WAT - Sustainability Strategy

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Sustainability Strategy

Creating a sustainable world for future generations

May 2024

Windsor Academy Trust Sustainability
Contents CEO Foreword 2 Contents 3 Introduction from the Director of Operations 4 About Windsor Academy Trust 5 Our Vision 8 Achievements to Date 9 Our Sustainability Strategy 12 Climate Action 15 Green Skills 16 Education Estates and Digital Technology 17 Operations and Supply Chain 18 System Contribution 19 Further Information 20 Windsor Academy Trust - Sustainability Strategy 2

CEO Foreword

As I reflect on our sustainability journey to date, I feel an immense sense of pride. It’s not just about the milestones we’ve achieved, but the commitment and drive that has propelled us forward.

We have always been dedicated to providing an exceptional education for our students, but our focus has broadened, realising the profound responsibility we have towards the world we’re preparing them for.

This isn’t just about answering a global call to action. We want to ensure that our students, and the generations that follow, have a world they can thrive in. It’s about leaving a legacy of care, responsibility, action and hope.

I’m heartened by the steps we’ve taken thus far, from understanding our impact on

the environment to making meaningful changes in areas such as our operations and curriculum. But this is just the start. We’re setting a course for a future where sustainability isn’t an add-on, but an integral part of who we are and what we do.

Our vision is clear: to become one of the most sustainable school trusts in the country and leave the world in a better place for future generations. I believe in our capability to make this vision a reality, and I know that together, we can make a significant difference.

As we move forward, I invite you to stand with us, to share in or commitment and to be a part of the positive change we’re striving for.

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Dawn Haywood

Introduction from the Director of Operations

In my role as the Director of Operations for Windsor Academy Trust, I’ve had the unique opportunity to witness, shape and lead many transformational changes. However, none have been as vital or as personal to me as our commitment to sustainability.

Every operational decision we make, every project we embark upon, bears an environmental impact. Recognising this has been both a challenge and a responsibility.

As stewards of education, we shape the minds of the future. But we also inherit the responsibility of ensuring there is a viable, vibrant world for those minds to inherit.

When we speak of sustainability, we’re not just addressing the current global challenges we face, from climate change to dwindling resources. We are also investing in the very foundation upon which our students will build their futures. My role has allowed me to ensure that this foundation is as resilient and forward-thinking as the education we provide.

Our Sustainability Strategy is a manifestation of this commitment. It reflects not just the trust’s ambition, but also the practical steps we’re taking to integrate sustainable practices into every facet of our operations.

This isn’t merely an operational directive, but a cultural shift – a recognition that we must evolve to meet the needs of our world, just as we evolve to meet the educational needs of our students.

I invite you to join us in this journey, understanding our goals, challenges and the pathways we’re crafting towards a more sustainable future. It’s a collective effort, and one that promises not just a better operational model for Windsor Academy Trust, but a brighter, more sustainable world for all.

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About Windsor Academy Trust

Welcome to our Family

Established in 2011, with Windsor High School and Sixth Form, our family has grown to 15 successful schools, collectively serving 10,000 students aged two to 18, driven by 1,300 committed, inspiring and talented staff.

Children are – and always have been – at the centre of everything we do. Our moral purpose is to unlock the academic and personal potential of young people - and it matters deeply to us that all children thrive, not just those in our schools.

Our Schools

At Windsor Academy Trust, we develop highperforming schools that raise aspirations, inspire learning, build character and cultural capital, power social mobility and enable all students to succeed and make a difference in their communities and the world.

Our 2022-25 strategy - Powering us into the Second Decade - details the five strategic ‘Big Moves’ that are driving school transformation, building staff talent, transforming communities, ensuring our family is an environmental force for good and extending our reach through our system contribution.

WAT Halesowen, Great Wyrley & Newcastle under Lyme offices Rivers Primary Academy Newcastle Academy Sir Thomas Boughey Academy Windsor High School and Sixth Form Tenterfields Primary Academy Windsor Olympus Academy Milton Primary Academy Cheslyn Hay Academy Clayton Hall Academy Great Wyrley Academy Kingswinford Academy Manor Way Primary Academy Goldsmith Primary Academy Colley Lane Primary Academy
Unlocking Academic and Personal Potential 15 Schools 10000 Children 1300 staff Stokeon-Trent Staffordshire Windsor Academy Trust - Sustainability Strategy 5
Greenways Primary Academy

Our WAT Strategy

Our 2022-25 strategy comprises five ‘Big Moves’ with clearly identified drivers that will help us unlock the academic and personal potential of our young people. Big Move 4 of our strategy - Sustainabilitysits at the very heart of everything that we do.


High Performing Schools Staff Talent Civic Leadership WAT Family Reach Sustainability Unlocked Academic and Personal Potential FIVE BIG MOVES ENABLERS Innovation Digital Technology Resource Allocation Governance Marketing and Communications WAT WAY SET PLAYS EMPOWERMENT
2022-25: Powering into the Second Decade
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Sustainability at a Glance

To become one of the most sustainable school trusts in the country so we can leave the world in a better place for future generations.

2030 Goals and Targets: Our Vision

Education Estates and Digital Technology

• Deliver a 10-year decarbonisation plan for WAT

• Integration of energy and water efficient technologies Apply sustainable design standards and whole lifecycle cost principles to the education estate

Green Skills

Green industry workforce development

• Sustainable partnerships with the education and business sectors

• Championing green skills and careers

Climate Action

• Embed Climate Action Education across curriculum

• Culture of ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’

• Annual WAT COP event highlighting climate action and impact

Operations and Supply Chain

• Promote and integrate sustainability principles within the design, development and delivery of WAT’s services

• Embed a zero to landfill waste and recycling management strategy

• Reduce supply chain Scope 3 emissions

System Contribution

• National leader of sustainability in education

• National thought leader in sustainability

• Highlight everyone’s role in ensuring a sustainable future

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Achievements to Date

Education Estates and Digital Technology

• £4.5m capital investment in decarbonisation measures since 2021

• 1.1m kWh clean green energy self generated since April 2021

33% reduction in carbon emissions since September 2021

Green Skills and Careers

• All schools members of Eco Schools with five schools being awarded the Green Flag

• Green Industry focus at careers events

Climate Action

• Sustainability topics embedded into curriculum (Primary)

• Sustainability topics taught in STEM subjects (Secondary)

• Annual WAT COP event delivered

• Sustainability Leaders appointed in each school

• International collaboration through Schools of Tomorrow

Operations and Supply Chain

• Purchased electricity 100% carbon neutral

• 10% weighting given to sustainability and social value on all medium and high value purchases

• 35% reduction in photocopying and printing device fleet 25% reduction in photocopying and printing

• Zero waste to landfill provider, partnered with for waste and recycling

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System Contribution

Attendance at national conferences to share our sustainability strategy, successes and learnings

• Hosting colleagues from Department for Education (DfE) and across the sector to showcase our sustainability strategy in action

• WAT sustainability case studies featured in leading publications, events and websites

• Featured in the UK Government Net Zero Strategy

Sector Success

Environmental Trust of the Year winner in the MAT Excellence Awards 2023 (shortlisted for the 2024 awards)

• DfE Education Estates Sustainability Award 2023: Highly Commended

“Thank you for hosting us yesterday. I really appreciate the planning and coordination that went into making it an inspiring day. There was so much for us to take away for our policy areas in the Department. My big reflection being how embedded sustainability was throughout the culture of the trust and how much progress you’ve made in the last four years, really impressive!”

- DfE Nature Park Programme Director, Scott Caine

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Our Sustainability Strategy

Our Sustainability Strategy

Leaving the world in a better place for future generations.

Our sustainability strategy sets our ambition to become one of the most sustainable school trusts in the country so that we can leave the world in a better place for future generations.

Building on our considerable progress to date, our strategy brings together former plans and policies into an ambitious and credible wholetrust, holistic strategy and 10 year decarbonisation

plan, with an aspirational target of becoming net carbon neutral by 2030.

Our sustainability strategy is closely aligned with the DfE Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the framework set out in the One Planet Living Principles.

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Whilst this strategy sets out our ambition to 2030, we feel that it is important to set some milestones along the way. We have therefore structured this strategy with some important goals and targets that we will work towards. We recognise that this strategy will evolve, especially as technological solutions become clearer. We therefore commit to review and report on our progress annually. This is the 2023/24 version of our strategy.

Climate Action

Green Skills

We will educate our students about climate action and give them the understanding and resources to live sustainably.

We will ensure our staff and students have the skills needed for jobs that help protect our planet and build a greener future.

Education Estates and Digital Technology We will embrace the challenges and opportunities inherent with school buildings and digital infrastructures and improve them for current and future generations.

Operations and Supply Chain

We will influence our supply chain about important eco-friendly practices like using the circular economy, preventing waste and being efficient with resources.

System Contribution

We will make a difference by inspiring young people and adults across the education sector to take action and build change that supports a sustainable future for all.

Goals One Planet Living
Sustainable Development
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Our Goals

Climate Action

Green Skills

Education Estates and

Digital Technology

Operations and Supply Chain

System Contribution

Climate Action


We understand that our young people know the importance of our planet and the resources it offers. They know that this resource is finite and want to ensure we live in a sustainable way and that we leave the world in a better place for future generations. Ensuring we educate our students about climate action and give them the understanding and resources to live sustainably is vital.


• Provide our students with the opportunities to participate and lead climate change action and educational impact, helping to improve not only their communities, but the wider world

• Embed Climate Action Education across the whole curriculum

• Instil a culture of ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ across the WAT family through climate education and action Highlight WAT climate action education and impact through an annual WAT COP event

Future focus:

• Empower students to be good global citizens through understanding climate change action and holding a greater connection with the natural environment

• Give students the tools to understand both their own impact on the environment but also that of WAT operations

• Offer academic qualifications around climate action and sustainability as they become available (e.g. Natural History GCSE, proposed for 2025)


Green Skills


It is important for both children and staff to have the skills needed for jobs that help protect our planet and build a greener future. As Britain leads the way in the Green Industrial Revolution and works towards helping nature bounce back, we want to make sure our students are ready to be a part of it. Our aim is to build on this interest and passion for climate change and sustainability to give our students the knowledge and skills needed, especially in subjects like science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM), for the green jobs of the future. Our ambition is to build excitement and interest in career paths that help stop climate change and get to net

Future focus:

zero emissions, bring back plants and animals by restoring nature and make sure our future is sustainable for everyone.


• Build generations of learners ready for work in Green Industry

• Grow sustainable partnerships with the HE/ FE and business sectors to enable students to seamlessly transition into jobs within the clean green economy Ensure Green Skills and Careers are championed through careers fairs across WAT on an annual basis

• Embed green skills and industry into careers guidance and promoted pathways, offering access to employers in green sectors, ensuring students have awareness and knowledge of the training and careers available to them.

• Enable the introduction of engaging classroom activities using real-life data from the introduction of low-carbon boiler replacements, Solar PV, battery storage, smart meters and energy monitoring systems.


Education Estates and Digital Technology


Energy efficient, eco-friendly school environments that reduce the impact of climate change will demonstrate to our students how living sustainably can be achieved. This will influence not only them but also their families and communities. When we make schools and their surroundings better for the environment, it’s not just good for our bodies but also for our minds. We will understand and embrace the challenges and opportunities inherent with school buildings and digital infrastructures and improve them for current and future generations.


• Deliver a 10-year decarbonisation plan for WAT’s education estate that meets the energy

Future focus:

consumption and CO2e reduction targets (-10% p.a.; -50% over 5 years) and measures to reduce consumption (based on 2018/2019 SECR*)

• Integrate new energy and water efficient technologies and practices across our estate and services, reducing our consumption and cost on a like-for-like basis

• Apply sustainable design standards and whole lifecycle cost principles to all new school buildings and major refurbishment works to ensure that our estate operates as environmentally and economically efficiently as possible

*SECR - Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (2018/19 baseline data due to COVID in 2019/20)

• Ensure all building condition projects consider the impact of cable and low carbon technology is considered

• New buildings constructed have a net zero target

• Promote and implement cloud first digital infrastructure to support Scope 1 and 2 decarbonisation targets

• Explore and implement water reduction management measures


Operations and Supply Chain


We are acutely aware that we have an opportunity to educate our students and influence our supply chain about important eco-friendly practices like using the circular economy, preventing waste and being efficient with resources. By embracing and embodying these practices and habits, we can influence our students as well as supply chain to carry them into their communities and wider society.

People in different sectors have seen the best results in making their operations more sustainable when they connect action to learning. But to make this change happen, we need good coordination and leaders who can guide the way. We see lots of passionate individuals

Future focus:

and leadership teams already making strides in this area. They’re not just focusing on teaching or making buildings eco-friendly; they’re also changing how things are done every day to tackle sustainability and climate change challenges.


• Promote and integrate sustainability principles within the design, development and delivery of WAT’s services, driving economic, social and health benefits for staff, students and wider community

• Embed a zero to landfill waste and recycling management strategy

• Reduce Scope 3 emissions associated with our supply chain in line with WAT’s own net zero targets

• Procure from companies that align with WAT’s values and commit to achieving net zero by 2030, having a plan in place to demonstrate how they will meet this target

• Implement carbon literacy training for at least one person in every WAT school, to build their knowledge of climate change, understand emissions reporting and how to develop a climate action plan, so that they can share learning and training within their own setting as appropriate

• Develop a whole-school approach to food, promoting accountability and transparency of school food arrangements by providing a statement, which sets out a trust-wide approach to school food, reporting on where food has been sourced


System Contribution


It is our ambition to make a difference more widely through inspiring young people and adults across the education sector to take action and build change that supports a sustainable future for all. By sharing best practice with the sector and demonstrating examples of positive impact in environmental change, we will deliver on our commitment to not only contribute to the system but also support and lead sustainable change.


• To be a recognised national leader in sustainability and climate action education across the sector

• To contribute to national thought leadership around sustainability and climate action in education

• To highlight everyone’s role in ensuring a sustainable future for all, empowering our students and young people across the country to take positive climate action

Future focus:

• Promote our strategy for sustainability and climate change along with the things we’re doing to help. We want others to see our plan as an example to follow Gather information and insights from around the world to understand what support and solutions work in different contexts

• Share what we’ve learned, including the problems we’ve faced, while working on our strategy

• Listen to and learn from people working on sustainability and climate change issues at all levels, from local to global, to discover innovations and insights


Further Information

External Standards and Accreditations:

• Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR)


MAT Excellence Awards 2023

‘Environmental Trust of the Year’

Department for Education Sustainability Award 2023 ‘Highly Commended’

Supporting Policies and Plans:

• Department for Education Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy

• United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

• The One Planet Living Framework

• WAT Case Studies: Are you with us?

• WAT COP 2023

Partner Case Studies:

• Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme

• DfE Sustainability Snapshot: February 2024

• Salix Finance - ‘Inspiring the next generation of green leaders’

Contact Us:

This strategy is monitored and reviewed by both our Executive Team and our Board of Directors, whose members take collective responsibility for driving the process of fully integrating its principles into the way we operate. We will continue to collaborate with our stakeholders and keep them updated on how we’re progressing. We will publicly report on our performance, against a range of measures, on an annual basis.

We welcome any feedback which can be submitted by emailing us at communications@windsoracademytrust.org.uk

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CONTACT US www.windsoracademytrust.org.uk info@windsoracademytrust.org.uk Windsor Academy Trust @WinAcadTrust Windsor Academy Trust, Trinity Point, High Street, Halesowen, B63 3HY WindsorAcademy Trust Sustainabilit y WindsorAcademy TrustSustainability

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