anniversary and its 50,000 downloads. To download the App, visitors only need to search for “Smart Map Cancun” on their cell phone’s App Store. Cancun is considered Mexico & Central America's Leading Tourist Board by the World Travel Awards.




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Delta Air Lines, a partner of the World Travel Awards Latin America Gala Ceremony, has taken an international lead in ensuring equal pay for women. Here we take a look at what this means for the carrier. Full-time working women at companies based in the United States earn about 79 cents for every dollar men earn, according to the US Census Bureau. At Delta, there is virtually no pay gap: in administrative jobs women earn 98 per cent of what men do, and there’s statistical parity among male and female frontline or “scale” employees. Company leaders said the airline won’t be satisfied until that gap is reduced to zero for all employees. “Delta’s overall pay parity between men and women is nearly perfect for all of 80,000 employees. Excluding scale employees, who truly are at 100 per cent pay parity, we are at 98 per cent,” said Joanne Smith, executive vice president and chief human resources officer.



“Although this is well ahead of the national average, we won’t be satisfied until the gap is zero. The gender pay disparity has made headlines across the worlds of business, politics and sports.” President Obama made his latest push to advance equal pay in January, proposing a new rule requiring companies to report pay data broken down by gender, race and ethnicity. The topic has come up repeatedly during the presidential race. In March, five stars on the US women’s national soccer team filed a wage-discrimination action against the US Soccer Federation. And at the beginning of April, 100 Boston businesses announced their commitment to closing the gender wage gap.

The gender wage gap has far-reaching effects for women. Over a 40-year career, the gap costs women more than $430,000, according to a recent study by the National Women’s Law Centre. “Equal compensation between men and women is a major priority for Delta,” said Letty Ashworth, Delta director – global diversity. “Delta’s long-term success is directly related to maintaining a diverse work environment, where our differences make us stronger and encourage us to challenge ourselves. Women are a huge part of that.”

BOMBARDIER At the same time Delta Air Lines has continued its narrow-body fleet renewal with the state-of-the-art Bombardier C Series, providing for added network flexibility with more fuel-efficient mainline aircraft. As the US launch customer, Delta’s firm order for 75 CS100s allows the company to cost-effectively reshape and up-gauge its narrow-body fleet, providing an improved customer experience and better cost efficiency while maintaining a focus on prudent capital deployment. “As we reshape our fleet for the future, the innovative on-board experience of the C Series is a perfect complement for the top-notch service provided every day by Delta people,” said Ed Bastian, Delta chief executive. “These new aircraft are a solid investment, allowing us to take advantage of superior operating economics, network flexibility and best-in-class fuel performance.” This transaction is part of Delta’s domestic strategy to up-gauge the fleet, allowing the company to achieve its long-term financial targets, including 15 per cent EPS growth and generation of $4 billion to $5 billion in free cash flow annually, while replacing less efficient domestic aircraft.

With the order of the C Series, Delta will no longer induct the E190 into its fleet as planned. “We are very proud to welcome Delta as a C Series customer and to expand our partnership with such a prestigious airline,” said Alain Bellemare, president, Bombardier. “Given Delta’s position as one of the world’s largest and most respected airlines, this deal is a strong endorsement of the C Series as the best performing aircraft in the 100150 passenger class. The CS100 features a state-of-the-art interior with the largest windows in the single-aisle market, full-spectrum ambient lighting, seatback in-flight entertainment, in-flight Wi-Fi, high-capacity overhead bins and among the widest seats of any narrow-body aircraft in a customer-preferred two-by-three Main Cabin and Delta Comfort+ configuration, as well as a two-by-two First Class layout. The order means Delta will fly customers on more Bombardier aircraft than any other carrier.

MORE INFORMATION Delta Air Lines serves nearly 180 million customers each year. With an industry-leading global network, Delta and the Delta Connection carriers offer service to 324 destinations in 58 countries on six continents. Headquartered in Atlanta, Delta employs nearly 80,000 employees worldwide and operates a mainline fleet of more than 800 aircraft. Delta Air Lines is Event Partner to the World Travel Awards Latin America Gala Ceremony 2016. For more information on the airline head over to the official website at



Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

Guest Editorial

Breaking Travel News investigates:


Tourism in Ecuador has been quick to recover following an earthquake in the east of the country in April this year. With capital Quito leading the way, Breaking Travel News here takes a look at the importance of visitors to the destination. Ecuador was struck by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake on April 15th this year, with the epicentre close to the towns of Muisne and Pedernales in a sparsely populated part of the country. With the death toll rising to over 600 it was a serious shock to the Latin American tourism hotspot. However, with tourism central to the local economy, no effort has been spared to help those affected and to get the industry back on its feet. Following the earthquake, minister of tourism Fernando Alvarado accompanied the president of the republic, Rafael Correa, to the affected areas as they both joined efforts to get the country back on track. From the very start both emphasised the best way to help



Ecuador recover was to visit the county. From the Amazon, to the Andes, Galapagos Islands and capital Quito, as well as along large parts of the coast, the tourism infrastructure, services and attractions remain untouched, intact and fully operational. “We encourage tourists who wish to support Ecuador to continue with their travel plans and enjoy the country’s diverse attractions,” explained tourism minister Alvarado. “We invite those who haven’t yet booked a trip to Ecuador to consider doing so. For those who wish to help in the recovery efforts, one of the best ways is to visit the country, and in doing so help sustain one of Ecuador’s most important industries and provider of jobs.”

Over the past few weeks, since the earthquake, tourism, particularly in capital Quito has been quick to recover. The historic Old Quito was untouched, while museums are open, hotels are open, restaurants are open, the airport is open, and flights are operating normally. Tourism information points at the airport and major attractions are open and are ready to assist visitors. Ground transportation, parks and nature reserves are also fully operational and welcoming visitors.

- a similar distance to that between New York and Baltimore, or Frankfurt and Zurich, which is why only minor damage was caused in buildings in the south of Quito.

Quito Tourism General Manager Gabriela Sommerfeld told Breaking Travel News: “Quito is located more than 280 kilometres from the earthquake’s epicentre - in Pedernales, province of Manabí

“The Historical District remains intact. Museums, hotels and restaurants are open for business, and the airport is operating normally. Additionally, our tourist information centres are open and ready to help visitors. I am

convinced that the best way to help Ecuador is by visiting it. Quito welcomes visitors from around the world with open arms.”

MORE INFORMATION Quito sits high in the Andean foothills at an altitude of 2,850 metres - the second highest capital in the world. Constructed on the foundations of an ancient Incan city, it is famous for its Spanish colonial buildings dating back more than 500 years. Tourism is vital to the destination. It is the economic vocation of the city and is the fourth largest employment generator in Quito, with 100,000 direct jobs and 200,000 indirect. Tourism generates more than $1 billion annually. For more information head over to the official website at www.quito-turismo.



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Panama is world-famous for the 48 mile canal that connects the Pacific Ocean with the Atlantic Ocean. Each year, over a million people visit the canal and are able to witness this engineering marvel at work. However, there is much more on offer. Breaking Travel News here takes a tour. While Panama is proud to have the magnificent canal, which operates 365 days a year to enable the world’s cargo to be shipped efficiently and safely to new destinations, it can overshadow what a great destination the city-state is in its own right. With a tropical climate, Panama is home to dazzling beaches, dense rain forest, and the delights of Panama City itself. Panama has a cultural diversity that makes it unique in the region. One of the biggest contributors to the richness of its culture is the constant presence


of visitors from all parts of the world. The origin of this singular cultural mix is, without a doubt, the “crossroads” nature of the country. In addition, the intense connection Panama has with the sea makes it very similar to an island in the Caribbean. As a point of contact and a crossing site, this small strip of land is considered a true melting pot of races. The mixture is particularly rich because, although it comes from a wide array of cultural origins and very diverse traditions, it has been stimulated by the atmosphere of


tolerance and harmony that has always reigned in the territory. Although freedom of religion is respected, most of the population is Catholic and this religion is deeply bound to the traditions and cultural expressions of the country. In the interior of the country, for example, the greatest celebrations are related to several saints.

SUMMER IN THE CITY The population density is evident along the coastal region of the Gulf of Panama, particularly on the Azuero Peninsula

and in the metropolitan areas of Panama City and Colรณn. A high degree of urban development in recent years has attracted a growing urban population, which currently represents 59 per cent of the total population of the country. For visitors, the variety is endless. Panama invites guests to discover its beautiful landscapes, rich culture and endless tourist activities. Some of these activities include rainforest tours, surfing, snorkelling, diving, hiking, camping, bird-watching, white water rafting, zipline tours, and more. In Panama City, holidaymakers can enjoy world-class dining, nightlife, casinos and shopping. Tourists from all over the world come to Panama and experience a modern, beautiful city with all the amenities one would expect from a world-famous business and tourism hub. An ample offering of hotels and restaurants, cultural attractions, and the best malls in the region make Panama City a modern, international place, ready to offer an unforgettable stay to all visitors. On Panama's Pacific Coast, just outside of the capital's limits, lies a series of white sand beaches and beautiful blue waters. This coastal area is home to a variety of all-inclusive resorts, golf courses, vacation and retirement communities, surf breaks, and much more.

Twenty years ago, the Caribbean Coast of Panama was practically unknown. Nowadays travellers, surfers, and adventurers alike find crystalline waters, exotic flora and fauna, and a rich cultural heritage in destinations such as Bocas del Toro, San Blas, Portobelo, and many others.

MORE INFORMATION For more on visiting Panama head over to the official website at



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María del Carmen de Reparaz Zamora ha trabajado como el Viceconsejera de del Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo del Perú desde 2014. Breaking Travel News examina su notable carrera profesional.



Cuenta con más de 20 años de experiencia en el sector de turismo, desempeñándose desde el año 2003, en diferentes cargos en la Comisión de Promoción del Perú para la Exportación y el Turismo (PromPerú). Como Subdirectora de Turismo Receptivo (2007-2011), fue responsable del posicionamiento del Perú bajo una estrategia para introducir al país en el canal comercial internacional. Posteriormente, como Directora de Turismo de PromPerú (2011-2014), impulsó y promovió el turismo interno, mediante estrategias coordinadas con el sector público y privado. Ha sido gestora de la internacionalización de la gastronomía peruana, a través de “Perú, Mucho Gusto”, como estrategia de promoción integral para introducir el destino Perú en el mercado Latinoamericano y que contribuyó al auge de la cocina peruana, siendo un nuevo motivador de viaje. Durante su dirección se llevó a cabo la exitosa campaña “Perú, Imperio de Tesoros Escondidos”, que marcó un hito en las campañas turísticas. Bajo el concepto de documental histórico, se destacó al Perú como una de las cunas civilizadoras de la humanidad, resaltando la diversidad de destinos turísticos a través de las culturas pre-incas, al mismo tiempo que dio a conocer las comodidades con las que contamos, reflejando la modernidad del país. Además, afianzó las alianzas estratégicas para establecer asociaciones de largo plazo con operadores extranjeros de los principales mercados emisores, mediante campañas de co-promoción del destino turístico peruano.

Marcó un camino importante para la promoción del Perú al promover estudios de mercado que dieron como resultado una nueva segmentación del mercado, que sirve hasta la actualidad como insumo para la elaboración de estrategias que toman en cuenta el perfil de cada segmento. En cuanto al turismo interno, estuvo al mando de la campaña “¿Y tú qué planes?”, que busca generar una cultura de viaje a través de una plataforma con ofertas de viaje accesibles para todos los peruanos, en todas las regiones, de forma permanente. Este programa recibió el premio Ulises de la Organización Mundial del Turismo en 2015. Asimismo, esta campaña impulsa la comercialización de los destinos a través de empresas formales que brinden garantía y seguridad a los viajeros y la diversificación de destinos. En este periodo, teniendo en cuenta el nuevo perfil del viajero moderno, que tiene la tecnología como principal herramienta de planificación de viaje, se implementó la nueva página Web de Turismo 2.0:, que se lanzó en el 2013. A la fecha ha sido reconocida con el premio World Travel Awards bajo la denominación “World's Leading Tourism Authority Website:”. Como Viceministra de Turismo, -cargo que ejerce desde el 2014-, viene impulsando estrategias de planificación turística que incluye la diversificación de productos turísticos, bajo una modalidad de consenso y participación democrática, entre las autoridades regionales, municipales, locales, empresarios y académicos de las 25 regiones del Perú. La facilitación de la inversión privada mediante diversos mecanismos, como por ejemplo,

la implementación de la Ventanilla Única de Turismo, que agilizará los trámites administrativos en materia de inversión turística. Asimismo, bajo la política de turismo inclusivo, ha trabajado con énfasis en importantes iniciativas como Turismo Rural Comunitario; “Al Turista, lo Nuestro”, que incorpora en la cadena turística a productores de las localidades; “De mi tierra, un producto”, que buscan la participación directa de los pobladores. Bajo su liderazgo, se dinamizó las políticas turísticas del Perú con la participación en organismos internacionales. Así, el Perú fue sede de importantes eventos internacionales, marcando la agenda de eventos como el XXIII Congreso Interamericano de Ministros y Altas Autoridades de Turismo de la OEA con el tema “Turismo Rural Comunitario, Agenda para un desarrollo más competitivo y sostenible” en el 2015, mientras que en el 2016 lideró la 9ª Reunión de Ministros de Turismo de APEC con el tema “Conectado el turismo del Asia-Pacifico a través de la Facilitación de Viajes” y el 2° Foro Mundial de Turismo Gastronómico de la OMT.




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Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

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Breaking Travel News spotlight on:


María del Carmen de Zamora Reparaz has worked as the Deputy Minister of Tourism at the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism in Peru since 2014. Here Breaking Travel News traces her remarkable career.



María del Carmen de Zamora Reparaz has over 20 years of experience in the tourism sector, working since 2003 in various positions in the Commission for the Promotion of Peru Export and Tourism (PromPerú).

She also developed an important way to promote Peru by market research, resulting in new market segmentation. The method serves to this day as an input for the development of strategies, taking into account the profile of each segment.

As Deputy Director of Receptive Tourism (2007-2011), she was responsible for the positioning of Peru under a strategy designed to introduce the country into international trading channels. Later, as Director of Tourism of PromPerú (20112014), she encouraged and promoted domestic tourism, coordinating strategies with the public and private sector.

As for domestic tourism, she was in charge of the campaign "What are you plans?” which sought to create a culture of journeys through a platform that offers accessible travel ways for all Peruvians, in all regions. This program received the Ulysses award from the World Tourism Organisation in 2015. Also, this campaign encourages destination marketing through formal companies that provide security and safety to passengers and diversification of destinations.

She has been responsible for the internationalisation of Peruvian cuisine through "Peru, Mucho Gusto" - a strategy designed for the comprehensive promotion of Peru in Latin American markets. The strategy has contributed to the boom of Peruvian cuisine as a new travel motivator. While she was director, PromPerú also launched the successful campaign "Peru, Empire of Hidden Treasures," which marked a milestone in tourism campaigns. Under the concept of historical documentary, Peru was showcased as one of the few civilizing cradles of mankind, emphasizing the diversity of tourism destinations, from the pre-Inca cultures to the modern day, while releasing the facilities they have and reflecting the country's modernity. In addition, she strengthened strategic alliances to establish long-term partnerships with foreign operators in the main markets through co-promotion campaigns of Peru as a tourist destination.

In this period, taking into account the new profile of the modern travellers who use technology as the main travel planning tool, the new website peru. travel was launched. It has since been recognised by voters at the World Travel Awards as the World's Leading Tourism Authority Website. As Deputy Minister of Tourism, a post she has held since the 2014, she has been promoting tourism planning strategies, including diversification of tourism products, under a form of consensus and democratic participation among local academics, regional and municipal authorities, entrepreneurs and in the 25 regions of Peru. Facilitating private investment through various mechanisms, such as the implementation of the Single Window of Tourism, she has sought to streamline administrative procedures in the field of tourism investment.

Also, under the policy of inclusive tourism, she has worked with emphasis on important initiatives such as Rural Community Tourism; "At Turista, lo Nuestro," which incorporates the tourism chain to producers of localities; and "En mi tierra un product," seeking direct participation of Peruvian people. Under her leadership, the tourism policies of Peru have also been invigorated by participation in international organisations. Thus, Peru hosted major international events such as the XXIII Inter-American Congress of Ministers and High Authorities of Tourism of the OAS with the theme "Rural Community Tourism, Agenda for a competitive and sustainable development" in the 2015, while in 2016 it led the ninth Meeting of Tourism Ministers of APEC with the theme "Connected tourism in the Asia-Pacific through Facilitation of Travel" and the second World Forum Gastronomic Tourism OMT.




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South America Nominees 2016 SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING ADVENTURE TOURISM DESTINATION 2016 Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Peru Uruguay SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING AIRLINE 2016 Aerolineas Argentinas Avianca GOL Linhas Aereas Inteligentes LATAM Airlines SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING AIRPORT 2016 Aeropuerto Internacional El Dorado, Bogotá - Colombia Brasilia International Airport, Brazil Ezeiza International Airport, Argentina Jorge Chavez International Airport, Peru Mariscal Sucre International Airport, Quito, Ecuador Rio de Janeiro Galeao Antonio Carlos Jobim Airport, Brazil Santiago International Airport, Chile SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING AIRPORT HOTEL 2016 Costa del Sol Wyndham Lima Airport, Peru Holiday Inn Santiago Airport Terminal, Chile Hotel Panamby, São Paulo, Brazil Pullman São Paulo Guarulhos Airport, Brazil Sao Paulo Airport Marriott Hotel, Brazil Venezuela Marriott Hotel E&OE

Playa Grande, Venezuela SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BEACH DESTINATION 2016 Easter Island, Chile Fernando de Noronha, Brazil Galapagos Islands, Ecuador Máncora, Piura, Peru Mar del Plata, Argentina Margarita Island, Venezuela Rio de Janeiro, Brazil San Andrés, Colombia SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BEACH RESORT 2016 Conrad Punta Del Este Resort & Casino, Uruguay Dom Pedro Laguna, Beach Villas & Golf Resort, Brazil Laguna Mar Hotel, Resort & Spa, Venezuela Sheraton Colonia Golf & Spa Resort, Uruguay Suites Beach Park Resort, Brazil Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE CRUISE 2016 Anakonda Amazon Cruises Aria Amazon Ocean Adventures SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2016 Hotel-Art & Spa Cumbres, Uruguay Casa Gangotena, Ecuador Correntoso Lake & River Hotel, Argentina Design Suites Buenos Aires, Argentina Esplendor El Calafate, Argentina explora Patagonia, Chile Hotel 101 Park House Suites & Spa, Colombia

Hotel Cocoon, Brazil Hotel Fasano Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Hotel Fasano São Paulo, Brazil Hotel Plaza Grande Quito, Ecuador L' Hotel Porto Bay São Paulo, Brazil La Mirage Garden Hotel & Spa, Ecuador Las Balsas Gourmet Hotel & Spa, Argentina Saint Andrews Gramado, Brazil Tcherassi Hotel & Spa SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE RESORT 2016 Aldebarán Hotel & Spa, Argentina Charming Luxury Lodge & Private Spa, Argentina Correntoso Lake & River Hotel, Argentina Cumbres Art & Spa, Uruguay explora Patagonia, Chile Las Balsas Gourmet Hotel & Spa, Argentina SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2016 Belmond Copacabana Palace, Brazil Belmond Miraflores Park, Peru Grand Hyatt São Paulo, Brazil Hilton Bogota, Colombia Hilton Lima Miraflores, Peru Hotel Oro Verde Guayaquil, Ecuador Hotel San Fernando Plaza Medellín, Colombia JW Marriott Hotel Lima, Peru Swissôtel Lima, Peru The Brick Hotel Buenos Aires - MGallery Collection, Argentina The Ritz-Carlton Santiago, Chile

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BUSINESS TRAVEL AGENCY 2016 Rotamund Sintectur Superdestino Turismo Pecom SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BUSINESS TRAVEL DESTINATION 2016 Bogotá, Colombia Buenos Aires, Argentina Guayaquil, Ecuador Lima, Peru Medellin, Colombia Montevideo, Uruguay Quito, Ecuador Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Santiago, Chile São Paulo, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2016 Avis Budget Dollar Hertz SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CASINO RESORT 2016 Conrad Punta del Este Resort and Casino, Uruguay Delfines Hotel & Casino, Peru Iguazu Grand Resort Spa & Casino, Argentina Park Hyatt Mendoza, Argentina




South America Nominees 2016 SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CITY BREAK DESTINATION 2016 Bogotá, Colombia Buenos Aires, Argentina Guayaquil, Ecuador Lima, Peru Medellin, Colombia Montevideo, Uruguay Quito, Ecuador Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Santiago, Chile SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CITY HOTEL 2016 Aloft Asuncion, Paraguay Belmond Miraflores Park, Peru Grand Hyatt São Paulo, Brazil Hilton Buenos Aires, Argentina Hotel San Fernando Plaza Medellín, Colombia Radisson Blu São Paulo Radisson Recife, Brazil Sheraton da Bahia Hotel, Salvador, Brazil Sofitel Legend Santa Clara Cartagena, Colombia The Ritz-Carlton, Santiago, Chile SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CITY TOURIST BOARD 2016 Buenos Aires Turismo District Institute of Tourism of Bogotá Medellin Convention & Visitors Bureau Quito Turismo Rio Convention & Visitors Bureau São Paulo Convention & Visitors Bureau SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CONFERENCE HOTEL 2016 Caesar Park Rio de Janeiro Ipanema, Brazil


Grand Hyatt São Paulo, Brazil Hilton Buenos Aires, Argentina Los Tajibos Hotel & Convention Center, Bolivia Sheraton Santiago Hotel and Convention Center, Chile Swissôtel Lima, Peru Swissôtel Quito, Ecuador SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CRUISE LINE 2016 Carnival Cruise Lines Celebrity Cruises Fred Olsen Cruise Lines MSC Cruises Regent Seven Seas Cruises SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CRUISE PORT 2016 Pier Mauá International Cruise Terminal, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Port of Buenos Aires Port of Cartagena, Colombia Port of Montevideo, Uruguay Port of Valparaíso, Chile SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CULINARY DESTINATION 2016 Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CULTURAL DESTINATION 2016 Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia


Ecuador Peru Uruguay SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING DESIGN HOTEL 2016 B.O.G. Hotel, Colombia Hotel B, Peru Hotel Pulitzer Buenos Aires, Argentina Hotel Unique, Brazil Kenoa - Exclusive Beach Spa & Resort, Brazil ​Click​ C​lack​ Hotel, Colombia SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING DESTINATION 2016 Bogotá, Colombia Buenos Aires, Argentina Easter Island, Chile Galapagos Islands, Ecuador Lima, Peru Quito, Ecuador Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Santiago, Chile São Paulo, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING EXPEDITION COMPANY 2016 Blue Parallel Explora Latin Excursions Nomads of the Seas The Singular Patagonia SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING FAMILY RESORT 2016 Laguna Mar Hotel, Resort & Spa, Venezuela Llao Llao Hotel & Resort, Golf-Spa, Argentina Sheraton Colonia Golf & Spa Resort, Uruguay Suites Beach Park Resort, Brazil Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte, Brazil Wish Resort Golf

Convention Foz do Iguaçu SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING GREEN DESTINATION 2016 Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING GREEN HOTEL 2016 Ariau Amazon Towers, Brazil Finch Bay Eco Hotel, Ecuador Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel, Peru Kiaroa Eco-Luxury Resort, Brazil Mashpi Lodge, Ecuador Mine Hotel Boutique, Argentina Pikaia Lodge, Galapagos Islands Posada Amazonas Lodge, Peru The Singular Patagonia, Chile Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING GREEN TOUR OPERATOR 2016 Explorandes Kuoni TERRA Group Tucan Travel Yampu Tours SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING HERITAGE HOTEL 2016 Belmond Copacabana Palace, Brazil Belmond Hotel Monasterio, E&OE

South America Nominees 2016 Peru JW Marriott El Convento Cusco, Peru Pestana Convento Do Carmo, Brazil Sofitel Legend Santa Clara Cartagena, Colombia SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Belmond Copacabana Palace, Brazil Belmond Hotel Rio Sagrado, Peru Faena Hotel Buenos Aires, Argentina Four Seasons Hotel Buenos Aires, Argentina Grand Hyatt Santiago, Chile JW Marriott Hotel Lima, Peru Palacio Duhau - Park Hyatt Buenos Aires, Argentina Swissôtel Lima, Peru Swissôtel Quito, Ecuador The Westin Lima Hotel & Convention Center, Peru SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING HOTEL BRAND 2016 Four Seasons Hilton Hotels & Resorts Marriott Hotels Radisson Sofitel Swissôtel Hotels & Resorts SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2016 Charleston Penthouse Suite at Hotel Charleston Santa Teresa Cartagena, Colombia Fernando Botero Presidential Suite at Sofitel Legend Santa Clara, Colombia Penthouse Suite @ Belmond Copacabana Palace, Brazil Plunge Pool Suite at Hotel Paracas, Peru Presidential Suite @ The E&OE

Ritz-Carlton Santiago, Chile Presidential Suite at JW Marriott Hotel Quito, Ecuador St. Regis Suite @ Park Tower, Buenos Aires, Argentina The Presidential Suite at San Cristobal Tower, Chile SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING LUXURY ALL SUITE HOTEL 2016 Cumbres Art & Spa, Uruguay Hotel 101 Park House Suites & Spa, Colombia Hotel de la Opera, Colombia Hotel Plaza Grande, Ecuador Las Balsas Gourmet Hotel & Spa, Argentina Saint Andrews Gramado, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING LUXURY BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2016 Aranwa Cusco Boutique Hotel, Peru Casas da Vila, Brazil Cavas Wine Lodge, Argentina Grace Cafayate, Argentina Los Cauquenes Resort & Spa, Argentina Ponta Dos Ganchos Resort, Brazil Pousada Estrela d'Agua, Brazil Saint Andrews Gramado, Brazil Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel, Peru SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING LUXURY TRAIN 2016 Andean Explorer Belmond Hiram Bingham Great Brazil Express Tren Crucero

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING MEETINGS & CONFERENCE CENTRE 2016 Fiesta Bahia Hotel & Convention Centre, Brazil Iguazu Grand, Resort Spa & Casino, Argentina La Rural, Predio Ferial de Buenos Aires, Argentina RIOCENTRO Exhibition & Conference Center, Brazil Sheraton Buenos Aires Hotel & Convention Center, Argentina Sheraton Lima Hotel & Convention Center, Peru Wish Resort Golf Convention Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING MEETINGS & CONFERENCE DESTINATION 2016 Bogotá, Colombia Buenos Aires, Argentina Guayaquil, Ecuador Lima, Peru Medellin, Colombia Quito, Ecuador Rio de Janeiro, Brazil São Paulo, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING NEW HOTEL 2016 Aloft Asuncion, Paraguay DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Bogotá - Parque 93, Colombia Hilton Barra Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Radisson Blu Belo Horizonte Radisson Blu São Paulo, Brazil Radisson Recife, Brazil

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING PRIVATE JET CHARTER 2016 American Jet ATSA Jetstream Air Services Líder Aviação Privé Jets SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING RESORT 2016 Arasha Tropical Forest Resort & Spa, Ecuador Carmelo Resort & Spa. A Hyatt Hotel, Uruguay Conrad Punta Del Este Resort & Casino, Uruguay Costão do Santinho Resort, Brazil Dom Pedro Laguna, Beach Villas & Golf Resort, Brazil Hotel Paracas, A Luxury Collection Resort, Peru Iguazu Grand, Argentina Llao Llao Hotel & Resort, Golf-Spa, Argentina Tambo del Inka, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Valle Sagrado, Peru SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING SPA RESORT 2016 Blue Tree Park Buzios Beach Resort Carmelo Resort & Spa. A Hyatt Hotel, Uruguay Casa Grande Hotel Resort & Spa, Brazil Kurotel Longevity Medical Center and Spa, Brazil La Samanna de Margarita Hotel & Thalasso, Venezuela Las Balsas, Argentina Mantra Resort Spa & Casino, Uruguay Sheraton Colonia Golf & Spa Resort, Uruguay Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte, Brazil




SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING SPORTS TOURISM DESTINATION 2016 Buenos Aires, Argentina Chile Lima, Peru Rio de Janeiro, Brazil São Paulo, Brazil

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING TRAVEL MANAGEMENT COMPANY 2016 AVIATUR Group Carlson Wagonlit Travel CVC FCM Travel Solutions Rotamund

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING TOUR OPERATOR 2016 Chimu Adventures CTM Tours CVC Katur Tourism Kuoni Travel Latin Trails Luxury Latin America Say Hueque Argentina Adventures Terra Group Tucan Travel Yampu Tours

SOUTH AMERICA'S MOST ROMANTIC RESORT 2016 Belmond Copacabana Palace, Brazil Belmond Miraflores Park, Peru Carmelo Resort & Spa. A Hyatt Hotel, Uruguay Charming Luxury Lodge & Private Spa, Argentina UXUA Casa Hotel & Spa, Brazil

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING TOURIST BOARD 2016 Argentina Government Tourist Office Ecuador Ministry of Tourism EMBRATUR - Brazilian Tourist Board ProColombia PromPeru - Peruvian Tourism Board SERNATUR - National Tourist Board of Chile SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING TRAVEL AGENCY 2016 Costamar CVC Exito Travel Turismo Pecom


ARGENTINA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2016 Aldebarán Hotel & Spa Casa Calma Hotel CasaSur Art Hotel Charming Luxury Lodge & Private Spa Entre Cielos Faena Hotel Buenos Aires Home Hotel Buenos Aires Las Balsas Mine Hotel Boutique Purobaires Hotel Boutique ARGENTINA'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2016 Emperador Hotel Buenos Aires Four Seasons Hotel Buenos Aires Hilton Buenos Aires InterContinental Mendoza Sheraton Buenos Aires Hotel & Convention Center Sheraton Cordoba Hotel Sofitel Buenos Aires The Brick Hotel Buenos Aires - MGallery Collection

ARGENTINA'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Alvear Palace Hotel Four Seasons Hotel Buenos Aires InterContinental Buenos Aires Llao Llao Hotel & Resort, Golf-Spa Meliá Buenos Aires Park Tower, Buenos Aires Plaza Hotel Buenos Aires Sofitel Buenos Aires The Brick Hotel Buenos Aires The Eurostars Claridge Hotel ARGENTINA'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2016 La Mansión Presidential Suite @ Four Seasons Hotel Buenos Aires Presidential Suite @ Park Hyatt Mendoza Presidential Suite @ Plaza Hotel Buenos Aires Royal Suite @ Alvear Palace Hotel St. Regis Suite @ Park Tower, Buenos Aires ARGENTINA'S LEADING RESORT 2016 Villa Huinid Bariloche Iguazu Grand, Resort Spa & Casino Las Balsas Gourmet Hotel & Spa Las Hayas Usuahia Resort Llao Llao Hotel & Resort Golf-Spa Park Hyatt Mendoza Villa Sofia Hotel Resort & Spa ARGENTINA'S LEADING SPA RESORT 2016 Charming Luxury Lodge & Private Spa Faena Hotel Buenos Aires, Argentina Las Balsas Llao Llao Hotel & Resort, Golf-Spa

Park Hyatt Mendoza Sheraton Iguazú Resort & Spa BOLIVIA'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Hotel Europa La Mision Hotel Los Tajibos Hotel & Convention Center BRAZIL'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2016 Casas Brancas Boutique Hotel & Spa Hotel Fasano Rio de Janeiro Hotel Fasano Sao Paulo Hotel Unique Insólito Boutique Hotel Kiaroa Eco-Luxury Resort Saint Andrews Gramado UXUA Casa Hotel & Spa BRAZIL'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2016 Belmond Copacabana Palace Grand Hyatt São Paulo Hilton São Paulo Morumbi InterContinental São Paulo Pestana Convento Do Carmo Radisson Blu Belo Horizonte Sofitel Rio de Janeiro Copacabana Windsor Barra Hotel & Congress BRAZIL'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Belmond Copacabana Palace Caesar Park Rio de Janeiro Ipanema Crowne Plaza Belem JW Marriott Hotel Rio de Janeiro Meliá Jardim Europa Pestana Rio Atlantica Radisson Blu Belo Horizonte Sheraton Barra Rio de Janeiro Hotel Sofitel Rio de Janeiro Copacabana Windsor Atlantica Hotel



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South America Nominees 2016 BRAZIL'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2016 Mofarrej Presidential Suite @ Tivoli São Paulo – Mofarrej Penthouse Suite @ Belmond Copacabana Palace Presidential Suite @ JW Marriott Hotel Rio de Janeiro Royal Presidential Suite @ Ouro Minas Palace Hotel BRAZIL'S LEADING RESORT 2016 Carmel Charme Resort Casa Grande Hotel Resort & Spa Dom Pedro Laguna, Beach Villas & Golf Resort Fazenda São Francisco do Corumbau Ponta Dos Ganchos Resort Txai Itacaré Wish Resort Golf Convention Foz do Iguaçu BRAZIL'S LEADING ROMANTIC BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2016 Fazenda São Francisco do Corumbau Ponta Dos Ganchos Resort Saint Andrews Gramado UXUA Casa Hotel & Spa BRAZIL'S LEADING SPA RESORT 2016 Casa Grande Hotel Resort & Spa Casas Brancas Boutique Hotel & Spa Hotel Transamérica Ilha de Comandatuba Kurotel Longevity Medical Center and Spa Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte CHILE'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2016 Casa Real Hotel Clos Apalta Winery & Lodge explora Patagonia The Singular Santiago E&OE

CHILE'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2016 Grand Hyatt Santiago Hotel NH Iquique Santiago Marriott Hotel W Santiago CHILE'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Grand Hyatt Santiago InterContinental Santiago Radisson Acqua Hotel & Spa Concon Santiago Marriott Hotel The Ritz-Carlton, Santiago W Santiago CHILE'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2016 Extreme WOW Suite @ W Santiago Presidential Suite @ Grand Hyatt Santiago Presidential Suite @ Santiago Marriott Hotel The Singular Suite @ The Singular Santiago CHILE'S LEADING RESORT 2016 Awasi explora Patagonia Puyuhuapi Lodge & Spa Sheraton Miramar Hotel & Convention Center The Cliffs Preserve Patagonia CHILE'S LEADING SPA RESORT 2016 Puyuhuapi Lodge & Spa San Cristobal Tower, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Santiago Tierra Atacama Hotel & Spa COLOMBIA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2016 Hotel 101 Park House Suites & Spa Hotel bh La Quinta Hotel Charleston Santa Teresa Cartagena

Hotel de la Opera Hotel LM Sofitel Bogotá Victoria Regia The Orchids Hotel COLOMBIA'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2016 Bogotá Royal Hotel EK Hotel Hilton Bogota Hotel San Fernando Plaza, Medellín InterContinental Cali InterContinental Medellin Sofitel Bogotá Victoria Regia COLOMBIA'S LEADING CONFERENCE HOTEL 2016 Hilton Bogota Hotel Caribe By Faranda Hotel Las Américas Hotel NH Collection Medellín Royal Hotel San Fernando Plaza Medellín InterContinental Medellin JW Marriott Hotel Bogota NH Collection Bogotá Teleport Royal COLOMBIA'S LEADING DESTINATION 2016 Bogotá Bucaramanga Cartagena de Indias Medellín San Andrés Santa Marta Valledupar COLOMBIA'S LEADING GREEN HOTEL 2016 Aité Hotel Resort La Sirena Eco Hotel NH Collection Bogotá Terra 100 Royal Playa La Roca Ecohotel Punta Faro

COLOMBIA'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Bogotá - Parque 93 Hilton Bogota Hilton Cartagena Hotel Hotel Charleston Santa Teresa Cartagena Hotel San Fernando Plaza Medellín JW Marriott Hotel Bogota NH Collection Bogotá Teleport Royal Sofitel Bogotá Victoria Regia Sofitel Legend Santa Clara Cartagena COLOMBIA'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2016 Presidential Suite @ InterContinental Cali Presidential Suite @ JW Marriott Hotel Bogota Presidential Suite @ Sofitel Legend Santa Clara Cartagena The Suite @ Hotel Cartagena Plaza COLOMBIA'S LEADING RESORT 2016 Cocoliso Resort Irotama Resort Occidental Grand Cartagena Resort Royal Decameron Aquarium Zuana Beach Resort COLOMBIA'S LEADING TRAVEL AGENCY 2016 Aviatur Contactos Gema Tours Molitur Panturismo




ECUADOR'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2016 Casa Gangotena Hacienda San Augustin de Callo Hotel Patio Andaluz Hotel Plaza Grande La Mirage Garden Hotel & Spa Mansión del Angel ECUADOR'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2016 Hilton Colon Guayaquil Hilton Colon Quito Hotel Oro Verde Guayaquil JW Marriott Hotel Quito Swissôtel Quito ECUADOR'S LEADING GREEN HOTEL 2016 Casa Ceibo Boutique Hotel & Spa Finch Bay Eco Hotel Hacienda El Porvenir, Tierra del Volcan Mashpi Lodge Pikaia Lodge ECUADOR'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Hilton Colon Guayaquil Hotel NH Collection Quito Royal Hotel Oro Verde Guayaquil JW Marriott Hotel Quito Le Parc Hotel Boutique Royal Palm Hotel Galapagos Swissôtel Quito ECUADOR'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2016 Presidential Suite @ Hilton Colon Guayaquil Presidential Suite @ JW Marriott Hotel Quito Presidential Suite @ Swissôtel Quito Royal Suite @ Hotel NH Collection Quito Royal


ECUADOR'S LEADING RESORT 2016 Arasha Tropical Forest Resort & Spa Barceló Colon Miramar Finch Bay Eco Hotel Kapawi Ecolodge & Reserve Royal Palm Hotel Galapagos ECUADOR'S LEADING SPA RESORT 2016 Arasha Tropical Forest Resort & Spa La Mirage Garden Hotel & Spa Swissotel Quito Termas de Papallacta FRENCH GUIANA'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Best Western Hotel Amazonia Grand Hôtel Montabo Hotel Mercure Kourou Ariatel GUYANA'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Cara Lodge Guyana Guyana Marriott Hotel Georgetown Pegasus Hotel Guyana Regency Suites Hotel PARAGUAY'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Aloft Asuncion Granados Park Hotel Hotel Excelsior Hotel Guarani Esplendor Resort Yacht y Golf Club Paraguayo Sheraton Asuncion Hotel PARAGUAY'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2016 Presidential Suite @ Hotel Excelsior Presidential Suite @ La Misión Hotel Boutique Presidential Suite @ Sheraton Asuncion Hotel


PERU'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2016 Casa Andina Private Collection Valle Sagrado Costa del Sol Ramada Cusco DCO Suites Lounge & Spa, Mancora El Golf Hotel Boutique Las Casitas del Colca Sonesta Posadas del Inca Sacred Valley PERU'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2016 Belmond Miraflores Park Hilton Lima Miraflores JW Marriott Hotel Lima Meliá Lima Plaza del Bosque Royal Park Hotel, Lima San Augustin Exclusive Hotel Sheraton Lima Hotel & Convention Center Swissôtel Lima PERU'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Belmond Hotel Monasterio Belmond Miraflores Park Country Club Lima Hotel Delfines Hotel & Casino El Pardo DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Hilton Lima Miraflores JW Marriott El Convento Cusco JW Marriott Hotel Lima Palacio del Inka, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Cusco Swissôtel Lima The Westin Lima Hotel & Convention Center

PERU'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2016 Presidential Pool Suite @ Belmond Miraflores Park Presidential Suite @ Belmond Sanctuary Lodge Presidential Suite @ Hilton Lima Miraflores Presidential Suite @ JW Marriott Hotel Lima Presidential Suite @ The Westin Lima Hotel & Convention Center Royal Suite @ Belmond Hotel Monasterio PERU'S LEADING RESORT 2016 Belmond Sanctuary Lodge Hotel Paracas, A Luxury Collection Resort Tambo del Inka Resort & Spa, Valle Sagrado PERU'S LEADING TOUR OPERATOR 2016 Adventure Life Andean Treks Condor Travel CTM Tours InkaNatura Travel Kuoda Travel SURINAME'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Eco Resort Hotel Krasnapolsky Residence Inn Paramaribo Torarica Hotel & Casino URUGUAY'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2016 Hotel L'Auberge Hotel-Art & Spa Cumbres Radisson Hotel Colonia del Sacramento


South America Nominees 2016 URUGUAY'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Carmelo Resort & Spa. A Hyatt Hotel Conrad Punta Del Este Resort & Casino Hotel Fasano Punta del Este Hotel-Art & Spa Cumbres Sheraton Montevideo Hotel

URUGUAY'S LEADING RESORT 2016 Carmelo Resort & Spa. A Hyatt Hotel Conrad Punta Del Este Resort & Casino Mantra Resort Spa & Casino Sheraton Colonia Golf & Spa Resort

URUGUAY'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2016 Premium Bi-Level Suite @ Carmelo Resort & Spa. A Hyatt Hotel Presidential Suite @ Conrad Punta Del Este Resort & Casino Presidential Suite @ Sheraton Montevideo Hotel

URUGUAY'S LEADING SPA RESORT 2016 Carmelo Resort & Spa. A Hyatt Hotel Las Dunas Beach Hotel & Spa Mantra Resort Spa & Casino Sheraton Colonia Golf & Spa Resort Spa Hotel La Réserve

VENEZUELA'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Eurobuilding Hotel & Suites Caracas Gran Meliá Caracas Intercontinental Maracaibo JW Marriott Hotel Caracas Pestana Caracas VENEZUELA'S LEADING RESORT 2016 Hesperia Isla Margarita La Samanna de Margarita Hotel & Thalasso Laguna Mar Hotel, Resort & Spa

VENEZUELA'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2016 Crowne Plaza Maruma Hotel & Casino Gran Meliá Caracas InterContinental Tamanaco Caracas JW Marriott Hotel Caracas




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Central America Nominees 2016 MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING AIRLINE 2016 Aeromexico Copa Airlines VivaAerobus MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING AIRPORT 2016 Aeropuerto Internacional El Salvador Benito Juarez International Airport, Mexico City, Mexico Cancun International Airport, Mexico General Juan N. ร lvarez International Airport, Acapulco, Mexico Juan Santamaria International Airport, San Jose, Costa Rica La Aurora International Airport, Guatemala City, Guatemala Tocumen International Airport, Panama City, Panama MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING AIRPORT HOTEL 2016 Barcelo San Jose Palacio, Costa Rica Camino Real Aeropuerto Mexico Hilton Mexico City Airport, Mexico MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING ALL-INCLUSIVE RESORT 2016 DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Hotel Central Pacific, Costa Rica Hacienda Tres Rios Resort, Spa & Nature Park, Mexico Hard Rock Hotel Cancun Hyatt Zilara Cancun, Mexico Occidental Grand Cozumel, Mexico The Westin Golf Resort & E&OE

Spa Playa Conchal, Costa Rica MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING BEACH DESTINATION 2016 Ambergris Caye, Belize Bastimentos Island National Marine Park, Panama Cancun, Mexico Jacรณ, Costa Rica Placencia Belize, Belize Tulum, Mexico MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING BEACH RESORT 2016 Casa Dorada Los Cabos Resort & Spa, Mexico El Mangroove, Costa Rica Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo Garza Blanca Preserve Resort & Spa, Mexico Hard Rock Hotel Vallarta JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa, Mexico Nizuc, Mexico Secrets Papagayo Costa Rica Secrets Playa Bonita Panama MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2016 Casa Fayette, Mexico Condesa DF Mexico City Distrito Capital, Mexico Gaia Hotel & Reserve, Costa Rica Hotel Secreto, Mexico La Casa Que Canta, Mexico Parador Resort & Spa, Costa Rica Rancho Pacifico, Costa Rica Thompson Playa Del Carmen Villa Caletas

MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE RESORT 2016 Blancaneaux Lodge, Belize El Mangroove, Costa Rica Gaia Hotel & Reserve, Costa Rica Ka'ana Resort, Belize Lapa Rios Ecolodge, Costa Rica Las Alamandas, Mexico Morgan's Rock Hacienda & Ecolodge, Nicaragua Punta Caracol Acqua Lodge, Panama MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING BUSINESS CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2016 Alamo Avis Budget Dollar Hertz MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2016 Bristol Panama InterContinental Costa Rica at Multiplaza Mall InterContinental Presidente Mexico City, Mexico InterContinental Real Guatemala Sheraton Mexico City Maria Isabel Hotel, Mexico The Westin Santa Fe, Mexico City W Mexico City, Mexico Waldorf Astoria Panama

MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING BUSINESS TRAVEL DESTINATION 2016 Cancun, Mexico Mexico City, Mexico Panama City, Panama San Salvador, El Salvador Tegucigalpa, Honduras MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2016 Alamo Avis Budget Dollar Hertz MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING CONFERENCE HOTEL 2016 Grand Tikal Futura Hotel, Guatemala Grand Velas Riviera Maya Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit Hilton Mexico City Reforma, Mexico Hilton Mexico City Santa Fe InterContinental Costa Rica at Multiplaza Mall Occidental Grand Xcaret, Mexico Sheraton Panama Hotel & Convention Center, Panama Waldorf Astoria Panama MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING CRUISE PORT 2016 Costa Maya Cruise Port, Mexico Panama Port Port of Cozumel, Mexico Port of Mazatlan, Mexico Port of Progreso, Yucatan, Mexico












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Central America Nominees 2016 MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING DESTINATION 2016 Acapulco, Mexico Ambergris Caye, Belize Bay Islands, Honduras Cancun, Mexico Granada, Nicaragua Los Cabos, Mexico Panama City, Panama San Jose, Costa Rica Tulum, Mexico MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING FAMILY RESORT 2016 Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo, Costa Rica Hacienda Tres Rios Resort, Spa & Nature Park, Mexico Hotel Punta Islita, Costa Rica One&Only Palmilla, Mexico The Westin Golf Resort & Spa Playa Conchal, Costa Rica MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING GREEN HOTEL 2016 Fairmont Mayakoba, Riviera Maya, Mexico Gaia Hotel & Reserve, Costa Rica Hacienda Tres Rios Resort, Spa & Nature Park, Mexico Morgan's Rock Hacienda & Ecolodge, Nicaragua Rancho Pacifico, Costa Rica Tabacón Grand Spa Thermal Resort, Costa Rica MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Costa Rica Marriott Hotel San Jose, Costa Rica Four Seasons Hotel Mexico, D.F. Hard Rock Hotel Panama Megapolis InterContinental Presidente E&OE

Mexico City, Mexico InterContinental San Salvador-Metrocentro Mall, El Salvador Radisson Decapolis Hotel Panama City, Panama The Westin Playa Bonita Panama, Republic of Panama Waldorf Astoria Panama Zephyr Palace, Costa Rica MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING HOTEL BRAND 2016 Barcelo Hotels & Resorts Camino Real Hotels Hilton Hotels & Resorts InterContinental Hotels & Resorts Marriott Hotels Meliá Hotels International Radisson Riu Hotels & Resorts Sheraton Hotels & Resorts MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2016 Burdeos View @ Four Seasons Mexico City Master Suite @ Gran Hotel Ciudad de México Master Suite @ Hilton Mexico City Reforma The Grand Penthouse Suite @ Garza Blanca Preserve Resort & Spa MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING MEETINGS & CONFERENCE CENTRE 2016 Atlapa Convention Centre, Panama Cancun ICC, Mexico CIFCO El Salvador

MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING MEETINGS & CONFERENCE DESTINATION 2016 Cancun, Mexico Guatemala City, Guatemala Mexico City, Mexico Panama City, Panama San Jose, Costa Rica San Salvador, El Salvador Tegucigalpa, Honduras MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING NATURE RESERVE 2016 Barro Colorado Nature Monument, Panama Hacienda Tres Rios Resort, Spa & Nature Park, Mexico Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve, Costa Rica Punta Laguna Spider Monkey Reserve, Mexico Rio Secreto, Mexico MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING NEW HOTEL 2016 Casa Fayette, Mexico Hyatt Place Managua, Nicaragua Hyatt Ziva Cancun, Mexico JW Marriott Los Cabos Beach Resort & Spa, Mexico Mar Adentro, Los Cabos, Mexico Thompson Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

Nizuc, Mexico Parador Resort & Spa, Costa Rica Secrets Playa Bonita Panama The Westin Resort & Spa, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loreto, Mexico MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING SPA RESORT 2016 Banyan Tree Cabo Marquez, Mexico Garza Blanca Preserve Resort & Spa, Mexico JW Marriott Guanacaste Resort & Spa, Costa Rica Las Ventanas al Paraiso, A Rosewood Resort, Mexico Nizuc, Mexico One&Only Palmilla, Mexico Parador Resort & Spa, Costa Rica Princess Mundo Imperial Acapulco, Mexico Secrets Playa Bonita Panama Tabacón Grand Spa Thermal Resort, Costa Rica MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING TOUR OPERATOR 2016 Asuaire Travel Costa Rica Tour Explora Caribe Tours Grand American Adventures Pesantez Tours Panama Yampu Tours

MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING RESORT 2016 Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo, Costa Rica Gamboa Rainforest Resort, Panama Las Ventanas al Paraiso, A Rosewood Resort, Mexico ME Cabo, Mexico LATIN AMERICA GALA CEREMONY 2016


Central America Nominees 2016 MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING TOURIST BOARD 2016 Belize Tourism Board Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau Costa Rica Tourism Board Guatemalan Tourist Board (INGUAT) Mexico Tourism Board Nicaraguan Tourism Board Panama Tourism Authority Salvadoran Tourism Corporation (CORSATUR)

BELIZE'S LEADING SPA RESORT 2016 Blancaneaux Lodge Cayo Espanto Chaa Creek Maruba Resort Jungle Spa

MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING TRAVEL AGENCY 2016 Costa Rican Vacations FCM Travel Solutions Mega Travel Mundo Joven Viajes Tivoli

COSTA RICA'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Costa Rica Marriott Hotel San Jose Hotel Punta Islita InterContinental Costa Rica at Multiplaza Mall Nayara Springs Parador Resort & Spa Zephyr Palace

MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING TRAVEL MANAGEMENT COMPANY 2016 Authentic Travel Condor Verde FCM Travel Solutions Viaventure Central America BELIZE'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Captain Morgan's Retreat Radisson Fort George Hotel and Marina San Ignacio Resort Hotel Victoria House BELIZE'S LEADING RESORT 2016 Cayo Espanto El Secreto Ka'ana Resort Las Terrazas Resort Princess Hotel & Casino Radisson Fort George Hotel and Marina Turtle Inn


BELIZE'S LEADING VILLA RESORT 2016 Blancaneaux Lodge Chaa Creek Hopkins Bay Belize Matachica Resort & Spa Turtle Inn

COSTA RICA'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2016 Cristรณbal Colรณn Presidential Suite @ Parador Resort & Spa Presidential Suite @ Andaz Peninsula Papagayo Resort Presidential Suite @ JW Marriott Guanacaste Resort & Spa COSTA RICA'S LEADING RESORT 2016 Andaz Peninsula Papagayo Resort El Mangroove Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo JW Marriott Guanacaste Resort & Spa Parador Resort & Spa Secrets Papagayo Costa Rica The Westin Golf Resort & Spa Playa Conchal

COSTA RICA'S LEADING SPA RESORT 2016 El Mangroove Hotel Parador Resort & Spa Hotel Punta Islita JW Marriott Guanacaste Resort & Spa Nayara Hotel, Spa & Gardens Tabacรณn Grand Spa Thermal Resort Tango Mar Beachfront Boutique Hotel & Villas EL SALVADOR'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Hilton Princess San Salvador Hotel InterContinental San Salvador-Metrocentro Mall Sheraton Presidente San Salvador Hotel EL SALVADOR'S LEADING RESORT 2016 La Cocotera Resort & Ecolodge Las Flores Resort The Royal Decameron Salinitas GUATEMALA'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Casa Santo Domingo Crowne Plaza Guatemala Grand Tikal Futura Hotel InterContinental Real Guatemala The Westin Camino Real HONDURAS'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Hilton Princess San Pedro Sula InterContinental Real San Pedro Sula InterContinental Tegucigalpa At Multiplaza Mall Mayan Princess Beach & Dive Resort The Resort at Palmetto Bay

MEXICO'S LEADING ALL-INCLUSIVE RESORT 2016 Hacienda Tres Rios Resort, Spa & Nature Park Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya Hotel Riu Yucatan Hyatt Ziva Cancun Moon Palace Golf & Spa Resort MEXICO'S LEADING BEACH DESTINATION 2016 Acapulco Cancun Cozumel Los Cabos Riviera Maya MEXICO'S LEADING BEACH RESORT 2016 CUIXMALA Hyatt Ziva Cancun Rosewood Mayakobรก, Riviera Maya The Resort at Pedregal The St. Regis Punta Mita Resort Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loreto MEXICO'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2016 Casa Fayette Condesa DF Mexico City Distrito Capital Hacienda de San Antonio Hacienda San Angel Hotel Secreto La Casa Que Canta La Tortuga Hotel & Spa Thompson Playa Del Carmen



Central America Nominees 2016 MEXICO'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2016 Four Seasons Hotel Mexico, D.F. Hilton Mexico City Reforma InterContinental Presidente Mexico City JW Marriott Hotel Mexico City Sheraton Chihuahua Soberano Sheraton Mexico City Maria Isabel Hotel The St Regis Mexico City W Mexico City MEXICO'S LEADING DESTINATION 2016 Cancun Ixtapa Zihuatanejo Los Cabos Mexico City Oaxaca San Miguel de Allende MEXICO'S LEADING FAMILY RESORT 2016 Cozumel Palace Hacienda Tresrios Resort, Spa & Nature Park Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya One&Only Palmilla The Westin Resort & Spa, Puerto Vallarta MEXICO'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Four Seasons Hotel Mexico, D.F. InterContinental Presidente Mexico City JW Marriott Hotel Mexico City Las Alcobas, Mexico City The Ritz-Carlton, Cancun The St Regis Mexico City W Mexico City


MEXICO'S LEADING HOTEL RESIDENCES 2016 Esperanza, An Auberge Resort Fairmont Heritage Place, El Corazon de Santa Fe Grand Residences Riviera Cancun Hacienda Beach Club & Residences Mar Adentro, Los Cabos MEXICO'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2016 Bret Michaels Rock Star Suite @ Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya Casa Laguna @ Rosewood Mayakobá, Riviera Maya Presidential Suite "El Camaleon" @ Fairmont Mayakoba, Riviera Maya Presidential Suite @ Four Seasons Hotel Mexico, D.F. The Ritz-Carlton Suite @ The Ritz-Carlton, Cancun The St. Regis Suite @ The St. Regis Mexico City MEXICO'S LEADING RESORT 2016 Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita Grand Fiesta Americana Coral Beach Cancún Hyatt Ziva Cancun JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa JW Marriott Los Cabos Beach Resort & Spa Las Ventanas al Paraiso, A Rosewood Resort Nizuc Princess Mundo Imperial Royal Hideaway Playacar The Westin Resort & Spa Cancun Zoëtry Paraiso de la Bonita

MEXICO'S LEADING SPA RESORT 2016 Banyan Tree Mayakoba Fairmont Mayakoba, Riviera Maya Hyatt Ziva Cancun JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa JW Marriott Los Cabos Beach Resort & Spa Le Blanc Spa Resort Nizuc One&Only Palmilla Princess Mundo Imperial Rosewood Mayakobá, Riviera Maya NICARAGUA'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Barcelo Montelimar Beach Crowne Plaza Managua Hilton Princess Managua Hyatt Place Managua InterContinental Managua At Metrocentro Mall Morgan's Rock Mukul Beach, Golf & Spa

PANAMA'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2016 Diamond Suite @ Le Méridien Panama JW Suite @ JW Marriott Panama Golf & Beach Resort Presidential Suite @ Sheraton Panama Hotel & Convention Center Presidential Suite @ Trump Ocean Club International Hotel and Tower Panama PANAMA'S LEADING RESORT 2016 Gamboa Rainforest Resort Hotel Coronado Golf & Beach Resort JW Marriott Panama Golf & Beach Resort Melia Panama Canal Secrets Playa Bonita Panama

PANAMA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2016 Las Clementinas Los Establos Boutique Hotel Tantalo Hotel PANAMA'S LEADING HOTEL 2016 Bristol Panama Hard Rock Hotel Panama Megapolis Hilton Panama InterContinental Miramar Panama Le Méridien Panama Panama Marriott Hotel Sheraton Panama Hotel & Convention Center Trump Ocean Club International Hotel and Tower Panama Waldorf Astoria Panama



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World Travel Awards will host its Caribbean & North America Gala Ceremony 2016 at Sandals Ochi Beach Resort in Jamaica. This new all-inclusive resort has a hot beach club, 11 bars – including the Caribbean’s first speakeasy – and 16 totally on-trend restaurants. It’s exciting and it’s happening – but only when guests want it to be. Because the other side of Sandals Ochi Beach Resort offers unsurpassed privacy when visitors want a more serene escape. A true Garden of Eden encompassing over 100 acres, this resort is so vast and lush that, no matter where you find yourself, you’ll always feel as if there’s plenty of space for just the two of you. All the things that make Jamaica such a uniquely spectacular destination are at the heart of Sandals Ochi. Visiting on September 17th, World Travel Awards will again welcome leaders from across the regional hospitably sector for what promises to be a celebration of one of the most exciting tourism regions on earth. For more information and bookings visit






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Completing the line-up of regional events, InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort in Vietnam will welcome the Asia & Australasia Gala Ceremony 2016 on October 15th. Officially considered the World’s Leading Luxury Resort by World Travel Awards itself, guests here can enjoy the very best of Vietnam. A luxury hillside resort and spa overlooking a sparkling private bay, it was designed by famed architect Bill


Bensley and has reimagined Vietnamese design, history and myth to create a magical retreat over four levels – Heaven, Sky, Earth and Sea. Discover culinary artistry at La Maison 1888 helmed by world-acclaimed chef Pierre Gagnaire. Soothe body and soul in our custom spa packages at HARNN Heritage Spa and treat yourself to the world’s finest pedicure at PEDI:MANI:CURE Studio by Bastien


Gonzalez. Meet your neighbours, the rare red-shanked douc langurs who inhabit the lush forests of Monkey Mountain, or simply kick back and enjoy our 700-meter private beach. What more appropriate place for World Travel Awards to welcome the elite of international tourism? For more information and bookings visit




The Maldives will welcome World Travel Awards as host of the Grand Final 2016. The ceremony will welcome winners from the six regional World Travel Awards Gala Ceremonies, with the events this year set to take place in Zanzibar, Dubai, Peru, Turkey, Jamaica and Vietnam. Winners from each region will be welcomed to compete for the global titles. WTA was established in 1993 to acknowledge, reward and celebrate excellence across all sectors of the tourism industry. Today, the WTA brand is recognised globally as the ultimate hallmark of quality, with winners setting the benchmark to which all others aspire.



Republic of the Maldives is a sovereign archipelagic nation positioned in the Indian Ocean. Notably the south Asian island nation has no counterpart in the entire world in terms of its unique geography and topography. The Maldives encompass more than 99 % of the sea and less than one per cent of the land. The 99 per cent of the sea is home to one of the most diverse marine treasures of the world. Less than one per cent of the land is a masterpiece in natural landscaping. The Maldives comprises of 26 natural atolls consisting of dual island chains. Incidentally the Maldivian language has the distinct pleasure of contributing to the English word “atoll”, which was derived from the Maldivian word “atholhu”. There are channels of various sizes between the atolls used for navigation. For efficient administrative functioning, the 26 natural atolls are categorised into 20 administrative divisions. Particularly the island nation is located in a strategic area with access to major international sea routes in the Indian Ocean. The Maldives, located on top of a vast underwater mountain range have around 1190 islands and sandbanks. The pearl string like islands covers a land area of no less than 298 km2. All the islands are encircled by a lagoon blessed with crystal clear water. These islands are protected by a reef structure, housing one of the most exclusive and spectacular underwater life. For more information and bookings visit



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THANK YOU TO ALL OUR PARTNERS We wish to express our gratitude to our partners and supporters worldwide. In particular, we extend a heartfelt “thank you” to our Host Partner, Swissôtel Lima; our Destination Partner, PromPeru; our Official Airline Partner, Delta Air Lines; our International Broadcast Partner, TV5Monde; our Supporting Partners, Vinos del Mundo, Vistamar and Romovi; and our media partners Breaking Travel News, Best in Travel, Hosteltur and Travel2Latam.



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