May - June 2023

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As we wrap up the programming year, we’re reflecting on the many milestones that we’ve celebrated in our congregation. We’ve celebrated baptisms, Bibles for first graders, Confirmation, high school graduation, birthdays for our seniors, and everything in between. Together, we enjoy spiritual growth, love, wonder, comfort, service, guidance, fun, and fellowship through every stage of life. In this issue of the WaynePress, read about many recent events where we explored and celebrated our lives of faith and how you can get involved.

We hope you enjoy this issue of the Wayne Press, which highlights many recent events and upcoming programs, but it can’t cover everything we do! Please visit regularly for more information and updates. Also visit the online Member Portal or contact the church office to keep your membership records updated to make sure you receive our publications.



Who were those people in the Library and what were they doingeverySunday?


7:00 AM Fireside Room

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. – Psalm 119:105

TM3 is an informal group that meets at 7:00 am each Thursday in the Fireside Room and on Zoom. It is a wonderful opportunity for relationships, prayer, and learning. TheprogramyearrunsfromSeptemberthroughJune.

Are you looking to explore the world of history, Bible study, astronomy, philosophy, theology, and a host of Bible-related topics? This might be just what you are looking for.

Our speaker for June is Dr. Walter Huddell, PhD; Professor of Mathematics; Engineering Adviser; Eastern University.

For more information, please contact Tim Pretz at or Sal Ambrosio at

Fellowship of the Bean, a relaxed faith-based discussion group, wrapped up its inaugural year of weekly discussions on a wide range of topics. The group began meeting in September, led by Rick Davis and Janice Mack, who wanted to start a group to build community, discuss important ideas, and enjoy good coffee in a small-group format every Sunday in the Library! Each week an inspiring topic, reading, video, or Bible verse resulted in reflections about how we may live Christian lives more fully in our

community and the world. This summer, think about topics you’d like to discuss with a small group over good coffee and conversation, and share them with Rick at or Janice at, then join the Fellowship of the Bean crew in the fall!


Book Club is on pause for the summer, but let us know what you are reading and/or books that you recommend! Check out the display case by the library for book titles recommended by WPC staff and members!

Please complete the form below and drop it off in the church library, or email Janice Mack at with your titles. If you have an actual copy of the book to put in the case, that would be great!


Author: Recommended by:

Why you are recommending it:

Presbyterian Church



Fifty-one women came together for fellowship, fun, and spiritual renewal at the beautiful St. Raphaela Retreat Center for our Women’s Annual Retreat on April 28-29. It was a wonderful opportunity for women of all ages to connect with each other and to reflect more deeply on their spiritual lives. Amy Shutt, this year’s retreat leader, encouraged women to expand their view of God and his love and recognize his closeness. As the apostle Paul writes in Acts 17: 27b, “He (God) is not far from each one of us. For in Him we live and move and have our being.” Amy invited women to remember and share individual experiences of God’s love, and to participate in a renewal of their baptismal vows. Participants enjoyed reflecting on the health of their own “spiritual gardens” as they prepared and painted clay pots for planting. There were options for yoga with Josette Cicacci, an introduction to Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina given by Buff Barnes, singing led by Beth Greenwood and Melanie Eberhard, and DIY art exploration. When asked what was life giving about the retreat, individual women responded with the following: the value of silence, the music, watching the birds behind as Amy was speaking, connecting and getting to know other women, the symbolism of rooting again in God’s presence, the “baptism,” remembering as a way to become aware of God in our lives, being reminded that God’s grace is everywhere, sharing in pairs, Lectio Divina, connection with God, the centering of our life, dialogue, yoga, time to reset, all of it.

Women interested in helping to plan next year’s retreat may contact Jeanne Kauffman at or Lee Pretz at


May 18th was a beautiful, sunny day, and The Willows is an amazing location. About 35 WPC women took full advantage of the great day and location to enjoy light refreshments and wonderful fellowship at our Sunset Social. It was a lovely evening of laughing, food, and sharing, and a great way to end our WinGS program year.

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On May 10, 2023, WPC was welcomed into the Jeanne La Rouche Founders Society at Surrey Services. This is awarded to supporters who have donated over $100,000 to Surrey since their beginning in 1981. To quote Surrey, “We would not be where we are without the remarkable generous spirit and foresight of the Wayne Presbyterian leadership and congregation over the years. Thank you for being our champion.” Scott Laird, chair of the Faith in Action Committee, accepted the award on behalf of WPC. Many WPC members have also been significant leaders and generous donors to Surrey over the years. Learn more about Surrey Services for Seniors at


Our CityLights partner in Southwest Philadelphia, Mitchell Elementary School, is facing some new challenges as the school year concludes. A finding of asbestos at the school led to an emergency closure which prevented students from returning following the Spring holidays. The school will be closed for the remainder of the year. Following three weeks of online learning, students now meet at Mitchell in the morning to travel by bus to McMichael School, losing an hour of classroom instruction each day. This means the last 30 days of school are in an unfamiliar place with not enough space for normal school functioning, and many activities such as WPC’s tutoring and library programs are on hold. Families, teachers, and students alike are being asked to be resilient and patient in an already difficult environment. Please pray that students will find comfort in their new environment, and the courage and energy to keep learning, and that teachers and administrators have the strength and perseverance to continue their work.




Charlotte Rowland was born May 12, 1923, and grew up in Nanticoke, PA. She earned her undergraduate degree at Bucknell University and her medical degree at Temple University as one of three women in her graduating class. Charlotte met her future husband, Harold, during her residency in pathology at Philadelphia General Hospital. They lived for 50 years in Wayne, where Harold was the family doctor whom our senior members at WPC fondly remember. Charlotte and Harold raised five children – Harold, Fred, Kathy (McCracken), Ann (Welsh), and Marion. Charlotte helped her husband with dictation in the office and went back to work when the youngest child, Marion, was three. She worked as a pathologist at Bryn Mawr Hospital, retiring in 1988.

As a retiree Charlotte volunteered at the Radnor Library and tutored at a school in Philadelphia. She was active in the League of Women Voters and Bible Study. She enjoys film, reading, and bridge. Charlotte has been a member of Wayne Presbyterian for about 65 years. Charlotte has 12 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren and lives at Brightview Senior Living in Devon. Her entire family celebrated her birthday with a party at a hotel in Conshohocken.

Our deacons love to recognize significant birthdays of our members. Please visit the Member Portal to make sure we know your birthday!

Wayne Presbyterian Church
photo credit: Betsy Barron Photography


At its meeting on April 18, Session voted in favor of a motion by Faith in Action/EarthCare to engage the services of Mother Compost to pick up organic waste from the church. Founded in 2018, this local company picks up compostable materials from commercial establishments and residences and delivers it to a high temperature, industrial composting facility at Linvilla Orchards in Media. Composting simulates nature’s waste management design, and thus represents a significant step in WPC’s quest to be a better steward of God’s creation.

A wide range of organic waste will be collected from WPC: vegetables and fruits, coffee grounds, meat,


To begin to inform the congregation about our new composting initiative, Children’s Ministry and EarthCare jointly sponsored a program for young children and their families on Sunday, April 30. Mr. Gene Linkmeyer from Mother Compost gave a presentation for both children and adults on the mechanics, the logic, and the many benefits of commercial composting. The children very quickly grasped which materials are compostable and which are not, and they were happy to learn that the compost would help to grow the apples they enjoy. As a sweet treat during this “Sundae Sunday” program, all enjoyed


Your Session continues to meet often to move forward with many initiatives to improve church operations, realign leadership, initiate the pastor search process, and provide service and care to our members and community. We conducted a series of six Visioning Sessions where members and staff were invited to learn about the strategic framework we have created to guide our church forward. We shared information about our discernment process and the vision, mission, guiding principles, and strategic objectives that will focus our work for the next 12-24 months. We asked attendees to share questions, concerns, and ideas throughout the presentations and urged them to join task forces to help accomplish our goals. Our strategic objectives are as follows:

seafood, eggs and dairy, condiments and oils, paperware, e.g., used coffee cups and plates (as long as they are not waxed), napkins, pizza boxes, and wooden and bamboo utensils. Look for labeled receptacles for compostable material in the church kitchen and the office kitchenette. Not accepted are coated cardboard, foil and wraps, and plastic. Given that approximately 50% of typical municipal garbage is compostable, the EarthCare team is optimistic that, by separating organic waste, WPC will be able to decrease the amount of trash that is incinerated or ends up in a landfill.

If you are interested in getting involved in our EarthCare ministry, please contact Rutger Boerema ( or Pamela Jensen ( As an EarthCare Congregation, WPC is always looking for new and more sustainable ways to care for God’s creation.

ice cream with favorite toppings – in compostable bowls, properly placed in the new compost receptacle at the end of the afternoon.

1. Call a permanent Senior Pastor/Head of Staff

2. Grow and Revitalize Membership

3. Attain Full and Aligned Staff Operations

4. Support/Engage Young Demographics; Align to Multi-Generational Intention

5. Budget and Staffing/Program Alignment

6. Improve Session Governance and Effectiveness

We will summarize all feedback from the sessions in a report that we will share with the congregation and use to shape our planning and priorities.

Visit and to find links to the full Visioning Session presentation and Session updates.

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Throughout Holy Week, the Sanctuary resounded with expressions of musical praise, from the Children’s Choir on Palm Sunday through Maundy Thursday’s moving Service of Darkness to the resurrection joy of Easter morning with brass quintet, handbells, and Chancel Choir. He is risen indeed!

The Children’s Choir worked hard to prepare for their exciting Palm Sunday performance. Under the leadership of Kirsten Santos Rutschman, the group of 12 children ranging in age from Kindergarten through 5th grade, met weekly on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. (prior to Joyful Noise) from February through April. These young singers do add a very special element of glory and praise to our worship!

On Youth Sunday, graduating seniors preached about how their experience in Westminster Choir has drawn them closer to their Wayne church family and to God. In addition, youth shared their talents in instrumental preludes and postludes.


Early May marked the last day of practice and the annual trek (a few doors down!) to Capri Water Ice for the members of the Westminster Choir.

The Wayne Oratorio Society filled the Sanctuary with joyful performances of Beethoven’s Mass in C and Will Todd’s jazzy Mass in Blue on April 22 and 23.

Sunday upon Sunday, the Chancel Choir has sung truly inspiring music this past year. As the program year draws to a close, we extend heartfelt thanks to Matt Lista for directing since September and Paul Fleckenstein for accompanying since January.

Do you like to sing? Summer Choir begins June 18. No need to sign up in advance; just meet in the Sanctuary any Sunday at 9:10 a.m. to learn an anthem for the 10:00 service. Beginners and experienced singers alike are welcome, including high school youth.

Before Summer Choir starts, don’t miss Bell Sunday (June 4) and Orchestra Sunday (June 11). After the postlude, try ringing a bell – ensemble members will tell you about the wonderful musical fellowship of ringing in a bell choir. If Orchestra Sunday leads you to reflect fondly on playing an instrument in the past, please consider joining in the Fall.

The Director of Music Ministries search committee welcomes prayers for wisdom in reviewing the applications for our new Director.

New members are welcome in our Sunday ensembles. Please contact Kirsten at or (610) 688-8700, x227 for more information about our vocal choirs, orchestra, and handbell choirs.

Under the leadership of Interim Director of Music, Dr. Kirsten Santos Rutschman, and helper, Sarah Ziegler, Westminster Choir has been blessing our congregation with their beautiful singing over the past school year. Most of the choir, including Sarah Ziegler, have been a part of WPC choirs since they were three or four years old, or when their families moved to this area in their elementary school years.

Please join us in congratulating the four graduating seniors: Sam Armstrong, Adam Bernholdt, Gavin Slate, and Lily Thompson! We wish them all the best in college and beyond and hope to see them performing with the Westminster Choir family during their college breaks.

If you know of any 6th through 12th graders who are interested in having fun with other youth and singing beautiful music in worship, please contact Kirsten Santos Rutschman at

Wayne Presbyterian Church L-R: Lily Thompson, Sam Armstrong, Sarah Bernholdt, Allie Naiva, Adam Bernholdt, Nicky Galasso and Gavin Slate



The Board of Deacons Community Service Committee held a very successful annual Easter Egg Tree project providing food boxes for 80 families from three of our mission partners. It is a success that owes a big thank you to so many different people. First and foremost, to all those who participated with their generous donation of food boxes. In addition, the church members who gave their time to deliver all the boxes were critical to this project and truly vital participants. The Board of Deacons extends a sincere and grateful thank you to all who participated in making this a successful mission project. Your generosity is noted and appreciated by the many families served by Salt & Light Community Church in SW Philadelphia, The Salvation Army in Norristown, and St. John AME Church in Rosemont.

At Christmastime, heavy-duty reusable/recyclable cardboard boxes were introduced as an option to the plastic boxes. They were again provided for those participating in the Easter project. Thirty cardboard boxes were used. This option was cost effective, eco-friendly, and, again, appreciated by those who utilized them.

New this Spring was a specific shopping list for Salt & Light Church. The need for food in this community is significant and ongoing with 50 to 60 families who access the pantry each week. Rather than having to designate specific families many weeks ahead of our delivery date, this new plan provided for identical boxes to reflect what is available in the pantry at Salt & Light. This gave flexibility in providing for both small and large families who might arrive that morning. All feedback indicates it was a great success.

The outpouring of kindness, enthusiasm, and generosity from those who participated in the Easter Egg project was truly inspiring. Whether you donated a food box, assisted at the Connector table on Sundays, contributed money to the Deacon Easter Egg account, or came out on the delivery day to help, your participation has been critical to the success of this project. The WPC Deacons thank you for continuing to support our exemplary mission outreach programs.


The Care and Compassion Committee of the Deacons, chaired by Mary Bollinger, focuses on personal and nurturing ministries to seniors and others with special needs. We maintain a Pastoral Care list of seniors with whom we keep in touch on a regular basis. We currently have 50 people on the list who have requested regular calls and visits. Deacons deliver Easter and Christmas flowers to these seniors and to other members residing in senior living communities.

Ministers and staff also receive flowers from the Deacons. We include specially-designed Easter and Christmas cards with the flower deliveries. Mary Hodge and Carol Klauss direct this joyful Easter and Christmas ministry.

We invite all members to join the Deacons in visiting seniors and delivering flowers. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please contact Mary Bollinger, Chair Care and Compassion Committee,

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Joyce and Harry Garber with Mary Bollinger Charlie and Weezie Baker



In early May, twelve eighth graders in our Confirmation class gathered for a fun afternoon of friendly competition and fellowship at the King of Prussia Mall. They began at The Escape Game, where they worked in teams on “escape” plans. The girls, working with leaders Angela Tait and Rev. Katy, went into the “Heist Room” to search for a stolen Monet painting. They found the painting and successfully escaped their room. The boys, accompanied by leaders, Kirsten Santos Rutschman and Mike Dziedziak, entered the “Gold Rush Room,” easily handling the challenges and escaping their room. They all celebrated their resourcefulness and success at the Food Court with a variety of fare from Five Guys, Chick-fil-A, Corn Dogs, Bubble Tea, and Dunkin. Good conversations and fellowship all around!


On May 21, the Confirmands and their families enjoyed brunch and fellowship in the Chapel before the 11:00 service, where the Confirmands were officially confirmed into membership. This team has enjoyed bonding over their shared experience throughout the Confirmation process, exploring their faith, writing their faith statements, and having elder interviews. Welcome to our twelve newest members! We look forward to walking alongside you as you continue your faith journeys.


We finished up a great Sunday School year with a celebration and a game of Bible Jeopardy! Teacher Lori Dziedziak led the game, which became silly and competitive, as we learned who had been paying attention in class throughout the year. Actually, it was just another fun activity that reminded us of how much we’ve learned together (and how much we’ve left to learn)! Mrs. M. also joined us to give new study Bibles to the 6th and 7th graders who missed that traditional gift from the church during Covid. And we reminded the youth to join us for Serve & Swims and other events this summer to keep in touch and serve the community!

For information about any Youth Programs, please send an email to

Wayne Presbyterian Church L-R: Henry Wisch, Sam Pasles, Deacon Golderer, Hannah Cameron, Ella Deitz, Caroline Croke, Faith Thuku, Landon Jones, Matthew Rothkopf, Andrew Fairfield, Mason Deitz, Nate Mercaldo


The search for a new Youth Director is underway, with a job description posted on the WPC website!

The search committee has posted the position on a variety of online job boards and is networking with university, divinity school, and ministry connections.

If you know of anyone who may be interested in the position or would like to join the search committee, please send an email to or reach out to any of the committee members: Rev. Katy Shevel, Will Gillespie, Mike Dziedziak, Adam Bernholdt, Hannah Cameron, Elizabeth Castleman, Debbie Rothkopf, and Sally Hudson.



Families gathered in the chapel for a game-filled night of friendly competition and ice cream sundaes. There were fairly intense chess tables and more easy-going board games at other tables, but the extensive spread of ice cream and sundae toppings made everyone a winner! We’re so grateful for Mrs. M. and the Children’s Ministry team for offering events where families can build faith and friendships!


We sure love to see our children in worship, and it’s even better when they’re in the spotlight, waving palms and bringing smiles to all who stand to witness their walk along the road to Jerusalem.



On Memorial Day, 18 members, staff, and friends of WPC gathered to watch the Memorial Day parade and hand out 100 bottles of cold water to thirsty spectators. It was a great way to share our spirit of hospitality with the community while having fun!

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Eight new elders were elected to Session at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation in January, and they officially began their three-year terms in May. We thank them for their service and dedication to the church. Please feel free to reach out to them with any questions or suggestions, or to join their committees!

Susan and her husband Vijay joined the church in 1997. This is her third time serving as an Elder and she also served two terms as a Deacon.

She has chaired and/ or served on several committees including a Pastor Nominating Committee. She is most passionate about the church’s Southwest Philadelphia mission, CityLights, and chairs that committee. As a session member she will co-chair the Faith In Action (Mission) committee. She is also a new member of the Te Deum Handbell choir. She served on the Executive Presbyter Nominating Committee for the Presbytery of Philadelphia and is currently serving on the Committee on Nominations for the Presbytery. She is ending her term as board chair of the Presbyterian Historical Society. In 2017, Susan and her husband co-chaired the 300th Anniversary Celebration of the Presbytery of Philadelphia.

She has a B.S. and M.S. in Medical Technology and an MBA. She loves reading, gardening, travel, and is a lifelong learner. After retiring as a health care executive, Susan became a tour guide for historic Philadelphia and Valley Forge.


Scott Born Co-Chair, Nominating Committee

Co-chair, Administration Committee

Whit Beverly joined WPC because of the outpouring of love the WPC community gave his mother, Bonnie Beverly, as she fought against and succumbed to breast cancer in June, 1995. Whit and his wife, Julie, raised three kids – Chad (26), Bonnie (24), and Kendall (21) –at WPC. Whit and Julie served WPC in babysitting, teaching Sunday School, and hosting coffee hour. Whit was elected Deacon in 2003, finishing as Chair of Community Service in 2009. Whit was then elected Elder for Congregational Life. Whit also chaired the APNC that led to the call of Aisha Brooks-Lytle. Whit believes in the biblicallycentered, “big-tent” church approach that focuses on the Bible and on what unites us in faith, not what divides us. Professionally, Whit has owned and run Aztec Products since 1996, an American-made manufacturer of commercial floor polishing equipment. Whit earned an MBA from Eastern University and a B.S. in Philosophy from Hamilton College.

Scott and his wife, Meg, joined WPC 30 years ago as young parents with their two-year old daughter, Kristen. Over the past three decades they raised three children in the church and have been blessed to be able to serve, worship, and be supported by the Wayne Pres community. Scott’s faith grew through his involvement in youth ministry through local, domestic, and international mission projects and trips; men’s ministry and prior service on Session focused on nominating committee activities.

Scott’s favorite experiences in his time at WPC were leading and participating in local and international mission projects with the church’s middle and high school students.

Scott has spent his career working for and providing enterprise software solutions to colleges and universities. He has B.A. in Economics from Pomona College and an M.S. in Management from Northwestern.

WPC has been Doug Bruhns’ home since birth (son of Carl and Nancy Bruhns). Growing up Doug was active in Choir, Bell Choir, and fellowship along with the Scout Troop Radnor 284 that is chartered by Wayne Presbyterian Church. Doug has been active over the years as a member of the Session, head of the Usher’s Association, Sunday School teacher, and a member of various committees including Administration, Nominating, Worship/ Music, and Stewardship. In addition, Doug is currently actively involved in the community with multiple youth organizations including Committee Chair of Radnor 284 and Trailblazers 284, President of Radnor Ultimate Frisbee Club, and a mountain bike coach for the Delaware County team. Doug and his wife, Susi, are blessed that they met through a young adult group with WPC and their three kids – Parker (18), Pearson (16), and Perri (13) were all baptized at WPC. While on Session, Doug hopes to help lead the congregation to be a welcoming and growing community in Wayne. Doug is currently COO of Civetta Property Group and Spruce Builders, focused on building affordable housing in Philadelphia. He received his MBA from Temple University and a Mechanical Engineering degree from Bucknell University.

Wayne Presbyterian Church
Beverly Co-chair, Adult Education Committee

WPC has been Sally’s home church since 1981 when she and her husband – who is also a WPC member – moved to Wayne. They chose WPC as their home church as Sally was baptized in the Church when her parents were members in the 1950s. Sally’s children grew up at WPC attending Sunday School and other youth programs. Over the years Sally has served as a Deacon, Sunday School teacher, assistant to the Youth Group, board member of the Nursery School, Mission and CityLights committee member, and she previously served on Session. Regarding her work, Sally is currently the Liaison to the Board of Trustees and Chief of Staff for the American College of Financial Services. Previously she held positions in strategic marketing and business consulting for financial services firms. She received her undergraduate degree from Penn State University and graduate degrees from Villanova and Temple University.

Should you have any comments or suggestions for Sally and the Personnel Committee, please send them to: WPCPersonnelCommittee@ They would appreciate hearing from you.

Pamela Joy Jensen has been a resident of Wayne for almost 40 years and has attended Wayne Presbyterian Church for most of that time. As a member of the Social Justice Advocacy and Adult Education Committees, she has helped to coordinate the visits of many invited speakers on topics related to anti-racism and creation care. She chairs the Church Library Committee and enjoys assisting members in finding books or information about WPC history in the library collection. Together with Rutger Boerema, she founded and co-chairs the Earth Care group and co-led efforts to make WPC a PC-USA Earth Care Congregation. From 2016-2019, she served on Session and was co-moderator of WinGS. She is a member of the Board of Directors of two of WPC’s mission partners: the Wayne Senior Center and the Radnor Township Civic Association. An avid gardener committed to learning how we can all be better stewards of our environment by creating suburban habitat filled with native plants, she is currently president of the Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens Board of Directors. Now retired, she worked for two decades as a Research Professor of Dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and subsequently as a law clerk for the Pennsylvania Superior and Supreme Court. Her education includes a B.S. in chemistry from Muhlenberg College, a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Pennsylvania, and a J.D. from the University of Minnesota.

Sue McFarland Metzger Co-chair, Communications &Technology Committee

WPC has been Sue Metzger’s home since birth (daughter of Rich and Rachel McFarland). Her earliest memories of WPC include carpet squares for nursery school nap time and Nilla wafers for snack time. Sue was active in mission trips as a youth and more recently as a parent of a youth.

Over the years, Sue has been on staff and pastoral search committees, a Deacon for several terms, as well as a Sunday School teacher. Sue and her husband Lou feel blessed that WPC is a home to their kids - Zoe (21) and Sam (20). While on Session, Sue hopes to help lead the church in both change and growth. Sue is a professor of Management Information Systems at Villanova University’s School of Business. Prior to Villanova, she worked globally for SAP. She received her M.S. in Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and undergraduate degree from Bucknell University.

Please send any comments or questions related to WPC communications or technology to communicationcommittee@


Co-Chair, Children’s Ministry Committee

Debbie has been at WPC since growing up in Wayne (parents Koge and Connie Suto), having been baptized here by Dr. Gordon. She was an active member in the youth programs, including Sunday School, youth group, children/ youth choir, and handbells. She has previously served as an elder. Debbie started teaching Sunday School in high school and has been teaching ever since. She also helps with VBS every year, started the MOMs group in 2007, and has been a leader of that group throughout. She was married to Jay Rothkopf at WPC by Dr. John Galloway in 2003. Debbie taught at the WPNS for five years before the birth of her first child, Michael, in 2007. Michael and her other three children, Matthew (14), Max (6), and Emily (4), are all active in the church and its programs as well. Outside of the church, Debbie volunteers in Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and the PTA, and holds a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Penn State.

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125 East Lancaster Avenue

Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087

If you are receiving the Wayne Presbyterian newsletter by surface mail and would prefer to receive it by email instead, please email or contact us at: (t) 610.688.8700 • (f) 610.688.8743 • summer office hours: Monday-Thursday, 7:00am-5:00pm

@WaynePresbyterianChurch /waynepresbyterian @waynepres


• Rev. Katy Shevel, Associate Pastor for Congregational Life, x219

• Rev. Liz Wagner, Bridge Associate Pastor, x226

• Dr. Kirsten Santos Rutschman, Interim Director of Music, x227

• John Pitocchelli, Director of Operations and Finance, x216

• Kr yssa Brasch, Executive Assistant to the Pastors, x212

• Christina Sacco, Program Assistant, x225

• Kelli Masters, Director of Children’s Ministries, x222

• Sara Goldberg, Finance Assistant, x241

• John Grecia, Interim Director, Wayne Oratorio Society

• Mike Burnham, Broadcast Specialist,

• Cathy Chandler, Head Housekeeper & Sunday Morning Facility Coordinator,, x245

• Chris White, Facilities Maintenance, x236

• Dana Arranz, Director of Nursery School

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