Centennial Donor Report: Endowing Our Next Century of Impact

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Centennial Donor Report




The Winston-Salem Foundation Centennial Donor Report 2019–2020



Next Century Ambassadors


Donors to Our Centennial Efforts


Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds


Scholarship Funds


The Winston-Salem Foundation Scholarship and Education Grant


Donors to the Black Philanthropy Initiative


Donors to The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem


Donors to Youth Grantmakers in Action


The Legacy Society


Our Next Century of Impact


DEAR FRIENDS, In 2017, as we established plans to honor and celebrate the Foundation’s 100 years of impact, we couldn’t have imagined the situation that we now face as a community, a country, and a world. Yet, as we reflect on these past few years, we want you to know how inspired we are by your astounding generosity and by the collective strength that emerges from working together to address both new and persistent challenges. One of the unique benefits of investing in a community foundation is that we pool gifts of all sizes to provide meaningful impact, no matter what the opportunities and challenges we face. A case in point: this year we could not have been nearly as generous in our grantmaking to address COVID-19’s devastating impact on local individuals and nonprofits without the support of all those listed in this report who donated to our flexible funds. From the beginning of the Centennial effort in 2017 through June 2020, our fundraising efforts resulted in 50 new flexible Unrestricted and Field of Interest endowments being established, and coupled with gifts to already-existing flexible funds, these added more than $800,000 to the annual grantmaking dollars available to be invested back in Forsyth County. Gifts to the Next Century Fund from October 2018 to

June 2020 totaled $450,000, also supplementing our flexible grantmaking dollars in perpetuity. Eleven needbased scholarship funds were established during this time, and as of this fall, they were already providing over $400,000 a year in additional scholarship support to local students needing financial assistance. In addition to substantially increasing our flexible grantmaking resources and scholarship support, during the Centennial we worked to diversify the Foundation family — listening more intentionally and including new and critical perspectives in our decision-making. We created more alignment between

our work and that of our strategic initiatives: the Black Philanthropy Initiative, the Women’s Fund, and Youth Grantmakers in Action. We also deepened staff and board learning about racial equity, and we will continue to infuse this knowledge in all our work, both internally and externally, to advance equity in Forsyth County. As we move forward, the Foundation will continue aligning our investments in this evolving community with a collective vision for the future. Eliminating hundreds of years of inequities will take all of us coming together and using the resources we have to ensure that everyone in Forsyth County has the resources they need to thrive — no matter the color of their skin or the zip code in which they live. We sincerely appreciate your trust in the work of this foundation. Thanks to you, The Winston-Salem Foundation will be serving Winston-Salem and Forsyth County for decades and for centuries to come. Best regards, Annette P. Lynch Vice President, Advancement

Scott F. Wierman President



Our 2019 Centennial Year


YOUTH GRANTMAKERS IN ACTION CELEBRATION Our youth grantmakers hosted their annual grant celebration in April where they announced grants to 13 youth-led groups, funding projects as varied as a spring literacy camp, an alternative prom, a food backpack pantry, and scholarship funds for a theatre summer enrichment program. YGA gives voice to a diverse group of youth ages 15-18 as they plan their own grantmaking process to make a positive impact in Forsyth County.

In May, we welcomed an enthusiastic crowd of 1,250 community members to celebrate the Foundation’s 100th birthday at the Benton Convention Center. The event kicked off with student performances and followed with remarks from past and present volunteers who introduced four videos reflecting the Foundation’s legacy, its impact, and aspirations for the community’s future. Many guests also visited the Centennial photo wall to share their hopes and dreams for Winston-Salem’s future.

[ 2 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report

STAFF BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Foundation staff gathered on our building’s rooftop for a luncheon to celebrate the Foundation’s official 100th birthday on October 14. Founded with a $1,000 donation, we were the first foundation of any type to be established in North Carolina. The celebration continued throughout October with Centennial flags posted on downtown streetlights and blue lights shining on city landmarks.


BLACK PHILANTHROPY INITIATIVE FUNDRAISER BPI’s 10th annual fundraising event was held in October at WinstonSalem State University’s Anderson Center. Continuing its focus on advancing equity in education in our Black communities, BPI highlighted five grantees, followed by speaker Dr. Karen Roseboro of WinstonSalem/Forsyth County Schools. After the event, many guests attended renowned journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones’s keynote at the Williams Auditorium.

In November, The Women’s Fund held its 14th annual luncheon at the Benton Convention Center. Over 700 members and friends gathered to hear keynote speaker Suzanne Reynolds, retired dean at Wake Forest University’s School of Law. They also celebrated over $106,000 in grants to nine local nonprofits addressing the economic security of women and girls in Forsyth County.

DAVID BROOKS EVENT: BETTER COMMUNITIES AND BETTER LIVES More than 1,300 community members joined us on a December evening at Reynolds Auditorium to hear from New York Times columnist David Brooks as he shared his thoughts on how to strengthen connections and our community in a fragmented world. After his keynote, Brooks was joined on stage for more conversation with Dr. Elwood Robinson, chancellor of WinstonSalem State University.

CENTENNIAL GIFT TO THE COMMUNITY — POLLINATOR GARDENS AT QUARRY PARK In commemoration of the Centennial, in December the Foundation made its Gift to the Community, a $125,000 grant to create sustainable pollinator gardens at Quarry Park. The 228-acre park opened in 2017 and is still in development. This beautiful site is connected to local greenways and is home to a wide variety of wildlife, and once complete, the gardens will provide a rich habitat for attracting pollinating insects — so critically needed in our environment today.

our 2019 centennial year [ 3 ]

Next Century Ambassadors “When I grow up, I want Winston-Salem to be a city with people with far different backgrounds to be together, be able to go to schools together, attend churches together, and live in the same neighborhoods. And I believe that parents should be able to have great jobs to take care of their families.” –T R E V I O N TAY L O R WS/FCS student

These generous community members answered the Foundation’s call and helped us achieve our Centennial goals through their commitment of resources. Next Century Ambassadors identified and encouraged others to become partners with the Foundation’s efforts, they hosted and attended special events and endorsed our work in the community, and they led by example by making personal commitments to the Centennial fundraising efforts. We share our deep gratitude to our generous Next Century Ambassadors, as their efforts have ensured that additional flexible resources will be available for Forsyth County for years to come.

Frank and Ranlet Bell

Randall and Claire Tuttle

Graham and Janice Bennett

Bill and Judy Watson

Paul and Fran Breitbach

Harden and Janet Wheeler

Mike and Wendy Brenner

John and Betty Whitaker

Richard and Sylvia Budd

Paul and Jan Wiles

John and Mary Louise Burress

Vernon and Frankie Winters

Hudnall and Claire Christopher Woody Clinard Matt Cullinan and Anna Reilly Richard and Becky Davis Barry and Lynn Eisenberg Vic and Roddy Flow Paul Fulton Linda and John Garrou Drew and Kelley Hancock Borden and Ann Hanes Charles and Susan Hauser Tommy and Pat Hickman Donald and Denise Jenkins Joia Johnson Stan and Liz Kelly Frank and Kay Lord Harold and Davida Martin David and Scottie Neill Ed and Nancy Pleasants Elizabeth L. Quick Avon Ruffin

[ 4 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report

Donors to our Centennial Efforts In 2017, the Foundation’s staff and board identified three key areas where we would focus intensive fundraising efforts during the Centennial to expand our ability to respond to our community through grantmaking and scholarships for students with greater financial need. This list reflects donations to Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds, financial need-based Scholarship Funds, and to the Next Century Fund endowment for Community Grantmaking. We are most grateful for this support as it will expand the Foundation’s ability to support this community as we enter our second century of service.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brenner

Mr. and Mrs. William Gray Cobey

Mike and Wendy Brenner

Sophia Cody Advised Fund

Ms. Phyllis Britnell

Mr. Keith Coe

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Brooker

Larry and Jane Combs

Margaret W. Brooks Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Compton

Seth B. Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conner

Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm M. Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Connors

Dr. Helen H. Bryngelson

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cotterill

Mr. Thailer A. Buari

Ms. Susan Covington

Buckhorn Coal Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Cox

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Budd

J. Scott Cramer CRUT

Dr. Vivian H. Burke

Mr. Joshua R. Crane

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III

Mr. and Mrs. C. Penn Craver, Jr.

1/1/2017 – 6/30/2020

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Baldridge

Mrs. Martha H. Butner

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Crehore

Anonymous (46)

Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Baldwin III

Ms. Mary Lois R. Bynum

Dr. and Mrs. Ralph D’Agostino

Abbot Downing - A Wells Fargo Company

Bank Of The Lowcountry

Ms. Sylvia J. Caldwell

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Dallas III

Ms. Amy P. Barnhardt

Mrs. Mary Irving Campbell

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dalton, Jr.

Ms. Anne Adams

Mr. and Mrs. Zeb E. Barnhardt, Jr.

Dr. William V. Campbell, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Daly

Mr. Thomas R. Adams

Mr. Christopher Barry

Mr. F. Clay Canady

George Franklin Davis CLAT

AIDS Care Service

Dr. Brenda G. Bass-Roper

Capital Development Services

Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Davis

Dr. Azeez A. Aileru

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beasley

Mr. and Mrs. Dickson M. Capps

Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawrence Davis III

Dr. David Albertson and Dr. Liz Albertson

Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Beason

Ms. Vicki Carmichael

Ms. Jean C. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Belk, Jr.

Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Davis, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bell, Jr.

Ms. Genie Carr

Ms. Rebecca M. Deaton

Mr. Graham F. Bennett

Mrs. Rhea G. Carter

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Degroot

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Beroth

Mr. and Mrs. Jere Carter

Mr. and Mrs. David Russell DenHerder

Mr. and Mrs. Alain Bertoni

Peggy Carter

Dr. and Mrs. James P. Dickerson

Mr. R. Gordon Bingham

Mr. and Mrs. Garland S. Cassada

Ms. Kay K. Dillon

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Blancato

Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Cathey

Estate of Elaine D. Dowdell

Mrs. Sally Glenn Blanco

Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Cauthen, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Dray

Edna Newsome Blanton 2007 CRAT

Mr. M. Campbell Cawood

Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll

Dr. Frederick A. Blount

Odysseus J. Chamis

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Boyles Dudley

Ms. Lucy F. Armfield

Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina

Mr. and Mrs. Robbie O. Chandler

Ms. Kate Duncan

Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Armitage

Ms. Jennifer Chan-Huang and Dr. William Huang

Mrs. Shirley Duncan

Larry E. Bohannon and Sharon Hamilton

Ms. Lynn Armstrong

Mr. Jon Bolton

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Chapman

Mr. and Mrs. R. Marks Arnold

Mr. Noel Lee Dunn and Ms. Mia Celano

Mr. and Mrs. James A. S. Bonner

Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Cherry

Ms. Alison Ashe-Card and Dr. John P. Card

Ms. Phyllis H. Dunning

Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke

Mr. and Mrs. F. Hudnall Christopher, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Dorsey Dyer, Jr.

Mr. C. P. Booker

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clardy, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Gray Dyer

Dr. and Mrs. Edwyn T. Bowen, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Dyer

Mr. John B. Brady

Mr. George M. Cleland III

Mrs. John T. Eagan, Jr.

Dr. Allison Brashear

Dr. Dean and Mr. Fred R. Clifford

Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Breitbach

Mr. D. Elwood Clinard, Jr.

Elizabeth T. Edmondson Irrevocable Living Annuity Trust

Mrs. Ann L. Brenner

Mrs. Deborah Clough

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Edwards

Ms. Martha Albertson Ms. Martha B. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Miller Allen Mr. Worth Allen Dr. and Mrs. Elms L. Allen Dr. and Mrs. David H. Allen Ms. Gayle N. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. John Appel Dr. and Mrs. Guy Arcuri Mr. and Mrs. James W. Armentrout

Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Auchincloss Ava Gardner Trust Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Babcock Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Bagnal, Jr. Mr. Wesley Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Baker

Ms. Nancy W. Dunn

donors to our centennial efforts [ 5 ]

Donors to our Centennial Efforts, continued

Mrs. Charlotte Eggers

Mr. Anthony L. Furr

Dr. and Mrs. Gary M. Green

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Henderson

Ms. Juanita Eldridge

Ms. Bernice Gaither

Margaret Griffin Memorial Fund

Mr. M. N. Hennessee

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ellington

Mr. David N. Gallaher

Mr. Thomas W. Griffin

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hensel

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Elster, Jr.

Garner Foods

Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey T. Griffin

Mr. and Mrs. Tommy L. Hickman

Mrs. Edyce Elworth

Linda and John Garrou

Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Griffith

Mr. James M. Higgins

Ms. Kathleen Evans

Ms. Anne Garvey

Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Gunter

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Hill

Ms. Shaun Fisher Fellers

Brittney and Jamie Gaspari

Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Hall

Ms. Katherine T. Hill

Mrs. John H. Felts

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gerding

Mr. Jonathan D. Halsey

HKS Hardware and Hollow Metal, Inc.

Ms. Elizabeth L. Fenwick

Ms. Barbara F. Gerhard

Ms. Judith B. Halverson

Margaret Ann Hofler and Larry Laxton

Ms. Elizabeth W. Fields

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerritson

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan, Jr.

Financial Pathways of the Piedmont

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gfeller, Jr.

Martha S. Hancock and James A. Hancock, Jr. Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Eric E. Fink

Ms. Catherine T. Giles

Kelley and Drew Hancock

Ms. Pamela Hollodick

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fisher

Mr. and Mrs. John Gillon

Frank Borden Hanes Revocable Trust

Dr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Holthusen

Mr. and Mrs. Don Fitzgerald

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ginn

Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr.

Home Real Estate Company, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Flow, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Glaze

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hanes III

Ms. Marjorie T. Hoots

Mrs. Virginia Forbis

Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirk Glenn, Jr.

Mr. James C. Harper, Jr.

Greg and Carol A. Hoover

Mr. Gregory Ford

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Goins III

Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison

Mr. Frank Horne, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fox

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Goodson III

Ms. Virginia S. Hart

Mr. Barry Hubert Dr. Larry Hungerford Jacqueline S. Hunt CRAT

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Holland

Mr. Cort Fox

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Hatchell

John C. and Sheila F. Fox

Mrs. Caroline C. Goodwin

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser

Mrs. Andrea P. Fox

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gottlieb

Mr. and Mrs. George B. Hawkins

Estate of Jacqueline S. Hunt

Mr. and Mrs. John Fragakis

Mr. Vergil H. Gough

Hayward Family Foundation

John and Patricia Hunter

Judge William H. Freeman

Betty Allen and Conrad Graham

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Hedgpeth

Immedia Print

Eric and Amber Freeman

Mr. and Mrs. David Gramley

Ms. Eunice Heilig

Dr. and Mrs. Lucas Inman

Mr. Paul Fulton, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Patrick Grantham

Dr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Heise

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Iseman, Jr.

Ms. Cici Fulton

The Gray 57

Mr. Charles R. Hemrick

Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. James III James A. Gray High School Class of 1957 James A. Gray High School Class of 1958 James A. Hancock, Jr. and Martha Stockton Hancock CRT Richard Janeway, MD Dr. and Mrs. Ali Jarrahi Rev. and Mrs. Donald Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Jenkins Mr. Maurice N. Jennings Mrs. Catherine Jenrette Mr. M. Nelson Jessup Ms. Betty W. Johnson Mrs. Dell C. Johnson Mrs. Ann C. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Jones Joye Enterprises, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Juran Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kapp Mr. and Mrs. M. Keith Kapp Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Kappes Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kay, Jr.

[ 6 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report

Donors to our Centennial Efforts, continued

Cynthia Kelley and April Durr

Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Martin, Sr.

Dr. David L. Kelly, Jr.

Ms. Martha Y. Martinat

Mr. and Mrs. Stanhope A. Kelly

Mr. David P. Masich

The Senah C. & C.A. Kent Foundation

Ms. Dee S. Matthews

Mrs. Elizabeth B. Kerner

Mrs. Wendy Mauney

Mr. and Mrs. William Verdery Kerr

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Maxwell

Dr. Rogan Kersh and Ms. Sara Pesek

Ms. Carolyn McBride

Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP

Ms. Sara S. McCall

Ms. Kayce King

Dr. and Mrs. William McCall, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe King

Dr. and Mrs. John D. McConnell

Mr. Edward H. Klevinski, Jr.

Mr. William Frederick McGuirt, Jr.

Ms. Joyce Kohfeldt

Ms. Carolyn McIver

Körner’s Folly Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon

Mr. and Mrs. Adrian M. Kreeger

Estate of Jacqueline McKnight

Mr. and Mrs. R. Wayne Kreeger

Kasey McLaughlin

Mr. Bradley Kuebler

Ms. Eloise G. McManus

Ms. Jo Ann Kyslinger

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. McNames

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lambeth

Mercedes-Benz of Winston-Salem

Ms. Judy Lambeth

Dr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Meredith

Ms. Barbara Lancaster

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Miller

Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Lawless

Dr. Henry S. Miller, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Lawson, Jr.

Doris Anne Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lawyer

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Miller

Tim Leach

John Mills

Legatus Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Terry Mixon

The Honorable Molly Leight

Ms. Ellen N. Monahan

Mr. Curtis Leonard

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Moore

Levin, Spinnett & Company, LLP

Mr. Wayne F. Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Lewis

Estate of A.C. Motsinger, Jr.

Mr. Jeffery Lindsay

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Moury

Ms. Amber Lineback

Charles Mull Fund

Mr. James E. Lippard

Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Murray

Adrienne Amos Livengood

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Murray

Dr. and Mrs. Dan S. Locklair

Mr. and Mrs. Lucian H. Neal

Mr. W. R. Loftis, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. T. David Neill

Mr. Joseph P. Logan

Dr. Virginia K. Newell

Ms. Anna Logemann

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newman

Ms. Katherine Logemann

Ms. Elizabeth M. Noland

Ms. Martha Logemann

Mr. Paul Norby

Mrs. Deborah Millis Long

Mr. Richard P. Nordan

Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Lord III

Ms. Corena A. Norris-McCluney

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lowry, Jr. Annette P. and John F. Lynch

North Carolina Baptist Hospital Foundation

Dr. David E. Manthey

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Ogburn, Jr.

Mrs. Lucia J. Marshall

Dr. Thomas O’Neill and Dr. Stacey O’Neill

Ms. Debbie Marshall Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin

“My hopes and dreams for Winston-Salem are that we’ll take a real deep dive into the history of race and racism in our city and really undo some of those systemic issues around race — to change it so that we don’t have people who are living in poverty and can’t move out of poverty, that everyone can thrive and take advantage of what this city has to offer.” –CLAIRE TUTTLE Community Volunteer

Ms. Katherine W. Otterbourg

donors to our centennial efforts [ 7 ]

Donors to our Centennial Efforts, continued

David Owen

Clay V. Ring, Jr.

Judge and Mrs. Ronald E. Spivey

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wall

Mr. John V. Pappas

Kirsten and Doug Ririe

Dr. Robert L. Sprinkle

Ms. Marilyn A. Parker

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Robins

Ms. Marty Spry

Hans W. and Elizabeth K. Wanders Advised Fund

Margaret W. Parker Charitable Lead Unitrust

Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Rogers III

Ms. Ring T. Stafford

The Ward Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rosenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Starbuck

Ms. Leila L. Warren

Professor Wendy Marie Parker

Mrs. David F. Rowe, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Stein

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Watson

Lisa and Nathan Parrish

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Royster

Mr. Richard Stockton

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Watts

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Parsley

Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Rubin

Mr. and Mrs. R. Stuart Stogner

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Weber

Ms. Lois M. Partridge

Estate of Dalton D. Ruffin Dalton Dillard Ruffin

J. William and Mary Helen Straker Charitable Foundation

R. Michael and Janet Wells

Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Patton Ms. Patricia Pence-Sokoloff

Ms. Avon L. Ruffin

The Strickland Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Westerberg Estate of Pamela Westrick

Mr. John O. Perritt

Mr. Michael Ryden and Mr. Arthur Easter

Mrs. Sheryll Strode

Ms. Margaret Perrone

Mr. and Mrs. W. Kirk Sanders

Ludy M. Strother Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

Ms. Meridith C. Whitaker

Clifford and Elizabeth Perry

Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sandridge, Jr.

Dr. Allston Stubbs III

Ms. Teresa J. White

Mr. Harold Peterson

Estate of Mary Carol Sapp

Ms. Brooke Johnson Suiter

Ms. Doris Whitt

Ms. Susan D. Pfefferkorn

Mary Carol Sapp Charitable Trusts

Mrs. John R. Surratt

Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Wierman

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Pitts

Ms. Joan M. Savage

Mrs. John J. Sutton, Jr.

The Wiesler Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants

Mr. William T. Schatzman

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Sutton

Mr. and Mrs. J. Tracy Wilkerson

Mr. Graydon Pleasants and Ms. Margaret Scales

Michelle and Alex Schenker

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Sutton, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler

Nat and Phyllis Swanson

A. Tab Williams Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

Mr. David R. Plyler

Mr. Russell Schonekas

Mr. and Mrs. Neal E. Tackabery

Mr. Reginald J. Williams

Mr. Dale S. Seibert

Ms. Alisia F. Talley

Williams Mediation LLC

Susan and Philippe Sevin

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Tarnok

Mrs. Francis F. Willingham Mr. and Mrs. John W. Willingham

Ms. Lynne Poppe

Mr. W. David Shannon and Ms. Piper Chamel

Ms. Marguerite B. Taylor Mrs. Mary Rose Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Willis, Jr.

Ms. Jean Poteat

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shannon

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tedder

Dr. Janet M. Wilmoth

Ms. Maclyn H. Powell

Mr. James Shaw, Sr.

Temple Emanuel

Mr. and Mrs. George E. Wilson

Ms. Terri Jackson Powell

Mr. and Mrs. R. Edwin Shelton

Mr. H. Wharton Winstead

Ms. Gerri Pratt

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron B. Shough

Jesse C. Temple 2007 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Ms. Esther K. Preston

Ms. Sandra Crotts Shugart

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Thuman

Mr. John G. Wolfe III

Mr. J. Timothy Prout

Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Simpson

Tiger Trust

Martha H. Womble

Lisa and Cliff Purcell

Mr. Willis Slane and Dr. Caroline Chiles

Mr. F. Nelson Tomlinson, Jr.

Erna and Bill Womble, Jr.

Mrs. Elizabeth L. Quick

Mr. and Mrs. J. Todd Slate

Mr. C. K. Torrence III

Womble Bond Dickinson

Martin and Donna G. Rader

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sleap

Ms. Peggy W. Troutman

Judge and Mrs. William Z. Wood, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ragland

Mrs. Joseph W. Sleap


Dr. and Mrs. Warden Woodard

Lee and Casey Raymer

Ms. Elizabeth A. Sloan

Claire and Randall S. Tuttle

Ms. Caroline Workman

Mr. David B. Rea and Ms. Martha Apple

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Smith

Dr. and Mrs. David Ugland

Ray Wright

Ms. Anna M. Smith

United Way of Forsyth County

Ms. Virginia Wynn

Abbie and Francis Pepper, Jr.

Ashburn Wright Wall Pollock Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Walker L. Poole

Ms. Diane G. Reeves

David C. Wesson

Harden and Janet Wheeler

Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters

Mr. and Mrs. G. Dee Smith

Mrs. Charles F. Vance, Jr.

The Honorable William Reingold and Mrs. Margaret Reingold

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Yarbrough, Jr.

Amy K. Smith and Kenny Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Ramon Velez

Mr. and Mrs. Wendell G. Yarbrough

Reynolds American Foundation

Mrs. Carol F. Smith

Dr. Lelia L. Vickers

Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Yeargan

Ms. Carolynn King Richmond

Ms. Rebecca Smitherman

Mr. and Mrs. George Wackerhagen

Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Yena

J.P. Rider Charitable Remainder Trust dated 6/6/91

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Sommerkamp

Mr. and Mrs. Khurshed Wadia

Mr. and Mrs. George Yezbak

Mr. Jule C. Spach

Ms. Cobey Wagoner

Mr. and Mrs. David Yount

The Rt. Rev. Graham and Mrs. Rights

Ms. Kiesha Speech

Mr. and Mrs. William W. Walker

Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation

Dr. Robert J. Rights, DDS

Ms. Nancy S. Spencer

Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Wall

Ms. Phoebe Zerwick

[ 8 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report


When Less Is More Ask retired businessman John Burress about the current state of his investment portfolio, and he’ll tell you that today he’s worth considerably less than what he once was. And he’s never been happier. “That is by design,” John says in all seriousness. “I’ve been fortunate enough to be a successful investor and have given away considerably more than I ever dreamed I’d be able to. “My philosophy the last 10 or 15 years is that I wanted to see my charitable dollars spent. I want to enjoy the fruits of watching them grow in my lifetime and be put to work. It’s kind of selfish.” Burress, whose family owned a thriving construction equipment company, established a private family foundation in the 1980s through which he channeled his charitable donations. But when the time and expense of managing it became onerous, he turned to The WinstonSalem Foundation to handle his giving. “I knew the work they did. I knew they were efficient. I knew their investment philosophy, and I had a great deal of confidence in that.” Both John and his wife Mary Louise had become acquainted with the Foundation through decades of volunteer work with local nonprofits. In 2003, he began serving on the Foundation Committee and became increasingly involved in all aspects of its work and service. He set up his first donor-advised fund with the Foundation in 2004. “I saw how they operated, and I became more and more convinced that the work they did was the best thing we could have in our community for continuity and longevity,” he explains. “Historically, the Foundation’s investment managers are near the top of all foundations on both three-year and five-year annualized returns. They are great stewards of your money, my money, and the Foundation’s money.”

The John W. Burress Community Fund was established as an unrestricted fund in 2007, followed by the John W. Burress Advised Fund in 2008. John served on the Foundation’s governing board from 2003-2010. Mary Louise and John are also members of the Foundation’s Legacy Society.

When leaders of the Foundation first considered moving their offices to 751 West Fourth Street a few years ago, the first call they made was to John Burress. Without hesitation, he and Mary Louise committed the lead gift that helped make the move possible. Now on the third floor is the Burress Family Center for Philanthropy, a charitable hub where nonprofits can come together to learn and share their ideas. These days this generous advocate is focusing his attention on building up the Foundation’s unrestricted funds, which support Community Grants to local nonprofits to meet challenges and opportunities in Forsyth County, even as they change over time. He plans to leave a significant portion of his estate to the Foundation in perpetuity for that purpose. “For the Foundation to have less than $3 million a year in unrestricted dollars to make grants is quite small. I want to add to that when I’m gone, and I’m asking others to do the same,” he says. “I think the community can best benefit from unrestricted dollars that can be granted to nonprofits doing innovative and essential work, and I trust the Foundation’s time-tested and excellent judgment to accomplish that.”

donors to our centennial efforts [ 9 ]

Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds

Unrestricted Funds support a wide variety of changing funding opportunities over time through Community Grants. Field of Interest Funds allow donors to support Community

Grants within a specific area of interest, such as arts and culture, the environment, or human services.

NEW FUNDS  (1/1/2019 – 6/30/2020)


Marshall B and Celestine P. Bass Community Fund

Established by Marshall B and Celestine P. Bass as a donor-advised fund in 1998 and converted to an unrestricted fund upon Mr. Bass’ death in 2019

Ranlet S. and Frank M. Bell, Jr. Fund

Established by Ran and Frank Bell for the Environment and Education on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Logan and Vivian H. Burke Fund

Established by Dr. Vivian H. Burke in memory of her husband, Logan, on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Claire C. and F. Hudnall Christopher, Jr. Fund

Established by Claire and Hudnall Christopher on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Joan and David Cotterill “Fries Centennial Fund”

Established by Joan and David Cotterill on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Driscoll Family Fund

Established by Frank and Mary Driscoll on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Michael J. and Meredith B. Fisher Fund for the Community

Established by Mike and Meredith Fisher on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Madlon and Kirk Glenn Community Fund

Established by Kirk and Madlon Glenn on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Kelley and Drew Hancock Community Fund

Established by Kelley and Drew Hancock on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Hatchell Fund for the Community

Established by Dennis and Marge Hatchell on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Jeffery T. Lindsay Community Fund

Established by Jeffery T. Lindsay on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Kay and Frank Lord Community Fund

Established by Kay and Frank Lord on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Jacqueline McKnight Fund

Established with an estate gift from Jacqueline McKnight as an unrestricted fund

Sarah D. and Henry T. Mixon Charitable Fund

Established by Sarah D. and Henry T. Mixon on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Elizabeth Quick Fund

Established by Elizabeth Quick on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Ralph Fund

Established by the living trust of Candace Borreson for the humane treatment of animals, particularly dogs

Benita Ruffin Memorial Fund

Established by Avon Ruffin in memory of her daughter, Benita Ruffin

Bill and Judy Watson Fund for the Community

Established by Bill and Judy Watson on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Harden and Janet Wheeler Community Fund

Established by Janet and Butch Wheeler on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Wiles Family Fund

Established by Paul and Jan Wiles on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial




Anonymous Trust #2


Established by an anonymous donor as an unrestricted fund

Louise and Sam Adams Community Fund


Established through a charitable trust to support the charitable needs of the community

Kitty Bowman, AIDS Care Service, LGBTQ+ Fund 2017

Established by AIDS Care Service with preference for supporting organizations serving the non-medical/physical health issues of the LGBTQ+ community

Lena Albright Memorial Fund 1979

Established by family and friends for organizations that provide comfort and benefit to those suffering from cancer, especially leukemia

William T. and Sylvia Alderson Fund 2017

Established by Sylvia Alderson as a Donor-Advised Fund and converted to an Unrestricted Fund for Community Grantmaking

R. Worth Allen and Atha J. Allen Fund

Established by Mrs. Atha Allen in 1989 in memory of her husband and later endowed


John W. and Alice Rose Alspaugh Memorial Funds 1964

Established by bequest by John W. Alspaugh to provide health care to underprivileged people

John Wesley Alspaugh and Celeste Tucker Alspaugh Memorial 1964

Established by bequest by John W. Alspaugh in memory of his parents to support programs for disadvantaged youth

APL Bucket Fund 2018

Established in honor of Annette P. Lynch, by her family, friends, and colleagues for community grantmaking

[ 10 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report




Richard E. Ashburn Trust


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund

Warren David Ashburn Fund


Established for charitable purposes of the Foundation

William W. Avera and Frances H. Avera Fund


Established by Bill and Frances Avera by bequest to benefit disadvantaged youth

Charles Babcock, Jr. Discretionary Fund 2006

Established with a gift from the Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation to honor Charles Babcock, Jr. and his lifelong support of emerging and changing community needs

Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund 2006

Established with a gift from the Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation to honor Charles Babcock, Jr. and his lifelong interest in arts and culture in the community

Mary Reynolds Babcock Cultural Improvement Fund


Established for grants and loans to cultural and arts groups in the community

Agnew H. Bahnson and Elizabeth H. Bahnson Memorial Fund


Established with proceeds from the sale of the Bahnson House as an unrestricted fund

Nancy R. Baity Trust 2000

Established in memory of her husband Ira W. Baity, Jr. to support programs for disadvantaged children and youth

LeeAnn F. Baker Fund 2018

Established in memory of LeeAnn F. Baker to support programs addressing mental health and children’s hunger issues

William P. and Katharine T. Baldridge Endowment


Established as an unrestricted fund

Bank of America Corporation Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund in honor of the Foundation’s 75th Anniversary

BB&T Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund in honor of the Foundation’s 75th Anniversary

Clifton E. and Ruth Brewer Beck Memorial Fund


Established through the estates of Clifton and Ruth Beck.

Edna and George Blanton Community Fund 2018

Established by the Edna Newsome Blanton 2007 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust for unrestricted purposes

George and Edna Blanton Fund


Established with the remainder of the George and Edna Blanton Charitable Annuity Trust

Blount Fund 2010

Established by Frederick A. Blount, MD to support programs for high-risk youth and single teen parents

Lila Church Bradford Memorial Fund

Established as an unrestricted fund


Paul and Fran Breitbach Community Fund 2018

Established by J. Paul and Frances E. Breitbach on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Ann and Herbert Brenner Family Fund 2018

Established by Ann Brenner and Richard and Felice Brenner on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Margaret Williams Brooks Fund

Established by the Margaret W. Brooks Revocable Trust for unrestricted purposes


Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds, continued

“I want all of us to be successful together, for all of us to help each other, lift each other up, and make our community a better place — accepting everyone with all the differences they have, not living in fear, or looking at each other as strangers, but looking to each other as we are family.” –SHEREEN GOMAA Delicious by Shereen




John W. Burress Community Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Albert L. Butler, Jr. Fund 1997

Established by the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust in memory of Mr. Butler to support the poor and needy

Hugh E. Bynum, Jr. and Elizabeth H. Bynum Memorial Fund - U

Established by the estate as an unrestricted fund


Camp Robert Vaughn Fund 1990

Established from the proceeds of the sale of Camp Robert Vaughn to support grants for children and youth

Carolina Steel Endowment Fund

Established as an unrestricted fund to support worthy public purposes


Henry M. Carter, Jr. Fund 1997

Established by friends of Mr. Carter at his retirement as president of The Winston- Salem Foundation as an unrestricted fund

Chris Chapman and Mary Beth Blackwell-Chapman Fund 2018

Established by Chris J. Chapman and Mary Beth Blackwell-Chapman in 2010 as an advised fund and converted to an unrestricted fund for community grantmaking in 2018

A. F. Clement Trust for Youth 1971

Established in 1970 and repurposed in 2011 to benefit worthy children in Forsyth County in their suitable maintenance

D. Elwood Clinard Charitable Trust

Established as an unrestricted fund by D. Elwood Clinard, Jr. in memory of his father


Sophia S. Cody Community Fund 2017

Established by Sophia S. Cody as an advised fund and endowed at her death for community grantmaking

Community Arts Fund


Established to support programs of arts organizations

Community Grantmaking Fund


Established by Col. F.H. Fries to address the changing needs of our community

Community Fund (W) 1919

Established by Col. F.H. Fries, this fund receives contributions from the general public and annual income from the Senah C. and C. A. Kent Foundation; component funds are Almeta Glenn Watson Estate, Hall Alexander Payne, Cooper D. Cass, and Glennie Miller-Hall funds

Franklin Cromer Cordell Fund 1994

Established by family and friends to support programs that assist individuals who suffer from substance abuse problems

Nancy and Scott Cramer Fund 2018

Established by the John Scott Cramer Charitable Remainder Unitrust for unrestricted purposes

Rufus W. Dalton Trust 1983

Established by bequest to assist injured law enforcement officers and the spouses and children of officers killed in the performance of their duties

[ 12 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report

Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds, continued




Eugene and Iola Daniels Mem. Trust for Mentally Handicapped 1998

Established by the estate of Bobby A. Daniels to benefit mentally handicapped people of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County

Marcus Lew Davis Memorial Fund

Established as an unrestricted fund by Mr. G. Franklin Davis in memory of his son


Richard and Becky Davis Fund for Education 2010

Established by Richard N. Davis with a grant from the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust to honor his board service

Thomas H. Davis Trust


Established with special emphasis on programs for youth

James R. Deadrick Fund


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund

Marian G. and Charles W. DeBell Trust


Established as an unrestricted fund

John and Julia Denham Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Sister Eileen Dennis, AIDS Care Service, HIV/AIDS Fund 2017

Established by AIDS Care Service with preference for supporting organizations serving individuals with HIV/AIDS

Elaine Dowdell Fund for Arts and Culture


Established through the estate of Elaine Dowdell for the field of interest of arts and culture

Elizabeth T. Edmondson Fund 2015

Established with the charitable remainder of the Elizabeth T. Edmondson Irrevocable Living Annuity Trust

Eisenberg Family Fund for Arts and Culture


Established as a field of interest fund to support arts and culture

Robert A. and Constance C. Emken Education Fund


Established to support educational programs

Fenwick-Rice Fund 2004

Established from the Ron and Muriel Rice Fund and the Elizabeth Fenwick Fund for the Downtown Church Center to support the homeless, elderly, children, and the underserved in the community

Victor I. Flow, Jr. Family Fund


Established by Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Flow, Jr. as an unrestricted fund

Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund


Established by bequest to benefit the handicapped, the elderly, or others with disabilities

Jessica T. Fogle Fund 1964

Established by bequest to support the education and development of North Carolina children

Claire Lockhart Follin-Mace Fund 1991

Established by family and friends to benefit physically disabled individuals in North Carolina

Louise Futrell Fund

Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund


James A. and Elizabeth K. Fyock Fund 2016

Established by James A. and Elizabeth K. Fyock in 1999 as an advised fund and converted to an unrestricted fund in 2016

Gaddy Educator Fund 2010

Established by Joe and Margaret Gaddy to provide mini-grants for the professional staff at R.J. Reynolds High School

Chrissy Gallaher Victim’s Assistance Fund 1992

Established in honor of Chrissy Gallaher by family and friends to support victims of violent crimes

Ava Gardner Fund


Established by the Ava Gardner Trust for community grantmaking

Linda and John Garrou Charitable Fund


Established by John and Linda Garrou for community grantmaking

Edna B. Parkin Georges Animal Fund


Established by bequest as a special purpose fund to benefit domestic animals

Edna B. Parkin Georges Youth Fund


Established by bequest to benefit disadvantaged youth

Samuel T. and Claire T. Gladding Fund 2017

Established by Dr. Samuel T. Gladding and Mrs. Claire T. Gladding for the field of interest of Human Services

Vera Goldberg Memorial Fund

Established by Milton Goldberg in memory of his wife as an unrestricted fund


Joseph G. Gordon Fund 1997

Established by the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation in memory of Dr. Gordon to benefit disadvantaged youth

Vergil and Vicki Gough Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Howard Gray Endowment


Established as an unrestricted fund

James A. Gray Family Fund


Established as an advised fund, then converted to an unrestricted fund at Mr. Gray’s death

J. Beeson Grubbs Fund


Established with the remainder of a charitable trust

William N. Hailey Fund


Established with the remainder interest from the William N. Hailey CRT

Bill and Helene Halverson Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund from a bequest by John W. Halverson

Martha S. Hancock and James A. Hancock, Jr. Fund 2018

Established by the James A. Hancock, Jr. and Martha Stockton Hancock Charitable Remainder Unitrust for community grantmaking

Barbara Lasater Hanes Trust

Established as an unrestricted fund


unrestricted and field of interest funds [ 13 ]


Giving From the Heart Few people knew the philanthrophic side of Gordon Pfefferkorn. A simple man, he eschewed spending money on material things and instead gave his resources to empower countless young people in Forsyth County to further their education with scholarships through The Winston-Salem Foundation. That’s how he preferred to live his life. No fuss or flattery. “He enjoyed the anonymity of it. But I believe people are coming to realize his generosity since he has passed away,” Susan Pfefferkorn says of her father, who died in 2017 at the age of 86. “He would be very uncomfortable knowing I was even having this conversation,” she adds with a smile. “But it’s a wonderful opportunity for me to share what an honor it was for me to be his daughter and to have a father who was as generous as he was.” Indeed, the well-respected mortgage banker, who followed the financial markets like a hawk, had a tender heart, and established numerous funds with the Foundation that focused on education. Gordon’s interest was rooted in his belief that educated young people will become successful members of society who, in turn, will “pay it forward” to enrich the communities where they live. In short, he viewed education as the most effective way to change the course of the community in which he was born and raised. And he certainly did not want financial hardship standing in the way of a good education. Gordon’s relationship with the Foundation dates back to 1993, when he established funds to support an array of nonprofits, schools, and colleges. In 2004, Gordon and his wife June (“Tommye”) endowed their first scholarship fund at the Foundation based on both need and merit for Forsyth County students attending North Carolina colleges and universities. Six months later they endowed a scholarship for local students interested in obtaining technical training or associate degrees at Forsyth Tech. In 2014, recognizing that many students with the greatest need were being turned away because the Foundation didn’t have enough funding to assist them, he

The L. Gordon, Jr. and June D. Pfefferkorn Scholarship and the L. Gordon, Jr. and June D. Pfefferkorn Scholarship Fund for Forsyth Technical Community College were established in 2004. The L. Gordon, Jr. and June D. Pfefferkorn Student Aid Fund was established in 2014 to support financial needbased scholarships. In 2017, Gordon’s estate funded the Pfefferkorn Family Charitable Fund, an unrestricted fund, as well as two donor-advised funds for his children.

created yet another endowment dedicated solely to these students. And at his death, three new family charitable funds were established. Susan, who along with her brother Rick worked for the family business, says the funds are quite simply her father’s way of saying thank you to the community of which he had been a part. “He was always appreciative of the Winston-Salem community who came to The Pfefferkorn Company to secure financing for their homes. This was his way of wanting to give back to the community that helped us create a successful company. “He was a very humble man and did this because this is what he felt in his heart.”

Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds, continued




Ann S. and F. Borden Hanes, Jr. Endowment


Established by Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr. as an unrestricted fund

James R. Hankins Fund


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund

Carl W. and Annie M. Harris Endowment


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund

Samuel A. and Roslyn S. Harris Fund


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund with special interest in music education

Eugene R. Heise Charitable Fund


Established as a field of interest fund to support human services

Vicki Van Liere Helms Art Fund 2004

Established in memory of Vicki Van Liere Helms by her family and friends to support organizations and programs serving aspiring painters, sculptors, and other artists

Bob and Ruth Herring Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund by Mr. B. J. Herring

Margaret and Harrell Hill Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

William D. and Jane F. Hobbs Fund


Established by charitable bequest to support the poor and needy of the community

William and Allan Hollan Charitable Fund


Established with memorial gifts to William E. Hollan, Sr. to support human services

Raymond B. Hooker, Jr. Fund – Unrestricted


Established by an estate gift as an unrestricted fund

Mark Heyward Hoppe and Katherine Sutton Hoppe Fund


Established by Betty P. Sutton to honor her daughter for community grantmaking

Mae W. Hubbard Trust 1987

Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund with special consideration for the development, welfare, and education of underprivileged and handicapped children

Jacqueline and A.C. Hunt Trust

Established by the Jacqueline S. Hunt CRAT for general charitable purposes


B.F. Huntley and Josephine Huntley Trust 1997

Established by Mr. and Mrs. Huntley’s grandchildren and great grandchildren in their memory and in honor of their daughter, Kathleen Huntley Spencer on her 95th birthday

Allan M. Hutcherson Fund 1944

Established by bequest for Forsyth County youth programs with special consideration to those affecting underserved minority children

Allie and Frances Hutchison Fund for the Community


Established by Allie and Frances Hutchison as an unrestricted fund

Ann and Gene Johnston Fund for Education


Established by Ann Johnston to support community grantmaking for Education

Stanhope A. and Elizabeth P. Kelly Community Fund


Established by Stan and Liz Kelly on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Earline heath King Fund 2005

Established to support art and art-related endeavors of the Foundation within North Carolina

Louis and Gretchen Klaff Trust


Established by bequest from Louis and Gretchen Klaff to support at-risk children

Martha K. Knott Fund


Established to provide support for general charitable purposes

Doris Joyce Kohfeldt Educator Fund 2016

Established by D. Joyce Kohfeldt to help support and sustain the Foundation’s Teacher Grants program in Forsyth County

R. Edward Lasater Endowment Fund

Established to provide support for general charitable purposes


Lassiter Animal Welfare Fund 2003

Established with an estate gift from Allene D. Lassiter for the benefit of animals in Forsyth County

Lipscomb Fund

Established in honor of Guy and Margaret Lipscomb by their granddaughter


Frank E. Llewellyn T.B. Fund 1970

Established by bequest by Elizabeth P. Llewellyn for general health purposes with a priority for tuberculosis purposes whenever possible

John C. Long, M.D. Fund

Established by friends of Dr. Long for support in the area of health


Elizabeth Lovett Education Endowment


Established as a fund to support education

Thomas Jack Lynch Memorial Fund


Established by an estate gift as an unrestricted fund

Harvey Seward Martin Fund 1996

Established by bequest by Mrs. Martin for educational purposes at the discretion of the Foundation Committee

Masich Fund


Established by Jane and Tony Masich as an unrestricted fund

Drane V. McCall Fund for Winston-Salem Beautiful


Established by Dr. Bill McCall in honor of his wife, Drane V. McCall

John Alexander McClung, DDS, FACD Trust 1994

Established by Mary Louise Gray in memory of her father to support Christian-related programs or organizations in the local community as determined by the Foundation

McConnell Community Fund 2018

Established by John and Melinda McConnell on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Isabel McRae Fund

Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund


Michalove Fund 2004

Established as an unrestricted fund with 41 consecutive years of contributions to the General Endowment Fund

unrestricted and field of interest funds [ 15 ]

Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds, continued FUND



J. Frank and Mary S. Mock Fund


Established through a CRT to benefit needy children in Forsyth County

Rose and A.C. Motsinger, Jr. Fund 2017

Established by the Will of A.C. Motsinger, Jr. in memory of Rose Motsinger, A.C. Motsinger, Jr. and Carlton Motsinger, III for unrestricted purposes

Charles Mull Fund 2018

Established by Charles Mull as a donor-advised fund and converted to an unrestricted fund for community grantmaking

Mil and Marsh Naugle Community Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Algine Foy and Julius Dobson Neely Memorial Fund 1989

Established by Algine Neely Ogburn in honor of her parents for empowering and encouraging individuals to improve their lives and the lives of their families

Next Century Fund

Established by The Winston-Salem Foundation on the occasion of its Centennial


Charles E. Norfleet Memorial Fund 1976

Established by Grizzelle M. Norfleet in memory of her brother, who served as secretary of the Foundation during its early years

Jeannette Norfleet Fund 1982

Established by family and friends to support health and medical programs, with special consideration for programs that benefit people suffering from cancer

Dr. Calvin and Ruth H. Ogburn Trust


Established to provide support for general charitable purposes

Margaret W. Parker Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Otis B. and Genevieve Parrish Fund 1987

Established to support programs for older adults with debilitating health conditions, especially Alzheimer’s disease

Mary A. Payne Charitable Fund for Human Services 2009

Established by the Mary Ann Payne Revocable Charitable Trust to benefit human services

Thomas R. and Georgia L. Pepper Family Fund 1997

Established by Dr. Francis D. Pepper in memory of his grandparents as an unrestricted fund

Pfefferkorn Family Charitable Fund 2017

Established with testamentary gifts from L. Gordon Pfefferkorn for discretionary use as determined by The Winston-Salem Foundation Committee

Kerr and Naomi Pinnix Discretionary Fund 2006

Established by a testamentary trust created by Naomi Ingram Pinnix to provide financial counseling and advice

Pfafftown Jaycees Community Fund

Established by the Pfafftown Jaycees


[ 16 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report

Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds, continued FUND



Pleasants Hardware Company Trust


Established for general charitable purposes

Nancy T. Pleasants Community Development Fund 1997

Established to support economic development, education and training, leadership development, community long-range planning, community appearance, historic preservation, and regional cooperation

Ruth M. Pleasants Fund


Established with the remainder of a charitable trust to support worthy public purposes

Virginia S. Pleasants Fund


Established by an estate gift as a discretionary fund

Bess Gray Plumly Fund


Established by bequest for general charitable purposes of the Foundation

Ashburn Wright Wall Pollock Charitable Trust


Established by Barbara Ann Wright Wall Holcomb

Etta Mae Pope Trust


Established by Louis B. Pope in memory of his sister to support the poor and needy

Stokes Ivey and Orpha Marie Leonard Pope Family Trust


Established by Louis B. Pope in memory of his parents to support the poor and needy

Donna Germain Rader and Martin H. Rader Fund 2005

Established as an unrestricted fund to honor the memory of Donna Rader’s parents, Owen E. Germain and Emilie Drapalski Germain

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Fund

Established as a part of the company’s 100th anniversary celebration


Mary Neil Henderson Rice Fund


Established by Thomas B. Rice, III in memory of his mother as an unrestricted fund

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rice Memorial Fund


Established by family and friends for general charitable purposes

John S. and Jacqueline P. Rider Fund


Established with the remainder of the Jacqueline P. Rider charitable remainder unitrust

Ann and Clay Ring Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Samuel and Elizabeth Rose Fund


Established by bequest by Samuel M. Rose to support general charitable purposes

Dalton D. and Sarah Shore Ruffin Fund


Established by beneficiary designation of the Sarah S. Ruffin IRA

Kenard Eugene Sales Memorial Fund 2001

Established in memory of Kenard E. Sales by family and friends to support programs benefiting disadvantaged youth

Richard K. Scott Memorial Fund


Established by clients of Mr. Scott as an unrestricted fund.

Louis and Jane Shaffner Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Adrian R. and Robert D. Shore Fund 2015

Established by Robert and Adrian Shore in 1999 as an advised fund and converted to an unrestricted fund in 2015

“We have to become one community more than ever before, because when we are together, we have a history of doing amazing things — it’s time for us to do that again. The future of our community is bright, and we want to be able to do that in a way that’s inclusive and equitable, giving opportunities for everyone to thrive so the team spirit of Winston-Salem comes back to the forefront.” –MARK OWENS Greater Winston-Salem, Inc.

unrestricted and field of interest funds [ 17 ]

Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds, continued FUND


Emma Jane Skinner Fund


PURPOSE Established by Frank B. Hanes to support human services organizations

Ann Lewallen Spencer Fund for Education 2016

Established with the remainder of the Ann Lewallen Spencer Scholarship Fund for the field of interest of Education

Peggy and Ralph Stockton Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Ralph and Frances Stockton Trust


Established as an unrestricted fund

Colin and Mary Louise Stokes Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund to support charitable purposes in Forsyth County

Lillian S. Stultz Fund


Established by bequest for general charitable purposes of the Foundation

Sturmer Samaritan Fund 1997

Established by Martha M. Sturmer in honor of her in-laws, Charles A. and Ernestine Hill Sturmer, to provide support for financially needy patients and residents in nursing homes in Forsyth County

James Belk Sutton and Virginia Edmundson Sutton Fund


Established by Betty Pratt Sutton to honor her son for Community Grantmaking

John Jackson Sutton, III and Cynthia Robinson Sutton Fund


Established by Betty P. Sutton to honor her son for community grantmaking

Edward and Mary Alice Tarulli Fund 2006

Established with the remainder of a charitable trust to provide services or programs that benefit individuals who are visually handicapped

Robert Edwin Taylor and Margaret Long Taylor Memorial Fund

Established with the remainder of the Margaret Long Taylor Charitable Remainder Unitrust


Frances and Jesse Temple Fund 2013

Established with the remainder of two charitable trusts created by Jesse C. and Frances S. Temple

M. Louise Thomas Fund 2013

Established by Louise Thomas through a charitable remainder trust for unrestricted purposes

J.C. Tise Fund 1927

Established by bequest to support general educational purposes with an emphasis on programs providing enrichment and outreach

Nelson and Dorothy Tomlinson Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Claire and Randall Tuttle Community Fund


Established by Claire and Randall Tuttle on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Twin City Hospital Funds 1920

Established by the executive board of the Hospital by bequest from John W. Alspaugh to benefit projects on behalf of the medically indigent in the community

Wachovia Bank of North Carolina Fund 1994

Established with a gift for unrestricted use and added to in 1994 in honor of all former and current Wachovia employees and in memory of Herbert Brenner

Spencer and Nell Waggoner Charitable Fund — Unrestricted

Established through the estate of Nell Kerns Waggoner


Maytrice Walton Fund


Established to support elementary school teacher grants

Hayes and Amy Wauford Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Art and Dannie Weber Education Fund


Established as a field of interest fund for education

Debra Lynn Westrick & Pamela Carol Westrick Educational Fund 2016

Established by the estate of Pamela Carol Westrick for an educational advancement fund for children

A. Tab Williams, Jr. Crime Prevention Fund 1996

Established by the A. Tab Williams, Jr. Charitable Lead Annuity Trust for crime prevention programs

A. Tab Williams, Jr. Public Education Fund


Established through a charitable lead trust to support public education in Forsyth County

Anne Hanes Willis Fund 1997

Established by Frank B. Hanes in memory of his sister to assist landscaping, gardening, and beautification in the city when public funding is not available

Bobby Ray Wilson Human Fund


Established to benefit incarcerated persons in Forsyth County

Nancy H. Wilson Fund


Established by bequest for unrestricted purposes

Winters Family Fund 2018

Established by Vernon and Frankie Winters on the occasion of the Foundation’s Centennial

Winston-Salem Foundation Staff Endowment 2002

Established by B. Thomas Lawson in honor of his former Winston-Salem Foundation colleagues

Edna Motsinger Wooten Fund


Established by bequest for unrestricted purposes

Yount Family Fund


Established by David and Susan Yount for Community Grantmaking

Aubrey Marcus Zimmerman Fund for Recreation for the Handicap


Blanche Raper Zimmerman Fund 1986

Established to provide recreational opportunities for the handicapped Established to offer scholarships for Forsyth County teachers to increase their understanding of and appreciation for world cultures

[ 18 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report

Scholarship Funds

Since 1923, the Foundation’s Scholarship Funds have provided more than 16,000 local students with scholarships to pursue their post-secondary academic goals.

NEW FUNDS  (1/1/2019 – 6/30/2020)


Richard L. Bagnal, III Memorial Scholarship

Established by Richard’s parents and friends to provide scholarships for student athletes graduating from R.J. Reynolds High School

Robin Aletha Joines Memorial Scholarship

Established by Robert and Lorene Joines in memory of their daughter for students at Wilkes Central High School

Robert and Melanie Niblock Scholarship Fund

Established by Robert and Melanie Niblock to provide scholarships for Forsyth County students

Carl R., Mary G. & Mary Carol Sapp Scholarship Trust

Established by the Estate of Mary Carol Sapp for scholarships

Edward Kent Welch Memorial Scholarship

Established in memory of Edward Kent Welch to provide scholarships for Mt. Tabor High School students



Joyce and Jim Dickerson Scholarship Fund


Clyde and Martha Aldridge Scholarship


Digestive Health Specialists Scholarship


Annie S. Alexander Memorial Scholarship


Wade and Marcelene Duncan Scholarship Fund


Kate Allred Education Grant


Billy Dwight Memorial Scholarship


William H. Andrews/HAWS Scholarship Fund


Christopher Richard Eagan Scholarship Fund


Zack H. Bacon IV Scholarship


James M. and Mary P. Edwards Memorial Scholarship


Marshall B Bass Endowed Scholars Program at WSSU


James L. Einstein College Scholarship Fund


Marshall B Bass Scholars Endowment Program at FTCC


Annie L. Ellis Scholarship Fund


Marshall B Bass Scholars Endowment Fund at Livingstone College


Alex Ewing Scholarship Fund


Marshall B Bass Scholars Fund at Voorhees College


Forsyth County Nursing Scholarship Fund


Trina M. Batchelor Memorial Scholarship


William Ragsdale Froelich Memorial Scholarship


F. A. and Charlotte Blount Scholarship


Joe E. Gaddy, Jr. and Margaret W. Gaddy Scholarship


Sam L. Booke, Sr. Scholarship Fund


The Garden Club Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County Scholarship 2004

Boyles-Eidson Scholarship Fund


Matthew Alan Gfeller Memorial Scholarship


Jeanna Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund


Claire Tillson Gladding Scholarship


Bryon Tyler Burdick Memorial Fund


Jimmy and Sara Glenn Scholarship


Wes Burton Memorial Scholarship


Robert F. and Caroline C. Goodwin Scholarship Fund


Carver High School Alumni Association Scholarship


James A. Gray High School Alumni Scholarship



Josh Gray Memorial Scholarship


Robin and Danny Greenspun Scholarship


Mark Collier Caudill Scholarship Ray S. Church Memorial Scholarship Fund A.F. Clement Trust for Scholarships Gwenn Steward Clements Scholarship

2006 2011 2009

Azalee Clements Memorial Scholarship


Elmer and Rosa Lee Collins Scholarship


Lloyd E. and Rachel S. Collins Scholarship Fund Mary Rowena Cooper Scholarship Fund

Claude B. Hart Memorial Scholarship


William T. Hatch and Mabel P. Hatch Scholarship Fund


Susan and Charles Hauser Scholarship Fund


Charlie Hemrick Family Fund



Heritage Designated Scholarship Fund



Tommy L. and Patricia B. Hickman Scholarship Fund


Ray and Jackie Cope Scholarship Fund


Fred and Mozelle L. Hinshaw Scholarship Fund


D.C. Cornelius Memorial Scholarship Fund


Walter R. Hoag Scholarship Fund


Serena D. Dalton Scholarship Fund


Fred Colby Hobson Scholarship Fund


Joseph E. Davies Scholarship Fund


Brevard R. Hoover, Jr. Leadership Award


Bunny and Bill Davis Highland Scholarship Fund


I.W. Hughes Scholarship Fund


Oliver Joel and Ellen Pell Denny Healthcare Scholarship Fund


Darryl Hunt Memorial Scholarship


scholarship funds [ 19 ]

Scholarship Funds, continued FUND


L. Gordon, Jr. and June D. Pfefferkorn Scholarship


Sergeant Mickey Hutchens Leadership Scholarship


L. Gordon, Jr. and June D. Pfefferkorn Scholarship for FTCC


A. Ruth Hutchins Memorial Scholarship


Pfafftown Jaycees/Lynn Canada Memorial Scholarship Fund


Elizabeth Loving James Memorial Scholarship


Dean Prim Scholarship Fund


John Russell Jarman Scholarship Fund


Robert G. Prongay Key Club Scholarship


Flora Royall Johnson Scholarship Fund


Dottie Ramsey LDC Scholarship Fund


Stella B. Johnson Scholarship Fund


Patty Brendle Redway Fund


Tripp Joye Memorial Scholarship Fund Kapp-Weaver Scholarship Fund-Greensboro College

R.J. Reynolds High School Class of 1968 Memorial Scholarship Fund



Roy E. “Gene” Reynolds Scholarship Fund



Kapp-Weaver Scholarship Fund-R.J. Reynolds High School


Rider Family Scholarship

J. Lee Keiger, Jr. Family Fund


Evelyn Ripple Winston-Salem Beta Sigma Phi Scholarship Fund

2004 1996

Douglas Gray Kimel Scholarship Fund


Dr. Eugene Rossitch, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund


Dr. Michael E. King Memorial Scholarship Fund


Samuel K. Rowland Trust


Joyce Kohfeldt Endowment for Crosby Scholars


Rubin Family Scholarship Fund


Lambeth Family Scholarship


Salem Lodge #139/Robert A. Miller Memorial Scholarship

2011 1999

Law Enforcement Benefit Fund


Ray and Pearl Sams Scholarship Fund

Law Enforcement Family Scholarship Fund


Leinbach Scholarship Fund


Carl Robert Sapp, Mary Grubbs Sapp, and Mary Carol Sapp Memorial Scholarship


Samuel Griffin Seawell and Patsy Moore Seawell Memorial Fund


William H. Lester Memorial Scholarship


Denver Lindley, Jr. Arts Scholarship Fund


Johnny Lineberry Memorial Scholarship Fund


L.D. and Elsie Long Memorial Scholarship Fund


Love’s United Methodist Church Scholarship for Christian Education


Love’s United Methodist Church Scholarship Fund


Edwin E. and Grace Kimrey Maddrey Scholarship Fund


Douglas N. Marlette Memorial Scholarship Fund


Mary Speer Martin Scholarship Trust


Ruth Mathis Trust Fund


R. Bruce Matthews Student Assistance Fund


Mark James Mendenhall Memorial Scholarship Fund


Julia Yokeley Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund


N. W. Mitchell/Piedmont Federal Endowed Scholarship Fund


Chester Arzell and Helen Miller Montgomery Scholarship Fund


Albert Morgan, Jr. and Olivia E. Morgan Scholarship


Harry C. Morgan Memorial Scholarship


Paul Holcomb Murphy Memorial Fund


Michael Nachman Scholarship Fund


Lucian and Robie Neal Student Aid Fund


North Carolina Fine Wines Society Scholarship


Emma Kapp Ogburn Memorial Fund


Orthopaedic Specialists of the Carolinas’ Nursing Scholarship


Willis H. Overby Scholarship


Jeannette Anderson Parker Memorial Scholarship Fund


Otis B. and Genevieve W. Parrish Scholarship


Alice Conger Patterson Scholarship


William H. and Lena M. Petree Trust


L. Gordon, Jr. and June D. Pfefferkorn Student Aid Fund


Roy Eugene and Collie Byrd Sebastian Memorial Scholarship Fund


Bruce Shelton Scholarship Fund


Thomas E. Shown, MD Scholarship Fund


Jonathan LaRon Skinner Memorial Scholarship


Katie Sleap Memorial Scholarship


Shaun Edward Stewart Scholarship


Stultz Scholarship Fund


Summit School Opportunity Fund


Virginia Elizabeth and Alma Vane Taylor Nursing Scholarship Fund


Bill and Cynthia Tessien Scholarship


Jeff Turner-Forsyth Audubon Scholarship Fund


Nell and Spencer Waggoner Scholarship Fund


Jean Gannon Ward Scholarship


Art and Dannie Weber Scholarship


Art and Dannie Weber Fund for Forsyth Tech Community College


Erma Drum Webster Fund


Paul M. Wiles Scholarship Fund


A. Tab Williams, Jr. Scholarship Fund


Elizabeth T. Williams Memorial Scholarship


Edwin H. and Louise N. Williamson Endowed Scholarship


Winston-Salem Foundation Scholarship and Education Grant


Erica Wolfe Memorial Scholarship Fund


Woodbine Big Dreams Scholarship


Yadkin County Association of Educators (YCAE) Scholarship Fund


Marcus Raper Zimmerman Scholarship Fund


[ 20 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report

The Winston-Salem Foundation Scholarship and Education Grant The Winston-Salem Foundation Scholarship and Education Grant, established in 2008,

provides scholarships to Forsyth County students as they pursue post-secondary education. Recipients must demonstrate outstanding leadership, school service, and community involvement and should exemplify the Foundation’s core values of inclusion, accountability, and continuous learning. The Foundation greatly appreciates the previously established student aid funds listed below that were combined to provide the initial funding for The Winston-Salem Foundation Scholarship and Education Grant. Contributions to the fund from the public are welcomed as we seek to make our community stronger through the higher education of our youth.

COMPONENT FUND Guy J. Bridges, Jr. Educational Fund

YEAR 2006

Leo Caldwell Memorial Student Loan Fund


East Forsyth High School Alumni Scholarship


Stanley Michael Elrod Scholarship Fund


Emergency Loan Fund


Denise Franklin Memorial Fund


John L. Gilmer Student Loan Fund


John Gold Memorial Fund


Anna Hodgin Hanes Student Loan Fund


Stanley D. Hartgrove Memorial Scholarship Fund


Lu Leake Memorial Fund


Keith Jackson Memorial Fund Andrew Lane Memorial Scholarship Lasater Student Loan Fund

1976 2006 1927

Ricky Douglas Mitchell Scholarship Fund


Gray W. Mock Family Scholarship


Paul Holcomb Murphy Memorial Fund


Norfleet Memorial Fund


Lucy Simmons Puryear Memorial Scholarship Fund


W.N. Reynolds Student Loan Fund


Sharpe Student Loan Fund


M.D. Stockton Education Fund


N.D. Sullivan Charitable Trust


Rachel Tolson Law Memorial Scholarship Fund


George B. Whitaker Memorial Student Loan Fund


WSF Student Loan Fund


the wsf scholarship and education grant [ 21 ]

Donors to the Black Philanthropy Initiative “BPI’s Rethinking Philanthropy report looked at historical aspects and current trends with regard to economics and education in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County. Data from this report will guide BPI’s work in the years to come.” –ROGER HYMAN Former Chair, BPI

Established in 2007 and honoring the historic sharing traditions within the Black community, the Black Philanthropy Initiative’s vision is to expand the concept of philanthropy to include investments of time, talent, and treasure. BPI seeks to address racial inequities by supporting Forsyth County’s Black community through its grantmaking and programming, including focuses on Equity in Education grants and Impact grants to support Black-led organizations and groups. More at bpiws.org.

1/1/2019 – 6/30/2020

Dr. Artina L. Dawkins

Anonymous (9)

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Deneui

Ms. Alison Ashe-Card

Dr. and Mrs. James P. Dickerson

Mr. Spencer Ayscue

Susan Dobyns and Hugh Jernigan

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Babcock

Ms. Linda B. DuBose

Mr. and Mrs. Art R. Barnes

Ms. Mary M. Dudley

Dudley and Julie Bell

Cynthia Emory

Ms. Coretta J. Bigelow

Mr. Jeremiah Avila Erby

Ms. Mindy Bloom

Dr. Eboni Ellis Farabee

Mr. C. P. Booker

Mr. and Mrs. Kenny H. Faulkner

David and Callie Brown

First Horizon Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III

Ms. Patricia Ford

Mr. Perry T. Cabean

Mr. and Mrs. Shawan Gabriel

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Caldwell

Ms. Linda D. Garrou

Peggy Carter

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Goins III

Ms. Jennifer Casey

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Grant

Ms. LaToya D. Cheek

Ms. Carolyn Y. Hairston

Mr. and Mrs. Willie L. Clark, Jr.

Mr. Jonathan D. Halsey

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Connors

HanesBrands Inc.

Ms. Michelle M. Cook

Ms. Jacqueline Haynes

Ms. Norma E. Corley

Mr. and Mrs. Tommy L. Hickman

Ms. LaRue P. Cunningham

Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Holly

Ms. Elizabeth Dam-Regier

Ms. Sandra Holman

Ms. Deborah T. Daniels

Ms. Andrea M. Hulighan

Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Davis

Dr. Elwanda D. Ingram

Mr. Leroy Davis, Jr.

Rev. and Mrs. Donald Jenkins

Mr. and Mrs. L. Duane Davis

Ms. Anne E. Jenkins

[ 22 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report

Ms. Andrea M. Jenkins

Ms. Lisa P. Purcell

Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust

Ms. Takeisha Redd

Mrs. Wynn Tanner and Judge Michael L. Robinson

Fred and Tamisha Keith

Ms. Shagail R. Reed

The Honorable Evelyn Terry

Dr. and Mrs. Arthur T. King

Reynolds American Foundation

Claire and Randall S. Tuttle

Ms. Yolanda Lane-Brown

Right at Home

Dr. Lelia L. Vickers

Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Lord III

Dr. Mae L. Rodney

Wake County Smart Start

Ms. Annette P. Lynch

Mrs. Daisy Rodriguez-Besse

Ms. Leila L. Warren

M&F Bank

Ms. Kara Rothberg

Wells Fargo

Mr. Donald W. Masura

Ms. Kimberly Sadler

Ms. Meridith C. Whitaker

Ms. Dee S. Matthews

Mrs. Shirley T. Sadler

Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Wierman

Ms. Billie Matthews

Dr. and Mrs. Eric J. Sadler

Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Wilson

Ms. Carol McDowell

Ms. Barbara Saulpaugh

Ms. Deborah T. Wilson

The Honorable Lisa Menefee and The Honorable Anderson Cromer

Mr. Jon Sawyer

Larry W. Womble

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Scales, Jr.

Ms. Mildred S. Wood

Mr. Robert E. Merritt

Ms. Corlis L. Sellers

Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Yena

Ms. Peggy C. Moore

Ms. Brenda D. Sloan

Ms. Sarah Yunusov

Ms. Mary Jo Murphy

Katie Sonnen-Lee and Joel Lee

Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Neely

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Dr. Joshua and Laura Ziesel

Ms. Elizabeth M. Noland

Ms. Trina L. Stephens

Mr. Chris Paul

Ms. Mary E. Stowe

Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting

donors to the black philanthropy initiative [ 23 ]

Donors to The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem Donations to The Women’s Fund support the Fund’s efforts to create an equitable, inclusive community for women and girls in Forsyth County. This community of passionate women was established in 2005 and creates social change through the power of collective giving, grantmaking, and advocacy. Its annual grantmaking program seeks to strengthen the economic security of local women and girls. Learn more at womensfundws.org.

Ms. Wendy Brenner

Ms. Virginia W. Caudill

Ms. Tree Bright

Ms. Jane Caviness

Ms. Phyllis Britnell

Ms. Kay H. Chalk

Ms. Deborah Brody Britton

Ms. LaToya D. Cheek

Ms. Brenda Bronk

Dr. Mary C. Chervenak

Ms. Stephanie T. Brooks

Ms. Pat S. Clark

Ms. Charlotte C. Broughton

Ms. Wilma Clark

Mrs. Allison Brouillette

Ms. Kay F. Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Brown, Jr.

Mrs. Catherine Clegg

Mrs. Patricia A. Brown

Ms. Gwenn S. Clements

1/1/2019 – 6/30/2020

Mrs. Tollie C. Barber

Ms. Rebecca F. Brown

Mrs. Wenda Clinard

Anonymous (9)

Dr. Ann L. Barefield

Ms. Jen Oleniczak Brown

Ms. Rebecca N. Clingman

Ms. Katherine D. Acenas

Mrs. Wrenna Barney

Ms. Wanda K. Brown

Ms. Mary Boone Coan

ACEY Group

Ms. Sarah B. Barnhardt

Mrs. Henrietta Brown

Ms. Kirtan Coan

Ms. Suzanne Ackert

Ms. Dorothy W. Barrett

Ms. Barbara T. Bryant

Ms. Harweda Coe

Dr. Sandra P. Adams

Ms. Edie Barrett

Dr. Christy Buchanan

Mrs. Iris Cole

Ms. Sharon K. Adler

Ms. Rita Barsz

Vardaman and Sherry Buckalew

Ms. Elizabeth K. Cole

Ms. Hannah Albertson

Mrs. Callie Bartock

Budd Group

Ms. Bernita P. Colvin

Ms. Martha Albertson

Mrs. Judith A. Bass

Ms. Tracey Ann Bullock

Mrs. Sarah H. Comstock

Ms. Meg Alden

Ms. Jean Batten

Ms. Deb Burcombe

Ms. Becky Connelly

Alex. Brown

Ms. Beth Bealle

Dr. Jennifer J. Burg

Ms. Jocelyn P. Connors

Dr. Betty A. Alexander

Mr. and Mrs. D. Steven Beam

Ms. Donna M. Burke

Ms. Michelle M. Cook

Ms. Gayle N. Anderson

Ms. Toyoko Beaty

Ms. Jeremy P. Burnett

Ms. Florence P. Corpening

Ms. Pamela Anglin

Ms. Diane Behar

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III

Ms. Joan Cotterill

Ms. Hannah Appel

Ms. Marian Bell

Ms. Jean M. Burroughs

Ms. Shari Covitz

Dr. Susan Appt

Mrs. Cheryle E. Belo

Ms. Nikki Byers

Mrs. Donna Cowden

Dr. and Mrs. Guy Arcuri

Ms. Ann Bennett-Phillips

Ms. Michelle Caldwell

Ms. Mary Cranfill

Ms. Jane Arens

Ms. Diane R. Berg

Ms. Kay Cameron

Ms. Alison B. Cranford

Ms. Lindsey C. Arneson

Ms. Elsie C. Blackman

Ms. Susan F. Campbell

Ms. Perry Craven

Ms. Loretta Arnn

Ms. Mary Beth Blackwell-Chapman

Ms. Susan S. Campbell

Dr. Georgette Crawford-Crooks

Ms. Alison Ashe-Card

Ms. Mindy Bloom

Ms. Patricia W. Capps

Mrs. Sarah Creed

Mrs. Carol B. Atwater

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Bloom

Ms. Melissa Capps

Ms. Joan Crewson

Ms. Kathleen J. Ausen

Ms. Gayle Bodner

Mrs. Janet Carlton

Ms. Nancy Crooks

Ms. Anne Babcock

Mrs. Christine Bohle

Ms. Carol Carmichael

Mrs. John N. Curlett, Jr.

Mrs. Edith M. Bailey

Ms. Jeanne Bohrer

Mrs. Sherry R. Carpenter

Ms. Patsy L. Currin

Mrs. Anita W. Bain

Ms. Betsy Bombick

Ms. Stephanie Carpenter

Ms. Luellen Curry

Ms. Robin Baird

Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke

Ms. Genie Carr

Ms. Sarah Dalrymple

Ms. Kathy Baker

Dr. Allison Brashear

Ms. Patricia Watts Carrillo

Ms. Elizabeth Dam-Regier

Ms. Kimberley K. Baker

Mrs. Cynthia Braun

Ms. Sarah Cartwright

Ms. Linda W. Darden

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Baldridge

Ms. Frances Brenner

Ms. Jennifer Casey

Ms. Karen Daugherty

Ms. Beth Baldwin

Ms. Felice Brenner

Rev. Abby Catoe

Ms. Caroline Davenport-Ersoff

[ 24 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report

Donors to The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem, continued

Bill and Betty Gray Davis

Ms. Lisa R. Featherngill

Ms. Deborah Davis

Ms. Lynn Felder

Ms. Jean C. Davis

Beth Fenimore

Ms. Marina Davis

Mrs. Mary J. Fergusson

Ms. Joan Dawson

Dr. Carolyn R. Ferree

Mr. and Mrs. R. Brandt Deal

Mrs. Ellen Fine

Ms. Tonya R. Deem

Mrs. Gail Fisher

Mrs. Lindsay Deibler

Ms. Gloria Jean Fitzgibbon

Ms. Cathy Denning

Ms. Martha Fleer

Ms. Nancy Dennis

Flow Companies

Ms. Lawren Desai

Flow Honda

Ms. Jan M. Detter

Ms. Bonnie Flythe

Ms. Joyce Dickerson

Ms. Beth Forrester

Mrs. Laura Dillard

Dr. Mary Foskett

Susan Dobyns and Hugh Jernigan

Ms. Susan K. Foster

Ms. Myrna L. Doernberg

Ms. Megan Foster

Ms. Bonnie Doerr

Ms. Jeanne Marie Foster

Ms. Ann T. Doherty

Dr. T. Sharee Fowler

Ms. Susan R. Doran

Ms. Bonnie S. Fowler

Ms. Julia Doub

Ms. Daisy G. Fowler

Ms. Jane T. Dougherty

Mr. and Mrs. Jon C. Fox

Ms. Marian Douglas

Ms. Sara Fox

Ms. Christina Douglas

Ms. Elizabeth B. Freeze

Ms. Elizabeth S. Dowd

Dr. Julie Ann Freischlag

Ms. Mary M. Dudley

Ms. Susan Friedman

Mrs. Laura Dugan

Ms. Eileen Frost

Ms. Phyllis H. Dunning

Ms. Lori Fuller

Vanessa Duren-Winfield

Ms. Cici Fulton

Ms. Liz Ebeling

Ms. Sheryl D. Funderburk

Ms. Kerry A. Eckhardt


Ms. Diane E. Edelman

Dr. Candelas S. Gala

Ms. Colleen L. Edwards

Ms. Ginger Gallagher

Ms. Amy Egleston

Mrs. Jaime Gallimore

Ms. Lynn Eisenberg

Dr. Elizabeth Gamble

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Eisner

Ms. Sally Gant

Ms. Martha E. Eller

Rev. Patricia F. Garner

Ms. Alice R. Elliot

Ms. Linda D. Garrou

Mrs. Margaret P. Elliott

Ms. Anne Garvey

Ms. Grace Ellis

Ms. Carol E. Gearhart

Mr. Thom Elmore

Ms. Lisa Y. Gfeller

Ms. Susan C. Elster

Ms. Peggy Gheesling

Mrs. Kristy Ernst

Ms. Ann Setien Gibbs

Estate of Susan B. Wall

Ms. Claire Giffin

Ms. Brenda K. Evans

Ms. Tory Gillett

Excalibur Enterprises, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ginn

Ms. S. Rebecca Fallen

Ms. Laura Gonzo

Family Services

Mrs. Patricia Goodrich

“We celebrate our successes and yet there’s so much more to do. We’re striving for the day when women and girls are able to compete in the workplace the same as men and can experience the same earnings potential — ultimately, we’re striving for equity.” – L A M AYA W I L L I A M S Former Chair, The Women’s Fund

donors to the women’s fund of winston-salem [ 25 ]

Donors to The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem, continued Ms. Cynthia S. Gordineer

Ms. Ann S. Hanes

Ms. Anne L. Hester

Ms. Terry Hyland

Ms. Susie Gordon

Mrs. Charlotte M. Hanes

Mrs. Sandy High

Mrs. Addie B. Hymes

Ms. Elnora W. Gore

Bud and Elizabeth Hargrave

Ms. Sandra L. Hoback

Ms. Carol Ingram

Dr. Louise Y. Gossett

Mrs. Diane M. Harney

Ms. Linda A. Hobbs

Dr. Elwanda D. Ingram

Ms. Jennifer E. Gottlieb

Ms. Frances B. Harrington

Ms. Kim Hobin

Mrs. Teresa Inman

Ms. Liana Gottlieb

Ms. Angela M. Harriott

Ms. Kate W. Hodge

Ms. Roberta Irvin

Ms. Betty Allen Graham

Ms. Sherri S. Harris

Mrs. Jennifer Hodges

Ms. Dianne Iseman

Mr. and Mrs. W. Patrick Grantham

Ms. Donna Hatchett

Ms. Diane Holding

Ms. Lena M. James

Mrs. Cassandra Graves

Ms. Syveria A. Hauser

Mrs. Elizabeth Holland

Ms. Adele James

Ms. Edna Green

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Holland

Ms. Mary Jamis

Ms. Heather H. Greene

Ms. Rachel Hawkins

Ms. Marjorie T. Hoots

Ms. Andrea M. Jenkins

Ms. Diana Greene and Mr. Mark Hall

Ms. Leslie Hawkins

Ms. Ann Hopkins

Ms. Annie M. Jenkins

Ms. Judy Greene

Ms. Leslie Hayes

Ms. Katherine Hoyt

Dr. Elizabeth H. Jeter

Ms. Janet Gresh

Taylor Hayes

Mrs. Megan Hoyt

Mrs. Dell C. Johnson

Dr. Kathryn Greven

Ms. Jacqueline Haynes

Mrs. Patricia Hubbard

Ms. Kay B. Johnson

Ms. Jennifer E. Grosswald

Ms. Shana Heilbron

Mrs. Jennifer Hudson

Mrs. Jennifer Johnson

Ms. Sally H. Gulley

Ms. Patricia Heilbron

Ms. Frances L. Huffman

Ms. Kathleen Johnson

Ms. Nancy H. Gwyn

Ms. Eunice Heilig

Dr. Doreen L. Hughes

Ms. Monica Johnson

Ms. Carol L. Habegger

Ms. Sue Henderson

Ms. Andrea M. Hulighan

Mrs. Marsha G. Johnsrude

Habitat for Humanity of Forsyth County

Ms. Elizabeth C. Henderson

Ms. Patricia W. Hull

Ms. Dedee DeLongpre Johnston

Ms. Carolyn Y. Hairston

Ms. Catherine G. Hendren

Ms. Cashin Hunt

Ms. Terry E. Jones

Ms. Shannon Hall

Ms. Leora Henkin

Ms. Jaime Lynn Hunt

Mrs. Catherine M. Jones

Ms. Temple J. Halsey

Ms. Gardenia Henley

Mrs. Shana E. Hurt

Ms. Donna M. Jones

Ms. Donna Hamilton

Ms. Carol L. Hermann

Ms. Kirk Huske

Ms. Elizabeth B. Jones

Ms. Kara Hammond

Dr. Deirdre A. Herrington

Ms. Jamie E. Huss

Ms. Keely Jordan

Donors to The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem, continued Ms. Sue Joyce

Lea Loftis

Ms. Nancy Mershon

Ms. Nancy W. Payne

Ms. Cheryl D. Joyner

Ms. Martha Logemann

Ms. Tamara Michael

Ms. Laura Peace

Ms. Amy Justice

Ms. Lisa C. Long

Ms. Johnnie L. Midyette

Mrs. Ashley Pearce

Ms. Lucy Kaplan

Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Lord III

Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Mikush, Jr.

Ms. Denni Peebles

Mrs. Toni Kapp

Ms. Lynda Summerlin Lotich

Ms. Alice C. Milam

People Development Partners

Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust

Dr. Cheraton Love

Ms. Nola G. Miller

Mrs. Debbie N. Perkins

Mrs. Lottie S. Kay

Ms. Joanna M. Lyall

Ms. Vanessa Miller

Ms. Allison C. Perkins

Mrs. Tamisha Keith

Ms. Annette P. Lynch

Ms. Wendy J. Miller

Mrs. Becky H. Perkinson

Ms. Chris Kelsey

Ms. Amy Lytle

Ms. Piper Millsaps

Perry Vision Fund

Ms. Claudia Goodson Kennedy

M Creative

Ms. Jane Milner

Ms. Virginia D. Perry

Ms. Jane W. Kerewich

Ms. Kristen Machado

Ms. Lynne Mitchell

Ms. Sara Pesek

Ms. Carol Killebrew

Ms. Diane M. Madison

Ms. Rodessa Mitchell

Mr. and Mrs. Matt Petronzio

Ms. Megan Kilpatrick

Mrs. Constance Mallette

Ms. Laura Monsen

Ms. Roberta L. Pettit

Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP

Ms. Susan W. Mann

Ms. Jenny M. Moore

Ms. Jane M. Pfefferkorn

Ms. Jenny Kim

Ms. Linda Manthey

Dr. Mary Lou Moore

Ms. Laura Phail

Mrs. Amanda King

Dr. Gail S. Marion

Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

Ms. Kay McGee Phillips

Mr. and Mrs. William O. King

Mrs. Marie Marritt

Mr. Andrew Morley

Ms. Josephine O. Phillips

Mrs. Lisa Kirkman

Mrs. Lucia J. Marshall

Mrs. Susan Morris

Piedmont Federal Savings Bank

Mrs. Valerie Kiser

Mrs. Kimberly Marshall

Ms. Debbie Morris

Ms. Sarah Pierce-Rubio

Ms. Elen Knott

Ms. Debbie Marshall

Ms. Elisabeth M. Motsinger

Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants

Ms. Ruth Kooken

Ms. Elizabeth Martin

Ms. Jo Ann Mount

Ms. Virginia Pleasants

Kooken Family Foundation

Ms. Candy Martinez

Ms. Audrey Muck

Ms. Janet Poirier

Ms. Hilary L. Kosloske

Ms. Sarah Mason

Ms. Leslie Mullinix

Mrs. Kathleen B. Pounds

Mrs. Betsy Kraft

Ms. Dee S. Matthews

Ms. Martha Murphy

Ms. Teresa Powell

Ms. Bebe A. Krewson

Ms. Debbie M. Matthews

Ms. Beth W. Murray

Mrs. Jessica Powell

Dr. Heidi Krowchuk

Ms. Margaret S. Mauney

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mylet

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Pranikoff

Kurtz Family Foundation

Ms. Mary McAfee

Ms. Rebecca Nagaishi

Mr. and Mrs. August K. Preschle

Ms. Lesley-Anne Lamb

Ms. Susan D. McBride

Ms. Diane Nations

Ms. Esther K. Preston

Mrs. Emily F. Lambeth

Ms. Susan McBurney

Dr. Cecile E. Naylor

Ms. Katlyn Proctor

Ms. Lucy S. Lancaster

Ms. Madelyn McCaully

Ms. Dawn Nelson

Ms. Lisa P. Purcell

Dr. Barbara Lankton

Ms. Shippey K. McDowell

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newman

Ms. Sara A. Quandt, Ph.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Gavin R. Larrimer

Ms. Byah McGee

Ms. Patricia Noel

Dr. Deborah Randolph

Ms. Nancy L. Lash

Dr. Katherine Tucker McGinnis

Ms. Margaret Norfleet-Neff

Ms. Katie Rauck

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lassiter

Mrs. Patricia A. McKay

Mr. and Dr. J. Keith Norman

Ms. Marisa E. Ray

Ms. Roberta King Latham

Mrs. Karon McKinney

Ms. Katheryn Northington

Ms. M. Victoria Remishofsky

Ms. Mary Law

Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon

Ms. Spence B. O’Neill

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rempe

Ms. Jennifer Lawson

Ms. Laura Hart McKinny

Ms. Kathy Orms

Reynolds American Foundation

Ms. Christine P. Lawson

Mrs. Kay McKnight

Ms. Andrea Ostberg

Ms. Lynn Rhoades

Ms. Amy Leander

Mrs. Betsy McLawhorn

Ms. Susan B. Ott

Mrs. Vera Richardson

Dr. LaVie Leasure

Ms. Sally R. McLeod

Ms. Susan Overman

Ms. Irma M. Richardson

Ms. Kay Lee

Ms. Gail McNeill

Mrs. Diane L. Owens

Sarah Richter

Mrs. Elizabeth Lees

Ms. Monica McSwain

Ms. Mildred W. Paden

Mrs. Patty Ricono

Ms. Terri LeGrand

Dr. Allison McWilliams

Ms. Emily H. Parker

Mrs. Dolores E. Rider

The Honorable Molly Leight

Ms. Billie Meeks

Mrs. Lauren Parker

Ms. Anne D. Rigby

Rev. Margaret K. Leinbach

Ms. Barbara A. Mellin

Ms. Ellen C. Parsley

Ms. Julie A. Risher

Dr. Tracy Lesser

Dr. Paige Meltzer

Dr. Linn Parsons

Mrs. Barbara Roberts

Ms. Emilie G. Lewis

Meridian Realty Group

Ms. Elaine M. Patterson

Mrs. Dia F. Roberts

Adrienne Amos Livengood

Mrs. Cama C. Merritt

Ms. Christine Pavcik

Ms. Ann Roberts

donors to the women’s fund of winston-salem [ 27 ]

Donors to The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem, continued Ms. Vicki Robins

Ms. Kathelene McCarty Smith

Ms. Lisa A. Todd

Ms. Janet P. Wheeler

Ms. Penelope Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. E. Gray Smith III

Ms. Jodi Tonsic

Mrs. Elizabeth B. Whitaker

Dr. Mae L. Rodney

Dr. Beverly M. Snively

Mrs. Jane O. Towns

Ms. Meridith C. Whitaker

Mrs. Daisy Rodriguez-Besse

Ms. Susan S. Sommerkamp

Trellis Supportive Care

Ms. Lauren Wierman

Ms. Twana Roebuck

Ms. Christina Soriano

Ms. Mary Tribble

Ms. Mary Lynn Wigodsky

Ms. Sandra Romanac

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Spach

Truist Contributions Committee

Mrs. Amanda Wigton

Dr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Ross

Ms. Sylvia Sprinkle-Hamlin

Truliant Federal Credit Union

Rev. Ginny Wilder

Ms. Jean E. Rousseau

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Ms. Elizabeth S. Trull

Ms. Lynn M. Wiley

Mrs. Jenny Rowland

Ms. Janis Squire

Mrs. Janice Tsoules

Dr. Joan E. Wilkins

Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Rubin

Ms. Dana Stallings

Ms. Margaret Turner

Ms. Montine P. Wilkinson

Ms. Anna Rubino-Schneider

Ms. Amy Stanley

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Turner

Ms. Mary Jane Williams

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ruffin

Mrs. Shamika Starke

Ms. Linda Turner

Mrs. Lamaya C. Williams

Ms. Avon L. Ruffin

Ms. Wanda V. Starke

Ms. Jodi L. Turner

Ms. Parepa M. Williams

Ms. Maureen Rukstalis

Ms. Rebecca C. Steintrager

Ms. Claire Tuttle

Ms. Jayne Williams

Ms. Marley F. Russell

Ms. Manya M. Stewart

UNC School of the Arts

Ms. Sarah Williamson

Mrs. Shirley T. Sadler

Ms. Preston Stockton and Ms. Diane Wise

Ms. Virginia C. Underhill

Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Willis, Jr.

Ms. Gemma L. Saluta

Ms. Mary S. Underwood

Ms. Sharon K. Wilmoth

Ms. Barbara Saulpaugh

Dr. Eleanor P. Stoller Ms. Caroline W. Stopyra

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Winston-Salem

Ms. Janie Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Saunders, Sr. Ms. Margaret Scales

Ms. Lucy S. Strawsburg

United Way of Forsyth County

Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson

Ms. Claudia Zorn Schaefer

Ms. Nancy Streblow

Dr. Rebecca S. Valla

Ms. Gloria Wilson

Ms. Donna M. Schmid

Mr. George T. Strickland

Mrs. Charles F. Vance, Jr.

Ms. Emily H. Wilson

Ms. Nancy C. Schneider

Mrs. Susan Strickland

Ms. Joyce VanderLinden

Ms. Anne G. Wilson

Ms. Meyressa Schoonmaker

Ms. Carol Strom

Stuart Ficklen Vaughn

Dr. Linda Winikoff

Ms. Marianne Schubert

Ms. Carole M. Stuart

Ms. Liza Vest

Ms. Leslie J. Winner

Rev. Lisa R. Schwartz

Ms. Meredith Stubbs

Dr. Lelia L. Vickers

Winston-Salem State University

Mrs. Vicki Schwartz

Ms. Brooke Johnson Suiter

Ms. Katherine Vogler

Mrs. Catherine L. Seaver

Ms. Jane Suitt

Dr. Mary Lou Voytko

Winston-Salem State University Foundation

Ms. Scott Seawell

Summit School

Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters

Ms. Bonnie Seligson

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Sutton

Mrs. Letitia C. Wall

Ms. Stacy Wolf

Ms. Corlis L. Sellers

Ms. Cindy R. Sutton

Ms. Rebecca Wall

Womble Bond Dickinson

Ms. Susan Sevin

Ms. Shaheen Syal

Susan “Sue” Burress Wall

Ms. Martha Wood

Ms. Lenore T. Shamey

Ms. Marcia B. Szewczyk

Ms. Judi Lawson Wallace

Ms. Mildred S. Wood

Mrs. Sandra M. Sheldon

Ms. Ana Tampanna

Ms. Anne Walter

Ms. Mary P. Wood

Ms. Galyn Shivers

Ms. Cindy Taplin

Mr. and Mrs. D. Lee Woodard

Ms. Kim Shufran

Ms. Lucy Arlayne Tate

Walter Robbs Callahan & Pierce Architects

Ms. Sandra Crotts Shugart

Mrs. Tiffany Tate

Ms. Corinne Ward

Ms. Shan Woolard

Mrs. Amy Shuman

Ms. Lynda M. Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. David D. Ward

Ms. Lori Wrenn

Ms. Marjorie L. Silber

Ms. Kathy J. Teasdall

Ms. Leila L. Warren

Ms. Latonya Wright

Ms. Patricia J. Sisson

Mrs. Catherine Tennant

Ms. Suzanna Watkins

Ms. Zena S. Yarbrough

Ms. Elizabeth A. Sloan

Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts

Ms. Alyson Watts

Ms. Nancy Young

Ms. Brenda D. Sloan

Ms. Alma B. Thompson

Ms. Pam Webb

Ms. Lynn D. Young

Mrs. Phyllis W. Sloan

Ms. Lee Thompson

Mrs. Catherine Webster

Ms. Laura F. Young

Mrs. Sheila Smallwood

Mrs. Lisa A. Thompson

Ms. Maribeth Weinman

Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation

Mrs. Debbie N. Smith

Ms. Melody L. Thomson

Anissa Welch

Mr. and Mrs. Craig G. Zakrzewski

Ms. Camille Smith

Ms. Barbara L. Thornton

Wells Fargo

Dr. Carol Ziel

Ms. Margaret S. Smith

Ms. Crystal Todd

Ms. Anita Wesson

Ms. Ann M. Zimmerman

[ 28 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report

Ms. Claudette Weston

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, Jr.

Ms. Jennifer Woodward

Donors to Youth Grantmakers in Action Youth Grantmakers in Action was established in 2005

to bring together a diverse group of local youth to gain leadership experience, represent youth in their community, voice their opinions, and make grants to youth-directed projects that address community issues and challenges in Forsyth County. YGA’s annual grants program supports authentic, working partnerships between youth grantmakers and other youth who are creating meaningful projects for community change. Visit youthgrantmakersinaction.org.

(1/1/2019 – 6/30/2020)

Ms. Katherine W. Otterbourg

Ms. Chrystal Belcher

Rev. and Mrs. Nathan E. Parrish

Ms. Shannon Dubuisson

Dr. Robert Riehle

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Greenwood

Ms. Maria Salazar

Mr. Vance L. Horner II and Mrs. Shaida J. Horner, J.D.

Mr. DeMorris Samuel

Ms. Joelle Ingram

Dr. Kyle Southern

Ms. Taylor Simmons-Parsons

Members of Youth Grantmakers in Action

“YGA has definitely impacted my adulthood because it instilled in me the importance of giving back and the power of the youth voice. I learned about community service, public speaking, and how to compromise and build consensus. I walked away knowing that I’m valued, that I can make a difference, and that I can sit down with adults and make important decisions just as they do.” –MEGAN MILLS YGA alumnus

donors to youth grantmakers in action [ 29 ]


Focusing On Education Richard and Becky Davis believe in education. “To me education is the key to our success,” says Richard, who believes it generates more opportunities for individuals, not only with work, but also with housing, health, longevity and overall quality of life. The couple’s commitment to education is evident in their community work spanning decades with all sorts of age groups and nonprofits. Becky volunteered at St. Philips Moravian Church Day Care for preschool children. “They were a lot of fun,” she says, then smiles and adds quietly, “I spoiled a lot of them.” Throughout Richard’s extensive service, including membership on the boards of The Winston-Salem Foundation, the Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce, the United Way of Forsyth County and the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust, he has seen first-hand how education impacts the community. As board chair for the Chamber, the United Way, and Appalachian State University, he became heavily involved in educational initiatives to positively impact school success and, ultimately, high school graduation rates. In 2010, the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust established a field of interest fund for education at the Foundation to honor Richard’s board service, and the Davises have continued to add to it. Their fund gives the Foundation flexibility to make timely Community Grants for educational programming. “The Foundation has the freedom to grant those funds to whatever organization it feels deserves it most or can have the most impact,” Richard says. “They know the needs and they review all the grant applications. They make the decision as to what is a wise investment and who would manage these grants well. They know this because it’s their business to know.” The Foundation appealed to Richard, who studied accounting at the University of Maryland before working for the Internal Revenue Service and Wachovia Bank.

The Richard and Becky Davis Fund for Education, a field of interest fund for education, was established in 2010 in honor of Richard’s service on the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust board. Richard is a past member of The Winston-Salem Foundation Committee as well as a past Advisory Committee chair of the Foundation’s Black Philanthropy Initiative. The Davises are also members of the Foundation’s Legacy Society.

“Nobody does it better,” he says. “They give donors total transparency regarding the funds that are invested there, and I do mean invested. Not only do you see that your funds are doing a whole lot of good, you see how well the funds are managed over the years. That fund will continue to grow and will be able to assist and help more people and more causes.” Both Becky and Richard learned the importance of giving back to their community when they were children. “My dad used to say, ‘The more you give, the more you will receive,” Becky says. Richard’s grandmother taught him to always share. “If you have something and the next person has nothing, it’s your duty to share with that person,” he recalls. “She told me to always keep in mind you want to leave this earth a better place than you found it. I’ve always been the kind of person that if I see someone in need I try to help them. It’s just part of my life.”

[ 30 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report

The Legacy Society The Legacy Society honors generous individuals who

have established or added to permanent endowments at the Foundation or those who have made similar provisions through deferred or planned gifts, such as charitable bequests, charitable remainder or lead trusts, life insurance, real estate, or beneficiary designation. Please contact our Philanthropic Services staff to learn more about membership. The following individuals were members of the Legacy Society as of June 30, 2020. On behalf of future generations, we are grateful for their enduring legacies.

Mr. and Mrs. Royall R. Brown, Jr.

Jean T. Cox

Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm M. Brown

Mrs. Donna H. Craige

Dr. Helen H. Bryngelson

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Craven

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Budd

Mr. Fred P. Crouch II

Mr. John D. Budd

Anna Reilly and Matthew Cullinan

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Budd

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cutler

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Buitendorp

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dalton, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norman Bunce

Ms. Jacqueline R. Daniels

Dr. Patricia P. Bundy

Mr. Jason Davies and Mrs. Julia Frost-Davies

The Honorable and Mrs. Richard M. Burr Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III

Bill and Betty Gray Davis

Mr. and Mrs. K. Blaine Burton, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis III

Mrs. Stewart T. Butler

Mr. G. Franklin Davis

Anonymous (18)

Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Beason

Ms. Jane Calloway

Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Davis

Ms. Katherine Acton and Mr. Gerald Smith

Mrs. Barbara C. Beattie

Mrs. Susan M. Cameron

Mr. Jerry Davis and Dr. Christine Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bell, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Cardwell

Ms. Rebecca M. Deaton

Mr. Thomas R. Adams

Ms. Marian Bell

Dr. Kenneth Carlson

Mr. Albert J. DeForest III

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mitchell Agnew, Jr.

Mr. Bobby Bennett

Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr.

Ms. Patricia H. DeForest

Dr. Donna D. Alexander

Ms. Sami O. Bills

Mrs. Anne Maddrey Carpenter

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Delia

Dr. and Mrs. Elms L. Allen

Mr. R. Gordon Bingham

Mrs. William H. Carr

Dr. John W. Denham

Dr. Laura Allen and Mr. Jeff Allen

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Blackburn

Ms. Genie Carr

Ms. Jan M. Detter

Ms. Gayle N. Anderson and Mr. Carey Hedgpeth

Sally and David Blanco

Peggy Carter

Dr. and Mrs. James P. Dickerson

Mr. and Mrs. James Bland

Mrs. Rhea G. Carter

Mrs. Mary Anne Dickson

Dr. Frederick A. Blount

Ms. Genie Carter

Ms. Brenda B. Diggs

Mrs. Lori Bodwell and Mr. Gene Gustafson

Ms. Virginia W. Caudill

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Donahue

Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Armitage

Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Caudle

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Downing

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Arnold

Mr. and Mrs. J. Hal Bolin

Mr. M. Campbell Cawood

Ms. Grace Draman

Mrs. Teresa R. Ashburn

Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke

Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Chambers

Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll

Drs. Anthony and Katherine Atala

Mr. and Mrs. Julian R. Bossong

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Chapman

Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Driscoll

Mrs. Dorothy Atkinson

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Boswell, Jr.

Mrs. Norma Charles-Sink

Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Duckett

Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Auchincloss

Dr. and Mrs. Edwyn T. Bowen, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Chrisco

Ms. Nancy W. Dunn

Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Austell, Jr.

Dr. Emma Jean Z. Bowman

Ms. Lisa L. Austin

Mr. and Ms. Robert C. Clark

Ms. Sandra C. Boyette

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Babcock

Mr. George M. Cleland III

Mr. Noel Lee Dunn and Ms. Mia Celano

Mr. and Mrs. Grady E. Boyles, Jr.

Mrs. Avolene Badgett

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Clements

Dr. Allison Brashear and Mr. Clifford A. Ong

Ms. Allie Jane Click

Mrs. Cynthia Anderson Mr. and Mrs. John Appel

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Bagnal, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Baker, Jr.

Dr. Sherrill Braswell

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Baldridge

Ms. Susan F. Braswell

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Barnes

Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Breitbach

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Barnes

Mike and Wendy Brenner

Mr. and Mrs. Zeb E. Barnhardt, Jr.

Ms. Frances Brenner

Mrs. Diane D. Barrett

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brenner

Mrs. Hilda S. Barry

Mrs. Ann L. Brenner

Mr. Stephen P. Batchelor

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs

Mr. D. Elwood Clinard, Jr. Mrs. Brenda K. Cline Mrs. Carol H. Clodfelter Mr. and Mrs. Mark Conger Ms. Michelle M. Cook Mr. and Mrs. A. Robert Cordell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Corpening Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cotterill

Ms. Mignon Durham Mrs. John T. Eagan, Jr. Mr. Joseph William Edwards Mr. Fred G. Eidson Mr. and Mrs. James L. Einstein Mr. and Mrs. Barry Eisenberg Mrs. J. Robert Elster Ms. Kay Endriss Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Enos, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Essic, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John C. Faris

the legacy society [ 31 ]

The Legacy Society, continued Ms. Heather Fearnbach

Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Harrison

Mrs. R. William Joyce

Mrs. Curtis E. Long

Mr. R. Neal Fine, Jr. and Mr. John R. Hildebrand, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison

Mr. and Mrs. Denny Gray Kallam

Mr. and Mrs. William Longyard

Ms. Virginia S. Hart

Ms. Lucy Kaplan

Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Lord III

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fisher

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Hatchell

Mr. and Mrs. Hal Kaplan

Mrs. Carolin Lowy

Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Flow, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hauser

Mrs. Rachel Katzer

Ms. Annette P. Lynch

Mr. Gary Flower

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kay, Jr.

Ms. Patti Ann Lynch

Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Folger

Mr. and Mrs. Steve J. Hawkins

Mr. and Mrs. David Alan Keely

Mr. and Mrs. E. Erwin Maddrey II

Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Ford, Jr.

Mr. Peter E. Hawley

Mrs. J. Lee Keiger, Jr.

Mr. Parker Maddrey

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fox

Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Hege

Mr. and Mrs. Stanhope A. Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. John Mann

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fox

Dr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Heise

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kennedy

Ms. Lessie J. Mann

Mrs. Andrea P. Fox

Mr. Charles R. Hemrick

Mr. and Mrs. Truman T. Kiger

Ms. Debbie Marshall

Dr. and Mrs. Larry W. Freeman

Ms. Katie King and Mr. Truman R. Cole, IV

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin

Mr. David W. Fuller

Mr. L. Stephen Hendrix and Mrs. Ann S. Hendrix

Mr. Paul Fulton, Jr.

Ms. Frances S. Hendrix

Mr. and Mrs. John M. King

Mr. David P. Masich

Mr. Anthony L. Furr

Mr. M. N. Hennessee

Mr. Alex King

Dr. and Mrs. K. Frank McCain

Mrs. James A. Fyock

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heymann

Mr. Dale M. King

Dr. and Mrs. William McCall, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Joe E. Gaddy, Jr.

Ms. Emily Millis Hiatt

Ms. Marylynn G. King

Dr. and Mrs. John D. McConnell

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Gallup, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Tommy L. Hickman

Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Kinken, Jr.

Dr. Bruce R. McCune

Ms. Kathryn W. Garner

Mr. David W. Hill

Mr. and Mrs. M. Carlyle Kinlaw, Jr.

Mr. W. Michael McDonald

Mr. Harold R. Garrison

Mrs. Dorothy R. Hilton

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Knott

Mrs. Nancy D. McGlothlin

Mr. and Mrs. John L. W. Garrou

Ms. Joyce Kohfeldt

Dr. Timothy W. McGowen

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gerding

Ms. Margaret Ann Hofler and Mr. Larry Laxton

Dr. and Mrs. L. Andrew Koman

Mrs. William F. Hohman

Dr. W. Frederick McGuirt

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gfeller, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Koontz

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hoover

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McKinney

Dr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Gladding

Bill and Ava Koronis

Drs. Judith and Marbry Hopkins

Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon

Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirk Glenn, Jr.

Ms. Sandra M. Lackey-Davidson

Mrs. Edmund B. Hopkins

Ms. Sally R. McLeod

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold N. Lakey

Mr. Mark Hoppe and Dr. Betsy Hoppe

Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank McNair IV

Mr. William T. Goodson

Ms. Janet Cord Lambert

Mrs. Mary Ruth D. Hord

Mr. and Mrs. William L. McSwain

Mrs. Caroline C. Goodwin

Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hough

Dr. and Mrs. William E. Means

Mrs. Bryce Gordon

The Honorable and Mrs. Donny C. Lambeth

Ms. Natasha Gore

Mr. and Mrs. Billy Hunt

Mr. James Gore

Mr. and Mrs. Judd Hunt

Dr. Louis N. Gottlieb

Mr. and Mrs. Allie Hutchison

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gottlieb

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Irvin

Mr. Vergil H. Gough

Dr. Nathaniel Irvin II

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gray

Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. James III

Mrs. J.T. Greene, Jr.

Ms. Mary Jamis and Ms. Starr Johnson

Dr. Carl R. Grey and Ms. Abby Freeland

Mrs. Nancy Harper Janeway

Mrs. Elizabeth Lovett Grover

Mr. and Mrs. Ian Jankelowitz

Dr. Caryl Guth

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jarman

Dr. and Mrs. Paul P. Gwyn

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jenkins, Sr.

Ms. Marcia A. Hagerty

Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Johnson

Mrs. William N. Hailey

Mrs. Florinda C. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hancock

Ms. Terry Johnson

Kelley and Drew Hancock

Ms. Patricia W. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr.

Ms. Joia M. Johnson

Ms. Jane Craig Hanes

Mr. James W. Johnston

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hardison IV

Mrs. Ann C. Johnston

Ms. Susan F. Harris

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Joines

[ 32 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report

Mr. James Lambie and Ms. Lisbeth Evans

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip W. Martin

Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Mendenhall Mr. and Mrs. John Merritt

Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Lawson, Jr.

Ms. Jean M. Messick

Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Lefler

Ms. Melanie Micale

The Honorable Molly Leight

Dr. William L. Michielutte

Rev. Margaret K. Leinbach

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mickey

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Lewis

Dr. Henry S. Miller, Jr.

Ms. Nancy C. Lide

Mrs. Ward Beecher Miller

Mr. Jeffery Lindsay

Mrs. Barbara B. Millhouse

Victor D. Lindsley, III and James E. Battinelli

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Millis, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Joel C. Lineback

Mr. and Mrs. Neal Millsaps

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lineberry

Mr. Richard G. Mock

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lineberry

Ms. Ellen N. Monahan

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Millis

Mr. James E. Lippard

Mr. Chester A. Montgomery

Adrienne Amos Livengood

Dr. William G. Montgomery

Dr. and Mrs. Dan S. Locklair

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Moore

Mr. Joseph P. Logan

Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest V. Logemann

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Morgan

The Legacy Society, continued Mr. and Mrs. David F. Moser Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Moury

Mr. Graydon Pleasants and Ms. Margaret Scales

Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Murray

Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants

Mr. and Mrs. Marty Myers

Mrs. Richard E. Pope

Mrs. Adeen T. Myers

Frances and Steve Porter

The Honorable Stephen L. Neal

Mr. Billy D. Prim

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Neal

Mr. J. Timothy Prout

David L. Neal and Jennifer Weaver

Mr. Grady R. Pulliam III

Mr. and Mrs. Lucian H. Neal

Lisa and Cliff Purcell

Mr. and Mrs. T. David Neill

Mrs. Elizabeth L. Quick

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Niblock

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rabil, Jr.

Lillian A. Nordenholz

Mr. and Mrs. H. Chris Ramm

Mr. and Mrs. Christoph Nostitz

Dr. Dariel L. Rathmell

Mrs. Ann Googe Nusbaum

Lee and Casey Raymer

Mr. and Mrs. Chester T. Nuttall, Jr.

Mr. James K. Reaves, Jr.

Ms. Sylvia Oberle

Mr. and Mrs. John Reilly

Dr. and Mrs. David Reese O’Brien, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Reynolds

Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Ogburn, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Riazzi

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Oliver

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rice III

Mr. and Mrs. L. Glenn Orr, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. David G. Rice

Ms. Katherine W. Otterbourg

Mr. Toby W. Robertson

Mr. and Mrs. Willis H. Overby

Dr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Ross

Mr. Craven B. Page

Mrs. Eugene Rossitch

Ms. Barbara M. Page

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rotgin, Jr.

Mr. John V. Pappas

Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Rubin

Mrs. Dwight E. Pardue

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rucker

Dr. and Mrs. John S. Parks

Mr. and Mrs. C. Guy Rudisill III

Mr. Christopher A. Parr

Ms. Avon L. Ruffin

Rev. and Mrs. Nathan E. Parrish

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ruffin

Lynn Parsley and Kathleen Ausen

Ms. Karen Sanders

Dr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Paschold

Ms. Laura Amanda Sattler

Dr. John Patrick and Dr. Dominique Patrick

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Sayers Michelle and Alex Schenker

Ms. Julie J. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler

Mr. and Mrs. G. Clifton Pennell

Dr. Robert and Rebecca Schwartz

Ms. Brenda B. Penney and Mr. P.J. Lenihan

Ms. Selma C. Scott

Abbie and Francis Pepper, Jr.

Ms. Rebecca Ann Sebastian

Mrs. Elizabeth Perry

Mr. Dale S. Seibert

Mr. and Mrs. Tony W. Petree

Ms. Marion H. Sekerak

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Petree, Jr.

Ms. Stephanie L. Setzer

Ms. Susan D. Pfefferkorn

Mr. and Mrs. Philippe Sevin

Mr. Rick Pfefferkorn

Mrs. Jacqueline Shelton

Mr. and Mrs. Ross D. Pfeiffer

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sherrill

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Phelps

Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Shore, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Wesley F. Phillips

Ms. Faye W. Simmons

Mr. Rick Seamon

Mr. Emerson Walter Pitts, Jr.

Dr. Sara Sinal and Mr. Paul Sinal

Ms. Ruth F. Pitts

Ms. Cynthia Skaar

“I want families and young children in this community to be able to come together and find something they’re passionate about learning from open-ended experiences, where they can learn beside someone who is different from them.” – E L I Z A B E T H DA M P I E R Kaleideum

the legacy society [ 33 ]

The Legacy Society, continued Mr. Willis Slane and Dr. Caroline Chiles

Ms. Rebecca M. Tesh

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Watson

Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Wolfe

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Smith

Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Tessien

Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. S. Waugh, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wolfe

Mrs. Richard G. Smith, Jr.

Ms. Sylvia Theriault

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Weber

Mrs. Rochelle Wolfe

Mr. and Mrs. James N. Smoak

Dr. and Mrs. John B. R. Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Webster

Mrs. Allan Hollan Womble

Dr. and Mrs. John K. Southard, Jr.

Mrs. Stuart C. Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Welch, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James Y. Spencer

Mrs. Janet T. Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Wells, Sr.

Mr. Ralph Womble and Ms. Ashley Edwards

Ms. Betsy Spencer

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Thornton

Mrs. Togo D. West, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Selbert M. Wood, Jr.

Mr. William A. Starbuck, Jr.

Mr. F. Nelson Tomlinson, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wheliss

Mr. and Mrs. D. Lee Woodard

Dr. Susan K. Stephens

Mr. Charles D. Tomlinson

Mr. John C. Whitaker, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Worf

Mrs. Sarah H. Stephens

Dr. and Mrs. James F. Toole

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiegel

Mrs. Hal G. Worley

Mrs. Robert H. Stevenson

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner

Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Wierman

Mr. Bryan D. Yates

Mr. John E. Stewart

Mr. Jay Turner and Ms. Tonya Deem

Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Wiles

Ms. JoAnn Yates

Mrs. Jean J. Stivers

Claire and Randall S. Tuttle

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilhem

Ms. Megan McSwain Yeatts

Mr. Richard Stockton

Mr. and Mrs. David C. Twine

Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Willard

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Yelverton

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stopyra

Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Underwood II

Mr. Stephen T. Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Yena

Mrs. Janice K. Story

Ms. Margaret M. Urquhart and Mr. Dennis Collins

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Williams III

Mrs. James D. Yopp, Jr.

Ms. Cynthia A. Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Young

Mr. Robert W. Van Camp

Mrs. Linda C. Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffrey Young

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sullivan

Mrs. Deborah H. Vaughan

Mr. John G. Williard

Ms. Mildred D. Young

Mrs. John J. Sutton, Jr.

Ms. Patricia A. Vaughn

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Willingham

Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Young

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Sutton

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vaughn, Jr.

Mrs. Francis F. Willingham

Mr. and Mrs. David Yount

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sutton III

Dr. and Mrs. Ramon Velez

Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Willingham

Mr. and Mrs. Yasser Youssef

Dr. Charles V. Taft and Mrs. Charlotte M. Hanes

Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Wall

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ward

Dr. and Mrs. David H. Tate

Mr. R. M. Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Galen Ward

Mrs. Mary Rose Taylor

Ms. Betty S. Winslow

Ms. Shirley S. Ward

Ms. Marguerite B. Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters

Mr. Joseph Washington

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wohlford

Mr. James B. Stuart and Ms. Charlyn Logan-Stuart

“My hopes and dreams for Winston-Salem would be a future where your educational and your life outcomes are not predetermined by your socioeconomic status, the zip code that you live in, or by the color of your skin. It would be a place where everyone has equal footing, and everyone has the opportunity to be successful.” – W E N DY P O T E AT Say Yes Guilford, formerly The Forsyth Promise

[ 34 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report

O U R N E X T C E N T U R Y O F I M PA C T :

How We’re Moving Ahead As the Foundation enters its second century, we are firmly committed to our north star, a vision for Forsyth County, which is a generous and trusting community where everyone is thriving. We recognize that educational and economic opportunities during the Foundation’s first century were not available to all our neighbors, especially those of color. As we have learned, this is not by accident, but a direct result of the structural racism that has existed in our country for over 400 years. Data shows significant racial, economic, and residential disparities among communities


Access to efficient and affordable transportation Reduction in the racial wealth gap

Inclusive pathways to family-sustaining careers

of color in Forsyth County and beyond, and we are committing significant resources to building equity for residents of color in our community. We have developed two broad focus areas for our Community Investments — Building an Inclusive Economy and Advancing Equity in Education, and we further identified six priorities within our two new focus areas. The priorities below reflect areas where significant levels of inequity persist, where the community says our resources are most needed, and where we believe we can make the greatest impact now and for the foreseeable future.


Anti-bias culture and practices in educational settings (Pre-K to Post-secondary) Positive/constructive behavior intervention strategies (Pre-K to 12) Racially and economically diverse public schools (K to 12)

As we move forward, the Foundation is directing significant flexible resources to achieve our priorities through: Active partnerships with other local organizations working in this area

Support for Community Development Corporations building investment in underserved neighborhoods

Proactive and responsive grantmaking to move this work forward

Mission-Aligned Investments to support businesses and organizations working for social change in Forsyth County

Scholarship support as an economic mobility tool

Learn more at wsfoundation.org/focus-areas

how we’re moving ahead [ 35 ]

OUR COMMITMENT TO RACIAL EQUITY We are committed to advancing racial equity across all our work in Forsyth County because we believe it is unacceptable that today race and zip code can serve as reliable predictors of an individual’s positive or negative educational, health, and economic outcomes. Systems, including institutions, policies, and resource allocation in our community, have played a major role in this outcome, and it’s crucial to focus on these systems to affect real change.

How can you support these efforts? Donate to Foundation funds that are supporting our efforts — visit wsfoundation.org/give


The Next Century Fund Black Philanthropy Initiative The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem

Support local black-led nonprofits and learn more about racial equity and injustice — visit equityforsyth.com Stay up-to-date on the Foundation’s efforts through our website, e-news, Facebook, and Twitter updates.

[ 36 ] The Winston-Salem Foundation centennial donor report


“We all have similar hopes and dreams for Winston-Salem: strong families and flourishing neighborhoods, opportunity and access for all, and to live in a city where everyone is thriving. Thanks to your generosity, the Foundation is poised for great things to come as we begin our second century of service to the community.” – R A N DA L L T U T T L E Chair, The Winston-Salem Foundation Committee

Photography: Alex Baker, Lauren and David Clark, Devin Gaenzler Forbes, Kiara Harris, David Reavis, Bobby Roebuck, Christine Rucker, Adam Sebastian

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