Wilderness Pursuits Program Brochure 2018-2019

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Wilderness Pursuits Program


Wilderness Pursuits (WP) is a full-year multidisciplinary program offered to grade 10 students at West Point Grey Academy. WP provides experiential adventures throughout British Columbia, integrating the WP elective with Careers 11. Students must apply to enroll in WP; for application guidelines, see back page.

¡¡Field Experiences

Students complete two multiday excursions and several afternoon activities each term. Excursions progress in complexity; activities and expeditions are purposely selected to optimize learning and geographical diversity. To be prepared for a range of environmental conditions, students are expected to have appropriate clothing and equipment (an equipment list is provided at the start of the program). Excursions follow industry standards for supervision ratios and safety. Male and female supervisors attend overnight expeditions, program leaders are trained in Wilderness First Aid, and professional guides are employed as necessary to balance adventure and risk.

¡¡Wilderness Pursuits Pillars OUTDOOR SKILLS AND ACTIVITIES

Students learn and practice a variety of outdoor skills and activities, including hiking, low-impact camping, cross country skiing, snow shelter building, avalanche awareness, sea kayaking, and basic navigation and route finding on land and water. LEADERSHIP & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT


Students are expected to assume leadership roles and are encouraged to examine their strengths and weaknesses in different environments. Students, working as a team, develop strong bonds over the year, and learn the importance of collaboration, shared purpose and personal responsibility.

Through field trips, observations, research projects and stewardship initiatives, students gain comprehensive and advanced knowledge of our natural environment and issues, and learn to appreciate the diversity of both rural and urban environments.

··Careers 11 Integration

Within WP, students take Careers 11, a required graduation course that studies personal development, leadership styles, decision making, budgeting, healthy living and university preparation.

··Fitness Expectations

Students are required to have a basic level of fitness to participate in WP. For the fitness assessment, students are to hike the Grouse Grind; those who complete the challenging 3-kilometre hike in 75 minutes or less are considered to have an appropriate fitness level for the program.

··Time Commitment

Students are expected to participate in all WP activities and multiday excursions, which typically include 14 school days and 9 weekend days. As course participation affects academic grades and group development, students must commit fully to the course, which will inevitably conflict with other school events.

··Academic Expectations

Students’ academic records will be considered when applying to the program, and WP students are expected to maintain a good academic standing. Note it is the student’s responsibility to make up any work missed in other academic classes during WP excursions, although some time will be dedicated to studying and make-up tests in WP.

··Financial Requirements

The program cost is $1200 per student, which covers external instruction, transportation, certification for instructional courses, gear and equipment rentals, and classroom materials. Personal equipment such as hiking boots may also be required.

··How to Apply

Interested students must submit a written application and one personal reference. References are to be completed by an adult who has worked with the student in a group-based setting (coaches, group leaders, teachers) and who can attest to the student’s ability to work well with others. Students will then be interviewed. The application form and FAQ are available on WolfNet > Wilderness Pursuits.

··WP Teachers

·· Jes Logher, jlogher@wpga.ca ·· Cameron Johnston, cjohnston@wpga.ca

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