Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

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Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

Admissions Marketing Handbook Primary Edition - By Martin Lopez, Head of Marketing Get in touch


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Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

Table of Contents: Introduction


About Windsor Academy Trust


Purpose of the Handbook


Admissions Process Overview


Important Dates


Comms Toolkit


Section 1: May - Preparations Begin 1.1 Review and Development of Marketing Materials

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1.1.1 Prospectus Checklist


1.1.2 Website Checklist


1.2 Identification of Dates for Open Events


1.3 Creation of Digital Events


1.4 Building Connections


Section 2: June and July - Content Creation, Campaign Development, Staying Active, Reporting


2.1 Launch of Digital Events


2.2 Staying Active Online


2.3 Sharing SATs Success Stories


2.4 Create Campaign Plan and Content


2.5 Setting Up Reporting Document for Analytics



Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

Section 3: August - Campaign Scheduling


3.1 Scheduling of Campaigns During School Holidays


3.2 Preparing for September Launch


Section 4: September - Act Campaign Launch


4.1 Launch of Act Marketing Campaigns


4.2 Admissions Open on October 1st


4.3 Planning School Open Days


4.4 Local Media and Community Outreach


Section 5: October to January - Conversion Campaigns


5.1 Open Events and School Tours


5.2 Conversion Campaigns


5.3 Handling Admissions Questions


5.4 Wrapping Up Admissions Process


Section 6: February - Follow Up and Thanks


6.1 Thanking the School Community


6.2 Addressing Admissions Questions


6.3 Engage Campaign: Gearing up for Offers Date


Section 7: March to April - Offers Day and Transition


7.1 Offers Day


7.2 Welcoming New Families


7.3 Engaging New Students and Parents Through Regular Communication


7.4 Celebrating the School Year and Preparing for the Next



Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

About Windsor Academy Trust Windsor Academy Trust (WAT) is a network of 12 successful schools established in 2011, serving around 7,500 students aged 2 to 18. Our family includes seven primary and five secondary schools, with plans for further growth. At WAT, we prioritise student-centric teaching and learning, backed by a culture of continuous improvement and professional development. Collaboration across primary and secondary schools and our innovative approach have been pivotal to our success. Over the past decade, we’ve built a reputation for delivering excellent education, supported by our committed staff. As we look to the future, our vision is to continue providing the highest quality education, helping every student realise their potential.


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

Purpose of the Handbook The purpose of this handbook is to provide strategic guidance and practical resources to support the admissions marketing process for the primary schools within the WAT family. This aligns with our overarching strategy, aiming to continue our growth and provide excellent education to every student. As we embark on our second decade, the WAT strategy focuses on five ‘big moves’ and five ‘enablers’ to drive our progress. This handbook particularly aligns with one of these enablers - Marketing and Communications. Our aim is to develop a marketing and communications strategy that not only supports our goals but also ensures that our strategy is clearly communicated and understood within our community. We believe that effective marketing and communication are integral to our success, playing a vital role in engaging prospective families, showcasing our schools’ strengths, and ensuring we meet our admission targets. This handbook serves as a tool to help our headteachers and marketing leads navigate the admissions process efficiently and effectively, ultimately supporting WAT’s mission of unlocking students’ academic and personal potential. 5

Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

Admissions Process Overview The admissions process for Windsor Academy Trust primary schools begins with a review and development of marketing materials in May, including the prospectus. This is followed by identifying the dates for open events and the creation of digital events in June. Campaign content is created in July and scheduled for release from August onwards. The campaign is ramped up in September, with admissions opening from 1st October onwards (each local authority differs). Open events are held between September and January, followed by conversion campaigns to encourage families to apply. The deadline for applications is in mid-January, and during this time, efforts are focused on helping families with applications, handling admissions questions, and wrapping up the admissions process. In February, the admissions results are reviewed, and marketing efforts are assessed to prepare for the next year. From March to September, the focus shifts to engaging and retaining families. This includes welcoming new families, regular communication with new students and parents, retention strategies, and celebrating the school year while preparing for the next. Overall, the admissions process is designed to attract and retain families in our primary schools, with a strategic and proactive approach to marketing and communications.


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

Important Dates 1 October 2023

Online application available

15 January 2024 by 5pm*

Return date for paper application forms

15 January 2024 by midnight*

Return date for online applications

16 April 2024 after 2pm

Decision emails to parents

16 April 2024 by 2nd class post

Decision letters to parents

June/July 2024

Appeals to be heard

*These dates are subject to change and applicants are advised to check with their local authority for the most up-to-date information. It is important to note that applications received after the deadline may not be considered until all ontime applications have been processed. Therefore, it is highly recommended that all applications are submitted before the deadline to ensure fair consideration. Parents should also note that the decision emails/letters will only indicate whether their child has been offered a place or not. If a child is not offered a place at their preferred school, parents have the right to appeal the decision. The appeals process typically takes place in June/July and involves an independent panel considering the grounds of the appeal and making a decision based on the evidence presented.


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

Introduction to the Comms Toolkit What is the Comms Toolkit? The Comms Toolkit is a curated collection of resources, templates, and guides tailored to streamline and enhance the marketing and communication processes for our Marketing Leads. It’s designed with efficiency and consistency in mind, ensuring that our teams can access the necessary tools without starting from scratch every time a new task or project arises.

How is it to be Used? Centralised Resources: Every section of the marketing handbook is accompanied by its dedicated toolkit. These toolkits are linked to the handbook from The Trust Google Drive, ensuring that the most updated version is always at hand. Step-by-Step Guidelines: Each toolkit component offers clear, actionable steps. Whether you’re planning a campaign or communicating with new families, there’s a guide to help you execute your task seamlessly. Templates for Consistency: To maintain a uniform brand image and voice, use the provided templates. They not only save time but also ensure that we present a cohesive image to our community and stakeholders. Flexibility: Whilst the toolkits offer a strong foundation, they’re designed to be adaptable. Adjust them as necessary to fit the unique needs and circumstances of your specific campaign or event. Navigate with Ease: At the end of every section, you’ll find the corresponding toolkit. This ensures that, as you progress through each phase, the resources you need are right there, eliminating the need for extensive searches or starting from a blank slate. By integrating the Comms Toolkit into our daily operations, we aim to: • • • •

Elevate our marketing and communications efforts Reduce the turnaround time for campaigns and projects Ensure consistency in our brand’s voice and presentation Foster collaboration among teams, knowing that everyone has access to the same high-quality resources

We encourage every Marketing Lead to familiarise themselves with these tools and utilise them extensively. By doing so, we can achieve our goals with more precision, clarity, and effectiveness.


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

Section 1: May

Preparation begins


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

May marks the start of the admissions process for the upcoming academic year. This section will guide you through the necessary preparations that need to be taken to ensure a successful admissions campaign. By starting early and taking a strategic approach, you can create a strong foundation that will carry you through the entire process. This section will cover the following key areas: review and development of materials, identification of open event dates, creation of digital events, creation of campaign content, scheduling campaigns, and hard launch of the campaign in September. With a solid plan in place, you can set yourself up for success and achieve your enrolment goals for the upcoming year. You will find a link to the Primary Admissions Marketing Planner in the Comms Toolkit for each month. The planner offers a one page look at the marketing activity and schedule for the academic year. It will proove useful when scanning the tasks ahead.

1.1 Review and Development of Marketing Materials: Before launching into the admissions process, it is essential to review your school’s marketing materials, such as your prospectus and website. This review should be thorough and consider the overall messaging and design, as well as any updates that may be necessary to keep the content relevant and informative. If your school lacks marketing materials or needs updates, this is the time to develop and improve them. Clear and compelling marketing materials can make a significant difference in attracting potential families and making a positive first impression. The materials should be designed with the target audience in mind and communicate the unique strengths and values of the school. By starting the admissions process with a strong foundation of marketing materials, you can set your school up for success and effectively communicate your message to prospective families. Marketing Collateral: • Prospectus: A printed document that provides information about the school’s curriculum, policies, and facilities. • Website: An online platform to showcase life at school to all visitors. It is important that your school website is Ofsted compliant, a checklist can be found here • Social media: Social media platforms such as

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are used to share news, photos, and updates about the school. • Flyers, banners and posters: Printed materials used to promote open days, events, and other important dates • Promotional video/virtual tour: Short videos that provide a virtual tour of the school and highlight its programs, facilities, and achievements • School merchandise: Branded items such as bags, pens, and t-shirts that are given out at events.

1.1.1: Prospectus Checklist: • Review Previous Prospectus: Download last year’s prospectus and thoroughly review it. Look for areas that need updating or enhancing. • Make Amendments: Using Adobe Acrobat’s sticky notes, mark necessary changes, including updates to text and image alterations. • Image Selection: Gather all new images that you plan to use in the updated prospectus. Ensure they are high-resolution, clearly labelled and relevant to the content. • Brief the Designer: Submit your project to our graphic designer service, Hatchly. Include the marked-up prospectus and all new images, making sure to clearly explain any design changes you require. • Review and Approval: Once the new version is received, review it for any errors or further changes. If everything is satisfactory, approve the design for print. A video tutorial of how to do this can be found in the comms toolkit at the end of this section. 10

Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

1.1.2: Website Checklist: • Evaluate and Update Admissions Pages: Conduct a comprehensive review of all admissions pages on your school website. This includes ensuring that they accurately reflect the correct dates and deadlines for the upcoming academic year’s admissions. Additionally, assess the website’s user experience for admissions navigation. Ensure that the admissions page is intuitively accessible from all major landing pages and that there are multiple pathways to arrive at this information, such as direct links from key sections, prominent buttons in the website header, or call-to-action banners on the homepage. This thorough evaluation will guarantee that our website is optimised for admissions, offering a user-friendly and seamless experience for prospective families. • Prepare New Website Copy: Create new copy for the website where necessary, ready for the September update. This might include sections such as the head’s welcome message and updates about programmes, facilities, or policies. • Delegate Review Tasks: Send relevant sections of the website to appropriate team members for review. This can help ensure all information is accurate and current. • Update Imagery: Select new images to refresh the website’s look. These should be high-quality and relevant to the content they accompany.

school’s open events. This is an important part of your marketing strategy and can greatly impact the success of your admissions campaign. To determine the dates for your open events, it’s important to engage with your school’s leadership team and other relevant stakeholders early on. This may mean starting the planning process much earlier than in previous years. In addition to considering the availability of school leaders and staff, it’s also important to check for any potential conflicts with other schools’ events or notable dates in the community. This can help ensure that your open events are well attended and not overshadowed by competing events. It’s also a good idea to run the proposed dates past the local authority to check for any potential clashes with other events or scheduling conflicts. By carefully planning your open events, you can help maximise your school’s exposure and attract more prospective families to your admissions process.

By following these checklists, you can ensure that the Prospectus and the Website are updated accurately, effectively and on time. These resources are key touchpoints for prospective families and should reflect the best of what Windsor Academy Trust has to offer.

1.2: Identification of Dates for Open Events One of the first steps in preparing for the admissions season is to identify the dates for your 11

Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

1.3: Creation of Digital Events Your open events will be created on your website by the central team. This page will act as a landing page for all campaigns and promotion. The aim to for families to sign up for events to ensure we have access to contact details throughout the admissions process. this will greatly aid our cause when attempting to convert families later in the campaign process.

1.4: Building Connections Becoming a Civic Anchor Embracing our role as a civic anchor, as outlined in Big Move 3 of our Powering into the Second Decade Strategy, is not only beneficial to our community but also plays a vital role in enhancing our admissions marketing efforts. By driving education for the greater public good and actively participating in our community, Windsor Academy Trust fosters a positive reputation that attracts prospective families. Here’s how our civic impact strategy complements our admissions marketing efforts: • Engage with Prospective Families: Open communication channels with interested families provide an opportunity to showcase our civic initiatives and commitment to the community. This can differentiate us from other institutions and appeal to families seeking a school that values societal impact. • Leverage Social Media for Civic Engagement: By using our social media platforms to highlight our community involvement and societal contributions, we demonstrate the values and actions that distinguish our institution. This not only engages our existing community but also attracts prospective families who share these values. • Establish Relationships with Local Businesses and Organisations: Our collaborations with local entities increase our visibility within the community, providing additional opportunities to reach prospective families. Moreover, these partnerships underscore our commitment to local prosperity, a trait attractive to families seeking schools that contribute positively to their surroundings.


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

• Involve Current Parents and Students in Community Initiatives: Our commitment to fostering active citizenship among our students reflects positively on our institution. Prospective families are often drawn to schools that not only focus on academic excellence but also on character development and social responsibility. • Connect with Alumni as Civic Leaders: Highlighting the societal contributions of our alumni provides concrete examples of the positive outcomes of an education at Windsor Academy Trust. This can be a persuasive factor for prospective families. • Host and Participate in Community Events: Our active role in community events provides additional touchpoints to engage with prospective families. Moreover, these events give us an opportunity to tangibly demonstrate our values and commitment to societal wellbeing, which can significantly enhance our appeal.

Comms Toolkit Section 1: May - Preparations Begin WAT Family Primary Admissions Marketing Plan Prospectus Amendment Guide Website User Manual Open Event Date Planner

Popular schools always sit at the very heart of their community. Becoming a civic anchor within your community will not only benefit the community you serve, but ensure your school is the school of choice for all families.


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

Section 2: June and July

Content Creation, Campaign Development, Staying Active, Reporting


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

In this phase, we focus on developing engaging content, planning effective campaigns, maintaining online presence, and setting up robust analytics. This is a critical period where we lay the foundation for our digital events, share our SATs success stories, and prepare our campaign strategies for the upcoming months. We also emphasise on setting up a reporting document to monitor and analyse our efforts, providing valuable insights to fine-tune our strategies.

2.1 Launch of Digital Events

2.2 Staying Active Online

It is important that your digital events page is accessible from all digital platforms and comms assets for the next few months. Ensure there is always a link available from any comms sent to parents. The most powerful referral is a referral from a friend, we want our current families to advocate for us with their friends and family members.

Maintaining a strong digital presence is crucial, especially during the busy summer term filled with exciting events and stories to share. This involves regular updates on our website and social media platforms about the happenings at school. Sharing success stories, educational insights, and glimpses into school life can help keep our audience engaged and informed.

Also ensure that you share the link with any social media posts or website blogs. The more exposure the page gets, the better.

During this period, it’s important to ensure we’re not so consumed with admissions tasks that our online activity dwindles. If needed, consider enlisting additional support to help manage online interactions. Remember, our digital platforms serve as the first point of contact for many prospective families. Keeping these platforms lively and engaging is key to capturing their interest and fostering a positive perception of our school community.


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

2.4 Create Campaign Plan and Content Planning ahead is crucial for a smooth and effective admissions marketing campaign. In this phase, we’ll outline the basic plan and themes for our posts, paving the way for content creation at a later date. It’s recommended that we aim for at least two posts per week that are either directly focused on admissions or carry an admissionsrelated angle. We’ll use a simplified version of the RACE (Reach, Act, Convert, Engage) model to guide our campaign strategy, tailored to be easily understood and relevant to our admissions process:

2.3 Sharing SATs Success Stories Celebrating and sharing our SATs success stories is an integral part of our content strategy. These stories highlight the academic excellence and dedication of our students, as well as the effectiveness of our teaching methods. Not only do they instil pride in our current families, but they also serve as a powerful tool to attract prospective ones. Publishing these success stories allows us to showcase the academic achievements of our students, providing tangible proof of the quality education we offer. They can be shared in various formats such as blog posts, social media updates, newsletters, or even short video testimonials. Furthermore, these stories can be strategically signposted in our upcoming campaigns. By doing so, we can continually remind our audience of the high academic standards and supportive learning environment at our schools. It is, therefore, essential to ensure these stories are widely and effectively disseminated.

Reach (July/August/September): This is about increasing our visibility and getting our message out there. We’ll identify the platforms where our target audiences spend their time (like social media, email, or local community events) and post our admissions content there. Act (September/October): Here, we aim to stimulate interest or prompt some kind of action. This could be encouraging prospective families to sign up for our newsletter, attend an open day, or interact with our social media posts. Convert (October/November/December/January): This step is about turning that interest into action. We’ll make it easy for families to apply, providing clear instructions and support throughout the application process. Engage (February-August): Lastly, we aim to build long-term relationships with our families. We’ll keep them informed and involved in school life, ensuring they feel part of our community from the moment they apply. You will find a link to the Primary Admissions RACE Campaign Planner in the comms toolkit, complete with links to content templates for your campaigns.


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

2.5 Setting Up Reporting Document for Analytics By carefully planning and creating targeted content for each month, we can ensure a consistent and engaging flow of messages to our prospective families.

Brand performance metrics: In addition to these key admissions metrics, we’ll also track brand performance metrics, such as website traffic, and social media engagement. These metrics will help us understand the overall effectiveness of our marketing and branding efforts in driving awareness and interest in our schools.

As part of our admissions marketing campaign, it’s important to establish a reporting document for analytics. This document will help us track and measure our performance over time, and make data-driven decisions to improve our approach.

By setting up a reporting document for analytics, we can easily track and analyse these key metrics over time, identifying any areas for improvement and making data-driven decisions to optimise our admissions marketing campaign.

The following are some key metrics that we will measure during this period:

The tracking documents can be found in the Admissions Reporting link in the Comms Toolkit at the end of this section.

Open event sign-ups: We’ll track the number of families who sign up for our virtual tours, information sessions, and other open events. This metric will help us understand the level of interest in our school and the effectiveness of our marketing efforts in driving sign-ups. Open event attendees: We’ll also track the number of families who actually attend our open events. This metric will help us understand the level of engagement and interest from prospective families, as well as the effectiveness of our event planning and execution. Applications: We’ll track the number of applications received during this period, as well as any preference data provided by families. This metric will help us understand the level of interest and demand for our school, as well as any trends or patterns in the types of families and students who are applying.

Comms Toolkit Section 2: June and July - Content Creation, Campaign Development, Staying Active, Reporting WAT Family Primary Admissions Marketing Plan RACE Campaign Planner/Templates SATs Success Story Template WAT Family Admission Tracker Brand Measurement Centre


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

Section 3: August

Campaign Scheduling


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

3.1 Scheduling of Campaigns During School Holidays: During the month of August, it’s important to keep in mind that many staff members may be on holiday, which could impact the scheduling of our admissions marketing campaign. As a result, it’s recommended that we plan ahead and schedule as much content as possible in advance, to ensure a consistent flow of messaging to our prospective families.

Comms Toolkit Section 3: August - Campaign Scheduling RACE Campaign Planner/Templates

We should aim to have all social media posts, email campaigns, and website updates scheduled and ready to go before the start of August. By doing this, we can ensure that our campaign continues to run smoothly, even with limited staff availability.

3.2 Preparing for September Launch: If there are any working days in August, it would be prudent to do final checks to ensure that our websites and content are “September ready”. This could include testing the functionality of our landing pages, ensuring that our call-to-action buttons are working properly, and verifying that our contact information is up-to-date and accurate. As we approach September, we should focus on preparing for the launch of our admissions marketing campaign. This may include finalising any remaining content, setting up tracking and analytics tools, and conducting a final review of our messaging and branding. Overall, by being proactive and planning ahead, we can ensure that our admissions marketing campaign continues to run smoothly throughout the month of August, and that we are fully prepared for the launch of our campaign in September.


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

Section 4: September

Act Campaign Launch


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

In September, it’s time to launch our “Act” marketing campaign, with the goal of stimulating interest and prompting action from prospective families. This section will cover the key tasks and strategies for the month, including the launch of our campaign, the opening of admissions, planning open days, community outreach, and campaign planning for the months ahead.

4.1 Launch of Act Marketing Campaigns With the launch of our Act marketing campaign, we’ll be focusing on engaging with prospective families and encouraging them to take action. This may include promoting our open events, highlighting the benefits of our school, and sharing testimonials from current students and families. We’ll be using a variety of channels to reach our target audience, including social media, email campaigns, and targeted advertising.

4.2 Admissions Open on October 1st* In September, we’ll also be preparing for the opening of admissions on October 1st. This may include finalising our application materials, setting up an online application portal, and ensuring that our admissions team is prepared to handle any inquiries or issues that may arise.

4.3 Planning School Open Days Open events are a great way to showcase our schools and engage with prospective families in person. In September, we’ll be planning our open events including deciding on the exactly how the event will run and what we will communicate with families that have signed up, preparing marketing materials, and coordinating with staff to ensure a successful event. Guidance is available for the document in the Comms Toolkit at the end of this section.

4.4 Local Media and Community Outreach In addition to our digital marketing efforts, we’ll also be reaching out to local media and community organisations to promote our school and raise awareness among the broader community. This may include pitching stories to local newspapers, sponsoring community events, and partnering with local businesses to offer promotions or discounts and reaching out to local private nurseries to invite families to your open events.

Comms Toolkit Section 4: September - Act Campaign Launch and Planning RACE Campaign Planner/Templates Open Event invite for Nurseries Media and Community Outreach Guide Open event guidance for WAT Family Primary Academies

* application windows differ across our learning communities and are set by the respective local authorities, please check your local authority dates. 21

Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

Section 5:

October to January Conversion Campaigns


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

In the months of October to January, our focus will be on converting prospective families into applicants and guiding them through the admissions process. This section will cover various aspects of our conversion campaigns, including open events and school tours, targeted communication strategies, addressing admissions questions, and wrapping up the admissions process.

5.1 Open Events and School Tours

5.4 Wrapping Up Admissions Process

Open events and school tours provide valuable opportunities for prospective families to experience our school firsthand. During this period, we’ll continue hosting open events and tours, showcasing our facilities, academic programs, and extracurricular activities. We’ll promote these events through targeted marketing campaigns, utilising various channels such as social media, email marketing, and website updates.

As we approach the end of the admissions process, we’ll ensure that all necessary documentation and materials are collected from applicants. We’ll send reminders and updates to families, keeping them informed about important deadlines and requirements. Our goal is to provide a seamless and supportive experience for applicants, making the final stages of the admissions process as smooth as possible.

5.2 Conversion Campaigns To effectively convert prospective families into applicants, we’ll develop a comprehensive communication toolkit. We’ll start by conducting a survey to gather feedback from families who have attended open events or tours, aiming to understand their experience and what factors are most important to them. Based on the survey responses, we’ll segment our communications and tailor our messages to address their specific interests and concerns. We’ll create a library of letters and communication templates that cover various topics such as facilities, pastoral care, academic programs, and safeguarding. These materials will help us provide personalised and relevant information to prospective families, nurturing their interest and confidence in our school.

By implementing effective conversion campaigns, addressing admissions questions, and wrapping up the admissions process efficiently, we can successfully convert prospective families into enrolled students, fostering a sense of excitement and confidence in joining our school community.

Comms Toolkit Section 5: October to January Conversion Campaigns RACE Campaign Planner/Templates Open Event Feedback Forms Feedback Form Follow Up Templates

5.3 Handling Admissions Questions Throughout the conversion process, it’s essential to address any admissions-related questions promptly and comprehensively. We’ll establish clear channels for families to reach out to us, such as dedicated email addresses or phone lines.


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

Section 6: February

Follow Up and Thanks


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

During February, our goals are clear: celebrate our school community, address any remaining admissions questions, and provide a heads-up about the upcoming offers date and what follows. This section outlines how we thank our community, answer admissions-related queries, and set expectations for the next steps in the admissions process.

6.1 Thanking the School Community February is the perfect time to say thanks. We appreciate everyone who makes our school special, from families and teachers to staff and volunteers. We’ll send out a thoughtful message to highlight everyone’s contributions and show our gratitude.

6.2 Addressing Admissions Questions We understand that questions can come up, even late in the admissions process. So, in February, we’re here to help. Whether questions come through phone calls, emails, or face-to-face chats, we’ll ensure they’re answered promptly and clearly.

6.3 Engage Campaign: Gearing up for Offers Date As we approach the offers date, we want to ensure every family knows what to expect. We’ll roll out a campaign to keep everyone informed about key dates and the next steps, making sure the process runs as smoothly as possible.

Comms Toolkit Section 6: January to February Follow Up and Thanks RACE Campaign Planner/Templates Template letter for school staff


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

Section 7: March to April

Offers Day and Transition


Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

During the months of March to April, our focus will be on Offers Day and supporting the transition of new families into our school community. This section will cover various aspects of this transition period, including Offers Day, welcoming new families, regular communication with new students and parents, and celebrating the school year while preparing for the next.

7.1 Offers Day Offers Day is an important milestone in the admissions process, where we extend offers of enrollment to accepted students. In March, we’ll coordinate and execute a well-organized Offers Day, ensuring that acceptance letters or emails are sent out promptly. We’ll provide clear instructions for families to accept the offers and secure their child’s place in our school.

7.2 Welcoming New Families As new families accept their offers, it’s crucial to create a warm and welcoming environment for them. In April, we’ll focus on extending a heartfelt welcome to our incoming families. This may include sending personalised welcome packages or letters, hosting orientation sessions or events to familiarise them with the school, and connecting them with current families or student mentors who can provide guidance and support during the transition.

7.3 Engaging New Students and Parents Through Regular Communication Keeping new students and their parents in the loop is key to ensuring a smooth transition. Under the ‘Engage’ phase of the RACE model, our focus will be on initiating and maintaining consistent communication. Our goal is to keep them updated on crucial dates, forthcoming school events, and preparations they might need for the new academic year. To aid in this process, we’ll be utilising methods like newsletters, orientation events, and virtual introductions with the teaching staff and school administrators. For specific communication ideas and templates tailored for this engagement, please refer to the ‘Engage’ section of the RACE

Campaign Planner and Templates document, available in the comms toolkit at the end of this section.

7.4 Celebrating the School Year and Preparing for the Next As we near the end of the school year, we’ll take the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments and milestones of the current academic year. We’ll create engaging and uplifting content to showcase the highlights of the year, such as student achievements, school events, and community initiatives. Simultaneously, we’ll begin preparations for the next school year, sharing information about upcoming changes, improvements, and exciting programs to build anticipation and excitement among our new families. By supporting the transition lead and amplifying communication efforts, we can ensure a smooth and positive experience for incoming families. This includes creating compelling marketing content, fostering a welcoming environment, maintaining regular communication, and celebrating the successes of the current school year while preparing for the next. Ultimately, our goal is to not only enrol incoming families but also establish a strong foundation for their longterm engagement and success within our school community.

Comms Toolkit Section 7: March to April Offers Day and Transition RACE Campaign Planner/Templates Offers Day Guide New Family Welcome Pack 27

Windsor Academy Trust Admissions Marketing Handbook - Primary Edition

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Windsor Academy Trust, Trinity Point, High Street, Halesowen, B63 3HY 28

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