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Connecting Businesses and Communities 20th - 26th June 2016

EU court backs UK on welfare curbs


UK inflation came in below expectations page 8

Europe’s top judges rule foreign nationals can be treated differently to limit the burden on UK taxpayers. The European Court of Justice has backed Britain’s right to refuse welfare payments to jobless EU migrants who do not have the right to live in the UK. The European Commission took the legal case against Britain to the Luxembourg court, on the grounds that it was discriminating against citizens of other EU countries attempting to claim handouts including child benefit and child tax credit. But Europe’s top judges ruled foreign nationals

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Tax regulation leads to rising rent - page 16

could be treated differently to limit the burden on taxpayers. They said the “right to reside” test “does not go beyond what is necessary to attain the legitimate objective pursued by the UK, namely the need to protect its finances”. Judges said there was nothing in EU law to stop other member states imposing the same test on jobless foreign nationals. Pro-Remain campaigners hailed the ruling as a sign that the UK can act to prevent “benefit tourism” while staying in the European Union. Anthea McIntyre MEP, Conservative employment spokesman in the European Parliament, said: “The Commission may have attempted to dictate to Britain, but it has been put in its place by the EU’s own institutions.” Liberal Democrat MEP Catherine Bearder added: “The right to travel and work abroad is a two-way street. Around 1.2 million Brits choose to live in the EU. Leaving Europe will not only cost British jobs and push up prices, it will also reduce opportuni-

ties for Brits to live, work and study abroad.” Pro-Brexit former work and pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith said: “It’s absurd that we have to run every nut and bolt of domestic policy past Luxembourg, and then engage in lengthy and expensive court battles if they decide they don’t like what our democratically-elected Government is doing. “As well as the cost to taxpayers of fighting these lengthy drawn-out cases, it’s clearly an illegitimate challenge to our sovereignty. Although David Cameron didn’t want to admit it, this case and others like it are proof positive that the unelected European Court of Justice is now supreme above our elected Parliament. They decide the rules and the only way to prevent this kind of intervention in future is to vote Leave on June 23.” A spokesman for HM Revenue and Customs said: “The UK welcomes the Court of Justice of the European Union’s judgment, which supports our view that we are entitled to ensure only EU migrants who have a right to be in the UK can claim our benefits.”

Eight reasons you have no energy - page 19




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Labour’s Tom Watson: EU free movement rules must change Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson has said EU immigration rules may have to be revisited, saying “woe betide” the party if it ignores public concerns. A future government, he said, would have to make the case to revise EU-wide freedom of movement rules for workers. Labour MP John Mann, a Leave supporter, said the party was finally “admitting defeat” over backing for open borders. It came as Jeremy Corbyn praised the role of migrants in the NHS and urged Labour to unite to stay in the EU. Vote Leave said there was confusion within Labour over its stance on immigration, ten days ahead of the referendum on whether the UK should stay in or leave the EU. Follow the latest updates with the BBC’s EU Referendum Live

EU referendum highlights Labour’s fears

Reality Check: Will there be migration of 275,000 a year until 2035? Laura Kuenssberg: Gordon Brown - have you heard it before? EU referendum: The immigration question In a speech at the TUC’s headquarters in London Mr Corbyn publicly thanked the “fantastic service” provided by foreign-born doctors, nurses and other professionals in the NHS. “We welcome them, we work with them and we’re proud of what they do,” he said. He challenged leading Conservative Leave supporters who have said leaving the EU would free up £100m a week extra to spend on the NHS, to acknowledge the impact that it would have on the public services. “What’s the answer Johnson, Farage and Gove have got to that? The NHS couldn’t afford to lose 52,000 dedicated professionals and still deliver the service we need. They should think about these things before they shoot their mouths off in the way that they do.”

‘Pushed around’

But Mr Corbyn is facing grow-

ing calls from within his party to take a tougher line on immigration amid concerns that Labour voters who feel strongly about the issue are leaning towards voting Leave on 23 June. Most of Labour’s 229 MPs support staying in the EU. Former minister Frank Field, one of about 10 who back leaving, said Labour voters felt left behind by globalisation and alarmed by levels of immigration and would no longer be “pushed around” by an out-oftouch elite at the top of the party. He warned that if Brexit-supporting Labour voters were made to feel “unclean” about their choice, there would be mass defections to UKIP and Labour’s chances of winning the next election would be doomed. “The idea that Labour voters are owned by the party... and the troops will do as they are told. That may have happened in 1945 but it has long ceased to happen


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and it isn’t going to happen this time.” And Mr Watson said that while he supported the UK staying in Europe, the issue of uncontrolled migration was “coming up on the doorstep” and people need to be reassured that a Remain vote did not mean the end to reforms in Europe.

Analysis by political correspondent Iain Watson

The message from Jeremy Corbyn today was that Brexit would be bad for your health - arguing that many in the Leave campaign are no friends of the NHS. But some in his shadow cabinet believe Labour has to talk more about the issue that’s concerning many of their traditional voters: immigration. And those voters have to hear practical proposals. Shadow home secretary Andy Burnham is calling for action to protect the living standards of

skilled workers and prevent them from being undercut by migrants. Another shadow cabinet member said he was picking up that some of the party’s supporters were ‘weak Leave’ and could be brought round to Remain by a clearer and more consistent campaign on issues that concerned them. Others said that voters simply needed reminding that the vast majority of Labour MPs back Remain. Mr Burnham told me there is still time to win over the sceptics but his view isn’t shared by all senior Labour politicians. As one senior figure close to the unions put it: ‘People want change. If Brexit is the only change on offer, they’ll take it.” “For the last decade, I would say that immigration has been the backdrop to every election we’ve had in Britain,” he said. “And you know, woe betide politicians that don’t listen to what voters tell them. “You know, I think a future

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Europe will have to look at things like the free movement of labour rules.” Greater controls on economic migration should be a priority for a future Labour government, he suggested. And shadow home secretary Andy Burnham has said rules should be brought in immediately to protect skilled wages and discourage the use of agency staff from across Europe. “It would work by setting clear rules that the going rates for work in the skilled sector cannot be undermined because what we get at the moment is people brought in at the minimum wage that undercut electricians or plasterers or whatever it might be,” he said. Earlier on Tuesday, flanked by his shadow cabinet, Mr Corbyn warned that the future of the NHS could be threatened by a Leave vote while, in a co-ordinated attempt to bring Labour voters on side, union leaders also warned of public sector cuts. Speaking the day after ex-leader Gordon Brown attempted to galvanise the party’s supporters, Mr Corbyn said there would be a “bonfire” of workers’ rights if there was a UK vote to leave the EU. “We want to defend the very many gains made by trade unions across Europe that have brought us better working conditions - longer holidays, less discrimination and maternity and paternity leave,” he said at the TUC’s headquarters. “We believe a leave vote will put many of those things seriously and immediately at risk. “We also want to extend those rights and we best extend those rights by working with trade unions, labour parties and socialist parties all across Europe in the interest of the working people all across the continent.” Meanwhile, leaders of some of the country’s biggest trade unions, including the TUC’s Frances O’Grady and Len McCluskey of Unite, have signed a letter saying they are worried leaving the EU will be “a disaster for working people”. Another letter, signed by 60 past heads of the UK’s medical royal colleges and the British Medical Association, say the UK benefits from EU-wide action on infectious diseases and access to new medicines. The views expressed in this newspaper do not necessarily reflect the position of the publisher; the editorial advertiser(s) do not carry any endorsements presented by the publisher. Readers must take responsible care and precautions, when buying goods and services from advertisers. The newspaper and its publishers will not accept any claims from any dispute under any circumstances.

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Brexit’s for rich, Chancellor says George Osborne warns that the poor would be worst hit by a Brexit - but a vote to remain would cause the economy to “bounce back”

George Osborne has made the extraordinary claim that leaving the EU is for the richest in the country, while people on low incomes would suffer most. Speaking exclusively to Sky News, the Chancellor said poorer communities would be “hit first” and “suffer longest”. In a week where Labour is expected to dominate campaigning for Stronger In, Mr Osborne made the appeal in Porthmadog, in northwest Wales.He said: “When there is a recession, it is the poorer communities who are first hit and who suffer the longest. “Brexit might be for the richest in our country but I’ll tell you, people on low incomes, people on

insecure incomes ... they are the people who suffer when the economy fails and goes into recession. “Let’s not impose that on this country in just over a week’s time.”But the Chancellor also said he wanted to make a positive case for Remain, suggesting there would be a “bounce back” in the economy if people vote to stay on 23 June. “I think there will be a snap back,” he said. “People will see investment flooding into the country. “We’ve focused a lot on the downsides of quitting but there is a huge upside for our country, which is that we remove an uncertainty that has hung over this country - and all those decisions that have been delayed over recent months suddenly get taken.The money starts flowing in and the jobs are created.” He also responded to an apparent Foreign Office leak reported by the Sunday Times suggesting the Government had misled the public over Turkey joining the EU. “This is the reddest of red herrings,” he said. “Turkey is not joining the EU. We are not offering visas to Turkish citizens. These things are not happening. Again, let’s not quit the EU on a false story.” When pressed as to whether this meant Vote Leave had lied, he added: “I think they have totally misrepresented the truth.” Later, in a Facebook Live for Sky News, the Chancellor also claimed former prime minister David Lloyd George would have backed the Remain side. “Lloyd George would definitely be for remaining in the EU ... yes. He’s not around so we can’t ask him,” he said. “People like him, people who went before us, they put a huge amount of effort into building up organisations like the UN, like the IMF, like NATO, like the European Union ... “You know, we have to be careful what we wish for on our continent.

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With an aim to bring excitement and luck to their transacting customers this festival season, UAE Exchange, the leading global remittance, foreign exchange and payment solutions brand, today unveiled its new promotion ‘Win Gold Bars’ across its branches in London, United Kingdom. The promotion will witness a total of 19 winners, with one winner each week winning a 10 gm gold bar and one mega winner winning one Ounce bar of Gold at the end of the promotion.

Customers who send and receive transactions through the UAE Exchange UK Branches,, retail foreign currency exchange transactions or avail Gold Loan during the promotion period will automatically get qualified for the lucky draw. Customers who send and receive transactions through Xpress Money and Western Union are also eligible for the lucky draw. All draws will be computer generated and the winners will be announced through the UAE Exchange website Speaking on the occasion, Lakshmi Narayanan, Regional Head-Europe, UAE Exchange said: “Customers are the nucleus of every activity at UAE Exchange and we always challenge ourselves to explore new ways of exciting and enhancing customer experience. The ‘Win Gold Bars’ promotion is one such step in that direction. We are confident that this initiative will further strengthen our relationship with the customers and add a golden value to their transactions.” The promotion ends on 30 September 2016.

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Young runners are on track to good health

Running for fun, youngsters and their families take part in the junior parkrun at Hanworth Park

Hounslow Council’s aim to provide residents with the tools to be active and healthy, have been strengthened further with the introduction of junior parkruns. With parkruns across the borough proving to be popular amongst adults, the weekly session for children has been launched to fit the needs of those aged between four and 14.

Funded by Hounslow Council’s Public Health team and free to take part in, the activity has already attracted youngsters keen to add running to the array of sports they enjoy. The first junior parkrun, which sees children running at their own pace for 2km [just over one mile] - was launched by former European Indoor champion and re-

tired GB sprinter, Adeoye Mafe in Hanworth Park. Councillor Corinna Smart, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Leisure, Hounslow Council, said: “We’re aiming to provide as many opportunities as possible for all ages to enjoy different sports, exercise and activities. “There’s already been great enthusiasm from the younger members of our community to these junior parkruns which is fantastic. “We hope that by providing activities like this, it will further enhance wellbeing and a good quality of life for our residents to enjoy.” The junior parkrun is organised by experienced volunteers and take place every Sunday from 9am in Hanworth Park, TW13 5EG. All levels of fitness are welcome. Carol Moran, one of the local volunteers leading the junior parkruns, said: “I’m a huge fan of parkruns and my young son also loves them. “I was so keen to get these started and pleased we can now provide them in Hounslow.” For more details, visit

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Maharashtra Mandal London stages Laginghai

It is not an exaggeration to say that there would have hardly been any household in India that would not have watched the family entertainer Hum Paanch. At one point, it was the most loved TV serial and Ashok Saraf the most admirable dad of five unique daughters, who always received reprimands from his photo-wife Priya Tendulkar. A character artiste who acted in TV, films and plays for forty five years, Saraf presented an ace performance in the theatrical play Laginghai

recently staged at Maharashtra Mandal London, which proudly hosted him for the first time in the UK in his long acting career. A play by Ved Productions, Laginghai revolves around a widower father and a young bachelor son, who both fall in love. The father’s predicament to reveal his desire to get married to his ladylove was hilariously yet dramatically presented by the seasoned Saraf. His son, played by Onkar Raut, learns this from his father’s romantic interest, played by Aditi Deshpande and persuades his father to disclose his heart openly. Sayali Karlekar excelled as Saraf’s would be daughter-in-law. Aditi Deshpande is the real life daughter in law of popular actress Sulabha Deshpande who passed away just last week. There were several scenes when audience have applauded the performance of the artistes and burst into laughter at the humour. Saraf also celebrated his 69th birthday surrounded by his crew, fans, Executive Committee members and the Trustees of MML. A surprise presentation which included birthday wishes from his family and friends was played to him. The drama was also staged at Slough, Kent and Ilford over the weekend. Later this year, the drama will also be staged in the USA.

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Persian Gulf

Emirati women role models for the region By Afkar Abdullah/ Sharjah

Shaikha Salama bint Buti, mother of Shaikh Zayed, and Shaikha Hessa bint Al Murr, grandmother of His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, VicePresident and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, are models for Emirati women’s participation in social and political aspects said speakers at the Sharjah Ramadan Majlis organised by the Sharjah Media Centre on Sunday at Al Majaz Amphitheatre in Sharjah. The high profile speakers agreed that Emirati women have historically played a crucial role in all walks of life and are role models for the rest of the Arab world as they complement men while remaining fiercely loyal to their identity, faith and Arab and Islamic values, thanks to the invaluable support provided by the country’s leadership, especially the UAE’s founder the late Shaikh Zayed bin Sultan al Nahyan. Noura Al Kaabi, UAE Minister of State for Federal National Council Affairs paid rich tributes to the late Shaikh Zayed, saying it was his vision and leadership that provided the blueprint for women’s empowerment in the country by making it a key part of the young country’s constitution. The first president formed the Women’s Union in the UAE, helping women attain their full potential in all

(L-R) Aisha Sultan, Khawla Al Mulla, Noura Al Kaabi and Mona Al Bahar at Al Majaz Amphitheater

spheres. She also lauded the patronage and support provided by Shaikha Fatima bint Mubarak on this front, saying women understand women better. “There would be no women’s empowerment without the critical support provided by the political leadership,” the minister emphasised. Khawla Al Mulla, Chairperson of Sharjah Consultative Council (SCC), argued that empowerment of women did not come out of nothing and was based on the clear vision provided by the UAE’s constitution and the conscious decision of the political leadership. She lauded the leadership of the UAE and Sharjah for giving women their due. She praised His Highness Dr Shaikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, for

amending the SCC charter to appoint four women to the council. She also thanked him for appointing her as the first woman chairperson of the SCC, insisting her position is not a mere token for the world. She praised Shaikha Fatima and Shaikha Jawaher Bint Mohammed Al Qasimi, wife of Dr Shaikh Sultan for their constant efforts for women’s empowerment. Pointing out that men and women complement each other, she said while in the past women took care of their children and home, the union came to refine their personality and empower them with its various institutions. Dr Mona Al Bahar, acting CEO of Al Jalila Cultural Centre for Children, said women’s empowerment in the UAE is the result of a long process. “When I look at my

mother and grandmother and then at myself sitting here, I realise I am sitting here because of them.” Pointing out that Emirati women have historically supported their men, she said: “When men went diving and fishing, women used to take care of their homes.” Dr Al Bahar paid rich tributes to Shaikh Zayed, saying it was his foresight and vision that has played a key role in women’s empowerment today. “We are not a new country. We are very old as a people and nation going back thousands of years,” she added saying the UAE as a civilisation evolved between the Delmon in Bahrain and Majan in Oman, long before the country came into being. Even Sindbad stories were based on the people of the UAE, she added. Aisha Sultan (moderator) founder and director of Dar Waraq Publishing House, Dubai, said UAE women today provide leadership to both men and women. Hailing women’s progress in the UAE, she said women’s leadership is the subtitle of leadership in the UAE. She lauded the UAE leadership, saying without their support and broad outlook, women’s empowerment in the country wouldn’t have been possible. The first session of Ramadan Majlis hosted saw the presence of senior UAE and Sharjah government figures, scholars, media and dignitaries, including Shaikh Sultan bin Ahmed Al Qasimi, Chairman of Sharjah Media Centre.


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We’ll make Nepal world’s richest country in 25 years: Bhattarai Kathmandu Post

Former Prime Minister and former UCPN (Maoist) senior leader Baburam Bhattarai officially announced the formation of Naya Shakti Nepal, a new party under his leadership, amidst a grand ceremony held at Dasharath Stadium in Kathmandu. Addressing the ceremony attended by Prime Minister KP Oli, various political leaders, Indian leaders and other dignitaries, Naya Shakti Coordinator Bhattarai remarked that his party is bringing the draft that would see Nepal as world’s richest country in just 25 years. Unveiling the Naya Shakti’s stand on form of government, Bhattarai said his party is in favour of directly elected president and seeks to bring about massive reforms in the governance system of Nepal. According to Bhattarai, his party basts for directly elected executive body and fully inclusive legislation. He also stressed on the need for youths’ participation in the leadership. Explaining Nepal-India-China relationship, leader Bhattarai opined that without proper balance between both the proximal neighbours, there will be instability in the country and Nepal will be a playground for outside forces. Naya Shakti Nepal is committed to maintaining internal integrity and

harmonious relationship with India and China, Bhattarai viewed. Talking about the trend of youths aspiring for foreign education, leader Bhattarai said, “Our children do not want to stay in the country due to dangerously flourishing corruption that has established a notion that politics is a dirty game.” “Naya Shakti will bring reforms that will establish that politics is not a dirty game. Politics is not a profession or means of making money. We will make politics pure and trans-

parent. We will maintain uniformity in our words by our action,” Bhattarai remarked. Leader Bhattarai floated the idea of an independent Lokpal—a corruption watchdog— that will look into the corruption allegations against leaders including himself. If a corruption case is field against any leader, the person will be automatically suspended from the post and in case, the court announces him guilty, the leader will be completely eliminated from the party position, leader Bhattarai mentioned. Leader Bhattarai said that many

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s future lies on good international ties: Maithripala Sirisena

Business Standard

Sri Lanka’s future and well-being lie on good international relations with all countries and reconciliation with Tamils based on good governance, President Maithripala Sirisena has said.”I believe strongly that this country’s future lies in reconciliation based on good governance policies,” he said here last night in a foreign policy lecture. Sirisena said that he has been able to improve foreign relations in his tenure. “While there was praise, some of our political opponents have been severely

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critical of our foreign policy. They charge that I am trying to betray the nation by allowing foreign countries to invade and grab this country,” Sirisena said, adding that no government has ever pressurised his government on anything. “There is one common theme in all our interactions and engagements that Sri Lanka must establish internal democracy, human rights civil and media freedoms,” Sirisena said. Sirisena, in contrast to his predecessor Mahinda Rajapaksa, has followed a policy of close engagement with all nations. The Rajapaksa administration was criticised by the international community for its human rights record with resolutions in the UN Human Rights Council for three successive years since 2012. The Rajapaksa government dubbed the resolutions as interference in Sri Lanka’s sovereignty. The UN has estimated that 40,000 people died, many of them civilians, during the civil war that lasted nearly three decades. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) battled Sri Lankan forces for a separate Tamil homeland. A brutal military crackdown ended the 37-year conflict in 2009. Rights groups claim government forces killed nearly 40,000 civilians in the final months of the brutal ethnic conflict.

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people ask him of the development models his party is going to follow. He said that his party is not completely inclined towards socialist or capitalist philosophies. “We will assess what will bring prosperity, increased investment and capital formation to Nepal. We will study the cases and develop the driving philosophy of the party,” Bhatarai said. Leader Bhattarai also declared that he will not accumulate property for himself during his political career and said he will invest his life for the country and upcoming generation. Saying that major political parties of Nepal including NC and UML also launched armed struggle in the past, Bhattarai said Maoist also did the same thing against autocratic monarch and hoped that the Truth and Reconciliation Committee formed to probe into war-era cases would conduct fair investigation. He said he will accept the decision of the committee. Coordinator Bhattarai called on all the sections of the society including women, farmer, migrant workers, Dalit, working class people, employee, teachers, religious sects, families of martyrs and disappeared people, media sector, to join and support the Naya Shakti. He said Naya Shakti would guarantee rights to every people. Concluding his speech, leader Bhattarai also said that his party is not against any other party. “We will not pull down other parties. We will place positive agendas and lead according to those agendas. Let’s rise above together,” he said. “In two years after local, provincial or general election, Naya Shakti will emerge as a number 1 party of the country,” said Bhattarai.


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Can Suu Kyi bring change for Myanmar expats? Asia One

Perhaps the Nobel peace laureate can at least ease conditions for migrant workers and the refugees in our border camps. Aung San Suu Kyi’s stated readiness to discuss migrant issues with her counterparts here when she visits Thailand next week as state counsellor and foreign minister of Myanmar is welcome news. Optimism must be tempered, however, unless she arrives with a comprehensive plan covering not just migrant labourers but also refugees - and the benighted Rohingya in particular. Suu Kyi, who’s National League for Democracy formed the government at the end of March, will be in Thailand from June 23 to 25 for talks on bilateral issues. She is expected to visit the Myanmar expatriate community here, perhaps in Mahachai, home to thousands of migrant workers, as a way of demonstrating her government’s concern for their wellbeing. Thailand has long welcomed labourers from its western neighbour. Perhaps more than two mil-

Myanmar Foreign Minister Aung San Suu Kyi

lion of them are currently boosting the Thai economy. But, as of last month, only 155,835 were registered with the authorities, meaning the rest are here illegally. As such they are subject to exploitation in their workplaces. Low wages are the norm for Myanmar immigrants whether here legally or not, but those who are unregistered must also often suffer through slaverylike working conditions. Well documented in the foreign

news media, this is an appalling and unsustainable situation that both governments must resolve. We need easier terms for registering, followed by sweeping improvements to their working conditions. For its part, Thailand has to curb the corruption and close the legal loopholes that allow state officials and employers to take advantage. Improving the lot of Myanmar migrant workers ought to be relatively easy compared to the

complex web of difficulties surrounding refugees and asylum seekers. Thailand has more than 100,000 Myanmar refugees living in nine camps in four border provinces, places where hope for a better future quickly evaporates. They have been coming here, fleeing internecine fighting in their homeland, since the 1988 popular uprising against the military government, and the state’s continuing offensives against armed ethnic groups are still driving more across the frontier. The United Nations and other bodies have resettled tens of thousands of these refugees in third countries, but the majority remains in Thai shelters. All previous efforts between the Thai and Myanmar administrations to find a solution acceptable to all parties, usually involving repatriation, have been in vain. It is in this context that Suu Kyi arrives to see what might be accomplished. With her formidable political experience she surely has clear ideas on how to resolve the problems of her country’s populace abroad, and their resolution would

be a perfect demonstration of how an elected civilian government can do better than the military regimes of the past. Observers will be listening carefully to see if she has any comment on the Rohingya, an ethnic group denied legal status in Myanmar as a result of religious and economic prejudice. Since they lack citizenship, their attempts to flee to Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia are deemed illegal entry, and as a result hundreds of them here are facing prosecution or awaiting deportation - to where remains undecided. Suu Kyi has been disturbingly silent on the Rohingya issue ever since her election campaign and recently rebuked a foreign diplomat over use of the term Rohingya, which her government refuses to recognise. She is admired as a champion of democracy, but seems to have no room in her democratic heart for these people, established in Myanmar for a century and yet still deemed outsiders. Now she comes to Thailand, where the Rohingya have been turned back to sea in their boats, murdered in secret locations and brutalised in custody. Only last month one of them was shot dead while allegedly attempting to escape Phang Nga Immigration Detention Centre. If the tragedy of the Rohingya upsets Thais, surely it must have a greater impact on Suu Kyi. Should nothing be done during her visit about any of these dire issues, her trip will have been meaningless.

Persian Gulf

Ending Iranian Fundamentalism with a coalition of Middle Eastern states In an article on Arab News, an Iranian political analyst said that the Middle Eastern states surrounding Iran must come together as a force, unwilling to accept the fascist dictatorship of Iran. Shahriar Kia said: “An undeniable necessity for such a force right now, lies in the fact that every member of the international community — especially those residing in the flashpoint region of the Middle East — must learn to respect the territorial sovereignty and integrity of their fellow nations.” The violent approach of the mullahs’ regime towards the Middle East and the Arab World makes a coalition between the countries affected not only preferable but vital. Previous attempts at peace and civility have failed; Middle Eastern states have shown the utmost patience but Iran has refused to engage in diplomacy. He states that Iran has trained, radicalised and supported terrorists like Hezbollah in Leba-

non, that Iran has meddled in the internal affairs of other nation states and they have been destabilising its neighbouring countries. Kia said: “The US government has constantly raised the fact that Iran

is the largest state sponsor of terrorism, procuring a wide array of arms, funds, intelligence, safe harbour and logistical support to terrorist groups, the Clarion Project cited sources in an in-depth report

on Iran’s tenacious support for terrorism.” Such a movement would require a strong leader to counteract Iran’s expansionist policies and prevent them meddling in the affairs of other countries; Kia sug-

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gests Saudi Arabia. The movement should be armed with a modern and tolerant interpretation of Islam; in order to fight terrorism with the Islamic faith. He said: “The issue at hand is clear. The solution is in reach. In contrast to previous approaches, the Arab World led by Saudi Arabia has assumed a more independent and robust attitude toward Iran’s temperament of meddling and animosity toward the outside world, and its outrageous belief in its calling to dominate all.” The movement should ally itself with resistance groups like the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), led by Maryam Rajavi, who could put plans into action in order to end the suffering of the Iranian people. He said: “What is now needed is a silver bullet and a final nail in the mullahs’ coffin. Since its creation, the mullahs’ regime has deviously misused Islam to pursue its own objectives and cloak deceitful plots for the region.”




20th - 26th June 2016 Follow us on Twitter


UK inflation came in below expectations By Will Martin/ Business Insider

UK inflation came in below expectations in May, staying flat at 0.3%, according to official figures released. The Office for National Statistics says the consumer price index - the key measure of inflation in Britain - was up 0.3% on a year-on-year basis in May, below the consensus forecast of economists of 0.4% growth and flat from April’s reading. The month-on-month figure came in at 0.2%, a miss on the expected 0.3% rise. Core inflation figures, which strip out volatile goods like oil and food, came in at 1.2%, again below expectations, and flat from the previous months. Prior to the last few months, inflation had stayed between -0.1% and 0.1% for 10 months due to a collapse in

oil prices and a supermarket price war that led to slashed prices, but prices had started to pick up, however with the UK’s EU referendum looming, prices have once again stopped growing as quickly. Here’s the inflation picture for the UK since 2006.

ONS inflation may 2016 Office for National Statistics

While inflation has broadly improved in recent months, April’s reading was a first fall in eight months, and May’s reading is no better. Inflation remains well below the 2% wanted by Britain’s policymakers, a figure it hasn’t hit since late 2013. Alongside the core figures, the ONS releases a breakdown of inflation by sector. In May, the biggest increases in prices were in

Virgin Active sells 35 gyms to focus on luxury clubs

Belfast Telegraph

Virgin Active is selling 35 gyms to rival Nuffield Health as it limbers up for further expansion of its range of exclusive luxury fitness clubs. The group - which was sold to South African investment group Brait for £682 million in 2015 - said the deal would help fund investment in its range of Collection clubs offering spas and services such as shirt pressing, shoe shining and gym kit laundering. The sale, for an undisclosed sum, will leave it with 61 clubs across the UK under plans to focus on London and other major towns and cities. All staff and members will transfer to Nuffield as part of the sale. Virgin Active wants to focus on three styles of gyms in the UK - its exclusive Collection chain, big family clubs and racquets clubs. It said the Nuffield sale will allow it to pump more cash into its Collection expansion, which is seeing the group upgrade another 10 London clubs over the next few years, adding to 11 already opened in the capital and 17 worldwide. Virgin Active is opening a new £6.5 million Collection club in Mansion House, London, later this year. Paul Woolf, chief executive

at Virgin Active, said: “This transaction is an acceleration of our global strategy to focus on high-end clubs in metropolitan areas. “We will have a far more focused UK business with particular strength in London, the South East and bigger towns and cities. “It will also help accelerate investment into our UK estate, particularly as we continue to grow our UK Collection portfolio of clubs.” Details of the sale came as Virgin Active reported a 15% rise in underlying earnings to £133.5 million for 2015 on revenues 3% higher at £630.5 million. The firm now has 276 fitness clubs around the world, with 1.5 million members, up 3% in 2015. It added another nine clubs in the year, with recent overseas investment in southern Africa, Italy, Australia, Thailand and Singapore. Brait bought an 80% stake in Virgin Active last year, snapping up 51% from private equity group CVC Capital Partners and 29% from Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group. Virgin Group retained a holding of around 20%. Brait - controlled by South African retail billionaire Christo Wiese - also last year bought a 90% stake in high street budget fashion chain New Look and increased its holding in supermarket chain Iceland to 57%.

the restaurant and hotel trade, but inflation was dragged by fall food and drink prices, as well as a decrease in the price of transport.

Inflation Office for National Statistics

While the inflation numbers are disappointing, Pantheon Macroeconomics’ chief UK economist Samuel Tombs notes that May’s numbers shouldn’t be too discouraging, as they mask solid inflation in the UK’s dominant services sector. Here’s Pantheon’s analysis (emphasis ours): May’s unchanged inflation rate masks building price pressures in the domestic services sector. CPI services inflation rose to 2.6% in May, from 2.4% in April. This pickup occurred despite a plunge in airline fares inflation to -9.0% from -3.2%. Our measure

of underlying services inflation-which excludes airline fares, as well as education and rent prices which are heavily influenced by government policies-rose to 2.8% in May, its highest level since March 2013, from 2.4% in April. The tightening of the labour market and the increase in the National Living Wage both clearly are boosting cost pressures for firms. The pound was broadly unmoved on the inflation news. Just after 9:40 a.m. BST (4:40 a.m. ET) sterling is down around 0.85% against the dollar, having been dragged earlier in the day by news of several polls showing the Leave camp taking control in the EU referendum. Here’s how sterling looks: quark/charts/netchart/savings.qxd

MONEYFACTS SAVERS SELECTION Telephone Account Notice Deposit % Interest Number or Term AER Paid EASY ACCESS ACCOUNTS WITH BONUS West Brom BS WeBSave Bonus Saver None (W) £1,000 1.30%* Yly Tesco Bank Internet Saver None (W) £1 1.21%* Yly Post Office Money® Online Saver 21 None (W) £1 1.00%* Yly TSB Via branch Easy Saver Instant £1 1.00%* Yly TSB eSavings None (H) £1 1.00%* Yly SAGA 0800 066 5701 Telephone Saver (18) None (T) £1,000 1.00%* Yly EASY ACCESS ACCOUNTS WITHOUT BONUS RCI Bank UK Freedom Savings None (K) £100 1.45% Yly Virgin Money Defined Acc E-Saver 6 None (W) £1 1.26% Yly United Bank UK Via branch Online Easy access None (W) £500 1.25% Yly State Bank of India Online Instant Access 4 None (W) £500 1.25% Mly Shawbrook Bank Easy Access - Issue 5 None (W) £1,000 1.25% Yly Nottingham BS eSaver Instant Issue 4 None (W) £500 1.21% Yly 1 YEAR FIXED RATES Fidor Bank Savings Bond 18 Month Bnd (W) £100 1.90% F OM Fidor Bank Savings Bond 12 Month Bnd (W) £100 1.80% F OM Al Rayan Bank 0845 6060 786 Fixed Term Deposit 18 Month Bnd £1,000 1.76% F Qly BLME Premier Deposit Account 18 Month Bnd (W) £25,000 1.74% F OM Charter Savings Bank Fixed Rate Bond 18 Month Bnd (W) £1,000 1.70% F OM Charter Savings Bank Fixed Rate Bond 1 Yr Bnd (W) £1,000 1.66% F OM 4 YEAR AND OVER FIXED RATES FirstSave Fixed Rate Bd 5th 7 Yr Bnd (W) £1,000 2.75% F Yly BLME Premier Deposit Account 5 Yr Bnd (W) £25,000 2.75% F Yly Union Bank of India (UK) Ltd 0207 332 4250 Term Deposit 5 Yr Bnd £1,000 2.50% F OM Milestone Savings Fixed Term Deposit 5 Yr Bnd (K) £10,000 2.50% F Yly Close Brothers Savings Fixed Term Deposit 5 Yr Bnd (P) £10,000 2.50% F Yly BLME Premier Deposit Account 4 Yr Bnd (W) £25,000 2.50% F Yly MONTHLY INTEREST Charter Savings Bank 95 Day Notice Issue 9 95 Day (W) £1,000 1.55% Mly RCI Bank UK Freedom Savings None (K) £100 1.45% Mly Charter Savings Bank 60 Day Notice Issue 2 60 Day (W) £1,000 1.45% Mly Buckinghamshire BS 01494 879500 Chiltern Gold Generator 7 180 Day £1,000 1.35% Mly FirstSave 60 Day Notice 60 Day (W) £5,000 1.35% Mly Charter Savings Bank 30 Day Notice Issue 2 30 Day (W) £1,000 1.30% Mly NOTICE Bank and Clients 01935 609600 6 Month Notice Account 6 Month £1,000 1.60% Yly Charter Savings Bank 95 Day Notice Issue 9 95 Day (W) £1,000 1.55% Yly Shawbrook Bank 120 Day Notice Issue 35 120 Day (K) £1,000 1.55% Yly Raphaels Bank 01296 436661 Sapphire Account 6 Month £5,000 1.55% Yly Al Rayan Bank 0845 6060 786 120 Day Notice 120 Day £250 1.51% Mly Hampshire Trust Bank 90 Day Notice (7) 90 Day (P) £1,000 1.50% Yly VARIABLE ISAS Al Rayan Bank 0845 6060 786 Notice Cash ISA 120 Day £250 1.55% Mly Bank and Clients 01935 609600 90 Day Cash ISA 90 Day £1,000 1.50% Yly Yorkshire Bank 0113 807 2000 Cash ISA - 40 Day Notice 40 Day £15,000 1.50% Yly Clydesdale Bank 0800 445265 Cash ISA - 40 Day Notice 40 Day £15,000 1.50% Yly Buckinghamshire BS 01494 879500 Mly Income Cash ISA (6) 180 Day £100 1.36% Mly Coventry BS 0800 121 8899 Easy Access ISA (3) Instant £1 1.30% Yly * = Introductory rate for a limited period. B = Operated by Post or Telephone. F = Fixed Rate. H = Operated by Internet or Telephone. K = Operated by Internet, Telephone or Post. OM = Interest paid on maturity. P = Operated by Post. T = Operated by Telephone. W = Operated by Internet. All rates are shown as AER. All rates and terms subject to change without notice and should be checked before finalising any arrangement. No liability can be accepted for any direct or consequential loss arising from the use of, or reliance upon, this information. Readers who are not financial professionals should seek expert advice.

FIGURES COMPILED ON: 09 June 2016 Source:

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What it means for your business if the UK leaves the EU: A legal view

Business Matters

Aside from the scare-mongering, the very real prospect of exiting a political and economic supraorganization of which Britain has been apart of since 1975 presents an unprecedented set of challenges. Given our long-standing relationship with the EU, it is no under-estimation to suggest that a withdrawal will affect almost every aspect of daily life in some way. Indeed, from the point of view of Brexit campaign, that is the purpose of leaving. British businesses, especially small and medium enterprises that depend on trade with EU countries are likely to be the first among many who will need to

adapt to the new commercial realities of being outside the EU. For some businesses, a withdrawal from the EU may lead to substantial costs and for others it may present a world of attractive growth opportunities. Which businesses find themselves greatly advantaged and which find themselves negatively affected very much depends on an array of interconnecting factors. The legal landscape for SMEs after Brexit could be one further layer of complication but a certain degree of planning could help to alleviate some unnecessary pain.

Brexit and uncertainty Undeniably,



arising immediately after the referendum and the subsequent negotiations with the EU which will allow for the UK to exit in an orderly manner are likely to create an unhelpful set of circumstances for many businesses. Under Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon, any member state exiting the union is expected to negotiate the terms of its exit with the EU or failing that, it will be automatically ejected two years after it gives notice and that is likely to be the date of the referendum itself. A lot will ride on the good grace of our former partners. In other words, the UK may find itself outside the EU, and the single market, rather more sharpish that it expects. No doubt, financial markets, which as a matter of habit do not take well to uncertainty, will experience some degree of turbulence. Downward pressure on the pound and a slide in the stocks of those companies that rely heavily on trade with the EU are very credible scenarios. UK exporters to the Eurozone and beyond may actually find a weak pound to be good for business in the short term, but any immediate advantages may be offset in the longer term by the unfolding costs of the realities of a Brexit vote.

What would a UK withdrawal from the EU look like?

In the immediate aftermath of

the referendum vote, the UK will most likely find itself in a position where it is negotiating three sets of issues in parallel: the terms of its actual exit from the EU, its access to the internal market and its trading relationship with countries outside the EU. Unless and until preferential access to the internal market is agreed with the EU, UK manufacturers would face banded tariffs when exporting to the EU and may, in turn, have to impose tariffs under WTO rules on imports from the EU. On this calculus alone, Britain would look far less competitive than it did when it was a member of the EU. However, the likelihood is that the UK will want to try and negotiate a wholesale settlement with the EU based on three possible scenarios. Like Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway, the UK may seek to enter the European Economic Area (EEA). How, politically, this decision will come about remains to be seen since little has been discussed on the shape of the UK relationship with the EU after its withdrawal. Put simply, the EEA arrangement means implementing all EU regulations without any ability to negotiate them. Alternatively, the UK may prefer a network of bilateral agreements in an EFTA-style arrangement similar to that enjoyed by Switzerland. This could mean access to the internal market but would also require

Andy Murray hopes for more aces with new business investments The Courier

Tennis star Andy Murray has made three further investments in British start-ups on the UK’s most active equity crowdfunding platform, Seedrs. His actions follow multiple investments he made in February on Seedrs, with plans to continue backing British start ups as part of his strategic relationship with the crowdfunding platform. His latest investments are Beeline,

a smart navigation device and mobile app for bicycles; Dog Tracker Nano, a live tracking device with geofencing and alerts to keep dogs safe, and blow LTD, a London beauty on demand’ service, delivering expert blow dries, makeup and nails to the customer’s door. Beeline raised over £500,000 in under a week from over 350 investors on Seedrs, quickly exceeding its fundraising target of £400,000. Dog Tracker Nano has returned to Seedrs for their second round

of funding and are currently over 115% of their funding target with investment from 110 investors. Andy and wife Kim are big dog lovers and often talk about their terriers Maggie May and Rusty. Blow LTD has raised over £1.1 million with over 210 investors including Unilever Ventures and the founder of ASOS, and has been dubbed the “Uber for beauty.” Andy Murray said: “Giving recognition and support to British entrepreneurs is really important to me, especially those who are the driving force behind growth-focused businesses. “Every one of these entrepreneurs is passionate and dedicated to succeeding and I’m excited to have invested in their future growth.” Jeff Lynn, CEO and cofounder of Seedrs, said, “Andy is a great example of an investor who understands early stage investment and the importance of building a diverse investment portfolio aligned with a wider investment strategy.”

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the UK to contribute to the budget of the EU, as Switzerland does. A third possibility is an arrangement similar to that between the EU and Canada, which creates a free trade area between them. Nobody knows for certain how this would look but what is clear from the Canadian experience, is that this arrangement does not cover all areas of trade and could take years to negotiate. In the end, the ultimate settlement with the EU, assuming that the EU wants to trade with the UK as much as some claim, is likely to a bespoke arrangement and that may take some time to negotiate.

EU Regulations

Living with EU regulations has become a way of life for the British people. In every area of society, from health and safety, to fighting crime, to consumer protection, EU regulation is embedded into UK law. Depending on how it is measured, EU law accounts for around 13 per cent to 65 per cent of all laws made since 1975. The figures are, of course, misleading in one sense in that it is virtually impossible to say whether the UK would not have implemented those laws if it were not for the EU and, importantly, some of those laws are ones initiated by the UK in the first place. In any case, it is this aspect of union membership which has driven the debate over sovereignty.




20th - 26th June 2016 Follow us on Twitter


Santander launches into UK private banking By Emma Dunkley/ Financial Times

Santander is breaking into the UK private banking market for the first time and will offer hundreds of investment funds to smaller savers. The bank has said it will have 40 specialist managers across the country, in a drive to attract wealthier customers with at least £500,000 to invest. The move is part of Santander’s strategy to expand its face-to-face advice service, three years after most of the UK’s largest banks retrenched in response to a string of fines and strict new rules. Santander already has a strong private banking presence in other markets, such as Brazil, and is keen to target customers who do not have the £1m minimum required by some UK banks. The Santander managers will offer services such as tax planning, large home loans and discretionary wealth management. Other lenders are focusing their private banking strategies on collaborating with their commercial divisions. One banker said: “Where a customer in the commercial bank is working towards exiting their business, we would put them in touch with the private bank because once they have sold their business they might have enough

wealth to be eligible.” Santander said in January that it would restart branch-based investment advice for customers with smaller amounts of savings, two years after it was hit with one of the biggest ever retail banking penalties for unsuitable advice. It has also said it would launch a website offering hundreds of investment funds to all its customers, including those with small amounts to invest. It is the first

Barclays ‘most exposed’ to Brexit fallout

range offered by a high street bank that will enable customers to invest directly without paying for advice. Some banks offer direct access but only to a handful of their own funds, while others offer a broader range but require advice. Barclays has its stockbrokers division, which provides customers with direct access to funds. Santander acknowledges that direct investment might not be suitable for all customers. Many investors are unable to afford investment advice as an unintended consequence of rules that came into force in 2013 with the aim of clarifying charges. Many people also lack the knowledge and confidence to invest. Alan Mathewson, head of wealth and private banking at Santander UK, said: “The retail distribution review made it harder to get advice to the masses. With £100,000 or less, it’s hard to gain advice in the market.” To plug this gap, Santander and other high street banks are planning to create “robo-advisers”, as a lower-cost way to give access to investment expertise. Santander said it will keep its Cater Allen division to take deposits via intermediaries, but that this is its first proper push into offering a full range of private banking services.









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Variable Rate Mortgages

By Natalie Holt/ Money Marketing

Analysts have warned Barclays is the British bank most exposed in the event of the UK voting to leave the EU. Barclays’ share price is highly correlated with moves in sterling, accounting for 80 per cent of the stock’s movement over the past 18 months. Jefferies analyst Joseph Dickerson says: “Barclays could have the highest direct functional impact as a result of a leave as a result of its exposure to investment banking and

corporate banking. “Lloyds would face a second-order impact. Two-thirds of its balance sheet is mortgages, there is more of an indirect consequence, after, say, unemployment has been impacted and the overall economy is impacted.” But Dickerson is recommending Barclays as a “buy”, because he believes voters will choose to remain in the EU come the referendum on 23 June. The bank’s stocks are likely to rise on such a result.

Coventry BS

0800 121 8899 1.75%

for term



Coventry BS

0800 121 8899 1.89%

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Coventry BS

0800 121 8899 1.89%

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Coventry BS

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Coventry BS

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Free valuation (max legal fees. No HLC Free valuation (max legal fees. No HLC Free valuation (max legal fees. No HLC Free valuation (max legal fees. No HLC Free valuation (max legal fees. No HLC Free valuation (max legal fees. No HLC

£670). Remortgages free


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£670). Remortgages free


£670). Remortgages free


ASU = Accident, sickness & unemployment insurance. B+C = Buildings & contents insurance. U = Unemployment insurance. FTB = First Time Buyers only. HP = House Purchase. HLC = High Lending Charge. F = Fixed rate. D = Discounted rate. V = Variable rate. Lenders standard redemption conditions may also apply at any time. Incentive of free or discounted legal fees may only be available through lenders nominated solicitor. All rates and terms subject to change without notice and should be checked before finalising any arrangement. No liability can be accepted for any direct or consequential loss arising from the use of, or reliance upon, this information. Readers who are not financial professionals should seek expert advice.


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‘Brexit tsunami’ UK exit would cause ‘BIG problems’ for German banks, watchdog warns president of Bafin said the European Central Bank (ECB) is also planning to closely monitor the situation. But Mr Hufeld warned if Britain doesn’t vote to remain “[Germany’s] biggest banks would have the biggest problems… They have the most activities in, and with, London. “It came as Swiss financiers described the Brexit effect as a ‘tsunami.’ Chief economist, Alan McQuaid at Merrion Capital Group Ltd spoke of Brexit as a “game-changer” on Swiss banks.Swiss National Bank President Jordan warned back in April that a so-called Brexit would cause “enormous stress” in Europe.

By Lana Clements/ Express

The desperate head of Germany’s financial watchdog Bafin said he wants the UK to remain in the union and is worried about how his country’s banks would cope otherwise. German firms such as Deutsche Bank AG and Commerzbank AG have a large exposure to London and would be faced with big problems in a Brexit, revealed Felix Hufeld in an interview with German newspaper Tagesspiegel. Mr Hufeld said the banks were now assessing the consequences of leaving and how their business dealings would be affected. The

ANZ accuses Indian glamour couple of misappropriating $100million from fertiliser company to fund their lavish lifestyle By Jennifer Smith/ Daily Mail

An Indian tycoon and his glamorous wife allegedly misappropriated $100million from their company to fund a lavish lifestyle of mansions and private jets, a court has heard. Pankaj Oswal and his wife Radhika are accused of using the money from their company Burrup Fertilisers to build their garish $40million ‘Taj Mahal’ mega mansion and jet around the country. The couple are embroiled in a legal battle with ANZ which they claim undersold their stake in the company by $1billion in 2012. They are seeking damages of $2.5billion from the bank and receivers claiming the $US560 million the bank sold it for was half its worth. On Tuesday ANZ’s lawyers told Victoria’s Supreme Court the couple took $100million from the Western Australian company to pay for personal extravagances, Among expenses was the $40million construction of the couple’s would-be home in Perth’s Peppermint Grove which was dubbed the ‘Taj Mahal’ of the Swan River. Plans for the property included a

17-car garage and numerous double bedrooms. It was never completed, with the couple leaving Australia for Dubai in 2011. They also flew to birthday parties for their daughter on a private jet and used company cash to pay for a fleet of luxury cars, it was alleged. It was claimed in court that the couple funnelled money from the company in to a trust of which they were the beneficiaries. ‘There was no contractual obligation by (Burrup) Fertilisers to pay these amounts,’ Philip Solomon QC told the court. Earlier the couple claimed they had been the victims of racism and were pushed out of the company by ANZ risk officer Chris Page. Barrister Gary Rich accused him of holding Mr Oswal in a headlock to force him to sign documents in what he described as ‘extraordinary conduct applied to intimidate him’. The couple’s share in the company was sold in 2012 but they say they received only half of what it was worth. They have also accused the bank of forcing Mr Oswal to falsifying security documents

and later threatening his wife that she could go to prison if she did not cover debts of more than $1billion in 2009. ‘Mr Page said there were people in the bank who believed she was involved and she could go to jail as well. ‘He also made it plain that the bank did not want the forgeries to become public and they would be irrelevant once the bank was repaid,’

a barrister acting on behalf of Mrs Oswal said. She gave the bank a guarantee that she would be personally liable for debts of up to $US568 million in debts despite not wanting to expose herself to loss, the court heard. The couple’s fertiliser empire collapsed in 2010. Burrup Fertilisers is now known as Yara Pilbara. The case continues.

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Support for the Leave campaign has surged in the final days ahead of the June 23 referendum, with out now taking a 19 point lead. In a separate interview with German paper Bild, Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, unleashed comments designed to scare Britain into voting remain. He claimed it would take seven years to revamp Britain’s ties to the European Union, with each of the remaining 27 members of the bloc having to agree to new terms. Its thought the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will launch another intervention this week and warn the British economy could suffer if it votes to the leave.

US money funds pare UK exposure before Brexit vote: JP Morgan US money market mutual funds have reduced their exposure to short-term British bank debt ahead of the June 23 referendum on whether Britain would stay in the European Union, JP Morgan Securities said according to Reuters. At the end of May, the prime money funds, which JP Morgan tracks, cut their holdings of commercial paper, certificates of deposits and other short-dated securities issued by British banks by US$4 billion from April to US$41 billion. Year-to-date, however, the funds’ holdings of British bank debt was up US$6 billion from the end of 2015, JP Morgan data showed. “Brexit risks appear to have had a modest effect on holdings of British banks to date,” JP Morgan analysts Alex Roever, Teresa Ho and John Iborg wrote in a research note.




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MSCI may add China mainland shares to emerging market index By Evelyn Cheng/ CNBC

It’s hard for American investors to get their hands on shares that trade in China. But that may change. Major stock index firm MSCI has so far excluded Chinese mainlandlisted “A Shares” from its prominent emerging markets index. But on Tuesday, MSCI is set to announce a decision on whether it will add Chinese shares to the index. If it includes them, U.S. investors could potentially be snapping them up as early as next year. The MSCI announcement is expected at 5 p.m. ET. Right now, the Chinese shares listed in the emerging market index are all traded in either Hong Kong or the United States. That means the world’s second-largest economy makes up only about one-fourth of the benchmark index, while full inclusion of A shares would bring that ratio to more than one third. With about $1.5 trillion in assets under management tracking the index, China is keen to tap those funds as foreign investors search for returns outside their home markets. MSCI rejected the Chinese shares last June, citing uncertainty about who actually owns the shares and how easily investors can withdraw their money from Chinese investments. Since then, some analysts say China may have reformed its markets enough to get included — but issues around transparency

and access linger. For example, China’s stock market crashed last summer, and some of its stocks have been suspended for months.

said Brendan Ahern, chief investment officer of China-ETF firm KraneShares. The allotment is the first granted to the United States

“There are still some worries about voluntary suspensions,” Ian Hui, a global market strategist at JPMorgan Asset Management, told CNBC in an email. “Overall, I think it’s possible for inclusion to be announced this month, but the house view is that it’s more likely happening within the next 1 or 2 years, since there are still some lingering issues.” Potentially tipping the balance toward MSCI inclusion is China’s announcement last week that it will give the United States a high ceiling on how much it can invest in Chinese assets using yuan that are traded outside the mainland. “I think MSCI has always said it’s a matter of if, and not when. Based on the news (last) Monday night, there’s a high probability,”

through a five-year-old scheme called the Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (RQFII) program. Analysts mostly saw the initial announcement as a positive gesture to further open the channel of U.S. investment in Chinese assets, and helpful toward China’s goal of increased overseas use of the yuan. Among the few program details available so far, one Chinese and one U.S. bank will be designated as clearing hubs for the currency. “The fact that the U.S. got such a huge RQFII quota is a clear indication someone is trying to move the line,” said Anthony Skriba, executive director at Z-Ben in New York. The 250 billion yuan ($38 billion) quota is second only to Hong Kong’s in size, and came during

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew’s visit to Beijing for the China-U.S. Economic and Strategic Dialogue. “This will support the competitiveness of the U.S. financial and corporate sectors and improve U.S. investors’ access to China’s onshore capital markets,” Lew said in a release. He also said China remains committed to avoiding competitive devaluation of the yuan. That said, not every market watcher expects the decision to go China’s way immediately. “They want to persuade MSCI they are ready, but I think from fundamentals they aren’t ready,” said William Kwok, founder and CEO of, a Hong Kong-based firm which provides information on foreign investment trends in China. He noted China expanded the United Kingdom’s RQFII quota allotment last fall, just ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s London visit. If Tuesday’s announcement is favourable, MSCI has said the initial weighting of China A shares in the emerging market index will be just 1.1 percent. Even that addition would not go into effect until June 2017, MSCI said in an April report, and subsequent increases would depend on “positive market liberalization developments.” “I have no confidence those changes will be made in good time,” said Scott Kennedy, director of the Project

on Chinese Business and Political Economy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “There’s a lot of policy volatility in China,” he said. On May 27, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges announced revised rules limiting stock suspensions to 3 months for restructuring, 1 month for a non-public offering and 10 days for events such as shareholder meetings. However, as of this week, more than 10 percent of A shares on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges remain halted, according to data from Wind Information. “As trading halts occur, it becomes difficult to value the stocks,” said Chris Johnson, vice president of ETF sales and trading at Macquarie. “Some vast percentage of A shares have been halted over days and weeks. How do you value those stocks while those ETFs are still trading over here?” If MSCI delays A Share inclusion, U.S. investors do have other options for accessing the mainland shares. Vanguard’s $52 billion Emerging Markets Stock Index ETF (VWO) began adding A share exposure last June. It is up more than 8 percent over the last six months, versus the S&P’s 4 percent return and the iShares MSCI Emerging Market ETF (EEM)’s 6 percent gain. The Shanghai composite is down more than 15 percent over that time.

Successes and struggles amid the volatility in emerging markets By Greg St. Martin/ News at Northeastern

North-eastern Uni­ver­sity on Tuesday con­ vened experts from acad­ emia and the pri­vate, public, and non-profit sec­ tors to dis­ cuss the cur­rent eco­nomic and polit­ical volatility in the world’s emerging mar­kets, and how some coun­ tries and com­pa­nies are thriving in this environment. Northeaster’s Center for Emerging Mar­kets held the sev­enth annual sym­po­sium, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Cor­nell Uni­ver­sity. The centre’s director, Ravi Rama­murti, Dis­tin­ guished Pro­fessor of Inter­na­tional Busi­ness and Strategy, opened the dis­ cus­ sion with an overview of the cur­ rent land­ scape of emerging mar­kets. He said that around

2010, many of these mar­kets had rebounded from the global finan­ cial col­lapse that had been pre­ceded by healthier times during much of the 2000s. “But we’re back to the kinds of volatility we used to see in the emerging mar­ kets in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s,” he added. Keynote speaker Nariman Behravesh, chief econ­o­mist for Massachusetts-based IHS Global Insight, delved deeper into the so-called “golden decade” of the 2000s, the “per­ fect storm” that led to the down­turn, and wor­ri­some trends and bright spots ahead. He noted that the “golden decade” was high­ lighted by com­modi­ties prices rising dra­mat­i­cally, more com­pa­nies offshoring and devel­oping global supply chains, and global interest rates

falling. There was a brief upswing after the global finan­cial col­lapse, he explained, but the most recent down­ turn for emerging mar­ kets overall has fea­tured a sharp slow­ down in world trade, a col­lapse of com­modity prices, and rising global interest rates.Right now, he said, there is a “great diver­gence in the per­for­mance of emerging mar­kets.” While Russia, Brazil, and Venezuela are in reces­sion, there are pos­ i­tive signs in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific region, he said, pointing to the fact that India’s economy is growing faster than China’s and new man­u­fac­turing hubs such as Vietnam are emerging in southern Asia. Still, he said, the boom of pre­ vious decades isn’t likely to repeat and major struc­tural reforms will

be needed if economies are to enjoy rapid growth again. “We do not expect to go back to the rapid growth rates of the 2000s,” Behravesh said. “I just don’t think that’s in the cards.” Also at the sym­po­sium, top rep­ re­sen­ta­tives from com­pa­nies oper­ ating in Thai­land, the Middle East, and Brazil joined via tele­con­fer­ence to share how their com­pa­nies are thriving amid the overall volatility in emerging markets.In closing remarks, Rama­murti sum­ma­rized the key points made throughout the day with regard to thriving in emerging mar­kets. On the point of run­ning lean oper­a­tions, he noted, “It’s always good to be a low-cost player, but striving to be high quality.” He also under­scored speakers’ lessons learned about the ben­e­fits

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of main­ taining a long-term view, diver­si­fying geo­graph­i­cally, and being nimble enough to move fast and be flex­ible when oper­ating in emerging markets. The event’s speakers com­prised Alberto Car­valho, pres­i­dent of Proctor & Gamble-Brazil; Aravind Cherukuri, man­ aging director for the Asia Pacific region of Ocean Stray; Ashish Chugh, man­aging director and port­folio man­ager at Bay Pond Part­ners, a hedge fund within Wellington Man­ age­ ment Com­ pany; David Nar­ done, DMSB’79, MBA’82, pres­ i­ dent and CEO of Hemaraj Land and Devel­ op­ ment Co. Ltd. in Thai­land; Karim Smadi, DMSB’93, man­aging director, Reda Indus­trial Mate­rials in Dubai; and Stephen Hayes, pres­i­dent and CEO of the Cor­po­rate Council on Africa.


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Middle East sovereign wealth funds ‘coping’ with low oil price environment By Michael Fahy/ The National

Sovereign wealth funds from across the Middle East, which reined in spending last year unlike their global peers, are coping with the low oil price environment, according to the asset manager Invesco. Confidence remains stable in the Middle East, where a lot of work was done on risk management, governance and asset allocation in the wake of the global financial crisis, said Alex Millar, the head of Invesco’s Emea sovereigns division. “As a consequence, while they [Middle Eastern funds] are in an environment that is challenging, they feel better able to cope with that,” said Mr Millar. “Clearly, if oil prices remain low, there may well be future withdrawals but what we’re seeing is that a number of funds thought they might have to face redemptions but haven’t. Governments are using a variety of sources for funding and sovereigns are just one of those.” The low oil price environment that affected the region for most of last year meant that the 15 regional funds interviewed for Invesco’s Global Sovereign Asset Management Survey either withdrew or cancelled planned investments equating to 7 per cent of assets, while making new investments equating to just 3 per cent. Globally, the reverse occurred – new investments accounted for 7 per cent of assets and withdrawals were 3 per cent. This was partly due to the Middle East having more investment sovereigns (those set up

to invest a country’s wealth, as opposed to “liability sovereigns” managing government pension funds), said Mr Millar. Investment sovereigns brought in new financing equivalent to 4 per cent of assets, but withdrew 5 per cent as returns

toric low bond yields, with investors seeking greater returns from alternative investments including infrastructure, real estate and private equity, said Mr Millar. The average amount of portfolios invested in property has more than doubled

rate bonds and equities so they can preserve their own capital bases as government bond yields head for negative territory, Mr Millar added. JP Morgan has said that the amount of government bonds with negative yields has grown to $8.3 trillion, or 31 per cent of its entire government bond index, according to Reuters. German 10-year bonds are now heading for a zero rating, while Japan has issued $5.3tn of negative-yielding bonds.

UAE can attract sovereign cash

softened. The 77 sovereign wealth funds surveyed by Invesco globally, with assets under management of US$8.9 trillion missed investment targets last year. Returns on investment stood at about 4.1 per cent globally, compared with a target of 5.9 per cent. Fund chiefs also expect to miss targets again this year – forecasting a return of 4.4 per cent on a target of 5.7 per cent. “What we picked up is that there was no real sense of panic about this,” said Mr Millar, referring to global funds in general. Globally, the drive to improve returns has led to a shift in how sovereigns are investing. The amount allocated to fixed income investments has plunged – from 25 per cent in 2012 to 16 per cent last year. This was owing to his-

within three years to 6.5 per cent of holdings by last year, up from 3 per cent in 2012. Infrastructure investments doubled to 2.8 per cent in the same period. Territories in which sovereigns are investing are also changing. Brazil, Russia and China have fallen out of favour but India, Africa and other emerging Asian markets are popular. Middle East funds’ allocations into Africa grew from 1 per cent in 2014 to 2.6 per cent last year, and allocations to Asia grew from 1.5 per cent to 2.3 per cent. Allocations into the United States also grew thanks to favourable changes to tax laws for sovereign investors buying property. Government central banks are also creating tranches of investment capital to plough into corpo-

The UAE’s ranking as one of the top markets for infrastructure competitiveness should make it a target for greater sovereign investment, says Alex Millar, the head of Invesco’s Emea sovereigns division. Its Global Sovereign Asset Management Study points to World Economic Forum rankings, which place the UAE as joint-third with the Netherlands for infrastructure investment competitiveness. “The UAE is ranked higher than the US for potential investors,” Mr Millar said. He said that although infrastructure investments are popular among sovereign investors, as it provides long-term, income-generating assets that are generally inflation-proof, these are difficult deals to set up. The average length of time that it takes for a sovereign fund to deploy capital into an infrastructure investment is 3.5 years, Invesco’s research found, compared with 2.3 years for a private equity investment and just two years for real estate.

£226 billion Canadian firm makes key UK hires in major expansion By Joshua Thurston/ City Wire

Manulife Asset Management is gearing up for a huge expansion of its European operations centred in London. The £226 billion Canadian asset management arm of Manulife over the last 18 months has almost doubled its employee numbers in London, including bolstering up both its UK distribution and investment teams. Most notably with the hires of Ignis Asset Management’s chief

investment officer (CIO) Chris Fellingham as head of liquid alternative strategies in June, and AXA Investment Managers director Martin Powis as head of institutional sales and relationship management in May. ‘We have been building our European investment teams and client base over the years and we are excited to be able to make further commitments to our clients and this important market,’ Kai Sotorp, chief executive officer, Manulife As-

set Management, said. To help the firm achieve its European goals Manulife Asset Management has established a UCITS fund platform of 11 funds currently registered for sale in the UK and Ireland, including strategic fixed income, global equities, emerging market equities, emerging market debt, US large cap core equity, and Asian bond absolute return. Claude Chene, global head of distribution, Manulife Asset Management, said: ‘The business recognis-

es that to serve the global investor community, it is critical to have a well-developed and robust European presence to complement its growing North American and Asian businesses. ‘With the resources to continue to make the necessary investments in people and infrastructure and the patience required to build a successful business in Europe, this is a unique opportunity for us.’ Manulife AM has more than 425 investment professionals over 16 countries.

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Is it wise to hide from Brexit in emerging markets?

By Antonia Oprita/ Real Money

With stock markets around the world dropping as investors are nervous about the momentum behind the “Leave” campaign in the UK’s referendum on whether to remain in the European Union, one unlikely asset class seems to have caught a favourable wind. Emerging markets debt funds saw inflows in 14 of the past 16 weeks, data analysed by Bank of America Merrill Lynch show. Emerging markets bonds took in another $600 million in the week that ended on June 8. Emerging market equities also saw inflows, which at $900 million were the largest in 11 weeks. By contrast, European equities have experienced 18 straight weeks of redemptions, with outflows totalling $2.2 billion in the week ending June 8. US stocks didn’t fare much better, with $2 billion withdrawn from the asset class in the same week. The newfound enthusiasm for emerging markets does have some justification. For investors in developed markets, the biggest fear right now is what the reaction will be to a vote to leave the EU by the British in the June 23 referendum. However, for emerging markets “a vote by the U.K. to leave the EU would likely cause ripples rather than shockwaves,” Neil Shearing, chief emerging markets economist at Londonbased think tank Capital Economics, said. If a Brexit triggers a recession in the UK, the impact on most emerging markets would be modest. Shearing’s team estimated that even if the British economy contracts by 5% and imports fall by 10%, emerging markets exports to the UK would likely drop by an equivalent of only 0.1% of aggregate emerging markets GDP.




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Day in the life of a Hunters Negotiator

Hunters Director Mr Kabir Roy Babber

As a successful Agent with over 150 branches, a member of NALS (National Approved Letting Scheme) and SafeAgent (a mark denoting firms that protect landlords and tenants money through client money protection scheme), the Hunters team constantly get asked on how and what involves in a daily working life of a Negotiator. Here we interview Ana Costa who is the in-house lettings Expert at the Hounslow Branch. Each day begins with a Team meeting with our branch manager Mr Harmit Bansi to discuss the previous day’s events and subsequently our targets for the day ahead. We are briefed on any new instructions (new lettings Properties) and relets in preparation for our applicant (Tenants) callout. The morning meeting provides a vital platform for communication to exchange ideas amongst the team members and to ensure

Branch Manager Mr Harmit Bansi

that we are on track to meet our targets for the week, month and year as our director is present in all the meetings. Once our applicants (potential Tenants) have been updated with any new opportunities we have for them, the diary quickly fills up and we are off on various appointments. These can be anything from property checks, appointments with clients (Potential Landlords) to value new properties or viewings with potential tenants. Inevitably in a busy office like Hunters, our schedules are never entirely predictable, as we need to accommodate people who may walk through the door at any moment, and the phone is constantly ringing with new business and general enquiries. An important skill to develop is the ability to juggle a wide range of tasks simultaneously. It is our responsibility to manage our time effectively to

achieve our goals as individuals and as a team. After the morning viewings it is important to provide our clients (Landlords) with feedback, so that we can discuss how we might continue to attract interest and to

Lettings expert Ms Ana Costa

ensure that our marketing is at its most effective for each individual property. Often it is also necessary for us to seek the advice of our sales team, who we work closely with, if we feel that it may be more profitable to sell a property or vice versa.

Once we have successfully matched an applicant to a property, offers are forwarded, and after negotiation a mutually agreeable deal is struck. This can sometimes require the ability to think of compromises to find a solution that suits everyone equally. The role of a Lettings Negotiator can be a very satisfying as there is always a sense of achievement when the keys are handed over and the file is sent to our management team at the head office for the duration of the tenancy. I am very fortunate to work alongside the company director Mr Kabir Roy Babber, who is very professional and always leads by example. To have your property expertly valued by one of our senior valuers please call our branch on 020 3697 2992 or email us on

Tax regulation leads to rising rent Buy-to-let tax changes Residential Landlord

Growing numbers of landlords are increasing rents and applying for mortgages as limited companies in order to maintain high yields in the face of increasing tax and regulatory pressure. New research from Kent Reliance found that the number of mortgage applications by landlords via limited companies grew by over 80 per cent last year, amounting to 1 in 5 buy to let mortgages. This equates to approximately 55,000 across the buy to let market. A third of landlords were considering applying for a mortgage via a limited company, whilst 7 per cent have already done so, with the aim of utilising the more favourable tax regulations for limited companies. However, the transition leads to additional cost, which may affect profitability in the short term. It was predicted that the number of limited company loans taken out

by landlords will reach 98,400 this year, amounting to nearly 40 per cent of the total number of buy-tolet loans and nearly three times its share of the market in 2014.

Kent Reliance reported that average rents have risen 3.5 per cent, reaching £872 a month. This trend seems set to continue, with four in 10 landlords expecting that they will increase costs in the next six months by an average of 5.6 per cent. Chief executive of OneSavings Bank, which trades under

the Kent Reliance and InterBay brands in buy to let, Andy Golding, said: ‘Thousands hurried purchases to beat the stamp duty deadline, and the popularity of limited companies is soaring as investors seek to reduce tax exposure. But it is tenants who are feeling the real brunt. Rents are rising, and landlords will increase them further as they pass on the increased cost of running their businesses. ‘Far from supporting tenants, recent intervention will see them bear a heavier financial burden. Increasing landlords’ tax bills won’t alter the root cause of the UK’s housing crisis. As long as the demand for homes every year far outweighs the number of new houses, the only way to reduce the cost of housing in this country for tenants and first-timers alike is to build more. We need to see a paradigm shift, moving the focus from sustaining demand to expanding supply in all tenures.’

mean higher rents By Nia Willams/ Every Investor

The report shows that four in 10 landlords expect to raise rents in the next half year by an average of 5.6%. Of that group three quarters blame rent rises on the gradual reduction of mortgage tax relief for higher rate taxpayers from 45% in 2017 to 20% in 2020. Andy Golding, chief executive of OneSavings Bank, parent of Kent Reliance, said: “The buy-to-let market now sits firmly in the crosshairs of both politicians and regulators, and we are seeing landlords react. “Thousands hurried purchases to beat the stamp duty deadline, but it is tenants who are feeling the real brunt. “Rents

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are rising, and landlords will increase them further as they pass on the increased cost of running their businesses. Far from supporting tenants, recent intervention will see them bear a heavier financial burden.” He added: “Increasing landlords’ tax bills won’t alter the root cause of the UK’s housing crisis. As long as the demand for homes every year far outweighs the number of new houses, the only way to reduce the cost of housing in this country for tenants and first-timers alike is to build more. “We need to see a paradigm shift, moving the focus from sustaining demand to expanding supply in all tenures.” UK rents rose by 3.5% in the past year according to the lender.


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New Aviation rules in India to favour passengers: All you need to know Business Today

India Civil Aviation Ministry introduced a host of rules that will surely give fliers some reasons to cheer. These changes in the rules, that cover domestic and international flights involving Indian carriers, come against the backdrop of complaints by passengers and cancellation and delays of over 4,000 and 63,400 flights respectively last year. India Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju said the measures followed complaints from passengers that issues concerning them are not getting resolved within a reasonable time. Below is everything that you must know about these passenger-friendly rules:

When you cancel a flight

The Civil Aviation Ministry said airlines alone will have to refund all statutory taxes levied in the event of flight cancellations and not the agency. Aviation regulator DGCA has proposed that “under no cir-

cumstances the cancellation charges be more than the basic fare” and carriers cannot levy additional charge to process the refund. The financial compensation would be Rs 5,000 or booked oneway basic fare plus airline fuel charge, whichever is less, for flights having a block time of up to one hour. This quantum would be Rs 7,500 in case of flights having a block time of one to two hours. As per existing CAR, carriers have to return Passenger Development Fee (PSF) collected by them in case of cancellation of a flight. “The refund process shall be completed within 15 working days in case of domestic travel and 30 working days in case of international travel,” DGCA said. For foreign airlines, the refund would be in accordance with the regulations of their respective countries while the mode of refund would be governed by Indian norms.

A situation of excess baggage

For checked-in baggage, the airlines would now be charging Rs 100 per kg for baggage weight in excess of 15 kg up to 20 kg. Only Air India allows free baggage up to 23 kg. At present, Rs 300 is levied for every kg of baggage beyond the 15kg limit.

With regard to denied boarding

In an event of denied boarding, mainly due to overbooking, the government has proposed a compensation of up to Rs 20,000 subject to certain conditions proposed by DGCA. An amount equal to 200 per cent of booked one-way basic fare plus airline fuel charge subject to the maximum limit of Rs 10,000 would be given in case the carrier arranges the alternative flight within 24 hours of the scheduled departure. The amount would go up to 400 per cent of booked one-way basic fare plus airline fuel charge and the maximum would be Rs 20,000 where the alternative flight is pro-

vided after 24 hours. “In case the passenger does not opt for an alternative flight, refund of full value of ticket and compensation equal to 400 per cent of booked one-way basic fare plus airline fuel charge, subject to maximum of Rs 20,000 will be given,” the regulator said. According to the watchdog, no compensation would be paid if a passenger is informed about the cancellation at least two weeks before the scheduled departure and if the airline has arranged another flight depending on the passenger’s convenience. In such a case, there would be no compensation if the carrier has arranged alternative flight scheduled to depart within two hours of their booked scheduled departure.

Assisting passengers with reduced mobility

Seeking to put in place more friendly measures for people with reduced mobility, the regulator has proposed that airlines should develop a procedure for making

Russia unveils new passenger plane it says will rival Boeing, Airbus Russia on presented a new medium-range passenger plane which state media said was superior to its Western-made counterparts in many respects and would be snapped up by both Russian and foreign carriers. In a glitzy ceremony at a factory in Siberia attended by Russia Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Irkut Corporation (IRKT. MM) rolled out its new MC-21 passenger plane which is still undergoing testing but is due to enter serial production next year. The plane is sometimes also known as MS-21. Medvedev hailed the new twinengine short and medium-range

aircraft as “cool,” saying it was important that Russia remained in what he called the top league of aircraft makers despite the high costs involved. Squeezed by Western sanctions over its role in the Ukraine crisis, the Russian government is trying to rejuvenate domestic industrial production to make the country less dependant on foreign firms. “I only want to say that I am absolutely certain that the airliner will be the pride of Russian civil aviation, and that our citizens and foreign people will take pleasure in flights on MC-21,” said Medvedev.

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advance request of stretcher and same should be displayed on the airline’s website. Among others, airports would provide “towable ramp to such people in case ambulift or aerobridge facility are not available”. “Airport operator shall ensure that assistive devices being used to assist a disabled passenger are as per the standards set by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment,” the regulator said. “We are extremely happy that the changes that have been mooted will benefit passengers in a big way. It will encourage more people to fly and spur the growth of the domestic aviation market, which has grown fastest in the world,” Air Passengers Association of India (APAI) president D Sudhakara Reddy said. However, Amber Dubey, partner and India head of aerospace and defence at global consultancy KPMG, however, said that the proposals would have a direct bearing on airline’s bottom-line. “The Indian aviation sector is finally coming out of the woods thanks to the low oil prices, rising economy and growing aircraft fleet. It needs 3-4 years of 18-20 per cent annual growth to consolidate and expand; and to recover the huge debt and losses of the past. Care should be taken by the government not to throttle the aviation sector so much in the name of honouring public sentiments that it takes us back to square one,” Dubey said. The Government has given a two-week time to stakeholders to submit their suggestions and comments before finalising and implementing the new norms. However, the proposed changes in the excess baggage fee norm will be implemented from June 15, Director General of Civil Aviation M Sathiyavathy said. The plane will be built in two variants, the MC-21-300 which will have 160-211 seats, and the MC21-200 which will have 130-165 seats. Deliveries are expected to start in 2018 and state media said numerous contracts with domestic and foreign carriers had already been agreed. State-controlled United Aircraft Corporation (UNAC.MM), of which Irkut is a subsidiary, said the new plane would be able to service routes of up to 6,400 kilometers (3976.78 miles) and that its operational costs would be up to 15 percent cheaper than current generation aircraft. Vladimir Valkov, vice president of Irkut Corporation, said: “It is not made of metal, it is made of composite materials. That allows us to give it a special shape. It is much lighter and stronger so it is a great step in the development of our aviation industry.”


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Apple CEO Tim Cook: ‘Technology should lift humanity’

Tim Cook By Katy Steinmetz/ Time

Apple’s annual developer’s conference followed on the heels of Google’s, with the tech giants trumpeting their latest updates for both consumers and coders one after the other. CEO Tim Cook’s team repeated some of the same tropes and themes as their rivals, from making several Gold State Warriors references to announcing crowd-pleasing features that attempt to minimize taps and maximize our ability to be expressive through our texting machines. But if Google’s big point was emphasizing how human-like its technology has become, Apple’s was emphasizing how much the company cares about humanity itself — even if many of the biggest cheers came in response to updates about things like triple-sized emoji. Apple can seem like an exclusive tower made of silicon and secrets,

and the company knows that is part of its appeal. Thousands of developers were kept in masses behind guardrails leading up to the keynote. When the 5,000 eager attendees reached the threshold, they were greeted by signs that said “Hello golden ticket. Hello behind the curtain… Hello bragging rights.” Cook spent his relatively brief time on the stage mostly talking about people. The first instance of this was hardly a choice, as he began by taking a moment to acknowledge the tragedy that had taken place in Orlando, Florida, the day before. But during his closing speech, he espoused the kind of tech-utopian lines that get parodied in Silicon Valley. “At Apple,” he said, “we believe technology should lift humanity.” The keynote was split into four sections—on the Apple Watch, Apple TV, desktop computers and the iPhone— with inclusive, solicitous interludes. As Director of Fitness Jay Blahnik ran

Too many UK adults lack basic computer skills, MPs warn

Government is urged to tackle ‘digital skills’ crisis or economy will suffer By Darren Allan/ World of tech

A report from the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee is warning of a crisis in ‘digital skills’ in the UK, and

urges the government to move swiftly to address the problem. The research found that no less than 12.6 million adults in the UK lacked what are described as basic digital skills – and almost

through activity improvements to watchOS, for example, he dedicated a portion to Apple’s work on better gauging activity for users who are in wheelchairs. He explained how they analysed different types of wheelthrusting and added, too much applause, that instead of simply reminding wearers to be active by saying, “Time to stand,” the watch would also say, “Time to roll.” He then launched into describing a new app called Breathe, designed to help you better manage your everyday stress through deepbreathing techniques. “Simple things,” he said, “can be very powerful.” More time than seemed to interest the crowd was spent on a new photo feature called Memories. When iPhone users update to iOS 10 in the fall, they will be “serendipitously reminded” of family trips and snowball fights and hikes and whatever else they might have documented on their smartphones. Apple will not only smartly arrange photos in scroll-able albums but auto generate shareable slideshows, with soundtracks and fades. The feature, said Apple’s software engineering guru Craig Federighi, is designed to “surface memories that are relevant to you.” The open arms were extended to developers as well, as executives announced time and again that landmark Apple tools—from Siri to iMessage to Maps—would be opened to third parties. As the keynote winded down, Cook announced that the company had developed an app for kids that would teach them how to use the programming language Swift, one tuned to work well with Apple’s products. And he described this as a “gift” the company would be giving away for free, as part of the vision that coding should be a “required language in all schools.” That announcement was followed by a reel of developers already making apps for Apple, and the cast of characters was pointedly diverse—young and old, kids and moms, coders from America to Beirut. “I can’t wait to see what this next generation of coders is going to create,” he said. “Our quest is to change the world for the better.” And, it appears, to convince everyone that if they stick with Apple in the tech wars, they too could get a golden ticket. half that amount, 5.8 million people, have never been on the internet. Part of the problem can be traced back to education, with the report noting that the majority of computer teachers – 65% of them – don’t have a degree relevant to the subject, and that the government has fallen 30% short of its target for hiring computer science teachers. There are also issues when it comes to the hardware students are using, with the report observing that 22% of the IT equipment in schools is ineffective. The report also found that roughly one in eight (13%) computer science graduates are still unemployed six months after they’ve left university. All of this adds up to a digital skills gap which the committee estimates is costing the UK no less than £63 billion every year in terms of GDP. Digital skills aren’t just about jobs in the tech industry, of course, as most jobs necessitate the use of a computer in some way – indeed it’s estimated that 90% now require some digital skills.

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20th - 26th June 2016

Ab India par chadhega ‘Social Media ka Bukhaar’ as &TV brings ‘Life Ka Recharge’ - every Monday to Friday at 10.00pm OMG! The country is under an epidemic and it’s gone VIRAL. It’s not sardi, khaasi, malaria or any other bukhaar... its #SocialMediaKaBukhaar as &TV is all set to present a laughter fest with ‘Life Ka Recharge (LKR)’, a show that has social media as its muse. BTW... In an era where updating status, check-ins, taking selfies and tweeting has become the new way of life, LKR will bring forth unique mash-up of content and conversations full of humour to the viewers... daily. Produced by Waheguru Productions, this satirical comedy will tickle the funny bone of the audiences through skits, gags, public opinions and unique characters that will have you ROFL every Monday - Friday at 10:00 pm only on &TV.

Hosted by the man with many talents Vikalp Mehta and Laughter da Master winner Mintoo Sharma, LKR promises to uplift the moods of audience from the daily humdrums

of life experienced with bosses, teachers, wife, husband, kids etc! Joining the team are characters like a social media addict ‘Cellular Bai’ played by Jyoti Rana, an ever green, young at heart Chacha played by Om Prakash Dimri and a miss matched couple Mausa & Mausi played by Adhaar Goswami and Neha Sharma respectively. Each episode of Life Ka Recharge will highlight different aspects of daily life which are trending topics

in the online space through enactments and integrated videos. The show boasts of a 360 degree set that will give the audience a feel of sitting right in middle of the action zone. Speaking on hosting the show, Mintoo Sharma says, “Life Ka Recharge is a unique concept that will highlight social media conversations to make people laugh. The content will bring alive many characters, interesting news, views and videos of people on TV which is a fresh approach to comedy.” Speaking on hosting the show with Mintoo, Vikalp Mehta says, “LKR will present stand-up comedy differently where the real content creator is the audience. I am really excited with this unique concept and hosting with Mintoo. Hope the audience will like our camaraderie and humour after a hard day at work.” So forget all your worries and get ready to rejuvenate your life with a dose of laughter and whole lot madness! Tune in to watch Life Ka Recharge, every Mon - Fri at 10.00 pm only on &TV!

Sky 795 Virgin Media 811

Makers of Bollywood Drug Thriller ‘Udta Punjab’ win case against India’s Film Regulators By Aditi Malhotra/ World Street Journal

An Indian court cleared the way for the release of a Bollywood movie that tackles the subject of drug use in the state of Punjab, reducing over 90 cuts suggested by India’s movie regulators to just one. Ameet Naik, a lawyer representing the film’s producers told reporters outside Mumbai’s High Court Monday, that the court had allowed “Udta Punjab,” or Flying Punjab, to be released with only one cut, which he said was to remove a scene in which one of the actors appears to urinate in front of a crowd. The court has also asked the filmmakers to add a revised disclaimer says they aren’t castigating any Indian state or propagating the use of drugs or expletives, Mr. Naik said. “It’s a vindication of our stand, more importantly, of our democracy and our fundamental rights,” he said. The film, a drug-themed crime thriller which is set for release June 17, caught media

attention after Pahlaj Nihalani, the head of India’s Central Board of Film Certification, a statutory body under India’s federal government, said last week that the film’s claims about a large majority of youth in Punjab being drug addicts misrepresented the situation in the state. He said the film suggested that Punjab’s land is “barren,” its people “wayward” and “promiscuous.” The regulators said that references to the word Punjab, including the shot of a sign board shown at the beginning of the film which had Punjab written on it, be removed. The film’s makers were even asked to delete the words “election” and “Parliament” wherever they featured in the film. This drew fire from the makers of the movie and others in Bollywood. Anurag Kashyap, a co-producer of the film, took the matter to Mumbai’s High Court, petitioning against the cuts ordered by the regulators. A tweet from his verified account last week said: “There is no film more honest that Udta

Punjab, and any person or party opposing it is actually GUILTY of promoting drugs.” Mr. Nihalani and Mr. Kashyap couldn’t immediately be reached for comment Monday. The film’s director, Abhishek Chaubey, said Monday he was “terribly pleased and relieved” by the court’s verdict. When asked by a reporter if he was happy, he said: “Happiness is a feeling devoid of conflict and I can’t say that about right now.” The drug menace in Punjab is serious. A survey conducted early last year on behalf of India’s Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, showed that 230,000 people in the state are drug users and that heroin is the most widely used opiate. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, in 2014, Punjab had the highest proportion- 44.5%- of all of people convicted under the national Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act in India. The film’s makers said the regulator’s insistence on deletions from the movie would curb their freedom of expression and soon

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politicians were weighing in. Due for state elections next year, Punjab is governed by the Bharatiya Janata Party and its local ally, a regional party called the Shiromani Akali Dal. Leaders from the opposition Congress and Aam Aadmi party, accused Mr. Nihalani of following government instructions and said the furore highlighted the failure of the ruling party in the state to combat the state’s widespread drug problem. The CBFC is expected to issue a fresh certificate to his film by Wednesday, Mr. Naik said. Bollywood stars, including actors Shahid Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, who appear in the movie, reacted on social media.

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20th - 26th June 2016




Work is worship for Fenil Umrigar! The actress from Kaala Teeka hangs midair from a plank for 3 hours for a scene

They say, “If you love what you do, even the most difficult tasks are a delight!”. The young and beautifulFenil Umrigar who has conquered viewers’ hearts with her bad girl image as Gauri in Zee TV’s popular primetime show Kaala Teeka sure seems to live by

the adage. The beautiful actor clearly loves her role in the show and is leaving no stone unturned in giving her performance a realistic edge. Following the recent mahasangam between Kaala Teeka and Meri Saasu Maa, protagonists Kali (played by Simran Pareen-

ja) and Pari (played by Hiba Nawab) hatch a plan to reveal the nasty truth about Gauri. They land up in a tribal jungle, where Gauri is called upon to give an Agni Pariksha. The sequence required Gauri to hang from a plank with boiling water right below. The hot steam rising from it was sure to burn and irritate her skin, so the creative team offered to let a duplicate artiste resembling her shoot the scene. As Fenil wanted the scene to be perfect, she refused to let a body double do it on her behalf. With the scene being quite elaborate and dramatic, Fenil had to remain hanging on to the plank for almost 3 hours despite the discomfort. The actress was dehydrated with all the heat and exhaustion. Not only was the director amazed, but everyone appreciated and applauded Gauri’s dedication and passion towards her work. Talking about her experience, Fenil says, “Acting is my passion and I can always go the extra mile to get the best shot. When I heard about the sequence I got a little nervous, but then I wanted this to be one of my best performances. It was very difficult for me to keep hanging in that position for hours, but I decided not to give up and wait for the shot to get over. The heat made it quite un-

comfortable and there was certainly a risk element involved. However, I was ecstatic that the shot came out really well and the appreciation I received from everyone was worth it. The show is really close to my heart and I’m doing my best to entertain the audiences.” In the upcoming week, Kaali will demonstrate the real power of the seven promises of a marriage and living out each of the saat vachans, expose Gauri in front of Yug. Will Kaali be able to fight against all the odds and prove her innocence and re-claim her man? To find out stay tuned to the high voltage drama coming up in Kaala Teeka, every Monday to Saturday at 10.30pm, only on Zee TV

Ankush Arora: “No Issues Playing Dad!” ZEE TV’s Yeh Vaada Raha to take a 7 year Leap ZEE TV’s popular primetime drama Yeh Vaada Raha, explores a unique bond between two young souls – Kartik and Survi who have very little in common. But their lives have seen many interesting twists and turns ever since the show launched last year. The show is now set to take a 7 year leap on 6th June and will introduce some new characters in the plot. Recently on the show, Kartik (played by Ankush Arora) and Survi (played by Sonal Vengurlekar) painstakingly managed to eliminate the evil Meher (played by Ankita Sharma) and Ranbir (played by Yash Tonk) from their lives once and for all. However, Taai (played by Rinku Karmarkar) gets their newborn daughter kidnapped and Survi blames Kartik for this major loss. A grief-stricken Survi leaves their home and decides to move to Nasik. But as fate would have it, she finds a child who has been left abandoned in a train. Survi adopts the child and seven years later, she is seen living in Nasik with her daughter, Khushi. She works in a company and becomes very good friends with the owner -Jatin Mehta. Jatin lives in Mumbai but visits Nasik often. He is really fond of Khushi but has no romantic inclination to-

Zee Cinema Movies

16th June - 2.30pm - KYON KI.. IT’S FATE 17th June - 9.00pm - ENTERTAINMENT 18th June - 7.30pm - BANGISTAN 19th June - 7.30pm - HAIDER 20th June - 8.30pm - CYCLE KICK

wards Survi and is completely unaware of her past. On the other hand, Kartik’s entire life revolves around Hema’s daughter Riya and Bindu’s son Rohit. He still nurses the deep wound of not having a child of his own but doesn’t leave any stone unturned in treating these kids like his own. Taai continues to pretend having lost her memory and manages to stay in the good books of Kartik. The popular child actor Harbandana who has already won accolades for her performances on television shows will be seen playing the role of Survi’s daughter Khushi. Tamanna Dipak, a finalist of ZEE TV’s successful acting talent show India’s Best Dramebaaz 2016, will play the role of Riya, Kartik’s niece. Talented ac-

tor Prasad Barve will play the role of Jatin Mehta, Survi’s boss and friend. While several actors quit a show if they are called upon to play mom and dad following a leap, both Sonal Vengurlekar and Ankush Arora clearly have no qualms about playing parental figures. Ankush says, “The show’s plot demanded a 7 year leap and if the story is following its natural progression, I’m only going to play along as an actor. I see no harm in ageing along with the character. We’ve worked on lending Kartik a certain maturity and restraint as he is now 7 years older and a father figure to his niece and nephew.” Sonal adds, “I see no reason to quit a show just because I am now seen as a mother figure. In the track, I will be seen living with an adopted daughter. This gives me an opportunity to present a different set of facets to my character. I am sure my equation with Khushi will tug at the heartstrings of the audience.” Little Khushi is fun loving, mischievous and full of life and shares a close bond with her mother. However due to a turn of events, Kartik will meet Khushi and will be immediately reminded of Survi. So what will happen to their promise of eternal togetherness?... Will the two lovers re-unite?... Will he ever find out that Khushi is Survi’s adopted child? Will Khushi act as a bridge between Survi and Kartik and bring them together this time? For all this and more, keep watching Yeh Vaada Raha, every Monday to Friday at 10 PM on Zee TV!

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Sky 788 Virgin Media 809

Former Bond Girl Caterina Murino is making her Bollywood debut with ‘fever’

Bollywood News

Italian actress Caterino Murino, who appeared in the 2006 James Bond film Casino Royale as Solange Dimitrios, is making her Bollywood debut soon. She plays a major role in the upcoming suspense thriller Fever, directed by Rajeev Jhaveri and starring Rajeev Khandelwal and Gauhar Khan in lead roles.




20th - 26th June 2016 Follow us on Twitter


Producing and hosting exemplary work in culture and heritage Professionally, Ragasudha Vinjamuri is Academic Tutor at the University of Sunderland in London. Artistically, she is a seasoned classical dancer having presented four performances at the House of Commons and many at prestigious venues in India, Germany and Britain. Literally, she authored short stories, poems and research articles on diaspora migrations and the advent of Indian language teaching in the UK. Her transcription of 300 year old composition present on palm

leaf folios in British Library and its release at British Parliament recently has received wider attention. She has also translated Telugu stories and poems into English for the University of Wyoming, USA. Her workshops on importance of dance and story-telling in Hinduism in schools across the UK add to her efforts to increasing cultural awareness among children and young adults. Awards and citations such as Kala Vaaradhi, Abhinaya Praveena, Nrutya Nagaja by vari-

ous organisations is a recognition to her contributions to culture and art. Her Sanskruti Centre for Cultural Excellence, founded to promote culture, heritage and art, stands out to be the first to offer training in Indian folk dances. Her work in terms of culture, language and training helped bring families and communities together and has been applauded by novices and connoisseurs alike. Sanskruti holds distinction in organising the first ever environmental short film fes-

tival in Britain, inaugurated by the then Minister for Climate Change and Energy- Baroness Verma. Another step in this direction was hosting the book release function recently, in association with the Nehru Centre. The book on Gandhi titled ‘Mahatmoday’ was written in two languages by Padma Bhushan and former MP of Indian Parliament Dr Yarlagadda Lakshmi Prasad. It was released by Lord Meghnad Desai and Justice Jasti Chalameshwar of Supreme

Ragasudha Vinjamuri welcoming the attendees and introducing the speakers

At Zurich


At Diwali on Trafalgar Square

At United Nations Convention

Citation Switzerland

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Court of India, in the presence of the Director of the Nehru Centre Mr Srinivas. All the speakers on the occasion have highlighted the path Gandhi has practised and preached and how his experiences in South Africa made him Mahatma. It is befitting to have had Lord Desai on the occasion, as he successfully spearheaded the project for installation of Gandhi Statue at the Parliament Square, and Justice Jasti coinciding with the fact that Gandhi was a law professional.


20th - 26th June 2016 Follow us on Facebook



Success story of B&M retail How Liverpool-based B&M Retail is making its name in the City

Bobby (L) and Simon Arora of discount group B&M Retail By Bill Gleeson/ ECHO

The days when Liverpool could boast about its own stock exchange are long gone. A combination of mergers and acquisitions and de-listings meant, based on population, the number of Merseyside firms listed on the London Stock Exchange’s Full List is about one-fifth of the UK average. In the past decade, Pilkington, Mersey Docks and Harbour Company and Matalan have disappeared from City trading screens. It left relatively small players such as Speedy Hire, Sportech and Park Group to fly the flag for the region. Not only are they few in number, but none of these firms have enjoyed a share price performance that has sent City pulses racing. However, one relative newcomer to the market has recently blazed a trail with strong growth in its market value. When, in 2012, B&M Retail (B&M) was acquired by US private equity firm Clayton Dubilier & Rice (CD&R), the price of the deal was not disclosed, but several newspaper reports said it valued the Speke based discount chain at £960m. The cash invested by CD&R was used to fund B&M’s UK and European expansion plans. Today, the firm has reached the halfway milestone in its plan to operate. 850 stores around the UK. It has also opened a new 500,000sq ft distribution centre at Estuary Commerce Park and bought German discount chain Jawoll. On the back of that investment in space and infrastructure, sales have grown to in excess of £1bn. This includes like-for-like growth of 4% as more and more British shoppers turn away from the large supermarkets. The company listed on the London Stock Exchange last summer. As a result of the sales growth, CD&R was last week able to sell a 12% stake in B&M for £384m. It values the whole company at almost £3.3bn, a more than three-fold increase in the three years since the American investors took a stake in the business. B&M chief executive Simon Arora told ECHO Business: “We are focused on developing B&M in Britain and Germany and we have the aspiration to become a pan-European retailer. “We are

not overly focused on day-to-day stock market movements, we are focused on building the business. “The business continues to invest in its infrastructure and store estate. We have ambitious growth plans for both the UK and Europe. “Also, we recently strengthened our management team with the appointment of new chief operating officer, Karen Hubbard, from Asda.” Mr Arora also said that head office staff numbers would continue to grow in the years ahead from the current level of around 200. The combination of the rapid growth in B&M’s share price and the sale of shares into the general market means that B&M can now form part of the FTSE-250 index, a fact that will give it increased profile with City analysts and fund managers. Not that B&M, which employs thousands of people, lacks for a following in the city. At least three firms of analysts were inspired to write brokers’ notes after B&M published its Christmas trading statement last month. All three upgraded their share price forecasts for B&M, describing the stock as a “buy”. B&M Retail is aiming to be operating 850 B&M Bargains stores across the UK in the next few years. Responding to B&M’s latest figures, analysts at stockbroking firm Jefferies stated: “B&M has had a very good Christmas with total UK sales up over 20% and total group sales up 29%. 24 new UK stores opened in the quarter and the compa-

ny is on track for at least 50 new UK stores this year and 45 next year. B&M mentioned the competitive market conditions in FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) but also that they are confident in their unique sourcing strategy.” Citing a series of financial ratios that suggest the share price of the company is relatively low compared to its peers, the Jefferies’ analyst said: “We remain buyers.” Analysts at stockbrokers Canaccord Genuity added their voice to the chorus of positive sentiment saying: “With its 850-store target in the UK, it represents a strong organic roll-out story, complemented by international growth potential from its German acquisition, Jawoll.” Mr Arora said that the company’s recent half-year trading results were in line with expectations.

“We wish to replicate our variety retailing model in appropriate markets outside the UK. The first half saw the acquisition of an 80% majority stake in Jawoll, a variety goods retailer based in North-West Germany. Jawoll has 49 stores and since joining the group it has performed slightly ahead of management’s expectations. “We aim to focus on the German market ahead of any other European expansion opportunities for the immediate future.” The statement revealed that Jawoll has also started to source from B&M’s network of Far East suppliers and has invested in its EPOS systems in order to align it more closely with the UK business. It was back in 1995 that these unlikely siblings started out, supplying retail chains with cheap homewares sourced from Asia. In 2004, they bought B&M, an ailing gro-

In a statement at the time he added: “Our unique variety retailing model continues to appeal to shoppers, who are drawn by our broad spread of products and exceptional value for money. We remain very pleased with our new store programme, which is delivering healthy earnings growth and exceptional returns on capital. This financial year we plan to create 2,500 new jobs in the UK. We remain confident that we can increase our store base from 400 stores to our stated goal of 850 stores in the UK.” Part of the secret of B&M’s success is its ability to source low cost goods from the Far East. In the statement the company said:

cery chain in Blackpool. The brothers introduced homewares, toys, toiletries, pet goods and clothing. More than 90% of what they sell is non-food. It offers knockdown prices by buying from suppliers in the Far East and manufacturers’ clearance sales. Now headquartered in Liverpool, B&M has over 450 stores and by spreading south across the country aims to have 850 in six years. News of their far from bargain-basement performance spread, and in 2012 the Aroras sold a 60% stake to American private equity group Clayton, Dubilier & Rice valuing it at £965m. Its new owner also brought in ex-Tesco titan Sir Terry Leahy to chair the firm. Exit was via a stock market flotation last year, which valued B&M at £2.7bn. But some City watchers fear that B&M will go the way of its chairman’s alma mater, Tesco, as competition in the discount sector hots up. Simon rejects the comparison – he told the FT that the pace is ‘steady Eddie rather than a mad rush for growth’. If so, it seems to be working: revenues rose 24% to £456.6m in 2015 and B&M is now worth around £3.27bn. After a recent £204m share sale, the Arora family is worth a comfortable £1.9bn. Wealth: £1,900m Latest turnover: £1,648m Five-year rise in turnover: 206% No. of employees: 19,462 Five-year rise in employment: 203%

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Ministers ‘have no plan to address teacher shortages’

Ministers have “no plan” to meet the growing teacher shortage in England, says the Public Accounts’ Committee. The select committee, which has called for an overhaul of the system, says in a report that the government has no sense of urgency in making sure schools have enough teachers. This is despite teacher training targets being missed for four successive years. The government said there are 13,100 more teachers than there were in 2010. Committee chair Meg Hiller said the training of teachers was too important to get wrong, but the government had taken too little responsibility for getting it right. “The Department for Education (DfE) has repeatedly missed its target to fill training places. At the same time, it has remained woefully aloof from concerns raised by front-line staff and freely available evidence.”

‘Haphazard approach’

She said the department “took comfort from national statistics but pays insufficient heed to the fact that teaching happens locally, in individual schools”. The DfE monitors the national teacher vacancy rate, but this does not take into account the fact that

Schools do all they can to ensure there is someone in front of class when short of teachers

schools do everything they can to cover any gaps and put teachers in front of classes. They will ask existing staff to take on extra duties, use more supply teachers and ask teacher assistants to fill in. Ms Hillier added: “It is a basic point but one worth spelling out for the government’s benefit: variations in the supply and quality of teachers at local level can significantly affect pupils’ educational attainment and life prospects. “This highlights the disconnect between real-world problems and a government department whose haphazard approach to teacher training risks putting pupils’ fu-

tures in jeopardy.” The report said national statistics disguised significant local variations and did not reflect the experience of head teachers across the country when trying to recruit.


“From its national vantage point the department does not understand, and shows little curiosity about, the size and extent of teacher shortages around the country and assumes the head teacher will deal with gaps,” the Training New Teachers report said. The report expresses concern about how many pupils are being taught by teachers

without higher level qualifications in the subjects which they teach. It cites a survey by the Association of School and College Leaders, which reported in March that nearly three-quarters of school and college leaders are asking teachers to take subjects in which they are not specialists. The report also acknowledges that the DfE has been introducing new methods of recruiting teachers for some years but many of these plans “were experimental, unevaluated and still evolving”. “Its approach is reactive and lacks coherence,” the report added.

The report urges the government:

• to draw up a clear plan for teacher supply covering the next three years, detailing how targets will be met and based on better data • to set out how it will talk to school leaders about the recruitment challenges they face • to report back on the extent of teachers taking lessons in which they are not qualified • to ensure there is clearer information on where applicants may train to become a teacher and how much it costs Malcolm Trobe, Association of School and College Leaders interim

general secretary, said: “This report is a wake-up call for the government about the teacher recruitment crisis. We have repeatedly warned about the scale and severity of this problem. “While the government has belatedly taken some action to address this situation, its measures do not go far enough or fast enough.” Schools minister Nick Gibb said the government did not recognise this picture of teacher training and was “disappointed” the report did not recognise “the significant work already done, and the vision set out in the White Paper, to increase the number of people entering the classroom”. “We know there are some local challenges, the truth is despite rising pupil numbers and the competitive jobs market a stronger economy has created, more people are entering the teaching profession than leaving it, there are 13,100 more teachers today than when we came to office and the ratio of teachers to pupils is stable with more teachers also choosing to come back to the classroom,” he said. “All of this is thanks to an aggressive and concerted approach to teacher recruitment including high profile media campaigns, new routes into teaching and generous bursaries.” Shadow education secretary Lucy Powell said: “The Tory record on teacher recruitment and retention is one of failure. Year after year they have missed recruitment targets and their policies are driving teachers out of the profession with the highest number of teachers ever leaving last year.”

Questions raised over Home Office treatment of international students PIE News

The UK’s Home Affairs Committee has said that “serious questions” have been raised about the conduct of the Home Office over its treatment of international students in the ETS TOEIC cheating scandal. Natalie is a journalism graduate from City University London, who spent part of her degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studying mass communication. In her spare time, she is either glued to the news channels or watching The Night Manager. “We find it deeply concerning that the Home Office was unable to provide this information” The committee will be launching an inquiry into the Home Office, after the Upper Tribunal condemned the government department for deporting thousands of international students in response to the allegations of cheating in some ETS test

centres in 2014. “It is extraordinary that the Home Office has carried out no independent investigation itself” In a report released last week, the Home Affairs Committee said: “We want to be satisfied that the Home Office’s actions are proportionate and just,” and pointed to the fact that the Home Office made its decision to deport thousands of students based purely on evidence from ETS itself. “It is extraordinary that the Home Office has carried out no independent investigation itself of the allegations of fraud in relation to English language testing and instead has relied on evidence from ETS, one of its approved providers and a party under criminal investigation,” the report said. At the end of March, a tribunal found that the Home Office did not adequately prove that the thousands of international students

who were deported had cheated on their ETS test. The allegations originally emerged after a BBC Panorama documentary exposed that cheating took place at an ETS test centre in London. However, the Home Office was unable to tell the committee how many of the tests were

related to those not applying for a Tier 4 visa, how many cases were currently before a tribunal, or how many tests were said to be valid, which was described in the report as “unacceptable”. “We find it deeply concerning that the Home Office was unable to provide this information given

Home Secretary, Theresa May, had been accused of acting in haste

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the gravity of this matter and the number of people affected,” it said. The Home Affairs Committee also received evidence that testtakers were only told why their visas were revoked after “extensive requests for information”, without the chance to review or contest the information against them. “It is clear that, if the problem of fraud in English language testing is not handled properly, the UK risks causing extensive damage to its reputation as a leading destination for international study, not to mention the emotional and financial cost to the individuals affected,” the report said. As a starting point to the inquiry, the committee has called on the Home Office to set out the process for out-of-country appeals, the steps taken to ensure a fair hearing, as well as whether this will include giving appellants access to the evidence against them.




20th - 26th June 2016 Follow us on Twitter


New head of UK schools watchdog ‘has no teaching experience’ By Gonzalo Viña/ Financial Times

Amanda Spielman, a co-founder of one of the biggest academy chains, is set to become the head of England’s schools watchdog, Ofsted. Ms Spielman, who currently heads Ofqual, the quango that oversees exam boards, is set to replace Sir Michael Wilshaw after he steps down in December and comes to the job despite having no hands-on teaching experience. Nicky Morgan, education secretary, said Ms Spielman was chosen “because of her impressive breadth of experience across the education sector and her proven commitment to raising standards for children and young people”. As a co-founder of Ark schools, one of the largest academy chains in the country, Ms Spielman’s nomination to the job drew criticism from unions who questioned her “impartiality” in pushing through future government reforms. Plans to force all schools in England to become academies were dropped by the government, after a series of capitulations by the Conservative government to dissatisfied backbenchers. The plan would have

The incoming Ofsted chief currently heads Ofqual, which oversees exam boards

seen all council-controlled schools being forced to start converting to academies by the end of 2020, was first announced in March. Academies are funded directly by central government and operate independently of local education authorities. Two-thirds of secondary schools have already converted but 15,000 schools do not have academy status, including the majority of primary schools. Kevin Courtney, acting general secretary of the National

Union of Teachers, said: “To have as the new Chief Inspector of Ofsted a person who has no teaching experience and who is heavily implicated in the academy programme certainly does call into question both their suitability and impartiality for the job. It is a sad indictment of this government’s attitude to education that they place such little value on the experience of teachers and head teachers, that they would not consider such a background necessary for the chief

inspector’s role.” Before joining Ofqual in 2011 and Ark, where she had been on its founding management team since 2005, Ms Spielman worked in corporate finance for more than 15 years, including stints at Nomura International, Mercer Management Consulting and Kleinwort Benson. Sir Michael, although a supporter of the academies programme, has often challenged the government over its failure to do more to improve standards in disadvantaged areas. Most recently he warned of a “deeply troubling” trend in which 410,000 children in the north and the Midlands go to a secondary school that is below the “good” ranking. Mary Bousted, general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers said the education secretary will “doubtlessly be relieved to have a less troublesome chief inspector than Sir Michael”. He had been “unafraid to challenge the government’s policy when he thought it was wrong. Whereas Amanda Spielman’s record is of agreeing with and implementing the government’s policy, and we expect Nicky Morgan wants more of the same”, she said.

Two-thirds of UK university students say their degree is poor value for money Study International

Two-thirds of UK-based university students do not believe their course is worth £9,000 a year, with overall student satisfaction levels falling considerably lower among students from black and ethnic minority backgrounds, a recent survey found. Undergraduate satisfaction levels have fallen dramatically over the past four years since the introduction of £9K fees in 2012. Figures are displayed in the recently published 2016 Student Academic Experience Survey. According to the survey, 33 percent of the UK’s current student cohort felt their degree was “good” or “very good” value for money, a considerable drop from the 52 percent who gave the same response back in 2012. On the opposite end of the scale, 35 percent of survey respondents claimed they were getting “poor” or “very poor” value for money for their overall student experience, while 32 percent believed it was neither good nor poor. Overall, students of African, Asian or African-Caribbean descent were much less impressed in their pursuit of UK higher education. In total, three-quarters of those who responded to the poll claimed they had not received enough information regarding where their £9k annual payments were being spent. The announcement comes less

than one month after the controversial UK Higher Education White Paper renewed the debate surrounding university fees. In May, Simon Crowther, a recent university graduate, went viral after a letter to his local MP showed his student loan stacking up interest of £180 a month, totalling a massive £1,800 a year, and slammed the UK government for ‘misleading’ university students in their promise that interest rates would remain low. The White Paper sparked further uproar after the Government announced plans to introduce fees in-line with inflation, before differentiated caps are introduced in 2019-20, meaning students will have to fork out even higher costs for a UK education. “Universities and the Government both want to see tuition fees increase, but students are strongly opposed to this,” said Nick Hillman, Director of HEPI, noting that if costs are increased, universities would need to “show how any extra fee income will directly benefit their students”. With rising concerns regarding mental health among the UK’s current student cohort, the survey also asked respondents a number of questions on this topic. Figures revealed that just 21 percent of students experienced what they would consider as “low levels” of anxiety, while comparatively, 41 percent of the general population gave the same response.

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Colleges are ‘essential to our societies and communities’, says new AoC CEO

By Julia Belgutay/ TES

The next chief executive of the Association of Colleges was announced, David Hughes tells TES he is confident that FE colleges have a bright future. David Hughes is anything but the new kid on the block in further education. He has spent almost 20 years working in the FE and skills sector, first at the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) and then the Skills Funding Agency (SFA). Most recently, he oversaw the relaunch of adult learning charity Niace as the Learning and Work Institute. In September, Mr Hughes will take on another of the biggest jobs in the sector when he replaces Martin Doel as chief executive of the Association of Colleges, which represents more than 350 colleges in England. ‘Striving for fairness’ Throughout his career, Mr Hughes has been driven by a desire to strive for fairness. This trait was instilled in him by his parents – a clerk and a dinner lady – during his upbringing in London, he tells TES. “We were brought up to believe in ourselves, so I always felt privileged but not affluent,” he says. “That gave me the chance to look out for people and strive for fairness. So that has always driven me. “What I have always wanted to do is give people choices. The reason I have been involved with further education colleges in the last 20-odd years is because they are often essential for giving chances to people. They are essential to our societies and communities, and they are now having a difficult time.” Mr Hughes is confident that his wealth of experience will stand him in good stead in his new role, particularly with huge changes ahead after the area reviews, which are expected to result in “fewer, larger, more resilient and efficient” colleges, and the devolution of skills funding.


20th - 26th June 2016 Follow us on Facebook



Boundaries stepparents shouldn’t cross A stepfamily offers a new chance at love and family life, but it is also an attempt to bring together various parents and problems, different spouses and siblings. “A stepfamily is a fundamentally different structure and it makes a different foundation for relationships than a first-time family,” says psychologist Patricia Papernow, a member of the National Stepfamily Resource Center’s expert council and author of Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamily Relationships: What Works and What Doesn’t. One of these differences is that in a stepfamily, the spouses do not have an equal relationship to the children or in the parenting process. This dynamic sets up a web of boundaries that stepparents are wise not to cross. Here we tackle eight common slipups to avoid and how stepparents can handle these situations.

without using the term “Mom” or “Dad.” And if the kids do decide, on their own, to use that term for you, demonstrate a quiet gratitude and a responsibility to live up to the label. 2. Spanking your step kids. Even if you believe in spanking, a stepparent should never cross the line of administering physical consequences to a child. “Always refrain from losing your cool and hitting, swearing or ‘losing it’ with your stepchildren,” says JoAnne Pedro-Carroll, PhD, clinical psychologist and author of Putting Children First: Proven Parenting Strategies to Help Children Thrive Through Divorce. “It’s hard enough when tempers get out of control between children and their own parents. The incident and the painful memories of [physical discipline from a stepparent] can last a lifetime and take a toll on any chance of building trust and respect in the

time and effort into the relationship with your stepchildren if you want more. 4. Getting involved in parenting discussions between your partner and the ex. It can be tempting to weigh in on a parenting discussion between your spouse and his or her ex--but don’t. “The ex didn’t agree to co-parent with you and will likely feel ganged up on if you give unsolicited advice,” explains Jenna Korf, a certified stepfamily foundation coach at Stepmomhelp. com and co-author of Skirts At War: Beyond Divorced Mom/ Stepmom Conflict. “Exes who are still holding on to anger or hurt from the divorce can cause a world of pain for you and your spouse, so try to avoid inserting yourself into their discussions.”

1. Trying to take the place of the mother or father. Whether the new marriage is a result of divorce or death, you can never take the place of the other biological parent and should not attempt to. “These children are not yours,” says Derek Randel, parenting expert and certified stepfamily coach through the Step-Family Foundation in New York City. “No matter what the biological ex-spouse has done, respect the child’s need to love that parent.” The same goes for requiring that the step kids call you “Mom” or “Dad.” Don’t ever demand it or even ask for it. Instead: Be clear with yourself and the stepchild about your role in the family. “A stepparent can become a loved, respected mentor to the child while realizing that he can’t reconstitute the biological family,” Randel says. Remember that a stepchild can develop feelings of love and respect for you

new family.” Instead: Remove yourself from the situation if you feel yourself getting overly worked up and report any misbehaviour to the biological parent to determine if consequences are necessary. 3. Assuming a position of authority. Young children, under the age of 5 or 6, may be more willing accept a stepparent’s authority in the new family, but schoolage children and teens will often rebuff a stepparent’s attempts at automatic authority. Instead: “For new stepparents, it is best to proceed slowly - not as a disciplinarian, but as a supportive friend to the child and a supportive resource to your partner,” Dr. Pedro-Carroll suggests. You may have won the heart of your new spouse, but if he or she is a package deal with kids in tow, you’ll need to earn the love and respect of your new stepchildren too. Basic respect is a must, but you’ll need to put

Instead: Although stepparents can certainly provide their input into a parenting situation, this should be done privately with the spouse, not during the conversation with the ex. “Any decisions or information should then be shared with the ex by the biological parent,” Korf says. Make a concerted effort to build a positive relationship with your spouse’s ex so that your interactions and input can be well received. 5. Getting involved in arguments between your stepchild and your spouse. “If you want to preserve your relationship with your stepchildren and partner, it’s best to let them work conflict out on their own,” Korf says. “Unless the stepparent and child are well bonded, the child will likely feel that the stepparent is butting into their business, and this can cause the child to feel resentful of their stepparent.” Even if you have the best intentions, Korf says, your in-

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20th - 26th June 2016 Follow us on Twitter


UK’s leading retailer of South Asian high fashion goes online

Aashni + Co launches e-commerce platform –

Manish Malhotra

Finally, dedicated followers of fashion across the UK and globally will be able to shop the latest collections by India’s top tier designers at domestic, Indian retail prices as the UK’s leading retailer for South Asian high fashion, Aashni + Co, launches its muchawaited e-commerce platform at Featuring a chic aesthetic and easy to navigate, online shopping system, consumers from not only the UK but across the globe will now be able to shop a carefully curated collection of the most soughtafter designer collections through a simple, user-friendly process. Offering an extensive range of the most sought after designer pieces at affordable prices consistent with India, a further USP is the online store’s world-class customer service and e-shopping experience, reflecting the brand’s in-store reputation. Additionally, the e-commerce aspect of will feature an array of designers as exclusives to the website and the informed Journal – a blog section featuring designer and influencer contributions and latest trend stories across Fashion and News; Beauty and Wellbeing; and Travel and Lifestyle – making the must-visit website for the cosmopolitan woman. Designers in the pipeline include Anushree Reddy (exclusively available online with Aashni + Co), Anamika Khanna, Anita Dongre, Payal Singhal, Ridhi Mehra, Ridhima Bhasin, Rimple and Harpreet Narula, SVA, Varun Bahl, Gaurav Gupta and many more. Aashni + Co was launched in 2012 to introduce the immense talent by the visionary designers of South Asia to UK customers. Having established itself as a leading retailer of top tier, South Asian fashion in the UK, connecting a global audience beyond geographical barriers with the store’s hero brands and designers has been the logical next step. The online aspect of the Aashni + Co brand stays true to its penchant for all things discerning and luxe and brings the modern Indian woman a specially curated edit of the best in fashion, with personalised customer service at its heart.

Are hair gels good for styling men’s hair?

By Jawed Habib, International Hair Stylist, exclusive

Men’s hair styling is done with many styling products and not only gels nowadays. Wax, mousse, dough, spray etc are the styling products which are widely used. All the products of reasonably good brands are safe as long as you are using them correctly. The most important thing is not to use them on your scalp, that creates

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greasiness and may even damage your hair. Also don’t keep these styling products for more than 8-10 hrs, you should wash them out with shampoo. Giving a gap in use of these products is a good tip too, do regular avoid them for a week or so in-between. Small things make a big difference, even in hair care! Follow the above instructions, and you will soon find a change in your hair look.


20th - 26th June 2016 Follow us on Facebook




Leo - Jul 23 - Aug 22

Starts with: Chu, Che, Cho, La, Lu, Le, Lo, A You will be in mood to keep aside all work, cares and worries, and just abandon yourself to the spirit of gaiety and joyful festivities. You have earned yourself a well deserving holiday, or a reprieve from a hard tiring work schedule, which has given you satisfactory results as far as your job or financial position, is concerned. You will make the most of the holidays or vacations that you will take during this period and spend all your time in the company of your family, loved ones and friends.

Starts with: Ma, Mi, Mu, Me, Mo, Ta, Ti, Tu, Te Business activities will thrive. You are at your creative height and work out plans, which will yield better profits than usual. Your rivals will be surprised and will look at you with respect. Your reputation will bring in offers of partnership, which you may accept only after you scrutinise the proposals in detail. Some participation in a social or community function is indicated which will bring out the unknown side of your personality and you will gain high praise and respect for it. You may also make some useful contacts, which can be helpful in expanding your business activities. Household affairs will be smooth and the expected problems do not surface at all. Some visitors can be expected who will make for an enjoyable and thrilling get-together.

Taurus - Apr 20 - May 20

Virgo - Aug 23 - Sep 22

By Rajan Joshi - Aries - Mar 21 - Apr 19

Starts with: E, U, Ai, Au, Va, Vi, Vu, Ve, Vo You will be in festive mood and looking forward to joyful celebrations in the company of family and friends. Having achieved stability in your job and business it is quite natural now to enjoy the fruits of success. Make no fresh financial commitments now and just attend to routine work. You may have to put in some extra effort to complete a certain assignment that got held up due to technical reasons. Now with all the necessary clearance you will complete this particular assignment and retrieve the money blocked in this venture. The married will patch up their differences and have a great time during the upcoming festivities. Youngsters can look forward to exciting times with a little bit of fun and romance.

Starts with: To, Pa, Pi, Pu, Sha, Na, Tha, Pe, Po You will be looking forward to forthcoming festivals and holidays for which you may have made some exciting plans. Having achieved stability in your work and career, and with comfortable financial situation, you will leave all your cares and worries behind and get into the mood to celebrate. A happy and cheerful atmosphere at home, combined with certain auspicious event coming up in the family, keep you in high spirit. Love and romance is strongly into focus and you will make it a point to include your mate or beloved in each and every activity that you will participate in. Have a great time.

Gemini - May 21 - June 20

Starts with: Ra, Ri, Ru, Re, Ro, Ta, Ti, Tu, Te The week begins on a positive note with you receiving news of concluding a favourable contract. This new venture assures a steady income and without much hard work on your part. This piece of news will make you happy and you will plan a joyful celebration in the family. You will be busy making arrangements for outstation guests you have invited for a get-together you have organised at your home. Youngsters, who have been romantically involved with someone for over a long period, will now introduce their friend to their family. This is ostensibly to seek the permission of elders for their marriage in future. Your family will be rather happy at your choice of partner and also the decision that you wish to settle down.

Starts with: Ka, Ki, Ku, Gha, Dha, Chha, Ke, Ko, Ha The week is replete with joyful celebrations. You will be able to conclude most of your pending assignments and will now make plans for holidays in the company of family and friends. Financially you will feel quite secure and put in some money in savings. This is not the right time to make long term financial commitments, for there will be indications of changes in governmental policies in the near future. The employed will have a busy period ahead, and they may have to put in extra hours in completing their current task. Family life is quite happy. The married will resolve their differences that they are able to do with the mediation from a parent or an elder in the family. Youngsters planning to travel overseas for study or training programme will be leaving this week.

Cancer - June 21 - July 22 Starts with: Hi, Hu, He, Ho, Da, Di, Du, De, Do You will conclude the year on a very positive and profitable note. The next few days you will be busy at home organising family gettogether and re-arranging a few things for a larger social function towards the weekend. Your personal life is very much on an upward swing, and your mate or beloved will plan some exotic programme for your much-earned indulgence. You will look back at the year gone by with gratification despite a few knocks that you may have received around the middle of this year. Seniors will plan to set out on a pilgrimage in the company of their family, which will be spiritually a very enlightening experience.

Libra - Sep 23 - Oct 22

Scorpio - Oct 23 - Nov 21 Starts with: To, Na, Ni, Nu, Ne, Nau, Ya, Yi, Yu In business your relationship with your partner is on the verge of a break down and sincere efforts will be required by both of you to save it in the interest of hitherto flourishing business. Your seniors seem to be particularly relying on you for certain types of assignments for which you have developed some expertise. This may not find favour with your colleagues but they also know that you are capable and devoted. Unexpected but pleasant news from a distant place is indicated. With a steady romance, secure job and a healthy bank balance, you are feeling comfortable and happy. You may think of some treat with your loved one. Family atmosphere is free of tension and everybody is willing to share in the work willingly. You will now have to be prepared for a festive occasion, which will require a fair amount of money and advance preparations.

Sagittarius - Nov 22 - Dec 21 Starts with: Ye, Yo, Bha, Bhi, Bhu, Gha, Pha, Dha, Bhe Financial growth and prosperity is assured to you during this week. The employed will learn about their forthcoming promotion and elevation to position of eminence. Your seniors holding a small gettogether will celebrate this news at office. Now is the time for joyful celebrations. You will set aside all work-related cares and anxieties and indulge whole-heartedly in the festivities coming up during this week. And you have deserved this merriment having put in lot of hard work and struggle to attain a stable position and financial security. Your family will support you in every activity and your mate or beloved will be rather proud of you. Friends and admirers will seek you out and you will graciously accept most invitations. Have a great time.

Capricorn - Dec 22 - Jan 19 Starts with: Bho, Ja, Ji, Ju, Je, Jo, Kha, Khi, Khu, Khe, Kho, Ga, Gi You will conclude most assignments early this week in order to avail of brief respite from a rather hectic schedule. You will make exciting plans for the forthcoming holidays and include your family and friends for joyful celebrations at your home. The married and those in love will share delightful moments that they will long cherish. You are in no mood to economise on spending on yourself or in buying expensive gifts for loved ones. Today you feel that you are in position to give presents, especially to those that have always stood by you and encouraged you in times of your emotional low. This is in no way a gesture of repaying for the support you received, which in any case was invaluable, but means to show your gratitude. You will have a very happy and joyful celebration ahead.

Aquarius - Jan 20 - Feb 18 Starts with: Gu, Ge, Go, Sa, Si, Su, Se, So, Da After having worked hard and also taking care of your domestic responsibilities, you will now get into mood to take time off to just celebrate your success. Financial stability and a secured career can make it easier for you to indulge in joyful merry-making with family and friends. You will be sought by most of your acquaintances because of your positive and jovial outlook on life and living. And you are not going to refuse anyone that wish to join in to participate. Of course your mate or beloved being highly possessive would love to have you exclusively for some evenings but you will manage to sneak such moments of togetherness despite being regularly in large gatherings.

Pisces - Feb 19 - Mar 20 Starts with: Di, Du, Tha, Jha, Sha, De, Do, Cha,Chi You will be very excited about your forthcoming trip that you have planned in the company of your family and beloved. Your work and financial position is rather comfortable and you will not spare any money in making your travel and holidays memorable for times to come. Youngsters, who have been in love for some time now and are eligible, will make plans for getting married. Their family will be very pleased at their decision and give their blessings. Everyone in the family will be happy at the eventful that you have had and you can now dreams for even more well future ahead.

Unbelievable: Evidences that prove time travelling was real! in ancient times. But some stories of ancient India and others talk about people who had time travelled.

Ancient People Who Knew Everything About Time Travel

By Vishakha Sharma

Time travelling and time machines are always fascinating to talk about. We have also seen many films that have shown the concept of time travel, but are you sure if it’s for real? Can we actually go back in the past or move forward in time? The topic is debatable and many scientists have investigated whether it could one day be made a reality. Albert Einstein for example, concluded in his later years that the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously, and most are familiar with his well-known concept of relativity. Moreover, if we look into ancient texts we can find a number of references to time travelling. It is so shocking and difficult to believe that time travel was really a possibility

Time Travel in Ancient India : According to this story, although Raivata’s trip did not last long, when he returned to Earth, 108 yugas had already passed on Earth. One yuga represents about 4 million years. The explanation Brahma gave to Raivata is that time runs differently in different planes of existence. There’s a story according to which when Christians were in a dispute with the Roman state. There were 7 young men who went into a cave and went to sleep. When they woke up, they were hungry and decided to get out in search of food. However, to their surprise they found that there was no fight and that Christianity had spread to every corner of the Roman Empire. They soon learned that they had slept not for one night but for200 years. These 7 seven men later died naturally (and permanently) and were buried in the cave in which they had slept. The cave of the Seven Sleepers is located on the eastern slope of Panayirdag hill in Turkey. The story refers to a group of young Chris-

tian people, who in 250 AD tried to escape persecution and retreated, under God’s guidance, to a cave where God put them to sleep. They woke up 309 years later.

Time Travel in Japan

There is another fascinating story of time travel that comes from Japan. According to this legend, a young fisherman, Urashima


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Taro goes to visit the protector god of the sea in an underwater palace. He is under the impression that he has only been gone for three days, but when he returns to his fishing village, he finds that it’s been 300 years that he’s been gone. Everything that he knew of was long gone, his family, friends and his way of life, everything had changed in what seem to be for him only a few days.

Solution of last week




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Ask the spiritual healer Phone: 07970641691 • email: Gita - Chelsea

I feel unhappy all the time I feel as though I am on my own and am very lonely. I have read your articles in the Weekly Tribune and I feel that you can help me.

Bobbie answers

I certainly can help you but you need to come and see me. Peace within yourself, healers and guides around you to help you and your family. GOD LOVES US ALL. IN RETURN HE WANTS US TO REMEMBER HIM. WE WORRY ABOUT ONLY OURSELVES BUT IF WE START WORRYING ABOUT

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Success is not what we take it to be By J. P. Vaswani (Dada ji), EXCLUSIVE

Every one of us wants to be successful. Though we move along different pathways of life, we are all in search of success. Each one wants to be successful in his or her sphere of activity. A girl met me the other day and said, “During your absence from Pune, my wedding will take place. I want you to remember me on that day and pray for me, so that I may be successful in my new phase of life.” Yet another day, I received a long distance call from a student in America. She was about to appear for, her final examinations. “Do pray for me that I may be successful in my examinations and show brilliant results!” she said to me. Everyone wants to be successful in life. But there are few who know the elements of success, the factors that go to build up success.

Today, success is being confounded with making money, with amassing millions and billions. John D. Rockefeller was such a multimillionaire, to whom success did not bring happiness. His biographer tells us that by the time Rockefeller was 53, his life was a wreck. He was the richest man in the world and yet he was miserable! He was sick –physically, mentally and emotionally. All his millions could not make him happy. Rockefeller turned a new leaf. He stopped accumulating wealth, and began to give away his wealth. Thus was born the Rockefeller Foundation, which sponsors and supports education and medical care throughout the world. John Rockfeller re-wrote and re-defined the meaning of success for himself. Some people equate success with power and position. A fond mother said to me that her son had achieved success in life at the young age of 23. He had been appointed

as the Managing Director of a large industrial concern. But a few days later, I heard that the young man was rude to his colleagues and unpopular with his workers; that he had a foul temper; and that he had fallen a victim to the two vices of gambling and drinking. Would you describe this young man as being successful? Many of us tend to equate success with visible material acquisitions. There was a young woman who wore expensive clothes and diamond jewels; her handbag was stuffed with currency notes, she drove about in a Mercedes. Everyone agreed that she was indeed a woman who had achieved success in life. But when this young woman met me, she said to me with tearfilled eyes, “I am one of the unhappiest women on earth. My husband is constantly running after other women and pays no attention to me.” Would you call this young

women successful? Jay Gould, the American millionaire, amassed great wealth. But as he lay dying, he lamented, “I suppose I am the most miserable man on earth!” There is no happiness in wealth, but there is considerable wealth in the experience of happiness. What is the definition of success? What is true success? I believe that true success is in some way or the other, related to inner happiness and peace of mind. It has been rightly said that if you lose your wealth, you lose but little. If you lose your health, you lose something. But, if you have lost your peace of mind, you have lost everything! Outer things, external achievements, are not the yardsticks for success. Power, prestige, position, social influence, higher degrees awarded by universities — all

Dada ji

these are outer things. They only touch the fringe of life, they don’t enter the depths within. A man may have all this, and yet he may be intellectually barren; he may be emotionally unbalanced, spiritually sterile. Would you call such a man successful? What then, is success all about? I would define success as the ability to be happy and make others happy; the ability to love and be loved; the ability to remain in peaceful harmony with oneself, with those around you and with God’s cosmic laws.

Discovering the true meaning of Ramadan By Saeed/ The National

As it turns out, Ramadan is not simply an exercise in fasting during the day, binge-eating during the night and setting the clock to the morning’s wee hours for those inclined to rise for the predawn meal. Neither is it about irate drivers who feel entitled to exhibit road rage, lacklustre employees who see the month as an excuse to slack off and overworked women slaving over a stove every day in preparation for the sunset meal. Ramadan is none of those things, if done right, and instead, is the chance for a spiritual boost, with lessons to be applied long after the month is out. The month: So Ramadan is here (almost). How do we know this? Because according to official Islamic bodies, the crescent moon will soon be sighted, marking the beginning of the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Lasting 29 or 30 days - the end date will be revealed through another official lunar sighting in the last week of the month - Muslims are to refrain from food and liquid (including chewing gum, smoking cigarettes and the like) from dawn to sunset, and instead renew their focus on prayers and increase their recitation of the Holy Quran. Why it’s so special: It is the

month in which the Holy Quran was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed. As a result, Ramadan is also known as the month to recite the holy text even more eagerly and with renewed dedication to completing the task. Muslims are encouraged to complete the full recitation of the Holy Quran at least once during the month. With an average of 600 pages, this seemingly huge

task can be achieved through the recitation of four pages before each of the five prayers daily throughout the entire month. The fast: It is one of Islam’s five main pillars (the others being the belief in one God and the Prophet Mohammed as His Messenger, praying five times a day, completing the pilgrimage to Mecca for those who are able and giving

charity or “zakat”). It is mandatory for all Muslims upon reaching puberty, as long as they are mentally and physically sound. The elderly and chronically ill are exempt from fasting; however, it is incumbent upon them to feed the poor instead if they possess the financial means. A spiritual detox: The fast is not simply about denying your body food and water. It also involves arguably the more taxing challenge of avoiding ill speech, arguments, loss of temper and malicious behaviour. The whole point of the fast is to demonstrate submission to God and keep the mind focused on a spiritual plane. The benefits: Patience and mercy, which, let’s face it, we all need more of in these harried times. Ramadan is viewed as a month-long school where graduates leave with a developed sense of self-control in areas including diet, sleeping and the use of time. The meals: The fasting day is book-ended by two meals: suhoor and iftar. The former is the early morning meal consumed before fasting begins at dawn, while the latter is to break the fast at sunset. If breakfast is viewed as an important meal, a healthy suhoor is even more vital as it is meant to last you up to 15 hours - as is the case this summer in the UAE - before

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breaking bread again. Slow digesting foods like barley, wheats, oats and lentils are recommended and limiting fatty and sugary products would be wise. There is a propensity to binge eat at sunset, but a balanced, moderate meal would really make all the difference, considering that the evenings are spent engaging in special nightly prayers. It is also recommended to break the fast with dates, as was the practice of the Prophet Mohammed, before moving on to other dishes. The prayers: Ramadan is also defined by extra congregational prayers performed nightly after the evening isha prayers, which are normally the last prayers of the evening. Such an occasion presents a rarity in the UAE: a city devoid of the normal onslaught of evening traffic for the duration of Ramadan. For those living near a mosque, expect your neighbourhood to be a hive of activity for the whole month. The finish line: Ramadan culminates with the three-day Eid Al Fitr holiday celebrating the end of the fast. Marked by a special morning prayer, the day is a form of spiritual graduation and a chance to permanently implement the spiritual lessons learnt throughout the month. Muslims dress in their best and visit friends and relatives as a sense of community prevails.


20th - 26th June 2016 Follow us on Facebook



What kind of future does the steering wheel have? By Patrick George/ Car Technology

Google’s self-driving koala car doesn’t have one. Recent concepts from Mercedes-Benz and Volvo have ones that retract when they aren’t needed. But for now, nothing is more intrinsically tied to the act of driving than the steering wheel. Does it have a longterm future? That’s what gets pondered in this Automotive News story. For decades the steering wheel has been a seemingly irreplaceable part of the driving experience, and while it’s not perfect, it’s intuitive enough that attempts to replace it have never gone very far. That’s because it’s a near-ideal form of human control for a car. But we’re entering an age where automakers and regulators seem to want human control to be on the way out. From the story: James Hotary, director of xWorks Innovation Center of Faurecia Automotive Seating NA, said the steering wheel’s iconic place controlling the vehicle might not last forever.

“I think we’re in many ways stuck in the paradigm of a steering wheel,” said Hotary in response to a question at the WardsAuto Interiors Conference in May in Detroit. “On the one hand, it’s a pretty darn good input device. It’s comfortable. You can put your hands in a bunch of different positions. It has stood the test of time. Completely autonomous vehicles are not going to be

Car brands will disappear as industry adapts to digital future, Lapo Elkann warns By Nick Gibbs/ Automotive News

Some car brands will disappear as the auto industry forms more partnerships in a bid to adapt to a digital future, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles shareholder Lapo Elkann said. “I believe that there will be fewer brands,” he told the Automotive News Europe Congress here today. “Brands will unite and more brands will work hand in hand.” Elkann also warned that current predictions of how new technology entrants such as Google and Apple will approach the industry might be incorrect. “Their level of cash flows are so high we don’t know what they’re going to do,” he said. Elkann left Fiat, which was cofounded by his great-great-grandfather Giovanni Agnelli, in 2006. He returned to the auto industry last year with Garage Italia Customs, a Milan-based company that specializes in custom bodywork, paint and

upholstery. He remains a shareholder of FCA and recently joined Ferrari’s board. He told the congress that customization was a 597 billion euro industry. Cars accounted for 93 billion euros of that and has expanded at a rapid rate, he said. “The personalization industry has grown far more than the expectations of the car builders,” he said. Customization at Garage Italia starts at about 4,000 to 5,000 euros for a wrap for the Fiat 500 minicar, but the company also can personalize boats, planes and helicopters, he said. Elkann plans to expand the company from Italy into the US next year, with China following in 201718 and the Middle East in 2018. Elkann said he learned understand the desire to personalize cars from his experience helping launch the first generation of the new Fiat 500, a car that he said “democratized personalization.”

around anytime soon.” But, says Hotary: “What happens when all of a sudden the manu-

al part is the less-common-use case? Why are we keeping this legacy device around?” Legacy device! What a depressing way to refer to one of the most important parts of a car. A steering wheel, and its steering feel, can easily separate a great car from a mediocre one. At the same time we’re seeing existing steering wheels become more and more complex, with systems like Volvo’s that can detect when your hands aren’t on the wheel during semi-autonomous driving, or the buttons on the upcoming 2017 Mercedes E-Class wheel that can register gesture control. And then there’s retracting steering wheels, ones that disappear or move out of the way somehow when they aren’t needed. We haven’t seen those on production cars yet but

automakers have toyed with them in various concepts. It seems like that’s a plausible outcome for steering wheels as cars become increasingly autonomous. Then again, I’m of the opinion that self-driving car adoption will take a lot longer than most experts and analysts predict—even if the technology is ready for prime time, getting drivers to not only trust it but spend money on it isn’t going to happen en masse in just a handful of years. And since joystick-driven cars haven’t caught on by now, it seems probably that they—or other non-wheel means of input—ever will. It’s steering wheel or bust for a while. But in the meantime, what form do you think steering wheels will take as cars increasingly don’t need a human operator?

You can now buy UK car insurance for self-driving cars By Chris Smith/ Trusted Reviews

A UK insurance policy has launched what it believes to be the first policy aimed at drivers with autonomous features within their cars. The policy from Adrian Flux insurance will help to cover those with features like auto parking and anti-lock braking (ABS). Tesla cars, for example, feature an Autopilot system that offers automatic parallel parking as well as lane changing and speed management systems. Gerry Bucke GM of Adrian Flux, said: “We understand this

driverless policy to be the first of its kind in the UK – and possibly the world. “More than half of new cars sold last year featured autonomous safety technology, such as self-parking or ABS, which effectively either take control or take decisions on behalf of the driver. And it’s only going to continue. Driverless technology will become increasingly common in our cars over the next few years.” Drivers owning cars with autonomous technology will probably receive cheaper policies based on the assumption that 90 per cent of road

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deaths are caused by human errors. Drivers will also be covered for the failure to install software updates and packages, failures in GPS or operating system failure. Also, and here’s a new one, they’ll be covered if a car gets hacked. Bucke told The Guardian: “We already provide discounts for cars fitted with assistive technology, such as autonomous braking, as it has been proved to reduce accidents, and therefore claims.” The policy, Bucke said, is likely to evolve as driverless tech continues to develop.




Is Romeo Beckham ditching football for tennis? Watch Beckham youngster play a game with Andy Murray

20th - 26th June 2016 Follow us on Twitter


England v Sri Lanka: Hosts win series 2-0 as rain ruins final day at Lord’s By Justin Goulding

England were denied the chance to press for a series whitewash over Sri Lanka as rain ruined the final day of the third Test at Lord’s. Only 12.2 overs were possible in two spells, during which Sri Lanka progressed from 32-0 to 78-1 in pursuit of a notional 362 to win. Kaushal Silva was the sole wicket to fall, lbw to James Anderson, before play was called off at 17:10 BST. A five-match one-day series starts on 21 June, followed by a Twenty20. Dimuth Karunaratne finished unbeaten on 37, while Kusal Mendis made 17 not out, hitting Joe Root for six off the final ball of the match. With both sides taking two points from the draw - Sri Lanka’s first in 17 Tests - England lead 10-2 in the inaugural ‘Super Series’. There are 12 points available in the limited-overs series. Questions answered, problems remain – Agnew, Bairstow glad to ‘prove people wrong’

place in the middle order, while Alex Hales took a sizeable step towards securing the opener’s berth by averaging 58. But England’s success was founded on the potency of their attack, led brilliantly by James Anderson with 21 wickets at less than 11 apiece. Stuart Broad’s haul of 12 wickets was bettered only by Anderson, Chris Woakes produced his Test best with bat and ball after replacing the injured Ben Stokes, and Steven Finn hinted at a welcome return to form at Lord’s.

...but questions still to be answered

England may hold all but one of the nine trophies on offer against countries in bilateral series, but there remain grounds for concern for coach Trevor Bayliss. Their toporder collapses are still to be eradi-

cated - they have lost their first four wickets before reaching 100 five times in the past seven innings. The search for a reliable number three goes on after Nick Compton managed only 51 runs in five innings, and it remains to be seen whether James Vince, who scored only 54 runs at 13.5, will be retained at number five for the Pakistan series later this summer. Despite taking 19 catches - a record for an England wicketkeeper in a three-Test series - Bairstow’s glovework has been heavily criticised thanks to three drops and a missed stumping. ‘I proved a few people wrong’ what they said. England captain Alastair Cook: “It would have been a really good day’s cricket. It would have been good to see our guys under some pressure.” Sri Lanka skipper Angelo Mathews: “It would

How’s stat?! The numbers you may have missed

Some England problems solved...

Andy Murray speaks with David Beckham and his son Romeo Daily Online

Former England, Manchester United and Real Madrid star David Beckham was watching his 13-year-old son Romeo play tennis , with world number two Andy Murray. Romeo seems to have his heart set on tennis rather than football as his sport, practising with Murray and having his photograph taken with Australia’s Nick Kyrgios at Queen’s Club in London. Murray was training for the Aegon Championship at the club, played on grass, which helps players improve their technique before the Wimbledon championships. “You know I think when you look at role models you want them to be passionate about the sport. You want them to be passionate about what they do, play hard all the time, and Andy is one of those players,” said proud father David Beckham, taking photographs of his son with Murray.

have been an interesting chase but the weather interrupted. We wanted to go for it.” Man of the match and man of the series Jonny Bairstow: “I felt like I had a few people to prove wrong. This series and in South Africa I think I’ve done that.” Former England batsman Geoffrey Boycott and Test Match Special: “Number three, Compton, and Finn’s bowling is up for debate. “If Stokes isn’t fit, Finn will survive. If Stokes is fit, Woakes has out-bowled Finn. Compton has two four-day matches for Middlesex and I don’t know which way the selectors will go.”

This is the first time in eight Tests in England that the match reached the fifth day. This was England’s first draw on home soil in 14 Tests, and only the second at Lord’s in 10 Tests. James Anderson’s bowling average of 10.8 is the best for an England bowler taking at least 20 wickets since Derek Underwood against New Zealand in 1969.

For all England’s frustration at the weather on Monday, they can take credit for the efficient manner in which they completed a 2-0 series win over an inexperienced Sri Lanka side exposed by early summer conditions. Jonny Bairstow’s return of 387 runs was 95 more than the next best batsman and cemented his

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