WLP Family Newsletter - Winter / Spring 2024

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Welcome In an era filled with bustling schedules, endless to-do lists, and the constant buzz of technology, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters: our connections with loved ones. As a destination, we are advocates for wellness and compelled to shine a spotlight on an often-overlooked aspect of self-care: family travel. Embarking on a journey with our nearest and dearest isn’t just about exploring new destinations; it’s about nurturing our mental health and strengthening the bonds that tie us together. Family travel provides a precious opportunity to disconnect from the stressors of everyday life and reconnect with those who matter most. In a world dominated by screens and distractions, carving out dedicated time to spend with family members fosters deeper connections. Here at Woodloch, you’ll create the lasting memories that can sustain us through life’s challenges. Perhaps most importantly, family travel nurtures a sense of belonging and unity. When we travel together without those everyday distractions, we then learn to appreciate each other’s strengths, support one another through setbacks, and celebrate our collective achievements. In doing so, we reinforce the foundation of trust and love that sustains us through life’s highs and lows. In a time when the importance of mental health is increasingly recognized, let us not overlook the role that family travel can play in promoting holistic well-being. If you can’t travel right away, we hope that you can sit down with your family and share in some of the fun that this issue brings. From Woodloch at Home games, a partnership with Highlights Magazine, and in the spirit of wellness, a mindfulness makeover, there’s plenty of things to share with your family and enjoy yourself. Looking forward to seeing you here in the mountains again soon.

The Woodloch Family

In a fast-paced world, distractions and worry can easily take a toll on your mental well-being and, as a result, your waistline. Traditional consciousness practices, like meditation and yoga, have gained popularity for their stressrelieving benefits, but there are lesser-known techniques that offer unique pathways to improve impulse control. Even just saying the word mindfulness feels relaxing. In a meta-study1 from 2018, researchers found that practicing present-moment awareness helped participants lose weight and eat in a healthier way. Follow these attentivenessboosting strategies to lose fat while you discover the transformative power of mindfulness in your daily life.



1. Box Breathing Breathwork is a powerful tool to anchor yourself in the present moment. One effective technique is diaphragmatic breathing, also known as box breathing. Imagine a square, and each side has a job: inhale for four counts, hold your breath for four counts, exhale for four counts, and take a break for four counts. Repeat this pattern for a few minutes. This practice helps calm the nervous system, reduce stress, and enhance focus. COACHING TIP: Visualize a calming scene as you do box breathing, like a serene lake or a peaceful meadow, to enhance the relaxation effect. 2. Forest Bathing Tree therapy, or Shinrin-yoku, is a Japanese practice that involves spending time in the woods, enjoying the trees and fresh air, to help you feel happy. “Nature therapy not only connects you with the outdoors but also lowers cortisol levels, a stress hormone, promoting a sense of calm,” says Nancy Deaton, Spa Director at The Lodge at Woodloch.

Joseph Arangio, MS, CSCS, is co-founder of Arangio.com, a results-driven bodytransformation program for men and women, over the age of 40, who want to lose weight, get strong, and slow aging in 90 days guaranteed.

COACHING TIP: Take a leisurely walk in a natural setting, paying close attention to your surroundings. Engage your senses—feel the texture of tree bark, listen to the rustling leaves, and breathe in the fresh air. This practice has been shown to lower cortisol, improve mood, and boost your immune system. Start with 30 minutes, four times a week.

10 MINUTE STRESS-BUSTING WORKOUT 3. Mindful Eating Conscious eating involves paying full attention to your food, appreciating flavors, and being present with each bite. Create a mindful eating ritual by setting aside dedicated time for meals. Begin by taking a moment to express gratitude for the nourishment in front of you. COACHING TIP: Chew slowly, savoring the flavors, and put your utensils down between bites. This practice encourages a healthier relationship with food, by promoting digestion and reducing the chance of overeating. 4. Tech-Free Time Blocks A digital detox is crucial for mental well-being, given the constant barrage of notifications and information overload nowadays. Designate specific times during the day when you disconnect from all electronic devices. Set your phone to airplane mode, turn off notifications, and engage in activities that do not involve screens. Whether it’s reading a book, going for a walk, or enjoying a hobby, these breaks provide a mental reset, reducing stress and improving focus. COACHING TIP: Lift weights while you untether from technology. According to the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research2, progressive resistance exercise, aka strength training, can help older adults reduce anxiety and improve overall mood. Do four 40-minute strength sessions per week. 5. Gratitude Journaling You only need a pen and paper to acknowledge the positive aspects of life. Create a daily ritual of jotting down three things you appreciate. Be specific and reflect on the details of each moment. This practice shifts your focus from what’s lacking to what’s present, fostering positivity.

Too busy multitasking to de-frazzle your nerves? Elevate your zen over a lunchbreak with this bodyweight-only session. The focus required to complete this flat-belly workout will teach your brain a newfound discipline so routine challenges become a breeze. DIRECTIONS: Start with the warmup. Next, do the strength moves below as a circuit—that is, perform the recommended reps and then go to the next exercise. After you complete the third exercise, rest for one minute. That’s one circuit. Do three total circuits. Once you’re done, finish with conditioning. WARMUP Jumping Jacks (2 MINUTES) Jump up while spreading your legs and arms out to the sides, then quickly return to the starting position by bringing your feet together and lowering your arms. Repeat. STRENGTH 1. Inverted Row (8 REPS) Get on your back under a barbell that’s set at waist height. With an overhand grip, pull your chest up towards the bar while keeping your body straight. Pause and return to the start. 2. Pushups (8 REPS) Start in a plank position. Lower your body by bending your elbows until your chest almost touches the floor, then push back up to the starting position. 3. Chair Squats (8 REPS) Stand in front of a chair. Push your hips back and bend your knees while keeping your back straight, until you’re slightly sitting down. Return to the start. CONDITIONING Jog outside or in place for 2 minutes.

COACHING TIP: Try gratitude journaling, for 10 minutes in the morning, when your mind is fresh. In addition to writing about the things you’re thankful for, detail unexpected or challenging moments. Describe the lesson learned, even in difficult situations, to make your entries more meaningful.

Learn more from Joe by scanning here! 1 Carrière, K., Khoury, B., Günak, M. M., & Knäuper, B. (2018). Mindfulness-based interventions for weight loss: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 19(2), 164–177. https://doi.org/10.1111/obr.12623 2 Fragala, Maren S et al. “Resistance Training for Older Adults: Position Statement from the National Strength and Conditioning Association.” Journal of strength and conditioning research 33 8 (2019): 2019-2052.

Bringing the fun back


Showcase a little bit of “ Woodloch” at your next gathering!

P.T. Barnum, aka “the world’s greatest showman,” perhaps said it best: “The noblest art is that of making others happy.” While this is absolutely true, he may have forgotten to elaborate on this statement- it can also be a lot of work! For anyone that has ever decided to host a family reunion or kid’s party, take on the role of den leader for scouts, or even attempt to command a classroom of 30 or more excited elementary students, the truth is evident. This “stage” can be unforgiving if the ringmaster finds themselves unprepared for such tasks. Fortunately, we’ve got just the thing to help with field days, birthday parties, office play days and more through the magic of Woodloch At Home!

The “ Woodloch at Home” Way Rewind the clocks back to 2020. Yes, THAT 2020. For the first time in over 60 years, Woodloch was officially shut down by government mandate. Out of those worrisome days, the #WoodlochAtHome initiative was born. A global pandemic wasn’t able to keep our social staff from doing what we do best: bringing some laughs, smiles and entertainment through even the toughest of times. Even though we couldn’t host any guests, all sorts of games, recipes, crafts and even shows were shared online, absolutely free. We were even able to recreate the frenzy of our famous “horse races” through a webcast on Friday nights. The good news? You can enjoy all of this great content to this day, any time you would like! #WoodlochAtHome is our way of sharing our resort with you all year long. Even if you can’t make the trip up to the Pocono Mountains, the spirit of our games, events and staff can be shared at all sorts of gatherings… check it out!

* Perfect* for:

- Scout Meetings - Classroom rewards - Birthday parties - Housewarming parties - Family Reunions - Office Teambuilding

- Rainy days - Snowy days - Sleepovers - Game night - Date night - “Me” time

Scan to see the collection!

- at woodloch -

An inside look at wildlife that calls our resort “home.” With over 1,200 acres of forested land and a mile of pristine shoreline along Lake Teedyuskung, the natural area of Woodloch Pines is situated upon is not only a beautiful place to vacation but also a wonderful place for creatures of all sorts to live. Northeastern Pennsylvania has a variety of natural environments that attract people from all over the world, primarily its oak and northern hardwood forests which cover 86% of the state. Bodies of freshwater are plentiful as well, including a variety of streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes including our very own Lake Teedyuskung. We are home to a wide array of birds, insects, reptiles, mammals, and even one marsupial. See if you can spot any of Woodloch’s wildlife on your next visit!

eastern chipmunk

Chipmunks, named for their high-pitched squeak that is often mistaken for a bird’s call, are heavily present on Woodloch’s property, happily living underneath rock edges and in extensive burrows along Lake Teedyuskung’s lakefront. Chipmunks are members of the squirrel family, and in the simplest terms are a type of squirrel that has adapted to living in rocky terrain and in forest understories. The chipmunk is also known for its ability to store food in its cheeks which can expand to three-times the size of its head when full. This comes in handy during the wintertime when they rely on their stash of acorns to make it through the cold days and nights. If you hear a chipmunk letting out a chirp, it most likely means you are too close to their burrow or one of its many entrances – a burrow can be 20 feet in length and have several different entrances. A chipmunk’s burrow can contain various compartments, including bedrooms, turnaround areas, food caches, a nursery, air vents, and even emergency exits. Watch where you step!

One of the most elusive but majestic creatures you might encounter at Woodloch is the American black bear. Though they can be quite daunting in appearance, they are generally shy and non-confrontational animals. Black bears aren’t picky eaters; they eat just about anything and everything, though they have mostly plant-based diets. They also forage for berries, insects, berries, fish, honey and just about any scraps they can get their paws on. They snack enough to weigh up to 600 pounds and measure up to 7 feet tall. Despite their size, they can run at speeds of almost 30 mph! Black bears have evolved to hibernate through winter, due to short food supplies. Their bodies slow heart rate and metabolism for anywhere between three to eight months. Females even give birth towards the tail end of hibernating with litters of anywhere between one to six cubs, but usually two to three. Due to their shy nature, bear encounters are rare at the resort but always cause a stir when they make an appearance!

black bear

Keep your eyes to the sky, and you just might spot the United States’ national bird flying directly above your head. The Bald Eagle, also referred to as the American Eagle, lives within two miles of the coast, rivers, lakes, or other bodies of water due to their preference for fish as a primary food source. Woodloch’s own Lake Teedyuskung is home to a breeding pair of bald eagles that at times can be seen diving into the lake for their next meal. Bald Eagles are easily identified by their striking brown feathers, white head, and yellow beak, though younger bald eagles (referred to as eaglets) appear entirely brown. Over the course of about five years, these eaglets gradually develop white flecking on their head plumage which then mature into their final, fully-white adult feathers. One impressive feat of Bald Eagles is their ability to construct the largest nests of any North American bird. Comprised of sticks, grass, and feathers, the largest Bald Eagle nest ever recorded was 13ft deep, 8ft wide, and weighed over one ton. While not quite as large, next time you’re walking around Lake Teedyuskung see if you can find our Bald Eagle’s large nest high in the trees!

bald eagle

the opossum eastern tiger swallow tail If you find yourself at the North Lodge fire-pit for a late night marshmallow roast, take a look towards the woods and see if you can spot North America’s only marsupial (using a pouch to carry their young, like a kangaroo). Omnivorous scavengers, opossums are typically found at nighttime roaming the forest floor and searching in the trees for food such as insects, worms, and smaller animals to eat. While these make up their primary diet, they definitely also enjoy the occasional roadkill or human trash left on a curbside. Typically solitary animals, opossums tend to stay away from areas where humans can be smelled, seen, or heard though they can be occasionally seen around Woodloch’s property as they have grown accustomed to the regular guest presence. Opossums, referred to as possums by some, are no threat to humans and are great for the environment as they help control the population of snakes, rodents, and insects in the area. The next time you’re sitting outside enjoying the sunset over the lake, make sure to thank the local opossums for keeping the insect population under control!

One of the most familiar butterflies in the eastern United States, the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is a striking yellow butterfly known for the pattern along its wings that resembles a tiger’s stripes. While the yellow type, or morph, is the most commonly recognized, female Eastern Tiger Swallowtails may present in the yellow coloration similar to males but they may also appear as a striking almost entirely-black coloration. Eastern Tiger Swallowtails are primarily solitary butterflies preferring to fly high above the ground, typically seen in the tree canopy. Males participate in a peculiar behavior known as puddling, where groups of the butterfly are seen extracting salts from fresh puddles or mud. Keep an eye to the trees and the ground after a rain to see if you can spot them!

These are just a few of the amazing and beautiful creatures you may stumble into during your visit... keep your eyes peeled for wildlife of all sorts!



and eans a br g m t a h t d year... an heme show is takin t It’s a new le dway-Sty by storm! a o r B w e n lub us Nightc our famo , bit of grit le t t li a ing as e’re bring ig stage In 2024, w “twang” to the b ute 2 nd thern Ro u o S charm a e h T takes “ Woodloch Music!” American

ch cast on a musically Join the star-studded Woodlo Hawley and down south charged adventure away from m soulful gospel, blues, r&b, through the heart of America. Fro y. This year’s celebration rock n’ roll and of course countr ryone joining you on your brings something for just about eve “road trip!” t of their vocal abilities, “This year’s cast brings the bes phy, fun costumes, and a along with intricate choreogra says Nichole Granville, little bit of humor to the stage,” up and the excitement Director. “We are a tight-knit gro pable. Our goal is to take we have together on stage is pal d trip with us, and provide the audience along on this roa ’t soon forget!” them with an experience they won The theme show has been a proud tradition at Woodloch, dating back to 1979. It ha s centered around westerns , pirates, time machines, Came lot, Hollywood and just about everything in between. With a professional cast, dazzling lights, stunning sets and pyrote chnics, the show is a “can’t miss!” “Our expectations, as well as those of our guests, climb every year. And I am confide nt that our team has put forth an incredibly memorab le show for this year,” says Bradley Kiesendahl, Woodlo ch President. “We encourage music fans of all ages to join us as Woodloch hospitality becomes ‘southern’ hospitality as well!”


Hidden Pictures Six by Six

Each of these small scenes contains 6 hidden objects from the list below. Some objects are hidden in more than one scene. Can you find the 6 hidden objects in each scene?

Hidden Object List The numbers tell you how many times each object is hidden. artist’s brush (4) button (2) comb (4) crescent moon (3) drumstick (4) envelope (2) glove (4) key (2) needle (3) paper airplane (3) pencil (2) sock (3)


Art by Iryna Bodnaruk

Two scenes contain the exact same set of hidden objects. Can you find that matching pair?

Want more fun puzzles, jokes, and activities? Visit Highlights.com! © 2024 Highlights for Children, Inc. All rights reserved.


per 10oz-16oz mug » 1 cup milk – Or, your favorite milk substitute » ½ tsp vanilla extract – Or, hazelnut extract (Think, Nutella!) » ½ bar chocolate, chopped, approx. 1 oz – grab a bar of Moka Ghana Dark 72% from Woodloch Confectionary at one of our gift shops. Or, select a quality dark chocolate. » 2 tbsp Sweetened condensed milk – Or, sweetened condensed coconut milk »

MAKE IT TIPSY 2-3 tbsp dark rum, 40% ABV – Or, 6 tbsp Irish Cream

Simmer milk in a heavy bottomed pan on low heat with constant stirring. When the milk is visibly hot, about 5-7 minutes, add condensed milk and continue to stir until incorporated. Be careful not to overheat, boil, or scorch your milk. Remove from heat and add remailing ingredients. Ladle into a mug and top as desired.


» nutmeg / cinnamon » candied cherries » crushed peppermint stick » sprinkles – chocolate jimmies » cocoa powder/shaved chocolate


» chocolate syrup » caramel syrup » cotton candy


CHOCOLATE RIMMED GLASS Melt semi-sweet chocolate chips in a wide bowl. (Microwave for 30 seconds, stir, and then in 10 second increments until smooth) Amount will depend on how many mugs you’re working with! Start with 1 cup of chocolate chips for 1-2 mugs then add ¼ cup per additional mugs. Press mug into chocolate and then immediately into the topping of your choice. Works best with sprinkles, nonpareils, chopped nuts, chocolate shavings- use white chocolate for the best aesthetics, or crushed peppermint. Place mugs in refrigerator until chocolate sets.

In the past few months, we’ve been fortunate to receive extensive publicity, and we’re thrilled to share the fantastic press we’ve garnered! We’re incredibly grateful to our guests who consistently share their positive experiences, helping others discover the unique charm of Woodloch. A heartfelt thank you for your endless support!

With 30 activities available during every season at the all-inclusive Woodloch Resort in the Pocono Mountains, your kids will never say the “B” word (bored). Good Housekeeping Family Travel Award

If mountain views, glassy lakes, and verdant valleys are your thing, then you’ll want to head to the Pocono Mountains where you’ll find plenty of outdoor activities to keep your family busy year-round. For 65 years, Woodloch Pines has welcomed families with comfortable accommodations, activities, entertainment, and meal plans that work for even the pickiest eater in your crew.

For a winter wellness and adventure resort with something for everyone in your family and all-inclusive rates that make it easy to dive into absolutely everything, this 160-room Pennsylvania property in the lake region of the Poconos Mountains serves non-stop fun. Open all year, lakefront Woodloch Pines brings each season to life through included activities that range from water skiing, canoeing, kayaking and archery in the summer to snowshoeing, snow tubing and ice skating come winter time.

Woodloch Resort has so much to do that you’ll legitimately need to slip away to the world-class destination spa down the road (it’s part of the property). The Lodge at Woodloch Resort has some new treatment offerings, including the Happy As I Am facial and the Aqua Garden hydrotherapy circuit (complete with a snow room).

Forbes 10 Best All-Inclusives

ScaryMommy www.scarymommy.com

Parents Magazine Family Travel Award

A perennial family favorite, Woodloch Pines Resort makes a dreamy all-inclusive resort for Christmas vacation. Outdoor fun includes snow tubing, ice skating, marshmallow roasting, a holiday-themed scavenger hunt, New Year’s Eve fireworks, and wagon rides through the resort’s Festival of Lights display (where the kids just might spot Santa). USA Today Best All-Inclusives for Christmas

Woodloch Pines is a popular family resort with reasonable all-inclusive rates with all meals and most drinks included. It’s sure to please every member of the family with an incredibly long list of activities available, including sailing, bumper boats, fishing, mini-golf, go-karts, and winter fun like sledding and ice skating. Trips to Discover www.tripstodiscover.com

Teenagers are sure to enjoy a stay at Woodloch Resort in the Poconos for more reasons than one. This all-inclusive resort offers all kinds of entertainment each evening, from magicians and variety shows to comedians and live music. Activities offered on-site also run the gamut, including options like archery, baking wars, athletic competitions and scavenger hunts. There’s even a petting zoo at the resort, plus a selection of swimming pools, a rock climbing wall, bumper boats, bumper cars and mini-golf. US News Best All-Inclusives for Teens

If your family loves a day full of things to do, then a trip to Pennsylvania’s Woodloch Resort is a must. No matter the season, there are all sorts of fun options to do there, every day, for all ages. The destination, which boasts allinclusive options that see you and your family spending every delicious meal together, also offers every kind of activity, from trivia and games that work the mind, to crafts and cupcake wars that work the creative muscle, to just about every sport you can think of to get you active, no matter if it is winter, spring, summer or fall. iHeart Radio www.iheart.com

Love knows no age, as it transcends time to connect two people. It also proves that genuine affection is ageless and enduring. It seemed to be the case for lifelong bachelor Joe Potenzano when he got married to Mary Elkind at the ripe age of 92. The couple also got a short honeymoon, thanks to a contribution from The Drew Barrymore Show. “We just wanted to go someplace nearby that we could drive to,” Elkind said. “So we went to Woodloch Pines for a few days and it was beautiful.” -Upworthy


SCAN WITH YOUR PHONE Drew Barrymore Show Honeymoon Trip

Scranton Chamber of Workplace SAGE Awards for Workplace Excellence


When your days are already over-scheduled with school, friends, clubs, summer plans, sports and all the other extracurriculars, going away with your family can feel like a chore. Sure, it’s fun to have a vacation, but you want to make sure it’s worth rearranging everything or missing out on what’s going on back at home. At Woodloch, we may not all be teens anymore, but we know you’re not a monolith which is why we offer a wide array of activities that appeal to all different types of people. Check out these activities and amenities available at Woodloch that may appeal to you, your siblings, cousins, and friends!

• Archery

• DJ/Silent DJ

• Trivia Contests

• Paintball

• Theme Show

• Arcades

• Climbing Wall

• Comedians

• Trap Shoot

• Olympics

• Name That Tune

• Rifle Range

• Scavenger Hunt

• Art Classes

• Disc Golf

• Amazing Race

• Cooking Demos

• Mini Golf

• Boating/Sailing

• Baking Wars

• Escape Rooms

• Water Skiing

• Hayrides

• Go Carting

• Skating Rink

• Petting Zoos

• Bumper Cars

• Pools/Hot Tubs

• Haunted Walks

• Festivals

• Lake Swimming

• Late Night Games

• Snow Shoeing

• Water Slides

• Snow Tubing

• Carnival Games

• Nature Trail

• Festival of Lights

• Beach Front

• Paddle Boards

• Double Dare

• Variety Shows

The Bunker is Woodloch’s hangout. Located next to our main arcade, The Bunker has gaming consoles, arcade games, a billiards table, and televisions, as well as a docking station for music and mood lighting to create the perfect space that’s comfortable for you and your cousins, siblings, or friends just to chill out!

PLAY the power of

shared by Joey Ranner Woodloch Social Director

Let’s talk for a second about family life. Family life is crazy; it is HECTIC. It is chaos that is somehow managed with both parents working. It’s our children being involved in activities and events. Even if it’s something as simple as getting your child to little league or ballet, it feels like you end up spending precious free time just getting there and back to practices. Let’s say you have more than one child- I myself have six! Suddenly, it seems we are spending more time running around than we are savoring the value of the moment. Children start extracurriculars young. And they are great ways for children to grow as humans, and to grow bonds with their teammates. But they don’t always provide an avenue for them to grow with their parents. At Woodloch, parents ARE the teammates. So are siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and more. Games like our Olympics, Scavenger Hunt, Pool Games etc. create the perfect opportunity to let that same kind of bond form within your family. The simple task of partnering up to build a cake display becomes a core memory for you and your family.

And over time, that bond inevitably grows. It grows to the point where suddenly, your family has a definitive name that is used across the board for our big team events. It grows to the point where the question of “what will our vacation shirts look like this year” becomes dinner table talk. It grows to the point where people who marry into the family face “their Woodloch rites of passage.” It’s a beautiful thing that I’ve seen countless times since I started here in 1983.

The bond isn’t limited to relatives here. Smaller families meet as strangers and depart as lifelong friends. A family that is checking in at the other end of the desk when you arrive is suddenly racing down waterslides with you. Someone you would simply pass by any other day of the week is suddenly somebody you’re calling “Your Woodloch Family.” We’ve even had guests find out they lived in the same town on the same street! Those relationships are fortified through the power of play. We’re swimming together at Pool Games and solving puzzles with “Figure It Out.” Everyone contributes their skills and expertise, and the next thing you know, we’re in the mix for medals. And when they finally win, their eyes light up. That is something they simply aren’t going to forget anytime soon. Our guests remember these things for years, and it always brings the conversation back to “we’ve gotta go back and do that again.” We are a special place with a special role in our guests’s eyes. There is simply no other place in the world that brings families together through play the way that we do.






REASONS TO REUNITE AT WOODLOCH: Dedicated staff Experienced coordinators Accommodates any size group Guest homes, hotel rooms, suites Various dining options Daily activity schedule Builds lasting memories!

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