July PDF of Cooperative Connections

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West River Electric July 2019 Vol. 20 No. 3

Living the Lake Life Page 8

Seniors Compete Page 12


The future of West River Electric

20 Year Forecast

What a May it was! We had more moisture in our area than I have seen along with a lot of flooding. Our thoughts are with all of those affected from farmers to ranchers to construction workers to the person on Main Street who will see the strain from it all. We always have to remember we can be in a drought in a very short time. I see this month’s main topic for the Cooperative Connections from SDREA is about the various lakes around the state. That will be interesting given the amount of water many of those have taken on this spring and early summer. One is never able to plan for these types of weather events regardless of how hard we try.

Dick Johnson dick.johnson@westriver.coop

A goal without a plan is just a wish!

Planning; that leads me into my topic for June. We met recently with our engineering firm, Rushmore Engineering, on our 20 year long range engineering plan. Yes, I said it, 20 years! We take an in-depth look at what our needs will be for the future. We do regular planning but this is a deep dive into our future infrastructure needs. We completed our last one in the early 2000’s when some of our current employees were just very young children! Our current plan is reviewed each year to see if it is still a viable plan. The long range plan is really about looking at the most practical and economical means of serving future loads to maintain a high quality of service, outline anticipated changes to major facilities, and get indication of future costs of those projects. This plan becomes the basis for our annual budget/work plan, our 4 year construction work plan and our financial forecasts. The technology we have now helps immensely to look at all facets of the plan and hone in on our projections. We spent several hours visiting about various topics. Our current plan review talked about what our current demand is on the system. One of those topics was member usage. Our CFO had recently completed some graphs that show our rural and urban usage with slight upticks on usage on a per member basis. We then took a look at our commercial sector; a marked downward slope of average usage per member. How will that continue? We strategized how it might look in the future. The other study had to do with where the growth will occur. We reviewed current planning and zoning maps for the area to predict where commercial and residential developments might occur. With the recent announcement of the B-21 bomber training mission coming to Ellsworth Air Force Base, that led to a lengthy discussion on where facilities might be needed in the future and the speed at which 2943500 we think they will be needed. This would be in addition to our expected “normal” growth. Topics ranged from future substation sites, to where future transmission lines will be strung, to building for slow growth or extreme peak, to our emphasis to be on overhead vs. underground distribution lines. There will be more meetings in the months to come. Thanks to Cory and Mike from Rushmore for all of their guidance and study. I love planning like this and looking at what our future might look like. Remember a goal without a plan is just a wish! Have a great summer and stay safe, please!


Cooperative Connections | July 2019

West River Electric’s Annual Meeting will be October 12, 2019

July 2019 | Cooperative Connections



Electrical Safety Tips for the 4th of July Well, it’s summer and in just a few weeks the biggest holiday of the season arrives: The Fourth of July! As we prepare for backyard BBQs and poolside fun, there are some important things to remember to make sure it’s a safe holiday. Whether you are hosting or heading over to a neighbor’s or relative’s house to celebrate, we have a few safety tips to share with you so that your friends and family enjoy your time together and avoid accidents

Summer Poolside Electrical Safety Tips Spending time in and around the pool is a big part of summer and celebration during the warmest months of the year. Regardless of whether you are hosting a get-together at your home or someone else’s, make sure the chances for accidents are minimal by following these simple safety steps: Never run electrical cords over or alongside the pool. Water and electricity don’t mix! If you are decorating the backyard, string party lights a minimum of three feet away from the pool or any water source. Store and activate fireworks as far away from the pool as possible. Never use a flotation device to support an electrical appliance (fan, etc.). Never cross the pool exit or towel storage area with electrical wires. Always use safety caps on electrical outlets near water. When possible, use GFCI outlets to protect yourself and your electrical appliances outdoors.


Electrical Power Line Safety Tips Power lines run through neighborhoods and can even pass through overgrown trees. They’re often the most dangerous when you don’t even notice they’re there because you either see them all of the time or they are covered by tree canopies. Stay mindful and remember these safety tips when you’re spending time in the backyard or outdoor neighborhoods: Never let kids (or adults for that matter) climb trees that are near power lines. Make sure your trees are trimmed and out of the way of power lines running through your yard or near your home. Never attempt to touch a downed power line. If there is one in your yard, call the electric company immediately. There can still be current running through the line and an active line is highly dangerous. Source: allstarelectrical.com 4

Cooperative Connections | July 2019

“Don’t let your goat eat your extension cords.” Paige Oppelt, 8 years old

Paige is the daughter of Paul and Laura Oppelt, Goodwin, S.D. They are members of H-D Electric Cooperative, Clear Lake, S.D. Kids, send your drawing with an electrical safety tip to your local electric cooperative (address found on Page 3). If your poster is published, you’ll receive a prize. All entries must include your name, age, mailing address and the names of your parents. Colored drawings are encouraged.

RECIPES Recipe and photo courtesy mccormick.com/recipes

Delectable Desserts Rhubarb Dump Cake

Spiced Peanut Butter Caramel Pie

1 lb. rhubarb, cut into 1/4-inch slices

1 (18.25 oz.) pkg. yellow cake mix

1-3/4 cups graham cracker, crumbs

1 cup white sugar

1 cup water

1/2 tsp. ground ginger

1/4 cup margarine, melted

6 T. butter, melted

1 (3 oz.) pkg. strawberry gelatin

Spread rhubarb evenly in bottom of a buttered 9x13-inch baking dish. Sprinkle sugar over rhubarb, followed by gelatin mix and finally the cake mix. Pour water and melted margarine over top. Do not stir. Bake at 350°F. for 45 minutes or until rhubarb is tender. Jean Osterman, Wheaton, MN

Cherry-Pineapple Dessert 1 (20 oz.) can crushed pineapple with juice 1 (21 oz.) can cherry pie filling 1 box yellow cake mix

1 cup coconut flakes 1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts, if desired 1 cup (2 sticks) butter

Dump pineapple with juice and spread into bottom of pan. Top with cherry pie filling. Sprinkle top evenly with dry cake mix. Add coconut and chopped nuts. Slice butter over all. Bake at 350°F. for 35 to 40 minutes. Let cool before cutting. Arlene BaanHofman, Corsica, SD

Mexican Cheese Cake (Sopapilla) 2 (8 oz. each) cans refrigerated crescent rolls 2 (8 oz. each) pkgs. cream cheese, softened

1-3/4 cups sugar, divided 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 cup butter, melted 1 T. ground cinnamon

In medium bowl, beat cream cheese and 1 cup sugar and vanilla. Unroll 1 can dough. Place in bottom of ungreased 9x13-inch (3-quart) glass baking dish. Stretch to cover bottom of dish, firmly pressing perforations to seal. Spread cream cheese mixture over dough. Unroll second can of dough. Firmly press perforations to seal. Carefully place on top of cream cheese layer. Pinch seams together. Mix remaining sugar with cinnamon; sprinkle evenly over all. Drizzle melted butter evenly over top. Bake at 350°F. for 30 to 35 minutes or until puffed and brown. Cool before cutting. Clarice Roghair, Okaton, SD

2 (8 oz. each) pkg. Neufchâtel cheese, 1/3 less fat than cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup sugar 2 tsp. apple pie spice 2 tsp. pure vanilla extract 2 cups thawed frozen light whipped topping 1/4 cup caramel dessert topping 1/2 cup chopped peanuts

Mix crumbs and ginger in medium bowl. Stir in butter until well blended. Press crumb mixture evenly into bottom and up sides of lightly greased 9-inch pie plate. Bake at 350°F. for 10 minutes. Cool completely on wire rack. Beat cream cheese, peanut butter and sugar in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended and smooth. Beat in apple pie spice and vanilla until well mixed. Gently stir in whipped topping. Spoon into cooled crust. Drizzle with dessert topping. Using knife, gently swirl topping into pie until marbled. Sprinkle with peanuts. Refrigerate 4 hours or until set. Store leftover pie in refrigerator. Makes 12 servings. Nutritional Information Per Serving: Calories 401, Total Fat 25g, Sodium 380mg, Cholesterol 42mg, Carbohydrates 34g, Protein 10g, Dietary Fiber 1g Pictured, Cooperative Connections

Ginger Snaps 2 cups sugar

1 tsp. salt

1-1/2 cups butter

2 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 cup molasses

1 tsp. cloves

2 eggs

1/2 tsp. nutmeg

5 cups flour

3 tsp. ginger

3 tsp. soda Mix in order listed. Roll into small balls the size of walnuts. Roll balls in sugar. Place 2 inches apart. Bake at 375°F. for 15 minutes. Bonnie Weber, Aberdeen, SD

Please send your favorite vegetarian, garden produce and pasta recipes to your local electric cooperative (address found on Page 3). Each recipe printed will be entered into a drawing for a prize in December 2019. All entries must include your name, mailing address, telephone number and cooperative name.

July 2019 | Cooperative Connections



DIRECTOR CANDIDATE SELECTION GUIDELINES Characteristics To Consider When Becoming a Director

Candidates must be members of the cooperative and reside in the district they are nominated from, be in good standing with the cooperative, and they or their spouse not be employed or financially interested in a competing enterprise or a major supplier of the cooperative. Candidates shall not be related to any incumbent director, officer, or employee of the cooperative or spouse of said director officer or employee. Candidate or their spouse must be of legal capacity, and cannot have been convicted of a felony within the last 10 years. Candidates may not have been an employee of West River Electric for less than 3 years from the date of the employees last day of employment.

to be in the best interest of WREA and all of its members, and with such care as an ordinarily prudent person would use under similar circumstances. Each Director must also have the ability to act in good faith and in the best interest of WREA and all of its members, irrespective of the individual interests of the Director or other entities with which a Director is affiliated or sympathetic, or to which a Director owes his or her Board appointment. Each Director should clearly disclose to WREA and other Directors any actual conflicts of interest or other matters that may constitute even the appearance of a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest exists when a person’s private interest (financial or otherwise) interferes, or appears to interfere, with the interests of WREA. A written disclosure will be made on an annual basis. A Director’s access to information about WREA is accompanied by a duty not to disclose information obtained by the Director in his or her capacity as such to any person (other than is necessary and appropriate in the performance of the Director’s duties) or to misuse such information for personal benefit or the benefit of others.

Nominees should be available and willing to serve, if elected. In addition to meeting attendance, nominees should realize that there is a significant time commitment with regard to reviewing materials in preparation for board meetings and trainings. It is expected that nominees will have a reasonable level of financial literacy, including the ability to review and understand financial statements, balance sheets, and income and cash flow statements. Directors are expected to have some knowledge in the use of computers, email and the internet. Nominees must be capable of exercising independent judgment and thinking. In addition, nominees must be capable of exercising a high level of discretion, since much of the material they will have access to is confidential in nature. The position of a director is demanding and includes a number of responsibilities. Therefore, a director should be enthusiastic and capable of fulfilling these duties. Directors should have the ability to read, comprehend, and organize information in order to stay informed of cooperative business. Directors should have adequate time to devote to this position. A variety of perspectives, opinions and backgrounds of the directors is critical to the Board’s ability to perform its duties and various roles. WREA seeks candidates with a diversity of professional and personal experience, education and skills in order to enhance the overall composition of the Board. Duty of Care & Loyalty Each Director must have the ability to discharge his or her duties in good faith in the manner the Director reasonably believes 6

Cooperative Connections | July 2019

Compensation The WREA Bylaws provide that the Board of Directors may be paid for attendance at various meetings and functions. The Board may also 603500 authorize reimbursement for expenses actually incurred in attendance at Board meetings, or in conducting Board business, or the Board may grant a reasonable per diem allowance in lieu of detailed accounting for expenses. Schedule of Meetings Regularly scheduled meetings of the Board are held each year as follows: Every month, normally the 3rd Monday of each month, alternating between the Wall and Rapid City office and held during the day. An annual meeting in October; normally the second Saturday along with various appreciation days each fall. Annually a budget meeting in December. Director’s will be appointed to various other committees of the Board and will be expected to attend those meetings. In addition, there are annual meetings with SDREA and Rushmore that each director is asked to attend. Each director is also on a 3 year rotation to attend various associated organization’s annual meetings along with various director training. These are necessary to be able to be an informed director.


BOARD OF DIRECTOR ELECTION Petition Deadline August 13, 2019

Application Deadline

July 5, 2019 We invite our members to participate in a member to member contribution option that’s quick, inexpensive and unites the membership to help each other. Members volunteering for the Round-Up option agree to have their monthly bill rounded up to the nearest dollar with the extra pennies going to the program. The average donation will amount to approximately $6 during the course of a year. Imagine if 50% of West River Electric’s nearly 14,000 members signed up for Round Up, we would have $42,000 to be used to help local charities and organizations. Your last bill of the year will show your total contribution for tax purposes. Your voluntary participation will help someone else.

Three incumbent directors let us know of their intent to seek re-election to the Board of Directors of West River Electric Association. Jamie Lewis of Rapid City for District 1, Marcia Arneson of Rapid City for District 2 and Sue Peters of Wall for District 3 have all chosen to seek re-election to the Board of Directors of West River Electric at the October 12, 2019 Annual Meeting of the membership of West River Electric. Candidates must be members of the cooperative and reside in the district they are seeking election from, be in good standing with the cooperative and you or your spouse not be employed or financially interested in a competing enterprise or major supplier to the cooperative. See page 6 for a full list of Director Candidate guidelines. Per Article V Section 4 of the bylaws of West River Electric a member may seek election to the Board of Directors of West River Electric by taking out a petition and have it signed by at least 15 members at least 120 days but not less than 60 days prior to the annual meeting. Petitions for making nominations for West River Electric Board of Directors may be picked up at any of our offices in Wall, Rapid City or Enning. The deadline for petitions is August 13, 2019. No nominations are taken from the floor at the annual meeting. If you have any questions about the nominating or petition process, please call the Wall office at 605-279-2135.

Operation Round-Up will be accepting applications for funding; the deadline to apply is July 5, 2019. Anyone interested in applying for funds, please stop by to pick up an application at the Wall or Rapid City office, call 605-393-1500 or 605-2792135 or go online to www.westriver.coop. Operation Round-Up is voluntary! To sign up to donate 10181100 to Operation Round-up fill out the form below and return with your payment.

___ Yes I want to participate in Operation Round Up ___ Please send me more information Name ________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City _________________________________________ State______ Zip_________ Phone _________________ Acct # ________________ I would like to donate an additional amount over and above the normal roundup amount of $________per month, please apply this to my bill each month. Please return with your bill or fill out and mail to: West River Electric, PO Box 3486, Rapid City, SD 57709. July 2019 | Cooperative Connections



Elm Lake in northern Brown County has seen steady growth. Photo by Ben Dunsmoor

LIVING THE LAKE LIFE Scenic Views, Tranquil Living Inspire Many Brenda Kleinjan & Ben Dunsmoor brenda.kleinjan@sdrea.coop and bdunsmoor@northernelectric.coop

Minnesota may be known as the Land of 10,000 Lakes, but for increasing number of South Dakotans are also making the connection to the water. Some lakes in the Rushmore State have had developments associated with them for several decades while other lakes are relative new-comers to the year-round-home lake life. Northern Electric Cooperative serves four major recreational lakes within Brown and Spink counties. The co-op serves nearly 1,000 lake-area homes and businesses at Elm Lake, Richmond Lake, Mina Lake, and Cottonwood Lake combined. Elm Lake in northern Brown County has seen steady growth in popularity over the past 12 years. Elm Lake Association President Mike Jung says Elm Lake is not as busy as other lakes in the 8

Cooperative Connections | July 2019

Fishing is a popular pastime on many area lakes.

Photo by www.TravelSouthDakota.com


county and believes the quiet lifestyle is what is appealing to many people. “I think the biggest thing up here is it’s so quiet all week long,” Jung said. “If you want to go fishing you can go a half mile down the lake and not have any jet skis near you.” Mina Lake boasts the largest lake population within Northern Electric’s service territory. More than 400 homes and businesses are part of the small community between Aberdeen and Ipswich. Mina Lake has been developing since the late 1930s when Julie Johnson’s grandfather built the first two cabins on the lake. Johnson currently lives at the lake and her family has been involved with developing the lake throughout her lifetime. She says the improvements in electric, water, and wastewater infrastructure has transformed the lake from a weekend destination to a full-time home for many residents. “There are just a whole lot more people living out (at Mina Lake) all year long,” Johnson said. Richmond Lake is also a popular place to

live, work, and play in Brown County. The 200-acre state-run Richmond Lake Recreation Area is open to campers, swimmers, and fishing enthusiasts. Nearly 300 homes and businesses are located around the Richmond Lake shoreline.

“I think the biggest thing up here is it’s so quiet all week long.” Cottonwood Lake in Spink County serves as a Redfield-area retreat. More than 100 homes dot the shores of Cottonwood which is a busy spot for boating and fishing throughout the summer months. Head to the south and one of the state’s largest lakes, Lake Poinsett, has been increasing in popularity over the years, with a growing number of year-round homes. Settled into the southern part of Hamlin County and northern part of Brookings County, S.D. Highway 28 provides easy

access to the lake from Interstate 29 while U.S. Highway 81 provides a north-south cooridor from Watertown to Madison and points south. To the west, growth along Lake Oahe – the stretch of the Missouri River extending above the Oahe Dam at Pierre up into North Dakota – has also seen considerable growth. And with that growth can be challenges. “We’ve experienced it in the past, when the reservoir gets full, the hills shift on us and can tear our cable apart. It’s torn on us three times already,” said Cam Wal Electric Manager Terry Keller. The western boundary of the co-op’s area is formed by Lake Oahe in Campbell, Walworth and Potter counties. Keller said that some of the areas have residents year-round, while others are occupied in the spring, summer and fall. “We have a few that come stay a couple of weeks and then go home,” Keller said. “Even with the challenges, the real growth we have is along the reservoir,” said Keller.

Lake Poinsett provides inspiring vistas for photographer Greg Latza. Photo and Cover by ©Greg Latza

July 2019 | Cooperative Connections


West River Electric Association in Wall, S.D., also added an electric car to its fleet. Sioux Valley Energy in Colman, S.D., has also leased a Nissan Leaf and named her “EVie.” The car will appear at co-op events to allow members to kick the tires and maybe even test drive her!

IS AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE RIGHT FOR YOU? The Economics of Electric Vehicles Are Affected by Geography, Climate and How Your Electricity Is Generated. Paul Wesslund NRECA

Should your next car be an electric vehicle? The answer could depend on where you live.

Electric vehicles account for just 1.2 percent of the U.S. vehicle market, but sales are booming, growing 25 percent last year. And they’re getting better and cheaper as researchers improve the batteries that power them. Here’s a guide to help you decide if an electric car is for you – or if you just want to be smarter about one of the next big things in energy. The first thing to realize about electric cars is they can drive more than enough miles for you on a single charge, even if you live out in the wide-open countryside.

Location issue #1: The Distance Myth Try keeping track of your actual daily use, advises Brian Sloboda, a program and product manager at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. “If you’re an insurance salesman, you’re logging a lot of miles, so an electric car’s not going to be for you,” he says, noting that a typical range for an electric car today is more than 100 miles and ranges of 150 to 250 miles are becoming common. “But if you look at how many miles you drive in a day, for most people in the United States, even in rural areas, that number is under 40 10

Cooperative Connections | July 2019

miles per day. So if your car has a range of 120 miles, that’s a lot of wiggle room.” According to the Federal Highway Administration, the average American drives 25 miles a day and for rural areas, that average is 34 miles a day. Sloboda says another reason it’s worth thinking realistically about your daily mileage comes from the most likely way an electric car would be refueled. When an electric car is done driving for the day, you can plug it in to recharge overnight. Essentially, you’re topping off the gas tank while you sleep, giving you a fullycharged battery every morning. There are three ways to charge an electric car: Level 1 – The simplest charging technique is to plug the car into a standard home outlet. That will charge the battery at a rate that will add from two to five miles to its range each hour. That’s pretty slow, but Sloboda notes the battery might start the charging session already partly charged, depending on how far it’s driven that day. Level 2 – Faster charging will require a professional installer to upgrade the home’s voltage for a unit that will add between 10 and 25 miles of range for each hour of charging – a rate that would fully charge the battery overnight. Sloboda says installing a Level 2 charger in a house or garage would run $500 to $800

for the equipment, plus at least that much for the labor. Timers can also be used to charge the vehicle in the middle of the night when electric consumption is typically lower. Level 3 – DC fast charge requires specialized equipment more suited to public charging stations and will bring a car battery up to 80 percent of capacity in 30 minutes. Sloboda warns this high-speed technique should only be used for special long-distance driving, since it can degrade the battery over time. That’s also why DC chargers shouldn’t be used to bring the battery up to 100 percent.

Location issue #2: Off-peak Electric Rates What you pay to charge your electric car could also depend on where you live, says Sloboda. He advises checking to see whether your local electric co-op offers a lower rate to charge an electric vehicle overnight, when the utility has a lower demand for electricity.


cially popular choice, a pickup truck.

Sloboda says there’s no technological barrier to making an electric pickup. He even suggests possible advantages: a heavy battery in the bottom would lower the center of gravity for better handling and at a remote worksite, the battery could run power tools. “Within the next 24 months, I believe there will be a credible pickup truck on the market,” says Sloboda. “It’s just a matter of time.” Paul Wesslund writes on consumer and cooperative affairs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, the national trade association representing more than 900 local electric cooperatives. From growing suburbs to remote farming communities, electric co-ops serve as engines of economic development for 42 million Americans across 56 percent of the nation’s landscape.

“It’s different depending on where you are in the country,” says Sloboda. Some local co-ops have fairly stable electric demand throughout a typical day, so they may not offer a special electric vehicle rate. He adds, “There are areas of the country where the onpeak, off-peak difference in price is extreme,” so that it might make financial sense for the utility to offer an overnight charging rate. Another factor affecting the economics of an electric car is, of course, the cost of the vehicle. “These cars are really in the luxury and performance car categories,” says Sloboda. As electric cars improve, projections put their cost coming down to match conventional vehicles by about the year 2025. But today, the average electric car costs close to $40,000, compared with less than $30,000 for an internal combustion engine.

Location issues #3 and #4: Environment and Geography For many people, one of the biggest selling points for electric cars is their effect on the environment and that can also depend on where you live. The sources of electricity for a local utility vary across the country – some areas depend heavily on coal-fired power plants, others use larger shares of solar or wind energy. One major environmental group analyzed all those local electric utility fuel mixes and determined that for most of the country, electric vehicles have much less of an effect on the environment than conventional vehicles. That study by the Union of Concerned Scientists shows that in the middle part of the country, driving an electric vehicle has the equivalent environmental benefits of driving a gasoline-powered car that gets 41 to 50 miles per gallon. For much of the rest of the country, it’s like driving a car that gets well over 50 miles per gallon. “Seventy-five percent of people now live in places where driving on electricity is cleaner than a 50 MPG gasoline car,” says the report from the Union of Concerned Scientists. Other local factors that will affect an electric car’s performance include climate and geography, says Sloboda. The range of the vehicle will be affected by whether you regularly drive up and down mountains or make a lot of use of the heater or air conditioner. Sloboda concedes that electric vehicles are not for everybody – yet. One limit to their growth is that no major carmaker offers an espeJuly 2019 | Cooperative Connections



Seniors Staying in Shape Fellowship, Competition All Part of Senior Games Brenda Kleinjan editor@sdrea.coop

For more than 35 years, South Dakota seniors have been gathering in fellowship and competition in the South Dakota Senior Games. The state senior games will be held in September in Watertown, while regional competitions take place throughout the state from May through August. (Minnesota’s Senior Games are Aug 1-4 in St. Cloud.)

Team and partner events as well as individual competitions are part of the 21 sports offered at the South Dakota Senior Games.

The South Dakota games got their start in 1984 when the Division of Adult Services and Aging within the South Dakota Department of Social Services established the competition. The purpose was to encourage seniors to become involved in, as well as maintain, on-going physical exercise. By 1996, state funding for the games was withdrawn, but the games continued on. A Senior Games board of directors was formed, comprised of participants from across the state. The non-profit establishes the rules and regulations for the games and provides financing and developing local, regional games as well as the state games which features 21 different sports.


Cooperative Connections | July 2019

Since then, hundreds of South Dakotans aged 50 and up have been lacing up their sneakers and heading to the field, court or track to compete. During the South Dakota Senior Games state competition, participants will compete in 21 different events within five-year age divisions (50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89, 90-94, 95-99 and 100+). Every two years, a national event is scheduled and the state games are the qualifying event for the national stage. The 2019 National Games were set for June 14-25 in Albuquerque, N.M.


South Dakota Senior Games Thursday, Sept. 5 7:30 a.m. – Golf and Shuffleboard 8:30 a.m. – Disc Golf and Bean Bag Toss 12:15 p.m. – Swimming 12:30 p.m. – 8-ball pool 2:30 p.m. – Bowling Mixed Doubles and Jump Rope 5 p.m. – Pickelball mixed doubles 5:30 p.m. – Table Tennis and Strength contests (Pull ups, timed plank, push ups, arm curls, timed wall sit, bench press reps

Table tennis is one of 21 sports at the South Dakota Senior Games. South Dakota Regional Senior Games Sioux Falls

May 30- June 1

Nick Brady Sioux Falls Parks and Rec Phone: 978-6924

Friday, Sept. 6 7:30 a.m. – Horseshoes 8 a.m. – Pickelball (Doubles and Singles)

Northern Hills Senior June 7-8 Games, Spearfish

Brett Rauterkus – Spearfish Rec Center 722-1430

Madison Interlake Games

June 28-29

Bernie Schuurmans 270-3327

8 a.m. – Cycling (5k, 10,k, 20k, recumbent bikes)


July 11-13

Gene Morsching – Aberdeen Parks and Rec 626-7015

9 a.m. – Bowling (Men’s and women’s singles)

Black Hills Senior Games

July 24-27

Rapid City Parks and Rec – Kristi Lintz 394-4268

12:15 p.m. – Track and Field


July 26-27

Brookings Activities Center – Traci Saugstad 692-4492

2:30 p.m. – Volleyball


Aug. 3-4

Yankton Parks and Rec – Brittany Orr 668-5234


Aug. 9 – (Pickleball) Aug. 10 – Track and Field and other events.

Howard Bich – Call for information and Registration Form – 605-275-6891 or 605-491-0635 – Cell or LaRon Clock 605-353-8533


Aug. 22-24

Watertown Parks & Rec – Andrew Magedanz

South Dakota State Games, Watertown

Aug. 1-4

Sept. 5-8 (Online registration is Aug. 30. There is no on-site registration)

3 p.m. – Softball (Men’s 60+) 6:30 p.m. – Banquet and Annual Awards Presentations

Saturday, Sept. 7 7 a.m. – 5k race walk and 5k power walk; 5k road race; 10k road race 7:30 a.m. – Track and Field 9 a.m. – Basketball shoot 11:30 a.m. - Picnic for athletes

State Senior Games

Minnesota State Senior Games, St. Cloud

12:30 p.m. – Tennis and Badminton

Contact Info: Fritz Butkowski Phone: 320-762-2868 Web Site: Minnesota Senior Games http://mnseniorgames.com http:// www.mnseniorgames.com/ page/Schedule-ofEvents-x-274-21-287.html Howard Bich, Executive Director e-mail: sdsrgames@ gmail.com or habich@sio. midco.net 605-491-0635

1 p.m. – Three-on-Three Basketball 2 p.m. – Racquetball 2 p.m. – Mens Softball 3 p.m. – Womens Softball

Sunday, Sept. 8 8:15 a.m. – Archery 10 a.m. – Men’s and Women’s Softball Continues

July 2019 | Cooperative Connections



SUMMER INTERNS HIRED West River Electric finds that the busiest time of the year for us is the summertime. That is when the most new services are built and construction is at a peak, the time of the year when extra help is needed. This is a time when we can give our young people 1679201 an opportunity to fulfill the 1000 hour internships they need to become acquainted with the work environment after they have graduated and are seeking full time employment. Jordyn is here to help our Building Maintenance get ahead. With all of the rain we have gotten this spring, there is an abundance of mowing that needs to be done.

Jordyn Thayer Jordyn graduated from Central High School in 2018. She is attending Chadron State College going into High School Education. She hopes to come back to the Rapid City area and attain a position in the Rapid City School District. Good Luck Jordyn.

Riley Meis Riley graduated from Rapid City Central High School in 2017. After graduation he went on to attend Mitchell Tech taking the Powerline Cosntruction and Maintenance Program, graduating in 2019. He enjoys riding bicycle in his spare time.

POLES FOR SALE $1.00 a Foot

Contact Brendan Nelson or Mike Oyen at the Rapid City office to get used power poles for $1.00 a foot. West River Electric, 3250 E Hwy 44, Rapid City, SD, 393-1500. Limited quantity of poles available.

Know what’s below call 811 before you dig


Cooperative Connections | July 2019

Shane Harkin Shane graduated from Sturgis High School in 2015. He went on to attend Mitchell Technical School graduating in 2016. He then went to the East Coast where he chased hurricanes and ice storms for 3 years building powerline. He enjoys riding dirt bikes in his spare time.

Don’t post signs on our poles! Posting signs and announcements on utility poles not only presents DANGER to WREA linemen, it is against the law. Please don’t post your signs or posters on our utility poles. If you see announcements affixed to a pole, please feel 4704200 free to remove them, but remember to pry the nails, staples & tacks out of the poles as well.

Use South Dakota 811 to locate underground utilities before you dig. Excavators planning to dig, drill or trench should make the required locate request to South Dakota 811 two working days before the planned work. Homeowners and landowners planning their own excavation activities are required to notify South Dakota 811 as well.

West River Electric


will be closed

Thursday, July 4, 2019 Please call 279-2135 or 393-1500 in the event of an outage or other emergency. Our calls are answered 24/7.

Our Mission: West River Electric Association, Inc. shall strive to continually improve customer service and satisfaction by providing safe, reliable, efficient and reasonably priced electricity and services, while leading in the development of our community for the well being of our members.

Energy Efficiency Tip of the Month Degree days measure how cold or warm a location is. The more extreme the outside temperature, the higher the number of degree days. A high number of degree days results in higher energy use for space heating and cooling.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Board President: Andy Moon

Did you change your phone number or email It is important to keep your information updated with West River Electric. We would like to be able to keep you updated on planned outages or other important information that may affect your service. Contact us at 279-2135 or 393-1500 to make changes to your information.

Locate Your Account Number There will be five account numbers placed randomly throughout the Connections. If you spot your account number and notify our office before the 10th of the next month, you will receive a $10 credit on your next bill.

Rapid City Office

Wall Office

3250 E Hwy 44, Rapid City, SD Monday-Friday 7:00 am-5:00 pm 605-393-1500

1200 W 4th Ave, Wall, SD Monday-Friday 7:00 am-5:00 pm 605-279-2135

A night depository is available at both offices for your convenience.

Board of Directors Stan Anders – Vice President Jamie Lewis – Secretary Larry Eisenbraun – Treasurer Jerry Hammerquist Howard Knuppe Marcia Arneson Chuck Sloan Sue Peters CEO and General Manager: Dick Johnson – dick.johnson@westriver.coop

If you locate your account number anywhere in this issue of the West River Electric Cooperative Connections you will be a winner.

West River Electric Office Hours

(USPS No. 675-840)

Editor Veronica Kusser – veronica.kusser@westriver.coop WEST RIVER ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CONNECTIONS is the monthly publication for the members of West River Electric Association. Members subscribe to Cooperative Connections as part of their electric cooperative membership for $6 a year. West River Electric Cooperative Connections purpose is to provide reliable, helpful information to electric cooperative members on matters pertaining to rural electrification and better living. Nonmember subscriptions are available for $12 per year. Periodicals Postage paid at Wall, S.D., and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to West River Electric Cooperative Connections, PO Box 412 , Wall, SD 57790-0412. Other correspondence to: West River Electric Cooperative Connections, PO Box 3486, Rapid City, SD 57709; telephone (605)393-1500, Exts. 6519, 6517, 6531 or 6522; fax (605)3930275; e-mail veronica.kusser@westriver.coop.

July 2019 | Cooperative Connections



June 25

Healthy Habits for Life Tour, Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City, SD, 605-394-4111

June 28

Naja Shrine Outdoor Circus, Wall Rodeo Grounds, Wall, SD, 605-209-2556

July 1

Photo courtesy: Scavenger’s Journey Committee

Movie Under the Stars, Small Foot, Main Street Square, Rapid City, SD, 605-716-7979

July 3

Dusk Fireworks, Elks Golf Course, Rapid City, SD, 605-393-1187

July 4

June 21-23: Scavenger’s Journey, A treasure trove event with antiques, rummages and more stretching from Mt. Vernon to Kadoka, SD, Contact Elaine Titze at 605-999-7287, www.scavengersjourney.com

West River Electric will be closed for Independence Day, Call 605-279-2135 or 393-1500 in the event of an outage

July 13

July 4

July 15

Independence Day Celebration, Main Street Square, Rapid City, SD, 605-716-7979

July 8

Movie Under the Stars, Spiderman, Main Street Square, Rapid City, SD, 605-716-7979

July 11-13

Wall Celebration Rodeo, Wall Rodeo Grounds, Wall, SD, 605-685-4166

July 12

Black Hills Pride Festival, Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City, SD, 605-394-4111

July 12-14

Wall Celebration, Wall, SD, 605-279-2663

July 29

September 12

Movie Under the Stars, The Grinch, Main Street Square, Rapid City, SD, 605-716-7979

August 1 and 8

September 13

July 18 and 25

August 5

Cruiser Car Show & Street Fair, Main Street Square, Rapid City, SD, 605-716-7979

Playdays, Rodeo Grounds, Wall, SD, 605-685-4166

July 19

Wall Wellness Fair, Regional Health Medical Clinic, Wall Community Center, Wall, SD, 605-279-2149

July 19-20

Bronc Ride and Ranch Rodeo, Murdo, SD, 605-669-3031

July 20-21

Hills Alive, Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City, SD, 605-394-4111

July 22

Movie Under the Stars, Incredibles 2, Main Street Square, Rapid City, SD, 605-716-7979

Movie Under the Stars, Finding Dory, Main Street Square, Rapid City, SD, 605-716-7979 Playdays, Rodeo Grounds, Wall, SD, 605-685-4166 Movie Under the Stars, Ralph Breaks The Internet, Main Street Square, Rapid City, SD, 605-716-7979

August 7

Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band, Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City, SD, 605-394-4111 Lewis Black, The Joke’s On Us Tour, Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City, SD, 605-394-4111

September 21

Walk to End Alzheimer’s, Memorial Park, Rapid City, SD, 605-339-4543

Buffalo Chips Rusty Wallace Charity Ride, Rapid City, SD, 605-716-7979

August 12

Movie Under the Stars, Lego Movie, Main Street Square, Rapid City, SD, 605-716-7979

August 16-23

Central States Fair, Fairgrounds, Rapid City, SD

August 19

Movie Under the Stars, Hotel Transylvania 3, Main Street Square, Rapid City, SD, 605-716-7979

To have your event listed on this page, send complete information, including date, event, place and contact to your local electric cooperative. Include your name, address and daytime telephone number. Information must be submitted at least eight weeks prior to your event. Please call ahead to confirm date, time and location of event.

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