WomenWhoServed Magazine February Issue 2019

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Kiowana Phillips Army Veteran (AD) Entrepreneurship Interview

Do your research, dream big, be resilient,don’t accept no, set your goals and standards high, don't sell yourself short ...

FEB 2019

Wife + Mom + Entrepreneur + Soldier

WWS Magazine

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Author's Spotlight

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Volume 3 | Issue 3

On the Cover

Christie Speights Editer-in-Cheif/Publisher

Contributors Coming Soon! Army Veteran(AD)

Published by Speights Media, LLC P.O. Box 7285 Fort Gordon, Ga 30905 Copyright Š 2019 WomenWhoServed. All rights reserved.

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Army Veteran (AD): Kiowana Phillips

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the time is now.......


x , Christie


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On the cover: Army Veteran (AD) : Kiowana Phillips


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It ALL started  here....


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Army Veteran Jackeline Johnson

Jackeline Johnson served in the United States Army for 21 honorable years before retiring. She is an entrepreneur who is passionate about having a positive impact on others. Jackeline is a certified Career & Leadership Coach & Trainer. Her company InDemand Career Solutions L.L.C is committed to the growth and success of women, veterans, and minorities in the workforce!


WomenWhoServed Magazine

Army Veteran

Sandra Gessler


I am retired, served 18 yrs from 1975 to 2012 and advocate for homeless veterans by speaking publicly about this issue and the last two years I have competed in two pageants, 2017 MS Veteran America and 2018 MS Senior America and am going for my 3rd in the 2019 MS Nebraska, American Woman of Service (senior division). In 2003 I too was a homeless veteran after returning home from deployment, I was 47 yrs old. I have a 100% disability from the service, PTSD and MST. I challenge my fears and gain strength each and every time.

WomenWhoServed Magazine

Navy Veteran

Lynn Weber

I was attached to Rota Spain during the Vietnam war owned a sailboat of my own which I sailed from Rota into the ocean and it was my first time ever sailing and enjoyed Spain very much as an air traffic controller I Witnessed many different types of aircraft and was able 2 get a free ride on my days off too many other places in Europe I also took a trip to the in the Sierra Nevadas where I skied with our Ski Club I also met and married a naval officer that was attached the USS canopus after marrying Lynn we brought my mother over from the states and she shared Thanksgiving dinner with us aboard canopus in Lisbon Portugal


WomenWhoServed Magazine

Army Veteran Cynthia Newsome

I I served as an Army Nurse from September 1980-2015. 14yrs active duty and the rest Army Reserve. I retired May 2015. I deployed three times as an Airborne nurse. My last duty station was Ft Bragg, NC where I retired. I'm divorced and have one adult daughter.


Women Gulf War Veterans : Book Anthology Vol. 1 Be Featured in the Inaugural Issue! Visit: www.WomenVeteransMagazine.org to register Today!


Army Veteran Kiowana Phillips

My name is Master Sergeant Kiowana E. Phillips A.K. A. Wonder Woman. I was born and raised in Sumter, SC. I am child of God, a wife (dual military), a mother of two handsome boys, and a student in school for my doctorate. When I am not doing any of those things, I am running, training Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, volunteering, or helping others with their health and fitness goals. I consider my relationship with God to be the foundation of my life. If that relationship is not strong, my other titles mean nothing. I also feel like if I do not take care of myself, how can I be the best that I can for my family. Speaking of my family, I am married to Michael Phillips and he is amazing. As a matter of fact, he is the Superman to my Wonder Woman. He has not only been my ride or die but he has mentored and groomed me as a Soldier.

I admire his leadership as a Soldier, his passion as a father, and his love and attention as a husband. My children are my world. My oldest Khaleb is my miracle child. He was born with Moebius Syndrome which is a paralysis of the face. He cannot smile or make facial expressions. He is definitely without a doubt the strongest and most RESILIENT person that I know. Khaleb has a speech delay and was born with clubbed feet. He's had surgery to break and correct his feet twice. Khaleb also choked in daycare at the age of three and was hospitalized for 4 months. Because of this incident, he was trached for 3 years. Khaleb is now 13 years old and enjoys basketball, reading, video games, and playing with his little brother. I published a book about his life called "The Boy Who Smiles With His Heart" to share his story and help other parents of children with Moebius Syndrome. MJ is our youngest and what a character he is. He's very outgoing, sweet, and helpful. He is definitely curious about his older brother and wants to do everything he does. I love helping others with their health and fitness goals. Everyone cannot afford a personal trainer, $100 shakes, and other things the world advertises that you "need" to look good these days. Women just need a regular every day person to show them what exercise and good eating looks like without all the glitz and glam. I'm just your girl next door trying to help people reach their full potential. And my reward for that is seeing their transformations and hearing their success stories. Balancing my life can be challenging at times but I do make it a priority to take care of myself mentally, physically, and spiritually. My mind is in constant sprint mode so sometimes I need to stop and just walk. My rest days are not only rest days, they're restoration days. This is my life with the uniform and the cape.

Q&A Interview next page

Q&A Army Veteran (AD)


Dual military/ Entrepreneur

Kiowana Phillips

Dual Military WWS Magazine: How long did/have you served in the Armed Forces? K.P. 15 years WWS Magazine: Did you marry after joining or were you already married? K.P: I got married after I joined. WWS Magazine: How many children do you and your husband have ? K.P: We have 3 together. WWS Magazine: What are 2-3 challenges you face(d) as Dual Military? K.P: Knowing when to separate home from work. 2. Making both of our careers important. 3. Recent promotion. WWS Magazine: Over the years did you implement certain schedules or routines that assisted you with your family? K.P: I've been in the military since I was 17 years old. A routine and schedule has been priority in organization. We have monthly schedules that are posted in the house and specific times for things (i.e. wake up, bed time). Entrepreneurship WWS Magazine: When and why did you start your Company? (What's the name of your Company) K.P: Wonder Woman Fitness was started after I had my last son. I've always been physically fit but after him, my body didn't bounce back like it did previously. I had to work extra hard and I didn't want to do it alone. I wanted to help others that were going through what I was going through. WWS Magazine: Name 2-3 challenges faced starting out. K.P: People not responding. Making time and not neglecting my family. The competition (there was already so many people that were out there in the fitness training world). WWS Magazine: Does/ did any of your Military training and or experience prove to be beneficial on this journey? K.P: Yes my discipline and love for fitness definitely played a role. WWS Magazine: Can you recall some of your most rewarding moments thus far? K.P: Being in Oxygen Magazine, being on the cover of GORGO Fitness magazine, seeing other women's transformations. WWS Magazine: Where do you see your Company in the next five years? K.P: I see me taking my Bootcamp to different states so that women from all over can get fit and have a great time together. I also see my business taking off and me being able to provide for my parents financially. WWS Magazine: Have you always been entrepreneur minded and or wanted to become a business owner? K.P: I've always been entrepreneur minded (my mom can attest to that) but not so much a business owner. I'm still learning that part. WWS Magazine: Share a few Words of Wisdom for fellow Women Veterans wanting to become an Entrepreneur. (In your field or entrepreneur over all) K.P: Do your you research, dream big, be resilient, don't over accept no, set your goals and standards high, don't sell yourself short because you had a setback, forget the competition, don't get wrapped up in the haters. YOU know how great you can be, just trust God, the process and watch everything that you touch prosper.

FB: Wonder Woman Fitness

Instagram: @wonderwomanfitness


WomenWhoServed Magazine

Air Force Veteran

Dr. Sheva Quinn

I am Dr. Sheva Quinn, a retired Air Force Veteran, turned homeschool mom, turned entrepreneur. After serving in the Air Force for 20 years and earning my doctoral degree in education. I decided to homeschool my kids. At the tender age of 3 and 4, my kids, Ziggy and Tootie decided to start a baking business. What first started out as a cute kids business, has now turned into a growing home-based small family business. The name of our business is Ziggy and Tootie Cakes. My kids and I are best selling authors, educators, and public speakers. We have been featured on NBC News and PBS NewsHour. Our business has received an invite from Veteran Women ignite the Spirit (VWise) and will be attending in 2019. We are also a social good small business; we donate a percentage of our sales to the United Service Organization (USO). This holiday season we will be shipping our signature Southern Classic Red Velvet to Cake to military men and women serving in Africa to give them a taste of home for the holidays. You can follow us on social media on all platforms @ drshevaquinn and ziggyandtootie. www.WomenVeteransMagazine.org

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