1 minute read

& with Caleb, Year 13 on his Westonbirt journey

By: Taksal G.

What is it like being in Sixth Form?

Being in Sixth Form is great because you get the chance to study your favourite subjects in more depth and develop relationships with your teachers and year group.

What are you currently studying?

I am currently studying Maths, Further Maths, and Physics, and last year I dabbled in some Chemistry as well (I chose the subjects with the least possible writing...!)

Everyone knows you at Westonbirt, why do you think that is?

Well, when I first came to Westonbirt, I threw myself into all the opportunities available to me, which meant I met a lot of different people throughout the school, and I would like to think that I am quite personable and friendly, which definitely helps!

How are you dealing with exam stress?

Personally, I don’t feel much exam stress. From my perspective, if I put the work in and know that I have given my all, then the exams should reflect that.