2021 Wenty Leagues Club Annual Report

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Chief Executive Officer’s Report Dear Members,

We thought 2020 was a challenging year for our Industry and our club, unfortunately 2021 doubled down on us with the continuance of the worldwide Covid pandemic, which proved to be equally as challenging for our business and our operations. We had to again deal with the stop/start of business operations via further forced Lockdowns, QR Codes for entry, Vaccination policies, Facemasks, Virtual (Zoom) meetings, Density Limits, and everything else Covid decided to throw at us. I am pleased to report throughout all of this, your club, through Members support and patronage, Wenty again managed our finances and resources well, to ensure we could remain agile as we navigated and delivered upon the restrictions and government enforced rules that were put in place or taken away constantly at a moment’s notice. Which is certainly not an easy feat in a business our size. I need to again pass on a heartfelt and sincere THANK YOU! Firstly, to our agile and resilient Wenty Staff (we refer to as Family), who have continued to deliver a high standard of customer service excellence to our many loyal members and guests. It has not been easy going, in fact often quite challenging to find fresh staff after the stop/start years of plagued Covid, but our core group of our staff have remained, and they are unwavering in their commitment to their roles and to our club, particularly during those uncertain times. To our Membership, without your continued support and patronage none of this would be possible. Thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding whilst we essentially rebuilt, continually turned on and off all our club operations, favourite activities, entertainment, and promotions. Your support is evident in the pleasing results Wenty Leagues achieved throughout the fiscal year. I want to thank the Board of Directors for their ongoing support and guidance throughout what has been a challenging year for all. I appreciate all your efforts in ensuring we continued to support our staff, members & community needs during these difficult times. A special thank you also to the Executive Management Team, your assistance, professionalism, and commitment to your roles assisted me greatly to navigate our club through challenging times. The team was always willing and able to simply “get the job done” in the aim to meet our goal to provide exceptional hospitality, regardless of the circumstances. I am extremely proud that even through tough times, we cannot forget and nor did we forget, our community outside of the club. Our staff of volunteer’s setup a Community Care Call Team, who made over 4,000 phone calls during the 2021 15 week lockdown, calling our members, starting with those living alone, aging or more vulnerable than others, to spend time checking in, to make sure that they were doing ok or helping put them in touch with others if they needed assistance whilst isolated from their family and friends. Our Team, also continued to provide meals or donations of goods that were close to expiry, to those in need at Parramatta Mission, along with donating supplies to help and assist at Christmas. We continued to sponsor a room at Ronald McDonald House and help with donations to “Meals from the Heart” for families who are doing it tough while their young ones are in hospital. In closing, I do hope that this is the last time I need to refer to Covid and the impacts of the past two years it has placed on our community and our business. I am confident and look forward to a sense of normality in 2022 and welcome the opportunity to see our many members back through the doors of their favourite club, celebrating and enjoying great times with family and friends, as well as participating in all your favourite activities, promotions, and entertainment we have on offer. Looking forward to a successful year, I would like to thank all our members and guests for their patience and understanding. I also wish to thank the Board of Directors for their ongoing support and the Management Team and staff who continue to strive to provide exceptional hospitality.

Glenn Kovacs Chief Executive Officer

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