The 15 types of video content that will grow your brand

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The 15 types of video content that will grow your brand


Video Content is more important than ever in 2023 - the statistics are compelling:

• 76% of Marketers feel that video helps them reach their goal more than other media types

• Your customers want to see video content more than any other content

• Video content is 12 times more likely to be shared

• 95% of your messaging will be remembered by your audience, vs 10% for written content*

Sounds like a no-brainer doesn’t it?

But the thing is, you’re a [insert your job title here], not Sir Ridley-bleeding-Scott. How are you supposed to know what type of video content to make? What works? What doesn’t? What builds brand awareness? What builds trust between you and your audience?

Well the short answer is cat videos. Funny cat videos. But unless you are the Marketing Director for Whiskas you probably need a few more ideas than that - so our team has come up with what we think are the 15 most important types of content that you need to make on a regular basis.

The team behind Wee Wraith have been making video content since before YouTube even existed (it used to get posted out on CD-ROMs), and we’ve made thousands of pieces of content for just about every type of business going - from small, exciting start-ups to globally-famous brands (and everyone in between).

So when it comes to video content, we know what works. With that in mind, we have decided to share our experience and list out the 15 types of video content that you need to create regularly for your audience to enjoy on your website and your owned social channels. Whether you’re B2B or B2C, large or small, just starting out or globally-established, if you keep creating these 15 types then you’re heading for success.

“Companies that use video marketing grow revenue 49% faster than those who don’t”

Aberdeen Group

It’s time to start creating!

We hope you enjoy this wee guide and we’d love to know what you think - so feel free to drop us a line at

* Sources: Hubspot, Google, insivia, Aberdeen Group

How video content will grow your brand

Creating effective Marketing has never been more complex and challenging than it is today, and that’s largely because the digital world (including AI) continues to change the way that purchase decisions are arrived at.

In order to succeed, Marketing teams need to ensure that they are hitting every part of the Marketing funnel (Bryony Thomas makes a great case for seeing the funnel as hundreds of interconnected, leaking buckets in her book “Watertight Marketing”), rather than just focusing on raising awareness and lead generation.

At Wee Wraith we see many businesses who have a gap in their “Build Trust” phase - Consideration, Intent and Evaluation - because traditionally they have relied on their Sales teams to move customers through this process. However, with up to 90% of people researching a purchase online BEFORE they make contact, Sales teams have had to adapt to prospects who may know as much about their

products as they do. Meanwhile, most brands’ websites simply don’t have enough content to give prospects all the information they need, so they turn to other sources - YouTube reviews and influencers, competitor websites, comparison websites… all of which are out of the control of the brand. We call this the Brand Trust gap - and in our opinion, it’s the biggest problem in Marketing today (get in touch if you’d like to know more).

Regardless of where your business is at, or what it does, the point is that you need a Marketing plan to create assets that address each part of the funnel - and video content is proven to be by far the most effective asset type at every step of the way - video is more shareable, more engaging, more memorable and better at building trust than any other form of content.

So, are you ready to find out what our Top 15 video content types are?

Awareness Interest Consideration Intent Evaluation Purchase Loyalty Advocacy Get noticed Solve Problem / explain benefits Build trust (and remove doubts) Build brand relationships (your tribe) Marketing Objective Purchase Funnel Wee Wraith Content Type 15 13 14 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

Content Type 01 Why you do what you do

Your brand purpose is the reason your business does what it does… beyond the core necessity of making money.

When you share your brand purpose, you communicate your values, beliefs, and mission, which can help people understand what you stand for and why you exist. This, in turn, can inspire your audience to align with your brand and become loyal customers. By creating content that highlights your brand purpose, you can also differentiate yourself from your competitors and stand out in a crowded market. Your brand purpose can be a powerful tool for attracting new customers, retaining existing ones, and building a strong reputation in your industry.

It’s important to talk about your company’s purpose in society as it will build your brand profile. Like-minded customers will want to be part of your “tribe” and become loyal customers and even advocates for what you offer. We find that brand purpose videos are some of the most powerful content we create.


Content Type 02 Share your wisdom

You and your team are experts in what you do - so it’s time to share your wisdom!

It might be something to do with your product or service, something that you’ve learned or something in your business culture that you think works really well.

Sharing your wisdom and experience with your audience is a powerful way to connect with them and build trust. By sharing your knowledge and insights, you establish yourself as an authority in your field and demonstrate your willingness to help others.

Your audience will appreciate your willingness to share what you’ve learned and may even become loyal followers. Additionally, sharing your wisdom and experience can help others avoid the mistakes you’ve made, saving them time,

money, and frustration.

Putting out this type of content is often an incredibly rewarding experience, both for you and your audience, and can help you establish your brand as a strong and memorable presence in your industry. And if you’re worried about giving away trade secrets or your ‘secret sauce’.. then unfortunately it’s time for a reality check. We’re in the late-information age, where information and learnings are given away for free (see YouTube) so if you’re not sharing, then others will.


Content Type 03 A day in the life

Rather than a traditional “About Us” corporate video, how about showing what it’s really like to work with you?

From walking the office dog, to meeting clients, to simply doing the do - it will give your customers (and potential hires) a fascinating insight into your business.

At Wee Wraith we believe that “A day in the life of” is a better theme than “About Us” because it offers a more engaging and relatable perspective for viewers. While an “About Us” video may provide a general overview of a company, it can lack the personal touch that “A day in the life of” videos offer.

By showcasing a typical day in the life of an employee or a team within the company, viewers can get a behind-thescenes look at what really goes on and how things work. This approach helps to

humanise the company and make it more relatable, which can help to build trust and create a stronger emotional connection with the audience.

In contrast, an “About Us” video may come across as overly polished or scripted, lacking the authenticity and relatability that viewers crave. While it’s important to provide an overview of the company’s mission, values, and services, a “day in the life of” video allows viewers to see the company in action and get a sense of what it’s really like to work there.

This is a great content type to showcase your culture, values, and people in a way that’s engaging, relatable, and authentic. It tells the world what makes you unique and can help to build trust and rapport with the audience.


Content Type 04 Answering your customers’ questions

At Wee Wraith we are big fans of Marcus Sheridan and his approach to modern marketing - if you haven’t already read it, we recommend reading his book “They Ask You Answer”.

One of the key tenets of his philosophy is that it’s vitally important to answer ALL of your potential customers’ questions on your website.

It’s time to move beyond simple feature explanations on your website and answer the questions that a customer has about your products and services… because if you don’t, someone else online will!

For instance, if you’re a car manufacturer you may say on your website that the boot space has 1870 litres of space - which is no doubt impressive but doesn’t really help a specific customer who wants to

know if the boot is big enough to fit their pushchair. So in this case, that customer will no doubt head over to YouTube and search for videos of people putting pushchairs in boots! Finding out what questions your customers are asking, and then answering them in short videos, is the number one way to build trust quickly with your audience and keep them on your site. It’s what your Sales teams have been doing for years!

And bear in mind you’ll need to answer the all tricky /uncomfortable things too... such as “How much does it cost?” - it’s better for customers to hear this from you rather than a ill-informed third party or competitor!


Content Type 05 Meet The Team

We all do it- when we’re researching a business we can’t help but click on the “Meet The Team” page to see who we’ll be dealing with - it’s human nature to want to put a face to a name.

So imagine how much powerful it would be to watch a video of the person you’re going to be dealing with rather than an image and some fluffy words? Where this person tells you a bit about themselves, what they do and what they like doing when not at work... You’ll feel like you know them already.

“Meet the team” videos are a fantastic way to add a personal touch to your brand and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Instead of a static bio, a video allows your team members to showcase their personalities, share their stories and

experiences, and highlight their skills and expertise.

These videos can be fun, light-hearted, and informative, creating a sense of familiarity and trust with your audience. It also provides a human face to your company, which can help build lasting relationships with your customers.

By creating “Meet the team” videos, you can set your brand apart from the competition, increase engagement and foster a sense of community around your company. It’s an excellent opportunity to showcase the people who make your business a success and let your audience get to know them better.


Content Type 06 Show Gratitude

Showing gratitude creates a positive energy - some people believe that the more gratitude you show then the more good things will happen.

Whether you believe this or not, it’s indisputable that videos where you thank a team member for their efforts, a supplier for going the extra mile or a customer who has had a success, will inevitably get some of the highest rates of engagement of any content you produce.

So why is it nice to be nice?

Well, it’s a powerful and permanent way to spread positivity and inspire others to adopt a more grateful mindset. When people watch videos about gratitude, it can have a profound impact on their emotional state, promoting feelings of joy, contentment, and appreciation. In turn, this can lead to more meaningful and

fulfilling relationships, greater resilience in the face of adversity, and improved overall well-being. Which is a long way of saying that it will get lots of likes on Social Media.

This means it’s an extremely effective marketing tool for spiking engagement.

At a corporate level, creating videos about gratitude can help you and your team cultivate a more positive and productive work environment. By focusing on the things you’re grateful for, you can reduce stress and improve job satisfaction, leading to a happier and more engaged workforce.

It’s win-win-win.


Content Type 07 State of the nation

Most of us are pretty good at letting our teams know what’s going on in the business, but how many of us tell our customers too?

Whether it’s celebrating a new client win, a team member who’s climbed Kilimanjaro for charity or simply updating everyone on your plans, people love to share in your success.

By providing regular updates and insights into the latest news and developments, you’re keeping your customers informed and engaged, which can help to build a stronger relationship with them.

“State of the nation” videos are a great way to achieve this. They provide an opportunity to share updates on everything from new products or services to company milestones, financial results, and more. By creating these videos, you

can keep your customers informed about the latest happenings in your business and demonstrate your commitment to transparency and openness.

These videos can also help to position your company as a thought leader in your industry. By sharing insights into the latest trends, innovations, and best practices, you’re showing your customers that you’re at the forefront of your field and dedicated to providing the best possible service or product.

By showcasing your brand’s latest news and developments, you can generate buzz and interest in your business, increasing engagement and potentially driving sales.


Content Type 08 ESG

Environmental, Social and Governancetoday it’s more important than ever to demonstrate what your business is doing to lower pollution and CO2 emissions, reduce waste and outline your journey to Net Zero.

ESG objectives are becoming increasingly important to customers, investors, and stakeholders, and video content is a powerful way to communicate your efforts in these areas.

By creating videos that explain your ESG objectives, you can showcase the steps you’re taking to minimize your environmental impact, promote social justice, and ensure ethical behaviour. This can help to build trust and credibility with your stakeholders and position your company as a responsible corporate citizen.

Video content is particularly effective for communicating ESG objectives because it allows you to showcase your initiatives in a visually engaging and compelling way. You can use footage of your facilities, employees, and community outreach programs to illustrate your commitment to sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and ethical governance. You can also use interviews with executives and employees to provide insights into your ESG strategy and explain why it’s important to your business.

This can enhance your reputation, attract socially conscious investors, and differentiate you from competitors.

Complex messaging is often better delivered in simple animation format - and can be supplemented with further videos where your team describes their ESG actions.


Content Type 09 Inspiring stories

Give your customers’ some inspiration by sharing something that you have learned or discovered, an insight that has made your life or business better or even a personal story that helps to explain how you have become the person/business you have today.

It can help to create an emotional connection between your brand and your audience by sharing positive messages that resonate with your audience, plus you get to demonstrate your brand’s values and personality, and build a stronger relationship with your viewers.

Inspirational video content can also be highly shareable. When viewers are moved by a video, they are much more likely to share it with their friends and followers on social media, extending your reach and increasing your brand’s visibility.

Moreover, inspirational video content can help to position your brand as a thought leader in your industry. By sharing insights, ideas, and messages that inspire and motivate your audience, you’re demonstrating your expertise and establishing your brand as a trusted source of information and inspiration. Finally, providing inspirational thoughts through video content can help to boost your audience’s morale and confidence, which can have a positive impact on their lives and, in turn, create a more positive image of your brand.

Inspiring content can be a powerful way to engage and connect with your audience, establish your brand as a thought leader, and inspire positive change in the world.


Content Type 10 Video testimonials

We all know that social proof is key to customer conversion - and customer testimonials are pure gold.

So imagine how much more powerful it is to SEE and HEAR a customer talking about your products and services in their own words…

Video testimonials are a powerful marketing tool because they provide social proof of the value of a product or service. When potential customers see real people sharing their positive experiences with a product or service, it helps to build trust and credibility. This is especially true in today’s digital age, where consumers are bombarded with endless advertising messages and are sometimes slightly sceptical of traditional marketing tactics.

Video testimonials also offer a more engaging and memorable way of

conveying information compared to written testimonials. They allow viewers to see and hear the emotions and enthusiasm of satisfied customers, which can be more persuasive than simply reading about someone’s experience.

Video testimonials are perfect for both social media platforms and websites, making them an effective way to reach a wider audience. They can also be repurposed for use in various marketing campaigns, such as email marketing or even paid advertising.

We’ve found that every business we have worked with has a customer or two who is happy to do this - so why wouldn’t you take advantage of this most powerful Marketing tool?


Content Type 11 Video Case Studies

Case Studies have been a key part of the Marketing toolkit for a long time, and many businesses boast a suite of PDFs and presentation slides, covering the key audiences and sectors whom they best serve. We’ve even seen them gathering dust on reception counters.

The thing with written case studies is that they tend to be rather dry... it’s likely that only 10-15%* of the information that your potential customer reads will be remembered.

Video case studies offer a much more engaging and interactive way of conveying information to potential customers - with up to 95%* of your information “sticking” in your customer’s minds.

Why is this? Well, firstly, video case studies can provide a more complete and authentic representation of a customer’s

experience. Through video, viewers can see and hear the emotions and enthusiasm of your presenting team member, as well as get a better sense of the context and environment in which the product or service was used.

Secondly, the visual and auditory elements of video content can help to convey the benefits and value of a product or service in a way that written content simply cannot. This can be particularly effective in industries that require a high level of trust and credibility, such as healthcare or finance.

And finally, like video testimonials, they are a really flexible Marketing asset with a long shelf life - you can use them on your website, SM platforms, email marketing, pitch presentations and even attached to an email signature!

* Source: Hubspot


Content Type 12 Pros & Cons

This is another one from the Marcus Sheridan playbook... and if you’ve not considered it before, you may raise your eyebrows a little - but bear with us.

Marcus believes (and we agree) that transparency is crucial in building trust with customers. One way to demonstrate transparency is by openly discussing both the advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons) of working with your company.

Sheridan argues that providing both pros and cons helps establish credibility with customers. By being upfront about potential drawbacks, a company shows that it is not trying to hide anything and is willing to be honest about the realities of its products or services. This can create a sense of authenticity and trust, which we believe is the most fundamental emotion of Modern Marketing.

Additionally, providing both pros and cons can help manage customer expectations. By setting realistic expectations, a company can avoid disappointing customers down the line. For example, if a company acknowledges that its product may have a learning curve or may not work for everyone, customers who still choose to purchase the product will be more likely to have a positive experience. It can also help those type of customers who you know are going to be painful down the line to deselect themselves!

Above all, making this type of content is going to make you stand out from your competitors - who else in your category is doing this?


Content Type 13 Product/Service explainers

Sometimes it’s not always easy to describe your products and services - in these instances an animated video explainer is a perfect to convey what you offer, what features it has and what the key benefits are.

The combination of “see and say” makes it easy for even the most complex, jargonistic product or service to be easily understood. It also brings to life any offerings that may not be from the most riveting of industries!

These powerful tools use visuals, sound, and narration to explain concepts, products, or services in a way that is both memorable and easy to understand.

Not only do explainer videos increase engagement and conversion rates, but they are also highly shareable, helping you reach a wider audience and build brand

awareness. And by providing a video that answers common questions or explains how to use a product or service, businesses can save time and resources when it comes to customer support.

Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, an explainer video can help you achieve your marketing goals and connect with your audience in a meaningful way. In a recent survey, 64%* of consumers said they were more likely to buy a product after watching an explainer video about it,

Again, this is a very flexible asset that will last as long as your product or service does - we’ve had clients use them as part of their internal sales training process!

* Source: Hubspot


Content Type 14 Use Cases

A “Use Case” video showcases how a particular product or service can be used in real-life scenarios - particularly useful if your product or service is sometimes not always easily understood by your audience, or it has additional uses beyond the obvious.

It typically demonstrates the problem that the product or service is designed to solve and how it can benefit the user.

The video usually features a ‘typical’ customer using the product or service, explaining their experience and how the product or service has helped them. The video may also feature demonstrations of the product or service in action, highlighting its features and capabilities.

A Use Case video can be an effective tool for a business to sell its products or services because it provides potential

customers with a clear understanding of how the product or service can help them. By showcasing real-life scenarios, the video can help customers visualise how they could benefit from using the product or service.

The structure of the film works best as:

• Set the context and introduce the problem that the product or service solves

• Demonstrate it in action and showcase its features and benefits

• Feature customer success stories that reinforce its value

It’s another content type with a myriad of uses - we sometimes work with clients on these during their product development, in order to prove out potential customer value.


Content Type 15 Product / Service Promos

Last on the list not because they are unimportant, but because we see too many businesses solely focusing on “selling” their products and services (particularly in their social feeds). You can’t get away from the fact that your prospects are least likely to trust and engage with pushy sales messages, so it’s important to strike the right balance or mix with your video content.

Promos are great at creating awareness of your products and services, and therefore work best at the top of the Marketing funnel... but to move through the funnel and get the sale, you need to earn your customer’s trust, which is where the other 14 content types come in.

When it comes to creating a promo, you need to think like Don Draper - it’s not enough to post a wobbly phone pic of your new product with a headline saying “The New CXJ3942 now in stock” just because it’s only for LinkedIn.

Follow the age-old principles of Advertising though and you’ll get the cut-through you’re looking for:

• Catchy and Memorable: It should be attention-grabbing, so that viewers remember it long after they have seen it.

• Clear Message: The target audience needs to know what the product or service is and what benefits it will give them

• Emotional Appeal: The advert or promo should create an emotional connection with your target audience and motivate them to take action

• Call to Action: The advert or promo should include a clear call to action, telling viewers what they need to do next.

• Visual Appeal: The advert or promo should be visually appealing, using highquality imagery, music and graphics to capture the attention of viewers and convey the message effectively.


Need a hand?

And that’s it! Make these 15 types of video content regularly and your brand will grow stronger, your “tribe” of customers will become larger and more loyal and your reliance on lead generation / activation marketing will reduce.

If you’ve made it this far through our guide (well done) then your head is hopefully buzzing with ideas for video content that will help grow your brand. Now it’s time for the fun part... making the content!

When it comes to premium, story-driven films then Wee Wraith is your go-to partner for affordable-yet-high-end video and animated content. We take away the pain and stress of creating video, and we have the skills and experience to create excellent quality content so that your customers “feel” the quality of your brand and reputation.

Remember, when it comes to video content then quality is at least as important as quantity:

83% of Marketers believe that it’s more effective to create higher quality content less often, rather than low quality content frequently*

If you’d like to know more, then get in touch - you can choose a time to chat that suits you by visiting:

We hope that you’ve enjoyed reading our wee guide - do let us know what you think!

* Source: Hubspot

Big thanks to the brands who have allowed us to feature their Wee Wraith-created video content in our guide: ActionCOACH, Caledonia of Perth, Crieff Highland Gathering, eTalent, Everyone Active, here’s the plan, John Ross Smart Living, Movement Strategies, russell+russell and Windsor & Eton Brewery, Thanks also to our friends at Itago Media and CAM media for their support with the CHG Promo.

© Wee Wraith 2023

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