WomenWhoServe Magazine: March Issue (2018)

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Army | Air Force | Navy | Marines | Coast Guard

WomenWhoServed March 2018


V-WISE Graduate Spotlight : Shervonica Howell (Active Duty) Air Force : Crystal Sutton Small Business Owner

Gulf War Veterans : Book Anthology Comning Soon! Register Today!

7 Phenomenal WomenWhoServed Inside

Proud Sponsor Spotlight : Yolanda Winston

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Hey! Hey! my fellow Women Veterans ! Christie here! Life is indeed TOO Short to wait! I want to encourage you to "Jump" in the pursuit of your Dreams! Tomorrow, or some day may never come..." xo, Christie


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Our Mission: Is Simply to Highlight, Celebrate & Honor ALL Women Veterans. In you are interested in being a Contributor/Writer for the WomenWhoServed Magazine Finances | Health | Beauty | Nutrition | Fashion | Transition | MST/PTSD & More

Email us at: info@WomenVeteransMagazine.org

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Inside 7 Phenomenal WomenWhoServed

Small Business Owner/Entrepreneur AD Air Force Veteran

Proud Sponsor Spotlight www.WomenVeteransMagazine.org

V-WISE Graduate Spotlight

Women Gulf War Veterans : Book Anthology Vol. 1 Be Featured in the Inaugural Issue! Visit: www.WomenVeteransMagazine.org to register Today!

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Navy Veteran Robin Cote

Robin Cote is a First Nations woman originating from Canada. She joined the U.S. Navy in 2006 where she served as a Hospital Corpsman for eight years. Within her third year as a sailor, she deployed to Kuwait in the winter of 2008 as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. Shortly after her return from deployment she would stationed in Italy. Robin would then spend the majority of her enlistment overseas. While stationed overseas, she was also deployed to the hospital ship USNS Mercy for Pacific Partnership 2012. It was a humanitarian mission that would take place across Asia. Robin’s military duties ended, February 2014. It was during this time she decided to pursue her passion with a career in the Fashion and Beauty Industry as a stylist and fashion writer. Robin completed the requirements for her cosmetology license at Paul Mitchell the School San Diego, July 2015. Immediately after cosmetology school, she enrolled and was accepted into The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in the fall of 2015. www.WomenVeteransMagazine.org

Since then she has been published in multiple publications as a professional makeup artist, hair stylist, fashion stylist and fashion writer.Robin had received certificate of appreciation from the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors for her duties as an active duty military member and her continued service to the community as a veteran. She was also a semi-finalist competing for the 2017, Ms Veteran America title. It’s an organization that empowers woman and helps raise money for homeless women veterans and their children. Robin is also currently in the process of developing her own fashion and lifestyle magazine that will highlight Native American Artists. Robin graduated in the spring of 2017 with an Associate of Arts degree in Visual Communications.

WomenWhoServed Magazine

Small Business Owner/Entrepreneur & Air Force Veteran (AD):

Crystal L. Sutton WWS Magazine: When and why did you start your Company (What's the Name of Your Company: We started The Driftwood Home originally under another name in 2014, but recently underwent a rebranding. I never would have thought that a hobby would blossom into a growing entrepreneurship. I always had a love of vintage and antique pieces, but when I was in the “nesting phase” of my pregnancy, it sort of fueled my passion into painting furniture and curating vintage items as we turned our house into a home. WWS Magazine: Name 2-3 challenges faced starting out. A couple of the challenges we faced starting out was, balancing time management. Both my husband and I are still active duty, so it was hard to find time for everything. We both have full time jobs, we had a young infant at the time, a home we had to maintain. Fitting in time for more labor intensive work was definitely a challenge. Another challenge we faced was figuring out where to start and how far we wanted to go. We never envisioned that our company would be essentially another full time job. We just wanted this to be an additional source of income, so we tried to run it as a hobby. As more custom work came, we quickly realized we had to start out business the right way, with legal obligations and everything. Figuring out what our requirements are, pertinent to our business, with absolutely no knowledge of how to run a part-time business out of our home was a huge obstacle. Fortunately for us, we had a lot of people available to help guide us, and we invested in some resources to help ensure everything we were doing was right.

WWS Magazine: Does any of your Military training and or experience prove to beneficial on this journey? I would say absolutely. The military makes it second nature for us to work with deadlines, expectations, following regulations and thinking critically. All of that applies to how we run our business in everything from the legalities, to our customer service and figuring out the in’s and out for managing our unique business in person and online. WWS Magazine: Can you recall some of your most rewarding moments thus far. I’ve had several along the way, but one of most rewarding was being contracted for a Homestead House Paint Company to use their products, and in turn for them to feature our work on their website. Lots of companies will do a product for blog post, but this time we were actually being paid to do something we love, and have our work reach thousands across the world. It was a shock to be offered that opportunity and one that I am extremely grateful for. A few other rewarding times are when we ship our furniture across states. Shipping a piece of furniture is ridiculously expensive, but it humbles you when you have a client that loves your work so much, they are willing to pay that price to have it in their home. We’ve also started a candle line to our business. It has taken off very quickly, to the point where we have begun wholesaling in different states, even in Canada. Just knowing that there is a part of our business, a part of us in different places in the world is rewarding enough.

continued on next page


WomenWhoServed Magazine

WWS Magazine: Where do you see your Company in the next five years? We have atleast 5 years until my husband retires and 8 for me. It’s hard to say exactly where we will be as much of that is largely dependent on where we PCS to, deployments and any other military commitments we may have. But our goals are to continue growing our blog and social media followers, as well as expand our customer base internationally. We also want to focus on the tutorial aspect of our furniture with blogs, videos, and self-help tools to help others learn our finishes and techniques and hopefully inspire them to paint their own furniture…even blossom into a small business if it is truly their passion. WWS Magazine:Have you always been entrepreneur minded and or wanted to become a business owner Honestly no. I never considered being a business owner, or being my own boss. I was on the path to becoming a Law Enforcement Officer, even completing a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice. It wasn’t until I had my son that my direction in life completely changed. I realized not only the immense dangers, but also that it wasn’t truly in my heart to follow that occupation. I wanted to set my own rules and do what I WANT to do, not what someone tells me do. Hard to believe that being in the military has made me realize that, but after my military career, I want to take control and make the decisions.


WWS Magazine: As a Service Member, Wife, Mom, and Entrepreneur, how do you balance? It is very difficult. More so even, because we have to prioritize and somethings don’t always make the cut. I have found that the easiest way to balance all these responsibilities is to blend and connect them, rather than separate them, or compartmentalize them. I’ve begun finding little ways to enhance family time when we are together, even if it is something small like a family car ride. I’ve also found ways fill gaps in my schedule by running business errands or picking up inventory on my lunch breaks. Getting ahead and taking initiative on chores has also helped out a ton. Keeping a record of everything that needs to get done that day or week helps gauge how much time I’ll spend on each project. You’d be surprised at the power of a to-do list. WWS Magazine: Are you home-based, online, or have a storefront? Our business is home based and online. We sell all of our furniture, vintage items and candles through our Etsy store and ship everything, even furniture. We also run our blog and social media channels, where we post all of our finished projects with details and photos. We have occasionally done a few local craft fairs, but that has been limited to selling our candles.

WWS Magazine:Share a few Words of Wisdom for fellow Women Veterans wanting to become an Entrepreneur. If you have invested or thought about pursuing a dream outside of the military, do it! The military is only but a chapter of your life and there are things you can do now, to set yourself up for life outside the military. The military has great resources and benefits to help propel you into your dream. All you have to do is start working towards it and it will make your transition, so much easier

WomenWhoServed Magazine

Small Business Owner: Crystal L. Sutton


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WomenWhoServed Magazine

"If you have invested or thought about pursuing a dream outside of the military, do it! The military is only but a chapter of your life and there are things you can do now, to set yourself up for life outside the military. The military has great resources and benefits to help propel you into your dream. All you have to do is start working towards it and it will make your transition, so much easier." -Crystal Sutton


WomenWhoServed Magazine

Army Veteran Maria Byrd

Maria Byrd CEO and Founder of Military Women In Transition Alliance, Co-Author in “Dear Fear� book and a Transition Strategist with an emphasis in selfcare whose work is uniquely designed to support women transitioning out of military service into a healthy and a well-adjusted life as a civilian. A 27-year veteran of the United States Army, Maria is dedicated to showing military women how to discover their own identities once they hang up their boots and re-enter life after service. She is also a partner with Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry Maria is married to Rodney Sr and together they have 3 children Montre'nese currently serving in the Navy, Rodney Jr Recent College graduate and Marissa a middle schooler and they have a Maltese name Tyler.


Discouraged by the lack of resources to help her process the emotional adjustment of retiring from a life of service, Maria became determined to create her own. MilitaryWomeninTransition.com is a virtual support hub for women who are preparing to transition out of the military and features My Healing Box, a self-care themed subscription service for military women. CW4(R) Maria Byrd 920B Supply Systems Technician served 27 years in the United States Army and received several awards and decorations for her time in service. Stateside assignments include Hunter Army Airfield, Fort Stewart, GA Fort Riley Ks, and Fort Eustis, VA She has also been stationed overseas in Korea and Germany. She deployed several times while serving the Army tours include Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Navy Veteran Aletha Tatge

I’ve had the honor to serve in the United States Navy for 24 years (4 of it spent at the United States Naval Academy). If nothing else, those years have exposed me to a diverse environment of people, leadership styles, organizations structures, training, management and communication skills. I draw on those years as a U.S. Naval Officer in both the development of my business, Revealed Lines LLC’s and the creation of my paintings. My years of service in the Navy was a constant fast pace and I’d do it again. It was an honor to serve my country. However, I discovered that there’s a fine line between working as hard as I was required and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I learned to balance my passion for fitness with the project management, international engagement, military organization, information systems operations, security management, operations management and communications work I was doing as a naval officer. I did everything for my country, my family, and friends.


I attempted to take care of myself by eating healthy and staying fit, but something was missing. I was missing the mind, body and soul connection. I discovered through experience, research and therapy that I was healthiest when I had connection with my mind, body and soul, not just body. And thus, eating healthy and maintaining a fit body were only two pieces of the pie. As a result, the way in which I handled stress manifested damage inside of my body. In my search for recovery, I’ve had the privilege to meet some great doctors and trainers who have taught me a vital lesson, we must connect our mind with our body and spirit daily. While I was at sea, I filled the emptiness of not being with my family with my art. I wrote copious amount of poetry and sketched. After retirement from the Navy, I discovered my joy of painting and taught myself to paint using watercolor and acrylic. Also, I discovered a strong community tie and wanted my second career to deal with two things: something I am passionate about and something to help my community grow in diversity. What better way to do so but to start a painting and fitness business? It is my heart, passion, and vision to help others heal from the inside out. May my business and paintings bring you healing and enjoyment.

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WomenWhoServed Magazine

Army Veteran Teresa Boone

Teressa A. Boone was born on July 10, 1984 in Chicago, Illinois In June 2002, she enlisted in the U.S. Army at the age of 17 • On September 17, 2003, she became a single mother to a now fourteen-year-old daughter • In May 2004, she went on her first unaccompanied tour to South Korea for fifteen months (daughter was seven months old) • In October 2005, she went on her second unaccompanied tour to Iraq for twelve months, just one month after returning home from her first unaccompanied tour (daughter just turned 2 years old the month prior) • She served a total of 4 unaccompanied tours (Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea) • She attained three degrees while serving in the military with the highest earned in Business Administration (Masters) from Trident University in Cypress, California • In February 2017, she began volunteering as a youth mentor at the Fayetteville Find-AFriend nonprofit organization that helps guide youth and build positive relationship with the community •


On September 21, 2017, became the Founder & Owner of Amitza Media Independent, LLC, a media company that facilitate opportunities for women to use their voices using various media outlets • On September 22, 2017, she medically retired in the rank of CW2 after 15 years of serving • Mass Communication Major B.A. (Fall 2019) at Methodist University in Fayetteville, NC • She has become a partnered sponsor with a non-profit organization ‘Girls In the Game”headquartered in Chicago, Il that promotes girls’ mind, body and future to sports, health and leadership • A member of Methodist University Speech & Debate Team • Working on several projects throughout the year 2018 to include a coming-of-age novel and community outreach events • A member of the Veterans Foreign Wars • A Lifetime Member of the Army’s Warrant Officer Association

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Army Veteran Sharon Finney

Sharon Finney is an Army veteran currently assigned to the Army ROTC program at Howard University. She has been at HU since November 2013 and proudly serves as the unit’s first civilian Recruiting Operations Officer. Upon earning her commission and graduating from Florida A&M University (FAMU) in 1989, she actively served in the Army Transportation Corps for 5 years. The Desert Storm veteran later joined the Army Reserves and became a fulltime Assistant Professor of Military Science/ROO ather alma mater (2000 – 2002). The events of 9/11 led to her Reserve unit being activated in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In 2003, she returned to Florida A&M University and spent a semester as the MS II instructor.


She separated from the Army Reserves in 2004 at the rank of Captain. Before assuming the ROO duties at Howard University, Mrs. Finney worked in higher education administration and supported other government agencies such as U.S. Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM) and the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA). In her free time Sharon enjoys writing, which she uses to deal with life challenges. While recognizing how words can heal and encourage, she has written previously for The Pastors Message (blog), DIGEST THIS! Ministry Magazine, and Forward March magazine. In 2017, Sharon was one of 28 co-authors for Behind The Rank, Vol. 1, the third book in the Camouflaged Sisters series with bestselling visionary author, Lila Holley. She entered 2018 completing her solo project, a memoir entitled Sweet Magnolia. Sharon is a devoted wife and mother who also enjoys charitable endeavors. She has a B.S. Degree in Music and a Master of Arts in Human Services.Sharon Finney can be contacted at authorsharonfinney@gmail.com.

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Army Veteran Jessenia Jimenez

The military was something I had always wanted to do. I was the first to join in my family, the youngest, and the only daughter. My career began in the US Coast Guard working in port security. After two years I transferred to the Army. This was a choice I made in an effort to ease being stationed closer to my then husband who was a Soldier. In the Army I served mostly in the Intelligence field. I loved it. I was challenged and there was never a dull moment. The military had opened my eyes to a world of possibilities. However it wasn’t always easy, especially once I had a family of my own. Unfortunately military life took a toll on my marriage and over the years we became more and more distant from each other not only geographically but emotionally as well. Eventually this led to our divorce. Although this was a very difficult time in my life, I knew I had to Soldier-up and continue for the sake of my children. However life sometimes has other plans for us and although I had every intention of retiring from the Army my career was cut short by illness. I was devastated. I became no longer able to work and was offered a medical retirement. This was a pivotal moment in my life, it completely changed my way of thinking. Up until that point I already had almost 13 years in, was very financially stable, me and my family were living comfortably, and I was finally beginning to pick up the pieces from a very long and tumultuous divorce. www.WomenVeteransMagagazine.org

I finally had it all together, but God had other plans for me. The separation process from the Army lasted over a year during which time I had met my current husband who became my full-time helping hand. I finally retired and had a completely new perspective. I realized that we are just visitors on this earth; here one day and gone the next, things can change just like that. I wanted to be an example for my children, teaching them the true value of LIVING. This led to my bucket list, things I had always wanted to accomplish, but was too afraid to. I was on a mission. Upon months of researching I decided Spain was the place for me. I sold everything I owned and right away I felt so light. I kept only what was important to me. I packed my suitcases and the Army helped foot part of my travel bill, which helped a lot. I moved to Spain with my youngest son since my eldest had recently joined the Army. I am now married to my best friend and continue to live the life God has blessed me with as best as I can. Every day is such a BLESSING. In a short time I’ve accomplished so much, but I’m thirsty for more and my bucket list continues to grow. I will soon start college classes and am learning Arabic in hopes of doing nonprofit work in the Middle East. With my dream of traveling the world I’ve visited several countries by now, but have many more to go.

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V-WISE Graduate Spotlight

Army Veteran Shervonica Howell


V-WISE Graduate

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Army Veteran Shervonica Howell

The V-WISE experience for me was mind-blowing, it was total confirmation and it was PRICELESS! Mind-blowing because the event was setup to ensure each female veteran would feel CELEBRATED, CAPABLE and CHOSEN to be great! For me, I felt total confirmation in knowing that being a female entrepreneur was just a step away and PRICELESS because the program gave me a chance to believe in me, believe in others and know that the mentors of the V-WISE program were just a phone call/email away. Not only would I recommend ALL WOMEN VETERANS to attend the training, but I HAVE RECOMMENDED more than a few WOMEN VETERANS via my “oh-so many” Facebook posts about my V-WISE experience and during my motivational speaking events...after having the pleasure of attending the program. I had the pleasure of attending the Orlando session of the V-WISE program in 2012! I was so impressed by the event that I applied for my 501(c) (3) status within a month after attending the event in hopes of starting a private school & I DID! The top three nuggets that I took from the program were to always ask for help, to always believe in myself and to know without a shadow of doubt that IMPOSSIBLE TRULY MEANT THAT “I’M POSSIBLE!” My business is a K-11th grade private school and nonprofit organization located in Jacksonville, Florida and we are in the accreditation stage of being able to add 12th grade to our program of study. We believe that all students can and will learn through the nurturing and genuine care from our volunteer instructors and liaisons. We offer Business Literacy courses to our 7th to 11th graders, GED PREP courses for our parent/guardians that have not earned their high school diploma and we promote business ownership. At Academy of Scholars, we teach to the whole child! Our students upbringing, their households and the communities they are in are important to us. We believe in showing our students realistic and doable goals and we believe that life-long learning is the key to success in life. Our school has been successfully up and running since September 2014 and my ultimate goal for growth is to open a school in Seattle, WA, Brunswick, GA, Houston, TX and Charlotte, NC. Lastly, I created a school creed with the acronym S.C.H.O.L.A.R that our students recite daily that motivates them to reach for the stars. I AM A SCHOLAR I will be SUCCESSFUL, I am CREATIVE, I am HUMBLE! I am OBLIGATED to doing my very best! I am LOYAL, AMBITIOUS & READY for any and all challenges or obstacles that may come my way! I am a S.C.H.O.L.A.R Successful Creative Humble Obligated Loyal Ambitious Ready


Approximately four months after winning second place & the $15,000 seed funding in a business plan competition sponsored by Citibank and V-WISE...I was able to use my prize winnings to propel my business by finding a building to house my school. I am also delighted to tell you that I have also used $45,000 of my personal funding to live my ultimate dream (School Ownership). My words of advice for fellow Women Veterans aspiring to be entrepreneurs would be to step out on faith as I did and believe in yourselves. I not only took the advice of the V-WISE program mentors, but I believed in myself enough to create my own motivational quote while promoting the program as much as possible. My quote for continuous success is as follows: I am “DETERMINED to be more than what they say I will be, MOTIVATED enough to push for what I want to be, and DESTINED to be what I was born to be...A TESTIMONY!” (S. M. Howell, 2013). Please visit our school’s website at www.AcademyofScholarsInc.org for additional information or feel free to call me personally at (904)274-1107.

WomenWhoServed Magazine

Navy Veteran Valerie Ormond

Valerie Ormond is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Veteran Writing Services, LLC. She was one of the first women to serve on combat aircraft carriers and retired as a Navy Captain intelligence officer. In her final assignments, she directed efforts of a 500-person organization supporting global operations, coordinated executive level briefing and writing support to the offices of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of Defense, and managed policy and programs for 23,000 naval intelligence personnel. In her second career, Ormond has worked as a consultant and writer for government, industry, and non-profit organizations. Clients have included the U.S. House of Representatives, Kforce Government Solutions, (KGS) Inc., Vencore, Inc., AOC Key Solutions, Inc., Invictus International Consulting, LLC, the Maryland Horse Council, Braveheart, Inc., and more. She is a subcontractor on the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) T4 NG contract, and her business is a VA-verified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business.


Ormond's non-fiction stories and articles have been published in books, magazines, and newspapers for many years. Her two fiction novels, Believing In Horses and Believing In Horses, Too, both won Gold Medals from the Military Writers Society of America among other awards. Her education includes a Master of Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College; a Master of Strategic Intelligence from the National Intelligence University; and a Bachelor of Arts in English and Mass Communication from Towson University. She is also a graduate of Syracuse University’s Institute for Veterans and Military Families’ Veteran Women Igniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship (VWISE) program. She belongs to numerous military and Veterans’ organizations including Disabled American Veterans, the American Legion, and Naval Intelligence Professionals. She is on the Board of Directors for the Southwest Veterans’ Business Resource Center, the Military Writers Society of America, and the Maryland Horse Council Political Action Committee. She lives in Bowie, Maryland, with her husband Jaime Navarro, a retired U.S. Navy pilot. They enjoy spending time with friends, family, and their three horses and three dogs. Website: http://VeteranWritingServices.com

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WomenWhoServed Magazine Proud Sponsor Spotlight : Yolanda Winston


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