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Connecting Businesses and Communities 20th - 26th June 2016

EU court backs UK on welfare curbs


UK inflation came in below expectations page 8

Europe’s top judges rule foreign nationals can be treated differently to limit the burden on UK taxpayers. The European Court of Justice has backed Britain’s right to refuse welfare payments to jobless EU migrants who do not have the right to live in the UK. The European Commission took the legal case against Britain to the Luxembourg court, on the grounds that it was discriminating against citizens of other EU countries attempting to claim handouts including child benefit and child tax credit. But Europe’s top judges ruled foreign nationals

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Tax regulation leads to rising rent - page 16

could be treated differently to limit the burden on taxpayers. They said the “right to reside” test “does not go beyond what is necessary to attain the legitimate objective pursued by the UK, namely the need to protect its finances”. Judges said there was nothing in EU law to stop other member states imposing the same test on jobless foreign nationals. Pro-Remain campaigners hailed the ruling as a sign that the UK can act to prevent “benefit tourism” while staying in the European Union. Anthea McIntyre MEP, Conservative employment spokesman in the European Parliament, said: “The Commission may have attempted to dictate to Britain, but it has been put in its place by the EU’s own institutions.” Liberal Democrat MEP Catherine Bearder added: “The right to travel and work abroad is a two-way street. Around 1.2 million Brits choose to live in the EU. Leaving Europe will not only cost British jobs and push up prices, it will also reduce opportuni-

ties for Brits to live, work and study abroad.” Pro-Brexit former work and pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith said: “It’s absurd that we have to run every nut and bolt of domestic policy past Luxembourg, and then engage in lengthy and expensive court battles if they decide they don’t like what our democratically-elected Government is doing. “As well as the cost to taxpayers of fighting these lengthy drawn-out cases, it’s clearly an illegitimate challenge to our sovereignty. Although David Cameron didn’t want to admit it, this case and others like it are proof positive that the unelected European Court of Justice is now supreme above our elected Parliament. They decide the rules and the only way to prevent this kind of intervention in future is to vote Leave on June 23.” A spokesman for HM Revenue and Customs said: “The UK welcomes the Court of Justice of the European Union’s judgment, which supports our view that we are entitled to ensure only EU migrants who have a right to be in the UK can claim our benefits.”

Eight reasons you have no energy - page 19




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Labour’s Tom Watson: EU free movement rules must change Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson has said EU immigration rules may have to be revisited, saying “woe betide” the party if it ignores public concerns. A future government, he said, would have to make the case to revise EU-wide freedom of movement rules for workers. Labour MP John Mann, a Leave supporter, said the party was finally “admitting defeat” over backing for open borders. It came as Jeremy Corbyn praised the role of migrants in the NHS and urged Labour to unite to stay in the EU. Vote Leave said there was confusion within Labour over its stance on immigration, ten days ahead of the referendum on whether the UK should stay in or leave the EU. Follow the latest updates with the BBC’s EU Referendum Live

EU referendum highlights Labour’s fears

Reality Check: Will there be migration of 275,000 a year until 2035? Laura Kuenssberg: Gordon Brown - have you heard it before? EU referendum: The immigration question In a speech at the TUC’s headquarters in London Mr Corbyn publicly thanked the “fantastic service” provided by foreign-born doctors, nurses and other professionals in the NHS. “We welcome them, we work with them and we’re proud of what they do,” he said. He challenged leading Conservative Leave supporters who have said leaving the EU would free up £100m a week extra to spend on the NHS, to acknowledge the impact that it would have on the public services. “What’s the answer Johnson, Farage and Gove have got to that? The NHS couldn’t afford to lose 52,000 dedicated professionals and still deliver the service we need. They should think about these things before they shoot their mouths off in the way that they do.”

‘Pushed around’

But Mr Corbyn is facing grow-

ing calls from within his party to take a tougher line on immigration amid concerns that Labour voters who feel strongly about the issue are leaning towards voting Leave on 23 June. Most of Labour’s 229 MPs support staying in the EU. Former minister Frank Field, one of about 10 who back leaving, said Labour voters felt left behind by globalisation and alarmed by levels of immigration and would no longer be “pushed around” by an out-oftouch elite at the top of the party. He warned that if Brexit-supporting Labour voters were made to feel “unclean” about their choice, there would be mass defections to UKIP and Labour’s chances of winning the next election would be doomed. “The idea that Labour voters are owned by the party... and the troops will do as they are told. That may have happened in 1945 but it has long ceased to happen


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and it isn’t going to happen this time.” And Mr Watson said that while he supported the UK staying in Europe, the issue of uncontrolled migration was “coming up on the doorstep” and people need to be reassured that a Remain vote did not mean the end to reforms in Europe.

Analysis by political correspondent Iain Watson

The message from Jeremy Corbyn today was that Brexit would be bad for your health - arguing that many in the Leave campaign are no friends of the NHS. But some in his shadow cabinet believe Labour has to talk more about the issue that’s concerning many of their traditional voters: immigration. And those voters have to hear practical proposals. Shadow home secretary Andy Burnham is calling for action to protect the living standards of

skilled workers and prevent them from being undercut by migrants. Another shadow cabinet member said he was picking up that some of the party’s supporters were ‘weak Leave’ and could be brought round to Remain by a clearer and more consistent campaign on issues that concerned them. Others said that voters simply needed reminding that the vast majority of Labour MPs back Remain. Mr Burnham told me there is still time to win over the sceptics but his view isn’t shared by all senior Labour politicians. As one senior figure close to the unions put it: ‘People want change. If Brexit is the only change on offer, they’ll take it.” “For the last decade, I would say that immigration has been the backdrop to every election we’ve had in Britain,” he said. “And you know, woe betide politicians that don’t listen to what voters tell them. “You know, I think a future

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Europe will have to look at things like the free movement of labour rules.” Greater controls on economic migration should be a priority for a future Labour government, he suggested. And shadow home secretary Andy Burnham has said rules should be brought in immediately to protect skilled wages and discourage the use of agency staff from across Europe. “It would work by setting clear rules that the going rates for work in the skilled sector cannot be undermined because what we get at the moment is people brought in at the minimum wage that undercut electricians or plasterers or whatever it might be,” he said. Earlier on Tuesday, flanked by his shadow cabinet, Mr Corbyn warned that the future of the NHS could be threatened by a Leave vote while, in a co-ordinated attempt to bring Labour voters on side, union leaders also warned of public sector cuts. Speaking the day after ex-leader Gordon Brown attempted to galvanise the party’s supporters, Mr Corbyn said there would be a “bonfire” of workers’ rights if there was a UK vote to leave the EU. “We want to defend the very many gains made by trade unions across Europe that have brought us better working conditions - longer holidays, less discrimination and maternity and paternity leave,” he said at the TUC’s headquarters. “We believe a leave vote will put many of those things seriously and immediately at risk. “We also want to extend those rights and we best extend those rights by working with trade unions, labour parties and socialist parties all across Europe in the interest of the working people all across the continent.” Meanwhile, leaders of some of the country’s biggest trade unions, including the TUC’s Frances O’Grady and Len McCluskey of Unite, have signed a letter saying they are worried leaving the EU will be “a disaster for working people”. Another letter, signed by 60 past heads of the UK’s medical royal colleges and the British Medical Association, say the UK benefits from EU-wide action on infectious diseases and access to new medicines. The views expressed in this newspaper do not necessarily reflect the position of the publisher; the editorial advertiser(s) do not carry any endorsements presented by the publisher. Readers must take responsible care and precautions, when buying goods and services from advertisers. The newspaper and its publishers will not accept any claims from any dispute under any circumstances.

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Brexit’s for rich, Chancellor says George Osborne warns that the poor would be worst hit by a Brexit - but a vote to remain would cause the economy to “bounce back”

George Osborne has made the extraordinary claim that leaving the EU is for the richest in the country, while people on low incomes would suffer most. Speaking exclusively to Sky News, the Chancellor said poorer communities would be “hit first” and “suffer longest”. In a week where Labour is expected to dominate campaigning for Stronger In, Mr Osborne made the appeal in Porthmadog, in northwest Wales.He said: “When there is a recession, it is the poorer communities who are first hit and who suffer the longest. “Brexit might be for the richest in our country but I’ll tell you, people on low incomes, people on

insecure incomes ... they are the people who suffer when the economy fails and goes into recession. “Let’s not impose that on this country in just over a week’s time.”But the Chancellor also said he wanted to make a positive case for Remain, suggesting there would be a “bounce back” in the economy if people vote to stay on 23 June. “I think there will be a snap back,” he said. “People will see investment flooding into the country. “We’ve focused a lot on the downsides of quitting but there is a huge upside for our country, which is that we remove an uncertainty that has hung over this country - and all those decisions that have been delayed over recent months suddenly get taken.The money starts flowing in and the jobs are created.” He also responded to an apparent Foreign Office leak reported by the Sunday Times suggesting the Government had misled the public over Turkey joining the EU. “This is the reddest of red herrings,” he said. “Turkey is not joining the EU. We are not offering visas to Turkish citizens. These things are not happening. Again, let’s not quit the EU on a false story.” When pressed as to whether this meant Vote Leave had lied, he added: “I think they have totally misrepresented the truth.” Later, in a Facebook Live for Sky News, the Chancellor also claimed former prime minister David Lloyd George would have backed the Remain side. “Lloyd George would definitely be for remaining in the EU ... yes. He’s not around so we can’t ask him,” he said. “People like him, people who went before us, they put a huge amount of effort into building up organisations like the UN, like the IMF, like NATO, like the European Union ... “You know, we have to be careful what we wish for on our continent.

Transact and win Gold Bars

With an aim to bring excitement and luck to their transacting customers this festival season, UAE Exchange, the leading global remittance, foreign exchange and payment solutions brand, today unveiled its new promotion ‘Win Gold Bars’ across its branches in London, United Kingdom. The promotion will witness a total of 19 winners, with one winner each week winning a 10 gm gold bar and one mega winner winning one Ounce bar of Gold at the end of the promotion.

Customers who send and receive transactions through the UAE Exchange UK Branches, money2anywhere.com, retail foreign currency exchange transactions or avail Gold Loan during the promotion period will automatically get qualified for the lucky draw. Customers who send and receive transactions through Xpress Money and Western Union are also eligible for the lucky draw. All draws will be computer generated and the winners will be announced through the UAE Exchange website http://www.uaeexchange.com/gbr. Speaking on the occasion, Lakshmi Narayanan, Regional Head-Europe, UAE Exchange said: “Customers are the nucleus of every activity at UAE Exchange and we always challenge ourselves to explore new ways of exciting and enhancing customer experience. The ‘Win Gold Bars’ promotion is one such step in that direction. We are confident that this initiative will further strengthen our relationship with the customers and add a golden value to their transactions.” The promotion ends on 30 September 2016.

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Young runners are on track to good health

Running for fun, youngsters and their families take part in the junior parkrun at Hanworth Park

Hounslow Council’s aim to provide residents with the tools to be active and healthy, have been strengthened further with the introduction of junior parkruns. With parkruns across the borough proving to be popular amongst adults, the weekly session for children has been launched to fit the needs of those aged between four and 14.

Funded by Hounslow Council’s Public Health team and free to take part in, the activity has already attracted youngsters keen to add running to the array of sports they enjoy. The first junior parkrun, which sees children running at their own pace for 2km [just over one mile] - was launched by former European Indoor champion and re-

tired GB sprinter, Adeoye Mafe in Hanworth Park. Councillor Corinna Smart, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Leisure, Hounslow Council, said: “We’re aiming to provide as many opportunities as possible for all ages to enjoy different sports, exercise and activities. “There’s already been great enthusiasm from the younger members of our community to these junior parkruns which is fantastic. “We hope that by providing activities like this, it will further enhance wellbeing and a good quality of life for our residents to enjoy.” The junior parkrun is organised by experienced volunteers and take place every Sunday from 9am in Hanworth Park, TW13 5EG. All levels of fitness are welcome. Carol Moran, one of the local volunteers leading the junior parkruns, said: “I’m a huge fan of parkruns and my young son also loves them. “I was so keen to get these started and pleased we can now provide them in Hounslow.” For more details, visit www.oneyouhounslow.org.uk

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Maharashtra Mandal London stages Laginghai

It is not an exaggeration to say that there would have hardly been any household in India that would not have watched the family entertainer Hum Paanch. At one point, it was the most loved TV serial and Ashok Saraf the most admirable dad of five unique daughters, who always received reprimands from his photo-wife Priya Tendulkar. A character artiste who acted in TV, films and plays for forty five years, Saraf presented an ace performance in the theatrical play Laginghai

recently staged at Maharashtra Mandal London, which proudly hosted him for the first time in the UK in his long acting career. A play by Ved Productions, Laginghai revolves around a widower father and a young bachelor son, who both fall in love. The father’s predicament to reveal his desire to get married to his ladylove was hilariously yet dramatically presented by the seasoned Saraf. His son, played by Onkar Raut, learns this from his father’s romantic interest, played by Aditi Deshpande and persuades his father to disclose his heart openly. Sayali Karlekar excelled as Saraf’s would be daughter-in-law. Aditi Deshpande is the real life daughter in law of popular actress Sulabha Deshpande who passed away just last week. There were several scenes when audience have applauded the performance of the artistes and burst into laughter at the humour. Saraf also celebrated his 69th birthday surrounded by his crew, fans, Executive Committee members and the Trustees of MML. A surprise presentation which included birthday wishes from his family and friends was played to him. The drama was also staged at Slough, Kent and Ilford over the weekend. Later this year, the drama will also be staged in the USA.

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Persian Gulf

Emirati women role models for the region By Afkar Abdullah/ Sharjah

Shaikha Salama bint Buti, mother of Shaikh Zayed, and Shaikha Hessa bint Al Murr, grandmother of His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, VicePresident and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, are models for Emirati women’s participation in social and political aspects said speakers at the Sharjah Ramadan Majlis organised by the Sharjah Media Centre on Sunday at Al Majaz Amphitheatre in Sharjah. The high profile speakers agreed that Emirati women have historically played a crucial role in all walks of life and are role models for the rest of the Arab world as they complement men while remaining fiercely loyal to their identity, faith and Arab and Islamic values, thanks to the invaluable support provided by the country’s leadership, especially the UAE’s founder the late Shaikh Zayed bin Sultan al Nahyan. Noura Al Kaabi, UAE Minister of State for Federal National Council Affairs paid rich tributes to the late Shaikh Zayed, saying it was his vision and leadership that provided the blueprint for women’s empowerment in the country by making it a key part of the young country’s constitution. The first president formed the Women’s Union in the UAE, helping women attain their full potential in all

(L-R) Aisha Sultan, Khawla Al Mulla, Noura Al Kaabi and Mona Al Bahar at Al Majaz Amphitheater

spheres. She also lauded the patronage and support provided by Shaikha Fatima bint Mubarak on this front, saying women understand women better. “There would be no women’s empowerment without the critical support provided by the political leadership,” the minister emphasised. Khawla Al Mulla, Chairperson of Sharjah Consultative Council (SCC), argued that empowerment of women did not come out of nothing and was based on the clear vision provided by the UAE’s constitution and the conscious decision of the political leadership. She lauded the leadership of the UAE and Sharjah for giving women their due. She praised His Highness Dr Shaikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, for

amending the SCC charter to appoint four women to the council. She also thanked him for appointing her as the first woman chairperson of the SCC, insisting her position is not a mere token for the world. She praised Shaikha Fatima and Shaikha Jawaher Bint Mohammed Al Qasimi, wife of Dr Shaikh Sultan for their constant efforts for women’s empowerment. Pointing out that men and women complement each other, she said while in the past women took care of their children and home, the union came to refine their personality and empower them with its various institutions. Dr Mona Al Bahar, acting CEO of Al Jalila Cultural Centre for Children, said women’s empowerment in the UAE is the result of a long process. “When I look at my

mother and grandmother and then at myself sitting here, I realise I am sitting here because of them.” Pointing out that Emirati women have historically supported their men, she said: “When men went diving and fishing, women used to take care of their homes.” Dr Al Bahar paid rich tributes to Shaikh Zayed, saying it was his foresight and vision that has played a key role in women’s empowerment today. “We are not a new country. We are very old as a people and nation going back thousands of years,” she added saying the UAE as a civilisation evolved between the Delmon in Bahrain and Majan in Oman, long before the country came into being. Even Sindbad stories were based on the people of the UAE, she added. Aisha Sultan (moderator) founder and director of Dar Waraq Publishing House, Dubai, said UAE women today provide leadership to both men and women. Hailing women’s progress in the UAE, she said women’s leadership is the subtitle of leadership in the UAE. She lauded the UAE leadership, saying without their support and broad outlook, women’s empowerment in the country wouldn’t have been possible. The first session of Ramadan Majlis hosted saw the presence of senior UAE and Sharjah government figures, scholars, media and dignitaries, including Shaikh Sultan bin Ahmed Al Qasimi, Chairman of Sharjah Media Centre.


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We’ll make Nepal world’s richest country in 25 years: Bhattarai Kathmandu Post

Former Prime Minister and former UCPN (Maoist) senior leader Baburam Bhattarai officially announced the formation of Naya Shakti Nepal, a new party under his leadership, amidst a grand ceremony held at Dasharath Stadium in Kathmandu. Addressing the ceremony attended by Prime Minister KP Oli, various political leaders, Indian leaders and other dignitaries, Naya Shakti Coordinator Bhattarai remarked that his party is bringing the draft that would see Nepal as world’s richest country in just 25 years. Unveiling the Naya Shakti’s stand on form of government, Bhattarai said his party is in favour of directly elected president and seeks to bring about massive reforms in the governance system of Nepal. According to Bhattarai, his party basts for directly elected executive body and fully inclusive legislation. He also stressed on the need for youths’ participation in the leadership. Explaining Nepal-India-China relationship, leader Bhattarai opined that without proper balance between both the proximal neighbours, there will be instability in the country and Nepal will be a playground for outside forces. Naya Shakti Nepal is committed to maintaining internal integrity and

harmonious relationship with India and China, Bhattarai viewed. Talking about the trend of youths aspiring for foreign education, leader Bhattarai said, “Our children do not want to stay in the country due to dangerously flourishing corruption that has established a notion that politics is a dirty game.” “Naya Shakti will bring reforms that will establish that politics is not a dirty game. Politics is not a profession or means of making money. We will make politics pure and trans-

parent. We will maintain uniformity in our words by our action,” Bhattarai remarked. Leader Bhattarai floated the idea of an independent Lokpal—a corruption watchdog— that will look into the corruption allegations against leaders including himself. If a corruption case is field against any leader, the person will be automatically suspended from the post and in case, the court announces him guilty, the leader will be completely eliminated from the party position, leader Bhattarai mentioned. Leader Bhattarai said that many

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s future lies on good international ties: Maithripala Sirisena

Business Standard

Sri Lanka’s future and well-being lie on good international relations with all countries and reconciliation with Tamils based on good governance, President Maithripala Sirisena has said.”I believe strongly that this country’s future lies in reconciliation based on good governance policies,” he said here last night in a foreign policy lecture. Sirisena said that he has been able to improve foreign relations in his tenure. “While there was praise, some of our political opponents have been severely

20th - 26th June 2016 Follow us on Twitter

critical of our foreign policy. They charge that I am trying to betray the nation by allowing foreign countries to invade and grab this country,” Sirisena said, adding that no government has ever pressurised his government on anything. “There is one common theme in all our interactions and engagements that Sri Lanka must establish internal democracy, human rights civil and media freedoms,” Sirisena said. Sirisena, in contrast to his predecessor Mahinda Rajapaksa, has followed a policy of close engagement with all nations. The Rajapaksa administration was criticised by the international community for its human rights record with resolutions in the UN Human Rights Council for three successive years since 2012. The Rajapaksa government dubbed the resolutions as interference in Sri Lanka’s sovereignty. The UN has estimated that 40,000 people died, many of them civilians, during the civil war that lasted nearly three decades. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) battled Sri Lankan forces for a separate Tamil homeland. A brutal military crackdown ended the 37-year conflict in 2009. Rights groups claim government forces killed nearly 40,000 civilians in the final months of the brutal ethnic conflict.

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people ask him of the development models his party is going to follow. He said that his party is not completely inclined towards socialist or capitalist philosophies. “We will assess what will bring prosperity, increased investment and capital formation to Nepal. We will study the cases and develop the driving philosophy of the party,” Bhatarai said. Leader Bhattarai also declared that he will not accumulate property for himself during his political career and said he will invest his life for the country and upcoming generation. Saying that major political parties of Nepal including NC and UML also launched armed struggle in the past, Bhattarai said Maoist also did the same thing against autocratic monarch and hoped that the Truth and Reconciliation Committee formed to probe into war-era cases would conduct fair investigation. He said he will accept the decision of the committee. Coordinator Bhattarai called on all the sections of the society including women, farmer, migrant workers, Dalit, working class people, employee, teachers, religious sects, families of martyrs and disappeared people, media sector, to join and support the Naya Shakti. He said Naya Shakti would guarantee rights to every people. Concluding his speech, leader Bhattarai also said that his party is not against any other party. “We will not pull down other parties. We will place positive agendas and lead according to those agendas. Let’s rise above together,” he said. “In two years after local, provincial or general election, Naya Shakti will emerge as a number 1 party of the country,” said Bhattarai.


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Can Suu Kyi bring change for Myanmar expats? Asia One

Perhaps the Nobel peace laureate can at least ease conditions for migrant workers and the refugees in our border camps. Aung San Suu Kyi’s stated readiness to discuss migrant issues with her counterparts here when she visits Thailand next week as state counsellor and foreign minister of Myanmar is welcome news. Optimism must be tempered, however, unless she arrives with a comprehensive plan covering not just migrant labourers but also refugees - and the benighted Rohingya in particular. Suu Kyi, who’s National League for Democracy formed the government at the end of March, will be in Thailand from June 23 to 25 for talks on bilateral issues. She is expected to visit the Myanmar expatriate community here, perhaps in Mahachai, home to thousands of migrant workers, as a way of demonstrating her government’s concern for their wellbeing. Thailand has long welcomed labourers from its western neighbour. Perhaps more than two mil-

Myanmar Foreign Minister Aung San Suu Kyi

lion of them are currently boosting the Thai economy. But, as of last month, only 155,835 were registered with the authorities, meaning the rest are here illegally. As such they are subject to exploitation in their workplaces. Low wages are the norm for Myanmar immigrants whether here legally or not, but those who are unregistered must also often suffer through slaverylike working conditions. Well documented in the foreign

news media, this is an appalling and unsustainable situation that both governments must resolve. We need easier terms for registering, followed by sweeping improvements to their working conditions. For its part, Thailand has to curb the corruption and close the legal loopholes that allow state officials and employers to take advantage. Improving the lot of Myanmar migrant workers ought to be relatively easy compared to the

complex web of difficulties surrounding refugees and asylum seekers. Thailand has more than 100,000 Myanmar refugees living in nine camps in four border provinces, places where hope for a better future quickly evaporates. They have been coming here, fleeing internecine fighting in their homeland, since the 1988 popular uprising against the military government, and the state’s continuing offensives against armed ethnic groups are still driving more across the frontier. The United Nations and other bodies have resettled tens of thousands of these refugees in third countries, but the majority remains in Thai shelters. All previous efforts between the Thai and Myanmar administrations to find a solution acceptable to all parties, usually involving repatriation, have been in vain. It is in this context that Suu Kyi arrives to see what might be accomplished. With her formidable political experience she surely has clear ideas on how to resolve the problems of her country’s populace abroad, and their resolution would

be a perfect demonstration of how an elected civilian government can do better than the military regimes of the past. Observers will be listening carefully to see if she has any comment on the Rohingya, an ethnic group denied legal status in Myanmar as a result of religious and economic prejudice. Since they lack citizenship, their attempts to flee to Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia are deemed illegal entry, and as a result hundreds of them here are facing prosecution or awaiting deportation - to where remains undecided. Suu Kyi has been disturbingly silent on the Rohingya issue ever since her election campaign and recently rebuked a foreign diplomat over use of the term Rohingya, which her government refuses to recognise. She is admired as a champion of democracy, but seems to have no room in her democratic heart for these people, established in Myanmar for a century and yet still deemed outsiders. Now she comes to Thailand, where the Rohingya have been turned back to sea in their boats, murdered in secret locations and brutalised in custody. Only last month one of them was shot dead while allegedly attempting to escape Phang Nga Immigration Detention Centre. If the tragedy of the Rohingya upsets Thais, surely it must have a greater impact on Suu Kyi. Should nothing be done during her visit about any of these dire issues, her trip will have been meaningless.

Persian Gulf

Ending Iranian Fundamentalism with a coalition of Middle Eastern states In an article on Arab News, an Iranian political analyst said that the Middle Eastern states surrounding Iran must come together as a force, unwilling to accept the fascist dictatorship of Iran. Shahriar Kia said: “An undeniable necessity for such a force right now, lies in the fact that every member of the international community — especially those residing in the flashpoint region of the Middle East — must learn to respect the territorial sovereignty and integrity of their fellow nations.” The violent approach of the mullahs’ regime towards the Middle East and the Arab World makes a coalition between the countries affected not only preferable but vital. Previous attempts at peace and civility have failed; Middle Eastern states have shown the utmost patience but Iran has refused to engage in diplomacy. He states that Iran has trained, radicalised and supported terrorists like Hezbollah in Leba-

non, that Iran has meddled in the internal affairs of other nation states and they have been destabilising its neighbouring countries. Kia said: “The US government has constantly raised the fact that Iran

is the largest state sponsor of terrorism, procuring a wide array of arms, funds, intelligence, safe harbour and logistical support to terrorist groups, the Clarion Project cited sources in an in-depth report

on Iran’s tenacious support for terrorism.” Such a movement would require a strong leader to counteract Iran’s expansionist policies and prevent them meddling in the affairs of other countries; Kia sug-

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gests Saudi Arabia. The movement should be armed with a modern and tolerant interpretation of Islam; in order to fight terrorism with the Islamic faith. He said: “The issue at hand is clear. The solution is in reach. In contrast to previous approaches, the Arab World led by Saudi Arabia has assumed a more independent and robust attitude toward Iran’s temperament of meddling and animosity toward the outside world, and its outrageous belief in its calling to dominate all.” The movement should ally itself with resistance groups like the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), led by Maryam Rajavi, who could put plans into action in order to end the suffering of the Iranian people. He said: “What is now needed is a silver bullet and a final nail in the mullahs’ coffin. Since its creation, the mullahs’ regime has deviously misused Islam to pursue its own objectives and cloak deceitful plots for the region.”




20th - 26th June 2016 Follow us on Twitter


UK inflation came in below expectations By Will Martin/ Business Insider

UK inflation came in below expectations in May, staying flat at 0.3%, according to official figures released. The Office for National Statistics says the consumer price index - the key measure of inflation in Britain - was up 0.3% on a year-on-year basis in May, below the consensus forecast of economists of 0.4% growth and flat from April’s reading. The month-on-month figure came in at 0.2%, a miss on the expected 0.3% rise. Core inflation figures, which strip out volatile goods like oil and food, came in at 1.2%, again below expectations, and flat from the previous months. Prior to the last few months, inflation had stayed between -0.1% and 0.1% for 10 months due to a collapse in

oil prices and a supermarket price war that led to slashed prices, but prices had started to pick up, however with the UK’s EU referendum looming, prices have once again stopped growing as quickly. Here’s the inflation picture for the UK since 2006.

ONS inflation may 2016 Office for National Statistics

While inflation has broadly improved in recent months, April’s reading was a first fall in eight months, and May’s reading is no better. Inflation remains well below the 2% wanted by Britain’s policymakers, a figure it hasn’t hit since late 2013. Alongside the core figures, the ONS releases a breakdown of inflation by sector. In May, the biggest increases in prices were in

Virgin Active sells 35 gyms to focus on luxury clubs

Belfast Telegraph

Virgin Active is selling 35 gyms to rival Nuffield Health as it limbers up for further expansion of its range of exclusive luxury fitness clubs. The group - which was sold to South African investment group Brait for £682 million in 2015 - said the deal would help fund investment in its range of Collection clubs offering spas and services such as shirt pressing, shoe shining and gym kit laundering. The sale, for an undisclosed sum, will leave it with 61 clubs across the UK under plans to focus on London and other major towns and cities. All staff and members will transfer to Nuffield as part of the sale. Virgin Active wants to focus on three styles of gyms in the UK - its exclusive Collection chain, big family clubs and racquets clubs. It said the Nuffield sale will allow it to pump more cash into its Collection expansion, which is seeing the group upgrade another 10 London clubs over the next few years, adding to 11 already opened in the capital and 17 worldwide. Virgin Active is opening a new £6.5 million Collection club in Mansion House, London, later this year. Paul Woolf, chief executive

at Virgin Active, said: “This transaction is an acceleration of our global strategy to focus on high-end clubs in metropolitan areas. “We will have a far more focused UK business with particular strength in London, the South East and bigger towns and cities. “It will also help accelerate investment into our UK estate, particularly as we continue to grow our UK Collection portfolio of clubs.” Details of the sale came as Virgin Active reported a 15% rise in underlying earnings to £133.5 million for 2015 on revenues 3% higher at £630.5 million. The firm now has 276 fitness clubs around the world, with 1.5 million members, up 3% in 2015. It added another nine clubs in the year, with recent overseas investment in southern Africa, Italy, Australia, Thailand and Singapore. Brait bought an 80% stake in Virgin Active last year, snapping up 51% from private equity group CVC Capital Partners and 29% from Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group. Virgin Group retained a holding of around 20%. Brait - controlled by South African retail billionaire Christo Wiese - also last year bought a 90% stake in high street budget fashion chain New Look and increased its holding in supermarket chain Iceland to 57%.

the restaurant and hotel trade, but inflation was dragged by fall food and drink prices, as well as a decrease in the price of transport.

Inflation Office for National Statistics

While the inflation numbers are disappointing, Pantheon Macroeconomics’ chief UK economist Samuel Tombs notes that May’s numbers shouldn’t be too discouraging, as they mask solid inflation in the UK’s dominant services sector. Here’s Pantheon’s analysis (emphasis ours): May’s unchanged inflation rate masks building price pressures in the domestic services sector. CPI services inflation rose to 2.6% in May, from 2.4% in April. This pickup occurred despite a plunge in airline fares inflation to -9.0% from -3.2%. Our measure

of underlying services inflation-which excludes airline fares, as well as education and rent prices which are heavily influenced by government policies-rose to 2.8% in May, its highest level since March 2013, from 2.4% in April. The tightening of the labour market and the increase in the National Living Wage both clearly are boosting cost pressures for firms. The pound was broadly unmoved on the inflation news. Just after 9:40 a.m. BST (4:40 a.m. ET) sterling is down around 0.85% against the dollar, having been dragged earlier in the day by news of several polls showing the Leave camp taking control in the EU referendum. Here’s how sterling looks: quark/charts/netchart/savings.qxd

MONEYFACTS SAVERS SELECTION Telephone Account Notice Deposit % Interest Number or Term AER Paid EASY ACCESS ACCOUNTS WITH BONUS West Brom BS www.westbrom.co.uk WeBSave Bonus Saver None (W) £1,000 1.30%* Yly Tesco Bank www.tesco.com Internet Saver None (W) £1 1.21%* Yly Post Office Money® www.postoffice.co.uk Online Saver 21 None (W) £1 1.00%* Yly TSB Via branch Easy Saver Instant £1 1.00%* Yly TSB www.tsb.co.uk eSavings None (H) £1 1.00%* Yly SAGA 0800 066 5701 Telephone Saver (18) None (T) £1,000 1.00%* Yly EASY ACCESS ACCOUNTS WITHOUT BONUS RCI Bank UK www.rcibank.co.uk Freedom Savings None (K) £100 1.45% Yly Virgin Money www.virginmoney.com Defined Acc E-Saver 6 None (W) £1 1.26% Yly United Bank UK Via branch Online Easy access None (W) £500 1.25% Yly State Bank of India www.sbiuk.com Online Instant Access 4 None (W) £500 1.25% Mly Shawbrook Bank www.shawbrook.co.uk Easy Access - Issue 5 None (W) £1,000 1.25% Yly Nottingham BS www.thenottingham.com eSaver Instant Issue 4 None (W) £500 1.21% Yly 1 YEAR FIXED RATES Fidor Bank www.fidorbank.uk Savings Bond 18 Month Bnd (W) £100 1.90% F OM Fidor Bank www.fidorbank.uk Savings Bond 12 Month Bnd (W) £100 1.80% F OM Al Rayan Bank 0845 6060 786 Fixed Term Deposit 18 Month Bnd £1,000 1.76% F Qly BLME www.blme.com Premier Deposit Account 18 Month Bnd (W) £25,000 1.74% F OM Charter Savings Bank www.chartersavingsbank.co.uk Fixed Rate Bond 18 Month Bnd (W) £1,000 1.70% F OM Charter Savings Bank www.chartersavingsbank.co.uk Fixed Rate Bond 1 Yr Bnd (W) £1,000 1.66% F OM 4 YEAR AND OVER FIXED RATES FirstSave www.firstsave.co.uk Fixed Rate Bd 5th 7 Yr Bnd (W) £1,000 2.75% F Yly BLME www.blme.com Premier Deposit Account 5 Yr Bnd (W) £25,000 2.75% F Yly Union Bank of India (UK) Ltd 0207 332 4250 Term Deposit 5 Yr Bnd £1,000 2.50% F OM Milestone Savings www.milestonesavings.co.uk Fixed Term Deposit 5 Yr Bnd (K) £10,000 2.50% F Yly Close Brothers Savings www.closesavings.co.uk Fixed Term Deposit 5 Yr Bnd (P) £10,000 2.50% F Yly BLME www.blme.com Premier Deposit Account 4 Yr Bnd (W) £25,000 2.50% F Yly MONTHLY INTEREST Charter Savings Bank www.chartersavingsbank.co.uk 95 Day Notice Issue 9 95 Day (W) £1,000 1.55% Mly RCI Bank UK www.rcibank.co.uk Freedom Savings None (K) £100 1.45% Mly Charter Savings Bank www.chartersavingsbank.co.uk 60 Day Notice Issue 2 60 Day (W) £1,000 1.45% Mly Buckinghamshire BS 01494 879500 Chiltern Gold Generator 7 180 Day £1,000 1.35% Mly FirstSave www.firstsave.co.uk 60 Day Notice 60 Day (W) £5,000 1.35% Mly Charter Savings Bank www.chartersavingsbank.co.uk 30 Day Notice Issue 2 30 Day (W) £1,000 1.30% Mly NOTICE Bank and Clients 01935 609600 6 Month Notice Account 6 Month £1,000 1.60% Yly Charter Savings Bank www.chartersavingsbank.co.uk 95 Day Notice Issue 9 95 Day (W) £1,000 1.55% Yly Shawbrook Bank www.shawbrook.co.uk 120 Day Notice Issue 35 120 Day (K) £1,000 1.55% Yly Raphaels Bank 01296 436661 Sapphire Account 6 Month £5,000 1.55% Yly Al Rayan Bank 0845 6060 786 120 Day Notice 120 Day £250 1.51% Mly Hampshire Trust Bank www.htb.co.uk 90 Day Notice (7) 90 Day (P) £1,000 1.50% Yly VARIABLE ISAS Al Rayan Bank 0845 6060 786 Notice Cash ISA 120 Day £250 1.55% Mly Bank and Clients 01935 609600 90 Day Cash ISA 90 Day £1,000 1.50% Yly Yorkshire Bank 0113 807 2000 Cash ISA - 40 Day Notice 40 Day £15,000 1.50% Yly Clydesdale Bank 0800 445265 Cash ISA - 40 Day Notice 40 Day £15,000 1.50% Yly Buckinghamshire BS 01494 879500 Mly Income Cash ISA (6) 180 Day £100 1.36% Mly Coventry BS 0800 121 8899 Easy Access ISA (3) Instant £1 1.30% Yly * = Introductory rate for a limited period. B = Operated by Post or Telephone. F = Fixed Rate. H = Operated by Internet or Telephone. K = Operated by Internet, Telephone or Post. OM = Interest paid on maturity. P = Operated by Post. T = Operated by Telephone. W = Operated by Internet. All rates are shown as AER. All rates and terms subject to change without notice and should be checked before finalising any arrangement. No liability can be accepted for any direct or consequential loss arising from the use of, or reliance upon, this information. Readers who are not financial professionals should seek expert advice.

FIGURES COMPILED ON: 09 June 2016 Source:

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