John Ross Smart Living - for Designers

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SMARTER LIVING BY DESIGN A guide for Design Professionals


It’s the smell of your favourite blend, the moment you open your eyes. The air, the perfect temperature. The sun woke several hours ago - but didn’t wake you, because the blinds are only now beginning to open, ever so slowly, bringing you into your day gently. As you plan the hours ahead, behind a screen of hot steam, your favourite track (at your kind of volume) plays in your en-suite, then in your bedroom, then in the kitchen. You pour your coffee. You sit down. The world waits patiently for you, at the touch of a button.

Welcome to Smart Living. Modern times require modern lifestyles. With more time spent at home these days than ever, it’s important to make your clients’ home lives better than ever. Smart Living puts your clients in control of their day and allows them to get the most out of the home that you have created for them. From the moment they wake, to the moment they rest, your design responds to their needs - ensuring everything is as it should be, just the way they like it, and how you intended it to be.



A DESIGN FOR (SMART) LIFE You make your clients’ dreams come true. You listen (at length) to their wants and needs, working with them over the course of weeks and months to get to know them, before designing the proposal that is just right for them. And in 2021, your clients are likely to care as much about the smart home technology that is incorporated into the design as they are the style and finish of the walls. But today’s latest must-have gadget might be tomorrow’s laser disc... so you need an expert partner who can guide you through the world of Smart Living. Incorporating smart home technology into your design concepts is not just about giving your client the latest shiny gadgets though. Smart Living is an enabler - another tool in your toolbox. Working with us will bring flexibility to your designs, allowing spaces to be used in more creative ways. Imagine that you have designed an innovative and striking fature... but its location means that ithe angle of the sun detracts from its fully glory. Smart blinds and smart lighting can reduce - or eliminate - the need to compromise your vision. Smart home technology will undoubtedly change the way we design interiors in the next decade. With John Ross Smart Living as your partner, you’ll stay ahead of the curve. In this brochure we present a flavour of some of the technology that you can access - get in touch with us to learn more.

SIMPLIFIED HOME CONTROL One remote control. The entire home at your client’s fingertips. Music, movies, streaming, gaming - even lighting can be so much more entertaining when controlled from one place. One minute Agassi, the next Avicii. One minute De Niro, the next David Bowie. One minute takeaway food lighting, the next a snuggling-up dim. Your client’s entertainment will never be paused again when someone needs a comfort break or when the adverts come on. • Enjoy music and video from a variety of sources. • A singular, easy-to-use interface controls all entertainment sources. • All of the content you love at your fingertips, from Blu-Ray movies to satellite TV, in stunning, 4K high-definition and surround sound. • Easily integrates with popular products and services such as Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Netflix and more. • Dim the lights without ever leaving the couch.



ELEGANT & EFFICIENT LIGHTING You know how the perfect lighting can make your clients feel more relaxed. More focussed. More themselves. More at home in your design. Smart Lighting allows your client to control the whole home lighting system, from a single touch of a screen. They can set different moods for different rooms, or turn the whole room (or several rooms) on and off at the flick of a switch. And if you don’t want unsightly wall switches distracting from your beautiful design, lighting controls can be discreetly hidden - in cupboards or behind doors. It’s energy efficient too - Smart Lighting automatically comes on when light is needed and switches off when no-one is in the room. This improves energy efficiency whilst ensuring that no-one will be left in the dark. Moods can be enhanced, interior-design features can be highlighted and your clients will be impressed. • Comfort: Program lights to switch on automatically to welcome your clients home. • Ease of Use: Use motion sensors to provide hands-free illumination. • Eco-saving: program lights to switch off automatically when a room is unoccupied. • Flexibility: Use keypads to trigger more than just lights, control music, shade control, and energy settings—with a touch of a button.


• Safety: Illuminate the hallway lights automatically for safe entry, as soon as clients enter the property. • Energy efficiency: Have outdoor lighting turn off in the morning and back on as the sun goes down. • Security: Make the home sophisticated enough to appear to be occupied even when empty.



IMMERSIVE MULTI-ROOM AUDIO Different playlists for different rooms. Discreet (or even better - hidden) speakers in every room. One volume for the kids playing their tunes in their space, another volume for the adults. A single button for your classics, another for theirs. Or - your client’s favourite track on repeat, in rich quality stereo, everywhere. Songs to welcome them home, to wake them up, to send them to sleep. All without the time and effort of thinking (and scrolling). Connect to millions of artists, through popular streaming services such as Spotify, TIDAL, Deezer, and TuneIn— without the need for extra gear or storage space for old CD collections. Let your design incorporate a DJ. We will change the way that your clients listen to music - forever.



SIMPLIFIED MULTI-ROOM VIDEO Sit back and enjoy 4K high-definition content in every room without adding clunky gear and wiring behind each TV. With multi-room video, everyone can enjoy the same movie or watch whatever they want, wherever they want - taking the home movie experience to infinity, and beyond. Share Sky, Blu-ray, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, streaming video and satellite channels throughout the home—no need for set-top boxes and multiple video sources in every room. Consolidate all audio and video equipment into one central place, creating a clutter-free installation, while delivering superior sound, stunning 4K high-definition video and an incredible movie experiences in every room. • Browse video streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Fire from any TV. • Watch sports in the den, the news in the kitchen and kids movies in the family room. • Each room has access to every video source and an intuitive, on-screen interface makes it easy to select the right one. • Instantly share new content or add video sources throughout the home.



COMFORTABLE. CONVENIENT. SMART. Feeling comfortable isn’t always about adjusting the temperature. It’s about feeling good. And knowing that others feel good too. With comfortable climate control your clients can change the humidity of their rooms, adjust window blinds, whack up the temperature (teenagers), or turn it down it again (parents) - to precisely the way they like it. They can also program their home to intelligently respond to comfort requirements - by setting up alerts to advise them when things aren’t at their preferred setting, when something isn’t working efficiently, or perhaps when things just need adjusted a little. You’ll help them to maximise energy savings and keep everyone smiling. • Wireless thermostats maintain consistent temperature and humidity control, regardless of the time of day or season. • Enjoy personalised comfort settings that can be recalled on a schedule or with just a few taps on a phone or touch screen. • Fireplace sensors are easily controlled from any device within the home. Press the customized “Romance” button and enjoy. • Program window shades and curtains to lower during the hottest hours of the day, throwing some cool shade around your home. • Supports passivhaus principles and implementation




...You know who’s there. We all prefer to see who’s calling before we pick up the phone - so why shouldn’t your clients see who’s at the door before they open it? High definition video Intercom gives an optimal view of specific areas both inside and outside the home on all phones, tablets and mobile devices. This means they can answer the door (or gate) from anywhere in the world - and if smart locks are installed too, they can be opened from anywhere as well! Your clients will never have to worry about not being home for a delivery, or missing anyone important dropping by again. Intercom screens can also be installed in as many rooms around the home as required, which means that in large homes, the whole household can be called to the dinner table or the kids can be told it’s time to leave for school. • Monitor who’s at the door instantly (from inside the home or from anywhere in the world) • Answer the door from anywhere • Communicate with throughout the house • Room Privacy Settings • Monitor Mode • Auto-Answer • Do Not Disturb • Audio-only • Broadcast • Rooms & Groups



SAFE AND SOUND There’s nothing more precious than the new home that you’re designing. But sometimes your clients will feel as though they need eyes in the backs of their heads to make sure everything, and everyone, is safe throughout the day. And when they’re away from home, they feel even less in control. Smart security allows them to keep an eye on everything, even when they’re not there. Check in on the baby, make sure the dog’s OK, vet who’s at the front door, receive alerts when someone steps inside of the house. They can set up alternative camera views - both inside and outside the house, so they’ll always have a watchful eye over the things and people they care about most. • Lock every door and arm the alarm, all with a single touch directly from an intuitive user interface on a touchscreen, TV or mobile device. • Check on the kids, whether the clients are. • View video feeds from security cameras and easily monitor camera footage straight from mobile devices. • Receive text alerts when the system senses trouble, including water leaks or to simply let clients know the kids arrived home from school. • Assign temporary security codes for deliveries and service workers. • Randomise lights and audio/video equipment to make it look like the house is occupied even when it’s not.



DEDICATED HOME CINEMA Who can beat having their own cinema in their own home? You create the ambience, your clients can choose the audience (as well as the movie, showtime and flavour of popcorn) and we’ll make it all happen. With high-resolution audio, high-definition video, surround sound, big screen and customised lighting...your client will be at the top of the blockbuster friend lists! Audio, video, lighting - and so much more. The entire home can be controlled from the comfort of a chair. The home cinema can be installed however you want it to be and we will work with you to create an experience to your client’s budget, designing a set up that has everything just the way they like it - from choice of speakers to the finish of the recliners. There will be no reason to leave the house to visit a cinema again.



A SMARTER PARTNERSHIP John Ross Smart Living is one of Scotland’s leading suppliers of smart home technology, working across the nation to bring Smart Living into peoples’ homes. As a Scottish distributor for class-leading Control4™ technology, you can be sure that you are recommending the very best available solution to your clients. We also offer maintenance contracts, ensuring that your smart home will be as smart in five years time as it is the day that you unveil your design. John has a wealth of experience, having been immersed in the world of technology and AV for all of his lengthy career - having started in the world of hifi (remember them?) he has built a company that has moved with the times, and now has many smart home installations successfully delivered. John remains very hands-on, so when you work with us you’re likely to find him stuffing Cat A into cavities!


13 Charlotte Street | Perth | PH1 5LW 01738 566 566 |

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