West Coast Messenger 5 July 2023

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FREE Greymouth's new tourist attraction is rising high, and Mayor Tania Gibson got a first sneak look inside the exhibition hall last week, as the November 25 opening date aproaches. Clockwise from left – Te Ara Pounamu chief executive Toko Kapea, Mayor Gibson, project manager Sam Summerton, Development West Coast economic development manager Jo Birnie and recruitment agency Upskill's Tania Washer. The big development – at the entrance to the Greymouth CBD – is a joint venture between Te Runanga o Makaawhio and Te Runanga o Ngati Waewae. Weta Workshop personnel are due on site during July to begin the fitout of the high-tech, interactive displays. Work is also well under way on developing the stories and interactives for the next hubs on the Pathway, at Westport, then Haast and finally Hokitika. PICTURE: Charles Bruning YourSignage says itall about your business. Isit agoodorbad reflection? 03 7684939 2Power Road,Greymouth Qualified TradesmanSignwriter 2438492i DEAL! DEAL! STIHLSHOPGreymouth. 11HerbertStreet.Phone037680230 STIHLSHOPWestport. 56PalmerstonStreet.Phone037895331 2439403W ^In-store:tospendonSTIHLaccessories.Online:tospendonSTIHLaccessoriesonline,discountappliedatcheckout. OffersapplytoselectedSTIHLproductsandvalidfrom20June2023-31August2023orwhilestockslast.Pricesare recommendedretailpricesonly.Seein-storeandonlineatparticipatingretailersfordetails. Wednesday, July 5, 2023 Buller stories in podcasts p10 Pounamu Pathway rising quickly

– Est 1997 –

Reaching over 15,000 West Coast households and businesses every Wednesday


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• Westland, Greymouth

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021 185 9660 | buller@greystar.co.nz

• Reefton

CLAIRE WARD 021 250 1104 | reefton@greystar.co.nz



03 769 7927 | mikew@greystar.co.nz

Deadline: 12 Noon, Friday

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Address: PO Box 3, 3 Werita Street Greymouth 7840

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Printed and published by the Greymouth Evening Star Company Ltd

CRYPTIC Crossword No. 20842


1. Snide remarks about the accomodation? (4).

7, It’s great fun if you’re not a bad loser (4,5).

8. Catch and transport (4).

9. A prowler, perhaps, in the city streets (4).

10. Dissolute person that croupiers are familiar with (4).

11. Tied and dragged along (4).

14. As close as two in twelve will be (2,4,4).

16. Be under the impression that a brainwave has come to you? (4,2,4).

19. A short note given to you by the telephonist (4).

22. Al and he are often seen together (4).

24. The people taking part in the match (4).

25. Metal that will conduct (4).

26. Was she once a very hot-headed girl? (3-6).

27. Strike that’s a calmity (4).


1. Old-fashioned as “walked out with” is (5).

2. Super-sounding rasp (5).


1. Wise (4)

7. Profusion




Coast Calendar



6 Wonderland Glow Show, NBS Theatre, Westport, 10am.

7 Wonderland Glow Show, Regent Theatre, Hokitika, 10am.

8 Midwinter singing with Andy Ross, Left Bank Art Gallery, 10am to 2pm.

8 Freedom Alley, Bucks Head Tavern, Taylorville, 6.30pm.

8 Midwinter Feast and Geeks n Geezer, Blackball's Inn and '08 Café.

8 Music Quiz, Greymouth RSA, $5 per person, 7.30pm.

8 Cold Rosie, Recreation Hotel, 8.30pm.

9 Greymouth Sunday Winter Market, Civic Centre, 10am.

12 Give it a Go Funfest, Westland Recreation Centre, 9 to 11am.

12 Alpha Course, Cobden Anglican Church, Richmond Street, Cobden, 7.30pm.

14 Puanga Matariki Kawatiri Westport Winter Festival, Westport Domain, beginning 5am onwards.

14 Matariki Fun Weekend – displays and steam trains – Westland Industrial Heritage Park, Hokitika, 1pm to 4pm

14 Matariki Mawhera 2023, market stalls and food, Blaketown Seniors Rugby Club, midday.

14 DJ Miss Implicit, Monteith's Brewery, 6 to 9pm.

15 Learn Rag Rugs with Karlene, Left Bank Art Gallery, $10, 10.30am to 2pm.

15 Matariki Fun Weekend – displays and steam trains, Westland Industrial Heritage Park, Hokitika 10am to 3pm

15 Westland Industrial Heritage Park, Hokitika – railway only open with trains and light display, 5pm to 8pm

15 NZ Under 21 Chopping Championship. Boys Brigade Hall, Hokitika.

15 Trap Training Workshop, Iveagh Bay, Mt Te Kinga car park, 10am.

15 Greymouth Old Time and Sequence Dance, Holy Trinity Church Hall, 7.30pm.

16 Greymouth Sunday Market, Civic Centre, 10am.

17 School term three starts.

19 The Winter Circus, Variety Show, Westport.

21The Winter Circus, Variety Show, Greymouth.

21 Aro, Old Lodge Theatre, Hokitika, $25, 7.30pm.

22 The Winter Circus,Variety Show, Greymouth.

22 Reefton Winter Market, Reefton Community Hall, 10am to 1pm.

22 Aro, The Reefton Club, Reefton, $25, 2pm.

22 On the Right Track, a comedy drama by the ROARs, Oddfellows Hall, Reefton, 7pm.

22 Totally 80s Show, Regent Theatre, Greymouth.

23 Greymouth Sunday Market, Civic Centre, 10am.

23 On the Right Track, a comedy drama by the ROARs, Oddfellows Hall, Reefton, 2pm.

23The Winter Circus, Variety Show, Greymouth.

23 Fire Brigade 45s pairs, Westport Fire Station, 1pm.

24 Wilderness Trail Annual Forum, Hokitika RSA.

26 The Winter Circus,Variety Show, Reefton.

27 The Winter Circus,Variety Show, Franz Josef.

29 Julz Outram Memorial Trophy Poker, Runanga Club, 2pm.

29 Cold Rosie, Reefton Workingmen's Club, 8pm.

29 The Winter Circus,Variety Show, Hokitika.

30 The Winter Circus,Variety Show, Hokitika.


5 Greymouth Old Time and Sequence Dance, Holy Trinity Church Hall, 7.30pm.

5 Music Quiz, Greymouth RSA, $5 per person, 7.30pm.

6 Car boot sale, fine weather only, Black Ops charity shop, Hart Street, Blackball, 1 to 3pm.

6 Secondhand Market, Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.

13 Greymouth Sunday Market, the Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.

15 Rock Tenors, The Anthems Tour, Regent Theatre, Greymouth, 7.30pm.

19 Reefton Winter Market, Reefton Community Hall, 10am to 1pm.

19 Greymouth Old Time and Sequence Dance, Holy Trinity Hall, Greymouth, 7.30pm.

20 Greymouth Sunday Market, the Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.

20 Buller Open 45s pairs, Westport RSA, 1pm.

20 Holistic Spiritual Expo, fundraising for West Coast Cancer Societ, Greymouth High School,10am till 4pm.

22 Totally 80s Show, Regent Theatre, Greymouth.

26 Youth Night


1 Dj Miss Implicit, Blackball's Inn and 08 Café, Blackball, 8pm.

2 Cold Rosie, Blackball Workingmen's Club, 8pm.

3 Car boot sale, fine weather only, Black Ops charity shop, Hart Street, Blackball, 1 to 3pm.

3 Secondhand Market, Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am - 1pm.

6 Psychic medium Sue Nicholson, Hello From the Other Side, Regent Theatre, 7pm.

8 Grey Main School Disco.

9 Women's Institute Anne Stewart Rose Bowl, Trinity Centre, Greymouth.

10 Greymouth Sunday Market, the Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.

16 The Pirates of the Curry Bean, Grey Main School Production.

17 Greymouth Sunday Market, the Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.

18 The Pirates of the Curry Bean, Grey Main School Production.

21 Kapa Haka Festival, Reefton.

22 Music Quiz, Greymouth RSA, $5 per person, 7.30pm.

23-26 Annual Festival of Dance, Regent Theatre, Greymouth. 23 Glacier Country Car Show, Top10 Holiday Park, Franz Josef, 10am.

23 Reefton Winter Market, Reefton Community Hall, 10am to 1pm.

24 Fox Glacier Community Market Day 10am.

3. Possibly a chip shot at the hole (6).

4. It tells you how to deal with an evil of today (6).

5. Blows up something in the sailing boat (4).

6. Went to pieces, as the analyst did (5,4).

12. Hurry over to meet (3,6).

13. Decline anew to change (4).

15. Close and stamp (4).

17. Thought it would turn up in time (6).

18. Is afraid father’s about too be put inside (6).

20. Businessman’s perfect answer to, “what do you do?” (5).

21. Give a final shout of pain (5).

23. Fishes’ fingerprints? (4).

1 Car boot sale, fine weather only, Black Ops charity shop, Hart Street, Blackball, 1 to 3pm.

1 Secondhand Market, Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.

8 Greymouth Sunday Market, the Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.

15 Greymouth Sunday Market, the Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.

14 Music Quiz, Greymouth RSA, $5 per person, 7.30pm.

14 General Election.

22 Greymouth Sunday Market, the Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.

22 Greymouth Motorcycle Street Races.

22 Rocky Point Run/Walk

28 Reefton Winter Market, Reefton Community Hall, 10am to 1pm.

29 Greymouth Sunday Market, the Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.


5 Secondhand Market, Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am - 1pm.

12 Greymouth Sunday Market, the Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.

19 Greymouth Sunday Market, the Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.

26 Greymouth Sunday Market, the Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.

25 Music Quiz, Greymouth RSA, $5 per person, 7.30pm.


3 Franz Josef Christmas Market, Community Centre, Franz Josef, 10am.

3 Secondhand Market, Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.

10 Greymouth Sunday Market, the Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.

17 Christmas Sunday Market, Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm.


Last week’s answer

Last Week’s Crossword Solutions


Across - 7, Advantageous. 8, Accept. 9, Thomas.

10, Steward. 12, Bacon. 15, Frail. 16, Smeared.

18, Cooper. 20, Tactic. 22, Retributions. Down - 1, Educator. 2, Bare. 3, Stature. 4, Agate. 5, Yokohama. 6, Asia. 11, Whippets. 13, Obedient.

14, Amateur. 17, Trait. 19, Oars. 21, Coin. CRYPTIC PUZZLE NO. 20841

Across - 7, New Englander. 8, Ardent (anag.). 9, Coined. 10, Rest-ate. 12, Stock. 15, As-ian. 16, Handout. 18, S-ledge. 20, Flashy. 22, Prompt action. Down - 1, Peer-less. 2, Cede (seed). 3, Agitate. 4, March. 5, Admitted. 6, Tree. 11, Trap-door. 13, Caught on. 14, Halfway. 17, Keeps. 19, Laps (anag.). 21, A-L-to.

On the street

Police are cracking down on meth supply here. Do you feel the West Coast is safer, or less safe, than it was 10 years ago?

“I have not that much faith in the police but I am worried about China using us as another dumping source.”

“I've haven't been 10 years but I feel safe now.”


3 Race Day and family fun, Greymouth Jockey Club, Omoto Racecourse.


22-26 Motor Caravan Association of New Zealand 67th national rally, Reefton.


12-13 Agfest West Coast.


150 Year Celebrations Reefton Volunteer Fire Brigade.

Please contact via our e-mail with any date changes and/or new events.

“It's a safe place as the police are doing a good job.”

“I suppose it is as safe a place as any now or 10 years ago.“

To add any events to the Coast Calendar please e-mail: news@westcoastmessenger.co.nz.

Community events only in this free

2 Wednesday, July 5, 2023 The West Coast Messenger
Jetty (4)
Prejudice (4)
Warmth (4) 11. District (4)
Wading bird (10)
What children make at the beach (10)
Helper (4) 22. Metal (4) 24. Lessen (4) 25. Lure (4) 26. Eggplant (9) 27. Ardour (4) DOWN
Colour (5)
Compel (6)
(5) 3.
Simultaneousy (6)
Strike (4) 6. Withdrawn (9) 12. Greedy (9) 13. Elderly (4) 15. Concept (4) 17. Claim (6) 18. Flair (6) 20. Likeness (5) 21. Praise (5) 23. Team (4)
123456 7 8 910 111213 1415 161718 192021 222324 25 26 27
Rhys Murray Greymouth Steve Shaw Ngahere
Market, Greymouth
Theatre, Greymouth, 5pm. 26 Fox's Got Talent,
Community Theatre Talent Show, 7pm. 27 Greymouth Sunday Market, the
Centre, Greymouth, 10am
1pm. 30 Celtica, Regent Theatre, Greymouth. 31 Elton
Fox Glacier
John versus Billy Joel, NBS Theatre, Westport,
Spring Tour, Karamea Pulse Energy Centre. 30 Don McGlashan Spring Tour Barrytown Settlers Hall, 7.30pm.
24 Greymouth Sunday Market, the Civic Centre, Greymouth, 10am to 1pm. 29 Don McGlashan
Tony Bartley Westport Rosina Drabsch Westport

Westport flood resilience programme begins

In May, Prime Minister Chris Hipkins announced a $22.9 million package to support initiatives that will improve Westport's flood resilience, and last Friday a steering group convened to plan how this will work.

The steering group is a partnership agreed by ministers to progress the implementation of the funding agreed in the budget. The steering group is independently chaired and comprises key leaders from Buller District Council, the West Coast Regional Council, Te Runanga o Ngati Waewae, Department of Internal Affairs and the National Emergency Management Agency

It will meet regularly to maintain oversight and synchronisation of the various packages of work that will be delivered by the respective councils.

The steering group has adopted a fourpronged approach known as PARA:  To PROTECT areas in the short term where this is practical and affordable. Protect does not mean eliminating the risk of flooding; it means reducing the risk of flooding while longer term measures can be put in place. ?

 To AVOID development and intensification in high-risk areas, and as quickly as possible.

 To RELOCATE at-risk communities in the medium and long term into low-risk areas.

 To ACCOMMODATE flooding in some areas through measures such as raising floors and temporary moveable flood barriers. While exact details are still being planned, the funded packages of work that the steering group will oversee and co-ordinate over the next two years include:

 $15.9m for a ringbank to reduce the risk of flooding, this is in addition to the Westport Rating District's contribution. Further work needs to be undertaken to determine the detailed location and design of the ringbank.

 $1.5m for the reafforestation of the Organs Island area?

 $1.0m to restore the Regional Council's emergency funds for immediate works on Buller riverbank?

 $1.0m to replenish the Regional Council's contingency fund (which has been exhausted).

 $500,000 for a development plan for Alma Road and to support the development of

low-risk areas?

 $250,000 for a feasibility study into strategic land purchase at Alma or other low risk sites.

 $2.0m for an Adaptation Relief Fund to assist owners in high-risk areas for initiatives such as raising buildings, or to procure moveable flood barriers, for example.

 $500,000 to improve local civil defence capability?

 $250,000 for a sea level monitor/tide gauge to improve early warning.

Over and above this funded work, the Government requires a report back from councils on how they intend to strengthen planning rules to limit further development and intensification in locations at risk of flooding.

Managed retreat and buyouts are not in scope for the steering group or for the funding provided.

Buller Mayor Jamie Cleine and West Coast Regional Council chairman Peter Haddock agree that the approach is sensible and realistic given the inevitability of climate change and the increased intensity and frequency of weather events in future.

Salvation Army Bridge service relocates

“'We have to get used to living with higher flood flows, more stormwater and eventually, sea level rise,” said Mayor Cleine.

“We cannot wish away this challenge. Looking around Aotearoa New Zealand, it is clear that we need to adapt our towns and cities. Westport is at the forefront of this adaptation and fortunately we do have some great options available.

“Adaptation is a complex issue, and we have an obligation to current and future residents to get started on a multi-pronged approach to dealing with it. In some ways, what we are doing is leading development of approaches to climate adaptation that can be applied in other districts“, he said.

Peter Haddock agrees: “There's a temptation to focus on the ringbank as solving our problems. Really, it's just buying us some time – mother nature will win this battle eventually.

“The model we have adopted here shows that careful consideration has been given for residents now and for future generations, and that we have had the courage and foresight to act decisively for the long-term future of Westport.“

THE Salvation Army West Coast Bridge service has moved location in Greymouth and now shares Brunner House with other community agencies Pact and Te Ara Mahi.

The Bridge service focus is working to reduce the harmful impact of alcohol and other substances, says team leader Glenda Prendergast.

“We provide support for people experiencing harm due to the misuse of alcohol and other substances,” Ms Prendergast said.

“Specifically, we run a 'making changes' programme one morning a week for four weeks addressing use, abuse and harm and education strategies. We also offer one to one support, and group support led by people who have themselves recovered from substance misuse struggles.”

Salvation Army West Coast Bridge service team leader Glenda Prendergast, left, and support worker Dianne Good in their new location on the ground floor of Brunner House in Greymouth.

The Salvation Army Bridge service was established in 2018 and funded by Health NZ Te Whatu Ora. In the 12 months from June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023 the service locally has supported 142 people ranging in age from 19 to 80.

It provides alcohol and substance use assessment and support for people wanting to understand their alcohol and substance use.

“The referral process begins with an initial assessment of the challenges being faced in relation to alcohol and substance use, and from this we establish a pathway forward together,” Ms Prendergast said.

Referrals can be from GPs or PHO services, other community agencies, police, Te Whatu Ora Health Addiction services, or self-referrals.

3 Wednesday, July 5, 2023 The West Coast Messenger
PIC TURE: Paul McBride

Regional Council rates up 16.42%

The West Coast Regional Council has adopted its annual plan 2024, with a general rate increase of 16.42%.

Chairman Peter Haddock commented on the rate increase confirmed by council: “We are very aware that year 3 of the long-term plan had signalled a rate increase of 10% plus the local government cost index (inflation) of 2.3%. Last year, council held the increase to 10% and absorbed the inflation component. These actions are not sustainable for the work that is required.”

There are several reasons for the rating increase, and progressing Te Tai o Poutini Plan, the combined district plan for the West Coast, is one of these. Council has reluctantly agreed to increase the rating from $500,000 in the third year of the long-term plan to $1,000,000 for continued work on the plan. The work is to be funded by a rate across all

rateable land on the West Coast.

“Council has been directed, through legislation, to prepare, notify, adopt, and in the future amend and review, this plan.”

This year will see hearings on Te Tai o Poutini Plan get under way.

“Getting the plan completed is now our focus, ensuring that the significant community input into the draft document is captured and that this will truly be a plan for West Coasters,” Cr Haddock said.

The need to provide more services for communities for flood protection, Total Mobility scheme, community resilience and other council functions contributes to the other parts of the rating increase.


 What does the rate increase mean for the average $300,000 property across the West Coast?

Judy Bailey Talks Ageing Well


As she enters her seventh decade, journalist and former news presenter Judy Bailey has become aware that society’s attitudes towards older people need, in her words, ‘a rev up.’

“Once you pass 65, people tend to think it’s a downhill slide to the Zimmer frame. But that’s far from the truth.”

“Many of us remain physically active, paddleboarding, cycling, and even tramping well into our 70s.”

With population of older adults expected to double over the next 20 years, Judy is teaming up with Koru Nutrition to change the way New Zealander’s view and experience ageing.

With a focus on holistic wellness and a commitment to excellence, Koru Nutrition aims to empower individuals to take charge of their health as they age.

The New Zealand-owned company specialises in natural health products, including Koru FX and Koru Joint.

As part of the project, Judy will be interviewing health experts and uncovering practical steps that help us

age well.

“I’ll collaborate with health professionals such as nutritionists, physiotherapists, dietitians, doctors, psychologists, and osteopaths alongside the Koru Nutrition team to bring the latest research to the forefront the conversation around ageing well.”

On why she chose to work with Koru Nutrition, Judy had this to say:

“I love Koru Nutrition because it’s family-owned

For Greymouth and Hokitika, this will result in an estimated increase of $68.20 and $61.90 respectively from last year's rates, with $25.83 comprising the funding for Te Tai o Poutini Plan.

For Westport, this will result in an estimated increase of $38.13. Of that, $25.83 relates to funding Te Tai o Poutini Plan.

This brings the total cost of Te Tai o Poutini Plan for a $300,000 capital value property to $45.66 across the region for 2023-24. The differences in the rating increase between districts is due to the timing of property revaluations.

“Funding from subsidies and grants has increased from $19 million in 2022-23 to $24 million for the coming year. A big part of this makes up the capital projects for Westport, Greymouth, Hokitika and Franz Josef and will assist us with delivering services to the community without relying on the ratepayer.

“As we face more frequent and more intense

weather events this is key to the ongoing protection of our communities.”

The council is mindful that these are challenging times for many ratepayers and is reminding residents of the rates remission and postponement policy for which ratepayers can apply to seek financial assistance for the payment of rates. Categories include (conditions and criteria apply per policy):

1. Remissions for land 50% non-rateable.

2. Remission of penalties on rates.

3. Remission of rates on land protected for natural, historic, or cultural conservation purposes.

4. Remission of rates on land subject to natural calamity.

5. Postponement due to financial hardship (evidence required).

6. Remission and postponement for business and economic development.

New Zealand company whose ethos aligns with my own.”

“They make quality products with the best ingredients and promote a holistic approach to ageing. I believe that if you can age naturally, that’s all for the better.”

“I live an active lifestyle, and as I get older, I would hate to have walks with the dog curtailed or not be able to lift the grandchildren onto the flying fox.”

Judy Bailey is all set to uncover the most up to date truths on what will help us age well from some of the country’s leading health experts.

Don’t miss out on the latest discoveries about how to age well.

Koru Nutrition products including the fast-acting joint support cream Koru FX are available in all good community pharmacies.

Try it for yourself today.

4 Wednesday, July 5, 2023 The West Coast Messenger
0800 MAUREEN Call anytime or email maureen.pughmp@parliament.govt.nz Maureen Pugh National List MP
Funded by the Parliamentary Service. Authorised by M Pugh, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn.
$40 Available in good pharmacies. 16% OFF Koru FX Pro www.KoruNutrition.co.nz
99 99 80 Available in good pharmacies.
for $49.98

Reefton Centre upgrade consented

The Buller District Council has been granted building consent for improvements to the Reefton Visitor and Service Centre, with the start of the second stage of the project under way immediately.

The consent application was lodged in May and granted last week.

The Reefton Visitor and Service Centre opened in November 2022, merging the former Reefton Service Centre and the Reefton Visitor Centre.

The improvements will optimise the space and bring all of the services onto one site. The changes will include the relocation of the NZ Post mailboxes into the centre (from the old service centre site), moving the full Inangahua County Library book collection into

the former BNZ space, alterations to the accessible toilet facilities and changing some of the emergency exits and lighting to ensure the building meets all compliance standards.

All these were part of the building consent that was lodged earlier this year.

Acting group manager community services Shelley Jope says it is exciting progress for the community hub in Reefton.

“The Reefton Visitor and Service Centre is an important asset to the Reefton community and its visitors, providing a great source of information and services, as well as a key link for the community to council. It is wonderful to see this project under way after some delays.

99 celebration in Reefton

THE Four Square chain of supermarkets turned 99 years old yesterday, and Reefton Four Square owners Tony and Lea Lock decided to celebrate early with a little bit of maths.

They knew local resident Anne Parkinson had just turned 90 on June 21, and just needed someone turning nine to make 99.

So they rang Reefton Area School asking if there was anyone who was, or had turned nine that week who would like to join Anne – and hence found Harper Rosanowski.

“We wanted to do something fun with it being winter and cold, foggy and wet, and that included our community,” Mrs Lock said.

After Anne and Harper both cut the birthday cake, shoppers were given a piece at the checkout.

5 Wednesday, July 5, 2023 The West Coast Messenger $38,000 $6,000 $11,000 11,000 $28,800 $150,000 150,000 ClaasArion430 130H/P,6000hrs DMLSingleBaleFeeder Hustler2baleFeeder ChainlessCH4000 $80,000 2013Arion550 3800Hrs,165H/P NewMcIntoshTrailer 8tonnetip,wide400/6015.5. OLDPRICE-Savingof$2,700 2018JCB418Loader 4841Hrs,48KPH PricesareGSTexclusive 2592063
Harper Rosanowski, nine, front left, with Anne Parkinson, 90, and owners Tony and Lea Lock. PICTURE: Claire Ward

One Plan submissions extension

Te Tai o Poutini Plan Committee is providing an additional extension for further submissions to be lodged on Te Tai o Poutini Plan, the combined district plan for the West Coast. West Coast Regional Council planning and science manager Fiona Thomson said a further error had been identified with the summary of submission documents and a new closing date will now be set for Monday, July 17, 2023, to allow for the Matariki public holiday.

“It seems a software error has resulted in some of the summary documents not showing updates that were made in the last round of corrections, so in the interest of fairness, I would like to propose extending the timeframe for further submissions for another 10 working days.

“This will not change the hearing timeframes or delay the preparation of reports for the hearings, as these timeframes have already been altered.

“We understand this may be frustrating

for the community, unfortunately as we use an external software provider, this is outside staff control,” she says.

Plan staff have now started uploading version 3 documents to the website. The corrected summaries will be available to view on the TTPP website: ttpp.nz/furthersubmissions and a further errata table outlining the changes that were made has also been included for clarification.

TTPP Committee chairman Rex Williams says the submission numbers will not

be affected by the updates and further submissions are invited up until 5pm, Monday, July 17.

“If you need help with the further submission process, please get in touch with the team.” All submissions and further submissions that have already been lodged will remain in the submission process.

For any queries about the proposed plan or submission process, contact Rachel Vaughan on 0508 800 118 or email: info@ ttpp.nz

6 Wednesday, July 5, 2023 The West Coast Messenger vote.nz |0800367656 Te Kōwhiringa Pōti Māori | Māori Electoral Option Timeisrunningoutif you want to changerolls. Māorimā,ifyou want to changerollsforthis year ’s GeneralElection, youneed todoit by 13 July.


TeTaioPoutiniRegionalWorkforce Plan2023Published

OnbehalfofourTeTaioPoutiniRegional SkillsLeadershipGroup(RSLG)weare verypleasedtopublishourTeTaioPoutini WestCoastRegionalWorkforcePlan(RWP) 2023.Twelvemonthsago,welaunchedthe inauguralregionalworkforceplan2022(RWP 2022)forthepurposeofhelpingourregion betterunderstand,coordinate,andrespondto ourlabourmarketchallenges.Duringthepast yearwehavebeenonacontinuouslearning journey.Thishasinvolvedmeetingwithour regi onalstakeholderstoconverse,listenand gainabetterunderstandingofourregional labourmarketchallengesandopportunities. Weareproudofourachievementstodate. Manyoftheactionswesetouttoachievein Yearonehavegainedmomentumorbeing completed.Overthecomingyearourfocus istoimplementourRWPYeartwoactionsand weintendtobuildonthatmomentumtowork collectivelywithourpartnersandcommunity tosupport,influence,andimproveour regionalla bourmarket. Ourregionisaplacefullofpotential,and therearemanyplansandpoliciesinplace tohelpguideusaswewalkintothefuture. TheRWPisoneofthosestrategickey documents.Togetherwecanensureour tamarikihavetheinformationtheyneedto makeinformedcareerchoices,thateveryone hasaccesstoeducationandskills,andthat peoplearesupportedintorewardingwork. Thisyeartherewillbemanyopportunities forconversationsandnewpartnerships,and westronglyencourageyoutoreachoutand becomeinvolved.

WeencourageyoutoreadourRWP2023. Inthereyouwillfindhighlightsfromthelast yearthatshowcasesomeofourregion’s achievements,acompletelistofprogress againstourYearonepriorityaction,new actionswewillfocusonoverthecomingyear andtheadviceweprovidedtotheTertiary EducationCommissiontohelpfocustheir 2024fundingdecisions.

Asco-chairsoftheRSLGwewouldliketo acknowledgethemanypeoplewhohave contributedtoourworksofar.Ourthanksand gratitudeespeciallytoourRSLGmembers, iwi/māori,workers,communityorganisations, trainingproviders,andourbusinesssectorfor theinsights,perseverance,andwillingnessto contributetotheongoingimprovementofour region’slabourmarket.

WhatisaRegional SkillsLeadership Group(RSLG)?

TeTaioPoutiniWestCoastRegional SkillsLeadershipGroup(RSLG)is oneof15RSLGssetuptoidentify andsupportbetterwaysofmeeting futureskillsandworkforceneedsin ourregionsandcities. Partofajoined-upapproach tolabourmarketplanningthat isdesignedtoseeourwelfare, educationandimmigrationsystems workingtogetheralongsidedemandsideactorsintheregions. Agovernmentappointed groupmadeupofiwi,industry, worker,union,andcommunity representativesfromourregion. RSLGworkiscomplemented byotherinitiativestargeting populationgroups,sectorsand regionaleconomicdevelopment. Thisincludes:theGovernment’s EmploymentStrategy,Employment ActionPlans,IndustryTransformation PlansandIdentificationofRegional EconomicPriorities.











ASnapshotofsomeof ourYear1Achievements

WesupportedTaiPoutiniPolytechnic| TePūkengatodevelopanewconservation trainingprogramme,supportingaregional initiativetoboosteconomicgrowththrough ourenvironment.

WeproducedLocalInsightsReports whichhelpdevelopanunderstanding ofthelocallabourmarketandtrigger regionalconversations.

TheRSLGprovidedadvicetotheTertiary EducationCommission(TEC)inMay2023 tohelpguideitsinvestmentprocessand decisionsfor2024fundingfortheTeTaio Poutiniregion.

Wehavebroughttogetherkey stakeholderstoestablishtheWestCoast DriversLicenceStakeholderGroup.The groupundertookkeyactivityincluding identificationofbarrierstoobtainingdrivers licences.

WeengagedwithWorkforceDevelopment Councils(WDCs)onourregionalneeds andalsoencouragedstakeholdersto participateinWDCworkstreams.We alsosupportedWDC’swiththeirregional engagement.

RSLGsalsositaspartoftheReform ofVocationalEducation(RoVE)and workcloselywiththeWorkforce DevelopmentCouncils.

WesupportedtheWestCoastTrades Academytosecurefundingfor oversubscribedplacesin2023enabling accesstoyouththatwouldnothave otherwisebeenabletoundertaketraining. Wegainedinsightsintocurrentandfuture skillsandlaboursupplyanddemandforour regionthroughengagementwiththekey sectorleaders,employersandagencies.

Weworkedwithkeystakeholderstoenable the‘PathwayAdvisorsinSchools’project tobeextendedforanadditional6months, providingvaluablesupporttorangatahi.’

7 Wednesday, July 5, 2023 The West Coast Messenger 4 2
GraemeNeylon LisaTumahai MemahiTahiMatou,mote orangaotekatoa Weshallworktogetherforthe bettermentofall.

Buller stories captured on podcasts

MIKE Palmer is a man on a mission to preserve stories in Buller, having recently started a podcast with the goal to interview locals about life in Buller district, and other stories.

The idea arose from a trip to the local watering hole where he was taken in with the stories being passed around and he thought to himself, “these stories need to be saved“.

“I thought podcasting would be the perfect platform,” he says.

“It seems to be working, it's reasonably popular.”

Mr Palmer works as a software engineer and had no experience with podcasting before taking on the task.

He says he finds editing audio to be the trickiest side of the project, but even with the stress of getting the audio perfect for his listeners, it is still worth it for him.

He has also enjoyed hearing the locals talk about themselves and their adventures in the district.

One of his favourite stories from the podcast series came from the first episode, where Mr Palmer interviewed local Gerald Hart about his early life growing up in Buller and his days playing rugby – including being in the team when Buller bet the Wallabies in 1972.

Mr Hart opened up about a hilarious run-in with comedian Billy T James, where he jumped through his bathroom window.

Mr Palmer says his guests are often nervous to sit down for the interview but after a few minutes they relax and get right into it. “Coasters are natural storytellers.”

When he first embarked on the project, he found it tricky to convince locals to be interviewed at all. Now that a little time has passed and people in the area have heard about the Tales of the Buller podcast, things have been a lot easier.

So far, he has interviewed locals including Bob Pratt, Thomas Stuart and Lorraine Ranger. He keeps the episodes to around the 30-minute

mark so the audience stays interested. The first season has recently wrapped up and features eight episodes.

After taking a short break to plan a schedule for the next season, Mr Palmer plans to resume the project.

“I'll keep going as long as people are listening.”

Mr Palmer has dreams of creating a sisterpodcast that focuses on stories in Greymouth, and has had a bit of push from his friends and family to get it under way.

Season two kicks on August 1.

You can find the podcast on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, iHeart Podcasts and more.

To listen to Tales of the Buller, head to https:// talesofthebuller.buzzsprout.com

How to get out of a recession

The current Government's decision to spray money around with wild abandon with little interest in results, to so slowly reopen our borders, and to ignore the pleas of productive businesses laid low by a rolling maul of red-tape have made our predicament much worse than it need have been.

Now is the time to return to disciplined economic management that backs the workers and businesses New Zealand needs to help grow our economy out of its current mess.

Food price inflation has been above 12% for five months in a row now and with no end in sight for rising rents and mortgage rates, these winter months are going to be very tough for many Coasters.

New Zealand faces a toxic combination of very high inflation, very high interest rates, and a shrinking economy.

It's time for a strong economic management plan. It's time to call time on policies that have been anti-growth, anti-business and have led New Zealand to where it is today.

While the Labour Government continues to make excuses, the data does not lie – we are now in a recession.

New Zealand is now in worse shape than many of the countries we compare ourselves with, including Australia, Canada and the US, all of which have faced similar global challenges but are continuing to grow.

National's plan is to focus on strengthening New Zealand's economy by delivering better results for government spending, providing income tax relief for everyday workers and driving the skills, technology and infrastructure needed to support future growth.

It is only with a strong economy that we can solve the cost-of-living crisis and bring down interest rates. National is committed to restoring discipline to government spending and stopping the waste; to delivering meaningful tax relief by adjusting income tax brackets for inflation; stopping unnecessary costs to businesses; and restoring the Reserve Bank's single mandate of putting the lid back on inflation.

It's not about the economy for the economy's sake. It's about people – it's about lifting incomes, creating new jobs and being able to afford the public services that Kiwis deserve. It's about better health care, infrastructure, and an education system that equips our next generations for success.

It is only through a strong economy that New Zealand can have these things we aspire to and that's where our focus needs to be.

10 Wednesday, July 5, 2023 The West Coast Messenger 56 Herbert Street, Greymouth — Next to Monteiths Brewery | Phone 03 768 5729 or 021 768 572 (Phil Campbell) or email greymouthcars@xtra.co.nz | www.greymouthcars.co.nz GREYMOUTH CAR CENTRE mtf.co.nz Auto, 1800cc, just 81,000kms, NZ new, proven reliability 2016 TOYOTA COROLLA GX SEDAN $16,999 CARS FOR SALE IN WESTPORT AT RICHARDS MOTORS, PALMERSTON STREET CARS FOR SALE IN WESTPORT I ALL CARS INCLUDE ON ROAD COSTS 5 door hatch, auto, 1500cc, petrol. electric, 98000kms 2014 TOYOTA AQUA HYBRID $14,999 Auto, 2 litre, AWD, eyesight technology 2013 SUBARU IMPREZA HATCH $12,999 2012 HONDA CRV (NEW SHAPE) $18,999 2 litre, auto, just 72,000kms, mint condition in black Auto, 2 litre petrol, 116,000kms, 2WD/4WD 2010 NISSAN X-TRAIL $13,999 2014 MITSUBISHI TRITON GLX 2WD DOUBLE CAB $27,999 Auto, Diesel, 2500cc, just 21,000kms 2016 MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER PHEV (PLUG IN HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE) $34,999 Auto, 2 litre, fuel economy 2.7L per 100km, loaded with extras, 73,000kms
MAZDA DEMIO $12,999 5 door hatchback, auto, 1300cc,
Mike Palmer in his home office where he invites guests to be interviewed for the podcast 'Tales of the Buller'. PICTURE: Supplied

NZU21ChoppingChampionship –Hokitika,SaturdayJuly152023


Bringontheaction.Forthefirsttimetheunder21NZChoppingChampionshipistobeheldintheSouthIslandandevenbetteritson theWestCoastinHokitika,heldundercoverattheBoysBrigadeHallonJuly15.Doorsopenat5pmandtheactionstartsat5.30pm.

CompetitorsaremadeupofNZU21Coltsand up-and-comingU21axemenfromallaroundNew ZealandincludingthelocalHokitikaMatthews brothersScott(17years)andJack(15years)who arebothintheNZU21Colts.Theactionissureto pleasewithhighqualitycompetitorsandtheirskills onshow.


EliminationtitleandaU21ColtsChampionship Overalltitle.Threechoppingdisciplineswillbe contestedwithunderhand,standingandsingle sawing.

TheChampionshipisafundraiserfortheNZColts thataretravellingtoAdelaideinSeptemberto competeattheRoyalAdelaideShowandalsoto chopagainsttheAustralianU21'sinatri-series. Notonlywilltherebenon-stopchoppingaction, therewillalsobeauctionsofsomegreatproducts whichhavebeendonatedbylocalbusinesses.Hot foodandabararealsoavailable.

JackJordan,acurrentNewZealandAxeman, hasjustreturnedfromtheNetherlands,wherehe successfullydefendedhisWorldStihlTimberSports title,haskindlyofferedtoattendtheeventandalso










Occupation: Builder,Warkworth

FavouriteDiscipline: Standing

WhenDidIStartWoodChopping: 2017

TitlesWon: 2022Northlandmostpoints










Goals: WinStihlTimbersportsandcompeteoverseasin theTimbersportsforNZ


Occupation: Student,WestlandHigh School

FavouriteDiscipline: SingleSaw

WhenDidIStartWoodChopping: 2021

BiggestWinSoFar/CurrentTitles: 2023


Goals: CompetingforNewZealandUN21teamandthen maketheNewZealandmen’steam


Occupation: Contractor,Otautau

FavouriteDiscipline: Underhand

WhenDidIStartWoodChopping: 2015

BiggestWinSoFar: 3rd intheUN18

StandingChampionshipattheAdelaide show

CurrentTitles: 2023UN21SouthIslandUnderhand


MemberoftheSouthland/Otagoprovincialteamthattook outtheinter-provincialteamsraceatthe2023SouthIsland Champs

Goals: Winaworldtitleteam


WestCoasterAdamLowe,aformerNewZealand axeman,willbethere!

Ticketsare$25perpersonandcanbepurchased onthenight.Ticketscanalsobepurchasedonline byemailing raewynwindley@gmail.com orcanbe purchasedatNodzOntheSpotinHokitika.Earlybird ticketsgointoadrawtowinachainsawsponsored byStihl.

Comealongasthiswillbeagreateventthatcanbe enjoyedbyall.





Thankyoutooursponsorsand supporters,wecouldn'tdoitwithoutyou.


Comealongand supportthisgreat youngtalentasthey raisefundsforthe NZColtstravellingto Adelaidetorepresent theircountry.

Occupation: Student,SaintThomasof CanterburyCollege

FavouriteDiscipline: Underhand

WhenDidIStartWoodChopping: 10 yearsold,butgrewupinthesport

BiggestWinSoFar: GavinMolloyMemorial13inchOpen


Goals: CompetingNewZealandUN21team,winaworld titleandbeagoodallroundwoodchopper


Occupation: HeavyDieselMechanic, Whangamomona

FavouriteDiscipline: Standing

WhenDidIStartWoodChopping: 7 yearsold

BiggestWinSoFar: 3rd intheStihlTimbersportsRookies 2023

Goals: WinsomeworldtitlesandtheStihlTimbersports Worldtrophy


Occupation: Builder,Taumarunui

FavouriteDiscipline: Underhand

WhenDidIStartWoodChopping: 2011

BiggestWinSoFar: 2nd intheNZStihl TimbersportsRookies

CurrentTitles: 2022UN21Championship

Goals: WintheNZStihlTimbersportsRookiesandmake theNZmen'steam

Occupation: ApprenticeWelder, Invercargill

FavouriteDiscipline: SingleSaw

WhenDidIStartWoodChopping: 2019

BiggestWinSoFar: ColacBay$1000Big


Goals: MaketheNewZealandmen'steam


Occupation: Student,WestlandHigh School

FavouriteDiscipline: Underhand

WhenDidIStartWoodChopping: 2021

BiggestWinSoFar: ColacBay$1000Big


TitlesWon: 2022UnderhandEliminationChampionship

Goals: ContinuetomaketheU21teamandeventuallyget intheNewZealandteam


Occupation: ArboristfromCobram, Australia

FavouriteDiscipline: Underhand

WhenDidIStartWoodChopping: 8 yearsold,butgrewupinthesport

BiggestWinSoFar: OpenDoubleSawatRoyalCanberra Showand13inchOpen


TitlesWon: UN18Championshipin2022attheSydney RoyalEasterShow

Goals: BeaStihlTimbersportsallrounderandwinaworld titleattheSydneyRoyalEasterShow


11 Wednesday, July 5, 2023 The West Coast Messenger Normalcredit approval criteriaapply Phone: 037680822 SalesA/H: AlastairHamilton7687300 www.coast.toyota.co.nz COAST TOYOTA 12HERBERTST,GREYMOUTH


Helping with health costs by removing the $5 co-payment for prescription medicines. This will help an estimated three million Kiwis.


Damien O’Connor MP for West Coast-Tasman

Motueka: 03 528 8190

Westport: 03 789 5481

Greymouth: 03 768 7189 damien.oconnor@parliament.govt.nz

Reducing the cost of early childhood education for parents by extending 20 hours free ECE to two-year-olds. This will save families money and reduce barriers for working parents to take on more hours if they can.

Permanently cutting the costs of public transport for young Kiwis. We’re providing free fares on buses, trains and ferries for kids aged 5 to 12 and half-price discounts for those aged 13 to 24.

Reducing power bills by making homes more energy efficient. We’re helping to reduce power bills by hundreds of dollars a year through the Warmer Kiwi Homes programme.

This practical cost of living package will help to make things a bit easier for households by reducing or removing some of the costs they currently face. Millions of Kiwis will pay less as a result.

Funded by the Parliamentary Service. Authorised by Damien O’Connor MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
Didyouknow... ...youcanget TheWestCoast Messenger onlineforFREE Co 0 o Ha www.issuu.com/westcoastmessenger er Didyouknow... ...youcanget TheWestCoast Messenger onlineforFREE gnitcennoC C htiw revo 0,51 detubirtsiD oC aemaraK ot aH Goto- www.issuu.com/westcoastmessenger seussI morf tneserp yad ot raeyretsey uoy lliw dnfi ti eht




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Pursuanttothe Transport(Vehicular TrafficRoadClosure) Regulations1965,noticeisherebygiventhatforthepurposeof installingundergroundCableandseparatingPowersupplythe WestlandDistrictCouncilproposestoclosethefollowingRoadto ordinaryvehiculartrafficindicatedhereunder.

PetticoatLane,Ross;fromStateHighway6toTramwayStreet Monday31stJuly;8amto7pm -subjecttoweatherconditions. Duringtheproposedperiodofclosureaccesswillbeprovidedin anemergencyandtoresidentsandlandowners.Provisionswillbe madeforcyclistsusingtheWilderness Trail.

Anypersonobjectingtotheproposaliscalledupontolodgetheir objectionandthegroundsthereofinwritingbefore Wednesday 12thJuly2023attheofficesofthe WestlandDistrictCouncil,36 WeldStreet,Hokitika.

TheofficerforenquiriesisJohnBainbridge, TransportationOfficer 037569042





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Rejuvenate yoursoils andenjoythe rewards

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Applications forfinancialassistancetodispose of refuseandnon-rec yclables at McLeans Pit Landfillareinvitedfrom:

 Churches/churchorganisations

 Welfareorganisations/groups

 Sportingbodies/clubs/organisations

 Communityorganisations

In consideringapplications,Councilwillbe takingnoteofthoseorganisationswhich arereducingtheirlandfill wastebyactively recyclingand/or reusingmaterial.

Formsare availablefrom Councilofficesoron our website, www.greydc.govt.nz. Applications close at 5pmon Wednesday, July26,2023and willbe considered by Council at theirordinary meetingin August.

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Auto,1200cc,just52,000km,greatfueleconomy,smart ingarnetred






Auto,1200cc,67,000kms,greatfueleconomy4.7litres per100kms

2015NISSANCUBE $12,999

Auto,75,000kms,loadsofroomandcargospace,wine red












3drhatch,auto,brilliantinpearlwhite,18”alloys, 95,000km









2010AUDIA35DOORHATCH $12,999


2011GREATWALLX240SUV $8,999





Doublecab,6speedmanual,2300cc,turbodiesel, canopyand towbar


Auto,2800ccturbodiesel,7seater,fantasticvalue, compare

2016HYUNDAII-MAX8SEATERCOACH$22,999 2400ccpetrol,autoNZnew



2018NISSANX-TRAIL $27,999

2litreauto,stunninginoragne,65,000km,leather upholstery

2017MAZDACX-3 $25,999

Smart2litre,hatch/wagon,indarkblue,loadedwith extras,18”alloywheels,66,000kms





2012NISSANDUALIS20G $16,999

Auto,2litre,mintcondition,low61,000kms,sunroof, bronzemetallic



2012MAZDACX-5 $20,999


2011BMWX330D $16,999

3litrediesel,leatherupholstery,AWD,towbar,NZnew, mintcondition

2010NISSANX-TRAIL $13,999


2006HONDACR-V $9,999














2012HOLDENCAPTIVA7CXAWD$11,999 3litre,7seater,towbar,5door,liftback,2litre, automatic,144,000kms

2011BMWX3 $16,999





2litreAWD,just71,000kms,niceinsilver,8xairbags, eyesighttechnology












Hatchback,automatic,just42,000kms, CLEANCARREBATEAPPLIESOF$1121.25

2017TOYOTAAQUAL $16,999

1500cc,petrol/electric,auto,89,000km,white CLEANCARREBATEAPPLIESOF$1063.75

2017TOYOTACOROLLAFIELDERSW$18,999 Auto,1500cc,Hybrid,petrol/electric CLEANCARREBATEAPPLIESOF$1092.50

2016MITSUBISHIOUTLANDERPHEV$33,999 2litrepetrol/electric,returning2.7litresper100kms, autotransmission,partleather,4WD,loadedwithextras CLEANCARREBATEAPPLIESOF$1897.50



2015TOYOTAAQUASHATCH $14,999 Petrol/electric,auto,97,000kms,silver CLEANCARREBATEAPPLIESOF$1092.50

2014SUBARUIMPREZAXVHYBRID$19,999 2litreauto,AWD,85,000km,navyblue







2008HOLDENCOMMODOREBERLINASEDAN$12,999 Just85,000kms,excellentcondition,regularlyserviced, auto,3600cc,V6

2014TOYOTAAQUAHYBRID $14,999 Auto,1500cc,98,700km,silver,3.6litresper100km


2013TOYOTACOROLLAFIELDERS/WAGON$14,999 Auto,1500cc,petrol/electric,3.9Lper100km,brown metallic


2016HYUNDAII-MAX8SEATERCOACH$22,999 2400ccpetrol,autoNZnew

2011MAZDABIANTECOACH $11,999 2litrepetrolauto,114,000kms,8seater


2015MITSUBISHIFUSOTIPTRUCK$42,000 5speedmanual,3tonnepayload,canbedrivenoncar licence

2012HINODUTROTIPTRUCK $39,999 5speedmanual,3tonnepayload,canbedrivenoncar licence


56HerbertStreet,Greymouth —NexttoMonteithsBrewery Phone037685729 or 021768572(PhilCampbell)

oremail greymouthcars@xtra.co.nz

16 Wednesday, July 5, 2023 The West Coast Messenger
2007SUBARUFORESTER4WD $7,999 Auto,2litre,just11,700kms,towbar 2007SUBARUIMPREZA5DOORHATCH$5,999 Auto,1500cc,lightblue 2006MERCEDESBENZE350SEDAN$9,999 Auto3500ccV6,145,000kms,exceptionalcondition 2005MAZDAATENZAS/WAGON $5,999 Auto,2litre,petrol,white 2004TOYOTAIST5DOORHATCH $5,999 Auto,1500cc,141,000kms CLEARANCE-PRICEDTOGO! NZNEW OURPRICESINCLUDEALLONROADCOSTS WEBUY CARS GREYMOUTHCARCENTRE WEALSOBUYCARS-CALLNOW SINGLECAB4WDUTE2litrediesel,6speed manual,largealloyflatdeckwithdropsides, just46,000kms WALLSTEED CAMRYGL SEDAN AXELA20S HATCH HYUNDAI I-MAX8SEATERCOACH 23,999 14,999 22,999 42,000 39,999 23,999 3litrediesel,immaculatecondition,auto, leather,towbar 5speedmanual,3tonnepayload,canbedriven oncarlicence 5speedmanual,3tonnepayload,canbedriven oncarlicence 2015 MITSUBISHI FUSOTIPTRUCK 2012HINO DUTROTIP TRUCK $583REBATE $583REBATE Auto2500cc,78,000kms,mintcar,fully optioned Auto,2litre,stunnerinpearlwhite,just 25,000kms 2400ccpetrol,autoNZnew 2litres/wagon,automatic,117,000km Auto,1800cc,NZNew Auto,2800cc,turbodiesel,7seater,fantastic value,compare 2018TOYOTA LANDCRUISER PRADOGX $49,999 2011 BMWX3 CLEANCARREBATE OF$1016.70

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