Wayfare Summer 2012

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go . gather . enjoy

Cover: leigh beisch

/ in s id e Cov e r : m a x wa n g e r




12 away w e g o

14 pl ac e s w e h e a rt

t h e l ov e of r av e l 08 tfor

Warm weathered styles that are all about comfort, ease, and H2 O friendly in a matter of seconds.

A Los Angeles designer shares her favorite place in Palm Springs.

A glimpse into the dreamy adventures of Margaux Elliott and Max Wanger.

BALI & tropic


fa m i ly roa d t r i p

new zealand

One family hits the road in a camper van for an unforgettable adventure in New Zealand.

palm springs

40 t h e si m pl e t h i ng s san francisco

Take a peek into the homes and businesses of San Francisco’s surf community.

50 backyard campout EVERYWHERE

Throw a getaway with all the comforts of home.

su m m er 2012 / way fa r e 3

japan & more

18 f r e e t o get l o st mexico

For one travel writer, the itinerary does not always set the tone of the trip.


Co-Founder / Editor-In-Chief



Creative Director “ m y n e w favo r i t e w eek en d er – per fect ly ta i lo r ed, li g h t, a n d st y lish. fro m t h e o n li n e- o n ly r e ta i ler, e v er l a n e.”

ELIZA SARASOHN Executive Editor

MEGHAN McEWEN Features Editor


KRISTEN LANDGREBE Vandivier Contributing Art Director


Contributing Assistant Art Director


Editorial Assistant

Michaela Schickel Creative Assistant

cl i ck to see p eg gy w i t h t h e w eek en d er o n h er r ecen t t r i p to ch a r l esto n

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en route los angeles



lax / / / / / / / / / / / / /

los angeles


Eric Wolfinger

Photographer Rachel Thurston

The photographer snaps photos

trekked across New Zealand to

of his community of friends for

flight crew

Margaux Elliott & Max Wanger “I travel to eat and relax,” says Margaux in our interview with her

document her travels as a new mom

“The Simple Things” (page 40).

and her husband, Max, “ For The

for “Family Road Trip” (page 26).

“Ocean Beach feels a lot like my

Love of Travel” (page 8). “We just

“I wanted to show that traveling

hometown of San Diego, minus

got back from Tulum, where the

with children can be eye opening,”

the sun,” says Eric. Before getting

fish is fresh and hammock snoozing

she says, “and I think it is impor-

behind the lens, Eric spent six

became part of our daily routine.”

tant for parents to show their kids

years cooking and baking in San

Based in LA, Margaux and Max

the world.” Rachel has traveled

Francisco. He now shoots for

travel together, often for work and

with camera in tow to 22 countries

Martha Stewart Living, Williams-

fun, capturing beautiful pictures

and plans to see the world in

Sonoma, Bon Appétit, and many

for Condé Nast Traveler, Elle Japan,

its entirety.

San Francisco restaurants.

Vogue Spain, and people in love.

Co n cept d esi g n fo r Way fa r e's Pi lot Is su e: A n n e Sta r k D i t m e y er & L au r en O'N ei l l su m m er 2012 / way fa r e 5

A picture of me as a little girl at my Aunt Jeanne's Beach house in Mexico.

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editor's letter


rowing up, I spent a great deal of time at my Aunt Jean’s beach house in Ensenada, Mexico, playing Frogger and consuming packets of Fun Dip in the local cantina after a long day of surf fishing with my mom and sand castle building with my dad.

The house was nothing fancy — one room, one loft — but it sat right on the beach. It had an outdoor kitchen for preparing fresh-caught corvina and a rooftop deck from which my cousins and I would jump into the dunes below, while our parents played Gin Rummy and sipped Corona around the card table downstairs. We never brought much, just the necessities: bathing suits, playing cards, my dad’s typewriter, and tiny boxes of sugar cereal. (Visits to Mexico and camping trips were the only times I was allowed Fruit Loops over Raisin Bran). For lunch, we would drive the unpaved roads to a tiny stand that served fish tacos accompanied by slightly chilled crush in worn glass bottles. As I plan getaways for my own family, I am falling in love with simple travel all over again. Like camping or cross-country road trips, I love the opportunity to stop and visit friends and family as we go. I see now that the value of a trip cannot be determined by five-star amenities. It is about the people you travel with and the memories that are gathered along the way.

Erica Dublin, Editor-In-Chief





Super-talented lifestyle and wedding photographers Max Wanger & Margaux Elliott share a passion for travel. We caught up with the Los Angeles-based couple to ask what inspires their getaways and to peek inside their travel bags. Join us for a glimpse into their dreamy adventures. Photography by Margaux Elliott and Max Wanger

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DESTINATIONS 1 Martha’s Vineyard 2 Max in Tulum, Mexico 3 The couple together at the photo booth at the Ace Hotel in Palm Springs 4 “Tokyo is all at once beautiful, peaceful, loud and overwhelming” – Max 5 Margaux in Tulum, Mexico 6 Margaux taking in the beauty of Tokyo





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DESTINATIONS 1 A snapshot from the couple’s honeymoon in the Riviera Maya, Mexico 2 “One of our favorite places to visit together is Hawaii”– Margaux and Max 3 The lights of Tokyo 4 The Hawaiian Island of Lana’i at the Four Seasons Resort Lana’i at Manele Bay


w h e r e d o y ou wa n t t o g o n e x t ?

Tahiti or The Maldives Basque Region, Kyoto

margau x max

w h at i n s p i r e s y ou r t r av e l?

Taking a moment to slow down, enjoy, and relax. I also tend to chart my travels around food. m a x The energy from a particular location, like the hustle and bustle of a large city or the calmness you get when you slow down and take in the surroundings of a serene beach. margau x

w h e r e d o y ou d r e a m o f r e t u r n i n g ?

Lanikai, Hawaii. Max introduced me to this beautiful place, and I long to return. It is a place you go to recharge and reflect. m a x Tokyo, Japan. I love the minimalist design and thought-provoking contrasts throughout the city. margau x

t r av e l i t e m s y ou c a n ’ t l i v e w i t h ou t :

iPhone, Polaroid 600 Polaroid SX-70, Contax G2 Film, Journal

margau x



best loca l food

Cinnamon Sugar Malasadas from Leonard's Bakery in Honolulu, Oahu. m a x Isetan Department store in Tokyo, Japan. The food court is a jaw-dropping, mouth-watering experience. margau x

b e s t k e p t s e c r e t

Café Buža in old-town Dubrovnik, Croatia. It is a small cafe that's built into the rocks above the ocean where you sunbathe, swim off the rocks, sip cold drinks, and enjoy the incredible view. m a x The Smoked Ahi Melt at Andy's in Honolulu, Hawaii. margau x

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BALI Whether roaming through

or on

A toes-out-the-window


SUMMER: warm weather styles represent what we all want from

comfort, ease, and H2O friendly in a matter of seconds. Away we go into summer with threads that go from fruit-lined farmer’s markets to a refreshing dip in the pool! Produc t Contributions by Caroline Duke




Samantha printed silk-chiffon maxi dress by milly NET-APORTER $435 / JAMI Sunglasses Velvet Eyewear $159 / Ariel Ombre Clutch Mar y Sol $79 / GATHERED HALTER bandeau bikini set 3.1 Phillip Lim $250 / Glam Rock Chain Sandals Bali Soles $145

short-sleeve Thin-Stripe Shirt A.P.C. $82.50 / Bulldog II swim trunks Orlebar Brown $265 / Kenny Red Fedora Hat Goorin Bros. $52 / THE S.a.m. Watch Nixon $250 / Modern Man passport wallet Kenton Sorenson $140 / Top sandals Havaianas $18

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places we heart

“I love everything about the Parker Palm Springs, from the red doors to swinging Moroccan chairs, to the yellow + white striped pool umbrellas – it is all pure perfection. I especially love the Lemonade Stand.” Bri Emery is one of today’s brightest graphic designers, infusing all she touches with innovative

and stylish design. Her blog, Designlovefest, is a testament to her great taste, filled with curated layouts of everything from home décor to vintage fashion finds, mixed with witty typography and a little of the unexpected. True to her style, Bri shares her favorite place in Palm Springs.

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p o rt r a i t: m a x wa n g er. pa r k er pa lm spr i n gs: N i ko l as Ko en i g

WAYFARE asks, what is your favorite place?

mister parker’s lemonade stand

Muddled Lemonade most popul ar drink

1 16 oz. cup 1 muddled up lemon (about 4 lemon slices) 2 oz. Citrus Vodka (we use Svedka Citron) 2 oz. Fresh squeezed lemonade 2 oz. Sprite

Top with ice.

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just came back middleton pl ace , south carolina photogr aphy by peggy wong

summer 2012

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On a recent trip to Sayulita, Mexico, writer Meghan McEwen captures the true spirit of travel, in her own adventurous way. WO r d S B y M e g h a n McE w e n p h o t o g r a p h y b y D A VID MENKE

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he first time we went to Sayulita, Mexico, we stayed in town, and I was overwhelmingly charmed by its vibrancy: brightly colored buildings, bustling street vendors, prayer flags strewn across the town square where Chiapas women sell their handmade goods. It’s the kind of place where roosters walk across dusty roads without warning, surfboards lean against shop fronts, and visitors and locals linger over long breakfasts. Speakers announcing gas sales from pickup trucks stir the peaceful mornings, and at any given time of day or night, we could hear the sounds of a soccer match or bongo drums from the distance.

This year, when we return to the scene, I don’t realize just how much staying in a jungle house instead of town will change our experience. Like the deafening quiet. It’s so quiet that the crashing waves have a tendency to wake me from a deep sleep. We listen to birds rustling in the trees outside the open-air windows and learn to discern the sound of a gecko scurrying across the floor. su m m er 2012 / way fa r e 20

There’s a sense of freedom and ease of existence that comes with staying with someone else. We feel cared for, which, for better or worse, unburdens us from elemental travel responsibilities — like, say, Googling the best street fish tacos. Our hosts, Johann Ackerman and Anne Menke, are as gracious, kind, and cool as they come. They bought a house in Sayulita six years ago and made it their full-time residence shortly thereafter. They even helped found the first ecological school in Mexico. A photographer for Vogue and Travel + Leisure, Anne travels on assignment for the first half of our trip. Johann strolls by or calls, wondering what we’re up to and what we want for dinner that night. Anne and Johann rent out their stunning, thatched-roof cobalt blue guesthouse. On a hill. In the jungle. Overlooking the Pacific Ocean. It’s absolute paradise. They lived there with their boys while building a brand-new, bigger one next door to accommodate their growing family. Outfitted with local textiles, surfboards, and photographs, it has family memories in its bones. We feel instantly at home. su m m er 2012 / way fa r e 21

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ur fourth day there, after we thoroughly decompress (read: pool, hammock, nap, repeat), it’s time to strike out and explore. There’s a temptation to never leave the grounds, much less the hammock, which hangs in the threshold marking the indoors from out — a nebulous boundary that’s nearly impossible to identify. The air feels moderately cool and looks relatively hazy — the perfect conditions for a hike. We’re intrigued by San Pancho, a sleepy town north of Sayulita along the coast, and after eyeballing a map and briefly running the idea by a stranger on the beach (who may or may not have understood our questions), we determine it’s a fantastic idea. With two children ages 5 and 2, a banana, and a bottle of water between the four of us, we feel so confident under the tutelage of our wise hosts that we fail to actually consult them about our big plans.

By all accounts, the first leg of the hike is unfathomably beautiful. We trek down a lush jungle path that leads to a gloriously deserted beach. After playing in the sand and tiptoeing around in the waves, we continue along the coast for about 45 minutes until reaching a natural barrier: high tide. As the swells rise to meet the jagged rocks, it’s difficult climbing for small children. Looking ahead to the former president of Mexico’s villa jutting out into the surf, surrounded by security guards and cliff-hanging vistas, we decide it would be better to cut through the jungle. A safer route … a shortcut even! Monkey Mountain — named for its shape, not inhabitants — is a distinctive feature of the landscape before us. Although rated “moderate/difficult” in most travel/hiking guides (which we, of course, don’t have), it looks auspiciously manageable from our beachfront vantage point. We hike upward, clearing branches and vines from our path, swatting away insects, and stopping regularly to point out the beautiful, wildly colored butterflies, rustling branches, or tracks left by wandering fauna. su m m er 2012 / way fa r e 23

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M eg h a n M cE w en


t some point, just after we dribble the last drop of water, a terrifying thought occurs to me: “What if this path doesn’t lead us to our destination?” There’s not a single trail marker and we have no way of confirming that the path actually leads to San Pancho. But we are three and a half hours into this thing and can’t possibly turn around. We are out of water, and the thought of what admitted defeat would do to the kids’ spirits (the phrase soul-crushing comes to mind) is all the motivation I need to persevere. My husband and I continue to shoot each other seething, accusatory looks while climbing at a feverish pace. There’s a lot of sweat involved. After all, it’s now the middle of afternoon, and that hazy blanket of fog has burned off.


e are lost and starting to panic. My mind wanders to places that would make my old girl scout leader shudder, including building temporary shelter and rubbing sticks together for fire. I’ve never been good at that stuff.

We do eventually make it down the other side of the mountain — right at the side of a highway with no shoulder and cars hurdling past at 100 miles an hour. We jump into the bushes a couple times out of sheer terror. With scraped legs and parched throats, we arrived in the slow-moving, picturesque town of San Pancho nearly seven hours after we left the house. Too exhausted to explore, we sit idly on a sun-faded bench with popsicles and wait for a taxi to drive by.

just after we dribble the last drop of water, a terrifying thought occurs to me: “What if this path doesn’t lead us to our destination?” A curiously short cab ride later, we are back at Casa Ninamu, which looks even more heavenly than before. “Why didn’t you just call me?” asked Johann. “I would have come to pick you up.” Turns out, there are enough places to get lost right on the property. I spend the next few days squirreled away on the rooftop sun lounge — lost in a book instead of a mountaintop. We explore every inch of the surrounding landscape — acres of lush jungle and sandy beach punctuated by huge climbing rocks. The boys discover a makeshift shelter on a craggy cliff up the beach and we play out scenes from the The Swiss Family Robinson. We chase scattering crabs and toss a coconut. When the sun starts to set, we wander back across the soft sand to watch it dip into the Pacific. It’s a sweet, special time with our family every night, just after dinner and before bedtime, when everything feels particularly connected — the opposite of being lost. Maybe there’s something to that hackneyed cliché after all — the one about needing to get lost to find yourself again.


Road trip Photographer Rachel Thurston, along with her husband and nine-month-old daughter, hit the road in a camper van for an unforgettable adventure through New Zealand photogr aphy and words by R achel Thurston

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the pl an A 10-day family road trip trekking through New Zealand in a VW combi (combination van).

the family age 34 R a c h e l T h u r s t o n turned 33 on the trip N o v a P o r t e r turned 9 months on the trip

Grant Porter

the r e ason It was a spontaneous idea, piggy backed onto other work obligations. We had clients flying us over to Sydney for work, and when you travel that far, you try and maximize your time. We’ve always wanted to see every part of the planet, so of course New Zealand was on our list. Nova was born into a family that travels for work, so she’s been a lot of places in her nine months. Knowing she could sleep in a travel cot or on our laps meant she was portable, and every time we flew with her, our confidence grew. We knew this trip would be a lot of work and not the most relaxing vacation we’ve ever had, and we were right — but neither of us has any regrets. I cringe thinking we might have skipped this “side trip.” It ended up being a truly unforgettable week.


o n O u r way t o L a k e T e k a p o from Ashburton

Once we started researching the South Island, we discovered that driving and sleeping out

of a camper van was common for tourists. Sure, hotels are abundant, warm, and equipped with toilets, but the van meant we weren’t tied to a schedule, could come and go as we pleased, and that the baby could nap as we drove. Anyone who travels with kids knows you have to be flexible — the freedom of a flexible schedule won us over to camper travel.

Since we were flying over, we rented a Kiwi Kombi fully equipped with everything we would need: cooking gear, sleeping bags, maps, and a (super helpful) GPS system. Since we were traveling during New Zealand spring, we packed for big temperature shifts: layers were our best friend. We would cook dinner on the stovetop in the van and snuggle up under a huge comforter on the fold-out bed. We are used to camping, so the bathroom issue, the cooking issue, and the space issue were no big deal to us. We slept four nights in the van, and spent the other five nights at small lodges, B&Bs and a cabin in a holiday park.

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3 our top

(MOUNTA IN) HIGH moments

1/ Seeing glacier water for the first time at Lake Tekapo — the most amazing color I have ever laid eyes on. The beauty is hard to describe.

2/ Waking up the morning after the first night in the van with the sun shining through the windows. We made pancakes.

3/ The drive through the rainforest to Milford Sound. Waterfalls all around us and the most amazing dense green foliage. It felt like another world.

M il fo r d S o u n d : A wa l k a lo n g t h e s h o r e l i n e w a s o u r o n ly chance to see the view before the rain and fog rolled in.


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“I had the most beautiful scenery in front of me, and behind me, in my rear-view mirror, I could see my beautiful girls ready for adventure.�/gr a nt

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On our way to Queenstown we drove from Wanaka through Cardrona and then to Arrowtown. I wish I lived here. There was a charming tree-lined main street, where we bought passion fruit fudge. Arrowtown

Between Arrowtown and Queenstown we ate the most amazing tasting menu for lunch. With a baby, eating at upscale restaurants during lunch is much more relaxed and casual than at dinner. We ate outdoors so Nova could crawl around on the grass. It was the best of both worlds — fantastic food and very kid friendly.

Amisfield Bistro


F e r g b u r g e r i n Q u e e n s t o w n Everyone talks up this hamburger joint, but I was skeptical. The menu included lamb, beef, wild fiordland deer — all crazy delicious. Crowded, but affordable and totally worth a stop.

wher e to go, stay, & see r e n ta l s We found two sites that rented VW vans, VW Kombis, and Classic Campers. Other camper options were fancier, but we loved the look and feel of the VW Kombis. Come on, they’re beautiful!

The glacier water was the most surreal, magical color. There isn’t much in town, so bring in your own food. We parked the van at a holiday park next to a hot spring where you can soak and stare at the glacier lake at the same time. Nova loved the hot springs. Lake Tek apo

The most amazing B&B in Cardrona, almost like a boutique hotel — it was heaven after a couple of nights in the van. The grounds are gorgeous, with grass to run around on. Blyth and Ann are the most gracious hosts. They thought of everything, even putting a basket of toys in our room for Nova.

Th e Wa i o r au H o m e s te a d

We drove through this town on a whim, but it ended up being one of our favorite stops. Right on the water nestled between green rolling hills, Akaroa was stunning. It was an obvious tourist attraction, being only an hour from Christchurch, but not without reason. I wish I could have had more time to explore.

Ak aroa

feels like the end of the world. The long drive was probably my favorite part. This was what I expected New Zealand to look like — straight out of LOTR. I have seen a lot of pretty in my life, but this drive will be forever ingrained in my mind. Valleys, snow-capped peaks, dense lush forest. As we were driving back, Grant had one last request, so we pulled over and he dipped his head under one of the falls, making all his little boy dreams come true. Milford Sound

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“I was so happy we had decided to come on this trip when we sat as a family on the banks of Lake Tekapo. The strong wind whipped stray hairs around my face as I fed my baby and watched Grant skip stones in the water. It felt like it was just us.�/r ach e l

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l e ssons l e ar ned

1/ Fill up the propane tank! This was for sure our number one dumb mistake. We were clueless that the tank that heated the van was empty, and we spent three days freezing when we could have just filled up the tank and been good to go. Lesson learned. 2 / If I could do it over, I would tell myself to eat at nicer restaurants that allow children without feeling like I was putting the staff out. I was impressed to discover that most eateries in New Zealand had bins of toys and activities for kids. Even the bistros where all the cool kids eat had bins of toys for the wee ones. It was so family friendly! This made me feel so much less awkward about my noisy, curious child.

3 / Schedule in “unscheduled” time to take that random side road, or wander through more neighborhoods. You’ll be happier with some leisure time built into the trip, instead of running around from activity to activity.


i This photo was shot with Contax 645, 80mm lens, f/2 at 1/60 sec.

I shot a lot of film on this trip, experimenting with my Contax 645 with Ektar 100 and some Portra 800. I had seen others work with this film and loved how bold the images turned out. I thought it would be perfect for this trip. The image above was taken during the last light of the day in Cardrona; I was able to capture the colors exactly the way my eyes saw them.

on film

When traveling with the family, I try to take pictures of things that truly stand out to me. Shooting film helps me slow down and be more thoughtful with each frame, while also allowing me to be more present. Photo Tip

“Don’t be afraid to take your kids on the road.”/r ach e l Once you come to terms with the fact that your travels may look different than they used to — no more full days at the hotel spa or kayaking down a rushing river — the slower pace of traveling with small kids can be eye opening. My travels look and feel a little different now that we have Nova, but seeing her little face pressed up against the glass taking in all the beauty of this world makes the differences worth it, and maybe even welcome. I love that we are starting out Nova’s life exposing her to different places and people, teaching her the world is kind and forgiving. Simplify your packing lists as much as you can. You can buy diapers and food at your destination, and you can do a load of wash pretty much anywhere. We left the stroller at home and brought the Beco baby carrier everywhere, and it was a dream. Listen, your baby only needs a few things: sleep, food, and love. You can give all that to him or her on a crazy long flight, or in the middle of a snowstorm trapped in your freezing cold bus. Start small: a day away then a weekend trip — then an airplane ride. You can do it! And once you do, it only gets easier.

Thurston is an LA - b a s e d p h oto g r a p h e r w h o h a s s h ot fo r R e a l S i m p l e W e d d i n g s a n d E l l e D ecor online. N ext, she plans to ta k e h e r fa m i ly to Hawa i i , B i g S u r , a n d S pa i n.

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A vibrant community of surfers gathers along the sandy fringes of San Francisco to celebrate the simple pleasures in life: friends, food, family, and surfing. WORDS BY ERICA DUBLIN PHOTOGRAPHY BY ERIC WOLFINGER

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nightly scene at Outerlands

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hile you won’t find beaches lined with bright umbrellas along the dunes of San Francisco’s Ocean Beach, you will find an entirely new surfside community awaits, one that isn’t your traditional warm-weathered fare, but a type of community — laid back, calm, kind, creative people living next to the sea — that makes you wonder why we all don’t move here.

“When Mollusk Surf Shop opened its doors in 2005, a bunch of us decided this neighborhood would be a good place to call home,” says Dave Muller, co-founder of the popular joint Outerlands that he and his wife, Lana Porcello, opened three years ago. After Mollusk, Woodshop opened, a workspace and showroom that houses talented artisans who shape everything from surfboards to chairs. Bound by a love of the sea and a shared passion for good food and beautiful design, the neighboring businesses established a new kind of surf community. “Back then, our friends and neighbors gathered in our tiny backyard for whatever we were serving up through our kitchen window,” says Lana. “These days, we retreat to the restaurant, which feels like an extension of our home and sits a few blocks up from the beach and a couple blocks from our home,” says Lana smiling. The restaurant is as homey as it is beautiful — driftwood and salvaged fence wood cover the walls, while brightly colored shawls in bas-

kets wait to be donned by the hipsters who frequent the eight-table nook. The simple menu that always includes a soup or two is anything but ordinary. The menu changes with the seasons, including delicious bites like Glazed Berkshire Pork Belly and Beet and Farro Salad. The levain bread is baked fresh daily by Dave, who learned is craft from surfing buddy and Tartine Bakery’s Chad Robertson. “For us surfing isn’t just for fun; it’s a way of life,” says Dave. The recent swells of surfside artisans who live on the foggy outskirts of San Francisco are giving us a whole new perspective on beach living. No longer is sun required, and bonfires aren’t just for show: they are a necessity. Despite the buzz, this humble Ocean Beach community continues to embrace the simple pleasures in life.


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At home, Lana still welcomes friends to their tiny surf shack and helps Dave with the restaurant, while she cultivates a truly amazing surfside garden, amidst the mostly foggy days, and tends to their daughter.

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driftwood and salvaged wood at Outerlands

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Back yard Camp out

Whether you want to pitch a tent or host an outdoor movie night, nothing says summer like a backyard campout. Kelsey Sheofsky of Shelter Co., a pop up lodging service, shows us how to throw a getaway with all the comforts of home.



guidebook Throw a getaway with beautiful tents filled with all the comforts of home. 2 Shelter Co. offers CUSTOMIZED CAMPING BOXES filled with necessities like headlamps, wooden whistles, and s’mores kits. Or create a SPRUCED-UP S’MORES spread of your own. 3 Sink into 400 thread count bedding topped with a Wool Pendleton Blanket after a long day outdoors, or enjoy a book with your feet propped up in a butterfly chair. SET UP CAMP


c l ic k h e r e f o r s ' m o r e s r e c i p e s

Arrange a couple smaller tents around the f crackling fire or string lengths of bunting on the inside of one large party tent. These 19th century military-inspired Bell Tents range from 4 to 7 meters. SANDSTONE Bell Tents $618 to $696

sh elt er co.: M el B a r low. s'm o r es: Ja n a e H a r dy.

Set up lots of little details: string lights, lanterns, pops of colors, and prints will create a festive ambiance. 1

2 4 3

1 . Anorak Kissing Stags Sleeping Bag $92 2. Dietz #76 Original Cold Blast Lantern $10.95 3. Baked Enamelware Cup 12 oz. $4.50 4. poppy Soleil Sling Chair $295 su m m er 2012 / way fa r e 51


Coming Soon ... Fall Edition 2012 su m m er 2012 / way fa r e 52

Ja e F ei n b erg

This modern A-frame is nestled between untouched meadows and secret swimming holes. Located fourteen miles above Bass Lake in the Sierra National Forest, the cabin is perfectly located away from the tourist crowds of Yosemite, with miles of untouched hiking trails steps from your front door.


in print!


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travel is not defined by how many miles you cover. It’s about finding inspiration along the journey and celebrating the everyday moments. It’s about the spirit of discovery — breaking out of your routine to unwind, connect, and learn. It’s this desire to go, to celebrate, and to experience the world that drives everything we do. WAYFARE m a g . C OM

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