Women Fitness International Magazine February 2024

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February 2024


Asanas For Building Stronger Arteries


Counselling For


LOSS When to opt?

Amazing RECIPES By Linzi Martinez


SANTUCCIO The Power And The Glory B096TRSSBW

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Cover Photo Credit: Photo: BIZZI/Federscherma

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s t n e t on


03 Editor's Note February is a time to celebrate love in all its forms. Whether it's self-love, the love of a supportive community, or the love we share with our partners, we encourage you to cherish the relationships that bring joy and positivity into your life.

04 Cover Story Italian fencer and 2021 team Olympic bronze medalist, Alberta Santuccio, shines on the cover of Women Fitness


Alberta Santuccio

International Magazine. Catch her as she talks about her success story, diet, and fitness routine. Her message to her followers was, "Follow me in this important Olympic year. Your support is also my strength. Long live fencing, long live sport, long live women!"

12 Exercise & Fitness There is a thin margin between over-training and understimulating a muscle for growth. While sweating it out in the gym, what happens if your body stops responding in a positive way? Learn how to avoid over-training in sports and at the gym.

17 Healthy Cooking Linzi Martinez happens to be an integrative national


health coach and a celebrity personal trainer. She recently

Linzi Martinez

published a book, “Recipes for Instant Weight Loss – Health Alternatives to your favorite Foods” which aligns with her mission and passion: to motivate, educate, captivate, and inspire women to help them feel RIDICULOUSLY ALIVE and OUTRAGEOUSLY BEAUTIFUL. She shares 10 recipes in this issue.

28 Obesity & Weight Loss Counseling plays a crucial role in weight loss by addressing not only the physical aspects of weight management but also the psychological and behavioural factors. Learn ways in which counseling can be beneficial for weight loss.

28 Obesity & Weight Loss


Yoga & Healing

35 Yoga & Healing Movement is key to wellness on many levels, including circulatory health. Yoga is not only one of the most accessible types of exercise, but it’s also one of the best types of exercise for poor circulation. Check out different yoga asanas for building stronger arteries.

46 Sun Sign & Love Here’s what you can expect when it comes to love and friendship in 2024, according to your sun sign.


Beauty & Make-up

46 Sun Sign & Love

40 Beauty & Make-up Valentine's Day is one of everyone's favorite occasion to dress up and glam up with super cute and simple hairstyle that one can wear all year long! Here are ideas for hairstyles that you can try this season of love.

Follow us on @womenfitnessandhealth



E T O ’S N


“The potential for greatness lives within each of us.” – Wilma Rudolph – (An Olympic Athlete)

The message behind this statement is one of empowerment, urging people to believe in themselves, set ambitious goals, and unlock their full potential to achieve greatness in their lives. On the cover this month, we feature Alberta Santuccio, an Italian fencer who specialises in the Épée. Santuccio was selected to represent Team Italy at the 2020 Summer Olympics, where she helped her team win a bronze medal. February is also a time to celebrate love in all its forms. Whether it's self-love, the love of a supportive community, or the love we share with our partners, we encourage you to cherish the relationships that bring joy and positivity into your life. In this issue, we've curated a diverse range of articles to cater to the multifaceted dimensions of women's health. From fitness and collection of healthy recipes to mental well-being and lifestyle, our goal is to provide you with valuable information that empowers you to make informed choices about your health. Here's to a month filled with love, strength, and wellness!

In Fitness, Namita Nayyar

Namita Nayyar

President, Women Fitness

Editor-in-Chief Tanya Nayyar

Contributing Writer

Charlene Bazarian

Creative Editor Rohit Nayyar

Chief Business Officer

Guest Authors Linzi Martinez

Rhea Nayyar

Head Social Media

03 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Exclusive Interview



lberta Santuccio is an Italian Fencer and 2021 team Olympic

bronze medalist. She was born on 22nd October 1994, in Catania, Italy. She began fencing at the age of seven.

04 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

You were born in Catania, Italy. You began fencing at the age of seven after witnessing your brother

While competing with the CS Acireale, she won a gold medal in the individual event at the European Cadet

Giorgio play the sport. This later propelled your career to the height where you represent Team Italy at the 2020 Summer Olympics and helped them win a bronze medal in the Team épée fencing. Tell us

Championship and in the international

more about your professional journey of exceptional

under 17 circuits. As such, she was

hard work, tenacity, and endurance.

chosen to be the flag bearer in 2010

The life of us sportsmen is not always as full of

Summer Youth Olympics. During the

enthusiasm as one might think from the outside. In our

games, she won gold in the mixed

journey there are more climbs we face than descents.

team tournament and then silver in the girls' individual Épée. Santuccio also

The first major decision I made in my career was when in 2016 I decided to leave my gym, my family and my homeland to train in another city, I moved to Milan

won two bronze medals at the 2014

where I spent two years.

and 2018 Fencing World Cup. In 2015,

Later I realized that things were not going as I had

Santuccio came back from ninth place

planned and hoped and I again found myself having to

to beat Russia 40–36 in the 2015

make another decision, which was to move to Rome.

European Games for a bronze medal.

This, however, meant yet another new gym, a new teacher, a new life, but inside me I knew it would be the best choice and in fact it turned out to be so: I

Santuccio was selected to represent Team

immediately had a great feeling with Daniele (my

Italy at the 2020 Summer Olympics where

teacher) with whom I did an exceptional job. With him I

she helped them win a bronze medal in the

felt like I was back home a bit because I experienced

Team épée.

that paternal sense of protection but at the same time he knew how to spur me on and shake me when I needed it. So we can say that my path was not always linear, but thanks to my character and perseverance I managed to obtain the stability I needed. You have selected a sport which apart from individual sport is also a team sport and requires a lot of cohesiveness and family feeling between the players of the side to finally succeed, how do you achieve that? When you start fencing you mainly think that this is an individual sport, only later do you discover the world of the team. A world made first of all of mutual trust, hard teamwork on and off the piste. We as a team are very close, but it took us a while to reach these levels. We know that where one does not arrive, the other will surely arrive: that is our strength.

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What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you would like to share? My week is made up of a lot of training, but also rest because in sport recovery is not to be underestimated. I train three times in the morning where I do athletic preparation and every afternoon I take care of the technical part, then bouts with opponents and lessons with the master. Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit? Like many sports people but also as a woman I care about my physique and that is why I rely on a nutritionist from the national team who follows me regularly through a balanced and targeted diet for my activity. I admit that every now and then I make exceptions to the diet because I love good food.

Advice and motivational words to our inspiring and budding women fencing playing girls who all are your fans, what do they do for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of women fencing? Dear girls, first of all what I feel like telling you is don't be afraid, but above all have fun, face the challenges of each day with awareness and always want to improve. Constancy and perseverance will pay off.

06 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

I feel like telling you is don't be afraid, but above all have fun, face the challenges of each day with awareness and always want to improve.

07 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

How did you feel after you're memorable winning the silver medals in the World Championships 2023 Milan both in Individual and team event. Winning a medal at the world championship is something wonderful but doing it at home since the world championship was held in Milan was even more so. I had all the warmth of the crowd, my family and friends who came to cheer me on, that gave me great strength! I admit that immediately after the final in which I had lost I could not rejoice about the medal because I felt more like I had lost the gold medal rather than having won the silver one. But once the initial anger had passed I realized what had happened and was finally able to enjoy this beautiful medal. We also had great regret for the team because until the end we had hoped for gold, but unfortunately the last matches did not go as we had hoped and Poland got the better of us. However, we brought home a lot of important points in view of the qualification for Paris 2024 and we reconfirmed ourselves among the strongest teams in the world. Photo: BIZZI/Federscherma

It is known that you had fought back in matches with sheer determination against all odds and returned to win. How you were able to overcome a mental block when your team was trailing and then reverse the final outcome of the match in your favor and what advice you can give to a fellow sportsperson in a similar situation? I have always been a fighter and I hardly ever give up. For me, an assault is never over until the last hit is put in, whether it's mine or the opponent's. It's not about overcoming mental blocks, but simply believing in what you are doing! Because if we don't believe in it in the first place nothing is possible!

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You won your first individual World Cup gold medal at the 2022 event in Budapest, Hungary, and being part of Team Italy at the 2020 Summer Olympics won a bronze medal in the Team épée fencing and also won numerous other awards. How do you remain so humble and lovable? Success has not made you the least arrogant and proud which is mostly with all the celebrity stars. Fortunately, I grew up with values that were first taught to me by my family and then by sport. I'm a very outgoing girl, but at the same time shy and reserved in some situations, sometimes I was mistaken for arrogant but fortunately they all changed their minds because it's not an adjective that really characterizes me!!!

In 2015, you came back from ninth place to beat Russia 40–36 in the 2015 European Games for a bronze medal. What were your thoughts when you were down at Ninth place what motivated you to reach greater heights by winning the bronze medal and reversed the outcome of the match? To win I still remember that competition, it was exciting that medal with my team at that time. I got on the piste in the last bout that would have awarded the bronze medal with several strokes of disadvantage and as I said before what characterizes me is determination. When I started shooting I had only one goal: to win! And the more I recovered, the more my teammates jumped for joy and the more I charged. Photo: BIZZI/Federscherma

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Photo: BIZZI/Federscherma

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Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear. Nike, Adidas, New balance, Ascia, Under Armour Five travel destinations on your wish list. Puglia, Giappone, Australia, Island, Perù, Quote you live by "Fencing is like life. There is disappointment and happiness. Each bout gives me a new and different experience from the last one." Elaborate. My phrase that I have been repeating to myself as a mantra since childhood is simply: FINO ALLA FINE (UNTIL THE END).

What do you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and message for its visitors? Thanks to Woman Fitness for talking about fencing, about me and for giving space to all women! Message for your social media followers. Follow me in this important Olympic year... your support is also my strength... long live fencing, long live sport, long live women!

11 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Exercise & Fitness


OVERINDULGENCE Are You Pushing Too Hard?


here is a thin margin

between over-training and under stimulating

a muscle for growth. While sweating it out in the gym one loves to reap the benefit of their labour. What happens, if your body stops responding in a positive way. How do you know if you’re guilty of exercise overindulgence?

12 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Check If Any Of These Symptoms Apply To You: v You’ve been exercising frequently, but your regular workout seems v v v v v v v

more difficult Exercise leaves you more exhausted than energized Your performance is decreasing despite diligent workouts You experience a loss of co-ordination It takes you longer to recover from muscle soreness You have no appetite Your stomach hurts You get sick often

In addition, the psychological benefits that come with exercise disappear when you over-train, so you might feel depressed and apathetic, have difficulty concentrating, or even have reduced self-esteem. If you’ve been working out too hard and you feel any of these symptoms, it’s time for you to cut back a little or take a break.

How to Avoid Over-Training? Moderation is the key: If you find yourself exercising beyond the point of exhaustion, while injured, or to the exclusion of other aspects of your life, then it is definitely time to take a break. If cycling begins to drain rather than revitalize you, consider slowing the pace a little, or even stopping altogether for a short while.

13 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Lighten the load:

Muscle won’t turn into fat if you stop

If you don’t want to stop altogether, then just try

exercising. Muscle and fat are two separate

lighter workouts for a while. Also, remember that

things. It’s like saying your car will turn into a

taking a few days off is okay. If you need to take a longer mini-break from exercising, reduce your

bicycle if you don’t drive it.

meal portions so you won’t have to worry about

Take up, The Pre – Exhaust Training Principle:

putting on weight. Your body doesn’t need as

involves performing isolation exercises which fatigue a

much food when you’re not exercising.

target muscle, followed immediately by compound (multi-joint) exercise where this muscle is the prime mover. Muscle growth is largely attributed to volume of training. To begin with, establish which muscle groups you are going to target with your workout. Perform your isolation exercise, then jump directly into the compound exercise as 1 set. For example, with a chest workout where your pectorals are the prime movers, fatigue them with a set of cable crossovers before jumping into a bench press set. Not only will the pecs be overloaded sufficiently, their conditioning will not be inhibited by stabilizing muscles (triceps, front delts) that give out early. Use it for 1 full set within every workout for a few weeks for each major body part and see the results!

14 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

To Seek Results From Your Workout Try Changing Two to Four Variables Each Week: v Weight– Choose a weight that you are sure is light and do a warm-up set of 15 repetitions, while perfecting the correct lifting technique. If the weight is too easy for 10 to 12 reps—in keeping with your goals—add a little more weight and gradually increase that weight within the next few weeks.

v Sets– do at least three to four sets for each body part in order for each muscle group to get a complete workout. Larger body parts like legs and back can take a four set workout each week and the smaller body parts like arms will do fine with three sets for biceps and three for triceps.

v Reps– make sure you do the correct number of repetitions for each exercise, always go to muscle fatigue, in other words lift the same weight how ever many of times you are capable comfortably. Starting out with eight to ten reps at each weight. Once you are comfortable with the weight being used, start increasing the weight. This is the way muscle tissue break down and then repairs them to increase size and muscle tone.

v Rest times– Give sufficient time in between workouts to the muscles for rest and repair in order to obtain maximum growth. For instance, if you work your legs on Monday, lay off them at least forty-eight hours before working them again, until Thursday.

v Variety– Your body will get very efficient at

Remember, For Your Body To Keep Changing, Your Program Has To Keep Changing.

doing those exercises if you continually do the same ones every time. If you usually do chest press, do flys or incline press; instead of squats, do lunges; instead of overhead press, do lateral (side) raises.

15 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Fitness Tip


fter an ankle sprain, it’s important to start doing exercises again as soon as you can. You might be stiff and sore, but the sooner you get it moving, the quicker you’ll recover, and better you’ll avoid further injury. Start with range-ofmotion exercises and basic stretches. Then move on to strength, balance, and stability exercises. Let pain guide you and help you set limits on how far to push.

16 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Healthy Cooking




By Linzi Martinez


ecipes to Enjoy without Deprivation. Are you looking for healthy and totally yummy alternatives to your favorite foods so you

can control your weight, get healthy, and create a "LEANSCULAR” (lean and muscular) body WITHOUT DEPRIVATION! Health coach Linzi Martinez's book is free from simple carbohydrates, balanced in macros, high in protein, nutritionally rich, and designed to reduce inflammation. This creates a wonderful way of life that enhances your health and energizes your body, mind, and spirit. These recipes are specially designed with lower carbohydrates than their traditional versions to help reduce inflammation, which is crucial for everyone, especially women over 35, as inflammation is at the root of many health problems.

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Lowering Your Carbohydrates has the

Following Effect... ¦ Reduces your appetite!

In addition to offering low-carb versions

¦ Gets rid of excess water! ¦ Reduces your glucose levels!

of popular dishes, her recipes feature

¦ Debloats you!

nutrient-dense foods that keep you

¦ Deflates you!

feeling full longer, help you avoid

¦ Large portion of weight loss from your belly first! ¦ Great for your HEART! It can lower your triglycerides!

cravings, and of course, they're incredibly

¦ Reduces inflammation that is the root of many diseases!

healthy and exceptionally delicious!

¦ Targets abdominal fat BIG TIME!

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Recipes By

The why:

Linzi Martinez


Not only is it outrageously delicious, but this recipe is outstandingly nutritious! Artichokes are rich in fiber, low in fat, and loaded with vitamins and key nutrients


Spinach & Artichoke Muffins

like folate, vitamin C, and K. They also supply important minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron. ¦

Spinach is a super food with so many health benefits and disease preventing vitamins and minerals like iron, manganese, magnesium, copper, vitamins B2, B6, and E, calcium, potassium, and so much more! This amazing dish will leave you satiated longer, keep your glucose stable, and aid in weight management. PS… It’s my favorite EVER!

The When: You can have these anytime! Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even a snack!

The What: ¦

2 12 oz bags of frozen chopped spinach (thawed and drained)


2 12 oz glass jars of marinated artichokes (rinsed and drained)


6 large organic eggs


1 8oz bag of low-fat part skim mozzarella cheese. You can use vegan cheese or use no cheese at all! (Or 12oz if you like)


Chia Seed Pudding with Berries

The How: ¦

Preheat oven to 400 degrees


Grease muffin tin with coconut oil spray


Place artichokes and eggs in the blender and puree


Place spinach in a large bowl


Add artichoke and egg mixture to spinach


Stir in cheese


Pour in pan and heat for 60 minutes or until brown on top


4 tbsp of chia seed


1 cup of almond milk/oat milk




2 tsp honey/maple syrup


They can be frozen as well!


Cup of fresh organic blueberries or strawberries


Optional Lily’s dark or light chocolate chips

The What:

19 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

The How: ¦

Pour ingredients into two mason jars, ½ in each


Cover and shake away


Let settle for 5 minutes and shake again!


Place berries in blender and puree, store in fridge


Keep covered and store overnight or for at least three hours!


Add berry puree when ready to serve on top!


Shown in image as added berries only

The Why: ¦

And here's the best part: it's AMAZINGLY healthy.


Hearts of palm lasagna noodles


2 cups part-skim ricotta cheese


Roasted vegetables of choice cooked in coconut oil Spray - can use roasted red peppers, eggplant, yellow zucchini, purple onions etc... Yum!


Part skim mozzarella cheese shredded.


2 pounds of organic free-range turkey meat ground


Low sugar tomato sauce in a glass jar of choice (should be under 7 g of sugar) Read your labels.


Parmesan cheese if desired

The How: ¦

10x15 glass baking pan 3 inches deep

fiber that helps keep you full and satisfied all day


Preheat oven to 350 degrees

long- amazing right???


Sauté ground turkey meat


Add ricotta cheese when finished cooking


Spray the pan with coconut cooking spray (non-GMO organic)


Place hearts of palm noodles along the bottom to cover it and pour tomato sauce


Add a layer of the ricotta cheese mixed with the turkey and pat down


Add a layer of the vegetables


Add layer of tomato sauce


Add a small layer of mozzarella cheese


Repeat! And repeat again if your pan is deeper


End with the hearts of palm with mozzarella cheese and then tomato sauce on top!


You can sprinkle parmesan cheese and sliced or minced olives on top if desired


Cover with tin foil!


Place in the oven for 45 - 60 minutes! Check on it after 45 minutes. Let cool and then eat! Super yummy!

It is high in protein, full of omega-3s, packed with


The What:

Chia seeds have calcium, antioxidants, and omega3 fatty acids, making them a great protein-packed addition to your diet! When mixed with liquid, they plump, giving the mixture a tapioca-like consistency.


Specifically, chia seeds are a good source of soluble fiber assisting in elimination!


Amazing Low-Carb Lasagna!

The Why:

The When: Amazing for dinner or lunch!


Turkey/or chicken instead of beef reduces the calories!


High in lycopene for antioxidants…known to help prevent certain cancers


Super yummy without the carbs!


Everyone loves Italian food; this tastes just like its originator!

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Air-Fried Almond Flour Chicken Fingers

The What: ¦

Organic chicken breast


Almond flour


2 eggs


Pink Himalayan salt


Italian seasoning


Coconut oil spray

The How: ¦

Cut chicken into long strips


Beat eggs and roll chicken in mixture


Add almond flour, salt, and Italian seasoning in deep bowl


Drop egg-coated chicken in bowl of almond flour and shake off excess


Place in air fryer and spray with coconut oil


Air fry for 15-20minutes stopping to check and spray again at 10/15 minutes



Healthy Egg Roll Bowl

The What: ¦

1 pound ground chicken breast or any meat you want, cooked and drained of any fat


1 tbsp rice vinegar


1 tbsp sesame oil


1 tsp fresh minced ginger (can add more to taste)


2 tsp fresh chopped/minced garlic


¼ cup soy sauce or Braggs amino acid

Chicken is also a good source of vitamin B, vitamin D, calcium, iron, zinc, and some vitamin A!


1 bag organic coleslaw mix


½ cup grated carrot

Almond flour is a great substitute for regular flour or batter! Loaded with nutrients and protein, it is a must-do if you are trying to lose weight without having to give up your favorites!


1 bunch green onions, chopped and divided in half


Handful of bean sprouts (can add more at end for more crunch)


1 tbsp hoisin sauce


1 tbsp of sweet chili sauce

The Why: ¦


Chicken breast is a great source of lean protein needed to increase your muscle mass and aid in repair!

The When: Amazing for lunch or dinner

21 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

The How: ¦

Brown the meat in a skillet with the sesame oil


Drain fat, if any, and excess water


Add the ginger, garlic, carrots, bean sprouts, soy sauce or Braggs, half of the green onions, rice vinegar.


Then add bag of coleslaw mix


Mix it all up and add hoisin sauce and chili sauce. Keep mixing it up. The coleslaw mix will start to wilt. Keep stirring for another 10 min.


Then add the remaining scallions. And remove from heat. You can adjust the sauces if you need more.



The How:

The Why: Cabbage has amazing health benefits


Cut the spaghetti squash in half (long)


Gut with a fork and pull out the seeds


Spray with coconut or olive oil and salt


Place face down and cook for 30 minutes at 400 degrees or until top is brownish.


Cool and use a fork from the top and pull down to the bottom until all is out in a bowl!


High in antioxidants




Assists in Weight loss.


Aids in digestion


Rich in fiber

You've got Spaghetti Squash!


May reduce cholesterol.

The Seeds!

And those are just a few!


Take excess pulp off the seeds

The When:


Place on baking tray and spray with olive oil, add salt

Great for lunch or dinner! Even for a snack!


Roast in oven for 10 minutes at 400 degrees shake and cook again until brown!


Linzi’s Red Bell Pepper Spaghetti Squash

The What:

You've got seeds!

The Sauce: ¦

Cut the peppers in half, de-seed, and place on baking pan face down


Roast red peppers in oven at 400 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes… Watch for them to turn brown and collapse


6-8 red peppers


1 large spaghetti squash


Let cool, peel, and blend


Fresh basil (to taste)


Sauté scallions, garlic, salt, pepper, and olive oil in pan


Chopped scallions (to taste)


Add to red pepper mixture and blend


Pink Himalayan salt (to taste)


Pepper (to taste)


Two cloves of garlic


Olive oil


Coconut oil spray

You’ve got Sauce! Try adding ground chicken or turkey and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and any veggies!

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The Why:

The How:


Nutrient dense - low in calories and high in nutrients


Preheat oven to 350 degrees


High in vitamin A (eye and skin health)



High in vitamin C (immunity)

Coat baking pan with a small amount of olive oil or coconut oil spray


High in folate



Antioxidants to fight oxidative stress

In large skillet, add 1 tbsp of olive oil, heat on medium 2-3 minutes


Omega-3 (immunity)



Vitamin C - 200% of RDI

Season chicken with salt pepper and add to pan and heat until juices run clear and brown on both sides


High in Lycopene - known to help prevent certain cancers


Slice mozzarella ¼ inch or thinner


Place chicken in baking pan and top each cutlet with a leaf of basil followed by the slices of mozzarella • bake until cheese has melted


Meanwhile, add a tbsp of olive oil to the skillet and heat on medium high 2-3 minutes


Slice tomatoes in half, season with salt, pepper, cook 4-6 minutes until softened and add the remaining basil chopped into the mixture


Spoon mixture over chicken • Add balsamic glaze once removed from the oven!

The When: A great Lunch of dinner option


Caprese Chicken with Cherry Tomatoes

The Why:

The What: ¦

8oz fresh mozzarella


2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil


Pink Himalayan salt


Ground pepper


Fresh basil


4 natural organic chicken breasts cut thin (1/2 inch)


1 pint of cherry tomatoes


Balsamic glaze


Organic greens of choice


Chicken breast is a great source of lean protein needed to increase your muscle mass, aid in repair!


Chicken is a good source of vitamin B, Vitamin D, calcium, iron, zinc, and some vitamin A!


Tomatoes are one of the few foods that, when cooked, increase in benefits! Although vitamin C is lost in the cooking process, the phytochemicals are increased!


High in lycopene for antioxidants…known to help prevent certain cancers

The When: Great for Lunch or dinner!

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Linzi’s Chicken Pizza Crust

The Why: Pizza is a favorite, a staple for many! Removing the processed inflammatory flour and replacing it with protein makes this an option to have anytime! It tastes amazing! It will keep you full and fit!


The Anti-inflammatory Pineapple Basil Smoothie

The What: ¦

2 lbs. ground organic chicken


Need 2 standard size baking sheets


3 organic chicken sausages squeezed out of the casing


Salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, Italian seasoning - all to taste


Parmesan cheese to sprinkle on crust

The How: ¦

Mix together in big bowl


Spray baking sheets with olive oil spray or cover with parchment paper


Divide mixture in two, one for each baking sheet. Spread until each sheet is completely covered


Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese


Put in oven at 425 degrees for at least 45 minutes and up to one hour, depending on how well-done you like it

The What: ¦

1/3 Pineapple cut fresh!

Remove from oven and remove excess liquid by dabbing with paper towel


5-7 large basil leaves


Cup of ice


Add tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese


½ cup of water


Put back in oven for 5 min. and you’re done!


Add any topping you like or make a white pizza by adding ricotta cheese and Italian seasoning and mozzarella cheese and finishing with balsamic glaze!

you can freeze the pineapple instead of the ice too


Try pesto sauce too! So many choices!


The How: Throw it all in the blender until smooth!

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The Why: ¦

Fresh pineapple contains an amazing enzyme called bromelain, and many other vitamins and antioxidants that suppress inflammation! It may help with arthritis and other inflammatory based issues!


Bromelain’s anti-inflammatory properties may also aid in the recovery after strenuous exercises by reducing tissue inflammation!


Fresh basil leaves also contain strong antiinflammatory properties! Consumption of basil may help to soothe a fever, headache, sore throat, and more!


This combo has so many more health benefits from aiding in digestion to reducing inflammation- the root of most diseases!


Discovered on my honeymoon in Costa Rica. After having wine every night, we would go to the beachside cafe before surfing every morning to have their famous Pineapple-Basil Smoothie only to discover we never got a hangover! Just an amazing find!


I personally have this regularly during running season! I run almost daily, and my recovery is amazing!

The When: Great during the daytime for energy and excellent before or after a workout!


Linzi’s Debloat Tea!

The How: ¦

Add water and ingredients into pot – simmer for about 20 minutes – no boiling.


Drink warm


5-6oz 3x per day!


Will last up to 5 days in the refrigerator.


If you have an event, start 3 days prior!


No limit on the amount to add for any of the ingredients! The more the better!


You will get to know what you would like more of as you make it over again!

The Why:

These are natural herbs and veggies that have the most amazing effect of debloating your belly, leaving you feeling flat and sexy.


Parsley – flushes fluids out of your system!


Fresh ginger – anti-inflammatory


Fresh lemon – detoxifier

The What:


Fresh turmeric – anti-inflammatory


Can add dandelion if you can find it! – diuretic! (flushes excess water out)


Fresh turmeric – anti-inflammatory


Can add dandelion if you can find it! – diuretic! (flushes excess water out)


6 cups of filtered water


Fresh Parsley -1 cup


Fresh ginger – two pieces


Fresh lemon


Fresh turmeric – two pieces


Can add dandelion if you can find it!


6 cups of filtered water


Can add fennel seeds for a liquorish taste.

The When: Whenever you feel bloated!

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Linzi’s favorite Craving killer protein smoothie recipe

The What:

About the Author:

2 scoops of protein powder … Find a protein powder that has

Linzi Martinez is an integrative national health

under 150 calories, under 8 carbs, sweetened with only stevia or

coach and a celebrity personal trainer. She is an

monk fruit! No sucralose!

award-winning television producer, host, actress


1-1/2 cups mixed organic frozen berries

and author. She has been providing life-changing


1 – 1 ½ cup 30 calorie organic almond milk


information to her viewers, followers, and audience for over a decade. Her award-winning health documentaries have been featured and

The How:

seen on ESPN, NBC, CBS, ABC, The Discovery


Add all ingredients into blender!

Channel, Apple TV, FOX, and more. She


For a thicker more Slurpee-style frozen yummy drink, add

recently published Book “Recipes for Instant

almond milk until mixture starts spinning!

Weight Loss – Health Alternatives to your favorite Foods” which aligns with her mission

The Why:

and passion; to motivate, educate, captivate, and

A huge part of controlling your cravings comes from being satiated and satisfied. Protein is the number one macro to keep you feeling full!

inspire women to help them feel RIDICULOUSLY ALIVE and OUTRAGEOUSLY BEAUTIFUL – the way they are supposed to feel!

The When: Try this amazing drink during your most vulnerable craving times.

IG: @Linzimartinezofficial

You will get HOURS of satisfaction with no hunger, and you won't even think about food! HELLLOOOO GOALS!

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Diet Tip


ancer treatments can affect your immune system and your body’s ability to protect itself from infections. You need to be careful and avoid consuming food that may be tainted with bacteria. Ensure all your fruits and vegetables are washed, even prewashed lettuce and vegetables. Only consume thoroughly cooked meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs. Avoid all deli meats and uncooked hot dogs, which can expose you to Listeria, a type of bacteria that may be found in those foods. Stay away from unpasteurized milk products and beverages.

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Obesity & Weight Loss

Counselling For

WEIGHT LOSS When to opt?


ounseling plays a crucial role in weight loss by addressing

not only the physical aspects of weight management but also the psychological and behavioral factors that contribute to a person's relationship with food and lifestyle choices.

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Here Are Several Ways In Which Counseling Can Be Beneficial For Weight Loss: Behavioral Change Counseling helps individuals identify and address unhealthy behaviors related to eating, exercise, and lifestyle. It assists in developing healthier habits, setting realistic goals, and creating actionable plans for sustainable change.

Identifying Emotional Triggers Emotional factors often influence eating habits. Counseling helps individuals recognize emotional triggers for overeating or unhealthy food choices. Strategies are developed to cope with stress, boredom, or emotional challenges without resorting to food as a coping mechanism.

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Setting Realistic Goals Counselors work with individuals to set achievable and realistic weight loss goals. Breaking down larger goals into smaller, more manageable steps enhances the likelihood of success.

Motivation and Support Weight loss can be challenging, and individuals may face setbacks. Counseling provides ongoing motivation, support, and encouragement throughout the weight loss journey.

Nutritional Education Counselors offer guidance on nutrition, helping individuals understand the importance of a balanced diet and making healthier food choices. Education about portion control, reading food labels, and understanding nutritional needs is often included.

Mindful Eating Counselors promote mindful eating practices, encouraging individuals to be more aware of their eating habits, savoring food, and recognizing hunger and fullness cues.

Addressing Body Image Concerns Weight loss counseling addresses body image issues and fosters a more positive self-perception. It helps individuals develop a healthier relationship with their bodies and work towards body acceptance.

Developing Coping Strategies Individuals are guided to develop alternative coping strategies for stress, anxiety, or other emotional challenges that do not involve turning to food for comfort.

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Building Self-Efficacy Counseling helps build an individual's belief in their ability to make positive changes (self-efficacy). This confidence is crucial for sustained weight loss efforts.

Long-Term Lifestyle Changes Weight loss counseling focuses on creating lasting lifestyle changes rather than promoting short-term, restrictive diets. Strategies for maintaining weight loss and preventing weight regain are explored.

Addressing Underlying Issues Counselors explore underlying issues, such as past traumas, self-esteem issues, or other emotional factors that may contribute to unhealthy eating habits.

Support for Behavioral Change Maintenance Ongoing counseling support is beneficial for maintaining behavioral changes and preventing relapse. Individuals receive guidance on how to navigate challenges and sustain a healthy lifestyle.

It's important to note that weight loss counseling is often most effective when it is personalized and tailored to the individual's unique needs and circumstances. Whether conducted one-on-one or in a group setting, counseling can provide valuable tools and support for individuals on their weight loss journey. Additionally, collaboration with other healthcare professionals, such as registered dietitians and medical doctors, can offer a comprehensive approach to weight management.

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Whether or not you need counseling for weight loss depends on various factors, including your individual circumstances, goals, and the challenges you may be facing. Here are some considerations to help you determine if counseling could be beneficial for your weight loss journey:

Behavioral Challenges:

Struggling with Motivation: If you struggle with motivation or have difficulty maintaining consistency in your weight loss efforts, counseling can provide support, motivation, and strategies to stay on track.

Lack of Knowledge: If you feel overwhelmed or confused about nutrition, portion control, and healthy eating habits, counseling, particularly nutrition counseling, can offer education and guidance.

If you find it difficult to make and sustain healthy lifestyle changes, such as adopting a balanced diet, increasing physical activity, or managing emotional eating, counseling can provide strategies to address these challenges.

Emotional Eating: If you often turn to food for emotional comfort or experience challenges with stress-related eating, counseling can help you explore and manage these emotional triggers.

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Underlying Emotional Issues: If there are underlying emotional issues, such as low self-esteem, body image concerns, or past trauma, counseling can help address these issues and create a healthier mindset.

Medical Considerations: If your weight is affecting your health, and you have underlying medical conditions, it's essential to work with healthcare professionals, including a registered dietitian and possibly a counselor, to develop a holistic approach to weight management.

Need for Accountability: If you benefit from external accountability and support, counseling or coaching can provide the structure and encouragement needed for making and sustaining positive changes.

Personalized Guidance: If you prefer a personalized approach that considers your unique needs, preferences, and challenges, counseling can offer tailored strategies that align with your lifestyle.

Past Unsuccessful Attempts: If you've tried various weight loss methods without success or have experienced a cycle of weight regain, counseling can help you identify factors contributing to these challenges and develop a more effective plan.

Lifestyle Changes: If you're undergoing significant lifestyle changes, such as transitioning to a new job, experiencing major life events, or facing increased stress, counseling can assist in managing these changes while maintaining a focus on health. It's important to emphasize that seeking counseling for weight loss is a personal decision, and there is no one-sizefits-all approach. Some individuals may find success with self-guided strategies, while others benefit from the support and guidance of counseling professionals. If you're uncertain whether counseling is right for you, consider discussing your goals and challenges with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian. They can provide insights into the most appropriate approach for your situation and may refer you to counseling services if needed. Ultimately, the goal is to create a sustainable and healthy approach to weight management that works for you.

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Pregnancy Tip


t may seem obvious, but if you want to get pregnant fast, you’ll need to quit your method of birth control. Depending on what form you’re using, fertility doesn’t necessarily return right away. With barrier methods, like condoms, upping your chance of getting pregnant is as easy as leaving them in your nightstand drawer. If you have a non-hormonal IUD removed, your body will immediately be ready for pregnancy. But for people who have been using hormonal forms of birth control (the pill or vaginal rings), it can sometimes take a few weeks for your body to regulate and ovulate.

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Yoga & Healing


ASANAS For Building Stronger Arteries


n inability to

touch your toes while in a seated

position (sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you) might mean your arteries have become stiff, and you have an increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

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Especially if you are middle-aged or older, the answer could indicate how flexible you are — and also how flexible your arteries are. However, if you are stiff and can’t reach too far, don’t despair. New research suggests stretching exercises that increase flexibility could prevent or reverse stiffening of arteries. In a study entitled “Poor trunk flexibility is associated with arterial stiffening”, published in the American Journal of Physiology, researchers found that how well people age 40 and older performed on a sit-and-reach-past-their-toes test was an accurate way to assess the flexibility of their arteries. So, because arterial stiffness often precedes cardiovascular disease, this simple, non-drug, non-invasive test could become a quick measure of a person’s risk for early death from heart attack or stroke.


Ragdoll Pose (Uttanasana)


Standing with your feet hip-distance apart, exhale as you bend forward, hinging from your hips, rather than pulling from your low back. Clasp your hands around the opposite elbow and let your head hang loosely.


With your weight evenly distributed in your feet (not just your heels), straighten your legs by engaging your quadriceps (the muscles of the front upper leg).


Firing your quad muscles allows your hamstrings to relax. You’ll also want to engage your deep core muscles to release your low back during this stretch. Remain here for 10 long, deep breaths.

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Functional Squat (Malasana)

v Start with your feet and knees aligned under your hips with your arms reaching out at shoulder height. v Exhale as you sit back into the pose as deeply as possible without knees splaying or heels lifting. v Hold for three long, deep breaths. v Repeat three times.


Kneeling Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

v Tight hip flexors can hold you in a pelvic tilt that inhibits forward bending. Kneeling lunge is a great pose for releasing them. v Step into a basic lunge position with your back knee bent. Extend arms over head palms together. v Gaze towards thumbs as you exhale and let your pelvis sink downward. v Keep your hips squared forward. Engage your buttocks to increase the stretch in your hip flexors. v Hold for five long, deep breaths on each side.

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Pyramid (Parsvottanasana)

v When done correctly, the pyramid pose stretches your hamstrings with proper pelvic alignment. v Step one leg back 18 to 24 inches with your toes angled slightly out. v With both legs straight, hinge from your hips to bend forward, placing your hands on your forward leg as low as possible without rounding your back. v To establish proper pelvic alignment, draw your forward hip back while pushing your back hip forward. v Engage your quadriceps to keep your legs straight and stretch your hamstrings. v Hold for five long, deep breaths on each side.


Extended child’s pose (Balasana)

v This pose is a restful one intended to stretch low-back extensors and encourage the pelvis out of an anterior tilt. v From a kneeling position, reach your arms forward as you exhale and press your hips back toward your heels. v Rest your forehead on the floor or a block. v Hold for five long, deep breaths.

Love your Heart, Get ready to stretch.

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Yoga Tip


study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that women who practiced yoga reported improvements in arousal and better orgasms. The key to managing a healthy sex drive is to remember that work, play, diet, and relationships all have an impact on it. Perceiving warning signals from your body and being attuned to your emotional state can provide valuable clues for realigning your mind, heart, and prana (life force) to balance your libido.

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Beauty & Make-up


Hairstyles For




alentine's Day is

one of a favorite occasion to

dress up and glam up with super cute + simple hairstyles you can wear all year long!

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Here Are Some Ideas For Hairstyles That You Can Try:


Heart-Shaped Bun:

¦ Part your hair down the middle and gather it into a high ponytail. ¦ Twist the ponytail into a bun and secure it with bobby pins. ¦ Use your fingers to shape the bun into a heart shape. ¦ Secure any loose strands with additional bobby pins.


Romantic Curls:

¦ Create soft, romantic curls using a curling iron or hot rollers. ¦ Part your hair to one side for an elegant look. ¦ You can add a decorative hairpin or clip to one side for a touch of glamour.

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Braided Crown:

¦ Part your hair in the middle and create two braids on each side.

¦ Cross the braids over your head to create a crown effect.

¦ Secure the ends with bobby pins and add some loose curls for a softer look.


Half-Up Heart Braid:

¦ Take a small section of hair from each side of your head near the temples and create two small braids.

¦ Bring the braids together at the back of your head and secure them with small elastic to form a heart shape.

¦ Curl the remaining loose hair for a romantic touch.


Romantic Waterfall Braid:

Create a waterfall braid on one side of your head, letting the strands cascade down like a waterfall. This style adds a touch of elegance and romance. Source: https://missysue.com/

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Half-Up, Half-Down Bow Style:

Tie the top half of your hair into a bow shape, leaving the rest of your hair flowing. This playful style is cute and expresses a sense of joy and love.

Hairstyles for Short Hair Even with short hair, there are plenty of charming and romantic hairstyles to express love. Whether it's through twists, braids, or accessories, you can create a lovely hairstyle that complements your short hair.


Twisted Crown Updo:

Twist two sections of hair from each side of your head and secure them at the back to form a crown. This updo is both sophisticated and romantic.


Headband Twist

Twist a small section of hair from one side and secure it across your head with bobby pins, mimicking the look of a headband.

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Tousled Bob With Love Letter Pins:

Style your short bob in a tousled manner and use hairpins with love letters or heart shapes as accessories.


Think Pink

If you’re in the mood for a little color play, there’s no better time than Valentine’s Day to play with pink. Mane Addicts called this fruity pink hue “Flamingo Barbie,” Try some pastel hair extensions instead.

Customizing these hairstyles adds a special touch and makes them a unique expression of love. Choose a style that resonates with your personal taste and the sentiment you want to convey.

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Foot Care Tip


ocks should contain a high proportion of natural materials – such as cotton or wool – as this allows sweat to evaporate from the skin. As a rule, wear wool in winter for warmth and cotton to keep you cool during the summer. When dressing, ensure your socks and tights aren’t too tight, or pulled up too high that they cut into the skin or restrict circulation.

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Sun Sign & Love



Zodiac Sign


hile 2024 will look different for each person — with some having "a bit more cosmic luck on their sides" when it comes to love, specifically — the year's impact will be determined based on everyone's respective zodiac signs.

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Here’s What You Can Expect When It Comes To Love And Friendship In 2024, According To Your Sun Sign.

Aries: Your love life is going through some transitions this year—and if you don’t learn to let go, you’ll be dragged, Aries. You’re outgrowing relationship dynamics that don’t fit anymore and shedding old skins throughout the beginning of the year, and it’ll feel good to leave the past behind. The Aries season eclipses remind you to stay true to your growth and only commit to people who are willing to do the same. Spring flings and eclipse shake-ups could lead to drama, as Mercury will be retrograding alongside romantic Venus in your sign. Mixed feelings and changes of heart are likely, but you’ll work out the kinks. Throughout 2024, expect "extreme growth" with friends and those in your social circle, which could "bring joy" to you whether you're in a romantic


relationship or not.

Let 2024 serve as a reminder that you can make your own rules, Taurus—in love and life in general. Lucky Jupiter makes its way through your sign during the first five months of the year, expanding your sensual nature and giving you a Midas touch the whole way through. Ask and you shall most likely receive! Let your most unconventional desires unfold in late April, during the once-in-a-lifetime alignment between Jupiter and wild child Uranus in your sign. If you take a walk on the wild side, you might meet a one-of-a-kind stranger who sparks your freakiest fancy. As for times when you’ll feel "fired up, magnetic and sexy," look ahead towards early summer. The end of the year could bring about "big plans with family or domesticity.

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Your magic-making abilities are increasing

The beginning of 2024 will have you fired up to make

exponentially this year, Gemini and you’re tapping

long-term plans or find a partner. You’re getting crystal-

into the universal flow of abundance. A glittering

clear on what you want from relationships this year, and

Venus cazimi peaks in your sign in early June,

being treated to some romantic surprises, too! It’s

helping you manifest new love and boost your

impossible to have everything figured out in the realm of

confidence as you head into hot girl summer.

love, but getting to the bottom of your desires feels

And a hot girl summer you will most certainly have,

fantastic. Your social circle is expanding through the first

as your sex appeal will hit a high throughout

half of the year, allowing you to get to know new people

August. Now’s the time to go out and make things

and potentially connect with someone special through

happen—no more waiting around for your dream

friends. Set your homebody tendencies aside for now,

relationship to materialize in front of you! Be the

because you never know when you’ll meet someone

initiator and ask for what you want from your

who could change your life.

partners (or prospective partners), or just put in an

As summer rolls around, it’s an auspicious time to have

order to the cosmic kitchen and see what it whips up

meaningful conversations about what you want in

for you. Have faith in the power of love.

relationships, and you’re motivated to make it happen.

As for times when you’ll feel more ramped up and

Open up to your partners and to yourself—because

sexy, keep your eyes to the beginning of the year for

acknowledging your feelings will help to strengthen

intimate vibes and the middle of summer for when

your boundaries and appreciate the magic of love.

you’ll feel on top of the world!

Leo: You’ve got some red-hot energies swirling through your love life throughout 2024, and it’s bringing a newfound depth and power to your relationships—as well as some sexual soul searching, too. Amorous Venus and erotic Mars connect in your commitment-oriented seventh house in February, catalyzing romantic fireworks in partnerships and some hot new sparks, too. Fun flirtations will float you straight into Leo season, so push passion to the top of your summer priority list. What are your biggest turn-ons? You’ll be exploring this question throughout the latter half of 2024—and the more you investigate, the more intimate your connections will become. This kind of romantic intensity can be transformative (and sexy), so embrace it. However, once carnal Mars stations retrograde in your sign on Dec. 6, it’s time to figure out the meaning that’s driving your desires and attractions. No more chasing things without fully understanding what it is you’re after. It’s time to call your energy back so you can pursue the right people and situations moving forward. You shine too bright to waste a single lumen of your light.

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Relationships are teaching you lots of important lessons right now, Virgo. And while learning from mistakes isn’t always fun, the astrology of 2024 ensures you’ll fully tap into the expanded joys and pleasures of your growth. Set high standards in romance throughout spring and figure out what boundaries are most important to you, especially when amorous planet Venus joins rule-making Saturn in late March. The more comfortable you are with your limits in love, the more freedom you’ll have to be playful within them. By late summer, you’ll be ready to embrace that free-spirited playfulness in a big way. Experiment with new ways of experiencing pleasure and broaden your romantic horizons by trying new things.


In order to make space for more aligned and meaningful partnerships in your life, you have to prioritize working on yourself, Libra—and 2024 is your year to make it happen. People-pleasing has its place, but your love life isn’t one of them! Thankfully, a sizzling new season in your romantic life kicks off just after Valentine’s Day, ushering in a sexy month ahead and a renewed sense of confidence in love. Coupled with the red-hot solar eclipse in your partnerships sector on April 8, you’re in for a spring of new beginnings. The flames of love will be fanned in the second half of 2024, with travel potentially fueling that fire. Your cosmic ruler Venus comes home to your sign throughout the final month of summer, reacquainting you with all things passion, romance, and pleasure. This is a powerful time to flush away any feelings of unworthiness that may be keeping you from experiencing the magic of true love, and the solar eclipse in your sign on Oct. 2 will solidify this glow-up. Your relationships are like a mirror, and you should love what you see from every angle. It’s time to start shaping your reflection.

Get ready, Scorpio, this year is going to be exciting! And you have Jupiter to thank! The planet of luck


and miracles will dance across the sky until June, which will help you to grow in relationships, make long-term promises and plans, or even get engaged or be wed.

In 2024, your romantic life will be filled with an abundance of exciting opportunities to do just

Your relationships are a source of incredible growth

that. Once your cosmic ruler Jupiter starts lighting

and good luck right now, Scorpio, so there’s no need

up your relationship sector on May 25, you’re

to play your cards so close to your chest. Take a walk

embarking on a year of good luck and new

on the wild side! But you’ve got a craving for

adventures in love. Commitments can deepen and

something fresh and unexpected in love, so spend

connections can soar, so soak up all the magic.

the springtime embracing your freakier side. Your

Things get steamier during summer, as your

less conventional desires deserve some airtime, too.

appetite for carnal pleasures is turned up to full

The eclipse energy in early autumn could trigger a

blast. This red-hot desire is hot to the touch, so it’s

turning point around love or even align you with a

a good time to take the lead in love.


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Sweet Venus graces your sign in October, allowing your heart to fall into alignment with a higher destiny. There’s a shimmer of fate


being sprinkled over your relationships throughout autumn,

2024 starts off with a sizzle, as Venus connects with lusty Mars and

and a sense that perhaps you’re

transformative Pluto in your sign in February. This infuses your aura

exactly where you need to be. Keep

with a magnetic mystique that’s impossible to resist, so use these

following your joy, prioritizing

enigmatic charms to your advantage. Romantic opportunities soar

passion, and putting work into your

once lucky Jupiter hits your flirtatious fifth house on May 25. This

partnership. You’ll be rewarded

transit brings a more lighthearted vibe to relationships and makes sex

with mystical synchronicities and

more passionate and meaningful. If you’re single, this is a fruitful year

romance that’s rose-colored.

to dip into the dating scene. Your sex appeal is sky-high throughout the summer, so flaunt your adventurous side and try out some new tricks. You could open yourself up to a whole new world of pleasure if you put your desires on the table! But by the end of the year, it’s time to get real and decide what’s truly worth working toward in love.

Capricorn: The first half of the year is an incredibly lush time for romance, filled with


dating opportunities and an abundance of passion. You’re in for some wild

This will finally feel like a solid year, Pisces, thanks to Saturn

times in April, as lucky Jupiter meets

continuing to orbit in your zodiac sign in 2024 through 2026. You’re

with rebellious Uranus in your sex

maturing and taking responsibility for yourself in 2024, so your lovers

zone, awakening more adventurous

are going to need to keep up and hold their own. Spring tastes oh-so-

tendencies or unconventional desires

sweet, as romantic Venus is exalted in your sign through spring,

that could send you on an entirely new

making it easy to attract attention and adoration. But the eclipse on

journey of pleasure. Keep an open

March 25 catalyzes a powerful purge within your intimate

mind and heart, because you might

relationships, pulling shame, secrets, and vulnerabilities to the surface

even surprise yourself!

to be worked through. Once you start freeing yourself of that

You’ll have ample opportunities to think and talk through whatever’s

emotional baggage, romance will feel so much lighter and dreamier. Let go of fear and dive deep into the lavender haze.

unfolded throughout the summer, so

By late summer, you’ll be able to see clearly whether your romantic

open the channels of communication

entanglements are up to snuff. Do you feel like you’re receiving the respect

with your partners. You can really

and equity you deserve in your relationships? Do you feel seen and supported

work through some things

on a fundamental level? Talk it through all, even as your perspectives

productively now, leading to deeper

shift—because if you’re not honest with yourself, you’re not being real with

intimacy and stronger connections. If

your partners, either. A solar eclipse in your sign on Sept. 17 feels like the start

you make the effort to share and listen

of a brand-new journey of self-discovery. You’re stronger than you’ve ever

from your heart, it’ll be easier to keep

been and getting stronger by the day.

trying new things and expanding your horizons.

Source: https://stylecaster.com/

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