Dell Advantage Document

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Dell Advantage 2020

Welcome to the How-to Guide for Dell Advantage. In this guide, we will explore the required steps to redeem your discount vouchers and use them on the online store. There are two pages you need; • •

This is the first page you need. Here you can learn all about the programme and how it works.

Click “Redeem Your Voucher Here”

Enter your work email address here – make sure it is spelt correctly.

To stay up to date with upcoming offers, tick this box. Enter your personal email address to stay in contact with us outside of work. Lost your voucher? Use this field to request a resend.

If you get this message, please check the FAQ to find out why.

If your redemption has been successful then you’ll be sent to this confirmation page. An email has been sent to your work inbox with your voucher codes.

Go to your work inbox to find your voucher codes, unique to you. If you cannot see it, please check your spam folder. Ensure you follow the steps and copy you voucher code ready to use at the checkout

Take note of which codes relate to which discounts. Don’t forget to share this offer with your colleagues by simply clicking Share Now.

Go to, first click on Products, then select the product you want, then For Home.

Click Add to Basket on the product that you want to buy.

Enter the coupon code from the email in your inbox.

Your discount has now been successfully applied.

If something’s not clear, please contact

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