STRATEGIC PLAN 2021 - 2026
TABLE OF CONTENTS WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2025
Integrated Planning
History, Vision, Mission
Planning Process
Strategic Alignment
Objectives & Goals
INTRODUCTION Overview: This strategic plan was developed with the goal of providing students with the opportunity to enter West Hills College Coalinga (WHCC) and gain a college experience, attain knowledge, graduate with an associate degree, complete a certificate program, transfer to a university, and be ready for the workforce. Through various constituent meetings and college dialogue, the mission statement was revised, progress to the prior strategic plan was ascertained, institutional data was reviewed, strategic objectives and values were developed, and goals identified. The results of this planning and review process are represented in our 2021-2026 strategic plan. The contents of this document will help guide the college over the next three to four years in advancing the college mission and in supporting the community. Purpose: The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to provide a blueprint to guide integrated operations that support the achievement of the goals and objectives outlined in the WHCC Educational Master Plan (EMP) and other college plans. Specifically: a. The plan identifies specific actions that the College intends to take to advance the mission of the college and achieve the California Community College Chancellor’s Office Vision for Success Goals b. The college goals and objectives are broad statements that articulate how WHCC will address current and emerging challenges c. The Integrated Planning cycle and process outline how the components of the Colleges planning and institutional effectiveness processes are linked and aligned d. The Strategic Plan and Integrated Planning Cycle and Processes provide a framework to: • Guide resource allocation, program review, grant development as well as the development and implementation of other more specific or targeted college plans and initiatives • Develop shared understanding and focus on college planning, programs, and services • Support accreditation and demonstrate compliance with accreditation standards WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2026
Focus: The WHCC Strategic Objectives focus on: a. enhancing and improving the student experience and student success and completion via: Comprehensive, holistic support • equitable opportunities and outcomes • clear pathways to ensure that students achieve their educational and career goals b. enhancing and improving the employee experience through: • creating and providing an inclusive, equitable and welcoming working environment to support employee professional growth and personal wellbeing • empowering all constituents to fully participate in college governance • fostering a culture of respect, inclusiveness, and unity c. enhancing and improving the stewardship of College resources through: • transparent and inclusive decision-making • integrated planning • resource allocation processes based on data and integrated planning d. enhancing and improving community partnerships through: • building and sustaining collaborative projects with educational institutions, community-based organizations, as well as business and industry to create educational opportunities and economic mobility through the college service area • establishing and promoting a strong brand and identity for WHCC that is recognized throughout the Central Valley • expand existing and create new opportunities for transfer, internships, apprenticeship, mentorships, and employment e. enhancing and increasing a college-wide focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) via: • creating a culture of inclusion and belonging through communication and practices • removing systemic barriers to success • establishing clear expectations and accountability for inclusive behavior within the campus community • bringing equity-mindedness to the campus community • integrating DEI in pedagogy and curricula
WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2026
HISTORY West Hills College Coalinga was founded in 1932 as the Coalinga Extension Center for Fresno State College. In the 1940s, it became Coalinga College and came under the control of the Coalinga Union High School District and in 1956 a new, 40-acre campus was opened on Cherry Lane. In 1961, the school separated from the high school district and, in 1969, became known as West Hills College. The college expanded its reach into surrounding communities in the coming years and was joined in 2002 by West Hills College Lemoore. WHCC also operates the North District Center, Firebaugh. VISION & MISSION Vision
West Hills College Coalinga will provide a vibrant learning environment that delivers on our commitment to therelentless pursuit of student success.
Mission West
Hills College Coalinga will provide a vibrant learning environment that delivers on our commitment to the ‘ relentless pursuit of student success.’
West Hills College Coalinga inspires all learners to recognize their potential and achieve their goals through the delivery of high-quality academic instruction, programs, and support services. The college fosters equity and economic mobility by providing the environment to think critically, communicate effectively, and develop leadership skills to support our diverse communities.
West Hills College Coalinga inspires all learners to recognize their potential and achieve their goals through the delivery of high-quality academic instruction, programs, and support services. The college fosters equity and economic mobility by providing the environment to think critically, communicate effectively, and develop leadership WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2025 4| skills to support our diverse communities. WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2026
VALUES Core Value: Connectedness and Engagement i. We foster a culture of belonging where students, faculty and staff feel like they are part of the college community. ii. We empower individuals to be the difference in cultivating an environment that is welcoming, inclusive, and supportive of diverse perspectives. iii. We model collaboration and purposeful connections. iv. We facilitate purposeful connections through service-oriented programs and building strong relationships with business, industry, and community organizations.
Core Value: Nurturing Success Holistically i. We demonstrate compassion, support, encouragement, and a holistic approach to the success of students, faculty, and staff. ii. We ensure that all students, faculty, and staff have opportunities to contribute on campus and feel their contributions are appreciated. iii. We are committed to building a campus community that is built on trust, inclusivity, empathy, and kindness. iv. We recognize, respect, and appreciate the skills, talents, abilities, and experiences of each individual. v.
We nourish a growth mindset and aspire to be a campus community where everybody feels as though somebody wants them to succeed. vi. We strive to be experts in transforming the lives of our students and the communities served by the college through excellence, innovation, creativity, data informed decisions, evidenced based practices – If we think there is a better way we will make an informed decision to take a risk and try it.
Core Value: Focus and Direction i. We collectively contribute to student and institutional success by promoting and supporting planning, efficiency, consistency, accountability, progression, and persistence. 6
WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2026
OBJECTIVES & GOALS WHCC Strategic Objective 1: Provide high quality teaching and learning opportunities aligned with intentional, well-communicated pathways that reduce student costs, expand student access, accelerate success, and increase completion. - Goal: 90% of students will have an education plan by the end of year 1 - Goal: 1-3 degrees, certificates, pathways coded as Zero Textbook (ZTC), Open Educational Resources (OER), or Low Textbook Cost (LTC) by Fall 2023
WHCC Strategic Objective 2: Eliminate/Reduce Equity & Achievement Gaps. - Goal: Increase the number of Latinx/Hispanic and African American students who complete transfer English and Math by the end of year 1 by 20% WHCC Strategic Objective 3: Provide integrated, holistic services that support affordability, student basic needs, student success, and completion. - Goal: Increase the number of students with FAFSA application on file by the end of Term 1 by 20%
WHCC Strategic Objective 4: Foster campus and community engagement that promotes exemplary learning and working environments. - Goal: Establish a student advisory group for student and community engagement
WHCC Strategic Objective 5: Continue to build institutional efficiency and effectiveness. - Goal: Provide culturally relevant professional learning opportunities
Strategic Plan 2021-2026 WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2026
INTEGRATED PLANNING INTEGRATING PLANNING Students; Vision, Mission, Values; CCCCO Vision for Success Goals; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion; Data Board Strategic Directions & Priorities Comprehensive Educational Master Plan Facilities Master Plan Strategic Plan & Tactical Strategies Operational Support & Student Success Plans; Fiscal stability and sustainability; Student Centered Funding Formula Metrics; Grants; Institutional efficiency, effectiveness, and continuity; Safety & Emergency/Crisis Preparedness
Educational Master Plan and Strategic Plan Development and Implementation Cycle If you don't know where you're going you might end up someplace else. - Casey Stengel • •
Educational Master Plan and Strategic Plan Strategic Plan mid-range planning document -4 years implementation 1 year assessment & Development and Implementation Cycle
EMP long range planning document -7 years implementation 1 year assessment & planning development of next plan
If you don't know where you're going you might end up someplace else. - Casey Stengel
Aligned with the Strategic Directions identified by the college in EMP, DSP, VSF, SCFF, Equity Plan
Framework to guide college planning and decision making and benchmark progress & key results assessment & planning
EMP long range planning document -7 years implementation 1 year
Strategic Plan mid-range planning document -4 years implementation 1 year assessment & development of next plan Aligned with the Strategic Directions identified by the college in EMP, DSP, VSF, SCFF, Equity Plan Framework to guide college planning and decision making and benchmark progress & key results
WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2026 WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2025
Plans Strategic Plan * Educational Master Plan * Facilities Master Plan * College SP Supplement * * SSSP/Equity/BSI Integrated Plan *
dent rning ata ILOs PLOs CLOs
Program Review Instructional
Mission & Vision NonInstructional
Student Achievement Data • ISS • Stretch • Program Review Data
Program Goals Resource Requests
WHC Coalinga Integrated Planning • All integrated planning is informed by district and college planning documents • Instructional and non-instructional program review are driven by data on Student Learning and Student Achievement • Data metrics and program review processes are aligned to the college mission and vision • Resource requests originate in program review and are aligned to program goals • Implement change for improvement • Repeat process of assessment, revisions, and implementation, all through program review
Implementation Plans Assess and Improve Plans * District Strategic Plan * Educational Master Plan * Facilities Master Plan * College SP Supplement * * District Strategic Plan * Educational Master Plan * Facilities Master Plan * College SP Supplement * * SSSP/Equity/BSI Integrated Plan * * SSSP/Equity/BSI Integrated Plan *
Student Student Learning Learning Data Data •• ILOs ILOs •• PLOs PLOs • CLOs • AUOs • SSOs
Program Program Review Review Student Student Achievement Achievement Data Data
Instructional Instructional Mission & & Vision Vision Mission NonInstructional
Program Goals Resource Requests
•• • •
ISS ISS Stretch Program Review Data
WHC WHC Coalinga Coalinga •• All All integrat integrat by by district district aa documents documents •• Instruction Instruction program program re re on Student on Student Achieveme Achieveme •• Data Data metric metric processes a college mis • Resource re program re program go • Implement improveme • Repeat pro revisions, a through pro
Implementation Implementation Assess Assess and and Improve Improve WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2026
PLANNING PROCESS Planning Process Planning Process
Discovery Discovery
• Review • Review Vision,Vision, Mission, Mission, Values Values • Review Operational & • Review Operational & StudentStudent Success Success Plans Plans • College • College Council/Leadership Council/Leadership team discussions team discussions • Develop framework, • Develop framework, structure, timelines, structure, timelines, etc. etc.
Preliminary Preliminary Planning Planning
WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2026
Phase I Charrette's • Phase •I Charrette's • Input from • Input from constituent constituent groups groups (faculty, (faculty, staff, staff, students,students, community) community) • Preliminary • Preliminary environmental scan environmental scan • Review/affirm • Review/affirm mission,mission, vision, vision, values, and values, and strategicstrategic directions directions • Draft strategies, • Draft strategies, benchmarks, benchmarks, indicators of indicators of achievement achievement (baseline(baseline data, data, OKRs, KPIs, etc.) OKRs, KPIs, etc.)
• Comprehen • Comprehensive
environmen environmental scan scan • Draft Plan• Draft Plan • SWOT Analysis • SWOT Analy • Phase III • Phase III CharrettesCharrettes • Develop • Develop strategiesstrategies • Draft framework • Draft framew documentdocument
FocusedFo Discussion Disc
nsive ntal
ocused cussion
Active Active PlanningPlanning • Finalize and • Finalize and
approve plan approve plan • Final charrettes • Final charrettes • Develop • Develop implementation and implementation and communication plan communication plan • Present to• Present to stakeholders stakeholders • Finalize and approveand approve • Finalize through governance through governance process process • Finalize • Finalize implementation plan implementation plan
• Finalize implementation • Finalize implementation plan plan • Post, publish, • Post, publish,
communicatecommunicate • Establish • Establish project teams,project teams, work work groups, etc. groups, etc. • Assign responsibilities • Assign responsibilities and timelinesand timelines • Execute and• conduct Execute and conduct developmental developmental evaluation, formative evaluation, formative assessment–assessment– monitor monitor and recalibrate and recalibrate • Annual progress • Annual progress reports reports • Summative review, • Summative review, assessment, assessment, evaluation, evaluation, and report and report
Implement & Implement & EvaluateEvaluate
WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2025 8| WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2025 8| WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2026
WHCCD Strategic Pri
Diversity Equity Inclusion
Data Informed Decision Making
Communication Community Engagement & Partnerships Student Support and Engagement
WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2026
iorities WHCC Strategic Objectives Provide high quality teaching and learning opportunities aligned with intentional, well-communicated pathways that reduce student costs, expand student access, accelerate success, and increase completion Eliminate/Reduce Equity & Achievement Gaps Provide integrated, holistic services that support affordability, students basic needs, student success, and completion Foster campus and community engagement that promotes exemplary learning and working environments
California Community College Chancellors Offcie Vision for Success Goals Completion of degrees and certificates Transfer to four-year institutions Lowering cost and time to completion Preparing students for employment Reducing equity gaps among underrepresented student groups
Continue to build institutional efficiency and effectiveness
WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2026
Appendix 1 Appendix 1
Integrated Planning Calendar
Vision-Mission-Values Review
Comprehensive Educational Master Plan – Planning/Implementation/End Year Summative Evaluation
Mid-Cycle Assessment EMP 2018-22
Summative Evaluation 2018-22
Strategic Plan Planning/ Implementation/End Year Summative Evaluation
Assessment Strategic Plan 2016-20 Planning 2021-25
New Strategic Plan 2021-25
Comprehensive Facilities Master Plan
ISER Comp. Review
Planning EMP 2023-30
New EMP 2023-30
Mid Cycle Assessment to Align w/New EMP 2023-30
Summative Evaluation 2018-22
Planning FMP 2024-30
Planning TMP 2023-2026
New TMP 2023-26
Employee Staffing, Development& Retention Plan
Technology Master Plan
WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2026
Midterm Report
Midterm Report
New FMP 2024-30
ISER Comp. Review
Summative Evaluation 2023-30 Planning 2030-37
New EMP 2030-37
Summative Evaluation 2025-29
Planning Strategic Plan 2031-36
Summative Evaluation 2024-30
Planning FMP 2031-36
Mid Cycle Review EMP 2023-30
Summative Evaluation 2021-25 Planning 2025-29
Mid Cycle Assessment Strategic Plan 2025-29
New Strategic Plan 2025-29
Mid Cycle Review FMP 2024-30
Mid Cycle Review ESDRP 2024-30
New ESDRP 2024-30 Summative Evaluation TMP 2023-26 & Planning TMP 27-30
WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2025
Summative Evaluation 2024-30 Summative Evaluation TMP 2027-30
10 |
Planning TMP 2031-33
WHCC Strategic Plan 2021-2026
Mission West Hills College Coalinga inspires all learners to recognize their potential and achieve their goals through the delivery of high-quality academic instruction, programs, and support services. The college fosters equity and economic mobility by providing the environment to think critically, communicate effectively, and develop leadership skills to support our diverse communities.
West Hills College Coalinga 300 Cherry Lane Coalinga, CA 93210 559-934-2000