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you’ve mastered the martial arts. now…master the martial arts business

an introduction to napma

Discover How Hundreds of Smart School Owners Just Like You DOUBLED their Income, While INCREASING the Quality of their Students, Even in the Midst of the Greatest Recession Since the Great Depression If You’re An Honest, Ethical School Owner, Who Has No Moral Objection to Making a Six-Figure or Better Income in Exchange For Providing Great Service to Your Students, You’re Going to Love This! Dear Fellow Martial Arts Professional, Sometimes, when you read headlines like the one above that make seemingly incredible claims about how much a company, a program, or a service can “help you,” I’m sure your inner voice “BS” detectors start buzzing. If you’re like me, and the many others I’ve worked with, then you might be feeling a little uneasy or skeptical right now about that claim. While working on another project this week, we found a package that included more than 480 PAGES of glowing letters from school owners just like you telling me how I personally had helped them enhance their lives, improve their lifestyle — less headaches and more free time — and create a more much more successful martial arts school business in both financial terms and in terms of personal satisfaction! You’ll find just a SMALL sampling of them in this package — some from well-known martial artists, others that you may never have heard of or met . We’ve included some so you could see for yourself the types of otherwise unbelievable results that you can have for your school in the coming weeks and months. After taking a couple of hours and carefully studying these many success stories, it reminded me how VITALLY important your work is, and how many people YOU can help if you grow your school successfully. I truly believe that as Martial Artists, we are a chosen profession. I beleive that you and I as professional teachers can have a massively positive impact on our students. In fact, that’s the only way to acheive long-term wealth and success running a martial arts school. Zig Ziglar best summed it up when he said, “You can have everything you like if you help enough other people get what they want.” The NAPMA Team and I have helped many thousands of schools literally go from “rags to riches.” And, YOU, as a Martial Artist, deserve to be rich. You see, I SINCERELY BELIEVE that Martial Arts school owners like you, who TRULY care about their students, who are absolutely committed to delivering the highest quality program, and who are completely invested in helping their community DESERVE to earn a six-figure or better income, and to live a lifestyle similar to any other dedicated professional, such as an attorney, physician, accountant, or financial advisor. Frankly, we make much more of an impact on the lives of our student than just about anyone else — don’t you agree? So perhaps now you can see why I’m on an unstoppable mission to help school owners like YOU create the future they so richly deserve! Don’t you deserve it too? ­—  Stephen Oliver, 8th-Degree Black Belt, NAPMA CEO

Call 1-727-540-0500 ext. 202 or Visit NAPMAFreeOffer.com



NAPMA Systems

What are the steps to growing your income substantially by operating a successful martial arts school? Well, it’s a pretty simple formula. I’ll teach it to you here — free of charge:

First: Enroll Enough New Students Depending upon your student retention, a single school location needs from 10 to 25 or more new students each and every month to grow and thrive.† Are you hitting or exceeding those numbers each and every month? If not, I guarantee you that with our program, you will have more than enough tactics and strategies including step-by-step “plug and play” systems for filling your school with new students each and every month. The problem, really, is once I show you how to “open the flood gates,” your school will be flooded with prospective new students. I’ve proven over and over that through a variety of sources, ranging from community outreach, on-line, internal events to generate referrals and family addons, and advertising mechanisms, such as direct mail and even infomercials, we can, if you choose, literally have you “drinking from the fire hose,” flooded with new prospective students — of the type that you WANT and are enthusiastic about welcoming to your family.

Second: You MUST Charge a reasonable Tuition Rate Up Front. Now, I don’t know what you are charging. In my schools,

new students pay $249.00 per month initially, with a downpayment of $400 to $600. Many of our successful member schools are charging anywhere from $150 to $300 monthly – and in some cases, more – for new enrollments. What are you charging? If you are not receiving, or are afraid prospects will balk at that amount of tuition, then you need to learn to create the perception and reality of value for your students and their parents for underage enrollments. T† his requires more than just an exciting introductory lesson. In our NAPMA program, you will learn to create real value for your students — and the highest perception of value. This is the kind of value that makes your competition irrelevant in your prospect’s minds and creates the confidence to charge and receive what your program is really worth. Now, before you second-guess yourself, let me tell you a short story. Every year we have a “Black Belt Retreat & Testing” in Breckenridge or Keystone, Colorado. Our students test for three days, typically with little or no rest. Near the end, I always take the Black Belts (typically 200 or 300 of them) and the parents into a room and ask a simple question. It goes something like this: “If I had a time machine and could take you back to the day you started in martial arts, if I would give you every

Chuck Norris

Jeff Smith

Jhoon Rhee

Tommy Lee

Mike Pace

“ Even though I had a lot of students, I couldn’t ever become financially successful because I didn’t understand the business side of the martial arts. It was very, very difficult for me back in those days to try to make a living at something I loved doing.”

“ I care about Stephen Oliver’s business knowledge that can help this industry…through NAPMA and his coaching of individual school owners. The stronger the schools, the stronger NAPMA will be.”

“ My student, Stephen Oliver is the new generation of leaders in the Martial Arts Industry. It’s important to me to have him on my Team to really continue developing my business.”

“ I would personally recommend this [program] to anyone and everyone interested. I’m so impressed with your program that you may give out my number if anyone needs a testimonial to make them come to your next event.”

“ This is the one shortcut to building a massively successful school. To stay abreast of all the new and innovative ideas and techniques other very successful schools are using to grow their businesses. There are huge opportunities for networking.”

Chuck Norris

2   NAPMA Now

Jeff Smith, former World Kickboxing Champion, Mile High Karate Chief Instructor and NAPMA Regular Contributor

Jhoon Rhee. Father of American Tae Kwon Do

Tommy Lee East Coast Martial Arts

Mike Pace 9th-Dan Goshin Ryu Karate

Call 1-727-540-0500 ext. 202 or Visit NAPMAFreeOffer.com

penny you’ve paid and every minute you’ve spent training back. Would you make a different decision?” Well, everyone always says, “Hell no!” Now, I ask: “What if I could take you back and give you $100,000, $250,000, even $1,000,000 to have decided NOT to train in martial arts. Would you take that deal?” Now, I don’t know about your school — although if you are of the quality that I suspect you are, I’m assuming it’s true for you as well — but for our students, the answer is always and has always been “no way.” If that’s true, if your training and the social and emotional development that your students go through on the way to Black Belt is really so valuable,why would you be hesitant to charge a tuition level that’s really both appropriate and adequate to give you REAL financial success along the way? Now, you may be ready to say, “My students wouldn’t,” or, “In my town I can’t,” or, “Everyone else is charging $75 how could I?” You’ve got to set that aside. I understand how you feel. Most new members felt the same way coming into our program. What they’ve found is with developing the value of their program, improving how they communicate that value to prospective students, and, how they market to fill their pipeline with new students, that it works just fine in big and small towns and around the world (recently in Amsterdam, Bahrain, Australia, even South Africa among many others).

Third: You Must Have a Renewal System to Move Students to Really Commit Emotionally to Train to Black Belt and Beyond. It doesn’t matter how good you are, if students drop out as a Gold Belt or Green Belt, are they really going to have the maximum benefit that you offer? See, you’ve got to have the process in place to help them become more and more committed to graduate to Black Belt, then train to advanced degrees with your school.

Eric Sbarge

Stephen K. Hayes

“ When you work with people with more skills in certain areas it really raises your effort and you get so much more out of it. So if you have an open mind to learn in new ways, maybe you do something that does ok, but maybe there’s even a better way, that’s what we’re looking for.“ Eric Sbarge

“ Today there’s a view that you can teach well, you deserve to live a life of dignity, a life of success and this is so important for young ones to be surround by people like that here at NAPMA.” Stephen K. Hayes Black Belt Hall of Fame

Along the way, you may implement additional levels of training (we’ll show you how) that will move some students, often up to 75-80%, into an higher intensity training. I’ve taught many schools how to move students to programs costing $397 or $497 monthly, and up to $997 monthly for schools offering semi-private or personal development. Do you have a system in place that progressively upgrades students and maximizes your return?† If not, you will learn how to accomplish that through the NAPMA program!

Fourth, You Must REALLY Focus on Constantly Improving your Service Delivery to your Students. Although this includes continually getting better and better at teaching your marital art — it’s MUCH, MUCH more than technical mastery. It’s vital that your student retention continually improve, and that they receive higher and higher value from your teaching. Your students must continually grow in enthusiasm and commitment to your martial arts program. You must produce fabulous Black Belts and students. We’ll be teaching you about how to continually improve your student quality — never watering it down.

Finally: You must have reliable business and staff systems in place to insure that your marketing, sales, and motivational teaching systems happen consistently and predictably.† How’s your staff development?† Can your school run efficiently without you being there every minute? We provide you with in-depth tools EVERY MONTH to empower you with the management methods you need to create a STRESSFREE business — all tested, proven and ready to implement. All of that really sounds simple, doesn’t it? You know that there is more to it than meets the eye. In the Next Few Pages I’ll Show You EXACTLY How We Can Help You Create a More Substantial Business!

Billy Blanks “ It’s important for more martial arts instructors to embrace a quality continuing education program like a NAPMA Maximum Impact membership and always be learning how to better themselves and their businesses.”

Joe Lewis “ What I always like about NAPMA is the networking. If I’m an instructor in South Dakota, then I can call another member in California to learn some ideas from a successful school.”

Billy Blanks, 7th-Degree Black Belt Founder of Tae Bo

Call 1-727-540-0500 ext. 202 or Visit NAPMAFreeOffer.com

Joe Lewis, former World Kickboxing Champion, NAPMA Technical Advisor and Regular Contributor

Charlie Foxman “ My NAPMA membership has influenced my business enough that it changed my standard of living. I attribute my success to the content and service of NAPMA and lots of hard work.” Charlie Foxman, Midwest Martial Arts



NAPMA Systems

attracting new students What is the Maximum Impact program and How Will it Help Me? Our members are SERIOUS about growing their schools! Some are focused on building large, multi-school organizations, others want to take their existing location to the next level, and yet others are transitioning from a part-time school to making their school a full time career. Regardless of your specific objective, one of the FUNDAMENTAL skills you MUST master, is the skill of attracting enough new students into your school.

Enrolling Enough New Students Depending upon the current size of your business, a single location needs 10 to 25 new students every month. In some cases, even more are required for the school to grow. If you are not hitting or exceeding those numbers, your school is at high risk for failure. We guarantee you that with our program, you will have more than enough tactics and strategies — including step-by-step “plug and play” systems – to fill your classes with quality, enthusiastic students. In fact, once we show you how to use our tested and proven marketing strategies, your problem will be how to manage the continuous influx of new students. We’ll

show you a variety of affordable, easy-to-use marketing strategies including community outreach, online internal events to generate referrals and family add-ons, and advertising mechanisms, such as direct mail and infomercials. Best of all, these will be the type of type of students who fit your preferred demographic.

The Latest “What’s Working TODAY” Cutting-Edge Marketing Strategies Our members benefit from the “No B.S.,” PROVEN-in-the trenches marketing advice of the undisputed MASTER of Martial Arts Marketing, The Mile High Maverick, Grand Master Stephen Oliver.

You’ll Avoid Costly Marketing “Blunders” and Trim DECADES Off your Marketing Learning Curve Why go through the headaches, time and millions of dollars testing ineffective marketing strategies, when we can save you all that trouble! You’ll be plugged into the greatest marketing minds in the martial arts business, and thousands of other smart, growth-focused NAPMA members through this life changing course.

Here are just a few of the systems you’ll master in this continuing education program: • • • • • • • •

Community Outreach Business to Business Internet Marketing Elementary School Programs Direct Marketing for Martial Arts Schools Email Marekting Social Media Marketing SMS and Text Messaging

4   NAPMA Now

• Voice Broadcast • Day Care Programs • Attracting the Adult Market • Referral Systems • Referrals from Rank Exams • Referrals from The Intro • Viral Marketing • Attracting the PreSchool Market

• • • • • • • • • •

Birthday Parties Pizza Parties Movie Promotions Parent’s Night Out Mastering the Internet Direct Mail, Short Form Direct Mail, Long Form Social Proof Print Marketing Newspaper Strategies

• • • • • • • • • •

Television, Short Form Television, Long Form Radio, Short Form Radio, Long Form Infomercials CanvasingDoor Hangers Flyer Distribution Lead Boxes Lawn Signs And MANY, MANY more!

Call 1-727-540-0500 ext. 202 or Visit NAPMAFreeOffer.com

NAPMA Systems

attracting new students Mastering Online Marketing For Your Martial Arts School O

ur resident technowizard and online marketing expert, NAPMA COO Master Toby Milroy, will save you DECADES of trial and error AND thousands of dollars creating an effective web presence. Online marketing is a vitally important arrow in your marketing quiver, and in this course, you’ll be armed with the knowledge, skills AND step-by-step blueprint for creating new students predictably and reliably online.







Lead Capture and Follow Up

Lead Capture and Conversion

Do-It-Yourself Website Tutorial

Internet Marketing Strategy 101

Facebook Tricks We Think You’ll Dig

Using QR Codes







Internet Marketing CORE Functionality

Facebook Fan Pages Templates

Do-It-Yourself Website Tutorial

Faceboook Timeline and Other Banners

Do-It-Yourself Website Q&A

More Do-It-Yourself Website Q&A

You’ll learn how to attract free media PRESS RELE






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SE For more <YOUR information, please contact <YOUR NAME> : PHONE NUMBE R>

…Press Coverage and Publicity Garnering media attention is one of the most powerful strategies for positioning yourself as “The Local Expert” in your field. With our monthly press campaigns and publicity education course, you’ll become a trusted resource for your local media.

referral systems How many referral systems do you deploy in your school? Referrals can be the lowest cost, best source of new students to grow your school. Your best students have lots of friends, colleagues, associates, neighbors and family members that would make great students as well. In the Maximum Impact program you’ll learn DOZENS of proven effective referral systems you can “plug and play” in your school.

Call 1-727-540-0500 ext. 202 or Visit NAPMAFreeOffer.com



NAPMA Systems

attracting new students “done for you” marketing strategies and tools A…ttract more new students and save hours of your valuable time with our NAPMA Marketing Center. Get your marketing messages into the field without hiring expensive designers and copywriters, with our targeted seasonal, style-based, benefit-focused, high-impact marketing materials: Ads, Flyers, Door Hangers, Guest Passes, Posters, Ad Cards, Rack Cards, Lawn Signs, Facebook Headers, Online Banners and MANY other campaign elements! With NAPMA “Done for You” designs, you’ll always project a professional image for your business.

You’ll Learn How to Take Full Advantage of Each Opportnunity  New Year  Birthday Party  Mother’s Day  Father’s Day  Memorial Day  Earth Day  St. Patrick’s Day  Summer Success System  Summer Camps  Back to School  Halloween  Thanksgiving  Holiday Season  Academic  Adults  After†school  Anti-Abduction  Back †to †School  Bullying  Character  Child’s† Self-Esteem  Child† ID  Concentration  Confidence  Family† Activity  Father’s †Day  Fitness  Focus  General† Marketing  Halloween  Holiday† Martial† Arts †Party  Home† Safety  Improve† Your †F itness New Year  Holiday Kickboxing  Knock† Out† Stress  Women’s Bootcamp  Martial† Arts †Party  Movie† Promotions  Pre-School† (Little †Ninjas)  Referrals  Safety  Self-Esteem  Self-Confidence  Self-Defense  Spring† Day† Camp  Teens   Valentine’s† Day  VIP Passes  Guest Passes  Women’s Promotions  Many, Many More

6   NAPMA Now

Call 1-727-540-0500 ext. 202 or Visit NAPMAFreeOffer.com

NAPMA Systems

attracting new students THE NAPMA MARKETING CENTER

NAPMA Marketing PRINT Center

With the ALL NEW “NAPMA Marketing Center” you can customize and order effective print marketing materials to promote your programs and events. Check out our new Rack Cards, Door Hangers, Flyers, Lawn Signs, Banners, Ad Cards, and event Web Banners available for download as well!


With the ALL NEW “NAPMA Marketing Center” you can customize and order effective print marketing materials to promote your programs and events. Check out our new Rack Cards, Door Hangers, Flyers, Lawn Signs, Banners, Ad Cards, and event Web Banners available for download as well!

CAMPAIGNS Academic Back to School Bullying Fitness General Marketing Goal Setting Grand Opening Halloween Holiday Season-Christmas Mother’s Day Movie Promotions New year Pre-School (little Ninjas) Referrals Summer Camp Summer Season Valentine’s Day VIP/Guest Passes

CAMPAIGNS Academic Back to School Bullying Fitness General Marketing Goal Setting Grand Opening Halloween Holiday Season-Christmas Mother’s Day Movie Promotions New year Pre-School (little Ninjas) Referrals Summer Camp Summer Season Valentine’s Day VIP/Guest Passes

6 6

6 6

COMPLETE marketing campaigns New Creative Campaigns … Plus Hundreds More Online! For more tools and reports, visit your Member Area at NAPMA.com For more tools and reports, visit your Member Area at NAPMA.com

For more tools and reports, visit your Member Area at NAPMA.com For more tools and reports, visit your Member Area at NAPMA.com

Online marketing Market Where Your Prospects “Hang-Out” Online

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Call 1-727-540-0500 ext. 202 or Visit NAPMAFreeOffer.com

Web Banners

Social Media Formats



NAPMA Systems

outstanding retention & service Keeping Retention High with First-Class Instruction and Outstanding Student Service


ne of the essential keys to building a truly exceptional Martial Arts Business is iron clad student retention through outstanding service and continual focus on improving your value to your students. Student retention is based on high-value instruction that produces top-level Black Belts. Your students’ commitment to the martial arts hinges on their enthusiasm for your program. We’ll show you how to continually improve your student quality without ever watering down

Student and Prospect Newsletter

Character Development Program

What are you doing to keep students engaged in your program while NOT physically in your school? How are you reinforcing and communicating the benefits and value of your program after a student enrolls? A student newsletter (print AND email/online) is a powerful tool to help facilitate these objectives. You’ll be extending your classroom into each student’s home, and engaging them more deeply in your program, increasing retention and student commitment.

Student’s in today’s market are looking for MUCH more than just “kicking and punching.” Parents, children and adult students alike demand a program that helps them become a more successful person, in the dojo and out. Our “Words of the Week” character education program is an EASY to implement, easy to understand system for increasing student retention, create a more valuable program, and save you lots of time.

NAPMA National Black Belt Club Program

You’ll add value to your program and stimulate student retention with the National Black Belt Club. You can increase revenue and create a more stable business with our renewal/ascension strategies, appropriate for virtually any style or type of school. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” —Aristotle

Certificate of Membersh ip

Leadership and Instructor Skills

h h h

in recognition of a perso nal commitmen earning the t to achiev world’s most ing the goal recognized of and respected and an equal martial arts ly strong dedic rank ation to Black Belt Excellence . is recognized

as a memb er National Black in good standing of Belt Club.


Rob Colasan ti President, NAPMA




08170 NBBC

Member Certificate.in1


10/28/08 1:25:42 PM


8   NAPMA Now



Create more free time and standardize your classroom instruction with our leadership and staff development program, to help you create a more professional classroom and instructors with classroom management skills and concepts, as well as fundamental teaching skills.

Call 1-727-540-0500 ext. 202 or Visit NAPMAFreeOffer.com

NAPMA Systems

outstanding retention & service Keep Student Retention with High Hundred of Hours of Fresh, Innovative Classroom Skills in Video Training from The NAPMA Classroom Mastery Institute Access hundreds of hours of top level instruction, staff training, teaching skills, class management and strategy skills from some of the best instructors in the world — on demand 24/7/365!


Adult Classes

Pre-School Classes

Mike Chat

Cung Le

Derenda Timmons, Ph.D.

Earnie Reyes

Joe Lewis

Melody Shulman




Carlton Gracie


Frank Shamrock

Teaching Strategies

Toby Milroy

Dr. Ruth Peters

These Topics and MANY, MANY More! • Adrenal Stress Training • Adults • Advanced Training • B asics (Hand Techniques) • B o Staff • B oxing • Character Development • Children • Classroom

Management • Competition • Conditioning • C urriculum Management • Drills • F itness • F lexibility • Focus • Forms • Games • Grappling

• Instructor Minute • Intermediate Training • K amas • Kempo • K ickboxing • K icks • K nife • Little Ninjas (Preschool) • MMA • O ne Steps

• P ad Drills • S elf-Defense • Sparring • Stick • Summer Camp • Teaching Strategy • Teamwork • Traditional • Weapons • A nd Many, Many More!

Call 1-727-540-0500 ext. 202 or Visit NAPMAFreeOffer.com

instruction and cl ass management experts Stephen Oliver Toby Milroy Jeff Smith Mike Chat Ernie Reyes, Sr. Dr. Ruth Peters Dr. Derenda Timmons, Ph.D. Dan Severn Cung Le Carlton Gracie Carlos Machado Joe Lewis Kathy Long Frank Shamrock George Alexander Chip Townsend Ron Balicki Mark Graden Christine Bannon Rodriguez Danny Dring Lee Barden Peyton Quinn Terry Riggs Carlos Newton Steve Stewart Dr. Muang Gi Dennis Nackford Charlie Lysak Charles Orchard Paul Garcia Gerry DeSanto Sang Koo Kang Steve Doyon Robert Crosson Angello DiBella Bill Kipp Steve Gross Olando Rivera Jerry Poteet Gerard Cantore Kevin Ruby Joe Palanzo Christopher Rodriguez Dwight Woods Kathy Marlor Sherry McGregor Raffi Derderian Peter Hill Pavel Tsatsouline And Many, Many More!



NAPMA Systems

honing your business skills NAPMA NOW — Advanced Operational Strategies Newsletter


he NAPMA Now program gives you the “rubber meets the road”, step-by-step marketing, sales, teaching and operational tactics that will help you systematize your entire school. Think of this like your ongoing Martial Arts Business education course. Each edition empowering you with new, creative, proven effective systems to make your school run smoother, and your life simpler. We’ll walk you through all the key aspects of how to transform your school you so can bypass the costly mistakes that others make.

Some Recent Maximum Impact Lessons that we’ve Created Included: • How to Use Social Proof to Create a Non-Confrontational Sales Environment. • Low and No Cost Grass Roots

Marketing Techniques to Flood Your School with New Students • Direct Mail A to Z • Multi School and Organizational Development • Selling A to Z • Strategies to Fill Your School

• Managing Your Life and Your Staff • Achieving the First Sale with New Enrollments • Maximizing Your Income • Developing Black Belt Leaders and Staff • Direct Response Marketing for

Here you’ll find all the basics for building a solid martial arts business. No untested theory, or personal opinion. ONLY proven, effective systems for the fundamentals of your business. Beginning with the first contact and continuing through the intro lesson, the enrollment conference, the renewal prep and beyond, you’ll find all the timetested, fundamentals that are a foundation for success. NAPMA’s innovative blueprints are easy to follow.

Martial Arts Schools • Internet Marketing for Martial Arts Schools • Creating Wealth and KEEPING IT • The Millionaire Mindset for Martial Arts School Owners • And MANY, MANY More!!

Some members want extra support to implement the tools and strategies we provide to rapidly transform their businesses. In these cases, we block out a limited number of days for our NAPMA Executive team of proven successful school owners (notably, Grand Master Stephen Oliver and Master Toby Milroy) to conduct onsite and off-site 1-on-1 private consulting days. We provide these immersive experiences to our NAPMA members at a substantial discount.

Stephen Oliver’s

Mile High Stephen Oliver’s Rants, Mav Raves and Oth eric er Pol k Ne Stephen Oliver iticall ’s y Inc wsle orrect Our In Mile High Ma Views tter ne from verick Re tentio r Circle an Behind New slet n d Peak Wa Rants, Raves an the Cur shing d theter and Other Politica Perfo tain ton Co lly Incorrec

Mile High Maverick Newsletter

Stephen Oliver’s

Rants, Raves and Other Politically Incorrect Views from Behind the Curtain

Each month, you’ll receive a Well-known as an industry newsletter written by Stephen maverick, Grand Master Oliver has Hey, first, some reminders… Oliver with observations and killed more than a few sacred cows comments about growing trends and bucked plenty of popular, Reminder 1: Each month we do Telecoaching with all of our members.but If you aren’t on our “Maximum Impact” live Member call each month, and in our industry and the current destructive trends. This newsletter submitting questions and asking them live, then you are missing a huge economy. This thought-provoking stands alone as being worth the opportunity. periodical will help you expand cost of membership in helping ALWAYS book in this time: 12 Noon on the first Wednesday of the month. your thinking and give you a new you think outside the box for your Submit questions ahead of time to me at StephenOliver@NAPMA.com perspective on the problems we school’s challenges. If you have a question. Check it on the member Website or, call all face in this industry. Bob Dunne at 1-727-540-0500, Ext. 202.


For Inner Circle and Peak Performers we are hosting three Telecoaching calls each month. Beginning in July, one is “Owner’s Only,” two are designed    to include your staff, and are fully interactive with myself, Toby Milroy, and often Jeff Smith along, with the rest of the Inner Circle Members.


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Call 1-727-540-0500 ext. 202 or Visit NAPMAFreeOffer.com

NAPMA Systems

creating effective business systems S

ince the NAPMA team is “in the trenches” like you, we know how challenging and frustrating it can be: there are so many things that need to be done, but you’re only one person, with a finite number of hours in the day. Sound familiar? I’m sure you’ve felt that you’d be able to get so much more done if you could just clone yourself. Replacing your personal effort with proven effective systems is the answer.

Part of our mission with all of our members is help them live a more substantial lifestyle, enjoying more free time because their school is clicking along on all cylinders, with the right systems in place. We’ll empower you with those systems, automation strategies, delegation and training systems, and step-by-step systems for nearly every area of your business.

Blue Packag e

member reSo UrCe


e Pacrcekag Bluer resou mATerIALs membe Business Bre akthrough DV D How to Adj ust to New Credit Card Processing Pol nds Sou Arts School icies In Your Ma rtial

Only members have access to this comprehensive DVD featuring the brightest minds in the martial arts business arena. Often, the seminars that are selected are recorded at small, ultra-high-end events that cost the attendees thousands of dollars just to walk through the doors.

New Credit Card and merc hant accou my the Paym nt policies entDVD Card indus imposed thousands try are negat of school in ively effecting Info Call the US session, Jeff Cole, an exper and round the world . In this tion t in managing and working Descrip with PCS compliance show you how martial arts schools’ specific need to avoid comm s will up the most on pitfalls, advantageo and how to us strategy for your schoo set l.

of Success CD 101


e d. 1 3023

MAY 2013



Featured Video:




MAR. 2013



20 things We’re doing that Work today! with Stephen Oliver, NAPMA CEO and Grandmaster Jeff Smith, Mile High Karate Director of Curriculum and NAPMA Contributor. or , in



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Program Features:




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leadership development and a case study for transformational growth

To ensure you have every possible edge for success, you’ll also receive our monthly CD program for the latest school-building concepts and featuring ONLY individuals who already are where you want to go. Quality information for the most efficient, student-service oriented, top level school.


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LIVE “Best Practices” Interactive Tele-Coaching Seminars to Keep You Motivated and On Target These monthly password protected, NAPMA-member-only, live tele-coaching calls are designed to provide extra support to clarify any lingering questions, and give you SPECIFIC implementation strategies for your unique situation. Surround yourself with industry successes as we answer your questions directly, and share with you what’s working RIGHT NOW in the industry. Hear the success stories straight from the members that achieved and exceeded their goals. Ask your questions on the call or submit them by email them ahead of time. These calls are personally moderated by Grand Master Stephen Oliver, Master Toby Milroy, Grand Master Jeff Smith and Bob Dunne. We often feature special guests that will open your eyes to new approaches and, new ways to improve your life and your school. As a member you get direct access every month to this direct coaching and support.

school name

bsite for • Visit your Member We keting the February 2012 mar and campaign, kickin’ Newsletter ter and Black Belt Club Newslet start planning early.

• Customize and distribute your January press release to the media.











weekly Stats: (Actual) (Projection) _______ Leads _____________ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Enrollments _______ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Upgrades _______



astery • Visit the "Classroom M er Institute" in your Memb

Website. • Visit the new Masterng the Archives at Martial Arts Business l.com. MartialArtsProfessiona astery • Visit the "Classroom M er Institute" in your Memb Website.

weekly Stats: (Actual) (Projection) _______ Leads _____________ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Enrollments _______ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Upgrades _______





• Peak Performers and Master Mind Calls

weekly Stats: (Actual) (Projection) _______ Leads _____________ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Enrollments _______ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Upgrades _______

Day Han otionS. foR PRom









R foR uR oRDe ’S PLaCe yo Lentine new VeDout CaRDS


20 BIRThDAY OF • Invest time MARTIN LUThER improving your kING, JR. business education, reading books and other materials and listening to CDs.

• A good day to open your NAPMA Member’s Toolkit.




13 • Invest time improving your business education, reading books and other materials and listening to CDs.

astery • Visit the "Classroom M er Institute" in your Memb

• NAPMA Inner Circle ONLY Private Conference Call

9 • Maximum Impact Member’s Teleconference Call. (See "What’s New Online" in Blue Package for details.)



6 • Invest time improving your business education, reading books and other materials and listening to CDs.

astery • Visit the "Classroom M tive, and Institute" for new, creals, drills and exciting classroom skil amazing teaching strategies! An and resource for your staff instructors.

weekly Stats: (Actual) (Projection) _______ Leads _____________ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Enrollments _______ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Upgrades _______



29 28 ANNIVERSARY DAY AUSTRALIA DAY AUCkLAND / OBSERVED (AUS) NORThLAND ONSERVED (NEW ZEALAND) • Finalize your February marketing and lead-generating events.




bsite for the • Visit your Member We campaign, March 2012 marketing Black Belt and kickin’ Newsletter Club Newsletter and start planning early.

astery • Visit the "Classroom M tive, and Institute" for new, creals, drills and exciting classroom skil amazing teaching strategies! An and resource for your staff instructors. astery • Visit the "Classroom M er Institute" in your Memb Website.

astery • Visit the "Classroom M er Institute" in your Memb

3 • Invest time improving your business education, reading books and other materials and listening to CDs.

astery • Visit the "Classroom M er Institute" in your Memb Website. fits • Increase sales and pro ant with the NAPMA MerchVisit Account Value Bundle. m NAPMAValueBundle.co

• Inner Circle Live Master Mind Meeting, San Diego, CA


astery • Visit the "Classroom M tive, and Institute" for new, creals, drills and exciting classroom skil amazing teaching strategies! An and resource for your staff instructors. astery • Visit the "Classroom M er Institute" in your Memb

Website. • Join the new Martial Arts Professional at networking community l.com. MartialArtsProfessiona astery • Visit the "Classroom M er Institute" in your Memb


astery • Visit the "Classroom M er Institute" in your Memb Website. er-cost • Easier, quicker and low A Online marketing at the NAPMvisit the Print Marketing Store ( ). members’ Web section


13 • Distribute Valentine’s Day Cards to Sudents, Referral Promotion


weekly Stats: (Actual) (Projection) _______ Leads _____________ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Enrollments _______ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Upgrades _______







• Inner Circle Live Master Mind Meeting, San Diego, CA






25 • Finalize your February marketing and lead-generating events.

9 • Peak Performers Live Master Mind Meeting, San Diego, CA PLUS

weekly Stats: (Actual) (Projection) _______ Leads _____________ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Enrollments _______ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Upgrades _______

weekly Stats: (Actual) (Projection) _______ Leads _____________ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Enrollments _______ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Upgrades _______

28 • Prepare and analyze final statistical reports for November.

1 • Customize and distribute your March press release to the weekly Stats: media.

10 LABOUR DAY Invest time (VICTORIA, AUS) improving your business education, reading d books and other materials an listening to CDs.







6 • Maximum Impact member’s Teleconference Call. (See "What’s New Online" in Blue Package for details.)





weekly Stats: (Actual) (Projection) _______ Leads _____________ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Enrollments _______ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Upgrades _______

• NAPMA Inner Circle ONLY Private Conference Call


• Peak Performers & Inner Circle Groups Conference Calls

27 Finalize your April marketing and lead-generating events.




weekly Stats: (Actual) (Projection) _______ Leads _____________ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Enrollments _______ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Upgrades _______




weekly Stats: (Actual) (Projection) _______ Leads _____________ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Enrollments _______ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Upgrades _______


Member’s-Only Teleconference Selling at Higher Price s than Your Competitors; Staff Training with NAPMA CEO Stephen Oliver NAPMA COO Toby Milroy and .

aUdio cd

member teleco nference

Positioning for Preeminence, Being the Best, Not the Cheape st with NAPMA CEO Stephen Oliver ©2

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29 • Prepare and analyze final statistical reports for March weekly Stats: .


(Actual) (Projection) _______ Leads _____________ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Enrollments _______ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Upgrades _______

COMPLETE “step-by-step” scripts, dialogs, outlines and training courses for virutally every area of your business. From how to handle the “info call” the most effectively to conducting the renewal/upgrades conference. It’s all here! More than 210 years of Martial Arts Business Experience at your fingertips and in your mailbox.


arts © 2012 martial






17 ST. PATRICk’S DAY (US, CAN) Invest time improving your business education, reading d books and other materials an listening to CDs.



(Actual) (Projection) _______ Leads _____________ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Enrollments _______ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Upgrades _______

3 LABOUR DAY • Invest time (WESTERN AUS) improving your business education, reading books and other materials and listening to CDs.

• A good day to open your NAPMA Member’s Toolkit.







• Check NAPMA.com for latest cities and dates for the Inner Circle and Peak Performers Groups meetings.

➧ ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧

Website. bsite for • Visit your Member We ntent and new school-building co bers communicate with mem through the Forum.

inc. all rights

24 A good day to open your NAPMA Member’s Toolkit.

12 • Distribute Valentine’s Day Cards to Sudents, Referral Promotion


17 FAMILY DAY (CAN) • Invest time improving your business education, reading books and other materials and listening to CDs.

weekly Stats: (Actual) (Projection) _______ Leads _____________ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Enrollments _______ (Actual) (Projection) _______ Upgrades _______



6 WAITANGI DAY (NEW ZEA) • Maximum Impact Member’s Teleconference Call. (See "What’s New Online" in Blue Package for details.)


mARch 2013 bsite for the • Visit your Member We mpaign, April 2012 marketing caBlack Belt and kickin’ Newsletter Club Newsletter and start planning

11 • Distribute Valentine’s Day Cards to Sudents, Referral Promotion



• Customize and distribute your February press release to the media.


4 • Distribute Valentine’s Day Promotion Letters








Sunday • Check NAPMA.com for latest cities and dates for the Inner Circle and Peak Performers Groups meetings.

➧ ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧

Website. bsite for • Visit your Member We ntent and new school-building co bers communicate with mem through the Forum.


You’ll enjoy our “at-a-glance” quarterly outline that will help keep you and your staff FOCUSED on results with your marketing agenda. This tool helps your team contribute to your operation at a high level, and provides a constant visual reminder of your results, targets, goals and objectives.

➧ ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧




Sunday Check NAPMA.com for latest cities and dates for the Inner Circle s and Peak Performers Group


NAPMA Black Belt Operations & Management Systems

ing Calendar

Three-Month Plann JANUARY 2013

Maximum Impact

member resource


, in








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© 2 0 12 m a r t

Call 1-727-540-0500 ext. 202 or Visit NAPMAFreeOffer.com



NAPMA Systems

get started today! If you are serious about growing your


business with integrity, you need to talk to “Millionaire Maker” Stephen Oliver. He’ll give you a step-by-step action plan to double your gross. School owners that he’s personally working with have added $150,000, $250,000, $300,000 AND MORE to their school’s earnings in the past 12 months — WITH NO ADDITIONAL EXPENSES. And, for the first time only, he’ll give you a FREE One-On-One Evaluation — a $1,297.00 value — for a limited time only.

Free Personal Evaluation with Millionaire-Maker Stephen Oliver, a sure-fire action plan to double your results or better. — $1,297.00 Value Free 90-minute Seminar with Stephen Oliver: “The 5 Stupid Things School Owners Do to Sabotage Themselves and the Key Steps to Being a Big Winner.” — $297 Value Free Report: “The 10 Things You Must Do to THRIVE in the Martial Arts Business.” — $497 Value Free Copy of Stephen Oliver’s Groundbreaking Book: “Everything I Wish I Knew When I Was 22,” Responsible for MANY Martial Arts Millionaires all by itself. — $29.97 Value

Call 1-727-545-0500 ext 202 and speak with bob dunne for details or visit napmafreeoffer.com

“I thought Stephen Oliver was Crazy … and Then I Realized He Was Showing Me How to Triple or Quadruple My Income… J oe Boru cki “I Cost Myself $250,000 by Waiting…Don’t Make the Same Mistake.” Sh a w n Ha rve y

Attractive Benefit/ Motivational Posters Give your school a professional image and reinforce the value of your program at the same time. Our members use these attractive visual enhancements as studeant lessons, and for motivation and inspiration.

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NAPMA Black Belt Retention & Service Systems Follow our Step-by-Step guides and strategies using methods that built mega-corporations such as Disney. A professional school in today’s market MUST go far above and beyond their competition. We’ve developed some of the most creative and innovative student service systems in the industry, that are producing retention rates rarely seen in our business.

Call 1-727-540-0500 ext. 202 or Visit NAPMAFreeOffer.com

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