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October 29, 2010 • THE ARROW

Do We Want a Higher California?


Since Prop. 19 was introduced, many have argued whether or not legalizing marijuana is in the best interest of California. Two journalists debate the pros and cons of legalizing the drug. of Mexican Drug Cartel revenue comes from the sale of marijuana. By legalizing it, citizens can help end the senseless violence currently tearing Mexico apart. It’s time to reform laws that don’t work. It’s time to change the regulated use of marijuana. And it’s time to close our budget shortfall. This November, it’s time for Californians to legalize marijuana.

Zak Kukoff Entertainment Editor

performance. Even the Drug Policy Alliance, an organization supporting marijuana, admits that “marijuana produces immediate, temporary changes in thoughts, and information processing.” With a marijuana effected minds, stu-

Woody Chung Staff Writer

This fall, with Proposition 19 on the Kush. Mary Jane. Weed. Pot. All of ballot, Californians have the opportunity these words are synonymous for one of the to take a forward-thinking position of most gripping topics smoking through the legalizing marijuana for adult use. In the nation. past, Californians’ ballot propositions Proposition have influenced the passing of laws on 19 is an attempt to both the state and federal levels, legalize marijuaand now it’s time to show that same na. According to kind of progressive leadership the Monitoring the again. Future Survey, in California is facing an 2009, 23% of 10th unprecedented budget shortfall. graders nationwide Not only have we had trouble have smoked maripassing a yearly budget, but we juana at least once have resorted to paying workers in their lifetime. with IOUs. In a state where All people will be Source: www..marijuanaaddictiontreatment.com raising taxes is considered toxic able to access marfor politicians, the quickest way ijuana more easily to stave off the state’s impending Source:: www..marijuanaaddictiontreatment.com with this proposidents will not remember what they studbankruptcy is to find new taxable tion in effect. opportunities. Economists from A major change for a WHS student ied and their grades will inevitably be lowboth sides of the issue have would be a decrease in academic and work ered. Once the proposition passes, adults predicted new, huge sources of over 21 years old will also be allowed to revenue if voters pass Prop. 19. Marijuana, possess up to an ounce of marijuana and which would be taxed and regulated for grow up to 25 square feet of marijuana the first time, could bring in up to $7 billion plants. With Proposition 19 in effect, there in annual revenue in taxes alone, according would be nothing stopping a teacher or a to Harvard economist Jeffery Miron. In school administrator from smoking. With the city of Oakland, where marijuana is this proposition in effect, doctors, lawyers, already being taxed, city officials have said construction workers, bus drivers, nursthat it will save parks, libraries, and public es, and even parents will be permitted to services. smoke. The work of all of these people is Other cities have encountered similar already hard to handle sober; Californians results. The National Organization for the do not need another mind altering drug to Reform of Marijuana Laws, a consortium interfere with their work. of cities, activists, and others, found that In addition, anticipate the effect of marijuana could bring in an additional marijuana on your health. According to Dr. $18 billion a year for the struggling Sanjay Gupta, “Smoking anything can seriCalifornia economy—enough to remove ously damage lung tissue.” Marijuana will the opportunity crushing fees that millions cause lung disease, not to mention high of students currently pay to attend the UC cholesterol from overeating. school system. Although supporters of marijuana Contrary to popular belief, legalizing claim that marijuana reduces stress, numarijuana would actually make it harder merous studies show that marijuana could to obtain. Currently, anyone over 18 years possibly lead to a higher chance of depresof age can get a doctor’s note to legally sion. “People who use cannabis at high smoke marijuana, and it’s a well-known levels on a regular basis…are at increased secret that some doctors are more likely to risk probably of developing depression” “prescribe it” than others. said psychiatrist Ian Hicke. Many Prop. 19 opponents have Supporters of the drug also claim that claimed that legalizing marijuana would marijuana has never killed anyone. Coincrease the number of students who caine was once believed to be medically smoke. However, many of these same beneficial as well. It was even included in arguments were made during the medical CocaCola during the 1900s. Today, cocaine marijuana process, and they proved to is concerned one of the most harmful illebe patently false. In fact, according to gal drugs. Newsweek, incidences of minors smoking There is always a possibility that peohave actually dropped since the lax ple are wrong. Before people fully undermedical law was passed. Netherlands, stand the effects of marijuana, they should where smoking marijuana is legal, has not blindly support it simply because of one-half the consumption rate of the the pleasure it brings. United States. Marijuana, no matter how beneficial Like many prohibitions, the ban on to the economy, is a drug that will ruin the marijuana has only strengthened the drug health of California. To legalize it would be cartels. The White House Office of National BLOWIN’ SMOKE: If Prop 19. passes, California citizens will be permitted to possess a to harm the lives of many. Drug Control Policy reports that over 60%

“23% of 10th grade stu-

“41.8% of all [high school] seniors in the U.S. have tried marijuana at least once in their lifetime.”

dents have smoked marijuana in the past month.”

small amount of marijuana for recreational use.

Cyberbully Tragedy Sounds Alarm Julia Shi Staff Writer The development of a rapidly expanding technological world sparked the creation of social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace, as well as new means of communication, like texting and video chatting. And although numerous students have reaped the social benefits offered by these high-tech tools, there are also those who have seen the darker side of technology. College freshman Tyler Clementi’s tragic suicide has made the dangers of the cyber world all too clear. Clementi jumped off the George Washington Bridge after his roommate and another student used the Internet to broadcast his private

romantic encounter with a man. His death, along with a sudden epidemic of “bullycides,” has shed a very grim light on modern day bullying. Cyberbullying has become a new problem for today’s students. Unlike traditional, face-to-face bullying, cyberbullies can remain anonymous, and anything they post on the Internet, from cruel comments to compromising pictures, can be difficult to erase. Because most students have access to cell phones or computers, many run the risk of either being an online bully or getting harassed by one. According to a survey conducted by the Cyberbullying Research Center, an alarming one in five kids between the ages of 10 and 18 has been bullied online, or has bullied others

online. In addition, cyberbullying can have an even greater impact on its victims: a recent study made by the National Institutes of Health revealed that online bullying can result in greater levels of depression than conventional bullying. The negative influence cyberbullying has on kids makes it even more crucial to stop it as quickly as possible. Victims of online harassment should not directly confront the bully, which could make the situation worse, but instead collect evidence of any bullying, such as text messages or emails. Bullying, as well as the bullies themselves, can be difficult to identify. And the fact that many of the victims of harassment have, at one point, been the instigator, only makes the

situation more difficult to control. Dean of Attendance James Marshall is aware that many victims are scared to speak out. “They want our help, but they don’t want retaliation from the other side,” he admitted. However, Marshall strongly advises students who are suffering at the hands of bullies to confide in a school official or teacher. For those getting bullied online, Marshall recommends closing the account they are receiving harassment on. Bullying is a problem that affects, or has affected, many of today’s students. Especially now, it’s an issue that must be faced head on and stopped, for the sake of adolescents everywhere.

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