Web - Easter Bulletin

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Sundays | 9:30AM & 11:00AM


Monday - Friday | 8:30AM - 4:30PM

The church office will be closed tomorrow, Monday, April 1 in observance of Easter Monday.

March 31, 2024

Easter Sunday

Get Connected with the Mission and Ministries of WAYNE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH


Sundays | 9:30AM & 11:00AM

Join us for Coffee Hour in the Connector between services!


Monday - Friday | 8:30AM - 4:30PM


Professional childcare is provided for infants and toddlers on Sunday mornings from 9:15AM-12:15PM.

The nursery is located in Rooms 101/102.


Children & Youth Sunday School | 9:30AM

Confirmation Class | Sundays | 9:30AM

Youth Group | Sundays | 6:00PM

Adult Bible Study Classes

Spiritual Direction: Individual & Group Weekly Fellowship Groups

One Book One Church Program

Women in God’s Service (WinGS)


As the Mission Committee at WPC, FIA provides service & advocacy opportunities alongside our religious and non-profit mission partners. These partners are local, in the city of Philadelphia, national, and global.


This ministry provides vital care & compassion to our church family, and outreach and support to our community and beyond. They coordinate Career Networking, regular Red Cross Blood Drives, the Alternative Gifts Program & more.


Our pastors are available to meet with you in person, over the phone, or through Zoom to provide prayer & care. Whether you are ill, grieving, struggling or simply in need of extra care and spiritual encouragement, your pastors are here. Call Kate Ligouri, Executive Asst to the Pastors to request time.


Ring, Sing, Play! We have a place for you.

Chancel Choir | Thursday | 7:30PM

Westminster Youth Choir | Sunday | 5PM

Wayne Oratorio Society | Tuesday | 7:30PM

Chamber Orchestra | Wednesday | 7:30PM

Selah Handbells | Tuesday | 9:30AM

Te Deum Handbells | Monday | 7:30PM


Our play-based early education programs provide a loving & creative place for your children to learn & grow. Programs for twos, threes, fours, and junior kindergarten. Contact Director, Dana Arranz, darranz@waynepres.org


Sunday, March 31, 2024

+ Please rise in body or in spirit.

Easter Sunday

During the 9:30AM service, if the Sanctuary is full, overflow seating is available in the Chapel, where worship will be livestreamed. While children are welcome to worship with their families on this special day, the Chapel is also available to take our littlest worshippers who may need some extra space and a quieter atmosphere.

Prelude | Te Deum/Selah Bell Choir & New City Brass


Christ is Alive! All Christians Sing

Words of Welcome

Call to Worship

Arnold B. Sherman (b. 1948)


Arr. By Janet Linker (b. 1938) and Jane McFadden (b. 1942)

The Lord is risen! Alleluia!

Alleluia! The Lord is risen indeed!

This is the good news which we have received, in which we stand, and by which we are saved.

Alleluia! The Lord is risen indeed!

That Christ died for our sins, and was buried, and rose again on the third day.

Alleluia! The Lord is risen indeed!

He appeared to Peter, and to the twelve, and to many faithful witnesses.

Alleluia! The Lord is risen indeed!

He comes to us, that we might believe and proclaim this good news to the world.

Alleluia! The Lord is risen indeed!

+ Hymn 232: Jesus Christ is Risen Today

+ Call to Confession

+ Prayer of Confession | continued on next page


Almighty God, in raising Jesus from the grave, you shattered the power of sin and death. We confess that we remain captive to doubt and fear, bound by the ways that

+ Prayer of Confession | continued from previous page lead to death. We overlook the poor and the hungry and pass by those who mourn; we are deaf to the cries of the oppressed, and indifferent to calls for peace; we despise the weak and abuse the earth you made. Forgive us, God of mercy. Help us to trust your power to change our lives and make us new, that we may know the joy of life abundant given in Jesus Christ, the risen Lord.

+ Declaration of Forgiveness

Friends, believe the Good News of the Gospel. In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven.

+ Response of Praise | Hymn 236, v.1: The Strife is O’er Alleluia, alleluia, alleuia! The strife is o’er, the battle done; the victory of life is won; the song of triumph has begun. Alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia, alleuia!

+ Passing of the Peace

The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you.

Prayer for Illumination

Scripture Reading | Mark 16:1-8

+ Hymn 240: Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks ALLELUIA NO. 1

Scripture Reading | 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11

Anthem | Chancel Choir

Sing, Choirs of New Jerusalem

Kile Smith (b. 1956)

Sing, choirs of new Jerusalem, Your sweetest notes employ, The Paschal victory to hymn in strains of holy joy. For Judah’s Lion bursts His chains, To crush the serpent’s head; And cries aloud through death’s domains To wake the prisoned dead. From hell’s devouring jaws prey Alone our Leader bore; His ransomed hosts pursue their way Where Jesus goes before. Triumphant in His glory now To Him all power is given; To Him in one communion bow All saints in earth and heaven. While we, His soldiers, praise our King, His mercy we implore, Within His palace bright to bring And keep us evermore. All glory to the Father be, All glory to the Son, All glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee, While endless ages run. - Chorus Novæ Ierusalem, St. Fulbert of Chartres (952-1028), trans. Robert Campbell (1814-1868), Verse 1, 2 alt. Kile Smith

Sermon | Rev. Liz Wagner

Time for Reflection

+ Affirmation of Faith | Nicene Creed, (381)

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became truly human. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Invitation to Gratitude

Text the word GIVE (not case sensitive) to our church's Giving Number: (610) 819 - 4483, or scan the QR code on your smart phone. Please feel free to give in-person as well.

Offertory Anthem Pietro Mascagni (1863-1945)

The Lord Now Victorious

O Lord of Hosts, behold, earth’s sorrow flieth, Alleluia! Thy holy Son lives, nor dieth! From the dead He now hath risen, truly He hath risen. We will sing of the Lord now victorious. All the terrors of death were in vain! Let us sing of the Christ ever glorious: He is risen in glory to reign! O, how radiantly shineth the Easter dawn, Bright with joy at the glorious triumph won. Blessed its perfect peace, That shall never cease, Till men no more love the name of the Son. We will sing of the Lord now victorious! Alleluia. Praise the Lord! - English text by Philip Greely

+ Doxology (Hymn 606) and Prayer of Dedication

Orison | Chancel Choir

Hear My Prayer

Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer

Moses Hogan (1957-2003)

+ Hymn 246: Christ is Alive! TRURO


Choral Response: Hallelujah Chorus

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)

The congregation stands and sings with the choir.

Music is in the pew racks. Please return it to pew racks after singing.

Postlude | John Grecia, organ

Toccata (from Symphony for Organ No. 5)

Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937)

Portions of the liturgy come from The Book of Common Worship, Westminster John Knox Press, 2018


Nozomi Imamura, trumpet

Emily Waltz, trumpet

Martina Adams, French horn

Hayden Adams, trombone

Chris Mele, trombone


To all who played a part in this morning’s services, we thank you!


A celebrated and much anticipated day in the life of WPC. Come and be led in Worship by our youth on Sunday, April 7!


WPC Partner | Bob Beggs of Good Works

Bob Beggs is the director of Good Works, a Christian home repair ministry operating in the Coatesville, Phoenixville and West Chester areas.

Address: 544 East Lincoln Highway Coatesville, PA 19320-3486

PCUSA Co-worker of the Week | Jhanderys Dotel-Vellenga and Ian Vellenga

The Vallengas serve with the Council of Protestant Churches in Nicaragua (CEPAD) which works to improve the lives of economically impoverished communities by promoting justice and peace.

Email: Ian Vellenga (ian.vellenga@pcusa.org); Jhanderys Dotel-Vellenga (jhan.dotel@pcusa.org)


Please remember the following people in prayer:

Adam, the Appleton Family, Carl, Carolyn, Craig, Debby, Dylan, Gordon, the Hanhausen Family, Jess and family, Jim, Jim, Ken, the Hanson Family, the Lamley Family, Lauren, Leslie, Lori, Marjorie, Martin, the Naiva Family, Nancy, the Nigro family, the congregation of Overbrook Presbyterian Church, Paula, Richard, Ron, Sandy, Sarsam, and Wendy. Please also hold in prayer the Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC) and the work they are doing.

If you have a prayer concern and would like to share with The Prayer and Praise Team, please call the church office at: (610) 688 - 8700 to leave a confidential voicemail, go to the homepage of the WPC website and click on the prayer request link, or use the WPC app on your phone.


Bridge Pastor

Rev. Liz Wagner | Lwagner@waynepres.org | ext. 226

Associate Pastor of Congregational Life

Rev. Katy Shevel | katy@waynepres.org | ext. 219

Director of Music Ministries

John Grecia | JGrecia@waynepres.org | ext. 224


Director of Finance and Operations

John Pitocchelli | john@waynepres.org | ext. 216

Assistant to the Finance Director

Sara Goldberg | sara@waynepres.org | ext. 241

Church Accountant

Lisa Hartman | accountant@waynepres.org | ext. 210

Children’s & Youth Ministry Director

Kelli Masters | kelli@waynepres.org | ext. 222

Digital Marketing & Technology Coordinator

Nicole Veith | nicole@waynepres.org | ext. 220

Events and Publications Coordinator

Christina Sacco | christina@waynepres.org | ext. 225

Executive Assistant to the Pastors

Kate Ligouri | kate@waynepres.org | ext. 212

Facilities Manager

Alberto Urbina | alberto@waynepres.org | ext. 236


Cathy Chandler | cathy@waynepres.org | ext. 245

Nursery School Director

Dana Arranz | DArranz@waynepres.org | 610-688-9696 | www.waynepreskids.org

Children’s Ministry Asst. | Youth Ministry Asst.

Julia Thompson | Evelyn Widham | ext. 237

Phone: 610.688.8700 | Website: waynepres.org | Address: 125 E. Lancaster Avenue, Wayne, PA 19087


Easter Lily


in loving memory of

All the members of our families who we think of lovingly and miss every day by Mark & Lani Fabere

Our parents by Bob & Nancy DeVos

Our parents and friends who are no longer with us by Richard & Joan Spillman

Tom Albrecht by Til Albrecht

Graham & Jean Andrews by Andrews, Rosecky & Santello Families

Jean C. Arndt by Bob Arndt

Charles A. Beaverson, Jr. by Carol Zortman, Kristin & Sarah Beaverson

Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Bertolet Bechtel by Dick & Sue Parker

Nana & Pop Pop Berglund by Larry & Carolyn Berglund

Phyllis Born by Donald Born

Susan Fitzpatrick Brown & Gary Brown by Carol & Clyde Diehl

Lauriston Castleman, Jr. by The Castleman Family

Our parents, Frederick & Rita Bollinger and Leslie & Frances Cleveland by Mary & Roger Bollinger

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Cowan by Christine C. Bullen

Richard Alan Cowan by Christine C. Bullen

William K. Davis by Lisa & John Davis

Clyde W. Diehl, Sr. by Carol, Clyde, Andrew & Lauren Diehl

Ruth & Bill Dudt by Brian & Leslie Dudt

Rev. Dr. Anne Clark-Duncan by Anne’s family - the Eavenson’s & special friends Suzanne Corry, Georgia Hogeland, & Michele & Russ Butler

David & Michael Ewing by Phyllis Ewing

Robert S. Forster, Jr. & Arthur W. Forster with love from Bebe Forster & The Forster Family

Lori Schuh Fortner by Lisa & John Davis

My parents, Crawford & Kathryn Garren by Vicki Boettcher

Lawrence & Margaret Gent by The Layman Family

Lilies are available to take from the Sanctuary following the 11:00AM Service on Easter Sunday.

Ann & Jack Brake by Rich & Beth Brake

Billy, Cole, & Sam by Rachel & Rich McFarland

Eleni, Kaylah & Zoe by Rachel & Rich McFarland

Our children, John & Charles Brake by Rich & Beth Brake

BettieAnn Brigham by Tim Zaro

Tommy, Debbie & Wendy Cresswell by Barbara Cresswell

Marion & Neal Dugan by Andrews, Rosecky & Santello Families

Jim Gilliland by Tim Zaro

Nancy Dever & Debbie Gillespie by Anonymous

John Grecia by Tim Zaro

Rachel & Rich McFarland by Zoe & Sam Metzger

Pat & Lou Metzger by Zoe & Sam Metzger

Diana P. Rieger by Larry & Carolyn Berglund

Charles & Mary Rueger by The Rueger Family

Laura L. Woodcock by Larry & Carolyn Berglund

Jane C. Wright by Rich & Beth Brake

in honor of in joyous celebration of

We celebrate everyone in our lives who makes us smile & laugh joyfully by Mark & Lani Fabere

Otto Benjamin Berglund (baptism) by Larry & Carolyn Berglund

Claire Allyson Shively (baptism) by Larry & Carolyn Berglund

Eleanor Diehl’s 90th birthday by Carol, Clyde, Andrew & Lauren Diehl

Andrew & Emily Dudt, wedding June 2024 by Brian & Leslie Dudt

Barbara Reed, Happy Birthday! by Andrews, Rosecky & Santello Families

Baron Rowland’s 95th birthday by Carol, Clyde, Andrew & Lauren Diehl

Betty Scalzone, Our Children: Christie (Bill) and Caroline (Rob), & Our Grandchildren: Julianna Seaman, Vivienne, Genevieve & Levi Vrana by Kathy & Jeff Pearsall

Lilies are available to take from the Sanctuary following the 11:00AM Service on Easter Sunday.

in loving memory of

Chick & Jean Gillespie by The Van Ostenbridge Family

Eloise Gilliland by The Hudson Family

Henry & Joan Hudson Howard by The Hudson Family

Barbara & Alan Hutchinson by Brian & Leslie Dudt

Terry Jarman by Carl & Linda Teets

Kimberly Jokic by Claire Richardson

Our son, Gary Lauchle by Barbara & Larry Lauchle

Bernie & Irene Layman by The Layman Family

Richard Layman by The Layman Family

W. Llewellyn Millar by Carl & Linda Teets

Bill Ogren by The Ogren Family

Nancy Ogren by The Ogren Family

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Franklin Parker by Dick & Sue Parker

Marianne Parkinson & Bruce Parkinson by Jean Kozicki & Janet Haufler

Helen L. Patterson by the Segermark and Llewellyn Families

Anita Phillips, my wonderful mother by Lauren Sharp

Candace Cresswell Platt by Barbara Cresswell

Rolande Poirier by Rosalie Phipps & Craig Stock

Bernard Poirier by Rosalie Phipps & Craig Stock

Sherman Reed by Andrews, Rosecky & Santello Families

Eliot Richardson by Claire Richardson

Glenn Richardson by Claire Richardson

Rezeau Rosecky by Andrews, Rosecky & Santello Families

Barbara S. Rowland by Carol, Clyde, Andrew & Lauren Diehl

The Taylor & The Ross Families by Kiki & Charles Ross

David & Virginia Russ by The Layman Family

Our Parents: Domenic Scalzone, Clarence Pearsall & Frances Pearsall

Skinner by Kathy & Jeff Pearsall

Brian Reese Schofield by Christine C. Bullen

Lilies are available to take from the Sanctuary following the 11:00AM Service on Easter Sunday.

in loving memory of

Chick & Jean Gillespie by The Van Ostenbridge Family

Eloise Gilliland by The Hudson Family

Henry & Joan Hudson Howard by The Hudson Family

Barbara & Alan Hutchinson by Brian & Leslie Dudt

Terry Jarman by Carl & Linda Teets

Kimberly Jokic by Claire Richardson

Our son, Gary Lauchle by Barbara & Larry Lauchle

Bernie & Irene Layman by The Layman Family

Richard Layman by The Layman Family

W. Llewellyn Millar by Carl & Linda Teets

Bill Ogren by The Ogren Family

Nancy Ogren by The Ogren Family

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Franklin Parker by Dick & Sue Parker

Marianne Parkinson & Bruce Parkinson by Jean Kozicki & Janet Haufler

Helen L. Patterson by the Segermark and Llewellyn Families

Anita Phillips, my wonderful mother by Lauren Sharp

Candace Cresswell Platt by Barbara Cresswell

Rolande Poirier by Rosalie Phipps & Craig Stock

Bernard Poirier by Rosalie Phipps & Craig Stock

Sherman Reed by Andrews, Rosecky & Santello Families

Eliot Richardson by Claire Richardson

Glenn Richardson by Claire Richardson

Rezeau Rosecky by Andrews, Rosecky & Santello Families

Barbara S. Rowland by Carol, Clyde, Andrew & Lauren Diehl

The Taylor & The Ross Families by Kiki & Charles Ross

David & Virginia Russ by The Layman Family

Our Parents: Domenic Scalzone, Clarence Pearsall & Frances Pearsall

Skinner by Kathy & Jeff Pearsall

Brian Reese Schofield by Christine C. Bullen

Lilies are available to take from the Sanctuary following the 11:00AM Service on Easter Sunday.

in loving memory of

Katharine Schofield-Sherman by Christine C. Bullen

My brother, Paul H. Schrade by Weezie Duff

Courtney Schreiber by Abigail Slate

Courtney Schreiber by Chad & Elisabeth Slate

Anne P. Segermark by the Segermark and Llewellyn Families

Richard L. Segermark by the Segermark and Llewellyn Families

Our parents, Frank & Elizabeth Lawson and Charles & Georgette

Shelling by Dr & Mrs Philip Lawson

Glen Shively by Larry & Carolyn Berglund

Donald Snook, my husband by Judy Snook

Art & Audree Stewart by The Rueger Family

Robert N. Stilwell by Carl & Linda Teets

Connie Suto by The Suto Family

Dick Warren by Elly Warren

Lane Edward Warren by Elly Warren

Jeanmarie Westerfer by Marian & David Hollingsworth

Caroline Willman by Barbara Willman Bagge & Richard Bagge

George Willman by Barbara Willman Bagge & Richard Bagge

Mimi & Boppy Woodcock by Larry & Carolyn Berglund

Stephen T. Woodcock by Larry & Carolyn Berglund

M. Donald Wright by Rich & Beth Brake

in honor of

James, Catherine, and Peter by George & Ellen Aman

My children, Bill, Sally, Jane, and Mary for their good care of me by Jane Lemmon

Pete, Jax, Colton & Bailey by Wendy Norman

The Pastoral Nominating Committee by Anonymous

Lilies are available to take from the Sanctuary following the 11:00AM Service on Easter Sunday.

in loving memory of

Katharine Schofield-Sherman by Christine C. Bullen

My brother, Paul H. Schrade by Weezie Duff

Courtney Schreiber by Abigail Slate

Courtney Schreiber by Chad & Elisabeth Slate

Anne P. Segermark by the Segermark and Llewellyn Families

Richard L. Segermark by the Segermark and Llewellyn Families

Our parents, Frank & Elizabeth Lawson and Charles & Georgette

Shelling by Dr & Mrs Philip Lawson

Glen Shively by Larry & Carolyn Berglund

Donald Snook, my husband by Judy Snook

Art & Audree Stewart by The Rueger Family

Robert N. Stilwell by Carl & Linda Teets

Connie Suto by The Suto Family

Dick Warren by Elly Warren

Lane Edward Warren by Elly Warren

Jeanmarie Westerfer by Marian & David Hollingsworth

Caroline Willman by Barbara Willman Bagge & Richard Bagge

George Willman by Barbara Willman Bagge & Richard Bagge

Mimi & Boppy Woodcock by Larry & Carolyn Berglund

Stephen T. Woodcock by Larry & Carolyn Berglund

M. Donald Wright by Rich & Beth Brake

in honor of

James, Catherine, and Peter by George & Ellen Aman

My children, Bill, Sally, Jane, and Mary for their good care of me by Jane Lemmon

Pete, Jax, Colton & Bailey by Wendy Norman

The Pastoral Nominating Committee by Anonymous

Lilies are available to take from the Sanctuary following the 11:00AM Service on Easter Sunday.

EASTER LILY DEDICATION PROGRAM Thank you for helping to keep this tradition alive! 125 E. Lancaster Avenue Wayne, PA 19087 (610) 688 - 8700 www.waynepres.org
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