Practitioner Newsletter 3

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Research into Practice: Edition 3 Linking academic expertise with professional wisdom Focus: Responsive teaching - how can assessment for learning have impact?

Introduction What is responsive teaching? The seminal piece ‘Inside the Black Box’ (Black and Wiliam, 1998) outlined the importance of assessment for learning (AfL) as formative assessment which is used to bridge the gap between what we have taught and what students know and understand. In more recent years as Wiliam has stated that he would prefer that people did not call formative assessment ‘formative assessment’ but rather than something like ‘responsive teaching’. That is, assessment for learning should be about responding to the gaps in learning that are elicited through the many forms of assessment and learning checks that we use in every lesson (verbal, written, multiple choice, mini WB, formal, low stakes etc…). Whichever method we are using for AfL it is essential that as teachers we respond to the information that we gather to plan, reteach and then recheck that learning has taken place. Click here for a walkthrough of learning checks at each point in the cycle. Dylan Wiliam on Hinge questions and how to create effective hinge questions. ‘If feedback isn’t helping the student do a better task and a better job the next time they are doing a similar task, then it is probably going to be ineffective’ - Wiliam 1

Research into Practice: Edition 3

Academic expertise Research summaries:

This 4 minute read What kind of feedback moves students on by Harry Fletcher Wood explains the importance of clarity in planning role each piece of feedback is playing for your students.

In this 12 minute read What does this look like in the classroom? Daisy Christodulu and Dylan Wiliam explain how to provide feedback that improves the student rather than the work (p.27-45).

Developing expertise: This 20 minute read Inside the Black Box by the Black and Wiliam (1998) is the seminal piece on the importance of formative assessment for student learning.

Professional Wisdom Theory into practice Watch Grace Oakley using a whole class learning check as a starting point for class discussion, to check for and address a misconception and model student work to support the learning of the group. Craig Canning explains how he uses different AfL strategies at key points within his KS4 lesson to assess and address gaps in knowledge. Key terms: feedforward, response, precise, common misconceptions, diagnosing, cognitive science, reteach.


Research into Practice: Edition 3

A round up of the current evidence from the EEF, Bristol University Summary Service and What Works Clearinghouse

Using Digital Technology to improve learning: The Bristol University Summary Service

Supporting SEND: The Bristol University Summary Service

Cultural Value from a youth perspective: The Bristol University Summary Service

Staff email intro Routine investigation of research provides a solid foundation on which to grow and develop pedagogy for us all to drive the best possible outcomes for our students. Research into Practice provides you with easy access to the latest educational research combined with practical application in the classroom.


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