West Coast Messenger 17 May 2023

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Culvert 'baffles' helping native fish

West Coast native fish are getting a helping hand to move up river, with the installation of baffles on culverts.

While some native fish are great swimmers and in some cases climbers – even able to scale waterfalls provided the surface is damp – others are relatively weak swimmers, and culverts can prove too much.

This can have a major impact on the number and diversity of fish successfully migrating upstream, which is essential to the survival of native adult freshwater fish populations,

and the continuation of the life cycles of these species.

The Department of Conservation has been supporting the research of a University of Canterbury engineering student who is assessing whether retrofitting culverts with baffles on the West Coast can improve native fish passage.

The work includes assessment of flexible and spoiler baffles installed into eight culverts including one north of Karamea, another near Punakaiki and one at Hari Hari.

Upstream and downstream fish community

sampling is being done to identify differences in fish populations before and after installation of baffles into the culverts. Many different fish survey techniques have been used to maximise the chance of catching all the fish species present, including active methods such as spotlighting and electrofishing, and passive nets and eDNA sampling for example.

Catch-and-release trials have also been done to assess the percentage success rate of fish released able to get up the culvert before and after baffle installation.

Preliminary findings suggest retrofit baffles enhanced overall native fish passage and helped galaxiids and eels swim up culverts. The flow conditions in the culvert make a huge difference, where the baffles worked best at improving fish passage in wider and longer culverts with higher water velocities.

The work seeks to better understand the effect of key physical attributes on the effectiveness of fish passage design, and identify conditions where retrofit baffles can stop culverts being a barrier for our native fish.

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Phoenix Hale (DOC), left, Sjaan Bowie (DOC), Steph Patchett (UC MEng student), Alisha Olney (volunteer) and Nixie Boddy (DOC) using double-ended fyke nets to catch native fish above and below culverts near Ross. PICTURES: Department of Conservation Measuring a large banded kokopu.

Miniature pony calls on rest homes

Halo the miniature pony brightened the day of residents of Greymouth's elderly care homes, Dixon House and Granger House last week.

This little visitor delighted the residents and received friendly pats from everyone while she had a look around.

Halo is owned by Ikamatua woman Mary Lemon, who has

been taking her horses to the rest homes for 23 years.

This was the four-yearold Halo's first time visiting Dixon House.

“She is an extremely fast learner and breezed through her training,” Mrs Lemon said. “She loves people and getting lots of attention, and her sweet gentle nature and small size makes her ideal.”

2 Wednesday, May 17, 2023 The West Coast Messenger
Lorraine Curragh gives Halo a friendly pat. Halo says 'hello' to Val Gladstone and Nelson Hoskin. Bill Stewart with great-granddaughter Veda and Halo. Noeleen Calligan, left, Janet Haddock and Noeline Batty. Colleen Twist is all smiles. Dixon House operations manager Nadine Robertson. Val Gladstone gets one-on-one with Halo. Adiane Thomas and May Huffam enjoying their visitor. Christine De Mel with a special friend.

Catches galore in Buller Bay Fishing Competition

Fish were in abundance at the annual Buller Bay Fishing Competition.

A total of 92 took part on 30 boats, 23 kontiki with 'many more' land-based fishermen and women. Just one boat took part from outside the district.

“The weather was great. The sea was a bit rough on Saturday but it was perfect on Sunday,” spokeswoman Eyvonne Diskin said.

“There were heaps of snapper caught – every boat got its quota.”

The heaviest snapper, weighing in at 8.6kg, was caught by Dennis Straker by kontiki. The heaviest fish overall was Jared Smith's 36.8kg greyboy, also caught by kontiki.

“A highlight of the event was Ethan Slee hooking a marlin. He fought and fought but it got off. They managed to capture it on video – it was very exciting. We've never landed one of those and nor would we expect to!“ Mrs Diskin said.

“There were lots of tuna caught and also trumpeter fish. We really were inundated with fish this year and everyone went home happy.”

Once again, they were appreciative of the local businesses who generously donated and sponsored the event, with $9000 in cash and prizes.

Marian Savage was the recipient of the major prize of a kontiki.

“We wouldn't have been able to go ahead without their ongoing support,” Mrs Diskin said.

3 Wednesday, May 17, 2023 The West Coast Messenger
The Smith boys are all needed to hold dad Jared Smith's prizewinning greyboy – Isaac, centre, with Noah. PICTURES: Supplied Ian Braid, left, presents Kevin Slee with the inaugural 'SK Stick Davies Memorial' trophy for the oldest fisherman. Sean Martin is pleased with his catch. PICTURE: Rose O'Connor Isaac, left, and Noah Smith with their fish.

Cabinet art brightens up Reefton




Reefton artist, Emma Timmis was in Nelson last year and saw someone painting a Chorus telecommunications cabinet so stopped to have a 'chinwag' with the artist. She discovered that in 2010 Chorus began a nationwide initiative to try to reduce the amount of vandalism to their telecommunication cabinets by introducing a cabinet art programme.

With her interest piqued, Ms Timmis contacted Chorus and found out how to enter the scheme to paint the two cabinets in Reefton and Blacks Point.

Before she actually submitted an outline of her intended work to Chorus, Emma put up a post on Facebook asking people for ideas, and after receiving lots of replies she submitted a sketch and outline of her intended artwork to Chorus.

“I did the Blacks Point (summer) cabinet first, starting in January. It took me a month to finish it as I had to scrape the moss off, then sand it before I could start painting. It rained some days, so I couldn't work on it, but when I did, it was so hot I could only do a couple of hours a day. And

the sandflies! I covered myself in insect repellent but still kept getting bitten so I had to put on more clothes. But lots of Blacks Point locals came out to check on me and chat, which was lovely.”

She then did the Reefton (winter) cabinet on the corner of Buller Road and Brennan Street a month ago, which took her three days.

Ms Timmis was paid by Chorus for the materials used and a contribution of her time.

“I was working on the Buller Road cabinet when someone asked me why the council were paying for this when they should use the money to fix potholes instead,” she laughed.

The last application was applying a final anti-graffiti guard.







Work for Reefton Visitor and Service Centre confirmed

Improvements to the layout and functionality of the Reefton Visitor and Service Centre can now be prepared for with the building consent application having been lodged.

Team leader customer service Shelley Jope says permanent staffing numbers have increased to five to allow good coverage when staff is on leave and to consider extending services to the weekend in the future.



The former Reefton Service Centre moved into the premises of the Reefton Visitor Centre last November to become the new Reefton Visitor and Service Centre.




While this created a new 'onestop shop' for residents and visitors alike, improvements to some of the internal spaces were still required, the Buller District Council says. A building consent has been lodged for the upgrades to the centre. Improvements include the relocation of the NZ Post mailboxes into the centre, moving the full Inangahua County Library stock into the former BNZ space, alterations to the accessible toilet facilities and changing some of the emergency exits and lighting to ensure the building meets all compliance standards.

The new car park around the building's rear is almost complete and automatic doors will be installed for accessibility.

“From March 22 we re-established weekend openings. The Reefton Visitor and Service Centre is open on Saturdays from 10am to 2pm. We will review any extensions to this as demand and staff availability increases.

“While the Inangahua County Library is currently operating with fewer shelves, all books are still available to all borrowers with library staff collecting selected items from the 'old' building for patrons daily. We have just launched a new website which is doing a great job and showcasing, services, events and programming for our libraries. Books can be put on hold/reserve using either the catalogue, website, Buller District Libraries app, e-mail, phone or in person.”

During the construction, the Reefton Visitor and Service Centre will remain open. Interruptions will be kept as minimal as possible.

4 Wednesday, May 17, 2023 The West Coast Messenger GEOFFBONE|0275877749 037680311|SALES@GREYMOUTHROCKGAS.CO.NZ ROCKGASSITE 31LordStreet,GREYMOUTH REDEMPTIONS
n by Claire Ward in Reefton Emma Timmis with her Reefton cabinet art, and right, Blacks Point. PICTURES: Claire Ward

Coast schools celebrate King's coronation

Improvements made to Westport Airport fencing

AREAS of fencing bordering Westport Airport and Carters Beach have been upgraded to improve safety.

Airport staff had noticed that sand had built up next to the existing fence due to wind and harsh weather, effectively lowering the fence height and increasing the risk of people entering airport space without permission. Efforts were made last year to move the sand away from the fence using a tractor to restrict access.

However, a member of the public was found to have inappropriately entered an operational area of the airport in March of this year via the Carters Beach fence.

Buller District Council group manager community services Krissy Trigg says: “Breaching this security fence creates a huge safety risk to not only the individual involved but to the public and all airport users. The fence is there for safety and the security of our airfield.”

“The tree was self-sown and came from an old English oak on the other side of the path. Today was special and part of history,”




The new fence stands 2m high. The section of fence involved is approximately 120m long.


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5 Wednesday, May 17, 2023 The West Coast Messenger
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Karoro School children Harriet Osborne, Layla Sinnott, Maisie Creagh, Eli King, Hudsyn Adamson, and Rianshi Reddy learned about the coronation and made crowns at school. Students also watched a video explaining the traditions behind the coronation – and staff had cucumber sandwiches for morning tea. PICTURE: Supplied Scones with jam and cream were baked and enjoyed by the students at Sacred Heart School Reefton to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. PICTURE: Rose O'Connor Grey Main School's oldest student Jack Hearn and youngest student Cash McGlue, had the official duty of planting a small oak tree at the school gate last Monday, to commemorate the coronation of King Charles III. All those in attendance were wearing brightly coloured crowns and holding flags they had made on Friday specially for the coronation. “We decided to plant the oak tree today as the children would have watched the ceremony on Saturday and have an understanding of the coronation,” principal Mandy O'Sullivan said. Mrs O'Sullivan said. PICTURE: Paul McBride
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7. How to fight a biting, scratching opponent? (5,3,4).

8. Appear and conduct one aloft (4,2).

9. A fraudulent scheme that’s certainly not kept quiet! (6).

10. Like a chorus of “Wakey-wakey!”? (7).

12. Neither stupid nor dowdy (5).

15. Corny banter! (5).

16. Conspire to see that Vic gets none, perhaps (7).

18. The shutter is heavier (6).

20. One may charge you a penny (6).

22. Be no novice when it comes to stringing pearls? (4,3,5).


1. Be contemptous about Winnie twice (4-4).

2. Appropriate name for the cook? (4).

3. A snake caught in a round grating (7).

4. A lot of fuss and bother about love (5).



17 West Coast Primary Hockey Festival.

17 Big Bike Film Night, Westport.

16-18 Minerals West Coast Forum, Westport

19 Paroa School Fundraiser Quiz, Teams of four to six, $120 per team, Paroa School Hall, 6pm.

19 Bryony Matthews, Barrytown Settlers Hall, 8pm.

20 West Coast Ethnic Fair, Greymouth Town Square.

20,21 The Amazing Dinosaur Discovery, Karoro Domain, Greymouth.

20,21 West Coast (SI) Poultry and Pigeon Show, Dobson Community Hall.

20 Happy Dayze, Buckshead Tavern, Taylorville, 6.30pm.

20 Greymouth Old Time and Sequence

Dance, Holy Trinity Church Hall, 7.30pm.

21 Greymouth Sunday Market, Civic Centre, 10am.

25 NZ Army Band, NBS Theatre, Westport,7pm.

26 NZ Army Band, Regent Theatre, Greymouth, 7pm.

27 Burlesque workshop 4pm, Burlesque show 9pm, DJ Miss Implicit 11pm, Hotel Lake Brunner.

28 Greymouth Sunday Market, Civic Centre, 10am.

28 Digger Hartigan 45s pairs, Westport RSA, 1pm.


1 AF8 Roadshow, public science talk, Regent Theatre, Hokitika, 7pm.

2 Junk to Funk, Hokitika

3,4 White Star RFC 125th Jubilee Westport

3 Peter O'Neill Memorial Pool Tournament, Runanga Club, midday.

3 Brass Knuckles Blues band and Hunters Night, The Hard Antler Bar, Haast.

4 Second-hand Market, Civic Centre, Greymouth 10am.

4 Car boot sale, fine weather only, Black Ops charity shop, Hart Street, Blackball, 1 to 3pm.

8 The Little Mermaid, Regent Theatre, Greymouth.

9 The Little Mermaid, Regent Theatre, Greymouth.

10 The Little Mermaid, Regent Theatre, Greymouth.

15 The Little Mermaid, Regent Theatre, Greymouth.

16 The Highwaymen, Regent Theatre, Hokitika, 8pm.

16 The Little Mermaid, Regent Theatre, Greymouth.

17 Blackball Pub Crawl, Blackball.

17 West Coast Quilting Symposium, The Fox Hotel (White pub), 6pm.

17 The Little Mermaid, Regent Theatre, Greymouth.

17 Greymouth Old Time and Sequence

dance, Holy Trinity Church Hall, 7.30 pm.

18 Greymouth Sunday Market, Civic Centre, 10am.

25 Greymouth Sunday Market, Civic Centre, 10am.

25 Joe Cumming 45s pairs, Westport RSA, 1pm.

30 Youth Disco, Greymouth Regent Theatre, 6pm.


1 Greymouth Old Time and Sequence

Dance, Holy Trinity Church Hall, Greymouth, 7.30 pm.

2 Second-hand Market, Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am.

2 Car boot sale, fine weather only, Black Ops charity shop, Hart Street, Blackball, 1 to 3pm.

2 Mitch James, The Long Road Home Tour, Regent Theatre, Greymouth.

9 Greymouth Sunday Market, Civic Centre, 10am.

15 NZ Under 21 Chopping Championship. Boys Brigade Hall, Hokitika,

15 Greymouth Old Time and Sequence

Dance, Holy Trinity Church Hall, 7.30pm.

16 Greymouth Sunday Market, Civic Centre, 10am.

22 Totally 80s Show, Regent Theatre, Greymouth.

23 Greymouth Sunday Market, Civic Centre, 10am.


5. Can you tell the time by his rounds? (8).

6. Cold and miserable (4).

11. A weakness for the favourite part of the sofa? (4,4).

13. Gave one’s opinion of the show when one saw it a second time (8).

14. Moves one with a sob-story and then borrows money? (7).

17. Sound harsh, though sounding wonderful (5).

19. As the dictionary says (4).

21. Poke gently with a stick (4).

23 Fire Brigade 45s pairs, Westport Fire Station, 1pm.


5 Greymouth Old Time and Sequence Dance, Holy Trinity Church Hall, 7.30pm.

6 Car boot sale, fine weather only, Black Ops charity shop, Hart Street, Blackball, 1 to 3pm.

15 Rock Tenors, The Anthems Tour, Regent Theatre, Greymouth, 7.30pm.

19 Greymouth Old Time and Sequence Dance, Holy Trinity Hall, Greymouth, 7.30pm.

20 Buller Open 45s pairs, Westport RSA, 1pm.

22 Totally 80s Show, Regent Theatre, Greymouth.

26 Fox's Got Talent, Fox Glacier Community Theatre Talent Show, 7pm.

31 Elton John versus Billy Joel, NBS Theatre, Westport, 7.30pm.


3 Car boot sale, fine weather only, Black Ops charity shop, Hart Street, Blackball, 1 to 3pm.

9 Women's Institute, Anne Stewart Rose Bowl, Trinity Centre., Greymouth.

24 Fox Glacier Community Market Day 10am.


1 Car boot sale, fine weather only, Black Ops charity shop, Hart Street, Blackball, 1 to 3pm.

14 General Election.



22-26 Motor Caravan Association of New Zealand 67th national rally Reefton.

Last week’s answer


Across - 6, Rattlesnake. 7, Finn. 8, Triangle. 9, Berate. 10, Tundra. 12, Candid. 15, Tariff. 17, Lecturer. 19, Oath. 20, Silversmith.

Down - 1, Standard. 2, Blithe. 3, Assist. 4, Main.

5, Peeler. 6, Raise. 11, Narcotic. 13, Averse. 14, Darned. 15, Thrush. 16, Fetch. 18, Told.


Across - 6, House master. 7, Bats. 8, To my mind. 9, A.D.-vice. 10, Rotter. 12, As-pens. 15, L-I-king. 17, Turns out. 19, Done. 20, Rattles away. Down - 1, Outshine. 2, Settle. 3, Calmer. 4, Stem. 5, Franc-e. 6, H-o-ard. 11, Take down. 13, S-curry. 14, Spools (rev.). 15, La-test. 16, Nanny. 18, Note.

Should you pay to dump green waste at your local rubbish dump?

7 Wednesday, May 17, 2023 The West Coast Messenger DIRECTORY Printed and published by the Greymouth Evening Star Company Ltd
to Covid-19 traffic light system. EVENTS
add any events to the Coast Calendar please e-mail: news@westcoastmessenger.co.nz. Community events only in this free service Please contact via our e-mail with any date changes and/or new events. On the street
Calendar All events are subject to change due
Alison Cleary Westport “Not
to dump green
but definitely land waste.”
Emma Scott Westport “Definitely
we shouldn't – they make money out of it anyway.”
Kevin Biddle Cobden “No,
It would save the dumping on the side of the road because that's what's happening.”
Jeanette Sandri Hokitika ”No. Chris Hutchison Hokitika ”Definitely
Don Inglis Dobson “No,
definitely not – 100%“ EASY
Last Week’s Crossword Solutions
Famous composer (12)
8. Dress (6)
10. Flows (7)
Surrender (5) 15. Perfect (5) 16. Flagrant (7) 18. Commend (6) 20. Revoke (6) 22. Country (5,7)
9. Threadbare (6)
Writer (8)
Shed (4)
Inspector (8)
Underclothes (8)
Poster (7)
Bunk (5)
Anger (4) 21. Record (4)
(4) 3.
(7) 4.
(5) 5.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22
Est 1997 –

Feds CEO on Coast

National's plan for heartland New Zealand

Wellington out of farming. We'll ensure farming regulations are fit for purpose, as our domestic and overseas consumers expect. National will return the management of local issues to local councils. And we'll ensure rural communities have the tools they need to continue to provide New Zealand, and the world, with high-quality, food and fibre.

Buller council survey spammed

with business by reining in the bureaucracy and using clear, well-targeted rules instead.

THE Buller District Council is disappointed to discover that efforts were made to disrupt and manipulate its recent customer satisfaction survey.

Farming is the backbone of New Zealand's economy with agricultural exports making up 63% of our goods exports to the tune of $41 billion. When our farmers succeed, our entire nation prospers.

National's 'Getting back to Farming' package will cut the mountain of red tape and help farmers get on with earning the income on which their livelihoods, New Zealand's economy, and New Zealanders' standard of living, depend. National will get

In contrast to Labour's heavy-handed centralisation, National supports practical environmentalism. We are committed to a carefully balanced approach, integrating both environmental and economic goals. National will deliver a professional, competent regulatory system that targets environmental outcomes without telling farmers how to run their businesses, and while imposing the minimum compliance costs on them.

National understands that shutting down some of the world's most efficient farmers only sends production to less efficient farms overseas.

We can protect the environment and allow farmers to get on

This is only the start. This country does not need more rules. It needs better regulation. National will be announcing more policy on agriculture – and many other things – in the coming weeks and months. And in government, National will deliver results so that all New Zealanders get ahead.

And there's more good news for New Zealanders with the emphasis National has placed on hunting and fishing. Rotorua MP Todd McClay has taken up the new portfolio of hunting and fishing which gives a voice to recreational fishers and hunters, fitting nicely alongside his responsibilities for tourism and trade. This move will give recognition of current issues to around a million recreational fishers and about a quarter of a million New Zealanders who actively hunt. This is an opportunity for these people to have a voice around the cabinet table in a future National government.

All the best for the winter season.

The survey, which ran throughout March, initially showed an excellent community response of more than 700 responses, but analysis of the data carried out after the survey had closed showed that 499 responses were invalid.

Research First, the company managing the survey for the council, found evidence that the on-line link was spammed in the final two weeks of the survey. This included filling out the survey using the same prize draw e-mail (which was valid only once), gibberish responses, recurring responses, which is evidence of copying and pasting the exact same responses across multiple surveys.

Acting chief executive Rachel Townrow says: “This is incredibly disappointing. The goal of the survey was to encourage residents to share their views with council on their interactions with us. It's an important opportunity for people throughout Buller to share their thoughts on their experiences with council, so that we can be guided on future decisionmaking.

“What this behaviour has done is given us a smaller than ideal number of valid responses to work with at 244, when

the data is statistically more valid with 400 responses or more. Had this not happened, we might have extended the survey window and used different approaches to encourage more people to participate. We genuinely value hearing people's views and are very grateful to the residents who filled out their survey in good faith.

“We are moving ahead with the analysis of the genuine responses we got from people in the community, and we want to make it clear we really appreciate the people who contributed in good faith. We will still of course go ahead and do the prize draw out of those responses as promised.

“We are talking with the research company about better ways to assess and monitor the survey responses while the survey is still live to give us a better chance of avoiding a situation like this again in the future.

“Unfortunately, it appears that this methodology of the survey, using an open online form, is vulnerable to spamming if people are determined to do so. Other options such as conducting call centre interviews and distributing closed link surveys with individual passwords are possible, but can create barriers to participation and pose additional costs to council. We will review the tools we can use to measure and monitor customer satisfaction in the future,” says Ms Townrow.

8 Wednesday, May 17, 2023 The West Coast Messenger
Maureen Pugh National Party list MP Federated Farmers New Zealand chief executive Terry Copeland, left, was in Greymouth last week for the West Coast branch AGM. He is pictured at the Ashley Hotel conference venue with dairy section chairman Frano Volckman and president Bede O'Connor, both of Buller. PICTURE: Laura Mills

Winter Warmth 2023

I'm stuck with a mould problem!

If mould is rampant at your place, take the precautionary steps above to prevent the problem from getting worse and then get ready to clean. There are some moulds that you will never be able to remove once they have taken hold of a fabric or painted wooden surface, but it's always worth a try.

Lots of people bleach mould away and then wonder why it always grows back again. Bleach will remove the colour of mould and mildew so you can't see it, but believe me, it's still there. All the health-risks associated with mould (especially for allergy and asthma sufferers) will still be there, whether you can see the mould or not.

The only way to really get rid of mould is to kill it, remove it and then take steps to prevent new colonies forming in the same place as the old ones.

Remember that breathing in mould can be a serious health risk, especially for asthma sufferers. When cleaning up mould and mildew, wear a face mask and gloves and avoid handling the fungi as much as possible. Wrap up in newspaper and remove any brushed away mould and mildew. Be sure to do an allergy test for any of the products (such as Oil of Cloves) mentioned and do a patch-test on your fabric before you plough straight in.

Oil of Cloves is available from the pharmacy, but if you can't get hold of it, try tea-tree oil or eucalyptus oil in its place. Both of these are an excellent natural disinfectant. If you can't get any essential oils, you can use an antibacterial surface spray in place of the essential oil mix.

How to fix mouldy fabrics, toys and non-washable fabrics

Portable, washable fabrics, such as curtains, cushions, clothing, bedding or towels:

1. Soak the fabric in 1 cup salt (non-iodonised) in a 10 litre bucket of water with 3 drops Oil of Cloves and 1 cup vinegar added (use the bath with the same ratio of water/oil/vinegar to salt for bigger items) and soak overnight.

The salt, vinegar and essential oil

will kill the mould.

2. In the morning, gently squeeze out as much water as possible and then hang the item in the sunshine to dry. A salt crust will form.

3. Once dry, leave the salt to sit for at least an hour, preferably longer.

4. Take the item down off the line and use a soft brush like a clean dustpan brush to remove the salt crust (use a stiff brush like a clean toilet brush for heavy fabrics). Do this over sheets of newspaper so when the mould and mildew comes away with the salt you can wrap the lot up and dispose of it in the bin.

5. Machine or hand wash the item in warm water with your usual detergent and hang in the sun to dry.

6. Spray lightly with a mixture of 3 drops Oil of Cloves to 1 litre of water and leave to dry completely. This will help prevent mould returning.

Portable, non-washable fabrics such as teddy bears, suede, leather or silk:

1. Lay down several sheets of newspaper and place the mouldy item on top.

2. Cover the mould with a thin layer of course salt that has been lightly dampened with vinegar and a drop of Oil of Cloves.

3. Leave the salt to sit for a day in the sunshine.

4. Brush the salt and mould off as in step 4 above.

5. Repeat if necessary until all mould and mildew have been removed.

6. Spray lightly with a mixture of 3 drops Oil of Cloves to 1 litre water and leave to dry completely. This will help prevent mould returning. 

Non-portable, non-washable fabrics such as carpets or outdoor umbrellas:

1. Spray lightly with a mixture of 3 drops Oil of Cloves, ½ cup vinegar and 5 cups water and then sprinkle over the top with a thick layer of course salt.

2. Leave to dry completely overnight and then vacuum the next day.

3. Repeat steps until all mould has gone. How to fix mouldy grout

Grouting around bathroom wall and floor tiles, outdoor patio tiles and pool tiles is a favourite hangout for mould. The grout provides the food source and the environment that tiles exist in provides the water source. Keep tiles as dry as you possibly can - use a squeegie after every shower, let the sunshine in, use an extractor fan, manually dry pool surfaces after swimming and allow free-flowing ventilation whenever you can (keep the lid down on the toilet and the bathroom windows and doors open when not in use).

To clean grout:

1. Follow steps above for cleaning walls and other surfaces.

2. Dip a toothbrush or specialist grout brush (get one from your local hardware store) in neat vinegar and then in a solution of 3 drops Oil of Cloves to ½ cup bicarb of soda.

3. While the brush is fizzing, scrub along the grout line with a brisk, up and down motion.

4. Repeat if necessary, although be aware that some darker mildew staining may take up to two weeks to disappear.

5. Spray lightly with a mixture of 3 drops Oil of Cloves to 1 litre water and leave to dry completely. This will help prevent the mould from returning.

Walls and ceilings:

1. Mix up a solution of 3 drops Oil of Cloves, ½ cup vinegar and 5 cups water.

2. Get a clean broom, put the leg of a pair of stockings over the head and dip it into your solution.

3. Use broad, sweeping strokes across the mouldy area to remove the mould.

4. Allow to dry and then repeat. Any remaining light staining from mould or mildew will recede in a couple of weeks.

5. Every other month, spray the walls and ceiling with a mixture of 3 drops Oil of Cloves to 1 litre water and leave to dry completely. This will help prevent mould returning. – www.kidspot.co.nz

9 Wednesday, May 17, 2023 The West Coast Messenger
Firewood products now sold at our Reefton Yard! Delivery only 8 Swainson Street, Greymouth p 03 768 4140 m 027 224 8315 e office@crawfordrefrigeration.co.nz 8 Swainson Street, Greymouth p 03 768 4140 m 027 224 8315 e office@crawfordrefrigeration.co.nz GM463015a

Winter Warmth 2023

Heating from Greymouth Mitre 10 Mega

The winter chill is here, the mountains have snow and the nights are definitely colder, but the good news is Greymouth Mega Mitre 10 has a full range of wood and multi fuel burners in store.

It stocks a range of burners suited for small homes to larger ones. And while stocks last Mitre 10 will give a free standard flue kit with any woodsman or Masport fire sold from within the current stock.

These are valued at over $600, so it helps keep your fire package affordable.

“We also start you off with a free scoop of Birchfield coal and can advise you of some trusted installers for you to talk to. Don't forget, if you are planning a multifuel purchase, if the model sells through, there can be delays so get in early to secure your choice," store manager Richard Roberts said.

“If you prefer a wood burning fire, we have a selection of those as well, as well as

a huge range of electric heaters to suit a wide range of applications.”

Stovetop fans are back by popular demand – these are a non-powered excellent way to increase the efficiency of an existing solid fuel heater and move the heat around the room.

“Don't forget we have or can source parts for a wide range of heaters, and now is a good time to make sure your appliance is up to spec, before the weather gets really cold.

“A popular heating option this season is the indoor/outdoor electric waterproof heater and portable stand. These can get wet and are great for entertaining if the temperature drops, and also excellent and cheap to run in any room inside.

“We also have electric blankets and hot water bottles – and don't forget kindling, bags of wood, coal, and fire pellets so if you run short, we are a seven-day-a-week business for your convenience.“


Steamed mirrors, condensation on walls and ceilings, slippery floors and mould are year-round issues caused by shower steam, which can add significant costs to home maintenance. A dry warm home is a healthy home, as damp bathrooms are the perfect place for fungus and bacteria to grow, which can cause serious health problems. Showerdome® solves these problems by controlling steam, reducing condensation and making the home warmer, drier and healthier.

A Showerdome® shower top consists of a clear acrylic dome that prevents steam from forming when fitted on top of an existing shower box. With no on-going costs, it is the most effective investment one can make for a home or rental property. Showerdome® also makes mirror demisters and extractor fans redundant and could save the average household around $250 in annual energy costs.

To learn more, visit www.showerdome.co.nz

We have 1x DIY ShoWerDome® kIT To gIve aWaY valueD aT $339 (installation by an official local Showerdome® installer is available at standard pricing).

To enter, email your full name, email address and phone number to sharelk@greystar.co.nz with Winter Warmth Give Away in subject Line

10 Wednesday, May 17, 2023 The West Coast Messenger
With winter on its way, now is the time to install a heatpump. We at Aotea Electric Westland are acccredited installers of Daikin heat pumps and can install any system in your home. Contact us now to book a free measure and quote to discuss the best options for you. Aotea Electric Westland 84 Tainui Street Greymouth (03) 768 4949 wc.service@aoteaelectric.co.nz www.aoteagroup.co.nz 2568048
shower top stops steam and moisture leaving your shower, so you can enjoy mist-free mirrors, a dry bathroom and a warm, clear shower enclosure.
11 Wednesday, May 17, 2023 The West Coast Messenger Winter Warmth 2023 DON’T FORGET YOU CAN BUY ONLINE www.mitre10.co.nz WATERWALK ROAD, GREYMOUTH. PHONE 769 9036 Monday-Friday 7.30am-5.00pm. Saturday, Sunday, Public Holidays: 8.30am-5.00pm 34 GIBSON QUAY, HOKITIKA. PHONE 755 8254 Monday-Friday: 7.30am-5.00pm. Saturday-Sunday 9.00am-1.00pm WINTER WARMERS GOLDAIR Tie down Electric Blanket Single GOLDAIR Fleece Fitted Electric Blanket Queen GOLDAIR Radiant Heater 2.2kW GOLDAIR 425W Panel Heater with Timer GOLDAIR Tie down Electric Blanket Queen GOLDAIR Fleece Fitted Electric Blanket King GOLDAIR Radiant Heater 2.4kW GOLDAIR 425W Panel Heater NOUVEAU 4 Blade Woodfire Stove Fan GOLDAIR Wifi Electric Blanket Queen GOLDAIR Panel Heater 1kW GOLDAIR 425W Panel Heater with Digital Display GOLDAIR Wifi Electric Blanket King GOLDAIR Panel Heater 1.5kW GOLDAIR 425W Panel Heater with Wifi 2568054B $49.98 $125 $119 $79.98 $159 $189 $129 $299 $349 349255 317674 369536. Promo 20% Off Ends 31.5.2023 or while stocks last 349254 349256 326987 369535. Promo 20% Off Ends 31.5.2023 or while stocks last 297098 279427. Promo 20% Off Ends 31.5.2023 or while stocks last 369537. Promo 20% Off Ends 31.5.2023 or while stocks last 384464 388536 279428. Promo 20% Off Ends 31.5.2023 or while stocks last 369538. Promo 20% Off Ends 31.5.2023 or while stocks last NOUVEAU Original Woodfire Stove Fan $129 $159.20 WAS $199 NOW $191.20 WAS $239 NOW $135.20 WAS $169 NOW $111.20 WAS $139 NOW $143.20 WAS $179 NOW $183.20 WAS $229 NOW 20% OFF 20% OFF 20% OFF 20% OFF 20% OFF 20% OFF
12 Wednesday, May 17, 2023 The West Coast Messenger

Buskers in Buller

Old articles shine new light on kakapo

$300 grants for young South Island Maori

A PILOT project to help remove financial barriers to participation in sport and recreation for young Maori in the South Island has been extended.

Te Kiwai was launched in 2021 to support tamariki and rangatahi Maori aged five to 18 years who were missing out on activities due to financial hardship. Hundreds of children and teens have benefited from the one-off $300 payment to help cover items like annual subs, club uniforms, new boots, gear, or transport.

Sport New Zealand Ihi Aotearoa and the Whanau Ora commissioning agency for the South Island, Te Putahitanga o Te Waipounamu, have now agreed to continue the grassroots Te Kiwai fund for the coming year.

Te Putahitanga o Te Waipounamu pouarahi Ivy Harper said the decision to extend the Te Kiwai partnership would make a difference for hundreds of whanau.

“The need has not changed and when budgets are tight, food comes before children's activities, so we are really pleased that this partnership has been able to continue,” said Harper.

“Enabling tamariki and rangatahi to be able to take part not just in sports, but in whatever recreational or cultural pursuit works for them, is not just about now, or the next season or the next tournament, but it extends to encouraging healthy habits for life and so it is important that tamariki and rangatahi are not locked out of physical activity simply because of financial barriers.”

Te Putahitanga o Te Waipounamu is one of 12 organisations that Sport NZ currently invests in through He Oranga Poutama, an initiative created to develop, promote and implement physical activity that is culturally appropriate to Maori.

Sport NZ acting group manager Kahui Rautaki Maori, Tanya Wilson, says Te Kiwai is another great opportunity for Sport NZ and Te Putahitanga o Te Waipounamu to continue to work together to invest directly into well-being outcomes for tamariki and rangatahi.

“It is particularly significant that Te Kiwai includes investment into traditional Maori activities like taonga takaro (sport) and kapa haka.

“These activities encourage tamariki and rangatahi to stay active, while also expressing their culture and heritage and contributing to taha tinana and taha wairua (body and spirit).

“Research shows that the most enduring habits are built in childhood and being active as tamariki is key to staying active as an adult.”

Harper said Te Putahitanga o Te Waipounamu was excited to be able to continue to help whanau ensure their young ones are staying active.

“We are thrilled to be able to respond to the call from whanau to support their tamariki and mokopuna to be able to engage in getting active, and we welcome and encourage whanau Maori to apply.”

To apply, visit https://www.teputahitanga.org/ what-we-do/funding/te-kiwai/

Kakapo, the world's only flightless parrot, once ranged throughout the forests of New Zealand. However, early European observers noted the bird population declining rapidly within their own lifetimes and speculated this was due to packs of feral European dogs and other mammal predators.

A new study led by Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research researcher Dr Jo Carpenter, designed to better understand the dynamic processes of extinction, has shed new light on what led up to the nearterminal decline of kakapo.

Dr Carpenter and her co-authors Dr Janet Wilmshurst (Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research) and Prof George Perry (University of Auckland) used a unique combination of fossil and recent (post-1769) historical records to examine how kakapo distributions changed through time.

“Historical newspaper articles from the 19th and 20th centuries are a treasure trove of information on where kakapo were distributed,” says Dr Carpenter.

“We also gathered information from kakapo museum specimens, by recording when and where they were collected.”

These data were used to predict the kakapo'slikely local extinction dates, which were between 1936 and 1959 in the North Island, and between 1990 and 2006 in the South Island – a time lag of around 31 to 70 years. The researchers explain this time lag as resulting

from different prehistoric hunting and predation pressures, and extents of habitat transformation on the North and South Islands. In the historic era, packs of feral dogs appeared to be a less important driver of kakapo decline.

“Our analysis of more than 100 geo-referenced newspaper and scientific reports shows the distribution of kakapo and feral dog packs did not overlap strongly anywhere, suggesting they did not frequently interact,” says Dr Carpenter.

“Kakapo also persisted in the South Island for up to 70 years after the last noted observation there of feral dogs in 1913.”

Conversely, the explorers were right about the Europeanintroduced stoats, possums, cats, Norway and ship rats, which have been a much more important contributor to kakapo decline since European arrival. “These animals would certainly have been the coup de grâce for this species if the birds hadn't been rescued from the wild,” says Dr Wilmshurst.

In 1995, the kakapo population had fallen as low as 51 known individuals.

In 2023, thanks to years of intensive conservation efforts by the Department of Conservation Kakapo Recovery Group and Ngai Tahu (kaitiaki of kakapo), numbers of this critically endangered species have rebounded, with approximately 250 birds now confined to offshore, predator-free islands.

13 Wednesday, May 17, 2023 The West Coast Messenger
Dr Jo Carpenter with a kakapo that was taken on Anchor Island, one of the pest-free islands where the birds now live. PICTURE: Supplied Nelson band Coppermine Junction busked outside the Westport Clocktower before playing a fundraising gig at Granity's Lyric Theatre – Sue Ware, left, Shanine Hurmsen, Steve McGlone and Sean Magee. PICTURE: Rose O'Connor

Dance comps in Westport

The 81st annual Westport Performing Arts Society competitions were held during the first week of the school holidays.

Society president Margaret Grant said it was a successful event.

“The numbers were slightly down mainly

due to many senior dancers from away having moved on to university and other pursuits. Although the speech and drama and vocal and instrumental sections were down, they were on a par with last year.

“There was a great standard of dancing especially in the national award nomination classes. As well as our usual two nominations, the Greymouth society donated us theirs and we also had two troupe nominations. The standard was wonderful,” Mrs Grant said.

Six Westport Performing Arts Society nominees will attend the national awards later in the year.

“The feedback has been amazing. People really love coming here and dancing in our great facilities at the NBS Theatre. Some have already booked accommodation for next year! It is very good at putting people and money into this town.”

Mrs Grant said there were very good audience attendance, especially on the

group dances night when the theatre was 'packed to capacity'.

Mrs Grant said the society had a hardworking committee.

“Our stalwart Carol Keoghan got Covid so we all had to step up!”

The event ran from Tuesday to Saturday, finishing with the Irish dancers from Karamea on the Saturday afternoon and the invitation demonstration performers that evening.

14 Wednesday, May 17, 2023 The West Coast Messenger
Thea McCambridge, left, and Hadley Noble made a lovely duo. Anahera Kydd looked stunning in her purple tassels. Daphne Raven Griffin looks angelic. Rita O'Keefe-Mulholland, left, Spencer Keoghan and Summer Devine danced up a storm. Hadley Noble in her stunning tutu. The frogs were very cute – Eden Jefferies, back left, Addison Terrill, Addison Mitchell, Matilda Weichern and Ailish Watson with Angus Morris, front left, Zahara Grant and Luca Hatanaka-Mathis. PICTURES: Supplied



PursuanttoSection46ofthe LocalGovernmentOfficialInformationandMeetingsAct1987,the followingmeetingswillbeheld intheCouncilChambers,36 Weld Street,Hokitika.

to protect theprivacyofnatural persons.(Section7(2)(a))

bemade availableontheCouncil Websitetwoworking daysbeforethemeetings

Pursuanttosection47A(1)ofthe LocalGovernmentOfficialInformation and Meetings Act1987, theCouncilMeeting will be available tothepublicasfollows:


•Via alinkontheCouncil’sWebsitewww.westlanddc.govt.nzandFacebookpages. The officerforenquiriesis SusannahJohnston,GovernanceAdministrator,Phone0273913789

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WaterwalkRoad Entrance GREYMOUTH Phone0277228708 WESTPORT Monday’s 10.30am-4.30pm Kawatiri -Buller
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Callustoday0274215523 • 0800666677
2579428 Meeting PurposeofMeetingDate Time CE’sReviewCommittee
OrdinaryCouncilMeetingOrdinaryBusiness Thursday25May
2023 10:00am
2023 1:00pm
May 17, 2023
03 769 7900


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