Westside's December Newsletter 2015

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hristmas can’t seem to come fast enough. That’s how we all felt when we were kids. We kept track of how many sleeps were left before Christmas. We counted down the days on our advent calendars. There was always such a strong sense of anticipation. Some of us have retained the childlike excitement, and make sure that decorations get put up in November and Christmas music plays 24/7 for weeks before the big day arrives.

We want to encourage you to join in and participate as we celebrate Christmas together this month! There’s a couple of significant ways you can do this:

PARTNER WITH US THROUGH OUR CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN: Each Christmas, at Westside we set some financial goals, in order to further our ministry. This year, we need to get caught up with our operating budget. So, between now and Christmas Eve, we want to invite you to participate in helping us get there! Our goal is to raise $25k. That is $10k more than our current pace. We believe that we can do it, with your generosity. If you believe in our mission and what we’re doing, we would love for you to prayerfully consider partnering with us. For some of you, it may be giving on a regular basis for the first time! For others, it may be increasing your generosity as you get excited for what God is doing here, but we want to express our generosity and believe that God will richly provide for us. You can give cash/cheque using any of our offering envelopes each Sunday and on Christmas Eve, you can also give online at www.wbchamilton.com.

This year, I’m especially anticipating Christmas. The news is constantly reminding us that this is a tough time for so many people across the world. War-torn countries, fearful victims and displaced people crowd the headlines. The world is in need and looking for answers and Christmas points us towards the solution. Jesus came to bring real hope for people who are living in desperate situations. Jesus offers true peace to those who are enduring war and terror. Jesus supplies deep joy for those who are held back by fear and anxiety. Christmas reminds us that hope, peace and joy for the world are real and are found in Jesus. That’s why I’m so excited for Christmas this year. It’s a time to celebrate God’s immeasurable love for the world!


Come and help as we serve our community by providing an amazing feast on Saturday, December 19th! This is a great time to bless the neighbourhood around us. If you'd like to help in any capacity email brock@wbchamilton.com.

INVITE A FRIEND TO CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS EVE WITH US: Our Christmas Eve service is a perfect time to invite someone to Westside for the first time! Consider bringing some family, a friend or your neighbours to this Christmas celebration starting at 6 pm on December 24th.

REST: On December 27, Westside is going to have a Sabbath Sunday. We will not have our regular Sunday service, but instead encourage you to get together with your Life Group, family or invite some neighbours over and get to know them. It takes so many volunteers to put together our service each week. We want to say a big ‘Thank-You!’ Enjoy a holiday rest and come back in January rested and ready! We hope this season will be filled with the hope, peace and joy of Jesus. Have a very Merry Christmas! Dave Stimers | Lead Pastor

3 N E W E A S Y W AY S T O G I V E A T W E S T S I D E


GIVE ONLINE (wbchamilton.com)


TEXT ENGAGEMENT (text wbchamilton to 77977)


FREE PUSHPAY APP (text pushpay to 77977)





Sunday, Dec 13th | 11:15am

Saturday, Dec 19th | 5:00pm

Thursday, Dec 24th | 6:00pm

Sunday, Dec 27th | No Services

Visit Our Website: wbchamilton.com

November Unified Giving: $15,945.60

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