Sports Brochure

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A Guide to Sport at Westbrook Hay Our Sport offers opportunities for pupils to: Play sport following the ethos of happiness, confidence and success Develop skills such as resilience, communication and leadership Experiment, succeed and fail in a safe environment Create memories, have fun with friends and find a passion Represent the school in fixtures Aspire to perform at the level commensurate with their emotional and physical ability Enjoy a healthy lifestyle

We run an extensive “Sport for All” programme for our children both during the school day and after school. In Pre-Prep we begin the journey of building Children’s physical literacy and show the pupils how much fun sport is. Developing this is vital in helping the children lead healthy and fulfilling lives. An introduction to a variety of sports and games take place with lessons being taken by specialist sports teachers. In the Prep School, from Year 3 the children have four or five sports lessons per week and from Year 5 pupils also enjoy an activities session. All our children have the opportunity to take part in an extensive range of activities after school in our Westbrook + program.

Our Sports and the Equipment Required Our Core Sports Football: Football boots & shin pads Rugby: Mouth guards from Year 4 (fitted by school, home dentist or from a shop); Rugby/football boots; Body armour, head guards and gloves are optional Swimming: From Year 3 Black swimming trucks or costume and swim hat. Goggles are recommended. Netball: Non-slip trainers Cricket: General equipment is provided by the school but pupils are welcome to bring items in. Our hard ball sides will wear full crickets whites and players will need a box and helmet.

Other Sports We Play Futsal: Indoor trainers and shin pads Golf: General sports kit and golf clubs Orienteering: General sports kit Lacrosse: (for Year 6 Girls) Mouth guards (fitted by school, home dentist or from a shop); Rugby / football boots and shin pads Dodgeball: General sports kit

X-Country: Trainers are fine, football boots possibly or off road running shoes if a regular runner Basketball:

Indoor trainers Badminton: Indoor trainers Athletics: Running spikes are optional but please bring them in a boot bag to prevent accidents

Fixtures Fixtures

From Year 3, children will represent the school in fixtures. Pupils in Years 3 and 4 play their matches on a Thursday with those in Year 5 - 8 playing on a Wednesday. Tier 1 fixtures are our weekly matches against other school and our ‘Sport for All’ policy will be in place as much as possible on these dates. Tier 2 fixtures are the tournaments, festivals and other significant events we compete in where our A sides will just be in action, and these fixtures usually take place usually at other times of the week. At these Tier 2 events, we will take and play our strongest possible sides. Fixtures are added to the school calendar at the start of each term. Parents are invited to all fixtures.

Team Selection Pupils are expected to be available for fixtures and be present at Match Tea. Selection is always undertaken with the child in mind. Selection for our sides will, almost always, be based on ability. Teams are not fixed and there is constant assessment to ensure children play at the correct level for their physical and emotional development. Any decisions regarding selection are explained to those involved so everyone is clear as to the reasons for any changes. There will be occasions when we can extend children by, ‘playing them up an age-group’. We actively look to do this as our squads will be enhanced by their presence and the individuals moved up will be challenged. We aim to increase the number of fixtures from Year 3 & 4 to Year 5.

Fixture Information - My School Portal Details including dates, venue and kick off/collection times of all fixtures your child is playing in can be found on My School Portal. You will see all fixtures listed under the 'Events' section of 'School Information'. For those statisticians amongst you, a more detailed breakdown of our operation can be found on SOCS, our online school sports communications website. This can be accessed by clicking on the 'Sports Fixtures' widget from the homepage on My School Portal ( The sports website can be accessed using the link above or that on the school website via the sports pages. When you use a mobile phone to access the website, you can add an icon to your home screen. The team lists will be added by 4:00pm on a Monday for Wednesday’s Year 5 to 8 matches and by 4:00pm on a Tuesday for Thursday’s Year 3 and 4 matches so please refer to SOCS to find out which team your child will be playing in. You will not receive an email informing you of these fixture details. We will email you to inform you of the details of fixtures taking place at other times of the week. The collection time from Westbrook after a fixture is shown as ‘Return’ time. Where your child’s name does not appear on a team list they will be involved in Games lessons at school with a normal collection time.

Dance Dance also has a big role in our school. All pupils take part in Dance lessons up to the end of Year 2 throughout the year. From Year 3, there is the option for lessons in Westbrook+. A wide variety of other sports and activities, including mini tennis, pop lacrosse and yoga, are also undertaken in lessons. This can be seen in the Programmes of Study.

Event information Changes to published events On occasions it is necessary to change logistics of an event and sometimes this will happen at late notice. For example, there may be a cancellation or your child may move to a different team. In such cases, you will be contacted directly.

Transport We provide transport to and from fixtures during the school week. Staff may also be required to drive their personal car in order to transport pupils to away fixtures. Please advise us if you do not wish your son/daughter to travel this way. There are times when parental assistance is very helpful. If you are willing to become a ‘volunteer driver’ in these situations, please contact us. We do our best to ensure the return times for fixtures are as accurate as possible. If the returning teams are going to be more than 20 minutes late from the published time, an email/text will be sent.

Match Teas

Pupils are expected to stay for match teas. After tea, pupils must sign out with the teacher. After away matches, children will be allowed to leave with parents. Parents are also invited to a parents’ match tea. If your child is being collected by another adult, please let the Office know well in advance of the fixture. No child will be allowed to leave with another adult unless this has happened.

Etiquette whilst supporting at matches We ask you to emphasise enjoyment and fun. Praise effort and improvement. Teach your child that effort and teamwork are as important as victory so that the result of each game is accepted without undue disappointment. Refrain from coaching. Let the coaches do their work. Mixed messages do not help the players.

Kit and Equipment Please can all kit and equipment be clearly named. Pupils will be asked to replace/repair any clothing that does not meet the required standard. We take pride in our appearance at all times. Pupils can only wear uniform that is on the school list. If match kit is issued to your son or daughter, it should be returned on the same or following day of a fixture. Please do not wash any school kit. A charge will be added to the school bill if any kit is not returned. From Year 3, pupils must have a water bottle in school. This can be taken to lessons and fixtures. England Netball support pupils wearing gloves in fixtures, particularly when the weather is very cold. Gloves must be tight fitting and have some grip on them. They must not be the ‘fluffy’ style, used for general use. For tournaments, gloves can only be worn for medical reasons.

Other information Sports Scholarships to Senior Schools A number of pupils have gained scholarships to their senior schools. Most senior schools provide information about their awards on their websites so early contact with their Registrars is advisable. We spend time communicating with senior schools to ensure they are aware of your child and their potential and can offer specific coaching or advice for potential scholars where necessary. If you are considering entering your child for an award, please speak to the Director of Sport, who will be able to advise you further.

Half-Termly Interim Grades

These are awarded for the particular topic in PE. Performance in Games is not taken in to consideration. Medical Please let the Office know, at drop off or via email by 11.00am each day, if your child is off Games or any particular activity. If in the unfortunate event that your child is injured during the school day the staff, all of whom are first aid trained, will inform the Office who will take any appropriate action and keep you informed where necessary. In the rare event that hospitalisation is required at a fixture, it is school procedure for the Games staff to contact Duty staff at school who will make contact with parents. We will accompany any pupil until a parent or designated relative/guardian is able to be present. Jewellery must not be worn during sport. Please give consideration to timings when organising ear piercing as they will be asked to remove earrings for sport. Likewise, wrist-watches cannot be worn.

Colours & Captain’s Badges We award ‘colours’ to pupils in Years 5- 8 who have consistently made high level contributions to our A teams both on and off the field of play. Being a member of an A team does not mean a pupil will automatically gain colours but the number of colours awarded is likely to be affected by the success of the team. When deciding on recipients, the following will be considered: Technical Skills – the ability to consistently perform with a high standard of skill in matches/galas and lessons. Tactical Awareness – the ability to consistently carry out the instructions of your coach and react independently to changing situations during matches. Attitude – This includes: consideration to the feelings of your team mates and your opponents; being a worthy host or guest during fixtures; treating victory and defeat appropriately; commitment, enthusiasm, courage, willingness and focus to practise and improve during lessons. Captains’ badges will be awarded to the permanent captains of the A sides in sports where 3 or more A-Team fixtures are played. The way we structure sport here is a continual work in process for us and we are always looking for ways in which we can improve what we offer, the way in which we deliver and the overall experience for the pupils.

I look forward to seeing you on the side lines!

Stuart Stedman Director of Sport

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