Meet Your Doctor
Orthopedic surgeon Lisa Daye talks about seasonal injuries she treats and lists the most injuryprone sports in which kids participate. She also talks about her new affiliation with General Physician, P.C.
What to do during the long winter months when our comfort-food cravings are besting our better judgment? Check inside for some nutritious makeovers that may satisfy your longings without compromising your health. Page 14
Milk: Are They All the Same? Oat milk, soy milk, coconut milk, hazelnut milk — alternative options for dairy milk have grown in popularity in the last two decades. But how do they compare to dairy milk? Page13
• More women than men reporting higher levels of stress • You’re not alone: Half of older women suffer incontinence • C-section rates have nearly doubled since 2000 • Alcohol and breastfeeding: Do they go well together?
Fitness Trends for 2019 Find out what’s hot, according to local experts
Arugula Super low in calories and rich in fiber, this ‘carcinogen killer’ is a healthy choice for those looking to lose or maintain their weight.
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Into Saunas? Love your time in the local sauna? Your heart may love it, too, according to a new study recently released.
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Fitness Trends for 2019 Online personal training, increasing use of apps among some of trends for new year By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant
hat’s new for fitness in 2019? Local fitness experts offer their top picks for the coming year’s hottest trends. • “Online coaching and fitness streaming will be really big, where clients bring in their phones and follow a coach on their phone. With Wi-Fi being open to members, I see that growing even more. • “Small group training. That’s growing in popularity because it offers a sense of community. It’s team-building and motivating instead of one-on-one training. • “Also, another popular trend is alternative fitness classes and more options to appeal to a broader population, like pole dancing studios. We can’t guarantee they’ll last, but they’re becoming big. • “In general, shorter workout sessions with higher intensity. Everyone’s super busy. They want to come in, do their thing and leave. Thirty-minute sessions instead of an hour are huge.” Victoria Fontana, personal trainer and certified health coach at Crunch in Amherst • “We’re going to see more and
more people performing less cardio and a little more focus on weight training for both men and women. There seems to be a lot more science backing that and what the body needs and what complements men and women. • “Aside from exercise, nutrition is a huge component. As science progresses and social media emphasizes more and more in importance, we learn that nutrition and exercise complement each other. You can’t outsmart a bad diet. If we have 80 percent compliance we get 20 percent results. There’s an emphasis on having balance between the gym and your eating habits. • “A continuance of high intensity interval training (HIIT) and circuit training. HIIT is a good way to minimize the time it takes to do cardio.” Aubree Shofner certified personal trainer, group fitness instructor and nutrition coach at Jada Blitz Training, Inc., Williamsville. • “The majority of our people are really into the fundamentals programs. There’s not a lot that’s flashy and new. They want good, solid training that are Crossfit-based or fundamentals-based. With our funda-
mentals program, it’s primarily a lot of conditioning and body movement and strength focused on overall base of strength and agility and when we move to the Crossfit, there’s more skills that are more intense with gymnastics, running intervals, rowing intervals and barbells. It’s more towards the weights and skills. A lot of gyms in the area do Crossfit. We do it in a little different way where it’s more individualized than cramming 30 people in a small space to do burpees and things. • “Group training is big. The community aspect of it makes going to the gym much more of an experience, even more than person-
al training. You want to motivate yourself and others. It’s a team aspect for people who maybe never played sports. Especially during workouts where they partner up, it’s motivating. It makes the mood a lot lighter in the gym. People come in for the other members and coaches. Everyone works out hard. • “About half the people coming in are 35 to 70 who want to stay healthier and live independently longer and have fun doing it.”
study were diagnosed with a wide range of early- to late-stage cancer types, including breast, prostate, hematological, lung, colorectal, kidney, esophageal, bladder, ovarian, endometrial, pancreatic, liver, stomach, sarcoma, head and neck, cervical, thyroid, testicular, brain, and skin cancer The study’s main conclucsion: • Cancer patients who exercised regularly were 40 percent more likely to survive; • Risk of death lowered even for those who began exercising after diagnosis
“These data solidify the importance of the message that when it comes to exercise, some weekly activity is better than inactivity,” said Cannioto. “Our research also demonstrated that low-to-moderate weekly exercise is associated with significantly improved survival, which is particularly encouraging given that cancer patients and survivors can be overwhelmed by the current recommendations of at least 30 minutes of daily moderate-to-intense physical activity.”
Tom Corradino, head strength coach, Absolute Performance, Williamsville
Exercise Significantly Cuts the Risk of Death from Cancer Roswell Park study finds cancer patients who engage in regular physical activity live longer
ew research from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center shows that cancer patients who exercise regularly both before and after their diagnosis are significantly more likely to survive than those who are sedentary, adding to the growing body of evidence that physical activity is an important part of a cancer prevention and treatment strategy. The results were published in a recent issue of the journal Cancer Causes & Control. A physically active lifestyle can help reduce the risk of many diseases, including breast and colon cancer, but surprisingly few studies have investigated the link between regular physical activity and cancer outcomes across multiple disease sites. This large study demonstrates the potential value of regular exercise among cancer patients and survivors, regardless of age, weight, smoking status, or cancer type and stage, and is one of the first to examine the Page 2
beneficial effect of regular physical activity before and after a cancer diagnosis across many different cancer types. A team of Roswell Park researchers led by Rikki Cannioto, Ph.D., assistant professor of oncology in the department of cancer prevention and control, examined the impact of exercise both before and after a cancer diagnosis for 5,807 patients enrolled in the Data Bank and Cannioto BioRepository (DBBR), a shared resource at Roswell Park directed by Christine Ambrosone, Ph.D., chairwoman of cancer prevention and control and senior author of the study. The patients included in this
IN GOOD HEALTH – Buffalo & WNY’s Healthcare Newspaper • January 2019
January 2019 •
IN GOOD HEALTH – Buffalo & WNY’s Healthcare Newspaper
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Your Doctor
By Chris Motola
Lisa Daye, M.D. Working More, But Getting Less Done? Study: Productivity starts to fall considerably after the 50th work hour of the week
t’s no surprise that many Americans are working overtime. Conservative estimates say that 19 percent of adults put in 48 hours or more a week and 7 percent log in 60 or more. But what you might not realize is that, after a certain point, extra hours could be hurting both your health and your productivity. In addition to a variety of medical issues and unhealthy lifestyle choices associated with long hours, a British study used cognitive tests to show that working 55 hours a week was associated with lower scores in vocabulary and reasoning, and can lead to cognitive problems as you get older. Adding insult to injury, research done at Stanford University found that, besides the personal toll that overtime takes, you probably aren’t working effectively. Productivity starts to fall considerably after the 50th work hour of the week and gets worse with every additional hour. So, if you put in 70 hours a week, you’re not likely to accomplish anything worthwhile during those last 15. One reason for this is that you might be too stressed or tired to function at peak level since working overtime usually results in your getting less sleep — and that in turn leads to making mistakes that can set you back at work. Take action to improve the balance between your personal life and your work life. Prioritize responsibilities and focus on the most important ones. Assert more control over time-draining tasks like answering emails. If you check your email every few minutes, cut down to every half hour or just scan the subject lines and open the most essential ones. And when you must stay late, make getting sleep a priority so that you’ll be well rested when you’re back at work in the morning.
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Orthopedic surgeon talks about seasonal injuries she treats and lists the most injury-prone sports in which kids participate. She also explains why she is transitioning from private practice (Excelsior Orthopedics) to an employed-physician organization (General Physician, P.C.) Q: Do you see mostly younger patients with sports injuries? A: I’m an orthopedic surgeon with a specialty in sports medicine. I see a wide variety, everything from little kids to older patients. My primary interest is really in kids, teenagers, young adults. I see a lot of sports and work injuries, which really overlap a lot. Q: What are the typical injuries that would send a younger patient to you? A: Most common ones I see in younger patients, aside from fractures, would be ligament tears, shoulder dislocation, kneecap dislocations, ankle sprains. Those are probably the most common ones. Most of them sports related. It’s almost seasonal. We finished up soccer and football injuries, so now we’ll be seeing ski and snowboarding injuries. Come spring time we’ll see lacrosse injuries. Q: With younger patients, what kinds of interventions are we talking about? A: Almost always you’re trying to take care of most of them without doing surgery. There are exceptions; if a young kid tears his ACL, that needs surgery. But the first time someone dislocates their kneecap or dislocates their shoulder, that doesn’t mean that they get rushed to the operating room. For the most part, we try to keep everyone out of the operating room. We’ve developed preventive programs based around body mechanics: strengthening, stretching that can help prevent injuries and keep them out of our office. That’s the goal, really. Q: You’ve been working with something called the Uni Knee. What is that? A: Because I’ve been in practice for 20 years, my younger patients who I might have seen when they were kids and had a meniscus tear now have arthritis. So for those patients in particular I use the Uni Knee, which is a mobile bearing, so it’s more natural feeling to them. So it’s very good for that specific population and allows
them to go back to doing whatever it was that they were doing before. Q: How does it work? A: So it’s basically replacing the top and bottom bones of the inside of your knee. So it preserves your kneecap, it preserves the outside of your knee, it preserves your ligaments. So it’s basically getting rid of that one area that has pain. It allows them to go back to a pretty active lifestyle. Q: On that note, how do injuries suffered when you’re young cause problems down the road? A: Unfortunately, when you sustain an injury, there’s damage that happens even on the cellular level. If you damage the cartilage, even if it looks good, there’s probably been some damage done to it. It shows up as wear and tear, but it’s really more of a post-traumatic type of wear and tear rather than genetically caused. Q: After you treat them for an injury, what advice do you give patients to keep their joints and bones healthy? A: No matter what the injury is, I tell patients to focus on what’s in their control. We can’t undo the past. The things in their control are: what they do, how much they do, how they do it, how strong and flexible they are and how much they weigh. Those are the things that really affect joint health. So it’s a matter of maintaining activity at a level their body can sustain and tolerate and keep themselves strong
IN GOOD HEALTH – Buffalo & WNY’s Healthcare Newspaper • January 2019
and flexible. Q: It’s seems like a fine line to tread. If you’re too cautious, that’s not good. If you’re too aggressive, that’s not good either. A: I always tell patients they’ve got to listen to their body. As long as you have no pain while you’re doing something, you’re in a good zone. I can educate them, but they have to figure out what that line looks like for them. Q: What are the most dangerous sports? A: The high-contact ones. Football, rugby, lacrosse and soccer are probably where the most significant injuries come from. Q: Can you tell what sport caused the injury by the type of injury? Obviously you can just ask the patient, but are the injuries distinct? A: All those sports basically have a lot of running and cutting, so you may not know what sport they were running and cutting in. All those can lead to an ACL tear. Q: What is “cutting” for people unfamiliar with the term? A: It’s going into a side-to-side motion or quickly changing directions basically. It places stress on the knees because the foot is planted in one direction and the rest of the body is moving in the other direction. So the knee, rather than acting with a hinge, pivots and rotates. So that puts the ACL at more risk. At our recovery boot camp, we try to teach safer ways to cut and keep their body more in alignment. They get videotaped and can watch themselves in motion to see where their strengths and weaknesses are. Q: You’re transitioning from a private practice to an employed-physician organization. A: I’ve been with Excelsior Orthopedics for the last 16 years and am now joining General Physician, P.C., which is an employed-physician model. It’s all outpatient from the Kaleida and Great Lakes health organization. Q: What was the appeal for you? A: It just allows me to not have to worry as much about the business side of things. I still have five children at home that I manage, so I have a lot of on my plate. There are a lot of different models. You could be part of a university, part of a private practice. I think someone coming out of school now might be less likely to join a small group practice except, maybe, in the less populous areas. The practice of medicine has become, unfortunately, more of a business. So you need a lot more infrastructure to maintain things like electronic medical records. There’s just a lot more business involved. So there are a lot more large group practices.
Lifelines Name Lisa Daye, M.D. Position: Sports Medicine Orthopedic Surgeon at General Physician, P.C. Hometown: Eden, NY Education: University at Buffalo, medical degree Affiliations: Kenmore, Buffalo General Hospital Organizations: Academy of Orthopedic Surgery; New York State Society of Orthopedic Surgeons Family: Married; two children, three stepchildren Hobbies: Skiing, working out, baking, reading
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Live Alone & Thrive
By Gwenn Voelckers
Practical tips, advice and hope for those who live alone
Make the Most of This New Year by ‘Letting Go’
re you convinced you’ll never be good at relationships? Or, do you regret the way you behaved in your marriage? Still angry at your ex? Or yourself? Holding on to past hurts, slights, negative thinking, or lost opportunities can compromise your sense of well-being and ability to live alone with contentment. Whether it’s emotional baggage or tangible reminders that keep you from moving forward, I encourage you to let them go in favor of a fresh start. “Letting go” is a beautiful thing. And not just for those who live alone. Letting go of old ways of thinking, of a poor self-image, or of destructive thoughts or behaviors can free you up to embrace life’s blessings and the possibility of feeling whole and complete on your own. I discovered the power of letting go quite by accident. It was years ago, after I purchased my country cottage, which sits on six acres of wooded and open land. One of my first home-improvement projects was to carve out a fire pit in my backyard. I’ve always loved a bonfire: the warm glow it casts on the faces of those gathered around it,
the earthy scent of burning branches, the flames that invite inspection ... and, importantly, introspection. Little did I know that when I built my fire pit that it would also become the ceremonial dumping ground for my “old baggage” — those useless memories, beliefs and feelings that were holding me back and keeping my life small. I remember one evening in particular. I’d been holding on to my old Day-Timers — large, leather-bound calendar/ planners that were used in the ‘90’s before everything went digital. In those Day-Timers, I made calendar entries that captured “the good, the bad, and the ugly” over the course of what turned out to be a dismal and highly disappointing decade. Why I hung onto these Day-Timers I’ll never know. Maybe out of misplaced sentimentality. But this I do know: Whenever I looked at the neat stack of volumes stashed away in my closet, I would wince inside. But then I decided, no more. On an early spring evening, I held my first letting-go ceremony. I grabbed my Day-Timers, made my way to the fire pit and built a bonfire.
belief or thought in a “Letter to Self.” Put it down on paper and get it out of your system. n Third: Hold your own letting-go ceremony, in whatever style or fashion that suits you. I like the bonfire approach, but you may prefer another method. Tying your Letter to Self to a stone and throwing it into a lake may be more fitting and symbolic. Or perhaps you’ll prefer to bury your anger in your backyard. You decide. On your own or in the company of friends or family, let go of what’s holding you back and keeping you stuck. Doing so may help liberate the hope, passion and power residing deep inside you. It can be a meaningful step toward independence. Needless to say, letting go ceremonies aren’t a cure-all. Believe me, my long-held feelings about my difficult decade didn’t magically dissipate with the burning of my Day-Timers. But I did feel better and more empowered afterwards. I could go on and on, but you’ll need to excuse me. It’s a new year. I have a bonfire to build and some baggage to burn.
There I sat with my memories (and glass of wine) while I slowly, deliberately leafed through each bound year of my life, before tossing it on the hot embers. It was a moving experience. Sad at times. But, mostly, I began to feel lighter, freer. And I felt something I didn’t expect: a sense of peace and self-satisfaction for having taken control and done something good for myself. That evening set the stage for many letting-go ceremonies to come. I look forward to them and the release of the pent-up, negative energy they promise. Might you consider holding your own letting-go ceremony? Here are some tips: n First: Identity what is holding you back or keeping you stuck. Be honest. Ask yourself what negative beliefs or thoughts are getting in the way of your ability to feel hopeful and enthusiastic about yourself and your life. What do you need to release to move forward? Resentment toward something or someone? Regret over a past mistake? Guilt? A negative self-image? A bad habit? Or deep sadness? n Second: Identify something tangible (as I did with my Day-Timers) that conjures up painful or disappointing memories. This negative “something”— a photograph, gift, letter or other reminder — can be powerful. Even if it’s out of sight, you know it’s there and just having it in your possession may keep you tethered to a painful past. If nothing tangible comes to mind, try describing your negative
Gwenn Voelckers leads “Live Alone and Thrive” empowerment workshops for women in Mendon, Monroe County, and is the author of “Alone and Content: Inspiring, Empowering Essays To Help Divorced And Widowed Women Feel Whole And Complete On Their Own.” For information about workshops, to purchase a book or invite Voelckers to speak, call 585-624-7887, email, or visit
Many infections clear up on their own without antibiotics. Instead, your pediatrician might suggest over-the-counter pain medication to ease discomfort. Surgery to
insert ear tubes to drain fluid is also becoming less common. The tubes themselves don’t stop infections and the procedure could damage the eardrum.
s d i K Corner
What’s Best for Babies With Recurring Ear Infections
nfant ear infections can be a source of frustration for parents and babies alike. But there are steps to lessen them and, when they do occur, “less is more” is a better way to treat them. A typical infection can begin with bacterial growth. Inflammation can lead to fluid buildup behind the eardrum. The eustachian tubes, which connect the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat, could become swollen. Babies and children are more prone to these problems than adults because their still-developing immune systems have a harder time fighting off infections. And the size Page 6
and position of ear passages make it easier for germs to reach the middle ear and for fluid to get trapped. According to a 2016 study in the journal Pediatrics, breastfeeding and decreasing exposure to smoking help reduce ear infections. Also, try to protect baby from getting frequent colds — 46 percent of infants had the common cold before their ear infection diagnosis. Middle ear infections are the leading cause of doctor visits and prescriptions for antibiotics. But more doctors are now taking a waitand-see approach for two to three days unless it’s severe or baby is still an infant.
Is it an ear infection? Know the signs:
• More crying than usual. • Difficulty sleeping or hearing. • Fever. • Headache. • Fluid from the ear. • Excessive tugging on an ear. To help limit the spread of germs, make sure kids know how to thoroughly wash their hands from an early age and keep them up to date on vaccines vaccinated children get fewer ear infections.
IN GOOD HEALTH – Buffalo & WNY’s Healthcare Newspaper • January 2019
General Physician, PC – Orthopedics is pleased to welcome Dr. Lisa Daye to the team
General Physician, P.C. ORTHOPEDICS
When Performance Matters. Repair. Recover. Return.
Lisa Daye, MD Snyder 716.500.2663 Joseph Falcone, MD, DO Williamsville 716.632.1212 Paul Paterson Buffalo 716.500.4263 Cindy Romanowski, MD Snyder 716.839.0632 Marcus Romanowski, MD Snyder 716.839.0632 Edward Simmons, MD Buffalo 716.882.0035
Focusing on prevention, non-operative and operative treatment of all sports-related injuries.
General Physician, P.C. PRIMARY CARE Lisa Daye, MD
Arthroscopic Shoulder & Knee Repair/Reconstruction • Female Sports Medicine Coordinated Care Team Youth Sports Injuries • Fracture Management • Oxford Partial Knee Replacement or Uni-Knee General Orthopedics • Steroid/Viscosupplementation (gel) Injections
orthopedics sports medicine
4510 Main Street Snyder, NY 14226
716.500.BONE (2663)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm • Friday: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm • Accepting New Patients
General Physician, PC – Primary Care is pleased to welcome Dr. Allyn Norman and Dr. Adam Norman to the team
Helping You Live Your Best Life.
Richard Charles, MD Buffalo 716.248.1420 Maritza Baez, MD Buffalo 716.248.1420 Thomas Cumbo, MD Ashley Kremer, DO Kierann Toth, MD Williamsville 716.631.8400 Thomas Dilamarter, MD Jennifer Yerke-McNamera, MD Orchard Park 716.260.1593 Leia Ince-Mercer, MD Nicholas Masyga, DO Hamburg 716.646.2590 Eugene Kalmuk, MD West Seneca 716.608.6116 Kathleen King, MD Marcy Masyga, DO Springville 716.592.3600 Christian Lates, MD Ritu Sood, MD Elma 716.626.5840 Tat Sum Lee, MD Richard Milazzo, MD Dunkirk 716.363.6960 Thomas Madejski, MD Medina 585.798.3345 Albion 585.589.1322 Esfandiar Mafi, MD Williamsville 716.932.7776 Ripple Marfatia, MD Castile 585.493.9230 Attica 585.591.2186 Allyn Norman, DO Adam Norman, MD Williamsville 716.204.4532
Allyn Norman, DO
Adam Norman, MD
Joanne Chmura, FNP
Whole body health and wellness for adults 18 and older. Internal Medicine • Preventive Health Screenings • Vascular and Pulmonary Testing Disease Prevention and Management • Immunizations and Vaccinations • EKGs and ECGs 1825 Maple Road, Suite 100 Williamsville, NY 14221
716.204.4532 Monday, Thursday: 8:00 am – 7:00 pm • Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm • Accepting New Patients January 2019 • GPPC_IGH_Daye_and_Norman_Ad-9.75x13.indd 1
James Panzarella, DO Tonawanda 716.833.2200 Anthony Perna, MD Buffalo 716.874.4060 Jennifer Ruh, MD Orchard Park 716.508.4040 Nisha Sharma, MD Lauren Steinmetz, MD Hamburg 716.646.5500 PEDIATRICS Rohini Thodge, MD Dunkirk 716.363.6960
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12/18/18 1:23 PM
Couch Potato Nation 1 in 4 adults sits more than 8 hours a day
early half of Americans sit for far too many hours a day and don’t get any exercise at all, a new study finds. A survey of some 5,900 adults found that nearly 26 percent sit for more than eight hours a day, 45 percent don’t get any moderate or vigorous exercise during the week, and about 11 percent sit more than eight hours a day and are physically inactive. “Being sedentary increases the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure and dying early,” said lead author Emily Ussery. She is an epidemiologist at the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, part of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Ussery pointed out that sitting may not be bad in itself, but is a proxy for not getting enough exercise. Study co-author Peter Katzmarzyk added, “In recent years, we have begun to understand the health hazards of excessive sitting.”
Although all the reasons why prolonged sitting is unhealthy aren’t known, Katzmarzyk speculates that “when people sit, they deactivate the large muscles in their legs, and this has a host of metabolic consequences that seem to be harmful.” More and better efforts are needed to get people moving, said Katzmarzyk, who is associate executive director of population and public health sciences at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La. “Programs that increase physical activity and reduce sitting might be especially effective at reducing health risks,” he noted. A few minutes can help The new edition of the U.S. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans says that any amount of physical activity — even two minutes’ worth — can add up to huge health benefits. When the new guidelines were released recently, Adm. Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for health at
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said, “Physical activity is about finding opportunities to add movement throughout the day as part of a bigger commitment to healthy living.” Being inactive causes 10 percent of early deaths in the United States, according to Giroir. If 25 percent of inactive people got at least the recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week, nearly 75,000 premature deaths could be prevented. According to the new guidelines: • A single bout of physical activity can sharpen your mind, reduce your anxiety, lower your blood
pressure, improve your sleep and strengthen your body’s ability to convert blood sugar into energy. • Regular physical activity can improve your brain health, reduce your risk of eight different forms of cancer, and lower your risk for excess weight gain. • Chronic health conditions improved by physical activity include osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, anxiety and depression. The latest report was published Nov. 20 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Healthcare in a Minute By George W. Chapman
on Medicare; increase price transparency; make it easier for patients to access their records. Reactions from the American Hospital Association and the American Medical Association were both expected and mixed. Telemedicine Increasing According to the AMA, telemedicine has been embraced the most by radiologists (40 percent), psychibreak-even and the very survival of atrists (28 percent) and cardiologists hether hospitals or insome hospitals, especially in rural surance companies, most (24 percent). The average across all areas, may depend on merging consolidations have specialties is 15 percent. The accepwith a larger hospital system. If resulted in fewer choices and tance of telemedicine is expected to hospitals do not consolidate in mar- increase due to a shortage of physihigher prices for consumers. The kets dominated by a single insurer/ cians, reduced costs for the technolohealthcare watchdog group The gy, consumer preference and impayer, they will lose negotiating Commonwealth Fund estimates proved reimbursement to physicians. power. Moody Investor Services 90 percent of metropolitan statisIt is far too early to tell what the long paints a semi-gloomy outlook for tical areas are “highly” or “super” range impact of telemedicine is on a 2019. Hospitals are experiencing consolidated. While some consolperson’s overall health versus face to decreasing inpatient operating idations should create economies face office encounters. revenues as more and more care of scale and lower prices, most have resulted in market dominance transitions to outpatient venues. NYS Bans Short-Term Plans Hospitals are also facing compeand price increases. Many experts With the slow dismantling of the tition from new, non-traditional believe that the government’s ACA and associated penalties for not providers like for-profit urgent care having insurance, many states are attempts to foster competition may allowing the sale of cheap, short-term centers, retail store based clinics be too late. To boost competition, health insurance good for three years. and independent physician operathe FTC needs greater resources to NYS is not one of them. The ACA tions. New players in the industry, evaluate proposed consolidations mandated minimum coverage/benlike Google, Amazon and Apple and then to break them up if prices efits for bronze, silver and platinum are determined to drive down costs plans. So consumers could configo up and consumers choices go down. In defense of hospitals, most and reinvent how care is delivered. dently shop around for the best price are operating precariously close to because all insurers had to offer the same mandated benefits per bronze, silver or platinum plan. Short-term Feds Fostering Competition In reimbursement for telemedicine; allow multistate medical licenses and plan shopping is a gamble because Healthcare across state lines for telemedicine; you have to compare both price and Responding to an executive reallocate funding for residency pro- benefits across divergent plans. As order from the President, a working grams based on the most in demand with anything else, you will get what group of members from the departspecialties like family practice, peyou pay for. Short-term plans do not ments of HHS, Labor and Treasury diatrics, internal medicine, OB-GYN cover pre-existing conditions. issued a 119-page report on how to and psychiatry; reduce restrictions on promote choice and competition in Primary Care Physician Visits physician-owned hospitals (none in our healthcare system. Among some Decline of the recommendations/suggestions NYS); allow hospitals to expand or contract without certificate of need According to a study of claims were: broaden the scope practice approval from the state; scale back data from 2012 to 2016, the Healthfor nurse practitioners, physician the ACA’s employer insurance man- care Cost Institute reported an 18 assistants and hygienists so they can dates; expand the use of health savpercent decrease in office visits to be paid directly and operate with ings accounts to all, including those primary care physicians. Visits to less physician supervision; increase
Healthcare Consolidation: Fewer Options for Consumers, Price Increases
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IN GOOD HEALTH – Buffalo & WNY’s Healthcare Newspaper • January 2019
advanced practitioners, (nurse practitioners and physician assistants), increased a staggering 129 percent over the same four years. There is plenty of speculation why. Since more medical students are favoring specialties over primary care, the influx of new primary care physicians into the market is declining while older primary care physicians are retiring. Consequently, the role of APs in providing primary care, by necessity, has increased. Convenience may be a factor. Younger/healthy patients don’t want to wait for an appointment with their physician, so gladly schedule sooner with an AP. Many consumers are electing to get primary care from walk-in retail clinics or urgent care centers which are staffed primarily with APs. Finally, more and more states are loosening their requirements for physician supervision of APs, allowing the APs more latitude in scheduling patients. Top Healthy New Year’s Resolutions We all make them. Here are the most popular ones regarding health: More exercise, 38 percent; lose weight, 33 percent; eat healthy, 32 percent; be more active, 15 percent; learn a new skill/hobby; spend more time on personal well-being; consume less alcohol; stop smoking. By picking just one, you will accomplish some of the others. George W. Chapman is a healthcare business consultant who works exclusively with physicians, hospitals and healthcare organizations. He operates GW Chapman Consulting based in Syracuse. Email him at
would like to welcome
Jamie Marfurt, PA-C
Visit us at our Orchard Park Location
Please call 716-362-3909 to schedule an appointment.
Saunas Seem to Do a Heart Good, Research Shows
ove your time in the local sauna? Your heart may love it, too. New research from sauna-loving Finland suggests that for people aged 50 and older, saunas may lower their odds of risk of dying from heart disease. Specifically, just 5 percent of Finns in the study who spent more than 45 minutes in a sauna each week died of heart disease over the 15-year study period, compared to 10 percent of those who spent less that 15 minutes a week in saunas, the researchers said. Of course, the study couldn’t prove cause-and-effect — it’s possible that sauna-loving folk have other heart-healthy habits that might explain the findings. Still, “there are several possible reasons why sauna use may decrease the risk of death due to cardiovascular disease,” said study co-author Jari Laukkanen, physician and head of cardiology at the University of Eastern Finland. His team published its findings Nov. 28 in the journal BMC Medicine. “Our research team has shown in previous studies that high sauna use is associated with lower blood pressure,” he noted in a journal news release. “Additionally, sauna use is known to trigger an increase in heart rate equal to that seen in low- to moderate-intensity physical exercise.”
One U.S. expert who looked over the findings agreed that heat can often be therapeutic to the human body, but the sauna experience might differ a bit in America. “The greatest benefit [in the study] was observed in individuals who took four to seven saunas per week, a frequency that Americans are unlikely to achieve,” noted Cindy Grines, who directs cardiology at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park on Long Island. “In addition, this study used dry heat, and whether the results are similar with steam baths or hot tubs is not known,” she said. Laukkanen’s team agreed that because the data came from one area in Finland, the findings might not apply to other populations. The study relied on data from nearly 1,700 Finnish men and women. Participants were asked about their use of saunas, and these data were compared with deaths from cardiovascular disease. Data for the study were collected between 1998 and 2015 and the average follow-up was 15 years. Frequency of sauna use did seem tied to heart health. Among people who used a sauna four to seven times a week, 3 percent died from heart disease over 15 years, but that number rose to 10 percent for those who used the sauna just once a week, the study found. January 2019 •
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No Time to Hibernate WNY offers plentiful winter fun By Julie Halm
inter weather is upon us, and while there are few feelings as wonderful as watching the snow fall while curled up with a hot drink, a good book, a classic movie or a loved one, there are also endless fun activities throughout Western New York to avoid going into full-on hibernation. As the city itself seems to come more alive by the year, Canalside offers an array of activities for the whole family. Riding a bicycle over an icy surface may generally seem like a poor life choice, unless of course you have an apparatus designed to do just that. Canalside’s website advertises Ice Bikes of Buffalo as the perfect option for those who are unsteady on skates. A half hour will run you $12, but the bikes are only offered on certain days. Check out Canalside’s calendar for availability of this sport that is unique to Buffalo.
The ice rink at Canalside can also help an individual or the whole family stay active throughout the winter months. A season pass — which includes ice skating admission, rentals, two “buddy” admissions and discounts to numerous local businesses — is just more than $57 for an individual or $149 for a family pack. The slippery surface can also be used by those looking to pick up a new skill; specifically, curling. For those unfamiliar with the sport, admission comes with all of the necessary equipment and an instructor. All you need is yourself and three friends to play. The curling lanes can be rented for $10 or $15 per person, depending on the time and day, and each of the two lanes can accommodate up to 10 people. For more information, schedules and to make reservations, visit www.
Those seeking for a more Currier and Ives-style setting can jaunt down to Chestnut Ridge Park in Orchard Park that offers a plethora of wintertime activities. Perhaps the most unique to the park is its toboggan chutes offering high-speed fun to visitors. Standing at 20 feet, the chutes have stood atop the hill for nearly 90 years. When weather permits, they are open from 4-8 p.m. on Fridays and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekends and holidays. The accompanying sledding hill, for those looking for a slightly more subdued thrill, is open daily from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. as long as weather allows. Taking in the beauty of a WNY winter day can be a challenge at those speeds but the park also offers snow shoeing, cross country skiing, hiking and snowmobiling on designated trails for enjoyment at a slower pace. For more information, call 8588513. Although the greenery of the region may be covered in snow, there is still plenty of wildlife to be observed. Children and their families can stay active by participating in Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve’s Christmas Bird Count for Kids to be held beginning at 9 a.m. Jan. 5 at 93 Honorine
Drive, Depew. Aimed at children aged 8 to 16, but open to siblings, teams of four to six children and chaperoning adults will spend 90 minutes dispersed and exploring designated trails for birds. This event is held throughout the United States and Canada and at Reinstein Woods, it includes a pizza lunch and prizes. For more information and to register, visit https://reinsteinwoods. org/events/christmas-bird-countkids-2/. Families with little ones may want to stay active without feeling the winter chill. There are many indoor options to exhaust the kids without destroying the house. Rolly Pollies is a gym of sorts, for children aged 4 months to 12 years. Various age-specific weekly classes focus not only on physical activity, but intellectual, emotional and social growth, according to the company’s website. The programs also incorporate music and creative arts into the curriculum. If a class seems like too much of a commitment, the facility also offers open play sessions and has open play sessions reserved specifically for children with special needs. For more information, visit www.
not think about is being hydrated because you may sweat some, but not as much because it’s cold,” said Rizzuto. “People might not get the same type of thirst reflex, but you’re still exerting yourself.” Once you have completed the task, avoid plopping down on the couch, even if the rest feels well-deserved. “When you’re finished, you should go through a wind down or cool down period,” said Denecke. And while it may seem natural to apply heat to sore muscles after a chilly task, Denecke said doing so could be potentially harmful. “The problem with that is you’re
going to usually create swelling and that’s a big mistake a lot of people make,” he said. “It does feel good when you put the heat on, however it’s likely to create more problems.” Instead, the chiropractor suggests applying a cold compress to sore spots and pressure if your back is sore. Sitting with a rolled up towel or pillow in the small of your back can create the necessary force. Both individuals say that some soreness for a day or two following a big shoveling job can be perfectly normal. Pain persisting past that time period, can be a sign of a bigger issue, however. “Sometimes, with repetitive motion or if it’s a strenuous motion, you can create compression in the joints,” said Denecke. If this is the case, the sooner a person has the issue addressed, the less atrophy of the surrounding tissue will occur and the easier the problem will be to fix. Rizzuto also noted that while achy, sore or tight muscles are not unusual after such physical activity, throbbing, burning, tingling, sharp or stabbing sensations are not. Pain that radiates into one’s legs can also be a sign that something is wrong. With the proper precautions, you can clear away the snow that the region is so well known for without any greater issue than the hassle of the task.
Shovel Smart By Julie Halm
Shoveling can be potentially harmful if not done properly
hoveling is a reality of life for thousands of people around Western New York through many months of the year. Once the snow starts to fly, driveways and walkways must be cleared in order for daily life to go on. While shoveling can be annoying, it can also be potentially harmful if not done properly. Before you put on your boots and gloves, chiropractor Thomas Denecke, owner of Mineral Springs Chiropractic and Massage Therapy in West Seneca, said that it is important to stretch in order to avoid injury. He also says that individuals should take into consideration the physical strain of the task they are undertaking. “Usually in the beginning of the season, it’s best to realize that you’re going to have to take your time and pace yourself,” he said. “It’s an activity that you haven’t done in a while and any time that you haven’t done something in a period of time, the initial time you do it, you’re likely to create some soreness or some irritation of the muscles.” Kelly Rizzuto, a physical therapist and Buffalo native, said that when you do pick up the shovel, how you do so can be critical to avoiding injury. “You have to think about your body mechanics, how you’re holding the shovel,” she said. “So not grabbing the end of it with both hands. Get one hand closer to the end of the shovel, creating a wider grip.” Page 10
Nearly everyone has heard the old adage, “Lift with your legs, not with your back,” and Rizzuto said that advice is important to follow. “Lift with your legs rather than rounding your back and curling forward,” she said. “Think about squatting down and lifting with your legs and hinging through your waist and your hips.” What you’re lifting also matters, according to Denecke. He suggests picking up smaller loads, particularly if it is wet, heavy snow, and not attempting to throw it too far. “Pushing the snow is always an advantage as opposed to lifting and throwing,” he said. “Lighter loads are good. The biggest problem with shoveling is that it is a repetitive motion and without breaks, that’s going to create strain on the muscles.” Rizzuto also noted that when you are tossing snow, it is best to turn your whole body and then dump it, rather than repetitively torqueing your back by twisting to fling the load. Although the task may be a tedious one, both Rizzuto and Denecke stress that taking breaks can be an important part of the process. “Listen to your body and take breaks, particularly if you haven’t done a lot of physical activity recently said Rizzuto. And on those breaks, people should be sure to drink fluids, even if that doesn’t seem necessary. “One thing a lot of people might
IN GOOD HEALTH – Buffalo & WNY’s Healthcare Newspaper • January 2019
Photo courtesy of James Klein/ Buffalography
Doctor’s Orders: Cross-Country Skiing Practice is known for its numerous health benefits. WNY abounds with options for the sport By Catherine Miller
o doubt about it — winter has finally arrived. Why not embrace the season by doing some cross-country skiing? Cross-country skiing has long been known for its numerous health benefits, and in Buffalo and the surrounding area we have some of the most ideal places to partake in this outdoor fun. Differing from its downhill cousin, cross-country skiing, often called Nordic skiing, straps just the frontal portion of your boot to the ski. This allows you to glide and propel yourself across a snowy trail using both leg and arm movements with your skis and poles. If you haven’t tried it, you don’t know what you are missing. Don’t own skis? Don’t let that stop you. There are plenty of area parks and shops that will rent cross-country ski packages for the day. Renting is a great way to try cross-country skiing without making the monetary commitment the first
time you trek outdoors. Before you head to any given park, you can stop at Campus Wheel Works on Elmwood Avenue in Buffalo. There you can get a full-day ski rental, complete with boots and poles, for $25. The only decision then is how far you want to travel to access trails. Reinstein Woods in Depew offers ski rental for $8 per day at its facility. There, you will find over 200 acres to explore. Stay on the trails to avoid the ponds and wetlands and you will find yourself amidst deer, fox and other winter animals enjoying the day alongside your path. You will almost forget you are tucked inside a suburban setting. Holiday Valley in Ellicottville has long been known for its downhill skiing. It is also home to wonderful cross-country trails, running at the base of its slopes and along its golf course. Cross-country ski rental packages are available for $18 per day and, if you are interested, you can even grab a lesson. Heading just east of East Aurora
you will find that Byrncliff Resort is a great place to take to the wintery trails. With over 12 miles of groomed trails, you will find five miles of ski-accessible pathways lighted in the evening to enjoy nighttime skiing. Byrncliff offers cross-country ski rentals as well as lessons, but note there is a fee for trail admission. Season passes are available for those wanting to make a habit of their experience here. While you will need to bring your skis, the Erie County Forest in East Concord is not to be missed if you are trekking your way across the local winter wilderness. With several miles of marked and unmarked trails, this is a perfect place to go exploring. Once done, warm up in one of their warm-up huts that include a woodstove. Explore wonders of nature
Wish to stay closer to the city? Tifft Nature Preserve is just a short drive off Route 5 and if you bring
your skis, you can discover woodland creatures and fowl right in your own back yard. With over five miles of trails, this urban sanctuary is one of a kind, and convenient for a quick trip. If you forget the skis, snowshoes can be rented on site. Bring your own skis and check out the great county parks in our area including Akron Falls, Como Lake, Sprague Brook and my favorite, Chestnut Ridge Park. Places for cross-country skiing are virtually limitless in Western New York, ranging as close as your nearest Olmstead Park or out to the Allegany and Letchworth regions. While some of their trails are not groomed and rentals are unavailable on site, you will find varying wildlife and scenic beauty in each park. If you are lucky, you may come across a few trails that were blazed by skiers that came before you. Interested in skiing in a group? Buffalo Nordic Ski Club treks out twice a week in our area and welcomes new members. “Skiing in our area is great,” said James Klein, president of the ski club, noting that each area has its own special traits. “Allegany is one of the most beautiful areas. Byrncliff Resort has some of the best trails for beginners. At Evangola State Park, you can actually ski on top of the lake if the conditions are right, and view ice volcanoes beneath the surface of the ice.” Best Cross-Country Destinations
• Tifft Nature Preserve: 1200 Fuhrmann Blvd., Buffalo • Como Lake: 2220 Como Park Blvd., Lancaster • Reinstein Woods: 93 Honorine Drive, Depew • Akron Falls, 44 Parkview Drive, Akron • Chestnut Ridge Park: 6121 Chestnut Ridge Road, Orchard Park • Sprague Brook Park: 9674 Foote Road, Glenwood • Erie County Forest: Genesee Road, East Concord • Byrncliff Resort: 2357 Humphrey Road, Varysburg • Holiday Valley: 6557 Holiday Valley Road, Ellicottville
Health Benefits of Cross-Country Skiing By Jamie Marfurt, PA-C
ordic skiing is a great way to get cardiovascular exercise. It’s a great stress reliever and it allows for socialization in a weather that tends toward isolation. Plus it gives people a chance to be outside and breathe some fresh air while getting the chance to see how beautiful winter can actually be. Work Those Muscles
Cross-country skiing is an excellent form of aerobic exercise. By working more than one muscle group simultaneously, an individual can perform this activity longer than an activity that works only one muscle group. This lessens the fatigue
a single muscle group experiences when isolating them (e.g. leg day, chest day, arm day, etc.) This form of exercise works the lower extremities (calves, quads, hamstring, abs.) as well as the upper extremities (rhomboids, deltoids, triceps and biceps, etc). We Need More of the Outdoors
A fun point about the activity is it can be enjoyed alone or in a group, making it a socially enjoyable experience. During the winter time in Western New York, it is important for people to stay active. Those who hole up in their homes for weeks on end can do harm to themselves not
just physically, but mentally as well. Seasonal affective depressive disorder (SADD) is a condition that affects people who live in geographical areas — like Western New York — that receive less sunlight in the winter time. SADD can cause people to become less social and active since their bodies are looking for the sunshine it was used to during the summer. This can be linked to the drop in vitamin D people get from the lower sun light exposure. Vitamin D is made naturally in the human body, but it requires exposure to certain ultra violet rays that we get from natural sun light. Too little sunlight can be bad, just as too much can be bad. Finding a good middle ground is ideal.
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Talk to your Medical Provider
Cross-country skiing helps people to stay active during months when they would normally be sedentary. Before beginning any form of exercise that is unfamiliar to you it is always a good idea to check with your primary care provider. If you suffer from osteoporosis, asthma, high blood pressure or other cardiac issues, you should consult your physician before starting this activity.
Jamie Marfurt is a physician’s assistant (PA-C) at Sunrise Medical Group in Orchard Park.
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The skinny on healthy eating
Open Your Eyes to Arugula’s Many Benefits
ating healthier tops many New Year’s resolutions lists, and who can blame us? We’ve been forced to consume all kinds of sinfully rich treats throughout the holidays and now can’t seem to fasten our waistbands. Go figure! When the urge for clean, simple, healthy food strikes our household in January — and it always does — we load up on leafy salad greens, the darker the better. Lately, we’ve been reaching for arugula (pronounced uh-roo-guh-la), a nutrient-dense green with a distinct peppery flavor and aroma. Super low in calories (only 8 calories per 2-cup serving) and rich in fiber, arugula is a healthy choice for those looking to lose or maintain their weight. Not only is it flavorful and filling, but it’s packed with an impressive array of nutrients. Like many of the darker greens, arugula delivers decent amounts of vitamins K and A. While both vitamins contribute to overall bone health — a boon for boomers with looming osteoporosis — vitamin K also helps blood clot properly and vitamin A promotes a healthy immune system and good vision. Worried about age-related macular degeneration (AMD)? Consuming
arugula may help protect against this disease, as it also contains substantial amounts of two carotenoids that further support eye health: lutein and zeaxanthin. In fact, according to the National Eye Institute, studies have found that dietary intake of lutein and zeaxanthin is associated with a lower risk of developing advanced AMD. Arugula, along with cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli, is a cruciferous vegetable. These protective vegetables — a.k.a. “carcinogen killers” — teem with anti-cancer compounds that neutralize free radical damage and slow the aging process. Since studies support a strong link between cruciferous vegetables and a reduced rate of certain cancers, many health agencies—including the American Cancer Society—recommend regular consumption of this kind of vegetable. Lastly, arugula is super good for hearts, thanks to many factors: its inflammation-lowering antioxidants, its unique arsenal of minerals that help control blood pressure (calcium, magnesium, and potassium), and its healthy dose of folate, a B vitamin that helps to reduce arterial hardening.
Lemony White Bean-and-Arugula Salad Adapted from Cooking Light
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind plus 3 tablespoons fresh juice (from 1 lemon) 1 garlic clove, minced 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard ½ teaspoon kosher salt ¼ teaspoon coarse black pepper 1 (15-oz.) can unsalted cannellini beans, rinsed and drained ¼ cup thinly sliced red onion 3-4 cups firmly packed baby arugula Combine oil, lemon zest, juice, garlic, mustard, salt and pepper in a large bowl, stirring with a whisk. Add beans and onion; toss well to coat. Add arugula; toss gently to combine.
Helpful tips
If buying fresh, select arugula that looks vibrant and green, avoiding leaves that are wilted, yellow or slimy. If buying prepackaged arugula, check the bag for excess water, as moisture can cause arugula to rot quickly. When stored properly in the refrigerator—in a plastic bag with a dry paper towel—arugula can last up to two weeks.
Anne Palumbo is a lifestyle colum-
nist, food guru, and seasoned cook, who has perfected the art of preparing nutritious, calorie-conscious dishes. She is hungry for your questions and comments about SmartBites, so be in touch with Anne at
Almost Half of U.S. Adults to Skip Flu Shot
he survey includes interviews with 1,202 adults. It was conducted between Nov. 14 and 19 by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago. Results showed that 43percent of adults have received the flu shot and
that 14percent had not yet been vaccinated but planned to be. Yet 41percent of adults surveyed said they did not plan to get vaccinated. About 2percent were undecided or did not respond. The highest vaccination rate (62percent) was for adults over the
age of 60, a group at higher risk for flu-related complications. But about 1 in 4 (24percent) people over 60 did not plan to get vaccinated this year. Adults younger than 45 were the least likely to report being vaccinated. Roughly half of this group indicated that they did not plan to receive a vaccination this year. Among adults who have children younger than 18 living in their home, 39percent said they do not vaccinate their children. Misconceptions Common The top reasons people gave for not getting a flu shot were concern about side effects (36percent), concern about getting the flu from the vaccine (31percent), and because they never get the flu or they do not think the flu vaccine works (31percent). “Unfortunately, many people are still not getting flu shots due to broader misconceptions about the value of receiving a flu shot and concerns about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines,” Caitlin Oppenheimer, MPH, senior vice president of public health research at NORC, says in a news release. The CDC recommends routine annual influenza vaccination for most people over 6 months old. The CDC estimates that flu vaccination coverage among adults was 37percent for the 2017-2018 season and
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43percent for the 2016-2017 season. Last year’s flu season was particularly severe, with a record-breaking 900,000 hospitalizations and more than 80,000 deaths in the United States. Although most flu deaths were in adults older than 65, the flu also killed 180 children and teenagers. Many survey respondents did not know this. About two-thirds (63percent) incorrectly believed that last year’s season was about the same as usual, was less severe than usual, or they did not know. People who had already received their flu shot for this season were more aware of the severity of last year’s flu season; 43percent of people who had already been vaccinated correctly identified last year’s season as being more severe than usual, compared to only 30percent of people who do not plan to get vaccinated. “Flu vaccination helps prevent people from getting sick with the flu and reduces the severity of illness for those who do get sick. Widespread vaccination also helps create ‘herd immunity’ that protects vulnerable groups who are prevented from getting vaccinated,” Caroline Pearson, a senior fellow at NORC, says in news release. “Unfortunately, over half of all adults are currently unvaccinated, with 4 in 10 not intending to get vaccinated, placing themselves and those around them at risk.”
Oat milk, soy milk, coconut milk, hazelnut milk. Alternative options for dairy milk have grown in popularity in the last two decades. But how do they compare to dairy milk?
Dairy Milk Vs. Non-Dairy Milk. Are They All the Same? By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant
or the past 15 years, plant-based “milk” beverages have offered alternatives to dairy milk, which originates from animals. While those choosing plantbased beverages may have different reasons for selecting them — including lactose intolerance, allergy to milk protein, vegan lifestyle or concerns about animal welfare — milk offers more nutrition compared with alternative beverages, according to local experts. Protein is the biggest difference, noted Kristen Gill, registered dietitian at Sisters Metabolic Center for Health & Wellness in Buffalo. “A lot of people don’t consume enough of the right proteins, which you can find in milk,” Gill said. “Even younger, growing children who have higher needs for protein don’t get enough. Milk has been the go-to as a rich source of protein.” One eight-ounce serving of milk contains eight grams of protein that’s biologically complete so that the body can readily use it. While plant-based beverages may seem a nutritious choice, they don’t contain the same nutrients as their sources because they’re highly processed. Most of their nutrients come from supplementation. Gill compared them with white breads fortified with folic acid and B vitamins. “Nutritionally, nuts in and of themselves have some vitamins and minerals and anti-oxidants, but when you look at the processing part of it, depending upon how they’re making it, is their nutrition lost?” Gill said. “From a nutritional standpoint, just eat nuts.” She also cautioned that some
plant-based milks contain preservatives and most are heavily processed. “As a consumer, you have to scour the labels, “she said. For example, some almond beverages boast they’re made by soaking the nuts in water and pressing them to minimize processing. Milk includes naturally occurring calcium and also vitamin B-12, which is hard to find in a plant-based food except for nutritional yeast. Nearly every brand of milk is fortified with vitamins A and D. “Nutritionally, there’s not anything that makes plant-based alternatives more attractive versus milk,” Gill said. “Milk is attractive for the protein and calcium. Even with rice milk, you’re soaking rice but not getting the fiber. It’s a very fortified drink.” Mary Jo Parker, registered dietitian nutritionist in private practice in Williamsville, said that some have called milk a “nearly perfect food” for its balance of nutrients. “It’s good for protein and also a wonderful source of minerals,” Parker said. “When we get minerals from animal products, they’re typically better absorbed.” She also touted milk’s naturally occurring magnesium, manganese and zinc. Among plant-based milk alternatives, rice milk contains less sugar than others but it shouldn’t be consumed exclusively because of the FDA’s warning about the levels of arsenic absorbed by rice. Coconut alternatives contain little protein but have been touted for improving the metabolism; however, since it contains high levels of saturated fat, it shouldn’t be a go-to milk.
Nut-based beverages do represent good sources of polyunsaturated fats, and are sources of vitamins A and E. Hemp beverages provide omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium. “The closest to diary milk is soy milk because it has a similar amount of protein to cow milk and has more calcium,” Parker said. “Soy is the one that is closest in biological value to animal protein. It could be beneficial to menopausal women.” Since many non-dairy milk alternatives contain sweeteners, those looking for the most healthful beverage should look at milk again. It contains no added sugar, unless it’s a flavored milk such as chocolate or strawberry. Milk does contain lactose, which is the natural, inherent sugar that causes problems for those who are lactose intolerant or lactose sensitive. Plant-based milk: Good option for some
Dana Ingebretson, registered dietitian and director of nutrition services for G-Health Enterprises (GBUAHN/GBUACO) in Buffalo, said that for people who don’t like milk or have an allergy or sensitivity, almond or coconut beverages can provide good options, as well as soy, the closest to milk for nutrients such as protein. “If I’m looking to get a boost in my meal with milk, I want something with protein,” Ingebretson said. She said that pea-based alternatives are a good source of protein, but they’re not animal derived so the protein isn’t as usable as the protein found in milk. Milk alternatives usually boast fewer calories than milk. Skim milk
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contains 90 calories, compared with the 30 to 40 calories in plant-based beverages. US milk is highly regulated for safety concerns. Milk sold commercially must be pasteurized, which kills any bacteria. But before it even leaves the farm, all milk is tested for bacteria and antibiotics. Any batch found contaminated is thrown away, as mandated by law. Some non-organic farmers use rBST, a synthetic growth hormone, to help cows produce more milk. The hormone is specific to species, meaning it doesn’t affect humans drinking the milk. Pasteurization destroys 90 percent of any traces of the hormone present in milk and the rest is broken down during digestion. The Food and Drug Administration has deemed the use of rBST with dairy cattle as safe and their stance has been approved by National Institutes of Health, World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization and American Medical Association. Though organic milk bears an identical nutritional panel as traditionally produced milk, grass-fed milk offers higher levels of beneficial omega-three fatty acids. Grass-fed herds also have access to pasture in season. “When I think about milk, think about how I want to use it in my life,” Ingebretson said. “I want to use it with a whole food like oatmeal or a whole grain cereal. Or perhaps in a smoothie with fruits and vegetables. I don’t worry too much about the milk. Choose milks that are less processed and have less additives. Choose the milk that fits your health concerns and goals.”
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Guide to Comfort Food By Anne Palumbo
Satisfy comfort-food cravings with healthy makeovers
omfort food is food that soothes the soul and satisfies the appetite. Often, it’s food that’s associated with the security of childhood, like Mom’s grilled cheese, Grandma’s chicken potpies or Dad’s mashed potatoes — food that brings back a good memory, a warm feeling or a special relationship. Stress sometimes triggers our hankering for certain comfort foods. Bad day at the office? Only pizza will do! A fight with your significant other? Bring on the ice cream! A stretch of dreary weather? More mac and cheese, please! And while there’s no requirement that these foods be rich, heavy or unhealthy, research shows that our go-to comfort foods tend to be. Perhaps we lean in this direction because our physical response to comfort foods is grounded in food science: many common comfort foods have a higher fat or sugar content, which in turn provides a short-term physiological boost. Comfort foods may help raise our body temperature, provide a burst of energy and even improve our moods. We all crave different comfort foods. When I’m feeling out of sorts, all I want is grilled cheese and Campbell’s tomato soup. My husband, on the other hand, longs for his mom’s beef stew. My sister pines for chocolate chip cookies. Plus, we seem to crave these foods more during the cold winter months.
Why does winter affect our cravings?
to seven pounds on average during winter months. Weight gain aside, many comfort foods are simply not all that healthy to consume on a regular basis — from super-salty French fries to high-fat ice cream to empty-calorie candy. What to do during the long winter months when our comfort-food cravings are besting our better judgment? Read on for some nutritious makeovers that may satisfy your longings without compromising your health.
Grilled Cheese
Ah, grilled cheese…nothing says “mom” quite like a grilled sandwich of white bread, slathered with butter on the
crust — without all the butter — try this: Heat one teaspoon canola oil in a medium nonstick skillet over medium heat. Roll it around to coat the pan and then cook your sandwich until golden, about two minutes per side, slightly depressing each side with a spatula.
Unless you make it yourself, it’s tough to eat pizza you feel good about. On average, one slice of pepperoni pizza serves up around 300 calories, 12 grams of fat, 30 grams of cholesterol and more sodium than four small bags of potato chips. Yikes! Fortunately, you can turn takeout pizza into a healthier pizza with just a few tweaks: Order a smaller size for fewer calories per slice; choose a thinner crust over a deep-dish or regular crust (and don’t get it stuffed!), request whole-wheat if it’s offered; ask for reduced cheese; skip the dipping sauce; and pile on the veggies.
Mashed Potatoes
outside and loaded with bland American cheese on the inside. But must you stick with those exact ingredients to conjure images of mom? Of course not! Try fiber-rich whole-grain bread instead of white; use a mix of cheeses that includes low-fat mozzarella and full-flavored cheddar, and substitute some of the cheese with sliced tomatoes, salsa or whatever healthy ingredient your heart desires. To create a nice golden outer
Even though plain potatoes are low in calories, mashed potatoes — especially those made in restaurants — aren’t always healthy. Typically made with whole milk and butter, mashed potatoes run about 250 calories per serving; add gravy and your total intake could exceed 400 calories. Here are just a few tricks to make your mashed potatoes healthier: Mash your potatoes with Greek yogurt, low-fat sour cream, 1 percent milk or chicken stock; bump up the flavor with garlic, chives or spice of choice; and use olive oil (full of healthy monounsaturated fat) instead of butter (full of unhealthy saturated fat). Eating
Some researchers suspect fewer daylight hours may play a significant role in why we crave for comfort food during the winter. Since sunlight is one of the factors that triggers the release of the hormone serotonin, a known mood booster, and we’re getting less of it during winter months, we’re more inclined to reach for foods that also prompt the release of serotonin: carbohydrates. People who suffer from seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons, are particularly vulnerable. Boredom, inactivity and being cooped up inside can all have a pronounced affect on what and how much we eat. When “cabin fever” strikes our house, we eat a lot more cheese-blanketed nachos — my kids’ favorite comfort food — than at any other time of year. Same goes for pizza, mashed potatoes and hot chocolate: They all just taste so darn good and comforting during the dark days of winter. Of course, there are consequences to an uptick in winter munchies, especially if your munchies involve comfort foods that run higher in calories, fats and carbs. According to studies at Johns Hopkins University, people tend to gain five Page 14
IN GOOD HEALTH – Buffalo & WNY’s Healthcare Newspaper • January 2019
out? Order a plain baked potato and mash it with salt, pepper and a drizzle of olive oil.
Mac and Cheese
When prepared traditionally, mac and cheese is not so comforting. Low in nutrients and high in fat, mac and cheese dishes up about 400 calories per cup. And who eats just a cup? It’s easy, however, to turn this popular dish around. Use whole-wheat pasta for added fiber and lots of B vitamins; tuck in some roasted veggies; skip the buttery crumb topping or simply replace it with crunchy whole-wheat breadcrumbs; add flavor to the cheese sauce with fresh or dried herbs; use reduced-fat milk and cheese; and replace some of the cheese with plain Greek yogurt.
Chocolate Chip Cookies
While it seems sacrilege to even think about tampering with this classic cookie, it doesn’t take much to make it a tad healthier. Consider the following easy-to-implement changes: Replace some (or all) of the refined white flour with white whole-wheat flour; add oats and nuts; reduce the sugar and chocolate chips by half; and replace some (not all) of the butter with tahini — a sesame seed paste. More nutritious makeovers of favorite comfort foods abound on the internet. If, however, you must have the “real deal,” then do what the French do and practice portion control, limiting yourself to smaller servings and just one cookie not three.
Anne Palumbo is a lifestyle columnist, food guru, and seasoned cook, who has perfected the art of preparing nutritious, calorie-conscious dishes. She is hungry for your questions and comments about SmartBites, so be in touch with Anne at
Meet Your Provider Ideal Diet Center Sheri Zillioux
Developed and endorsed by medical doctors - losing weight can improve blood sugar, cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure
After many years of yo-yo dieting on many different weight loss plans, Sheri Zillioux of Williamsville lost a total of 42 pounds in four months and has kept it off following the Ideal Protein weight loss method. As a result of her successful weight loss, she no longer has high cholesterol, high triglycerides, fatty liver, and is no longer pre-diabetic. She opened Ideal Diet Center so she can help others lose their weight and keep it off! It’s a well-known fact that as you gain weight and become overweight or obese, your risks for coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and many other conditions also increases Losing weight to avoid chronic diseases is an obvious strategy to healthier living. However, if you’re already overweight, learning and developing lifestyle changes to sustain a better body weight is not that simple. Until now... Ideal Diet Center follows the medically developed Ideal Protein weight loss method, which targets fat loss. It is structured weight loss that supports
muscle mass because muscle is the engine that burns the fat. How does it work? You will learn to live off your body’s own fat reserves. Our protocol restricts sugars (simple and complex) until 100 percent of your weight loss goal is achieved. Because as long as sugar is being consumed, your body may not be burning fat. Exercise is NOT required. There is no limit to how much they can help you lose. They have helped people lose from 20-40 pounds up to 100’s of pounds.
How much should I expect to lose each week?
Typical weight loss is 2 to 5 pounds per week EVERY week. Then when you get to your goal weight, they teach you how to keep it off! What can I expect at my weekly appointments?
One of the keys to your success — both when losing weight, as well as maintaining it — is the weekly support you’ll receive from your weight loss coach, Sheri Zillioux. You’ll meet with her once a week to get weighed and measured, as well as encourage-
ment, tips and advice, and daily video support. You’ve already taken the first step on your journey towards stable weight loss by reading this can’t stop now! Where is it located? Ideal Diet Center has two great locations to choose from in Erie and Niagara County. Their Buffalo office
is located at 1515 Kensington Avenue between Main and Eggert. Their Lockport location is located at 5889 South Transit Road right by Robinson Road.
Sharon lost 50 pounds in 5 months! Want More Info?
Attend a free info night held every Tuesday 6pm in Lockport and every Wednesday 6pm in Buffalo or by calling. Registration is required.
“The results are those of the individual that is identified. Typical results vary up to 6 and 8 pounds lost during the first two weeks and up to 2 pounds per week thereafter when the Ideal Protein® Weight Loss Method is followed properly. You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other diet program to determine if it is right for your needs.”
Ideal Diet Center
Baby in a Box Countries like Finland are ditching the crib and bassinet in favor of simple corrugated cardboard box. What do local doctors think about the idea? By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant
arents anticipating the birth of their first child usually shop extensively for the perfect bassinet or crib in the right color to match the nursery. In Finland, it could be a corrugated cardboard box — not because they necessarily can’t afford a crib. It’s believed boxes are the cause behind the reduction in the nation’s formerly high rate of infant mortality. Could a box instead of a crib make a difference? In the 1930s, Finland introduced the program in which income-qualifying parents received a box containing baby essentials. Pre-natal care was required to obtain the box. Eventually, the income requirement was dropped and the program continues to this day. The rates of infant mortality dropped, coinciding with the program; however, there’s no magic in sleeping in a box. Sleeping near mom is helpful, though in the US, sleeping in the same room as mom at the hospital is
a fairly new concept that has proven beneficial. “Moms and babies sleep better in close proximity,” said Libby DiPiano, a registered nurse who is a board certified lactation consultant at Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital. “When the baby is taken away, they’re in a stress mode.” A generation or two ago, separating moms from babies at the hospital was commonplace. Today most healthy babies remain in a crib next to mom’s bed. “They started the program to get these moms into prenatal care,” said physician Jayasree Nair, assistant professor of pediatrics, University at Buffalo, and attending neonatologist at John R. Oishei Children’s Hospital. “Their premise was if we offer this, we’ll establish contact with a prenatal clinic before they got this box. Numerous studies show that prenatal care helps infant mortality rates go down.” A host of life-saving vaccines, increased prevalence of breastfeed-
ing, and improved maternal nutrition, and education have all helped decrease mortality rates. Nair said that the maternity leave in Europe increased, with many offering almost a year of leave. “The box isn’t the solution, though it’s a nice thing to hand things out,” Nair said. “The value of the education, of prenatal care and safety, is what’s important.” A safe sleeping environment and safe sleep practices are vital for infant health. Laying babies on their backs to sleep has demonstrated a 50 percent reduction in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) since introduced 30 years ago. This indicated that a baby’s sleep position has something to do with SIDS. Babies lack the strength to easily move their heads from obstructions, but that’s only one factor in SIDS. “Don’t have soft things in the crib,” Nair said. “Just a firm mattress and fitted sheets are all you need. Avoid stuffed animals, crib bumpers, wedges for positioning and any suf-
January 2019 •
focation risks.” Nair pointed out a lack of safety standards and research on baby boxes. Would parents know when to transfer to a bigger sleeping space? Could parents ensure an older sibling wouldn’t place a cover over the box which would decrease the baby’s oxygen supply? There’s also the chance that the baby would face the solid side of the box and inhale less oxygen than optimal. The crib itself should either be purchased new from a store (and thus up to current safety standards) or carefully examined for adherence to safety standards, including non-lead based paint, fixed sides, the proper distance between rails and other considerations. The mattress should not gap from the bed’s sides. “If it’s more than five years old, get it checked out to make sure it meets safety standards,” Nair said. The American Academy of Pediatrics promotes the ABC acronym to explain how babies should sleep: • A : alone, not in bed with a parent or caregiver, but in the same room. • B: on their backs, not facing down. Sleeping on the stomach can close off their airway. • C : in a safety-approved crib containing nothing but a firm mattress and fitted sheet. Avoid placing crib bumpers, stuffed animals, sleep positioning devices, pillows, blankets or anything else in the crib. Additionally, parents should keep the room smoke-free, a comfortable temperature and use a sleep sack style pajama to keep the baby warm, not blankets.
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Women’s Health Alcohol & Breastfeeding. Do They Go Well Together? Lactation consultant says ‘occasional drink’ is OK for nursing moms By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant
hould nursing moms avoid alcohol? While alcohol doesn’t offer any benefits, lactation experts agree that those who drink may do so — with limitations. “Women [who are nursing] shouldn’t be afraid to have an occasional drink,” said Tammy Kowalik, a nurse and certified lactation consultant with Mercy Hospital of Buffalo. According to the American Academy of Pediatric guidelines, women weighing 130 to 150 pounds who consume half to one ounce of liquor or eight ounces of wine, or two 12-ounce beers should wait two to three hours before breastfeeding. Unlike during pregnancy, the alcohol doesn’t go directly to the baby. Pregnant women should never drink alcohol. While nursing, the baby’s not continuously connected to Mom for nutrition. For nursing moms, an occasional drink planned between nursing
sessions is OK. “We say ‘occasional drink’ because excessive drinking isn’t good,” Kowalik said. “If someone’s planning to go to a party or wedding, they can store breast milk ahead of time in a bottle. They could then pump to relieve their own discomfort. A baby that’s less than 2 months old will eat more frequently.” Imbibing may be harder to do with a newborn through about 6 months. The time it takes for alcohol to leave the body depends upon the individual’s tolerance level, which can lower after abstaining from alcohol for nine months, as well as through changes inherent to pregnancy. Shaveta Malik, OB-GYN and assistant program director with UBMD OB-GYN, said that babies of drinking moms experience disrupted sleep, may gain too much weight, and, in the long term, exhibit slightly de-
Mammograms Do Save Lives: Study
omen confused by the conflicting advice surrounding the benefits and timing of mammograms will be interested in a new study out of Sweden. The research, involving more than 50,000 breast cancer patients, found that those who took part in a breast cancer screening program had a 60 percent lower risk of dying from the disease in the 10 years after diagnosis, and a 47 percent lower risk 20
years after diagnosis. “This is really what we’ve been waiting for because there has been so much hoopla about mammography not reducing the death rate from breast cancer,” said physician Lauren Cassell, chief of breast surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. She was not involved with the study. Many people have said it’s better treatment, and not screening, that has improved survival, Cassell
creased scores in their abject reasoning, IQ, and motor development. “Avoid alcohol or at least minimize it,” Malik said. “There’s many reasons we say that.” Even three drinks can decrease the amount of breast milk by 20 percent and the time it takes for letdown by 30 to 40 seconds. That may not sound like a long time, unless parents are holding a hungry, inconsolable infant. Women who regularly drink are more likely to discontinue breastfeeding earlier because of decreasing supply and the disruption to the baby of switching back and forth between breast and bottle. While drinking water during and after alcohol consumption may aid in minimizing hangover symptoms, water won’t clear alcohol out of the system faster. Expressing breast milk with a pump and disposing of it (known colloquially as “pump and dump”) doesn’t work. “The breast milk will have the same level of alcohol as the mothers’ blood,” said Mary Jo Parker, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in private practice in Williamsville. “She would have to pump breast milk for two hours and that’s not doable.” Julie Szumigala-Farkash, outpatient OB-GYN and medical director at Kaleida Health, agreed that waiting two hours is the only way to clear alcohol from blood and breast milk. “Alcohol takes a certain amount of time to get metabolized,” she said. Pumping may help keep breast at a comfortable level of fullness;
however, it does nothing to clear out alcohol from the body since the blood alcohol level correlates with alcohol in breast milk. Moms who pump while drinking should not bottle feed their babies with that milk. Szumigala-Farkash said that some moms have told her they’ve heard that they should drink a beer a day to increase the milk supply. While it may promote relaxation, its harmful effects aren’t worth it, Szumigala-Farkash said. Instead, she wants moms to stay hydrated with water and take it easy. “I advise patients that when you sit down to breast feed, take a few moments to de-stress yourself,” Szumigala-Farkash said. “Don’t do it running around. Have a big glass of water near you to stay hydrated. Maybe read or listen to music that calms you down. All that will affect the milk letdown.” She added that nursing mothers should continue taking prenatal vitamins and may need up to 500 extra calories daily. to help with breast feeding.
explained. “But when you do pick up cancers earlier, patients do better,” she said. “We’ve had a gut feeling that early detection makes a difference, and now we can prove it.” Study co-author Robert Smith, vice president for cancer screening at the American Cancer Society, said, “The advantage of screening is that it offers a woman, if she develops breast cancer, the opportunity to treat that cancer early when the treatment can be less aggressive and when she has more treatment choices.” Finding cancer in an early stage may also avoid aggressive treatments that can diminish quality of life, he added.
“Mammography today, in the setting of modern therapy, confers a substantial benefit to women who attend regular screening,” Smith said. “The mortality reductions we observe are principally due to mammography detecting the most aggressive cancers early.” While the findings may seem obvious, the effect of mammograms on survival is something that’s been debated in recent years. The American Cancer Society recommends annual breast cancer screening for women aged 45 to 54, while the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends mammograms every other year for women aged 50 to 74.
Baby Café to Open at Oishei Children’s Hospital
Oishei Children’s Hospital plans to open a Baby Café for breastfeeding moms Jan. 9. Hosted Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., moms can learn from lactations consultants and receive peer support. No appointment is necessary. Moms who delivered outside of Oishei are welcome as well.
IN GOOD HEALTH – Buffalo & WNY’s Healthcare Newspaper • January 2019
Women’s Health A Cup Half-Full Buffalo native creates business after breast cancer diagnosis By Julie Halm
cancer diagnosis brings with it a flood of emotions, but also, a slew of decisions to be made. When Chrissy Adams, a Buffalo native and Hamburg resident, was diagnosed with triple negative invasive ductal carcinoma — an aggressive form of breast cancer which typically affects younger women — at the age of 26, her doctors initially suggested that she take a highly combative approach to beating the disease which would include a mastectomy, a hysterectomy, chemotherapy and radiation. Adams, however, was uncomfortable with that course of action. “Basically, it was fear and intimidation. They said, ‘If you don’t do this, you’ll die at 29,’” said Adams. “They told me I absolutely had to do it.” Even before her diagnosis, she had always been conscientious of her own health and what she was putting in her body, choosing organic food options and exercising regularly. The chemotherapy and radiation coupled with two major surgeries were simply not choices that Adams felt comfortable with. Instead, the young woman sought other professional medical opinions and opted instead to have a lumpectomy. From that point until this summer, her scans were clear. A recurrence, however, drove Adams to seek the medical advice of experts at Stanford University, where she traveled in early November. Research led her to learn of a poly ADP ribose polymerase or PARP nhibitor that was approved for use in two stages just this year. According to the National Cancer Institutes at the National Institutes of Health, a PARP inhibitor blocks particular enzymes in cells that repair DNA when it becomes damaged. When treating cancer, blocking these enzymes is thought to keep cancer cells from being able to repair their own DNA, resulting in the death of the cancer cell.
“It’s still medication,” said Adams. “But it’s definitely better than chemo.” During the course of her fight with cancer, Adams was in search of various products that she could use to care for and generally promote the health of her breasts, but her search left her largely without options. So where she saw a need, Adams created a company. “I had always actually dreamed of having my own business,” she said. Going organic
Breast La Vie offers organic products for breast skincare for all women, whether or not they have breast cancer. She began simply by making a cream for herself, but wanted to share the product with other women. The creams, oils, masks and other products are all-natural and feature ingredients such as avocado butter, pumpkin seed butter, Aloe vera, essential oils, B17 extract, and colloidal silver. The line’s breast cream product has antioxidants to support breast health, vitamins to assist with cell regeneration and to promote circulation. The bath soak oil also has ingredients that are antioxidants, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. On top of the more health-oriented properties, it is also simply relaxing and promotes beautiful skin. During the challenge of combating cancer, a little self-care can go a long way, according to Adams. While she stands by her products, Adams notes they are not meant to be a treatment option when it comes to cancer, but simply a supplement to a larger plan. “I don’t want anyone to think I’m selling snake oil and I don’t want anyone to be using solely my products,” she said. “But when you have cancer, you want to do everything that you can for your body. When you have cancer, you want to hit it on all fronts.”
Chrissy Adams, a Buffalo native and Hamburg resident, developed her own line of organic products for breast skincare. She started her company, Breast La Vie, after being diagnosed with breast cancer. She also believes strongly in coupling a treatment routine with a healthy lifestyle and diet, including plant-based foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as broccoli sauerkraut, cruciferous vegetables, green tea and garlic, to name a few. Supplements such as vitamin D, melatonin, turmeric and beta glucan are also part of Adams’ suggested regimen. The entrepreneur said that includes women taking care of their breasts with products like hers before a diagnosis ever comes. “I want women to start asking, ‘What can I do for my breast health’?” she said. When it comes down to it, Adams feels that the most honest, but
perhaps most difficult advice she might have for other women is that their health is their own responsibility. In the event of a diagnosis, she encourages women to seek out the advice of several medical professionals, and not simply rely on one doctor’s input. She also says women must do research and educate themselves in order to be empowered to make the best decisions for them as individuals. “But also,” she added, “Be forgiving and kind to yourself.” Adams’ full line of products and more information can be found at
Products developed by Chrissy Adams of Buffalo include creams, oils, masks and other products. Adams says the products are all-natural and feature ingredients such as avocado butter, pumpkin seed butter, Aloe vera, essential oils, B17 extract, and colloidal silver.
You’re Not Alone: Half of Older Women Suffer Incontinence, Many Don’t Tell Their Doc
early half of older American women have urinary incontinence, but many have not talked to a doctor about it, a new national poll shows. More than 1,000 women, aged 50 to 80, were asked questions about their bladder control. The poll found that 43 percent of those in their 50s and 60s had urinary incontinence. That percentage jumped to 51 percent among those over 65. But two-thirds of those women had not discussed the problem with a doctor, and only 38 percent
said they do exercises to strengthen muscles that can help keep urine from leaking. “Urinary incontinence is a common condition that may not be routinely screened for in primary care, yet it can impact a woman’s quality of life and health, and is usually treatable,” said Carolyn Swenson, a urogynecologist with the University of Michigan. She helped develop the poll questions and analyze the findings. Of the women who said they’d experienced urine leakage, 41 percent
said it was a major problem or somewhat of a problem. One-third of those with leakage said it occurred almost every day. Most found ways of coping on their own, according to the poll — from using pads or special underwear to wearing dark clothing and limiting fluid intake. But nearly half worried it would get worse as they got older. “It’s not an inevitable part of aging and shouldn›t be overlooked, Swenson noted in a university news release.
January 2019 •
The most common triggers of urine leakage were coughing or sneezing (79 percent), trying to get to a bathroom in time (64 percent), laughing (49 percent) and exercise (37 percent). The poll, published Nov. 1, was conducted by the University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation, and sponsored by AARP and Michigan Medicine, the university’s medical center.
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Women’s Health
More Women Than Men Reporting Higher Levels of Stress Stress is on the rise for women — nearly 50 percent of women in survey said their stress has increased over the past five years, compared with only 39 percent of men by Deborah Jeanne Sergeant
tressed out? How you perceive it and respond to it can vary depending upon your gender, according to the American Psychological Association. The organization’s website states that men and women report different reactions to stress, both physically and mentally. “They attempt to manage stress in very different ways and also perceive their ability to do so — and the things that stand in their way — in markedly different ways,” according to the site. For example, women are more likely to report physical and emotional symptoms to which stress is contributory, including headache, feeling as though they could cry, upset stomach, interrupted sleep and more. According to the association, stress is on the rise for women. Nearly 50 percent of women surveyed said that their stress has increased over the past five years, compared with only 39 percent of men. Compared with men, women usually work more. They complete more cooking and housekeeping tasks, manage the household’s social calendar and primarily care for their children or elderly relatives, all on top of working a job. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics American Time Use Survey in 2015, adult women spend an average of two hours, 15 minutes on household activities daily, compared with men’s one hour, 25 minutes. Both indoor and outdoor chores were included. The bureau also states that women spend twice as much time
Compared to men, women usually complete more cooking and housekeeping tasks, manage the household’s social calendar and primarily care for their children or elderly relatives, all on top of working a job. Pratt said. “If you take a break to eat, you’ll think clearer.” He also advises cultivating a habit of gratitude and taking time each morning to “enjoy your cup of coffee or take the dog for a walk, which gets your mind in the right place.” Modalities such as massage, talk therapy and acupuncture can help reduce the effects of chronic stress. Maintaining a positive outlook really does make a difference. In the midst of a difficult circumstance that could be stressful, look at possible solutions and what’s going right. Taking time for pleasurable pursuits can help manage stress, but it’s important that the activities don’t require a specific outcome. For example, if bowling a perfect game makes the activity stressful, walking in nature or taking yoga would provide greater stress relief. “Exercise helps put you in a more relaxed state mentally and emotionally,” said Victoria Fontana, certified personal trainer and certified health coach with Crunch in Amherst. “It releases endorphins, which help you feel better. In general, when you exercise, you feel better about yourself and you feel like you
accomplished something.” She added that exercise may also help improve lifestyle choices, which in turn can cause a positive effect on stress. “To have a positive effect on stress, it doesn’t have to be traditional lifting weights or running on a treadmill for an hour,” Fontana said. “Anything that gets your endorphins going and gets you moving is good.” It doesn’t take long for exercisers to notice the effects. Aubree Shofner, certified personal trainer and is a group fitness instructor and nutrition coach at Jada Blitz Training, Inc. in Williamsville, said that it takes about 10 minutes for people who are exercising to notice a reduction in stress. “That’s why people come in and tell us, ‘I’m so glad I came and I feel better,’” she said. “Those endorphins help combat the stress hormones.” Shofner added that the average gym is becoming less of a male-dominated space and more women are coming out to lift weights and seek fitness. “I’m seeing more women with the confidence to come in and meet with a trainer,” Shofner said.
VNA OF WNY to Offer Enhanced Telehealth Services
he Visiting Nursing Association of Western New York (VNA of WNY) has partnered with Health Recovery Solutions (HRS) to offer enhanced telehealth services to their patients. The VNA, a certified home health care agency that operates in 10 counties in Western New York, was an early adopter of telehealth. It first invested in the technology 15 years ago and recently made the decision to introduce HRS telehealth because of the software’s enhanced functionality, ease of use, educational opportunities, and resultant clinical Page 18
caring for others in the household than men. About 72 to 75 percent of adult women have worked full-time since 1968. Taking care of themselves doesn’t end up high on many women’s to-do list. Cutting back on commitments, controlling screen time, eliminating or setting boundaries on toxic relationships and lowering self-expectations can lower possible sources of stress; however eliminating stress isn’t possible. Plus, some circumstances that contribute to stress are generally pleasant — a promotion, new baby, or surprise party. Managing stress is vital for reducing its ill effects. Ron Pratt, licensed acupuncturist and owner of Ronald Pratt Acupuncture in Buffalo, advises women to focus on physical self-care, such as quality sleep, hydration, eating right and exercising. Because without selfcare, physical issues often manifest. “There is often a physical component to dealing with stress,” Pratt said. “Mental, emotional and physical health are inter-related.” While under stress, hormones secreted to aid in physical defense can divert energy from digestion may reduce the absorption of nutrients. Pratt said an old Chinese proverb goes, “Eating a good meal standing is like eating a rock.” In modern times, eating while watching the news, checking email or skimming through social media can result in stress-filled eating. “It seems like a good way to multi-task, but it’s not good for you,”
outcomes. The team at the VNA of WNY hopes that the telehealth program will both improve clinical care and promote patient independence. “This new partnership with HRS will be valuable in allowing us to provide a higher level of care and oversight of our patients that struggle to manage their chronic diseases. Having frequent access to vital signs along with the ability to have more interaction with our patients will only further improve the care we provide in the community,” said Judy Baumgartner, president of
the VNA of WNY. The VNA of WNY primarily uses the telemonitoring device with patients that have a cardiac diagnosis, but has plans to expand remote care to patients with additional chronic diseases including chronic wounds, diabetes and COPD as the program develops. Patients who are placed on VNA of WNY’s telehealth program are provided with 4G tablets loaded with the HRS software. The tablets are paired with Bluetooth biometric devices that allow patients to easily track physiologic data, such as
IN GOOD HEALTH – Buffalo & WNY’s Healthcare Newspaper • January 2019
blood pressure, weight, heart rate, and more. This information is automatically transferred to the tablet and electronically delivered to the patient’s nurse, allowing clinical staff to quickly address risk factors that could lead to a hospitalization. The software also offers medication reminders and disease specific educational content in order to promote disease management. Additionally, clinicians can use the HRS software to text and video call patients to improve patient communication.
By Jim Miller
Does Medicare Cover Dental Care? Dear Savvy Senior, I will turn 65 in a few months and will be enrolling in Medicare, but I am concerned about Medicare’s coverage of dental care. Does Medicare cover dental procedures? And if not, where can I get dental coverage?
Almost 65
Dear Almost, Medicare’s coverage of dental care is extremely limited. It will not cover routine dental care including checkups, cleanings or fillings, and it won’t pay for dentures either. Medicare will, however, cover some dental services if they are required to protect your general health, or if you need dental care in order for another health service that Medicare covers to be successful. For example, if you have cancer and need dental services that are necessary for radiation treatment, or if you need surgery to treat fractures of the jaw or face, Medicare will pay for these dental services. Although Medicare’s coverage of dental services is limited, there are other ways you can get coverage and care affordably. Here are several to check into. Consider a Medicare Advantage plan While dental services are mostly excluded under original Medicare, some Medicare Advantage plans do provide coverage for routine dental care. If you are considering joining a Medicare Advantage plan, find out what dental services, if any, it covers. Also, remember to make sure any Medicare Advantage plan you’re considering covers the doctors and hospitals you prefer to use and the medications you take at a cost you can afford. See or call 800-633-4227 to research plans in your area. Purchase dental insurance If you have frequent gum problems and need extensive dental care, a dental insurance plan may be worth the costs versus paying for care yourself. Expect to pay monthly premiums of $15 to $40 or more for insurance. To find dental plans, go to and use the “find a dental plan” tool. Then review a specific plan’s website. Consider dental savings plans While savings plans aren’t as comprehensive as insurance, they’re
a good option for those who can’t get covered. How this works is you pay an annual membership fee — around $80 to $200 a year — in exchange for 10 to 60 percent discounts on service and treatments from participating dentists. To find a savings plan, go to (or 888-632-5353) where you can search for plans and participating dentists, as well as get a breakdown of the discounts offered. Check veterans’ benefits If you’re a veteran enrolled in the VA health care program or are a beneficiary of the Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMPVA), the VA offers a dental insurance program that gives you the option to buy dental insurance through Delta Dental and MetLife at a reduced cost. The VA also provides free dental care to vets who have dental problems resulting from service. To learn more about these options, visit dental or call 877-222-8387.
“Adult Living at its Finest!” SE N
Try community health centers or dental schools There are many health centers and clinics that provide low-cost dental care to those in need. And all university dental schools and college dental hygiene programs offer dental care and cleanings for less than half of what you would pay at a dentist’s office. Students who are supervised by their professors provide the care. See to search for a center, clinic or school near you. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior. org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
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Serving Western New York A monthly newspaper published by Local News, Inc. Distribution: 32,500 copies throughout more than 1,500 high traffic locations in the region In Good Health is published 12 times a year by Local News, Inc. © 2019 by Local News, Inc. All rights reserved. 3380 Sheridan Dr., # 251 • P.O. Box 550, Amherst NY 14226 Phone: 716-332-0640 • Fax: 716-332-0779 • Email: Editor & Publisher: Wagner Dotto • Associate Editor: Lou Sorendo • Writers: Deborah J. Sergeant, Jim Miller, Gwenn Voelckers, Anne Palumbo, Chris Motola, George W. Chapman, Ernst Lamothe Jr., Julie Halm, Catherine Miller Advertising: Anne Westcott, Amy Gagliano Layout & Design: Dylon Clew-Thomas • Office Assistant: Kimberley Tyler No material may be reproduced in whole or in part from this publication without the express written permission of the publisher. The information in this publication is intended to complement—not to take the place of—the recommendations of your health provider. Consult your physician before making major changes in your lifestyle or health care regimen.
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From the Social Security District Office
Disagree With Your Disability Decision? We Will Take Another Look
ocial Security is here to help secure today and tomorrow by providing benefits and financial protection for millions of people. This assistance allows people with severe disabilities and health conditions to take care of the necessities of living, such as food, shelter, and medications. It is imperative that we continue to protect the integrity of the disability program for everyone by ensuring we make the correct decision on each claim. However, if you do not agree with our decision, you can ask us to take another look by filing an appeal. Generally, there are four appeal levels: 1) Reconsideration, 2) Hearing, 3) Appeals Council Review, and 4) Federal Court Review. At the reconsideration level, someone who did not make the first decision on your claim will conduct a review and accept any additional evidence. Please note, in some states, appeals may proceed directly to the next step — the hearing. If you disagree with the reconsideration decision, you can file another appeal and your case will go to the hearing level. You, and any witnesses you bring, may present your case in front of an administrative law judge during this stage. The judge will then make a decision based on the information. If you disagree with the hearing decision, you can ask for a review by the Social Security Appeals Council. The Appeals Council can either make a decision or return your case to the judge for further review. If you disagree with the Appeals Council’s decision or they decide not to review your case, the last step in
Q: I’m expecting a baby this June. What do I need to do to get a Social Security number for my baby? A: Apply for a number at the hospital when you apply for your baby’s birth certificate. The state agency that issues birth certificates will share your child’s information with us, and we will mail the Social Security card to you. You can learn more about the Social Security number and card by reading our online publication on the subject, available at Q: I haven’t received my Social Security statement in the mail the last few years. Will I ever get one again? A: In September 2014, Social Security resumed mailing Social Security Statements to workers ages 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, and 60 who aren’t receiving Social Security benefits, and who don’t have a My Social Security
IN GOOD HEALTH – Buffalo & WNY’s Healthcare Newspaper • January 2019
the appeals process is filing a lawsuit in a federal district’s court. You will be notified of our decision in every step of the process and the notice will have the information needed should you decide to appeal the decision. If you receive a denial notice, you have 60 days from that date to file an appeal. There are several ways to obtain the proper appeal forms. The easiest and quickest way is filing online by visiting www.socialsecurity. gov/benefits/disability/appeal.html. You will be able to submit documents electronically to associate with your appeal request. You can also call us at 1-800-772-1213 or visit your local Social Security office to obtain the forms. Many people wonder if they need a lawyer when filing and appealing disability benefits. Whether you choose to appoint an attorney or authorized representative is completely up to you. However, it is not required that you have one in any part of the process or in conducting business with Social Security. If you decide to appoint a representative, be sure to complete the necessary documents to authorize us to speak to them on your behalf. You can also read our publication Your Right to Representation at Social Security takes considerable pride in administering program benefits timely and accurately. The disability program is no exception. This is why we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible if you disagree with our decision. Give us a call, visit the local office, or go online at disability/appeal.html so we can take another look at your claim.
account. Rather than once every five years, those over age 60 will receive a statement every year. Instead of waiting to receive a mailed statement once every five years, we encourage people to open a My Social Security account at myaccount so they can access their statement online, anytime. Q: What is the difference between the disability application and the disability report? Do I have to complete both? A: A disability application is a claim for Social Security disability benefits. A disability report provides information about your current physical or mental condition that we need to process your disability application. To establish a claim for disability benefits, you need to file a disability application, submit a disability report, and provide an authorization to release medical records. The best place to start is at
H ealth News WellNow Urgent Care adds seven WNY locations
WellNow Urgent Care — one of New York’s fastest growing urgent care providers, formerly known as Five Star Urgent Care —has expanded its operations by adding seven locations currently operated by MASH Urgent Care. Both WellNow and MASH provide treatment of non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses. All MASH locations are now part of the WellNow Urgent Care network, which now includes all seven MASH locations and 21 WellNow locations. The MASH locations are in Amherst, Clarence/East Amherst, Kenmore/Tonawanda, Lancaster, North Tonawanda/Wheatfield, Olean and Orchard Park. The expansion represents more than 30 percent increase in the WellNow Urgent Care network locations, with presence in eight New York state counties. It also represents a purposeful, strategic initiative that allows WellNow Urgent Care to greater serve an unprecedented number of patients across the Buffalo community and Western New York. “WellNow Urgent Care welcomes MASH Urgent Care to our family,” said physician John Radford, founder and president of WellNow Urgent Care. “MASH shares our commitment to put patients first and provide quick, convenient urgent medical care in areas where access to such care is limited. Their strong expertise and patient-centric values align seamlessly with ours, and our unified network represents the very best in urgent care delivery for patients across the region.” From the end of December 2018 to January 2019, all MASH locations will rebrand to WellNow Urgent Care. Effective immediately, all MASH locations will provide the same patient-centered services in-line with those offered by WellNow. Patient service and support will continue, uninterrupted. Launched in 2012, Five Star Urgent Care now WellNow Urgent Care opened its first location in Big Flats, NY. The company continues to expand its footprint and plans to open additional facilities throughout New York state.
TCD Medical to expand primary care support services
At a time of growing need for mental health and addiction services, Amherst-based TCD Medical PLLC offers support to primary care physicians, providing practice resources and personalized assistance to patients who benefit from behavioral health integration, and controlled substance and chronic care management. Physician Vernice E. Bates, president of the DENT Neurologic Institute, recognized the challenges primary care physicians face in treating more patients with increasingly complex conditions, in particular mental health-related issues. A
specialist in cerebrovascular diseases, neuroimaging, neurology and stroke, Bates founded TCD Medical to help physicians coordinate patients’ care. TCD stands for “Team Care as Directed.” “These are challenging times for primary care physicians. They’re grappling with overloaded schedules filled with patients suffering from an array of conditions. They might be wondering at the end of a busy day if they got it all right,” said Bates. “That’s where TCD Medical comes in to provide the necessary follow-up care, link patients to specialists quickly, and develop care plans to help those patients take charge of their health. “Patients who see their primary care physician for a chronic physical condition often suffer from a mental health issue as well, but the symptoms can stay hidden or untreated. Efforts to integrate behavioral health into the primary care setting results in better health outcomes and reduced costs,” said Bates. A Milliman research study issued in 2018 found delayed and avoided behavioral care led to $406 billion billed in additional health care costs last year alone. Numerous other studies and reports support the positive relationship between mental and physical health, and the cost savings achievable by treating both at a primary care level. TCD Medical’s staff of 30 currently partners with 12 primary care practices throughout Western New York — including Highgate Medical Group, PC and Limestone Primary Care Physicians. Company staff developed and manages more than 1,267 personalized behavioral health care plans, up from 17 since May 2018, demonstrating TCD’s rapid growth and the necessity for these services in Western New York. Embedded within the primary care practices, TCD Medical’s team of nurses, social workers, behavioral health care managers, and psychiatrists partner with physicians to create and implement customized care plans focused on each patient’s diagnosis.
Kaleida CIO appointed to Millennium Collaborative board
Millennium Collaborative Care has appointed Cletis Earle to its board of managers. Earle is senior vice president and chief information officer with Kaleida Health. Earle leads the Kaleida Health information technology (IT) team, overseeing strategic Earle and tactical planning, plus development and coordination of Kaleida Health and the Erie County Medical Center’s IT platforms. In this role, he has been credited with significantly changing not only the IT landscape of Kaleida
Transplantation and Kidney Care at ECMC Adds Four Additional Doctors
rie County Medical Center (ECMC) Corporation officials announced that four physicians were recently appointed to the medical staff of the Regional Center of Excellence for Transplantation and Kidney Care at ECMC. • Jon VonVisger was appoint ed primary nephrologist and medical director. VonVisger completed combined medical and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Maryland, School of Medicine in VonVisger Baltimore in 1996 with doctoral work on central nervous system regeneration and nerve growth factors. He went on to complete an internal medicine residency in the University of Maryland Medical System. He is specialty trained in nephrology and transplant medicine through Harvard, Massachusetts General and Brigham and Women’s hospitals (2005). VonVisger practiced transplant nephrology at The Ohio State University (OSU) Comprehensive Transplant Center in Columbus, one of the 10 largest transplant centers in the United States, from 2005 to 2018. While at OSU, he directed and participated in multi-center clinical trials for renal and transplant-related conditions including new device and drug applications. VonVisger’s goals for ECMC are to enhance state-of-theart transplant care, while continuing to develop novel therapies to improve renal and transplant outcomes. In addition, he intends to help lead efforts to encourage participation and awareness of renal and transplant needs in the community. • Ashish Kataria, transplant nephrologist, earned his medical degree from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. He completed his residency in internal medicine and Kataria a fellowship in nephrology from the Hofstra Northshore LIJ School of Medicine in 2013. During his nephrology fellowship, he was awarded the Allison Norris nephrology fellow award by the New York Society of Nephrology. Kataria performed a
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fellowship in renal transplant from the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wis., from 2013 to 2014. Before joining ECMC as a transplant nephrologist and the University at Buffalo as a clinical assistant professor of medicine, he served as assistant professor in the department of nephrology at the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, New Delhi, India. Kataria has published numerous research articles on hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and glomerulonephritis, a type of kidney disease. His ongoing research projects include waitlist management of kidney transplant patients, outcomes in transplantation and pharmacokinetics of transplant immunosuppression. • Ahmad Zaaroura is a multi-organ transplant surgeon who specializes in kidney, complex liver and bile duct surgery. He trained in multi-organ transplant at the Ohio State Wexner Zaaroura Medical Center. He gained additional expertise and training in hepatobiliary surgery and liver and bile duct reconstruction techniques at Duke University Medical Center. He is certified in kidney and pancreas transplant as well as vascular access from The Ohio State University Medical Center. He is also certified in liver transplant and hepatobiliary surgery for adult and pediatric patients from Duke University Medical Center. • Keisha Bonner, transplant surgeon, came to ECMC from Mayo Clinic, Minn., where she completed her transplant surgery training and prior to that performed her general surgery training at Bonner Harlem Hospital and its affiliation at Columbia University. She specializes in living and deceased donor kidney transplantation, pancreas transplantation as well as donor nephrectomy (kidney removal). Bonner’s areas of research interest include clinical and translational research to further understand and improve patient and graft outcomes, as well as patient and provider education.
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H ealth News Health, but also the way healthcare providers and patients use IT across the region and beyond. In designing the new Oishei Children’s Hospital, Earle was also recognized as being instrumental in leading the IT team to give patients, their families and friends a new and better healthcare experience. Earle is also a member of the board of directors for the Boys and Girls Club of Newburgh and chairman of the board for the College of Health Information Executives. Earle regularly participates in community fundraising opportunities as well as advocacy/speaking engagements focused on diversity. Earle holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the College of New Rochelle in New Rochelle and a master’s degree in information systems from Strayer University in Washington, DC. He was recruited to Kaleida Health from St. Luke’s Cornwall Hospital in Newburgh/Cornwall, where he served as vice president and chief information officer since 2011. He began his IT career as a support manager at Brooklyn Queens Health Care Inc. in Brooklyn, eventually taking on roles as director of technology and vice president, chief information officer and privacy officer within the organization.
BCBS, ECMC announce contract extension
BlueCross BlueShield of Western New York and Erie County Medical Center (ECMC) Corp. recently announced a three-year contract extension that ensures BlueCross BlueShield’s members will continue to benefit from ECMC’s facilities and
services. ECMC is Western New York’s largest hospital and the only Level 1 adult trauma center. Its advanced academic medical campus includes specialized centers of excellence, primary care and family health centers, and outpatient specialty-care services. ECMC is affiliated with Great Lakes Health System, the entity integrating Kaleida Health, ECMC and the University at Buffalo. BlueCross BlueShield of Western New York, as the region’s leading health plan, continues to offer its members the most comprehensive hospital and physician network in the region, as well as nationally through the BlueCross BlueShield “Blue Card” program. “ECMC is very pleased to extend our relationship with BlueCross BlueShield of Western New York and their members. As we work together to improve quality and affordability of healthcare for our community, we will continue to develop programs together that are both innovative and patient focused,” said ECMC President and CEO Thomas J. Quatroche Jr., PhD. “We are pleased to continue our strong relationship with ECMC,” stated BlueCross BlueShield President and CEO Dave Anderson. “Our successful negotiation certainly assures our members’ access, but more importantly, this three year contract extension speaks to our mutually shared goals to support the quality care that is delivered at our region’s Level 1 trauma center, as well as the other inpatient and outpatient services provided by ECMC.” In April 2018, BlueCross BlueShield announced a $1 million grant for ECMC’s future trauma center-emer-
gency department, specifically to expand behavioral health and detoxification care pathways starting at the point of admission. In addition to being one of the largest chemical-dependency treatment centers in Western New York, ECMC is the only Buffalo-area hospital that offers a psychiatrist in the emergency room and chemical-dependency evaluations, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Roswell Park partners with Polish university
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center has formed an academic cooperation agreement with the Jagiellonian University (JU) in Kraków, Poland. JU is the oldest higher education institution in Poland, and one of the oldest in Europe. The collaboration will see the two centers exchanging staff, students and scientific resources to jointly undertake basic, translational and clinical research in order to advance the development of cancer therapies to benefit patients worldwide. The agreement grew out of a July 2018 visit by Polish Secretary of State Anna Maria Anders to Roswell Park. The two organizations will work collaboratively to develop innovative clinical trials aimed at advancing the science around the treatment, detection and prevention of cancer. “We’re very excited to be launching this partnership,” said physician Kunle Odunsi, Roswell’s deputy director, chairman of gynecologic oncology and executive director of the center for immunotherapy. “There are many areas of shared interest and complementary strength between Roswell Park and Jagiello-
ECMC, Kaleida Open Center For Dental Care at Buffalo General division of outpatient general
Erie County Medical Center Corporation and Kaleida Health cut the ceremonial ribbony to celebrate the grand opening of the ECMC Center for Dental Care at Buffalo General Medical Center.
rie County Medical Center Corporation and Kaleida Health recently celebrated the opening of the ECMC
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Center for Dental Care at Buffalo General Medical Center. The new center, operated by clinicians from ECMC’s department of dentistry’s
dentistry, is another collaborative effort between both healthcare organizations under the Great Lakes Health Care of Western New York initiative. In February, ECMCC and Kaleida Health submitted a certificate of need (CON) to the New York State Department of Health for the new center; the CON was approved by NYS DOH in October. ECMC’s department of dentistry’s division of outpatient general dentistry provides general (primary) dental health services for adults and their families who are covered by all forms of dental insurance including Medicaid, Medicare, FAP and DFAP. The division is the only large accredited hospital-based dental residency program in Western New York. Identical to ECMC’s existing outpatient general dentistry clinic, this new center for dental care provides residents in BGMC’s primary service area with access to dental care regardless of their insurance coverage including “straight” Medicaid, Medicaid managed care, FAP, DFAP and self-pay.
IN GOOD HEALTH – Buffalo & WNY’s Healthcare Newspaper • January 2019
nian University, and we see the opportunity to align some of our efforts in areas like personalized medicine, immunotherapeutics and population science for the benefit of both our students and cancer patients.”
Dentists join ECMC’s department of dentistry
Erie County Medical Center (ECMC) Corporation officials announced that it has added the expertise of two highly skilled maxillofacial prosthodontists to its medical-dental staff. • Paul Canallatos is a maxillo facial prosthodontist in ECMC’s department of dentistry, division of oral oncology and maxillofacial prosthetics. After completing his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree Canallatos from the University at Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine, Canallatos was awarded a certificate of completion of general practice residency from Roswell Park Cancer Institute and a certificate of completion of an implant fellowship from the University at Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine. While completing his implant fellowship, he was an assistant professor at the University at Buffalo, and worked in a private practice. Canallatos completed his advanced prosthodontics specialty training in conjunction with a Master of Science degree at West Virginia University. His recent alma mater is the University of California, Los Angeles, where he completed a fellowship in maxillofacial prosthetics. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the American College of Prosthodontists, and the American Academy of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics. • Jessica Canallatos is a maxillo facial prosthodontist within ECMC’s general dentistry service. Canallatos obtained her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University at Buffalo, School of Dental Canallatos Medicine. She completed her advanced prosthodontics specialty training in conjunction with a Master of Science degree at West Virginia University. Having formerly taught prosthodontics at West Virginia University, Canallatos now provides prosthodontic instruction in the ECMC dental clinic and laboratory. Canallatos is a member of the American Dental Association, the American College of Prosthodontists, the 8th District Dental Society, and the New York State Dental Association.
H ealth News WellCare Honors ‘Community Heroes’
ellCare of New York, Inc., a WellCare Health Plans, Inc. company, recently honored six individuals for their commitment and dedication to supporting the needs of their communities. The 2018 WellCare Community Heroes awards are based on nominations received from Albany, Schenectady, Troy, Ulster, Dutchess, Erie and Niagara counties. WellCare’s Community Connections sponsor the Community Heroes award program to recognize unsung heroes in various communities. The awards honor community members and healthcare professionals who take action to improve our communities. All honorees received a $1,000 donation to benefit a charity of their
choice. “At WellCare, we recognize there are many factors that affect the everyday decisions people make about their health and well-being,” said John J. Burke, the president of WellCare of New York. “We applaud these outstanding individuals whose tireless efforts and dedication go beyond healthcare to help our local communities.” The 2018 WellCare Community Health Heroes are: • Daisy Estelle Anderson — An accomplished quilter and seamstress, she has volunteered with the Ladies of Charity for more than 30 years. With her help, the Ladies of Charity group has assembled thousands of baby layettes including handmade crib sheets, receiving blankets, socks,
Most Americans Lie to Their Doctors. No Kidding!
s many as four out of five Americans withhold important information from their doctor that could prove crucial to their health, a new study shows. Between 60 and 80 percent of people admit they avoid telling their doctor details that could be relevant to their well-being. “I know at some level this is a ‘no duh,’ of course, people mislead, but I was surprised how pervasive it is,” said senior researcher Angela Fagerlin, chairwoman of population health sciences at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. “A lot of people are not fully honest with their provider. They don’t tell them all the information they could tell them.” Shame and fear appear to be at the root of this lack of communication, the researchers found.
Patients don’t want to admit that they disagree with their doctor or don’t understand what the doctor has told them, Fagerlin said. People also don’t want to fess up about their unhealthy behaviors. But keeping this information secret can lead to some very dire consequences. American Academy of Family Physicians President John Cullen recalled a situation years ago when a patient with apparent appendicitis was being prepped for surgery. “Unfortunately, methamphetamine can sometimes present the same way as appendicitis,” said Cullen, a family physician in Valdez, Alaska, with more than 25 years of experience. “As we’re getting ready to take him to the operating room,
bibs, Sleep ‘n’ Plays, onesies, blankets, diapers and books for babies across the region. • Elijah Cancer — In 2016, Cancer visited the Trinity Alliance in Albany seeking help in transitioning back to public life after his incarceration. A year later, after making a decision to turn his life around, Trinity hired Cancer as an outreach worker for its Albany 518 SNUG (Should Never Use Guns) program. During his tenure, he conducted more than 50 conflict mediations. On July 7, 2018, Cancer was shot and killed in Albany while conducting a mediation between two high-risk individuals. He was 32 years old and left behind three children. • JoAnne Lorenzo — She operates The Magdalene Project, an outreach ministry in Niagara Falls that includes a soup kitchen, food pantry and children’s program. It also includes the Magdalene Project R.V. that roams neighboring streets helping people in need with prepared
I remember saying, ‘We’re about to cut you open here. Are you sure you don’t want to tell me anything else?’ “That’s when we found out about the methamphetamine use,” Cullen continued. “Indeed, that was the cause, and we stopped the surgery.” Sharing information can also help doctors prevent drug interactions, or change a patient’s treatment plan so he or she will be more likely to comply with it, Fagerlin said. For the study, Fagerlin and her colleagues surveyed two different pools of patients, 4,510 in all. One group had an average age of 36, while the other had an average age of 61. The younger group of patients consistently tended to withhold information more often than the older folks, 81 percent and 61 percent, respectively. The most common thing people don’t tell their doctor is that they don’t agree with the physician’s recommended course of treatment, the researchers found. About 46 percent
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food, bags of toiletries, clothing, toys and blankets. • Eline Martinez – She works with Catholic Charities in Ulster County as a bilingual case manager where she helps those struggling with life’s challenges work toward a better quality of life. • John and Leigh-Ann Tumino – They founded In My Father’s Kitchen in Syracuse to help chronically homeless individuals access food and basic necessities. Program support staff and volunteers are on call 24-hours a day, seven-days a week and provide twice weekly meal deliveries to more than a dozen locations where homeless individuals congregate. As of Sept. 30, 2018, WellCare serves approximately 293,000 members in New York, including 152,000 Medicaid members, 89,000 Medicare Advantage plan members and 52,000 Medicare Prescription Drug Plan members.
of people in the younger group and 31 percent in the older group said they’d done this. This is not good because people who disagree with their doctor might not follow through on taking prescribed medications or receiving recommended follow-up tests, Fagerlin said. Second most often, people wouldn’t admit that they didn’t fully understand the instructions a provider gave them. That happened with 32 percent of younger patients and 24 percent of older patients. After that, patients most often withheld information about personal habits that could be unhealthy poor diet (24 percent for younger and 20 percent for older patients), not taking medication as prescribed (22 and 18 percent), not exercising (22 percent in both groups), or taking someone else’s prescription medication (14 and 9 percent). The researchers also asked why patients didn’t tell the whole story, and the No. 1 reason was that they didn’t want the doctor to give them a hard time about their behavior (82 and 64 percent) “They didn’t want to get a lecture from their doctor,” Fagerlin said. “They didn’t want to get scolded.” Other reasons included: • I didn’t want to hear how bad a behavior is for me (76 and 61 percent). • I was embarrassed to admit something (61 and 50 percent). • I didn’t want the provider to think I’m a difficult patient (51 and 38 percent). • I didn’t want to take up any more of the provider’s time (45 and 36 percent). • I didn’t think it mattered (39 and 33 percent). • I didn’t want the provider to think I’m stupid (38 and 31 percent). • I didn’t want this information in my medical record (34 and 31 percent). The new study was published Nov. 30 in the journal JAMA Network Open.
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ECMC-RET-19245_Fall Campaign Print | In Good Health | 9.75”w x 13.75”h No bleed
How will weight loss improve my health? cancer Can I beat this cancer? fracture Where do I go for a fracture? How do I get a transplant in time?
For many questions, one easy answer: ECMC. The answers to health questions are right at home in Western New York. Because ECMC’s medical campus is home to the services, resources, and facilities that make it a simple choice for patients— including a nationally-accredited bariatric program. Our community’s most accomplished head and neck cancer specialists. The state-of-the-art Russell J. Salvatore Orthopedic Unit. And the shortest wait times in the country for kidney transplant. No matter your health questions or concerns, learn how ECMC can be the answer:
The difference between healthcare and true care
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10/15/18 4:50 PM