Princeton Magazine, Spring 2018

Page 100

You can measure hope. 72% IVF delivery rate.* At Reproductive Medicine Associates of New Jersey, we measure everything— because everything matters when you’re trying to have a baby. With IVF success rates about 20% higher than the US average, our expert team has helped hopeful patients from New Jersey and around the world become parents. Award-winning scientific advancements, financial options such as our new CareShare 100% refund program, and success rates are just some of the ways we measure hope.

Have hope. Connect with us today: • 973-656-2089

*SART 2014 Final Live Birth Per Egg Retrieval Cycle (72.4% under 35 years; N=723). This is your chance of achieving a live birth for each cycle started for an egg retrieval. This includes all transfers performed with fresh and frozen embryos derived from this cycle. Please note a comparison of clinic success rates may not be meaningful because a patient’s medical characteristics, treatment approaches and entrance criteria for assisted reproductive technology (ART) may vary from clinic to clinic. Visit to learn more.

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