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Volume 133 • Issue 8
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
kmherald.com • 704-484-1047
Gastonia Police identify suspect in KM homicide investigation On February 18, at 11:45 pm, the Gaston County Police 911 Center received a report of a shooting at Lowery Wood Rd. and Lewis Farm Rd. in Kings Mountain. Upon arrival, officers found two males, Robert Lucas (Luke) Gibby, 22 years old, and Adam Kale Wood, 19 years old, near the intersection deceased. Approximately two hours later, another male, Todd Payton Lee Waggoner, 21 years old, entered Wake Forest Baptist Hospital in Winston Salem with non-life threatening injuries. This male reported to have been at the scene earlier in the night. Through an on-going investigation, a suspect has
These runners participated in the Gateway Trail 5K Race in 2019. Photo by Shirley Brutko
Michael Shane Barnes been identified. Warrants have been obtained for 2 counts of first degree murder and 1 count of attempted 1st degree murder on: Michael Shane Barnes, white male,19, of Taylorsville, NC. He is described as 5’ 8” with sandy hair and See HOMICIDE, Page 5A
Time to register for pre-school Cleveland County Schools begin pre-school screenings March 22 – March 25, and March 29 – April 3. Schedule your child’s screening by calling 704476-8064 between the hours of 8:30 am and 3 pm, Monday through Friday. Eligible students must live in Cleveland County and be 4-years old by August 31. Office of School Readiness is located at 308 W.
Cleveland County S C H O O L S
Marion Street, Shelby, NC 28150. Building B is on the grounds of the old Shelby Middle School – in the small building near tennis courts with parking in the back. Screenings are by appointment only and Cleveland County Schools will not offer make-up screenings.
Back the Blue events help local officers By Loretta Cozart Two local Kings Mountain Police officers will benefit from fundraising events being held on their behalf in March. A year ago, Officer Skinner was injured in the line of duty and is still recovering. In December Cpl. Lee Whittington was shot after responding to a call near Kings Mountain County Club. A Back the Blue Cookout event will be held at the
Cleveland County Courthouse on March 6 from noon until 6 pm by Trudie Wilson and Elmer Obovie to support both men. Donations are accepted and will be given to the families. Lisa Cash has organized a second Back the Blue event for Officer Skinner See BLUE, Page 5A
Gateway 5K and 10Miler scheduled for March By Loretta Cozart Kings Mountain’s Gateway Trail Committee confirmed that their 5K and 10Miler Run are still scheduled for March, but the races will be handled differently this year due to COVID-19. This year’s races mark the 11th year, as all races were cancelled in 2020 due to Coronavirus. The Trail 5K Run will be held March 13 starting at 9 am. Registration is $20 and
ends March 10 at 11:59 pm. Runners will have a staggered start, allowing space between them as a safety precaution. “Runners must start with their masks on and can take them off while on the trail. When the runners return, they must put their mask back on, so it is going to be safe,” according to Kings Mountain Gateway Trail President Shirley Brutko. The 5K race begins at the Trail Head at 807 Bat-
tleground Avenue, Kings Mountain, Lat: 35-13-49 / Long: 81-21-02. As of Saturday, 50 runners had registered. T-shirts are only guaranteed for those who register for the 5K by March 5. “Race Director Starr Dowell ordered all new equipment that automates the timing of the race. When a runner goes through the gate on Quarry Road, they will have a chip on that will be scanned so we will know
the exact time someone starts,” Brutko said. “It will scan them again when they finish. Runners can leave with their chip because they are disposable. So, we will not collect them after the race. Runners are strongly discouraged from gathering afterward. We ask that they just finish and leave.” There is no reason for runners to gather because the winners are not being announced after the race. See RACE, Page 5A
Second dose Open entries for vaccine clinic “I AM WOMAN” 2021 rescheduled to February 25 Call To Artists
Artists are invited to express their interpretation of the feminine and compete for prizes in Southern Arts Society’s annual “I AM WOMAN” exhibit. This is a judged show with first, second and third place prizes along with three merit awards. Though the exhibit and competition focuses on the feminine or female experience, both men and women may enter work for the show, allowing for a variety of viewpoints to be expressed. All work must be original, completed within the last two years. Painting (oil, watercolor, acrylic, pastel), drawing, sculpture, printmaking, photography, mixed media, and fiber are eligible. Two-dimensional work is restricted to 48" by 48" including frame. Please read the prospectus/entry form on our website CALL TO ARTIST page for entry specifications http://southernartssociety.org/call-toartists/. All work will be accepted unless it does not meet our criteria. Entry Fees apply. Deliver Art: Deliver artwork February 23-25 during gallery hours 10 am – 2 pm and Saturday Feb-
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ruary 27 from 11 am – 4 pm and Sunday February 28 from 1-4 pm. Public Reception: Saturday March 13, 2021 from 6-8 pm; Awards presented at 7 pm (dependent on COVID restrictions). Exhibit dates: “I AM WOMAN” will be on exhibit March 3 thru April 16, 2021. Southern Arts Society (SASi) Gift Shop & Gallery is located at 301 N. Piedmont Ave. at the intersection of Piedmont and Battleground Avenues, Kings Mountain, NC, in the historic Southern Railway Depot. SASi offers a gift shop, ongoing exhibits and art competitions, programs, and classes in a variety of media for artists of all levels. GALLERY HOURS: Tues-Wed-Thurs-Sat 10 am – 2 pm and by appointment. Information: Ph 704.739.5585 Email southernartssociety@gmail.com
The Cleveland County Public Health Center has received notification from the NC Department of Health Human Services that we are likely to experience delays in shipments and deliveries of COVID19 vaccine due to severe weather across the country. As a result, they decided
to reschedule this week’s second dose COVID-19 vaccine clinic, scheduled for Tuesday, February 23 at the Cleveland County Fairgrounds, to Thursday, February 25 at the Cleveland County Fairgrounds. Patients who were scheduled to receive their See VACCINE, Page 5A
Free Medicare seminar to be held on March 9 SHIIP, the Senior’s Health Insurance Information Program, is a division of the NC Department of Insurance that offers free, objective information about Medicare, Medicare supplements, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare prescription drug plans, Medicare fraud and abuse, and long-term care insurance. SHIIP will conduct a free seminar entitled: Welcome to Medicare – Zoom Seminar presented by the Patrick Senior Center on Tuesday,
March 9 from 5:30 – 7 pm. Call the Patrick Senior Center to register and receive the Zoom link. To register, call 704-7340447. For additional information, contact Lynn Lail.
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