The Philanthropic 50 - June 2012

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or more than two decades, Washington Life has

Education reform is a high-priority objective on the

celebrated the red carpet openings and fundraising

current philanthropy agenda and will be for years to come.

soirées benefiting all the worthy causes that mean so

The current generation of college students, for example,

much to us — not just locally, of course, but nationally

now has the option to make a serious study of philanthropy

and internationally as well. While the pressure to

at more than 30 educational institutions. With the global

give big can be amply rewarded by “seeing and being seen” at

ability to leverage networks, it’s also easier and faster than

such affairs — to say nothing of naming buildings or sitting on

ever for more people to join in and give back.

prestigious boards — the real reward surely comes from the “Holy Grail” of giving: the quest for lasting impact.

In addition to revisiting our “Philanthropic 50” by adding a host of names that have not been included before, we’ve

Individuals and family foundations remain the backbone

taken a look at a select number of institutions, mostly of a

of the philanthropic community, trying hard as they do to fill

cultural variety, to see how their operations and endowments

the gaps where government may be slow to act and need

have grown from a national base as well.

is high. Thinking in terms of “How do you get the greatest

Our philanthropists have changed their communities and

degree of leverage for your money?” many of the individuals

the world and have risen to the challenge to further so many

included in our Philanthropic 50 List are innovating new

important causes in ways that would otherwise not have

ways of giving by pooling resources and revolutionizing

been possible. We salute them for their commitment, their

advocacy for deserving communities.

passion and their grace.


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Jean-Marie and Raul Fernandez

Adrienne Arsht

Ami Aronson

Buffy and Bill Cafritz

JOHN E “CHIP” AND SALLY AKRIDGE The chairman and founder of the Trust for the National Mall continues to make headlines because of his commitment to restoring America’s great national landmark. He established the trust’s first Founding Investors circle and was the first to make a $1 million contribution. The Akridges are active in other backyards as well, most recently by establishing the Akridge Scout Reservation so the scouts (Chip is an Eagle Scout) will have more wilderness places to camp. AMI ARONSON Ami Aronson has picked up the family baton by leading the Bernstein Foundation, started by her grandfather, developer Leo M. Bernstein, who had the foresight to know that “philanthropy is more than just giving money away; it is about preserving a family’s legacy, passing values from one generation to the next and keeping a family united.” With more than 180 local and national causes having benefited from its largesse since 1952, Aronson is taking the foundation’s current endowment of $10 million and $500,000 in annual giving into the 21st century through estate liquidation, leveraging intellectual and social capital, and putting grant recipients together with community leaders in three focus areas: Jewish causes, arts and culture and American democracy. ADRIENNE ARSHT One of Washington’s most visible donors, Arsht is known for her philanthropy in both Washington and in New York (where she has supported Lincoln Center to the tune of $10 million). She has given millions to the University of Miami, including two recent $1 million contributions to endow the school of medicine with a chair in the pediatric department and a genetic eye disease laboratory. Other gifts include: $30 million to Miami’s performing arts center (renamed the Adrienne Arsht Center in her honor), $5 million to the Kennedy Center for musical theater, $250,000 to the Washington Ballet (to underwrite a live orchestra for the “Nutcracker”) and $500,000 to the Blair House endowment. Arsht has also given to the Washington National Opera, the state department’s Diplomatic Reception Rooms fund, Signature Theatre, the



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Atlantic Council, the Woodrow Wilson Center and the Library of Congress (to fund the Desi Arnaz music archive). PATRICIA BAUMAN A family foundation endowed through her father’s estate is “the little tugboat that brings some of the big ocean liners in” Bauman says of more than $60 million dispensed in the past 10 years by the Bauman Foundation. A long-time supporter of the Natural Resources Defense Council, to which she has given more than $2.5 million and remains an active vice chairman, she concentrates on the intersection of human health and environment, fostering the “rightto-know” and open government, proving that “relatively little money can have big impact through advocacy to leverage change.” Recent grant recipients include the Brennan Center for Justice, OMB Watch, Media Matters, the National Gallery of Art and Tides Foundation.

DAVID AND KATHERINE BRADLEY Atlantic Media Chairman David Bradley and his wife Katherine’s CityBridge Foundation focuses on education reform in Washington, D.C. to help build a city-wide system of highperforming public and charter schools that will serve as an exemplar for the nation. The foundation also actively promotes engagement opportunities for local business, philanthropic and community leaders to get involved in education.

Patricia Bauman

Jane Cafritz

Both Bradleys share a passion for KIPP, the nation’s highest performing network of charter schools. David Bradley continues to oversee a project from CityBridge’s earliest health-focused days: a child-abuse treatment network in the Philippines, where he was a Fulbright Scholar. Both Bradleys are loyal supporters of their alma maters: Swarthmore, Harvard and Georgetown for David, and Princeton for Katherine (where she serves as a trustee). They are also known for

Katherine and David Bradley

Five Years Later

Chip Akridge

The Trust for the National Mall is closer to revitalizing America’s “front yard” BY CHIP AKRIDGE


s any casual visitor knows, the grass on the National Mall has been worn down to dirt in many areas; many sidewalks are cracked or inaccessible. The Ulysses S. Grant Memorial is discolored and missing pieces. The seawalls near the Jefferson and in front of the F.D.R. and M.L.K. memorials flood twice daily as the Tidal Basin seawall has sunk. And that’s not even the complete list. Today, the Trust for the National Mall is closer than ever to realizing its mission of restoring the National Mall for present and future generations. We are so honored to have former First Lady Laura Bush as honorary chairman of the Campaign to Restore the National Mall. We are always moved by the generosity of the trust’s supporters who, over the past five years, have contributed nearly $7 million to our efforts through our annual


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benefit luncheon alone. We also recently hosted more than 1,000 young benefactors at our fourth Ball on the Mall. These two events experienced a 35percent rise in sponsorship support this year and raised more than $2 million. These funds are put to work helping to implement the National Mall Plan, a visionary blueprint for the future of the park. Using the plan as our roadmap, the trust’s recent National Mall Design Competition solicited creative solutions from some of America’s most renowned architects and landscape architects to revitalize three areas. The winning designs will not only resolve shortterm restoration needs, they will set a course for a more beautiful, useful and sustainable National Mall better equipped to welcome its 25 million annual visitors. As Mrs. Bush said at this

year’s luncheon, “After so many decades, we need to do more than sprinkle some seed or put down some new sod. Our capital and our country are worth us maintaining this beautiful gathering place and making it a place that will educate and unite Americans through the 21st century and beyond.” Due to the generosity of our donors, coupled with the leadership of Mrs. Bush and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, there is currently more than $100 million of restoration work underway. This work includes repairing the plaza at the Jefferson Memorial, restoring the D.C. World War I Memorial, rebuilding the Lincoln Reflecting Pool, and more. This is where we are, five short years later. We hope that all Americans will join us on our journey to revitalize and improve the Mall for generations to come.







Freer and Sackler Galleries

$5 million

Dame Jillian Sackler

Support position of director and programs

National Zoological Park

$4.5 million

David M. Rubenstein

Fund Giant Panda Program for 5 years

$2.5 million

The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation

Elephant Trails

$3 million

John and Adrienne Mars

Elephant Trails

$3.5 million

W. K. Kellogg Foundation

Design and construction

$1 million

Earl W. and Amanda Stafford

Design and construction

$10 million

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Design and construction

$3 million

Rockefeller Foundation


$1 million

James A. Johnson and Maxine Isaacs

Planning and preliminary design

$2 million

Robert J. Johnson

Planning and development

$1 million

The Oprah Winfrey Foundation

Design and construction

$1 million

Hubert N. (Jay) Hoffman, III

Increase exhibition space for stamp collection

$8 million

William H. Gross

Stamp Gallery

$1 million

John and Adrienne Mars

Academic Center

$10 million

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Encyclopedia of Life

$2 million

Alice and David Rubenstein

Fellowship program for Encyclopedia of Life

The Summit Fund of Washington

Ocean Initiative

National Museum of African American History and Culture

National Postal Museum Smithsonian Conservation Institute – National Zoological Park National Museum of Natural History

$16.25 million

(Roger and Vicki Sant) $1.5 million

Coralyn Wright Whitney

Gem acquisition

$2.4 million

Edward P. and Rebecca R. Henderson

Care for the National Meteorite Collection and the National Gem and Mineral Collection

$10 million

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Encyclopedia of Life

$15 million

David H. Koch

What Does it Mean to be Human? exhibition

$10 million

Victoria P. and Roger W. Sant

Endowment of Sant Chair in Marine Sciences

$1 million

Robert H. and Clarice Smith

Clarice Smith American Art Education Initiative

$1 million

Clarice and Robert Smith

Clarice Smith Distinguished Lectures in American Art series


$1.3 million

Robert and Arlene Kogod

Strategic priority to revitalize education

National Air and Space Museum Udvar-Hazy

$15 million

Travis and Anne Engen

Phase 2 construction

$2 million

Marcel and Serge Dassault

Phase 2 construction

Smithsonian American Art Museum

$3 million

John and Adrienne Mars

Phase 2 construction

$2.568 million

The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation

Preservation of Gwenfritz

$1.5 million

Samuel J. and Ethel LeFrak

Star-Spangled Banner Campaign

$1 million

Alice and David Rubenstein

Star-Spangled Banner Campaign

$1 million

Albert and Shirley Small

Albert Small Document Gallery

$1.65 million

The Glenstone Foundation, Mitchell P. Rales, Founder

Purchase suite of “Seascape” photographs

$1 million

The Glenstone Foundation, Michell P. Rales, Founder

New exhibitions, building new audiences and expanding public outreach

National Air and Space Museum

$10 million

Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

Barron Hilton Endowed Fund

National Museum of the American Indian

$1 million

David Rockefeller

George Gustav Heye Center Endowment and W. Richard West, Jr. Endowment (split 50-50)

Kogod Courtyard

$25 million

Robert and Arlene Kogod

Renovation of Patent Office Building that resulted in The Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard

National Museum of American History

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden



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frequently convening events at their home as well as round-table dinners for journalists at the Watergate-based offices of The Atlantic. NANCY G BRINKER No single woman has done more to find a cure for breast cancer than former ambassador to Hungary and chief of protocol Nancy Brinker. As founder of the global Susan G. Komen for the Cure, she has led the organization in raising $2 billion for the cause that took her sister Suzy’s life.This year, Komen awarded $4 million in new community grants for low-income minority and uninsured women in the Washington area, where death rates from the disease are the highest in the nation. All told, the organization has given 30 Komen-funded programs in Washington, for a total of $11 million. DORIS BUFFETT Whether it’s helping prison inmates find redemption, assisting battered women in recovery and the poor in prospering, or giving children a chance to realize their potential, Buffett believes there’s a common solution: education. “Good luck does not shine equally on everyone,” says the big sister of billionaire Warren Buffet, who has given more than $100 million of her own funds thus far. She continues on the path of “giving it all away” to battered women, sick children and at-risk kids who would otherwise not have had the chance to go to college. Her Sunshine Lady Foundation has launched “Learning by Giving,” a college-level philanthropy course now in 30 schools across the nation including Cornell University, New York University and Georgetown University.

her contacts and raised the money he needed to continue. It’s a testament to the Cafritzes’ continuing passion for the arts — nothing is too large or too small. Through their family foundation they have given millions of dollars over the years to support such local institutions, as the Washington National Opera, the National Building Museum, Alliance Francaise and Synetic Theater. BILL AND BUFFY CAFRITZ Long a fixture of the capital’s elite social circles and renowned for their glitzy presidential inauguration parties, Bill and Buffy Cafritz have been steadfast supporters of the Kennedy Center for decades. They are also major contributors to the medical scholars program at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Library of Congress and its Madison Council, the National Gallery of Art (where they helped underwrite the current Miró exhibition), Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the Foundation for Art and Preservation in Embassies (FAPE) and Sasha Bruce Youthwork. STEVE AND JEAN CASE The sparkling philanthropic track record of Steve and Jean Case, who, in 2011, became

two of 58 billionaires to sign the Giving Pledge, has been maintained this year as their foundation continued to raise awareness and funds for numerous causes. Current focus? A Billion + Change. In cooperation with Sen. Mark Warner and managed by the Points of Light Institute the group will train corporations and nonprofits in providing effective pro-bono services.With $1.7 billion already pledged, they hope to reach the $2 billion mark by 2013. A JAMES AND ALICE CLARK A veritable godfather of university engineering programs, A. James Clark and his wife Alice, have donated an estimated $48 million to Johns Hopkins University, the University of Maryland and George Washington University for scholarships and construction projects. Clark has also been busy with the Clark Charitable Foundation, a philanthropic offshoot of Clark Enterprise. In April, the family foundation donated $500,000 to Boulder Crest Retreat, a 37-acre facility for wounded soldiers and their families. WILLIAM “BILL” E CONWAY JR AND JOANNE CONWAY Bill Conway, a co-founder of Carlyle Group, made headlines last year when he announced

Bob and Paula Hisaoka

CALVIN AND JANE CAFRITZ When Jane Cafritz learned last fall that Dana Tai Soon Burgess was in danger of losing funding for his dance company, she reached out to BLAIR HOUSE ENDOWMENT $500,000 contributed by each donor • The Annenberg Foundation • Adrienne Arsht • Calvin and Jane Lipton Cafritz • The Vinod Gupta Family Foundation • The Catherine B. Reynolds Foundation • Roger and Vicki Sant • The Starr Foundation • The Wasserman Foundation


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plans to donate donat 50 percent of his net worth (then at more than $ billion) during hen estimated estima his lifetime. Apart from multiple grants made through the family’s Bedford Falls Foundation, the Conways have also donated $6 million to the Capital Area Food Bank and $5 million to So Others May Eat. JACK DAVIES AND KAY KENDALL This generous, newlywed couple is regularly spotted at many charitable events and work tirelessly for their favorite organizations. Davies and Kendall are major supporters of Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Center (THEARC), —a community center that seeks to improve the quality of life for families living in Anacostia — and several arts and education organizations such as Maya Angelou Schools, Teach for America, CityDance and the Washington Ballet. Davies has led fundraising for Venture Philanthropy Partners which has raised over $70 million in support of low-income children and families. JOHN K DELANEY AND APRIL MCCLAINE-DELANEY Family-oriented philanthropists John and April Delaney focus their efforts on youth and education. April Delaney maintains posts on the boards of the Childrens’ Hospital Foundation, Boys and Girls Club of Washington and Disovery Creek’s Children’s Museum in addition to serving as the Washington outreach director of Common Sense Media. Her husband, who recently won the Democratic primary in Maryland, is chairman of the National Symphony Orchestra nominating committee and head of the CapitalSource Foundation. The two Georgetown Law graduates also give back to their alma mater, with John serving on the Georgetown University board and April

Lynn and Ted Leonsis


Ted and Annette Lerner

serving on the law school’s board of visitors. DALIA AND HOSSEIN FATEH Relative newcomers to the Washington philanthropic scene, this young and attractive couple are shaping up to become very generous benefactors indeed. They donate to the NCRC Preschool, City of Joy Aid and the Hotchkiss School, where they support scholarships for Iranian students. The Fatehs have also supported THEARC since the arts institution’s inception five years ago and they continue to be among its biggest donors. Dalia Fateh is a member of THEARC’s board of directors and also serves on the board of Time in Children’s Initiative RAUL AND JEAN-MARIE FERNANDEZ The son of immigrants, Raul Fernandez is living the “American Dream.” After his global web company, Proxicom, sold for $450 million, he and his fashionable wife, Jean-Marie, began to engage in many philanthropic endeavors. Their Fernandez Foundation funds scholarships and donates laptops and other school supplies to local children in need. Raul Fernandez is also a co-founder of the philanthropic investment group Venture Philanthropy Partners and sits on the board of many local nonprofits, including DCCAP and the D.C. Public Education Fund. Jean-Marie Fernandez is actively involved with THEARC and sits on the board of directors of the Washington Ballet. MICHELLE FREEMAN Michelle Freeman comes from a long family tradition of philanthropy and is described as extremely generous both with her time and donations. As head of the Carl M. Freeman foundation, she serves on the boards of the Washington National Opera and CharityWorks.

Jacqueline Mars

MAJOR DONORS TO THE SHAKESPEARE THEATRE COMPANY - $1 million and above • Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation • Steven and Debrah Epstein • James A. Feldman and Natalie Wexler • Kirsten and Kingdon Gould • Philip L. Graham Fund • HRH Foundation (Helen Lee Henderson) • Michael R. Klein and Joan I. Fabry • Robert and Arlene Kogod Family Foundation • Abby and Howard Millstein Foundation • James and Wanda Pedas • Theodore and Leah Pedas • Roger and Victoria Sant

She has worked especially closely with THEARC for the last three years and will serve as chairman of its gala for the second consecutive year this fall. She also heads the Joshua M. Freeman Foundation, which honors her late husband’s passion for education and the performing arts. LEAH AND JACQUES GANSLER “She is a venture-capital investor in young charities,” businessman Ted Leonsis once said of Leah Gansler, a woman dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty, enhancing local education, and enabling families to overcome critical health issues through education. She founded the volunteer-led CharityWorks, which holds two signature events each year – a 100 Point Vintage Wine Dinner in the spring and The CharityWorks Dream Ball each fall – that have made more than $13 million in grants over the past 12 years for such charities as Habitat for Humanity,The Orphan Foundation of America, and Everybody Wins literacy programs for thousands of inner-city children. Jacques Gansler, who directs the University of Martland’s Center for Public Policy and Private Enterprise, is affilated with Venture Philanthropy Partners. CARL GEWIRZ BERNARD GEWIRZ AND NORMA GEWIRZ-TIEFEL The Gewirz clan continues a tradition of giving started by their late father, developer Morris Gewirz. Norma Gewirz focuses her attention on the arts as a consistent patron of the Philips Collection, a member of the Kennedy Center International Committee on the Arts and the Circle of the National Gallery of Art, while brother Carl is oriented toward the health sector


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DONORS TO THE PHILLIPS COLLECTION - $1 million and above • Joseph and Lynne Horning • Margaret Stuart Hunter • The Lichtenberg Family Foundation • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Rutherfoord • George and Trish Vradenburg and the Vradenburg Foundation • Alan and Irene Wurtzel • Judy and Leo Zickler • Victoria and Roger Sant

Norma and Russ Ramsey

as a contributor to the Washington Hospital Foundation and the National Children’s Hospital. Bernard Gewirz has donated to a range of charities, mostly geared toward children, the arts and Jewish causes. STEVE AND DIANA GOLDBERG The Goldbergs are best known for their 2008 donation to Children’s National Medical Center to build the Diana L. and Stephen A. Goldberg Center for Community Pediatric Health. All told, they’ve given over $50 million to the institution. Diana is a boardmember of Children’s National Medical Center, CNMC Child Health Center, Safe Kids Worldwide and the National Cathedral School for Girls.The couple are avid supporters of The American Red Cross,Washington AIDs Partnership, B’nai Israel and the Weizmann Institute of Science. TERESA HEINZ As chairman of The Heinz Endowments and the Heinz Family Foundation, food products heiress


Teresa Heinz has focused on sharply focused, innovative strategies to protect the environment, broaden economic opportunity, enhance the lives of children and families and promote the arts. The endowment’s environmental program now distributes around $12 million each year, mostly in the Pittsburgh area, with the goals of strong environmental stewardship and prevention of human problems resulting from air and water pollution and other environmental factors. Her reputation as a philanthropic visionary is sustained by the annual Heinz Awards that bestows six-figure awards on often unheralded individuals who have demonstrated outstanding vision and achievement in many fields. Heinz is also noted for her decadeslong support of environmental and medical research (especially preventative medicine) at the nation’s top universities, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell and Carnegie Mellon. HELEN LEE HENDERSON University degrees in costume design and

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technical theater plus the ability to dispense hefty grants from a family foundation give Helen Henderson the background and ability to support the arts in a major way. She has given more than $8 million to the Kennedy Center for international and festival programming in addition to major contributions to the National Symphony Orchestra, Signature Theatre, the Shakespeare Theatre, Colonial Williamsburg and the National Gallery of Art (where she was an underwriter of the current exhibition on Miró). Henderson also supports Arts in Crisis, a program offering consultation services to troubled nonprofits across the nation. BOB AND PAULA HISAOKA Since establishing the Joan Hisaoka “Make a Difference” gala shortly after his sister Joan’s death from cancer, Hisaoka’s fundraiser has helped raise over $3.2 million to help those living with the deadly disease. This year will mark the fifth annual gala, scheduled to take place on September 22, which will benefit Life with Cancer, Smith Center for Healing and the Arts and the Brem Foundation. Bob is on the board of the D.C. region for Teach for America, the See Forever Foundation and the Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. The Hisaokas are also active in Venture Philanthropy Partners, Fight for Children and THEARC. LINDA H KAUFMAN A generous lender and donor in the art world, Linda Kaufman recently gave the National Gallery of Art one of the largest and most refined collections of early American furniture



still in private hands. “With this donation, the Gallery allery will house one of the finest assemblages of early American furniture, and there is no such comparable and easily accessible public collection in the nation’s capital,” the gallery’s director, Rusty Powell, said of the gift. Kaufmann has also donated major Dutch and American paintings, 40 floral watercolors by French artist PierreJoseph Redouté and “Gloucester Sunset,” one of Winslow Homer’s most vibrant and luminous early watercolors. ROBERT AND ARLENE KOGOD AND CLARICE SMITH As lovers of the arts and supporters of education, Robert and Arlene Kogod and Arlene’s sister, Clarice Smith, are established patrons of the Smithsonian Institution, the Newseum, Arena Stage, the Shakespeare Theatre Company, Signature Theatre, George Washington University, Sidwell Friends School, American University and the University of Maryland with donations estimated at over $170 million. In addition to these larger grants, their giving extends to numerous other charities and organizations. SAMUEL AND SUSAN LEHRMAN Along with his brother Robert, Samuel Lehrman directs the Jacob and Charlotte Lehrman Foundation, whose mission is to support and enrich Jewish life in Washington, D.C., Israel and throughout the world. Susan Lehrman’s total underwriting of the Washington National Opera’s Opera Ball over the past four years made it one of the city’s most over-thetop charity events and ensured that 100 percent of the proceeds directly benefited the company. Since WNO’s merger with the Kennedy Center, Susan Lehrman has expanded her generosity to other causes. Most recently, she endowed a chair in Russian history and culture at American University’s College of Arts and Sciences. TED AND LYNN LEONSIS Ted and Lynn Leonsis do well by doing good.Through their foundation and giving platforms, including Monumental Sports and Entertainment, Snagfilms, Revolution Growth Fund and Groupon, they have supported 400plus charities in the past year. Word is that they have two films soon to be shown under their


Cynthia Ryan

Winsome McIntosh

Samuel and Susan Lehrman Jeannie and Tom Rutherfoord

Filmanthropy production company, shining a light on tough subjects and supporting charitable causes via new media. TED AND ANNETTE LERNER They may be best known these days as owners of the Washington Nationals baseball team, but the Lerners made their fortune in real estate, with Lerner Enterprises building local landmarks such as Tysons Corner and Dulles Town Center. The couple is remarkably generous, especially to educational and Jewish causes in the Washington, D.C. area. Through their family foundation they donated the Annette and Theodore Ler ner Family Health and Wellness Center and Theodore N. Lerner Hall to George Washington University (Ted is an alumnus) and have given generously

to the Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington, the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School, Shady Grove Adventist Hospital, Imagination Stage and Hebrew University of Jerusalem. ANN LUSKEY Fiercely passionate about ocean conservation, Luskey funded a three-month-long expedition to Cuba in 2011 on her motor yacht, Sirenus (which means “mermaid”) for scientists from Cuba and America to conduct research alongside documentary filmmakers from the Sylvia Earle Foundation and journalist Anderson Cooper; earlier that year, she funded scientists from Panama, Columbia and Costa Rica to examine Eastern Pacific shark tagging. In addition to The Ocean Foundation, Luskey sits on the boards of The African Wildlife


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Ann Luskey

additional emphasis on disaster relief and people with disabilities. Last year it gave $18 million to numerous recipients, including $3 million to Cornell University for a student training center. The foundation is a major supporter of DCCAP, which Bill Marriott co-founded to help public high school students enter and graduate from college. Other grants went to Hospitality High School, the Washington Tennis and Education Foundation and National Theatre. A gift of $1 million helped to build the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington. JACQUELINE MARS Ranked number 52 on Forbes’ most recent wealth list with a net worth of $13.8 billion, Mars has done much to further cultural causes in the area. She’s been a major supporter of such hunt country causes as the National Sporting Library and the Virginia Gold Cup as well as the Washington Winter Antiques Show and the Washington National Opera.

Jacques and Leah Gansler

Hossein and Dalia Fateh

Foundation, The Whaleman Foundation, the Africa Channel and The City Kids to Wilderness Project, and is president and executive producer of the “Oceans Are Talking” project. J W “BILL” MARRIOTT AND RICHARD E MARRIOTT The family’s J. Willard and Alice Marriott Foundation currently manages a cool half billion dollars in assets and focuses mainly on education, youth and human services with


WINSOME DUNN MCINTOSH A trustee of the McIntosh Foundation since 1972, McIntosh is “most proud oaf introducing and developing public interest law for the environment of our country.” She co-founded ClientEarth with her husband, Michael, to promote law as a tool for social change and “to mend the relationship between human societies and the Earth,” noting emphatically that “if you can affect laws in 27 countries, you can really leverage; it’s a tremendous tool when all else fails.” Recognizing the needs for more women at the decision-making level in the environmental movement, McIntosh also founded a “good old girls’ network,” called Rachel’s Network, which is comprised of 95 impassioned women philanthropists committed to the stewardship of the earth and responsible for more than $500 million in grants per year. JAYLEE MEAD The complete transformation of Washington, D.C. into one of the nation’s leading cultural centers would not have been possible without the outstanding longtime contributions of Jaylee Mead and her late husband Gilbert. Thanks to their multi-million-dollar donations over many years, the Arena, Signature, Studio and Wooley

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Mammoth theater complexes were developed and/or expanded in major ways that will affect music, dance and the dramatic arts here for many decades to come. CONNIE MILSTEIN Perhaps best-known for tur ning The Jefferson Hotel into a “boutique jewel box,” this savvy entrepreneur has also been active in philanthropy. In addition to sitting on several boards, including CURE for epilepsy, Refugees Inter national, the National Symphony Orchestra, Ford’s Theatre and Washington National Opera, she’s launched several nonprofits and charitable programs for military families, domestic and international hunger issues and healthcare for children. In 2010, she gave $10 million to establish New York University’s Constance Milstein and Family Academic Center in Washington, D.C. Currently, she’s working to bring a bakery to D.C. that will employ military families with all profits going to charities that support local communities. HILDA OCHOA-BRILLEMBOURG AND ARTURO BRILLEMBOURG The name Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg is music to the ears of musicians throughout North and South America.The Venezuelan-born president and CEO of Strategic Investment Group is the founding chairman and leading benefactor of the YOA Orchestra of the Americas, a multicultural world-class symphony of young musicians who employ music as a catalyst for social change. The Brillembourgs also support the Council on Foreign Relations, the Atlantic Council of the United States, the Trust for the National Mall, the National Symphony Orchestra, Washington National Opera, the Fulbright Association and Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. RUSS AND NORMA RAMSEY This philanthropic power couple have generously given to numerous organizations through their family foundation, including CharityWorks,Teach for America and Autism Speaks. As chairman of its board of trustees, Russ Ramsey has also helped steer George Washington University toward a whopping $1 billion for its endowment fund.



CATHERINE AND WAYNE REYNOLDS ATHERIN Over the past 10 years, the Catherine B. Reynolds Foundation has provided $100 million to an array of education and arts organizations. In addition to earlier major gifts to the Kennedy Center and the National Gallery of Art, the foundation has donated $20 million to Harvard University and New York University for hundreds of graduate fellowships in social entrepreneurship, led a $55 million fundraising campaign to renovate and create a new Ford’s Theatre campus, built Jill’s House (a 42,000-square-foot respite center for children with disabilities and their families), chaired the first National Geographic “Evening of Exploration” gala and the D.C. College Access Program gala at the Kennedy Center, and produced a series of interactive eBooks and podcasts for high school students that helps bring to life the history of the 20th century. ALICE AND DAVID RUBENSTEIN The founder of the private equity firm The Carlyle Group has no problem giving away billions for charitable causes. A philanthropic juggernaut, the Rubensteins began with a $5 million donation in 2002 to Duke University, which sparked even more generous checkwriting — all told $200 million in the past 10 years, including $66.2 million in 2011, according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy. Beneficiaries include the Kennedy Center (where David serves as chairman of the board), Smithsonian National Zoo, Washington Historical Society, and smaller education and literacy organizations.Alice is a big supporter of the environment and the culture of native Alaskans, having founded Alaska House New York and Alaska Native Arts Foundation. THOMAS AND JEAN RUTHERFOORD The venerable Rutherfoord firm has been a Patricia and Frank Saul





$88.7 million

Harry A. and Virginia B. Toulmin

Medical research

$76 million

Robert L. and Catherine McDevitt

Faculty chairs

$44 million+

Robert Emmett McDonough

Robert Emmett McDonough School of Business

$20 million

H.R.H. Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz al Saud

Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding

$18 million

Virginia Mortara

Mortara Center for International Studies, Mortara Professorship in the Practice of Diplomacy

$17 million

Arthur B. Calcagnini

Calcagnini Contemplative Center, Office of Mission & Ministry

$10 million

William J. Doyle

Doyle Engaging Difference Program

mid-Atlantic insurance institution since the family founded it in 1916. Tom Rutherfoord joined the firm in 1971, became president and then chairman, and has led its expansion internationally. He and his wife have given generously to the Phillips Collection ($1 million) and to Hollins University, including a $1 million gift to strengthen the school’s “Hollins Abroad Paris” program. They also support the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation and Georgetown’s Christ Church. CYNTHIA RYAN For the past 14 years, Cynthia Ryan has run her family’s Schooner Foundation which fights to ensure that all citizens not only know their rights but have the opportunity to demand them from their governments, communities and families. In that capacity, she’s directed more than $6.2 million to support constitutional reform in Zimbabwe and Tunisia, Partners in Health’s holistic approach to healthcare in Rwanda and Haiti, and women’s economic opportunity in Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.To fulfill this mission, Ryan supports the Chris and Lisa Smith

Fund for Global Human Rights and the Clinton Global Initiative and has endowed the first chair in Human Rights at the Carr Center of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. ROGER AND VICKI SANT The Sants have joined Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett to pledge at least 90 percent of their net assets (estimated at well north of $1 billion by Forbes magazine) as planned gifts to a wide variety of causes. Much of the fortune Roger made from the AES global power company will be distributed via the couple’s Summit Foundation, which dispenses substantial gifts in three areas: conservation of the Mesoamerican reef, adolescent reproductive health issues and sustainable cities. The Sants have donated vast sums to many other causes as well, including $15 million to present the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History with a new ocean hall and millions more to the National Gallery of Art (where Vicki is chairman of the board), the Phillips Collection and National Symphony Orchestra. FRANK AND TRICIA SAUL In 2008, Saul sold Chevy Chase Bank to Capital One for $520 million and remains a major philanthropist and generous contributor to the National Gallery of Art and other cultural institutions. He serves on the board of National Geographic, the trustees council of the National Gallery of Art as well as on the boards of the Library of Congress Trust Fund and the National Sporting Library.


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He is an honorary trustee of the Brookings Institution, trustee emeritus of Johns Hopkins Medicine, and a life trustee of the Corcoran Gallery of Art. Tricia Saul is co-chairman of Friends of Blair House and is also active in the International Neighbors Club, which helps to welcome foreign women into the area. ALBERT AND SHIRLEY SMALL Southern Engineering founder Albert Small’s lifelong passion for collecting Americana has played a major role in his mission to place historically significant books, documents, manuscripts and maps in the public domain. In 2002, he donated a treasure trove of artifacts related to the signers of the Declaration of Independence to the University of Virginia along with a library to house it; in 2011 he replicated the gesture by giving his Washingtoniana collection to George Washington University plus $5 million to display the items in a historic home on the campus. Last year he pledged to underwrite much of the cost of renovating a terrace adjacent to the state department’s diplomatic reception rooms.

Michael and Mariella Trager

money to its further development. Mr. Smith premature birth of his daughter. He donated also sits on the boards of KIPP D.C. and the his private plane to help Red Cross’s disaster Washington Ballet. relief efforts and help transport resources to Haiti after the 2010 hurricane. CHRIS AND LISA SMITH DAN AND TANYA SNYDER Chris Smith serves as chairman and CEO of It’s safe to say the owner of the flailing Redskins MARIELLA AND MICHAEL TRAGER William C. Smith & Co., a Washington-based football team is still not the most beloved At the epicenter of fundraising for Refugees real estate company that his family founded personality in the Washington metropolitan International’s lifesaving activities, the over four decades ago. The firm constructed area, but with an estimated net worth of $1.3 Tragers embody a highly collaborative THEARC in 2007, earning the Urban Land billion, he continues to be a generous member signature formula. Exceptional at tapping into Institute’s Award of Excellence that year, and of the community. Snyder is known for his Washington’s deepest philanthropic circles and the Smiths have remained committed to the donations to Children’s National Medical forming good working committees, they say institution, generously donating their time and Center, where he donated $6 million after the fundraising is about placing the highest value on people who are on the team. That’s how Mariella Trager, the only non-lawyer on the board of Children’s Law Center for 10 years, LARGEST GIFTS TO THE KENNEDY CENTER FROM THE PAST DECADE helped expand the organization that provides Amount Donor(s) Designation safe homes and services for low income, at-risk $25 million David and Alice Rubenstein Education and artistic programming children in the District. $20 million

Betsy and Dick DeVos

Endowment of the DeVos Institute of Arts Management at the Kennedy Center

$20 million+

Roger and Vicki Sant

National Symphony Orchestra (including a $4.5 million gift to endow the NSO music director chair)

$8 million

Helen Lee Henderson

International and festival programming

$5 million

Adrienne Arsht

Musical theater

$5 million

Vladimir Potanin

Programming and general operating expenses

$5 million

Charles E. Smith Family Foundation Two new program initiatives (Arts Across America and Barbara Cook’s Spotlight)


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GEORGE AND TRISH VRADENBURG After eight years as co-chairmen of the Alzheimer’s Association’s gala and raising $10 million, George and Trish Vradenburg are embarking upon a new journey to support Alzheimer’s research with the launch of UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, an advocacy organization focused on finding a cure by 2020. They



in green energy, companies in the developing world or run by women or disadvantaged groups. Research, advocacy and activism are also high on the list for reducing reliance on fossil fuels and promoting initiatives for “sustainable human population.” DENNIS WHITTLE AND MARI KURAISHI These former World Bank executives know a little something about how philanthropy can change the world. They co-founded GlobalGiving in 2002 with a plan to create something like an “eBay of philanthropy,” providing individuals with an opportunity to support grassroots nonprofits around the world in an innovative and open way. Their idea has grown exponentially into a global marketplace for ideas, information and money that democratizes aid and philanthropy, helping direct more than $62 million to 2,600 projects in 135 countries. GlobalGiving more than doubled its annual volume from $10.8 million in 2010 to more than $20 million in 2011. Raising more than $9 million for Japanese earthquake and tsunami victims ranked GlobalGiving as the 10th largest source of donations in the world for the disaster. Whittle and Kuraishi continue to drive two core ideas: that good ideas can come from anyone, anywhere, at any time; and that individuals all over the world can have an impact on true social change, one donation at a time.

Mari Kuraishi

Jonah Wittkamper

Dennis Whittle

Scott and Christy Wallace

NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART MAJOR BENEFACTORS SINCE NOT INCLUDING PLEDGES IN-KIND ART OR ESTATE GIFTS $5 million or more • The Annenberg Foundation • James T. Dyke and Ms. Helen Porter • Greg and Candy Fazakerley • The Lee and Juliet Folger Fund • Elisha and Letitia Henson • The Samuel H. Kress Foundation • The Honorable Alfred H. Moses/ Ms. Fern M. Schad • The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation • Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell P. Rales • Vicki and Roger Sant • Robert H. and Clarice Smith • Ladislaus and Beatrix von Hoffman • Estate of Richard S. Zeisler


recently hosted the first annual No Gala, Gala, an affair low on glitz and high on passion that nonetheless raised more than $100,000. SCOTT AND CHRISTY WALLACE Their major focus on strengthening democracy and civic engagement supports what Scott Wallace’s grandfather — former U.S. Vice President Henry A. Wallace — called the “common man” in the power struggle with the moneyed elites. Giving in the neighborhood of $10 million every year consistently ranks the Wallace Global Fund in the top 10 for total giving in the District. The D.C.-based charitable foundation is the first to put 95 percent of its assets to work

JONAH WITTKAMPER Wittkamper has built one of the largest young philanthropy networks in the world, the Global Youth Action Network ( Managing a global network of young donors from nearly 50 countries — a movement of youth investing in youth — he “catalyzes” new leadership and new generosity among 300-plus young wealth-holders. His event, The Nexus: Global Youth Summit (a project of the Young Donor Network) generated more than $10 million in new philanthropy from a budget of just $100,000. Acting as the director of Search for Common Ground-USA since 2009, he finds that young people from top families are often isolated and seek greater meaning in their lives. “There is great power in diversity,” he says, “and by bringing together young change-makers from different countries, people find themselves and their identities. A life takes on greater meaning.”


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