Whole Person Calendar - December 2009

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eace. What does it mean to us? The meaning of peace is political and personal , spiritual and secular. This month our writers focus on their experiences-- from a peace activist turned writer, to a health practitioner sharing ways for women to find their inner peace, to a poem by Jean Shinoda Bolen. Regardless of your beliefs; Christian or Jew, Muslim or Buddhist, atheist or agnostic, New Ager or Pagan--one thing we can all agree on is the need for more peace, in our world and in ourselves. Like the beautiful angel on our cover this month, who holds the earth in her loving hands, we wish you love, joy, health, and a radiantly happy holiday season. May you all be surrounded by a thousand

sparkles of love and light. Shalom. The Whole Person Team

ON THE COVER: Since 1992, Sue Halstenberg has been painting metaphysically inspired images with healing intentions. Her work has been translated into blankets, note cards, stitchery kits, and twelve of her paintings have been featured in Dr. Doreen Virtue’s oracle card decks. You can see more of Sue’s work at: www.SymbolicVisions.com and at her upcoming show at Agape Spiritual Center starting January 19, 2010. Sue holds a BFA degree from the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena and lives in Ojai, CA.



Calendar of Events in Southern California

P.O. Box 2667 Santa Barbara, CA 93120 800-962-0338 moreinfo@wholepersoncalendar.com www.wholepersoncalendar.com

In This Issue

Musings of a Cyber-Bodhisattva - Part I


Women & Peace: Finding the Eye of the Hurricane


Living Peacefully with Feng Shui


The Mystical Wisdom of Tarot


Untapped Source of Peace - Poetry by Jean Shinoda Bolen


The Healthie Foodie - Holiday Gingerbread


TM 2009

Typeset by Connie Kudura, Prototype, Eugene, Oregon

Issue 11

THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR is devoted to supporting activities and events in Southern California that promote health, green lifestyles,and spiritual/emotional well-being. Our intent is to inform, to help generate positive change, and to offer a forum for individual and community wellness.

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Event Listings

Each event listed is $20.00 or FREE with paid display advertising. Please submit one listing for each event (typewritten copy preferred). If you wish to send multiple entries, EACH LISTING must include an address and/or telephone number. Any activity which is conducted on an ONGOING basis need only be listed once, if you prefer (i.e. Ongoing Mondays, Tuesdays, etc. or in Ongoing Everyday for “by appointment” entries). CLOSING DATE is the 15th of the month prior to the cover date of the issue in which the listing is to appear. As this is a monthly publication, the cover date is the 1st of each month. When preparing your submission, the following information is requested: Date, title, and time of the event, a 20 word description, the name of the individual or organization, address, contact phone, email and website.


$25.00 / 12 issues

Please enclose a check or money order with your name and address to: P.O. Box 2667, Santa Barbara, CA 93120.The current issue is sent to you FREE. Subscriptions start with the first of the following month.

The entire content of THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR OF EVENTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA is copyright by Farris Design. The trademark, THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR OF EVENTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA is registered. Reproduction of contents in whole or in part is prohibited except with the written authority of this publication. Although the information in this publication is believed to be reliable its accuracy is not guaranteed. Photo reproduction and copying is prohibited.




Musings of a Cyber-Bodhisattva, Part 1 Communication Skills as Emergent Evolution by Dennis Rivers, M.A.


want to tell you my story; not because I am such a special person, but because we live in such a special time, full of amazing possibilities. My life has been a string of fruitful calamities, and while I have learned a lot along the way, I can hardly take credit since I fought off each of the lessons for as long as I possibly could. Whatever I have come to understand about the spiritual life is much more the product of being overwhelmed, than a product of my own discipline or devotion. I would get stuck in one phase for a long time, then the pressure would build up, and suddenly I would learn something important and lurch forward to the next phase. A winding path has led me to this present moment. I now manage a Web-based distribution of free communication skills training materials, available to audiences in over 100 countries. I remember in the early 1980s cranking out nonviolence training leaflets one at a time with the hot technology of that moment, an electric mimeograph machine. In the 1980s, I reached a few hundred people as a nonviolence trainer for the Abalone Alliance. In the 1990s I reached a few thousand people as a communication skills trainer and writer. In this decade, I have probably reached a half million people, and the circle keeps on widening. In the last few months I’ve been having global conversations. I marvel how a person can, with the click of a mouse, talk to friends and colleagues in Indonesia, Russia, and India all on a single morning. This was the stuff of dreams when I was growing up, and now it’s here. In the immortal words of a 60’s song, what a long, strange trip its been. I marvel how a person can, with the click of a mouse, talk to friends and colleagues in Indonesia, Russia, and India all on a single morning.

FROM CONFRONTATION TO CONVERSATION In the summer of 1978, hundreds of people in Santa Barbara mobilized against the building of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in the hills west of San Luis Obispo, about 90 upwind miles away. If Diablo ever melted, Santa Barbara would be radioactive toast. The fact that a nuclear power plant was being built directly on top of an active earthquake fault gave us nightmares straight out of Edvard Munch’s painting, “The Scream”. In the course of those 1979 antinuclear protests, I was arrested for the felonious planting of wildflower seeds on a nuclear reactor site: Burpee’s California Wildflower Mix, to be exact. My little affinity group intended to demonstrate that the beautiful coastline of San Luis Obispo County should be preserved as a park, and not become a nuclear waste dump. As quixotic as these gestures may have seemed at the time, they did stir up enough debate about nuclear power for many sober people in the U.S. to reach the conclusion that nuclear power plants were giant, dangerous, money losers. And we stopped building them. I led nonviolence trainings for antiwar and antinuclear groups all through the 1980s. Toward the end of that period, I began to see some weaknesses in the nonviolence training models I was using. Since emotional response to threat and conflict are shaped by a lifetime of experiences, it was not clear to me how you could rearrange those responses in an afternoon of touchy-feely group exercises. I came to believe our demonstrations were nonviolent because people were encouraged to participate in supportive small groups; many of the people who showed up for nonviolence training were already deeply committed to it.

What seemed to be going on in trainings, as far as I could see, was less about “training” and much more about the renewal of deep commitments and values; that, and entering into a web of friendships that honored and shared those values. I also noticed that interest in nonviolent protest tended to be catalyzed by political or ecological calamity. The problem is, if we don’t practice our peacemaking skills, we become hard-pressed to mobilize them when we really need them. I began looking for models of nonviolent living. The communities that had the deepest commitment to peacemaking --the Quakers, Buddhists, Franciscans and Mennonites--had non-violence at the heart of their teachings. In other words, non-violent behavior was root and core—not just a fire extinguisher brought out to deal with emergencies. I began to understand the limits of what you can accomplish with the power of negation, of opposition. Now, don’t get me wrong; I am against many things: war, rape, nuclear power, torture, strip mining...seems the list just goes on and on (and I can’t get off to paraphrase Cat Stevens). Out of an intense sense of being trapped in a world of overwhelming “no’s,” I began to study the issue of oppositional thinking and I gradually found a world of teachers and books that emphasized positive goals and positive language. Marshall Rosenberg taught me a lot about this in the 1980s, and in the 1990s I completed an M.A. in interpersonal communication, paying special attention to this issue. In the course of completing my M.A., I encountered three contemporary movements in the world that are doing deeply creative work on the transition from negation to affirmation. One is called (continued on page 48)



& Peace:

Finding the Eye of the Hurricane

by Mia Lundin


ontemporary life overflows with stress. In the past, people had fewer conveniences but more downtime. They were not overwhelmed by an endless bombardment from cell phones, ipods, TVs, and computers. Today, we women are inundated with stress — stress that doesn’t let up. We live in a society where we believe the more we have and do, the happier we will be. Work harder, work longer, do more, earn more, have more, be more. We are disconnected from nature and friends. Our hands are full: family challenges, chores, impossible schedules, and little down time. We fail to take the time required to plan for healthy meals and end up under-nourished and depleted. Although our innate sensitivity to our environment and to stress we experience makes itself known, we try to ignore it or self-medicate. We can run but we can’t hide. Long-term stress depletes our serotonin storage and causes imbalances in our female hormones, estrogen and progesterone. As things meltdown, even little things will drive us crazy, and suddenly we turn on people who don’t deserve it, or are really hard on ourselves. As we ignore our body’s symptoms, it screams louder and louder, crying for attention and help. Hopefully, we listen before we deplete our energy, emotional well-being, and health. Often, when you are unhappy, you believe “if only one or two things in my life would change, everything would be fine.” If only you lost ten pounds, got a new car, remodeled the kitchen, you would be happy. The list goes on and on as we set conditions for happiness. We are driven by

wanting better and wanting more. Inside, some taskmaster is saying, “Work harder, and work longer.” This is a form of insanity and a big-time stress creator! You have to let go of this voice. Give yourself a break. Only when you stop pushing to get what is always right around the bend, will you be able to find some peace, keep your biochemistry in balance, and devote more of yourself to what you know is truly important.

Letting Go I recently read a study on women who have lived to one hundred years or longer. They share two basic practices: they were engaged in some form of physical activity, and they had all learned how to let go. Not just once, but over and over again. That is truly grace. I have had the privilege of seeing women of all ages grow and thrive over my many years of practice. I have learned so much from those who seem to know how to open new doors, but also, how to close others behind them. We must move forward, but we must accept that life goes up and down. Women are complex and sensitive beings that have wisdom, resiliency and spirit that allow us to move with and through life. As we age, we all have to learn how to let go while we continue on with our eyes on the horizon, accepting each day for the beautiful gift it is.

Practice the antidotes to stress. Here is a list of antidotes to stress and fear that you can do on your own. Choose one or two lifestyle-changing activities that

lower your stress and over time, change your life for the better. Most importantly, as you make these changes, make sure you keep your friends in the picture. Your circle of women is crucial in terms of support, love, honest feedback, perspective, and of course, wisdom.

� Breathe. � Love and forgive yourself and others. � Hug a lot. � Stroke a pet. Get next to an animal. � Laugh. � Pray. �� Get counseling. � Meditate or practice yoga. � Get music or art therapy. � Join a community (church, spiritual

organizations, parent groups, support groups). � Lower the bar. Stop being a perfectionist. � Sleep more. � Take naps. � Walk in nature. � Cultivate new friends and nurture and reconnect with old friends. � Take time for yourself today. Even one minute. � Do less. � Watch the sunrise or sunset. � Gaze at the horizon. � Walk/be in nature. � Take a bath. (continued on page 54)




in season, and more. For full itinerary and upcoming dates, see www.divinelighttours.com.

PREREGISTER FOR: THE FLOWER OF LIFE 2000+, a 3-day experiential workshop, Jan. 1-3. Sacred Geometry and the MerKaBa Meditation from Drunvalo Melchizedek. Activate and stabilize your own field in these times of shift. 9 am-6 pm all 3 days, $222 workshop fee plus $45 materials. Facilitated by Ione Linker, in Los Angeles. Phone 310/951-5138 or email ionelink@netzero. com.

HOLIDAY GIFT CERTIFICATES FOR WORKSHOPS & Private Sessions with Psychic Medium, Animal Communicator, and Reiki Master. Preregister your friend for a class, workshop, private session or phone reading. www.GailThackray.com. 818/890-6111. Sylmar, CA.

REICHIAN THERAPY & TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS WORKSHOPS, preregister for upcoming workshops on Dec. 20 (see listing), and Jan. 17. Seize your one precious life. Offering a complete body/mind program to develop your full potential. Wright Bodymind Therapy Center, 310/450-3396. www.wrightbodymind.com. ANGELIC HEALING TOUCH WORKSHOP, taking place Jan. 23, 10 am-6 pm, $105. Learn to make positive life changes at the soul and DNA level through angel communion and DNA activation. With Robert Zink. At The Gateway, 11674 Gateway Blvd., Suite C, WLA 90064. Info: 626/502-7702, powerofangelsla@yahoo.com, www.RobertZink.com. NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION SPIRITUAL SPA MORNING, on Jan. 1, 9:30 am-1 pm, with John Morton, Spiritual Director of MSIA. Greet the new year with Commitment, Dedication, Devotion, Consecration and Celebration. Gourmet brunch, $15, preregistration required. Check-in at 8:30 am. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth. org. FENG SHUI CLASS, quick fix tips for managing the flow of energy in the home. Led by Lucretia on Jan. 23, 1-2:30 pm. Lucretia is a Feng Shui Practitioner and Interior Design Consultant with a notable list of clients. Register at 818/345-1100 or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356, 818/345-1100. PREREGISTRATION FOR: SELACIA’S FREE INTRO SEMINAR on Dec. 9, “Psychic Gifts & Your DNA,” 7:30 pm. Attend this experiential seminar to learn about how to become more psychic by working with your DNA. Selacia is a healer, author, gifted medical intuitive, channel for The Council of 12. At Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose, W. Hollywood 90069. Preregistration required online: www.Selacia.com (Free Seminar Signup). Info: 310/915-2884, email Selacia@Selacia.com. START A NEW CAREER IN 2010 AS A MASSAGE THERAPIST, enroll now in Hands on Healing Institute’s certified 150-, 250- and 500-hour massage therapy programs. Includes Swedish Massage and introductions to popular modalities. Both day and evening classes start again on Jan. 10 and April 25. Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/951-5811, www.gotohhi.org. SACRED JOURNEY TO THE U.K. WITH DIVINE LIGHT TOURS, an extremely powerful and transformational pilgrimage to some of the planet’s most incredible power places including Glastonbury (mythical Avalon), Stonehenge, Tintagel (King Arthur’s Castle and Merlin’s Cave), the spa city of Bath, Crop Circles, when

BEGINNING IN JANUARY: FIRST MONDAYS at the Imagine Center. Beginning in January we will open our doors on the first Monday of each month from 10 am-7 pm for Service Professionals Day, offering 10% off all retail merchandise with your business card. We offer intuitive readings and retail merchandise for spiritual enrichment and personal empowerment including books, candles, crystals, incense, jewelry, statuary, tarot and oracle cards and yoga wear. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356, 818/345-1100. RELEASE MONEY BLOCKS & ATTRACT MONEY YOU DESERVE, call for upcoming dates and locations. With Tamra Oviatt, MHt, MNLP, MTT. Remove the most powerful money blocks you may not even be aware of in this 3-hour class. Replace them with a personal and powerful manifestation. Info: 805/506-9460, www.helphealing.com. CONNECTING TO SPIRIT: Become a Psychic Medium, workshop on Sun., Jan. 10. Connect with guides, angels, loved ones. Channel spirits from the other side. Preregister, $120. Private sessions also available. www.GailThackray. com, 818/890-6111. Sylmar, CA. PREREGISTER: LIVING IN GRACE WORLD HEALING CEREMONY, taking place Jan. 2, 6:55-8:55 pm. With best-selling author Mary Morrissey, “Grit and Grace,” and music by Ed Munter. $10 suggested donation. Spiritual Unity Movement, 9550 Haskell Ave., North Hills (previously Sepulveda). Contact Patrick Harbula, 866/204-2261, www.spiritualunitymovement. org. ANGELIC HEALING TOUCH WORKSHOP, taking place Jan. 24, 10 am-6 pm, $105. Learn to make positive life changes at the soul and DNA level through angel communion and DNA activation. With Robert Zink. At EOGD Research Center, 13200 Brooks Dr., Suite B, Irwindale 91706. Info: 626/502-7702, powerofangelsla@yahoo.com, www.RobertZink.com. ‘SACRED LIFE’ RETREAT, Jan. 21-25, a 4-day residential retreat with Swami Premodaya. Let Swami Premodaya guide you directly into the heart of the sacred. Held at a luxurious mountain lodge in Idyllwild, CA. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net. REICHIAN THERAPY & TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS lectures/films, preregister for upcoming events at Bodhi Tree Bookstore to be held Dec. 11 & Jan. 10. Seize your one precious life. Offering a complete body/mind program to develop your full potential. Wright Bodymind Therapy Center, 310/450-3396. www.wrightbodymind.com. PREREGISTER FOR: LIGHT AND RENEWAL RETREAT, Dec. 31-Jan. 3 at Sunburst Sanctuary. Project a positive New Year. Learn the liberating art and science of Kriya meditation. Awaken to the divine light and presence within you. Refresh your spirit amidst abundant natural beauty. Call for more information and suggested


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donations; reserve early. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org,emailcontactus@SunburstOnling.org.

and Diane Silvester, owner of Soul Centered. Last half hour everyone does readings-—really! 7-8:30 pm, $15. Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com.

CRYSTAL USE & AWARENESS CLASS starts Jan. 13, will meet 7-9 pm Wednesdays. Learn how to select and use crystals for healing and renewal. Taught by Paul Ka’iwi, 3rd generation energy worker. Learn how to feel crystal energy, select the right crystal, understand chakras, scan the body with crystals, and cleanse and program crystals. $160/4 week series, $40/session or $140 in advance. Includes a set of 7 stones. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356, 818/345-1100. Register by phoning or online at www.theimaginecenter. com.

SPECIAL THIS MONTH: BUY 1 PERSONAL SESSION, GET 1 FREE, with Tamra Oviatt, MHt, MNLP, MTT. Tamra is an Intuitive Healer, Reader and Teacher. Gift certificates available. (Expires 12/31/09.) Private sessions in Redondo Beach, Ventura and Westlake Village, or by phone. 805/506-9460, www.help-healing.com.

PREREGISTER FOR: SELACIA’S WORLDWIDE CHANNELING event with The Council of 12, on Dec. 5 and Jan. 16, 5 pm. In-person in Santa Monica (doors open at 5 pm), or via live call-in. Must preregister to attend either way. Participate in potent world peace process while receiving personal healing and clarity about your path of light. Selacia is a healer, author, gifted medical intuitive, channel for The Council of 12. Info: 310/915-2884. Sign-up & mailing list: www. Selacia.com (EVENTS). Email Selacia@Selacia. com. ANIMAL COMMUNICATION WEEKEND WORKSHOP, on Feb. 6-7. Talk to animals here and in spirit. Become a professional or create a deeper bond with your pet. Preregister, $225. Check website for $10 introductory evenings. Private sessions also available. www.GailThackray. com. Sylmar, CA. 818/890-6111.

TUESDAY, DEC. 1 STANDING IN TRUTH WORLD HEALING CEREMONY with Dr. Louise Diana speaking on “Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Taken,” and music from world-famous Pam Gerrand, who will also be offering a Sound Healing workshop on Dec. 5 in Thousand Oaks. 6:55-8:55 pm, $10 suggested donation. Spiritual Unity Movement, 9550 Haskell Ave., North Hills (previously Sepulveda). Contact Patrick Harbula, 866/204-2261, www.spiritualunitymovement.org.


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HOLIDAY SPECIAL: TELEPHONE CLEARING, in the convenience of your own home. Raise body frequency and alleviate stress, release past trauma, effective evolve negative thought patterns. Introductory session only $75, moneyback guarantee. With Val Kirkgaard, PhD (Honorary), retired MFCC and Psychological Consultant. Call 310/455-8623. Email Val@wakingupinamerica.com. ‘WHAT ON EARTH’ MOVIE, 7-9 pm. A free screening of a documentary on crop circles, plus presentation on who makes them, how and why. At Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice. Info: Share International, 818/785-6300. DROP IN ASTROLOGY CLASS, with Robert P. Blaschke, astrologer since 1979 and author of Astrology of Life series. 7-9 pm, by donation. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/394-0020. TAROT + ORACLES TUESDAY, join us for a fun, informative class that will introduce tarot and oracles in a user-friendly way. Taught by tarot pals Eannah Wildish, Metaphysician Extraordinaire,

LEARN THE BASIC RECIPE OF EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (EFT), with Patti Penn, Reiki Master, EFT Practitioner, 7:30-9:30 pm, workshop, $69 advance, $79 at the door. Info and registration: 310/498-7374, Paypal – Patti@reiki-eft.com. Send check to: 1055 N. Harper Ave., West Hollywood 90046. Info: www. reikieft.com. EFT can collapse fears, phobias, anger, resentment, pain, limitations and worthlessness in as little as one session. Download the free manual at www.emofree.com. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree. com. SPECIAL THIS MONTH: 10% OFF FENG SHUI CONSULTATION (until Dec. 31). Call today for a full assessment of how you’re using the energy in your home to support your desires. Jennifer Bonetto, SOULutions, Inc., 310/663-8238, www. yourSOULutions.net. MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. SILENT SERVERS AT THE CHURCH OF TRUTH, 9:30-10 am, minister’s office. Silent Servers confidentially prays for requests in our Prayer Box for one month, with extensions upon request. Requesters are encouraged to attend the group or join us in prayer wherever they are during this half hour. Mail prayer requests to: pray@churchoftruth.org or A Center for Awakening Consciousness, the Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. TUESDAY PRAYER & MEDITATION, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates the Tuesday Evening Service. An evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, in the main build-


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ing. We will be doing our “full moon meditation & moon-mail” this evening. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. SPECIAL THIS MONTH: $1200 OFF INVISALIGN CLEAR BRACES, the nearly invisible way to straighten your teeth. Call for a free consultation. Ray D. Partovy, DDS & Associates. Two locations: Marina del Rey, 310/822-3833, and Tarzana, 818/774-2121. www.makingusmile.com. ACHIEVE SACRED BALANCE by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, 5 miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www. SunburstOnline.org. FOR CONES AND FREE EAR CONING INSTRUCTIONS, call 310/455-8623 or visit www. coningcompany.com. Credit cards accepted.

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2 TANTRIC PURIFICATION SERIES for women, with Nita Rubio, a 3-week series (meets Dec. 216), 6:30-8:30 pm, $95, must preregister. Learn ancient and valuable Tantric practices of purification. The process can be likened to cleansing the inner energetic palate to be able to enter and be absorbed into deeper states of meditation and presence. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www.goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. THE COMPASSIONATE COMMUNICATION PRACTICE GROUP meets every other Wednesday, 7-9 pm, with Tom Armbruster. This group is geared to those who have attended at least one of the Basic NVC workshops and want to meet on a regular basis. Info: Tom at 626/798-1854 or tomscats@charter.net. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org. FULL MOON FIRE PUJA/SATSANG, the Full Moon holds an auspicious moment when energies to Source magnify. Tapasyogi Nandhi will take you through an inner journey utilizing simple and empowering mantras along with advanced yogic techniques from the mystical yogic path. Open to all, $20, 5-8 pm. Info: www. nandhi.com/events.htm. 310/451-7377. RSVP for location and info. Located in Westchester. YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. Class today at AADAP, Inc., 2900 S. Crenshaw at 29th St., LA 90016. T’ai Chi is stress reducing, improves balance and posture, and benefits your overall health. Beginning and Intermediate level students. Beginners 6-7 pm; intermediate 7:15-8:15 pm. Fee charged for series, call 310/479-3646 for info. Email sprakerlg@earthlink.net, www. alexandertaichi.com. CONDUCTED IN SPANISH, an experiential workshop based on the teachings of MSIA. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Tonie, 323/737-4055, ext. 1148, tonie@pts.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed. STRUCTURAL CRANIOSACRAL CLASS, a fas-

cial anatomy approach to Craniosacral Therapy. This course teaches precise manipulations of the membranes and fascia associated with the cranial, facial and sacral bones, to support a higher order of structural integrity in the body. Decompression and mobilization techniques are explained, demonstrated and practiced. Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training. Wednesdays 7-10 pm, through Dec. 9, $90. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. DREAMS 101 (held every other Wednesday). Learn basic techniques on how to recognize dream symbols, how to maneuver through a dream, points to look for and how to record your dreams. Bring your dreams for discussion and interpretation. In each group new dream symbols and lots of hands-on experience are given. 7-8:30 pm, $10/person, with Michelle Francine. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824, www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. SPIRITUAL UNFOLDMENT with Rev. Jan Storm, 7:30-9 pm, held every other Wednesday. Allow your inner beauty to open up and flower, become the magnificent being you were meant to be. Studying Universal Laws, we will become more spiritual and enlightened. Info: 714/3570144. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www.goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. PROSPERITY CLUB, 7:30 pm, meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita. Inclusive, Christ centered. Call for location and directions, 661/645-9503, www.silentmiracles.net. YOUR PROGRESS REPORT ON LOVE presented by Lisa Greenfield and Barbara Berg, 7:309:30 pm, workshop, $20, bring a friend for $30. Info and registration: 562/331-0449, www.TruthInHand.com. A real “hands on” demonstration about the secrets your hands tell and how to turn those into powerhouse messages you put out to the world and attract back to you. Try a free sample at www.TruthinHand.com and peek at www.ringshui.com. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com. WEEKLY GNOSTIC MASS, celebrated according to early Gnostic tradition, every Wednesday 8:30 pm, freewill donation only, Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, website: www.gnosis.org. FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, a new workshop presented by Peace Theological Seminary. Core focus is on free-form writing, an essential, simple and very effective technique taught by John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of MSIA. Free-form writing, described in his best-selling book Spiritual Warrior, helps clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. 7:30-9 pm at Prana West, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: PTS, 323/737-1534.

13 CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. For info about Unarius teachings, call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org. HEALING NIGHT, HEALING MUSIC, laying on of hands, full-body healing, done by experienced healers. 6:30-8:30 pm at New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. In back classroom, enter by back gate of parking lot in alley, 4th building north of Wilshire Blvd. Info: Bertha Taylor, 310/836-2768. Donation. Call to confirm. CHOIR PRACTICE, 7 pm. We invite you to join our choir. We have the songs, we have the robes, we have the accompanist. But only YOU have the voice. If you are interested in joining, please schedule an audition with our choir director, Dan Redfield (call for a Wed. evening appointment). A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.

THURSDAY, DEC. 3 GODDESS FOR THE END TIMES, a presentation and book signing with Starhawk, for women and men, 7-9:30 pm, $25/person. The core insight of Goddess spirituality is that the Earth is alive, a being that we are part of. What does the concept of the Goddess mean in such times as ours? What aspects and images can sustain us and give us healing and hope. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www.goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. IPSB OPEN HOUSE—FREE TO THE PUBLIC, at LA’s most innovative body therapy school, come meet the staff, see a demonstration and learn about opportunities in the field of bodywork. Starts 7:30 pm sharp. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb. com. DARSHAN THURSDAY, 7:30-9 pm. A talk by Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya on the subject of spiritual awakening, how to achieve it, and how to apply it in daily life. By donation, The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net. SELF MYOFASCIAL RELEASE. What you resist persists! Learn to gently unblock physical holding patterns in your body to free your spirit. Bring a mat if you have one, dress to move. With Ronelle Wood, Myofascial Release Specialist, MS, SLP, LMT. 6-7 pm, $10. Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered. com. A SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC, 15-minute healing sessions with Jude Unegbu, available 11 am-4 pm, suggested donation from $20; 45minutes, from $75. For info and appts, call 310/659-1733, ext. 114 or events@bodhitree. com. Website: www.JudeTheHealer.com. Born in West Africa, Jude Unegbu has been a spiritual healer for over 16 years. His training was with his Shaman grandfather and further enhanced by techniques from Sir George King, founder of the Aetherius Society. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood


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True Insight

Spiritual Learning & Healing Center



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“Everyone is Welcome!” ������������������ ����������������� ��������������������������

90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.


CHANGING FROM THE INSIDE OUT with Erin Lanahan and Devon Crabtree, workshop, 7:309:30 pm, $20. Info: Erin 850/528-5187, Devon 323/608-0211, www.ErinLanahanMethod.com, www.DevonCrabtree.com. They will address 4 main topics: Prevention, Stress Relief, Energy and the roles they play in weight loss. They will discuss how to live a healthy and fit life, both inside and out. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com.

MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.

THE VORTEX, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, a discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org. UNITY WEST READING GROUP, now reading and sharing the Unity classic, Discover the Power Within You by Eric Butterworth, a valuable guide for all who are seeking a truly full way of life. It offers direct, simple answers to what Jesus himself taught about such subjects as: How to Succeed, How to Attain True Prosperity, How to Pray, How to Find Healing, and more. Held every Thursday, 7-8 pm, all welcome, love offering basis. Unity West Church of Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/5770000, www.unitywestchurch.org. EVENING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 7:30-8 pm, free. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for evening meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528,

BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, offers a professional training hypnosis certification program at no charge. If you have a desire and commitment to make a difference in the world, you can make your lifelong desire a reality as a Certified Hypnotist. 4 consecutive weeks, Tues & Thurs, 7-10 pm, call for upcoming start dates. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 818/758-2720, www.hypnosis.edu. THE DEVILISH ONES: Toltec Storytelling by Koyote the Blind. “It is that black light, that darkness with eyes, that power which God has not willed…” –Eliphas Levi. By donation, 7:30 pm, by donation. The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/686-3471, www.tequihuafoundation.org/ events.html.

FRIDAY, DEC. 4 ONCOLOGY MASSAGE. One in 4 Californians receives a cancer diagnosis. This course addresses the clinical and practical information bodyworkers need to be aware of in order to knowledgably provide clinically safe and effec-

Special Lectures & Events

Sunday Get-Together

“What makes you Happy?” Celebrating Metaphysics Sunday, Dec. 13, 10:45 am-1 pm “Everyone is Welcome” ������������������������

Communication & Healing Nights!

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T.M. Knowing Healings ��������� ������������������� ������������ �����������������

tive touch for people in or with a history of cancer treatment. Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training. Fridays 9:30 am-5:30 pm through Dec. 11, $325. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. DATING & RELATIONSHIP PLAYSHOP FOR GODS & GODDESSES, 6-7:30 pm. Members learn to achieve egalitarian relationships and to respect, adore and cherish themselves (inner child) and their mates/spouses. Facilitated by Anthony Rogers, MSW, in Santa Monica. Call 310/386-1808 or email Lifecoachacr@aol.com for more info or to schedule an intake session. UNDERSTANDING C.G. JUNG’s RED BOOK, lecture by Dr. Stephan A Hoeller, 8 pm, freewill donation. The Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www.gnosis. org. MAINTAINING CONTINUITY INTO SPIRIT, an MSIA Video Presentation. In this 2000 Christmas Eve seminar, John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of MSIA, ponders the continuity that is represented by the unbroken line of Christ Consciousness that has prevailed since the night when Jesus was birthed on the planet. 7:30-9 pm. Free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/7374055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. SPORTS MASSAGE I, 20 hours. Class meets 5 times on Thursdays and Fridays. Learn preevent and post-event sports massage and stretching techniques and gain an understanding of the unique needs of each sport and its physical requirements. Prerequisite: CMT. Both



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day and evening classes, 10 am-2 pm or 6:3010:30 pm. CEUs available. Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/9515811, www.gotohhi.org. A MIRACLE WORKSHOP, with Vicki Reiner, 79:30 pm. Everyone welcome. For more info on Vicki’s workshops, visit our website. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www. true-insight.com. MASSAGE MY THERAPIST, PLEASE! Come to our workshop for massage therapists and their spouses, partners, boyfriends, girlfriends or just friends. They will learn simple massage techniques using chairs, pillows and massage tables to help YOU after a long day of massaging. 3 hours. Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/951-5811, www.gotohhi. org. SPIRITUAL CINEMA NIGHT, showing “The Ultimate Gift.” Dinner 6:30 pm, movie 7 pm, all for $10. Meet and spend some sacred time with like-minded people. We dine together, watch this fabulous mainstream movie and discuss it afterwards. Tree of Life Center, 3608 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta 91214, 626/353-3802, www. tlctreeoflifecenter.com. ADVANCED DNA THETA HEALING SEMINAR, Dec. 4-6, 9 am-6 pm. Explore the most profound healing paradigm on the planet at this time, with accomplished Medical & Emotional Intuitive Marina Rose. Access “downloads” directly from Creator that will work through your deepest blocks with ease, open your psychic centers, bend time to what you want, and much more. School of DNA Theta Healing™, 2210

Main St., Suite 202, Santa Monica 90405. 877/ DNA-THETA, www.dnathetahealing.com. ANGELIC ALCHEMY, workshop with Mark Mezadourian, $20, $17 for students and seniors, 7:309:30 pm. Info: 310/220-5455, www.MarkMezadourian.com. Your words are magic. Angelic Alchemy is the process of transforming your experience from fear to love. This process came forward as a download in response to Saint Germain being asked how we could invert lower energy into blissful peace. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. A SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC, 15-minute healing sessions with Jude Unegbu, available 11 am-4 pm, suggested donation from $20; 45minutes, from $75. For info and appts, call 310/659-1733, ext. 114 or events@bodhitree. com. Website: www.JudeTheHealer.com. Born in West Africa, Jude Unegbu has been a spiritual healer for over 16 years. His training was with his Shaman grandfather and further enhanced by techniques from Sir George King, founder of the Aetherius Society. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.

7:30 PM

FREE PERFECTSENSE PARAFFIN HAND OR FOOT add-on with any facial or body treatment today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www. angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for an appt and directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.

SATURDAY, DEC. 5 MICHAEL & MARTI PARRY, MEDIUMS EXTRAORDINAIRE! Group session, 6:30 pm, $35 per person. Experience the thrill of Michael contacting your loved ones, and Marti sketching who she sees. Tree of Life Center, 3608 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta 91214, 626/353-3802, www.tlctreeoflifecenter.com. PEOPLE & PET COMMUNICATION AND HEALING FAIR, everyone welcome, free healings for people and pets. Bring your pets on a leash or in a cage so that they are comfortable; bring a picture if you can’t bring them in person or just bring yourself! 1:30-3:30 pm. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, visit our website

16 at www.true-insight.com. INSTITUTE FOR INDIVIDUAL & WORLD PEACE invites you to a Peacemakers Meeting. A beautiful morning of coming present to the peace that is always available inside of us. Energize and claim the qualities of peace within. Help us celebrate the start of IIWP’s next round of the 33Day Worldwide Peace Prayer. 10-11:30 am, light refreshments served, labyrinth walk included. Info and RSVP: Debbie, 323/328-1905 or peace@iiwp.org. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018.

2884. Sign-up & mailing list: www.Selacia.com (EVENTS). Email Selacia@Selacia.com. ADVANCED EAR REFLEXOLOGY, class with Bill Flocco, American Academy of Reflexology, Dec. 5-6. The American Academy of Reflexology offers a dynamically presented, highly effective training program offering full certification, private sessions also available. Offering California’s first 200 hour reflexology certification. For complete schedule of classes call toll-free 866/588-8885. ReflexologyEdu@aol.com. www. AmericanAcademyofReflexology.com.

PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net.

REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net.

LEXA FINLEY’S FINDING PEACE & HARMONY CD Release Party and Free Workshop, 1-3 pm. This intuitive, teacher and healer gives you tools and techniques to reduce holiday stress. Learn how to let go of other people’s energy and reclaim your own. Lexa will sign her series of guided meditations that will be specially priced for this event. Info: www.JourneyIntoTheSpirit.com. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com.

FREE PSYCHIC READINGS FOR ANIMALS with Karen Gonzales, 11 am-2 pm, at the front porch of the Bodhi Tree Used Books Store. Appts recommended, walk-ups also welcome. Info: 818/486-4737, www.beyondthisworld.com. What is your pet thinking? Find out free with medium and pet psychic Karen Gonzales. She enjoys sharing messages from Spirit that provide a deeper understanding of the conscious mind of animals. It is not necessary for your pet to be present; Karen also can read for pets who have passed away. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com.

LYMPHATIC CLEARING MASSAGE, DETOX & SCAR TISSUE, learn simple, effective treatment protocols to activate lymphatic drainage, stimulate digestive and elimination function and accelerate healing. Classes are do-it-yourself and appropriate for the lay person and health professional. Topics include a progressive program for weight loss and detoxification. No prerequisite. 9 am-6 pm, $120 plus materials fee. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/3427130, www.ipsb.com. HOLIDAY PARTY, 3-6 pm. Food, friends, fun, fellowship, prizes, free! All are welcome. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net. WOMEN’S GROUP led by Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. This gathering of women is a time of sharing and discussion on women’s issues and spiritual growth. Meets on the 1st Saturday of the month, 10-11:30 am, no charge. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org. SOUND HEALING WORKSHOP with world-famous musician Pam Gerrand, in Thousand Oaks. For details contact Patrick Harbula, 866/204-2261, www.spiritualunitymovement. org. SELACIA’S WORLDWIDE CHANNELING event with The Council of 12. In-person in Santa Monica (doors open at 5 pm), or via live call-in. Must preregister to attend either way. Participate in potent world peace process while receiving personal healing and clarity about your path of light. Selacia is a healer, author, gifted medical intuitive, channel for The Council of 12. Info: 310/915-

ANTI-AGING & LONGEVITY LIFE-FORCE ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM: Vital Energetic Balancing, 3-5 pm, demonstration and presentation, free. Info: 888/225-7501, www.VitalBalancing.com. Learn about an advanced quantum physics technology unlike anything you have ever experienced. This program has helped thousands receive balanced frequencies 24/7. See how it works and receive a free energetic evaluation chart (normally $300). Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. TRANSFORMING FEAR: Reclaiming Empowerment, workshop with Linda P. Brown, 7:30-9:30 pm, $40. Info: 909/621-2816, www.LindaPBrfown.net. There is only one way to truly understand empowerment, and that is to feel it, not think it. Once felt, it can then be implemented to bring the possibility of positive and empowering changes in one’s life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. PARAYANA: THE WAY BEYOND, workshop series with Roger Weir, 10 am-12 noon. Workshop $30, DVDs $20, CDs $10. Info: 310/278-9668. This series covers from Jesus’ Way with Resurrection seed Mary Magdalene through St. Thomas to the Mahayana; from Hermetic, Celtic, and Arthurian Mysteries to the Vajrayana in India, China, Japan and Tibet; and from Renaissance Art of Persons and contemporary science to the new, our Parayana. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chi-

nese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday at 7 am, Hermosa Beach, 14th St. & The Strand. Call 310/918-4700 for details. Also La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112. YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. Improve your mental and physical health by learning this gentle, stress-reducing Meditation in Movement. Beginners, 9-10:30 am; includes Qi Gong breathing and energy exercises, instruction in Traditional Long Yang form of T’ai Chi. Individualized corrections promote improved posture, strength, balance and coordination. At Douglas Park in Santa Monica (at Wilshire and Chelsea, 2 blocks W of 26th St.). Sifu Spraker has taught internationally for over 37 years. (Note: No class Dec. 26 or Jan. 2.) For info, fees & enrollment: 310/4793646. www.alexandertaichi.com.

SUNDAY, DEC. 6 INDIAN SPRINGS PSYCHIC DAY, 2-6 pm. Free workshops, lectures and live music. Over 20 healers and psychics for personal readings. Browse crystals, crafts and spiritual gifts for the holidays. Enjoy a spiritual day at this beautiful private ranch. Free admission. 14300 Little Tujunga Canyon Road, Sylmar 91342. 818/8906111, www.gailthackray.com. HANUKKAH/CHRISTMAS, LET’S ALL CELEBRATE with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service, Jr. Church. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, the Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. AKADUA FREE HEALING CLINIC, 1 pm, free. AkaDua is a transformative substance transmitted into the body. When activated, it creates energy field for healing, art, spiritual work. Free AkaDua healing. Held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. Info: The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/686-3471, www.tequihuafoundation. org/akadua.html. ON-SITE MASSAGE CLASS, learn to utilize massage skills for new environments. Chair and table work is taught to be done in public settings, or to introduce bodywork to people without the need for them to disrobe. Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training. 9:30 am-6:30 pm, $120. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. MAIN SUNDAY GODDESS SERVICE, 11 am12:30 pm, love offering. This week’s Goddess is Isis, with themes of magic, women’s mysteries, knowing, spells, rest, silence, the Hag. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www.goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. EAR CONING CLASS is offered on the 1st Sunday of each month by Valerie Anne Kirkgaard, PhD. www.coningcompany.com. Since 1992, coning and manufacturing premium quality rose cones. For details call 310/455-8623. THE TRUE IDENTITY OF JESUS’ BETHROTHED. Discover the truth about Jesus and Mary of Bethany, who was engaged to Jesus at the time of his arrest, cutting short his mission on Earth. Visit or watch the class streamed live on the web from 4-6 pm. Unarius Academy of Science, 145


Advanced DNA Theta Healing Seminar Dates: December 4 – 6, 2009

Time: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

DNA Theta Manifesting & Abundance Seminar Dates: December 12 – 13, 2009

Time: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM


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S. Magnolia Ave., El Cajon, 800/475-7062, www. unarius.org. CHAIR MASSAGE 1A, 10 am-6 pm. With chair massage, earn extra income, introduce people to massage who have never before experienced it, promote your table practice. Learn techniques for relieving client’s hand, arm, head and neck strain and repetitive stress injuries. Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/951-5811, www.gotohhi.org. RELATIONSHIPS, a 2-part intuitive class series. Let go of the energy of past or lost loves and redefine what you want in a partner. Learn how to energetically forgive, release your past hurt, define your desired mate, start creating a new relationship, and magnetize that person to you. Taught by clairvoyant healer Karin Fogerty, today and Jan. 16, 1-4 pm. At Mary & Joseph Retreat Center, 5300 Crest Road, Rancho Palos Verdes 90275. $40/class, $70 preregistered for both. Call 702/245-2099 or email info@intuitivespirits.com. THE SYMBOLS OF MARY, with Rev. Patricia Tinker, lecturer, medical intuitive, and minister. Sunday Service at New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. TRANSFORM YOUR WORKING LIFE, Happy Mind, Healthy Life. A Sunday lecture series presented by Kadampa Meditation Center, 10:30 am-12 noon, $12 donation. Info: 323/223-0610, www.MeditateinLA.org. Explore how our mind affects our work and our life. Discover how you can make the hours you spend at work the most meaningful time in your life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. MORE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE: A Healing Playshop with Bernadette Luckett and Mike Gandolfi, $30, 3-5 pm, reservations requested. Info and RSVP: 818/325-9693, www.SQ-Wellness.com. Awaken your creativity to be who you are. Enter a powerful healing vortex to support you and help you strip away that which you no longer need to carry. Hear engaging stories and take personal journeys with channeled meditations and inspirational music. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. PASSION, PURPOSE, PROFIT: Reinvent Yourself, Turn Your Passion Into Profit, 7-9 pm, workshop with Jing Jin. Info: 310/895-8955, www.InSight-One.com. The current contracting economy presents an opportunity for us to look inside, reexamine our lives, and set a new direction for the life we deserve and desire. This hands-on workshop will help you walk away with clearly defined goals and action plans ready to implement a viable business doing what you love and truly care about. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. OPEN TOURS, LABYRINTH & GARDENS at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 12-4 pm. Experience the subtle power of the Labyrinth, enjoy the peace and seclusion of our “East Meets West” meditation gardens. Tour this 1910 LA Historical Cultural Monument. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Call Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed. THE POWER OF NOW, Eckhart Tolle DVD and

meditation. At Dancing Shiva Yoga, 7466 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles (corner of Beverly & Gardner). Contact Victoria, 805/208-0484. $7 suggested donation. Group registered at www. eckharttolle.com, or visit http://etolle.meetup. com/258/. COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION GROUP led by Dr. Margie Ann Black, 9:15 am. Join the group for a journey of forgiveness that releases the flow of love into your life! Love offering. Encino Community Church, Garden Chapel, 7769 Topanga Blvd, Canoga Park. For info call 818/712-9400. SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. SUNDAY SCHOOL AT ENCINO COMMUNITY CHURCH. Fun, challenging lessons that are based on spiritual psychology. Children all ages share stories, music and artwork and talk about real-life situations and real-life solutions. 10:30 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. CORE BELIEF INTRO WORKSHOP with Selacia, discover beliefs about your relationship with yourself that prevent you from living a joyful life. Ongoing monthly evening intro seminars (focused on DNA healing & core beliefs) on the Westside by Selacia, a gifted intuitive and pioneer in DNA intuitive healing. To be invited to the next one, email Selacia@Selacia.com. Call 310/915-2884, www.Selacia.com (Free Seminar Signup). MANIFESTATION CIRCLE, 4-5:30 pm. Empower yourself to experience what you desire in life. Imagine managing your personal energy field to manifest a life you love. Bring your desires to the session and hold them silently in your mind as you learn how to apply conscious use of mental, spiritual and physical energy to manifest their outcome. Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Reservations: 818/345-1100 and online at www.theimaginecenter.com. $10 suggested donation. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. SUNDAY SERVICE, 10:30 am, with Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita, inclusive, Christ centered, 22900 Market St., Newhall 91321, 661/645-9503, www.silentmiracles.net. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION SERVICE, all are welcome. Sunburst Sanctuary and Retreat Center invites you to Sunday service at 10:30 am. Includes spirit-filled music, inspirational talk, meditation and prayer, followed by

homemade brunch. Personal and group retreats also offered. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call 619/280-3112.

MONDAY, DEC. 7 SPIRITUAL SELF MASTERY CLASSES, on 1st & 3rd Monday of each month, 7:30 pm. Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita. Inclusive, Christ-centered. Call for location and directions, 661/645-9503, www.silentmiracles.net. MASSAGE THERAPY JOBS: Presentation is Everything! This 6-hour class meets on 2 Monday nights. Learn how to create an outstanding resume and cover letter, business card design, and to prepare for interviews. Also learn the key points in giving an audition massage. CEUs available. Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/951-5811, www.gotohhi. org. RELATIONSHIP STRATEGIES, FREE CLASS, 79 pm. Having a successful relationship is the most important and yet the most difficult aspect of our lives. How much of our behavior in relationships has been programmed from childhood? What role does the subconscious mind play in whom we choose in relationships and why? Learn the answer to these questions as well as how to return to the honeymoon stage. Call Romy at HMI-Tarzana to reserve your seat, 818/758-2747. www.hypnosis.edu. AWAKEN & EMPOWER THE DIVINE FEMININE WITHIN, owning your Goddess energies of love and power, working with Hummingbird Flower Essences, by Kerry Ann James, to embrace your gifts and abilities and to transform your life. Sample flower essence, learn different mudras (sacred hand movements), and guided meditations. Meets 1st Monday of each month, $18, 78:30 pm. Aura Visions, 20929 Ventura Blvd. #37, Woodland Hills, 818/992-6178. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample

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20 facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/8231996. MEDITATION & INNER-HEALING, a weekly Community Class, 7-8:30 pm. Looking for inspiration? Want to have more fun? We will explore ways to find the inner support necessary to help you on your path. Meditation, chanting, gentle free-form movement and writing. Class size limited, please come early, start time is punctual. For info on class or private coaching, call John Strelko, 310/430-5625, www.nature-allhealing. com/1.html. At Tao Healing Arts, 2309 Main St., Santa Monica 90405, 310/581-0097.

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SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, spend an hour at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens doing a guided meditative process, as shared by John-Roger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. Workshop guides participants through inner attunement to Spirit and their own divinity. 7:30-8:30 pm, free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. ANGEL CITY HEALING MONDAY SPECIAL: 10% off all products today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). JOEL GOLDSMITH TAPE GROUP, led by John Drewery, 7:15-8:30 pm. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. Class is held in back classroom, enter back gate from alley, 4th bldg. north of Wilshire Blvd. Donation. MOVING INTO PEACE, QIGONG & MEDITATION CLASSES. Qi-Gong means Energy-Practice and is an ancient pathway to health and well-being. Utilizing the Universal Energy through easy and gentle movements, breathing techniques, practitioners become centered and balanced. Weekly classes offered in Canoga Park, Studio City, Sherman Oaks. Call for details, Antoinette Rohner, 818/378-3396, www. movingintopeace.com.

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YOGA WITH AKADUA, 7 pm, $10/class. Experience pathways to magical work with Hatha Yoga and AkaDua by yoga instructor Gerrilynne Benson. The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/6863471, www.tequihuafoundation.org/akadua. html. WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for appt, Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline. org.

TUESDAY, DEC. 8 T.M. KNOWINGNESS HEALINGS, 7:30-8:30 pm, please arrive by 7:30 pm. (Please RSVP to confirm.) The cleaning of energies that would interfere or inhibit the natural ability of the spirit to

heal the body. Everyone welcome. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www. true-insight.com. HOW TO TALK TO YOUR ANGELS & SPIRIT GUIDES, this class offers Healings, DNA activation, communication with your Spirit Guides and Angels. 3 week class, $25/class, Dec. 8, 15 & 22. With Tamra Oviatt, MHt, MNLLP, MTT. Info: 805/506-9460, www.help-healing.com. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. DROP IN ASTROLOGY CLASS, with Robert P. Blaschke, astrologer since 1979 and author of Astrology of Life series. 7-9 pm, by donation. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/394-0020. MARS & VENUS SPEAK TO EARTH, workshop with Rev. Paul Nugent, Director of the Aetherius Society, 7:30-9:30 pm, $5. Info: 323/465-9652, www.Aetherius.org. Exactly 50 years ago, messages from Mars and Venus began to be heard in L.A. These Masters spoke of the spiritual nature of man, the impending Earth changes, and our journey through evolution, beyond the Karmic wheel of rebirth. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. TUESDAY PRAYER & MEDITATION, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates the Tuesday Evening Service. Communion. An evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, in the main building. We will be doing the Twelve Power Affirmations this evening. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. SILENT SERVERS AT THE CHURCH OF TRUTH, 9:30-10 am, minister’s office. Silent Servers confidentially prays for requests in our Prayer Box for one month, with extensions upon request. Requesters are encouraged to attend the group or join us in prayer wherever they are during this half hour. Mail prayer requests to: pray@churchoftruth.org or A Center for Awakening Consciousness, the Pasadena Church of

Living Peacefully With Feng Shui by Jennifer Bonetto


uring these tumultuous times, it is often difficult to find peace, whether it be a peace of mind, a moment of peace or a peaceful existence. Your thoughts, feelings, and emotions have a lot to do with the level of peace that you feel in any given situation Feelings of anxiety, stress, depression, anger, and sadness, to name a few, have less to do with your circumstances and more to do with your environment. Negative thoughts and feelings felt in the home or office are not coincidental; it is real phenomena that can be attributed to an unseen energy in the environment, an energy that affects us on a daily basis and of which most of us are unaware. The energy influences in our surroundings are a very real and tangible force in our lives, and they can easily affect all aspects of our health, wealth and relationships. Shifting the energy in your home and office is the first step towards bringing more peace to your life.

Peace will permeate every area of your life, but it starts at home.

Most recently, I worked with a client who was anxious, unable to rest peacefully, and had a lot of nervous energy. When I came to her home for a consultation, I found that she had a telephone pole outside of her bedroom window and mirrored wardrobe closets in the bedroom. At night, when she was lying in bed, she was able to see herself in the mirrors. To make matters worse, she was sleeping in the direction of the telephone pole, which was also a negative personal direction for her. The telephone pole’s energy, which is known as electromagnetic field or electromagnetic radiation, is too powerful for the

human body. It is a fact of our modern life, something our ancestors never had tocontend with. I advised her to change the direction in which she was sleeping and to get discs that block the electromagnetic radiation. Also, I advised her to cover up the mirrors when she slept, because the Chinese, with Classical Feng Shui, have found that mirrors disturb rest. During sleep, the soul astral travels at night. The mirrors cause the soul to misalign as it comes back into the body because it sees two sets of itself upon return. This is very disconcerting and leaves a feeling of restlessness. This can also create tension

between marital partners. A couple of days later, when I followed up with her, she happily reported a feeling of peace and gratitude. She’s been sleeping well ever since. The following interior forms in the bedroom can affect your peace, health, and sleep: Low beams directly over your bed, bright wall color in the bedroom, too much light coming in from the windows, televisions, computers, a missing headboard, mirrors in the bedroom in which you can see yourself from where you sleep, water features or water noise, and if you have a long hallway and can see your bed at the end of it. The bedroom needs to be a sanctuary, as well as reflect what it is you want most. It is a place for peace, silence, rest and relaxation. If it does not reflect these, then modifications need to be made to change the energy of the bedroom. Low beams directly over your bed can affect your health. If possible, cover them up with beautiful fabric to create a romantic billowing effect. The wall colors need to be relaxing and soothing. Vibrant colors have been found to stimulate the nervous system, which is the opposite of what you want to do when you’re resting. If too much light enters the bedroom windows in the morning or at night when the moon is full, use drapery to black out the light. Televisions and computers emit a lot of electromagnetic radiation that disturbs the body’s energy field. It is best to cover these appliances or remove them from the bedroom entirely. A headboard represents stability and purpose in life. It is impor(continued on page 22)



Feng Shui (continued from page 21 ) tant to have one, so that when you sleep you feel supported and less vulnerable. At night before you go to sleep, prevent restlessness by covering up any mirrors in the bedroom. Also, it is best to keep the bedroom as yin (peaceful) as possible, which is why water features or water noise will actually disturb your rest. If you have a long hallway and can see your bed at the end of it, close the door at night when you sleep. This will stop the energy of the long hallway from affecting your sleep at night. Exterior forms that can affect health, wealth and relationships positively or negatively: Roads, water features, location of outdoor kitchens, mountains, storm drains, nearby highways and freeways, ground elevation (high and low), high-tension towers or telephone poles, rocky ground, homes squeezed between tall buildings, location of an outdoor fireplace, sickle-shaped driveways, too much ivy/foliage growing on brick or stucco, dry streams, columns or trees blocking the main door, fast-moving rivers, oceans, lakes and the degree of the main door in a house or building. Peace will permeate every area of your life, but it starts at home. Finding the silver lining in all aspects of life has to do with the energy around you and how it affects you on a daily basis. Main purveyors of energy, as mentioned above can support you and benefit your life positively or conversely, have an adverse effect. Regardless of the situation, energy that is beneficial and supportive to you and your family in your home or office will lift the collective consciousness. As your needs are met, you will feel more peaceful, calm and able to conquer the world. Your circumstances will change for the better, touching the lives of all you meet. When you arrange your life to bring in more peace and accord, things will start falling into place and your being will emanate this from the inside out. As Woodrow Wilson so eloquently stated, “Peace is the healing and elevating influence of the world. “ Jennifer Bonetto earned her MBA from Chapman University, and also studied at the American College of Classical Feng Shui and the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics. She is also a member of the International Feng Shui Guild, and currently is part of the 400 year-old Wu Ching Feng Shui Mastery lineage of Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai. She can be contacted via her website at www. yourSOULutions.net or at 310-663-8238.

Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 9 INTUITIVE COMMUNICATION & HEALING CLINIC, everyone is welcome. 1-1/4 hour Intuitive Communication. 7:30-9 pm, please RSVP to confirm. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. SELACIA’S FREE INTRO SEMINAR, “Psychic Gifts & Your DNA,” 7:30 pm. Attend this experiential seminar to learn about how to become more psychic by working with your DNA. Selacia is a healer, author, gifted medical intuitive, channel for The Council of 12. At Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose, W. Hollywood 90069. Preregistration required online: www.Selacia.com (Free Seminar Signup). Info: 310/915-2884, email Selacia@Selacia.com. YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. Class today at AADAP, Inc., 2900 S. Crenshaw at 29th St., LA 90016. T’ai Chi is stress reducing, improves balance and posture, and benefits your overall health. Beginning and Intermediate level students. Beginners 6-7 pm; intermediate 7:15-8:15 pm. Fee charged for series, call 310/479-3646 for info. Email sprakerlg@earthlink.net, www. alexandertaichi.com. A BLACK AND BLUE BROTHER: Beyond Professional Achievement and Success. Find true accomplishment in realizing yourself, a successful entrepreneur’s journeys from power and surviving to peace and thriving. An evening with Ronnie Kovach, renowned So. Calif. outdoor personality seen on Fox TV. He will share his spiritual journey, describing mechanisms of survival which allowed him to emerge out of victimhood and find true peace through the power of forgiveness. 7-9 pm, free. Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, 310/3997070. Visit www.mysticjourneybookstore.com. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com. WEEKLY GNOSTIC MASS, celebrated according to early Gnostic tradition, every Wednesday 8:30 pm, freewill donation only, Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, website: www.gnosis.org. CONDUCTED IN SPANISH, an experiential workshop based on the teachings of MSIA. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Tonie, 323/737-4055, ext. 1148, tonie@pts.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed. TAKING CARE OF YOUR TOOLS, a 4-hour class for bodyworkers. Learn how to take care of all your body parts that you use to massage, the “tools” of your trade. Learn how to relieve your stress areas and move forward with your own healing process. Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/951-5811, www.gotohhi.org.

FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, a new workshop presented by Peace Theological Seminary. Core focus is on free-form writing, an essential, simple and very effective technique taught by John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of MSIA. Free-form writing, described in his best-selling book Spiritual Warrior, helps clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. 7:30-9 pm at Prana West, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: PTS, 323/737-1534. CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. For info about Unarius teachings, call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org. HEALING NIGHT, HEALING MUSIC, laying on of hands, full-body healing, done by experienced healers. 6:30-8:30 pm at New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. In back classroom, enter by back gate of parking lot in alley, 4th building north of Wilshire Blvd. Info: Bertha Taylor, 310/836-2768. Donation. Call to confirm. CHOIR PRACTICE, 7 pm. We invite you to join our choir. We have the songs, we have the robes, we have the accompanist. But only YOU have the voice. If you are interested in joining, please schedule an audition with our choir director, Dan Redfield (call for a Wed. evening appointment). A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.

THURSDAY, DEC. 10 TRUE INSIGHT OPEN HOUSE, 7:30-9:30 pm. A brief lecture on what True Insight has to offer. Free Communication and Healings tonight. Come join us and have some fun, everyone is welcome. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. SUCCESS IN 2010 (also known as the “Calendar Class), 7-9 pm. Bring your 2010 pocket calendars and learn how to create success for yourself in the new year using your scheduler. This intuitive class will teach you how energy can have an effect on your goals and how you can deliberately set the energy of your next year to be successful. Taught by clairvoyant healer Karin Fogerty. Special: $20/class. Held at Tara’s Garden, 1848 S. Elena, Suite A, Redondo Beach 90277. Call 702/245-2099 or email info@intuitivespirits.com. DARSHAN THURSDAY, 7:30-9 pm. A talk by Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya on the subject of spiritual awakening, how to achieve it, and how to apply it in daily life. By donation, The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net. ECLECTICBELLY DANCE FOR LOVE: A Time to Look into the Mirror and Dance Your Wishes, for women, 7-9 pm, $30 or 2 for $50. Limited to 8 participants, RSVP. Send checks payable to: EclecticBelly, send to Freya EclecticBelly, PO Box 41443, LA 90041 by 12/4 to reserve a spot. Participants will surrender to the night’s womb and discover the self well of endless possibilities through bellydance inspired moves, meditation, ritual. Goddess Temple of Orange County,

23 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/6510564, www.goddesstempleoforangecounty. com.


2010: PREPARATION FOR THE COMING YEAR, a lecture to help you understand what the coming year has to bring and steps needed to maneuver through the year. Also, how this year affects you in the journey to 2012. Q&As. 7-8 pm, $20/person, facilitated by Michelle Francine. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com.

“If you desire to know where your spiritual work lies, look to your emotional pain.” —Alan Cohen

THE DEVILISH ONES: Toltec Storytelling by Koyote the Blind. “It is that black light, that darkness with eyes, that power which God has not willed…” –Eliphas Levi. By donation, 7:30 pm, by donation. The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/686-3471, www.tequihuafoundation.org/ events.html. FREE TO LOVE, FREE TO HEAL: Heal Your Body by Healing Your Emotions, author David Simon, MD discusses and signs his book, 7:30 pm. Info: www.FreeToLove.com, www.Chopra.com. His book offers a unique, proven path to authentic healing. Simon, co-founder of the Chopra Center, provides a systematic approach to identifying, mobilizing, and releasing life-damaging beliefs that contribute to anxiety, addictive behaviors, pain, depression, etc. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. A SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC, 15-minute healing sessions with Jude Unegbu, available 11 am-4 pm, suggested donation from $20; 45minutes, from $75. For info and appts, call 310/659-1733, ext. 114 or events@bodhitree. com. Website: www.JudeTheHealer.com. Born in West Africa, Jude Unegbu has been a spiritual healer for over 16 years. His training was with his Shaman grandfather and further enhanced by techniques from Sir George King, founder of the Aetherius Society. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.

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THE VORTEX, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, a discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org. UNITY WEST READING GROUP, now reading and sharing the Unity classic, Discover the Power Within You by Eric Butterworth, a valuable guide for all who are seeking a truly full way of life. It offers direct, simple answers to what Jesus himself taught about such subjects as: How to Succeed, How to Attain True Prosperity, How to Pray, How to Find Healing, and more. Held every Thursday, 7-8 pm, all welcome, love offering basis. Unity West Church of Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/5770000, www.unitywestchurch.org. EVENING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 7:30-8 pm, free. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for evening meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural com-


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Friday Evenings at 8:00 PM, December 4, 11, 18 Free Will Donation

GNOSTIC MASS, Sundays 11 AM Weekday Mass: Wednesdays 8:30 PM Healing Service 2nd & 4th Sundays 5 PM Service to Holy Sophia 3rd Thursdays 8 PM

The Gnostic Society 3363 Glendale Bl., L.A. 90039 Ph. 323-467-2685 www.gnosis.org Free Samples of MP3 audio recordings at www.bcrecordings.net



The lotus ower is a symbol of spirituality; with its roots deep in earthly mud, it grows upward towards the sky, its petals opening at dawn to receive our star, our sun. The lotus is my totem ower, always reminding me to rise from the mud & reach for the stars - fullling the sacred work of our soul; healing as above & so below.





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munity sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, offers a professional training hypnosis certification program at no charge. If you have a desire and commitment to make a difference in the world, you can make your lifelong desire a reality as a Certified Hypnotist. 4 consecutive weeks, Tues & Thurs, 7-10 pm, call for upcoming start dates. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 818/758-2720, www.hypnosis.edu.

FRIDAY, DEC. 11 OSHO BIRTHDAY BASH, 7:30-11 pm. Celebrate the 78th birthday of the 20th century’s greatest Spiritual Master. Music, dancing, refreshments. Free. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net.

MSIA video presentation featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of MSIA. J-R tells how forgiveness through the Christ, which is the message from Spirit through the Traveler in each of us, dissolves any separation between us and Spirit. Includes 2 songs with the MSIA Choir and J-R’s Christmas seminar. 7:30-9 pm. Free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. AURA CLEANSING & DIAGNOSIS, with Clifton Harrison, Homeopathy, Aura Reader and Crystal Healer, who specializes in Auric Healing and heart repair to allow new love to enter your life. He will be demonstrating how to use the delightful Aura Cleanser & Faerie Food by offering a complimentary aura cleansing and diagnosis. 15 pm at Paradise Found, 17 E. Anapamu St., Santa Barbara 93101, 805/564-3573, www.paradise-found.net. Info: www.botanicalalchemy. com, 800/990-2737.

HANDS ON HEALING INSTITUTE OPEN HOUSE, 6:30-7:15 pm. Start a new career in 2010 as a Certified Massage Therapist. Come meet our director and learn our unique philosophy. Our CMT programs include Swedish Massage and introductions to popular modalities. Classes run Mon-Thurs, both days and evenings. Next session starts Jan. 10. Info: Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/951-5811, www.gotohhi.org.

REICHIAN THERAPY: Our Bodies Remember the Road to Self, Empowerment and Freedom, with Bond Wright, 7:30-9:30 pm, workshop, $10. Info: 310/450-3396, www.wrightbodymind. com. For over 2 decades this 4th generation Reichian therapist has counseled people to find their undiscovered Self and enable that Self to become whole and empowered. An exciting and empowering Reichian Tool will be taught; and 2 Reichian Therapy “intensives” will be given to volunteer participants. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.



spiritual healing through the teachings of Bruno Groening. 7:30-9:30 pm, meets every 3 weeks on a Friday. Led by Barbara Neustadt. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. COME MEET LISA WILLIAMS, internationally acclaimed medium and clairvoyant, as she signs her book, Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead. Her smash-hit Lifetime television show quickly made her one of the world’s most beloved mediums. 7-9 pm, free. Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, 310/399-7070. Visit www.mysticjourneybookstore.com. TRACKING THROUGH TIME WITH SACRED DRAMA with Melinda Allec, for women and men, 5-10 pm, $55 if registered by 12/1, $65 thereafter. Feeling swallowed by the stress and the season? Come surrender the stories of your past as we journey through time and space and unravel the roles we play in our Sacred Dramas. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www. goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. ADVANCED LEVEL OPEN HOUSE, meet instructors, watch and sample various bodywork modalities from IPSB’s Massage Therapist Program and elective offerings. 6:30-10 pm, free. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. UNDERSTANDING C.G. JUNG’s RED BOOK, lecture by Dr. Stephan A Hoeller, 8 pm, freewill donation. The Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www.gnosis. org. A SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC, 15-minute healing sessions with Jude Unegbu, available 11


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am-4 pm, suggested donation from $20; 45minutes, from $75. For info and appts, call 310/659-1733, ext. 114 or events@bodhitree. com. Website: www.JudeTheHealer.com. Born in West Africa, Jude Unegbu has been a spiritual healer for over 16 years. His training was with his Shaman grandfather and further enhanced by techniques from Sir George King, founder of the Aetherius Society. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. NEW AGE BIBLE INTERPRETATION, Vol. 7, by Corinne Helene, 7-8 pm, class every other Friday, donation. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. FREE PERFECTSENSE PARAFFIN HAND OR FOOT add-on with any facial or body treatment today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.

angelcity-healing.com. 310/927-8687 (cell).



WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for an appt and directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.

SATURDAY, DEC. 12 YULE PARTY for members and their partners, 8-11 pm. Free to members and partners. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www. goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. AROMATHERAPY I, 8 hours, this one-day class is an excellent detailed introduction to essential oils and their healing properties. Oils to be studied: Lavender, Eucalyptus, Rosemary. CEUs available. Instructor: Andrea Schally. Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/951-5811, www.gotohhi.org. OSHO WORKSHOP, 11 am-8 pm. An entire extraordinary day dedicated to the life, teachings and meditation methods of the 20th Century’s most influential Spiritual Master. $99, $125 at the door. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www. thebodhicenter.net. HUMAN ENERGY SYSTEMS CLASS, a crosscultural view of energetic systems connected to the physical body. Meridian theory, chakras, aura balancing, visualization, space clearing, and feng shui for personal and professional environments. Prerequisite: Massage Technician

Training or equivalent. Saturdays 9:30 am-6 pm through Dec. 19, $180 plus materials. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/3427130, www.ipsb.com. CHRISTMAS CONCERT, 7 pm. This special holiday concert features our choir and soloists, with beautiful songs by John Rutter as well as Christmas medleys by other well-known composers. In the Sanctuary, at A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. GROUP MEDITATION & CHANTING GATHERING with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi and Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, MA, directors of the Vedic Healing Institute. Explore the benefits of meditation and ancient Sanskrit chants from India in a powerful group setting. Gathering includes brief talk on vedic teachings, guided meditation, and 3rd eye opening by Professor Sasi, followed by Sanskrit mantra chanting and sound healing experience. No experience with meditation or chanting needed. 310/397-2405, 310/842-6087, or visit www.vedichealinginstitute.com, www.professorsasi.com. DNA THETA MANIFESTING & ABUNDANCE SEMINAR, 9 am-6 pm, Dec. 12-13. Learn the 100 most important beliefs channeled from Creator to isolate and clear your blocks. Learn where these beliefs are stored on a Soul, Core, History or Genetic Level. With accomplished Medical and Emotional Intuitive Marina Rose. School of DNA Theta Healing™, 2210 Main St., Suite 202, Santa Monica 90405. 877/DNA-THETA, www.dnathetahealing.com.

26 THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO HOLISTIC CAT CARE: An Illustrated Handbook, book signing by Celeste Yarnall, PhD, co-author. This book provides complementary approaches to feline healthcare, including natural alternatives in food, medication, alternative therapies, and healing practices. 1-3 pm. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. SELF MYOFASCIAL RELEASE. What you resist persists! Learn to gently unblock physical holding patterns in your body to free your spirit. Bring a mat if you have one, dress to move. With Ronelle Wood, Myofascial Release Specialist, MS, SLP, LMT. 6-7 pm, $10. Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered. com. DANCES OF UNIVERSAL PEACE, 7 pm. Join us for an evening of heart-opening, spirit-filled dancing and chants. Preceded by potluck dinner at 5 pm. Preregister: Sunburst Sanctuary, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org, email ContactUs@SunburstOnline.org. THAI MASSAGE INTRO CLASS, Nuad Bo Rarn is an ancient healing massage from Thailand. It is an integrated physical approach to “energy” work using a slow meditative pace, integrative stretches and energy meridians called sen lines. Student practitioners need to be free/recovered from injury prior to participating in course (session is practiced on a floor mat). Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training. 9:30-6:30, $120 plus materials. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. JAMES WANLESS: GREEN WISDOM CARDS, Workshop on Self-Sustainability. Experience nature’s eco-principles of self-sustainability for how to be successful, energized and renewed. The creator of the best-selling Voyager Tarot will unveil his new Green Wisdom Cards based upon the evergreen as a spiritual path for ageless vitality. 1-5 pm, $125, includes a Green Wisdom Card Deck. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. PROSPERITY CLUB, meets on 2nd Saturday of each month, 10 am-noon. The club consists of graduates of the Financial Freedom classes but is open to anyone who wants to learn how to open themselves up to prosperity in all areas of their lives. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS WITH JAMES WANLESS, private Coaching Readings with James Wanless with either the Voyager Tarot or Green

Wisdom Cards. Between 10 am-12 noon. (Also Dec. 13, 10 am-5 pm.) Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. A GROUP READING SYMPOSIUM with Phyllis King, the Common Sense Psychic, workshop, 3-5 pm, $25. Info and preregistration: 925/3623083, www.PhyllisKing.net. A group reading is a fun and affordable way to have an in-person reading. Phyllis loves to give practical and downto-earth advice. She is best known for her work as a radio psychic on syndicated shows in LA, Phoenix, San Francisco, New York and Seattle. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.

ing Consciousness, the Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. HEALING SERVICE AND VESPERS, freewill offering only, 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, 5 pm. Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www.gnosis.org. THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO HOLISTIC CAT CARE, book signing and discussion with Celeste Yarnall. Learn about Celeste’s time-tested natural alternatives in food, medication, therapies and healing practices. 6-8 pm, free. Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, 310/399-7070. Visit www.mysticjourneybookstore.com.

SPIRITART: MEDIUMSHIP & PSYCHIC ART DEMONSTRATION, with Michael and Marti Parry, 7:30-9:30 pm, workshop, $35 advance, $45 at the door. Info and reservations: 310/5395646, www.SpiritArt.com. British medium Michael relates messages directly from loved ones on the other side. Marti, a psychic artist, independently draws detailed recognized portraits of people in spirit. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com.

SUNDAY GET-TOGETHER, What Makes You Happy? This month we will focus on Metaphysics. Everyone welcome, 10:45 am-1 pm. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www. true-insight.com.

YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. Improve your mental and physical health by learning this gentle, stress-reducing Meditation in Movement. Beginners, 9-10:30 am; includes Qi Gong breathing and energy exercises, instruction in Traditional Long Yang form of T’ai Chi. Individualized corrections promote improved posture, strength, balance and coordination. At Douglas Park in Santa Monica (at Wilshire and Chelsea, 2 blocks W of 26th St.). Sifu Spraker has taught internationally for over 37 years. (Note: No class Dec. 26 or Jan. 2.) For info, fees & enrollment: 310/4793646. www.alexandertaichi.com.

TRANSFORM YOUR WORKING LIFE, Happy Mind, Healthy Life. A Sunday lecture series presented by Kadampa Meditation Center, 10:30 am-12 noon, $12 donation. Info: 323/223-0610, www.MeditateinLA.org. Explore how our mind affects our work and our life. Discover how you can make the hours you spend at work the most meaningful time in your life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.

PARAYANA: THE WAY BEYOND, workshop series with Roger Weir, 10 am-12 noon. Workshop $30, DVDs $20, CDs $10. Info: 310/278-9668. This series covers from Jesus’ Way with Resurrection seed Mary Magdalene through St. Thomas to the Mahayana; from Hermetic, Celtic, and Arthurian Mysteries to the Vajrayana in India, China, Japan and Tibet; and from Renaissance Art of Persons and contemporary science to the new, our Parayana. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday at 7 am, Hermosa Beach, 14th St. & The Strand. Call 310/918-4700 for details. Also La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112.

DOES LOVE NEED A FOCUS? Bonnie Collins, minister of Unity by the Sea, therapist and teacher, at Sunday Service, 11 am. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346.

SPECIAL HEALING & PROTECTION TECHNIQUES to Help You Survive the Coming Earth Changes, 2:30-7:30 pm, with Jude Unegbu, workshop, $357, preregistration requested ($350 if paid by cash or check). Info and registration: 310/659-1733, ext. 114, events@bodhitree.com, www.JudeTheHealer.com. Jude will share specialized healing techniques gathered from over 16 years of experience as a Spiritual Healer. He will share how he works with conditions such as migraines, depression, tumors, ADD, and more, and offer ways in which you can work with children and animals. Learn how to prevent negative energy attacks and protect yourself from energy parasites. Please wear white clothing to class. (Call for prerequisites.) Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.

PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS WITH JAMES WANLESS, private Coaching Readings with James Wanless with either the Voyager Tarot or Green Wisdom Cards. Between 10 am-5 pm today. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com.

PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net.

YOU’VE GOT THE TIME with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service, Jr. Church. A Center for Awaken-

OPEN TOURS, LABYRINTH & GARDENS at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 12-4 pm. Experience the subtle power of the Labyrinth, enjoy the peace and seclusion of our “East



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am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. CORE BELIEF INTRO WORKSHOP with Selacia, discover beliefs about your relationship with yourself that prevent you from living a joyful life. Ongoing monthly evening intro seminars (focused on DNA healing & core beliefs) on the Westside by Selacia, a gifted intuitive and pioneer in DNA intuitive healing. To be invited to the next one, email Selacia@Selacia.com. Call 310/915-2884, www.Selacia.com (Free Seminar Signup). MANIFESTATION CIRCLE, 4-5:30 pm. Empower yourself to experience what you desire in life. Imagine managing your personal energy field to manifest a life you love. Bring your desires to the session and hold them silently in your mind as you learn how to apply conscious use of mental, spiritual and physical energy to manifest their outcome. Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Reservations: 818/345-1100 and online at www.theimaginecenter.com. $10 suggested donation. SUNDAY SERVICE, 10:30 am, with Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita, inclusive, Christ centered, 22900 Market St., Newhall 91321, 661/645-9503, www.silentmiracles.net. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION SERVICE, all are welcome. Sunburst Sanctuary and Retreat Center invites you to Sunday service at 10:30 am. Includes spirit-filled music, inspirational talk, meditation and prayer, followed by homemade brunch. Personal and group retreats also offered. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community

sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. INTRODUCTION TO FASCIAL ANATOMY, 6 hours. Develop a greater understanding of the structure and function of myofascial connective tissue. Prerequisite: CMT. CEUs available. Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/951-5811, www.gotohhi.org. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call 619/280-3112.

MONDAY, DEC. 14 THE POWER OF SELF-HYPNOSIS, 7-9 pm. Learn how to induce self-hypnosis in a safe and easy way. This is a great tool to help you create desired changes in your life. HMI’s Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy offers this free class. Call Romy to reserve your seat,




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818/758-2747, www.hypnosis.edu. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/8231996. MEDITATION & INNER-HEALING, a weekly Community Class, 7-8:30 pm. Looking for inspiration? Want to have more fun? We will explore ways to find the inner support necessary to help you on your path. Meditation, chanting, gentle free-form movement and writing. Class size limited, please come early, start time is punctual. For info on class or private coaching, call John Strelko, 310/430-5625, www.nature-allhealing. com/1.html. At Tao Healing Arts, 2309 Main St., Santa Monica 90405, 310/581-0097. SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, spend an hour at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens doing a guided meditative process, as shared by John-Roger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. Workshop guides partici-

Camille Mancuso Psychological Kinesiologist

pants through inner attunement to Spirit and their own divinity. 7:30-8:30 pm, free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org.

ence pathways to magical work with Hatha Yoga and AkaDua by yoga instructor Gerrilynne Benson. The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/6863471, www.tequihuafoundation.org/akadua. html.

ANGEL CITY HEALING MONDAY SPECIAL: 10% off all products today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell).

WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for appt, Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline. org.

JOEL GOLDSMITH TAPE GROUP, led by John Drewery, 7:15-8:30 pm. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. Class is held in back classroom, enter back gate from alley, 4th bldg. north of Wilshire Blvd. Donation. MOVING INTO PEACE, QIGONG & MEDITATION CLASSES. Qi-Gong means Energy-Practice and is an ancient pathway to health and well-being. Utilizing the Universal Energy through easy and gentle movements, breathing techniques, practitioners become centered and balanced. Weekly classes offered in Canoga Park, Studio City, Sherman Oaks. Call for details, Antoinette Rohner, 818/378-3396, www. movingintopeace.com. YOGA WITH AKADUA, 7 pm, $10/class. Experi-

TUESDAY, DEC. 15 NEW MOON DRUMMING, for women, 7-9 pm, with Candy Eaton. Doors open 6:30 pm. $10/ person or 2 for $10 if you arrive at the door with a friend. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/6510564, www.goddesstempleoforangecounty. com. DROP IN ASTROLOGY CLASS, with Robert P. Blaschke, astrologer since 1979 and author of Astrology of Life series. 7-9 pm, by donation. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/394-0020. HOW TO TALK TO YOUR ANGELS & SPIRIT GUIDES, this class offers Healings, DNA activation, communication with your Spirit Guides and Angels. 3 week class, $25/class, Dec. 8, 15 & 22. With Tamra Oviatt, MHt, MNLLP, MTT. For information: 805/506-9460, www.help-healing.com.


THE MYSTICAL WISDOM OF TAROT Copyright © 2009 by Renée Starr, CH/CI. All Rights Reserved


, Tarot! Mysterious, unbound book of the ages; we call upon you to reveal our story. Shuffling hopefully, we seek to know the journey of the Mystical Fool. Choosing loose pages wisely, we hold our breath and wait for the words of prophecy. We close our eyes to watch and open our mouths in silence as we pick just...one... card. The fourteenth card in the book of Tarot is Temperance: bringing calm and balance to a soul in chaos. It is the action part of us, with our ego heroically laid dormant and quiet. It is the desperate struggle of our will and our desire finally made harmonious. It is our ranting made quiet, the boiling waters of our anger evaporated to soft mist and the skipped beats of our heart in fear brought back to a regular rhythm. Temperance is peace. On a full and moonlit night, the temperate angel walks along the bank of the river with one foot in the water and one foot on land, her strong masculine hands holding two earthen jugs full of a mysterious fluid. She walks calmly through our world, the flap of her wings like a nighttime breeze on our face when a summer day is done and everything feels in order, feels just as it should be. She is silent, this angel, for it is her actions not her words, that we seek. As we watch, she lifts the heavy urns effortlessly and her beautiful face is expressionless and unreal in the bluish moonlight. Dreamily, she floats the liquid from one flask to the other. The watery current sparkles midair and moves in the slowest motion. Blinking, stunned, we stare and we wonder if it is a trick, an illusion. But over and over, the angel performs her task until at last we trust our eyes, let go, and an unfamiliar feeling of balance and wellness creeps into our minds, our hearts, and our soul. Hypnotized and transfixed, we stare and watch her lovely, graceful movements until we become the silvery water moving back and forth. Deep down, and faraway in the darkened rooms of our most primitive mind, we hear the ancient seed sound of Nun that she sings; the sound of the seasons, of climate and change, of planetary motion and the clicks

and whirs that are made by all living things. Our body sways, and our heart entrains to this most ancient rhythm of back and forth, in and out, left and right. Our own duality is calmed, our gender disappears, our opposing conscious and unconscious minds settle down, we yield to the natural forces, the blending of life’s elixirs and for a single shining moment, all becomes one and the One becomes the All. We realize, in this timeless moment, that we are everything, contained in and made up of the smallest nano-bits of this world. With an explosive burst of cosmic understanding, we see that our minds spin as the atom in its orbit, our hearts glow sun-like at the center of a pumping universe, the neurons of our brain synapse just as twinkling starlight and tissuey lungs blow windy air out across the valleys and hills of hard, earthy bone over which stretches our verdant scented skin. We are vibrant and alive, and we know it now. The equable angel appears in your life when you need to bring in greater harmony between your conscious mind and your unconscious mind, between internal self and external self, and when you need to harmonize events between yourself and others. She will be the calm face in the crowd during crisis. She is the spiritual warrior who walks away from conflict and towards resolution. She teaches us to integrate, combine energies, and allow all natural processes. She is the teacher of the mystics, alchemists, shamans and magick-makers for she shows them how to blend two things to create the final third thing. Temperance instructs us through our dreams, creativity, writings and art to fully express ourselves and to find resolution with our inner conflict. Listen for the quiet flap of her wings, and the soft splash of water when you need to trust yourself, come back to center, hear your own voice, breathe and to simply be.

Renée Starr, CH,CI, writes often of the sacred mysteries, honoring the ancient ways. She takes hypnotherapy to a new depth with her unique and powerful techniques: Shamanic Hypnotherapy & Ancestral Soul Healing Regressions. Former proprietress of ALKIMI, she is a certified hypnotherapist/instructor and past life regression counselor, shamanic practitioner, crystal/pyramid energy healer and clairvoyant intuitive spiritual counselor. She offers her services, classes and retreats in the US & throughout the world. She can be reached at 323.632.0947 / lotustarr@hotmail.com / www.lotustar.net Illustration by Vanessa Chandler

31 At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com.

clusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org.

RAISE YOUR MYSTIC FIRE THROUGH PRANAYAMA, workshop with Brian C. Keneipp, Executive Director of The Aetherius Society, 7:30-9:30 pm, $15. Free book, Contact Your Higher Self Through Yoga, with admission. Info: 323/4659652, www.Aetherius.org. Prana is the holy power which permeates all life and is necessary in everything you do. Control of this energy is crucial in the raising of the mystic power of Kundalini. Learn a powerful and balanced series of pranayama exercises in this workshop. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree. com.

YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. Class today at AADAP, Inc., 2900 S. Crenshaw at 29th St., LA 90016. T’ai Chi is stress reducing, improves balance and posture, and benefits your overall health. Beginning and Intermediate level students. Beginners 6-7 pm; intermediate 7:15-8:15 pm. Fee charged for series, call 310/479-3646 for info. Email sprakerlg@earthlink.net, www. alexandertaichi.com.

MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com. TUESDAY PRAYER & MEDITATION, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates the Tuesday Evening Service. Communion. An evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, in the main building. We will be doing the Twelve Power Affirmations this evening. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. SILENT SERVERS AT THE CHURCH OF TRUTH, 9:30-10 am, minister’s office. Silent Servers confidentially prays for requests in our Prayer Box for one month, with extensions upon request. Requesters are encouraged to attend the group or join us in prayer wherever they are during this half hour. Mail prayer requests to: pray@churchoftruth.org or A Center for Awakening Consciousness, the Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 16 THE COMPASSIONATE COMMUNICATION PRACTICE GROUP meets every other Wednesday, 7-9 pm, with Tom Armbruster. This group is geared to those who have attended at least one of the Basic NVC workshops and want to meet on a regular basis. Info: Tom at 626/798-1854 or tomscats@charter.net. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, in-

A SPIRITUAL SHORT-CUT HOME presented by Yudhishtara, 7:30-9:30 pm. Free Satsang, no donations accepted. Info: 949/262-5252. Yudhishtara has the ability to cut through spiritual and emotional complexities that hold us at bay and release us to our heart’s true desire. Truth is spoken straight from the heart with no strings attached. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com. WEEKLY GNOSTIC MASS, celebrated according to early Gnostic tradition, every Wednesday 8:30 pm, freewill donation only, Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, website: www.gnosis.org. FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, a new workshop presented by Peace Theological Seminary. Core focus is on free-form writing, an essential, simple and very effective technique taught by John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of MSIA. Free-form writing, described in his best-selling book Spiritual Warrior, helps clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. 7:30-9 pm at Prana West, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: PTS, 323/737-1534. CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. For info about Unarius teachings, call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org. DREAMS 101 (held every other Wednesday). Learn basic techniques on how to recognize dream symbols, how to maneuver through a dream, points to look for and how to record your dreams. Bring your dreams for discussion and interpretation. In each group new dream symbols and lots of hands-on experience are given. 7-8:30 pm, $10/person, with Michelle Francine. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824, www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. CONDUCTED IN SPANISH, an experiential workshop based on the teachings of MSIA. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Tonie, 323/737-4055, ext. 1148, tonie@pts.org, www.

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Join us on New Year’s Eve to ring in the new year with Spirit. Chant the sacred names of God. Listen to guided meditations that assist us to let go of the old and bring in the new with enthusiasm, love, compassion, understanding, and all the good things of the Soul. With Paul Kaye, DSS, President of MSIA.

—celebrate with God

Sacred Tones Meditation Evening Refreshments will be served No registration required


John Morton


Spiritual Director of MSIA

Enjoy a morning of discovery as a way to ring in the New Year. Learn how your Commitment, Dedication, Devotion, Consecration and Celebration lead to an experience of the Christ Beloved in your heart. Know yourself as a spiritual being and carry that into the New Year.

A special labyrinth walk will be conducted by John to anchor in this incredible morning’s learnings and awarenesses. Gourmet Brunch will be served. Pre-registration is required. Check-in: 8:30 a.m. Cost: $15 For either event contact Judy Lange at (323) 737-4055 ext 1137, or register online at www.peacelabyrinth.org or email registrar@peacelabyrinth.org

(Headquarters of MSIA)



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34 peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed. HEALING NIGHT, HEALING MUSIC, laying on of hands, full-body healing, done by experienced healers. 6:30-8:30 pm at New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. In back classroom, enter by back gate of parking lot in alley, 4th building north of Wilshire Blvd. Info: Bertha Taylor, 310/836-2768. Donation. Call to confirm. CHOIR PRACTICE, 7 pm. We invite you to join our choir. We have the songs, we have the robes, we have the accompanist. But only YOU have the voice. If you are interested in joining, please schedule an audition with our choir director, Dan Redfield (call for a Wed. evening appointment). A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.

THURSDAY, DEC. 17 HARMONY CIRCLE LUNCHEON, 12 noon. This special group formed in 1926 and continues to meet in warm fellowship and loving support of the Church of Truth. Today: Christmas Luncheon and program of Christmas songs and humor. This special, catered luncheon is only $7/person, reservations requested. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all world religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905. Website: www.churchoftruth.org. INTUITIVE COMMUNICATION & HEALING CLINIC, everyone is welcome. 1-1/4 hour Intuitive Communication. 7:30-9 pm, please RSVP to confirm. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. RAINDROP TECHNIQUE AROMATHERAPY CLASS. Raindrop is a powerful detoxifying technique that uses a sequence of essential oils that are immune enhancing, supporting the body’s natural defenses as well as the circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, nervous and other body systems. 9:30 am-6:30 pm, $120 plus materials fee. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb. com. SELF MYOFASCIAL RELEASE. What you resist persists! Learn to gently unblock physical holding patterns in your body to free your spirit. Bring a mat if you have one, dress to move. With Ronelle Wood, Myofascial Release Specialist, MS, SLP, LMT. 6-7 pm, $10. Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered. com. DARSHAN THURSDAY, 7:30-9 pm. A talk by Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya on the subject of spiritual awakening, how to achieve it, and how to apply it in daily life. By donation, The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net. SPIRIT SESSIONS with Michelle Francine. December special: Bring a family member and receive half off one admission. In these sessions our practitioners will be guided to random audience members and relay divinely guided messages from spirit, or may be guided to do energy shifting or healing for the audience. Direct questions for spirit will be taken. 7-8:30 pm, $30/person. Info: Michelle, 800/530-6926. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd,

Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www. akashicbookshopandcenter.com. THE TEACHINGS OF THE BUDDHA, lecture by Etan Boritzer, 7:30-9:30 pm, donations welcome. Info: 310/621-2144, www.veronicalanebooks.com. A review of the basic principles which Siddatha Gotama himself taught to the order of monks, nuns and laity. Topics include The Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, annica (impermanence), annata (non-self), and more. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www. bodhitree.com. SERVICE TO THE HOLY SOPHIA, the feminine principle of the Deity. Freewill offering only. 3rd Thursday of every month, 8 pm. Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/4672685, www.gnosis.org. A SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC, 15-minute healing sessions with Jude Unegbu, available 11 am-4 pm, suggested donation from $20; 45minutes, from $75. For info and appts, call 310/659-1733, ext. 114 or events@bodhitree. com. Website: www.JudeTheHealer.com. Born in West Africa, Jude Unegbu has been a spiritual healer for over 16 years. His training was with his Shaman grandfather and further enhanced by techniques from Sir George King, founder of the Aetherius Society. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. THE VORTEX, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, a discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org. UNITY WEST READING GROUP, now reading and sharing the Unity classic, Discover the Power Within You by Eric Butterworth, a valuable guide for all who are seeking a truly full way of life. It offers direct, simple answers to what Jesus himself taught about such subjects as: How to Succeed, How to Attain True Prosperity, How to Pray, How to Find Healing, and more. Held every Thursday, 7-8 pm, all welcome, love offering basis. Unity West Church of Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/5770000, www.unitywestchurch.org. EVENING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 7:30-8 pm, free. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for evening meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, offers a professional training hypnosis certification program at no charge. If you have a desire and commitment to make a difference in the world, you can make your lifelong

desire a reality as a Certified Hypnotist. 4 consecutive weeks, Tues & Thurs, 7-10 pm, call for upcoming start dates. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 818/758-2720, www.hypnosis.edu. THE DEVILISH ONES: Toltec Storytelling by Koyote the Blind. “It is that black light, that darkness with eyes, that power which God has not willed…” –Eliphas Levi. By donation, 7:30 pm, by donation. The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/686-3471, www.tequihuafoundation.org/ events.html.

FRIDAY, DEC. 18 MOVIE NIGHT, tonight we will watch “Music of the Heart” with Meryl Streep. Bring your own meal and eat with us at 6:30; movie begins 7 pm. Movie and popcorn are free. Held on 3rd Friday of each month. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. UNDERSTANDING C.G. JUNG’s RED BOOK, lecture by Dr. Stephan A Hoeller, 8 pm, freewill donation. The Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www.gnosis. org. SHARING THIS HOLY NIGHT, an MSIA video presentation featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of MSIA. The exuberance of this program is heartwarming all year round as J-R shares with us the loving and holy energy of Christmas. 7:30-9 pm. Free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. DRUMMING CIRCLE, 7-8:30 pm, $10 includes refreshments. Meet and spend some sacred time with like-minded people. Bring your drum or use ours. Facilitated by Burl Bolerjack. A great meditation. Tree of Life Center, 3608 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta 91214, 626/353-3802, www.tlctreeoflifecenter.com. WORKING WITH BODY READING & CHARACTER STRUCTURE, an interactive workshop with Ann Bradney, $10. Info: 800/996-7248, www. AnnBradney.com. In this first of 5 interactive workshops, learn about and practice Radical Aliveness, Healing the BodyMind. Learn to identify basic energetic patterns in your body that serve as a useful character map with clues to where focused attention would be most beneficial. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www. bodhitree.com. A SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC, 15-minute healing sessions with Jude Unegbu, available 11 am-4 pm, suggested donation from $20; 45minutes, from $75. For info and appts, call 310/659-1733, ext. 114 or events@bodhitree. com. Website: www.JudeTheHealer.com. Born in West Africa, Jude Unegbu has been a spiritual healer for over 16 years. His training was with his Shaman grandfather and further enhanced by techniques from Sir George King, founder of the Aetherius Society. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of


Is your life in balance, yet? People just like you have been

practicing this form of self-alignment with the positive energies of the universe for thousands of years.

Simple changes in the way

you live now will make all the difference in the world.

You will be happier and

healthier when you learn how to stay connected to the positive energy.

Please come to one of Always Free Never a Charge

Introductory Classes:

our introductory classes listed below to get a taste of what we are talking about..

If you like, you will be invited to more of our larger group meetings on Wednesday and Sunday.

7pm Monday & Friday The LA Sant Mat Meditation Center 7726 W. Manchester Avenue Playa del Rey 90293

For more info: please call Bob @ 310-930-2450 Victor @ 310-930-2452 or Pat @ 310-567-3265. Sant Baljit Singh, pictured to the right, is the teacher of the meditation practice we enjoy. He teaches this meditation to anyone who is sincerely interested in making their life better through living it better.


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course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. FREE PERFECTSENSE PARAFFIN HAND OR FOOT add-on with any facial or body treatment today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www. angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for an appt and directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.

SATURDAY, DEC. 19 KALANGI YOGA WORKSHOP WITH NANDHI, an empowering inner journey of initiation, teachings, Siddhar mantras, pranayams (breathing techniques), visualization. Learn a simple sequence of yoga that you can do by yourself daily. Nandhi’s yoga and meditation teachings are based on direct experience and in tune with a lifestyle of purpose, fulfillment and inspiration. $180, 4-7:30 pm, RSVP for location and info. 310/451-7377, www.nandhi.com/events.htm. REIKI 1 & 2 CLASS, Dec. 19-20. Amazingly powerful, easily learned energy healing. Promotes relaxation and healing in oneself and others, including across distances. Experimental, casual atmosphere. 9:15 am-7 pm (1 pm lunch), $350. Register on website, nursing & NCBTMB CEs, videos on YouTube. At Tree of Life, 3608 Foothill Blvd, La Crescenta 91214 (near Glendale). Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www.ReikiMastery. com. POSTURAL & PALPATORY ANALYSIS CLASS, students hone visual assessment skills to see anatomical relationships in a client’s structure and expand palpation skills to specifically motion test the body for restrictions. Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training. Also appropriate for teachers and students of somatic psychology, yoga, Pilates and personal training. 10 am5:30 pm, $90. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. SAYING HELLO TO ANGELS, Abundance Workshop, 11 am-4 pm (with break for lunch). Please RSVP to confirm. For more info visit our website. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/6402211, www.true-insight.com. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class in-

cludes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. WINTER SOLSTICE WITH DRAGONWEYR, for women, doors open 6 pm, ritual begins 7 pm (doors lock 7:15 pm). A magical ritual with the fabulous women’s group Dragonweyr. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www.goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. PSYCHIC FAIRE, 11 am-5 pm, readings 15 minutes/$25, 30 minutes/$35. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. EDGAR CAYCE STUDY GROUP, 10 am. Discussion of the latest information coming from A.R.E. Headquarters. Fascinating, enlightening and educational. With Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/7129400. FREE! CLAIRVOYANT READINGS by appointment only with students of The Clearsight Clairvoyant Program. Please email us at info@clearsightaura.com to book your weekend appointment. Students will read your aura, your chakras, your Being-Body Connection and answer questions. (See our back cover ad.) Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Visit www.clearsightaura. com, email info@clearsightaura.com. LOVE BY THE NUMBERS: How to Find Great Love or Reignite the Love You Have Through the Power of Numerology, author Glynis McCants discusses and signs her book, 3 pm. Info: www. NumbersLady.com. Ever wondered why you “click” with certain people and get a bad “vibe” from others? McCants offers the first book to combine the ancient system of Numerology with modern relationship advice. Her system is easy to use and amazingly accurate. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. KRISHNAMURTI FRIENDS OF LOS ANGELES presents a Program of Video and Dialogue, 7-10 pm, $10 suggested donation, for info call 310/650-5079 or email kdialogue@roadrunner. com. The evening includes a video of Krishnamurti (approximately 1 hour), then seeks to investigate, develop and explore the topic of the video via the medium of dialogue. This group has no affiliation with the Krishnamurti Foundation of America. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com.

37 YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. Improve your mental and physical health by learning this gentle, stress-reducing Meditation in Movement. Beginners, 9-10:30 am; includes Qi Gong breathing and energy exercises, instruction in Traditional Long Yang form of T’ai Chi. Individualized corrections promote improved posture, strength, balance and coordination. At Douglas Park in Santa Monica (at Wilshire and Chelsea, 2 blocks W of 26th St.). Sifu Spraker has taught internationally for over 37 years. (Note: No class Dec. 26 or Jan. 2.) For info, fees & enrollment: 310/4793646. www.alexandertaichi.com. PARAYANA: THE WAY BEYOND, workshop series with Roger Weir, 10 am-12 noon. Workshop $30, DVDs $20, CDs $10. Info: 310/278-9668. This series covers from Jesus’ Way with Resurrection seed Mary Magdalene through St. Thomas to the Mahayana; from Hermetic, Celtic, and Arthurian Mysteries to the Vajrayana in India, China, Japan and Tibet; and from Renaissance Art of Persons and contemporary science to the new, our Parayana. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday at 7 am, Hermosa Beach, 14th St. & The Strand. Call 310/918-4700 for details. Also La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112.

SUNDAY, DEC. 20 FREE! CLAIRVOYANT READINGS by appointment only with students of The Clearsight Clairvoyant Program. Please email us at info@clearsightaura.com to book your weekend appointment. Students will read your aura, your chakras, your Being-Body Connection and answer questions. (See our back cover ad.) Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Visit www.clearsightaura. com, email info@clearsightaura.com. CANDLELIGHTING SERVICE, magnificent music and celebration. 10:30 am at Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif. org. CLARITY! A clear mind. A clear life. How appealing! Difficulties disappear with Vernon Howard’s self-freeing insights. Classes every Sunday at 10 am, New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. Info: 714/8999300, www.anewlife.org. SANSKRIT MANTRA CHANTING CLASS with Psychic Palmist of India Professor Sasi Velupillai and Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, Directors of the Vedic Healing Institute. Explore the benefits of sacred sound meditation through ancient Sanskrit chants from India for empowerment, manifestation, prosperity and spiritual growth. Includes instruction, manual, time working with mantras, video and audio recordings, and traditional vedic initiation into mantras. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.vedichealinginstitute. com. AKADUA FREE HEALING CLINIC, 1 pm, free. AkaDua is a transformative substance transmitted into the body. When activated, it creates energy field for healing, art, spiritual work. Free AkaDua healing. Held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. Info: The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside

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� � � � � � �� � � � ���� � � � 92501, 951/686-3471, www.tequihuafoundation. org/akadua.html. PAST LIFE REGRESSION GROUP JOURNEY, $35, offered monthly. Through hypnosis you will be led to the times before your birth and explore incarnations to assist you in understanding your current life. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. Call for time and location. CHRISTMAS SUNDAY SERVICE, “A Joyous Christmas Song” with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service, Jr. Church. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, the Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org. CHRISTMAS SLIDES: ANGELS & DEVAS, with Rev. Patricia Talis, Director & Minister. 11 am Service, New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/3954346. REICHIAN THERAPY & TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS WORKSHOP, with Bond Wright, 4th generation Reichian therapist who has counseled people to find their undiscovered Self and enable that Self to become whole and empowered. Seize your one precious life. Offering a complete body/mind program to develop your full potential. Wright Bodymind Therapy Center, 310/450-3396. www.wrightbodymind.com. BEGINNING WOMEN’S HEALING, 12-2 pm. Learn about your female energy and how you can heal, nourish and replenish your vitality with

your own vital female energy. Each month features a different female intuitive topic and energetic exercises to clear and restore your female energy. Taught by clairvoyant healer, Karin Fogerty. Special today: $20/class. Held on 3rd Sunday of the month. At Tara’s Garden, 1848 S. Elena, Suite A, Redondo Beach 90277. Call 702/245-2099 or email info@intuitivespirits. com. MUSIC, POETRY & SPOKEN WORD THAT SPEAKS TO THE SOUL, presented by Cantor Estherleon Schwartz, 7-9 pm performance, Q&A, reception, donations welcome. $1 of each book sold will go to the Feed the Children organization. Info: 323/653-7420, www.Estherleon. com. Cantor Schwartz will share inspiring spoken word and poetry from her newly released book, Tears of Stone and My Deal with God which chronicles her life journey through pain, growth, healing and fulfillment. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. TRANSFORM YOUR WORKING LIFE, Happy Mind, Healthy Life. A Sunday lecture series presented by Kadampa Meditation Center, 10:30 am-12 noon, $12 donation. Info: 323/223-0610, www.MeditateinLA.org. Explore how our mind affects our work and our life. Discover how you can make the hours you spend at work the most meaningful time in your life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. OPEN TOURS, LABYRINTH & GARDENS at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 12-4 pm. Experience the subtle power of the Labyrinth, enjoy the peace and seclusion of our “East Meets West” meditation gardens. Tour this 1910

LA Historical Cultural Monument. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Call Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed. THE POWER OF NOW, Eckhart Tolle DVD and meditation. At Dancing Shiva Yoga, 7466 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles (corner of Beverly & Gardner). Contact Victoria, 805/208-0484. $7 suggested donation. Group registered at www. eckharttolle.com, or visit http://etolle.meetup. com/258/. COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION GROUP led by Dr. Margie Ann Black, 9:15 am. Join the group for a journey of forgiveness that releases the flow of love into your life! Love offering. Encino Community Church, Garden Chapel, 7769 Topanga Blvd, Canoga Park. For info call 818/712-9400. SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. SUNDAY SCHOOL AT ENCINO COMMUNITY CHURCH. Fun, challenging lessons that are based on spiritual psychology. Children all ages share stories, music and artwork and talk about real-life situations and real-life solutions. 10:30 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. CORE BELIEF INTRO WORKSHOP with Sela-

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cia, discover beliefs about your relationship with yourself that prevent you from living a joyful life. Ongoing monthly evening intro seminars (focused on DNA healing & core beliefs) on the Westside by Selacia, a gifted intuitive and pioneer in DNA intuitive healing. To be invited to the next one, email Selacia@Selacia.com. Call 310/915-2884, www.Selacia.com (Free Seminar Signup). MANIFESTATION CIRCLE, 4-5:30 pm. Empower yourself to experience what you desire in life. Imagine managing your personal energy field to manifest a life you love. Bring your desires to the session and hold them silently in your mind as you learn how to apply conscious use of mental, spiritual and physical energy to manifest their outcome. Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Reservations: 818/345-1100 and online at www.theimaginecenter.com. $10 suggested donation. SUNDAY SERVICE, 10:30 am, with Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita, inclusive, Christ centered, 22900 Market St., Newhall 91321, 661/645-9503, www.silentmiracles.net. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION SERVICE, all are welcome. Sunburst Sanctuary and Retreat Center invites you to Sunday service at 10:30 am. Includes spirit-filled music, inspirational talk, meditation and prayer, followed by homemade brunch. Personal and group retreats also offered. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Profes-

HOURS: NEW: 10 am-11 pm Every Day USED: 10 am-7 pm Every Day Wheelchair Accessible

sor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call 619/280-3112.

MONDAY, DEC. 21 SPIRITUAL SELF MASTERY CLASSES, on 1st & 3rd Monday of each month, 7:30 pm. Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita. Inclusive, Christ-centered. Call for location and directions, 661/645-9503, www.silentmiracles.net. FREE! CLAIRVOYANT READINGS by appointment only with students of The Clearsight Clairvoyant Program. Please email us at info@clearsightaura.com to book your weekend appointment. Students will read your aura, your chakras, your Being-Body Connection and answer questions. (See our back cover ad.) Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Visit www.clearsightaura. com, email info@clearsightaura.com. WINTER SOLSTICE: PREPARING FOR 2012. We have 3 years left to take advantage of this amazing accelerated time of Spiritual Awakening and Consciousness Expansion that we are already living in. We are now at the leading edge of the emerging Age of Enlightenment. 7-9 pm,

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$25. With Tracey Boyer. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. REIKI HEALING NIGHT, in Glendale (La Crescenta), 6:30-9:30 pm, $10 donation, no preregistration required. Experience Reiki in an experimental and relaxed atmosphere. Discover how Reiki helps your health and stress concerns. At Tree of Life, 3608 Foothill Blvd, La Crescenta 91214 (near Glendale). Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery. com, www.ReikiMastery.com. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/8231996. MEDITATION & INNER-HEALING, a weekly Community Class, 7-8:30 pm. Looking for inspiration? Want to have more fun? We will explore ways to find the inner support necessary to help you on your path. Meditation, chanting, gentle


40 free-form movement and writing. Class size limited, please come early, start time is punctual. For info on class or private coaching, call John Strelko, 310/430-5625, www.nature-allhealing. com/1.html. At Tao Healing Arts, 2309 Main St., Santa Monica 90405, 310/581-0097. SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, spend an hour at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens doing a guided meditative process, as shared by John-Roger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. Workshop guides participants through inner attunement to Spirit and their own divinity. 7:30-8:30 pm, free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. ANGEL CITY HEALING MONDAY SPECIAL: 10% off all products today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). JOEL GOLDSMITH TAPE GROUP, led by John Drewery, 7:15-8:30 pm. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. Class is held in back classroom, enter back gate from alley, 4th bldg. north of Wilshire Blvd. Donation. MOVING INTO PEACE, QIGONG & MEDITATION CLASSES. Qi-Gong means Energy-Practice and is an ancient pathway to health and well-being. Utilizing the Universal Energy through easy and gentle movements, breathing techniques, practitioners become centered and balanced. Weekly classes offered in Canoga Park, Studio City, Sherman Oaks. Call for details, Antoinette Rohner, 818/378-3396, www. movingintopeace.com. YOGA WITH AKADUA, 7 pm, $10/class. Experience pathways to magical work with Hatha Yoga and AkaDua by yoga instructor Gerrilynne Benson. The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/6863471, www.tequihuafoundation.org/akadua. html. WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for appt, Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline. org.

TUESDAY, DEC. 22 HOW TO TALK TO YOUR ANGELS & SPIRIT GUIDES, this class offers Healings, DNA activation, communication with your Spirit Guides and Angels. 3 week class, $25/class, Dec. 8, 15 & 22. With Tamra Oviatt, MHt, MNLLP, MTT. Info: 805/506-9460, www.help-healing.com. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company

and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837.

Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. For info about Unarius teachings, call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org.

A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com.

CONDUCTED IN SPANISH, an experiential workshop based on the teachings of MSIA. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Tonie, 323/737-4055, ext. 1148, tonie@pts.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed.

TUESDAY PRAYER & MEDITATION, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates the Tuesday Evening Service. An evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, in the main building. This evening will include hands-on energy work. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. SILENT SERVERS AT THE CHURCH OF TRUTH, 9:30-10 am, minister’s office. Silent Servers confidentially prays for requests in our Prayer Box for one month, with extensions upon request. Requesters are encouraged to attend the group or join us in prayer wherever they are during this half hour. Mail prayer requests to: pray@churchoftruth.org or A Center for Awakening Consciousness, the Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 23 A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com. WEEKLY GNOSTIC MASS, celebrated according to early Gnostic tradition, every Wednesday 8:30 pm, freewill donation only, Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, website: www.gnosis.org. FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, a new workshop presented by Peace Theological Seminary. Core focus is on free-form writing, an essential, simple and very effective technique taught by John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of MSIA. Free-form writing, described in his best-selling book Spiritual Warrior, helps clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. 7:30-9 pm at Prana West, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: PTS, 323/737-1534. CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius

HEALING NIGHT, HEALING MUSIC, laying on of hands, full-body healing, done by experienced healers. 6:30-8:30 pm at New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. In back classroom, enter by back gate of parking lot in alley, 4th building north of Wilshire Blvd. Info: Bertha Taylor, 310/836-2768. Donation. Call to confirm. CHOIR PRACTICE, 7 pm. We invite you to join our choir. We have the songs, we have the robes, we have the accompanist. But only YOU have the voice. If you are interested in joining, please schedule an audition with our choir director, Dan Redfield (call for a Wed. evening appointment). A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.

THURSDAY, DEC. 24 CANDLE LIGHTING SERVICE, “Christmas Around the World,” 7 pm. A very special presentation of Christmas customs and music from around the world. First presented in 2001 and back by popular demand. Followed by a short reception with international treats offered in this service. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. MOTHER MARY CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE, for women, 5:30 pm gathering in quiet, 6-7 pm service, love offering. Honor Mary, the Mother of Jesus, in this special spiritual service of the winter season, a ceremony of quiet reverence. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www. goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS is closed today. Check out www.msia.org for our annual Christmas Eve seminar/webcast in Santa Monica at 2101 Wilshire Blvd. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/7374055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. UNITY WEST CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE, join us at 4 pm for a service of favorite Christmas music, a Responsive Reading, an Inspirational Lesson, and the Lighting of the Disciple Candles. All welcome. Unity West Church of Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/577-0000, www.unitywestchurch.org. CHRISTMAS EVE: Please confirm that regularly scheduled Thursday classes and events are taking place today. Thank you. –WPC THE VORTEX, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, a discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org.

41 UNITY WEST READING GROUP, now reading and sharing the Unity classic, Discover the Power Within You by Eric Butterworth, a valuable guide for all who are seeking a truly full way of life. It offers direct, simple answers to what Jesus himself taught about such subjects as: How to Succeed, How to Attain True Prosperity, How to Pray, How to Find Healing, and more. Held every Thursday, 7-8 pm, all welcome, love offering basis. Unity West Church of Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/5770000, www.unitywestchurch.org. EVENING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 7:30-8 pm, free. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for evening meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, offers a professional training hypnosis certification program at no charge. If you have a desire and commitment to make a difference in the world, you can make your lifelong desire a reality as a Certified Hypnotist. 4 consecutive weeks, Tues & Thurs, 7-10 pm, call for upcoming start dates. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 818/758-2720, www.hypnosis.edu. THE DEVILISH ONES: Toltec Storytelling by Koyote the Blind. “It is that black light, that darkness with eyes, that power which God has not willed…” –Eliphas Levi. By donation, 7:30 pm, by donation. The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/686-3471, www.tequihuafoundation.org/ events.html.

FRIDAY, DEC. 25 PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS is closed today. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth. org. CHRISTMAS DAY: Please confirm that regularly scheduled Friday classes and events are taking place today. Thank you. –WPC FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. FREE PERFECTSENSE PARAFFIN HAND OR FOOT add-on with any facial or body treatment




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today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www. angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for an appt and directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.

SATURDAY, DEC. 26 PARAYANA: THE WAY BEYOND, workshop series with Roger Weir, 10 am-12 noon. Workshop $30, DVDs $20, CDs $10. Info: 310/278-9668. This series covers from Jesus’ Way with Resurrection seed Mary Magdalene through St. Thomas to the Mahayana; from Hermetic, Celtic, and Arthurian Mysteries to the Vajrayana in India, China, Japan and Tibet; and from Renaissance Art of Persons and contemporary science to the new, our Parayana. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to



heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday at 7 am, Hermosa Beach, 14th St. & The Strand. Call 310/918-4700 for details. Also La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112.

SUNDAY, DEC. 27 CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Rev. Bertha Taylor, Hands On Healer and Minister. 11 am Sunday service. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. FREE TO CREATE, with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. This service will include our annual Burning Bowl Ceremony. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service, Jr. Church. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, the Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. HEALING SERVICE AND VESPERS, freewill offering only, 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month,

5 pm. Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www.gnosis.org. OPEN TOURS, LABYRINTH & GARDENS at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 12-4 pm. Experience the subtle power of the Labyrinth, enjoy the peace and seclusion of our “East Meets West” meditation gardens. Tour this 1910 LA Historical Cultural Monument. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Call Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed. THE POWER OF NOW, Eckhart Tolle DVD and meditation. At Dancing Shiva Yoga, 7466 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles (corner of Beverly & Gardner). Contact Victoria, 805/208-0484. $7 suggested donation. Group registered at www. eckharttolle.com, or visit http://etolle.meetup. com/258/. COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION GROUP led by Dr. Margie Ann Black, 9:15 am. Join the group for a journey of forgiveness that releases the flow of love into your life! Love offering. Encino Community Church, Garden Chapel, 7769 Topanga Blvd, Canoga Park. For info call 818/712-9400. SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Can-

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yon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. SUNDAY SCHOOL AT ENCINO COMMUNITY CHURCH. Fun, challenging lessons that are based on spiritual psychology. Children all ages share stories, music and artwork and talk about real-life situations and real-life solutions. 10:30 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. CORE BELIEF INTRO WORKSHOP with Selacia, discover beliefs about your relationship with yourself that prevent you from living a joyful life. Ongoing monthly evening intro seminars (focused on DNA healing & core beliefs) on the Westside by Selacia, a gifted intuitive and pioneer in DNA intuitive healing. To be invited to the next one, email Selacia@Selacia.com. Call 310/915-2884, www.Selacia.com (Free Seminar Signup). MANIFESTATION CIRCLE, 4-5:30 pm. Empower yourself to experience what you desire in life. Imagine managing your personal energy field to manifest a life you love. Bring your desires to the session and hold them silently in your mind as you learn how to apply conscious use of mental, spiritual and physical energy to manifest their outcome. Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Reservations: 818/345-1100 and online at www.theimaginecenter.com. $10 suggested donation. SUNDAY SERVICE, 10:30 am, with Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita, inclusive, Christ centered, 22900 Market St., Newhall 91321, 661/645-9503, www.silentmiracles.net.

SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION SERVICE, all are welcome. Sunburst Sanctuary and Retreat Center invites you to Sunday service at 10:30 am. Includes spirit-filled music, inspirational talk, meditation and prayer, followed by homemade brunch. Personal and group retreats also offered. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call 619/280-3112.

MONDAY, DEC. 28 SOUL SISTERS WOMEN’S GROUP, 7-8:30 pm, $10, includes refreshments. Meet and spend some sacred time with like-minded people. Fun, food, sacred ritual and ceremony, great discussions. Women of all ages. Tree of Life Center, 3608 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta 91214,

626/353-3802, www.tlctreeoflifecenter.com. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/8231996. MEDITATION & INNER-HEALING, a weekly Community Class, 7-8:30 pm. Looking for inspiration? Want to have more fun? We will explore ways to find the inner support necessary to help you on your path. Meditation, chanting, gentle free-form movement and writing. Class size limited, please come early, start time is punctual. For info on class or private coaching, call John Strelko, 310/430-5625, www.nature-allhealing. com/1.html. At Tao Healing Arts, 2309 Main St., Santa Monica 90405, 310/581-0097. SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, spend an hour at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens doing a guided meditative process, as shared by John-Roger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. Workshop guides partici-



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pants through inner attunement to Spirit and their own divinity. 7:30-8:30 pm, free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. ANGEL CITY HEALING MONDAY SPECIAL: 10% off all products today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). JOEL GOLDSMITH TAPE GROUP, led by John Drewery, 7:15-8:30 pm. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. Class is held in back classroom, enter back gate from alley, 4th bldg. north of Wilshire Blvd. Donation. MOVING INTO PEACE, QIGONG & MEDITATION CLASSES. Qi-Gong means Energy-Practice and is an ancient pathway to health and well-being. Utilizing the Universal Energy through easy and gentle movements, breathing techniques, practitioners become centered and balanced. Weekly classes offered in Canoga Park, Studio City, Sherman Oaks. Call for details, Antoinette Rohner, 818/378-3396, www. movingintopeace.com. YOGA WITH AKADUA, 7 pm, $10/class. Experience pathways to magical work with Hatha Yoga and AkaDua by yoga instructor Gerrilynne Ben-

son. The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/6863471, visit www.tequihuafoundation.org/akadua.html. WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for appt, Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline. org.

TUESDAY, DEC. 29 AN EVENING WITH JAMES WANLESS, creator of the Voyager Tarot, 7-9 pm, $15. He will talk about the tarot in general and how his deck allows you to achieve your vision and dreams, creating the success you desire. Even if you have never delved before into the mysteries of the tarot, you will find his deck enlightening and easy to use. Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, 310/399-7070. Visit www. mysticjourneybookstore.com. MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teach-

er-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com. TUESDAY PRAYER & MEDITATION, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates the Tuesday Evening Service. An evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, in the main building. This evening will include hands-on energy work. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. SILENT SERVERS AT THE CHURCH OF TRUTH, 9:30-10 am, minister’s office. Silent Servers confidentially prays for requests in our Prayer Box for one month, with extensions upon request. Requesters are encouraged to attend the group or join us in prayer wherever they are during this half hour. Mail prayer requests to: pray@churchoftruth.org or A Center for Awakening Consciousness, the Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 30 THE COMPASSIONATE COMMUNICATION PRACTICE GROUP meets every other Wednesday, 7-9 pm, with Tom Armbruster. This group is


UNTAPPED SOURCE OF PEACE Untappped source of peace, The only real hope Is to draw upon the collective wisdom of women. Those with direct experience of the cost of war: The life of child, grandchild, sibling, spouse. The loss of limb or mind of someone near and dear, The loss of laughter, the pervasiveness of fear, The loss of hope for the future.

Untapped source of peace, Those who know of domestic violence: Seen the effect of bullying on sons, Seen daughters become silent, Seen light go out in their eyes. Those who know That when every child matters, When none are hungry, abused or discounted The world will become a kinder place For us all. Untapped source of peace, Women with empathy Who live in a world apart, Are safe, loved, and fortunate, Yet can imagine Being helpless, beaten, and raped, Then forced to bear a child Conceived in violence. Women who know in their hearts That what happens to any woman Anywhere Could happen to them. Untapped source of peace, Women who see loved ones filled with vengeance and hate, Hypervigilant, fear-ridden, or afraid to sleep Because of the nighmares. Husbands, brothers, sons, and now daughters Home from wars, Bearing little resemblance to who they could have been In a peaceful world. Untapped source of peace, Women in circles, Women connecting, Women together Bringing the sacred feminine, Maternal instinct, sister archetype, Mother power Into the world. ~Jean Shinoda Bolen

Jean Shinoda Bolen, M. D, is a psychiatrist, Jungian analyst, and an internationally known author and speaker who draws from spiritual, feminist, Jungian, medical and personal wellsprings of experience. She is the author of The Tao of Psychology, Goddesses in Everywoman, Gods in Everyman, Ring of Power, Crossing to Avalon, Close to the Bone, The Millionth Circle, Goddesses in Older Women, Crones Don’t Whine and Urgent Message from Mother. www.jeanbolen.com and www.5wcw.org


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geared to those who have attended at least one of the Basic NVC workshops and want to meet on a regular basis. Info: Tom at 626/798-1854 or tomscats@charter.net. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com. WEEKLY GNOSTIC MASS, celebrated according to early Gnostic tradition, every Wednesday 8:30 pm, freewill donation only, Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, website: www.gnosis.org. FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, a new workshop presented by Peace Theological Seminary. Core focus is on free-form writing, an essential, simple and very effective technique taught by John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of MSIA. Free-form writing, described in his best-selling book Spiritual Warrior, helps clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. 7:30-9 pm at Prana West, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: PTS, 323/737-1534. CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. For info about Unarius teachings, call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org. CONDUCTED IN SPANISH, an experiential workshop based on the teachings of MSIA. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Tonie, 323/737-4055, ext. 1148, tonie@pts.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed. DREAMS 101 (held every other Wednesday). Learn basic techniques on how to recognize dream symbols, how to maneuver through a dream, points to look for and how to record your dreams. Bring your dreams for discussion and interpretation. In each group new dream symbols and lots of hands-on experience are given. 7-8:30 pm, $10/person, with Michelle Francine. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824, www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. HEALING NIGHT, HEALING MUSIC, laying on of hands, full-body healing, done by experienced healers. 6:30-8:30 pm at New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. In back classroom, enter by back gate of parking lot in alley, 4th building north of Wilshire Blvd. Info: Bertha Taylor, 310/836-2768. Donation. Call to confirm. CHOIR PRACTICE, 7 pm. We invite you to join our choir. We have the songs, we have the robes, we have the accompanist. But only YOU have the voice. If you are interested in joining, please schedule an audition with our choir director, Dan Redfield (call for a Wed. evening appointment).

A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.

THURSDAY, DEC. 31 LIGHT AND RENEWAL RETREAT, Dec. 31-Jan. 3 at Sunburst Sanctuary. Project a positive New Year. Learn the liberating art and science of Kriya meditation. Awaken to the divine light and presence within you. Refresh your spirit amidst abundant natural beauty. Call for more information and suggested donations; reserve early. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org, email contactus@SunburstOnling.org. NOON TIME MEDITATION, open to all faiths, noon-1 pm, in the Library of Yale Hall. Facilitated by Rev. Suzanne Commons, who is also available for Spiritual Counseling from 1-3 pm. this weekly hour of various types of meditation takes place at A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. SACRED TONES EVENING, 8-10 pm. Let go of the old and bring in the new with loving and chanting the names of God. Facilitated by MSIA President, Paul Kaye, DSS. Refreshments served. Free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. IPSB MASSAGE TECHNICIAN COURSE, register now for class starting January 11 and 13. Become a professional massage practitioner, learn holistic bodywork techniques, state approved, CE units for RNs. Advance registration required. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. FULL MOON DRUM NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY, for men, women and young persons over 13, 7-9 pm, doors open 6:30 pm, $10/person or 2 for $10 if you arrive at the door with a friend. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www. goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. THE VORTEX, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, a discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org. UNITY WEST READING GROUP, now reading and sharing the Unity classic, Discover the Power Within You by Eric Butterworth, a valuable guide for all who are seeking a truly full way of life. It offers direct, simple answers to what Jesus himself taught about such subjects as: How to Succeed, How to Attain True Prosperity, How to Pray, How to Find Healing, and more. Held every Thursday, 7-8 pm, all welcome, love offering basis. Unity West Church of Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/5770000, www.unitywestchurch.org. EVENING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 7:30-8 pm, free. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for evening meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528,

47 www.SunburstOnline.org. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, offers a professional training hypnosis certification program at no charge. If you have a desire and commitment to make a difference in the world, you can make your lifelong desire a reality as a Certified Hypnotist. 4 consecutive weeks, Tues & Thurs, 7-10 pm, call for upcoming start dates. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 818/758-2720, www.hypnosis.edu. THE DEVILISH ONES: Toltec Storytelling by Koyote the Blind. “It is that black light, that darkness with eyes, that power which God has not willed…” –Eliphas Levi. By donation, 7:30 pm, by donation. The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/686-3471, www.tequihuafoundation.org/ events.html.

ONGOING EVENTS SUNDAYS GNOSTIC MASS, celebrated according to early Gnostic tradition, every Sunday 11 am, freewill donation only, Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, website: http:// www.gnosis.org. SUNDAY MEDITATION, 10:30 am. We invite you to join together in the Silence of Meditation to experience the Living Presence of God, to raise consciousness and to prepare our Sanctuary for the service to follow. Doors open at 10:50 am for regular service. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, The Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org. BECOME THE VISIONARY ARTIST YOU WANT TO BE through the development of your creative and clairvoyant abilities as taught in Unarius. Inspirational art classes are held on Sundays in El Cajon. Call Unarius at 800/475-7062 for information about class sessions, fees, and a supply list. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. AKADUA FREE HEALING CLINIC, 1 pm, free. AkaDua is a transformative substance transmitted into the body. When activated, it creates

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Musings (continued from page 5 ) “positive deviance,” the second is “narrative therapy” and the third is “appreciative inquiry.” (not in any order of importance, they are all great) One of the most compelling examples of this approach is the work of Jerry and Monique Sternin in Vietnam on the issue of child malnutrition. Rather than playing the role of outside experts and trying to identify and correct the flaws in Vietnam’s food distribution system, the Sternins adopted a strategy of appreciative questions and deep listening. Was it possible, they asked, for a poor mother to have a health baby? When someone said yes, they would find the mother in question, and ask her to teach them about the way she fed her child. What came out were “positive deviant” practices, successful ways of growing, cooking and feeding food that diverged from the norm. Following the trail of this information, the Sternins developed a compendium of these already available improvements (such as growing small shrimp in the water of rice paddies). They took that information and used it to launch a mother-to-mother cooking school and mutual support movement that spread across South Asia, changing the nutritional status of millions of children. In terms of lessons learned, deep listening and questions about positive possibilities have got to be at the top of the list. As one who participated in the Vietnam war, I was astounded to hear Robert McNamara, the principal architect of that war, confess late in his life that the reason the Vietnam war dragged on for so many years was partly because his team made no effort to understand the North Vietnamese, what they were thinking, how they were seeing their own situation. We assumed we knew everything we needed to know about them, and had no need to listen to them. As a result of this we were at a loss as to how to negotiate with the North Vietnamese in order to bring the war to close in a way that could even begin to satisfy both sides. Having classified them as evil, and ourselves as the noble opponents of evil, we had no reason to try to see the world through their eyes, even though that might have saved the lives of thousands of our own troops.

ing. This is an amazing time to be alive as a human being, because this is the first time in human evolution (so far as we know) that the power of tools has increased more than a million-fold in the lifetime of a single tool user. The computer that sits on my desk is a million times faster than the calculating machines that existed on the day I was born. The plutonium in a nuclear warhead is 3.5 million times more explosives than the waxy blocks of TNT plus ammonium nitrate that it replaces, a change that happened in the first four years of my life. The challenge, as I see it, is that we also need to become 3.5 million

THE HYPERBOLIC ELBOW OF HUMAN TOOLMAKING Over these past twenty years of writing, teaching and anti-nuclear campaigning, there is a theme to which I keep returning and it has to with toolmak-

COMMUNICATION SKILLS AS EMERGENT EVOLUTION My work on communication skills, which eventually produced The Seven Challenges Workbook, was my effort to take the underlying themes of nonviolence

The challenge, as I see it, is that we also need to become 3.5 million times kinder and wiser, and we need to make that shift fairly soon. times kinder and wiser, and we need to make that shift happen fairly soon. I don’t know how the shift will happen, but it seems to me that this is the big challenge of being alive right now. This is what the universe is asking of us; this is the predicament that our own extremely successful toolmaking has created. It is not clear to me if we will be able to catch up with our runaway toolmaking, but it does seem infinitely worth trying. There is a curve in mathematics called a hyperbola; it maps the equation X times Y equals one, and it has the shape of a half flexed human arm. The horizontal part of the curve slowly increases over a wide range of values, then it makes a sudden upward turn and takes off toward infinity. It appears that you and I are living in the hyperbolic elbow of human toolmaking. Can we steer human toolmaking toward life and away from death? That is the question on our galactic SAT test.

training and translate them into a positive program for everyday living. Nonviolence gets a lot of its sense of moral seriousness by looking back at one or another horrific atrocities. But it is very difficult to move forward if you’re looking back. Being disgusted with violence and opposing violence are beautiful first steps on the path toward peace, but the path calls us onward, way onward. When I study the lives of Gandhi, King and Archbishop Romero, I see five virtues woven together into a beautiful braid: compassion, courage, honesty, creativity and a penetrating clarity of thought that allows a person to understand the fundamental interweaving of self with others. Gandhi challenged his followers to grapple with first principles such as “violent means cannot produce good ends; the means are the ends.” I like to think of communication skills as a kind of human fractal. A fractal is a pattern in nature that repeats again and again at larger or smaller scales: the way streams run together, and rivers run together, and blood vessels run together, and nerve fibers run together. It’s all the same pattern; one that nature uses again and again. In a parallel way, the same processes of positive communication are to be found wherever you turn in human life. For example; listening more attentively, asking open-ended questions, expressing your needs more clearly, expressing appreciation more specifically, and so on, are the things you need to do in order to have a happy marriage, or raise a happy child. It’s what we need to do to have a successful team at work, to solve problems in our communities, or to help our world. The same can be said for the five radiant virtues of my nonviolent heroes: compassion, courage, honesty, creativity and clarity of thought. I see these as the emergent virtues of our human life; what every human being strives for (whether they know it or not). This is ultimately what every family strives for, and each couple, and what every business is working toward. It’s what every nation and political party would be striving for as well, if they knew any better. Now, if you do a Google search on the words, “communication skills,” you will find The Seven Challenges Workbook at number six or seven out of 66 million pages that mention communication skills. People have asked me; “Why do you give this away?” Well, in this section I am going to describe the principles that I have tried to follow in sharing my work with the world. We never know all the causes that lead anything to happen, and our ideas about which factors were the


most important are mostly informed guesses. But, here are my reasons for doing this the way I do it; I hope it may inspire you to give your own gifts freely to the world:


. In your area of concern and service, find people who are doing their best work and find a way to help and support them. As you lift up their excellence, you yourself will be lifted, and filled with new inspirations and understandings. This might include listing their websites on your website, or listing their articles on your articles page, or getting to know them personally and finding some more involved way of helping.


. Give away as much as you possibly can. We all need to earn a living, but we also need a planet that we can live on, and a society we can live in. As you give away everything you possibly can, you’re simply taking care of the wider ranges of the planet and society in which you yourself want to find fulfillment. Also; don’t wait for someone to hire you. To get kind of biblical about it... you are what you earn. Your deepest worth has nothing, I repeat, nothing, to do with what someone will pay you. Sing your songs today. Write your novel today, even if you are the only person who ever reads it. Write for God. Sing for the Milky Way. Only by giving yourself completely to the creative process that is calling to you will your talents unfold. Don’t let the people with money hypnotize you into putting your creative development on hold.

3originality. . Concentrate on excellence rather than By way of analogy, you do not

need to invent water, you simply need to bring water to the thirsty people with whatever container you can make. Most of what I have to say about communication skills has already been said by somebody else. I try to honor their contributions on every page. Yet, people write to me year after year telling me my Seven Challenges Workbook is the best introduction to communication skills they have ever found. I am thrilled to be part of a process that includes the work of so many great thinkers. Don’t be afraid to copy the work of people you admire. As the extraordinary artist, Salvador Dalí once said: nobody every became anybody without copying somebody.

4rather. Think of your talents as a garden than as a statue. If you imagine that your talents are a fixed inheritance, then you need to be perfect right away, and you

have hardly any incentive to practice or to learn from your mistakes. On the other hand, if you think of your talents as a garden, then every mistake you make is an opportunity for improvement, rather than a shattering of your self-image, and there is no shame in continuous learning. Quite to the contrary, continuous learning will be your path to success.


. Believe in your dream and follow your inner sense of rightness. So many of the major inventions and artistic breakthroughs of the last centuries happened far from bureaucratic structures of authority in school, business or government. Think Apple creators, Steven Jobs and Steve Wosnick, building the Apple 1 in their garage. Or, Frank Herbert, whose Dune was turned down by over 20 publishers before it went on to becoming the best-selling science fiction novel in publishing history. Think of Van Gogh; living hand to mouth during his lifetime, whose paintings are now valued in the hundreds of millions. We now recognize him as one of the world’s truly great, original artists. The moral of these examples is that we cannot know in advance what effect our actions will have in the world. Our task is to make our offering, then let the tides of evolution sort out whatever is useful. Most of my examples involve a lot of practice. Van Gogh produced two thousand works of art in his brief career. Frank Herbert spent five years writing Dune. Wozniak and Jobs were deeply committed to their computer experiments. The lesson here is to prepare, practice, offer your best effort, again and again, and (to paraphrase Gandhi) leave the results to Mother Universe. Let me close with a little parable about profusion processes in nature, like the spreading of pollen on the wind, inspired by Paul Hawken’s book, Blessed Unrest. Once upon a time a child was lost in a forest. And the whole town went searching for her, all thousand residents. And they searched in a thousand different directions until one person found the lost child. We can’t say on the basis of this story that since one person found a child, the next time a child is lost in the forest the village only needs to send out one person. All the people who searched in every which direction were part of the searching process. All of us, who offer our profuse efforts on behalf of the highest good of all, are all part of Life’s great searching for a way forward. Without all these offerings, the way forward will not be found.

Dennis Rivers is a writer, part-time college professor, communication skills trainer, and Web programmer. He holds a BS degree in business from UCLA, a BA in religious studies from UC Santa Barbara, and an MA interpersonal communication from the Vermont College Graduate Program. Dennis has written or edited five books, the most popular of which is The Seven Challenges Workbook, available at www.newconversations.net as a free PDF in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Dennis reaches about ten thousand people a month with his communication-related training materials. Over the past ten years The Seven Challenges Workbook has been downloaded in whole or in part by half a million readers in more than 120 countries. Dennis is also an active writer, editor, web publisher and video streamer in several other areas, including liberation theology (www.liberationtheology. org), human rights (www.SupportGenevaCconventions.info), ecology (www.TurnTowardLife.TV), and the evolution of prayer and meditation (www.Prayer-Evolving.net). Dennis Rivers is the creator and/or editor of the following web sites: www.NewConversations.net www.ConversacionesNuevas.net (Spanish) www.ComunicarMelhor.org (Portuguese) www.LiberationTheology.org www.Prayer-Evolving.net ww.TurnedTowardLife.org www.EarthLight.org www.NoNukes.org www.SupportGenevaConventions.org www.KarunaBooks.net www.HumanDevelopmentBooks.com www.EarthHouseCenter.org www.BreakthroughCommunities.info For a complete listing of Dennis Rivers’ books and articles available free of charge in PDF format, please visit: www.karunabooks.net/rivers/ For more information about positive deviance please visit: www.fastcompany. com/magazine/41/sternin.html www.positivedeviance.org/

50 energy field for healing, art, spiritual work. Free AkaDua healing. Held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. Info: The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/686-3471, www.tequihuafoundation. org/akadua.html. MANIFESTATION CIRCLE, 4-5:30 pm. Empower yourself to experience what you desire in life. Imagine managing your personal energy field to manifest a life you love. Bring your desires to the session and hold them silently in your mind as you learn how to apply conscious use of mental, spiritual and physical energy to manifest their outcome. Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Reservations: 818/345-1100 and online at www.theimaginecenter.com. $10 suggested donation. BEGINNING WOMEN’S HEALING, 12-2 pm. Learn about your female energy and how you can heal, nourish and replenish your vitality with your own vital female energy. Each month a different female intuitive topic and energetic exercises to clear and restore your female energy. Taught by clairvoyant healer, Karin Fogerty. $30/ class or $25 if preregistered, 3rd Sunday of the month. (Special this month: only $20 for Dec. 20 class.) At Tara’s Garden, 1848 S. Elena, Suite A, Redondo Beach 90277. Call 702/245-2099 or email info@intuitivespirits.com. SUNDAY SERVICE AT THE GODDESS TEMPLE of Orange County. Main Sunday Goddess Service takes place 11 am-12:30 pm with focus on different theme and goddess each Sunday (call for upcoming schedule). Temple doors open at 10 am. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/6510564, www.goddesstempleoforangecounty. com. CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. Sunday classes are live streamed via the Internet. For info about Unarius teachings, call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org. SUNDAY SERVICE, 10:30 am, with Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita, inclusive, Christ centered, 22900 Market St., Newhall 91321, 661/645-9503, www.silentmiracles.net. CLARITY! A clear mind. A clear life. How appealing! Difficulties disappear with Vernon Howard’s self-freeing insights. Classes every Sunday at 10 am, New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. Info: 714/8999300, www.anewlife.org. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. BURNING BOWL CEREMONY, held each Sunday after service at Unity West Santa Monica. This Unity tradition, started in the 1940s, is for

release, a time for forgiving ourselves and others, so healing and the new journey can begin. Without peace in our hearts, there can be no peace in the world. Follows Sunday service that begins 9:10 a.m. Rev. Lee Lakso, minister. Unity West Church of Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/577-0000, www.unitywestchurch.org. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call 619/280-3112. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION SERVICE, all are welcome. Sunburst Sanctuary and Retreat Center invites you to Sunday service at 10:30 am. Includes spirit-filled music, inspirational talk, meditation and prayer, followed by homemade brunch. Personal and group retreats also offered. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. CIRCLE OF HEALING & GROUP CHANNELING with Selacia and The Council of 12. Participate for personal and planetary healing, self-renewal and increased clarity about today’s oftentimes confusing world. Evening includes world peace process and guided channeled meditation. Advance sign-up required. In Santa Monica, 7:30 pm Saturdays, 7 pm Sundays, $25, call for dates. Private channeling sessions also available. Call 310/915-2884, www.Selacia.com (workshops). To receive announcements, email Selacia@Selacia.com.


TANTRIC DANCE OF FEMININE POWER with Nita Rubio, 11 am-2 pm. For women of all levels of experience to deepen into the mystery of the Divine Feminine. Contact instructor for cost, must be registered in advance to attend, 310/560-6225. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www.goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.

TUESDAYS ONGOING CLASSES FOR LIGHT WORKERS & MINISTERIAL STUDENTS, 7 pm. Call for titles and info about upcoming classes. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. TUESDAY PRAYER & MEDITATION, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates the Tuesday Evening Service. An evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, in the main building. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905. Visit our website at www.churchoftruth.org.

YOGA WITH AKADUA, 7 pm, $10/class. Experience pathways to magical work with Hatha Yoga and AkaDua by yoga instructor Gerrilynne Benson. The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/6863471, www.tequihuafoundation.org/akadua. html.

BEGINNER TAROT, led by Wendy Kashefi. Now you can read too! Learn to interpret the cards, how to ask questions and bring it all together. 79 pm at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Call 818/345-1100 to register or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. $35/lesson. (Note: Beginner Tarot moves to Thursdays beginning January 7.)

SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz.

SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz.

MEDITATION & INNER-HEALING, a weekly Community Class, 7-8:30 pm. Looking for inspiration? Want to have more fun? We will explore ways to find the inner support necessary to help you on your path. Meditation, chanting, gentle free-form movement and writing. Class size limited, please come early, start time is punctual. For info on class or private coaching, call John Strelko, 310/430-5625, www.nature-allhealing. com/1.html. At Tao Healing Arts, 2309 Main St., Santa Monica 90405, 310/581-0097.

BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, offers a professional training hypnosis certification program at no charge. If you have a desire and commitment to make a difference in the world, you can make your lifelong desire a reality as a Certified Hypnotist. 4 weeks, Tues & Thurs, 7-10 pm (call for upcoming start dates). Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/4799464, www.hypnosis.edu.

FREE CLASSES at Hypnosis Motivation Institute-Tarzana, SFV. Self Hypnosis, Mental Bank, Relationship Strategies, Energy Healing, Hypnosis and Weight Loss, Therapeutic Imagery, Past Life Regression. Held every Monday at HMI-Tarzana, 7-9 pm, free parking. Call Romy at 818/758-2747 to RSVP and for topic.

WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for an appt and directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40


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miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.

WEDNESDAYS WAKINGUPINAMERICA.COM RADIO is 23 this year! Listeners say we’re relevant and inspiring with great guests. Join us Wednesdays at noon California time, 310/455-8623. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz. CLARITY! A clear mind. A clear life. How appealing! Difficulties disappear with Vernon Howard’s self-freeing insights. Classes every Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Neighborhood Church, 301 N Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, $3 donation. 714/8999300, www.anewlife.org. ANGEL CITY HEALING SPECIAL: 10% off all treatments on Wednesdays. Angel City Healing

is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). HEALING NIGHT, HEALING MUSIC, laying on of hands, full-body healing, done by experienced healers. 6:30-8:30 pm at New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. In back classroom, enter by back gate of parking lot in alley, 4th building north of Wilshire Blvd. Info: Bertha Taylor, 310/836-2768. Donation. Call to confirm.

and anxiety. Learn what is the source of negative energy and how you can still flourish and prosper in times of economic stress. Based on L. Ron Hubbard’s book, The Problems of Work. Hands-on workshop, call to reserve, 818/2479822. 222-1/2 N. Brand Blvd., Glendale 91203. CHOIR PRACTICE, 7 pm. We invite you to join our choir. We have the songs, we have the robes, we have the accompanist. But only YOU have the voice. If you are interested in joining, please schedule an audition with our choir director, Dan Redfield (call for a Wed. evening appointment). A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.


CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. (Sunday classes are live streamed via the Internet.) For info about Unarius teachings, call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org.

THE DEVILISH ONES: Toltec Storytelling by Koyote the Blind. “It is that black light, that darkness with eyes, that power which God has not willed…” –Eliphas Levi. By donation, 7:30 pm, by donation. The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/686-3471, www.tequihuafoundation.org/ events.html.

CONDUCTED IN SPANISH, an experiential workshop based on the teachings of MSIA. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Tonie, 323/737-4055, ext. 1148, tonie@pts.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed.

DARSHAN THURSDAYS, 7:30-9 pm. Talks by Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya on the subject of spiritual awakening, how to achieve it, and how to apply it in daily life. By donation, The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net.

HOW TO EXPAND YOUR LIFE IN SPITE OF ECONOMIC STRESS, free seminar, 7 pm (call for upcoming dates). Learn simple techniques to help handle any overwhelming feelings of stress

SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expres-

52 sion while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz.

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NOON TIME MEDITATION, open to all faiths, noon-1 pm, in the Library of Yale Hall. Facilitated by Rev. Suzanne Commons, who is also available for Spiritual Counseling from 1-3 pm. this weekly hour of various types of meditation takes place at A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. A NEW EARTH by Eckhart Tolle. Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 10 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, offers a professional training hypnosis certification program at no charge. If you have a desire and commitment to make a difference in the world, you can make your lifelong desire a reality as a Certified Hypnotist. 4 consecutive weeks, Tues & Thurs, 7-10 pm, call for upcoming start dates. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 818/758-2720, www.hypnosis.edu.

FRIDAYS DATING & RELATIONSHIP PLAYSHOP FOR GODS & GODDESSES, members learn to achieve egalitarian relationships and to respect, adore and cherish themselves (inner child) and their mates/spouses. Facilitated by Anthony Rogers, MSW, in Santa Monica. 6-7:30 pm Fridays. Call 310/386-1808 or email Lifecoachacr@aol.com for info or to schedule an intake session. CLARITY! A clear mind. A clear life. How appealing! Difficulties disappear with Vernon Howard’s self-freeing insights. Classes every Friday at 8 pm, New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. Info: 714/8999300, www.anewlife.org. FRIDAY NIGHT CAFÉ, LIVE MUSIC! Open house and tour. Call for upcoming dates. Complimentary dinner with delicious deserts will be served. Enjoy live music (jazz, acoustic, rock, alternative) throughout the evening until midnight. Open Mic so come and share your music. 7 pm, call to reserve your seat, 818/247-9822. 222-1/2 N. Brand Blvd., Glendale 91203. FREE PERFECTSENSE PARAFFIN HAND OR FOOT add-on with any facial or body treatment today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www. angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for an

appt and directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz.

SATURDAYS SANSKRIT MANTRA CHANTING CLASS with Psychic Palmist of India Professor Sasi Velupillai and Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, Directors of the Vedic Healing Institute. Explore the benefits of sacred sound meditation through ancient Sanskrit chants from India for empowerment, manifestation, prosperity and spiritual growth. Includes instruction, manual, time working with mantras, video and audio recordings, and traditional vedic initiation into mantras. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.vedichealinginstitute. com. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. Improve your mental and physical health by learning this gentle, stress-reducing Meditation in Movement. Beginners, 9-10:30 am; includes Qi Gong breathing and energy exercises, instruction in Traditional Long Yang form of T’ai Chi. Individualized corrections promote improved posture, strength, balance and coordination. At Douglas Park in Santa Monica (at Wilshire and Chelsea, 2 blocks W of 26th St.). Sifu Spraker has taught internationally for over 37 years. (Note: No class Dec. 26 or Jan. 2.) For info, fees & enrollment: 310/4793646. www.alexandertaichi.com. CIRCLE OF HEALING & GROUP CHANNELING with Selacia and The Council of 12. Participate for personal and planetary healing, self-renewal and increased clarity about today’s oftentimes confusing world. Evening includes world peace process and guided channeled meditation. Advance sign-up required. In Santa Monica, 7:30 pm Saturdays, 7 pm Sundays, $25, call for dates. Private channeling sessions also available. Call 310/915-2884, www.Selacia.com (workshops). To receive announcements, email Selacia@Selacia.com. VEDIC PUJA CEREMONIES with Psychic Palmist of India Professor Sasi and Reiki Master Alexandra Juliania, Directors of the Vedic Healing Institute. Join us in a group “puja” or purification ceremony based on ancient Indian tradition, using Sanskrit mantras, meditation, prayers, devotional singing and rituals to help move energies


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����������������������������������������������� and create change in your life. 310/397-2405, 310/842-6087, www.vedichealinginstitute.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday at 7 am, Hermosa Beach, 14th St. & The Strand. Call 310/918-4700 for details. Also La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112. WEEKEND CLASSES WITH JESSICA MILLER, Reiki Master, Teacher. Call for upcoming schedule. Also: private weekday classes available (if 2+ students). Classes in Pasadena and Santa Monica. 626/963-3533, www.ReikiMastery. com, email jess@ReikiMastery.com. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com.

EVERYDAY Bodywork / Massage CRANIAL SACRAL THERAPY & TRANSFORMATIONAL BODY WORK offered by Dr. Donna Lee, Msc.D., NHD. For more information call 818/264-5426, or visit www.integratedbeing. net.

WATER RELEASE THERAPY with Diane Feingold, Lic. WABA, WRTB, AMTA therapist and instructor. Includes Watsu®, WaterDance, Breath, Deep Presence, Somatic Release and Yoga. Private sessions, intensives and trainings, held at Healing Waters in Santa Barbara, a beautiful in-ground 97-degree Aquatic Watsu pool in a private garden setting. Gift certificates available. 805/569-7047, www.dianefeingold.com. ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE taught by Lana Spraker, MA, AmSAT certified teacher. Give the gift of Freedom from Pain to someone you love this holiday season. With the Alexander Technique you learn how to move with greater ease, without pain and thus more energy. The Technique is taught one-to-one with gentle hands-on guidance in order to reeducate your neuro-muscular coordination. Clinical studies in the British Medical Journal report the Alexander Technique as the best method for long-term relief from chronic pain. For enquiries about private instruction call 310/479-3646 or visit www. alexandertaichi.com. REIKI HEALING INTRO NIGHTS with Jessica Miller in Santa Monica, Glendora, Pasadena, Glendale/La Crescenta area, $20 donation. Stress reduction and relaxation through Ki healing energy. Relaxed, casual atmosphere, questions welcomed. See me on YouTube! www. ReikiMastery.com. For info call 626/963-3533 or email jess@ReikiMastery.com. HAND REFLEXOLOGY: BEGINNING HANDSON WORKSHOP. Hand Reflexology is as effective as Foot Reflexology for relief of many inter-

nal health problems. Learn the latest knowledge and techniques from around the world. Classes conducted on the West Side. American Academy of Reflexology, state approved school. Bill Flocco, Director. Toll-free: 866/588-8885. ReflexologyEdu@aol.com. visit www.AmericanAcademyofReflexology.com. ACUPRESSURE THERAPY, stress relieving, available from Antoinette Rohner, 818/3783396. www.movingintopeace.com. EAR REFLEXOLOGY: BEGINNING HANDS-ON WORKSHOP. The ears are amazing for relief of pain and musculoskeletal problems. Learn the latest from China, France and USA. Classes conducted on the West Side. American Academy of Reflexology, state approved school. Bill Flocco, Director. Toll-free: 866/588-8885. ReflexologyEdu@aol.com. www.AmericanAcademyofReflexology.com.

Books / Music / Media FREE ON-LINE STREAMING VIDEO SEMINAR: SUCCESS, HAPPINESS & PROSPERITY in Less Than 5 Minutes Per Day! Nationally accredited College of Hypnotherapy offers this Streaming Video seminar for free at www.MyMentalBank. com. Introducing the Mental Bank Program, a dramatic demonstration of how all luck, good and bad, is a product of the powerful forces of your subconscious mind. Info: Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www.hypnosis. edu. FREE SAMPLES OF MP3 AUDIO RECORDINGS


Women (continued from page 7)

Change Your Life Just A Little To Feel Much Better Whether we want to our not, most of us get caught up fast-paced striving and driving for material things. Doing and getting seem far more important than simply being. The truth is, people who do too much often end up doing too little of what really matters. They spend their lives buzzing from one chore to the next, instead of focusing on what is really meaningful. Most of us fail to take the time to stop, listen and discover what we want or need that will bring us peace or contentment. In addition to not bothering to stop, many of us live lopsided lives. We’re either heavily into our kids, work or shopping, and ignore or forget that we do have core values and real priorities. Some of us are devoted to keeping a perfectly organized home; others work all of the time and forget what it feels like to play and just hang with friends. This creates an imbalance. Extreme behaviors can drain you, deplete your immune system, and sometimes cause emotional illness as well. And sadly, you end up not being the greatest person to be around. You may even find you stop liking yourself! Cultivating friendships, relationships and a sense of belonging is essential to all levels of health. Humans are social animals. Your mental health — your happiness, self-esteem, and ability to create, love, and work — is influenced greatly by your relationships with others. Several recent studies indicate that a sense of belonging predicted better health for women. This suggests that connections with others is a key component for well-being. All of the material things in the world cannot replace the feelings of being in a rewarding relationship. On an essential level, that’s what truly matters the most. In other words, lower the bar and relax. You don’t need to be perfect. Perfectionism is something that consumes a huge amount of energy while creating stress and anxiety. Perfectionism stems

from the need to control. Sometimes, when the “emotional you” feels out of control, your knee-jerk reaction is to grab more control. It’s a full-time job to keep up the appearance of having it all together. This creates even more stress. Before you know it, you may turn into an angry control-monster that no one wants to be around. Enough!

Soul Time It is time to appreciate your inner beauty, to discover your purpose, and your soulful reason for living. This is a wonderful opportunity to grow and explore, but it is often ignored. In your thirties and forties your eyes turn outwards. You focus on family, children and your home. You nurture everyone else. In your mid-to-late forties, as the kids grow up, or if you don’t have kids, as you move towards fifty, you inevitably find yourself asking some pretty big questions. You realize you are stuck with yourself! “Who am I?” you wonder. Suddenly, your eyes turn inwards. Do you even know yourself? Have you ever really been with yourself? What makes you, you? What do you love? What gives you pleasure? These questions begin to get louder as the days go by. The truth is, as you ponder the answers and come up with a few along the way, your life will sparkle with a new kind of richness that will help you on your path.

Not Breathing? It’s amazing what it’s like to inhale deeply and shock the bottom of your lungs with some oxygen. Of course your lungs are smiling! I’m guilty too — I have to watch myself as I shut down my chest and hold my breath, even when I am engaged in enjoying a simple TV show. Why do we forget to breathe? It’s a bad habit, a habit from living in a stressful environment, and

we have all become creatures of these habits of stress.

Sleep Is a Balm and Repairs Damage Caused By Stress An old Italian proverb says, “Bed is a medicine.” It’s true. Lack of sleep increases your stress hormone cortisol, and can cause weight gain, mood swings, fatigue, increased irritability, memory loss and decreased focus. These stress hormones also, unfortunately, make it harder for you to sleep. You know that enough sleep is essential for daily body repair and rejuvenation. Something you may not know, is that your cells produce more protein while you are sleeping; these protein molecules form the building blocks of your hormones and brain chemistry. This helps you repair and rebalance. Instead of ingesting pills to find “The Land of Nod,” find a way to make going to bed at night something you look forward to. The key is to go to sleep when you need to, in a room that is quiet and as dark as possible. It isn’t always easy to give up the day! There is so much still to do and so many distractions. At last, it is quiet and you can slide into Internet or TV land. You think you’ve been sitting there a few minutes, and suddenly it is midnight. The truth is, you need to find a way to love sleep again and give it the priority it deserves. Of course, you will look and feel better after a good night’s sleep, with clearer thoughts, faster reactions, and less fragile emotions. Get those Zzzzs back into your life.

You Snooze. You Gain Napping is also a wonderful habit to cultivate. It benefits heart function, maintains hormones, enables brain neurons, and helps cell repair. It also reduces your stress hormones, improves alertness, cognition and memory. Instead of napping, women gulp some coffee or black tea to keep themselves from nodding off. You may think you are having a bad day when all you need is to curl up somewhere with a cozy pillow and doze off. In a recent study, researchers at NASA showed that a thirty-minute power nap increased cognitive faculties by approximately 40 percent. In concordance with NASA’s work, biology students at Berkeley determined that, in order to achieve maximum effectiveness, the nap must not be too long. If you nap for over forty-five

minutes, the beneficial effects disappear, so I suggest you try fifteen to thirty five minute “power naps.” Take a break each day from the stress. Find or create a comfortable spot and take a nap. Lie down! Admit it, you might never ever get up! But you will, and you’ll be better for it. Even five minutes of shut-eye will help you feel refreshed, renewed, and more focused. You will be a new woman.

Get Off the Computer and Spend More Time with People As our lifestyles become increasingly dependent on technology—with growing popularity of online banking, telecommuting, and personal websites, and email—it’s inevitable we spend less time with family and friends. This fact is confirmed by recent research: according to a 2007 study with a representative sample of over 1000 Americans, 65% of consumers are spending more time with their personal computer than with their spouse. Well, that is not healthy and long hours in front of the computer causes increased stress. Computer screens are bright. Constantly staring at your computer screen can cause a condition called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), which results in neck and back pain, blurred vision, headaches, and a number of other symptoms of stress. Also, constant background noise is distracting and annoying. It can cause headaches and irritability, two sure signs of stress.

� Consider NOT turning your

computer on the moment you wake up.

��Consider NOT checking your email the moment you get up.

� Spend more time with friends and family. Consider actually talking to them in person.

Intimacy Intimacy is the experience of being fully ourselves in the presence of another

who also feels fully who they are. Healthy human beings have a natural need for closeness with others. Intimacy involves both emotional and physical closeness, and is essential for healthy longevity. When we are intimate with another, we can understand and express who we truly are. This gives us meaning and motivation for living happily and joyfully. Intimate relationships are important for managing anxiety and depression. In the recent past, marriage and family counselors believed that conflict, including arguments, antagonism, and lack of respect for differences, was what eventually led to divorce. But current research now shows that loss of intimacy and affection are the two factors most likely to send a relationship spiraling apart. While fighting and conflict usually precede a breakup, conflict is the result of lack of intimacy, not the cause. To protect and preserve your relationship with your significant others, focus on maintaining intimacy and closeness with your partner. When your hormones change or serotonin levels are low, your sexual drive and need for intimacy may change. This can cause tension in relationships and marriages. It’s important to note: men have sex to feel good, women have sex when they feel good. Truth be told, it is so easy to make us women feel good! It’s not that difficult to entice us into being erotic, sexual, intimate playmates and lovers, but it does take some basic knowledge about our essential needs and desires. Bottom line, women want to be appreciated, adored, and cherished. And we want to hear how much we are appreciated, adored, and cherished. Yes, we want it in words, not just in actions. Sometimes, it is difficult for men to recognize our ears are waiting to be seduced before we are.

The Real “Honey Do List” You have probably heard of the “Honey Do List” such as “fix the drippy sink” or “mow the lawn.” Here are some examples of the real “Honey Do” list:

���������������� �������������� ������������������������� ������������������������������ ������������������������������ or your life is better because of me. ����������������������������� and tell me about your day. ��������������������������� play with my hair. ��������������������������� me I look beautiful. ���������������������������� flowers. (Please not the ones from the supermarket.) ������������������� ��������������������������� me. Then hold me. �������������������������� did. ������������������������� outside of the normal routine for us to do. ������������������������������� dinner, a hike for a picnic, a weekend away. �������������� Mia Lundin, R.N.C., N.P. is an authority and pioneer in the field of women’s health and the author of Female Brain Gone Insane; An Emergency Guide for Women Who Feel Like They Are Falling Apart. Mia is the founder and director of The Center for Hormonal and Nutritional Balance Inc., a thriving private healthcare practice in Santa Barbara, CA. For downloads, message boards, and Mia’s blog and newsletter, visit www.femalebraingoneinsane.com


56 from The Gnostic Society, with Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller. Visit www.bcrecordings.net. Info: The Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www.gnosis.org. FREE BOOK: JOURNEY OF A SOUL explores tangible ways to experience Soul Transcendence, an awareness of yourself as a Soul and as one with God. For your free copy of Journey of a Soul call 80/899-2665 or email servicedesk@msia.org. This book is a gift from MSIA, there is no cost or obligation. FREE ON-LINE STREAMING VIDEO SEMINAR: UNDERSTANDING RELATIONSHIPS, The Subconscious Connection. How much of our behavior in relationships has been programmed from childhood? What role does the subconscious mind play in who we choose in relationships? Nationally accredited College of Hypnotherapy offers this Streaming Video seminar for free at www.UnderstandMyRelationship.com. Info: Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/4799464, www.hypnosis.edu.

Counseling / Coaching INTUITIVE SPIRITUAL COUNSELING. While different from a reading, these interactive and proactive sessions do use natural clairvoyance, past-life information, medium & medical intuition to support and hold space for your issues. You are in the presence of a sacred witness as you tell your story. An excellent adjunct to traditional psychotherapy or as a stand-alone modality for some issues. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. CATALYST COACHING is a new mental technology by Terry Brussel-Gibbons, CCHT, Ph.D. Don’t just survive, thrive! Get a job if you are out of work, keep your job or get a promotion even with downsizing. Keep your business afloat or move it to a higher level. You can prosper even in this economy. Also: referrals available for coaches, hypnotists and other healers. Call Success Center, 800-GOAL-NOW (462-5669), www.acesuccess.com. HYPNOSIS FOR HEALING. Higher Self, Spirit Guide & Angelic Contact, Life & Soul Purpose Exploration, Intuitive Development, Guided Imagery, Stress-related issues and more. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE EVER! Dr. Donna Lee, Msc.D., NHD, is a B.E.S.T. Technique Elite Master, Passion Test Facilitator, Intuitive Life Coach, and Licensed Metaphysical Practitioner. Offering cranial sacral therapy, transformational body work, B.E.S.T. wellness care, classes, goal setting, coaching, and readings. 818/264-5426, www.integratedbeing.net. PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR SPIRITUAL PEOPLE. Providing: Spiritual Assessment, Spiritual Direction, Removing Blocks on Your Spiritual Path, Depression, Anxiety, Relationships, Eating Disorders, Stress, Confusion. The Transpersonal Counseling Center, WLA. Call 310/460-9399 or visit www.transpersonal-counseling.com. Insurance accepted. Director: Catherine Auman, MFT, 25 years experience. QUANTUM PHYSICS & THE POWER OF BELIEFS. Good news! In a few short sessions I can assist you in releasing your limiting, self-sabotaging beliefs at a subconscious, quantum level

that will transform your life into one of Love, Harmony, Joy and Peace. I am an Advanced Psychological Kinesiologist; it would be an honor to assist you in realizing who you truly are. Orange County and Riverside offices, 951/847-0454. Camille Mancuso, PSYCH-K Facilitator. Email sacredyou@aol.com, www.sacredheartsacredmind.com. THE TRANSPERSONAL COUNSELING CENTER offers Psychotherapy for Spiritual People. Services include: Spiritual Assessment, Spiritual Direction, Removing Blocks on Your Spiritual Path, Depression, Anxiety, Relationships, Eating Disorders, Stress, Confusion. The Transpersonal Counseling Center, WLA. Call 310/460-9399 or visit www.transpersonal-counseling.com. Insurance accepted. Director: Catherine Auman, MFT, 25 years experience. MASTERY ALIGNMENT aligns you to your Divine Nature. With Camille Mancuso, Mastery Alignment Specialist. I can and will assist you in creating and moving past all barriers in any area of your life. What you may believe and what you believe you deserve may be quite different! Orange County and Riverside offices, 951/7897000. www.sacredheartsacredmind.com. FEELING LOST? STUCK? OVERWHELMED? I can help you. Stacey Osder, MSW, LCSW, Licensed Clinical Social Worker (Lic. LCS23503). My private practice provides professional therapy to individuals, couples and families, addressing issues such as depression, grief, life transitions, relationship, death and dying, hospice, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender. Call 818/7451239, socialwork4u@aol.com. METAPHYSICAL PSYCHOTHERAPY utilizing principles of A Course in Miracles, rebirthing, crystals, hypnosis and other metaphysical spiritual systems. Individual, couples, substance abuse, relationship therapy. Call Allan Rosenthal, MFT for appt. 310/478-8994. www.allanrosenthal.com. PSYCH-K®: DISCOVER THE MISSING PIECE IN YOUR LIFE, with Camille Mancuso, Psychological Kinesiologist. PSYCH-K is a set of simple, self-empowering techniques to change your beliefs and perceptions that impact your life at a cellular level. It takes only 1-2 affordable sessions to break free of these negative, limiting beliefs. Orange County and Riverside offices, 951/847-0454. Email sacredyou@aol.com, www.sacredheartsacredmind.com. BJ JAKALA, PhD, MFT, Marriage, Marriage Family Therapist (Lic. 23640). Explore your answers and restore your sense of purpose, of direction, of belonging. 818/348-8837. SHAMANIC PSYCHOTHERAPY. Travel beyond ordinary states of consciousness to access inner worlds of soul and psyche. Get results where mainstream talk therapy fails. Randy Coleman, 323/254-0601. REICHIAN THERAPY & TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS, a complete body-mind program to develop your full potential. Seize your one precious life. Private appts, lecture, trainings and workshops available. Wright Bodymind Therapy Center, 310/450-3396. www.wrightbodymind. com. HEALING & EMPOWERMENT THROUGH SPIRIT, Spiritual Therapist Robert Cornell, MFT Lic. #42969, offers spiritually based therapy, spiritual direction & counseling, mind-body-soul

work, recovery issues. By appt, 626/398-5581, www.spirittherapist.com. IT’S YOUR LIFE, LIVE YOUR DREAMS! All manifested desires come from being in alignment with what you ask for. Using the Law of Attraction, begin to shift from what you see now—lack and fear—to what your heart really wants. Call Ruth Burton, Personal Coach, 562/947-4456, 800/806-0972 for more info or visit www.HeartAspirationsCoaching.com. ANCESTRAL SOUL HEALING REGRESSIONS. Deep within you are stored past life and current patterns of behavior including belief systems that you were taught as a child and now use to make your life decisions. Some of these inherited systems can stand in your way. Using past & future life regression techniques, you will uncover and release the old blueprints of behavior that do not serve you and learn to create new ones that do. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com.

Education LEARN TO HEAL WITH YOUR HANDS THROUGH REIKI. Reiki Healing Classes in Los Angeles with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of American Reiki Academy. Classes include course manuals, instruction, initiation ceremony, and hands-on practice time. For the past 20 years Reiki Master Juliani has been involved with Reiki, training and initiating thousands of Reiki Practitioners and Masters. All levels of Reiki are offered. Students receive certification through the American Reiki Academy. Info: 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org. ADVANCED METAPHYSICAL HYPNOSIS COURSE, offered only 3 times each year (February, June, October), $695. This is an information- and technique-rich experiential course. Learn how to use hypnosis for past life regression, astral travel, spirit/angel contact, divination, body scanning for health, chakra & crystal healing, and more. Open to hypnotherapists and non-hypnotherapists. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. DIANETICS SEMINAR. Are stress, anxiety and uncertainty weighing you down? Attend the Dianetics Seminar. Discover the true source of your fears, upsets and insecurities, and how to get rid of it. Get the book, attend the seminar, and remove the barriers holding you back from achieving your goals. Call for upcoming dates of seminar. Call to reserve your seat, 818/2479822. 222-1/2 N. Brand Blvd., Glendale 91203. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR NO CHARGE, Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) offers the professional Hypnosis 101 Course to qualified applicants at no charge (normally costs $495). If you’ve ever been curious about hypnosis or interested in a career helping others, now is the time to start. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www.hypnosis.edu. GET CERTIFIED, CHANGE LIVES & START YOUR OWN BUSINESS for less than $500. www.ConingCompany.com. We were the first on the internet with candling. Buy our cones online. Call 310/455-8623 for info on classes, appointments and cone specials. Email customerservice@coningcompany.com. REIKI CLASSES in Glendale (La Crescenta)


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area, with Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller of the Int’l Center for Reiki Training. Reiki 1 & 2, ART/Master, Karuna Reiki®, Japanese Reiki Techniques. Call 626/963-3533, www.ReikiMastery.com. See me on YouTube! REFLEXOLOGY: PROFESSIONAL 200 HOUR CERTIFICATION COURSE in the integration of Foot, Hand and Ear Reflexology. Learn to get the best results possible by working on all three. We have taught thousands to get remarkable results. Classes conducted on the West Side. American Academy of Reflexology, state approved school. Bill Flocco, Director. Toll-free: 866/588-8885. ReflexologyEdu@aol.com. www. AmericanAcademyofReflexology.com. SELACIA’S WORKSHOPS, sign up now for workshops forming on DNA intuitive healing, the nonphysical realms, animal communications. Offered by Selacia, a gifted intuitive and pioneer in DNA intuitive healing. Accelerate your journey to wholeness and health by participating in teachings that you can apply to healing of yourself, pets, loved ones, clients. In Santa Monica. Call 310/915-2884 about upcoming workshops or visit www.Selacia.com. Email for info, Selacia@Selacia.com. JOIN SELACIA’S MAILING LIST at www.Selacia.com to be informed of the latest news and activities related to DNA healing, development of intuitive gifts, working with crystals for healing, core beliefs, local classes and more. Hear news of the latest research and everyday life examples involving healing, consciousness and the shift to a new world paradigm. Call 310/915-

2884 or email Selacia@Selacia.com. ESOTERIC BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE based on the 7 volumes of New Age Bible Interpretation by Corinne Heline. New Age Bible and Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. START A NEW CAREER IN 2010 AS A MASSAGE THERAPIST, enroll now in Hands on Healing Institute’s certified 150-, 250- and 500-hour massage therapy programs. Includes Swedish Massage and introductions to popular modalities. Both day and evening classes start again on Jan. 10 and April 25. Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/951-5811, www.gotohhi.org. SCHOOL OF DNA THETA HEALING, explore the most profound healing paradigm on the planet at this time. Join accomplished Medical and Emotional Intuitive Marina Rose for seminars in Basic and Advanced DNA Theta Healing, and DNA Theta Manifesting & Abundance. For details call 877/DNA-THETA, www.dnathetahealing.com. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTHERAPIST, offered only 3 times each year (January, May, September), $1995. This is the official NGH 100hour curriculum certified course. Upon completion you will be able to immediately practice as a hypnotherapist. Make extra income or add to an existing healing practice. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, visit www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail. com.

Fitness T’AI CHI DVD WITH SIFU LANA SPRAKER, “The Way of T’ai Chi Ch’uan: Gentle Exercise for Health and Inner Peace.” Complete demonstration of the Long Form, Traditional Yang Style. Easy access to individual moves and sections, information on history and philosophy. Separate text enclosed for all 108 movement names. Clear slow-motion instruction. $29.95 plus tax, S/H. (Video format also available). T’ai Productions, PO Box 25654, LA 90025. 310/479-3646, www.alexandertaichi.com.

Gift Shops / Bookstores PARADISE FOUND, your peace, love & good vibes shop circa 1986. Intuitive readings available in-store daily. Paradise Found, 17 E. Anapamu St., Santa Barbara 93101, 805/564-3573, www.paradise-found.net. TOYS FOR THE SOUL at Objets d’Art & Spirit. For 2 decades, providing spiritual and religious art and artifacts, curious goods, crystals, singing bowls, candles, oils, limpias, baths and more. Traditional and alternative spiritual art and gifts. Objets d’Art & Spirit, 7529 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood 90046, 323/436-5238, www. objetsdartandspirit.com. SOUL CENTERED METAPHYSICAL SHOPPE, set in the spiritual vortex of Ojai, it is more than a bookstore, but an invitation to explore. Browse through an extensive crystal selection. Come and experience our Geodesic Dome for a class or special event. Open 7 days, 10:30 am-6 pm. Soul Centered, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai





by Sharon Hall Ahh...December. The sights and scents of the holiday season are everywhere suddenly, and even here in Southern California, we know winter is coming. This is the time for sugarplums and cinnamon; for nutmeg, clove, and vanilla spices. In the spirit of the holidays, no matter how or what you celebrate at this time of year, there’s always a place for gingerbread cookies that can be rolled out to make the traditional tasty little men and women, or cut into any shape that inspires you. Given that this is a recipe from Olivia Chase, cook extraordinaire of Ojai’s hippest and healthiest restaurant, The Farmer and the Cook, you can also feel good about serving these cookies to your family, knowing they are healthy, delicious, and wheat-free. What could be a better treat than that? Add some cream cheese frosting; (see recipe right), and let the kids decorate. Raisins, nuts, and currants are smart choices and can be added as eyes and buttons prior to baking. Why not make a piping bag? Take a plastic bag, fill it with the frosting then twist closed just above the level of the frosting. Cut a small hole in one corner. Holding the bag in one hand near the tip, push down on the twist with the other. This insures the frosting is forced downward and will squeeze out more easily. It’s fun, and makes the cookies look great. Have a wonderful Holiday and happy cooking!

Old Fashioned Cut-out Gingerbread Cookies from The Farmer and the Cook Yields 12 to 24 cut-out cookies 8 oz organic butter, softened 2 cups organic cane sugar 1/2 cup organic blackstrap molasses 2 organic eggs 5 cups organic whole spelt flour 1/4 tsp sea salt 1 tsp baking soda 4 tsp ginger powder 2 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp cloves, ground 1 tsp nutmeg 1/2 tsp cardamon Preheat oven to 350’F. Lightly butter a cookie sheet. In a mixing bowl cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add molasses and eggs. In a separate bowl combine the flour, baking soda, salt and spices and mix to distribute. Slowly add flour mixture to butter mixture beating until just combined. Wrap or cover dough and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Roll out to 1 /4” thickness on a lightly floured board and cut out starting around the edges and moving into the center. (If you want, cut out your ginger people or other shapes, adding raisins, nuts or currants for eyes and buttons, pressing into dough or stick to cookie with a dab of egg white.)

Transfer onto cookie sheet 1” apart. Bake for 12 minutes. Cool 10 minutes then transfer to a cooling rack. Easy Cream Cheese Frosting: Makes 3 cups 2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup butter, softened 2 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract In a medium bowl, cream together the cream cheese and butter until creamy. Mix in the vanilla, then gradually stir in the confectioners’ sugar. Store in the refrigerator after use. If piping, with a spatula scrape into a piping bag, and use immediately to make decorative designs.

59 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. MYSTIC JOURNEY BOOKSTORE, books, readings, workshops, gifts, music. Thousands of books, hundreds of gifts, dozens of CDs and DVDs. 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, 310/3997070, www.mysticjourneybookstore.com. SunThurs 11 am-9 pm, Fri/Sat 11 am-11 pm. NOW OPEN! MYSTIC’S ALTAR, featuring amulets, books, candles, charms, chimes, crystals, incense, jewelry, readings, spells, statuary, tarot and much more. The Mystic’s Altar features a wide array of altar tools and services geared to helping individuals find their true path and create the lives they desire. Mystic’s Altar, 1746 Westwood Blvd, LA 90024, 310/446-9100. CRYSTAL STONE GALLERY, offering a large selection of crystals, minerals, fossils, beads, books, incense, and candles. Come and get a bit of earth’s energy for your spirit. 21908 Ventura Blvd., Woodland Hills, 818/335-5362. ALEXANDRIA II BOOKSTORE offers a wide selection of new and used books, music, videos, statuary, jewelry, incense, candles, cards and unique gifts. Hours: Mon-Thurs 10-9, Fri-Sat 1010, Sunday 10-7. 567 S. Lake Ave., Pasadena 91101, 626/792-7885. www.alexandria2.com. LEARNING LIGHT FOUNDATION ANAHEIM, offering a wide range of best-selling authors, lecturers, workshops. So. Cal’s largest psychic fair, mediumship demos and festivals. Serving Orange County. 714/533-2311. 1212 E Lincoln Ave, Anaheim 92805. Website: www.learninglight. org.

BIO-COMPATIBLE AESTHETIC DENTISTRY with Dr. Pearl Zadeh, DDS. We understand the use of non-toxic restorative material is better for your dental and whole body health, and utilize materials that are most bio-compatible with your oral cavity and body. Offering Digital xrays, removal of mercury fillings, and Invisalign, an alternative to traditional metal braces. 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 311, Woodland Hills 91367, 818/716-6722, www.PearlZadehDDS.com. RETURN TO THE SOURCE: WATER RELEASE THERAPY with Diane Feingold, Lic., WABA, WRTB, AMTA therapist and instructor. Water Release Therapy is for healing the whole person, physical and emotional trauma, PTSD, old thinking, whatever keeps us from living fully. All private sessions, intensives and trainings held at Healing Waters in Santa Barbara, an in-ground 97-degree Aquatic Watsu pool in a private garden setting. 805/569-7047, www.dianefeingold. com. IF YOUR LYMPH SYSTEMS NEED CLEANING, you have a stuffy nose, sinus problems or neck and jaw tension, coning makes a difference. You can have an appointment, take a class, or buy one of our kits. Visit www.coningcompany.com or call 310/455-8623, Val Kirkgaard. WHOLISTIC DENTISTRY, how to treat the “whole person” to stop tooth decay, pyorrhea (bone loss), gum problems, herpes. Aesthetic & Implant Dentistry, Beverly Hills, 8500 Wilshire Blvd, #505, Beverly Hills, 310/652-2400. www. UnforgettableSmile.com.

AURA VISIONS FOR BALANCE, HARMONY, PEACE OF MIND. Flower essences from around the world. Aura photos and chakra imaging with readings. Crystals, books, jewelry and energetic healing work also available. Aura Visions (Melanie Fisher), 20929 Ventura Blvd. #37, Woodland Hills 91364, 818/992-6178. Tues-Sat 10 am-6; Sun 12-5 (closed Monday).

POWERFUL ENERGY HEALINGS by Omnasztra (Stacey Osder). Healing sessions are on the Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Levels and can be in person or long distance. Also: Spiritual Counseling, Ear coning, Cleansings/Blessings/ Balancing for your personal or business space. 818/503-5896 (24-hour voicemail). Email omnasztra@aol.com, www.omnasztra.com.

THE IMAGINE CENTER in Tarzana offers intuitive readings and retail merchandise for spiritual enrichment and personal empowerment. We offer books, candles, crystals, incense, jewelry, statuary, tarot and oracle cards. Beautiful Healing Room available for use by certified spiritual practitioners at attractive rates. Retail store hours: Tues-Fri 10 am-7 pm; Sat 11-5; Sun 11-3 (closed Monday). Call 818/345-1100 for info and to schedule services. Walk-ins welcome. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. www.theimaginecenter.com.

COLON HYDROTHERAPY is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine. We offer supplements and nutritional programs tailored to your particular needs as well as gentle, professional colon irrigations. Call for brochure and appointment, Nora Sierra, CCH, CNHP, Healthy Options, 310/202-1682. 4232 Overland Ave, Culver City 90230. Credit cards accepted. Se habla espanol.

Health & Wellness HYPNOTIC FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH for excellent health, vibrant energy, weight release, a better memory than ever before and much more. By phone or in office. Call Success Center, 800GOAL-NOW (462-5669), www.acesuccess. com. INTEGRATED BEING, Mind, Body, Spirit. The B.E.S.T. is a technique that has a spiritual, physical and a neurological component. It is an energy based technique that is non-forceful in nature and a neurological component that entails addressing the “feeling(s)” that come up during the application of the technique. To learn more about B.E.S.T., contact Dr. Donna Lee, Msc.D., N.H.D., 818/264-5426, www.integratedbeing. net.

The journey begins... Open your mind... to a place where Heaven meets Earth

PERSONALIZED HOLISTIC DENTISTRY, Aesthetic & Implant Dentistry, Beverly Hills. Nonmetallic crowns, inlays and onlays with state-ofthe-art porcelain and composites. Safe removal and replacement of mercury fillings. Non-surgical gum treatment (laser). TMJ (jaw joint) treatment. And much more. Credit cards, payment plans, most insurance accepted. Your procedure may be covered by insurance. 8500 Wilshire Blvd. #505, Beverly Hills, 310/652-2400. www. UnforgettableSmile.com. HEALING SESSIONS WITH JESSICA, powerful, personalized sessions incorporating all levels of Reiki, plus breath and sound healing, affirmations, healing of situations and health, past, present and future. Includes discussion time. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller of the Int’l Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, www. ReikiMastery.com. LONGEVITY STARTS IN THE MOUTH, each tooth is related to certain points, meridians and


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60 organs in your body. Raveco Holistic Dental Center offers affordable Biological Dentistry, free preliminary dental consultation, evening and weekend hours appointments. Call 310/8268418. 12381 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 103, WLA 90025, www.Ravecoholistic.com.

ing cranial sacral therapy, transformational body work, B.E.S.T. wellness care, classes, goal setting, coaching, and readings. 818/264-5426, www.integratedbeing.net.

JIN SHIN DO ACUPRESSURE HEALING, private sessions available with Antoinette Rohner. For details call Moving Into Peace, 818/3783396. www.movingintopeace.com.

SPECIAL THIS MONTH: BUY 1 PERSONAL SESSION, GET 1 FREE, with Tamra Oviatt, MHt, MNLP, MTT. Tamra is an Intuitive Healer, Reader and Teacher. Gift certificates available. (Expires 12/31/09.) Private sessions in Redondo Beach, Ventura and Westlake Village, or by phone. 805/506-9460, www.help-healing.com.

DENTAL ALTERNATIVES, offering Laser Diagnosis, a breakthrough in diagnosing cavities. Detect cavities at an early stage so you can treat teeth conservatively. Mercury-free fillings, all porcelain crowns available. Arthur B. Schlachtman, DDS, 8635 W 3rd St #250, LA 90048, 310/659-0522. FOOT REFLEXOLOGY: BEGINNING HANDSON WORKSHOP. Foot Reflexology feels wonderful, is so good for you and your health. Learn to use reflexology on yourself and others. Classes conducted on the West Side. American Academy of Reflexology, state approved school. Bill Flocco, Director. Toll-free: 866/588-8885. ReflexologyEdu@aol.com. www.AmericanAcademyofReflexology.com. SUPERIOR GENERAL AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY. Come experience our gentle and thorough approach to superior cosmetic and general dentistry. Services include: safe removal and replacement of mercury fillings, nutritional counseling, material sensitivity testing, Invisalign, porcelain veneers. Credit cards, payment plans, most insurance accepted. Aesthetic & Implant Dentistry, Beverly Hills, 8500 Wilshire Blvd. #505, Beverly Hills, 310/652-2400. www. UnforgettableSmile.com. HEALING SESSIONS WITH OMNASZTRA. Healing sessions are on the Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Levels and can be in person or long distance. Also: Spiritual Counseling, Ear coning, Cleansings/Blessings/Balancing for your personal or business space. 818/503-5896 (24hour voicemail). Email omnasztra@aol.com, www.omnasztra.com. AFFORDABLE HOLISTIC & COSMETIC DENTISTRY, offering safe silver (mercury) filling removal, low radiation x-rays, minimal invasive dentistry microabrasion, non-surgical gum treatment, and invisalign clear braces. Call for a free consultation. Ray D. Partovy, DDS & Associates. Two locations: Marina del Rey, 310/8223833, and Tarzana, 818/774-2121. www.makingusmile.com.

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DO YOU PASS THE SKIN-FITNESS TEST? Learn the secrets of healthy, vital skin the holistic way, free report, call the Vital Image, 310/8231996, or write 439 Talbert St, Playa del Rey 90293. DNA INTUITIVE HEALING WITH SELACIA, accelerate your growth with activation of your DNA and healing deeply-held obstacles to living a joyful life. Move out of emotional/physical pain and fear to clarity and self-empowerment. For people and pets. Private sessions are by phone. Free monthly intro seminars. Call for details, 310/915-2884, www.Selacia.com, email Selacia@Selacia.com. LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE EVER! Dr. Donna Lee, Msc.D., NHD, is a B.E.S.T. Technique Elite Master, Passion Test Facilitator, Intuitive Life Coach, and Licensed Metaphysical Practitioner. Offer-

Intuitive Arts

WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, THE TOUGH GET TENDER. Intuitive readings in-store daily at Paradise Found, 17 E. Anapamu St., Santa Barbara 93101, 805/564-3573, www.paradisefound.net. CLEARSIGHT CLAIRVOYANT READINGS. If you’re wondering how to make sense of your life, how you’re going to get through our intense global situation, or you want to explore your psyche, try an intuitive reading from the professionals at Clearsight. It just might change your life. Visit us at www.clearsightaura.com, email info@clearsightaura.com, or call 310/395-1170 for info. THE BEACON is a recapitulation (Soul Retrieval) device using radio waves tuned to a shamanic frequency and natural crystal grips. Used also for prosperity. Sessions available Monday through Friday (11 am-7 pm), Saturday (10 am-4 pm), and by appt, $5/session. The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/686-3471, www.tequihuafoundation.org/akadua.html. LOOKING FOR YOUR TWIN FLAME/SOULMATE? Contact Laura Geralyn Kline, Healer, Spiritual Messenger, specialist in Twin Flame/ Soulmate Reconnection. Call 773/354-6841 or email preciouspain4ever@comcast.net. ANGEL & FUTURE READINGS with Tamra Oviatt, MHt, MNLP, MTT. Out of her quest to heal herself from her bipolar disorder, Tamra learned many ways to help people heal. She works with emotional as well as physical healing. Private sessions in Redondo Beach, Ventura and Westlake Village, or by phone. 805/506-9460, www. help-healing.com. DESERET TAVARES, CELEBRITY PSYCHIC, is one of the nation’s most gifted intuitive life coaches. Her distinctive, highly cultivated skills in the arts of meditation, chanting, energy healing, spell crafting and paranormal space clearing have led her to open an outpost of spiritual growth in the City of Angels: Mystics Altar, 1746 Westwood Blvd, LA 90024, 310/446-9100. See full page ad in this issue. HOLIDAY SPECIAL: TELEPHONE CLEARING, in the convenience of your own home. Raise body frequency and alleviate stress, release past trauma, effective evolve negative thought patterns. Introductory session only $75, moneyback guarantee. With Val Kirkgaard, PhD (Honorary), retired MFCC and Psychological Consultant. Call 310/455-8623. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most

61 loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com. LAURA GERALYN KLINE, Healer, Spiritual Messenger, Twin Flame/Soulmate Reconnection. 773/354-6841, preciouspain4ever@comcast. net. LOTUSTAR: HEALING AS ABOVE AND SO BELOW, offers the following services on an ongoing basis: Ancestral Soul Healing, Shamanic Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapy for Higher Self, Spirit Guide and Angelic Contact, Past Life Regression Parties, Intuitive Spiritual Counseling, Clairvoyant Readings. Call about our upcoming classes and retreats. 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. RECONNECTION™ FREQUENCY HEALING TO ACTIVATE YOUR DNA, balance the chakras and much more. Discount when you sign up for 3 healing sessions. Gift certificates available. Available through Aura Visions. Call for appt, Aura Visions, 20929 Ventura Blvd. #37, Woodland Hills, 818/992-6178. OMNASZTRA (STACEY OSDER) is available for powerful energy healings. Spiritual Counseling, Ear coning, Cleansings/Blessings/Balancing for your personal or business space. 818/503-5896 (24-hour voicemail). Email omnasztra@aol.com, www.omnasztra.com. CHANNELING SESSIONS by telephone, with Selacia and The Council of 12, a group of wise and loving nonphysical Masters. Receive practical guidance for your next steps and tools for self-mastery. Group channeling evenings also scheduled, email Selacia@Selacia.com for dates. Call 310/915-2884. Visit www.Selacia. com (Channeling Sessions). SHAMANIC HYPNOTHERAPY & ANCESTRAL SOUL HEALING REGRESSIONS, with Renée Starr, CHT, former proprietress of ALKIMI. Renée is a certified Hypnotherapist, certified past life regression counselor, crystal/pyramid energy healer, clairvoyant medium and reader. She takes hypnotherapy to a new depth with her unique and powerful techniques. For info contact Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. COUNCIL OF 12 ENERGIZED CRYSTALS, surround yourself with the high-vibrational energies of The Council of 12, infused into crystals selected by The Council as part of their work with Selacia, intuitive healer and channel for The Council of 12. Use to increase connection with spirit, benefit from Tibet/Wesak blessings, accelerate DNA healing and more. Call 310/9152884. Visit www.Selacia.com (crystals), Selacia@Selacia.com.

Meditation/Spirituality IF YOU SEEK THE LIGHT OF HIDDEN WISDOM, if you are sincere and want to learn advanced teachings traditional to the classical Golden Dawn, and if you seek fraternal friendship with other sincere like-minded people from around the world, call for a free orientation, 626/5027701, or visit www.esotericgoldendawn.com. UNLOCKING THE DOOR TO YOU, providing inspiration, joy and soulful support. Energy, Focus, Goals. Classes and private sessions avail-

able with John Strelko. Visit website www. nature-allhealing.com/1.html. 310/430-5625. PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH SWAMI PREMODAYA. Life-changing, one-on-one opportunity with a living Bodhisattva. You will never be the same. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www. thebodhicenter.net. TRANSMISSION MEDITATION FOR WORLD SERVICE & PERSONAL GROWTH. Transmitted energies serve humanity and the lower kingdoms. Groups meet weekly Sunday-Friday in Bakersfield, Glendale, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Mar Vista, Montclair, Moorpark, Northridge, San Diego, Santa Clarita, Santa Monica, Santa Paula, Van Nuys, and Ventura. Free. Info: 818/7856300, www.transmissionmeditation.org. GOD IS AS CLOSE AS YOUR NEXT BREATH. The teachings of MSIA are based on loving, caring and sharing and are designed to support you on your unique journey back to the heart of God. MSIA offers home seminars, video presentations, and online classes. Also classes, seminars and retreats. Events are held throughout Southern California in Ojai, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Costa Mesa, Encinitas, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, LA, Hermosa Beach, Pomona, Santa Monica and Van Nuys. Visit www.msia. org for more info or call 800/899-2665. MEDITATION, REFLECTION, REJUVENATION at Sunburst Sanctuary. Enjoy solitude amidst 4000 acres of tranquil meadows and rolling hills on the Central Coast. Stay overnight in a cedar chalet, walk the labyrinth, tour an organic farm, hike, enjoy the fitness room. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. FALUN DAFA, also known as Falun Gong, is an ancient Chinese self-cultivation practice based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Great for improvement of health and mental well-being. For info visit www.falundafa.org, http://falun.caltech.edu/. OUR UNIQUE SANCTUARY IS AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS and Commitment Ceremonies, Renewal of Vows, in Pasadena. We have 5 ministers who can do ceremonies on-site or on location. Services and ceremonies can be done in English, Spanish, French or German. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org. LEARN KRIYA MEDITATION at Sunburst Sanctuary, meditation, reflection, rejuvenation. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. WALK THE LABYRINTH at the Sunburst Sanctuary, or enjoy the fitness room. Slow down, breathe and reconnect. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. LOOK FOR A BRIGHT STAR, visible night & day around the world. It heralds the imminent television appearance in the U.S. of the World Teacher, Maitreya. Info: www.share-international.org, 888/242-8272. QIGONG AND MEDITATION CLASSES. QiGong means Energy-Practice and is an ancient

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62 pathway to health and well-being. Utilizing the Universal Energy through easy and gentle movements, breathing techniques, practitioners become centered and balanced. Weekly classes offered in Canoga Park, Studio City and Sherman Oaks. Call for details, Antoinette Rohner, 818/378-3396. www.movingintopeace.com. KALANGI YOGA, from the roots of mystical India. Awake, empower, freedom, kundalini, inspire, achieve, manifest, self-mastery, rejuvenate. More information on upcoming workshops and satsangs, call 310/451-7377, www.nandhi. com/events.htm.

Other WORKSHOP CLASSROOM SEATING 40+ available for rent at spiritual center located in Irwindale. If you have mastery in metaphysical or new age sciences and would like to teach public classes in a Golden Dawn temple, please call 626/502-7701 for more information. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Reiki Practitioners, massage therapists, reflexologists wanted to work with terminally ill patients and their families. Volunteers receive training, continuing education within hospice and the support of the hospice staff. For info contact Care Alternatives, 800/675-0232. AURA CHAKRA PHOTOGRAPHY AND READINGS, now available at Aura Visions, 20929 Ventura Blvd. #37, Woodland Hills, 818/992-6178. Please call for appointment.

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YOU WANT YOUR WEDDING TO BE A SACRED and meaningful event for you. If you do not have a home church in which to have it, consider The Maple Street Wedding Chapel. We can help you create a Christian or non-denominational marriage ceremony as well as renewal of vows, commitment ceremonies, infant blessings, or baptisms in an intimate and charming setting. Affordable and convenient. Visit our website for photos: www.unitywestchurch.org. 310/5770000. ROOM RENTALS FOR CLASSES, WORKSHOPS, private counseling. Reasonable rates. Tree of Life Center, 3608 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta 91214, 626/353-3802, www.tlctreeoflifecenter.com.



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FOR SALE: JOHN OF GOD CRYSTAL BED, 100% authentic from Brazil. Comes with manual, CD, case and extra bulbs. In excellent working condition. Only used a dozen times. Please call and make an offer. I paid $6,000 for it; this does not include my trip to Brazil and stay. Will sell upon approval from entities. Call 310/6638238 if interested. FOR CONES AND FREE EAR CONING INSTRUCTIONS, call 310/455-8623 or visit www. coningcompany.com. Credit cards accepted. Monthly coning classes, call for details. ORGANIC HERBAL SKINCARE, we proudly carry the finest organic lines such as Farmaesthetics Skincare and Strange Invisible Perfumes. Gift certificates available. Aura Visions, 20929 Ventura Blvd. #37, Woodland Hills, 818/992-6178. TOYS FOR THE SOUL at Objets d’Art & Spirit. For 2 decades, providing spiritual and religious art and artifacts, curious goods, crystals, singing bowls, candles, oils, limpias, baths and

63 more. Traditional and alternative spiritual art and gifts. Objets d’Art & Spirit, 7529 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood 90046, 323/436-5238, www. objetsdartandspirit.com. CRYSTAL STONE GALLERY, offering a large selection of crystals, minerals, fossils, beads, books, incense, and candles. Come and get a bit of earth’s energy for your spirit. 21908 Ventura Blvd., Woodland Hills, 818/335-5362.

Professional Services FENG SHUI CONSULTATIONS available from Jennifer Bonetto, SOULutions, Inc. This year, romance energy visits the South, Wealth energy in the Southeast, and Money Troubles are in the North sector of your home. Call today for a full assessment of how you’re using the energy in your home to support your desires. 10% off consultations through Dec. 31. 310/663-8238, www.yourSOULutions.net. HYPNOSIS FOR SUCCESS: sales joy + sales skill = Sales Excellence. You can prosper even in this economy! Business coaching and sales training available. Sessions by phone or in office. Call Success Center, 800-GOAL-NOW (462-5669), www.acesuccess.com. GREENSTUFF.BIZ, raised beds for edible vegetable gardens that add to the value of your home, provide free food and make you proud to show your granny! 1-661-265-9226.

Special Offers SPECIAL THIS MONTH: 10% OFF FENG SHUI CONSULTATION (until Dec. 31). Call today for a full assessment of how you’re using the energy in your home to support your desires. Jennifer Bonetto, SOULutions, Inc., 310/663-8238, www. yourSOULutions.net.

a metaphysical shoppe Set in the Spiritual Vortex of Ojai, California, Soul Centered is more than a bookstore, it is an invitation to explore… Browse through an extensive Crystal selection–many unique and rare specimens. Local metaphysical artists, some well known, some waiting to be.

NEW PRODUCTS! NEW PEOPLE! AWESOME FUN! For Class/Event/Workshop schedule, please go to www.soulcentered.com Come experience our 1,018 square feet Geodesic Dome for a class or special event.

311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai • www.soulcentered.com • 805.640.8222 ����������������������������������

10% DISCOUNT WITH THIS AD at the Imagine Center in Tarzana. We offer intuitive readings, special classes and retail merchandise for spiritual enrichment and personal empowerment including books, candles, crystals, incense, jewelry, statuary, tarot and oracle cards, and yoga wear. Open Tues-Fri 10 am-7 pm; Sat 11-5; Sun 11-3 (closed Monday). The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Call 818/345-1100 to schedule services (walk-ins welcome) or visit www.theimaginecenter.com. 10% discount on all retail merchandise with the original of this listing (no copies, please). WP2009-12. 15% OFF ALL TREATMENTS on your first visit to Angel City Healing, a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Offering Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcityhealing.com. Spa 818/988-9006, cell 310/927-8687. SPECIAL THIS MONTH: BUY 1 PERSONAL SESSION, GET 1 FREE, with Tamra Oviatt, MHt, MNLP, MTT. Tamra is an Intuitive Healer, Reader and Teacher. Gift certificates available. (Expires 12/31/09.) Private sessions in Redondo Beach, Ventura and Westlake Village, or by phone. 805/506-9460, www.help-healing.com. FREE! CLAIRVOYANT READINGS by appt. only with students of the Clearsight Clairvoyant Program. Advance registration necessary; call Mon-Fri 10 am-5 pm to book appointment for

18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana, CA 91356


www.theimaginecenter.com for online sales & registrations


Catapult Your Life into a New You




HOW TO TALK TO YOUR ANGELS & SPIRIT GUIDES ������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������

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RELEASE MONEY BLOCKS …and Attract Money You DESERVE! ������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������� �������������

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�������������� ������������������������������������ �������������������� readings (usually held on weekends). They will read your aura, your chakras, your Being-Body Connection and answer questions. (See back cover ad.) Clearsight, 1640 5th St, Suite 200, Santa Monica 90401, 310/395-1170. Email: info@clearsightaura.com. www.clearsightaura. com. DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE until you read our free report about an Amazing Skin Care Breakthrough for men, women and all skin types. The Vital Image, 439 Talbert St., Playa Del Rey 90293. 800/414-4624 or visit www.thevitalimage. com. Report is free to Whole Person readers. FREE 15-MINUTE PHONE CONSULTATION WITH SELACIA, gifted intuitive and pioneer in DNA intuitive healing. She will explain her method of healing and answer your questions about how this potent work could benefit you. Ask about why it’s vital to clear your past by energetically changing the DNA where your pain originates. Call 310/915-2884, www.Selacia. com (Home page/Session Inquiries & Private Sessions page). To schedule your call, email Selacia@Selacia.com. SPECIAL THIS MONTH: $1200 OFF INVISALIGN CLEAR BRACES, the nearly invisible way to straighten your teeth. Call for a free consultation. Ray D. Partovy, DDS & Associates. Two locations: Marina del Rey, 310/822-3833, and Tarzana, 818/774-2121. www.makingusmile.com. FOR SALE: JOHN OF GOD CRYSTAL BED, 100% authentic from Brazil. Comes with manual, CD, case and extra bulbs. In excellent working condition. Only used a dozen times. Please call and make an offer. I paid $6,000 for it; this does not include my trip to Brazil and stay. Will

sell upon approval from entities. Call 310/6638238 if interested. FULL MOON SPECIAL: 3 spa treatments for the price of 2 every fully moon, with the Full Moon Spa package at Angel City Healing. Also: 25% off all Angel City healing teas every New Moon. Angel City Healing services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of our spa services, visit www.angelcityhealing.com. Spa 818/988-9006, cell 310/9278687. HOLIDAY SPECIAL: TELEPHONE CLEARING, in the convenience of your own home. Raise body frequency and alleviate stress, release past trauma, effective evolve negative thought patterns. Introductory session only $75, moneyback guarantee. With Val Kirkgaard, PhD (Honorary), retired MFCC and Psychological Consultant. Call 310/455-8623. Email Val@wakingupinamerica.com. FREE COMPLIMENTARY INITIAL DENTAL CONSULTATION. Dr. Pearl Zadeh, DDS. Services available include Invisalign, a metal-free alternative to traditional braces, digital x-rays, safe removal of mercury toxic feelings. With affordable payment program. Call 818/716-6722. 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 311, Woodland Hills 91367, www.PearlZadehDDS.com. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 25% OFF ALL SERVICES & PRODUCTS on your birthday at Angel City Healing, a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Offering Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing,

Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcityhealing.com. Spa 818/988-9006, cell 310/927-8687.

Travel / Retreats GLASTONBURY, U.K., RETREAT at Divine Light Centre B&B, a tranquil healing space in Glastonbury, U.K. Sacred Site Tours and Healing available. Divine Light Tours, Transforming Travel. Visit www.divinelightcentre.co.uk. ‘SACRED LIFE’ RETREAT, Jan. 21-25, a 4-day residential retreat with Swami Premodaya. Let Swami Premodaya guide you directly into the heart of the sacred. Held at a luxurious mountain lodge in Idyllwild, CA. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net. PERSONAL RETREATS, enjoy the peace and beauty of the sanctuary in a private cedar cabin. If you like, treat yourself to the deep sweetness of early morning group meditations, walk the Hopi labyrinth, or hike a pristine trail. 4,000 acres of rolling hills and wooded trails to explore. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. SACRED JOURNEY TO THE U.K. WITH DIVINE LIGHT TOURS, an extremely powerful and transformational pilgrimage to some of the planet’s most incredible power places including Glastonbury (mythical Avalon), Stonehenge, Tintagel (King Arthur’s Castle and Merlin’s Cave), the spa city of Bath, Crop Circles, when in season, and more. For full itinerary and upcoming dates, see www.divinelighttours.com.

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