WCBN Winter '22 Program Guide

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winter 2022

FiFTY YEARS later . . . DJs wax poetic about the ‘CBN What does WCBN mean to you? WCBN is the best: its my friends, my creative expression, the way I find new music, a place that always makes me happy. I’d probably spend all my time alone in a corner of FXB doing maths and crying without the station. - Lara WCBN was my graduate school in Musicology and served as my main social group for a time. It taught me a LOT about music and its place in the world (and in my life). Station members are like an extended family. - Saramin WCBN has given me the opportunity not only to DJ and speak on air, but to meet really interesting people and learn about what it means to run a radio station. - Elliot

WCBN has given me an entirely new outlet for exploring music, and learning from those who have way more experience than I. - DJ -ish I grew up on the station in a way. I lived pretty far out of range but I’d always had this dream to do radio and to have that dream come true would make the pre-adolescent version of me proud. I haven’t been here super long but I’ve already met tons of really great and sweet people and people who are honestly inspiring in their passion for music. - Colette I am thrilled to be a part of a great station with such a rich history! - Rich Hartwick

Pretty much all of my wonderful and amazing friends are student DJs or involved with WCBN in some way. They mean the world to me and I’m so happy that this station gives me the chance to create something meaningful with them. It has also definitely given me a better taste in music. - Maggie H

WCBN means everything to me and should mean the essence of freedom and diversity to us all (minus self-indulgence) - Michael G WCBN is a wonderful place to share joy—I find that everyone I listen to genuinely loves and cares about the music they play. I love going on air and nerding out about the music I play and then dancing around the studio. - Agnes

Thank you to Brian Tomsic, and all the 100s of other DJ’s who have given generations of music freaks a shot at being a part of the unique and precious legacy that is WCBN-FM, Ann Arbor Happy 50th Birthday WCBN! - DJ Joshua WCBN has been the center of my musical life since I arrived in Ann Arbor. Not that I like everything that goes out over the air, it is difficult listening after all­—I like to say that I don’t want to hear 20% of what WCBN broadcasts, 50% is pretty good and 30% is absolutely brilliant. But you never know what you’re going to get. - Rev. Andrew I would be a lost soul if I didn’t have WCBN to listen to — and especially if I didn’t get to be an on-air host. - sashay delmonico WCBN, to me, is a haven away from the general chaos that entails being a student in Ann Arbor. I love being able to share something I’m passionate about (music) with the listeners, and I feel like every DJ brings a bit of their own personality into each week’s show. - Nick WCBN is a warm, loving community. The station has introduced me to some of my closest and dearest friends in Ann Arbor. As an international student who felt it was hard to settle in America, WCBN made me feel at home. - bakesbasha

Love Letters to the Station No daylight - just fluorescent cans and stickers. Time doesn’t exist. It’s a refuge for extreme music nerds (my kind of people). I get to meet new people, hear new music, and have a good time doing something pretty unique and exciting. The collection of CDs and Vinyl! It is so fun to explore the library. Favorite thing is the people. Least favorite thing is the mini fridge. The day to day reflection of pure freeform radio! The variety can be overwhelming, but it is incredible. I love the free format, which allows listeners to have a multitude of different audio experiences from show to show throughout each day of the week. The wood paneling in the lobby. The willingness to play music from our vast library. It’s wonderful to be in this little cave surrounded by records. Freeform radio!! Variety of programming!! Well-informed radio hosts!! I love how worn-in the entire place is. There’s stickers all over the walls and little pieces of history from DJs past and present. The library which is an amazing collection of music from all places and times. The welcoming and warm environment.

Thanks for the mems :) Mailing out premia and listening to Aja (best produced record of all time) from Prod C at 2am was a pretty good time... or the soup. My stage 2 trainer decided to take a nap after showing me the board in main FM. I would “pass” if I didn’t wake them up, they said. The whole time I’ve been here is my favorite memory :) Doing my radio show from quarantine. This kept me busy and was really the only fun thing I did while stuck on north campus. The listener calls I get are always very fun. One time a listener played back my show from this insane speaker set up that he had that kind of sounded like something a mad scientist would create from a bunker. It was surreal.

Honestly, I just like whenever there are a bunch of people in the studio and they say hi to me. It always surprises me because I’m in my own head a lot of the time. The first year wcbn was on air at 88.3, I was a U/M undergrad and always tuned in (we had stereo systems back then.) When we first came to Ann Arbor while my better half was off at her interview at the U I was poking around the left side of the dial on the clock radio in the Holiday Inn. My favorite CBN memories are the times I came to the station late at night and spent hours listening to records and CDs from the library. I discovered a lot of great music that way.

Hearing a request never gets old. Getting locked out of the station at 1 AM, ten minutes before my show, because I had to go to the bathroom. I understand that Gilda Radner was once the weather girl on WCBN, how great was she? Love her! I was walking up a stairwell and saw a poster looking for actors for radio theatre at WCBN. The rest is history. I interviewed Bruce Springsteen (phoner) all the members of Return To Forever with Tavi Fulkerson in studio, and Todd Rundgren in his hotel room during my first week as Music Director in 1975.

When the university shut down due to the pandemic in 2020, my buddies in MEMCO gathered in the station for a farewell to spin together one last time. It was really bittersweet and remains a very vivid memory in my head.


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GRID REALM with grapefruit jones

FRIDAYS 12-2pm wcbn.org ~ 88.3 fm

Face the Music

Thursdays 7-8 PM

WCBN 88.3 FM wcbn.org/listen

BLAST FROM THE PAST.... program guides from days past

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