1 minute read

The life of a tree

Once, I was a young sapling who lived in a massive forest the nature w and the flowers were blooming, people would water me every day and looking after me like I was there son. They let me grow and become bigg day I was a treenager, this was when they started to stop watering me, I cried for days and weeks sad that my parents had left me but that’s when they came.

Owls and ants, they made a home in my branches and they lived with me as though they were family. My job was to protect them and that is what I would do I let them live within me and that’s what I did for hundreds of years they kept coming and leaving until I was an old frail tree but they did not give up on me and instead the termites, ants and the owls rebuilt me they added support beams and much more but all I did was shelter them. They thanked me and they said they were grateful so I decided to give them some sap as a gift to remind them that I will be gone soon and you need to find a new tree so scout for one and leave me to decompose into the soil.

“CHOP THEM DOWN “screamed the men. That’s all I heard before I saw my brothers get cut down in front of my eyes the men ran towards me and scared the birds. I told the termites to run but they stayed and attacked. The men took out these spray things and struck the termites down but before anything else happened I felt a sharp axe go through my wood the sap was leaking out as fast as ever and I knew I was finished I launched my leaves away and they had gone but I was now in the back of a truck.

Then before I knew it, I blacked out but then I woke up in this house made of TREES how dare they insult my brothers they shall pay for this and those were my last words before I was split in half by a saw. The pain was excruciating as all the termites were murdered and I was split in half. Then they carried my limp pieces of wood into a truck and drove to a house, where I was stored in a shed ready to be burnt like the others.