WLP Top 5 Mass Settings

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Discover the “Top Five” WLP Mass settings parishes across the globe are singing each Sunday!

World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S.Paluch Company, Inc. 800-566-6150 • wlpmusic.com

It’s no secret that your colleagues in music ministry have chosen to use WLP Mass settings in their parish. Since the official implementation of the new English translation of The Roman Missal, many new and revised Mass settings have become available to parishes. The majority of your peers across the country and beyond have selected the following five settings from WLP as their preferred musical settings of the Mass. Flip through these pages to discover why these “Top Five” have become so popular!

We also invite you to experience our online interactive version of this catalog. Go to www.issuu. com/wlpmusic/docs/wlp_top5 and gain access to sample pages from each of the full scores presented here, plus you can listen to complete recordings for all parts of each setting.


Table of Contents

Mass of Wisdom .....................................................................................4 Steven R. Janco Sample assembly parts for the “Holy, Holy, Holy” ........................................ 5

Mass of Redemption ............................................................................................. 6 Steven R. Janco Sample assembly parts for the “Glory to God” ............................................ 7

Mass of Saint Ann ...................................................................................9 Ed Bolduc Sample assembly parts for the “Glory to God” ........................................... 10

Missa Simplex ..................................................................................................... 12 Michael O’Connor, O.P., and Richard Proulx Sample assembly parts for the “Glory to God” ........................................... 13

Mass for Our Lady ............................................................................................... 15 Steven C. Warner and Karen Schneider Kirner Sample assembly parts for the “Holy, Holy, Holy” ...................................... 16

Complete WLP Library of Mass Settings ................................................................. 17


Mass of Wisdom Steven R. Janco What has made this Mass rise to the top in popularity in parishes across the English-speaking world? Its adaptability. From parishes with keyboard and/or guitar and cantor to cathedrals with a large SATB choir and multiple instruments (organ, brass quartet, timpani, handbells), Mass of Wisdom has proven itself as a “Mass for the masses.” Its step-wise melodic patterns make it easy to learn without sounding musically trite in any way. Music directors agree that the through-composed Gloria is one of the most finely crafted of all the new musical settings of the prayer. That fine crafting extends to all components of this Mass, especially the acclamations sung during the Eucharistic Prayer. The multilayered Hosannas in the Sanctus will delight the members of the choir as well as the singing assembly. This is a Mass setting that simply soars. It is a perfect setting for Ordinary Time, but music directors tell us that the Christmas and Easter seasons are made more glorious and joyful when this setting is sung, especially when the additional instrumentation is added. Dioceses and parishes that employed Mass of Wisdom as the first setting during the implementation of the new translation have found themselves returning to it time and time again. It truly has become part of the “Catholic musical DNA” across the United States and beyond.



Highlights: • Highly adaptable—for parishes with simple instrumentation or those with a greater variety of musical instruments. • One of the best through-composed “Glorias”. • This setting will soar as the assembly lifts heart and voice. • Perfect for Ordinary Time, but also used frequently during festive occasions. 018040 Full Score ................................... $16.00 018041 Choral Edition .............................. $5.00 018042 Guitar Edition ............................ $10.00 e18043 Brass Quartet and Timpani parts ..................................................... $18.00 e18044 Two Woodwinds parts .................. $10.00 e18045 Handbell part .............................. $15.00 018046 Assembly Card ............................... $.75 018047 CD .............................................. $17.00

Holy, Holy, Holy b 4 &b b 4 œ œ œ œ ˙ Ho


b j &b b œ œ


b &b b œ

œ œ œ œ ˙



œ œ nœ œ œ -

b &b b œ œ œ œ œ

Bless - ed is he

b &b b œ œ œ œ œ œ san


Text © 2008, 2010, ICEL


j 2 œ œ œ 4 œj œ

and earth are

ho - san





œ œ œ œ œ


j 4 œ 4œ œ ˙




glo - ry.

œ J œ

san - na in

œ œ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œ œ

Ho - san



œ œ






high - est.


comes in the name of the Lord.

œ œ nœ œ œ œ

na, ho - san

Assembly editions of individual Mass parts are available to annual license holders at wlpmusic.com.

Ho - ly Lord God of hosts.

full of your


œ œ w

bœ. œ œ œ J

na, ho - san - na in the


Ho -

œ ˙

high-est. Steven R. Janco Music © 2010, WLP

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN To hear all other parts of this Mass, click here and then click on the LISTEN tab.

“The best fit for musical styles and available instrumentation, especially for big occasions like Triduum and feasts. I personally like that handbells can be used for Sundays in less festive times but then there is also the ability to spice it up during feasts! I found myself humming this [setting], and I especially liked the sprinkling rite.” —Barbara Reynolds “This setting has been picked up so quickly by our assembly that you would hardly know the textual changes. Kudos to Mr. Janco for diligently studying how our assemblies learn to sing new music!” —Richard Gullion (via YouTube.com) “I used the Mass of Wisdom to introduce the new translation of the The Roman Missal a couple of years ago. It was the perfect Mass setting for the transition. My congregation learned the melodies very quickly, and still sings them well! Janco’s harmonies are exquisite and bring the whole experience to a new level. It’s a neat effect when you sing them in unison for Advent, but then bring in the choral harmonies for Christmas. It’s a surprisingly versatile Mass setting. It works well for both contemporary and traditional ensembles of any size, from a single piano to a full complement of instrumental forces with organ, brass, timpani, and woodwinds. We’ll be using it at my parish for many years to come!” —Christian Cosas, Saint Dominic Savio Parish in St. Louis, Missouri (via Facebook)

Go interactive! For sample pages of the full score and complete recordings go to www.issuu.com/wlpmusic/docs/wlp_top5


Mass of Redemption Steven R. Janco Before the implementation of the new translation of The Roman Missal, the Mass of Redemption enjoyed a high level of popularity in parishes across the country and beyond. With the advent of the new translation, this Mass has become even more popular. Steve Janco rewrote the Gloria for the new translation and his throughcomposed setting is energetic and bright, bringing a sparkle to the new text. The Mass is written in the bright key of D major, bringing a joyful quality to the celebration of Sunday Mass, especially during the Christmas and Easter seasons, as well as the Sundays of Ordinary Time. Set for cantor, choir, assembly, keyboard, and guitar (with optional instrumental parts for brass quartet and timpani, two woodwinds, and handbells), the choral writing is in two parts (SA/TB) with optional third voice, often a soprano descant, at climaxes in various sections. Music directors agree that the simple choral arranging makes this a setting appropriate for parishes that do not have the musical “forces” to sing many of the more vocally complex Mass settings. Mass of Redemption brings the choir, musicians, and assembly together in a symphony of praise and thanksgiving for the great gift of redemption in Christ—a wonderful setting to raise hearts and voices to God at Sunday Mass. Join the hundreds of parishes that have made Mass of Redemption a musical staple and a reliable setting of the Mass. Parishes simply never grow weary of singing this setting! 6

Highlights: • Highly popular among parishes before the implementation of new texts; now even more widely used! • Written in the key of D major, bringing jubilance to the celebration of Mass. • A variety of options for instrumentation with simple choral arrangements—ideal for smaller choirs. • A delightful setting for the Christmas and Easter seasons and ideal for Sundays during Ordinary Time.



# & # 68 œ œ œ œ œ œ

œ œ J

‰ œ œ

Glo - ry to God in the high-est,

# & # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ.

peo - ple of good will.

j œ

# & #œ œ œ œ dore

# & #œ


j j œ œ œ


# & # œ.


Fa - ther.





œ œj œ .



Lord God, Lamb of God,

œ œ œ


œ œ œ œ

glo - ri - fy you,


j œ ˙.


right hand of





# & # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ.

you a - lone are the Most High,

œ. œ.

you are

œ œ œ œ j œ

you take a-way the

œ œ œ œ J œ




at the

j j œ ‰œ

œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙. you

œ œj œ


a-lone are the Lord,

j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

Je - sus Christ, with the Ho - ly Spir - it,

in the glo-ry of God the Fa - ther. A - men,

To hear all other parts of this Mass, click here and then click on the LISTEN tab.

you take a-way the


# & # ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ Jœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ . Text © 2010, ICEL

j œ ˙.

œ œ œ œ j œ


the Fa - ther, have mer - cy

are the Ho - ly

God, al - might-y

j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ.


j œ

give you thanks for

of the Fa - ther,

# œ œ œ œ. & #œ œ œ œ œ œ you a - lone

bless you, we a -

j œ œ œ œ œ

j œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ.



On- ly Be-got - ten Son,

j œ œ. œ œ œ ˙.

# & # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ.


œ œ œ œ

j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

sins of the world, re- ceive


j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

heav-en - ly King, O


j œ

j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

sins of the world, have mer - cy

# & #œ œ œ


praise you,

Je - sus Christ,

# & # œ. œ. ##

and on

j œ œ œ œ œ


œ œ œ œ.

your great glo-ry,

œ œ œ œ

œ œj œ . a



men. Steven R. Janco Music © 2010, WLP


Mass of Redemption

Assembly editions of individual Mass parts are available to annual license holders at wlpmusic.com.

“We had been doing parts from Mass of Redemption for years, like the Lenten Gospel Acclamation and the Lamb of God. With the change, we primarily stuck to this one and it works for all seasons. It could actually be called ‘Mass for All Seasons!’ You can keep it simple or add all the instruments and bells.” —Mary Bolton, St. Anne Catholic Church in Oswego, Illinois “With the introduction of the revised Missal, Mass of Redemption was the first setting introduced to our assembly. They responded very favorably to it, singing with gusto! The Gloria is especially well done. The whole setting provides great flexibility with the choir and instrument parts. It is our primary Mass setting now.” —Gregg Schockman, St. Henry Parish Music Ministry in Dayton, Ohio

018000 Full Score ........................................ $16.00 018001 Choral Edition ................................... $5.00 e18004 Brass Quartet and Timpani parts......... $18.00 e18005 Two Woodwinds parts ..................... $10.00 e18006 Handbell parts ................................. $15.00 018003 Assembly Card .................................... $.75 018007 CD ................................................... $17.00

Go interactive! For sample pages of the full score and complete recordings go to www.issuu.com/wlpmusic/docs/wlp_top5 8

Mass of Saint Ann Ed Bolduc When the Gloria from the Mass of Saint Ann was first sung by a group of nearly three thousand pastoral musicians, something magical happened. Suddenly the new and (as of then) unfamiliar words to the newly translated text came alive in a burst of vibrancy and energy. Ed Bolduc put his many years of experience composing and arranging in a contemporary style to use when he created a work of contemporary art with the Mass of Saint Ann. While the compositions for the Gloria and Eucharistic Acclamations are filled with this contemporary feel and energy, the music for the Kyrie and Lamb of God is lyrical and touches the spirit deeply. Arranged for three-part choir (SAT), keyboard, guitar, C instrument, and trumpet, bands and ensembles are finding this setting perfect for those Masses with a more contemporary style in the parish. In addition, many organists have told us that they have simply fallen in love with this setting and use it in parishes that employ organ and cantor at most Masses. Musicians have found its simplicity and energy to be a true crossover between the contemporary and the traditional. A perfect setting for Ordinary Time, Mass of Saint Ann can also bring life and energy to the more festive seasons and feasts of the Church year. For parishes that have brought the Mass of Saint Ann into their parish repertoire, a sense of energy among the musicians and the assembly has resulted in Masses celebrated with joy and wonder. Unite with the hundreds of parishes that have made this a primary setting in the repertoire of Mass settings!


Highlights: • A vibrant and energetic Gloria that has won the hearts of parishes that use contemporary-style Mass settings. • Two versions of the Gloria are included: a through-composed version and a refrain-style version. • The Kyrie and the Lamb of God are lyrical, deeply touching the spirits of all parishioners. • Organists have also fallen in love with this setting! Parishes that employ organ and cantor at most Masses have quickly adopted it. • Simple and energetic, many musicians consider this a true crossover between contemporary and traditional Mass settings. • Perfect for Ordinary Time, and also ideal for use during feasts. 9

Glory to God REFRAIN

6 & b 8 œ œ ‰ Œ. Glo-ry!

&b œ œ œ

j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ Œ. œ œ œ

Glo-ry to God in the high-est.

j œ œ

God in the high-est,


& b Œ . Œ œj œ

‰ œ œ œ.

and on earth

œ œ œ


Glo-ry to

œ œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ. ˙.

peace to peo-ple of good will.

œ œ œ œœ œ

œ œœ œ

1. We praise you, we bless you, we a- dore you, we glo-ri-fy

j œ œ œ œ œ. œ. œ. Œ.

j & b Œ. Œ œ œ. œ. œ

1. we give you thanks for your great glo -

& b œ œ œ œ. 1. heav-en - ly



& b Œ. œ œ œ

j œ ‰ œj œ

& b œ Jœ 2.


œ œ œ ˙ .

have mer-cy on us;



Lord God,




œ œ

Lord God,

j œ. œ ‰ ‰

To Refrain

O God, al - might-y Fa-ther.

2. Lord Je-sus Christ, On-ly Be - got- ten Son,

2. Son of the Fa - ther,


œ œ œ œ œj œ œ . J

œ. œ œ œ œ. œ. . œ

& b œ œ œ œJ œ


œ œj œ .

Lamb of God,

j œ œ œ œ œ you take a - way the œ œ œ. ‰ œ œ œ & b œsins ofœJ theœ world, œ our prayer Œ . œ œ œ œ 2. œj œ reœ - œceive prayer; you are seat j you take a - way bthe sins of the world, & œ œ œ œ œ Œ œj œ œ œ . ˙

‰ œ œ œ œ

2. hand of the Fa-ther,


& b Œ.

Œ œj œ

& b œ.


3. Lord,

To hear all other parts of this Mass, click here and then click on the LISTEN tab.

3. For you

‰ œ


- ed


a-lone are the Ho- ly One,



a - lone are the Most High,




Je - sus


j œ œ

3. with the Ho - ly Spir-it,

& b œ œ ‰ Œ.

œ œ œ œ œ œ

Glo - ry

to God in the

Glo - ry!

Glo - ry

to God in the


Text © 2010, ICEL


To Refrain

œ œ œ œ J

a-lone are the



j œ œJ œ œ ‰

in the glo-ry of God the Fa - ther.

Glo - ry!

& b œ.

the right



œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ. J œ œ œ œ J


j & b ‰ œ œ œ œ œJ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ

& b œ œ ‰ Œ.


have mer - cy on hav

j œ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ.

peace to peo - ple of good



high - est.

j œ œ

high- est,

œ. A

œ. -


‰ œ œ

and on


men. Ed Bolduc Music © 2011, WLP

Mass of Saint Ann

Assembly editions of individual Mass parts are available to annual license holders at wlpmusic.com.

“Looking for a new Mass setting for Advent 2011 was not an easy task. When I came across Ed Bolduc’s Mass of Saint Ann I was BEYOND excited! I finally found Mass parts with a ‘singable’ melody! The arrangement was challenging enough to make it fun for the choir to sing, while the melody was easy for the congregation to learn. Thank you, Ed Bolduc, for an awesome Mass setting!” —Lynette Rea, Music Director at Saint Anthony’s Parish in Frankfort, Illinois “The Mass of Saint Ann is used both in our parish youth Mass and our school Mass. It is easily sung, beautifully written, and one I have even heard the priests really ‘belting out’ as well! Ed Bolduc writes interesting harmonies under a very clean melody.” —Lesley Lindell (via Facebook) “I serve as a music director at one parish and a ‘teen band’ director at another. Over the course of a weekend I do a wide variety of music, from organ and cantor, to a more traditional choir accompanied by organ, to a contemporary ensemble to contemporary Christian. The Mass of Saint Ann is one setting that works for all of them. Whether accompanied by organ, guitars, or any other instruments, the Mass of Saint Ann sounds and functions very well. I thoroughly enjoy using Mass of Saint Ann with our more traditional choir accompanied by organ, cello, trumpet, and flute, and on guitar with piano, bass guitar, and drums. The congregations sing along, and that is the most important part!” —Frank Klose, Music Director at St. Katherine of Siena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Teen Band Director at St. Ignatius of Antioch in Yardley, Pennsylvania

018090 Full Score ............................................$4.00 e18091 Flute and Trumpet parts ......................$4.00 es18093 Guitar e-lead sheet with Choral parts ........................................$4.00 018092 Assembly Card ......................................$.50 018094 CD .....................................................$10.00

Go interactive! For sample pages of the full score and complete recordings go to www.issuu.com/wlpmusic/docs/wlp_top5


Missa Simplex Michael O’Connor, OP and Richard Proulx Missa Simplex, one of WLP’s simplest musical settings of the new translation of The Roman Missal, has fast become one of our most popular. Shortly before his death, Richard Proulx wrote the Gloria Simplex, ( WLP 005304), a straightforward and easily learned chant setting of the newly revised Gloria. The simple melodic pattern of the chant is repeated throughout the setting as the Gloria unfolds, with a few musical surprises that result in a setting that is anything but boring! After Proulx’s untimely death, Michael O’Connor, O.P., utilizing the melodic structure of Proulx’s work, set the rest of the components of the Mass. The Gloria is widely used during Ordinary Time from the smallest parish with keyboard and cantor to this country’s largest cathedral communities, accompanied by pipe organ and supported by a large choir. Because of its simplicity, this setting has become the setting in many parishes for the seasons of Advent and Lent— minus the Gloria, of course! Chant has a universal Catholic sense, and this Mass setting captures that sense and brings the assembly into an intimacy with the newly translated texts of the Mass in a simple and at times haunting way.



Highlights: • One of the simplest settings WLP has to offer. • The Gloria Simplex, written by Richard Proulx shortly before his death, is a chant setting with a simple melodic pattern—with some musical surprises! • Michael O’Connor continued Proulx’s work by utilizing the melodic structure for the remaining components of the Mass. • Used in parishes with only keyboard and cantor, but also widely used in large cathedrals with pipe organ and a large choir. • An ideal Mass setting for Advent and Lent.


# & #œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙

œ œ ˙

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙

Glo-ry to God in the high-est, and on earth peace to peo-ple of good will.

# & # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ We

praise you, we

# & # œ œ œ



œ œ



œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙


we a- dore you, we glo - ri - fy you,

œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ

œ œ ˙

we give you thanks for your great glo - ry,

# & # œ





God, al - might - y

# & # œ œ œ œ œ ˙

On-ly Be-got-ten Son,




œ œ ˙


a - way the sins of


you take







Je - sus Christ,

œ œ ˙

œ œ œ œ œ ˙









œ œ œ ˙

the world,

# & # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ##


Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Fa - ther,

# & # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ you take

Lord God, heav-en - ly King,

a - way the sins of

have mer - cy


the world,

re - ceive

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ nœ œ œ œ ˙







our prayer;

you are seat-ed at the right hand of the Fa-ther, have mer- cy on us.

# & # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙

For you a - lone are the Ho - ly One,

# & # œ œ œ œ œ œ

œ œ œ

œ œ œ œ œ ˙



a - lone are the Lord,

œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙

you a - lone are the Most High, Je - sus Christ, with the Ho - ly

# & # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙

in the glo - ry of God the Fa - ther.

Text © 2010, ICEL

To hear all other parts of this Mass, click here and then click on the LISTEN tab.

œ œ œ œ ˙ A


Spir - it,



Richard Proulx, 1937–2010 Music © 2010, WLP


Missa Simplex

“Yet another excellent ent setting from WLP. P.

Assembly editions of individual Mass parts are available to annual license holders at wlpmusic.com.

“This is a wonderful settingg that is also chant-inspired and yet contemporary. temporary. It is through-composed, sed, rather than Psalm-tone-like (although there is a fair amount of what I would call recitative). The melodic material is not chant, though; it is folk. I think this is a very good thing: it brings the practical aspect of chant (good for public prayer, good for prose texts), without the alienating foreignness of the modes and typical Gregorian melodies. The text setting is excellent. “This is a really wonderful setting, and I think would serve well in most parishes. I particularly think that a music director who is trying to move a typical parish toward more solemn Mass music, but does not (or cannot) plan to go all-Gregorian, would find this an excellent step in the right direction, or even a decent place to stay for a while. Also, I think this setting is durable enough to last for a long season (OT from after Ascension to Advent) without wearing out its welcome. “We were all saddened by Richard Proulx’s death last year. This setting is a wonderful tribute to his legacy.” —Adam Wood, Music Director at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Hurst, Texas Blogger, http://musicforsunday.com Contributor, http://chantcafe.com

018070 Full Score .......................................... $4.00 018071 Assembly Card .................................... $.75 018072 CD ................................................... $17.00

Go interactive! For sample pages of the full score and complete recordings go to www.issuu.com/wlpmusic/docs/wlp_top5 1514

Mass for Our Lady Steven C. Warner and Karen Schneider Kirner Growing in popularity across the United States, Mass for Our Lady is a worthy and dignified setting for use at any Sunday Mass. Its melodies are intuitive and assemblies learn the setting quite quickly and easily. Warner and Kirner have joined forces and created a setting that is simple and regal at the same time. More and more parish music directors are ordering this Mass setting and finding their parishioners singing it with vigor. Arranged for SATB choir, cantor, and assembly, the solid and satisfying keyboard parts can be augmented with guitar, string trio, C instrument, and handbells. Mass for Our Lady is proving adaptable in hundreds of parishes, especially those that have access to the additional instruments, specifically on festive occasions like Easter and Christmas, and the seasons and feasts that call for a setting that soars! Parish musicians tell us that it is appropriate in many pastoral settings, from that early Sunday morning Mass with keyboard and cantor to the principal Sunday Mass when all the “bells and whistles” are put to use.

018120 Full Score ..........................$15.00 018121 Choral Edition .....................$5.00 018126 Guitar Edition ...................$10.00 e18122 C Instrument part ................$8.00 e18123 String trio ...........................$15.00 e18127 Trumpet in B-flat and Trombone parts ...................................$10.00 e18128 Handbell part .....................$15.00 018124 Assembly Card ......................$.75 018125 CD .....................................$17.00

CLICK HERE FOR SAMPLE PAGES OF THE FULL SCORE Highlights: • Intuitive melodies that assemblies learn quickly and easily. • A simple yet regal setting. • Greatly adaptable—appropriate for Mass with keyboard and cantor and ideal for principal Sunday Mass with the addition of guitar, string trio, C instrument, and handbells. • A setting that truly soars during festive occasions like Easter and Christmas.


Holy, Holy, Holy b & b b 44 œ .

j œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ

Ho - ly, Ho - ly,

b j &b b œ œ


j œ œ

and earth

b bœ. œ œ œ œ &b b J san - na in

b j &b b œ œ


is he

b bœ. œ œ œ œ &b b J Text © 2010, ICEL


œ œ œ.





œ œ J



œ œ œ ˙.


œ œ ˙

œ œ

God of


œ œ


Ho - san - na in

œ œ



glo - ry.

j œ œ Œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ

the high-est.

j œ œ

san - na in



Ho -

œ ˙

the high-est.

œ œ


who comes in the name of the Lord.

j œ œ Œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ

the high-est.

Ho - san - na in


œ œ

Ho -

œ ˙.

the high-est.

Steven C. Warner and Karen Schneider Kirner Music © 2011, WLP

Assembly editions of individual Mass parts are available to annual license holders at wlpmusic.com.

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN To hear all other parts of this Mass, click here and then click on the LISTEN tab.

“The Gloria is brilliant! The praise acclamations build so wonderfully! There is some musical referral to the Alleluia (but not repetition), which places it nicely within the Mass setting. The optional choir part in the middle will give the congregation a break initially, as they are learning the music. I am very excited about it!” —Sharon Priemer, Music Director at St. Monica’s Parish in Mishawaka, Indiana “Mass for Our Lady truly encapsulates the joy of liturgy. Incredibly singable, this setting challenges the misconception that musically satisfying Mass parts are inaccessible for the gathered assembly. With experienced and deliberate writing, Steve and Karen have crafted a setting that invites the gathered faithful to sing with full heart and voice. Actually, it is impossible to sing or play the Gloria or Alleluia without the overwhelming desire to respond to God’s love with these great acclamations of praise.” —John Kyler, seminarian at Moreau Seminary in Notre Dame, Indiana. Former liturgical musician. “The SATB parts for this setting are exciting, joyful, and can be powerful—not boring, even when sung over and over. As an alto, I found the parts relatively easy to learn because there is good continuity between the Gloria and Eucharistic settings. As an instrumental musician, the alto, tenor, and bass vocal lines provide lots of material for improvising.” —Colleen Vermeulen, Parish Musician


Go interactive! For sample pages of the full score and complete recordings go to www.issuu.com/wlpmusic/docs/wlp_top5

WLP Mass Settings

WLP offers many other great Mass settings to choose from. Check out our complete library of settings listed here.

Chants from the Order of Mass

Mass in Honor of Pope Paul VI

Mass Jubilee

Charles Thatcher

Edward E. Conner

Michael Mangan

Finely crafted keyboard accompaniment for the Order of Mass chants found in The Roman Missal. 002017 Full Score ................. $5.95

Easily-played heritage Mass, popular among WLP worship resource subscribers.

For Masses with children and families.

018010 Full Score ................. $3.50 018011 Assembly Card ........... $.50 018012 CD .......................... $10.00

018170 Full Score ................. $3.50 e18171 Guitar lead sheet ....... $2.50 018173 Assembly Card ........... $.50 018174 CD .......................... $10.00

Mass of Awakening

Mass of Charity & Love

Mass of Grace

Scott Soper

Steven C. Warner

Lisa Stafford

Delightful setting with many performance options.

Noble and simple, based on the popular hymn “Where Charity and Love Prevail.”

Highly accessible setting— experience classical and harmonically interesting sound!

018100 Full Score ................. $4.00 e18106 C Instrument ............ $5.00 018102 Assembly Card ........... $.50 018104 CD .......................... $17.00

005281 Full Score .................$4.00 005291 Assembly Card ...........$.50 003230 CD ...........................$17.00

003200 Full Score ............... $15.00 003205 Choral Edition ............ 5.00 003209 Guitar Edition ........ $10.00 003204 Gospel Acclamations ...................... $5.00 003201 Eucharistic Prayer Full Score ........................ $12.00 003202 Eucharistic Prayer Priest Edition ................... $10.00 003203 Assembly Card ........... $.75 003210 CD .......................... $17.00

Instrumental parts are found at wlpmusic.com


Mass of Hope and Harmony M

Mass of Saint Aidan M

Kevin Keil K

Rory Cooney R

JJoyful, charming, and flowing melodic lines. li

Celtic-inspired. C 018150 Full Score ................... $5.00 0 ees18151 Guitar lead sheet ........ $4.00 ee18152 Flute, Trumpet in B-flat, String trio parts ................... $8.00 018154 CD ............................ $10.00 0

018140 Full Score .................... $4.00 0 ees18141 Guitar Lead Sheet ..... $4.00 ee18142 Flute & Oboe part (optional) ............................ $5.00 005363 Joyful Gloria ............... $1.40 0

Mass for a New Era M Mass of Joy M

Rachael Frazier R

Kathleen Demny K

SStylistically fresh, spirited, and instinctive. IIdeal for contemporary choirs and teen/ yyoung adult Masses.

For children’s choirs! F 0 018030 Full Scoret .................. $7.00 018031 Choral/Guitar 0 Edition ................................. $2.50 ee18032 Flute part .................... $5.00 ee18033 Handbell part .............. $7.00 018034 Assembly Card ............. $.50 0 018035 CD ............................ $10.00 0

018160 Full Score ................... $4.00 0 018163 Assembly Card ............. $.75 0 018164 CD ........................... $10.00 0

Mass for Christian Unity M Jan M. Vermulst (1925-1994) Ja

Mass of New Beginnings M

Perfect for small choirs. P

W. Clifford Petty W

003220 Full Score .................. $4.00 0 003221 Assembly Card ............. $.50 0 003222 CD ........................... $10.00 0

I Ideal for gospel-style choirs, but an upbeat setting for any parish to use u during festive occasions. d 018130 Full Score ................... $4.00 0 018131 Assembly Card ............. $.50 0 018132 CD ............................ $10.00 0

Mass for the Healing of the World Mass of Rejoicing M JJohn Angotti Contemporary and energetic in John’s C ssignature style. 018180 Full Score ................... $4.00 0 ees18184 Guitar lead sheet ....... $2.50 018183 Assembly Card ............. $.50 0 018186 CD ............................ $10.00 0


Trevor Thomson Contemplative, intuitive, an instantly learned setting due to its gentle call-and-response. 018200 Full Score ...................................................... $4.00 018203 Assembly Card .................................................$.75 018204 CD ............................................................... ........................................................... $10.00

To learn more about these settings, please visit wlpmusic.com or call 800-566-6150. Sample pages and soundclips are available online.

Melodic Chant Setting of Eucharistic Prayer II with Prefaces

Christmastide Gloria

Alan J. Hommerding

Employs the melody of “Joy to the World.”

A practical and adaptable setting of Eucharistic Prayer II with limited range of melody. In D, E-flat, and F.

005331 Octavo ................................................. $1.40 e05331 Click & Print Octavo .......................... $1.40

018075 Full Score (Priest, Assembly, and Keyboard) ................................... $10.00 e18075 Click & Print Full Score .................................. $10.00 018076 Priest Edition ...................... $8.00 e18076 Click & Print Priest Edition .............................. $8.00

Kevin Keil

Danish Amen Mass Eucharistic Acclamations David Kraehenbuehl Popular among WLP worship resource subscribers, now available to all parishes! 018050 Octavo ................................................. $1.85 e18050 Click & Print Octavo .......................... $1.85

Gloria for Christmastime Misa Luna Peter M. Kolar A glorious setting for bilingual parishes.

una Misa Cantada Bilingüe

a Bilingual Mass Setting

Edición para Teclado y Voces ✦ Keyboard / Vocal Edition Coro a Dos Voces, Cantor, Asamblea, Teclado, y Guitarra Two-Part Choir, Cantor, Assembly, Keyboard, and Guitar

018060 Keyboard/Vocal Edition .... $12.00 018061 Guitar/Vocal Edition ............ $5.00 018067 Assembly Card ................... $1.00 018066 CD .................................... $17.00

Br. Howard Hughes, SM Adapted by Alan J. Hommerding Includes the beloved refrain “Gloria in Excelsis Deo” from “Angels We Have Heard on High.” 005310 Octavo ................................................. $1.30 e05310 Click & Print Octavo .......................... $1.30

Gloria Simplex Richard Proulx (1937-2010)

People’s Mass Jan M. Vermulst (1925-1994)

Elegant chant setting of the Gloria, also found in Missa Simplex (pages 12-13.) 005304 Octavo ................................................. $1.50 e05304 Click & Print Octavo .......................... $1.50

Encourages assembly participation! 003217 Full Score ........................... $5.00 003219 Assembly Card ..................... $.50 003216 CD .................................... $10.00

Good Shepherd Mass Eucharistic Acclamations Robert Noble Instinctive and a quick study for choirs and assemblies alike.

Sing Praise and Thanksgiving

005332 Octavo ................................................. $1.85 e05332 Click & Print Octavo .......................... $1.85

J. Michael Joncas One of WLP’s best-loved heritage Masses. 018020 Full Score ......................... $16.00 018021 Choral Edition .................... $5.00 018024 Assembly Card ..................... $.75 018025 CD .................................... $17.00

Resonet in Laudibus Eucharistic Acclamations and Lamb of God Arranged by Jennifer Pascual A great setting to introduce during Advent to guarantee rousing singing during the Christmas season! 005337 Octavo ................................................. $1.85 e05337 Click & Print Octavo .......................... $1.85




Look inside to discover what your colleagues in music ministry are using!

For an interactive version of this catalog go to www.issuu.com/wlpmusic/docs/wlp_top5. You’ll find sample pages and complete recordings! Six easy ways to order: Phone: 800-566-6150 Fax: 888-957-3291 E-mail: wlpcs@jspaluch.com Online: wlpmusic.com

Mail: World Library Publications 3708 River Road, Suite 400 Franklin Park, IL 60131-2158 Contact: Your J.S. Paluch Parish Consultant

World Library Publications


the music and liturgy division of J.S.Paluch Company, Inc.


800-566-6150 • wlpmusic.com

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