The International Wedding Trend Report 2020

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Bought to you by The Wedding Academy

The Inter national Wedding Trend Repor t 2020 The Wedding Academy are the publishers of the Wedding Trend Report released annually at the start of January for wedding professionals around the world. This report is THE TREND BIBLE created by the industry for the industry. Watch the video now!

W hat's inside



Mont e Durham and Tara Fay' s Top Trends

7- 8

What t he Pro's Say

10- 12

Kylie Carlson's 2020 Top Trends


Mont e Durham's Wedding Tips


Trend Influences


LGBTQ+ Weddings



18- 31

THEME & DESIGN TRENDS Wedding Theme & Design Trends

33- 39

2020 Colour Palett e Trends

40- 42

Wedding St at ionery Trends

43- 50

STYLE & DECOR Wedding Styling & Decor Trends Floral Design Trends

52- 63 64- 72



74- 80

FOOD & BEVERAGE Food & Beverage Trends

81- 91

Cake & Sweet Trends

93- 97

PHOTOGRAPHY & ENTERTAINMENT Wedding Photography & Cinematography Trends

99- 106

Ent ert ainment Trends

107- 110


112- 131


133- 140

BEAUTY & FASHION Wedding Fashion Trends Hair & Beauty Trends Groom's Style Trends


142- 147 148- 153 154

BUSINESS OF WEDDINGS The Business of Weddings

157- 164

Market ing & Social Media

165- 167

St aying Educat ed & Current


CONTRIBUTORS Our 2019 Cont ributors

170- 174

About t he Publishers


Wedding Fashion Trends with

M onte Durham TREND PREDICTIONS FROM THE SAY YES TO THE DRESS SUPERSTAR! Coverage is big and t hat could be t hrough a jewel neckline, cap sleeve, st raps added to t he dress or elbow lengt h sleeves. In fact , sleeves as a whole are coming back and in a big way. Natural waist s will be popular. Drop waist s were in vogue but now, gowns are sitt ing just below t he natural waist . We?re also seeing fuller, soft er skirt s t hat can be made even more voluminous if t he bride want s.

We used to see wide cummerbunds but now, you?re more likely to run across ½ inch to Ÿ inch fine ribbon belt s t hat will accentuat e t he bride?s waist . Embellishment s will be a focal point- from hand t extured element s to int erest ing laces. What we?re not seeing is heavy bling, which also plays into t he accessories. In fact , brides are also really liking buttons again as well. Bows are back in a big way, whet her t hey?re situat ion at t he top of t he gown, or in t he back. We?re seeing small tuxedo bows as embellishment s on t he shoes or belt s, to huge bows reminiscent of t he 80s. Shoes are making a huge comeback- brides are really paying att ent ion to what shoe t hey are wearing, especially if having a very black t ie or out door wedding. Just remember, if you do swit ch shoes, t hat t he gown is hemmed appropriat ely for bot h heel height s Men are being a litt le more proact ive in what t hey wear. As a result , t he market place will be playing into t hat . Tuxedo rent als will look more like suit ing. Expect to see more fine litt le ribbon st it ching inst ead of heavy st ain lapels, along wit h belt s inst ead of cummerbunds. Bows and st ring t ies will be t he top picks, while navy blue and grey will be t he two biggest colors playing into men?s suit ing, which will oft en be paired wit h brown accessories.

Celebr ity Weddings with


What are t he biggest celebrit y wedding t rends for 2020? To be aut hent ic to t hemselves and not to be seen to be following someone else's t rend. Biggest dest inat ion spot s for celebrit y weddings in 2020? Sout h of France, Morocco, India, Scot land & Ireland. What 's out in 2020 for celebrit y weddings? Copycat what someone else has done. So st andard wedding cakes, t hey must for example have a story att ached to not only t he design, but also t he flavours et c. What 's carrying over from 2019 int o 2020? Celebrat ion of families and friends and privacy. Whereby celebrit ies are releasing photos aft er t he event . They live t heir lives in t he public eye, but want t heir wedding day to be a celebrat ion of t heir love wit h t heir nearest and dearest What kind of t hemes are popular wit h celebrit y weddings? Anyt hing t hat represent s t hemselves as a couple. They want to be seen as t he t rendsett er, t he t railblazer.

What the Pro's say

On st at ionery t rends... "There are 3 major t hings. The first is personal touches, t he second is classic wit h a twist - and t he t hird is just embracing vibrant , really beaut iful color. Lot s of excit ing t hings happening, and ult imat ely, it 's all about personalizat ion and just creat ing somet hing memorable and a perfect keepsake for your wedding." Ceci Johnson, Founder and Creat ive Direct or, Ceci New York On design and st yle... "Couples will be making eco- conscious decisions for t heir 2020 weddings. We'll see an abundance of Brit ish and homegrown flowers, natural and reclaimed mat erials which will influence t he overall look and feel of wedding design. We're not t alking rust ic and chint z t hough, millennial couples will st ill be looking for elegant and modern styling" Louise Beukes, Founder, B.LOVED // B.LOVED Hive

On celebrit y weddings... A huge t rend we will see is a different twist on t he wedding party. Inst ead of having bridesmaids and groomsmen, many couples are opt ing to have "VIPs" inst ead. These are people t hat will get ready wit h t hem and be in plenty of photos, but t hey will not be forced to wear what ever is select ed for t hem, nor will t hey have to carry bouquet s or do anyt hing else t radit ional. Personally, I love t his t rend."

On Bridal fashion t rends... "The 2020 modern bride, will choose to wear a simplist ic style wit h an unapologet ically edgy flair. Wit h an emphasise on personal style being key to next years bridal t rends, as t he fashion conscious bride want s to be dressed in t he knowledge she is ident ifying wit h her own style." Emilia Ridealgh, Designer/ Bridal St ylist , Rock t he Frock

Danielle Rot hweiler, Wedding Planner, Rot hweiler Event Design On Wedding ent ert ainment ...

what the pro's say

On LGBTQ weddings... "As gender fluidity becomes more of an understood concept , t he t erm ?bridal? is evolving. It no longer refers solely to a femaleident ifying person. I?ve had many male- ident ifying readers want to feel ?bridal? on t heir wedding day. Wit h more male- ident ified and non- binary celebrit ies such as Billy Port er and Jonat han Van Ness rocking dramat ic t rains and capes on t he red carpet , I foresee t hat inspirat ion to st art moving over to t he wedding space in t he near future. While you st ill should swap out ?bridal? to t he more gender- neut ral ?wedding? for het eronormat ive t erminology such as ?bridal party,? ?bridal suit e,? and ?bridal bouquet ? in your copy and communicat ions, don?t be surprised if one of your male client s want s to feel bridal wit h his wedding day look or general feeling." Brit t ny Drye, Founder and Edit or- in- Chief, Love Inc. On cat ering t rends... "Couples today want convenient , sophist icat ed culinary experiences wit h fresh, natural and addit ive- free food. They need t ransparency in t he source and t he way it 's prepared. So embrace t his one, because t his one's not going away. " Meryl Snow, Owner, SnowSt orm Solut ions

We love seeing couples incorporat e scavenger hunt compet it ions into t heir cockt ail hour. It 's less about t he cockt ails and hors d'oeuvres and more about creat ing opportunit ies for loved ones to connect . Along a similar vein, lawn games are hot- Jenga, Connect Four, Corn Hole, Chess, et c. Photo boot hs are a perennial favorit e but now, t he opt ions have really leveled up, Slo mot ion and gif boot hs are at t he top of many couple's "must have" list s. Kevin Dennis, Owner, Fant asy Sound Event Services

W hat the Pro's say...

On phot ography t rends... "The guest experience has been a major topic for 2020 couples. We are seeing a smaller guest list and a more grand experience. Dest inat ion weddings are as popular as ever and pre- wedding excursions or group out ings such as clay shoot s for t he guys and spa t rips for t he girls are an ever growing part of t he wedding weekend. It ?s all about making each guest fill loved and special." Arden Upt on, Owner, Arden Phot ography.

On venue t rends... "A new wave of modern weddings are embracing t he luxury count ry home, wit h exquisit e int eriors infused wit h design det ails, and t he emphasis firmly focused on exclusive use and a weekend experience. I predict client s looking to marry in t he UK will be searching for venues t hat offer exclusive design det ails, history, and flexibility." Pamella Dunn, Creat ive Direct or & CEO, Pamella Dunn Event s

On Bridal hair and beaut y.. "What we?re not icing is t hat brides want a very natural, almost dewy look. They may concent rat e on t he eyes or t he lips, but not bot h. If a bride goes wit h a bold eye, for example, t hey?ll do a soft lip, or vice versa. Wit h hair, it ?s int erest ing to see a shift as more brides let t heir hair do what it normally does versus what it wouldn?t do under ot her circumst ances. Upsweeps will be big- but brides will want soft t endrils coming down, not necessarily as curls. They will embrace natural colors- we aren?t going to see a lot of plat inum blonde or dark, dark colors. Ombre is also st ill making a comeback." Mont e Durham, Say Yes To The Dress ? At lant a

2020 Top Trends with


Everyt hing old is new again t his is all about t aking t rends from decades past and breat hing new life into t hem and putt ing a polish on t he past . Finding ways to int egrat e modern t echnology, colours, flair and boldness into t he popular t rends of eras gone by. In part icular, we're seeing t his happen wit h t he t ried and t est ed Boho Trend. Here at Wedding Academy HQ we're calling it 'Moho'. This modern twist on t he classic Boho is st ill relaxed but wit h an inject ion of bolder more st riking colours t hat give it a new modern twist .

Sust ainable Weddings 2020 couples are looking for ways to reduce t he environment al impact of t heir wedding from t he wast age of food and use of plast ic to all inclusive venues to avoid t ravel to mult iple venue. It 's all about reducing t he carbon foot print a wedding can make. There are so many ways now to plan a sust ainable wedding and some of t hose include using recycled paper for t he wedding invit es, opt ing for foam free (also known as oasis) florals, and working wit h cat erers to ensure food is sourced locally and even choosing a venue t hat limit s t he amount of t ravel made by guest s.

Mult iple communicat ion a large part of our focus at t he Wedding Academy is on helping our student s to grow t heir wedding business and a t rend we're seeing becoming bigger and bigger is mult iple forms of communicat ion wit h client s. It 's no longer possible to rely on just one met hod for reaching your pot ent ial client s. Alt hough email isn't going anywhere people's Inboxes are now rammed and so it 's vit al to have ways of st aying in touch t hrough more inst ant met hods. This means looking at more ways of automat ing your messages so you can reach people quickly and easily by ut lising plat forms such as Messenger and What sApp and gett ing familiar wit h Chat bot s which will explode in 2020.

'M OHO' in Colour

Wit h t hanks t o t he wonderful shoot t eam: Venue: Clapt on Count ry Club Planners: The Wedding Academy St ylist : Anemone Phot ographer: Rachel Takes Pict ures Film Team: Crosscut Media Florist : The Blume St udio Cake: Peboryon Hair and Makeup: Hannah Monk

MOHO is t he essence of evolving t rends, born from bot h et hereal and abst ract element s. For t his st yled vignet t e, t he t eam want ed t o highlight t he seasonal revivals of popular mainst ream t rends, rat her t han fleet ing designs from one year t o t he next . Wit h t he ?MOHO?design, t he t eam hopes t o inspire couples t o embrace t he juxt aposit ion bet ween soft and st riking, growing int o t he must- have st yle of 2020. The t ouches of organic t ext ures, cot t on linens, pampas grasses, and rat t an will remain, but cont emporary t wist s will add pops of vibrancy. Luxurious shades of grape compot e, cinnamon st ick, and saffron give an air of relaxed elegance, but edgy and urban when layered wit hin design det ails and ornat e inst allat ions. From a maximalist st andpoint , t his t rend combines bold st at ement pieces seamlessly ? elevat ed from 2019?s eart hy red, rust , and neut ral color palet t e t o int roduce more of a modern feel.

Bridal Dress: Heart Aflut t er Bridal Accessories: Tilly Thomas Lux Model: Anit a Cannon

M onte?s Durham's Wedding Tips The st yle maven and Fashion Direct or on Say Yes t o t he Dress: At lant a reveals his t op t ips for nailing your wedding fashion in 2020. On your wedding day, you will go t hrough t hree t ransit ions- your first will be down t he aisle as a bride, t he second in 30- 45 minut es when you?re coming back up t he aisle and you?re married and t hird and final, as a host ess to 250 of your closest friends you haven?t seen since kindergart en. So how can we impact fully t ransit ion t hrough t hose in a way t hat ?s effort less? For t he ceremony, keep t hings soft . You are about to say t hat you want to spend t he rest of your life wit h someone, so pay homage to t hat . Have a light lip, pearl stud and bouquet . Once married, hand off t he flowers and bust le your dress. If you want to own your look- t here are t hree t hings you need in your purse: chandelier earrings, a smoky eye pencil and a red lipst ick. This will help you have a fresh approach to partying t he night away On your wedding day, it ?s a great t ime to really own a fragrance, somet hing t hat can be remembered down t he road, whet her it be Chanel NO 19, Boucheron or a personal favorit e. The best place to put it on t he edge of your veil at t he bottom. When you walk by, you will be leaving a litt le bit of a scent behind you. It ?s a great way to say ?here I am.?

When couples get engaged, everyone will come up and t ell you what to do. They will be knocking on your door wit h tons of informat ion. And one t hing you may hear is- - hurry up and get t he dress, because it set s t he tone. But t hat is not t he right answer Inst ead, book t he venue first- because when I receive t hat invit at ion, I already know exact ly what I?m going to wear as a result . If t heir ceremony is at a five- st ar property at 6pm, I bett er dust off my tuxedo. The venue select ion signals to people t he tone of your celebrat ion. When you go shopping for your wedding, it ?s easy to get dist ract ed and misguided. So, writ e t hree import ant t hings about your wedding on t he back of a card, and every t ime you purchase somet hing for t he wedding and revisit t he card. You might love an invit at ion but t hen remember you wrot e down ?I want my wedding to be romant ic, soft and really family- orient ed.?If it does fit t hat , you move on. Remember to st ay t rue to your style, and what is import ant to you.

The average budget we are seeing has increased to $80k and couples are cont inuing to be very int ent ional about t he creat ives t hey are adding to t heir wedding t eam. They are following wedding creat ives on Inst agram well before hiring to make sure t hey have t he same values. Couples also want to be inspired by t heir stories (why t hey st art ed t heir business, who t hey are), and want to see t he diversity in t heir t eams as well. Chanda Daniels, Creat ive Direct or, Designer, Planner, A Monique Affair

Celebrit y weddings leading t he wedding t rends...

Trend Influences Inst agram has 100% influenced styling t rends and I t hink it will only cont inue to do. We sadly don't get sent images from magazines anymore, or even saved photos but rat her screen- shot s. All screen- shot s and mainly from inst agram. I t hink because Inst agram is a great tool to visually market t he story of your brand, it draws you in to t he aest het ics and t he design t hat goes in to weddings and event s which ult imat ely sell t he look. Whilst we love t his tool, we st ill always encourage our couples to inject t heir personality in to t he day also. You can st ill have an inst a- wort hy day wit h heart and meaningfulness too and t hat 's somet hing we are really passionat e about holding on to in t he world of new t echnology. Lauren, Et c. Event St yling, Founder/ Creat ive Direct or

Keeping wit h t he natural and organic vibe, we'll be seeing lot s of weddings inspired by places like desert s and even jungles. Out door weddings are always popular, but even if t hat 's not possible, we'll st ill get t hat feeling indoors wit h vibrant colors and t extures being used t hrough flowers, linens and st at ionery. The organic and boho chic vibe is moving into 2020, and for very good reasons. First of all, t he natural look is gorgeous and it doesn't matt er what color you use because t hey all work. Secondly, it 's a versat ile design and you can go full on nature or you can glam it up wit h bling and cryst als. If t his isn't t he year t hat we see Bermuda as a t rendy dest inat ion spot , t hen I have no idea when it s going to happen. Bermuda has gott en a st eady amount of press in t he past two years, and given how close it is to NYC, it 's an easy t rip to make. Plus, t here is somet hing t here for every style, and it 's about as luxurious as you can imagine. Danielle Rot hweiler, Wedding Planner, Rot hweiler Event Design

LGBTQ+ Weddings

"In 2020 we will see more and more personalized t hemes. For inst ance, we planned a wedding around t he couple?s love of t he video- game, Kingdom Heart s. It was such a unique and fun wedding because it spoke to so many of t he guest s as well. The couple called t he wedding ?Chic & Geek? all of t heir guest s loved it . I really encourage couples to dig deep and t hink about when inspires t hem as a couple and t hen st art t elling t he story from t here for t heir guest s.

Simply being open to working wit h LGBTQ+ couples isn?t enough, you need to be an act ive ally, whet her t hat ?s donat ing t ime, money or resources to LGBTQ+ right s groups. Laws t hat legally allow discriminat ion, conversion t herapy, t ransgender right s and more are just a few issues t hat are st ill being fought in count ries such as t he Unit ed St at es, U.K. and Aust ralia where marriage equality has passed, not to ment ion t hat simply being LGBTQ+ can get you jailed or killed in many part s of t he world such as t he UAE. We have a long way to go before we see full equality, and couples want to work wit h creat ive part ners whose beliefs align wit h t heirs. While I would never want to see it fully go away, we are seeing a lot less rainbows being incorporat ed into t he wedding- day det ails t han we did a few years ago here in t he St at es. When t he marriage equality fight was in full force, wit h each same- sex wedding t here was a feeling of victory and pride, part icularly for older couples who have lived t hrough t he early LGBTQ+ right s movement and have been toget her for decades. But as t he younger generat ion st art s dat ing wit h t he ability to marry already writt en into t heir future, marriage is becoming just t he normal milestone, and t here?s less of an inclinat ion to recognize t hat recent history. As far as dĂŠcor, florals, food, et c., t here?s no difference between LGBTQ+ couples and het ero couples when it comes to t rends. Brit t ny Drye, Founder and Edit or- in- Chief, Love Inc.

We will cont inue to see beaut iful rich velvet suit jacket s (like burgundy) and wedding day att ire, mixed wedding party members wit h att ire select ions t hat speaks to t hem. I feel t aupe will be t he next big color of 2020, I?ve been seeing t hat a lot in our mood boards as a color our client s love. In California couples are infusing cannabis into t heir wedding day, via live rollers, in t he wedding menu or as favors. Pampas grass in wedding design!! This is definit ely going to be seen a lot in 2020 wedding designs." Chanda Daniels, Creat ive Direct or, Designer, Planner, A Monique Affair

Destination Wedding Trends


2020 Destination Weddings "The Balearic Islands, It aly, France and Malt a remain popular dest inat ions for 2020 for UK couples, wit h short flight t imes from t he U.K. The UK remains an incredibly popular dest inat ion for couples from Aust ralia, America and Asia, especially as overseas client s. The cont inuous love for t he Royals, Downton Abbey, Harry Pott er & Jane Aust en, brings people from across t he world to England for t heir idyllic English wedding. The emerging dest inat ions are...The Maldives, Sout h Africa & Asia t he uncert ainty of recent polit ical event s has seen couples opt ing to marry furt her afield." Jane Riddell, Owner & Creat ive Direct or, Planned for Perfect ion "Couples are more aware of global and current priorit ies (ecology, recycling,et c...) and are including t hese in t heir weddings. We will also cont inue in involving guest s even more in t heir weddings wit h shared experiences going from food (shared platt ers rat her t han plat ed meals); more act ivit ies around t he wedding and during (games). In t erms of styling, greenery might be on it s last leg. We're going back to whit es, past el and natural colours."

"In dest inat ion weddings, I am seeing a move from a single dest inat ion event to a split dest inat ion celebrat ion so t hat more of t he couples nearest and dearest have t he possibility of sharing in t he memory. I also see a move from a single- day celebrat ion to a weekend/week- long celebrat ion t hat incorporat es more quality t ime wit h t heir guest s and addit ional opportunit ies to creat e last ing memories. I believe t hat t he t rend and incept ion of t he indoors moved out doors movement will pick up pace in 2020 and be incorporat ed into a larger number of dest inat ion weddings wit h t he added addit ion of fairy light s in st at ement designs t hat enhance and compliment t he night sky. I see brides and grooms being increasingly eco- conscious and t his 2019 t rend will cont inue to blossom into 2020. Brides and grooms are looking for a unique, cost- effect ive and environment ally friendly approach to all aspect s of t heir wedding day experience." Michelle Anderson, Direct or, Complet e t he Look "Wit h most couples living in different cit ies and count ries to t heir families, dest inat ions and planners, t he import ance of video conferencing cannot be underest imat ed. Most couples are planning t heir dest inat ion weddings at arms lengt h t hrough a screen. It s also vit ally import ant for t hem to use t echnology to communicat e wit h t heir guest s." Tara Fay, Owner, Tara Fay Event s "Adventure weddings in spect acular locat ions. Mount ain top ceremonies, Sout h American experiences in SĂŁo Paulo, lake side part ies, and wat erfall backdrops. This is t he year when couples become braver and more adventurous t han ever before."

Clement ine Ward, Wedding Planner, Awardweddings

Pamella Dunn, Creat ive Direct or & CEO, Pamella Dunn Event s

"Turks and Caicos has seen t he biggest jump in sales year over year. We predict ot her smaller Caribbean islands like St Lucia, Ant igua, and Barbados will also see similar growt h in 2020."

"For me, it has been local dest inat ions, so various resort s t hat are on t he wat er and make a weekend out of it for all of t heir guest s. And for most of t heir guest coming in from ot her part s of t he St at es, it makes it a dest inat ion/vacat ion for t hem as well."

Jen Avey, VP, Market ing, Dest inat ion Weddings Travel Group

Jennifer Taylor, Owner, Taylor'd Event s Group

Top 2020 Colour Trends

"Dest inat ion Weddings in 2020 will be infused wit h natural but colourful and bolder undertones t hat convey energic yout hful self- expression. Vibrant colours in t he tones of aqua, red, blue, orange, yellow will be ut ilised as a st at ement or be combined wit h richer/eart hy tones of cinnamon, purple and green. The core colours will accompany and complet e t he colour pallet s wit h colours like crisp whit e, navy, soft purple, and underst at ed khaki." Michelle Anderson, Direct or, Complet e t he Look - Creams, beiges, ivories w/ natural greenery - Burnt orange/copper (a new t ake on dusty rose) - Gold, emerald, sage Jen Avey, VP, Market ing, Dest inat ion Weddings Travel Group

"Mut ed past el colour palett es will st ill be very popular, but couples will be adding pops of st at ement colours to bright en up t heir big day. The simplist ic elegance of green and whit e remains popular as well as a couples wish to source locally grown flowers t hat are locally grown in / near t heir chosen wedding locat ion." Jane Riddell, Owner & Creat ive Direct or, Planned for Perfect ion "Natural colours, past el and whit es will be seen next year!" Clement ine Ward, Wedding Planner, Awardweddings "For dest inat ion weddings, various int ensit ies of coral will be popular, it goes wit h so many ot her colors and depending on t he int ensity of t he color you can use it anywhere." Jennifer Taylor, Owner, Taylor'd Event s Group "Monochrome remains st rong as a t imeless colour palett e. Client s and t heir wedding party are choosing to opt for black and whit e in t he form of an all whit e bridal party, and tux inspired groomsmen. Red is also dazzling on t he int ernat ional wedding st age as client s t ravelling from Asia influence t he colour t rend. Dramat ic, celebrity inspired pops of colour are woven t hrough t he designs of big budget , high end luxury weddings, from gowns to florals, draping to light ing." Pamella Dunn, Creat ive Direct or & CEO, Pamella Dunn Event s

"San Diego weddings t end to be more naturally colored - neut rals, greens and blues - to blend wit h t he surrounding natural beauty." Krist in Wat kins, Owner and Lead Designer, St ephanie Rose Event s

Top Destination Wedding L ocations Basque Count ry (Spain) is one of t he top dest inat ions! Avant- garde and groundbreaking, t radit ional and unique, Basque Count ry will surprise couples wit h it s archit ectural, cultural and gast ronomic proposals. Nort h of Spain!! Barcelona, Valencia, or Andalucia are t he typical Dest inat ions.But I t hink couples are looking for somet hing more t han a good weat her. Good gast ronomy, culture, wines, t radit can find it at t he nort h of Spain: Cant abria, Basque Count ry, Asturias...

I believe t hat t he top 10 dest inat ion wedding locat ions for sharing your upcoming nupt ials in 2020 are: - It aly - France - Hawaii - Viet nam - New Zealand - Aust ralia - Ireland - Canada - Iceland - Caribbean Islands Michelle Anderson, Direct or, Complet e t he Look

Pilar Herrero, Owner, Pilar Herrero Wedding & Event Planner

Sout h of France remains high in t he dest inat ions for weddings. Wit h it s beaut iful chat eaux and scenery, amazing food and wine, it will never get out of fashion! Sout h West of France is becoming more popular wit h it s unspoilt nature, rolling hills and couples are realising t hat t heir budget s will get t hem furt her. Couples are also asking more of pre- wedding shoot s in t he mount ains. Clement ine Ward, Wedding Planner, Awardweddings

The top booked dest inat ions for 2020 include Riviera Maya, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Cancun, and Los Cabos. Jen Avey, VP, Market ing, Dest inat ion Weddings Travel Group

San Diego is always a top wedding dest inat ion as t here is somet hing for every style and couple. We have adorable beach towns, a vibrant modern downtown, historic missions and churches, and wineries. Popular San Diego dest inat ions for 2020 are our breweries. Host ing more t han 150 craft breweries, beer lovers flock to San Diego to find unique venues. From indust rial brewing facilit ies to t rendy t ast ing rooms, breweries are cool in 2020. Incorporat ing hops blossoms in your flowers and decor complet es t he beer t heme. Also Valle de Guadalupe has become very popular for 2020. An easy 90- minut e drive from San Diego to t he Ensenada region of Mexico t ransport s you to laid- back wine count ry t eeming wit h natural beauty. Krist in Wat kins, Owner and Lead Designer, St ephanie Rose Event s

Our top 3 dest inat ions for t he new decade are t he UK where client s are searching for historical count ry houses, cast les and st at ely homes. Whilst It aly grows in popularity year on year, not least for it s rich history, climat e, and incredible food. And new to t he market , t he luxury Turkish offering is t aking t he wedding world by storm. The Bodrum Peninsula is spect acular and home to some t ruly luxurious venues. Pamella Dunn, Creat ive Direct or & CEO, Pamella Dunn Event s

Top Trends for


What are t he t op dest inat ions for 2020? People are looking for t he 'less t raveled roads' - They finally accept ed t he fact t he wedding is more about t hem t han about pleasing ot hers. People go to remot e places, somet imes not too easy to get to; yet it represent s t hem and who t hey t ruly are. DJ Tiesto, on Sept ember 21st , t ied t he knot in Ut ah, out of t hese fabulous places on t his planet ! # Food for t hought ! What are your t op color predict ions for dest inat ion weddings in 2020? Must ard is so in! merged wit h burgundy, brown, rust and blue! (Very Bohemian I must say) What are some of t he biggest changes you're seeing going from 2019 int o 2020? Bett er emphasis on t he essence of t he wedding, rat her t han t he big Hoo- ha What are some of t he emerging dest inat ions for 2020? The aut hent ic part of Sicily, Ant alya in Turkey, Normandie in France, Edinburgh in Scot land,... What are some of t he t op t hemes for dest inat ion weddings we'll be seeing in 2020? Bohemian, Disco, Party, Exot ic,...

Emerging wedding destinations for 2020... "Iceland, India, and Brazil are compet ing wit h Turkey for t he very lat est wedding dest inat ions. Client s looking to creat e a full experience, one t hat t ruly reflect s who t hey are as a couple, are st ret ching t he budget to include t heir honeymoon too." Pamella Dunn, Creat ive Direct or & CEO, Pamella Dunn Event s "Small Nat ional Park weddings are gaining popularity for an int imat e ceremony surrounded by nature and close friends. Then a larger recept ion is planned at a lat er dat e in a more accessible locat ion.." Krist in Wat kins, Owner and Lead Designer, St ephanie Rose Event s I have fallen in love wit h t he following picturesque and unique dest inat ions t hat are up and coming in t he dest inat ion wedding indust ry for 2020: - Iceland - Croat ia - Caribbean Islands - Greece - Spain Michelle Anderson, Direct or, Complet e t he Look "I t hink dest inat ion elopement s have really grown, client s are coming to Washington St at e from all over to elope and use t he mount ains, ocean, and forest s as t heir backdrop." Jennifer Taylor, Owner, Taylor'd Event s Group

"When having a dest inat ion wedding, couples t radit ionally would st ay at t heir wedding resort for t heir honeymoon. Now, wit h millennials want ing to see more, do more, explore more, t hey are opt ing to hop a plane to a nearby island and celebrat e t heir newlywed days away from t heir family and friends who came to see t hem get hit ched. This is making t ravel planning much more elaborat e, where dest inat ion wedding planners are needed more t han ever to help wit h t he t ravel arrangement s of essent ially TWO t rips!" Jen Avey, VP, Market ing, Dest inat ion Weddings Travel Group "Bigger weddings for dest inat ion weddings, I had one t his year t hat was close to 200 people." Jennifer Taylor, Owner, Taylor'd Event s Group "Dest inat ion weddings seem to be gett ing bigger, more guest s are att ending and so couples are opt ing for t hree or four days of celebrat ions rat her t han one or two."

The big changes from 2019 into 2020 are... As more couples are gett ing married aft er t hey have children, t hey are opt ing for more family- friendly locat ions rat her t han adult- only resort locat ion. Couples are st aying in a beach house for t heir wedding week wit h t heir family inst ead of flying to anot her locat ion for a honeymoon. Krist in Wat kins, Owner and Lead Designer, St ephanie Rose Event s

Jane Riddell, Owner & Creat ive Direct or, Planned for Perfect ion

Destination Wedding Trends with

Tara Fay OWNER OF TARA FAY EVENTS What are t he t op dest inat ions for 2020? Europe is st ill very popular for dest inat ion weddings. Whilst It aly will always probably be one of t he most popular places, Ireland is moving up t he list especially for mult iple day event s as t he count ry has so much to offer t hat is available all year round, not just for summer. Specifically because you don't choose t he locat ion for t he weat her. Spain as always is popular and t he Sout h of France Anot her new upcoming locat ion but st ill slight ly underdeveloped is Croat ia. What are your t op color predict ions for dest inat ion weddings in 2020? I do see more navy and blue being incorporat ed as well as all t he ot her jewel colours. This gives huge flexibility to t he floral palett e and brings t he dest inat ion to t he fore. What are some of t he biggest changes you're seeing going from 2019 int o 2020? Brexit and currency fluctuat ions caused by brexit are bringing uncert ainty into European dest inat ions. The ability of free movement of suppliers across count ries is st ill unknown, t his is causing some brides to hold off making decisions on suppliers unt il cost implicat ions of Brexit are fullly known. What are some of t he emerging dest inat ions for 2020? Croat ia, Madeira.

2020 Destination Themes "Some of t he top t hemes for dest inat ion weddings t hat will allow self- expression in 2020 will have a large focus on eco- conscious decisions. The t hemes will gravit at e around our exist ing base concept s wit h unique and modern twist s: - Luscious Textural Greenery - mixed t extured greens wit h luscious t ropical influences, gold accent s, luscious florals, and t extured element s. - Fresh Decedent Elegance - Clean and fresh monochromat ic colour pallet wit h luxury floral blooms, decor and st at ement pieces. - DayDream Traveller - This t heme is about t he experiences couples are creat ing on t heir journey toget her. In 2020 DayDream Traveller is about finding t hat one breat ht aking out of t he box locat ion t hat creat es t he most spect acular imagery. Whilst accompanied by one or two st at ement pieces it is designed to immerse t he guest s in t he experience and creat ing last memories wit h minimalist breat ht aking decor t hat enhances t he surroundings. - Ret ro Twist - Keeping t he splashes of ret ro in full swing wit h t he added element s of t he count ry and added an edge of vint age to t heir decor. Ret ro is st ill as vibrant wit h t he added infusion of soft er tones. This t heme is everyt hing and more in 2020 when music and reminiscing about t he good old t imes infuse to creat e a fun and edgy experience. I see t hat florals will cont inue to move away from st ructured designs wit h brides and grooms opt ing for fully bespoke designs t hat are unpackaged, unst ructured and possess natural fragrance. We will see a move from mut ed, soft and rich tones to bolder, bright er and st ronger colours moving into 2020." Michelle Anderson, Direct or, Complet e t he Look

- Rust ic seaside - Dessert chic - Neut ral glamour Jen Avey, VP, Market ing, Dest inat ion Weddings Travel Group "Adventure and act ion packed programs are increasingly popular, wit h t he luxury vibe st ill st rong for celebrity, high fashion influenced client s. And naturally an aut hent ic family celebrat ion host ed in a low key, rust ic villa, vineyard, or chat eaux will be t hemed around t he season, surroundings and locality. Next generat ion client s looking to reduce t heir impact on t he environment and support sust ainability are opt ing for a pared back, hands on, and less is more t heme." Pamella Dunn, Creat ive Direct or & CEO, Pamella Dunn Event s "We are seeing couples plan more int imat e det ails t hat celebrat e t heir unique love story, rat her t han plan a t heme. Serving wine t hat t he couple drank on t heir first dat e, gift ing favors from t heir favorit e stores, incorporat ing favorit e movie quot es and song lyrics into vows." Krist in Wat kins, Owner and Lead Designer, St ephanie Rose Event s "I don't t hink t here are top t hemes for dest inat ion weddings. I t hink our couples want to see t heir personality, t heir common history and not a specific t heme reflect ed in t heir wedding." Pilar Herrero, Owner, Pilar Herrero Wedding & Event Planner "Couples are t aking inspirat ion from t he wedding locat ion and surrounding areas to embrace t he area and count ry t hat t hey have chosen.." Jane Riddell, Owner & Creat ive Direct or, Planned for Perfect ion "Not too much on t he t heme side, but I t hink navy will be a base/neut ral color wit h t he accent being what t hey focus on." Jennifer Taylor, Owner, Taylor'd Event s Group

LGBTQ+ Wedding Destinations "We are seeing couples gett ing married locally at home on t heir parent s privat e property, which is an epic product ion or on t he property of family friends. Couples are also t aking guest s to warmer dest inat ions, being if t hey live on t he east coast , bringing t hem to a scenic locat ion on t he west coast . We will cont inue to see couples come to t he iconic city hall in San Francisco t hat will never change. I also feel Joshua Tree and Greece will be top dest inat ion locat ions." Chanda Daniels, Creat ive Direct or, Designer, Planner, A Monique Affair

"Wit h t he next WorldPride t aking place in 2021 in Copenhagen and t he neighboring Swedish city Malmรถ (t he first two- city WorldPride), I expect to see t hese locales rise on t he queer t ravel list in t he next year. Key West has always been a gay mecca, but t he upper keys Islamorada and Key Largo are on t he rise, and wort h a stop as you make your way down to your final Key West dest inat ion." Brit t ny Drye, Founder and Edit or- in- Chief, Love Inc.

Honeymoon Trends with


What are t he t op honeymoon dest inat ions for 2020? Caribbean islands top t he honeymoon hot list of 2020; Jamaica, St Lucia, Dominican Republic and Barbados in part icular. Los Cabos, Cost a Rica and t he Bahamas are close behind!

What are some of t he biggest changes you're seeing going from 2019 int o 2020? What honeymoon excursions are t rending for 2020? Cultural excursions are becoming more popular t han ever before. Whereas in year's past , adventure and adrenaline were top factors in choosing an act ivity while honeymooning, now, couples are looking for enriching, aut hent ic experiences to really feel like a local in t heir chosen dest inat ion. Examples include touring a historic city or archaeological park, t ast ing local cuisine off property, or volunt eering at a local charity where t hey can spend t ime wit h nat ives and t ruly make a difference.

In 2019, over- t he- top luxury was at t he forefront of honeymooners minds, where grabbing t he perfect Inst agram shot was a given. Now, couples are looking for ant i- luxury, and ult ra- local experiences, so t hey can really feel t he aut hent ic vibes of t heir dest inat ion. Honeymooners in 2020 will gravit at e towards bungalow - style accommodat ions and rust ic resort s where t hey can t ruly disconnect and feel t he ambiance of being away from home. Unplugging and spending quality t ime toget her is now becoming more import ant t han sharing every moment of your t rip on social media. In t his regard, wellness ret reat s and self- care amenit ies are becoming more popular for honeymoon resort s to cat er to.

Tech for destination couples

Pamella Dunn says... Wifi is an absolut e must not only for t he event , but for set up, and for guest s. As are charging st at ions, and batt ery packs to ext end t he life of guest s smart phones. Video walls and backdrops, st aging, and product ion t ech t hat sees fireworks playing out in t ime to music, and live st reaming are increasingly becoming a t hing. And look out for t he virtual guest experience, it is on t he horizon wit h video and cinematography advances. Michelle Anderson of Complet e t he Look says... - Hidden Cameras like GoPros will help couples capture every candid moment . They will also have t he opportunity to capture a unique perspect ive almost as if t hrough t heir own eyes. - 3D - Print ing is going to hit t he ground running, even more, in 2020 as cake designers, st at ionery designers and more indust ry adopt t he unique and personalised opportunit ies it present s. Brides and Grooms can creat e personalised 3D favours at t heir event . These 3D element s will t ake any event to t he next level. - A unique way to record your day is t hrough t he use of t he stunning fashion- forward heart rat e monitors t hat are current ly available on t he market . This would allow you bot h to record your heart rat e during your nupt ials, speeches, photo's and excit ing wedding day moment s and t hen ut ilise t hat dat a to creat e unique pieces of artwork to display in t heir homes for life. - Full immersion project ion t echnology has been used in dest inat ion weddings and large product ion event s for a number of years however I feel t hat in 2020 t his will be t aken to t he next level by incorporat ing floor to ceiling experiences all t he way down to t he fine det ails on cakes. This allows any space to be t ransformed and customised any number of t imes to t ransport your guest s whilst remaining in t he same locat ion.

Wit h credit t o t he amazing t eam:

Al-Fresco Dining in the Cotswolds

Phot ographer: Gyan Gurung Venue: Paunt ley Court Planner: For t he Love of Weddings St ylist : The Lit t le Wedding Helper Floral designer: Honeysuckle Flower Co St at ionery: Emerald Paper Design Cake: Zaza Marcelle Chandeliers: Crescent Moon Event s Furnit ure: Blue Goose Hire Tablewares: Prest ige Hire Brist ol Linen: 88 Event s Bridal gowns: Inbal Dror via Morgan Davies Bridal Shoes: Bella Belle Shoes

I will usually st art my st yled shoot planning wit h inspirat ion t aken from elsewhere ? a fable, a fashion t rend, a colour scheme ? and will t hen st art t o seek out t he spaces and t he suppliers who will help bring it t o life in t he best way. However, t his t ime, we st art ed wit h t he venue, and t he shoot grew out of t he romant ic fairy- t ale at mosphere t hat every part of Paunt ley Court exudes. Our t heme is wild and luxuriant coupled wit h an abundance of t iny, mult isensory det ails t hat , when all put t oget her, creat ed a feeling of underst at ed luxe and a lit t le bit of magic. We let t he flowers t ake t he lead, and worked wit h what was available and in season ? a soft and sophist icat ed palet t e of apricot s and caramel t ones t o compliment t he ext erior decor.

Jewellery + accessories: Hermione Harbut t Film: Soby Films Hair: Joanna Ricarda Hair MUA: Sasha Brown Makeup Art ist Suit + groom?s shoes: Dyfed Menswear Models: Taloulah Mair + Romaine Smit h

Themes & Design Trends


Wedding Theme Trends with


What are t he t op wedding t hemes for 2020? In 2020, we are seeing more and more couples putt ing a great er emphasis on flowers and overall design. Color palett es are more vibrant , inst allat ions are more impressive, and couples are t hinking out side- t he- box to convey t heir personalit ies t hrough t heir event design. While we will always see t imeless/ elegant / classic weddings in any given year, in 2020 we are going to see more color, more flowers, and more drama in t he design. Which 2019 t hemes do you t hink will carry over int o 2020? We are going to cont inue to see floral design be at t he forefront of couple's priorit ies in 2020. From hanging inst allat ions to flower walls, couples are want ing more and more flowers to bring t heir wedding visions to life! We will also cont inue to see mismat ched t ables - especially mixes of wooden t ables and t ables wit h linens. Are t here any t hemes couples are st aying away from in 2020? More and more couples are avoiding anyt hing "rust ic" or "boho," and inst ead are seeking out more elegant design t hemes wit h a more classic spin.

Top 2020 Wedding Themes Themes will be fun and excit ing in 2020, wit h individuality ranking above all else. People planning t heir weddings for 2020 will be looking into t hemes such as ret ro (vint age, count ry, rock and roll), t ropical opulence, desert , and t imeless elegance wit h modern twist s (granny chic, anyone?). There will be a shift more toward t heme t han color palett e, for inst ance weddings being planned around a favorit e book or TV show. Eco- friendly, zero wast e weddings are also rising in popularity. There will be lot s of fun rent ing opportunit ies to go along wit h t hese t rends, such as vint age arcade games and neon signage for t he ret ro t heme, luxurious indoor furniture for use in t he out doors for t ropical opulence, fun twist s on succulent inspired decor (lining t he aisle, incorporat ing into t he bouquet , et c.) for t he desert- t hemed wedding, and gold- rimmed glassware and vint age patt erns for t he grandmillennials out t here. Vendors will see lot s of excit ing, widespread opportunit ies for creat ivity. Karen Gordon, VP, Growt h, Goodshuffle Pro Couples are also venturing into t hemes t hat specifically depict ing a count ry or city's culture, such as Morocco t hemes, California Chi, Orient al Beauty, Manhatt an glamour will be t he style t hey adopt and apply. Besides coming up wit h specific city t hemat ic expressions, couple are more adventurous to make it fun and bold. Vibrant colours or minimalist ic creat ives will be t he two ext reme expressions loved by many brides. You will see eit her bold red and black t hemes, or whit e and classic creat ives. Hannah Chong, Founder & Creat ive Direct or, Heaven's Gift Pt e Lt d

- Whit e and gold cut lery - Glassware wit h raised det ail - Darker t hemes - more women opt ing for t he alt ernat ive wedding opt ions - Dried florals rat her t han t radit ional ones like roses Mat ilda Godson, Social Media Coordinat or, Whit ehouse Event Crockery

A nature- inspired design will be t he top wedding t heme for 2020. Think garden and natural element s wit h lush greens, moss, and English garden flowers. W will see more floral patt erns and print s everywhere, from bridesmaid dresses to t able linens and st at ionery. We will also see t he t heme of shades of blue coming in st rong for 2020, ut ilizing hues t hat are light and bright . Punchy bright blues will be at t he forefront of t he color wheel for Spring weddings. Jennifer Charles, Co- Founder, Chief Creat ive Officer, Somet hing Fabulous

Immersive experiences are about to burst onto t he scene in a big way! Louise Beukes, Founder, B.LOVED/ B.LOVED Hive

Fine dining mixed wit h t he relaxed Aust ralian lifestyle. Light colours, lush florals, lot s of glowing candle light s and elegant t able sett ings. Classic whit es and greens are st ill as gorgeous as ever and remain a key colour t heme for 2020. The design det ails, florals and linen select ion are st epped up t his year wit h a focus on simplicity and quality. Marquee weddings are on t he rise wit h couples loving t he blank canvas it plays to t heir styling and limit ed rest raint s to design. Lauren, Founder/ Creat ive Direct or, Et c. Event St yling

Luxur y Wedding Trends

The biggest t hemes in t he luxury market are an emphasis on flowers and an emphasis on exquisit st at ionary. Couples are allocat ing more and more of t heir budget s to ensure t hat t heir flowers make a "wow" st at ement and t hat t heir st at ionary is personalized by a graphic art ist to convey t heir own unique story. From handpaint ed calligraphy to artwork of couple's pet s and ot her personalized element s, couples are making t heir wedding day print it ems (from save- t he- dat es to escort cards) a high priority. Tyler Speier, Owner, Tyler Speier Event s

"Lush, abundant , Aust ralian- sourced floral. Fresh florals remain a big st at ement wit hin t he styling design coming in to 2020 but couples are asking more and more quest ions around t his being a sust ainable element of t heir wedding day. Somet hing we love! This means foam- free, Aust ralian sourced produce and Repurposing. The scale and design aspect of floral are being t aken to new height s also wit h floral making up a larger percent age of t heir overall styling invest ment ." Lauren, Founder/ Creat ive Direct or, Et c. Event St yling - Floral ent rances - Long t ables - Int riguing props - Personalised napkins Mat ilda Godson, Social Media Coordinat or, Whit ehouse Event Crockery "Vineyards wit h panoramic views and soft past els, greenery to accompany whit e and gold color schemes, and art deco vases and t ablescapes. Many luxury weddings will be indoors, while st ill having a garden or greenery t heme. Luxury is oft en paired wit h anot her t heme as well, such as t ropical to form t ropical opulence." Karen Gordon, VP, Growt h, Goodshuffle Pro

We will see weekend- long celebrat ions, where guest s will indulge in designed event s for each day, and we aren't t alking about planned group act ivit ies. We are t alking about t ransforming a ballroom into t he st reet s of India wit h a food t ruck, bist ro light s, and t ables. We are also seeing couples want to t ake care of t heirguest s 24/ 7 wit h hospit ality suit es t hat feature snacks, branded wat er, and beverages guest s access anyt ime during t he weekend. Jennifer Charles, Co- Founder, Chief Creat ive Officer, Somet hing Fabulous

Top Trends for

Wedding Themes WITH LOUISE BEUKES FOUNDER OF B.LOVED/ B.LOVED HIVE What are t he t op wedding t hemes for 2020? - Eco- conscious weddings, - couples will be looking for Brit ish suppliers wit h good eco credent ials as millennial couples sust ainable values come to t he fore - St at ement florals - floral design is gett ing bigger and bett er as we move into 2020 wit h ceremony, marquee and venue inst allat ions becoming a more regular feature in wedding design

Indoor/Out door - nature will play a big role in 2002 wedding design, influenced by t he eco movement Which 2019 t hemes do you t hink will carry over int o 2020? The grazing t rend is going nowhere, but it 's going to grow up in 2020 moving from separat e grazing t ables to be incorporat ed fully into t he recept ion t able design as a relaxed alt ernat ive to formal cat ering. Are t here any t hemes couples are st aying away from in 2020? Vint age, rust ic, ikat , glamour, indust rial t rends are all moving aside What are t he biggest t hemes in t he luxury market ? Dest inat ion weddings are st ill huge, whet her it 's a luxurious elopement or int imat e wedding or huge celebrat ion of family and friends, t hose wit h higher budget s will be looking at high per- head spend as t hey creat e incredible experiences for t heir guest s from beginning to end. I t hink we'll see a move towards more exot ic and hidden dest inat ions, in keeping wit h millennial couples t ravel experiences, such as Bali, Mexico and unexpect ed locat ions like Norway.

W hat's Still In

W hat's Out

Lauren of Et c. Event St yling says...

Karen Gordon of Goodshuffle Pro says...

You can never go wrong wit h pale Blush, Ivory and Champagne tones. The soft ness of t his t heme is t imeless and provides such a beaut iful romant ic sett ing for t he day. The only slight difference for t his t heme in 2020 is t he reduced amount of met allic gold we have seen previously making way for more natural element s like t imber to make a come back.

While people want a new look in 2020, t hey will st ill cont inue to use t hemes such as vint age, boho, and rust ic as underlying t hemes in t heir weddings. Lot s of t hese concept s are evolving and offer decor and rent al companies t he opportunity to refurbish or simply restyle t heir current pieces.

Jennifer Charles of Somet hing Fabulous says...

Lauren of Et c. Event St yling says...

We will see t ropical touches of palm leaves and patt erns carry over into 2020. Pott ed plant s, succulent s, and nature- inspired element s are also here to st ay and will become even more popular t his year.

Rust ic. Gone are t he days of rust ic, hessian, festoon light ing, moody jewel tones and hay bales. Inst ead couples are looking for a more elegant design paired wit h t he relaxed sett ing of t heir chosen venue/ locat ion. Gett ing t he best of bot h worlds of fine- dining and t he classic relaxed Aust ralian lifestyle.

Karen Gordon of Goodshuffle Pro says...

Mat ilda Godson of Whit ehouse Event Crockery says...

2019 showcased t he popular out door garden- inspired weddings as well as luxury t ropical weddings. We will be seeing more of t hese t hemes in 2020, as well as an increase in people having t heir ceremonies in t he round. The vint age t heme will be used as a secondary t heme in many weddings as well.

- More t radit ional wedding ideals - e.g. all whit e - All gold crockery - Mat ching glassware

Mat ilda Godson of Whit ehouse Event Crockery says... - The green and whit e wedding t heme - Crockery wit h a t hin gold rim - Floral hoops - Eucalyptus on wedding plat es - Fairy light s - Marquee weddings

Jennifer Charles of Somet hing Fabulous says... 2020 will bring a resurgence of t he use of color, so t he classic black and whit e color palett e and mut ed tones will t ake a back seat , and we will see pops of bright colors and even neon.

Wedding Theme Trends with Hannah Chong of Heaven's Gift Pte Ltd What are t he t op wedding t hemes for 2020? We believe nature and t ropical expressions st ill play a big part in t he upcoming year, wit h more eco friendly inst allat ions for couples who loves greens and nature. However, inst ead of having t he t hemes done up in rust ic expressions, modern lux and chic t reat ment s are styled toget her wit h t he organic element s. Met allic props such as Gold, Bronze and Silver are used to creat e clean lines wit h t he greens landscaping or t reat ment . Which 2019 t hemes do you t hink will carry over int o 2020? Hipst er style and pampas styled cent repieces will st ill be used for a while into 2020. Though we believe t his will eventually fade off soon as Couples are t aking effort s to personalise t heir favourit e t hings into t he wedding. So int erest ing signages or symbols are used to depict element s of t heir love journey. Are t here any t hemes couples are st aying away from in 2020? Int erest ingly, t hese days, couple have specifically told us not to use fairylight s, as t hey relat e t hat styling as out dat ed t rends, as much have been seen in t he use of all t hese twinkle twinkle light ings. But we st ill st rongly believe light ings will play a big part in t he final decorat ions design, from LED inst allat ion in decorat ions, or props, to Neon signages , are going to popular, because t he ambience are oft en enhanced and make magical wit h light ings.

What are t he biggest t hemes in t he luxury market ? In t he luxury market , it is all about creat ing big and wow impact st aging. This is one t rend t hat we have seen coming back in big waves. Today's couples are infused wit h many inspirat ions from t he Russian or Middle East ern weddings, where print ed props are used in massive way. The int egrat ion of print s and floral will cont inue to resonat e in luxury market s. And besides t hat , bold ideas such as lush hanging features and use of special decorat ive mat erials will be inst alled in bolder and more ext ravagant ways. The use of wire mesh wit h light ings are t he in t rends for Asian market s, riding on t he inspirat ions creat ed for t he Middle East market . The use of colourful drapes wit h int ensed light ings will also be a common t reat ment to be seen in coming year. We are excit ed for t he next wave, where t he birt h of Avant- Garde creat ive expressions will be sett ing t he pace for t he luxury wedding t rends.

Trending colours with

Br it Ber tino What are t he biggest t rends in wedding colours for 2020? It always t akes a few years for t rends to become recognizable and in 2016 Pantone did t heir first- ever mix of colors which were rose quart z and serenity. I am receiving request s for dusty blue and dusty blush combos for Spring 2020 which happened to be t he Pantone st at ement 4 years ago. Specifically, t he dusty rose color has been t aking t he main st age from t he ever so popular rose gold color which carries a sophist icat ed darker element and it has been seen pairing wit h navy blue, mint s, brasses, burgundy and different shades of blue. If one should choose to fancy t he Dusty Rose color up a bit , gold accent s pair well wit h it .

What wedding colour t rends are out in 2020? Past els

The colour t rends carrying from 2019 int o 2020... The Royal Tones

What are some of t he more unique colour t rends we'll see in 2020? As most of us pro's called out t he gem tones and royal colors for t he last wedding t rend report , I t hink we will st art seeing a heavier emphasis of colors in t hose tones such as a variety of blush and burgundy t rends, Navy Blue, Gold and for wint er weddings Forest Green and Gold. My most recent Holiday color request was dusty rose, forest green wit h gold accent s. Devine!

Wedding Colour Predictions with


What are t he biggest t rends in wedding colours for 2020? Different hues of blue will be big. We also see t he every popular whit es and ivory for a classic, sophist icat ed look st aying a top t rend. Met allics will be popular as well, wit h a slight shift away from gold and rose gold to copper. What are some of t he more unique colour t rends we'll see in 2020? Mint and cit ron are gaining popularity. These colors are great paired wit h t ropical linens or even as t he linen it self if you are looking for st at ement pieces. What wedding colour t rends are out in 2020? Blush pink has been popular for years, but we are finding it to be chosen less oft en in favor of ot her t rending opt ions. What wedding colour t rends are carrying over from 2019 int o 2020? Sophist icat ed shades of purple will carry over along wit h rust tones, blues, met allics, and whit e/ ivory.

Wedding Stationery Trends with Ceci Johnson of Ceci New York What are your t op invit at ion t rends for 2020? There are 3 major t hings. The first is personal touches, t he second is classic wit h a twist - and t he t hird is just embracing vibrant , really beaut iful color. 1. Personal t ouches... You can commission an art ist . Like I paint ed a liner of t he venue of where t he couple was gett ing married. So it becomes a really special keepsake as well, and it set s t he tone right away. A touch of t he view, very elegant . And when you open it , you have a classic invit at ion. But as you pull out t he cards, you get litt le paint ed vignett es of t he different places for t he event s t hroughout t he wedding weekend. 2. Classic wit h a t wist ... So here you have a classic invit at ion, but t he twist is adding a really fun patt ern on t he back or adding it into t he liner. So it 's really just sett ing a cool tone. But you've got t hose classic undertones t hat are t imeless and will never go out of style. 3. Colorful fun...Vibrant big, bright color tones, done in gorgeous wat ercolors t hat I paint for t he client . And playing wit h really cool, different mat erials like velvet wit h gold foil - just to give t act ile, act ivat e your senses and creat e a really fun st at ement . So t hat 's what we're seeing. Lot s of excit ing t hings happening, and ult imat ely, it 's all about personalizat ion and just creat ing somet hing memorable and a perfect keepsake for your wedding.

Top Wedding Stationer y Trends Wit h a fresh emphasis on all t he event s surrounding t he wedding ceremony, t here is an increasing opportunity to use invit at ions to set individualized tones for all of t hese celebrat ions so t hey feel relat ed but dist inct . Couples are increasingly using t heir st at ionery choices to convey what is import ant to t hem beyond t he big day: whet her t hat is t he sust ainability of using digit al invit at ions, a sense of humor humor wit h t he wording, or sett ing a non- t radit ional tone wit h help from our personal design service. Kat ie Covingt on, Edit orial Direct or, Paperless Post

We'll see shades of eart hy pink, must ard, jade and mint creeping more and more into t he couples' colour palett es. Texturally, it 'll go two ways: rougher, more obviously handmade t extures, or super- clean and modern lines. Couples will cont inue to embrace a bolder and more style- led look in t heir st at ionery. I t hink we are also seeing a st ronger t han ever push towards uniqueness and individuality, which will be reflect ed bot h in t he style of invit at ions chosen, and also in t he language used wit hin t he invit es. Classic serif font s such as Bodoni are having somet hing of a renaissance, part icularly when used to highlight key element s. Grania O'Brien, Creat ive Direct or, Ink & Paper

- As media coverage of same- sex weddings grows, so will awareness of t he relat ive freedom from t radit ion t hat LGBTQ+ couples experience. This means t he end of "t radit ion- for- it s - own- sake" t hroughout weddings. In st at ionery, t hat means even more adventurous and uncommon wordings and ent irely new format s and mat erials in invit at ions. - Couples are becoming more aware of t he pat riarchal root s of so many wedding customs. 2020 will be a pivot al year of t ransit ion, not only for invit at ion wording, but specifically for addressing invit at ions. The st andards ways of addressing advocat ed by et iquett e expert s simply don't reflect many of t he households couples are invit ing to t heir weddings. At t he same t ime, many family members will cling to t radit ion and expect more st andard format s. This will require great care from couples and be one of t he more involved part s of wedding planning, not just st at ionery design.

The st at ionery t rends we are predict ing are less about specific colors or t hemes and more a reflect ion of broader shift s in how couples are approaching t heir wedding. We see a move toward more personalizat ion and t hought ful det ails over specific of- t hemoment t rends. Kat ie Covingt on, Edit orial Direct or, Paperless Post

- 2020 will be t he year of cont rast s. As wedding design cont inues it s evolut ion away from mat ching *everyt hing* , we're moving t hrough deep cohesiveness into t he ability to combine disparat e element s in ways t hat feel fresh and relat ed. As long as it 's all from t he same universe, anyt hing goes. - Invit at ions will be int eract ive and have mult iple touchpoint s. As couples invest in creat ing memorable experiences for t heir guest s, t hey'll employ t he t act ics of great brands to creat e dopamine- inducing unboxing experiences for t heir friends and family. Mat t hew Wengerd, Owner, A Fine Press

Stationer y Colour Trends

Kat ie Covingt on of Paperless Post says... We predict a move away from overt ly feminine color palett es, and we t hink we'll see pops of bright and saturat ed colors and subt le nature- inspired palett es in 2020. We predict sophist icat ed color combinat ions, like t hose in our collaborat ion wit h Lisa Hedge of Venamour, who uses pairings like carnat ion pink and brick, lilac and t erracott a, and tonal sage and forest green. Grania O'Brien of Ink & Paper says... We'll see t hree colour combinat ions reigning supreme: eart hy pink and must ard tones; deep asure blues paired wit h elect ric blue and glacier shades; mint and whit e wit h a modern twist . Mat t hew Wengerd of A Fine Press says... Color t rends don't matt er unless t he t rending color is actually meaningful to t he couple. Vaishali Shah of Ananya Cards says... 1. Mint - Cool and fresh, mint is a colour sure to make a big impact in 2020. In harmony wit h t he colours of nature it is like a breat h of fresh air and opt imism at a t ime when our t rees and plant life are under t hreat . This gender- neut ral colour is t he perfect past el. 2. Cassis - A deep rich shade t hat oozes elegance and glamour, cassis and berry shades are colours t hat really st and out - reminiscent of royalty and all t hat is luxury and opulence.

Stationer y Trends with


What are your t op st at ionery t rend predict ions for 2020? Crochet ed det ails, unique knot s, crochet inspired patt erns and t extures. Simpler present at ions but elevat ed mat erials like leat her and glass. Less import ance placed on specialty print ing and more focus on meaning, mat erials and mindful spending all t he while making incredibly t hought ful choices.

Are any t rends from 2019 carrying over int o 2020? Neon is st ill hot but will indulge it 's more maximalist t endencies as we ring in t he new year. Think neon + Rococo patt erns and bount iful floral composit ions.

What 's out for 2020? We're finally seeing t he rose gold foil t rend die off a bit in favor it 's more yout hful count erpart , holographic and/or matt e finishes in print ing.

Top colour predict ions in st at ionery for 2020? Black black black! Black is st ill all drama but in 2020 it 's becoming romant ic again paired wit h coffee, blush and nude tones.

Stationer y Themes

"We are seeing a huge resurgence in art isan craft s, and t his will be reflect ed in st at ionery too. Lett erpress print ing is enjoying a renaissance as a younger, more female- led generat ion of print ers breat he new life into t he craft . This t ies in wit h "perfect ly imperfect ", embracing more natural colours and t extures, and t he idiosyncrasies of hand- print ed st at ionery. This was aft er all t he year t hat GF Smit h launched new "Ext ract " range, wit h papers made from recycled coffee cups and coloured using natural dyes such as avocado." Grania O'Brien, Creat ive Direct or, Ink & Paper

"1. Illust rat ions - We?re seeing more client s commission handillust rat ed designs of t heir party venue or venue area, and even use t his as a unifying narrat ive t hroughout t he decor. This can be used t hroughout t he suit e, and complet ely customised to t he style t hat suit s t he t heme of t he wedding ? for example including wat ercolour or foiling. 2. Experient ial Weddings - We cont inue to see an explorat ion of ?experient ial? wedding design, wit h more inst allat ions, int eract ivity, and a focus on t he guest ?journey?. For st at ionery, t his means elevat ing suit es wit h more hand- finished touches, t act ile mediums, and unexpect ed element s ? for example, t hrough st at ement placecards t hat wow guest s as t hey reach t heir seat . 3. Sust ainability, 'slow weddings' - Increasingly we?re seeing couples t rying to incorporat e natural mat erials, and have plast ic- free weddings. This is not a passing t rend, but is becoming a global movement , wit h all suppliers recognising t he damaging effect of t he wanton use of plast ic. Sust ainability, mindful planning and a personal, individual process are at t he heart of a slow wedding t heme." Vaishali Shah, Founder & Creat ive Direct or, Ananya Cards - abst ract art - storyt elling - highlight ing t he history of your venues - celebrat ing community Mat t hew Wengerd, Owner, A Fine Press

"Florals are t rending, but we're going to see new t akes in st at ionery in t he form of fresh, unexpect ed layout s, bold colors, spare graphic int erpret at ions, and prairie- influenced woodland flora. When we launched our Anit a Dongre collaborat ion, we found t hat sust ainability is increasingly driving t he couple's decisions. When she used digit al invit at ions for her son Yash Dongre's wedding earlier t his year, she discovered t hat it was an environment ally conscious way to share a special milestone wit h friends and family." Kat ie Covingt on, Edit orial Direct or, Paperless Post


What are your t op st at ionery t rend predict ions for 2020? 1. Sust ainability, eco- luxe weddings - Couples are more eco- conscious t han ever and want to play t heir part ; whet her it is by only using recycled paper or paper from sust ainably managed forest s, replant ing t rees or wildflower seed packet s as a wedding favour, using locally sourced produce or eliminat ing t he use of plast ic. Couples will be t hinking of ways to preserve t heir st at ionery such as keepsake wedding favours - for example, paper flowers as everlast ing place cards. Soy and veget able- based inks can be used for print ing. Upcycling where possible and a commit ment to zero wast e are ways couples can demonst rat e t heir alignment wit h all t hat sust ains our planet . 2. Individual, int imat e and det ailed - Small and int imat e will definit ely be a big t rend in 2020. Couples want more quality t ime to spend wit h t heir guest s and add all t he significant personal det ails meaningful to t hem to creat e a sumptuous wedding t hat is all about t heir individuality. 3. Bespoke illust rat ions - Illust rat ions are a beaut iful, unique, and very personal way of bringing a couple?s story to life. Incorporat ing bespoke stylised illust rat ions of a couple, wedding venue or meaningful symbols (such as favourit e flowers or religious symbols) in t he st at ionery can t ell a love story in a compelling way. Illust rat ions are a beaut iful art form, including delicat e sket ches, wat ercolours blended toget her and stylised line drawings. 4. Handmade paper - The desire and appeal of all t hings natural and handmade st ret ches to t he paper and cardstock it self. The t rend for t act ile, eart hy, and organic mat erials cont inues into 2020. Handmade paper can be found in beaut iful shades dyed wit h natural, plant- based dyes. The paper wit h it s natural look has a t exture t hat gives it an added charm and dimension. Hand torn edges complet e t he unique look t hat can be rust ic as well as luxe depending on what else you do wit h it .

5. Wat ercolour wonder- Wat ercolours are st ill going st rong. They are very versat ile as t hey work well wit h bot h a soft , mut ed and romant ic colour scheme as well as a bold and vibrant one. Dipped or ombrĂŠ, wat ercolours can be used as a background but can also be used to great effect in floral designs. 6. All lined up - The popularity of envelope liners shows no signs of abat ing! There are lot s of creat ive ways to use t hem to add ext ra glamour and dress up t he invit at ion. Using patt erns, solid colour or illust rat ions, t hey coordinat e wit h t he invit at ion design, giving t hem an ext ra dimension and accent . 7. Not your typical cardstock - Thinking out side t he box when it comes to print ing on anyt hing, but usual cardstock will be a major t rend for t hose who love experiment ing. All kinds of mat erials such as vellum, acrylic, stone, slat e, wood, leat her, cryst als and met al are wort hy subject s. Expect t he unexpect ed! Are any t rends from 2019 carrying over int o 2020? 1. Personalise personalise personalise - Being different and original cont inues to be t he name of t he game; t his applies to every part of t he wedding. Couples want to put t heir own individual st amp on t heir st at ionery. This can be achieved t hrough hand illust rat ed designs t hat give t he invit es a more relaxed, informal look. It could be t he wedding venue and it s surroundings or t he couple t hemselves which can become t he t heme of t he whole st at ionery suit e. 2. All t hings floral - Plant s and flowers resonat e wit h our growing love and appreciat ion of nature. They will cont inue to be on t rend in 2020 like t hey have been in 2019, but wit h more emphasis on flowers rat her t han leaves and vines. Flowers are so versat ile in t heir appeal as t hey can represent t he different seasons. 3. It ?s up to t he heavens - There?s somet hing very romant ic and myst ical when it comes to all t hings celest ial. Floaty, fairy- like and st ar studded or a moody and myst erious moon on an indigo coloured night sky. Met allics go brilliant ly wit h t he celest ial t heme as do pearls and cryst als for twinkling st ars. 4. Dest inat ion inspired We are seeing more of our couple host weddings abroad. This echoes in t heir st at ionery t hrough t he incorporat ion of maps, t ravel inspired visuals, and even scent s or flowers local to t he count ry.

W hat's Still In

W hat's Out

Grania O'Brien of Ink & Paper says...

Mat t hew Wengerd of A Fine Press says...

We'll see a cont inuat ion of eco aware t rends into 2020 and beyond as sust ainability remains front of mind. Addit ionally, high t act ility, t extural, modern boho and Mat isse- inspired imagery will remain hugely popular in 2020.

- Wax seals - Ribbon wraps - 5x7" invit es

Kat ie Covingt on of Paperless Post says... A t rend t hat will carry over to 2020 is tying t he invit at ion to t he specific det ails of t he wedding, whet her it 's t he dest inat ion, t he fashion looks, or t he florals. It 's a great way to give guest s a sneak peek at t he vibe of t he event . Our Rifle Paper Co. dest inat ion save- t he- dat es get guest s excit ed about t he t raveling for t he wedding weekend. Suit es from Oscar de la Rent a, Brock Collect ion, and our newest part ner celebrat ed Indian fashion designer Anit a Dongre, use element s from t heir fashion collect ions in t heir st at ionery collect ions. In t heir invit at ions, we see embroidered vines inspire creeping print s, gold beading inspire gold foil det ails, lace and vint age florals inspire repeat ing sun- kissed patt erns. Using in- season florals is a t rend we love to see carrying over, and our design part ners, celebrat ed florist s Put nam & Put nam, have creat ed suit es for us t hat incorporat e delicat e spring blooms or lush, et hereal fall flowers t hat t ie in t hat hyperseasonality to t he invit at ion as well. Mat t hew Wengerd of A Fine Press says... Couples will cont inue to engage fine art ist s in t heir weddings t hrough invit at ions, live- paint ed ceremonies, and performance art in t heir recept ions. I t hink t he ult imat e expression of t his will be commissioned fine art- as- invit at ion.

Vaishali Shah of Ananya Cards says... 1. Geomet ric shapes will be less popular in 2020. 2. Acrylic and perspex will not be so popular in 2020 as we embrace more plast ic- free, sust ainable weddings. 3. Succulent s and cact i will be out for 2020. In 2019, we saw florals wit h pampas grass, prot eas, and ot her t extured grasses. Kat ie Covingt on of Paperless Post says... Gett ing st ressed out over st at ionery! We see a shift toward couples want ing to t heir planning process to be fun and are turning to digit al tools to make a busy t ime easier for t hemselves. Even if t hey are sending paper wedding invit at ions, we see couples using t heir digit al save- t he- dat es to st reamline t he process??collect ing mailing addresses and following up wit h guest s. Grania O'Brien of Ink & Paper says... Rose gold is OUT! Finally! 2019 saw rose gold st art ing to t ail off a litt le, but I t hink t he colour has had it s moment . We are also seeing a reduct ion in more ut ilit arian design - while I t hink using more natural base mat erials is here to st ay (possibly in a react ion to an unst able polit ical climat e?), people are moving away from an ent irely less is more aest het ic to embrace t he finer det ails.

M oder n Scarlet Red Elopement in the City

Huge t hanks t o t his t alent t eam of wedding suppliers: Workshop Leader: Agnes Black St yling & Planning: The St ars Inside Phot ography: Grace & Mit ch Venue: Asylum Chapel Bridalwear: Kindling Bridal Veil: Sash & Veil Floral Design: Bloaum St at ionery: EYI Love Hair & Make- up: Knot Your Average Bride Cake: Avant garde Cake St udio Light ing Rent als: Doris Loves Furnit ure & Props: Rose and Dandy Jewellery: Dose of Rose

We want ed t o design a st ylish wedding t hat would inspire creat ive, non- t radit ional, innovat ive couples t hat are looking t o have a unique celebrat ion in t he cit y. The colour palet t e explored shades of pink, scarlet , orange, and some playful accent s in blue framed by crisp black lines - colourful, but wit h a bit of modern edge. We loved t he idea of pairing bold block colours wit h one anot her, and t hen adding dept h by int roducing cont rast ing mixed- media t ext ures. We used acrylic, wood, neon, t ulle, sequins, pearls, and vellum t o make t he t ablescape and ceremony t act ile and visual experiences, and complement ed t hem wit h scent s of pink pepper and ripe fruit . We were inspired by t he maximalist , bright colour palet t e t rends we've been seeing in Aust ralia and want ed t o bring a lit t le t ast e of t hat t o London in a cont emporary way.

Favours: Tinkt ure Rose Gin Napkins: Ext ra Special Touch Rings: Kat ie Lees Jewellery Drink Labels: Team Hen Silk Ribbon: CFleurs Design and Lit t le Acorn Silks

Style & Décor Trends


Wedding Style & DĂŠcor Trends with

Kate Cullen Where is t able design headed in 2020? There are so many different looks available to couples now t hat t he emphasis is firmly placed on making it personal. This means we'll be seeing a lot more of an eclect ic nature to t able designs rat her t han t he typical common 't hemes' like boho, luxury or rust ic. Couples really want t heir wedding to be like no ot her, more so t han ever before, be it wit h bolder colour choices (execut ed in a chic, t imeless way), unusual floral or foliage element s, or int ricat ely t hought out st at ionery designs. The focus is on det ails, but not making a t able clutt ered - t he Hinch effect is st rong! Couples are choosing t hought ful it ems rat her t han t hrowing everyt hing at a design - less is more, and what is chosen must be beaut iful and have meaning - bonus point s for upcycling t hings t he couple already own too! What light ing t rends will we see in 2020? Light ing cont inues to favour bold st at ement s as seen in 2019 - from chandeliers and festoon light ing, to wicker and bamboo echoing int erior t rends for Nordic chic. What will carry over from 2019 int o 2020? Eco chic st art ed in earnest in 2019, wit h couples being very det ermined to find et hically sound it ems for t heir wedding t hat sat isfy t heir own lifestyle choices. From compost able cut lery, to donat ing florals to nursing homes and hospit als, couples are keen t hat t heir wedding reflect s t heir own moral st and point s, especially when it comes to climat e change. Plast ic free weddings will become evermore popular into 2020 and beyond. Couples are oft en now preferring to book suppliers based on t heir eco and fairt rade credent ials, not just on t heir skills or services alone, and t his is set to cont inue in an even bigger way next year.

"Ice sculptures are making a comeback, while wat er features are on t he rise. From t he humble float ing candle to magical fount ains, t he romance of fire and wat er plays out in weddings t his year. Lakes, rivers, and incredible semi covered pools surrounded by a sea of candles are being used to stunning effect . One over arching design worked t hrough t he ent ire wedding is t he new luxury styling for t he brand new decade." Pamella Dunn, Creat ive Direct or & CEO, Pamella Dunn Event s

2020 Wedding styling

"2020 is going to be a big, bold, ent icingly Inst agrammable year and we see decor reflect ing t hese t rends. You can expect oversize decor and giant st at ement pieces, lot s of large florals in bright er colors t hat channel a feeling of et hereal escapism, and a rich, jewel- toned color palett e. Some excit ing decor t hat fit s wit h t he t heme of originality includes balloon walls, unique- shaped arches, and wall murals. These pieces serve as beaut iful backdrops t hat reflect t he personality of t he couple gett ing married. You will see lot s of out door and t ent ed weddings, wit h a rise in indoor furniture being moved out doors." Karen Gordon, VP, Growt h, Goodshuffle Pro "As 2019 draws to a close, we can't help but look ahead to what 2020 will bring. 2019 brought wit h it t he knott ed napkin, t he unst ructured wild and dried flowers, t he colours of burnt orange and t erracott a rust and t he int roduct ion of arched st at ionery. In 2020 we are predict ing to see more unique element s included on t he t able. This means t hat t able designs are not just going to include some vases wit h flowers, candles and menu, but t extural element s, styling t hat t ickles t he senses and brings back memories. Tables will include it ems t hat t ell t he story of t he couple. It could be coral, coconut s or cryst als. Gone are t he days where styling included merely some flowers and a t able number. Get ready to see some unique it ems on t he t able in 2020 t hat reflect t he unique story of t he couple and t ell t heir love story in a creat ive way." Bront e Dwyer, St ylist & Planner, Foreva Event s

- Creat ive applicat ion of raw mat erials such as Wire Mesh wit h Light ings to creat e archit ectural st age set s. These have been seen in middle east ern and Asian luxury wedding market . The love for somet hing different and high end t ech inst allat ion are hot favourit es for t he Asian market . - Colourful drapes inst allat ion to creat e art decor for grand ent rance. We have personally used drapes to creat e a wow st at ement for hot el ent rance, and couples are coming back for t he same inst allat ion. - Customised large hanging chandeliers are an in t rend now above dancefloor area, or main cockt ail area. - Print ed panels using graphics are oft en applied for st age designs. The use of graphics and florals will always be a t rending applicat ion for wedding decor. Hannah Chong, Founder & Creat ive Direct or, Heaven's Gift

Top Linen Trends We are seeing velvet cont inue to gain popularity as well as floral print s. We recent ly purchased a print ed velvet we know will be a hit wit h our 2020 couples. For more neut ral palett es, natural, t ight woven linens are also a great choice, and we are seeing an expansion of color and print s in t hese fabrics. Heat her Rouffe, Sales Direct or and Part ner, At las Event Rent al

Eart h tone linens, or solid bold coloured linens are bot h embraced in 2020 wedding t rends. In fact , we have recent ly int roduced in our wedding shows, an array of colourful palett e for our guest napkins, and t hat added anot her level of t exture in t he present at ions. Hannah Chong, Founder & Creat ive Direct or, Heaven's Gift

Eco- conscious choices are coming to t he fore in 2020 wit h natural, hand- dyed and organic fabrics being t he linen of choice. Moving on from silks and cottons, we'll st art to see more adventurous fabrics and mat erials as linen companies become more est ablished and braver wit h t heir t echniques. Louise Beukes, Founder, B.LOVED // B.LOVED Hive

I have seen some of t he 3- d print ed linens t hough I am not sure if everyone is offering t hem yet . They have t he look of lace and are very int ricat e wit h det ail and t exture. I am hoping we will see more of t his in 2020.

If you ask me, no matt er what year it is linen is elegant and t imeless. Linen t rends in 2020 will be more customised t han ever and will likely be more loose and unst ructured t han ever. There is always a place for a well folded napkin, and t he knot will st ill be used a lot . But when you t hink 2020 linen t rends, t hink naked t ables t hat make a st at ement on t heir own, 100% linen napkins and unique, custom made it ems t hat make a st at ement .

Brit Bert ino, Event Producer Brit Bert ino Event Excellence

Bront e Dwyer, St ylist & Planner, Foreva Event s

Bold floral patt erns will be big, along wit h many shades of blue, which is making a comeback. Jennifer Charles, Co- Founder, Chief Creat ive Officer, Somet hing Fabulous

Layered t ablescapes, styled in art deco, wit h a mixture of t extures, patt erns, and colors. Some of t he most popular styles will be velvet , t apest ry- like fabric, and bold met allic print s. Many of t hese t rends will be going along wit h t he color block t rend. 2020 is t he year of bold st at ement s and individuality. Karen Gordon, VP, Growt h, Goodshuffle Pro

Linens are st ill opt imal choices for adding colour and t exture, but t here's definit ely more of a desire for bespoke opt ions t hat can be reused in t he couple's home aft er t he wedding. This feeds into t he increasing desire for less wast e in weddings, as well as 'greener' choices like organic cottons and fairt rade fabrics like bamboo- based opt ions. Gone are t he days where bleached whit e cotton and linen are t he usual choice. Kat e Cullen, Owner, Kat e Cullen

Top Trends for

Styling & DĂŠcor WITH LAUREN OF ETC. EVENT STYLING Where is t able design headed in 2020? Table styling remains simple yet elegant . We're seeing more det ail included in t he layout of cut lery, glassware and napery. Couples are really focussing on a fine dining layout mixed wit h a more relaxed sett ing of t he venue/ locat ion. We're seeing more natural element s coming back on t rend wit h t imber t able tops remaining uncovered, and loose/ relaxed style florals for cent repieces. Elegant t apered candle st icks are also making a come back to really balance t hat elegant fine dining style wit h t he relaxed nature of Aust ralian life. What linen t rends will we see in 2020? A lot more t exture is coming t hrough in our linen select ions for 2020 and t he use of organic cottons. Gat hered or knott ed napkins laced wit h a ribbon det ail or simple embellishment and gat hered long romant ic t able runners are playing a key role in recept ion styling. We're also seeing t he come back of fabrics used in backdrops t hat can flow freely in t he breeze and soft flowing draping over ceremony arches too to really set a soft and romant ic tone for t he day. What light ing t rends will we see in 2020? Festoon light ing is making it 's way out as fairy light s make a come back. Couples are preferring t he soft twinkle of fairy light s as a pose to t he bigger rust ic party light style of t he festoon, allowing light ing to t ake a st ep back from being a prominent feature of t he styling to inst ead quiet ly compliment t he over- all styling design. Candles are st ill a prominent design element in styling design. The humble t ea light candle always fit s in perfect ly, however t all t apered candles in elegant holders are proving to be a st aple it em in 2020 styling.

2020 DĂŠcor Predictions "As t he years go by, we have realised t hat t he decor for a wedding is not just about looking good. It is about how it makes you feel and what it communicat es. In 2020 we predict t hat weddings will be more personalised, customised and unique t han any ot her year. We will see an increase in t he use of bright and bold colours, st and out element s such as st reamer hangings and balloon features, as well as t extures of velvet and corduroy. 2020 is a year to t hink out side of t he box and creat e wedding designs t hat have never been done before." Bront e Dwyer, St ylist & Planner, Foreva Event s "A rising t rend to look out for is sweet heart t ables for int imat e couple seat ing, which can be customized wit h unique words and messages on signs, signifying t he couple?s love story. Serpent ine t ables will be making bold st at ement s in winding and whimsical fashion, in unison wit h out door weddings." Karen Gordon, VP, Growt h, Goodshuffle Pro "We are seeing a need for high- end furniture bars and mirrored t ables. Couples are looking for unique, nont radit ional it ems to add to t he overall design and decor of an event to set t hemselves apart from t heir friends and families weddings." Heat her Rouffe, Sales Direct or and Part ner, At las Event Rent al "Floral inst allat ions will go to new height s, embracing professional light ing, and weaving in unique mat erials. Colors will be inspired by nature, wit h spice hues, shades of green, blues and lilac t aking cent erst age. Eart hy tones and style will be on everyone?s wedding mood board in 2020. Jennifer Charles, Co- Founder, Chief Creat ive Officer, Somet hing Fabulous

"More and more of our couples are challenging us to work in sust ainable and cost effect ive solut ions to t heir gorgeous wedding designs to reduce wast e and recycle. We are achieving t his t hrough savvy product sourcing, less custom builds and more repurposing or hiring, rearranging floral inst allat ions into t able cent res aft er t he ceremony, encouraging floral wrapping st at ions, eco- confett i & more. We absolut ely love t his t rend and look forward to wat ching it grow and cont inue to push t he creat ive boundaries in 2020." Lauren, Founder/ Creat ive Direct or, Et c. Event St yling - Nordic/Scandinavian influences. - Green/eco chic - Less 't heme', more personality - Bold yet chic colour choices" Kat e Cullen, Owner, Kat e Cullen "Textures and Mixtures, not hing has to mat ch anymore. We are adding a lot of dept h to t he wedding design. If natural element s can st and alone such as a marble t able, polished wood t ables, mirrors, or glass t ables, we are st art ing to build a mixture of element s on top of t hem. An elegant sheer ruffled t able runner wit h an abundance of element s such as different floral concept s, mix on met allics, candles galore, glass pillars, geomet ric shapes and more. Depending on t he client 's t heme we are t ailoring t he t ablescape to t heir needs. This also includes hanging it ems t hat are eit her suspended from ceilings or built st ructurally over t he guest t ables. If t he budget allows we like to upgrade t he t ableware as well to fit t he t heme. Colored glassware, gold flat wear, t extured napkins, and 3- d menus." Brit Bert ino, Event Producer, Brit Bert ino Event Excellence "A lot of soft and natural tones, wit h nude and cream colours. Whit e and clean design will also be present , wit h a mixture of mat erials, being as natural as possible eg wood." Clement ine Ward, Wedding Planner, Awardweddings

Table Design Trends

"Candles wit h sleek candle st ands will be used more and more in t he next wave of t able designs. Bot h element s creat e a very modern and yet int imat e sett ings for small or lavish weddings. They add a romant ic and elegant ambience to t he overall. These days, couples prefer to creat e face to face int eract ions wit h t heir guest s at t he t ables, large t able cent repieces may not be used t hat much on long t ables. Inst ead, hanging t rellis or hanging arrangement s will be deployed more for a bett er dining experience." Hannah Chong, Founder & Creat ive Direct or, Heaven's Gift

"There are two opposing t rends emerging in t able design; - Eco- minimalism, t hink neut ral palett es of latt e, sand and must ard layered wit h eco- conscious t ableware including recycled glassware, eat hernware crockery and heirloom cut lery paired wit h wild and natural floral arrangement s filled wit h t extured grasses, dried florals and unusual fresh blooms. - Maximalism, t his t rend is all about more is more! Clashing colour palett es, cont rast ing t extures, patt erns and oversized florals. Decorat ive glassware, gilt- edged crockery and opulent linens add to t he abundance wit h OTT det ails including t assels, embroidery and embellishment s on place sett ings, st at ionery & more. Louise Beukes, Founder, B.LOVED // B.LOVED Hive "We will see t he use of bolder, bigger, and bright er floral print s as couples are not afraid of color or patt ern used on t heir t ables anymore. We will also see mixing and mat ching of linen and t abletop it ems allowing for t he layering of t extures. For example - using a sat in linen wit h a larger floral print and a gauze napkin t ied in a knot . Color is going to cont inue to be big. We see more opt ions in t erms of colors in china, flatware, and glassware. This allows for different hues to be mixed and mat ched toget her for a one of a kind design. Colored chargers are also making a comeback and are a great way to add a pop of color to t he t abletop design." Heat her Rouffe, Sales Direct or and Part ner, At las Event Rent al

Table design is t aking a break from t he st andard 5?rounds and embracing long- styled tops featuring independent sat ellit e florals wit h tons of candles. Colored candles are also becoming more and more present wit h more shades to choose from. Texture is t he name of t he game when it comes to t abletops. We will see t he layering of chargers along wit h unique linen patt erns and customized menu cards and paper det ails t hat will add a dash of t he couple?s personality to t he look. Jennifer Charles, Co- Founder, Chief Creat ive Officer, Somet hing Fabulous

Top Lighting Trends In 2020, we will be seeing lot s of mood light ing consist ing of element s such as exposed bulbs and vint age chandeliers. Neon signage and fairy light s will be carried over from 2019, keeping wit h t he style of bot h t rendy and whimsical. We will also be seeing lot s of unique fixtures such as hanging pendant s, lant erns, and lampshades, furt her marking 2020 as t he year of individuality. Karen Gordon, VP, Growt h, Goodshuffle Pro

Immersive design is set to be huge in 2020, wit h bespoke light ing inst alls and project ions to creat e changing environment s and at mospheres at different st ages of t he wedding day. Louise Beukes, Founder, B.LOVED // B.LOVED Hive

Jennifer Charles, Co- Founder, Chief Creat ive Officer, Somet hing Fabulous Subt le moving t exture design gobo's and or customized gobos t hat will have a phrase or t heme pert aining to t he wedding. Brit Bert ino, Event Producer, Brit Bert ino Event Excellence

There is no doubt t hat light ing can make all t he difference at a wedding. In 2020 we'll be seeing neon light ing cont inue to boom, wit h custom made neon signs becoming more and more popular as t he year goes on. In 2020 we also predict an increase in t he use of st at ement pendant light ing inst ead of t he much loved Edison bulb. Bront e Dwyer, St ylist & Planner, Foreva Event s

In a ret ro callback, unique chandeliers made of ratt an will be favored, along wit h bist ro and st ring light s woven into unexpect ed patt erns. Professional light ing will also be brought in to add patt erns to t he ceilings and walls of venues.

"Flood lit buildings, dramat ic uplight ing, and light ing canopies t hat focus on making first impressions count are here to st ay. They form t he basis of many designs, giving a st ructure and framework for seriously style conscious client s." Pamella Dunn, Creat ive Direct or & CEO, Pamella Dunn Event s

Video and project ion mapping was a big t rend in 2019, but I t hink we will see it gain popularity in 2020 as it becomes more accessible. Overall, I believe couples realize more and more, t he import ance and significance light ing plays in to t ie everyt hing toget her and what it lends to t he overall design of t he event . Heat her Rouffe, Sales Direct or and Part ner, At las Event Rent al

Styling & DĂŠcor Trends with

Clementine Ward OF AWARDWEDDINGS Where is t able design headed in 2020? Couples want neat er and more minimalist designs so cent ral garlands of foliage are on t heir way out . Couples want simple and clean vases of flower arrangement s and candles. Colours will be clear wit h a lot of nude, past els and whit es. We will also see a lot of mixture of mat erials eg brass, glass and wood. Wood in part icular is t aking more import ance in ot her pieces t han before such as candle holders and vases. In t he current cont ext of reusing natural mat erials, we'll see lot s of wood. What linen t rends will we see in 2020? Long elegant uni- coloured linen will be present . We will see a lot of cotton and linen wit h no designs or t extures to t hem. Colours, again will be nude, past el and whit e. What light ing t rends will we see in 2020? Candles and at mospheric light ing is st ill st rong! Couples want t hese int imat e light ing so fairy light s, candles are st ill very import ant . We see also a lot of neon sign t ailored made for t he couples, t hat t hey bring home aft er as a memory of t heir day. What will carry over from 2019 int o 2020? Natural colours such as cream will carry over, wit h cream t able clot hes, draping for ceremony and flowers, such as pampas grass. Couples like airy arrangement s.

What will carry over into 2020? "Expect unique place card inst allat ions to have st aying power, especially as celebrat ions?focus cont inues to be on t he guest experience. Blues and blushes will remain top hues for t he wedding day color palett e, and floral patt erns in t he linens and paper will carry over from 2019." Jennifer Charles, Co- Founder, Chief Creat ive Officer, Somet hing Fabulous "The classic tones of soft blush, ivory and champagne are t imeless colours for any event so we are definit ely seeing t hese tones t ransfer into next season as well. Floral inst allat ions are a t rend on t he rise and will definit ely cont inue to see t hese heading into 2020." Lauren, Founder/ Creat ive Direct or, Et c. Event St yling "In 2019 we have seen some great t rends in styling and decor. Some of t he t rends t hat will carry over from 2019 into 2020 are t he use of acrylic for signage and st at ionery, unrivalled flower arrangement s t hat demand your att ent ion, bold colour palett es and t he inclusion of personal it ems t hat t ell t he story of t he couple." Bront e Dwyer, St ylist & Planner, Foreva Event s

Styling & DĂŠcor Trends

What light ing t rends will we see in 2020? Get ready for some seriously swoon- wort hy light ing inst allat ions as t he wat erfall light ing t rend gat hers pace in 2020. Walls of light ing curt ains creat e int imat e spaces bot h indoors and out doors. Courtyards come to life as t he light ing cast s t he perfect evening glow, as t he twinkle creat es a welcoming warm ambience, and t he mood is complet ed wit h t he hum of happy revellers. The new season light ing designs embrace showstopping, spect acular light ing effect s t hat are a budget friendly opt ion for t ransforming venues and locat ions. Pamella Dunn, Creat ive Direct or & CEO, Pamella Dunn Event s

Where is t able design headed in 2020? Dried, sust ainable florals, will sit side by side wit h luxury high fashion. The challenge is to t ake a t radit ional floral cent repiece and creat e a signature design, redefining t he flower ball or float ing candle t ablescapes seen in recent years. Sculptures, and cont emporary wireless lamps are emerging as cont enders and an alt ernat ive to candles. Great care is t aken when considering t he significant impact glassware, crockery and cut lery have on t he overall style, as well as t he guest experience. What linen t rends will we see in 2020? Soft fabrics t hat puddle to t he floor cont inue to dominat e t he wedding market , but as darker colours and patt erns emerge so too are t he coordinat ing linens, decor and st at ionery suit e. A cohesive design can now include over sized florals across t he st at ionery, cent repieces, and art isan designed t ableclot hs and napkins. Billowing drapery is an emerging t rend t hat can t ransform a venue covering t he walls and even t he ceiling. We are seeing backdrops and chairs styled wit h chiffons and silks for t he ceremony, t hat t hen reappear alongside mat ching fine t able linens for t he wedding breakfast .

Top Floral Trends For 2020, we will st art to see a return to t he mechanical art ist ry of floral design. The free- flowing wild bouquet has been enjoying it s moment , but all good t hings must come to an end. We will now see an increase in bouquet s and designs t hat demonst rat e more of t he art and skill of t he designer behind t he arrangement s. More and more, we will see specific designers, including signature element s in t he use of armatures, wirework, and hand dyeing or paint ing of plant mat erial. These more modern art ist ic handcraft ed touches will t hen be juxt aposed wit h wildflowers. Which will st rike t he perfect balance we are looking for in today?s culture between t he love for t echnology and modernity, while st ill yearning to reconnect wit h t he natural world around us. Ashley Greer, Owner, At elier Ashley Flowers

Floral inst allat ions and walls donned wit h blooms have risen to popularity in 2019 and t hey?ll cont inue on into t he new year. They make from a dramat ic st at ement piece, while seconding as t he idyllic locat ion for guest s to t ake selfies. Draped and hanging inst allat ions will also st ill pair wit h professional light ing and chandeliers. Joan Wyndrum, Co- Founder, Blooms by t he Box

We?ll st ill see t he round, hand- t ied bouquet s but inst ead of t he rounded, dinner plat e sized styles, bouquet s will be a lot looser and a litt le more organic. Expect a lot of greenery to come into play- from eucalyptus and ferns to lemon leaves. Flowers will go East to West , inst ead of Nort h to Sout h, across t he bride. Color is back- brides want vibrant colors such as dark blue and reds, versus shades of blush and ivory, which have been popular in years past . Mont e Durham, Say Yes To The Dress ? At lant a

- For aisle decor, we will see a bigger int erest in plant ed aisles, using a combinat ion of fresh, dried, and dyed flowers. This style will make guest s feel as if t he celebrat ion is t aking place in an organic garden. - Oversized bouquet s will need to make way for t heir pet it e count erpart s, featuring 1- 2 floral variet ies versus an abundance of opt ions. - Scent is oft en not t hought of on a wedding day, but t his year, fragranced bouquet s are emerging wit h t he use of herbs, lavender, sweet peas, or freesia. - Trailing flowers from floor to ceiling will be popular as well, int roducing a new t ake on over- t he- top inst allat ions. This is a great way to bring t he out side in if a couple is having a ballroom wedding.

Couples are st epping out side of t he box and returning to t he ?wow?factor wit h t heir blooms by insert ing a wealt h of color into t heir weddings. We?re seeing a lot of vibrant shades such as bright greens, oranges, and bold reds, blues, and purples. Going t he more dramat ic rout e, we?ll also expect an increase in ut ilizing modern met als in t hese floral designs, whet her as glitt ering accent s or mut ed matt e element s. We?re designing wit h more mass and t exture ? too much t exture is no longer a worry! Dried and preserved florals incorporat ed wit h fresh blossoms is t he new juxt aposit ion t hat ?s hot for 2020, including t he aforement ioned met als for millennials. Olet a Collins, Owner, Flourishing Art Design St udio

Joan Wyndrum, Co- Founder, Blooms by t he Box As t he 2020 season arrives, I t hink t hat we are going to see lot s and lot s of colorful flowers! Whimsical arrangement s wit h lot s of t exture are going to be at t he forefront of wedding design, wit h a variety of colorful palett es. Larger floral inst allat ions will be popular - from hanging inst allat ions over dance floors to flower walls, couples are going to love flowers in 2020. Tyler Speier, Owner, Tyler Speier Event s

Floral Trends with


What are your t op floral predict ions for 2020? Bold wild and unusual shaped inst allat ions will be big in 2020. Couples are using spaces in wedding venues to fill wit h colour and t extures to add a wild natural feel but using unusual colour pops to add a wow factor.

What are your t op color predict ions for florals in 2020? Are t here any emerging floral t rends t o wat ch out for in 2020? Couples are t hinking about t he florals as a whole look rat her t han specific flowers or colours. They are working wit h us to creat e t he feel of space for t he wedding so as designers we have more freedom to see what is in season and what we t hink as a professional will work well. Locally grown flowers and flower provenance will be more of a focus in 2020.

Greens and eart hy dusky tones I t hink will be great in 2020 but also vibrant neon pops of colour for more daring couples. The blush t rend will cont inue but be paired wit h dove greys, soft blues and soft greens. Wedding florals will be more elegant and classic in tones wit h a move to creat e t imeless elegance.

Top Trends for

Wedding Flowers WITH JENNI HILL- HORSBURGH, OWNER, LITTLE HILL FLORAL DESIGNS What are your t op floral predict ions for 2020? Floral Circles are going to become a big hit . These can be used for int eract ive photo experiences or in place of a ceremony arch. They are fun and unique which makes it s a t rendy st at ement piece. What 's on t he way out in 2020? A boho look which includes pampas grass.

What do you t hink from 2019 will cont inue t o be popular in 2020? Table floral bridges will cont inue to 2020 especially since it is going to be a year of ext ravagant luxurious designs. Are t here any emerging floral t rends t o wat ch out for in 2020? Flowers t hat are dyed in met allic colors. These flowers can be gold or silver and will be used as an accent color in bouquet s, cent erpieces or any ot her design. What are your t op color predict ions for florals in 2020? The Pantone color of t he year leads in all element s of design including event and floral design. This year was living coral which we saw across all event design element s. For 2020 we expect to see a vibrant color palett e as well.

Top 2020 Floral Colours

Tyler Speier says... While I love a classic neut ral palett e (and t hese will always be t imeless and popular), I t hink we are going to see much more vibrant color palett es at weddings. Couples are bringing in lot s of colors into t heir florals, from rainbow palett es to sunset palett es, t he more color, t he bett er! Ashley Greer of At elier Ashley Flowers says... We will cont inue to see peach and burgundy tones wit h a move towards fuchsia and berry hues. Lavender will also come full circle and will be featured prominent ly in spring and fall designs. Color use, in general, will make a significant change as designers are dist inguishing t hemselves as "Color Mast ers." Which means t hey will work wit h 6 - 7 tones to evoke a mood or feeling rat her t han just 1 to 2 colors. Olet a Collins of Flourishing Art Design St udio says... We?ve been working wit h wine and burgundy recent ly, but beaut iful, classic red is making a comeback. The combinat ion of all of t hese hues toget her makes for a marbled, exquisit e pairing t hat piles on t he drama! Dee McMeeking says... Goodbye pink and monochrome palett es. Hello to compliment ary colour palett es mixed wit h analogous colour palett es. One t hat we expect to see more of is apricot tones t hrough orange mat ched wit h deep saturat ed moody blues t hrough to aubergine. Joan Wyndrum of Blooms by t he Box says... When it comes to colors we will see a move towards more mut ed color palett es t hat include beige, clay pink, green- gold, deep forest green and a hint of grey. We will also see t he use of gradient floral arrangement s and bouquet s wit h varying shades of one primary color - such as red fading into pale pink, or pale lavender to orchid and t hen a deep plum.

The t ime for long, daring bridal bouquet s is here; cascades are back! Bridal cascades and cresset s are emerging, alt hough t he free- form style of bouquet s has been in for quit e a few years. Florist s have begun to get creat ive wit h t he mechanics of t his sort of styling, using draping greenery and accent flowers to elevat e what will be showcased during t he ceremony. Designers will be elevat ing t heir game wit h educat ion to proceed wit h t his t rend. Olet a Collins, Owner, Flourishing Art Design St udio

Emerging trends for 2020 I t hink t he most significant t rend t hat will arise concerning flowers will not have to do wit h design. As t he company Repeat Roses ramps up t heir social media presence, more and more couples will be looking to have t heir flowers donat ed aft er t heir weddings. The combinat ion of publicity, t ax deduct ion, economic st atus indicator and inst agrammable cont ent generat ed will make it a real influence and hopefully have ot her companies across t he count ry sprout ing up to service t his need. One ot her t rend t hat is on t he rise is Urban Camo Foliage. This is a craft of hand- paint ing flowers and greenery in bold colors t hat st ill follow t he form and essence of t he natural mat erial. Then single leaves or t he flowers are used more like a piece of paint ed sculpture to creat e ot herworldly environment s. This pract ice is st eadily increasing and will be one to wat ch in 2020. Ashley Greer, Owner, At elier Ashley Flowers

I t hink we are going to see larger, more out side- t he - box floral inst allat ions. From impressive living flower walls to massive hanging inst allat ions, 2020 couples want t heir florals to make a st at ement . I t hink we will also see a lot more dried flowers being incorporat ed into wedding design. Tyler Speier, Owner, Tyler Speier Event s The demand for sust ainable decor will increase so t hink about florals t hat can last beyond t he wedding day - moss st ructures, pott ed orchids and succulent s used in new and unusual ways. Look out for t he bouquet free wedding as brides and bridal part ies dit ch t he t radit ional bouquet in favour of some stylized wearable florals - floral rings, clut ches, and new ideas in floral accessories and jewellery. Dee McMeeking, Owner, Dee McMeeking Weddings We will see a move toward ut ilizing real, dried and dyed florals in arrangement s which will be new. Joan Wyndrum, Co- Founder, Blooms by t he Box

Wedding Floral Trends with

Dee M cM eeking What are your t op floral predict ions for 2020? 2020 will see floral design become a key story t elling device for weddings whet her t hat story is to creat e a wow and go large, or reflect a more mindful and calmer experience for guest s. Floral design will cont inue to go in two diverging direct ions. Focal point s and wow factor inst allat ions will cont inue to grow in scale and popularity in 2020. We are seeing 4 key areas of growt h here. Ceilings and hanging inst allat ions such as clouds or swirls where it is all about t exture, t exture & more t exture. Unexpect ed inst allat ions such as ground level inst allat ions in t hose awkward empty spaces in a large venue or an out door space. Unusual large scale it ems being t reat ed top to toe wit h florals and greenery ? from cars, to phone boxes, bat h tubs to grand pianos! And archit ectural inst allat ions where t he floral design is lit erally int erwoven wit h t he int erior or ext erior of t he building?s fabric. Wit h all of t hese t rends it ?s about t he t exture, t he drama and t he story. The beauty of t hese inst allat ions are t hat t hey can work wit h all styles of wedding design and can also be adapt ed to all budget s. In cont rast , expect to see more Japanese style modern, minimal, elegant and simple arrangement s as t he Japanese ikebana style and wabi sabi influences begin to adapt into new designs and forms wit h t he increase in popularity of a more naturalist ic floral style. The story behind t his style is underst at ed, mindful and experient ial.

Top Trends for


What are your t op floral predict ions for 2020? The rise of t he ugly flower. Think carnat ions, chrysant hemums and gerberas. The Aussie florist s are at t he top of t heir game when it comes to t he wedding indust ry as a whole, and some of t he leading florist s are using t hem in t heir arrangement s. I?ve recent ly become a gerbera convert as t hey come in so many pretty colours and int erest ing shapes now. I never t hought I?d see t he day! Monotone colour palett es ? t hink all shades of pinks, all shades of reds et c. Sust ainable flowers ? t he way in which florist s approach making of flowers and not using floral foam, but also using flowers which last for couples to put in t heir houses aft er t he wedding e.g. dried flowers.

What 's on t he way out in 2020? Foliage! What do you t hink from 2019 will cont inue t o be popular in 2020? I t hink dried flowers and foliage will cont inue t hrough to 2020 but in some more excit ing colour palett es. In 2019 is was very bohemian wit h sandy tones but I t hink we will see florist s play wit h colour and also add some fresh flowers to move it forward. Are t here any emerging floral t rends t o wat ch out for in 2020? I t hink florist s are st art ing to add ot her t extures in t heir arrangement s, adding sweeps of beads, ribbon and tulle to make a real st at ement . I t hink t his will be a big t hing in 2020! What are your t op colour predict ions for florals in 2020? Monotone colour palett es Bright and clashing ? t hink garish and fluorescent

W hat's Still In

W hat's Out

Tyler Speier says...

Tyler Speier says...

I t hink we will cont inue to see lot s of hanging flowers over t ables, warm color palett es, and dried florals (especially dried flowers mixed wit h living flowers for ext ra t exture and drama).

Greenery Garlands are on t here way out . We'll be seeing a lot more hanging arrangement s, larger cent erpieces, and out side- t he- box arrangement s.

Sarah Richardson of Leafy Cout ure says...

Ashley Greer of At elier Ashley Flowers says...

Floral columns and larger st ructures will cont inue to be popular. The de- const ruct ed arch wit h it s natural beaut iful feel creat es drama and a fabulous backdrop for photographs. Areas for social media cont inue to be popular and florals to decorat e show stopping cake t ables cont inue to be popular. Meadow style arrangement s t hat can be used as aisle decor t hen repurposed will st ill be popular as t hey allow couples to use florals twice t hus a cost saving exercise where budget s are t ight .

I t hink we will see greenery cont inue to make it s way out . This is especially as florist s cont inue to dispel t he myt h t hat ut ilizing only greenery is a cheaper opt ion for flowers. However, greenery will st ill have a place as we will see a move to t he more t radit ional use of it mixed in floral arrangement s.

Dee McMeeking says... The influence of natural landscapes wit h lot s of movement , flow and freeform shapes will cont inue to influence floral designs for 2020. Expect to see more t radit ional round shape pomander and posy style arrangement s adapt wit h more element s of flow and less st ructured edges. Ashley Greer of At elier Ashley Flowers says... We have not seen t he last of geomet ric, t riangular or ot her irregular arch shapes. While wit hin t he indust ry, we are already feeling a bit saturat ed wit h t his look, I expect t hem to st ick around for anot her 3 or so years. Burgundy will st ill be on t he rise and will cont inue into 2020, t hough we will see it combined wit h a broader range of color including, hot pink, yellow, and brown.

Dee McMeeking says... The over use of past el pink across weddings in general. Fresh floral walls will exit gracefully but expect to see t his idea reused in newer more excit ing ways. Sarah Richardson of Leafy Cout ure says... Oversized foliage bouquet s are on t he way out wit h more of a focus on flowers. Trailing ribbons on mat ching bouquet s for maids are on t he way out and maids blooms to be more individual rat her t han uniform. Olet a Collins of Flourishing Art Design St udio says... All whit e weddings are a t hing of t he past . This sort of neut ral look will always be classic, but eye- cat ching color is in. Joan Wyndrum of Blooms by t he Box says... There will be a major departure from perfect ion wit h florals. Bouquet s and cent erpieces are now being left in t heir natural st at e wit h litt le to no t rimming before placing t hem into an arrangement . This gives t he couple?s flowers an overgrown, less- pruned look.

Credit t o t he wonderful t eam behind t his shoot : Event Planner: Bohemia Event s

B&W Ar t Disco

Phot ographer: Int a Lankovska Video: M?rcis Birst e Decorat ions: In Bloom Disco Balls: For Event Neons: Neon Light Room Paper Goods and Backdrop: Alise ??nast a Cake: Fika Cupcakes: Nat rada Drinks (Champagne): R?gas ?ampaniet is Fashion St ylist : Aline Skarule MUAH: T?na T?rone

There is so lit t le space t o include everyt hing t hat lies in t his project - in front of t he camera, behind t he scenes, and in t he planning process. So lit t le room t o include so many words, phot o moment s, impressions and t hank yous. This st yled shoot was made t o inspire couples t o celebrat e t heir love t he way t he want t o. To not be afraid of somet hing new, somet hing different - t his is t heir celebrat ion and it should be about t hem. A lot of t imes I receive quest ions like - "How ot her couples does t hat and t hat ...", "Which is t he right way t o do t hat and t hat ...", but it is only about how YOU t hink is bet t er, how YOU want t o do t hat . And t hat is what we t ry t o encourage - be you, sparkle, shine and celebrat e YOUR love!

Models: J?nis Vanags, L?ga V?t ola Wedding Dress: San Pat rick Brides Shoes: St eve Madden Grooms St yle: Mans Dr?bju Skapis Locat ion: Fot ost udija Imagine

Venue & L ocation Trends


Locations that inspire couples "Orangeries and bot anical styling go hand- in- hand for 2020. Everyone is excit ed about how bright and light t hese beaut iful glasshouses are, as opposed to dark barns. They are perfect for romant ic ceremonies and more modern and relaxed wedding breakfast s. Wit h a blank canvas, couples can adorn t hese beaut iful and photogenic spaces by going green - not only using t ropical, bot anically- inspired colours, but also decorat ing t hem more 'historically and t radit ionally', by bringing in pott ed plant s as opposed to cut flowers, to host more sust ainable weddings." Sam Lloyd, Owner, The Wedding Owl

"The 2020 t rend for desert dalliances following t he wedding of Dut ch DJ Tie?sto to model Annika Backessure promises to be huge. As do unique spaces, such as Kew Gardens, t hat open up t heir offering for weddings to increase revenue. There has been a flurry of t heat res, cinemas, bars and rest aurant s, launching fresh new wedding venue opt ions." Pamella Dunn, Creat ive Direct or & CEO, Pamella Dunn Event s

Top Trends for

Wedding Venues WITH LILY LUBOWITZ, GROUP VENUES MANAGER (OXO2, THE CONSERVATORY AT PAINSHILL, WINCHESTER HOUSE), CH&CO, THE CONCERTO GROUP What t ypes of venues/ locat ions are going t o be big in 2020? Privat e, inst agrammable venues t hat provide perfect photo opportunit ies and int imat e sett ings for weddings wit h t he capacity to host higher numbers for an evening party. Blank canvas venues wit h great views and locat ions which can be decorat ed wit h candles/ light s and lot s of florals to creat e a really unique backdrop to a wedding. What t ypes of venues are couples st aying away from in 2020? I've experienced most couples shift ing away from very t radit ional venues, t hat have rest rict ions. Couples I speak to are looking for a relaxed sett ing to have a fun t ime and share great memories wit h friends and families. Are t here any unique venues and locat ions t hat will be on t he rise in 2020? I suspect t here will be an increase in demand for eco- friendly venues t hat focus on sust ainability. How are venues different iat ing t hemselves in 2020? Sust ainable venues will lend t hemselves to be a perfect sett ing for couples t hat are environment ally conscious. Cat ering is always a huge part of any wedding day; venues t hat can provide sharing/grazing platt ers, vegan opt ions, and int eract ive food st at ions will st and out .

Top Wedding Venue Trends Inspired by t he dream of creat ing a personal wedding design, client s are looking for spaces to add style, t heat re, and a never been seen before approach to t heir special day. Some of our favourit es include romant ic woodlands, coast al ret reat s right on t he beach, charming It alian courtyards, and luxury, stylish, and cont emporary privat e houses. Rent ing a privat e house where guest s have t he luxury of onsit e accommodat ion, t he exclusive use of t he gardens and surrounding land for a marquee, or a t eepee, is growing in popularity. Pamella Dunn, Creat ive Direct or & CEO, Pamella Dunn Event s

To t ake advant age of t he Wedcat ioners, venues are different iat ing t hemselves by including accommodat ion, excellent food, beaut iful gardens, a blank canvas such as an Orangery or t hey incorporat e a Spa. Wit h t hese facilit ies, couples and t heir guest feel like t hey have had an amazing wedding and mini holiday, even t hough t hey haven't been aboard. Sam Lloyd, Owner, The Wedding Owl

Hot els wit h a forward t hinking t eam, who are open to change, and can offer added benefit s such as spa facilit ies, golfing, cinema, and beauty, have an opportunity to appeal to bot h t he client and t he family who may be cont ribut ing to t he budget . Pamella Dunn, Creat ive Direct or & CEO, Pamella Dunn Event s

Wit h t he hope of allowing for more guest int eract ion, couples are eager for a venue to host bot h t heir ceremony and recept ion. We?re finding it ?s one of t heir top priorit ies for considerat ion. Heat her Jones, Cat ering Sales Direct or, Went e Vineyards

Unique venues on t he rise in t he UK include: - Bot leys Mansion, Surrey - Cave Hot el, Kent - yet to open - Down Hall Hot el & Spa, Essex - Euridge, Cot swolds - Eastwell Manor, - Champneys Hot el & Spa, Kent - Gosfield Hall, Essex - Hint lesham Hall, Suffolk - Kew Gardens, London - Hayne House, Kent - Hest ercombe Gardens, Somerset - Holbeck Ghyll, The Lake Dist rict - Lords of t he Manor, Cot swolds - Mont agu Arms, The New Forest - Ravenswood, West Sussex - St Audries Park, Bristol Sam Lloyd, Owner, The Wedding Owl

We are seeing wedding couples gravit at ing towards venues wit h out door spaces, looking to have t heir ceremony, recept ion, or bot h port ions of t heir wedding out side. As more and more of our client s find t hemselves working long hours in corporat e sett ings, t he appeal of marrying out doors is growing ? specifically for our adventurous couples! Heat her Jones, Cat ering Sales Direct or, Went e Vineyards

Wedding Venue Trends with


What t ypes of venues/ locat ions are going t o be big in 2020? Client s are looking for venues t hat can offer experiences t hat make t he day ext ra memorable for everyone. They want somet hing t hat is going to make t heir guest s feel really special and of course, t hey want somet hing really photogenic so t hat t heir guest s will be able to t ake loads of Inst agram ready images. Couples are also engaging wit h us a lot more about sust ainability, ensuring t hat t he venue t hey pick is one t hat is as environment ally conscious as t hey are.

Are t here any unique venues and locat ions t hat will be on t he rise in 2020? I t hink we will find t hat venues offering less t radit ional, more playful opt ions, like sunrise and sunset weddings at t he Royal Observatory in Greenwich, being more popular wit h couples. Venues wit h mult iple spaces will be popular, wit h couples looking to be able to choose what t hey do wit h each space as well as offering guest s more of a journey. Out door event space will be import ant too.

What t ypes of venues are couples st aying away from in 2020? Our couples don't want to have to t ransform a space; t hey want t he space to have it s own unique and quirkiness already wit hout having to spend huge amount s of money dressing it . That way t hey can focus on adding t he personal touches and using decor to highlight t he venue's features. They also don't want venues t hat feel too rest rict ive or aust ere, want ing to have freedom and flexibility to have t heir day, t heir way.

Standing Out

On the way out Sam Lloyd of The Wedding Owl says...

Heat her Jones of Went e Vineyards says... Venues are adding bells and whist les t hat make t hem st and out from ot her area propert ies. Knowing what your compet itors are offering and discovering which new element s you can offer will set your event space apart from ot hers. Sophie Linin of Royal Museums Greenwich says... Venues t hat are st anding out are offering more t han just t he t radit ional wedding packages. Venues are list ening to t heir client s and building bespoke opt ions from scrat ch, looking at bett er cost ings on different days of t he week and offering more int imat e as well as larger and grander opt ions. Welcoming all types of couples makes a venue st and out as well as being proud to engage wit h local suppliers in sust ainable and et hical ways. Pamella Dunn of Pamella Dunn Event s says... The more personal t he offering, t he more likely client s are to consider a venue. If t he market ing, and t he social media presence is engaging and resonat es wit h couples, t hey feel confident t hey will have t he wedding t hey hope for. Wit h venues mindful of t he environment , t hat have banished single use plast ic, and are keeping wast e to a minimum being a draw for eco conscious couples.

Wit h t he recent , shocking, and to many couples crushing news of t he collapse of Thomas Cook, coupled wit h t he fallout from Brexit , we are predict ing t he growt h in dest inat ion weddings will inevit ably slow down. St aycat ions became popular in t he UK in 2009 as a weak pound made overseas holidays significant ly more expensive. So we are likely to see a new port mant eau 'Wedcat ions' ent ering t he wedding indust ry dict ionary. Pamella Dunn of Pamella Dunn Event s says... Tradit ional hot el weddings have become less popular in recent years, especially where more t han one wedding is held on one day. St rict packages, too numerous rest rict ions, high accommodat ion, and food and beverage cost s see client s look elsewhere. Oft en due to cost but also to ensure t heir wedding does not look like every ot her wedding. Heat her Jones of Went e Vineyards says... Couples are st eering away from venues t hat do not t ransform easily to reflect t heir ideas and style. On t he ot her side of t he coin, couples also are not looking for a complet ely blank slat e when it comes to t heir wedding space. Inst ead, t hey are holding t heir wedding in a place wit h great features t hat will enhance t heir style. Venues and wedding locales wit h natural beauty (i.e. est at es, vineyards, gardens, historic buildings, et c.) are part icularly appealing, allowing couples to experiment wit h de?cor, wit hout having to st art from scrat ch or worry t hat t heir vision will clash wit h an exist ing t heme.

Food & Beverage Trends


Food & Beverage Trends with

M er yl Snow OWNER OF SNOWSTORM SOLUTIONS In 2020, we will see African- Caribbean, or Afro- Carib, cuisine t ake off. The origins of t his type of cuisine dat es back to when European slave t rade was prominent in t he area and was also heavily influenced by Chinese and Indian flavours as well. These dishes from t he region are mainly comprised of seafood and flavourful cut s of meat . It ems like yams, cassava, plant ains, sweet pot atoes cocoyam, coconut , lent ils and rice cont ribut e to t he majority of t his style of cuisine. We will see chefs t ake t hese ingredient s, flavors and t extures and elevat e t hem to t he next level wit h new t akes on old favorit es. We will also see t hem change t he serving style to bett er fit event s and wedding celebrat ions. These recipes can have some heat , so we will also see t he spices adjust ed to bett er fit a mult itude of palat es. CBD oil is quickly becoming mainst ream and gaining popularity, as it is a great mood boost er. We will see CBD ut ilized in high end cockt ail concoct ions t hat will have an int eract ive, performance factory by dropping it into drinks via one of many forms- power, oil or wat er- soluble. Wit h t hat , I do suggest t hat you check wit h your st at e laws before suggest ing t his to a client as every st at e has different regulat ions.

Wedding Cater ing in 2020 "Sust ainability and et hical preferences are reaching crit ical mass in cat ering select ions. Lot s of client s are have want ed for years to reflect t heir values wit h t heir wedding menus, but most opt ed for t he safer, t radit ional select ions. Now t hey're seeing t hat t hey can be t rue to t hemselves and st ill provide a delicious menu t hat everyone enjoys. There's an upt ick in dairy free request s and a growing preference for complet ely plant- based menus inst ead of veget arian. Wedding couples host ing dest inat ion celebrat ions want to spot light t he foods and beverages of t he dest inat ion, not just as ingredient s but as feature highlight s of t he menu." Jeremy Bronson, President /Owner, Occasions Cat ering Int eract ive/ live food "experiences" are absolut ely on t he rise for 2020 - especially for t he wedding indust ry. Couples see what ot her friends/ family have done at t heir weddings and t hey are making ment al not es for t heir own. The biggest t hought in t heir mind is "what can I do t hat hasn't been done?". Offering t heir guest s an int eract ive/ live food experience fit s t hat crit eria and adds t he wow factor to t heir day/event . Examples: Chef- att ended st at ions (fresh past a/noodle bars), gast ronomy dessert bars (because science is fun to eat !), shuck- to- plat e raw bars, crepe st at ion wit h a shaveable chocolat e wheel, et c.) Anot her t rend on t he rise is not a new one but a welcome one! The t radit ional, plat ed dinner is making a comeback vs. buffet and/or family style. We used to see a good 50/ 30/ 20 split (plat ed/ buffet / family style) for 2017/ 2018 but now it 's 70/ 25/ 5 looking ahead into our 2020 season. Erin Corriveau, Direct or of Cat ering Sales & Event s, Longit ude Cat ering & Event s

"2020 will see a whole load of unconvent ional dining and whet her t his is because it ?s t he year of t he millennials or because you can incorporat e so much of your personality into t hese types of menus we?ll never know. But what we do know is t hat t he buffet is back and bigger t han ever. Taking a twist on t his classic wedding breakfast style we really do mean it is bigger t han ever, people are really st art ing to t hink about t he props, flowers, foliage t hey want to accompany to emphasise what delicious food t hey have on show. Forget t hree courses, 2020 is set to see four, five, six or even seven course wedding breakfast s. Couples and cat erers alike are loving having fun wit h an amuse bouche course, cheese course or even just a second st art er which can bring so much personality into t heir chosen menu as well as allowing t heir guest s a glimpse into t heir chef ?s brilliant mind. Some are even going t hat st ep furt her by surprising t heir guest s wit h an addit ional course and who doesn?t love a surprise!" Hannah Mart in, Direct or, Goose & Berry More menus are leaning toward ?clean- eat ing?per t he request of client s and guest s, so fully- decked out salads wit h bold flavors are on t he way in. What was once t hought to only be a st art er is now becoming a main course, wit h st at ement build-your- own st at ions. Spicy, filling prot eins, grains, dressings, toppings, veggies, and cheeses are sat isfying to any palat e and can be served in larger wooden bowls for an added special touch. Believe it or not , it may be t ime to t ake a page out of Edible Arrangement s?book. Const ruct ed displays of edible cent erpieces and ?de?cor?for each t able can make for icebreakers and pre- dinner or dessert snacks. Chocolat e and fruit are no- fail pairings here. In t he vein of dessert s, we?ll see t he t rend of smoot hie bowls make t heir way into event s as eco- friendly, clean opt ions ? part icularly carved- out fruit s such as pineapple or coconut to hold t hese sweet s! Whet her premade by a chef on hand or laid out as a DIY st at ion wit h toppings, fruit , and more, guest s will love t his alt ernat ive to cake and past ries. Trip Wheeler, President , SB Value

Top Wedding Cater ing Trends We t ruly believe 2020 is t he year of plant- based menu it ems. We're seeing t hings like nut rit ional yeast being used in place of t radit ional cheese to add dept h and t exture to sauces, salads, and more. Oat milk and ot her dairy subst itut es will be used. In past ry, chefs are likely to be experiment ing wit h aquafaba and ut ilizing t hat ingredient in lieu of eggs. Our personal favorit e addit ion is a plant- based carving st at ion. Inst ead of meat s, guest s will enjoy whole roast ed cauliflower wit h garam masala, cumin roast ed acorn squash, roast ed whole fennel wit h garlic olive oil, whole grilled eggplant medallions, and more wit h a variety of plant- based dips and spreads. Margot Jones, Owner, Purple Onion Cat ering

More and more int erest in open fire applicat ions. From whole animal to primals to spit roast ed and cedar plank salmon kind of stuff. Open Fire Paellas, et c. Couples want to see t heir food cooked at t he sit e wit h t he open fire show. We have also seen a huge rise in vegan and veget arian inquiries. The whole wedding menu being vegan kind of stuff. Anot her t erm we are hearing more and more is field kit chen. People love to wat ches our chefs work on t heir food. From breaking down veget ables to making to past a, simmering sauces. Brandon Snooks, Execut ive Chef & Owner, Farm t o Fire by Hudson Valley BBQ Co.

Fresh, fresh, fresh! Client s want to see more and more farm to t able menus at t heir event s. Creat ing food experience vignett es t hat st art during cockt ail hour and end wit h lat e night snacks and t ake home it ems. Faust o Pifferrer, Owner, Blue Elephant Event s and Cat ering

January is set to see t he beginning of t he roaring 20s and we are seeing couples follow in t he foot st eps of Gat sby himself. Swapping t he t radit ional t hree courses to an aft ernoon t ea wedding breakfast is as fabulous as it sounds, and pairing t his wit h a champagne or cockt ail tower will bring t he glamour your wedding breakfast deserves.

Short Plat e st at ions are creat ing a lot of buzz for our client s! These fully composed menu it ems are plat ed in front of guest s in individual vessels. The st at ion st ill includes chef int eract ion wit h guest s, but are virtually line- free because each short plat e is grab- and- go. Short plat es are beaut iful, easy- to- eat while st anding, and very efficient for guest flow, especially wit h large guest count s. Jamie Shaw, Senior Event Coordinat or, Foot ers Cat ering

Hannah Mart in, Direct or, Goose & Berry

Present at ion has really t aken cent er st age for cat ering. Top cat erers are buying or making creat ive furniture and display equipment to delight guest s, and oft en t he food is wheeled around, suspended, or in mot ion on a t rack. Food is part of t he ent ert ainment , so chef act ion and guest customizat ion opt ions cont inue to grow in popularity. Menus are also being driven by t he desire to sample more flavors in one event , whet her t hat means st at ions, ext ra courses, or a very int ent ional lat e- night snack choice. Jeremy Bronson, President /Owner, Occasions Cat ering

As 2020 rolls around, we find our guest s looking forward to a sense of formality and harkening back to t radit ion. Therefore, we're calling plat ed service t he go- to for 2020. While family style reigned in years past and buffet has always had it s place, t he simple elegance of a plat ed, full- service experience cannot be overst at ed. Margot Jones, Owner, Purple Onion Cat ering Tableside preparat ions, family st yle and plat ed will all be big, and we'll see more chef act ion at st at ions t hat is not just flambe or saut eing. Jeremy Bronson, President /Owner, Occasions Cat ering We keep seeing more cockt ail style service ideas coming in. Essent ially 4 cockt ail hours, each one t hemed and unique. Think small plat es from a specific genre at each course.

2020 Ser vice Styles We are really seeing couples opt ing for a light bit e wedding breakfast , wit h t heir evening food opt ions st ealing t he show. Bringing it back to st reet food and food st at ions, we are not icing our client s focusing all of t heir att ent ion on t heir evening menus and even making t his t heir main form of ent ert ainment for t he night ... Hannah Mart in, Direct or, Goose & Berry Int erest ingly enough, t here?s going to be an increase in snack- able buffet foods but wit h a twist . Rat her t han a couple of main offerings for t he ent re?e, we?ll see mini versions of fan- favorit es ? t hink fish t acos, stuffed egg rolls wit h dipping sauces, chicken or tofu st rips, and more. This creat es a kid- friendly place in your menu, and guest s will be happy to have t heir choice of some amazing foods. Trip Wheeler, President , SB Value

Many couples have relayed t hat narrowing down food to one service is so hard, so we just t ell t hem to have waves of food. Quit e a few really love it and deep down I t hink t hey also like t hat it will piss t heir parent s off. Brandon Snooks, Execut ive Chef & Owner, Farm t o Fire by Hudson Valley BBQ Co I t hink t hat family style service is going to t ake t he forefront of bot h casual and elegant event s. It offers a great hybrid of allowing guest s to st ay seat ed toget her at t heir t ables and not have to walk up to a buffet , but wit hout t he pret ent ious reput at ion of plat ed dinner service. Our couples want t heir guest s to be social and engage in every moment of t heir special evening. Jamie Shaw, Senior Event Coordinat or, Foot ers Cat ering Sit down, plat ed meals are on t he rise again. Present at ion will be big - plat es will have to look impressive. The food present at ion will be part of t he cohesive flow of each event . Faust o Pifferrer, Owner, Blue Elephant Event s and Cat ering

Food & Beverage Trends with

Ter r ica Skaggs OWNER OF COCKTAILS & DETAILSÂŽ What cat ering t rends are on t he rise for 2020? Infused everyt hing! Foods, drinks, dessert s- - anyt hing t hat you find delect able for your menu can be infused. You can get creat ive wit h which element s to infuse your foods and drinks wit h: everyt hing from CBD to bacon! What are some 2019 food t rends t hat will carry int o 2020? Locally sourced foods as well as using local flavors and recipes are helping wit h sust ainability. Cockt ail and wine parings wit h courses are going to be huge in 2020. What cat ering t rends are out in 2020? St rolling t ables are so done, honey. What are your cockt ail t rend predict ions for 2020? Bourbon is st ill holding on and going st rong. So t hrilled about t hat . Smoked old fashioned, bacon infused bourbons are going to be hit s wit h t he gent s and ladies. Twist s on t he classics are coming back as well- - your Neronis, Sidecars and French 75s are making great debut s. What st yle of service will be big in 2020? Cockt ail style and buffet s are st ill popular as client s t hink t hey are economical, but t he return of plat ed meals and courses are elevat ing 2020 event s. This service style not only impart s formality, but also a sense of community and conversat ion for guest s.

Car r ying over into 2020

We predict a few t rends from 2019 will st ill be alive and well come 2020. One t hat we can rely on is charcut erie displays, but glammed up. Guest s expect a display t hat is bot h art isanal in nature and art ist ic in display. Charcut erie displays are also going to require more of, you guessed it , plant- based it ems. Going into 2020 we're seeing charcut erie displays featuring vegan or veget arian friendly component s, like fresh t apenades and hummus. Margot Jones, Owner, Purple Onion Cat ering

Liquid Nit rogen has t aken off in t he cat ering indust ry. This st at ion allows chefs to turn cre?me anglaise (ice cream base) into ice cream in seconds in front of guest s. In 2020 I see it expanding beyond dessert to possibly add smoking/ frozen component s to amuse bouches, present plat ed salads wit h liquid nit rogen berries, or turn family- style main course sauces into live act ion component s at t he dinner t able. Sust ainability and No-Wast e movement s are going to cont inue into 2020, as t he conversat ion of sust ainability moves to t he forefront in many indust ries. Jamie Shaw, Senior Event Coordinat or, Foot ers Cat ering Duel Ent rees, as opposed to guest choice dinners. Tapas and cockt ail style weddings inst ead of t radit ional dinners. Faust o Pifferrer, Owner, Blue Elephant Event s and Cat ering Wit h st at ions, people love t he alt ernat ive carving st at ions - carving veget ables, assort ed bacons, cheeses, bison tomahawk st eaks. They don't want to fill up at one st at ion, so lot s of small plat es is t he t rend. Now t hat compost able disposable opt ions are so good looking and high quality, we'll see t hem be t he choice even more oft en t han in 2019. Jeremy Bronson, President /Owner, Occasions Cat ering

Locally sourced made from scrat ch.Couples have relayed so many t imes t hat where t he food comes from is just as import ant to t hem as how it is prepared. Composed appet izer st at ions wit h mini drink shoot ers are st ill t aking a front seat on menus. Couples "Insert Food" Bar - Each one composes a pierogi, t aco, silder, et c. and a drink to go wit h it . The appet izers are t hen a st at ionary piece along side a grazing t able. Highly personalized appet izers t hat t he couples help creat e. Brandon Snooks, Execut ive Chef & Owner, Farm t o Fire by Hudson Valley BBQ Co.

Top Wedding Beverage Trends Table growlers are making t heir way onto so many menus. Themed appet izer cockt ails to go wit h passed appet izers. Couples are really having fun wit h t he food + cockt ail t hemed experience during t he cockt ail course.

Tequila will peak in 2020. It 's been growing in popularity for several years, but just like wit h gin, t here's a limit to how far it 'll go, and I t hink it will hit t hat limit next year. We'll see a lot of cockt ails wit h veget able ext ract s and juices - - beet powder, carrot juice, cucumber infusion, as well as fresh herbs. The drinks will st ill be on t he sweet side but will get a lot of t heir sweet ness from t he veget able inst ead of added sugar.

Brandon Snooks, Execut ive Chef & Owner, Farm t o Fire by Hudson Valley BBQ Co.

Jeremy Bronson, President /Owner, Occasions Cat ering

1920's inspired drinks: gin and tonics, dirty mart inis, tom collins, pink squirrels. Lot s of champagne in coup glasses inst ead of flut es. Speakeasy inspired t hemed part ies wit h 1920's inspired menus. CBD infused menus and cockt ails. Everyt hing from hors d'ouvres to coffee.

I?m seeing lot s of infusions wit h CBD oil incorporat ed into classic and new cockt ails. It may be just because we are in Colorado, but I?m seeing CBD becomes t he next big "natural" ingredient , like agave was!

Faust o Pifferrer, Owner, Blue Elephant Event s and Cat ering

Handcraft ed beverages will st ill be royalty in t he coming year, but wit h more of a backyard, localized feel. Garnishes especially will rise in popularity, such as handpicked herbs and fruit s from t he wedding/event locale. Couples and guest s alike will love not hing more t han enjoying an Old Fashioned wit h orange or lemon zest plucked st raight from t he out door recept ion space! Trip Wheeler, President , SB Value

Jamie Shaw, Senior Event Coordinat or, Foot ers Cat ering

Craft cockt ails seem to be hanging on st rong for 2020. Not t hat t hey aren't delicious, however somewhere along t he way t hey became a bit "much", almost losing t heir purpose/t ast e because t here's a root of a rare bean clipped to t he glass wit h a giant clot hespin and an ice cube t hat t akes up an ent ire glass. I'd like to see t he classics wit h a twist be t he t rend but we shall see ;). Bourbon- based drinks are holding fast , gin is on t he rise, herb- infused liquor, anyt hing garnished wit h fresh herbs or cryst allized herbed rims, edible flower garnishes, exot ic fruit s, et c. If it 's an att ract ive drink, t hey want it . Erin Corriveau, Direct or of Cat ering Sales & Event s, Longit ude Cat ering & Event s

We're cont inuing on a t heme from 2019 for 2020 cockt ail t rends and st icking wit h t he elevat ed mockt ail. As more and more people are embracing sober curiosity, t he demand for mockt ails t hat can compet e wit h t he flavor profiles of cockt ails has increased. Gone are t he days of grenadine- infused, saccharine mockt ails. In 2020, expect more use of non- alcoholic spirit s (like Seedlip) and art isanal, house- made syrups and tonics to up t he mockt ail ant e. Margot Jones, Owner, Purple Onion Cat ering

Food & Beverage Trends with


Food t rends t hat will carry int o 2020? We won?t be seeing t he back of t he graze t able just yet , t hank god! In fact , we?re seeing people choosing to have a grazing st at ion at recept ion inst ead of canapes. We are t hrilled to see t hat people are st ill loving sust ainability for t heir wedding breakfast s and really t hinking about seasonality when choosing t heir menus. We have also not iced people want ing to incorporat e t heir hometowns, family herit ages into t heir menus as well, making t heir menus just t hat t ad more special.

Cockt ail t rend predict ions for 2020? I have a feeling t equila is going to t ake t he crown for 2020. Whet her served as a shot wit h t he salt and lime wedge, or making a signature cockt ail to commemorat e your big day, everyone?s going to want a slice.

What cat ering t rends are out in 2020? Addressing diet ary lifestyles has become increasingly more common and who says it has to be dull? Whet her it ?s glut en free, vegan, nut free, keto or paleo, we are always gett ing request ed by our couples to include a menu which is suit able for all. Everyone?s going to want t he vegan opt ion! A classic t ea and coffee buffet st at ion is soo 2019. Next year we are set to see iced coffees and espresso mart inis being served as t he caffeinat ed go to and what an innovat ive way to st ill serve t his beloved part of a wedding day but in such an unt radit ional way.

Cockt ails have never been so readily available wit h t he likes of a canned pornst ar mart inis and mojitos and why not have t hese chilling on ice at a help yourself cockt ail st at ion? It ?s a great way to save a few quid on cockt ail st aff and ingredient s, as well as saving you heaps on glassware! But let s not forget t hose all import ant biodegradable st raws!

W hat's Still In

W hat's Out

Erin Corriveau of Longit ude Cat ering & Event s says...

Erin Corriveau of Longit ude Cat ering & Event s says...

Grazing t ables for sure! Client s are so in love wit h how bount iful (and colorful!) t hese farm to t able, overflowing cheese/charcut erie/crudit e displays are and t hey cont inue to let us know t hat t his look is exact ly what t hey're going for. Speaking of farm- to- t able, t his concept is not going anywhere anyt ime soon eit her. The majority of today's couples are inquiring as to where t heir food is sourced from (local vs. import ed, farm- raised vs. ocean- caught , et c.) and are heavily invest ed in how it 's present ed.

The "sub cauliflower for every st arch" t rend is already making it s exit and I don't ant icipat e it returning. The amount of t imes we're asked to subst itut e mashed cauliflower for mashed pot atoes, or cauliflower pizza crust for regular are at least 75% less t han t hey were in t he 2017/ 2018 "Cauliflower Craze".

Trip Wheeler of SB Value says... Food bars and int eract ive st at ions aren?t going anywhere, and you can expect even more over- t he- top opt ions to sat isfy guest s. Seafood is making a comeback in t his arena, wit h full select ions of oyst ers on ice (sourced locally from t he area, of course) and complet e wit h an array of condiment s and mini- sized ut ensils for easy eat ing. Cat ered event s are cont inuing to meet t he individual diet ary needs and rest rict ions of guest s, but now wit h versat ile menus t hat can be tweaked easily (rat her t han serving separat e dishes to plant- based or glut en- free att endees altoget her).

Jeremy Bronson of Occasions Cat ering says... Longt ime favorit es are being t aken over my updat ed versions and t rends. We're seeing less of t acos and sliders and more empanadas, mini bao banh mi sandwiches, fusion egg rolls, and t he like. Faust o Pifferrer, Blue Elephant Event s and Cat ering says... - Anyt hing t hat hangs! Donut s, pret zels, small pails of crudit e?s, et c... - Salads in mason jars. Mason jars in general. - Family style dinner service. If you want to eat like you are at home, st ay at home! Margot Jones of Purple Onion Cat ering says... We have st rong opinions on what we t hink should be going out of style in 2020 (we'll t ake real meat over lab- made meat any day of t he week), but t hat doesn't necessarily mat ch t he t rends. One t hing we've seen in our weddings, event s, and part ies are t hat cupcakes cont inue to decline. We're seeing less and less of t hem on our dessert st at ions and more unique one- bit e dessert s chosen. Anot her t rend we're seeing dwindle is ginger beer based cockt ails, like t he Moscow Mule.

Top Wedding Cake & Sweet Trends It ?s becoming ext remely popular t hat couples are making t heir cake t he cent repiece to t heir wedding, which is obviously excit ing for us as cake st and makers! People are gett ing adventurous and going bold, really seeking somet hing innovat ive and special to t ake t heir cake to t he next level. The art of hand paint ed cakes is a championing favourit e along wit h t he natural, clean colour palett es which are perfect for t he t rendy, boho wedding t hat have dominat ed over t he past few years wit h variat ions of t he semi naked cake popping up everywhere. Cont radict ing t he soft er styles, geomet ric is in and here to st ay, t he indust ry has just got st art ed wit h experiment ing t his one. Emily and Brad Young, Direct ors, Prop Opt ions I expect to see a lot of elegance in t he simplicity of cakes. Natural element s woods, greenery, neut ral palett es - are st ill t rending in Colorado and clean cakes compliment any wedding, versus overshadowing colors and florals t hat are already going on. Matt e/met allic finishes (rose gold, opaques and grays) wit h floral finesse is a sure fire 2020 wedding cake guide. Shelby Anderson, The Past ry Professor | Execut ive Past ry Chef, Foot ers Cat ering

Dessert t rends for 2020 are going to be all about fun present at ions, variety, abundance, and seasonality.

New and excit ing flavors will be t he next big t hing for wedding cakes. A custom, signature flavor t hat was creat ed by t he wedding couple will t ake cent er st age and pay homage to t heir personality. We will also see bright , vibrant flavors, part icularly more passionfruit and guava, pist achio- cherry, pineapple and pink champagne. Simple elegance was t he t heme for 2019 and will cont inue into 2020. We will cont inue to see rust ic butt ercream t extures, but wit h a touch of refinement and cleaner lines. We're also seeing t hat we will be using t radit ional florals for decorat ing, but also more natural element s such as cit rus fruit s, fresh berries, and edible flowers. Butt ercream t extures wit h lot s of greenery make for a more dimensional dessert , as well as hand- paint ed element s t hat pop on a simple, smoot hly iced cake wit h touches of gold brushing.

Ant hony Cuellar, Cat ering Chef de Cuisine, Went e Vineyards Family Est at es

Ant hony Cuellar, Cat ering Chef de Cuisine, Went e Vineyards Family Est at es

3D cakes are very popular now. People want s somet hing t rendy and unique like t he wedding cake dress we made. The designer of t he dress rami al ali and we replicat ed t he same from sugar. We have a new collect ion of print ed it ems. Such as print ing on maccarons, chocolat e print ing, dessert print ing. All edible. Nicole Mrad, Owner, Cup N Cakes LLC

Next season is all about t he WOW dessert t able. Think a huge t able jam- packed wit h every single sweet t reat you could imagine, including everyt hing from int ricat ely decorat ed biscuit s to hand craft ed macarons. A dessert t able is all about impact and decadence so yes a cake should be featured as t he cent re piece but all t he delicious t ruffles and t reat s are as import ant to t he overall look. Couples want t heir guest s to be blown away by t he sweet cent repiece. Yevnig Davis, Owner / Creat ive Direct or, Unique Cakes by Yevnig

W hat's trending in wedding


What wedding cake t rends are emerging in 2020? - Hand Paint ed Finishes on Cakes - Cakes wit h an art ist ic flair are t he hot t rend for 2020. Think hand paint ed element s using edible paint such as writt en messages in calligraphy or beaut iful floral designs paint ed direct ly onto t he cake. - Tradit ional Royal Icing - Ext ravagant cakes wit h mult iple t iers creat ed using royal using wit h a cont emporary twist are big for next season. Think simple whit e designs coupled wit h a modern twist such as a couples favourit e florals, det ails from t he venue or personalised monogrammed flourishes. - Baroque - Think vint age elegance and ornat e styling wit h cascading blooms all reflect ing t he impeccable elegance of t he Royal Baroque t imes. Gold flourishing is key to t his t rend. What 's out for 2020? The cake as an aft ert hought ! Nowadays cakes can really make a visual impact on t he big day. Couples are looking for an opulent cent repiece t hat will get t heir guest s t alking and somet hing beaut iful and delicious t hat represent s t hem as a couple. What are some of t he more unique t rends you're seeing now t hat will be big in 2020? Again 2020 is all about t he cake as t he showstopper and cent re piece. Inst ead of t he cake as an aft ert hought , couples are opt ing for more and more elaborat e ways to display t he cake. A hanging chandelier cake is a fabulous way to WOW your guest s. How do you see wedding dessert s being used in t erms of decor and st yling in 2020? Cake designers love a creat ive project and nowadays couples are looking for any way t hey can add t heir flair of flourish to t he overall decor and styling on t he big day. From elaborat e flavours t hat really reflect t he couple and monogrammed cakes to colour and design - anyt hing is possible when it comes to craft ing a cake t hat will not only WOW but will be a cent repiece for a couples wedding decor and styling.

Wedding Cake Trends with


What wedding cake t rends are emerging in 2020? Fault lines have t aken t he celebrat ion cake world by storm in t he latt er part of 2019 so I expect to see t hese appearing in wedding cakes early next year. Also marble fondant has been around for a while but marble butt ercream is relat ively new on t he cake scene and again likely to be appearing on wedding cakes. There is a real resurgence in love for sugar flowers and I expect to see lot s of int erest ingly t extured fondant cakes wit h beaut iful bot anical displays of sugar flowers cont inuing to be popular. And because cakes oft en follow int erior t rends I t hink we'll see a lot of mint green in colour schemes for cake decorat ion.

What are some of t he more unique t rends you're seeing now t hat will be big in 2020? Perspex separators t hat give t he illusion of t he t ier above float ing are an excit ing new design development . Also complex geomet ric work and modern deco style flut ing in fondant .

What dessert (non-cake) t rends are up and coming in 2020? I t hink t hat Choux will cont inue to be a prominent fixture in t he world of past ries. Also vegan and plant based dessert s will feature heavily and become increasingly sophist icat ed.

Styling Cakes & Sweets

I t hink t hat couples are becoming more and more savvy when it comes to t he styling of t heir cake t ables and are making much more of a feature of t he cake. I t hink mult iple cakes in varying height s will cont inue to be a t rend as will sett ing your wedding cake at t he cent re of a sweet grazing t able for a more rust ic feel. Megan Collins, Owner, Blossom & Crumb

More glamorous, more feat her more bling bling while before it was more vint age and classical. Nicole Mrad, Owner, Cup N Cakes LLC The most unique t rend we have seen more recent ly is suspended illusion cakes and people?s different int erpret at ions on t hem, t his is t he beauty of working in such a t alent ed, arty indust ry, you can give each cake maker t he same cake frame and t he finished product s are worlds apart , all amazing in t heir own way! 2020 is going to be t he year of dessert t ables. Styled well, t hey?re classy, fun and st ress free! Adding t exture and t iers wit h an impressive floral display is t he way forward, different finishes can be achieved using an array of mat erials, we?ve got it covered! From cake pop st ands to aluminat ed cake frames and everyt hing in between, we work wit h our client s to custom design and creat e t heir dreams into a reality. Emily and Brad Young, Direct ors, Prop Opt ions Dessert buffet s are not only t asty, but look great and are visually st imulat ing. However, t hey need to have an abundance of variety and colors, especially to appease to guest s wit h varying palat es. Ant hony Cuellar, Cat ering Chef de Cuisine, Went e Vineyards Family Est at es

2020 is going to be all about how t hings are displayed and styled. It 's not just about what guest s are eat ing anymore; people want an experience. How dessert s are displayed before t hey even ent er a mout h matt ers. People want to be "wowed" and want somet hing more t han a slice of cake on a plat e. People want to see dessert s almost like decor; a focal point in a room t hat compliment s t he space around it . Dessert s displayed wit h purpose and style makes an event feel seamless. Sett ing dessert s on an 8ft t able is easy; how t he t able flows wit h everyt hing else is t he t rick. Or maybe it 's not a t able at all, maybe it 's a wall t hat has dessert s hanging from it so guest s can pluck t heir sweet t empt at ions vert ically. Shelby Anderson, The Past ry Professor | Execut ive Past ry Chef, Foot ers Cat ering

On the Rise

W hat's Out

Shelby Anderson of Foot ers Cat ering says...

Ant hony Cuellar of Went e Vineyards Family Est at es says...

Breakfast is going to be Queen in 2020. We are having a lot of couples request t reat s like cinnamon rolls, doughnut s, and homemade pop- t art s. Maybe it 's somet hing nost algic or maybe it 's because t hose sweet s are just delicious, but eit her way "brekki" t reat s are definit ely t rending.

The end of t he naked cake t rend is here. While t hey will st ill have a t ime and a place, t hey have been on st eady decline for most of 2019 and will cont inue to do so in 2020. The upside down wedding cakes and chandelier cakes added a fun touch as well, but unfortunat ely, t heir impact on t he wedding scene for couples is decreasing. Think less of t he out landish style of cakes and sweet s, and more of t he t radit ional wit h a twist .

Emily and Brad Young of Prop Opt ions say... Wit h sharp lines and st riking designs in mind we have recent ly launched new cake st ands, spacers, separators and float ing t iers, t he recept ion we have received for t hese has been phenomenal and really set excit ing foundat ions for cake designs of 2020 Nicole Mrad of Cup N Cakes LLC says... Chocolat e! We are surrounded by chocolat e t ruffles, wrapped chocolat e, paint ed chocolat e and marble chocolat e Ant hony Cuellar of Went e Vineyards Family Est at es says... Host s and guest s are looking to have t hose enhanced experiences t hat will leave a last ing impression. A small wooden box to hold fresh baked cookies or chocolat e t ruffles is good example of an elevat ed present at ion and one we are current ly using in our t ast ing lounge. The range for t radit ional, customary sweet s is endless. People are looking for dessert s t hat represent t heir culture, count ry of origin or hometown. They will be looking for t hese it ems based on t he season as well. Warm, invit ing and comfort ing are t he element s we all gravit at e toward, and it seems t hat a delicious sweet t reat is t he best at delivering t hese t hings.

Megan Collins of Blossom & Crumb says... I t hink t hat we will see fewer met allics in 2020. And I t hink naked cakes are finally gone but semi- naked cakes have moved into design classic t erritory and are st ill on t he scene but wit h loser more int erest ing floral styling to reflect florist ry t rends. Shelby Anderson of Foot ers Cat ering says... I t hink cupcakes and cake pops are definit ely dat ed and t hat we will see less and less of t hose. Our couples want somet hing customizable to t hem and somet hing t hat people haven't seen before. I t hink cake- based dessert s are falling off, which will give way to t reat s like cinnamon rolls, doughnut s, fritt ers, french macarons, et c.

The Spir it of L ove

Huge t hanks t o t he fant ast ic t eam who creat ed t his shoot : Coordinat ion: Ellwed Magazine Planning & St yling: Phaedra Liakou Event s Phot ography: Left eris Kalampokas St ylist : Set t y Lepida Floral Design: Kipos Kalou Invit at ions & St at ionery: Manousenia Hair & Make up St yling: Elissavet Makeup & Hairst yling Jewellery: KK Jewelry Lab by Kat erina Kouloubourou Ring Boxes: The Mrs Box Men?s Shoes: TAILOR It alian Wear Bridal Shoes: Zara Wedding Dress & Groom?s Suit : Tet i Charit ou - Haut e Cout ure

Find your st yle and let it shine on your wedding day is what we always say, and wit h t emperat ures falling below Z, we couldn't find a bet t er niche t han a "ready t o get t he st ylish t reat ment " venue like Block 33 in Thessaloniki t o shoot our Ellwed Wint er 2018- 19 Cover. St yled by a t rue Nort herner, wedding planner and designer Phaedra Liakou and filled t o t he brim wit h showst opping det ails we forget all t he "shoulds" t hat can back a st ylish wedding int o a corner and nurt ure t he desire for st at ement wedding pret t y. One New Year's resolut ion realized: t his delicat ely decadent edit orial will bring you right t o what your wedding is act ually all about : The Spirit of Love.

Trousseau: Acqua di Parma Favors: Dipt yque Models: Top Class Management Chef Pat isserie: Sweet Art St ories The Bar Cat ering: Pet it Camion Video: Mat hbeat s Venue: Block33

Photography & Enter tainment


Equally, friends and family will be asked to keep t heir smart phones in t heir pocket s. No one want s to see t he bride walking down t he aisle being papp'd by her nearest and dearest when t hey should be in t he moment wit h her. This is anot her layer of t he first t rend, where t he experience and t he moment s are t hings people want to t reasure. Professional photographers need to blend in more t han t hey ever have before and t he Old Skool shoot ers need to change up or move out of t he way.

Photography Trends "People have enjoyed riding t he wave of digit al and enjoyed it for many years, but have for a few years, I t hink, returned to what 's import ant in life, now t he novelty has worn off. So, many couples work hard to find t he right professional photographer for t hem, in t erms of style, and t hen expect t he photos to t ake care of t hemselves; in ot her words, document ary/report age is key. People t ruly value beaut iful and engaging images, but t hey won't want to be int errupt ed on t heir big day. This has long been t rue, but , it 's part icularly t he case, now, t hat couples want to priorit ise t heir experience during t he day and spend more t ime wit h t heir friends and family.

To make t hings worse for t he old pro's, no- one want s to see any of t he edit ing, so bright and natural images are going to be what we see; incredible HDR images have been captured by everyone wit h a smart phone for years, so t he photographer bett er upgrade t heir cameras to get t he best performance or be out shined and put to shame. Couple want t hat beaut iful angle and t hose breat ht aking moment s, but t hey also want t he full range of light . Expect to see shadows light up, blue skies and rich colour. Weddings are becoming more and more personal and couples expect to get what t hey want ; not because t hey are any less generous, but because t hey can see t hat t here are pract it ioners out t here who can give t hem t hat dream gallery or to- die- for film. So, if it 's t he first- look or t he bring- t he- house- down speech, t he change- up of dress or t he music- drop in t he first dance, everyone being paid to deliver on t he day bett er be ready! In photography and cinematography, couples want and expect leading st andards as it 's no less t han t hat t hat t hey're achieving t hemselves." Mark Ward, Phot ographer/ Videographer, Awardweddings

Capturing the Couple

"Weddings are becoming more and more personal and couples expect to get what t hey want ; not because t hey are any less generous, but because t hey can see t hat t here are pract it ioners out t here who can give t hem t hat dream gallery or to- die- for film. So, if it 's t he first- look or t he bring- t he- house- down speech, t he change- up of dress or t he music- drop in t he first dance, everyone being paid to deliver on t he day bett er be ready! In photography and cinematography, couples want and expect leading st andards as it 's no less t han t hat t hat t hey're achieving t hemselves." Mark Ward, Phot ographer/ Videographer, Awardweddings

"Most of my couples for 2020 are booking a 2nd photographer for t heir wedding day. This has been t he t rend wit h large weddings for several years, but now we are seeing it for weddings of all sizes. I?m happy to see t his change t rickling down to weddings of all sizes. Not only does it give t he couple t he ability to see t heir wedding captured from mult iple perspect ives, but it reduces t he st ress on my t eam and gives us t he ability to concent rat e on creat ivity versus t rying to be in all places at once." Mike Busada, Mike B Phot ography

Top Wedding Photography Trends A t rend I've not iced is t hat couples are ident ifying between t he deeper, darker style of photography and t he light er, luminous style of photography. These two ends of t he wedding photography spect rum are clearer to recognise from t he popularity of Inst agram. By typing a venue hasht ag t hey'll immediat ely be able to see a select ion of styles and be drawn to t he one t hat fit s t hem as a couple, and t heir day. I'm finding couples are beyond just looking for a photographer, inst ead t hey are looking for a photographer t hat produces images in t he look t hey love. Bot h types are equally gorgeous, but as photographers it makes our job simpler to be able to consist ent ly share t he type of work we produce. Knowing t hat t here will be lot s of couples turned off by t his - but t hat 's great as t hey can find t he style t hey like. But equally we'll be att ract ing lot s t hat do love t he look we shoot too. Addit ionally, I'm seeing a t rend in bot h styles of photography - EMOTION. Whet her t he couples opt for t he bright er or int enser colour tones, t he similarity between t he photographers t hat st and out is emot ion. The images aren't shying away from gett ing all t he feelings across. Hannah Mcclune, Owner, Hannah McClune Phot ography Lt d

I t hink t here will be a shift towards more "in t he moment " captures. Candid is great but t here is a push from couples want ing more immersive photos and for t hat t he camera has to be up close and personal and be part of t he moment . Iq Dhut t i, Direct or, The VIP St udio

More mixed bridal part ies. I've had a few 'Man of honour' and 'Best Woman' which was awesome! More int eract ive element s like acoust ic bands t hat move around during t he drinks recept ion. The same when it comes to food- more dessert t ables, grazing t ables. More surprises: singing wait ers, fireworks, hidden aft er party areas. More large scale floral inst allat ions. More use of int erest ing backdrops.

An unplugged wedding ceremony is t he number topic for our brides booking 2020 wedding photography. I believe couples are looking for more input over what photos are post ed and especially when t hey are post ed. Wedding hasht ag?s are all t he rage! They are a great way to post from t he recept ion for all to enjoy but brides in part icular want to make sure t hat images post ed of t hem in t heir wedding dress wait unt il aft er t he ceremony. Also, couples today are t ruly int erest ed in t he wedding experience for t heir guest . They would like friends and family sit back relax and enjoy t he moment and leave t he hard work to t he pros. Arden Upt on, Owner, Arden Phot ography

Gyan Gurung, Gyan Gurung Phot ography

Unplugged ceremonies became popular a couple of years ago, and t hey are now becoming t he norm. Some couples used to t hink t hat asking t heir guest s to silence t heir phones and leave t he photos to t he professionals could be int erpret ed as rude. Nowadays, I t hink a lot of guest s expect it .. Mike Busada, Mike B Phot ography

Top Photography Trends with


What are t he t op phot ography t rends we'll see in 2020? Wedding albums are back in a big way. In t he recent past , a lot of couples were opt ing for digit al product s, but t his has changed. Nearly all of my client s for 2020 have purchased packages wit h albums versus about 50% last year. Tangible product s are definit ely in demand, and my client s are willing to spend a litt le ext ra to get t hem. What 's out in phot ography and cinemat ography in 2020? We are seeing a t rend toward more relaxed, document ary, wedding photography style. We have always captured weddings using a combinat ion of classic and photojournalist ic coverage, but t he emphasis is definit ely t rending away from classic posed port raiture, and toward a more candid style, across all weddings. What are some of t he more unique t rends you're seeing t hat will be emerging in 2020? In order to reduce t he t ime being in front of t he camera on t he wedding day, many couples are opt ing to add a post wedding session to allow more t ime for t hem to be photographed toget her in a more relaxed fashion wit hout t ime const raint s. This usually happens wit hin a day or two of t he wedding day, and t his does mean t hat t he couple will have to be dress for pictures again. The result ing photos, however, can be bot h romant ic and dramat ic.

W hat's trending in


What are t he t op phot ography t rends we'll see in 2020? 2020 will cont inue to see a rise in editorial style photography. I'm finding t hat wit h more and more couples making bold fashion and style choices, a fashion/editorial st ance to capturing weddings will definit ely be more popular. Couples are increasingly looking for photographers wit h a unique art ist ic vision. We are seeing more and more t radit ional 'photography rules' being broken. Photos t hat capture imperfect moment s, movement s wit h blur, out of focus shot s, int erest ing crops are all part of t he editorial t rend :)

What 's out in phot ography and cinemat ography in 2020? Port rait s t hat are too posed and perfect looking wit hout any emot ion. People are gravit at ing more towards real moment s. Also, no more sending USB's to couples- t he new macbooks can't even fit t he t radit ional usb! Galleries are all digit al and USB's are replaced by physical print s.

Wedding Cinematography

Super slo- mo' has enjoyed it s revival for a while now, so expect to see people really going to town wit h t heir cinemat ic moment s in 2020. Also, say goodbye to st at ic shot s and t ired cut s, couple want t heir videographer to move wit h t hem and get t hose t racking shot s t hat t ruly inspire; when everyt hing goes into t he edit , no- one want s a video- by- numbers- edit , so expect to see more personalisat ion during t he cut . We all know t he choice is out t here, now, and couples want to be able to go for t heir own flavours; t hose who can't cat er to individual influences may find t hemselves wit h fewer jobs, next year.

A more immersive capture and edit . Couples want to relive t he experience when wat ching t he video. We have also not iced guest s are more willing to t alk on camera now to give wishes and recit e funny stories about t he couple! The fear of t alking on camera has gone! Films are also becoming "Inst agram" friendly - 3- 5min films t hat can be post ed online are easier to share and creat e an inst ant buzz for t he couple which means edit s have to be sharp and uber cool! 3D is an excit ing space for weddings! Cameras are also becoming light er and fast er which means t hey can used to capture shot s t hat would have been impossible. Photos and videos will be shared more via Inst agram, it 's almost like t he new digit al int eract ive wedding album. Iq Dhut t i, Direct or, The VIP St udio Recent ly we have st art ed hearing about a t rend for a wedding day blooper reels just for social media. We t hink t his is a sensat ional t rend because who doesn?t love a good laugh. I hope t his t akes on st rong and of course goes viral for everyone to enjoy. Arden Upt on, Owner, Arden Phot ography

Ult imat ely, we'll see cinemat ic videos come t hrough. Every aspect of t he big day will be captured, from t he decorat ions to t he deciding moment s, videographers will blend t he shot s and, more import ant ly, provide t he moment t hat will give t heir couples breat h- t aking films t hat will t ruly put t he pressure on t he photographers... wat ch out for t he videographers' st ills! Mark Ward, Phot ographer/ Videographer, Awardweddings

"Lett ing your beaut iful wedding day photos reside solely on your comput er, phone or social media. Over t he last several years we have seen a st eady decline in print and album orders. To our happy surprise t he end of 2019 has shown a dramat ic resurgence of t angible it ems ordered vs st rict ly downloads. We have wit nessed more couples order albums in 2019 t han in t he past 4 or 5 years. I am happy to say and see more photos in frames and more lovely albums gracing coffee t ables again." Arden Upt on, Owner, Arden Phot ography

W hat's out? "Say goodbye to awful photoshopped images and out- dat ed DSLR's. Couples want t rue- to- life images t hat capture t he spirit and vit ality of t heir celebrat ions. The moody style t hat has been so popular was actually born out of necessity; now t hat t he lat est breed of cameras can cover such an incredible range of light , we'll see professionals return shot s wit h what everyone else remembered wit h t he eye, only wit h t hat magic t hat only a good pro' can add. Those who don't invest and st ill st ruggle t hrough in post- product ion will be left behind. Good- bye Moody Style, hello vit ality. 2020 will bring in a zest in photography and cinematography t hat follows t he move to celebratory, out- doors,t reasure- t he - experience weddings." Mark Ward, Phot ographer/ Videographer, Awardweddings

"Post ing to social media during t he wedding is changing. It used to be t hat couples welcomed t he post ing of photos from t he wedding to Inst agram or Facebook at all t imes during t he day. Now we are seeing couples asking guest s not to post photos to social media unt il aft er t he ceremony. A lot of couples are sett ing up selfie st at ions at t he recept ion to sat isfy t heir guest s craving to updat e t heir social account s. I have been at several wedding where photos of t he bride in her dress, were post ed by a well- meaning guest to social media and seen by t he groom before t he ceremony." Mike Busada, Mike B Phot ography

"Crying pics and videos! Emot ion is great but we have seen people shying away from crying shot s now. We are also seeing less bridal port rait s and groom shot s, couples are opt ing for more photos surrounded by friends and family." Iq Dhut t i, Direct or, The VIP St udio

Top Wedding Enter tainment Trends One t rend we are seeing heading in to 2020 is a real upt ick on our couples?emphasis on uniqueness and individuality. Our couples are more hands on t han ever when it comes to t he select ion of t heir music, t aking t ime to be involved wit h t he craft ing of a playlist t hat is reflect ive of t heir specific t ast es and who t hey are as individuals. As couples cont inue to choose non- t radit ional wedding venues, dispense wit h some of t he more t radit ional element s like gart er tosses and cake cutt ing, and wit h a great er focus on individuality we predict t hey will do t he same for t heir live music. In 2020 we're sure we'll see even more couples choosing individual bands t hat are unique and can provide a live music experience t hat 's more in line wit h what t hey're used to from att ending regular club shows and concert s vs. t he more generic approach of some of t he larger agencies wit h 15 or int erchangeable bands. Tim Ruedeman, Owner, Dext er Lake Club Band

Nost algia will cont inue to be an overriding t heme, wit h most dance floors filled wit h guest s reliving t heir '90s and early 00's high school dayst hink Spice Girls and N SYNC.

Live! Couples are splurging on more live ent ert ainment to keep t he event going all night long. This includes more t han just a live band, t hey are considering ot her forms of specialty act s such as solo performers, silk act s, live paint ers, readers and more. Brit Bert ino, Event Producer, BRIT BERTINO EVENT EXCELLENCE

Kevin Dennis, Owner, Fant asy Sound Event Services

Technology has impact ed how we plan t he music wit h couples. No longer are t hey sending us excel spreadsheet s wit h t heir top hit s. Inst ead, t hey are pouring t hrough music services and sending us t heir list . The general rule of t humb is t hat anyt hing you can put on social media will be big. So int eract ive ent ert ainment t hat can be post ed on Inst agram or Facebook is at t he top of couples' wish list s. Kevin Dennis, Owner, Fant asy Sound Event Services

Greet ers, live act s such a paint er, Nit rogen bar- t enders, st rolling art ist s and special guest s if t he budget allows. Brit Bert ino, Event Producer, BRIT BERTINO EVENT EXCELLENCE

Enter tainment Trends with


What are some of t he more unique ent ert ainment t rends you're seeing for 2020? A few unique t rends we?ve not iced on t he horizon for 2020 are couples incorporat ing element s of t heir lives and int erest s t hat didn't used to be t radit ionally part of a wedding. Couples finding ways t hat t heir event can be sust ainable and green or finding ways to incorporat e social media before, during and aft er t he event . That 's only gett ing bigger.

Ot her t han music, what are some ot her ent ert ainment t rends we will be seeing in 2020? In addit ion to music we predict t hat we will be seeing more real- t ime and int eract ive experiences at weddings. We predict ent ert ainment t hat will go beyond t he t radit ional photo- boot h, wit h online and social element s t hat couples and t heir guest s can int eract wit h and view in real- t ime right at t he wedding.

How is t echnology playing a role in ent ert ainment in 2020? St reaming services like Spot ify, youtube, and Apple Music have complet ely changed t he way people experience and consume music. We see t hat t echnological change affect ing how people want t heir ent ert ainment at t heir weddings. The ability to walk around wit h essent ially endless possibilit ies for music and ent ert ainment in your pocket and on your phone has led to so much more diversity in what couples are looking for and expect ing for ent ert ainment at t heir weddings. We end up exchanging playlist s wit h our client s, and it 's a great way for us to get a sense of t heir t ast es and what t hey want played on t he dance floor.

W hat's Out...

Tim Ruedeman,of Dext er Lake Club Band says... On t he way out in 2020 is t he cookie- cutt er playlist and t he generic 6- 15 piece mix- and- mat ch agency band. No more 15 minut es of Sinat ra, followed by a few Motown songs and a hip- hop heavy Top 40 play list for t he rest of t he night . We see 2020 couples t hat want live music t hat has a personality and t ruly reflect s t heir aest het ic and style. Brit Bert ino of BRIT BERTINO EVENT EXCELLENCE says... I can't really say t hat a DJ would be on t heir way out as I do t hink couples st ill consider a mast er of ceremony a necessity. In- between t he live ent ert ainment set s t he DJs st ill play background music and lat er in t he evening t hey will close out t he night wit h DJ set s once t he live ent ert ainment has wrapped up. I believe you will see fewer DJs host ing t he ent ire ent ert ainment aspect t hroughout t he evening and t hey will become more of t he ent ert ainment producer t hroughout t he recept ion, keeping t he flow of t he wedding consist ent wit h t he ent ire night 's celebrat ion. Kevin Dennis of Fant asy Sound Event Services says... Silent discos are not at t he top of t he request list anymore and couples are less likely to have choreographed first dances . Family dances (such as fat her/daught er and mot her/son) are fewer and far between. Even t he celebrat ions t hat do have t hem, are having one cut into anot her so t hey can wrap up several dances in t he typical t ime frame t hat one t radit ional dance would t ake place.

M inimalist Lux

Huge t hanks t o t he t alent ed t eam behind t his shoot : Phot ography: Maxeen Kim Phot ography Planning + Design/ St yling: Margot Wat t , Pet it e Pearl Event s Florals: Anna Fern Weddings Hair + Makeup: Camilla J Collins Cakes: Avant Garde Cake St udio St yling Fabrics + Ribbons: Cfleursdesign St at ionery: Nat 's Paper St udio

The t heme for t his shoot was "minimalist lux", aiming t o creat e a modern, bold and playful aest het ic. We had an idea t o work wit h t he floral and foliage clouds t hat have been so popular t his year but creat e somet hing different from what we'd previously been seeing, giving couples a new opt ion for suspended arrangement s as we move int o 2020. Wit h t his in mind, t he st at ement piece for t he shoot was a dramat ic floral and fabric inst allat ion - modern and st ruct ural "clouds" of lush, lux blooms wit h a cont inuous lengt h of cust om-dyed saffron st yling silk woven t hroughout . To creat e t he floral element s of t he inst allat ion we focused on flowers only, rat her t han fresh foliage, and added ext ra t ouches of t ext ure by mixing dried element s in wit h t he fresh. We want ed t he clouds t o have a dramat ic effect but a sense of light ness at t he same t ime, so we handpicked t he t ext ure and shade of each flower wit h t his in mind, using a palet t e heavily focused on shades of pinks, from soft t o vibrant .

Dress: Halfpenny London Accessories: Tilly Thomas Lux Model: Amanda Blake Shoot Assist ant : Holly Knot t

Global Wedding Trends


Australian Wedding Trends "We can?t wait for 2020! For weddings t hemselves, cockt ail weddings and luncheon weddings are rising in popularity wit h our readers. A luncht ime wedding giving couples just t hat bit longer to celebrat e wit h t heir guest s, or sneak off and spend t he night reflect ing on a momentous day. We?re also seeing plenty of nupt ials occur in backyards! Colour- wise, we?re seeing two dist inct colour palett es. All neut ralsbut not all whit e! Think creams coupled wit h dirty browns, latt es, and eart hy tones. Couple t his wit h det ails like shells and feat hers for somet hing really organic. The ot her colour palett e coming t hrough is jewel tones. Couples aren?t limit ing t hemselves to marsala, inst ead including beaut iful emerald green, deep indigos and violet s. For flowers, we?re seeing many floral arrangement s using dried and preserved flowers as well as dramat ic long st em bouquet s. For t he ceremony it self, t here is an increase in couples marrying prior to t heir ?official? wedding day, or having t heir ?official celebrant ? att end just for legals, while a good friend performs t he actual ceremony on t he day. Eco- friendly weddings cont inue to be huge, wit h couples carefully looking at t heir wedding det ails. They?re choosing second- hand gowns, DIY favours and locally sourced it ems on t heir wedding menu. In t erms of att ire it ?s all about t he glamour and t he colour. Beaut iful coloured suit s are t rending, alongside velvet pieces and lush fabrics for t he groom. For t he bride, we?re seeing plenty of beaut iful sequinned sparkling gowns t hat are utt er showstoppers." Dorot hy Polka, Edit or, Polka Dot Bride

In 2020 t he top wedding t rends will be: - Moving t he indoors to t he out doors and incorporat ing open- air marquees wit h stunning fairy light inst allat ions to reflect t he night sky. Bringing decor from inside t he house like sofas, chunky coffee t ables, eclect ic seat ing opt ions, long t ables, rugs, and cushions will all be featured in out door weddings in 2020. - Food and Drinks will cont inue to be personalised wit h a move towards incorporat ing more vegan and veget arian it ems on t he menu as couples recognise t he move to being fully inclusive at t heir event . There will be a cont inued move to grazing platt ers, buffet s or dedicat ed food st at ions. We will see customised cockt ail menus and drink opt ions being featured. - We will see Out door Weddings incorporat ing a range of freeform customisable marquees t hat allow each couple to creat e t heir own unique space to celebrat e wit h t heir guest s. This creat es a unique palett e for couples and t heir designers to personalise t he space wit h bespoke light ing, decor, and design element s to suit t he customised space. - Vibe and at mosphere are going to t he be t he focus of t he ent ire wedding experience and couples are focusing on t he det ails from t he t extures of chairs, linens, and napkins to t he colour of glassware, flatware, and cut lery. I see an increased focus on light ing to achieve t he vibe and at mosphere t he client s are seeking. - St at ement veils, princess style gowns and t he unique none t radit ional gowns wit h t he opt ions of incorporat ing more t han one look are in for 2020. The elegant even regal designs t hat are simple, unique and have t he wow factor are exact ly what 's on offer from designers leading into 2020. - Engagement and Wedding Rings in 2020 is moving towards collaborat ion rat her t hen one person select ing or designing t he rings. This approach sees couples sitt ing down and researching, designing and experience t he process toget her creat ing a significant meaning and underst anding about t he import ance t hese rings mean to each ot her. - Flowers in 2020 see a cont inued move towards informal, relaxed and bespoke creat ions t hat are unst ructured wit h natural and colourful blooms wit h lot s of natural fragrance and lot s of t extured foliage. We will see a bolder, st ronger and deeper colour palett e emerging in 2020. Michelle Anderson, Direct or, Complet e t he Look

Top Australian locations to get wed "We're seeing a lot of couples head to t he seaside town, and much loved holiday dest inat ion- Byron Bay for t heir weddings. The spot providing amazing scenery, and t hat relaxed holiday vibe. A beaut iful escape from t he hust le and bust le of t he city." Dorot hy Polka, Edit or, Polka Dot Bride "In my region, couples are select ing locat ions t hat are secret , privat e, personalised and off t he radar and loving t he variety available to say 'I do": The rolling hills t hroughout t he Aust ralian Hint erland provide access to couples for secret , privat e, secluded and unique weddings. These venues offer spect acular blank canvas spaces t hat open up unlimit ed capacity for personalisat ion. My top- secret locat ions include - Maleny & Yandina - Sunshine Coast - Toowoomba - Helensvale - Gold Coast - Ballarat - Victoria - Bat hurst - New Sout h Wales The above locat ions are my top recommendat ions because t hey provide couples wit h unique, privat e and secluded blank canvas venues. These locat ions have picturesque surroundings, wide- open spaces and t he venues t hemselves provide t he unlimit ed pot ent ial to creat e any couple's dream wedding from scrat ch wit h access to world- class suppliers and produce.." Michelle Anderson, Direct or, Complet e t he Look

W hat's out for 2020

We're seeing fewer balloon garlands as we head into 2020, in fact , we're not icing an increase in paired back styling t hat is almost minimal, but so curat ed. There are less grand garlands and enormous floral displays, and more simple, almost archit ectural det ails. A t able of blooms placed in single bud vases, one amazing light ing inst allat ion, a cake one wit h just one beaut iful sugar flower inst ead of twenty. Colour wise, marsala and blush pink might have finally had t heir day, couples opt ing for differing jewel tones or more neut ral colour palett es in 2020. Dorot hy Polka, Edit or, Polka Dot Bride

- Tradit ional Weddings Cakes are slowly fading out in 2020, closely followed by t he t radit ion of cutt ing t he cake. - Sleeveless and heavily laced wedding gowns will also be seen less t his year as more princess, clean and sleeved gowns ent er t he market . - The st ructured bridal bouquet and package wedding flowers is slowly being replaced by customised unst ructured floral designs and creat ions. - Two- toned colour schemes are also on t heir way out wit h couples focusing on t he finer det ails of t exture, vibe, appearance and t he overall message. - Uniformity in decor is also a t rend on it s way out wit h couples focused on t he experience and cat ering for a wider audience t hat calls for eclect ic design and out of t he box t hinking. - Invit ing large numbers of guest s and spreading t heir budget is also on t he way out wit h couples focused on creat ing amazing event s wit h lavish t rimmings for t heir nearest and dearest . Michelle Anderson, Direct or, Complet e t he Look

Trends that will car r y over in 2020 - Grazing platt ers and dedicat ed food st at ions are definit ely going to cont inue to feature at weddings in 2020, as couples see t he unique benefit s and customisat ion opportunit ies t hat t his style of cat ering has to offer t heir guest s. This style of cat ering also offers guest s t he opportunity to mingle and creat es a different at mosphere for t radit ional sit- down meals. - Big St at ement Pieces are going to cont inue being heavily featured t hroughout weddings as couples look for ext ravagant ways of expressing t heir unique personalit ies. We will be seeing large inst allat ions for cent erpieces, light ing, balloons, oversized decor and experience pieces like fireworks. Couples are looking to creat e memories t hat will not be forgott en quickly. - Sust ainability and eco- conscious weddings are carrying on into 2020 wit h couples looking at limit ing t heir environment al impact from t he celebrat ion. Couples will consider donat ing t heir floral arrangement s to charit ies, organisat ions or offering t hem to couples who are ut ilising t he same venue. Reducing/removing any plast ic/paper wast e by using glass and flatware and using mat erial napkins over disposable ones. Couples are also considering new ways to support t he environment by supplying favors in t he form of replant ing t ree project s or environment al organisat ion donat ions. Plant friendly event s are moving forwardn in a big way. - Sourcing local produce, product s and florals to enhance t heir wedding day has been a growing t rend of t he last couple of years and it definit ely not slowing down. Couples are invest ing in locally grown and operat ed

businesses to creat e a sust ainable community and it also has a posit ive impact on t heir budget s. - Exquisit e Light ing is also on t he rise following it s success t his year, I see t hat personally designed light ing plans are going to be a massive influence at bot h indoor and out door weddings. This t rend really support s t he couple to elevat e t he whole at mosphere, appearance, and vibe of t he event . Not to ment ion t he stunning imagery opportunit ies. - Videographers and film are on t he rise and couples are seeing t his as even more import ant t hen st ills. Wit h t he unique opportunit ies t hat drones present in capturing unique and powerful foot age. We will see a cont inued increase in couples sourcing film as t heir primary source of capturing t heir special day. Michelle Anderson, Direct or, Complet e t he Look

We're going to cont inue to see t he casual- eqsue det ails of neon signage, custom denim jacket s, sparkling sneakers for recept ion and midnight soakers. Recept ion dresses are commonplace now, t hat more relaxed, less formal look for t he party cont inuing it 's popularity. We st ill love a cheese cake (wheels of cheese!) too, and festoon light ing, bot h cont inue to reign supreme for t he new year. In t erms of florals, t hey cont inue to be very wild, very unst ructured, and almost organic floral arrangement s. Think just foraged and picked from t he garden and t he farm. Dorot hy Polka, Edit or, Polka Dot Bride

Australian Wedding Trends with


What will be t he t op wedding t rends in 2020? I can sense a t rend towards pops of black coming in compared to t he whit e base we have seen t his year. Black glass lant erns, black bench seat s, black signage....

What t rends are officially on t heir way out in 2020? Very rust ic vibes, hessian, wood rounds, mason jars, wood boxes

Are t here any t rends from 2019 you t hink will carry over int o 2020? I t hink t he neut ral natural pallett e using t hings like jut e, creams, natural tones, bamboo, cane, wicker seat ing and furniture, place mat s is st ill a t rend we find very popular as you can make it your own by adding colour t hrough soft furnishings and florals.

What are some of t he t op locat ions couples are select ing in your region and why? What are t he emerging areas t hat are officially ?on t he rise?? Sout h Coast of NSW, property style weddings.

Weddings in Nor th Amer ica with


What will be t he t op wedding t rends in 2020? Family- friendly weddings - More couples are gett ing married aft er having children, so t hey are including t heir children in t heir weddings and t heir planning. Children are select ing t he cake, music, and menu it ems. Menu it ems are more kid- friendly like mini grilled cheese, corndogs and fries at cockt ail hour, fancy mockt ails, and It alian soda bars. For decor, children are designing t able numbers and guest books. At t he recept ion, kids have t heir own area wit h movies and video games or sweet t eepees to rest t heir heads.

Are t here any t rends from 2019 you t hink will carry over int o 2020? Wood and met als are here to st ay in 2020. Modern rust ic decor mixing met als and wood wit h soft element s is st ill popular.

What t rends are officially on t heir way out in 2020? We are seeing t radit ional t imelines being replaced wit h more casual event s. Couples are opt ing for a casual cockt ail party where t heir ceremony occurs in t he middle, rat her t han a st andard ceremony first , cockt ail hour second, grand ent rance into dinner t hird, et c.

What are some of t he t op locat ions? In San Diego, couples are select ing oceanfront and oceanview venues. But rat her t han toes- in- t he- sand beachy, couples are seeking more modern venues wit h views of t he waves. Also on t he rise are venues in Valle de Guadalupe right out side of Ensenada, Mexico. It 's a short 90- minut e drive from San Diego to be surrounded by 100 wineries in a rust ic sett ing wit h a laid- back vacat ion vibe.

W hat's Trending in the USA

On t op wedding t rends... CBD - Wit hout a doubt , 2020 will be t he year of Cannabidiol. From make-your- own CBD cockt ail st at ions to get t he party st art ed to edible part ing gift s, t his is one rising t rend t hat 's becoming int egrat ed into t he wedding indust ry. MURALS & GRAFFITI ARTIST - In 2020, we'll see a lot more graffit i art ist s coming out of t he dark and into t he cockt ail hour. This element not only adds an engaging ent ert ainment factor while guest s are mingling, but will also serve as a conversat ion piece and decor for t he space. SUSTAINABLE WEDDINGS - In 2020, we'll really st art seeing couples walk t he walk when it comes to being sust ainable and eco- friendly. Purslane, a cat ering company in NYC, creat es event s where t heir weddings are up to 100% carbon neut ral and wast e- free. We are current ly working on an init iat ive to require our couples to choose one of t he many ways to make a social impact and cut down on t heir foot print . ACTIVATIONS - This can be anyt hing from a wine wall, dessert wall, or a photoboot h t hat 's showcasing 3D renderings. 2020 is going to be all about t he out- of- t he box act ivat ions. On emerging locat ions... The buzz in our area is all about t he new Glass Houses set to open in 2020! These will serve as incredible, chic venues for couples. What 's on t he way out ... Barn t ables and similarly rust ic element s are on t he way out in t he coming year. José Rolón, Owner, José Rolón Event s

"We are seeing a return to formality, especially wit h t he recept ion and t able sett ing. People want t he whole appoint ment on t he t able- from champagne and wine glasses to full place sett ings. Design will be focused on t he landscape of t he t able so expect to see flowers sett ing on t he t able versus being uplift ed into t he chandeliers. Weddings are embracing a st rong sense of romance, versus turning into a show and t ell. Couples are also returning to religious facilit ies. More weddings t hese days are host ing t he ceremonies in a house of worship." Mont e Durham, Say Yes To The Dress ? At lant a

Wedding Trends for

Nor th Amer ica WITH CHRISTIE OSBORNE OF MOUNTAINSIDE BRIDE What will be t he t op wedding t rends in 2020? Mount ain couples especially are making more et hical purchase decisions when planning t heir weddings. Beyond having a "green" or "eco" wedding t hat focuses on carbon foot print and recycling, t hese couples are including local and social just ice issues in t heir decisions and using t heir purchasing power to fost er change from bot h and local and global perspect ive. They are having smaller weddings, which means less wast e. Sourcing food and gift s locally t hereby support ing local economies and reducing t heir carbon foot print . Buying in- season food and flowers, and turning away from major fast- fashion choices for t heir wedding att ire in t he name of environment al and social just ice issues worldwide. There are also educat ing guest s about t heir choices on wedding websit es and recept ion signage.

What t rends are officially on t heir way out in 2020? Misappropriat ion of sacred cultural element s. Goodbye t eepees and head dresses.

Are t here any t rends from 2019 you t hink will carry over int o 2020? Lot s of t exture and mixed print s will cont inue to t rend. t hink rich, bold velvet furniture wit h ant ique rugs and smoky or colorful vint age glassware.

Trends in Spanish Speaking Regions with


What will be t he t op wedding t rends in 2020? Top wedding t rends for 2020 will be to invit e t he majority of t he guest s to t he "aft er party" recept ion and skip t he formal dinner. The dinners will be kept just for family and closest friends. The welcome float ing champagne glasses and creat ive escort areas. 360 Photoboot h and slo- mo boot h. For decor, dry and paper flowers are coming back. Paper flowers t hat are more det ailed and look real vs t he ones t hat were in flat looking two dimensional from two years ago. What t rends are officially on t heir way out in 2020? A t rend t hat I hope is on it 's way out in 2020 is t he Donut display. The groom cake is also less request ed by client s. Are t here any t rends from 2019 you t hink will carry over int o 2020? The greenery in t he decor from 2019 will definit ely carry over into 2020. Anot her one is t he BOHO feel. The circular backdrop and geomet ric shapes for decor will also carry over into 2020. What are some of t he t op locat ions couples are select ing in your region and why? What are t he emerging areas t hat are officially ?on t he rise?? Haciendas are very "in" and are emerging. Out door weddings are really popular in Puerto Rico wit h t hem not having to be all at t he beach. People are looking more into t he aut hent icity of t he culture and local areas vs t he touristy areas.

UK Wedding Trends "While t ablescapes will focus on minimal carefully curat ed element s like t extural linens, handmade ceramics and personalised st at ionery, flowers will be used to creat e loose and wild st at ement focal point s. The environment and sust ainability will be somet hing couples consider more in t heir weddings from reducing excess wast e and choosing seasonal local food for t heir wedding breakfast ."

Non t radit ional seat ing arrangement s - Many couples will st eer away from having t he 10 by 10 rows and an aisle down t he middle. Many are swapping t his for circular arrangement s wit h t he couple in t he middle of t he circle. This way everyone get s to experience t he couples emot ions, and it creat es a very personal at mosphere. Addit ion of more symbolism like Handfast ings - The tying of ribbons in ceremony has been going on for centuries, and it ?s having a comeback in modern ceremonies. Couples will seek more ways to bless t heir marriage by using symbolic addit ions . No ?give away?from fat her - Is t he idea of gett ing t he fat hers permission and asking t hem to ?give you away?too old fashioned for t he modern couple? I?d say, only 60% of t he couples I officiat e weddings for, request t his. Celebrant Led Ceremonies - The popularity of choosing your own words for t he ceremony is growing season by season and celebrant s are now all t he rage. Why have a ceremony people have heard t ime and t ime again when a celebrant will writ e one bespoke to you?

Andri Benson, Wedding Planner & Designer, Always Andri

Jennifer Claire Const ant , Founder, The Celebrant Direct ory

"We have always been st rong believers in each wedding being as individual as t he couples t hemselves and as t he wedding indust ry cont inues to involve, we will see more couples allowing t hemselves to celebrat e exact ly how t hey want to, moving away from a t ext book weddings.

Great er mix of bridal part ies - I?m predict ing more fluid bridal part ies, so a great mix of males in t he bridal party and females in t he grooms party. Couples today openly have friends of t he opposit e sex so it s only fitt ing t hey should play a big part in t heir wedding.

Our client s want a more t ailored and elegant look to t heir wedding, which culminat es in t heir unique celebrat ion - not hing too unusual, but a nod to t hem as a couple, rat her t han what everyone else is doing.

More brides will be speaking out - Brides are feeling more confident and independent and are not afraid to speak up. They will insist on speaking at t heir wedding as why should it only be t he men? They will speak of t heir love for t heir spouse but also t heir parent s.

Bringing ?t he out side in? has dominat ed wedding style and design in recent years. Expect t his t rend to cont inue in 2020 but couples will add bolder colour palett es or a and organic t extures.

More bespoke, less package - Today's couples want services t ailored to t hem. In short t hey want more individuality and do not want to feel like t hey are just anot her number.

Couples are more eco- conscious and cont inually look for way to enjoy an environment ally friendly wedding. From foam free seasonal florals, local and organic food to paperless invit at ions or charit able donat ions rat her t han a t radit ional gift list ."

Personalised Ceremonies - Out door ceremonies will cont inue to rise along wit h it personalised celebrant led weddings. Couples will want a ceremony t hat t ruly reflect s t hem and t heir personalit ies, t hey won?t want to be pigeon holed into what t hey are allowed to say or do.

Jane Riddell, Owner & Creat ive Direct or, Planned for Perfect ion

Bernadet t e Chapman, Owner, UKAWP & Bernadet t e Chapman Consult ancy

- Sending invit es on recycled card - Asking guest s to RSVP via t heir wedding websit e - Arranging coaches to t ransport guest s t hus reducing car commissions - Candles used on t he day will be non toxic candles - Guest s will be encouraged to keep t he same glass during t he drink recept ion - Table wat er will be in jugs - The wedding will be plast ic free and t his will be a quest ion couples act ively ask all t heir suppliers - Local suppliers will be used where at al possible - Food will be from local cat erers wit h a big focus on local food (i.e meat , wines, cheeses, bread et c) sust ainable - Flowers will be English and from local growers (more on t his short ly) - Favours will eit her be forgone or will be edible OR biodegrade Eco Conscious Flowers

Eco Conscious Weddings Vegan Weddings Veganism is growing rapidly year on year and in 2020 we will now see it having a great er impact on weddings wit h couples choosing a pure plant based wedding breakfast . The present at ion will st ill be spect acular, and will t ast e delicious, but t here will be no meat or dairy wit hin t he meal at all. Grazing t ables will cont inue to rise in popularity wit h an emphasis on beaut iful, organic and plant based produce. The couple t hemselves will ensure t heir out fit s and all suppliers are vegan friendly, but t hey will not impose rest rict ions on guest s. i.e t he groom will not wear leat her but will not stop guest s from wearing leat her shoes Sust ainability Leading on from veganism is sust ainability. Again couples now are very conscious of t he damage we have done to t he planet and t hey act ively ensure t hey are as environment ally friendly as t hey can be. There are a number of ways t hey will incorporat e t his into t heir wedding:

In previous years we have seen a big focus on large abundant floral displays cascading over fireplaces and down long t ables. However t his will be changing in 2020 wit h couples opt ing for looser arrangement s, t hey may st ill be cascading but won?t be as formal. Couples will be asking if t hey use floral foam in t heir arrangement s, which is in fact formed from plast ic. They know how bad t his is for t he environment and want no part of t his at t heir wedding. So for 2020 t here will st ill be an abundance of flowers but in a far more natural way using lot s of foliage and locally grown flowers wit hin t he displays. We are moving away from t he very st ructured displays we have seen in previous years. Bernadet t e Chapman, Owner, UKAWP & Bernadet t e Chapman Consult ancy

Dried flowers were big t his year and t heir popularity will cont inue in 2020 wit h more colourful, even dyed select ions. Andri Benson, Wedding Planner & Designer, Always Andri

Grazing Tables

W hat's car r ying over into 2020 We saw an increase in sust ainable weddings in 2019 wit h a lot of couples consciously finding ways to reduce t he environment al and et hical impact of t heir wedding. This will cont inue into 2020 and beyond, as we all look at ways to save our planet . From foam free seasonal florals, local and organic food to paperless invit at ions or charit able donat ions rat her t han a t radit ional gift list . The growt h of veget arian and vegan diet s, has seen an increase in t hese foods being served for all wedding guest s, especially if t he couple t hemselves are veget arian or vegans. Jane Riddell, Owner & Creat ive Direct or, Planned for Perfect ion

Bernadet t e Chapman, Owner, UKAWP & Bernadet t e Chapman Consult ancy

2019 saw an increase in sust ainable weddings, more and more couples t his year were making effort s in part icular to have weddings where t here was less plast ic and opt ing to work wit h mat erials t hat were eco- friendly and recyclable. This t rend will carry over in 2020 and grow to be even bigger as saving t he planet is becoming increasingly more import ant to everyone. Suppliers are doing a fant ast ic job of offering eco- friendly wedding it ems and alt ernat ives as part of t his movement . Jennifer Claire Const ant , Founder, The Celebrant Direct ory

W hat's out for 2020

Trends! Couple are more confident in saying ?it ?s our day, our way? rat her t han planning a wedding t hat is all about what t heir parent s or grandparent s did or what t hey expect t hem to do! Surprises for t he couple.. families and friends are keen to surprise t he couple on t heir wedding day wit h an unexpect ed performance or addit ion to t he big day... we would always say, proceed wit h caut ion because t he last t hing you want is for t he couple to not have want ed t hese... oft en, if t hey?d have really want ed it , t hey would have ment ioned it to t heir planner or booked it for t hemselves! Jane Riddell, Owner & Creat ive Direct or, Planned for Perfect ion

Flower Walls! Bernadet t e Chapman, Owner, UKAWP & Bernadet t e Chapman Consult ancy BIG weddings - couples are fed up of feeling t he need to have a BIG wedding and all t he st ress t hat comes wit h organising a guest list of circa 150 guest s plus! Less is more and micro weddings are weddings on a smaller scale are going to replace big weddings. Micro weddings give t he couple a chance to t ake t he pressure off from a huge, 200 guest set wedding and scale back to what ?s most import ant to t hem. Once t he pressure is off from t rying to organise a big wedding, it can be liberat ing! You have t he FREEDOM to make decisions and spend t ime on t he finer det ails t hat really reflect you and your part ner. A micro wedding can offer a beaut ifully int imat e and flexible day. Jennifer Claire Const ant , Founder, The Celebrant Direct ory

Smoot h fondant wedding cakes are making way for t all t extural butt ercream cakes t hat are pieces of art . Over t he top excess at weddings - couples want t heir celebrat ions to be meaningful and reflect t heir personal style. Andri Benson, Wedding Planner & Designer, Always Andri

European Wedding Trends

What t rends are officially on t heir way out in 2020? While greenery st ayed st rong in 2019, we expect it to fade into more floral designs. Flower styling t akes over t his natural de?cor, and greenery is expect ed to go to t he second plan and have a less major place in t he design. We will keep seeing lot s of unst ructured shapes, as well as floral composit ions bordered wit h overflowing greenery for a majest ic look. Are t here any t rends from 2019 you t hink will carry over int o 2020?

What will be t he t op wedding t rends in 2020? Oversize is becoming t he new t rend. From t he arch to t he photoboot h, or cent erpieces, balloons, decorat ion it ems... everyt hing has to be huge! And especially t he ceremony decor. Draw your att ent ion on balloons, which are indeed coming back in t he race aft er more t han 20 years! But not t he old- fashioned balloon arches wit h a regular shape. Now it ?s rest ructured arches. Different sizes of round balloons wit h matt e & met al colors: rose gold, blush, light pink, but also maroon and fuchsia. Those can be used as a photocall, personalised, of course wit h t he bride and groom?s names, for inst ance. Going back a few years ago, t he t rend was to choose one or two colours for your wedding t heme. In 2020, t he fashion is for variat ions and combinat ions of several different colours, in shades or cont rast . Rose gold has t aken t he world by storm t hese past few years but was mainly associat ed wit h soft shades of pink. Now it ?s t ime to add sunset palett es - rich peach, Cant aloupe, darker pinks, blush, dark reds, light orange, light greens, and creams. This wedding colour scheme can be used for classic as well as boho weddings. All t hese colours will be sublimat ed by touches of met al such as gold, rose gold, copper or silver to bring a modern touch. Though, blush pink st ill remains one of t he top choices of colour for 2020 wedding t rends. Soft and subt le, it always brings a romant ic and delicat e at mosphere.

2019 was t he year of boho weddings, vint age & fine art . Pampas grass has been seen in many weddings and is set to last a few more years, for t he boho and casual ambiance it brings. We?ve also recent ly wit nessed t he appearance of unexpect ed mat erials like dried element s such as field grasses, leaves, and even dried flowers. There will also be fruit s like lemons down t ables - It alian inspirat ion coming t hrough! Scent s will also be used to enhance t he magical at mosphere creat ed by floral designers. Finally, t he t endency for 2020 will definit ely be to have some suspended floral arrangement s to decorat e bot h gardens and int eriors, but also to mix flowers and accessories. Accessories, light ing, and flowers are tot ally int erlinked and cannot be separat ed anymore. What are some of t he t op locat ions couples are select ing in your region and why? French Riviera is definit ely one of t he best places to organise a wedding. Ideally locat ed, easy to access wit h our int ernat ional airport , The French Riviera is renowned in t he world for luxury and beauty, t he perfect place for a celebrat ion of love. Venues include privat e ?Provence? propert ies wit h charming olive groves, enchant ing French Chat eaux, vineyards, stunning gardens, spect acular sea views and luxurious hot els. Brides and grooms are considering now t he opportunity of gett ing married in different count ries, usually very sunny and offering a unique experience to t heir guest s. No daily rout ine, no business meet ing early in t he next morning, no nanny to relieve, guest s are definit ely t here for fun. This is one of t he keys to wedding success. Chloe?At lan, Co- Founder, Aava Wedding

Wedding Trends in Spain with Pilar Herrero What will be t he t op wedding t rends in 2020? Para mi hay dos t endencias claras: 1.- Boda t radicional, super románt ica, con decoración floral muy cuidada y en abundancia, y un esquema organizat ivo y de diseño de la boda muy definido. 2.- Bodas más informales, con un diseño desenfadado como de fest ival de música. Puestos de comida, nada de mesas formales, sino mesas corridas, food t rucks, grupos de música en directo, mesas de post res, iluminación muy pensada, Dj acompañado de inst rumento musical en directo (percusionist as, o saxofonist a, et c...). Una gran fiest a de gast ronomía y música. What t rends are officially on t heir way out in 2020? La decoración con plumeros, la deco floral en tonos verdes, y la decoración boho o rust ic chic. Are t here any t rends from 2019 you t hink will carry over int o 2020? Los neones decorat ivos, que aunque no soy muy fan de ellos, definit ivament e est án de moda como en su día lo estuvieron las let ras gigant es luminosas. What are some of t he t op locat ions couples are select ing in your region and why? Yo creo que cada vez más la gent e se anima a casarse en espacios diferent es a los habituales salones de bodas. Masías, caseríos, pazos, fincas rúst icas con amplios t errenos, naves indust riales rehabilit ados, et c... los espacios singulares est án de moda. La arquit ectura forma part e de los decorados de la boda como un elemento más.

French Wedding Trends with


What will be t he t op wedding t rends in 2020? Couples want more impressive venues and are putt ing more money into chat eaux and impressive buildings. This is actually reflect ed in an increase in venue prices. They want to creat e a whole and more inclusive experience for t heir guest s and want everyt hing: great music, food, drinks, decorat ions, et c... so t hey need to use t heir budget s carefully. Sout h West France is becoming more popular as prices are cheaper t han on t he East side and couples realise t heir budget s will t ake t hem furt her. They also love t he unspoilt nature, rolling hills wit h amazing local food and wines. We are also seeing weddings more as inclusive experiences wit h shared platt ers for food, st rolling musicians, et c... Are t here any t rends from 2019 you t hink will carry over int o 2020? Nude and minimalism will become st ronger. Couples like clean designs and clean cut s. They also like airy flower arrangement s wit h touches of darker tones (eg browny, black), always being minimalist . Flower suspensions are st ill present and evolving to reflect t his style. What are some of t he t op locat ions couples are select ing in your region and why? Sout h West France is becoming more popular for it s unspoilt nature, amazing scenery and of course delicious food and wines. Couples love t he chat eaux and impressive venues.

Top Wedding Trends for

Europe in 2020 JADE LUNNY, EDITOR, LET'S BEE TOGETHER What will be t he t op wedding t rends in 2020? - Grazing t ables: bot h savoury and sweet ! We LOVE seeing foods of t he 90's suddenly becoming part of somet hing more upmarket - I love a good party ring! - Laser cut everyt hing! Cake toppers, place sett ings, hanging chair signs, you name it , it 's being laser cut and it 's awe inspiring to see so much personalisat ion - Weddings closer to home - Brexit is ruining anot her t hing! The uncert ainty of what will happen aft er Brexit , and airlines going into administ rat ion here t here and everywhere has left more couples playing safe and planning weddings in t he UK - Lift ed cent repieces - long t ables wit h florals above. We love t his idea because t hen you can see who you're dining opposit e wit hout your view being obscured - Ring boxes in shapes ot her t han squares. Hexagons, oct agons, ovals, t riangles... - Textured butt ercream on cakes - beaut iful cakes t hat look almost like an oil paint ing. - Pocket flowers - Whit e suit s for men What t rends are officially on t heir way out in 2020? - Flower crowns - t his makes me so sad because if I could wear a flower crown every day and it be normal I would, but we're seeing less and less flower crowns all t he t ime - Chair covers - if a venue has ugly chairs, people are choosing to hire in rat her t han cover up - Sparkler exit s - we've even heard of photographers refusing to capture images of sparkler exit s at t he end of t he night . Handing sparklers to drunk guest s isn't typically a great idea Are t here any t rends from 2019 you t hink will carry over int o 2020? - Individual bridesmaid dresses - lett ing your entourage know t he aest het ic but pick t heir own dress style is a t rend t hat 's st ill going st rong and we're all up for it !

Weddings in France with


What will be t he t op wedding t rends in 2020? Anyt hing- but- average. The 2020 wedding is about having a wedding adventure embracing individuality. Tossing t he rules aside people are creat ing t heir own rules, from t ime frames from engagement to wedding, to how t hey want to celebrat e to no longer want ing to be pigeon- holed or following t rends.

What t rends are on t heir way out in 2020? The flower wall has been done. However I predict it will be reinvent ed wit h flower sculptures and more art inst allat ions for t he anyt hing- but- average couple.

What are t he t op locat ions couples are select ing in your region and why? Paris and t he Sout h of France in part icular t he French Riviera are cont inuing to rise in popularity part ly due to t he great int ernat ional flight s in bot h areas. The Sout h of France part icularly is going to cont inue to rise wit h t he growing number of English speaking wedding professionals now accessible to dest inat ion couples flying into t he count ry.

Are t here any t rends from 2019 you t hink will carry over int o 2020? Bridal hat s which were st ill on t he fringe in 2019, will cont inue to grow in popularity as part of t he anyt hing- but- average.

L overs of L ondon

Huge t hanks goes out t o t he amazing shoot t eam:

Planners & St ylist : Perfect ly Planned 4 you Phot ography: Amanda Karen Phot ography Dresses: Kat e Edmondson Bridal Florist : Cat herine Short Floral Design Cake: The Last Crumb Hair & Concept Creat or: Lovehairbylou Venue: The Last Crumb Makeup: Panda Makeup St at ionery: Wolf & Ink Jewellery: Rachel Jackson Models: Devon Young / Charlie Downs

For me, St oke Newingt on is t he creat ive hub of Hackney, and The Last Crumb is at t he heart of t hat hub. The first t ime I sat and had t ea in The Last Crumb, I t ot ally fell in love it . Being a creat ive myself, and a bridal hair st ylist , I had visions of t he cafĂŠ being an amazing wedding venue. It offers exact ly what t he edgy, chic, St oke Newingt on bride needs, wit h it ?s effort less, relaxed and open vibe! I connect ed wit h Paula and Helen (co-owners of TLC) and t he idea of a shoot came about . I was super excit ed t o be able t o pull t oget her some of my favourit e suppliers for t his shoot .

Wedding Tech Trends


Wedding Technology

"Technology will cont inue to make large impact s on weddings in 2020. One of t he behind- t he- scenes impact s is t hat event businesses are using smart er t echnology to st reamline inventory management and online t ransact ions. As vendor management software is gett ing more and more advanced, t he end experience for client s is so much bett er. For example, just a few years ago, you saw brides and grooms always signing physical cont ract s and paying via check when t hey dealt wit h rent al vendors, but now t hey are able to sign and pay online which speeds up t heir booking process. Mobile apps and social media also assist people who are gett ing married wit h picking a venue, finding vendors, sett ing up a regist ry, and creat ing a budget . New shopping features on Pint erest and Inst agram are helping brides and grooms underst and what t heir dream vision may cost , which is lessening t he effect of t he former st ereotype of a ?Pint erest Bride? who saw t hings out side her budget , but was unaware of t heir unrealist ic expect at ions." Karen Gordon, VP, Growt h, Goodshuffle Pro "As in years past , we cont inue to see a st rong t rend towards t echnology adopt ion in t he wedding indust ry, and we only see t he t rend gett ing st ronger as our world, in general, becomes a more t ech- savvy environment . Where wedding professionals were once only using t echnology for only cert ain aspect s of t heir business, t hey are now leaning in towards adopt ing t echnology for every aspect of t heir business. Wedding pros are using t echnology to not only manage t heir business, lead management and booking process, t hey're also using t echnology to improve t he ent ire planning process from st art to finish." Christ ina Farrow, President / Founder, Aisle Planner

"Wit h t he init ial round of Generat ion Z couples ent ering t he wedding market , we?re going to see a customer t hat is ent irely t ech- dependent . Wedding couples and t heir vendor t eams will be swit ching from paper and pencil to t he all- digit al approach which st reamlines t heir processes and makes t he collaborat ive aspect of planning t hat much quicker and easier for all involved" Sandy Hammer, Co- Founder and CMO, AllSeat ed "While t he indust ry as a whole has been slowing shift ing, 2020 will be t he year t hat t he majority of wedding professionals will t ransit ion to going paperless. In t he past , most wedding professionals accept payment by check, a faxed or scanned cont ract and communicat ion styles t hat do not jive wit h t he couples gett ing married today. A new decade means a higher set of expect at ions and and couples want ing more st reamlined services and communicat ion. Nora Sheils & Elizabet h Sheils, Co- Founders, Rock Paper Coin

Top Wedding Tech Trends Technology will be all t he rage in 2020! It ?s making event s grander and lives easier. As businesses automat e t hings like billing and payment s, inventory t racking, and more, t hey'll be able to bett er serve t heir client s one on one, which is just one way t echnology is able to actually increase person- to- person cont act . They also will st art being able to convey looks online easier wit h websit e inventory plugins, VR powered floor plans, and more. Some fun t ech t hat will be involved in weddings, recept ions, and act ivat ions are wearable t ech like heart rat e monitors (to see t he adrenaline pumping during t he ceremony!), drone wedding photography for incredible birds- eye views, VR and 360 video boot hs, digit al guest book apps, wedding cake project ion mapping, and more. 2020 will be seeing lot s of new and improved t echnology to furt her t he t heme of individuality across t he wedding indust ry. Karen Gordon, VP, Growt h, Goodshuffle Pro

Couples are expect ing fast er responses and t hanks to t he increased accuracy and speed of Chat bot s, t hey are going to get just t hat . Expect more companies to embrace t he use of t hem on t heir sit e- and happier customers as a result . Sandy Hammer, Co- Founder and CMO, AllSeat ed

We predict t hat t echnology specific to our indust ry will cont inue to evolve. The emphasis will focus on automat ion, communicat ion and collaborat ion to improve efficiencies wit hin organizat ions and improve t he client experience. Christ ina Farrow, President / Founder, Aisle Planner

We expect to see t ech brought into event s to enhance t he guest experience. Some examples I am excit ed about are 3d photo boot hs, project ion mapping to complet ely t ransform a space wit h light ing alone, and silent drones to capture breat ht aking foot age. Nora Sheils & Elizabet h Sheils, Co- Founders, Rock Paper Coin

Technology is being used to digit ally and collaborat ively design floorplans, manage guest list s, t imelines, arrange seat ing chart s, and design t abletops. In addit ion, t he rise in t he use of virtual reality for venue and layout tours cont inues to increase in popularity which is revolut ionizing t he way weddings are planned today as well as breaking open t he dest inat ion wedding planning market which cont inues to be a quart er of t he weddings in t he market . Sandy Hammer, Co- Founder and CMO, AllSeat ed

We are seeing businesses in t he wedding space engage t echnology more readily and proact ively, invest ing in building t heir personal t ech st ack to bett er serve t heir back- office needs as well as improve t he overall client experience. Couples are relying more and more on t echnology to find t heir vendor part ners, plan t heir weddings and engage t heir guest s.. Christ ina Farrow, President / Founder, Aisle Planner

Event Industr y Technology with

Sandy Hammer CO- FOUNDER AND CMO, ALLSEATED What are some of your t op t ech predict ions for 2020? Virtual reality will cont inue to push into t he indust ry allowing venues to provide walkt hroughs virtually from anywhere in t he world even wit hout t he use of VR Goggles as client s will be able to ut ilize t heir iPads and laptops to feel as t hough t hey are st anding in a venue space. Video st reaming will allow guest s who are unable to att end to view and be apart of t he event in real- t ime as everyt hing unfolds, no need to wait for t he photos to come back from t he photographer. As safety and security cont inue to be a top priority for bot h event indust ry companies and t heir client s we will see an increased use of art ificial int elligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) in t raining employees. Fortune 500 companies like Walmart have already been using VR for several years to t rain and prepare t heir st aff creat ing a successful environment for not only t he customer but also employee ret ent ion and confidence. Wearable t ech will be popular among guest s and couples as we all find it hard to part wit h our phones. Companies are creat ing beaut iful, luxury bracelet s and rings t hat can t rack fit ness, deliver mobile alert s and even help wit h a guided medit at ion to help brides st ay calm wit hout t he bulk of a wat ch or t racker. To make sure no one has a drained batt ery elegant clut ches are donning t he ability to charge your phone right where you would normally keep it . For t he grooms and groomsmen, t hey can get away wit h st ill donning t heir favorit e Apple wat ches but you can st ep up t he style wit h an elevat ed wat ch band.

Tech For Couples "As much as couples have want ed ?inst agrammable? moment s on t heir Big Day, we?re now seeing a move towards encouraging guest s to be in t he moment , inst ead of on t heir phones. The indust ry is also pushing back, especially since t he open lett er from wedding photographers to amat eur phone photographers went viral earlier in 2019. While phones will st ill, of course, be present at weddings, expect a marked decline in guest s?t ime spent on t hem. Wit h t he majority of planning t aking place online eit her on a desktop/ laptop wit h mobile quickly becoming t he favorit e way to search wedding professionals need to have a posit ive and updat ed social presence on each plat form. Also, wedding professionals need to ensure t hat t heir sit e is mobile friendly. Bot h Inst agram and Pint erest will cont inue to lead t he way wit h inspirat ion for engaged couples eager to search t he plat forms and follow cert ain hasht ags to st ay in t he know. The social media channels will also play a bigger role is assist ing t he consumer wit h t he select ion of t heir wedding day t eam. Wit h t hat in mind, event professionals will make it a priority to circulat e t heir work on key hasht ags in an effort to be more readily discovered by prospect ive client s." Sandy Hammer, Co- Founder and CMO, AllSeat ed

"Social media will impact weddings in a number of ways in 2020. We?ll be seeing lot s of unique and creat ive wedding hasht ags as well as more ?unplugged? ceremonies, which will make photographers?jobs easier. We will also see couples sharing t heir experience wit h more people in a number of ways, including live st reaming, live updat es, and a collect ion of photos t hrough t he use of t heir hasht ag. People will also be using social media to find and vet vendors, which means decor and rent al companies will have to t ake t his into account when creat ing t heir social media presences. Wit h Pint erest becoming so popular, t here will be a rise in creat ivity and t he desire of ?Pint erest perfect ion?. Because Pint erest and Inst agram have shopping features, we predict t hat "Pint erest brides and grooms" won't be such a problem for event s professionals. Rat her t han just seeing Pint erest- perfect weddings and recept ions t hat are out of t heir budget s and blindly request ing t hem, t hese couples should now be bett er educat ed on how much t hings realist ically cost . In 2020, wedding professionals will be using t echnology in a mult itude of ways. Drone wedding photography and hologram/ GIF photo boot hs will be huge. On t he planning side, wedding professionals will be conduct ing out reach on social media and also ut ilizing simple, easy- to- use, effect ive websit es. Transparency has become t he way of t he world, so it is import ant t hat vendors use t echnology to be t ransparent about t heir pricing, policies, and services. Younger generat ions expect to find out all t he informat ion t hat t hey need at t he click of a button from t heir phones, and are likely to abandon and vendors who make t hat difficult . These companies should use posit ive reviews received to boost credibility online and increase t heir market reach as well. 2020 will also see a rise in apps used to reach wedding planners t hrough messaging, et c. and an increased Pint erest and Inst agram presence. This digit al age has brought wit h it a deeper sense of community, which is emphasized t hrough social media and t he Int ernet . By playing into t hese communal feelings, wedding professionals can invoke t rust in t heir client s and increase t heir t ransparency and aut hent icity." Karen Gordon, VP, Growt h, Goodshuffle Pro

Wedding Business Tech with


Is t here anyt hing t hat was huge in 2019 t hat you're seeing a decline in for 2020? In 2019 t here was a lot of emphasis on market places and customer acquisit ion. We're not ant icipat ing t hat will decline dramat ically, but we do ant icipat e it will become a part of a larger story t hat includes more t arget ed market ing.

How are wedding professionals using t echnology in 2020?

What is social media's impact looking like for 2020 in weddings? Social media will cont inue to be a powerful part of t he wedding indust ry, and even more so moving forward. How could it not? Collect ively, it has a big impact on every aspect of weddings, from design and inspirat ion to business best pract ices and more.

The improved client experience enabled by t echnology is what client s have come to expect . Wedding pros who have invest ed in t echnology for t heir businesses have already seen posit ive effect s. It 's hard to imagine any t rue "professional" not engaging t ech to manage t heir back- office and client relat ions.

Tech Trends in the

Wedding Industr y WITH NORA SHEILS & ELIZABETH SHEILS, CO- FOUNDERS, ROCK PAPER COIN How is t echnology impact ing weddings planned for 2020? Technology has a huge influence on every indust ry, and weddings are no different . Throughout t he years much has changed when it comes to wedding planning t rends but one t hing has remained t he is as excit ing as it can be st ressful! Ent er wedding t echnology to simplify t he process. From st reamlining t he booking process, to managing vendors, t imelines and due dat es, sharing document s on a cloud, t here are a variety of applicat ions to ease t he st ress and allow couples more t ime to enjoy t his special t ime.

What are some of your t op t ech predict ions for 2020? Planning- wise, we predict more usage of virtual reality. Needs for a mock up or walk t hrough will decrease when couples can view an incredibly realist ic image of t heir event space and design scheme virtually. Wit h a rise in dest inat ion weddings and couples planning from a dist ance, t his will really make an impact . Is t here anyt hing t hat was huge in 2019 t hat you're seeing a decline in for 2020? Out wit h t he old, in wit h t he new. Wedding t rends quickly come and go, and t here are some we can?t wait to go away fast enough! We loved ut ilizing neon signage in 2018 and 2019, but it has been so overdone t hat I expect a decline. Same wit h plexiglass signage - fun while it last ed, but it ?s gett ing a litt le t ired. How are wedding professionals using t echnology in 2020? Not enough professionals are current ly ut ilizing t echnology to run t heir business and we expect t hat to change drast ically in 2020! The indust ry is comprised most ly of creat ive art ist s, running small to medium sized businesses. While incredibly skilled, many do not spend t ime on t he business side of t hings and use fragment ed or out dat ed services to get t he job done. 2020 brings wit h it more resources and user friendly opt ions to help st reamline business workflows and allow more t ime for creat ivity rat her t han t he nitty gritty paperwork.

Credit t o t he fant ast ic t eam of suppliers who pulled of t his gorgeous shoot :

Redgy Red & Edgy

Planner & Producer: Hat mem Event space/ Venue: Trill Bist ro St ylist & Set- up designer: Thao Nguyen Mega Blonde Phot ography: ThaiPham Phot ography Ret oucher: Huk St udio Flowers: Blue Bird Wedding & Event Decors Rent als: Royal Swans Bridal gown: Ciel de GIA Suit : Adam store Bridal Makeup: Psi Psi Jewels: Dmari Jewelry Wedding cake: Vinh T? m bakery Print ing goods: Flower x Bizous

Working in t he wedding indust ry for a long t ime helps me realize t hat recent ly people are leaning t owards weddings wit h specific t hemes and it is increasingly growing in so many dynamic and different st yles. Fashion, movies, music all have t heir part s in t he wedding indust ry. As a cult ure and t ravel ent husiast , I t ook a deeper look int o t his idea by infusing Korean beaut y t rends int o t his st yled shoot for Kpop, it s so popular among young brides in Viet nam.

Wedding Beauty & Fashion Trends


Top Br idal Fashion Trends Victorian style ruffled collars, long sleeves and high necks will be in full force come 2020. Beaut ifully craft ed lacing will st ill adorn t he Victorian silhouett es, combined wit h covered button det ailing which will fast en t he fitt ed bodice. Wit h an emphasise on personal style being key to next years bridal t rends, as t he fashion conscious bride want s to be dressed in t he knowledge she is ident ifying wit h her own style. This approach will see more playful designs, wit h lot s of tulle in mind. In part icular, t he polka dot t rend will follow t hrough into bridal wear tulle?s and complement t he fashion forward bride.

- Slick, sculptured silloutt es. - St at ement looks to include, sleeves, pearl embelishment s, an element of suprise Clever designs (ability to change necklines / element s of t he dress from day to evening) Seperat es - Overskirt s - Capes st ill very on t rend. - Jumpsuit s Cecilia Di Vit a, Owner, Heart AFlut t er Bridal

Emilia Ridealgh, Designer/ Bridal St ylist , Rock t he Frock

I would say my favorit e bridal t rends are going to be t ransforming det achable accessories t hat accent t he wedding gown. Festoons, sleeves, st reamers, and elegant bows. It s gorgeous to t ake somet hing off or add to t he gown to give an ent irely different look to t he dress. Many of t he brides are going back to a simple classic gown so a very crisp, chic, clean look is very HOT right now. A very feminine sheer bodice wit h a line style sheer skirt is also super t rendy right now wit h lot s of bows and feminine det ails such as dreamy capes or sleeves t hat drag behind t he gown and will come off for t he recept ion. Accessories have also t aken a turn for a more organic simple style wit h maybe a simple chain in front wit h a small pendant and a clean lariat chain adorning a very low cut back. Erin Cole, Owner, Erin Cole Design

On Fashion t ech t rends... - More focus on Sust ainability - Eco messages - Celebrity Influencers Cecilia Di Vit a, Owner, Heart AFlut t er Bridal

Capes: Several designers are including wedding coat s and capes in t heir 2020 collect ions. This is a modern alt ernat ive to t he veil. Oversized Det ails: Oversized bows, 3- D florals and more, oversized det ails are coming in mult iple forms but t hey?re all bringing t he wow factor. Puff sleeves are back but t hey?re going big, big, big for 2020! Ideal for t he fashion- forward soonlywed, t he puff sleeves make a dramat ic st at ement for sure. Bonus: many are removable, so it allows for two complet ely different looks if you want to have drama for t he ceremony but be able to easily put your hands up for t he dance floor. Blazers: From perfect ly t ailored to more oversized- cut and bedazzled, t here was a ton of variety but one t hing?s for cert ain, t he bridal blazer has officially arrived. Brit t ny Drye, Edit or- in- Chief, Love Inc. Magazine

Polished and bold silhouett es took over t he runway during fashion week, and we also saw a lot of non- t radit ional styles emerge such as t he bridal pant suit , florals, and puffy sleeves.. Ranu Coleman, CMO, Azazie

"Well as a designer, I am always looking for what inspires me. There were many large poufy sleeves and sheer flowing dresses. I'm always looking for new finishes and new beading, different types of layering. I t hink i was personally impact ed by all of t he femininity t hat was shown. I'm a modern girly girl, but i love clean lines a bit of sparkle and gorgeous movement ." Erin Cole, Owner, Erin Cole Design

Br idal Runway "Designers such as Elie Saab are leading t he cape and oversized sleeve t rend, t hat we are seeing more and more of. This t rend is being t ranslat ed into bridal wear designs, due to t he fact brides are more fashion conscious t han ever before, and would oft en go against a t radit ional gown for t heir nupt ials. The runway has seen many designers such as Reem Acra recreat e t he classic tuxedo style jacket , which is anot her t rend for 2020. As t he tuxedo provides for a fashion forward, sophist icat ed and edgy bride." Emilia Ridealgh, Designer/ Bridal St ylist , Rock t he Frock - More free flowing - Individuality - Tiered shapes - A return to Romant isim - wit h a new twist Elaborat e lace - Celebrat ion of inclusion and diversity, t hrough shapes, styles and embracing curves. Cecilia Di Vit a, Owner, Heart AFlut t er Bridal

"Year 2020 is going to be an excit ing t ime for bridesmaid fashion. It will be a celebrat ion of t he new soft and romant ic hues t hat are soon to be t rending in t he indust ry. Be prepared for an array of dresses in pale yellow, melon, peach shades and past el greens. Soft past els are set to be popular t his Spring, while Autumn-Wint er collect ions will see russet shades coming into play. The colour t rends of t he year will beaut ifully mimic t he changing colours of t he seasons and moods of t he Eart h. As years go by, I am cont inuing to see t hat girls are st ill being t radit ional and invit ing t heir best friends and family to be bridesmaids in long dresses. Brides- to- be select a range of hues to mat ch in a given colour scheme for t heir special day. However, t here is also an emerging t rend toward less convent ional styles. This year, you will be pleasant ly surprised by modern jump suit s. I predict t hat prom- style dresses, made of very sparkly glitt er and sequin fabrics, are going to be seen more in 2020" Alan Dessy, CEO,The Dessy Group "Simple dresses, st raight lines, very archit ectural. Sophie et Voila?is one of t he most import ant reference in t his style t hat t riumphed in t he bridal fashion Week of Barcelona last April. Pilar Herrero, Owner, Pilar Herrero Wedding & Event Planners

Wedding Fashion Trends with


What are t he t op bridal t rends for 2020? Texture, t exture, t exture - we?re seeing some amazing lace wit h 3- d embellishment s, beaded clust ers or layers of cont rast ing patt erns of lace neon used. So long st rapless, well not ent irely but designers are offering a range of neckline opt ions t hat goes beyond t he t radit ional sweet heart , v- neck or spaghett i st rap look. The plunging neckline, illusion neckline, off t he shoulder and even a high bat eau neckline (t hanks Meghan Markle) are providing so many figure flatt ering choices for brides to choose from.

What are t he t op groom fashion t rends for 2020? Custom suit s wit h impeccable t ailoring and a slim fit Bow t ies, we?ve seen an upt ick in formality and our favorit e bow t ie looks compliment t he t extured t heme in bridal gowns wit h non- t radit ional fabrics of velvet , jacquard, or a fant ast ic print

How has t echnology impact ed wedding fashion for 2020? Technology has enabled us t he ability to offer addit ional customizat ion on wedding dresses for brides. It has allowed us t he ability to have a seamless part nership wit h our design and product ion part ners and showcase sket ches, increased fabric opt ions and custom fabric opt ions in real t ime. It support s t he t rend of personalizat ion t hat couples are gravit at ing towards in t heir wedding planning choices in regards to t heir wedding day att ire and accessories for bot h t he bride and groom.

Br idal Par ty Style

Emilia Ridealgh of Rock t he Frock predict s... Various styles of t he same colour are st ill popular for wedding part ies, as it is becoming increasingly import ant to t he bride t hat her bridesmaids feel comfort able in what t hey are wearing. Therefore, t he colour and fabric is oft en t he same for each bridesmaid, but t he style different . Print s and lace will not be as prominent in 2020, as t he wedding party will opt for more st ructured fabrics combined wit h crepe fabrics of one block colour. Ranu Coleman of Azazie predict s... Sapphire and Navy Blue is definit ely going to be t he hue of t he year. It ?s bold and t radit ional at t he same t ime. The modern bridesmaids are opt ing for a minimalist look t hat can go from bridal party dress code to ready to wear anyt ime wit h lot s of sat in and silk. Brit t ny Drye of Love Inc. Magazine predict s... The last several years have seen soft , flowy bridesmaid dresses, but 2020 collect ions had a lot of st ructured silhouett es. Velvet is rising in popularity, part icularly for fall/wint er weddings. Cecilia Di Vit a of Heart AFlut t er Bridal predict s... Well for our bridesmaids and for t he vibe it 's been - Silk Slip Dresses, Velvet and Monochrome tones and patt erns Changing dresses from day to evening - or event to event wit h different looks.

The impact of tech on fashion Erin Cole of Erin Cole Design says... Technology has shown very beaut iful patt erns in 3D. Some of t he cut out flowers and fabrics t hat are laser cut are absolut ely incredible. I'm also a huge fan of beading and some of t hose patt erns are creat ed t hrough expensive very t echnical machinery. They might st art out very light and move into very heavy beaded patt erns. It may include different layers of beading being added t hroughout , in a delicat e flower patt ern or a modern repet it ive design. Emilia Ridealgh of Rock t he Frock says...

W hat's Out Brit t ny Drye of Love Inc. Magazine says... Feeling like you "have" to abide by t radit ion. Couples are choosing out fit s t hat suit t heir own personal style inst ead of what t hey feel like t hey "should" wear. Emilia Ridealgh of Rock t he Frock says... It s wort h ment ioning t hat as Brexit is looming having more t han one wedding out fit for your special day, is becoming a t hing of t he past- as brides are looking to keep t he cost down in a t ime of uncert ainty. This has meant many women have skipped having a veil, and are opt ing for a cape. Which is a more versat ile accessory, t hat could be t aken off in t he evening. Favourably, high low silhouett es and floral hair looks are officially no more! Hoorah!

For t he modern bride looking for somet hing unique, plat forms such as inst agram and Pint erest have opened up t he opportunity for emerging bridal designers to showcase t heir t alent s, and be reached freely on t he const ant ly growing plat forms. Aft er all, t echnology allows current t rends to st ay current - as t he online buzz is creat ed, which sees t rends st ick for t he season.

Cecilia Di Vit a of Heart AFlut t er Bridal says...

Brit t ny Drye of Love Inc. Magazine says...

I t hink right now in bridal..... anyt hing goes, It s really one of t he great t hings about bridal...inspirat ions can be pulled from all era's which is what allows brides t he freedom of having t heir own style on t heir wedding day. Brides are not really worrying about what is in or out , t here is a large array of style emerging t hroughout t he indust ry right now. I don't know if anyt hing can stop it !

More soonlyweds are buying t heir dresses t hrough online ret ailers such as Anomalie, so you're not having t hat salon shopping experience t hat has been t he t radit ion, and it 's forcing big- box brick- and- mort ar ret ailers to evolve.

?Overly Sexy looks - Super boho looks - Too Vint age - Tea dresses Erin Cole of Erin Cole Design says...

Top 2020 trends in

Br idal Beauty Well, you can expect to see a lot more FUN. It appears t hat we?ll be gett ing a lot more playful so t hink accessories bot h in t he hair AND on t he face! There will be excit ing cont rast s between t extures, colours and overall we will be seeing a lot more personality which means it ?s an excit ing t ime to explore your creat ivity! As a Hair and Makeup art ist I?ll be encouraging my client s to keep t he overall finish natural and simple but wit h a pop of fun t hrough eit her playing wit h unique accessories or int erest ing colours and t extures incorporat ed into t he overall style. Let ?s have some fun! Zoe Cornwell, Hair + Makeup Art ist , Knot Your Average Bride Make Up t rends are favouring natural looking skin and rose gold and champagne hues. If you?re feeling brave and a bit edgy t hen coloured eyeliners and red lips are looking like t hey are on t he up. Skincare is grabbing t he headlines wit h new companies emerging bringing affordable skin healt h to t he forefront and more accessible t han ever due to compet it ive pricing. Claire Jones, Creat ive Direct or, Claire Hones Make Up Art ist The 90s inspirat ion is in full swing. We are seeing very clean, soft , very blended eye makeup, very clean skin, and eit her a nude lip (as in t he color of t he client 's own lip, just enhanced) or rosy lips t hat also run somewhat into t he plum tones. We are also seeing more color on t he cheeks, which we love as art ist s! Bianca Sansost i, Owner/ Founder, Bianca Sansost i Art ist ry

2020 Beauty Colour Trends Claire Hones Make Up Art ist predict s... Rose gold and champagne, past el shades from blues t hrough to soft peach. Zoe Cornwell of Knot Your Average Bride predict s... Overall I t hink 2020 colour palett es will be focusing on our much loved neut ral shades wit h wit h t he addit ion of playful pops of colour. Some of t he favourit es for 2020 are scarlet reds, saffron yellows, classic blues and t he beaut iful biscay green. Think more red lips or fun accent s of colour incorporat ed into eyeliners or hair accessories! Bianca Sansost i, Owner/ Founder, Bianca Sansost i Art ist ry predict s... Rose tones, nude (client 's own lip color), warm eyeshadows (warm golds & t aupes, warm bronze).

The top trends in


Biggest beaut y t rends t o look out for in 2020? Glowing skin is st aying but moving away from glitt er and onto gleam wit h more balmy t extures being used in an att empt to recreat e t he perfect post- facial glow. An emphasis too on what ?s in our product s; how t hey?re manafactured, t est ed and packaged wit h more vegan and cruelty- free opt ions available. What are your color palet t e predict ions for 2020? Unlike t he catwalk neons we?ve seen, bridal remains somewhat more t radit ional. Red lips in all hues will be on t rend and if not for t he ceremony t hen most definit ely for t he party. Top bridal hair predict ions for 2020? Simple hair styles, wet her it be sleek and simple ballet buns placed at t he nape of t he neck (Victoria Beckaham catwalk) or neat unfussy pony club plait s (Erdem). For t he less const ruct ed bride natural hair t extures are simply enhanced wit h litt le styling and product .

And for t he rest of t he Bridal Part y... "It ?s all about t he embellishment s for 2020 t hink bespoke hair slides, jewelled bands or masses of individually placed pearls and stones." Rachael Johnson, Founder & Lead Art ist , Alchemy Hair and Makeup We will be seeing more effort less ?wavy?hairstyles t hat have st rong 70?s accent s such as t hat overall ?shaggy?feel. There will be more focus on playing wit h accessories and opt ing for low maint enance hairstyles t hat allow bridal part ies to let loose and have fun! 2020 is looking like a pretty fun year... Zoe Cornwell, Hair + Makeup Art ist , Knot Your Average Bride More fun along wit h more playful looks overall wit h a new modern sophist icat ion. Hairstyling is looking more playful for 2020. Claire Jones, Creat ive Direct or, Claire Jones Make Up Art ist

Br idal Hair Trends Braids are back baby! BUT not as we know it ...Forget whimsical and t hink STRONG. We?ll be seeing playful braids t hat incorporat e st rong accent s of colour and t exture t hrough t he use of accessories. Alt hough t exture is st ill a firm favourit e, you can expect to see t he t exture t eamed wit h sleek and st rong finishes for a more unique cont rast . Zoe Cornwell, Hair + Makeup Art ist , Knot Your Average Bride Relaxed but polished low chignons, relaxed

downstyles - loose waves, lot s of movement , no super defined or st ructured curls, slight / natural volume. Floral incorporat ed as hair pieces (vs. floral crowns), head bands, barrett es/clips. Bianca Sansost i, Owner/ Founder, Bianca Sansost i Art ist ry - Deconst ruct ed hairstyling incorporat ing braids and quirky accessories. - Textured, voluminous, deconst ruct ed up and half up/down styles. Claire Jones, Creat ive Direct or, Claire Jones Make Up Art ist

Textured ponys! They had a moment in t he 2nd half of 2019, and I see t hat t rend cont inuing into 2020. Bianca Sansost i, Owner/ Founder, Bianca Sansost i Art ist ry

W hat's Out...

Zoe Cornwell of Knot Your Average Bride predict s... Alt hough I love t he t extured and effort less side of all t hings ?BOHO?relat ed, I t hink t he ?pretty?and ?romant ic?side of t his t rend is on it ?s way out . The braids aspect of t he ?BOHO?t rend will st ill be current however we are moving towards focusing on st rong, powerful women t hat aren?t afraid to have some fun wit h t heir overall style. We?ll be seeing less Princesses and more QUEENS. Rachael Johnson of Alchemy Hair and Makeup predict s... Matt e lips are on t he decline and so back to t he gloss for an effort less and needle free inst ant lip enhancement . Bianca Sansost i, Owner/ Founder, Bianca Sansost i Art ist ry predict s... Hair: Flower crowns, braids, ext reme boho hair, very defined curls, big volume Makeup: heavy highlight ing & contouring, heavy foundat ion applicat ion, glitt er on t he eyes. Claire Hones Make Up Art ist predict s... Tight over worked hairstyling which nods to a bygone age. Matt e and heavy foundat ion finishes and black winged liner is looking more yest eryear.

For the Grooms

"Grooms are moving away from t radit ion as well and celebrat ing t heir personal style wit h suit s and tuxedos in mult iple colors, patt erns and styles. More individuality and personality is t he t rend for 2020. The t radit ional black tuxedo is out and more fitt ed and t apered suit s are in wit h personal style shining t hrough." Ranu Coleman, CMO, Azazie

"The groom is likely to be at ease ordering from mult iple online ret ailers, and deciding on a suit in t he comfort of his own home. Due to t he efficiency and t he plet hora of choice available online, at an inexpensive price. A relaxed fit suit will be a key t rend for 2020. As we see a shift in bot h t he bride and groom want ing a pract ical design, t hat t hey can wear for t he ent ire wedding day. Waist coat s are becoming less t rendy for t he groom, as t hey are opt ing for t he comfort of a two piece suit ." Emilia Ridealgh, Designer/ Bridal St ylist , Rock t he Frock "Gone are t he days of plain black socks. We?re loving t he t rend of coordinat ed colored socks for t he groomsmen t hat mat ches t he wedding colors, personalized socks or patt erned and print ed socks. It ?s becoming a fun and creat ive photo- op for t he groomsmen and wedding party." Jennifer Feldst ein, Chief Bridal St ylist , The Last Minut e Bride - Deep wint er tones - Int erest ing fabric / t exture mixtures - Patt ern - oversize checks, dogtoot h, herringbone, - A play on modern dressing wit h a deep sartorial rout e (for example a roll neck wit h a double breast ed jacket or a return to a double cuff shirt wit h an int erest ing collar or t ie). Cecilia Di Vit a, Owner, Heart AFlut t er Bridal

"We're seeing more personality infused into suit style. Grooms and dapper brides aren't shying away from patt erns and color!" Brit t ny Drye, Edit or- in- Chief, Love Inc. Magazine "Elegant but at t he same t ime casual suit s." Pilar Herrero, Owner, Pilar Herrero Wedding & Event Planners

Wit h credit t o t he amazing supplier t eam:

M oder n Boho

Concept & Product ion: The Brand St udio Phot ography: The Brand St udio Bridalwear: Luella?s Bridal Venue: Primrose Hill Farm Hair & Makeup: BeYou Weddings Shoes: Bella Belle Shoes Rings: Rosie Clayden Accessories: Vict oria Fergusson Floral Design: Bo Bout ique Cake: Sugarplum Bakes St at ionery: Whit e Olive Design St udio Linens: Kat e Cullen

Cont emporary Brit ish st yle meet s Bondi beach in t his elegant laid- back bridal inspirat ion shoot at Primrose Hill Farm. This modern barn venue overlooking t he lush Oxfordshire count ryside provided t he perfect neut ral backdrop t o showcase t he new Luella?s Capsule collect ion; a range of easy t o wear dresses offering nat urally elegant st yle. Taking inspirat ion from current bridal t rends making t heir way over from Aust ralia, st ylist Louise Beukes (The Brand St udio) worked closely wit h florist Amy Bowley (Bo Bout ique) t o creat e a effort lessly cool floral inst allat ion using dried palm leaves and grasses coupled wit h classic English garden roses and sweet peas. These floral det ails are reflect ed on t he rust ic but t ercream cake (Sugarplum Bakes) and t ablescape st yled wit h beaut iful linens, eart henware and recycled glassware in a neut ral palet t e of ivory, gold and t he soft est sage green, brought t oget her wit h calligraphy st at ionery by Whit e Olive Design St udio.

Tableware: Prezola Prop Rent als: The Whit e Emporium St yling Assist ant : The Whit e Emporium Models: Charlot t e Verit y, St effi Green, Viviana Ross

The Business of Weddings


"Our UAE readers are consuming video cont ent more t hen ever before, t hey are want ing more of a personalized, vett ed service from our websit e, and t hey are planning more int imat e, personalized weddings. We have not iced an increase in inbound dest inat ion brides into Dubai too, planning anyt hing from a renewal, t hrough to a large 3 day Indian buyout wedding. Much t he same as now, social media is a great source of inspirat ion for brides/couples planning t heir weddings, and also serves as a broad port folio of service providers t hat couples can easily access and review" Rhiannon Downie, Founder, Club Media FZE

"They're on t heir phones more t han ever, so it 's essent ial to have a mobile- friendly websit e." Brit t ny Drye, Edit or- in- Chief, Love Inc. Magazine "To me, it feels like att ent ion spans are gett ing short er and short er, and grabbing someone's att ent ion is gett ing more and more difficult . Creat ing engaging cont ent is t he name of t he game, and really connect ing wit h t he audience." Jessica Bishop, Founder, The Budget Savvy Bride

Engaging Couples

"We want to know more. Be able to see more. And have more access and t his is coming t hrough wit h readers in t he last 12 mont hs. The amount of posit ively spun social media account s has broken t he know like and t rust wit h people t hey are looking to buy from. So to build t hat back up t hey are wat ching stories, feeds, behind t he scenes to make sure t hat a wedding brand is who t hey port ray on social media." Laura Payne-St anley, Founder, French Wedding St yle

"Consumers want to see everyt hing going on wit h t he planning of t heir wedding. And, t hey want t echnology t hat will help guide t hem. I'm seeing more and more wedding pros using project management tools such as Aisle Planner, Basecamp, Asana, Tave, and so on. The easier it is for client s to access t heir wedding plans online, t he bett er!" Michelle Loret t a, Owner, Sage Wedding Pros

"I t hink t rends will move and change quickly. While a t rend may once have been around for mont hs and mont hs, t he const ant quest for personalisat ion and somet hing unique and new means t hat we're moving onto somet hing new much fast er." Dorot hy Polka, Edit or, Polka Dot Bride

The Business of Weddings with


- How will social media impact weddings in 2020? Having a quality Inst agram presence is just going to become more necessary in 2020. Couples are ?nding and following vendors from t heir favorit e publishers' when we t ag vendors in our social media cont ent , so it 's key to make a good ?rst impression. - How is t he rise in popularit y of video st reaming impact your relat ionship wit h readers in 2020? People love to wat ch love stories, and wedding video cont ent showcases a level of emot ion t hat 's di cult to capture in photography, so it 's cert ainly rising in popularity as more couples opt for videography services. But t hat being said, st ill photography will always play a leading role when it comes to wedding inspirat ion - - it 's really di cult to organize and share speci?c wedding ideas and inspirat ion from real weddings and styled shoot s wit h video. But when it comes to t ravel- and DIY- focused cont ent , video is king. - How has ongoing educat ion impact ed your success? Always being open to learning allows me to evolve my business as t imes change. This indust ry isn't what it was ?ve years ago - - or even two years ago! - - so in order to survive and t hrive, a business leader must be proact ive in educat ion.

"Social media cont inues to be import ant to every day lives, so it makes sense t hat it will cont inue to flow into t he biggest day in someone's life. Couples already have hasht ags on Inst agram and custom filt ers on Snapchat , t hey can furt her social involvement during t he wedding wit h live st reaming. Post wedding, t hey want t heir images quick to be able to share wit h all t heir friends and family." Megan Acost a, Owner & Edit or, Glamour & Grace I definit ely t hink t hat social media will cont inue to play a large role in how couples gat her inspirat ion and ideas for t heir big day. I'm personally hoping we see more unplugged weddings in 2020, but I'm already seeing couples making some fun Tik Tok cont ent on t heir wedding day, which can be quit e ent ert aining.

W hat the Editors say... We're seeing couples embrace t radit ion. For inst ancet hey're walking down t he aisle, but t hey're doing it toget her, or t hey're walking halfway wit h t heir mum and halfway wit h t heir dad. They're writ ing t heir ceremony toget her but hiding t heir vows for one anot her. They're having a sit- down wedding but serving up t heir favourit e meals t hey cook every Saturday. They're wearing a veil but t hey're making it dramat ic and show- stopping. Furt her, some key t rends we're seeing: - Long st em bouquet s - Weddings officiat ed by friends, wit h a celebrant for just t he legals - Luncht ime and brunch weddings Dorot hy Polka, Edit or, Polka Dot Bride

Jessica Bishop, Founder, The Budget Savvy Bride If we t hink about it , humanity has never read as much as t hey do now, where we have informat ion available in our palms at any given moment . Nowadays we t end to do almost everyt hing from t he phones and I believe t he same goes for our readers. Obviously, t his means t hat by now t he websit es and everyt hing else must be mobile and user friendly. Readers t end to search for t he issues or topics t hrough t heir search engines on- t he- go and will usually land on t he first or second search result offered. This means t hat our SEO and t he style of writ ing has to be appealing to t he user as much as t he search engine algorit hms. When everyone want s to grab our att ent ion, we t end to zone t hings out and so do our readers. We need to get t heir att ent ion wit h t he first look, wit h t he good compelling t it le and impressive imagery. Sanya Percic, Founder and Edit or in Chief, Ellwed

The Business of Weddings with


How are readers evolving in t he last year? We know we keep harping on about it , but personalisat ion, personalisat ion, personalisat ion! And we're t alking everyt hing- from menu it ems, to t he colour of t he shoes, to t he signage. It is t ruly not finding inspirat ion elsewhere, it is st epping inside t heir lives and turning t heir everyday loves and det ails into wedding moment s.

How is video st reaming impact ing wit h readers in 2020? How will social media impact 2020 weddings? Social media is now a search engine in it self, t here is less reliance on what someone else did and more creat ive t hinking about t hose det ails. So it 's becoming more about t he individual it em search. Alongside t hat , t here is t he factor of coming along for t he ride wit h influencers and even wit h guest s, by following wedding hasht ags and really making shareable, inst agrammable moment s from every st age of t he wedding planning. Cake t ast ing in imagery on Inst agram, dress shopping on Youtube videos. Every moment has become aest het ically import ant and a celebrat ion in it self.

I t hink we'll see even more ways of int egrat ing t his into your big day, We're already high on t he hasht ag bandwagon, but t his coverage of t he day will be collect ed as more coverage, more ways of sharing t he moment s. For us, video provides an ext ra layer of connect ion wit h readers. it allows us to offer more informat ion and inspirat ion in unique and different ways from a st ill image. We can share a video venue tour for inst ance, or a day in a life and really build t hat connect ion beyond pretty, professionally shot images t hat might be more about t he perfect ion.

W hat the Wedding Planners say... "In many part s of t he Unit ed St at es, booking windows are gett ing short er. Why is t his? The immediacy and availability of online product - ala Amazon - has 't rained' consumers to get goods when t hey want t hem. Gone are t he days of wait ing mont hs for somet hing hard- earned and long- desired. This is having an impact on how people buy everyt hing, including wedding services. And, wit h each generat ion, we're going to see short er t imeframes between t he engagement and t he wedding day. This means t hat as service providers we are needing to shrink t he t ime we plan an event . It 's changing our selling seasons too. Where we used to see t he st ream of client s booking 12- 18 mont hs before an event , we're seeing more client s booking 6 mont hs out inst ead." Michelle Loret t a, Owner, Sage Wedding Pros "Specifically to my client ele, couples are busier t han ever. They are leaning on referrals from friends and family and t hey really are seeking assist ance from wedding planners to help t hem plan t heir special day. When it comes to wedding planner tools my must have is Project Management syst ems. The more project s you manage t he more t he need to st ay ext remely organized and focus on t ime management . As a mentor for up and coming wedding pro's I see many people st ill doing t hings manually and I t hink it s t ime to upgrade to a project management syst em t hat suit s you and t he way you conduct your business. HoneyBook, BaseCamp, and Trello are just a few of t he project management tools t hat I see wedding pro's using." Brit Bert ino, Event Producer, Brit Bert ino, event excellence

"As a new appreciat ion for t he t ime involved, and t he complexity of planning and execut ing a wedding develops, so does t he demand for wedding planning services. The benefit s of hiring professional help are becoming more apparent , and at an earlier st age in t he wedding planning process, to brides, grooms, and t heir families. Delivering a high quality event is of paramount import ance to our client s, and whet her t hey have support wit h t he full planning, t he design, styling or on t he day management , t hey are consult ing wit h us more t han ever before, to ensure a st ress free day. And t he conversat ions cont inue wit h regard to sust ainability, and t he impact a carbon neut ral or carbon negat ive wedding can make on t he world. Millennials cont inue to challenge t he not ion of t he 'have it all regardless of t he impact ' ment ality. Plast ic free florist ry, paperless invit es, and using local vendors all cont ribut e to reducing t he carbon foot print of a wedding, and encourage subt le but import ant changes in t he way we operat e." Pamella Dunn, Creat ive Direct or & CEO, Pamella Dunn Event s

On consumers... I have not iced t hat t hey are want ing what t hey want , t hey review t he opt ions, and make a decision quickly and it if it wort h it to t hem, t hey will go over what t hey had budget ed. On must have wedding pro t ools... A program t hat makes t he onboarding process easy for t hem and t heir client s. Jennifer Taylor, Owner, Taylor'd Event s Group

W hat to know in


Millennial couples are becoming far more savvy when it comes to planning t heir wedding and choosing t heir suppliers, meaning t hat wedding business owners will need to work harder to build relat ionships and engagement wit h t heir client s. How will social media impact weddings in 2020? Real- t ime social media such as stories and live videos are going to be an essent ial part of your market ing st rat egy for 2020 as couples look to build genuine relat ionships wit h t he people behind t he brands t hey will be working wit h on t heir wedding. Going live, showing your face and showcasing behind t he scenes of your business, daily, will help you st and out from t he compet it ion! How has ongoing educat ion impact ed your success? This year I have joined a community for female ent repreneurs and working wit h a creat ive business consult ant to develop and grow my business. Even aft er a near- decade in t he indust ry t here are st ill t hings I'm learning every day and invest ing in self- development is a key part of my st rat egy every year.

"Pot ent ial client s want to see you as you are and video is a way to connect on a level t hat t radit ional and even some social media out let s couldn't in t he past . It helps t he planner to show off work while t hey are in t he process of doing a wedding and leading up to t he big day." Jennifer Taylor, Owner, Taylor'd Event s Group

Video M arketing

"I t hink t rends will move and change quickly. While a t rend may once have been around for mont hs and mont hs, t he const ant quest for personalisat ion and somet hing unique and new means t hat we're moving onto somet hing new much fast er." Dorot hy Polka, Edit or, Polka Dot Bride "For t he last several years, we've seen Gen Y shift our market ing towards t he use of more video. This explains t he rise in social media t hat embraces t his tool (eg: Inst agram Stories). As Gen Z joins t he ranks for marrying age, video is going to become even MORE import ant . Remember: t his generat ion has been raised on youtube. They'll be accessing video more and more for informat ion and educat ion. Wedding Professionals need to incorporat e t his into t heir market ing st rat egy now to prepare for t he next decade of consumers." Michelle Loret t a, Owner, Sage Wedding Pros "We are looking past video st reaming and at FWS we are excit ed about t he world of virtual reality as it becomes adopt ed into wedding market ing. Imagine going t hrough a walk around your dream French Wedding Chat eau from t he comfort of your home!" Laura Payne-St anley, Founder, French Wedding St yle

"Video market ing makes an impact . It 's also more suit able for busy lives, and t he way to quickly capture t he att ent ion of your ideal client . Scrolling by on social media is not quit e so easy when t he wonderful company you've been following suddenly appears in person. Putt ing a face, and mat ching t he personality to a brand or business inst ant ly builds t rust . An online st rat egy developed wit h your brand USP in mind, t hat works to your st rengt hs on camera will deliver t he result s. If you are bett er live make t he most of t he stories, and host live event s where you can engage wit h your audience in real t ime. If a pre recorded market ing video t hat 's well rehearsed is more you, work on a short series, and promot e t hem across all your channels wit h confidence." Pamella Dunn, Creat ive Direct or & CEO, Pamella Dunn Event s

The Business of Weddings with


How are readers evolving in t he last year? We st art not icing how our readers are consuming informat ion in different ways, roundups and advice art icles are performing bett er on our blog t han t he last few years. Alt hough bridal fashion cont ent is st ill really big for us. Moody photography style has become more popular amongst our readers and I not iced any image wit h a brown/eart hy tone background or accent performs bett er in social media, in general.

How is video st reaming impact ing your relat ionship wit h readers in 2020? From having live- st reams from Bridal Fashion Week, bridal conferences and st reaming life event s, as part of t he holist ic social media st rat egy approach, we are sharing more organic and behind t he scenes moment s on our Inst agram stories while we curat e our feed to behave an editorial look. We had also developed st rat egic part nerships wit h like- minded wedding pros to live- st ream t heir weddings on our Inst agram Stories. It is a great way to bring fresh cont ent to our followers!

How has educat ion impact ed your success? I love learning, so educat ion has always been an int egral part of my business. I am const ant ly reading & list ening about topics t hat would t ake my business even furt her. Why st ruggle to t ry to figure out how to solve a problem when you can follow t he st eps of someone who already when t hrough t he same challenges you are going t hrough. In t his day in age, t here is no need to reinvent t he wheel. There are so many great educators and innovators in t he indust ry who are wheeling to share t heir knowledge and experience to help ot hers. I also always t ry to learn from people in ot her indust ries to see what st rat egies t hey are using t hat can be implement ed in my wedding media company.

Social M edia for #WedBizPros "Wit h t he upcoming changes on t he hiding- likes on Inst agram and Facebook, people would st art looking for ot her ways to validat e t heir decision making. Therefore press features (in print and online) will become more import ant for wedding vendors as a way to replace t he validat ion social media likes used to deliver. The hiding- likes change will also force wedding vendors to develop a more holist ic social media st rat egy based on more t han vanity met rics and pretty photos. This has always been t he best way to use social but , for a long t ime, people were able to skat e by on pretty photos and build up a following wit hout diving deeper. More and more wedding professionals are also realizing t hat Pint erest is t he number one place nearly- engaged couples turn to for wedding inspirat ion. And alt hough Inst agram is not going anywhere, I can see more and more wedding pros moving t heir effort s into Pint erest . This will also impact effort s put into t heir websit es to capture couples' att ent ion since Pint erest allows to link all images to a websit e source. As far as engaged couples, t he unplugged wedding t rend will cont inue. But aft er t he big day, couples will t ry more and more to become inst a- famous by gett ing t heir weddings published in some of t he major wedding- relat ed Inst agram account s." Alejandra Baca, Founder and Edit or- in- Chief, Belle The Magazine "Readers are all about quick consumpt ion. They want small bit es t hat t hey can easily view, fall in love, and int eract wit h. Which is why social media, part icularly Inst agram, is where all t he act ion is."

"It 's allowing a different kind of connect ion wit h vendors, couples can give inst ant feedback to vendors, t hey can decide whet her t hey want to hire a vendor or not from t he personality and t rait s t hey share on social media. The behaviour of vendors online is impact ing booking decisions in huge ways. There are plenty of vendors who work word of mout h, and t here are some who are st ruggling because t hey do not have t hat base and have not paid any att ent ion to t heir social media, or are not willing to keep up wit h t he plat forms I t hink wit h t hat , couples demand a lot more from how vendors conduct t hemselves, right down to how inclusive t he images t hey share are." Dorot hy Polka, Edit or, Polka Dot Bride "Privacy. People want cont rol back of t heir privacy, when and how t hey feat ure on social media and I t hink t his will lead t o an increase in people looking t o remove cont ent from Google and ot her social media plat forms as t hey clean and st art t o cont rol t heir digit al fingerprint . A form of t his has been seen wit h Finst agram account s and is relevant t o wedding guest s." Laura Payne-St anley, Founder, French Wedding St yle "From our own social media we see t hat organic growt h is becoming more and more import ant . The mere number of followers isn?t so import ant any more t han t he engagement rat io. Real engaging audience is t he one t hat will share, comment and t ag t heir friends. But what really helps to grow organically are t he useful t ips and amazing images or videos t hat att ract t he viewers to stop and t ake a deeper dive into your brand. From what we see, couples search for inspirat ion mainly on Inst agram and Pint erest . They can quickly judge if cert ain brands or wedding suppliers fit wit h couple?s vision, simply by t he looks of t heir account s. They follow account s t hat have valuable t ips or inspirat ional images to offer and make boards on Pint erest of t heir favourit e ideas and it ems for t heir big day. That is why post ing t he right image is ever so import ant , as it will att ract your ideal audience" Sanya Percic, Founder and Edit or in Chief, Ellwed

Megan Acost a, Owner & Edit or, Glamour & Grace

"Keeping up to dat e wit h t rends and educat ion get s you ahead of your compet itors and fresh in front of your client s. It 's import ant to st ay connect ed too and network wit h your peers, t hey const ant ly keep me on my feet want ing to learn more and become a st ronger innovator in my indust ry." Brit Bert ino, Event Producer, Brit Bert ino, event excellence "Myself and my t eam are always looking to elevat e our knowledge, learn and grow. We oft en att end seminars, workshops and event s relevant to our business and growt h. This includes online learning too." Rhiannon Downie, Founder, Club Media FZE

Staying Educated "Building your t ribe can be challenging, but once you do, it ?s very rewarding! The community of our peers and like- minded people is very import ant when it comes to support , posit ive energy, informat ion sharing and also inspirat ion! I believe t hat as creat ives, we feed off each ot her?s creat ivity and t his is also what keeps us mot ivat ed to invent new fascinat ing project s. We need to adapt to new t rends and evolve wit h t he flow. I believe t hat wit hout educat ion and community we cannot reach our full pot ent ial." Sanya Percic, Founder and Edit or in Chief, Ellwed

"Ongoing educat ion cont inues to be import ant for us as a t eam and a brand. We're always cont inuing to learn, and adjust what we're doing. For inst ance, we're focusing a lot on inclusion and diversity right now and we want to t hrow at lot at gett ing t his right , But t his requires educat ion from people, or at least t ime expended to make sure we're doing it right and not just using words wit hout act ion." Dorot hy Polka, Edit or, Polka Dot Bride "Cont inuous learning is inst rument al in growing a business. I t hink t hat st aying on top of social media t rends, market ing st rat egies, and t ech tools has been crucial in navigat ing t he ever- changing landscape of online publishing!" Jessica Bishop, Founder, The Budget Savvy Bride "Whet her becoming a cert ified coach, coming a credit ed CRM consult ant or to learning by signing up for my first t riat hlon which are just some of t he highlight s of t he last 10 years, an invest ment in you is an asset t hat never depreciat es. We have never been in a t ime where t he pace of innovat ion out st rips t he pace of implement at ion and I perceive t his is only going to increase in t he next decades. Those who don?t educat e, learn and adapt are not going to meet reader needs." Laura Payne-St anley, Founder, French Wedding St yle

Wedding Trends 2020

Wit h t hanks t o t he wonderful shoot t eam: Planning, st yling, phot ography: Awardweddings Venue: Domaine du Beyssac Flowers: Les Ideales Wooden decorat ions: Yult urn St at ionary: Le Compt oir du Bonheur

You will find four different t able set t ings in it - all based around elegant , minimalist and romant ic st yles, using a new key element : wood - in vases and candles holders: Set t ing # 1: This one is more modern fine art in a newly renovat ed space wit h clear cut lines. Set t ing # 2: This one is in an old room - t his is our favourit e st yle act ually. It is more romant ic wit h bigger candles and simple flower arrangement s. Set t ing# 3: The most minimalist wit h a few single flower arrangement s and candles. Set t ing # 4: A more aut umnal st yle wit h more wood and warmer colours of red, brown and black. There are also more vases, giving more import ance t o t he wood. This one feels more in line wit h t he "eart h". For t his shoot , I?ve used local suppliers t o promot e t he local area and anchor it in t he st yle of t he region. I?ve want ed t o move t owards a clear st yling wit h lot s of whit es cont rast ing wit h darker colours.

Table wear and t able clot h: Opt ions

A Huge Thank You To Our 2020 Contr ibutors... Mont e Durham

Tara Fay

Ceci Johnson

Louise Beukes

Say Yes to t he Dress ? At lant a

Tara Fay Event s

Ceci New York



Alan Dessy

Alejandra Baca

Andri Benson

Ant hony Cuellar

The Dessy Group

Belle The Magazine

Always Andri

Went e Vineyards



Ashley Greer

Bernadet t e Chapman

Bianca Sansost i

Brandon Snooks


Bianca Sansost i Art ist ry

Farm to Fire by Hudson Valley BBQ Co


Brit Bert ino

Brit t ny Drye

Bront e Dwyer

Cecilia Di Vit a

Brit Bert ino Event s

Love Inc.

Foreva Event s

Heart AFlutt er Bridal

brit bert


heart aflut t

Chanda Daniels

Chezelle Rodriguez

Chloe At lan

Christ ie Osborne

A Monique Affair

CD Weddings & Event s

Aava Wedding

Mount ainside Bride



Photo by Dennis Kwan

At elier Ashley Flowers at

A Huge Thank You To Our 2020 Contr ibutors... Claire Jones

Christ ina Farrow

Clement ine Ward

Danielle Rot hweiler

Claire Jones Makeup Art ist

Aisle Planner


Rot hweiler Event Design

rot hweilerevent

Dee McMeeking

Dorot hy Polka

Elie Berchan

Elspet h Tull

Dee McMeeking

Polka Dot Bride



Elie Berchan Wedding & Event s Creat ion

Emilia Ridealgh

Emily and Brad Young

Erin Cole

Erin Corriveau

Erin Cole Design

Longitude Cat ering & Event s

clairejonesmakeupart ist .com

Photo by Dennis Kwan

Rock t he Frock rockt

Prop Opt ions



lat t it

Faust o Pifferrer

Grania O'Brien

Gyan Gurung

Hannah Chong

Blue Elephant Event s and Cat ering

Ink & Paper

Gyan Gurung Photography

Heavan's Gift

blueelephant cat

heavens-gift .com

Hannah Mart in

Hannah McClune

Heat her Jones

Heat her Rouffle

Goose and Berry

Hannah McClune Photography

Went e Vineyards

At las Event Rent al


at lasevent rent

A Huge Thank You To Our 2020 Contr ibutors... Iq Dhut t i

Jade Lunny

Jane Riddell

Jen Avey

The VIP Studio

Let 's Bee Toget her

Planned for Perfect ion

t hevipst

let sbeet oget

Dest inat ion Weddings Travel Group


Jennifer Charles

Jennifer Claire Const ant

Jennifer Feldst ein

The Celebrant Directory

The Last Minut e Bride

t hecelebrant direct

t helast minut

dest inat

Photo by Dennis Kwan

Jenni HillHorsburgh Litt le Hill Floral Designs

Somet hing Fabulous somet

lit t

Jennifer Taylor

Jeremy Bronson

Jessica Bishop

Joan Wyndrum

Taylor'd Event s Group

Occasions Cat ering

The Budget Savvy Bride

Blooms By The Box

t aylordevent

t hebudget


Jamie Shaw


Kevin Dennis

Karen Gordon

Foot ers Cat ering

Jose?Rolon Event s


foot erscat


Fant asy Sound Event Services fant

Kat e Cullen

Kat ie Covingt on

Krist y Rice

Krist in Wat kins

Kat e Cullen

Paperless Post

Moment al Designs

St ephanie Rose Event s


paperlesspost .com


st ephanieroseevent

A Huge Thank You To Our 2020 Contr ibutors... Kylie Carlson

Laura PayneSt anley


Lily Lubowit z

Et c. Event Styling

Ch&Co, The Concerto Group

frenchweddingst cevent

Margot Jones

Mark Ward

Mat ilda Godson

Mat t hew Wengerd

Purple Onion Cat ering


A Fine Press


Whit ehouse Event Crockery

Megan Acost a

Megan Collins

Meghan Ely

Meryl Snow

Glamour & Grace

Blossom & Crumb

OFD Consult ing

SnowStorm Solut ions


Mike Busada

Michelle Loret t a

Nicole Mrad

Mike B Photography

Sage Wedding Pros

Cup N Cakes LLC


Olet a Collins

Pamella Dunn

Pilar Herrero

Flourishing Art Design Studio flourishingart .net

Pamella Dunn Event s

Pilar Herrero Wedding & Event Planner


The Wedding Academy

French Wedding Style

Photo by Dennis Kwan

Michelle Anderson


Complet e The Look complet et

Nora Sheils & Elizabet h Sheils Rock Paper Coin

A Huge Thank You To Our 2020 Contr ibutors... Rachael Johnson

Ranu Coleman

Rhiannon Downie

Sam Lloyd

Alchemy Hair & Makeup


BrideClub Me

The Wedding Owl


Photo by Dennis Kwan

Sandy Hammer

Sanya Percic

Sarah Richardson

Shelby Anderson

AllSeat ed

Ellwed Magazine

Leafy Couture

Foot ers Cat ering



foot erscat

Sophie Linin

Terrica Skaggs

Tim Ruedeman

Trip Wheeler

Royal Museums Greenwich

Cockt ails & Det ails

Dext er Lake Club Band

SB Value

cockt ailsdet


Tyler Speier

Vaishali Shah

Vanessa Bragg

Yevnig Davis

Tyler Speier Event s

Ananya Cards


The Wedding & Event Creators

Unique Cakes by Yevnig

Zoe Cornwell Knot Your Average Bride knot

weddingandevent creat

The Publishers

Everyone in t he Wedding Academy family has st art ed out where you are right now, at t he beginning. We underst and t he very real fear of failure and not having t he confidence to get st art ed. But all t hat changes when you have t he knowledge. Wit h knowledge comes confidence and wit h confidence comes self- belief. Put all t hat toget her and you have somet hing very powerful. We give you all t he tools you need to succeed and banish t he overwhelm. We?re here to support you, cheer you on and cat ch you if you fall.

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Articles inside

The Business of Weddings

pages 157-169

For the Grooms

pages 154-155

Top 2020 Trends in Bridal Beauty

pages 148-153

Wedding Fashion Trends

pages 145-147

Wedding Beauty & Fashion Trends

pages 142-144

Wedding Tech Trends

pages 133-141

European Wedding Trends

pages 127-131

UK Wedding Trends

pages 122-126

Weddings in North America

pages 118-121

Australian Wedding Trends

pages 113-117

Top Wedding Entertainment Trends

pages 108-110

What's Trending in Wedding Photography

pages 104-107

Top Photography Trends with Mike Busada

page 103

Photography & Entertainment

pages 99-102

Styling Cakes & Sweets

pages 96-97

What's trending in wedding Cakes & Sweets

pages 94-95

Top Wedding Cake & Sweet Trends

pages 92-93

Food & Beverage Trends with Hannah Martin

pages 90-91

Carrying Over into 2020

pages 88-89

Food & Beverage Trends with Terrica Skaggs

page 87

2020 Service Styles

page 86

Food & Beverage Trends

pages 81-83

Wedding Venue Trends with Sophie Linin

pages 78-80

Venue & Location Trends

pages 74-77

Wedding Floral Trends with Dee McMeeking

pages 70-72

Top 2020 Floral Colours

pages 68-69

Top Trends for Wedding Flowers

page 67

Top Floral Trends

pages 64-66

Styling & Decor Trends

page 63

What will carry over into 2020?

pages 62-63

Styling & Décor Trends with Clementine Ward

page 61

Top Lighting Trends

page 60

Table Design Trends

page 59

2020 Décor Predictions

page 58

Top Trends for Styling & Décor

pages 56-57

Top Linen Trends

page 55

2020 Wedding Styling

page 54

Wedding Style & Décor Trends with Kate Cullen

page 53

Stationery Themes

pages 48-50

Stationery Trends with Kristy Rice

pages 46-47

Top Wedding Stationery Trends

pages 44-45

Wedding Stationery Trends with Ceci Johnson of Ceci New York

page 43

Wedding Colour Predictions with Heather Rouffe

page 41

Trending Colours with Brit Bertino

page 40

Wedding Theme Trends with Hannah Chong of Heaven's Gift Pte Ltd

page 39

Top Trends for Wedding Themes

pages 37-38

Luxury Wedding Trends

page 36

Top 2020 Wedding Themes

page 35

Wedding Theme Trends with Tyler Speier

page 34

Tech for Destination Couples

pages 30-31

Honeymoon Trends with Jen Avey of Destination Weddings Travel Group

page 29

LGBTQ+ Wedding Destinations

page 28

2020 Destination Themes

pages 26-27

Destination Wedding Trends with Tara Fay

page 25

The Big Changes from 2019 into 2020 Are...

page 24

Emerging Wedding Destinations for 2020...

page 23

Top Trends for Destination Weddings

page 22

2020 Destination Weddings

pages 19-21

LGBTQ+ Weddings

page 17

Trend Influences

page 16

Monte Durham's Wedding Tips

page 15

2020 Top Trends with Kylie Carlson

page 13

What the Pro's Say

pages 10-12

Celebrity Weddings with Tara Fay

page 8

Wedding Fashion Trends with Monte Durham

page 7
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