Women Fitness International Magazine March 2024

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March 2024









Women Chefs

Fussy Food EATER How To Handle One?

And Their Recipes








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Cover Photo Credit:

To get Digital Women Fitness International Magazine's latest issue, Check out:

Photographer: Anastasiia Huzenko @nastya.palma

Model: Danica Franke @danicafrx Make-up - eyelashes: Vita Beauty Studio & Academy @vitabeauty__ Stylist: Liana Gilmanova @lianastylist

Readly.com: https://go.readly.com/magazines/5ff5cef908d2522dfe654d42 Magzter.com: https://www.magzter.com/IN/Women-Fitness/Women-Fitness/Health/?redirect=true Pocketmags.com: https://pocketmags.com/women-fitness-magazine Zinio.com: https://www.zinio.com/in/women-fitness-m39746 Magazine Café: https://www.magazinecafestore.com/products/women-fitness-international-magazine Pling.dk: Women Fitness International: https://pling.dk/brands/?publicationId=39746 PressReader.com: https://www.pressreader.com/india/women-fitness-international Issuu.com: https://issuu.com/womenfitness/docs/women_fitness_international_magazine_january_2024?fr=sOTg1NTY5NzE3NTY Discountmags.com: https://www.discountmags.com/magazine/women-fitness-international-digital Digital Edition: https://www.womenfitness.net/women-fitness-digital-magazine/ Both Print and Digital editions on: Magcloud at: https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/2689897 Magforest.com: https://www.magforest.com/downloads/women-fitness-international-magazine-january-2024-rossella-fiamingo/ Print Edition: https://www.womenfitness.net/women-fitness-print-magazine/

s t n e t on


03 Editor's Note Here's to the strength within us, the bonds that tie us together, and the limitless possibilities that await. Happy


International Women's Day!

Danica Franke

04 Cover Story Danica Franke is an exceptionally talented German model who has been featured in FHM Australia magazine. "From being a social media darling to strutting the catwalks as a model and representing brands as their ambassador, it's a delicate dance of organization, passion, and a touch of caffeine to keep things lively." according to Danica.


Workout & Strength

12 Workout & Strength Lower back pain is common, and many things can cause it. Certain stretches for lower back pain can bring you relief and improve the flexibility of the inflamed muscles. Check out our favourite.

18 Beyond Nutrition The theme for National Nutrition Month® 2024 is "Beyond the Table" In light of the same Women Fitness brings to your notice 10 golden rules for safe food preparation and consumption.

24 Obesity & Weight Loss Scientists say the inability to lose weight isn’t just down to a lack of willpower. Before you go out to seek action learn more about three types of overeaters to achieve healthy and permanent weight loss.

29 Women at 40 There are innumerable factors involved with a drop down in sex drive during perimenopause and


menopause. Well, we bring you the top 10 to revive

Women At 40

your sex life during menopause.


Eyes & Harmone

41 Pregnancy & Motherhood A toddler who refuses to try new food at least half of the time is a fussy eater. The best way to handle picky eaters is to provide

37 Eyes & Hormone Graves’ eye disease stems from the immune system’s attack on healthy tissue. Adopt these

them with a wide variety of healthy food in a positive, relaxed environment so that mealtimes are enjoyable for everyone.

nutritional recommendations to improve your health and manage your thyroid levels.

41 Pregnany & Motherhood

46 Women's Day Special 46

Women’s Day Special

This International Women's Day, 2024 we're raising a toast to the bold and the beautiful. New-age women are picking up their kitchen knives, breaking through the culinary boundaries of a traditionally male-dominated industry, and cooking up a storm. WF features special recipes by women chefs from around the world as a tribute.

Follow us on @womenfitnessandhealth



E T O ’S N


“The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.” – Serena Williams – Beginning in 1910, March 8 became annually observed as International Women's Day. The theme this year is 'Invest in women: Accelerate progress”, and the hashtag is #InvestInWomen. In the world of fitness, women have emerged as leaders, coaches, athletes, and enthusiasts, driving change and proving that strength knows no gender. Let this Women's Day be a call to action — a call to support, uplift, and encourage one another. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness adventure, remember that every step forward is a step toward a stronger, healthier, and more empowered version of yourself. Here's to the strength within us, the bonds that tie us together, and the limitless possibilities that await. Happy International Women's Day!

In Fitness, Namita Nayyar President, Women Fitness

Namita Nayyar

Editor-in-Chief Tanya Nayyar

Contributing Writer

Charlene Bazarian

Creative Editor Rohit Nayyar

Chief Business Officer Rhea Nayyar

Guest Authors Chef Romy Gill Serena Poon Devin Alexander

Head Social Media

03 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net



Exclusive Interview


anica Franke is an exceptionally talented German model who

had been featured on FHM Australia in November 2023.


Photo Credit: Model: Danica Franke @danicafrx Make-up - eyelashes: Vita Beauty Studio&Academy @vitabeauty__ Photographer: Anastasiia Huzenko @nastya.palma Stylist: Liana Gilmanova @lianastylist

04 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with Danica Franke, a model, here she talks about her modeling career, lifestyle, and success story.

Where were you born and had your early

You are the leading social media personality, model, and

education? Later you decided to pursue modeling

brand ambassador. How do you manage such a

and being an Instagram Influencer. This later

remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?

propelled your career to the height where you are an upcoming social media influencer. Tell us more about your professional journey of exceptional hard work, tenacity, and endurance.

Managing the multi-dimensional whirlwind that is my life? It's all about juggling with style, my dear! From being a social media darling to strutting the catwalks as a model and representing brands as their ambassador, it's a delicate

The tale of my origins! Born and raised in the

dance of organization, passion, and a touch of caffeine to

bustling city of Frankfurt, Germany, I embarked on

keep things lively.

my journey from the heart of Europe. After completing my education, where I honed my skills as a tax clerk, I decided to switch gears and dive headfirst into the glamorous realm of modeling and Instagram influencing. It's been a journey fueled by discipline, dedication, and a thirst for new challenges, taking me from the world of numbers to the world of lights, camera, and action!

It is a dream for a model to be on the cover of FHM Magazine. You were featured on FHM Australia in November 2023. Elaborate on your experience with this spectacular achievement. Ah, the coveted cover of FHM Magazine! Landing on the front page of FHM Australia was like stepping into a fairytale. The lights, the cameras, and the whole shebang - it was an absolute dream come true. Each moment, from the photo shoot to seeing the final product, was an exhilarating experience. It's a memory I'll cherish forever, let me tell you!

Photo Credit: Model: Danica Franke @danicafrx Make-up - eyelashes: Vita Beauty Studio&Academy @vitabeauty__ Photographer: Anastasiia Huzenko @nastya.palma Stylist: Liana Gilmanova @lianastylist

05 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share? My fitness regimen, you ask? Think of it as a fusion of yoga, Pilates, and a sprinkle of dance moves to keep things interesting. But as for the specifics, well, a girl's gotta have some secrets, right?

How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body. Ah, the mystery of my abs! Let's

Certainly! Here's an exercise for the abs:

just say it involves a mix of Serbian Twists: targeted exercises, clean eating, 1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet lifted a few inches off the ground. and hydration, with a side of good 2. Lean back slightly, keeping your spine straight and core engaged. old-fashioned laughter. After all, 3. Clasp your hands together in front of you or hold a weight for added resistance. they do say laughter is the best ab 4. Twist your torso to the right, bringing your hands or weight beside your hip. workout, and who am I to argue 5. Return to the center and then twist to the left. with that? And of course this is 6. Continue alternating sides for the desired number of repetitions. my favorite exercise.

This exercise targets the oblique’s and helps strengthen the core muscles. Remember to maintain proper form and control throughout the movement.

06 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Ah, the mystery of my abs! Let's just say it involves a mix of targeted exercises, clean eating, and hydration, with a side of good old-fashioned laughter.

Photo Credit: Model: Danica Franke @danicafrx Make-up - eyelashes: Vita Beauty Studio&Academy @vitabeauty__ Photographer: Anastasiia Huzenko @nastya.palma Stylist: Liana Gilmanova @lianastylist

07 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Women Fitness talks about diets and fitness regime; do you follow any special diet? What is your favorite cuisine? Diets and fitness regimes, you say? Well, I believe in a balanced approach to eating, with the occasional indulgence because life's too short not to enjoy a slice of pizza or two. And when it comes to cuisine, Italian steals my heart every time. Pasta, pizza, gelato - need I say more? Five foods you love and five you keep to a minimum. Five foods I adore: Chocolate (obviously), avocado, strawberries, sushi, and cheese. And five I keep at arm's length: Deep-fried goodies, overly processed snacks, excess sugar, energy drinks, and anything that doesn't sit well with my tummy. You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your haircare and skincare routine. Oh, stop it, you're making me blush! The secret to my glowing skin and luscious locks? Well, it involves a lot of TLC, a good skincare routine featuring plenty of hydration and SPF, and for my hair, a bit of coconut oil and the occasional deep conditioning treatment. And let's not forget a healthy dose of confidence - that's the real key to radiant beauty! Social media is saturated right now, how do you feel about it? Tips on budding influencers who wish to make their move? Ah, the ever-saturated world of social media! It's a wild ride, let me tell you. My advice to budding influencers? Stay true to yourself, get creative with your content, and don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Oh, and a little patience goes a long way - Rome wasn't built in a day, after all! Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear. Athletic leisure brands that make my heart skip a beat? Adidas, Nike, Lululemon, Under Armour, and Puma they're like a second skin to me!

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Five travel destinations on your wish list. Wanderlust alert! My top five travel destinations include the pristine beaches of Bora Bora, the breathtaking landscapes of New Zealand, the spiritual haven of Bali, the romantic streets of Paris, and the lush jungles of Costa Rica. Ah, the adventures that await! Quote you live by. A quote that fuels my fire? "Life is short, smile while you still have teeth." It's a reminder to embrace every moment with joy and laughter, no matter what life throws your way! Tell us about a day in the life of 'Danica Franke’ A day in the life of Danica Franke? Let's just say it involves a whirlwind of photoshoots, meetings, workouts, and endless cups of coffee. But amidst the chaos, there's always room for a little fun and a

Photo Credit: Model: Danica Franke @danicafrx Make-up - eyelashes: Vita Beauty Studio&Academy @vitabeauty__ Photographer: Anastasiia Huzenko @nastya.palma Stylist: Liana Gilmanova @lianastylist

lot of laughter! You have done bold photo shoots for several fashion brands and on your Instagram handle @danicafrx. How you are so body confident and advice to your compatriots? Confidence is key, my darlings! Embrace your uniqueness, love the skin you're in, and don't let anyone dim your sparkle. As for advice to my fellow compatriots? Own it, flaunt it, and never apologize for being fierce! Your idea of a perfect date? Perfect date, you say? Picture this: A sunset picnic on a secluded beach, with good food, great conversation, and maybe a little stargazing thrown in for good measure. Simple, yet oh-so-magical!

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Photo Credit: Model: Danica Franke @danicafrx Make-up - eyelashes: Vita Beauty Studio&Academy @vitabeauty__ Photographer: Anastasiia Huzenko @nastya.palma Stylist: Liana Gilmanova @lianastylist

You can achieve anything, regardless of your life situation. Sport is the key to happiness.

10 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

What do you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and the message for its visitors? Ah, Womenfitness.net - a treasure trove of inspiration and empowerment for women everywhere. To all the visitors, I say this: Embrace your strength, honor your journey, and remember that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to! Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding social media model girls, who all are your fans and would like to know from you about their climb to the ladder of success in the field of modeling. To all the aspiring social media model girls out there, listen up: Believe in yourself, work hard and never let anyone dull your shine. Stay true to who you are, stay grounded, and remember that success is a journey, not a destination. You have an impressive Instagram following of 84.3k followers. A message for your ardent admirers. To my loyal followers, my heartfelt thanks for your unwavering support and endless love. Remember, you're not just my followers; you're my friends, my cheerleaders, and my inspiration. Here's to many more adventures together - let's make every moment count!

I spent two months at a fitness camp in Thailand to prepare perfectly for my upcoming shoot. During this time, I also obtained my personal trainer certification, as I realized the importance of furthering my skills in this field while focusing on my own fitness journey. To all women: You can achieve anything, regardless of your life situation. Sport is the key to happiness.

Photo Credit: Model: Danica Franke @danicafrx Make-up - eyelashes: Vita Beauty Studio&Academy @vitabeauty__ Photographer: Anastasiia Huzenko @nastya.palma Stylist: Liana Gilmanova @lianastylist

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Exercise & Fitness


WF'S Favourite Lower-Back Stretches


ower-back pain is

practically an epidemic all over the world,

affecting 80 percent of the

population at some point, and accounting for 25 percent of all workers’ compensation complaints.

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A combination of sitting for long periods of time, poor lifting techniques, and bad postural habits all contribute to this. Backs “go out” both because of an imbalance between the strength and flexibility of torso and abdominal muscles and also because of tight hip flexors or hamstrings.

To Prevent Lower-Back Pain, You Need To Do The Following: ¦

Strengthen weak muscles.


Stretch tight ones.


Maintain good alignment and a vertical torso when you move.


Avoid leaning forward without supporting the weight of your torso.


Avoid excessively arching your spine.


Be sure to use your legs when you lift heavy objects. Avoid rounding forward at the waist and creating a “banana back.”

Even if you do all of the above diligently, lower-back pain may affect you anyway. When it does, your best bet is to move your pelvis gently (“wag” your tailbone side to side, forward and back, and/or in a circle). This warms and helps loosen muscles before you stretch.



Lie on your back and pull both knees up to your chest. Hold your arms under the knees, not over (that would put too much pressure on your knee joints). Slowly pull the knees toward your shoulders. This also stretches your buttocks muscles.

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This stretch lengthens the lower-and the middle-back muscles (the erectors run through the entire spine). Lying on your back, hug your knees to your chest, lift the soles of your feet toward the ceiling, grab your feet, and press your knees toward the floor. If you can’t reach your feet, put your elbows inside your thighs and apply gentle pressure down. If you open your legs wide and place your elbows inside your knees, you’ll also get an inner-thigh stretch.



Sit in a chair or on a bench, feet flat on the floor, legs about hip-distance apart. Place your hands on your knees and slowly incline your body forward until your head and upper back hang forward between your legs. (To add an inner-thigh stretch, brace your elbows inside your knees and press your legs open.) Be sure to come up slowly so you don’t get dizzy.

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Sit in a chair or on a bench with both feet flat on the floor. Rotate your head and chest to one side, so that at least one hand touches the back of your chair. Keep your feet planted. After you place yourself in this position, take a big breath and, on the exhalation, twist just a bit further. You can also do this standing about one foot in front of a wall (keep your back facing the wall). Place one or both hands on the wall behind you to stabilize your torso-and brace against your hands to twist your spine further. Switch sides.



Lie down with your feet on the floor, heels directly under your knees, arms overhead to relax your upper back. Lift only your tailbone to the ceiling to stretch your lower back. (Don’t lift the entire spine yet.) Pull



in your stomach. To go into a bridge, lift the entire spine except the neck. The bridge isn’t a lower-back

On your hands and knees, pull your belly button up into

stretch (it actually stretches the abdominals and hip

your spine and round your spine completely-lower back,

flexors), but it is a mobility exercise for the lower back

shoulders, and neck (let your head drop). Hold. This

that relieves lower-back pain. This posture lets the

one’s often paired with its companion – in which you

fluid in the vertebrae trickle down to the back of the

gently arch your back. But it’s the cat (that move with the

vertebrae (usually, in a slumped seated posture, that

humped back) that stretches the lower back.

fluid falls forward into the discs). When you move into and out of the bridge, move slowly, one vertebra at a




This works nicely right after the cat stretch. On your hands and knees, walk your hands in front of you. Lower your buttocks down to sit on your heels. Let your arms drag along the floor as you sit back to stretch your entire spine. Once you settle onto your heels, bring your hands next to your feet and relax. “Breathe” into your back. Rest your forehead on the floor. Avoid this position if you have knee problems.

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Take a wide stance, feet parallel and slightly wider than hips, with knees bent, the torso inclined forward 45 degrees and hands on knees (a squat position). Bring the tailbone forward to round the lower back. (This is also a good limbering exercise.) Round and arch the lower back a few times before holding the stretch. You can also deepen this stretch by involving the whole spine, from tailbone to shoulders. To stretch each side of your back, “drop” one shoulder to the opposite knee and hold. Avoid this position if your lower back feels strained.



Take a wide stance, feet parallel and slightly wider than hips, with knees bent, the torso inclined forward 45 degrees and hands on knees (a squat position). Bring the tailbone forward to round the lower back. (This is also a good limbering exercise.) Round and arch the lower back a few times before holding the stretch. You can also deepen this stretch by involving the whole spine, from tailbone to shoulders. To stretch each side of your back, “drop” one shoulder to the opposite knee and hold. Avoid this position if your lower back feels strained.



Avoid this one if you have bad knees. The full squat isn’t as dangerous as you might think, however. In fact, it can be a very comfortable way to sit or work in your garden. (It’s much safer for your back than bending forward at the waist.) The easiest way to get into a full squat is to hold on to an immovable object (a fixed pole or ballet barre, for instance). With a hip-distance stance, sit your hips back until your buttocks drop below your knees. Lower slowly to avoid knee trauma. (You can also try this with your back to a wall or without holding on to anything). Whatever position you choose, keep the weight on your heels, not on the balls of your feet. This also stretches your quads. Come up slowly.

After a tough ab workout it is a good idea to stretch your lower back muscles. Most people have stiff lower backs, so flexibility exercises are important. Remember, to include lower back stretches in your workouts, especially if you have a job that requires you to sit at a desk for a prolonged period of time. 16 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Workout Tip


ou don't have to spend hours in a gym or force yourself into monotonous or painful activities you hate to experience the physical and emotional benefits of exercise. A little exercise is better than nothing. Adding just modest amounts of physical activity to your weekly routine can have a profound effect on your mental and emotional health.

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Beyond Nutrirtion


Rules For SAFE FOOD Preparation


ational Nutrition Month® is celebrated during

the month of March, where everyone is invited to learn about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits.

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This year's theme is "Beyond the Table" which addresses the farm-to-fork aspect of nutrition, from food production and distribution to navigating grocery stores and farmers markets — and even home food safety and storage practices. It also describes the various ways we eat — not only around a dinner table, but also on the go, in schools and restaurants, at games and events. This theme also includes sustainability, for instance, decreasing food waste from school and work to home and beyond.

Safe Food Preparation: The 10 Golden Rules #1

Choose Foods Processed For Safety

While many foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are best in their natural state, others simply are not safe unless they have been processed. For example, always buy pasteurised as opposed to raw milk and, if you have the choice, select fresh or frozen poultry treated with ionising radiation. When shopping, keep in mind that food processing was invented to improve safety as well as to prolong shelf life. Certain foods eaten raw, such as lettuce, need thorough washing.

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Cook Food Thoroughly

Many raw foods, most notable poultry, meats, eggs and unpasteurised milk, may be contaminated with disease-causing organisms. Thorough cooking will kill the pathogens, but remember that the temperature of all parts of the food must reach at least 70 °C. If cooked chicken is still raw near the bone, put it back in the oven until it's done - all the way through. Frozen meat, fish, and poultry must be


Eat Cooked Foods Immediately

thoroughly thawed before cooking. When cooked foods cool to room temperature, microbes begin to proliferate. The longer the wait, the greater the risk. To be on the safe side, eat cooked foods just as soon as they come off the heat.


Store Cooked Foods Carefully

If you must prepare foods in advance or want to keep leftovers, be sure to store them under either hot (near or above 60 °C) or cool (near or below 10 °C) conditions. This rule is of vital importance if you plan to store foods for more than four or five hours. Foods for infants should preferably not be stored at all. A common error, responsible for countless cases of foodborne disease, is putting too large a quantity of warm food in the refrigerator. In an overburdened refrigerator, cooked foods cannot cool to the core as quickly as they must. When the centre of food remains warm (above 10 °C) for too long, microbes thrive, quickly proliferating to disease causing levels.

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Reheat Cooked Foods Thoroughly

This is your best protection against microbes that may have developed during storage (proper storage slows down microbial growth but does not kill the organisms). Once again, thorough reheating means that all parts of the food must reach at least 70 °C.


Avoid Contact Between Raw Foods and Cooked Foods

Safely cooked food can become contaminated through even the slightest contact with raw food. This crosscontamination can be direct, as when raw poultry meat comes into contact with cooked foods. It can also be more subtle. For example, don't prepare a raw chicken and then use the same unwashed cutting board and knife to carve the cooked bird. Doing so can reintroduce the diseasecausing organisms.


Wash Your hands

Wash hands thoroughly before you start preparing food and after every interruption - especially if you have to change the baby or have been to the toilet. After preparing raw foods such as fish, meat, or poultry, wash again before you start handling other foods. And if you have an infection on your hand, be sure to bandage or


cover it before preparing food.

Keep all Kitchen Surfaces Meticulously Clean

Remember, too, those household pets

Since foods are so easily contaminated, any surface used for food preparation must

- dogs, cats, birds, and especially

be kept absolutely clean. Think of every food scrap, crumb or spot as a potential

turtles - often harbour dangerous

reservoir of germs. Cloths that come into contact with dishes and utensils should be

pathogens that can pass from your

changed frequently and boiled before re-use. Separate cloths for cleaning the floors

hands into food.

also require frequent washing.

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Protect Foods From Insects, Rodents, and Other Animals

The prevalence of pests near human and animal wastes, human food and environment creates the possibility for them to act as vectors of disease and enable cross contamination. They can pick up and later excrete or transfer pathogens including Salmonella, E. Coli, Campylobacter and Listeria. Storing foods in closed containers is your best protection. Also, washing the vegetables with potassium permanganate 20-30 scalies, dissolved in 4 liters of water can prove beneficial. By soaking the vegetables for 10 minutes and then rinsing with clean water can reduce the amount of pesticide residue by 35-45%.


Use Safe Water

To be safe, the water must have sufficiently low concentrations of harmful contaminants. Safe water is just as important for food preparation as for drinking. If you have any doubts about the water supply, boil water before adding it to food or making ice for drinks. Be especially careful with any water used to prepare an infant's meal.

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Nutrition Tip


oasting starchy foods like

bread and potatoes might

pose a health risk if you

cook them too long. Many starchy foods contain the amino acid asparagine, which releases acrylamide at high temperatures. Acrylamide is a possible carcinogen or cancer-causing substance. You cannot avoid acrylamide altogether, but balance roasting with other cooking methods, and eat fried foods in moderation.

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Obesity & Weight Loss

3 OVEREATERS Identify & Take Action


vereating, or eating even after you’re full, is fairly common. We overeat at

parties, family gatherings and holidays. But overeating can also contribute to obesity and the development of eating disorders.

24 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

The World Obesity Day (4 March) is a unified day of action to fight the obesity crisis. This year's campaign theme is 'Let's Talk About Obesity And...'. We want to leverage the power of World Obesity Day to start cross-cutting conversations. This World Obesity Day, let's share knowledge, advocate together, and see obesity from a different perspective. Scientists say inability to lose weight isn’t just down to a lack of willpower. It's root lies in a person’s individual make-up – the genes, hormones and psychology. Leading obesity experts and BBC Science have put this theory to the test nationally. More than 75 dieters were put through a series of tests and monitored at home. The study looked at three types of overeaters, namely.



Who Find It Hard To Stop Eating Once They Start

Research shows hormones play a big part in their eating habits. In particular, they produce astonishing low levels of gut hormones that are released when food arrives in the intestines. These chemical signals travel through the blood to the brain and tell the body when it has had enough food and should stop eating, in case of feasters these signals are missing in case of feasters.

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Constant Cravers:

who feel hungry all of the time Their “hungry brains” often want fatty and sugary foods. Scientists know certain genes make people this hungry. They disrupt the way signals are sent to the brain telling it to stop eating, tricking it into thinking fat stores continually need replenishing.


Emotional Eaters:

who turn to food when they get stressed or anxious When the brain perceives a person is in difficulty, it triggers changes to the body, like the heart rate increasing. This stressed state makes it even harder for people to overcome what they are facing. This sort of eater has developed habits that are hard to break and in stressful times their brains seek out a reward.

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Seeking Answers:

Constant Cravers: ¦ Opt for The fasting diet. This diet shocks their


bodies into burning fat.

¦ A diet that makes them feel full for as long as

¦ Reduce the diet to 800 calories on two days of the


week. Eat normally, but healthily, for the other five.

¦ Scientists suggested a high protein, low glycaemia

Emotional Eaters:

index (GI) diet. Foods that boost gut hormone signals include fish, chicken, basmati rice, lentils,


Following a healthier diet

grains and cereals. No potatoes or bread because


Joining a group support and attending weight-loss meetings

they don’t make people feel full for very long. Aim for protein and carbs that are not absorbed quickly and are absorbed lower down the gut, producing more hormones that make us feel fuller.


Eat slowly. This can increase the level of the gut hormones that tell the brain to stop eating


Always eat breakfast. It decreases cravings for bad food. Three quarters of successful dieters have breakfast


Soup makes you feel fuller. Thick soup stretches the stomach and crucially stays there longer. Scientists say it fills you up more than solid vegetables


Make shopping lists when you are not hungry. Tiredness messes with decision making and can increase a desire for unhealthy foods.


Overcome stress.

Additional factors that are applicable to all to achieve weight loss goals.

Keeping the these Specifics in mind one can achieve a healthy and permanent weight loss.

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Yoga Tip


abitual misalignment of the head is a major contributor to

jaw issues and is common because of the jutting forward of our heads as we drive, look at our phones, and work at computers. Be mindful throughout the day to draw your skull up and back and sit up straight. Get your computer off your lap, or lead with your chest instead of your nose while walking, to make sure your head isn’t jutting forward.

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Women at 40

TOP 10 To Revive Your




here are innumerable factors involved with drop down in sex drive during

perimenopause and menopause. Besides, the female sex drive is multi factorial, the desire to make love is not only influenced by physical issues, but emotional ones as well. Once a woman stops ovulating, she tends to automatically lose the regularly scheduled boost in her sex drive that has been present since puberty (just before ovulation ).

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Around menopause, there is less estrogen circulating in your body, that can bring a drop in your sex drive. Without it, not only can desire take a dive, vaginal tissue begins to dry and shrink. As a result, intercourse can become uncomfortable, or even painful. Avoiding sex because of pain only leads to more pain. Women tend to be caught in a vicious cycle. Decreased libido is thought to be due to lowered levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone present in your body during menopause. Each of these hormones has a specific role to play in making you experience sexual desire. Estrogen helps you to feel heightened sensitivity during sexual intercourse. Progesterone keeps your libido up. Testosterone, a male sex hormone, boosts sexual desire and lubricates your vagina. When these hormones drop, so does your overall desire for sexual intercourse. Besides, surfacing symptoms like vaginal dryness, depression, appearance, fatigue all add up to the problem.

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Before opting for hormonal therapy or along with therapy, do try these options to revive your sex life during menopause.


Take a diet rich in vitamins and phytoestrogen:

B-Complex Vitamins, vitamins B-1, B-2 and B-3 are necessary for healthy sex drive. You can find vitamin B-1 in grains and nuts. Vitamin B-2 is found in bananas, broccoli and lean meats. Vitamin B-3 creates improved blood flow and is important for sex hormones and to increase sexual desire. Vitamin E helps with sex hormone production and improves circulation - it is found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. A wealth of research in recent years has shown that a regular intake of phytoestrogens throughout the day can play a useful part in a menopause control program in a similar way to HRT. In fact, although phytoestrogens are only about 1/1000th as potent as animal-based estrogen, they are fast becoming known as great hormone regulators owing to their balancing effects on estrogen levels. Two particular forms of phytoestrogen are useful in controlling menopausal symptoms. They are: isoflavones, found in soya products and red clover; and lignans found in flaxseeds (linseeds).

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Review current medications and medical conditions

Many prescription medications including antidepressants, blood pressure medications and chemotherapy drugs are notorious libido killers. Antihistamines also can diminish your sex drive. Although one cannot do away with these medications you can try homeopathy and dietary modification to minimize the side effect of these drugs.

#4 Use lubrication Using lubricants during sex can make intercourse less painful and more enjoyable. Though lubricants will not provide long-term relief for your low libido, it can provide temporary relief. Today’s modern, sensual, water-based lubricants can actually enhance sex in addition to making it more comfortable.


Adjust love making activities

Try warm baths before genital sexual activity, extend foreplay, incorporate massages, change your sexual routine, experiment with positions, discuss sexual fantasies. All these activities will promote relaxation and eliminate anxiety. Also, by experimenting different positions you can minimize any pain you may be experiencing by controlling the depth of penetration. Burning essential oils, such as jasmine, rose, ylang ylang, clary sage or sandalwood, may heighten your enjoyment.

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Exercise most days of the week

Menopausal women experience pain during intercourse because the vaginal tissues become less elastic, drier and thinner. Furthermore, appetite for sex is greatly decreased because of the decline in clitoral sensitivity. One way to boost sexual pleasure and tissue elasticity is by regularly performing Kegel exercises, which was designed by Dr. Arnold Kegel. If you want to see dramatic improvement in your sexual pleasure


and vaginal elasticity, you need to perform these exercises

Consume alcohol moderately

regularly, not less than five times a day. Shoot for 3 or 4 days

A glass of wine may make you feel amorous, but too much

of cardio exercise like running, walking, swimming or any

alcohol can spoil your sex drive; the same is true of street

activity you enjoy. Don't forget that sex burns calories. Sure, it

drugs. Too much alcohol can delay a woman’s orgasm.

has to be fairly vigorous to get your heart rate going, but a

This can add to the sexual side effects already experienced

130-lb person can burn about seven calories per five minutes

in later life. Alcohol aggravates flushes, insomnia and, in

of vigorous sex. Keep it up for an hour, and you'll burn off 88 calories...not bad for having a little fun, plus, you will impress your mate with your incredible endurance.

excess, can worsen or cause many nutritional deficiencies at a time when you need to be conserving essential nutrients.

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Commit to New Stress Management Practices

like acupuncture, biofeedback, or yoga- Research has found that most women who participated in different acupuncture studies found relief from menopausal symptoms including, Hot flashes, insomnia, stress, anxiety and vaginal dryness. Yoga increases flexibility in the body. Also it tones the body muscles and providing the body the strength to improve the sexual experience. With flexibility, you can enjoy, discover and perform new and more exciting sexual positions.

#8 Talk to your partnerTell your partner about your symptoms, how they are affecting the way you experience sex, and what you both can do to improve your sex life (choose a time when both of you are relaxed). Stress incontinence might occur during lovemaking for some women. The best thing you can do if you are concerned about this is talk with your partner. Your partner is more likely to be accepting of the situation and help you feel comfortable if something like this were to happen if you are honest with them from the start. Sharing your concerns will also eliminate any unexpected 'surprises' during lovemaking, so that a little incontinence doesn't become a big deal. So many fluids are exchanged during sex anyway a little incontinence is likely to get lost in the throws of passion.

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Try Supplements

Unless your menopausal symptoms are severe, you actually do not need HRT. Instead of taking this artificial hormone replacement treatment, it may be better to just take Black Cohosh and Chasteberry supplements. Black Cohosh is effective in maintaining the normal levels of estrogen in your body. As a result, most of the symptoms that are related to hormonal imbalance can be reduced. Another herb that can make a tremendous effect in correcting hormonal imbalance and vaginal changes is Chasteberry.


Educate Yourself

About your anatomy, sexual function, and the normal changes associated with aging, as well as sexual behaviors and responses. This may help you overcome your anxieties about sexual function and performance.

Going through menopause can be exhausting. Feeling good about yourself when everything is changing, from your waistline to your sex life, can be challenging. Often, non-hormonal options may rescue a lagging libido and spice up your sex life. Reduced need for sex and a declining drive are not medical problems -- and if they don't cause you distress, there is no need to seek treatment.

Eat 100mg of phytoestrogens each day. Consume foods that are rich in phytoestrogens little and often over the course of the day.

The best medicine for women during menopause is to have a positive attitude, a strong support system already established. An understanding supportive partner, children who know and accept what is happening, and other women friends who may be at the same stage of their lives these factors will make the transition a helluva lot easier and let you get on with it!

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Make-up Tip


o reduce the negative

effects of makeup on

your skin health, choose

makeup products that are specifically formulated for your skin type and use them sparingly. To keep your skin in top condition, it's crucial to follow a healthy skincare routine, properly cleanse your skin each day to get rid of all traces of makeup, and use sunscreen during the day.

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Beauty & Make-Up


Eye disease


hyroid eye disease (TED) — also called Graves’ eye disease — is a rare,

progressive and visionjeopardizing autoimmune disease associated with proptosis (eye bulging), diplopia (double vision), blurred vision, pain, inflammation and facial disfigurement.

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Thyroid eye disease (TED) — also called Graves’ eye disease — is a rare, progressive and visionjeopardizing autoimmune disease associated with proptosis (eye bulging), diplopia (double vision), blurred vision, pain, inflammation and facial disfigurement. Women are five to six times more likely than men to get the disease. Cigarette smokers are at significantly increased risk to develop the disease, and when they do, often have more severe and prolonged activity that threatens vision. Graves’ eye disease stems from the immune system’s attack on healthy tissue. Hyperthyroidism, in most prevalent form is Graves’ disease in which the body’s autoimmune response causes the thyroid gland to produce too much T3 and T4. Graves’ disease typically presents before the age of 40.

Thyroid Eye Disease & Diet Modification Nutritional Recommendations for TED or Graves’ disease that we can follow to improve our health:

Try a Low Iodine Intake: According to The American Thyroid Association one with TED should follow a low iodine diet. Foods and drinks that are low in iodine include: non-iodized salt, egg whites, fresh or frozen vegetables, tea and black coffee, herbs and spices, vegetable oils, sugar, jam, jelly, and honey, unsalted nuts and nut butter, soda and lemonade, beer and wine, moderate portions of beef, chicken, turkey, veal, and lamb, fruit and fruit juices 38 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Increase Intake of Calcium in your diet: Graves’ disease can cause bone loss that can lead to other complications such as osteoporosis. Obtain calcium from dairy products, such as low-fat milk, low fat cheese,

Protein Sources: Protein Sources are going to be very important for strength and muscle mass restoration when you have Graves’ disease. Choose protein with low fat content, for example, fish, salmon, chicken without the skin, eggs, turkey, mushrooms and beans.

low fat and no added sugar yogurt,

Avoid Refined Foods:

fortified foods, like, orange juice,

Avoid refined foods, solid fats and foods with

soy milk, whole grains cereal and

added sugars since those have less nutritional

bread. Another source of calcium is

value, for instance, white bread, pasta, sugar,

green leafy vegetables, such as,

butter and fried food. Choose whole grains,

spinach, okra, collards and turnip

baked or broiled foods, margarine, canola oil in


spray and olive oil. 39 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Avoid Caffeine: The University of Maryland Medical Center, recommends avoiding caffeine, such as tea, coffee, chocolate and soft drinks. Caffeine could aggravate symptoms like anxiety and rapid heart rate.

Increase Consumption of Antioxidants: since this disease is an autoimmune disease, antioxidants help keep your immune system strong. Some example are blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, tomatoes and bell peppers.

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Pregnancy & Motherhood



t’s perfectly normal for

preschoolers or even older kids to object to

the shape, color, or texture of a food – or to suddenly decide that they hate foods they loved yesterday. It’s also common for them to have what experts call food jags. That is, they insist on eating the same few foods at every meal.

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Picky eating can also be a preschooler’s way of declaring his/her independence (“You can’t make me eat that”). It may have less to do with the actual food than a need to test the limits of your authority and assert some control over his/her life. To begin with you need to understand that your toddler has an innate sense of how much food her body needs to grow and be healthy, and it’s up to her to decide what she’s going to eat. The best thing you can do is provide a wide variety of healthy food in a positive, relaxed environment so mealtimes are enjoyable for everyone.

Here are Some Specific Tips on How to Handle a Picky Eater: 1

Create A Positive Environment:

Anger can turn mealtimes into a stressful occasion which can make the problem worse. Praise your child for good manners, performance at school and keep conversation light when they try new food. Seeing other family members eating and enjoying a range of different foods may help encourage your child to be more adventurous.


Avoid Grazing Between Mealtimes:

Filling up on less nutritious snacks before mealtimes can fill empty stomach and make it even harder to get your child to try healthy food. Likewise, giving your child a sandwich or some chips after they haven’t eaten their meal tells them that if they refuse healthy food they will get something else later.


Stay Realistic:

Expecting a clean plate at each meal is probably unrealistic. Encourage your child to try everything in front of them (if they don’t like it they don’t have to finish it). Praise them for taking a bite or even a lick of an unfamiliar food. One day they may surprise themselves by liking something new.

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Don’t give too many options:

If you say ‘It’s dinnertime. What do you want to eat? your child will probably choose something familiar. However, if you say “Here’s dinner,” she’ll have to choose from the food you’re offering. Of course, you won’t want to offer an entire meal of unfamiliar foods because your child simply won’t eat any of them. Instead, always include at least one thing you know your child likes.


Offer a variety of food at each meal:

When you do introduce something new, simply place it on the table with everything else, and don’t make a big deal about it. Putting it right on your child’s plate may seem threatening or cause her to rebel. Eventually, after she’s seen you eat the food a few times, she may feel more open to trying it.

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Watch the portion size:

A child’s portion is about half the size of an adult’s portion. For many foods, that’s a portion about the size of your child’s palm. Examples of other child-size servings are 1/2 a cup of cereal or yogurt, 2 ounces of meat, 4 tablespoons of vegetables, and one slice of bread.


Involve your preschooler in food preparation:

This can include shopping and making meals and snacks. This works best if you let your child choose from a small selection of foods you’ve already chosen, rather than just


asking her to pick her supper. Make fun, healthful treats

Look for ways to boost the nutritional value of the foods:

together – like yogurt-and-fruit banana splits or ants on a log

your preschooler enjoys. Put some tuna or ham on her grilled cheese, and

(raisins placed on top of peanut-butter-filled celery sticks).

meat or tofu in her spaghetti sauce, tofu in potato rolls, for example.


Be a good role model:


Don’t Focus On The Fussiness:

Giving your child a lot of attention for their fussy eating habits could turn

Eat the kinds of food that you want your child to eat. Family

food refusal into a way to get attention rather than being about the food

mealtimes are a great way to connect with your child and

itself. Although you want to encourage your child to eat new food, turning it

share enjoyable and nourishing food together. Your child is

into a performance may have the opposite effect. A good way to approach

constantly watching you, your behavior and eating pattern.

the situation is to ask your child to try something, if they don’t, say “ok, we’ll try again another time,” and drop the subject.

Also, keep in mind that all of us have a sensitive palate. Many kids simply don’t like the texture, color, or taste of certain foods. That’s why they claim to dislike a food. Likewise, some children may reject a food because it reminds them of a time when they were sick, or because they have some other negative association. If your child complains that a particular food will make her sick, stop offering that food for a while. Look for other options.

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Fertility Tip


orking the night

shift all the time might affect your

hormone levels. This can raise the risk of not being fertile. If you do work the night shift, try to get enough sleep when you're not working. Try meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or other activities to lower and manage stress when you try to conceive.

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Women's Day Special

10 Best


By Our Women Chefs


arch is the month when the world celebrates Women’s day. The

campaign theme for International Women's Day, which happens to be on 8th March 2024 is Inspire Inclusion. This International women's day, 2024 we're raising a toast to the bold and the beautiful. New age women are picking up their kitchen knives, breaking through culinary boundaries of a traditionally male dominated industry and cooking up a storm.

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10 Great Recipes By Best Women Chefs Featured On Women Fitness


Pea & Potato Samosas By Chef Romy Gill MBE, A celebrity and renowned Indian chef There are many ways of making samosas and samosa fillings – this is the way I like best. Depending on the quality of the flour, you might need slightly less or slightly more water to make the dough. You can fry the samosas in sunflower oil, rapeseed oil or ghee.

Makes 10–12 samosas Ingredients: For the pastry

Ingredients: For the filling


200g plain flour plus more for dusting


½ Tsp Salt


6 tsp sunflower oil


100ml room-temperature water


2 tsp sunflower oil


1 tsp crushed fennel seeds


1 tsp cumin seeds


handful fresh coriander, chopped


75g peas


1 tsp salt


1–2 green chillies, chopped finely


1 tsp ground ginger


2 tsp ground coriander


1 tsp ground cumin


1 tsp amchoor (mango powder)


4 medium potatoes, peeled and diced small, then cooked in water until soft but not mushy, then drained

Sunflower oil, for deep-frying

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Instructions: First make the pastry. Sieve the flour for the pastry into a bowl. Add a pinch of salt and oil. Rub the oil into the flour with your hands, then add the water and bring everything together. Knead briefly until it forms a ball, it should be smooth and soft. Cover the bowl with cloth and leave to rest at room temperature for 1 hour. Make the filling. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the fennel and cumin seeds. Once they start sizzling, add the peas and cook for few minutes. Add the green chilli together with the ground coriander, ground cumin and mango powder and cook for 1 minute. Add the cooked potatoes into the pan, mix well and cook for 2–3 minutes. Add the chopped coriander and salt, and keep cooking for 2–3 minutes on a low heat. The vegetables should be well coated with spices. Check the seasoning. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Heat a frying pan over a very low heat. Divide the rested pastry into 5–6 equal-sized balls. Roll each ball into a circle on a lightly floured work surface to approximately 3mm thick and 16cm in diameter. Cook the rolled chapatti warm both sides on the pan then cut in half. Brush the edges with water. Bring the straight edges together to make a cone and stuff with the filling. Pinch and seal the open edge and then push it with a fork. Repeat until all the remaining dough are made into samosas. Heat a deep heavy-based pan and fill halfway with sunflower oil. Bring the oil to a temperature of 180C. Deep-fry the samosas, two at a time, for 4–5 minutes until light brown


Roasted Stuffed Butternut Squash With Tri-Coloured Quinoa, Kale, Chickpeas, Toasted Pine Nuts And Pomegranate Seeds

By Chef Serena Poon, CN, CHC, CHN Butternut Squash is one of Serena’s favorite foods because of its health benefits, its sweet & nutty taste, and its versatility in the kitchen. She includes them in her breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and even dessert sometimes! This recipe is absolutely delicious! It is more time consuming than some, but worth every minute! “I recommend making this the next time you have friends or family over – they will be so impressed with the aesthetic and taste of the dish!” shares Celebrity Chef Serena Poon.

and crisp. Rest on kitchen paper to drain any excess oil. Fry the remaining samosas two at a time.

Prep: 10 minutes Cook: 75 min

Serve with a mint and coriander chutney.

Total: 85 min Servings: 4

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Please use organic ingredients whenever possible



2 medium butternut squash, halved, seeds removed


4 tsp avocado oil


2 tsp extra virgin olive oil


1 C tri-colored quinoa (any other quinoa is fine too)


1 1/3 C vegetable broth, homemade or low sodium


1 bunch curly kale, stems removed, leaves rough

Pre-heat oven to 425F, place rack in the middle of the oven


Arrange the butternut squash halves, cut side up on an unlined sheet pan


chopped v

2 ea fresh thyme sprigs


½ tsp pink Himalayan salt or sea salt, to taste


½ tsp freshly ground black pepper, to taste


¼ tsp fresh ground white pepper, to taste (optional)


15 oz cooked chickpeas (if using canned or bottled,

Drizzle and spread 1 tsp of avocado oil on each of the 4 cut halves of butternut squash, light salt and pepper each half


Bake uncovered for 55-60 minutes, or until fork tender.


While the butternut squash is baking, use a fine mesh sieve to thoroughly rinse the quinoa under cold water until the water runs clear.


Place the quinoa in a medium saucepan with the broth and bring to fast simmer.


rinse and drain)

Cover the saucepan with the quinoa with a tight-fitting lid and reduce heat to maintain a low simmer. Cook for


1 ea medium orange, zested


½ each juice of half of the zested orange above


1/3 C fresh pomegranate seeds


¼ C pine nuts (raw or toasted, optional)

15 minutes. v

Removed the quinoa from heat (keeping covered with the lid) and allow to sit and steam for another 3 minutes. Remove lid and fluff with a fork.



Using a large skillet, 1 tsp of extra virgin olive oil over medium heat.


Add to the skillet the torn kale leaves and cook until just


Can use acorn squash instead of butternut squash


Can use cranberries instead of pomegranate seeds. In

slightly wilted, about 2-3 minutes and reduce heat to

this case, add cranberries to the stuffing when adding

medium low. v

the quinoa to the kale. v


Heat until slightly fragrant. Remove thyme stems.

Can use other nuts instead of pine nuts: chopping toasted hazelnuts, chopped pecans, toasted almond

Add to the kale the thyme sprigs, salt and pepper, to taste.


Add to the skillet the chickpeas, the cooked quinoa,


squeeze juice from the half orange, and add the orange

Can add vegan parmesan to the top of the stuffing and

zest. Remove from heat.

warm in the oven for 5 minutes before service.


Once butternut squash is fork tender and slight caramelized on the edges, remove from the oven and allow to cool (while still on the pan).


Using heat protective gloves, scoop out the flesh of the butternut squash, leaving about a 1/2-inch border around the sides. Reserve this for a later use.


Add the pomegranate seeds and pine nuts to the kale and quinoa mixture and toss to combine. Ready for filling!


Stuff the butternut squash halves with a heaping amount of the kale and quinoa mixture. Ready to serve! (Reserve any extra stuffing for later use for a buddha bowl)

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Champagne Blackberry Chillers By Chef Devin Alexander

I love this cocktail around the holidays! It makes me feel festive and allows me to participate in the party without overconsuming alcohol. The berries keep the champagne chilled, so you won’t need to drink it quickly. Plus, they’ll turn the champagne a red color to keep with the spirit of the season! Cheers!


Tomato Enoki Broth with Ponzu And Runny Yolks By Chef Kathy Fang

Ingredients: v

2 organic eggs


1 whole organic tomato


Half a pack of Enoki mushrooms


1 slice of ginger, sliced into thin slices


2 tablespoon Ponzu – you may want to add more for your preferred taste



Salt and pepper to season


Furikake for garnish


Chili oil (optional for those who like it spicy)


16 frozen blackberries


1 teaspoon sesame oil


1 cup chilled champagne


1 teaspoon Avocado oil


2 cocktail sticks


Instructions: v


Divide the frozen blackberries between 2 champagne flutes (3/4 cup capacity). Pour the champagne over

your ginger to brown for 30 seconds v

the blackberries, ½ cup in each flute. v

Now add your mushrooms and tomatoes and let it cook on high heat for 2 minutes. Season with a little salt and

Add a festive cocktail stick (to use later for spearing


any berries that remain in the bottom of the glass). v

Serve immediately.

Heat a small pan with avocado oil to high heat and add

Move aside the mushrooms and tomatoes and create a space in the middle for you to crack the eggs in. Let the

Serves: 2

yolks cook in the middle and start scrambling the egg

Serving Size: 1/2 Cup Champagne + 8 blackberries Prep Time: 2 minutes

whites into the mushrooms and tomatoes surrounding the yolk. Be careful not to break the yolk.

Cook Time: None

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Drizzle your ponzu over it. And use a chopstick or tongs to gently stir the sauce into the egg white, mushroom tomato mixture.


Let it boil a little and then turn heat off. Plate in a shallow bowl with the yolks on top


Garnish with furikake, drizzle sesame oil, chili oil and lastly you can season with a little more ponzu if you like.


Enjoy with a spoon and fork!!!!!


Chocolate Mint Mousse Chef Via Melissa

Serves: 2

Ingredients: v

1 medium avocado


1/2 cup coconut milk


1 tbs honey



1 tbs coconut oil


Cut avocado in half


1 tbs cacao powder


Discard pit and place avocado meat into a high-


8 mm drops of peppermint

powered blender or food processor v

Toppings: v

1 tsp hemp seeds


1 tsp ground flax seeds


Add in milk, honey, mint, coconut oil and cacao powder


Mix until all is smooth and well blended


Top with flax and hemp seeds

Thai Quinoa Salad by Shalane Flanagan, NYTimes best selling author X3 Run Fast Eat Slow

Ingredients: v

1 cup quinoa, rinsed and drained


2 cups grated carrots (about 2 large)


2 cups thinly sliced purple cabbage


3 green onions, white and green parts sliced


1 cup packed mint leaves, chopped (cilantro works too)


1 cup packed basil leaves, chopped


1 jalapeño or serrano pepper, seeds removed, minced (optional)


1/2 cup roasted peanuts, chopped

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Dressing: v

1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil


1/3 cup fresh lime juice (2 to 3 limes)


2 tablespoons soy sauce or tamari


2 tablespoons honey (or maple syrup)


1 tablespoon fish sauce (optional)

Instructions: v

Here is a fool proof method to cook quinoa. In a medium saucepan over high heat, bring to a boil 1 ½ cups water and the quinoa. Reduce the heat to low and simmer, covered, for 15 minutes or until all the water has been absorbed. Transfer to


a large salad bowl, fluff with a fork, and set

Savory Oatmeal

aside to cool. v

Meanwhile, put the olive oil, lime juice, soy sauce or tamari, honey, and fish sauce (if using)


4 cup vegetable broth


2 cups organic rolled oats


1/2 diced yellow onion


1 small/medium diced green bell pepper


1 small diced red bell pepper


1 cup cherry tomatoes, quartered (approximately 12-15)


1/2 tbsp garlic powder


1 tsp cumin


1 tsp turmeric


1/2 tsp Himalayan pink sea salt


1/2 tsp black pepper


1 tbs Tahini


1/2 tsp ACV

Put the broth and 1 cup of water and the oats into a


Oil, or more broth, to sauté

saucepan and put it over medium heat, covered.


Optional Garnish- cilantro, cherry tomatoes, avocado

in a glass jar or bowl and stir to combine. v

Once the quinoa is cool, and the carrots, cabbage, onion, mint, basil, and pepper (if using) to the bowl and toss to combine. Add the dressing and toss again. Taste and, if needed, add more fish sauce or soy sauce.


Top with the peanuts. Chill in the fridge for a least 1 hour or until ready to serve.


This salad will stay fresh in airtight glass containers in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Instructions: v



While the broth-oats mixture heats, heat a pan with a small amount of oil or more broth, then sauté the onions until they start to brown. Then add the peppers and sauté until tender.


Add the tahini and ACV, and stir to coat, then add the spices. Heat for 1 minute.


Add the quartered tomatoes, using the juice from the tomatoes to scrape the bottom on the pan and mix the flavors together.


Uncover the oats and stir in the savory sauté mixture and cook until the broth is completely absorbed into the oats and they are tender.

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Vegan Indian Stuffed French Toast Chef Priyanka Naik Serves: 2

Ingredients: v

4 slices bread, crust trimmed off


2 slices vegan cheese of your choice


1/2 cup vegan eggs


2 green chilies chopped


2-3 tbsp fresh coriander chopped


1/2 small/medium red onion – diced & sautéed for about 8-10 minutes


1/2 tsp cumin seeds – ground roughly in mortar & pestle


salt to taste


1 tbsp vegan butter of your choice


1/4 wedge of lemon


chaat masala (optional)


spicy maple syrup – I used Bushwick Kitchen


ketchup of your choice for serving


Direction: v


Chef Rachael Ray Serves 4


To Prepare the batter, in a shallow and wide bowl, use a fork


8 poblano peppers

to mix eggs, chillies, coriander, onion, cumin seeds and a


1 bag extra-crisp tater tots

pinch of salt. Set aside. Place a slice of cheese in between two


Salt and pepper

slices of bread. Carefully dip into the egg mixture until


1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

generously coated on all sides – making sure to dip and coat


1/2 teaspoon ground coriander

all side. Set aside on a parchment lined plate. Repeat for other


1 tablespoon of olive oil



1 large onion, chopped

Heat a medium non-stick skillet over medium-high flame. Put


3 cloves garlic, grated or chopped

in about 1 tsp of the vegan butter. Once melted and bubbly,


1 cup fire roasted frozen corn kernels

add in the french toast. Slightly lower heat, because you want


1 cup Mexican crema or crème fraiche

to achieve a nice golden-brown crust, but also melt the cheese


1 cup shredded Asadero or Monterey Jack or

in between. Cook about 2-4 minutes on each side until golden


Rajas con Queso Breakfast Tacos

mozzarella cheese

brown and cheese is melty. Remove and repeat with second


10 eggs

french toast.


2 teaspoons chipotle Tabasco or jalapeño Tabasco

Place on a platter, and while hot immediately squeeze some


2 tablespoons butter

fresh lemon juice, sprinkle on chaat masala (if using) so it


4 scallions, thinly sliced, both whites and greens

sticks to the french toast. Serve drizzled with spicy maple


A handful of cilantro leaves, chopped

syrup and some ketchup on the side.


12-15 small flour tortillas

53 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Preparation: v

Place peppers on a foil-lined baking sheet and char evenly under broiler to blacken. Next, place peppers in a bowl and cover. Let them cool. Peel, halve lengthwise, seed, and stem the peppers. Slice the peppers to make about ½ inch thick pieces.


For the tots, preheat the oven to 435 F or according to the instructions on the package. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the tots in a single, even layer. Bake for 25 minutes or until crisp. While the tots are baking, mix about 1 teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon black pepper, cumin, and coriander in a ramekin. When tots come out of oven, sprinkle evenly with seasoning.


Heat a medium- to large-sized skillet over medium to medium-high heat with olive oil – 1 turn of the pan. Add the onion and season with salt and pepper. Cook

Rajas con Queso Breakfast Tacos

until softened, about 5-6 minutes. Add garlic and peppers and toss to combine. Then add the corn to heat through. Add the crema and stir to mix. Then add


the cheese and turn with a spatula to melt. Lower the

By Chef Lara Lyn Carter

heat and cover to keep warm. v


Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Melt the butter, and when it foams, add the eggs, and cook to desired doneness. Top with scallions.


Blister and soften the tortillas over an open flame or in a dry stainless-steel skillet over high heat.


Serves 12

Whisk up the eggs. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add the hot sauce.


Lemon Blueberry Muffins

To build one taco, fill with rajas con queso, top with tots, add eggs and cilantro, and serve.

Directions: v

In a large bowl, mix


2 cups almond flour

dry ingredients


½ tsp. baking soda

together except for the


1 tsp. fine sea salt

coconut sugar.


zest of 2 lemons


3 eggs

ingredients to the dry


½ cup honey

and mix well.


2 tbsp. lemon juice


2 tbsp. coconut sugar

tins and bake at 350


1 tsp. vanilla

degrees for about 20


1 cup fresh blueberries




Add the wet

Pour into lined muffin

Nutritive Information:

Lemon Blueberry Muffins


85 calories


2 grams protein


16 grams carbs

“ Be free, be fierce, but most of all, have fun while being a feminist” – Nimco Ali

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