The Note | Summer 2022

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From soils to s’mores, our WI Land+Water campers were able to get hands-on experience with conservation professionals (page 6)

September 15

Executive Committee Meeting

September 29 Public Outreach Committee Meeting

October 4

Land and Water Conservation Board (LWCB) Meeting

October 6 Fall Technical Tour

October 7

Lake Winnebago Area Association Tour

October 7

Lake Michigan Area Association Meeting

October 10 Legislative/Administrative Committee Meeting

October 10

Lake Michigan Area Association Meeting

October 19

Board of Directors Meeting

October 20

Southern Area Association meeting

November 17

Executive Committee Meeting

December 13

State Interagency Training Committee (SITCOM) meeting

FOR OUR CONSERVATION COMMUNITY Stay in the loop with the latest updates in county conservation and with what’s happening at WI Land+Water.

Wisconsin responds to increased flooding

Read more about flooding issues and find resources for education and mitigation.

County Conservation Meeting

We gathered in July at Stevens Point to learn from other counties.

Team Wisconsin goes to NCF-Envirothon

The hands-on competition educates students about conservation issues

Volume 31 | Issue 2
Upcoming Events: THE
Inside this issue:
Page 2
To learn more about supporting locally led conservation efforts , visit us online:
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Initiated with changes brought by county board elections in April, WI Land+Water began a new two-year “cycle” of membership in our board of directors and committees this July. In doing so, we welcomed new leaders and members into the fold, and issued farewells and thanks to outgoing leaders.

We welcome to the board of directors Scott Frank (Shawano LCD), Tom Mandli (Marinette LCC), Marissa Castello (Waukesha LRD), Mary Henry (Vernon LCC), Ken Gerhardt (Clark LCC), and Jim Winkler (Oneida LCC). We also welcome new Executive Committee members Ken Gerhardt and Amy Piaget (Dane LCD, Secretary), who join existing members Bob Micheel (Monroe, President), Monte Osterman (Racine, Chair), Carolyn Scholl (Vilas, Secretary), and Melissa Luck (Richland). I am grateful to have such a talented and dedicated group of individuals on our board and Executive Committee to work with on a daily basis to advance our mission!

We also thank outgoing board members Ken Dolata (Oconto LCD), Ken Fisher (Door LCC), Alan Barrows (Waukesha LRD), Tom Clark (Jackson LCC), Russ Rindsig (Barron LCC), and Bob Mott (Oneida LCC) for the service they provided. A special hat tip goes to former Executive Committee members Bob Mott and especially Alan Barrows, who diligently and capably served as Treasurer for three board terms. I always say that the best part of my job is the people I get to serve and work with, and I’m excited that there new opportunities abound, and I’m grateful that there is no shortage of willing and able leaders who step forward from our membership every time we ask.

CONNECT WITH US ONLINE: @wisconsinlandwater @wilandwater

Inflation Reduction Act to benefit rural communities

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is the single largest investment the federal government has made to address climate issues in American history. The $369 billion package of climate and energy programs puts us on the path, both in Wisconsin and beyond, to build more resilient landscapes for current and future generations. Local communities will be at the forefront of these climate solutions, with funds directed toward climate-smart agriculture, coastal habitat restoration, and land conservation. We are eager to learn more about Wisconsin-specific funding and are excited to support our Natural Resource Conservation (NRCS) partners as they roll out these initiatives.

Key Provisions that support conservation in Wisconsin

» $18 billion for voluntary conservation programs administered by the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) between Fiscal Years 2023 and 2026. The bill also prioritizes funding for projects supported by these programs that reduce, capture, or prevent greenhouse gas emissions. That includes:

› $8.45 billion for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program

› $3.25 billion for the Conservation Stewardship Program

› $1.4 billion for the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program

› $4.95 billion for the Regional Conservation Partnership Program

» $1 billion for conservation technical assistance through NRCS

» $2.2 billion for State and Private Forestry Conservation Programs, including:

› $8.45 billion for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program

› $700 million for the Forest Legacy Program, which provides grants to states to encourage the protection of privately owned forests through conservation easements or land purchases.

› $1.5 billion for the United States Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry Assistance program, which provides multiyear grants to state agencies, local governments, tribes, and nonprofits to plant and manage healthy trees.

» $550 million for competitive grants under the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act Section 13A, to nonfederal forest landowners, which includes:

› $150 million for under-served foresters to invest in climate mitigation or forest resilience practices.

› $150 million to support under-served foresters’ participation in emerging private markets for climate mitigation and forest resilience.

› $100 million for small forest landowners (with fewer than 2,500 acres) to participate in emerging private markets for climate mitigation and forest resilience.

› $50 million for states and other entities to help private forestland owners implement forest practices that increase carbon sequestration.

› $100 million for grants under the wood innovation grant program to reduce hazardous fuels.

Visit NACD’s blog to see more conservation-specific details or for a full list of climate-related provisions.


As Wisconsin gets wetter, we’re working together to find solutions

From flooded farm fields to crumpled culverts, communities across Wisconsin are experiencing the impacts of flooding.

Partners across the Midwest have resources to help conservationists understand, communicate, and prepare communities for both extreme weather events (event-based flooding) and rising water table (groundwater flooding). Through a collaborative effort with our agency and non-profit partners, we are working on solutions and resources to the local challenges of planning for and responding to flooding. Thank you to those who participated at the summer County Conservation roundtable to discuss resource needs with DNR. Your input will help steer the direction of the team. Some resources already available to help better understand flooding in Wisconsin can be found below.



» Explore Climate, Flooding and HighWater webinar track from 2021 Wisconsin Water Week

» Read the Wisconsin Initiative for Climate Change Impacts 2021 Report

» Check out our on-demand videos and our events calendar for more training opportunities



» Rain events, either fast and intense or long and steady, exceed the rate of infiltration and becomes runoff

» Can happen within a few days or even a few hours

» Can cause extreme damage


» Water table rises above land surface, saturating the ground

» Can take years to build up, will take years to recede

» Can cause extreme damage

When these happen concurrently, it can amplify the damage.


» DNR Groundwater and Aquifer Response data and trends

» DHS Flood Hazards and Recovery

» Interactive Future Mapping Tool from University of Maryland


» Protect homes from extreme flooding: FEMA Voluntary Buyout Project - Monroe Co.

» Assess culverts with the Great Lakes Stream Crossing Inventory

» Stay safe with DNR Coping with Flooding Resources


DHS funds County Projects that advance flooding awareness

In 2020, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) received funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to better address, prevent, and control the environmental health hazards that impact Wisconsinites. The objectives of the grant are to determine the factors that contribute to environmental health hazards in Wisconsin, inventory and evaluate available environmental data systems, implement effective interventions, and develop tools and resources for partners.

To learn more, visit

Monroe and Vernon counties received mini grants to help advance flooding awareness in their communities.


Flood monitoring stations provide real-time data on stream levels and precipitation accumulation. The monitoring data is shared with the National Weather Service (NWS) to help determine flood warning notifications. NWS displays the data publicly through their Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service website. Thanks to a funding from DHS, FEMA/WEM, Fishers & Farmers Partnership, and local donors, Monroe County will have 27 stations installed throughout the Little La Crosse River and Upper Kickapoo River watersheds by the end of this summer!


Vernon county has received funding for a total of 25 watershed signs to help raise awareness and appreciation of local watersheds. Each watershed will include 1-3 signs alerting travelers they are entering a new watershed. A goal of the project is to get people connecting to their watershed and take steps to protect the land and water within them. The idea came from a study in Iowa. Learn more information on the community benefit of watershed awareness: www.

Task Force takes field trip to the Iowa Flood Center

The Monroe County Climate Change Task Force took a trip to visit the Iowa Flood Center in Iowa City to learn more about the data and resources they use to plan for and mitigate the impacts of severe flooding.

Housed within the University of Iowa, this statewide collaboration of educators, state agencies, and policymakers are investing in monitoring, modeling, mapping, and outreach to help communities implement a watershed approach to managing water on the landscape.

We encourage you to explore their online resources.


Gillian Pomplum, Crawford County Independent & Kickapoo Scout, details the CCTF’s visit in a recent article.

WI Land+Water Youth Conservation Camps 2022

After two years of cancellations, we welcomed students back to camp!

We kicked off our new WI Land+Water Middle School Conservation Camp June 15-18 at Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center by welcoming 65 campers from across the state.

Campers spent their days participating in team building exercises and exploring one of the four stations: Bat Ecology, Geology & Soil, Forestry & Tree ID, and Orienteering. Campers experienced a variety of hands-on conservation activities including soil education, wacky water critters, and an outdoor survival class. Upham Woods staff educated students about scales, scutes, and skins and campers met turtles and snakes. The star of the show was Egor, a rescued snapping turtle with a love for eating strawberries. Campers also met Beauty, the red-tail hawk that also lives at Upham Woods.

Campers also practiced conservation stewardship through a service project. Students learned how to identify invasive plants, such as garlic mustard or crown vetch. After mastering identification, campers took to the trails to pull and properly bag any invasive plants they could find.

The evenings were also full of camp traditions. On the

first night, Sauk County DNR Warden Hansen visited camp to share the many fun and challenging aspects of his work. Students enjoyed a fire making contest, which required cabinmates to work together to build a fire high enough to burn through a string. The winning cabin earned the honor of being the first to make their pudgy pies. The evenings were filled with camp songs, skits, and s’mores around the campfire.

Camp wrapped with Conservation Jeopardy and students show-cased the knowledge learned over their four days at camp. After giving out awards, it was time to say goodbye to new friends and hello to families. We thank the amazing staff at Upham Woods and the always-on-theirtoes camp counselors who volunteered their time to help make our first Middle School camp a success!

Our WI Land+Water High School Conservation Camp was held on June 20-23 at the North Lakeland Discovery Center in Manitowish Waters.

The high school camp kicked off a hot day with team building activities, swimming, and learning safety procedures like T-rescues used when your canoe capsizes.


Campers enjoyed a field trip to beautiful Lake Superior, Rainbow Falls, and a tour of CCC Camp Mercer. The day concluded with tie-dying camp t-shirts, building bird houses, and fishing.

Campers put their canoeing skills to test by canoeing the Turtle Flambeau Flowage where they got to meet with the Flowage Manager, a Clean Boats Clean Waters inspector, and two fisheries biologists.

The final day of camp was spent with a primitive skills presentation, more bird house building, shirt tie-dying wrap-up, and fishing awards.

We want to thank our amazing camp counselors for their hard work and wish a special farewell and a very happy retirement to Greg “Fish” Leonard, Eau Claire County Conservationist. Fish spearheads the early morning fishing crew at camp and is passionate about teaching the next generation to paddle on.

Both of our camps were a huge success thanks to the WI Land+Water Youth Education Committee and camp

subcommittees who always strive to create a balance of educational and fun conservation activities so that campers get to experience all aspects of conservation, stewardship, and potential careers in natural resources.

We are grateful for the counties that provided camp scholarships and to the Brad Matson family for the Brad Matson camp scholarships that made camp possible for many of students this year.

After two years, we are excited that our camps are back and that students are eager to attend again. Moving forward, we hope that the students who age out of our Middle School Camp will feed into our High School Camp. Thank you to the counties who support our camps either through financial donations, camp scholarships, or by allowing staff to volunteer as camp counselors.

If you are interested in volunteering as a counselor next year at either camp, please contact


Mark your 2023 calendars!

March 1-3, 2023 WI Land+Water 70th Annual Conference

Join us in March as we celebrate 70 years of connecting Wisconsin conservation professionals at our Annual Conference.

Our conference offers timely technical and professional development training sessions, many of which will provide Professional Development Hours or Continuing Education Units. The event also provides networking opportunities, including social hours

Nominations for the 2023 Conservation Awards now open

Please consider taking time to nominate someone who deserves recognition for their outstanding efforts. Our Professional Improvement Committee judges the nominations, and winners are celebrated during the annual conference.

This year, we are pleased to announce the new Conservation Legacy Award. This award will recognize an individual who, through their personal dedication, commitment, and selfless service, has made direct and lasting contributions to Wisconsin Land+Water, Wisconsin Land and


Water Conservation Departments, and most importantly, the citizens of the State of Wisconsin.

Additional awards being offered are Outstanding Conservation Employee (three categories), Outstanding LCC Member, Farm Family of the Year, Friend of Conservation, and the Brad Matson Youth Education Award/ Outstanding Youth Educator.

Nominations must be submitted by LWCD staff or an LCC member; however, nominees for the Friend

with colleagues and conference sponsors. Other conference events include our Youth Education Poster & Speaking Contests, a silent auction to benefit youth programs, conservation awards ceremony, and annual business meeting.

Stay up to date with the latest details at conservation/annual-conference

of Conservation Award can be an agency partner staff, a private citizen, an organization, or a business who has displayed an outstanding commitment to conservation. You can also nominate someone you’ve collaborated with from another county.

The nomination process is simple, so take time to recognize someone who has demonstrated leadership and commitment to help conserve Wisconsin’s natural resources.

Details and nomination materials can be found on our website. Submit your nominations by December 31, 2022.

WI Land+Water 70th Annual Conference Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells March 1-3, 2023 LEARN the latest conservation practices and programs. NETWORK with your colleagues from across the state. ENGAGE with other passionate conservation professionals.

SOC works to educate audiences on technical standards

Outreach and education are an ongoing component of the Standards Oversight Council (SOC) standard update process.

After updated standard publication, webinars and in-person training sessions are instrumental to bring awareness regarding the changes. Ultimately, effective training leads to smoother implementation. The SOC Program Manager collaborates with the work teams, standard Custodians, and the State Interagency Training Committee (SITCOM) to identify opportunities for training and accomplish training goals. These can include participation and presentations at partner

events, announcements via email or newsletter publications, and targeted webinars related to a specific conservation practice area.

SOC is committed to working with Custodians to ensure adequate opportunities for education and training about technical standards. In 2021, there were over 500 attendees at SOC-supported presentations related to recently updated technical standards.

Sign up for our SOC urban or agricultural email lists to stay informed about training opportunities and other aspects of technical standard update work by visiting

Coming Soon: We expect to have publication and subsequent training related to the following standards: NRCS 328 Conservation Crop Rotation NRCS 380 Windbreak-Shelterbelt Establishment and Renovation DNR 1056 Perimeter Sediment Control and Slope Interruption DNR 1072 Horizontal Directional Drilling Visit: standards-in-development
The SOC work team updating the windbreak standard shared their expertise on a recent team field trip.

County Conservation Meeting held in Stevens Point

We welcomed over 80 members and agency partners to an in-person county conservation meeting in July.

Many new faces have joined our conservation community over the last few years, and we were excited to welcome them to an in-person event in Stevens Point. Our County Conservation Meeting has always been about learning from the conservation challenges and successes of fellow counties. Our summer meeting continued that tradition with opportunities for new and seasoned members to connect on issues and share ideas.

Following an introduction from President Bob Micheel, members rotated through their choice of Conservation Roundtable Discussions. These smaller group sessions allowed our members to dive deeper into current issues. Our staff intends to use the feedback from these

sessions to further develop trainings, explore conference ideas, and connect with agency partners.

Members also heard from a panel of long-tenured county conservationists, who shared a wealth of advice and knowledge. Our WI Land+Water Committees and all present counties provided updates on current projects and recent successes.

After two years of virtual events, it was great to be together sharing ideas and smiles. In the top photo, Christina Anderson and Michael Hook welcome registrants. President Bob Micheel shares a laugh during social hour, while Kim Warkentin takes a selfie with Greg Leonard.

Presentations »

Roundtables »

Marin Skidmore, a post-doc in the UW-Madison Environmental Studies and Agricultural and Applied Economics departments, gave a presentation on Friday morning. She discussed the effectiveness of local regulations on non-point source pollution and shared evidence from Wisconsin dairy farms.

Dan Bauman (DNR) led a roundtable discussion on enhancing flood resiliency. Other topics included WI Land+Water budget priorities, solar farming and Farmland Preservation Program, experiences with Producer-Led Watershed Program, and identifying “soft skills” conservation training needs.


GET READY: 2023 Youth Education Opportunities

Team Wisconsin enjoys an in-person NCF-Envirothon

Sun Prairie High School represented Wisconsin at the NCF-Envirothon competition hosted at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.

Sun Prairie High School took first place in the state competition, which qualified them to represent Wisconsin on the international stage.

Forty teams from across the U.S. and Canada traveled to this year’s competition, from July 24-29, hosted by the Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts.

66th Annual Poster & Speaking Contests

The 2023 poster theme is “One Water!”

Stay tuned for more details and updated information from NACD.

To access the most recent Poster & Speaking contest forms, visit our website

2023 WI Envirothon

We’re back in person and excited to hold the event on Friday, April 21, 2023 at the Central Wisconsin Lions Camp in Rosholt, WI.

If you’re interested in volunteering, contact Tracy

During the week-long competition, students demonstrated their knowledge on soils and land use, aquatic ecology, forestry, and wildlife management through written

exams and hands-on testing at field stations. Teams also prepared an oral presentation on this year’s Current Issue, “Waste to Resources.”

The students also had opportunities to connect with new friends during a Fun Day visit to Kings Island Amusement Park and a closing Dance & DJ night.

To see the final standings for the NCF-Envirothon, visit, current-competition/

Back (L-R): Logan Culbertson, Daniel Reid, Myler Maughan Front (L-R): Jackson Nesbit, Emma Washington

The 2023 NCF-Envirothon will be hosted by Envirothon New Brunswick, and held July 23-29, 2023 at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada.

The 2023 Current Issue is “Adapting to a Changing Climate.”

For more about the competition, visit


Meet the Sun Prairie High School 2022 Envirothon Team

We asked the team members to introduce themselves, and tell us their favorite thing about competing in the NCF-Envirothon.

Emma Washington

I am going into 12th grade. I am interested in agricultural education, animal husbandry, FFA, and finding solutions to current environmental issues. My favorite things about NCF-Envirothon were getting to expand my knowledge about the environment outside of Wisconsin, learning about the impact that our waste products have on the environment, and measures we take to reduce that impact.

Myler Maughan

I will be attending Sun Prairie East High School as a junior this year. I have a variety of interests including: hockey, pole vaulting, and running cross country. In my free time I enjoy camping, biking, wildlife, my two dogs, and working as a lifeguard. Meeting people with similar interests, competing as a representative of Sun Prairie, and continuing to bond with my advisors and teammates, we’re all part of what I enjoyed about the NCF Envirothon.

Jackson Nesbit

I will be going into 11th grade. My interests are nature, theater, FFA, and photography. My favorite things about the NCFEnvirothon was meeting people from all over North America, playing games with the new friends we made, and learning about the environment in a hands on way with knowledgeable professionals.

Daniel Reid

I’m going to be a Junior this school year and some of my interests are Hunting, Fishing, Running and FFA. My favorite things about NCF Envirothon were competing, making new friends with other teams and creating amazing memories with our team that I’ll never forget.

Logan Culbertson

I’m going to be a senior this year. As well as FFA; I also play football, which I really enjoy. I enjoyed the Envirothon and it gave me a great opportunity to advance my knowledge. I’m hoping this year will, I will be able to further my knowledge in the environment and continue to learn more and more.


Immersed in the Conservation Landscape

What I’ve Learned in Seven Months

have much more in common with the people of the education world than I realized.

“It’s commonly believed that immersion is the best way to learn a new language. For me, the world of conservation has been like a semester abroad. Having spent the past decade of my professional life confined to the relative safety of a high school classroom, walking through a pasture, navigating a forest, climbing down into gullies, and digging through dirt have been like being thrown head first into the deep end of the pool.

At first, I was nervous. My hands were shaking when I arrived for my first pasture walk in Waupaca County. Would I understand these people? Would they see through me and my inexperience? What if I don’t get all of this? However, I quickly learned that the people of the conservation world

People often say that teaching is a “noble” profession, and that it takes a selfless person to become a teacher. In my experience, the same can be said of conservationists. Like those in education, those in conservation have a strong sense of personal passion for their work. They care deeply about how their decisions and actions shape the world for those around them, and see how the lasting legacy of their efforts will pay off for others in ways that may never directly benefit themselves.

When I was a teacher, I used to encourage my students to listen twice as much as they spoke. If you’ve ever worked with or raised adolescents, you know how difficult of a skill listening can be. The glory of listening is that it’s free - it costs you nothing to hear what someone tells you. And when you truly listen to someone, you can learn,

not only what they know, but who they are. Throughout my life, as backwards as it sounds, listening to others has helped me find my own place and better understand myself.

In my immersive experience across Wisconsin’s conservation landscape, listening has allowed me to gain basic knowledge of the language: vocabulary, concepts, and ideas. It has helped me to begin growing my own metaphorical “root system” (I was an English teacher, can you tell?). But most importantly, listening has helped me understand what it means to be a conservationist.

While my career in the conservation landscape may never involve sowing seeds or rebuilding a streambank, it will invariably leave a mark on those that do. I hope to carry on the legacy of protecting and preserving Wisconsin’s natural resources in my own way, and I can’t wait to get started.”

Michael Hook, our Statewide Training Coordinator reflects on his introduction to conservation, and once again finds his place in a world of passionate educators. Jonathon Lisowe, Matt Woodrow, and Drew Zelle examine gully erosion nearby some Calumet County farms.

My first pasture walk on a cold April morning in Waupaca County taught me what real boots were and to be mindful of the electric wire fence. Mike Stanek and Holly Giombi taught conservationists how to measure for sheet and rill erosion and how to talk to landowners and producers.

Kutz Dairy Farm in Jefferson County hosted children from schools all around the area. This diorama showed how farming has changed from the early years to today.


You will receive a confirmation email upon successfully registering. If you do not receive a confirmation or have any questions, please contact


Friday, September 16 (9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.) Riveredge Nature Center, Saukville, WI Register at

This training will cover plant ID of native species that are commonly used in pollinator plantings, components of a good pollinator habitat, some discussion on habitat assessment, common weeds to look out for, and a field tour to practice our plant ID in multiple different habitat types. Lunch will be provided. Please bring a water bottle, and dress for hiking.


Friday, September 16 (9:00-Noon) | Oshkosh, WI Register at

Tim Weisbrod led Soil Mechanics Level 1 training and helped conservationists become more familiar with identifying various types of soil profiles.

A SOC work team recently visited Hancock Agricultural Research Station to examine and test windbreaks.

Serge Koenig and Sauk County hosted a pasture walk to share the ins and outs of custom grazing for local community members.

Entry level instruction on how to use ArcGIS Survey 123 to create mobile-based apps for collecting data in the field. Students will use their own laptop and smartphone or tablet in class to create and deploy an app to collect sample data. Basic instruction and emphasis on using ArcGIS Online resources, learning GIS software terms and workflows. Focus on building an app from an existing template, making basic modifications, publishing the report, collecting data, and how to create reports.


Wednesday, October 5 (9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.) Clintonville, WI Register at

This training is intended for anyone who completes soil logs or interprets soils logs. It will occur in Waupaca County at Glendale Farms (N9895 Kluth Rd, Clintonville, WI 54929). Enter Farm Road off of XX. Park along edge of farm rd test pits will be in small field west of road. Lunch is on your own; Clintonville is 5 miles northwest of farm. Items to bring: Clip Board, Pens/Pencils, Trowel, Color Book, Spray Bottle, Texture Triangle. Chair to sit on for lunch and discussion.

To view more upcoming trainings, visit our Events Calendar online, or subscribe to the SITCOM Conservation Training E-Newsletter to have biweekly updates sent to your inbox.


Summer Area Association Tours showcase county conservation DATCP releases 2021 WI Report on Soil & Water Conservation

DATCP’s Bureau of Land and Water Resource Management has released the 2021 Wisconsin Report on Soil and Water Conservation, which demonstrates the extensive state and local efforts to protect Wisconsin’s soil and water resources.

The North Central Area Tour, hosted by Florence County LCD, took participants to learn more about Aluminum box culvert projects at Woods Creek.

Brown County LWCD hosted the Lake Michigan Area Tour, which included a behind the scenes look at NEW Water, the brand of the Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District.

In 2021, county land and water staff worked to share information, provide support, and reach conservation goals. Highlights include:

» Restoring Polk Springs in Washington County

» Increasing grazing acres in Portage County

» Building creative outreach efforts in Manitowoc County

Guests on the Southern Area Tour, hosted by Lafayette County LCD, had the opportunity to learn more about the plant mixes that make up a pollinator strip.

A visit to Emerald Quarry provided visual examples of the karst geology covering most of St. Croix County, who hosted the West Central Area Tour.


Read about how Washington County farmers use their fields as community classrooms. 121 S. Pinckney St. #420 Madison, WI 53703 (608) 441-2677

CONFERENCE DETAILS Find more information about speakers, roundtables, and registration in our next issue!

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